Offficial Notification For Assam Police Recruitment

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Dated Guwahati the____________.

Recruitment rallies will be conducted for selection of candidates for appointment as Jail
Warder for 135 number of vacant posts in the Pay Band Rs. 14000-49,000/-, Grade pay Rs. 5000/-per
month, plus other allowances as admissible under the Rules. The date and venue of Physical Test
and Written Test would be intimated in due course through Admit Cards and through Assam
Police website Only online applications will be received with effect from
08-04-2018 and no other form of applications will be entertained. The last date for receipt of
applications will be 08-05-2018. The application form will be uploaded on the Assam Police website: 08-04-2018.
Category Male Female
Unreserved 116 11
ST (H) 08 Nil
*OBC/MOBC, SC, ST (P) both male and female and ST (H) female candidates may appear for
Unreserved posts.
In order to appear in the Recruitment Tests, the Candidates must satisfy the following criteria:
a) Nationality–Candidate must be Indian citizen, ordinarily resident of Assam.
b) Age: 18 to 38 years as on 1stJanuary2018 (that is, the candidate must be born on or
before 01-01-2000 and on or after 01-01-1980).
Relaxation: Upper age limit will be relaxed by 5 (five) years in respect of candidates
belonging to SC, ST(P) and ST(H) under the provision of Reservation Rules and by 2 (two)
years in respect of Ex-servicemen as per O.M. vide Memo No.AAP.115/72/PT.I/194-A dated
Note: The date of birth will be accepted by the SLPRB as per date entered in
HSLC/Matriculation or equivalent examination issued by a recognized Board. However for
female candidates who have not appeared in HSLC/Matriculation, the birth certificate issued
by the competent authority will be accepted. No other document relating to age such as
horoscope, affidavit and the like will be accepted.

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c) Educational qualification:
i) Essential -for Male Warder–
a) HSLC or Class X passed from a recognized Board.
b) Candidates should produce undertakings as to know bi-cycling.
Essential - for Female Warder-
a) Must have passed Annual examination of Class VIII or an equivalent
examination recognised by the Government.
d) Physical standards:
i. Height (Minimum)
Male Female
Gen/OBC/MOBC/SC 162.5 cm 144.5 cm
ST (H)/ ST(P) 160 cm 142 cm
ii. Chest (Only for men) circumference measuring not less than 81 cm when

e) Medical Standards:
i) Candidates must not have squint eyes, and they should possess high colour vision.

Varicose vein shall be considered a temporary disqualification. They must be in good mental

and bodily health. They must be free from any physical deformities and free from diseases

such as diabetes, hernia, piles, respiratory diseases or any other ailment that is likely to

interfere with the efficient performance of duties.

ii) Eye Sight: The distant vision should be 6/6 for atleast one eye and not poorer

than 6/9 for the other without correction. Near vision should be normal.

iii) Pregnancy at the time of Physical Standard Test (PST) will be a disqualification

and pregnant female candidates may not be permitted to undertake PET.

f) Character: Candidates shall have to produce the certificates of good character

before the Selection Board from:-

a) The Head of Institution in which he/she studied last and

b) One respectable person who is well acquainted with but not related to the


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A) Application must be submitted online through Assam Police website No other form of application will be entertained. All candidates will
have to appear in Physical Standard Tests (PST) and Physical Efficiency Tests (PET).The
Candidates applying online will get an acknowledgement slip with an id. number which can be
printed and will also get the information through SMS and email. A candidate whose
application is found to be in order shall be called for PST/PET. The Candidates will be able to
download the Admit Card/Call letter by furnishing id. number already alloted to the candidates
at the time of submitting applications. Venue wise and the date wise list of candidates
(showing id.nos. only) will be uploaded in The information will also
be sent by SMS to the mobile number and to the email address furnished in application form.
B) If a candidate appears in the Tests from more than one venue, or makes an
attempt towards that end, his/her candidature will be cancelled forthright for ALL venues.
C) The educational qualification, birth certificate and caste certificate are to be
uploaded with the application form. Moreover, when the candidate reports at the venue on the
date and time for Physical Standard Test and Physical Efficiency Test, he/she must bring all
essential documents in original along with one set of attested photocopies of the same. Any
incorrect information or document submitted which is not genuine may disqualify a candidate
at any stage and may also render him liable to criminal prosecution. Original documents of a
candidate may be put to check at any later stage of the recruitment process.
D) Incomplete/ defective application will be summarily rejected.
E)Testimonials/ Documents to be submitted when appearing in Tests: The candidates should bring
attested photocopies along with the originals of the following documents/ materials for verification by
the Selection Committee on the date of their Test.
a) Certificate of proof of age (please see Eligibility criteria- certificate of age at Para
2 (b) Note.
b) Certificate of HSLC or equivalent examination.
c) Female candidates who have not passed HSLC or equivalent examination –
certificate of Class VIII or equivalent pass.
d) Mark-sheet of HSLC or equivalent examination.
e) Certificate of additional qualifications such as Diploma from ITI or other
recognized/accredited Institute etc (if any) and addl. education qualification
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certificate (if any).

f) Certificate of sports, games etc. (if any).
g) Experience of serving in Home Guard and certificate of NCC (if any).
h) In case of Ex-serviceman, he / she must furnish: - a) Copy of Discharged Book &
b) Copy of Identity Card of Ex-Serviceman.
i) Certificate of Caste from the Competent Authority in respect of the candidates
belonging to ST(P)/ST(H)/SC/OBC & MOBC.
j) 2 (two) copies of passport size recent photographs
k) Candidates should produce undertakings as to know bi-cycling.

4.SELECTION PROCEDURE :- Candidates whose applications are found correct in all respect
will have to undergo the Physical Standard Tests (PST) and Physical Efficiency Tests (PET). If any
candidate is found to have any physical deformity detected by the Medical Officer present in the
Selection Board, he/ she will be debarred from participating in the other tests.
i) Physical Standard Test (PST) :Appropriate Standard equipment for measuring height, chest
and weight shall be used. If a candidate does not meet the required standard, he/she will be rejected
and a Rejection Slip will be issued to him/her..
ii) Physical Efficiency Test (PET):Candidates who cleared PST will be required to undergo
PET. RFIDs will be used for this event. The PET consists of the following:-
Race: Candidates who cleared the PST will have to participate in 1600 meters/ 1200 meters
race for Male and Female respectively which is to be completed within 6 minutes 30
seconds. Candidates who completed the race within the stipulated time will be awarded
marks corresponding to the time taken by him/ her. The candidates who do not complete
the race within prescribed time shall be eliminated from the recruitment process.
The marks for race 1600 meters / 1200 meters will be awarded as under:-

Sl. 1600Meters Race (Male) 1200MetersRace (Female)

No Standard Marks Standard Marks
2 6' 30'' - 6'11" 8 6' 30'' - 6'11" 8
3 6' 10' '- 6'01 8.5 6' 10” - 6'01 8.5
4 6' 00'' - 5'51" 9 6' 00'' - 5'51" 9
5 5'.50 - 5' 41" 9.5 5'.50 - 5' 41" 9.5
6 5' 40'' - 5'31" 10 5' 40'' - 5'31" 10
7 5' 30'' - 5'21" 10.5 5' 30'' - 5'21" 10.5
8 5' 20'' - 5'16" 11 5' 20'' - 5'16" 11
9 5' 15'' - 5'11" 12 5' 15'' - 5'11" 12
10 5' 10''- 5'06” 13 5' 10''- 5'06” 13
11 5' 05"- 5' 01" 14 5' 05"- 5' 01" 14
12 5 min or less 15 5 min or less 15
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iii) Rejection slip showing the performance of the candidate or the reason for
disqualification as the case may be signed by the candidate and the officer/official
conducting the race/ tests will be given to all the candidates on completion of the
Test as the case may be. Marks for extra-curricular activities and special skills will
not be announced instantly as this may involve further verification of information
and veracity of certificates submitted by the candidates.
iv) The PST and PET events will be under CCTV coverage.
v) All Candidates who cleared PET will be subjected to biometric recordings for
vi) Results of the PST and PET will be locally displayed at the end of each day of Test.
However, candidates shall have no claim or right to appear in the Written Test
merely on the ground that they secured the minimum qualifying standards in the
PST and PET. After completion of the PST and PET for all the candidates, merit
lists for each category (UR- both male and female & ST(H) – only male) will be
prepared on the basis of the total marks scored on PET. Candidates will be called for
the Written Test in order of merit at the rate of 10 (ten) times number of posts
allotted in respect of Unreserved both for male & female and 15 (fifteen) times
number of posts allotted in respect of ST(H) for male only. If the total number of
qualifying candidates turns out to be less than 10 times/ 15 times the number of
posts, all qualifying candidates but no other will be called for the Written Test. If
there are candidates scoring the same marks in PET as the last candidate selected for
the written test by the 10 times / 15 times formula in a particular case, the candidates
scoring the same marks will also be called for the written examination, and therefore
the number may exceed the 10 times / 15 times to that extent for that particular case
and category only.
vii) Written Test will be conducted on one day. The date and venue(s) for the
written test will be notified later.
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i)Written test will consist of 75 multiple choice type questions to be answered on an

OMR answer sheet. For each correct answer the candidate will get one mark. There
will be no negative marks for wrong answers. Total marks for the Written Test will
be 75. The question paper will be in English and Assamese
ii) The subjects to be covered alongwith the marks allotted to each subject shall be as
a) General English 10 marks
b) Elementary Arithmetic 10 marks
c) General Science 10 marks
d) Logical reasoning/Mental Ability 10 marks
e) Indian History, Culture, Indian National Movement 10 marks
f) Assam’s History, Geography, Polity, Economy 15 marks
g) General Awareness/General Knowledge & Current Affairs 10 marks
Total 75 marks
1. NCC / Sports / Home Guards / Proficiency in Computer / Handicrafts / Weaving
/ Tailoring & Ex- Serviceman Max marks -5
i) NCC ‘B’ 2 marks
ii) NCC ‘C’ 3 marks
iii) International level sports person who have participated in International sports
event as part of Indian contingent recognised by the International Olympic
Association -4 marks
iv) National level sports person who have participated in national sports event of
a State contingent recognised by Indian Olympic Association
- 3 marks
v) State Level sports person who have participated in state sports event of a
District contingent recognised by Indian Olympic Association-2 marks

vi) Home Guards who have served for more than 1 year -2 marks
vii) Home Guards who have completed advance training and served for more
than 1 year - 3 marks
viii) Candidates passing “Certificate course” of more than one year on
Handicrafts/Weaving/Tailoring - 2 marks
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ix) Diploma course of more than one year on Handicrafts/Weaving/Tailoring

From recognize University / College / Board -3 marks
x) For Ex-servicemen -2 marks
xi) Diploma in Computer Application/Networking etc from a recognized/
accredited Institute.
i) Duration of course 2 years or more: -5 marks
ii) Duration 1 year: -4 marks
iii) Duration 6 months: -3 marks
iv) Duration 3 months, or 12 weeks: -2 marks


Break up of marks for awarding weightage to marks obtained in HSLC or equivalent
examination for male and class VIII for female candidates will be as follows:
a) 33 % to 44.99 % -1 mark
b) 45 % to 49.99 % -2 marks
c) 50 % to 59.99 % -3 marks
d) 60 % to 69.99 % -4 marks
e) 70 % & above -5 marks
7.FINAL RESULTS: Final results would be based on the marks obtained as follows:
a) Physical Efficiency Test (PET ): Maximum marks 15
b) Multiple choice objective type Written Test: Maximum marks 75.
c) Extra-curricular activities and special skills: Maximum marks 10.
& Academic excellence
Total 100 marks.

8. SELECT LIST :i) There will be one State merit list/ Select list for Unreserved (for both Male
& Female), and one for ST(H) (for Male only) based on the total marks obtained by the candidates.
The select lists will be published in leading News Papers and through other available media. No
waiting list will be prepared.
ii) In case of a tie in marks, the candidate older in age will be placed higher in the
merit list. Further, the candidates having same date of birth and have obtained equal marks, the
candidate taller in height will be placed higher in the merit list.

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General Instructions:
i. Helpline numbers will be notified through
ii. No T.A/D.A will be admissible to candidates for the journey and stay during any stage
of the recruitment.
iii. Any sort of canvassing or recommendation will debar the candidate from selection.
iv. The select list confer no right to appointment unless the department is satisfied about
suitability of the candidate after a thorough medical examination and such enquiry and
verification as may be considered necessary before appointment to the service/post.
v. Candidates have to appear in all the stages of recruitment. If a candidate is absent from
any stage/ event his/her candidature will be cancelled.
vi. Candidature will be summarily rejected at any stage of the recruitment process for not
conforming to the official format/having incomplete information/wrong information/
incomplete requisite certificate / misrepresentation of facts/ impersonation etc.
vii. The select list will remain valid for appointment for a period of one year from date of
announcement of the result.
viii. On appointment, the candidate shall be governed by the Assam Jail Service Rules, 1986
and other orders of the Government issued from time to time.
ix. A selected candidate will be required to join and work in any Jail in the State of Assam.
x. Appointed persons shall be entitled to Pension benefits as per the Pension Scheme
existing at the time of appointment.
xi. Selected candidates shall be required to undergo basic training. They will be on
probation for a period of 2 years which can be extended if required. Any candidate who
fails to complete the training or is found unsuitable for the job in any manner during the
period of probation will be discharged from service.
xii. The Chairman, State Level Police Recruitment Board and the Inspector General of
Prisons, Assam reserves the right to make changes in the schedule or cancel or postpone
the recruitment.
xiii. The physical tests are strenuous and candidates who are in proper medical condition
only should take the tests. State Level Police Recruitment Board will not be liable for
any injury or casualty suffered by a candidate during the tests due to any pre-existing
medical condition.
xiv. Fake documents/ false information/ misrepresentation of facts shall lead to rejection
when detected at any stage before or after selection/appointment and shall make the
candidate liable to criminal proceeding.
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xv. All the records pertaining to the recruitment process will be preserved at the office of
the State Level Police Recruitment Board and handed over to Inspector General of
Prisons, if required.

Transparent Process:
1. Candidates and the general public are requested to help SLPRB in conducting the
recruitment in a just, fair and transparent manner.
2. A candidate is NOT required to pay any amount of money at any stage of the

recruitment process except for medical investigations, if required, in Govt. Hospital as

per Rules.
3. Any complaint about demand for money or other malpractices can be registered at the

web link provided for the purpose or post complain at

4. Complaints may also be sent by post to the following addresses:
1. Chairman
State Level Police Recruitment Board, Assam
Rehabari, Guwahati, Assam Police Housing Corporation Building, Madhabdevpur

2. Inspector General of Prisons

Khanapara, Guwahati.
5. Anonymous complaints may not be entertained.

6. Offering of bribe for any favour by a candidate or on his/her behalf is a criminal

offence. Such an activity may result in immediate disqualification of his/her


State Level Police Recruitment Board, Assam
Rehabari, Guwahati, Ground Floor of Assam Police Housing Corporation Office

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