The Drift Newsletter For Tatworth & Forton Edition 086
The Drift Newsletter For Tatworth & Forton Edition 086
The Drift Newsletter For Tatworth & Forton Edition 086
Dead on cue the snow arrived here in Tatworth, as predicted by the weather forecasters;
some residents will recall similar scenes but for newcomers to the area or younger
members it was a scene to behold. The streets soon became white carpets and the
roadways became pedestrian walkways due to many pavements becoming quite slippery
and dangerous for people to walk along. Did any of you notice the ‘silence’ not only due
to lack of vehicular movement but something in the clear air changed the atmosphere and
you could enjoy the quiet beauty of the surroundings. It didn’t take long for the children,
off school, to come out and make merry, laughing and playing which was nice to see.
Obviously for some the weather caused difficulties, making journeys to work hazardous if
not impossible and venturing out for the elderly was definitely not on the agenda. It was
heartening however to see that many villagers were quick to help out those less able and
made sure they had adequate heating, and necessary supplies.
TATWORTH W.I. There will be no speaker at the meeting on 17th May at
7.30pm as it is the Annual Meeting. Members will also
At the meeting on Thursday 19th April in Tatworth have to discuss and vote on the resolutions that will be
Memorial Hall at 7.30pm the speaker will be Wafaa put forward for consideration at the National Annual
Powell who will demonstrate the delights of Lebanese Meeting in June.
Cuisine with the help of volunteers. This should be a very
enjoyable evening. Members still remember the
delightful Belly Dancing demonstration given by Wafaa in TATWORTH WIVES GROUP -
September 2016. There will also be a Bring & Buy stall REPORT FOR MARCH 2018
with ‘Spring’ as the theme. All donations will be very
welcome but especially plants, flowers and cakes. “Caving’ – A Talk by Dr Peter Glanville...
Sadly, this meeting for March had to be cancelled owing
Members have completed their ‘Green Heart Bunting’. to the weather forecast for heavy snow on 1st March
The “Green Heart” symbol is being used by the WI and which became a ‘Red Alert’ warning for Somerset, and
other organisations to draw attention to the serious issue the snow began falling on cue at lunchtime.
of climate change and the bunting is being collected
from all Somerset WI’s and will be displayed at various Our next meeting will be on Thursday 5th April at 7.30 pm
landmarks around the County in order to raise awareness in the Church Room when the speaker will be Margaret
of the issue. Harper whose talk is entitled ‘Magical Field of Glass’.
The sales table will be ‘In the garden’.
On 28th April members will join
members from other Somerset Hester Down
WI’s and parade their banner
around the centre of Wells to
celebrate the centenary of the TATWORTH PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWS
formation of the Somerset
County Federation. A new banner
We have some budding new
was made by Tatworth members several years ago and is
displayed in the Memorial Hall. The crocus bulbs that Councillors in our midst!
Tatworth WI planted last year to celebrate their own 90th In March the children
birthday can now be seen flowering around the hall. nominated themselves to
Somerset County Federation has arranged various become School Councillors
activities to celebrate this Centenary year and Tatworth and then the classes voted.
members have already applied for tickets to visit The following pupils will
Dartmouth on 9th May and the Craft Day at Burrowbridge form the Council: Y6 Calum
on 16th May. Details of other visits that have been and Phoebe, Y5 Eve and Harry, Y4 George and Holly,
arranged for June and July are detailed in the WI County Y3 Chris and Laura, Y2 Daisy and Kyle, Y1 Layla and
News and members will be hoping to join these as well. Josh H, Reception Benjamin and Ruby H.
Open Monday to Saturday evenings and Sunday lunchtime the story about the lion who visits his local library to
for delicious food in a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere. listen to the story time each day and follow the
Our a la carte menu is available throughout the week adventures of the lion and the librarians. The story had
as well as our always popular Pie Night (Tuesdays) plenty of singing and jokes too - we all had to search for
the poor lion at one point in the story and we found him
and Steak Night (Thursdays).
hiding in the playground! Amongst the laughter was an
important message for the pupils - please use the local
libraries as they really are a great source of knowledge.
15 Years at The Golden Fleece
This March marked our 15 year anniversary We followed up this in class by encouraging children to
here at The Golden Fleece, and we would like visit Chard library where there is a fantastic children’s
to say a big thank you to all our customers, section.
both old and new, and everyone locally
The children’s favourite part was definitely when the lion
who have supported us over the years.
Carol, Paul & Family was trying to answer questions whilst sitting the audience
with them! Live performances always inspire the children
and we hope to be able to offer more of these for the
pupils in the future. Thank you to the parents and PAFOTS
The Golden Fleece, Perry Street,
As an alternative you can meet back at Reed Hall for Please return to: Tony or Pam Arnold
afternoon tea, see attached menu. These teas will be set
APRIL GARDENER ornamental fruits not forgetting quinces and so many
special small fruit trees worth searching around for what you
What a wonderful month of the year to enjoy, with every want from your garden.
plant deciding winter is very definitely out and suddenly we
are all caught out with plant growth, where do we start to Kitchen
garden? Cane fruit should be cut hard back from old growth as all
fruit is on new growth and start feeding. Plant broad beans
Have we tidied up all that winter detritus and done and most vegetable seed sowing can commence with some
our essential maintenance of tool sharpening, mower protection from heavy rain and snails.
cleaning, greenhouse cleaning and airing, sorry to be
boring; but they do come first! Ornamental
Spring bulbs such as moisture loving tall Camassia,
WHAT COMES NEXT? Erythronia (dogs tooth violet), fragrant Convallaria (Lily of
the valley) - many can be grown in containers.
The garden whatever size requires healthy soil, so often Borders and Beds
taken for granted as everlasting and not requiring Aquilegia, Anemonies, Phlox and Armeria - so many to chose
maintenance! - It’s not! from and tough Herbaceous perennials are superb on-going
value on sale soon.
Lightly rake over to bring much needed oxygen to
compacted winter soil surface and remember your plants Climbers
breathe (respiration) through the plant roots to a large Divide Clematis into early woody, mid-summer and late
degree so lightly digging over with a trowel in the root area summer entirely new growth late summer long flowering to
Not damaging the root ball, will make a big difference to first frosts worth planting now. Grape vines, attractive Ivy,
health and energy for growth of your garden in spin. Add climbing hydrangea petiolaris, sweet pea, and try some
some light mulch of fresh compost for soil improvement and easy grow colourful annuals from seed, Convallaria, blue
preferably manure that contains the vital biological nitrogen convolvulus and orange Thunbergia Black-eyed Susie in a
producing microbes, its like giving them a treat. container with a cane, what can be simpler to grow from
seed in a pot.
Soil is often so forgotten and therefore neglected; but its
soil that contains the vital food nutrients that plants depend Ground cover
on: nitrogen N for green growth, phosphorus P for strength Consider for difficult steep banks and difficult soil, Cornus
and potassium K for flowering. Look for NPK on your canadensis is a good choice: but look in books and websites
fertiliser and decide from your soil and plants what you to see what they look like when covering ground.
require for ornamental or vegetable growth. Vegetables
generally require alkaline soil for additional liming with a Hedges
calcium product that may be required to avoid club root. These can be bought on line with whips and I have
found the mail order service: ‘hedges-foru’ company really
May I strongly recommend an inexpensive but really useful excellent in delivery, packaging and in healthy condition.
pH meter to simply stick in to moist soil for an instant guide
to your soil. These meters also give a fertility and moisture Now April is commencing I advise visiting garden centres and
reading at a click of the settings. To add to these foods top quality websites but make your orders worth while with
up the soil with a dressing of fresh loam (clay–sand–silt delivery charges about a fiver, just enjoy a relaxing look
mixture) and then compost and manure that contain the around as a ‘plant hunting tourist’ travelling or on line the
living microbes producing the all important nitrogen mix for choice is wonderful but decide what's going to work for you
a really surprising thank you from your garden plants, just and your garden plan first .
enjoy the rewards as the season progresses.
Take your time, and above all enjoy the wonderful start to
If you have Ericaceous plants, Rhododendron family, spring.
Heathers, Camellias, Pieris, Enkianthus and kitchen growing
Vaccinnium fruit shrubs such as delicious blueberries, Tony Arnold MCIHort
cranberries etc do not use ordinary clay loam, use branded Secondary science recourse for RHS School gardening
ericaceous soils that do not contain lime hating calcium, but
iron and manganese instead mixed in with grit, bark and
plenty of organic compost. As a chemist I favour generous
ericaceous liquid feed this time of the year and especially
when flowering occurs from now onwards.
Spring planting
Where to start,at the beginning, but where in a garden?
May I suggest perhaps a sheet of paper and simply list the
following range of plants to think over and start looking for
what you want out of planting in your garden and where, sun
or shade, dry or moist its very important to the planting.
See you on Saturday the 5th May - between 10.30am Disappointing News…
and 12.30pm, and please remember that all monies
Sadly since writing the above it has been discovered that
received will go to help our much-needed Church Funds!
the little rustic seat built alongside the new path has been
totally trashed. Police have been informed but anyone with
Please phone us with any queries etc. any information please let them know.
Gloria / Chris Swain on: 01460 221032
or Rosa Newman on: 01460 221179. Judy MacOmish
To help make The Drift, your Newsletter A reminder to all residents and Tatworth
organisations that The Drift is your newsletter -
interesting and informative I reiterate my it gives you a chance to share your views,
request for you to send in any news, whether concerns or news.
it be a holiday experience, special birthday or
Robin and the RAG team will be pleased to hear
celebration, sport or academic achievement we from you with any items of interest that you
would love to hear from you. would like to see.
Remember without your news we have no Drift. The next issue of the Drift will be for June with a
deadline date to receive any item being 14th May.
* Everyone welcome - No need to book
* Good home-cooked food - friendly atmosphere
* Come along and enjoy lunch or a snack,
coffee & cake etc.
Every Mon - 2.00pm Stretch and Relax Class Ch Rm
Every Mon - 2.00pm New Age Kurling & seated volleyball - £1.50 per session, including refreshments TMH
Every Tues - 2.00 - 4.00pm Tatworth Craft Group - £1 each including refreshments - Brewer Room TMH
Every Tues - 5.00 - 6.00pm Under 10’s Softball Cricket (up until19th April) HSH
Every Tues - 6.00 - 7.00pm School years 6 - 10 Hardball Cricket Up until 19th April) HSH
Every Wed - 10.00am - 2.00pm Wendy’s Kitchen TMH
Every Wed - 3.30 - 4.40pm Celia’s Get Fit, Exercise Class for ages 50-90 plus TMH
Every Wed - 7.00pm Chard & District Lace Group - Brewer Room TMH
Every Thursday - 7.00pm Chard Karate Club - Juniors (R) PSC
Every Thursday - 8.00pm Chard Karate Club - Seniors (R) PSC
Every Sat - 5.00 - 7.30pm ‘Traditional Fish & Chips’ Van TMH
First Tues - Monthly Chiropodist - Mr Grimminger - Tel: 30114 TMH
First Thu - Monthly - 7.00pm Tatworth & Forton Parish Council Meeting TMH
First Thu - Monthly 2.00pm Tatworth Flower Club TMH
Third Thurs - Monthly Tatworth WI Meeting TMH
Fourth Tuesday - Monthly Kents Fellowship KCR
Last Fri - Monthly Perry Street Social Club - Monthly Big Quiz PSC
KEY: Ch Rm - St John’s Church Room, PSC - Perry Street Club, TMH - Tatworth Memorial Hall, TPF - Tatworth Playing Fields,
TPS - Tatworth Primary School, StJ - St John’s Church, KCR - Kents Common Room, SCC - South Chard Church, WL - Wilton Lodge,
SC - Strode College, HB - Hollywood Bowl, WTC - Wells Town Centre.
The terms for advertising in The Drift are: 90mm x 60mm: £5.00 and 180mm x 60mm: £10.00 per insert.
Should a larger entry be required please ask for further details. Classified Ads can also be accepted for the odd items
residents may wish to sell or require at £2.50 per insert and should be no more than 5 lines, plus a contact number.
Please send copy to: Robin Munday, Printer’s Patch, Dyke Hill, Perry Street, Tatworth, TA20 2PY.
Telephone: 01460 220819 or email to:
Deadline for The DRIFT (Issue: 87): 14th May 2018. All advertising proceeds go to support The Drift publication.
The Drift is published by the Tatworth & Forton Residents Action Group, printed by Perry Print and distributed by volunteers.
Any opinion expressed in articles ain The Drift may be those of the author but not necessarily those of the Editorial Team.
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