Pampanga State Agricultural University: College of Education Justino Sevilla High School

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Republic of the Philippines

Pampanga State Agricultural University

Magalang, Pampanga


Cacutud, Arayat, Pampanga

Subject Teacher: Ms. Mary Bless L. Ignacio Date: February 01, 2018
Year taught: Grade 7

Detailed Lesson Plan in TLE - Food Processing 7

I. Learning Objectives

At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:

a. Identify the different kinds of tools and equipment in food processing
b.Participate in all activities
c. Appreciate the uses of different tools and equipment

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Tools and Utensils used in Food Processing
B. Sub – topic: Measuring devices, Cutting implements and others
C. Materials: Power point presentation, Visual aids and Video presentation
D. Reference/s: K-12 Food (fish) Processing page 16-26 and

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Greetings
“Good Morning Class” “Good Morning Ma’am”
“Kindly pick up the pieces of
paper and plastics under your
chair” “Okay Ma’am”
2. Prayer
“Before we start in our lesson
Let’s all stand and pray.”
“Ivy can you lead the prayer?” Our Father……… AMEN.

3. Checking of attendance
“Class? Who are the absentees
for today?” “None Ma’am”
4. Review of past lesson
“Okay class before we go to our
next lesson, were having a short
review about our previews
“What was our topic all about?” (The students will raise their hands)
Yes, Nicole Our last topic is all about the can
sealer, the pressure cooker and smoke

Exactly, class give her a fireworks

clap (The students will do the clap)

So class, what is the use of that

equipment? Especially the can
sealer? (The students will raise their hands)
Yes, Faye The use of the can sealer is to seal tin
cans with its first and second
operation rolls.
Okay very good, Faye
Class give her an angel clap (The students will do the clap)

“Next what is the use of the

pressure cooker?” (The students will raise their hands)

Yes, Erica The use of the pressure cooker is to
process fish packed in a high
controlled temperature and pressure.
Okay, precisely Erica
Class give her an angel clap (The students will do the clap)

And for the last equipment the

smoke house, what is the use of
the smoke house? Anyone? (The students will raise their hands)
Yes, Zherome The use of the smoke house is to
treating the fish or meat with smoke
to produce any process fish and
Exactly, Class give him a
fireworks clap. (The students will do the clap)

Any questions regarding our past

lesson? None Ma’am.
Are you sure? Yes, Ma’am.

B. Motivation
Okay class, let’s have first a short
activity called “PICARANGE”

(After the activity)
Class based on that activity. What is
our topic to be discuss? Any idea? (The students will raise their hands)
Yes, Shyra Janae Ma’am about tools and equipment.

Okay class do you think she is

correct? Yes ma’am

Okay all of you who are holding the

different kinds of tools can you pull
the arrow upward. (The students pull the arrow upward)

Then please read! TOOLS & EQUIPMENT

C. Lesson Proper
Okay our topic for today is all about
the tools and equipment used in
food processing and their uses and
these are divided into 6 categories.

These are:
-Measuring devices
-Cutting Implements
-Descalers or scalers
-Salting Equipment
-Smoking Equipment
And Others

But we are focusing on the 3

categories; the measuring devices,
cutting implements and the
descalers or scalers.

The first one is the measuring

devises. The first device that we
discuss is the triple beam balance.
“Who will encounter this type of
device?” (The students will raise their hands)
Yes, Bryssa and where did you find
that kind of device? Ma’am at the market!

Okay very well said, that measuring

device is commonly used in the
market. Class give her a fireworks
clap. (The students will do the clap)

The Triple beam balance measure

the small quantities of the
ingredients like spices and any
“Who can give an example of spices?
Anyone?” (The students will raise their hands)
Yes, Shyra Janae Ma’am Garlic and Laurel leaves
Very good! Another? Yes, April Ma’am Salt and Pepper
Yes precisely. Last? Yes, Sofia Ma’am onion and ginger.
Very well said.
Class gave them a barangay clap (The students will do the clap)

So thank you, those are the common

example of spices.

The next device is the checkweigher

scale. Who wants to read? (The students will raise their hands)

Yes, Linsey Checkweigher scale is a digital
weigher scale used to get the weight
of the food like meat, fish, vegetables
and fruits.
Okay thank you, then who wants to
read the next one? (The students will raise their hands)
Yes, Luiz The clock type weighing scale is used
to measure foods.
Okay thank you, take a sit
For you class what did you observed
on that two devices? What do you
think is the difference between the
check weigher scale and the clock
type weighing scale? Anyone? (The students will raise their hands)
Okay yes, Olga Ma’am for me the difference between
the two devices is the check weigher
scale is a digital form and you can see
a number if you measure any kind of
raw food while the clock type
weighing scale is a traditional or
common weighing scale in the market
to measure also a different kind of
raw food.
Okay very well said Olga
Class give her an angel clap. (The students will do the clap)

Okay that two devices has a

similarities and differences their
similarities is they are all used to
measure any kind of product
especially the raw ingredients.

So class what do you mean by raw

ingredients? Any idea? (The students will raise their hands)
Yes, Nicole Ma’am that is the fresh ingredients
that found in the market.
So who can give some example of
raw ingredients? (The students will raise their hands)
Yes, Ariand Ma’am meat
Very good! Another? Yes, Zherome Ma’am fish
Yes very well said, another?
Yes, Bryssa Ma’am Vegetables

Okay Precisely! those are the
examples of raw ingredients that
found in the market.
So class give them a Barangay clap. (The students will do the clap)

The next tool is the measuring

spoon, who wants to read the
definition? (The students will raise their hands)
Yes, Patricia The measuring spoon is the spoon
used to measure an amount of a
substance either liquid or dry
Okay thank you,
The measuring spoon used to
measure the small quantities of
liquid or dry ingredients, like salt,
sugar, salt, syrup etc. And it is made
of plastic or metal.
Do you understand class? Yes ma’am.
Other questions? Reactions? None ma’am

The next is the measuring cup.

Who wants to read? (The students will raise their hands)
Yes, Olga Measuring cup is a kitchen utensil
used primarily to measure the volume
of liquid or powder-form cooking
Okay thank you,
If the measuring spoon is used to
measure the small quantities of dry
or liquid ingredients so what do you
think is the used of measuring cups?
Yes, Erica Ma’am it is used to measure the large
quantities of the dry or liquid
Okay, very good!
Measuring cups is made of plastic,
stainless and glass.
Why do we need the glass measuring
cup? (The students will raise their hands)
Yes, Nichole For the accurate measure of the
different liquid ingredients like
vinegar, milk, etc.

Exactly, while the plastic and
stainless is used to measure the dry
class give her an angel clap. (The students will do the clap)

The next device is the thermometers

As we all know that the
thermometers is used to measure
the hotness and coldness of a body
or thing.
So I have an example of
thermometers that are using in food
processing, the first one is the Glass
tube thermometer who wants to
read? (The students will raise their hands)
Yes, Shaira Mae Glass tube thermometer consisting of
mercury contained in a bulb. Mercury
expands with arise temperature
causing a thin thread of mercury to
rise in the tube.
Okay thank you so the glass tube
thermometer is the traditional
thermometer that we used. It has a
mercury inside if the temperature is
high the mercury inside the
thermometer will arise also.
Do you understand class? Yes Ma’am

Okay next proceed to the next

device the Salinometer. Who wants
to read? (The students will raise their hands)
Yes, Nichole Salinometer is used to measure the
salinity of a brine.
Okay thank you.
Salinometer is used used to measure
the salinity of the brine.
What is brine? Any idea? (The students will raise their hands)
Yes, Jerah Brine is a solution of salt and water.
Very good so that salinometer is
used to measure the solution which
is the salt and water.

The next measuring device is the

psychrometer. Who wants to read? (The students will raise their hands)

Yes, Bryssa Psychrometer is used to measure the
relative humidity of the air when sun
Okay thank you,
The psychrometer is used to
measure the humidity of the air for
the sun drying.

The next tool is the anemometer,

who wants to read? (The students will raise their hands)
Yes, Luiz Anemometer is used to determine the
velocity of the wind in sun drying.

Okay thank you, the anemometer is

commonly used outside of the house
for the accurate measure of the
wind for the process of sun drying
and it measure on how air fast.
(the picture view at the slide)

The last device for the measuring

devices is the refractometer, who
wants to read? (The students will raise their hands)
Yes, April Shane Refractometer is used to measure the
sugar concentration of sap and syrup
for food.
Okay thank you.
So if the salinometer used to
measure the salinity of the brine or
the salty solution while the
refractometer used to measure the
sugar concentration of the sap and
Do you understand class? Yes maam
So before we proceed in the cutting
implements can you identify those
devices under measuring devices.
(The student will identify the tools and

Okay very good. Class give her a

barangay clap. (The students will do the clap)

For the cutting implements. The first

tool that we encounter is a knife.
This tools is very common for us
knife or knives is used for cutting
and slicing fish, meat or any raw
ingredients and for scaling fish.

The next is a filleting knives, who

wants to read? (The students will raise their hands)
Yes,Sofia Filleting knives used for filleting fish.

So the last is scissors this tool is

used for trimming off fins in food

The next equipment that we

encounter is for the descaler or
scalers this equipment is the electric
fish scalers. Who wants to read? (The students will raise their hands)
Yes, Ariand Electric fish scalers are used in
removing the scales of a fish.
Okay thank you this equipment is
used to removed the scale of the
I have a short video here on how to
use the manual electric fish scalers.
(The video will appear on the
Do you understand class? Yes, ma’am
Any actions? Reactions? None ma’am

E. Generalization

Okay class before will end our

discussion can you identify the tools
under measuring devices? (The students will raise their hands)
Yes? Bryssa The triple beam balance,
checkweigher scale, clock type
weighing scale, measuring cups,
measuring spoon, thermometers,
psychrometer, anemometer,
salinometer, refractometer and glass

tube thermometer.
Okay exactly!
Next can you identify the tools under
cutting implements? Anyone?
Yes, Jei-em Knives, Filleting knives and scissors.

And lastly what is the equipment

that we are used for the descalers or
scalers? Yes, Erica Electric fish scalers

Very well said!

Okay class give them a barangay clap
for their cooperation. (The students will do the clap)

E. Application
Present an activity (The students participate on that
F. Evaluation
Get 1/4 sheet of paper and answer
the following questions.

1. It is a hand held device that are

used to measure the salinity of the
2. It is a device that used to measure
the small quantities ingredients like
spices and preservatives.
3. It is a common tool used for
cutting and slicing any raw
4. A equipment that used to
removed the scales of the fish?
5. This tool is used for filleting fish?

G. Assignment
Research the other equipment under
salting equipment, smoking
equipment and others.


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