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Republic ofthe Philippines Department of Transportation and Communications LAND TRANSPORTATION FRANCHISING & REGULATORY BOARD. East Averue, Quezon City MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NUMBER 2016-_0/6 DATE : SUBJECT : AMENDMENT TO MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR No. 2015- 024 (Re: Amendment To Memorandum Circular No. 2015-013) REINSTATING AND REVISING THE ACCREDITATION PROCESS. UNDER MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR No. 2015-013 (Re: Guidelines to Govern the Accreditation of GPS Device Providers) WHEREAS, in order to address the occurrence of fatal accidents involving public utility buses due to over speeding, the Board implemented a Global Positioning System (GPS) Project and issued Memorandum Circular No. 2015-013 which prescribe the guidelines to govern the accreditation of GPS device providers pursuant to Section 5 (k) of Executive Order No. 202 empowering the Board to “Formulate, promulgate, administer, implement and enforce rules and regulations on land transportation public utilities, standards of measurements and/or design, and rules and regulations requiring operators of any public land transportation service to equip, install and provide in their stations such devices, equipment facilities and operating procedures and techniques as may promote safety, protection, comfort and convenience to persons and property in their charges as well as the safety of persons and property within their areas of operation.;” WHEREAS, in order to simplify the procedure and expedite the implementation of the GPS Project, the Board subsequently issued Memorandum Circular No. 2015-024 amending MC No. 2015-013, and provided thereat that in lieu of accreditation, the Board shall only require all GPS device providers to submit their devices to the LTFRB for testing in accordance with the procedures provided thereat; WHEREAS, after carcful review of the issuances relative to the accreditation of GPS or its aptly generic term “Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)’, the Board, in order to avoid fly-by-night GNSS distributors or providers, and to ensure the quality of GPS to be installed in public utility vehicles, finds it necessary that the accreditation process provided under MC 2013-013 be REVISED and REINSTATED; NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to Section 5 (k) of Executive Order No, 202 which empowers the Board to formulate, promulgate, administer, implement and enforce rules and regulations on land transportation public utilities, the Board hereby REINSTATE and REVISE MC No. 2015-013 as follows:‘The internationally accepted term “Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) shall hereinafter be used to refer to satellite navigation systems that provide enhanced accuracy and integrity monitoring usable for civil navigation instead of the term “Global Positioning System (GPS)” which particularly refers to an American GNSS system. 1, Item No. I - APPLICATION FOR ACCREDITATION 1a. 1.2 1.3 No. 1 shall now include letter: “h. Contact Person/s with contact details” No. 2 shall now include letter: “. Contact Person/s with contact details” No. 3 shall now include letter: “1, Contact Person/s with contact details” 2. Item No. Ill - OTHER REQUIREMENTS: 21 2.2 No. 3 shall now read as: “Proof of business existence as GNSS Provider such as but not limited to the following: a) Valid Mayor's or Business Permit duly issued by the local government unit where the applicant’s principal place of business is located. However, submission of recently expired Mayor's or Business Permit with Official Receipt of application for renewal of permit is allowed; b) Certificate of Registration duly issued by the Bureau of Internal Revenue; ©) List of all clients (with contact person, address and telephone/mobile numbers) in the transportation industry.” Item No. III shall now include No.: “11. GNSS Models that are compliant with the System sold by the GNSS Provider with complete details of the device; ic. Name/Model, Description, Photos, User’s Manual, etc.” 3. Item No. VI- REPORTS La Item No. VI - Reports shall now read as: “an accredited GNSS Provider shall report within twenty four (24) hours if an installed GNSS Device has been disconnected by them for whatever reason. The accredited GNSS Provider shall likewise submit to the Board a monthly report of installed GNSS devices on authorized Public Utility Buses (PUBs).”@ oO 4. The following guidelines for the Bus GNSS Registration Process is hereby adopted: I, BUS GNSS REGISTRATION PROCESS 1, _ The GNSS Providers will install the devices to the buses of their Clients. The providers will be responsible for ensuring that the GNSS devices are installed in the correct authorized vehicle. For this purpose, GNSS providers shall secure a Franchise Verification of the Public Utility Vehicle operators from the Information Systems Management Division (ISMD) of the LTFRB prior to installation of units. 2. After installation, the GNSS installation inventory file will be encoded by the GNSS Providers in CSV file format with the following information: Bus Plate | Bus Chassis | Franchise | Route [GNSS | GNSS | GNSS SIM Company | Number | Body | Number | Number Provider | Password | Card Number Device | * Number* 1D *GNSS Provider Device ID is an alpha-numeric ID originally assigned on cach accredited GNSS Provider’s compliant device. This ID will be changed by LTFRB and the new ID will be emailed to the respective GNSS Providers. “GNSS Password is the password given by the GNSS Provider to the specific GNSS Device. *GNSS SIM Card Number is the phone number of the SIM Card installed in each device. 3. GNSS Providers will submit the Bus GNSS Registrat Requirements to LTFRB via email to Emails sent here will be forwarded to relevant personnel of the LTFRB and DOTr/LTFRB Consultant. To ensure compliance, the GNSS providers shall within seven (7) days from installation of GNSS units file a sworn statement of confirmation and undertaking of such fact. 4. Any misrepresentation in the installation of GNSS devices shall be a ground for cancellation of accreditation of the GNSS Provider without prejudice to additional penalties which may be imposed against the CPC holder and/or GNSS Provider. 5. The GNSS Installation Inventory File shall be sorted by Franchise Number. 6. The LTFRB, through its Information Systems and Management Division (ISMD), registers the GNSS device to the system using a bulk upload facility. DEC G6 20167. A report will be generated on the list of successfully registered buses and as well as a list of buses not registered with the reason they were not registered such as: + Bus Plate number is not present in the LTFRB Franchise database; + Franchise number is not present in LTFRB Franchise database; + SMS Sending to SIM Number was not successful (possibly wrong number); + Bus not transmitting GNSS data (hardware/signal issue of provider); + Other possible GNSS hardware issues. 8. _ If Bus Plate/Franchise numbers are unknown, the GNSS Provider will have to supply proof of Vehicle Validity to LTFRB such as Franchise Certificate, Vehicle OR/CR, etc. so that the bus cau be re-registered. 9. For hardware-related problems, the GNSS Provider will inform the LTFRB once resolved so that re-registration can be attempted. 10. The DOTr/LTFRB Consultant will report the GNSS Registration to LTFRB, GNSS Provider and Bus Company. 11. Verification/Validation of the accuracy of the registration process such that the bus sending the data is actually the correct one will be done via a regular random inspection by the LTFRB. A Mobile/Web App will be provided to facilitate the process (check bus location/details in system). 12. The bus units with installed and registered GNSS devices shall be posted stickers by the LTFRB as proof of installation and registration thereof. 13. New GNSS devices/models which are not yet accredited or tested as to accuracy of speed and location shall undergo the 5- step test prescribed under M.C. No. 2015-024 before such new models are introduced to the market by the GNSS Provider. 14. The pairing between the GNSS device and the authorized unit shall not be severed until such time there is a justifiable ground for such disconnection through the filing of the proper petition with the LTFRB due to causes such as total wreck of the authorized unit or analogous circumstances which will render the authorized unit completely unserviceable or fit for public use.All other issuances or parts thereof inconsistent herewith are hereby modified, amended or superseded accordingly. This Memorandum Circular shall take effect immediately following its publication in a newspaper of general circulation and the filing of three (3) copies hereof with the UP Law Center pursuant to Presidential Memorandum Circular No. 11, dated 09 October 1992. SO ORDERED. Quezon City, Philippines, 05 DEC 2016 nao & j ATTY. MARTIN B. DELGRA IIT Chairman 1K an PUS Atty. AILEEN ES A. LIZADA Board Mernber Board Member Attested by: ATTY. otek ia F. MARBELLA er-in-Charge Office of the Executive Director J) dec 88 2085 D NIECIE A HE CETY]ed The Philippine STAR, BUSINESS TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2016 Deeetsteeenoee shee, avo aso PRNEERNE A RETLO ouRD MEMORANDUSC CIRCULAR [NUMBER 2016-916. bare SUBJECT; AMENDMENT 70 MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR Mo, 2015- (024 (Re: Amendment To Memorandum Cicuar Ho. 2015-013), [RRINSTATING AND REVISING THEE ACCREDITATION PROCESS. UNDER MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR Mo, 2018:013 (Re! Guidelines to Govern the Acotedtation of GPS Devioe Provides} WHEREAS, in order to aires We cecrrence of fatal actents lnvoting pub unity buses due fo over opecding. the Boerd plemented & ‘lol Poationing System (GPS) Proc: end isued Memorandum Circular Na 2015-015 which presrbe the guidelines to grem the ered of CPS device providers pursuant to Sesion S 0) of Bxenstve Onder No. 202 {empovering the Boar to "Formulate, promi, administer, implement end lore rules and relations on land anspriatan public ute stants of measurements and/s esi, and cues and egulntione rqng operator ff any puble land teneportaton service oui, nwa end prone in the tations suck devas, equipment fees nd operating procedures end techniques as may promole safety, protection, comfort and convenience to eros and property inthe charges ax wel ax the safety Of persone end Property within thle sres of operation? WHEREAS, in onke 0 simply the procedure and expedite the Implementalion of the GPS Prone, the Board subnequenty issued Memorandum Cicolor te, 2015-024" amanding MC’ No 2015013, end roid threat that i ew of accreditation, the Beard eal en requ all (PS device providers to abimit their devices wo the LTB testing i accordance with the procures pred thereat WHEREAS, afer caret vier of the inouancee feltve to the reedtation of GPS or se aptly generic ers “Gnbal Navigation Satelite ‘System (N88 the Bar order to aot hy by night GNSS abuts or foriders and io ensure the quality of GPS to be isle in public lly hice, ids ic necessary thatthe accrediation proves provid unde MG 2015-018 be REVISED ard REIMGTATED: ‘ROW THEREFORE, pursuant io Seton 5 Wi) ef Ressive Onder No. 202 hich emponecs the Board 1 Grrulete, promulgate, edrinisir, implement fd enfore rules and regulations on land transportation ube lies the Bom hereby REINSTATE and REVISE NC Ko 2015019 as flows: The intecnatioaly acepind tet “Clbal Navgnton Satelite System (ONSSY shall hereinafier be used to eefe io entlitenavinton apse that Jonide enhanced sccurecy and inteyty motoring unborn paigton insu of the em “Gleb Postoning System (GPS which particularly relers {0 an Amarean GNSS ste, 1 Item Me. 1 ~ APPLICATION FOR ACCREDITATION 12 No, shall ao ince eters “hContact Partn/s with contac dei? No.2 al now incide eters “4 Contact Peron/s wh contact dea No.3 shall ow inche eter: 1 Contact Preon/s with eootct deta? 2. Item No. I) - OTHER REQUIREMENTS: 2A No, Seal now ead oe: ‘Prec of business exstence ax GNSS Provider sich 85 but not lite the owing Valid Mayor's or Busines Persie duly lesued by the teal gemment unit where the applicant principal place of Tusiness is lecied. However, submission freee erpicat Mayurs or Busirss Permst with Otel cpt appection for repeal af permit alone bj Cesifeate of Regitatin ly fnaed by the Biren of nerd even ¢) Lis of all cients ith comact person, adress and teephone/ mobile cubes inthe anspor dusty” 12 13 220 | pure soypueaq seasian0 21pm ‘pqueq somddymyg Suoure oy HRW IBION pu ses aIPPI | ‘edoing ‘eisy ssoine jutid}oo} feuneurajur aaisuo}%e soul aly BurAey Jo syse0q Nt ‘UCN “ppe Uy] ioquinjdag pu jo se dpimuaneu payeo} Ajjeaitoy RS SNLV 996 PUE SoxpueLG -amynously ur 8103995 218g 10) wiatshg 2 -sifoy ap ut posays:Sas szoysy pure sioulrey jowso}a\qissoo3e SuONUDATa]UL Aress=Dat sa4;0 ue pao sasyeus yorys “ures “org Suueuty souiaysty pe jemynou3y ay st va ym squowajdun yueg oy) werd “oad Spay wei oyiouy 2.__‘ter instalation the GNSS intatation inventory le wil be encoded by the GNSS Providers in CSV Sle format wih the fling information ese ea Eeeee eee t l Jcae| a od *ONSS Provider Deve 1D is an alpha-numeric 1D orginally sssiged on each credited ONSS Providers compliant deve, This 1D wil be change by LIER and the new (D wl be eral tthe respi GNSS Provier, ‘GSS Password is the passed gten by the GNSS Provider to the specie ONSS Deve "GNSS Sit Cord umber is the phone number ofthe SIM Card Inia in eat device, 3 GNSS Providers ll submit the Bus ONES Regetation Requirements to LIFHS via ewall fo gesslifhareall com. Emails seat ere wil be frsare to rleantperennl othe TERS and DOTr/LTFRE Conlin To ensure compliance, the GIS providers shall within sven (7) days from installation of GNSS. {lls flea ewom ststement of confirmation and undertaking of beh fac ny slrepresomation in the installa of ONS devices ull be a grourd for canalaon of acreiaon of the GNSS Pride without prejuioe to aaor penalties wee may be imposed agiet the CFC holder and or GNSS Provides. ‘5 The ONS Indutlaton Laventory File shall be certed by Fronchee Sumber 6 The FRB, through ite Informatio, Systems. and Management Divison (SMD), cegters the ONSS device to the sytem ang a bulk upad faci. 7. A report wil te enersed on the Hist of suensfuly registered Cuses and as wal ss lt of tubes not rpitered with ‘the reason they werent reqinered such 9: + Bay Plate umber Je aot prevent in the LTFRD Franchise datbase + ranchise number is net presen in LTFRS Franchise databace: + SIS Seeding t SIM Number was not succesful (poesibhy wrong number, + Bus not cenemiting ONSS daw Gardwar/siga! faaoe of provide |. Other possible GNSS hardware oven. 8. If Bus Pate/Frenchise euaers are unknown, the GNSS roider mil have to wuply proof of Vehce Vall to LTR auch, te Franchise Cerificate, Voice OR/CR, ec so thatthe bus es) Yererepatre 9. For havteareseated problems, the GNSS Provider wil inform the LTFRB once rctelved oo Unt re registration can be seme 10. The DOTY/ITFRB Constant wil report she GNSS egitaloa to LTFRB, GNSS Proiaer and Bus Cae pany 11, Veriation/Vaiation of the eccuray of the relation proces euch tht te Bue caning the data ort the orert ‘ne wl be done via «regular random inspection bythe TERS. & Moil/Web Ape wil be provided bo alitate the proces (check bus lration/deade in syste), 12. The bo unite with intaled and restered GNSS devices Shall be posed sckers by the LTFRA ae pron of instalation and Fegiiration theo, 13. New GNSS devicee/mdels which are not yet accreted or test as to accuracy of sped and nction shall undergo the S- step lest presabes under MLC, No, 2015-024 bere such new ‘models ar inieaced tothe market by the GNSS Proven, 14, The paling betncen the ONS. device and the auton’ ‘nit sal not be severed unt euch tine ther ia fusible found fe such diomecton throug the fling of the. proper Fetion with Ge UTERB Gust cates tue os tal mock the Sutborzed unt or erlogus crcumstarces which wil render the suthored unit couplet nvericeble or for pub use, Al oer isuanees or pats theres incoasient herewith are hereby seary sollny Uy skeduereg pinom yew suonmAsuE aoueU Bupamodug se paqgnp AI Yoru pue syueq yinpucs -[]9e) weO] Mau & paysume] Joy suresTo1d ypasD jo nus e ueq 24} Se04 sip zorjzeq — SIOHO pRiauEND ueqpLLE, go say) Uo SuORAIASUE ‘pres eanjuanewong Surpud| Woy sueoj amno25 03 ,/S29Aa0d aaoge warp, ysnd aiqeumn oso) istsse 01 sures pursaatjsraip anciduat doy o} -o1d Surpuay 39a1p simew adoyaeuinjn sno ut ‘werd -ojdurt ose yueqpuey ‘siinp -o1d pooysjaai| ajqvurejsns suo aueuy-o.u y8nonyy gyeuapun 0} Woyp SuLIEMod
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