Writing in Role Rubric Kickstart

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Writing In Role Performance Task Rubric

1– 2- 3- Totals /Comments
limited to no progressing toward meeting standard
progress toward the standard consistently and
standard independently
Understanding of Thoughts feelings, Thoughts feelings, Thoughts feelings,
Role (RL.6) attitudes of role are attitudes of role are attitudes of role are
limited. good although strong and
inconsistent supported by text
Facial Limited use of vocal Progressing towards Consistent use of
Expressions/Body changes, facial the consistent use of vocal changes, facial
Language (SL4) expressions, and vocal changes, facial expressions, and
feeling. expressions, and/or feeling.
Vocal projection is Vocal projection is
limited and often Some Vocal present and words
inaudible projection is present are easy to
with reminders and understand
sometimes inaudible
Quality of Format, language Format, language Format, language
Writing quality, and quality, and quality, and
2L1 & 2L2 conventions are conventions are conventions are
weak. Limited Progressing. Several present. Consistent
accuracy in the examples of examples of
following areas: accuracy in the accuracy in the
following areas: following areas:
 capitalization
 punctuation  capitalization  capitalization
 level  punctuation  punctuation
appropriate  level  level
spelling appropriate appropriate
 use of spelling spelling
complex  use of  use of
sentences complex complex
 Clear sentences sentences
beginning  Clear  Clear
middle end beginning beginning
middle end middle end
Student__________________________ Date______________


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