The Drift Newsletter For Tatworth & Forton Edition 080

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April / May 2017 Issue 80

ST. JOHNS GRAND PLANT SALE We can find a space on our stalls for:
* Your unused (but unopened) packets of seeds,
@ TATWORTH MEMORIAL HALL * Any pottery or glass vases unwanted by you,
SATURDAY 6TH MAY 2017 10.30am - 12.30pm but probably just the vase that a visitor to our stalls
has been looking for!!
We would be pleased to receive your donations of: * Bowls suitable for growing hyacinth and other bulbs!
* Any usable garden tools hand forks, dibbers, loppers
* Summer bedding plants, especially lobelia, fuchsias, etc. would also be most welcome!
geraniums, petunias etc.
* Tomato, courgette, lettuce plants, cucumbers etc. Other Stalls at the Sale
* Vegetable Plants e.g. beans, cabbage etc. Refreshments will be available during the sale, including
* Fruit bushes, shrubs, pond and water garden plants bacon butties, filled rolls, toasted tea cakes etc.
* Garden herbs such as pots of mint, basil, parsley, * Stall - Jans Pantry welcomes donations of cakes,
oregano etc. preserves, jars & tins etc.
* Ready-planted baskets or small troughs would also be * Tombola - contributions will be most welcome.
very welcome * Pre-loved clothes - donations for this stall will be
most welcome.
* Herbaceous border plants (with names, if possible), * Win a Bird Table
* Succulents, ground-cover plants and potted cuttings * 150 Appeal items
Thank you in advance for your donations etc. and for
Sow a few extra seeds for us now, please, coming along to support one of our major fund raising
and/or split a few clumps of perennials! efforts on behalf of our Church. We all look forward to
your visit.
As a special help to our Sales Team and, of course, to our
Buyers, it would be nice if the seedlings, plants etc. could See you on Saturday the 6th May between 10.30am
be described/named e.g. A trailing rockery plant, & 12.30pm and remember that all monies received will go
marigold seedlings, cabbage plants etc.; so avoiding to help our much needed Church Funds!!!
(we hope) the possibility of a customer ending up with a
tray of cosmos daisy seedlings when hoping to have Please phone us with any queries etc. Gloria/Chris Swain
purchased vegetable seedlings for their garden!! on 01460 221032, or Rosa Newman (Tel: 01460 221179).

NEWS FROM THE MEMORIAL HALL reassuring outcome for all concerned. In the unlikely event
that an abnormality is suspected a referral to specialist is
Cardiac Screening made without delay.
At least 12 young people die suddenly each week in the UK
of previously undetected heart problems. Look out for further information and details of how to book
Over the weekend of 29th/30th July 2017 medical staff
from the charity Cardiac Risk in the Young (C.R.Y.) will be Heating System
conducting heart screening at TMH. Screening is a simple A new heating system has been installed in the Main Hall to
way to diagnose cardiac abnormalities of which the young replace the previous one which was over 25 years
person and their family may be unaware. It is a quick and old and way past its best. As before, the heaters use
painless process involving an ECG (electrocardiogram) infra-red technology but should be more efficient and
and, perhaps, an echocardiogram (using ultrasound). The effective. With energy prices continuing to soar the
investigation lasts no longer than half an hour and in Committee trusts that Hall users will use heating sparingly
the vast majority of cases nothing is found providing a i.e. when it is needed not simply because it is there!

Issue 80 The DRIFT 1

TATWORTH & FORTON PARISH COUNCIL Mrs. Watts had a fall 3 years ago and suffered an injury to
her shoulder which continuously causes her a lot of pain. She
Census Test also suffers from osteoporosis in her knee, septic arthritis
South Somerset has been specially selected as part of a large and a heart condition. During the winter months Mrs.Watts
scale test of the census, run by the Office for National has the heating on for most of the day and will sit next to
Statistics (ONS). This is an exciting opportunity for local the radiator. The cold really affects her joints so she wears
residents to help shape the census which will happen in 2021. long johns under her trousers to keep warm. Her Surviving
Winter grant will be used to purchase a warm pair of
Test day is 9th April 2017. Randomly-selected households will trousers and a long cardigan which Mrs.Watts will wear when
be sent a letter beforehand with a unique access code to she does the weekly shop on a Thursday. Surviving Winter has
enable them to answer their test questionnaire online connected her to a case worker for Knightstone Housing, who
quickly and easily it should take about 10 minutes. There will refer her to many other resources in the community to
will be census officers working in the area in April and May, keep warm and healthy.
and online and telephone help will also be available.
Annual Parish Meeting
Your participation is hugely valued by ONS. It will help Thursday 27th April 2017 is the date for the Annual Parish
develop an online census for 2021 that asks the right Meeting, which is being held in the main hall of Tatworth
questions and gets the maximum response. The more Memorial Hall, where wine and nibbles will be provided (free
successful the census test is in South Somerset, the more we of charge). Please contact the Clerk if you would like to
benefit in future. make a presentation as this is an ideal opportunity for you to
promote your activities to the Parish.
For more information on the 2017 Test visit: Allotments
The rabbit proof fencing has now been extended in the
Final Surviving Winter 2016/17 Update Allotment Field to now accommodate in excess of 24
Thanks to the generosity of our parishioners and people right allotments and the water supply is free. Residents continue
across the county, the campaign attracted over 90,000 in to express an interest. Please contact the Clerk if you
donations and Gift Aid this year. Somerset Community would like one. The fees for this year are 20 for a full size
Foundation have worked closely with their delivery partners (125 m2)or 13 for a half size plot.
to ensure that nearly 500 vulnerable, older people in
Somerset will have been able to keep their homes warm and

will be connected to social activities that prevent isolation



from impacting adversely on their quality of life. Tatworth and Forton Parish Council,



The Parish Office, Tatworth Memorial Hall.

Telephone: 01460 221066

Thank you for very much for your support. Heres a heart-

warming case study of a local lady that Surviving Winter has


helped this year:





Andrew Turpin writes:
The other evening, I was waiting at Axminster Station The successful Tatworth Beer Festival is taking place
at the time the six oclock train from Exeter arrived. again this year at Tatworth Playing Fields Pavilion on 14th
Crowds of passengers alighted. These passengers use the and 15th April. This is the sixth year that this event has
train every morning and evening. They are travelling to been running and once again some very special Real Ales
Exeter for shopping, recreation, education or accessing that you may not normally see locally will be supplied and
other stations on the National Rail Network. Residents of there will be a local Cider. The festival will be open from
Tatworth, Forton and Chard do not have this privilege and 4.00pm to 10.30pm on Friday 14th and from 4.00pm to
yet as the crow flies; these residents are only three miles 11.00pm on Saturday 15th.
further away from Exeter then Axminster!
This could be easily be remedied by the re-opening of our On the Saturday there will be some exellent live music
local station. There is now space for the extra platform and with Grouvecat and a BBQ will be available. Entry is
a big car park. free on both days.
Despite my persistence, there is still no news from
Westminster. Further details can be found on the Playing Fields website
The next course of action is for a group of us to make or on the
representations at County Hall after the County Facebook page:
elections. We think it is important that the powers fields/
that be should be invited to witness the crowds of
passengers using Axminster station throughout the day; The festival raises money for the Tatworth Playing Fields,
but particularly morning and evening! We would then like a registered charity, so please support your local
them to visit our local station in order to see its potential. recreational facility.
We will keep you updated.
Andy Jones - Festival Organiser & T.P.F. Committee Member.

Lesley Frankau writes: In March, W.I. Members had the pleasure of seeing the
wonderful photographs taken by Charlie Wheeler, as they
HAPUS DYDD DEWI SANT learnt all about the Abbotsbury Swannery and the life
St. Davids Day was celebrated with there of the swans, as well as the other birds and
great gusto one Sunday in March at animals that live there during the year. During the month
St. Johns, after Morning Service. members took part in the Craft Afternoon at Tatworth
Surrounded by Welsh dragons and and enjoyed the trip to the BBC studio (or shopping) in
daffodils, plus the occasional leek, over 30 people sat
Bristol, arranged by Jessica and Jane. Some members
down to a three course lunch to enjoy such delights as
Welsh Casserole (courtesy of Sue Cheese), Shepherds Pie
went to the Horton W.I. Call my Bluff Antiques
(Christine Goodwill) vegetarian Shepherdess Pie or Leek and Evening and Supper and others to the Fashion Show
Potato pie, (Lesley Frankau). These were followed by an arranged by Ilminster W.I. as well as to the Road
array of sumptuous puddings, including Toms Welsh cakes Shows arranged by Somerset County Federation. Two
which were consumed like the proverbial hot cakes, members took part in the County Scrabble Tournament.
complimented by a delicious cheese board supplied by
Monica Mason. Members will be able to learn about pigs in April, as the
Entertainment throughout the meal was supplied by Nan speaker at the meeting on the 20th will be Simon Dawson,
Austin, Graham Goodwill, Sue Cheese, Mary Dewar ending the author of Pigs in Clover and other books. He and
with a rousing rendition by all present of that famous Welsh his wife raise rare Berkshire pigs on their Exmoor
hymn, Guide me oh Thou Great Jehovah, which certainly smallholding, where they also have a collection of many
resounded magnificently in the church hall, if not the Welsh other animals. At the age of 32, estate agent Simon and
valleys! Thanks to Tom Price for leading the singing. his solicitor wife Debbie, together with their Great Dane,
Our thanks to everyone who provided food, entertained, but no farming experience, decided to sell their London
helped decorate the hall and cleared away, especially flat, buy land on Exmoor and become smallholders.
the team who washed the dishes afterwards. Oh for a There they have lived the Good Life ever since.
mechanical dishwasher in the kitchen! Everyone can look forward to a very interesting and
It was good to see Tatworths Welsh contingent at the lunch, amusing evening.
particularly Tom who provided Welsh memorabilia and
tapes of Welsh choirs throughout the lunch. A sponsored walk to raise funds for the Associated Women
The next lunch will celebrate St. Georges Day and will of the World organisation will be arranged during this
follow Morning Service on the 23rd April. Watch out for a month.
poster giving full details in The Link.
At the April meeting members have the opportunity to
STOP PRESS nominate anyone for the new committee which will be
Our first Lent Lunch was held on the 9th March and what a voted in at the Annual Meeting on 18th May at 7.30pm.
joy to see 33 people enjoying home-made soup as well as a There will be no speaker at the May meeting, apart from
cheeseboard with salad all for the princely sum of 5.00. Carol Smith, the Somerset Ambassador to Denman.
Delighted to report that we raised 161.00 for The Drift She will talk about Denman for the benefit of those
and a cheque will be winging its way to Robin Munday members who have not experienced the pleasure of a
shortly. Our thanks to all who helped achieve this total for visit to the beautiful W.I. College, for which Institutes are
this excellent community publication. Lent lunches will run raising money in order to ensure that it continues to exist
each Thursday around noon, following communion Service at
for the benefit of present and future members. Margaret
11.30am until the 8th April inclusive. Monies raised from
each lunch will be donated to a number of charities. Do Bigg our W.I.A. will also be at the meeting. As well as the
come along and join us if you can. You will be assured of a Annual Meeting, members will have the opportunity
warm welcome. discuss the merits of the two Resolutions that will be put
to Delegates at the National Annual Meeting in June
and decide how our Delegate should vote. A Tatworth
WAVES OF PRAYER for member will not be going as our Delegate this year but
Thy Kingdom Come two members hope to go as Observers.

Terri Boyland writes: Somerset County Federation has arranged that on the
5th May there will be a Walking Treasure Hunt around
Leaders from every nation are calling for prayer for our
world, plus a Big Event, between Ascension Day and Ilminster, a Spring Ramble, Guided Historic Walk around
Pentecost, 25th May - 3rd June. Somerton on the 7th, a Garden Safari at West Bagborough
on the 17th and a visit to the Waste Processor at
Our Big Event will be on Friday 26th May at 7.00pm at
Bridgewater on the 11th. Volunteers are also needed to
Tatworth Church, jointly with South Chard Fellowship.
help at the Bath & West Show. It looks like it could be
Prayer will be daily from 10.30am - 11.00am and will cover another busy month, as of course Tatworth will arrange
those things which affect our society, e.g. NHS, Social another monthly lunch and kurling and volley ball
Services, Education etc. continue in the Hall on Mondays, unless the weather is
Look out for Posters nearer the time. good enough for croquet.

Issue 80 The DRIFT 3


Hester Down writes: On 2nd March Philippa Louden gave a most interesting
and entertaining demonstration under the title For the
At our February meeting Jan Morse talked to us about her love of Flowers using a wide variety of flowers.
travels in Turkey last Autumn. She visited central Turkey
to see the Cappadocia region which is an inland high The vote of thanks was given by Rosalie Palmer.
altitude plateau pierced by volcanic peaks. It has a
continental climate with dry hot summers and cold The club competition A Posy was judged by Philippa
winters. It has very little rainfall and the terrain is who awarded points as follows: Ros Roderigo 9 points,
largely semi-arid. Over time the rocks have eroded into Anna Bagwell 8 points, Val Garth and Pat Sargent 7 points
hundreds of spectacular pillars and minaret-like forms, each, with the judges choice being awarded to Ros.
and in past centuries people have carved out homes,
churches and even monasteries from the rock, now open The next meeting will be on April 6th when Area
for the public to visit, including paintings, frescoes and Demonstrator Kathryn Delve will be demonstrating under
religious carvings. The area is now a busy tourist the title of Walk in the Woods. Members competition
destination, and one of the most spectacular ways to see will be a Woodland Scene.
it is from above by hot air balloon, and these flights have
become so popular that they provide one of the largest Meetings are held in Tatworth Memorial Hall, TA20 2QW.
sources of local employment. Jans lively talk and Doors open 1.30pm for 2pm start, Visitors very welcome
beautiful photographs gave us a vivid impression of for a 5 admission fee. Refreshments available.
Cappadocia and its uniqueness.
On May 20th we are having a workshop with a tutor in the
Our speaker in March was Heather Roughton, one of Memorial Hall 10.00am till 4.00pm for a fee of 20 to
Thorncombes churchwardens, who spoke to us about her include lunch, tea and coffee. If anyone would like to join
career in social work which began some 50 years ago. She us please phone Julie Kettle on 01297 33924 for further
worked in Yorkshire and London before coming to details.
Somerset, and she worked as a hospital almoner and
also as a medical social worker in a mental hospital.
Additionally she became a part-time lecturer in a TATWORTH & DISTRICT
university and took a keen interest in voluntary HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY
organisations involved in social work. Heather described Ken Johnson writes:
to us some of the types of cases she had to deal with us, Spring is here and heralds April as probably the busiest
and how social work has changed over the years. Her talk month on the plots and gardens. Luckily the daylight
gave us a penetrating insight into the life of a social hours are lengthening and hopefully kinder weather
worker, and we could understand how she finds being a conditions prevail.
churchwarden easier than being a social worker.
Lots of outdoor sowing can now be undertaken with care
Our next gathering will be on Thursday 6th April at taken to ensure seedlings grown indoors are hardened off
7.30pm in the Tatworth Church Room when Graham prior to outdoor planting. As well as plants etc. bursting
Goodwill will talk about his work in fund raising. into life - likewise the pests and diseases - be on your
The May meeting on Thursday 4th May at 7.30pm will be
a lively and entertaining musical talk Medieval to The second Spring meeting of the Society, on Thursday
Mississippi by Saffron Summerfield including a brief 9th March 2017, with solicitor William Bennett,
history for the guitar and cuatro with personal anecdotes accompanied by three colleagues, outlining the problems
from her career as a worldwide touring musician. This often encountered in the often contentious subject of
will be an open meeting to which all are welcome. Law and the Gardener. The talk proved to be very
informative and had its lighthearted moments. It also
covered, in some detail, the challenges presented by
FREDAS 100TH BIRTHDAY! Japanese Knotweed.

Freda Butcher, local resident in Tatworth, will celebrate The third and final Spring meeting will be held at 7.30pm
her 100th Birthday on the 1st June 2017. in Tatworth Memorial Hall on Thursday 13th April 2017
when Neil Lovesey will give a talk entitled Herbs - not
Freda moved to Tatworth from Wokingham about 30 years just Stuffing Balls. Also the judging of the Spring Bulb
ago. Having always been interested in horses and competition will take place at this meeting.
Whippets, Freda held the position of Chair of Taunton
Whippet Club for many years. In earlier days, Freda The Societys Summer trip to Toby Bucklands Garden
served in the WRAF for several years. Festival at Powderham Castle near Exeter is now fully
booked. For details of the other two trips, to the Lost
Congratulations Freda! Gardens of Heligan and to Yeo Valley Organic Gardens,
and very best wishes for the 1st June. please contact 01460 220221.

Sean Smith
Audience numbers in December, January and February
rose to encouraging levels following the lows of Pet Portraits & Wildlife Art
September and October and we are again making a small
financial surplus. Our next shows are:
Friday 28th April: A United Kingdom (cert 12A). The
story of Prince Seretse Khama`s marriage to a white
woman from London. An absorbing and moving love story
starring David Oyelowo and Rosamund Pike.
Friday 26th May and Friday 23rd June:
Programmes to be announced.
Films start at 8 pm. (doors open 7.15pm). There is always
a bar and a raffle and tickets are only 4 - the best deal
in the West. I specialise and work in high quality coloured pencils
to create a portrait that will last a lifetime.

Im available for commission to bring out the soul
& character of your pet or favourite animal.
What a wonderful month of the year to enjoy, with
every plant deciding winter is very definitely going and Visit my website for Prints,
suddenly we are all caught out with plant growth - where Greeting Cards & Cushions:
do we start to garden?
Hopefully we have tidied up all that winter detritus and For Prices & Commissions contact:
done our essential maintenance of tool sharpening,
mower cleaning, greenhouse cleaning and airing - sorry to
be boring but they do come first! 07814 048911
Small trees and shrubs, some evergreen for winter
pleasure, some flowering such as Prunus, winter Prunus, THINKING OF A CELEBRATION?
Amalankia is superb for all year round three leaf colour SETTING UP A NEW GROUP?
changes. Crab apples have all year colour and superb late
ornamental fruits not forgetting quinces for tasty jellies
and so many special small fruit trees worth searching
around for. Enjoy the wonderful start to Spring!
contact Nick to discuss your requirements:
01460 220339

The Golden Fleece


Open every evening and Sunday lunchtimes

for delicious food in a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere.

Our all new a la carte menu is available throughout the week

as well as weekly specials and Chefs Speciality Dishes
at the weekend so there is always something for everyone.

Upcoming Events Include:

An Evening of Live Music
and Great Food!
Join us on Friday 26th May for a Night of Swing
with Vocalist Cameron Lemmer accompanied by a
fantastic Tapas Style Meal featuring the best of British Flavours
prepared by Chef Pete for just 12.95 per person.
The Golden Fleece, Perry Street,
South Chard, Somerset,TA20 4QH

Tel: 01460 220285

Facebook: The Golden Fleece Inn

Issue 80 The DRIFT 5

Tatworths Local Garage - Please Support Local Traders!
What a nice,
General car repairs, ON
sant man Servicing, M.O.T.s, LABOU
helpful and plea totech, is.
M.O.T. work, Tyres, Exhausts,
ow ne r of
Mike, the
charge and does
He does not over job...
Batteries, Air-Conditioning,
a really good
Mrs. J.M. Allaw
ay Car Diagnostics,
South Chard
Re-gas & repairs.
Call now on 01460 221313 to book your appointment:
Junction Garage, Station Road, Chard Junction TA20 4QJ

Celias Salon
Celia is passionate about showing women how a great hairstyle
makes you look great and feel fabulous.
~ Extra time to discuss the best styles to suit your face shape,
hair type and lifestyle.
~ Each haircut is created with care and precision.
Enjoy an extra special experience, at a highly professional,
peaceful countryside salon.
Braeside, Bugway lane, Chard Common TA20 4HH
Telephone: 01460 221444 / 07971 675577


From 5.00pm to 7.30pm
peter trotter
the window s p e c i a l i s t

Installation of PCVu, Repairs & replacement

Timber & Aluminium
patios sealed glass units
* Everyone welcome - No ned to book
* Good home-cooked food - friendly atmosphere
fascia boards locks

* Come along and enjoy lunch or a snack, coffee & cake etc.
guttering hinges
bi-fold doors

Every Wednesday 10.00am -2.00pm at TMH

triple glazing

Special offers available on selected doors and

windows. Check out the website and see what
our customers say.
Contact us for a free no hassle quotation on
01460 220865 or 07771 761782

Free 10 year insurance backed guarantee as standard.

During the last few weeks further monies have been received Please send copy to: Robin Munday, Printers Patch, Dyke Hill,
from local organisations and on behalf of the Drift. I would Perry Street, Tatworth, TA20 2PY. Telephone: 01460 220819
thank them for their generous donations. or email to:
Happily this issue is full, so apologies to anyone whose item Deadline for The DRIFT (Issue: 81): 14th May 2017
may have been edited. However do keep your articles coming, The terms for advertising in The Drift are:
helping to make the Drift more informative and interesting 90mm x 60mm: 5.00 & 180mm x 60mm: 10.00 per insert.
to all. (Advertisers who are based in Tatworth & Forton receive a
There are however items affecting the village; in particular 5.00 discount for the first insertion).
representations to Somerset County Council regarding our Classified Ads are 2.50 per insert and should be no more than
highways where the Parish Council have made comments and 5 lines, plus a contact number.
recommendations. I hope that the Parish Council will be able All advertising proceeds go to support The Drift.
to update us all in their next report to the Drift.
One notice that I must draw your attention to is the Tatworth CLASSIFIED ADS
& Forton Residents Action Group - Annual General Meeting on
the 22nd June at the Memorial Hall Tatworth commencing at FOR SALE: 35mm Film Camera Equipment including a Pentax
7.30pm. Spotmatic with a standard 50mm lens, plus a Vivitar zoom and
Hoya wide angle lens, filters, tripod, and gadget bag. Also a
This is your chance to have your say on any subject relating to Rollei 35mm Slide Projector with a remote control and slide
our village and community. carriers. Open to offers!
Small Pine 2-door Wardrobe: with a top shelf and hanging rail).
Robin Munday Please phone Mr. White on 01460 221221 for further details.

TATWORTH BY TORCHLIGHT REVISITED! I assume that during this trial there were no complaints from
locals regarding the lights being off at night? And, if there was
Jenny Sinclair writes: no increase in traffic accidents, pedestrian accidents, or crime,
Whilst I sympathise with the good gentlemans views on the lack then the only results from this trial would be in cost saving. This
of consultation, I cannot agree with his views on the lack of would probably be available under the Freedom of Information
illumination of our streets in the wee hours. Act, if indeed the Somerset County Council has accurate
Turning off the street lighting between midnight and 5.00am
seems eminently sensible to me. I am not aware of any number My view on the matter, and I expect many others, is in stark
of people frequenting the streets at this hour, and for those of contrast to Roys. Having moved to our home in Watermead in
us who are awake it is indeed a pure delight to be able to see 1980 we were so glad to be away from the glare of street lights
the moon and star-lit skies without the light pollution of street all night long. The addition of street lights to many parts of the
lighting. It is a constant reminder of how blessed we are to live village, although welcomed by some, was not by us, so when it
in a rural area where the natural diurnal rhythms of our world was decided to switch off at night, after midnight we were able
can be observed and enjoyed. to sleep more soundly. It also allowed a view of the stars at
night in the early hours without going any further than my back
We are lucky enough to live in one of the few streets that does garden. For several years I worked shifts and often commuted
not have any street lighting and whether working late at night by bicycle to Chard, in the dark without problems. I am at a loss
or leaving early in the morning, it is always a pleasure to not to know what benefit it would be to have street lighting
be confronted by unnatural light. So often the moon and stars between midnight and 5 am, and of course much of the village
provide sufficient lighting and on those days when this is not the is without lights anyway.
case I have any number of personal lighting options open to me
should I feel the need. Added to this, the plethora of security If, as is almost sure to happen, the lights are replaced with very
lights on individual houses means that there is always enough efficient LED type lighting (we already have a few dotted about)
light to afford safe passage to my destination, even for the cost of saving gained from switching off would be far less
someone of my advancing years! than with conventional lighting, and light pollution is claimed to
be far less, so it may be that the S.S.C. decide to revert back
To light our streets when the vast majority are tucked up in bed to leaving all lights on throughout the hours of darkness, who
seems such a waste of energy and money, neither of which knows what technology may dictate perhaps street lights that
should be squandered for no real purpose. come on as you pass close to them, similar to security lights.
Of course, if a plan to change the lights on/off is decided, we
So, if anybody deems it right and proper to consult the residents the residents should be fully consulted prior to any decision
about the great switch-off, I for one will be voting to keep the being made. Personally I hope things stay as they are, keep our
lights off! nights dark please.


Rick Chubb writes: Footnote: Since Rick submitted the above he updates us to say
It was with great interest that I read Roy Walshams view on the that replacement lights have been installed in his street and
history of the street lights on/off at night saga. I did not know, these are the new LED white lights. Presently they stay on all
for instance, that the Parish Council did not laise with us, the night which he feels is rather unnecessary but states may be
residents at the time, or that they volunteered for a trial, but unavoidable. He remarks that these things are decided for us
presumably the matter was brought up at a Parish Council and some will welcome the change.
meeting at which we are all able to attend if we wish.

Issue 80 The DRIFT 7

Date & Time Event Venue
Thurs 6th April - 7.30pm Tatworth Wives Group - Talk by Graham Goodwill TCR
Thurs 6th April - 2.00pm Tatworth Flower Club - Demonstration by Kathryn Delve TMH
Sun 9th April Cencus Test Day
Thurs 13th April - 7.30pm Tatworth & Horton Agricultural Society Spring Meeting TMH
Fri 14th April - 4.00 - 10.30pm Tatworth Beer Festival TPF
Sat 15th April - 4.00 - 11.00pm Tatworth Beer Festival TPF
20th April Tatworth WI - Pigs in Clover - With guest speaker Simon Dawson TMH
Sat 22nd April - 9.00 - 3.30pm Community Day - Volunteers needed! TPS
Sun 23rd April - St. Johns Church - Lunch to celebrate St. Georges Day STJ
Thurs 27th April Tatworth & Forton Annual Parish Meeting TMH
Fri 28th April - 8.00pm T&F Movies A United Kingdom TMH
Thurs 4th May - 7.30pm Tatworth Wives Group - Musical talk by Saffron Summerfield TCR
Fri 5th May Tatworth WI - Walking Treasure Hunt around Ilminster
Sat 6th May - 10.30 - 12.30pm St. Johns Grand Plant Sale STJ
Sun 7th May Tatworth WI - Guided Historic Walk around Somerton
Thurs 11th May Tatworth WI - Visit to Bridgewater Waste Processor
Weds 17th May Tatworth WI - Garden Safari at West Bagborough
Weds 17th May Sports Day - Morning - KS2, Afternoon KS1 & Reception TPS
Thurs 18th May - 7.30pm Tatworth WI - Annual Meeting TMH
Sat 20th May - 10.00 - 4.00pm Tatworth Flower Club - Workshop TMH
Thurs 25th May Reserve Sports Day TPS
Fri 26th May - 7.00pm St. Johns Church - Our Big Event (jointly with South Chard Fellowship) STJ
Fri 26th May - 8.00pm T&F Movies (Film to be announced!) TMH

Every Mon - 2.00pm Stretch and Relax Class Ch Rm
Every Mon - 2.00pm New Age Kurling & seated volleyball - 1.50 per session, including refreshments TMH
Every Mon - 7.00 - 8.00pm Celias Get Fit, Tone-up & Stretch Class TMH
Every Tues - 2.00 - 4.00pm Tatworth Craft Group - 1 each including refreshments - Brewer Room TMH
Every Tues - 5.00 - 6.00pm Under 10s Softball Cricket (up until19th April) HSH
Every Tues - 6.00 - 7.00pm School years 6 - 10 Hardball Cricket Up until 19th April) HSH
Every Wed - 10.00am - 2.00pm Wendys Kitchen TMH
Every Wed - 3.30 - 5.00pm Exercise Class TMH
Every Wed - 7.00pm Chard & District Lace Group - Brewer Room TMH
Every Thursday - 7.00pm Chard Karate Club - Juniors (R) PSC
Every Thursday - 8.00pm Chard Karate Club - Seniors (R) PSC
Every Sat - 5.00 - 7.30pm Traditional Fish & Chips van TMH
First Tues - Monthly Chiropodist - Mr Grimminger - Tel: 30114 TMH
First Thu - Monthly Tatworth & Forton Parish County Meeting TMH
First Thu - Monthly 2.00pm Tatworth Flower Club TMH
Third Thurs - Monthly WI Meeting TMH
Fourth Tuesday - Monthly Kents Fellowship KCR
Last Fri - Monthly Perry Street Social Clubs Monthly Big Quiz PSC
KEY: Ch Rm - St Johns Church Room, PSC - Perry Street Club, TMH - Tatworth Memorial Hall, TPF - Tatworth Playing Fields,
TPS - Tatworth Primary School, StJ - St Johns Church, KCR - Kents Common Room, SCC -South Chard Church.

Footsore? Problem Toe Nails?

Professional footcare treatment
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Kim Beauchamp
Foot Health Practitioner
Equine Healing (Spring 2017)
Distant Healing
Telephone: 01460 221806 Bereavement Healing
Mobile: 07926 093053
Fully Insured
Covering Axminster, Chard, Charmouth, Honiton, Tel: 01460 929925 Mobile 07469 171184
Illminster, Lyme Regis, Seaton and surrounding areas


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