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to view the PDF THE Department of Health has
VOL. XXXI • NO. 250 • 3 SECTIONS 16 PAGES • P18 • SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2017 received P350 million in quick re-
• • lease funds, in addition to the al-
most P137 million the agency has
spent for infrastructure rehabilita-
tion efforts in war-ravaged Marawi
In an interview on dzBB on Sat-
urday, DOH OIC-Secretary Hermin-

igildo Valle said the amount for
infrastructure rehabilitation would
mostly come from Task Force Ban-
gon Marawi, but a part of it would
be contributed by the DOH.
He said the amount would be
used for rehabilitating partially


and completely damaged build-
The DOH is part of the inter-
agency task force created by Presi-
dent Rodrigo Duterte to head the
recovery, reconstruction and reha-
bilitation efforts for Marawi.
Task Force Bangon Marawi is
headed by Defense Secretary Del-
By Francisco Tuyay Galvez on GMA News TV pro- the closing of curtain of the dark fin Lorenzana.

gram “State of the Nation with Jes- episode of Marawi City from the Valle added the Amai Pakpak
sica Soho” said they were search- clutches of evil. Medical Center, located at “ground
ESTERN Mindanao Command chief ing for Malaysian terrorist Amin Galvez said Islamic State mili- zero” of the siege, was already in
Lt. Gen. Carlito Galvez Jr. has said Bacu, an Indonesian terrorist, and tants—two Malaysians including operation, and its some 120 staff
government security forces are track- three of Hapilon’s children. Amin Bacu and an Indonesian ji- members were conducting medi-
He said in a radio interview the hadist identified as Ibno Kayin— cal care functions such as surger-
ing down five terrorists who have the security forces were just zeroing were the remaining terrorists, now ies, dialysis and intensive care.
potential to continue the ISIS caliphate threat in in on the top two defiant foreign the target of the military’s finish- Additionally, the officer-in-
the country. terrorists defending their last bas- ing touches to finally declare the charge said he had oriented the
tion, with the military foreseeing Marawi City siege over. Turn to A2 health workers at the hospital to
“understand” and “anticipate the
Turn to A2

By John Paolo Bencito
PEACE talks are set to be revived
between the government and
communist rebels after both Presi-
dent Rodrigo Duterte and the Na-
tional Democratic Front expressed
openness to resume formal peace
After several attempts of dismiss-
ing peace negotiations, Duterte
underscored the need to remain
talking with the communists, amid
the problems the country is facing
such as terrorism, insurgency, and
illegal drugs.
“Ang problema ko na lang is itong
terrorism, which is really ISIS. Yung
Maute was just the face, ‘yung
Maute ano talaga, ideology ’to. So
I’m facing that. I have to talk to the
NPA still,” Duterte said in a speech
during the launch of Cebu Pacific’s
7th domestic hub in Misamis Ori-
“And there’s the droga, which re-
mains to be a serious problem for
our country,” he added.
Duterte made the pronounce-
ments after he met with Peace Pro-
cess Secretary Jesus Dureza and
Labor Secretary and government
peace panel chairperson Secre-
tary Silvestre Bello III at the Malago
Turn to A2

COMING TO TOWN. Different Christmas decorations deck almost every corner of Juan Luna Street in Manila’s Divisoria district as hawkers prepare
for the rush of Yuletide shoppers, with only a few days left before the Midnight Masses begin in this largely Christian country of over 106 million people from MANILA BIDS
Batanes down to Tawi-Tawi. Norman Cruz

PRESIDENT Rodrigo Duterte on
Saturday expressed support to
the Philippines’ joint bid along
with Japan and Indonesia to host
THE US Federal Bureau of Investigation confirmed the 2023 FIBA World Cup, as the
that the DNA samples tested by it, as requested by country aims to gain a favorable
the Philippine government, matched that of terror- decision from the world governing
ist leader Isnilon Hapilon, Defense Secretary Delfin body for the sport.
Lorenzana said on Saturday. In a statement, Presidential
“We have received an official report that the US Spokesperson Ernesto Abella de-
Federal Bureau of Investigation has confirmed that scribed the hosting bid as a “very
taken from a body recovered by our operating units rare” opportunity expected to
in Marawi matches that of Isnilon Hapilon,” Lorenza- “unify the country and will have
na said in a statement. positive impact on basketball and
“This process of verification is also being conduct- tourism.”
ed on the cadavers of other terrorists that have been “The Philippines, together with
recovered so far,” he added. Indonesia and Japan, will bid for
The confirmation came a day after the DNA the hosting rights for the 2023
samples of Marawi siege leaders Hapilon and Omar FIBA World Cup,” Abella said.
Maute were sent to the FBI for testing. “President Duterte backs the
Isnilon and Omar were killed in an early morning FIBA World Cup to support the ini-
operation last Monday. tiative of Samahang Basketbol ng
Omar was shot in the head by a government Pilipinas Chairman Emeritus Man-
sniper while Isnilon died of gunshot wounds to his uel V. Pangilinan and SBP president
chest. Al Panlilio,” he added.
Hapilon and Maute had a P10-million and P5- Under the proposal, Manila, To-
million reward, respectively, on their heads from the kyo and Jakarta will host group
government while the US government, through the stage matches while the Philip-
FBI, offered a $5-million reward for Isnilon’s appre- JOB WELL DONE. President Rodrigo Duterte acknowledges the salute of government troops from the 1st pines was proposed as the sole
hension or conviction. Infantry Battalion who were preparing to leave at the Laguindingan Airport in Misamis Oriental Friday. The troops were host country of the final knockout
President Rodrigo Duterte said Marawi City had among the first deployed in Marawi City in May to battle against terrorists. Malacañang Photo phase. Turn to A2
Turn to A2
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A2 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2017 News


From A1

Aside from the terrorist stragglers,

Galvez said the troops were also re-


lentlessly tracking down the three
sons of Isnilon Hapilon who were
with the foreign Islamic militants still
resisting the military’s might.
Hapilon, the emir of ISIS in South-
east Asia and Omar Maute, Hapilon’s
conduit in the terrorist organization
By John Paolo Bencito fickers and pushers eliminating each cradled by partner Jennilyn Olayres,

in Mindanao, were both killed by a
military sniper while attempting to other,” he said. like Mary cradling the body of Jesus
escape at the height of battle inside ALACAÑANG on Saturday was quick “The relentless attribution of such in Michelangelo’s masterpiece Pieta.
killings to police operations was Foreign Secretary Alan Peter Cay-
the main battle area last week. to clear cops of any responsibility on both premature and unfair to law etano earlier claimed in an Al Jazeera
Hapilon and Maute’s killing virtu-
ally liberated Marawi City from terror- the death of Michael Siaron, the man abiding enforcement officers who interview that all 3,800 Filipinos
ist occupation for almost five months. in a Pieta-like picture killed last year, risk life and limb to stop the prolif- killed in the Duterte administration’s
With the looming killing of the eration of illegal drugs in our society.” war on drugs were drug dealers.
remnants of terrorists facing immi-
claiming that the “real” assailant was a member of Siaron, 30, was shot dead by two In an Al Jazeera interview Oct. 6,
nent collapse, Galvez projected the a drug syndicate. unidentified men riding tandem on a British journalist Mehdi Hasan cited
ending of the Marawi crisis by Sun- motorcycle while walking along Edsa PNP figures that said 3,850 Filipinos
day. near the Rotonda in Pasay City last died in police operations from July 1,
Presidential Spokesperson Ernes- drug trade,” Abella said. July 23, 2016 at around 12:45 a.m. 2016 to Sept. 16, 2017.
“Most probably tomorrow, we can
to Abella, however, did not say who Instead, he proceeded at absolv- Police said Siaron, allegedly a drug “So every single one of the 3 and
do it. We can declare it is totally com-
were the people involved. ing cops from criticisms at the Presi- pusher, sustained multiple gunshot a half thousand people who were
plete,” Galvez projected during the
He only vowed to make the per- dent’s bloody drug war, where an wounds in the body. The suspects, killed was a drug dealer?” Hasan
petrators accountable. estimated 7,000 people were killed who were both wearing full-face hel- asked Cayetano.
Malaysian militant Amin Bacu were
“Authorities have put closure on since the President took office. mets, sped away towards Edsa after “Yes,” the foreign secretary an-
with four other ISIS fighters, mostly
the death of Michael Siaron, whose “The Siaron case verifies what the shooting. swered.
Malaysians, who sought sanctuary
photo was compared to the Pieta government has said from the start Police said the suspects also The PNP itself does not label them
in Mindanao after the Malaysians
image, after ballistics examination of the campaign against illegal dropped a note near Siaron’s body. as proven drug dealers, only as sus-
launched a crackdown against ISIS el-
from a recovered firearm revealed drugs—many of these killings were The note read: “Pusher ako, wag tu- pects.
ements in their country last 2013.
that he was killed by a member of a perpetrated by those involved in laran.” In Philippine law, a person is pre-
Baco’s cohorts included University
syndicate also involved in the illegal drug operations as well; drug traf- Siaron was photographed being sumed innocent until proven guilty.
Malaya lecturer Dr. Mahmud Ahmad;
stationary shop owner Mohd Najib
Husen; former Selayang Municipal
Council employee Muhammad Jorai-
mee Awang Raimee, and Jeknal Adil,
of Darul Islan Sabah.
The military claimed to have killed
Dr. Ahmad, the planner and financier
of the Marawi attack. Troops are cur-
rently tracking where Ahmad’s body
was buried.
Galvez said Bacu took over the
realms of leadership from Hapilon’s
death and in control of the deploy-
ment of Islamic militants in the re-
However, Galvez said they could
not totally declare that its mission
was accomplished until they elimi-
nated the five persons still within the
battle zone trying to survive.
Meanwhile, a cousin of Hapilon,
along with eight others who operate
in Basilan, voluntarily surrendered to
military authorities Saturday.
AFP Public Affairs Office head, Col.
Edgard Arevalo, identified Hapilon’s
cousin as Ben Salina Sapilin, alias Ben.
“We were able to identify Ben Sa-
lina Sapilin who uses the alias “Ben” IMPEACHMENT. Lawyer Larry Gadon (right) tackles the impeachment case he filed against Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno while another lawyer Manny Luna
a cousin of Isnilon Hapilon. He along is all ears and waits for his turn to take up the issue during the weekly News Forum at Anabels Restaurant in Quezon City. Manny Palmero
with other members Ramu Sapilin
and Muhamad Endeng surrender to
the troops of the 74th Infantry Bat-
tlion on October 17 in Albarka Basi-
lan. They brought along with them
three high-powered firearms,” Are-
valo said.
Arevalo said a total 325 ASG mem- MALACAÑANG on Saturday brand- Senator Leila de Lima is a classic ex- he added. mediate release from detention and
bers had been neutralized while 124 ed the move by the Inter-Parliamen- ample of bullying,” Andanar said. In its report, the IPU delegation for the authorities to consider drop-
were killed in military operations; 882 tary Union to send an observer to “We should stand up to this kind raised doubts about the evidence or ping the charges against her.
were arrested and 119 surrendered. monitor and report on the case of of meddling into our domestic af- lack thereof against De Lima to sup- If the trial would proceed, then
Senator Leila De Lima as a “classic fairs,” he added. port the filing of the cases against her. the delegation urged due process
example of bullying.” Andanar said that their intent is not They likewise aired its concern should be accorded to De Lima.
In a statement, Communications to merely observe De Lima’s trial by over the statements of President De Lima is presently detained at
Secretary Martin Andanar slammed our laws, “but to meddle in our demo- Duterte, Justice Secretary Vitaliano Camp Crame, Quezon City for al-
From A1
IPU for “meddling” in the country’s
internal affairs.
cratic as well as judicial processes,”
“Over and over, pronouncements
Aguirre II and other officials against
De Lima that it claimed were meant
leged complicity in the illegal drug
trade in the New Bilibid Prison, the
“The Inter-Parliamentary Union from the IPU portray the Philippines to portray her as guilty even before proceeds of which she was accused
(IPU)’s recommendation to send as a lawless nation when there is the trial started. of using for her senatorial campaign.
Last Thursday, a three-man FIBA an observer to monitor the case of abundant evidence to the contrary,” The delegation called for her im- John Paolo Bencito
Evaluation Commission started in-
specting facilities which will be used
should the Philippines, which is bid-
ding to co-host the 2023 FIBA Basket-
ball World Cup, get the nod from the
FIBA Central Board in December.
FIBA Central Board and Commis- RODY...
From A1
From A1
sion president Hamane Niang of
Mali, FIBA Central Board member and
treasurer Ingo Weiss of Germany and
advisor to the FIBA secretary-general Clubhouse in the Presidential in as our president, he made cannot accept defeat. Iniintriga need to provide medical terview on dzBB, said the
Lubomir Kotleba of Slovak Republic, Security Group Compound in a very clear statement that his ako sa lahat,” Duterte said. care” that would be needed affected school buildings
accompanied by Samahang Basket- Malacañang. legacy to our country and our Duterte had warned that he in time for the return of the were either hit by bombs or
bol ng Pilipinas chairman emeritus Reacting to Duterte’s pro- countrymen is a lasting peace would declare a revolutionary city’s displaced residents. were burned.
Manny V. Pangilinan and Philippine nouncements, NDF chief ne- for our country. So I don’t think government if his critics’ at- Staff shortage is being Schools totally destroyed
Sports Commission chairman Butch gotiator Fidel Agcaoili said that that the President has aban- tempt to destabilize the gov- augmented by health work- are in the main battle area,
Ramirez, paid Duterte a courtesy call the revolutionary movement doned that legacy,” the Labor ernment escalates and causes ers from different regions, Pascua added.
at the Mahogany Room of the Manila is also open to reviving formal chief added. trouble. Valle said. DepEd authorities are
Hotel before embarking on a two-day talks with the Government of Government negotiators “I mean, I will serve dur- Meanwhile, a total 22 still determining the extent
ocular inspection of the Philippine In- the Republic of the Philippines. earlier canceled the fifth round ing my time. Kung sabihin mo, public schools in Marawi of the damage to the 22
ternational Convention Center, Smart “The NDFP has always been of formal negotiations last mag-ambisyon ako ng…you City were totally damaged schools.
Araneta Coliseum, Mall of Asia Arena open to continue with the May after failing to secure an must be crazy,” he said. by the war that lasted over Last July, the DepEd re-
and the Philippine Arena. fifth round of the formal talks, open-ended bilateral ceasefire “Huwag kayo maniwala di- four months, a Department ported that 10 schools were
Present during the courtesy call which he scuttled in May 2017,” agreement with the NDF. yan na ambisyoso ako. On the of Education official said destroyed just over month
were, among others, Executive Sec- Agcaoili told alternative media The slated resumption of the dot ako. On the last day of my Saturday. into the Marawi siege, and
retary Salvador Medialdea, Special outfit Kodao Productions. talks last August were likewise term, o earlier than that, I’ll step DepEd Undersecretary that repairs could cost up to
Assistant to the President Christo- In a Palace news briefing, canceled, amid the lack of en- down. It is not because o—La- Alain del Pascua, in an in- P800 million.
pher Lawrence Go, SBP president Al Bello earlier said that the peace abling environment to pro- hat naman tao may ambisyon
Panlilio, SBP executive director Sonny negotiations with the commu- ceed with the talks. pero ‘yung mag-ambisyon ka…
Barrios and SBP deputy executive di- nists remains “alive” despite the In his second State of the Na- You’re being pictured to be
rector for international affairs Butch
President’s own pronounce-
ments abandoning a possible
tion Address, Duterte warned
that the communists will soon
one sa opposition. When you
can invent that kind of sce-
FBI: ...
From A1
The 2023 World Cup is also the revival of talks within his term. be the government’s next tar- nario for your fellow men, this
qualifier for the 2024 Olympic Games Saying that the government get when the crisis in war-torn is—Ikaw ang may gusto. Kayo
in Paris, France. isn’t sending any formal notice Marawi City ends. yung may mga ambisyon. Hindi been liberated from the Lt. Gen. Ernesto Galvez Jr.
The 2019 FIBA World Cup, mean- to terminate the peace talks yet, In the same speech, Duterte ako,” he added. terrorists following the con- said Marawi could be de-
while, will be held in eight cities in Bello explained that Duterte said he has no plans of becom- Duterte maintained that he firmation of Hapilon and clared totally free from
China—Beijing, Foshan, Wuhan, will not “abandon” his pledge ing a dictator as he chided his does not intend to stay in pow- Omar’s deaths. armed clashes on Sunday,
Shenzhen, Dongguan, Nanjing, to the Filipino people to bring political opponents, particular- er beyond 2022, when his term This, even as pockets of as government troops took
Shanghai and Guangzhou—and will “lasting peace for our country” ly the “yellows” who have po- as President expires, following fighting remains in some aim at only three buildings
be participated by a record 32 teams, in coming up with a successful litical ambitions and are power his controversial declaration parts of Marawi. where the few remaining
according to the FIBA World Cup deal with the communists. hungry. that he would set up a revolu- Early on Saturday, West- pro-ISIS terrorists are hid-
website. John Paolo Bencito “When the President came “These are just people who tionary government. ern Mindanao Command’s ing, but still resisting.
News SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2017



SPEAKER Pantaleon Alvarez has re-
iterated his full support to the shift
to federalism as this would be more
responsive to the changing needs of
the people and bring peace to Min-
By John Paolo Bencito “He doesn’t even know how to tion.
danao instead of the present unitary

count his money,” the President “Even a whiff, or a whisper, of system of government.
RANSPORTATION Secretary Arthur Tugade will said. corruption and you’re out,” Duterte In his remarks read by lawyer Vin-
Duterte even complimented warned government officials barely cent Noel Aureus, Alvarez, chief leg-
not be leaving the Cabinet anytime soon after Tugade. a week before he assumed the pres- islative officer of the Office of the
President Rodrigo Duterte himself shot down “Secretary Tugade, in respect idency in July last year. Speaker during the multisectoral
speculations that he may be the next who to his statement, he also has no Duterte has fired even his long- “Forum on Federalism 101: The Phil-
match, he is bright. He was our time allies and closest aides from ippine Context last week Alvarez said
might get axed. the unitary system has failed to solve
brightest classmate in law school,” the Cabinet, supposedly over cor- the decades-old problems of pov-
said Duterte. ruption allegations. erty and insurgency, especially in the
“There are allegations, he goes day during the launch of Cebu Pa- The President has repeatedly said Most recently, he fired Budget countryside
there, he’s corrupt. I said, he doesn’t cific’s 7th Domestic Hub in Cagayan he would fire government officials Undersecretary Gertrudo de Leon “Many have tried but failed to solve
have time for that,” Duterte said Fri- de Oro. even with just a “whiff ” of corrup- for “tinkering” with money. the riddle of underdevelopment and
elusive peace in the Philippines, par-
ticularly the glaring inequalities be-
tween Metro Manila, the seat of pow-
er, and the far-flung provinces that
have persistently lagged behind. This
has led us to re-examine our present
structure,” Alvarez said.
Alvarez said federalism will em-
power local governments and com-
munities and thus respond in a more
timely and effective way to the peo-
ple’s concerns. It will also help bring
peace in Mindanao.
“Federalism shall empower our lo-
cal governments and communities.
Most of all, a federal setup could final-
ly let us enjoy the dividends of peace
in Mindanao. Respect for political au-
tonomy and diversity are some of the
fundamental issues of that conflict,”
he said.

BAGUIO CITY—AirAsia, one of the coun-
try’s low-cost carriers, is bullish with its
planned expansion to cater to more in-
ternational and domestic flights follow-
ing the transfer of its base to the Clark in-
ternational airport by January next year.
AirAsia chief executive officer Capt.
Dexter Comendador said the compa-
ny will be bringing in additional two
planes to service its expansion in Clark
GRADUATION. Manila Archbishop Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle leads the graduation rites of some 132 drug surrenderees that will fly the routes of Inchon, South
after a one-year recovery program headed by Sanlakbay at the San Sebastian Church in Quiapo, Manila. The number of drug Korea, Bangkok, Thailand, Singapore
surrenderees has breached the one-million mark this year following Duterte’s war on drugs. Norman Cruz and Hong Kong, among other domes-
tic and international flights to jump-


start their base in the said area.
Comendador reported that AirAsia
was able to get a good number of con-
cessions from the government over the
By Sara Susanne Fabunan and Ferdinand Tan. Joy Oallares-Cawed, Walter Ong, Acerey Pacheco, past several months which is why the
Apart from them, 23 other applicants are also Silvino Pampilo Jr., Richard Paradeza, Vilma Pauig, company is inclined to reciprocate the
gesture by going back to Clark and to
THE Judicial Bar Council is set to interview seven seeking a spot at the CA but will no longer un- Angelene Mary Quimpo-Sale, and Merianthe Pac- use it as its base for its increasing do-
trial court judges who will vie for a seat at the dergo an interview after their previous interviews ita Zuraek. mestic and international flights.
Court of Appeals. for past vacancies remain valid. One of them will be picked by President Ro- From its existing 17 Airbus 320
The JBC is set to conduct the interview on They are Dinnah Aguila-Topacio, Selma Alaras, drigo Duterte to fill the spot which will be left planes, AirAsia plans to increase its fleet
Wednesday at the Division Hearing Room of the Emily Alino-Geluz, Evalyn Arellano-Morales, Dani- vacant by CA Justice Leoncia Dimagiba who will to around 70 planes within the next 10
to 15 years to help boost the industry
Supreme Court. lo Cruz, Ma. Celestina Cruz-Mangrobang, Grego- compulsorily retire on Dec. 1. and contribute in connecting the coun-
Those who will be interviewed are magistrates rio dela Pena III, Georgina Hidalgo, Liwliwa Hidal- Dimagiba, a law from the Ateneo de Manila try to different parts of the world in the
Alexander Nicandro Acosta, Jimmy Edmund go-Bucu, Perpetuo Lucero Jr., Virgilio Macaraig, University, had been CA justice since 2009 and, coming years.
Batara, Marie Grace Javier-Ibay, Rowena de Juan- Cynthia Marino-Ricablanca, Rosalyn Mislos-Loja, prior to that, was Manila assistant city prosecutor By 2018, AirAsia plans to increase its
Quinagoran, Evelyn Gamotin-Nery, Romeo Tagra Dorothy Montejo-Gonzaga, Ronald Moreno, Mia and Parañaque City trial court judge. fleet to 26 planes pursuant to its mod-
ernization and expansion plans.
While AirAsia has only 17 planes at
the moment, Comendador said that
the company is connected to 174 other

tions in different parts of the world.
He explained that initially Clark was
the company’s base but was forced to
By Joel E. Zurbano and Maricel V. Cruz ease problems of air traffic congestion. Dumaguete, Dipolog, Cotabato, Pagadian Campos earlier bared that govern- abandon it following the purchase of
Makati City Rep. Luis Campos Jr. said the and Ozamiz—to enable them to operate ment has set aside a total of P10.1 billion additional 12 planes from Zest Air, thus
MORE airport facilities in the country are government is hastening the rehabilita- for nighttime commercial flights. in fresh funding to modernize the infra- the need for the company to first un-
being upgraded and readied for night tion and expansion works in eight provin- Campos said the expansion works structures of 40 airports in 2018, with dergo the required consolidation after
commercial flight operations to further cial airports—Naga, Tuguegarao, Cauayan, consist mostly of widening of runway for Clark International Airport getting the the involvement of a huge amount of
night landing capabilities and terminal biggest slice of P2.74 billion. investment to purchase the other air-
improvement. Aside from Clark, other airports set to line company.
“This will improve air travel and help receive additional infrastructure devel- Comendador said that Manila is al-
decongest the Ninoy Aquino Interna- opment funds in the 2018 national bud- ready congested, which is why the best
tional Airport,” he said. get are: thing to do for AirAsia is to venture on ex-
Campos said several domestic flights Kalibo Airport (P920 million), Bicol panding and using Clark as its base and
departing from Manila are being International Airport (P899.6 million), eventually build on it in preparation for
crammed during the daytime because of Tacloban Airport (P716.1 million), Bukid- the sustained growth of the place being
the inability of many provincial airports non Airport (P425 million), Bohol (Pan- strategically located between Metro Ma-
to receive flights at night. glao) International Airport, (P386.00 nila and Northern Luzon.
“This has somewhat contributed to million), Laoag International Airport, Aside from Clark, he said that the
the jamming of the Naia, which has only (P368.5 million), Cauayan Airport (P306.4 company is also setting its sights on
two runways handling both internation- million), Dumaguete Airport (P300 mil- the expansion of its base to inter-
al and domestic flights,” Campos said. lion), Calbayog Airport (P245 million), national airports in Davao, Pangalo,
The lawmaker said provincial airports Zamboanga Airport (P221 million), San Bohol and Palawan where it could
unable to operate at night also have to Jose Airport, Camarines Sur (P200 mil- connect the said airports to different
send out all their Manila-bound flights lion), Surigao Airport (P200 million); Oza- parts of the world that would result
during the day. miz Airport (P192.2 million), Butuan Air- to the expected influx of foreign visi-
At present, Campos said only 19 of port (P184.00 million), Dipolog Airport tors wanting to visit numerous scenic
the country’s 42 airports are able to re- (P182 million), Roxas Airport (P169 mil- tourist destinations in different parts
ceive and dispatch night commercial lion), Cotabato Airport, (P161 million), of the archipelago.
flights. “The 19 will increase to 27, once Basco Airport (P145 million), Ormoc Air- Comendador said that Clark has suffi-
UNVEILING. President Rodrigo Duterte leads the unveiling of the Cebu Pacific the eight airports have been set up for port (P128 million), Maasin Airport (P122 cient space to sustain its expansion pro-
commemorative marker during the launch of CGY which is the 7th domestic hub round-the-clock operations.” million), Antique Airport (P110 million), grams that will also help airline compa-
of Cebu Pacific at the Laguindingan Airport in Misamis Oriental on Oct. 20, 2017. “There’s no question air travel around Sanga-Sanga Airport (P100 million), Pa- nies cater to the growing requirements
Assisting the President are Mindanao Development Authority chairman Abul Khayr the country will be easier for everybody, gadian Airport (P84.2 million), Tugueg- of their own expansions of domestic and
Alonto, Transportation Secretary Arthur Tugade, Cebu Pacific president and CEO including foreign tourists, once we get arao Airport (P61.8 million), San Vicente international flights to guarantee sus-
Lance Gokongwei and Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process Jesus Dureza. all our airports running at night to maxi- Airport (P50 million) and Virac Airport tained tourist arrivals wanting to visit the
Presidential Photo mize their operations,” Campos said. (P50 million). country. Dexter A. See
Opinion Adelle Chua, Editor


By Pecier Decierdo

THIS week, scientists announced the first

detection of gravitational waves from
the collision between two neutron stars.
Gravitational waves are ripples in space-
time predicted by Einstein more than
100 years ago. The announcement was
celebrated as the beginning of “multi-
messenger astronomy,” the astronomy
of observing cosmic events by detecting
the light, particles, and now gravitational
waves coming from them.
In addition to this impor tant
milestone, the detection can help shed
light on some longstanding debates
in astronomy, from the origin of the
brightest cosmic flashes to the process
that created the silver and gold in your
The detection announced this week
marks the 5th time gravitational waves
were detected. The first four came from
the merger of two black holes.
Black holes are objects so massive
not even light can escape their pull. As a
result, the first four detections were not
accompanied by the detection of light.
What makes the latest detection special
is the fact that, for the first time, light

and gravitational waves were detected
coming from the same source.
The detection of the space-time
ripples was made using the two
detectors of the Laser Interferometer
Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO)

in the United States and the Virgo
CAMPAIGN on Facebook, Twitter ‘Me too’ as a status, we might give people a sense of the detector in Italy.
magnitude of the problem.”
and Instagram spread this week, Facebook said that within 24 hours, 4.7 million people
The three detec tors allowed
astronomers using light-gathering
aiming to encourage women to around the world engaged in the #metoo conversation, telescopes to turn their instruments
speak up about the harassment with over 12 million posts, comments, and reactions, and look for the light from the
and abuse they previously experienced reported The Guardian. Journalists, for instance, have been explosion. It’s as if a loud bang alerted
fired from their media organizations after they have been
but did not talk about. named by their victims.
them to fireworks—the bang would be
Women from many countries recounted their harrowing the gravitational waves, the fireworks
Here at home, much remains to be done. Despite would be the light.
stories, carrying the hashtag #MeToo, that they felt afraid,
our supposed gains in narrowing the gender gap, we Some astronomers have compared
or intimidated, or ashamed to reveal before.
remain a patriarchal society, believing that stewardship the advent of multi-messenger
It began with allegations against Hollywood producer,
over women is merely passed from father to husband, or astronomy with the transition from
Harvey Weinstein, who was removed from his firm after
that victims of harassment or abuse were in some way the age of silent films, when people
one woman after another came forward and told of how
responsible for what befell them, or taken to task for not only saw moving pictures, to the age
he used his power to get his way, sexually, with them.
speaking out sooner, or that they mean “yes” even when of the talking film, when watching a
Because many spoke up, more became emboldened
they say “no.” movie means both seeing and hearing.
to talk about what they went through and name their
In the end, #MeToo is not just about Weinstein and his Current instruments were able
attacker, even as they held their peace for years.
prominent actress- or model-victims. It is, instead, about to detect gravitational waves from
What we learned was that most of the culprits did not
the way women have been consigned to silence because colliding black holes and colliding
quite look the part of attacker. They were not monsters or
of a prevalence of power and skewed mindset. neutron stars because such objects
hardened criminals. They were, instead, “normal” people:
The spirit of the campaign, beyond actually posting are massive, compact, and move at the
They had regular jobs, came home to their families, were
one’s own story on one’s social media account, is a change frequency to which the instruments are
colleagues or friends or harmless-looking associates.
in disposition. It will not be so sudden. It will take more sensitive.
The campaign has had some success. One of the
than one Weinstein or more than one hashtag to change Neutron stars are what remains after
proponents, actor Alyssa Milano, said “If all the women
the way we all think about sexual harassment and abuse, massive stars explode. A typical neutron
who have been sexually harassed or assaulted wrote
and about how it is less of sex than about power. star is half the size of Metro Manila, or
But so long as there is one more woman today who about the size of Cebu City. However,
feels emboldened to talk about what she went through, they can have about twice the mass of
to call out her abuser and help others realize it is never the Sun. This means they are very dense
okay, then her courage to overcome the fear and stigma objects. A teaspoon of neutron star
will never be in vain. weighs about 10 million tons!
Because of their extreme density,
the collision of two neutron stars has
long been proposed as the solution to
at least two cosmic mysteries.
The first mystery is the origin of
Turn to A5


Eileen invited me to a Lit Crawl, one The City (what residents and Bay Area Dovre Club, an Irish bar on Valencia politics. Others addressed topics
of the activities of the San Francisco people call San Francisco) where I also Street where the poets read from such as feminism, the patriarchy, and
Litquake event that ran from Oct. 5-14 met her husband Tom; Paloma Press their works in a session entitled “Three Philippine heritage.
FOR ME, it all started, as a lot of art this year. Along with other poets, she publisher Aileen Ibardolaza-Cassinetto Sheets to the Wind,” curated by Aileen Here are excerpts from “PilipinZ”, one
projects and meetups do, with writer was to give readings of her work. and her husband Paul, who gave and presented by Paloma Press, Locofo of the poems Eileen read. It’s in her latest
and columnist Alfred “Krip” Yuson. Litquake is “the largest independent the dinner; Veronica Montes and her Chaps, and the Philippine American book, ‘Love in a Time of Belligerence,’
Knowing that I moved to Northern literary festival on the West Coast,” husband Andrew Waghams, celebrating Literary House. published this year by Swan World:
California last year, Krip connected me according to Its goal their 26th wedding anniversary; Steve Eileen, Paul, Veronica, and Steve “I./ I forgot how perfume cannot
with Eileen Tabios, a prolific Filipino poet is to “whet a broad range of literary Warner; and Paul’s delightful mother. were joined on stage by John Moore obliterate. / I forgot children softening
published in eight languages, and urged appetites, present the literary fare in I brought along my sister, also named Williams and Melinda Luisa de Jesus. harsh wool with thin fingers in
us to meet. She lives in the wine country, a variety of traditional and unlikely Aileen, so that dinner was notable for Their words were by turns mellow exchange for broken rice kernels. / I
hours away from me in the East Bay, and venues, and make it vivid, real, and having three E/Aileens—half of the and stinging, poignant and rousing. forgot discovering the limited utility
it wasn’t until last week that the stars entertaining. ” women at that table. Some of the poems read were timely, of calm seas. / I forgot the World War II
aligned for our first meeting. On Oct. 14, I met Eileen for dinner in After dining, we proceeded to the referencing cur rent events and Turn to A5

Rolando G. Estabillo Publisher

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Opinion SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2017

From A4

concentration camp where amnesiacs

tortured by tying together the legs
of pregnant women. / I forgot how By Srinivasan Sivabalan phones for transactions. A credit-card a system that spread to Europe in the trafficking. Businesses wouldn’t only
Beauty dislocates. / I forgot that sense consortium is working to extend it late Middle Ages. The earliest known save money on transaction costs but
of approaching a labyrinth. /... DO WE need cash? Humans have used globally. In India, 255 million people example of a modern check was could benefit if friction-free payments
“I forgot rough skin was a map. / I all sorts of things to exchange items use Paytm, a seven-year-old startup drawn on an account at Clayton and led consumers to buy more.
forgot you losing all Alleluias. /… / I of economic value—rare metals, backed by China’s Alibaba Group Morris, a goldsmiths’ bank in London, Some economists say that central
forgot steel will bend to form a heart. / I strings of shells and even jugs of Holding Ltd., to make payments on Feb. 16, 1659. banks could fight recessions more
forgot wax will freeze to form a heart. / I whiskey. Those objects have gotten through a virtual wallet. Citibank The next revolution star ted effectively by imposing negative
forgot ink will flow to form a heart. / …. more ephemeral, with paper money Australia stopped accepting cash at its with a forgotten wallet. In 1949, US interest rates—effectively a tax on
“But I will never forget we walk on replacing most coins, and digital branches after most of its customers entrepreneur Frank McNamara visited savings meant to spur spending—if
the same planet and breathe the same forms increasingly supplanting paper. embraced digital transactions. And the Majors Cabin Grill restaurant in hoarding cash weren’t available as a
air. I will never forget the same sun Could physical cash go away the European Central Bank has New York and had an embarrassing way to sidestep the penalty.
shines on us. I created my own legacy: entirely? Economists see great payoffs decided to stop producing the 500- moment while his wife paid the Critics say that in a digital-only
No one is a stranger to me.” in a cashless society: lower transaction euro note in 2018 to counter terrorist tab. But it gave him an idea, and economy, governments and banks
As these words thr illed and costs, new tools to manage economic financing. months later he returned to the same could take control of your financial
fascinated the audience at Dovre, so growth and an end to tax evasion India was badly rattled by the restaurant, this time paying with a life; with a flick of a switch, they
did the other poems, which found their and money laundering. Critics see an government’s decision in November small cardboard card. Thus was born could leave you without a penny.
own resonances within each individual erosion of privacy, frightening new 2016 to suddenly replace the larger the credit-card industry. Networks can fail. And everybody
present. This is the magic of poetry – it powers for tyrants and an increase in bills that made up 86 percent of the Shortly thereafter, banks began could be vulnerable to a cyberattack
is one thing for the poet, and another inequality. currency in circulation to counter adopting computing systems that or power outage, as residents of
for the reader, and always something The situation tax dodgers and counterfeiters. A made it easier to keep track of Puerto Rico found after Hurricane
to both. Singapore, the Netherlands, France shortage of replacement bills meant money digitally. Then came the first Maria destroyed much of the island’s
There is also power in the spoken and Sweden have the world’s highest that companies struggled to pay automated teller machine, which electrical grid.
word—when it is clothed with sound, levels of cashless transactions, but salaries and millions of poor people opened in London in 1967. Debit For the world’s poor, arguments
emerging on a puff of warm breath, Sweden is seen as the most likely to couldn’t buy food. The government cards had been first tested the year about going cashless cut both
it is brought to life in a special way. go cashless first. By 2015, only one retreated in June 2017 after the fiasco before but only began to be issued ways. Billions of poor people in the
That night, the Dovre Club witnessed in five in-store transactions there cut into economic growth, although in large numbers in the 1980s as ATM developing world depend on cash
litchantment. involved cash, according to its central its effects could be felt almost a year networks grew. Online banking took to buy goods for very small amounts,
Eileen and I made sure to let Krip bank, which is considering whether to later. off in the following decade, ending often mere cents. Not all of them
know that we had finally met, taking issue a cryptocurrency. Its churches The background the dominance of cash once and can afford phones or other means
selfies and tagging him. And with such were early adopters of donations via Since Roman times, people have for all. of interacting with a digital cash
meetings and greetings, who knows mobile phones. tried out many alternatives to carrying The argument network. That could make people
where this journey on the river of words China’s city dwellers are rapidly loads of cash. Arab merchants For governments, getting rid who don’t have equal access to
will take us poets and writers next? going cashless, thanks to a system developed bills of exchange for of cash would make it easier to banking services into second-class
that uses encr ypted codes on financing international transactions, crack down on tax evasion and drug citizens. Bloomberg
Dr. Ortuoste is a California-based
writer. Follow her on Facebook and

From A4
By Julie Charpentrat
some of the brightest flashes in the
SANTA ROSA, California—At a certain
universe called gamma-ray bursts
point, I just began to run out of words
to describe the devastation. Desolate.
One top contender as a source
Lunar. Apocalyptic. What else can you
of GRBs are supernovae, which are
say when hundreds and hundreds of
the explosive death of massive stars.
homes turned to ash surround you as
Another contender are kilonovae,
far as the eye can see?
which are the result of the collision
Just weeks before, in August, I
between two neutron stars.
had driven down the lush, verdant
When astronomers working at
hills of California’s wine country
LIGO and Virgo detected gravitational
with my family. The region did not
waves from colliding neutron stars,
disappoint—beautiful, with good
they quickly alerted their counterparts
wine, good food, friendly, laid-back
working on light, who as a response
people pouring their heart and energy
turned their telescopes to the
into the world-class wines they were
appropriate region of the sky.
producing. We had sandwiches and
Shortly after that, astronomers
wine in gorgeous vineyards, under
working at the Fermi-Gamma Ray
blue skies, surrounded by beautiful
Telescope and Integral Telescope
trees and flowers. The house we
detected a GRB coming from the target
rented overlooked green rolling
region. This shows that kilonovae are
hills. It was all so peaceful and green.
indeed sources of GRBs.
Idyllic. Heavenly, you could say.
The second mystery is the origin of
And now I was back, but how
the heaviest elements in the universe.
the landscape had changed. It was
The lightest elements in the universe,
now hellish. Smoke was everywhere,
hydrogen and helium, were created Here and there, a chimney or a charred tree would poke up through a sea of ash. AFP
scratching the throat, stinging the
during the birth of the universe some
eyes. The sky was mostly yellow. And and I’ve seen big fires, but this is here were made of wood and the residents who had come back to
13.8 billion years ago. Heavier elements
fire was never far away. extraordinary—having that many flames annihilated them in minutes. look for any things that hadn’t been
such as carbon and oxygen are created
California is used to wildfires. It’s an and that large and going so fast,” one Later, when I saw the aerial pictures, incinerated. They may have been
inside stars. When stars die, they seed
annual part of life in this lively state, veteran firefighter told me. I would realize that hundreds and crying as they picked through the
the universe with these elements. Since
just like the threat of an earthquake. The policeman who let me through hundreds of homes had met this fate. ashes, but every single one whom we
we are made of these elements, we are
Sometimes people lose their property. one roadblock was surprised to see Many of the cars, parked in what met was fiercely looking to the future.
literally stardust!
Sometimes there are fatalities. that I was from an international media used to be garages, have partially “Tomorrow is another day,” said one.
Stars, however, can create elements
But the fires that broke out in company. “Why are you here? I mean, melted, as have the garage doors. Like Michael Desmond, a stocky
only up to iron. Heavier elements, such
October 2017 have been wildly it’s local news.” Bizarrely, many of the metal mailboxes retired 63-year-old policeman. He
as arsenic and selenium, are created in
ferocious in their intensity and speed, “Watch out for downed electricity standing at the entrance of the cried, his voice choking, as he told
fed by strong winds that sometimes lines. If you see looters, don’t driveways didn’t. us that his life was in this house
For a long time, astronomers have
propelled the embers across six-lane intervene. Stay safe.” [I didn’t see a In some places, the little that now reduced to naught. With his
puzzled over the origin of the heaviest
motorways. single looter.] remained was still smoldering. For a nephew, he managed to recover a
elements such as gold and uranium.
People literally fled for their lives, Entering the affected areas felt like moment, I wondered with alarm if the plate bought in Disneyland and a mug
According to calculations, the lighter
sometimes beating the flames that being on a set of an apocalypse movie. fires could break out again here, but with an inscription “It’s wiser to be in
ones among them can be created by
devoured their homes by mere Or in the aftermath of an atomic then remembered what a firefighter Ireland.” He also made sure to take his
supernovae. However, the amount of
minutes. And the number of people bomb. In Coffey Park, a neighborhood told me earlier in a devastated parking mailbox—the metal type on a pole
these heavy elements in the universe
who have been affected this year has of Santa Rosa, I drove slowly through lot of a supermarket. “There is nothing that is typical of American suburbs.
can’t seem to be accounted for by
been unprecedented. Dozens dead. the streets. Dozens and dozens of left to burn around here.” “I took my mailbox because it’s
supernovae alone.
Thousands left homeless. houses had been reduced to ashes. Amid this utter devastation, I going to go back up,” he told us,
To explain the observed abundance
“I’ve been with Calfire for 30 years Not ruins. Ashes. Most of the homes was struck by the optimism of the holding it up defiantly. AFP
of heavy elements, astronomers
theorized that neutron star collisions
produce most of the gold, silver, and
other heavy elements in the universe.
B y combining the light and
gravitational waves detected from the
colliding neutron stars, astronomers Bloomberg Editorial Board mentally impaired. He stopped the crossed state lines to evade justice Thousands of private firearm
were able to confirm this theory. In Social Security Administration from in order to be considered a fugitive. transactions are not subject to
fact, according to calculations, the FROM 2008 to 2014, according sending to the database the names The decision is consistent with background checks at all, despite
recently detected neutron star collision to the US Department of Justice, of thousands of Social Security the federal code, which defines a ove r w h e l m i n g p u b l i c s u p p o r t
produced somewhere between a few background checks prevented beneficiaries who are too impaired fugitive as one who has “fled from for such scrutiny, and too many
tens to a hundred Earth masses worth 556,496 gun purchases. In the to handle their own affairs. As of 2013, any State to avoid prosecution for a mental health records are still
of gold. last six months, about that many more than 400,000 beneficiaries were crime or to avoid giving testimony not submitted for inclusion in
Just think about that for a moment. people have been removed from prohibited from gun possession and in any criminal proceeding.” the database. Another glaring
In the dawn of multi-messenger the national database and are newly would have had their records reported But it flies in the face of common loophole allows a gun sale to
astronomy, we now have realized that eligible to buy a gun. to the database. sense. The FBI had argued that proceed if it hasn’t been officially
the silver and gold in your jewelry were The FBI’s national instant criminal Now the consequences of the prohibition on gun purchases denied within three days.
created along with the brightest flashes background check system, which a less heralded decision made should apply to anyone with an The gun lobby’s long, destructive
in the universe during the collision screens such transactions, is not quite that same month have come into outstanding warrant—regardless of effort to arm as many people as
between two neutron stars. perfect: It has an accuracy rate of more focus. Rebuffing the FBI, the Trump whether they are hunkered down possible, with as few qualifications
And this is just the beginning. Expect a than 99 percent. President Donald administration in February officially in a local basement or fleeing cross as possible, contributes to more than
lot more mind-blowing discoveries to come. Trump appears determined to make narrowed its definition of fugitives, country, which is often impossible to 100,000 shootings a year, a frenzy
it less effective. who by federal law are prohibited determine, let alone prove. unique in the developed world. This
Pecier Decierdo is the resident In February, Trump reversed a from purchasing guns. According The problem with the background- particular American carnage is not
physicist and astronomer of The Mind recently adopted regulation designed to the Department of Justice’s new check system is not that it is too strict, one the Trump administration appears
Museum to restrict access to guns by the definition, a person must have but that it is too lax. eager to stop.

By Sara Susanne D. Fabunan By Maricel V. Cruz
CHANGE DEPT CREATED kilowatthours to generate funds for and extreme climate events,” he said
projects that aim to make the coun- in his bill’s explanatory note.

THE Philippine government is set to iden- LAWMAKER from the House of Representatives try more resilient to the devastating Villafuerte said his proposal, once
tify hotspots of online sexual exploitation effects of climate change. enacted, shall integrate or put under
in the country, Justice Secretary Vitaliano has proposed the creation of a Department of Cli- Villafuerte said climate change was one roof the Climate Change Com-
Aguirre II said. mate Change that will harmonize and strengthen now considered a national security mission, National Disaster Risk Reduc-
This action follows the official implementa- all national disaster risk reduction efforts in the Philip- risk because it endangers public safe- tion Management Council, People’s
tion of the Philippines’ partnership with the ty and threatens the sustainability of Survival Fund, Yolanda Recovery and
United States as the latter is set to provide pines, which has been described by the international the country’s food supply and eco- Rehabilitation Efforts, and the Office
$784,000 or P40 million to Manila to combat media as “ground zero for climate disaster.” nomic stability. of the Presidential Assistant for Reha-
online sexual exploitation of children and HB 6131, he said, seeks to create bilitation and Recovery.
child labor trafficking in the National Capital In filing his House Bill 6131, Cama- workers and capital within a nation’s a single specialized government Laws addressing climate change,
Region and Central Visayas. rines Sur Rep. LRAy Villafuerte said the borders during a given period agency—the DCC—that will func- such as the Philippine National Disaster
Aguirre said Saturday the government’s law government could not fully achieve (usually one year). tion not only after the occurrence of Risk Reduction and Management Act
enforcement agencies had been working with President Rodrigo Duterte’s high and “This puts the Philippines’ GDP at disaster, but will work all-year-round of 2010 and the Climate Change Act
the International Justice Mission to identify inclusive growth agenda unless the least four percent in the hole each year to build the country’s capacity and of 2009, also need to be strengthened
these hotspots. country was best equipped to deal from tropical storms. Clearly, economic management of climate change; and harmonized, Villafuerte said.
“IJM, alongside the Philippine government, with the erratic weather patterns trig- progress is unattainable if the country strengthen the planning, execution “Under the principle of adminis-
would formulate activities that would focus gered by climate change. has to constantly deal with mounting and financing framework for climate trative convenience, the efficiency
on geographical hotspots for online sexual ex- This, since every destructive ty- losses in productivity, damage to critical change; enhance leadership and of delivery of frontline services is en-
ploitation of children,” he said in a statement. phoon season leads to losses equiva- infrastructure, damage to food crops accountability through monitoring, hanced through the creation of a full-
“Henceforth, this will further enhance the lent to two percent of Gross Domestic and death due to climate change,” Vil- evaluation and review of climate pledged department which is dedi-
protection of vulnerable children in target re- Product and requires post-disaster re- lafuerte said in filing his bill. change policies and activities; and cated to an area of service within its
gions and nationality,” said Aguirre, also the construction efforts costing an equiv- Villafuerte’s HB 6131 is aimed to re- ensure effective mechanisms even primary competence,” he said.
chairman of Interagency Council Against Child alent of another two percent of GDP. duce the country’s carbon footprint, before disaster strikes. He recalled that the World Bank had
Trafficking. GDP refers to the measure of an the first being HB 4739 that aims to “Climate change and disaster risk designated the Philippines’ expanse
He said this was part of a series of activities economy adopted by the United impose a climate tax of P1 per one reduction and management are of 7,107 islands as one of the world’s
under the Child Protection Compact partnership States in 1991, and referred to in the kilogram of CO2 emission in the elec- closely interrelated and an effective most “vulnerable” countries in terms
between the Philippines and the United States. Philippines as the total market value tricity consumption of residential or DRRM will enhance adaptive capacity of susceptibility to natural disasters at-
Aguirre cited the US State Department’s Of- of goods and services produced by household consumers exceeding 60 to climate change, climate variability tributed to climate change.
fice to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Per-
sons Office had awarded $3.5 million, equivalent
to P175 million, to its implementing partners IJM
and the Salvation Army World Service Office.
“Being the first in the region, the CPC part-
nership aims to support sustainable improve-
ments to combat online sexual exploitation
of children and child labor trafficking and to
expand specialized child protection services
and prevention efforts to further improve the
coordination among coordinating agencies,”
he explained.
Aguirre noted both the IJM and the Salva-
tion Army had begun working with the Phil- THE House of Representatives has read-
ippine government and other civil society ied for referral to the Senate a measure
organizations to strengthen the government’s which seeks, among others, to simplify
determination “to investigate, prosecute, and permit and licensing system procedures
convict child traffickers; give a wide-ranging, and streamline the requirements at the
trauma informed care for child victims of such national and local levels.
crimes; and to stop online sexual exploitation The House unanimously passed House
of children and forced labor from happening.” Bill 6579 or “An Act Establishing A Nation-
The United States, through the Interagency al Policy On Ease Of Doing Business, Cre-
Council Against Trafficking in Persons, is set to ating For The Purpose The Ease Of Doing
provide $784,000 or P40 million to the Philip- Business Commission.”
pines to combat online sexual exploitation of The bill’s authors, led by Batangas Rep.
children and child labor trafficking in National Vilma Santos-Recto, expressed hope the
Capital Region and Central Visayas. senators would share the same enthusiasm
During the announcement of the launch- as that of congressmen in passing the bill
ing of activities with the Department of Jus- which also aims to provide a business en-
tice, the United States Embassy in Manila, vironment conducive for the establishment
through the State Department’s Office to and operation of enterprises in the country.
Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, They said the enactment of the bill
also provided $3.5 million or P175 million to shall promote transparency in govern-
two implementing partners: International ment with regard to business registration
Justice Mission and The Salvation Army and other manner of public transactions,
World Service Office. to reduce red tape and expedite permit-
ting, licensing, and other similar transac-
tions in government.
GENERAL NOTICE OF It also seeks to ensure timely and expedi-
GRANCONOMA, INC. DISSOLUTION tious processing of business requirements
by national government agencies and local
Please be advised that the GRANCONOMA, government units, Santos-Recto said.
INC, doing business at Unit 203, The Manila Santos-Recto said it would take 16 pro-
Residences, 2320 Taft Avenue, Malate
1004 will be dissolved by shareholder and cedures to navigate and an average of 29
director resolution as of September 30, days to start a business in the country.
2017. “Compared to our other Asean neigh-
ANNIVERSARY DANCE. A kindergarten pupil of Jireh Alliance School of Kidapawan City bors in the ‘Ease in Starting a Business’ rank-
All debts owed to the corporation, and dances to a Japanese tune wearing a costume from the Land of the Rising Sun on Saturday to ings, the Philippines has performed poorly,”
all claims against the corporation will be mark the school’s 32nd Foundation Anniversary. Geonarrio Solmerano Santos-Recto said. Maricel V. Cruz
received by Manuel M. Ramirez, at the
business address set forth above.
(MS-OCT. 15,22 & 29, 2017)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Health
InvItatIon to BId for
the Procurement of Brand new comPuted tomograPhy (ct) Scanner, 16 SlIce
IB no. 2017-319 By Joel E. Zurbano rector Tomas Apolinario Jr. said Because of fear, the victim venile Justice and Welfare Act of
1. The Department of Health (DOH), through the General Appropriations Act of 2017 intends to first to be arrested was Pacheco gave his mobile gadget, Apoli- 2006, stated that a child under
apply the sum of Twenty Two MillionPhilippine Pesos (PhP22,000,000.00) being the Approved
Budget for the Contract (ABC) to payments under the contract for the Procurement of Brand New POLICE are urging people to be who later pointed to Jay as his nario said. 15 years old who commits an
Computed Tomography (CT) Scanner, 16 Slice under IB No. 2017-319. Bids received in excess of
the ABC shall be automatically rejected at bid opening. aware of criminals using minors companion when they held up The victim immediately sought offense shall remain exempted
2. The DOH now invites bids for the procurement of the above-captioned project.Delivery of the to do dirty deeds, especially this a male victim. assistance from the barangay and from criminal liability.
Goods is required within period specified under Section VI. Schedule of Requirements. Bidders
should have completed, within the past five (5) years from the date of submission and receipt of coming holiday season when Recovered from Pacheco were police headquarters nearby result- Police also cautioned the peo-
bids, a contract similar to the Project, equivalent to at least fifty percent (50%) of the ABC. The cases of robbery and other crimes sumpak, an improvised firearm, ing in the arrest of the suspects. ple against members of Salisi
description of an eligible bidder is contained in the Bidding Documents, particularly, in Section II.
Instructions to Bidders. against property are expected to and one live ammunition while Police urged the people to be Gang, Siksik Gang and Riles Gang
3. Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using a non-discretionary increase. police found an icepick and the aware of petty theft and robbery in crowded areas this Yuletide.
“pass/fail” criterion as specified in the 2016 Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of
Republic Act (RA) 9184, otherwise known as the “Government Procurement Reform Act”. Last Friday, a 14-year-old boy victim’s cellular phone in Jay’s involving underage criminals as They described Salisi Gang as
Bidding is restricted to Filipino citizens/sole proprietorships, partnerships, or organizations with named “Jay” was placed under possession. the Christmas season draws near. gang members who lurk any-
at least sixty percent (60%) interest or outstanding capital stock belonging to citizens of the
Philippines, and to citizens or organizations of a country the laws or regulations of which grant police custody after he and his “What kids can do nowadays?” The authorities said syndicates, where where there are people—
similar rights or privileges to Filipino citizens, pursuant to RA 5183. companion Angelito Pacheco, said Apolinario, citing reports the especially those dealing in drugs malls, restaurants, fastfood joints,
4. Interested bidders may obtain further information from the COBAC Secretariat, G/F, Bldg. 6,
Department of Health, San Lazaro Compound and inspect the Bidding Documents at the address
22, were caught for their alleged suspects approached and point- and robbery, were taking advan- bus terminals, airports, seaports,
given above during 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Monday to Friday. involvement in a robbery-holdup ed their deadly weapons at the tage of juvenile laws by using chil- and computer shops—and were
5. A complete set of Bidding Documents may be acquired by interested Bidders on 23 October in Barangay CAA in Las Piñas City. victim who was walking along dren to carry out criminal acts. “just waiting for you to get dis-
2017 – 13 November 2017 from the address above and upon payment of the applicable fee for
the Bidding Documents, pursuant to the latest Guidelines issued by the GPPB, in the amount of Southern Police District di- Aratelis Street around 5:45 a.m. Republic Act 9344, or the Ju- tracted.”
Twenty Five Thousand Philippine Pesos (PhP25,000.00).
It may also be downloaded free of charge from the website of the Philippine Government Electronic
Procurement System (PhilGEPS) and the website of the Procuring Entity, provided that Bidders
shall pay the applicable fee for the Bidding Documents not later than the submission of their bids.


6. The DOH will hold a Pre-Bid Conference on 30October 2017, 10:00 A.M. at the COBAC
Conference Room, Ground Floor, Bldg. 6, Department of Health, Sta. Cruz, Manila, which shall
beopen to prospective bidders.
7. Bids must be duly received by the SCOBAC Secretariat at the address below on or before 13
November 2017, 9:00 A.M. All Bids must be accompanied by a bid security in any of the acceptable
forms and in the amount stated in ITB Clause 18.
THEY baffle even the finest blisters on skin suddenly used as a last recourse take care of his blisters and a month, came with a new
Bid opening shall be on 13 November 2017, 9:00 A.M. at the COBAC Conference Room, Ground
Floor, Bldg. 6, Department of Health, Sta. Cruz, Manila. Bids will be opened in the presence of specialists: rare diseases appeared. for adults with severe vi- open wounds, my husband diagnosis: Epidermolysis
the bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at the address above. Late bids shall not be
accepted. that affect only a handful Worried that it might be ral infection), the blisters and I took the initiative to Bullosa or Butterfly syn-
8. The DOH reserves the right to reject any and all bids, declare a failure of bidding, or not award of individuals and that are an infectious case, Euan was and wound kept on ap- ask around and look for an- drome.
the contract at any time prior to contract award in accordance with Section 41 of RA 9184 and its
IRR, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders.
often caused by extremely immediately transferred to a pearing and some even other doctor,” recalls mother Butterfly syndrome is a
9. For further information, please refer to: rare genetic mutations. private room and placed un- getting worse. Sharon. genetic illness in which, be-
Special COBAC Secretariat Euan was declared der isolation. Sadly, even after being It was only in 2011, cause of missing a vital “glue”
Department of Health
San Lazaro Compound
healthy when he was born However, even after confined for two months, when the couple was rec- that holds it together, the
Sta. Cruz, Manila in August 2008 at the West infusion of various medi- the doctors decided to just ommended to a derma- skin blisters peels off at the
Tel. Nos. 651-7800 local 1625 to 1627; 1650 to 52
Facsimile No.: 741-9775; 740-6830 Visayas Southern University cines, undergoing several discharge Euan without tologist at the Iloilo Mission slightest brush or knock.
(SGD) MARIO S. VILLAVERDE, MD, MPM, CESO I Medical Center in Iloilo City. wound test and blood clear explanation and diag- Hospital. It leaves sufferers such
Undersecretary of Health
Chairperson, Special-COBAC
But right after he was culture, use of different nosis of his condition. After taking skin samples as Euan covered in red raw
(MS-OCT. 22, 2017) transferred to the nursery, antibiotics (one was only “With no choice but to for biopsy, the doctor, after wounds and huge blisters.


Sports SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2017

LOS ANGELES—What a difference a
day makes for Los Angeles Lakers
rookie Lonzo Ball who rebounded from
a dreadful NBA debut to flirt with a triple
double on Friday.
Ball had 29 points, 11 rebounds and
nine assists in his second NBA game to
power the Lakers to a 132-130 win over
the Phoenix Suns.
“We weren’t proud of yesterday so we
came out tonight and gave them a fight,”
said Ball, who scored six consecutive
points late in the fourth quarter.
The highly-touted Ball shot one-of-six
from the floor and finished with just three
points in a 108-92 loss to the Los Angeles
Clippers on Thursday night.
Ball missed his first three field-goal at-
tempts and both free throws before mak-
ing his only basket, a three-pointer, late in
Burn Soriano celebrates after knocking out Mario Satya Wirawan with a spinning backfist the first half.
during ONE: Titles and Titans. ONE Championship Clippers Patrick Beverley maligned Ball
after the game, saying he wanted to “wel-

come his little young ass to the NBA.”
That was not the case for the
league’s second overall draft pick in
June against the host Suns, as Ball
turned up the heat on the Friday,
shooting 12 of 27 from the field.


The Lakers led by 12 points in the
fourth quarter before the Suns pulled
within 122-119 on a Tyson Chandler tip-
in with 3:22 left.
But Ball scored the next three Laker
baskets, all on hard drives. The third bas-
ket put the Lakers ahead 130-122 with
1:35 left and Los Angeles then held on
By Reuel Vidal for the win.
Meanwhile, LeBron James has picked

ANNY Pacquiao was a good fighter up right where he left off last season,
scoring 24 points and dishing out eight
before he met trainer Freddie Roach. But assists on Friday as the Cleveland Cava-
he became a great one only because of liers cruised past the Milwaukee Bucks
lessons learned under Roach’s tutelage. 116-97.
The four-time NBA most valuable play-
Burn Soriano may game plan. He’s never had er led the Cavaliers in scoring for the sec-
well have found his Fred- a game plan before. He’s ond straight game despite missing most
die Roach in new trainer never been coached before. of the pre-season with an injury.
George Castro who will be Hopefully it all comes to- When James started the season he
at the Filipino MMA fighter’s gether this fight.” knew it was going to take time to fully re-
corner in his next fight as Castro believes Soriano’s cover from a sprained left ankle that limited
an undercard at ONE: Hero’s weakness in his fighting him to just one pre-season game. AFP
Dream at the Thuwunna are his conditioning and his
Indoor Stadium in Yangon, mental game. Going into his
Myanmar on Nov. 3, 2017. next fight he says Soriano is
Castro relocated from 200 percent better than he’s
Tucson, Arizona, USA to help ever been his entire career.
ONE Heavyweight World “He will have no prob-
Champion Brandon “The lem going three rounds if he
Truth” Vera set up the first needs to. Although I don’t
Alliance MMA branch in the believe he will need to. I
Philippines. don’t like making predictions
Other than Vera, Castro has but I don’t see it going three
also worked extensively other rounds,” said Castro. Burn Soriano (left) misses with a roundhouse left against
highly-regarded veterans of Soriano will be looking to Saiful Merican. ONE Championship
the sport, including Dominick bounce back from a bitter
Cruz, Ross Pearson, Jeremy loss to Saiful “The Vampire” Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. His bout against Merican was bring out the best in me.
Stephens and Chris Leben. Merican 10 months ago at The Filipino hoped to equally spectacular but it was With him in my corner, it is al-
Castro says Soriano shows ONE: Throne of Tigers at the follow up his spectacular Soriano who retired after the ways exciting to prepare for a
the potential to be a very iconic Stadium Negara in 15-second demolition of first round. bout,” Soriano said.
good and possibly a great Satya Wirawan August 2016. “I believe that I could Soriano has always been
fighter. have done better in that an exciting fighter to
“I got high expectations match with Saiful Merican. watch. Although holding a
for Burn this fight because I was prepared to go full checkered 3-win, 3-loss card
he’s in much better shape three rounds, but I came all his bouts have ended in
as you can see in the way he up short. I just realized that the first round. The 31-year-
looks. Also his mental game there was something old native of Ilocos Sur has al-
is a lot better now,” said missing,” Soriano said. ways made sure his audience
Castro during an interview The loss to Merican received their money’s worth
with Manila Standard at the made Soriano realize that in his fights.
Fight Armory Gym in Timog, he needed help. He turned “It is very important for
Quezon City last Thursday, to Castro who came to the me to be entertaining. I take
Oct. 19. Philippines to set up the re- the risks. I want the crowd
“These last few weeks nowned Alliance MMA’s new and fans to get what they
we’ve been preparing men- gym as well as program to want, which is an exciting
tally because fighting is 80 train MMA fighters. fight. I just enjoy what I am
percent mental. People think “Right now, I have a tre- doing. I am passionate about
it’s a lot physical. I keep mendous support system in it. Everyone should go out and
telling him in there that it’s my training, especially with prove something to them- Lonzo Ball (2) of the Los Angeles
not just hit each other back Coach George Castro (right) talks to MMA fighter the help of my coach George selves and not to anyone or Lakers glides to the hoop against
and forth. It’s also about a Burn Soriano who is listening intently. Castro. He knows how to anybody else,” Soriano said. the Phoenix Suns. AFP


BLESSING in disguise. in six minutes of playing time in Hugnatan’s deadly outside two points which decided the
They didn’t know it at the the first two games of the series shooting was so unexpected that outcome.
time but losing Ranidel De Oc- Hugnatan exploded 22 quality it was enough to power the Bolts Hugnatan drove into the
ampo—who went out with a points off seven-of-12 shooting to the surprise rout of Barangay paint and attracted the Gine-
calf injury early in Game 3— from three-point distance. He also Ginebra. bra defenders leaving Meralco
may well turn out to be the best gobbled up five rebounds, issued The result of the game was import Allen Durham open un-
thing that could happen to the two assists and tallied one steal so shocking that it even drove derneath. Durham got the drop
championship aspirations of the without committing a single turn- Cone to lose his cool after the pass from Hugnatan and scored
Meralco Bolts. over to help power the Bolts to a match, as he refused to shake unmolested from underneath
Facing a 0-2 deficit in the best- rousing 94-81 win. the hand of winning coach Black the basket to push Meralco to an
of-seven championship series of Even Ginebra coach Tim Cone after the game. This was totally 85-83 advantage which turned
the 2017 Philippine Basketball As- couldn’t help but admire Hug- unexpected because it was out to be the final score. Gine-
sociation Governors’ Cup against natan’s contributions. Cone later Cone who initiated the practice bra failed to call a timeout and
Barangay Ginebra the Meralco said Hugnatan could score from of coaches shaking hands after missed four hurried attempts to
Bolts lost their prized acquisition distance just as well as De Oc- games in the PBA. tie the game in a wild sequence
from TNT KaTropa after De Ocampo ampo. Hugnatan was also a bet- Hugnatan was at it again in in the dying seconds.
limped out of the court early in ter defender according to Cone. Game 4 when the Bolts equalized Sometimes it’s better to be
the game. The Ginebra mentor probably the series at two-all by posting lucky than good. Without De Oc-
Meralco coach Norman Black, knows Hugnatan as well as, if a hard-earned 85-83 victory last ampo and without another big
who had relegated Reynel Hugna- not better than, Black. After all, Friday, October 20 at the Smart man in Kelly Nabong coach Black
tan to the far end of the Meralco Hugnatan was Cone’s starting Araneta Coliseum. lucked out and was forced to field
bench after the arrival of De power forward with the Alaska Hugnatan again played a Hugnatan because he had no oth-
Ocampo, had no choice but to Aces when the franchise won key role as he scored points and er choice. It has so far turned out
Meralco Bolts veteran Reynel Hugnatan (right) tries to dribble turn to the veteran big man. the 2007 and the 2010 PBA Fiesta grabbed important rebounds. He to be the winning hand the past
past a defender in this file photo. After averaging just a point Cup crown. was also responsible for the final two games. Reuel Vidal
A8 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2017 Riera U. Mallari, Editor / Reuel Vidal, Issue Editor / Randy Caluag, Issue Editor

FAN FOR A DAY long-time Ginebra follower.
“Sobrang nakaka addict
VIGAN, Ilocos Sur—Around 6,000 ath-
letes and coaches from over 122 local
government units in Luzon converged
at the President Elpidio Quirino Stadi-
um here in Bantayan, Ilocos Sur t com-
pete in Batang Pinoy Luzon Games.
po ang maging basketball fan,
Action in elimination games start
laluna na po ung bonding na-
today in different venues.
min,” added Geexie.
Philippine Sports Commission
Then we got our upper box Chairman William I. Ramirez is optimis-
tickets, just a notch lower than tic that the hosting of Ilocos Sur prov-
the bleacher seats. It was my first ince of the Batang Pinoy Luzon Games
time to watch from that view will be successful.
above the Coliseum. We joined “It’s just a coincidence that Vigan will
Team NSD. We availed of the be able to have some practice of
red TEAM NSD shirts made by hosting of the Batang Pinoy regional
one of the group’s admins. Then games,” Ramirez said. “I think Gov. Ryan
we cheered our lungs out. I was [Singson] will do a very good job of host-
up there where no media col- ing the Luzon Leg of the Batang Pinoy.”
leagues could see me. Provincial sports coordinator Marius
It was a different experi- Cabudol said they have invited Depart-
ence. Unlike when I was cov- ment of Education assistant secretary
ering at ringside and would Tonisito Umali to be the guest of honor.
follow and record every signifi- Ramirez will be represented by
cant stage of the game. PSC Commissioner Charles Raymond
On that night, I was cheer- Maxey as the former’s schedule won’t
ing for every basket. I couldn’t permit him to attend.
Other officials expected to grace the
remember the biggest lead by
opening ceremonies are Ilocos Sur gover-
either team or how many times
nor Ryan Luis Singson, Ilocos Norte gov-
Ginebra and Meralco changed ernor Imee Marcos, Pangasinan governor
leads in the game. I didn’t even Amado Espino III, La Union governor
notice if coaches Norman Black Francisco Emmanuel Ortega III, and Vigan
and Time Cone shook hands af- City Mayor Juan Carlo Medina.
ter the game. The opening ceremony will kick off
Ginebra fans from the upper box cheer their favorite team It was because we would at around 1 p.m. with the parade of del-
cheer for every Ginebra point and egations while table tennis gold medal-
we would fall silent every time ist Wrency Abad and consistent Batang
By Randy Caluag Meralco basket. I could remember Pinoy Medalist Ralf Justine A. Chan will
anything. All I could remember lead the torch relay and oath of sports-

was I was shouting my lungs out, manship, respectively.
ow I fully understand why the league, together with the crowd.
Philippine Basketball Association, and
its players should owe it to the fans. The
paying fans who would spend their last centavo
In the final seconds of the
game, we were just shouting
that most of us didn’t even re-
just to watch their favorite players in person. The
fans who would troop to the playing arena, come
alize that Ginebra has a couple
of timeouts left that It did not GOLF CUP
elect to use. We fell silent again
hell or high water. when the buzzer sounded af-
ter a miss by Ginebra import
We, sportswriters, are privi-
leged to enter the playing venue
for free, get access to the players
in social media. One of the ad-
mins in the community, Geexie
Kathrene, added to me to their
Justin Brown Lee.
The boxscores showed
Meralco leading the final count,
and coaches for an interview chat group. 85-83. Then I overheard quite a THE Fairways & Bluewater Resort Golf
and the team statistics to share Here, they talk about up- lot comments from the crowd. and Country Club, the premier golfing
with our readers. We cover the dates on their favorite team “Ay tapos na pala. Nakalim- hub in Boracay, makes its return to the
games by jotting down the most and players. The schedules utan yata na wala nang oras,” I local golf scene as it revives the Chair-
important part of the game— of the games. Their thoughts overheard someone asking. man’s Cup next month.
the turning point, the most sig- about the most recent game. Allen Durham challenges the defense of Ginebra’s Justin “Bat hindi tumawag time- First held in 1997, the Chairman’s
nificant baskets and so on. For Game 4 of the Ginebra- Brown Lee and Joe Devance (PBA Media Bureau) out si coach?” Cup is aimed at thanking its members
When we sit in the press Meralco series for the PBA “Masisira kasi ang momen- and friends for their support to the
box, we are not allowed to Governors’ Cup on Oct. 20, “Kahit kulang ako sa tulog, Most members of NSD tum e, fastbreak kasi.” club’s programs.
cheer, shout, clap or show any the group decided that some go lang,” she said with a smile. are students. The millenni- “Parang wala nang time-out.” “We are excited to bring the Chair-
emotion that would favor any would line up in the morning She got her tickets at 1 in the als who inherited their being “Hinde Meron.” man’s Cup into its regular schedule,”
team, lest our neutrality and to buy tickets for the group. Up there in the upper box, said Fairways & Bluewater chairman
afternoon. Then she con- Ginebra fans from their par-
Wilbur Chan, adding that the 12th
credibility will suffer. Geexie, a para-legal executive, verged with the other mem- ents, who were solid Sonny the fans are the commentators,
staging of the event is also in response
For many years that I covered was among the early birds in bers of the group at a restau- Jaworski fans. Some are the analysts, the coaches. to the members’ clamor.
the PBA, I could not let out the the group. She was at the Ara- rant nearby to while away the holdovers from the Jaworski The mood turned gloomy Chan said the club’s Board of Di-
fan in me. It has been like I was neta Coliseum ticket booth as time. The game wouldn’t start era, like Maritz Velicario, who for a whil until somebody rectors had wanted to present the
afflicted with a tumor that could early as 9 a.m. until 7 p.m. like her husband, has been a shouted in a cheerful tone. Graham Marsh-designed course in
not be operated on. It could not its championship form and the re-
be retrieved, It just stayed there. habilitation took a little longer than
Then one day, it dawned on usual to ensure the readiness of the
me to finally discover what it par-72 layout.
feels like to be a die-hard bas- Tasked to implement the course
ketball fan. plan is tournament director Raymond
Honestly, I don’t cheer for Bunquin, whose maintenance team
any team. But to deliver a piece has been working double time to fast
that would really describe a track its development.
die-hard basketball fan, it has “The course has vastly improved.
to be something about a fan of The undulating fairways are now roll-
the Barangay Ginebra, admit- ing like it used to and the greens are
tedly the most popular basket- maturing just in time for the Chair-
ball team of the decade. man’s Cup,” said Bunquin.
Team NSD Backing up the event are Skyjet
Airlines, Gatessoft Corp., Pacsports
Team NSD is facebook com-
Philippines Inc., Philippine Airlines,
munity of Ginebra fans. The
The Turf Company, Pagcor Casino
group is just of the fan clubs Members of Team NSD View from above Filipino, Inquirer Golf and Business


VINTAGE car racing champion Dexter Daqui- go. Chew tried to close the gap every lap, but Another factor that contributed greatly to
gan left his comfort zone and tried racing at Daquigan kept his focus all the way to the fin- the win was his setup, done at the Mus Malay-
the Sepang Circuit in Malaysia for the Classic ish, winning by 1.385 seconds and submitting sian Job garage, where the team did the final
Mini Championship Asia for the second time a best time of 2:56.17. adjustments to the car, with the help of Da-
with only a podium finish in his mind. Liaw Hee Wong of Johor Classic Mini placed quigan’s Filipino mechanics Morris Miranda,
He ended up winning it all. third. Eddie Farreras and Armand Hipolito, with the
A many-time Classic Aspirated Cup Series “Once the red lights went off, I pushed my- support of head Malaysian mechanic Harin.
champion on Philippine soil, Daquigan of Mus self to the limit and had a good position in the Daquigan also had his crucial shakedowns at
Mini Malaysian Job/Mohspeed Racing Team first corner to the first lap. I then started ham- the Johor Circuit.
took his driving skills in Malaysia, where he dis- mering it down until I managed to pull a gap “It was a really nice experience at the Johor
covered that preparation is still the supreme little by little. But Jeffrey was very fast in turns Circuit, as it was a very challenging track with
reason why champion racers find ways to beat 7 and 8 as he closed the gap every lap. But I uphill, downhill, camber, off camber spots,
the competition. tried to focus and did not make any mistake. everything in one package,” said Daquigan.
“I really prepared myself for this race. I’ve We had a good battle, but I kept the lead until “Since we already had a shakedown at the Jo-
never prepared myself like this since I started the last turn, all the way to the chequered flag,” hor Circuit, I knew we can fight for a podium
racing cars in 2014,” admitted Daquigan. “I am said Daquigan. (finish), not expecting to be 1st place overall,
physically and mentally prepared for this race. Daquigan emphasized that racing is a but we’ll take it (win).”
I learned my mistakes during the first time I team effort, too and not just about the driver Daquigan added: “The most important
raced in Sepang last May.” and his car. thing was we managed to tune the suspen- Dexter Daquigan celebrates his triumph at the Classic Mini Championship
And Daquigan’s intense preparations showed. “I had the best people on my side, like Mus- sion and made a last-minute final adjustment Asia at the Sepang Circuit in Malaysia.
After yielding to Malaysian Jeffrey Chew of lim Harin, the head mechanic of Mus Mini Ma- that made me more comfortable with my race and demonstrate my driving skills, proving Daquigan suddenly became a hot com-
JC Works Mini in the pre-final race, Daquigan laysian Job, and Hafiz Bachok, the 2016 Classic car. We were able to win the Open Class de- to the world that a Filipino can compete modity as he was invited to the K4GP, a
drove a tactical race when it mattered in the Mini Championship overall champion, who spite having a lower engine displacement in abroad and win at the same time.” 24-Hour Race, also at the Sepang Circuit
final race as he set the pace right on the get was my coach,” said Daquigan. our race car. We were able to give a good battle With his triumph on Malaysian soil, on Nov. 17 to 19.
Ray S. Eñano, Editor / Roderick dela Cruz, Issue Editor

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Edler Panlilio, the new managing

director of SAP Philippines Inc

GERMAN software company SAP

SE announced the appointment of
Edler Panlilio as the new managing
director of SAP Philippines Inc.
In this new role, Panlilio will be
responsible for leading and driving
business growth and operations
in the Philippines, building on the
22-year establishment of SAP in
TOURISM ADVOCATES the country. He will report directly
Yapak PH team headed by founder and chief executive Diane Zoleta (center, seated to Claus Andresen, president
in blue jeans) and chief operating officer Trichie de Vera (standing, third from right), and managing director of SAP
together with Dayang Media Productions, Digiteer Digital, Trespaña Productions and Southeast Asia.
photographer Paulo Navarra.
A 20-year veteran in the IT
industry, Panlilio joined SAP in

2013 and was most recently the
N AVID traveler and media de Vera, the country representative of iCare just four topics such as adventure, eco-tourism, senior director of key accounts
Benefits Philippines Inc. to put into sustainable tourism and destinations, Yapak.
production executive is operation. ph encompasses 16 categories in the tourism
managing a combined salesforce
of key account managers, cloud
spearheading a campaign “We will launch our website on Oct. 24. The industry. It provides information on such areas as specialists, platform and CRM
to build a comprehensive travel website is going to be the information portal— medical tourism, health establishments, extreme specialists focused on the top
information portal about Philippine an initial platform that will evolve into more adventures, museum, sports, nightlife, Filipino customers for SAP Philippines.
technology-based initiatives. Unlike any other heritage, social entrepreneurship, knowledge Prior to joining SAP, Panlilio
tourism in a bid to spread the information portal, will hopefully have exchange, beaches, pocket parks, nature, food spent more than a decade in his
culture of tourism across the everything that you want to know about the finds, newest spots around the block and history, career holding leadership roles
country and generate livelihood for Philippines in just one site,” says de Vera, also an culture and the arts. and responsibilities with various
multi-national IT organizations
Filipinos along the way. alumna of the University of the Philippines, who “We realized that there are different kinds of
based in the Philippines, including
“We believe that tourism is a key driver of the serves as chief operating officer of tourism. We enumerated 16 of them,” she says. Symantec, Sun Microsystems and
economy,” says Diane Zoleta, the founder and Zoleta, who helped produce some of the most Zoleta says the overall vision is “to make Logica. Panlilio replaced Ryan
chief executive of, the first aggregator memorable television commercials and print ads the Philippines the No. 1 tourist destination in Poggi, who will take on another
of tourism information about the Philippines. for ‘It’s More Fun in the Philippines’, developed Southeast Asia by providing the Filipinos and executive role within SAP Asia
Her experience as an advertising executive who the idea for as early seven years ago the international community global access to a Pacific Japan.
organized photoshoots in exotic places all over and started engaging her team of advertising central information hub and a one stop online Commenting on Panlilio’s
the country and as a talent manager who brought professionals and university students to shoot store for Philippine tourism and travel in one appointment, Andresen said: “The
travel sites and collate local travel information aggregated site.” Philippines economy remains
artists and celebrities to numerous town fiestas in
two years ago. “We offer an expansive ecosystem on Philippine vibrant and is the 10th fastest
the provinces has opened her eyes to the beauty growing economy in the world.
and rich heritage of the Philippines. At the same “Seven years ago, I wanted to start a Philippine travel and tourism, built on a convergence of three
With a stable and sustainable
time, a visit to Thailand in the 1990s, where ‘tuk travel map. My idea was to provide free travel elements: a travel and tourism information portal,
economic environment, SAP is
tuk’ and cab drivers provided helpful tips and maps at that time, when Internet was not a network of partnerships and alliances, and an well poised to help the Philippines
laminated maps on destinations as if they were yet prevalent in the country. The map would engaged community of travelers and supporters economy grow by supporting the
tour guides, has awakened her desire to make encourage people to travel and walk, hence the of Philippine tourism,” she says. country’s digital agenda with our
Filipinos embrace tourism the way the Thais word ‘yapak’,” she says. Zoleta says more than just an information technology.”
promoted their country. The advent of technology, however, encouraged portal, aims to builds a growing network “Edler’s promotion signifies a
“We have more to offer. And yet, Filipinos Zoleta to produce a more comprehensive tourism of digital and offsite stakeholders who have a strong leadership bench that we
are not as entrepreneurial when it comes to portal that contains not just a map, but also shared vision of making the Philippines the top have in Southeast Asia, and SAP’s
information, tips and guides that will help foreign tourist destination in Southeast Asia. commitment to the development
promoting tourism. How nice it would be if
and domestic tourists discover provinces, cities, “ We are fostering engagement, where of our talents. I am confident that
we Filipinos know the best destinations in our Edler will be able to build on our
country. That is the main goal of towns and even barangays in the Philippines. each stakeholder is an active contributor in
growth trajectory and accelerate
We want to enable Filipinos to promote the Now, is considered a pioneer strengthening local tourism, elevating it as a
our growth plans in the Philippines,”
Philippines,” says Zoleta. in providing the public with an engaging major driver of the Philippine economy, not only Andresen said.
Zoleta, who earned a degree in Broadcast and personalized website on anything and for the purpose of consumption spending but in Panlilio said: “The Philippines
Communication from the University of the everything about the Philippines. As a pioneer in delivering social impact,” she says. has a great opportunity to leapfrog
Philippines and now heads Dayang Media tourism aggregation, its mission is to aggregate She recalls that when she visited Thailand, into the next phase of digitization
Productions and Star Models International Talent and organize Philippine tourism and travel the ‘tuk tuk’ driver who brought her to different as government organizations and
Management Agency, wants all Filipinos to help information and services to make them “simple destinations also took her to a gold store. “As I companies in the private sector
promote the Philippines as a primary tourism yet comprehensive, distinct yet diverse, accessible was browsing the merchandise, I saw that one of embark on a digital transformation
yet aggregated, in an experiential, personalized, the ladies working in the said store handed the journey.”
destination and raise the bar on the quality of
and time efficient manner.” man a gas voucher. On our way back to my hotel, “Being a global market leader,
services and products provided to travelers SAP has the transfor mative
from all over the world. She initially planned to “ We aim to become the nation’s most I asked him what the voucher was for, and he told
innovations needed to help local
produce a travel map, like the ones presented comprehensive tourism information portal me that whenever he brought tourists into the
government and businesses strive
by ‘tuk tuk’ and cab drivers in Thailand, but the unifying a wide range of data about the establishment, the owners gave him a gas voucher to be a globally competitive Filipino
idea grew much bigger with the onset of digital Philippines—from its travel destinations, local for his trouble, even if the tourist didn’t end up nation with Digital. I am delighted
technologies. communities, culture, cuisines, events and more,” buying anything from the store,” Zoleta says. to be a part of the SAP family and
Zoleta teamed up with fellow Rotarian, Trichie she says. Zoleta came back to the Philippines with look forward to lead the team to
Zoleta says while other websites focus on Turn to B2 help the Philippines run better, and
improve people’s lives,” said Panlilio.


M A LO LO S Cit y, the capital of allowances and financial assistance also accelerating the transformation services to more institutions and their
Bulacan province, has tapped more efficient, the city is pushing for of Malolos City as a truly digital city,” constituents. True to its pioneering
PayMaya Philippines, the country’s financial inclusion as it embraces the said Malolos City Mayor Christian spirit and historical tradition as
pioneer and leader in digital digital economy. Natividad. the site of the proclamation of the
financial services, to enable its The city also intends to use the “Digital opens up many first constitutional republic in Asia,
constituents with all-in-one citizen platform to enable the transportation opportunities especially for the Malolos City joins other digitally
ID cards that can be used to access and tourism sectors as it builds the unconnected, unbanked and transformed or DX Cities as one
citizen services, pay for fees and whole payment ecosystem not just underserved. Congratulations to of the early adopters of enabling
transactions, as well as receive cash with cards and disbursement tools Malolos City for this forward-looking payment technologies,” said Orlando
allowances and other monetary but also with payment acceptance initiative as it is transforming their Vea, president and chief executive of
benefits from the local government. systems. local government, people and PayMaya Philippines.
As a start, the citizen ID cards “Our goal is to make our communities into fully equipped Aside from Malolos City, PayMaya
will be available to government constituents enjoy the benefits of digital and global citizens,” said i s b e i n g u s e d by o t h e r l o c a l
employees and resident beneficiaries digital. With this all-in-one citizen card Manuel Pangilinan, chairman of PLDT governments including Balanga City, Malolos City Mayor Christian Natividad (left) and
of Malolos, including student scholars, initiative powered by PayMaya, we are Inc., Smart Communications, Voyager Muntinlupa City, Catbalogan City and PLDT, Smart, Voyager and PayMaya Philippines
senior citizens, single parents and enabling our citizens have a better Innovations and PayMaya Philippines. Tacloban City. It is also being used as chairman Manuel Pangilinan shake hands during
persons with disabilities. Beyond quality of life and access to the digital “Our mission is to bring the all-in-one ID cards by schools and as the partnership ceremony for the all-in-one citizen
helping make disbursements of economy. At the same time, we are advantages of digital financial disbursement cards by enterprises. ID cards in the city.
B2 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2017 Business
THE rainy season generally sees an
alarming increase in dengue and similar
By Othel V. Campos expansion plan. “If we do not have
mosquito-borne diseases, posing a big the expertise for the solutions we

threat to the health and wellbeing of are offering, then we make sure
Filipino families, especially children MAJOR provider of elevators, that we partner with the industry’s
under the age of 9 and even those that escalators and cooling best experts,” he said.
are yet to be born. Alstra’s sales in the first half
Dengue is in fact one of the top
solutions in the country has of 2017 hit P1.8 billion, on track
10 killer diseases in the Philippines. embraced a new name to reflect with the company’s target to
From January 1 to May 20 this year, the a strategic shift for the building grow revenues by 15 percent
to 20 percent from 2016’s P3.5
Department of Health recorded 35,973 industry and address the changing billion.
dengue cases throughout the country,
with 207 reported deaths within the
demands of customers. This has not yet factored in
Concepcion Building and Industrial Solutions, about P2 billion worth of projects
same period. the commercial division of Concepcion Industrial in the pipeline that started coming
And while the latest figures are lower Corp.,changed its name to Alstra. It remains the in the second half.
compared to last year’s, people must company behind Carrier, Otis and Toshiba brands “Based on government figures,
remain vigilant in terms of averting in the Philippines. there might be a slowdown in
an outbreak of the disease in their “Alstra is a name we created. For us, it is construction activities in the next
communities. synonymous to building solutions itself. It is the two to three years. Construction
The same Aedes mosquitoes that same business unit of Concepcion Industrial Corp. permits were down by 3 percent
carry dengue also transmit the Zika Only, we are trying to fit in more sophisticated in the first half of 2017 compared
virus, a flu-like mosquito-borne disease solutions that will be the trend of the future,” to 2016. That’s what is in the PSA
said Alstra director and head of the building and [Philippines Statistics Authority]
that is widespread in tropical countries
industrial solutions group Rajan Komarasu. site. Since we’ve expanded
with big mosquito population. As of Komarasu, who grew up in Singapore, studied in our portfolio, we don’t see this
February this year, the DOH has tallied Australia and was posted in the Philippines in 2007, dilemma affecting our operations,”
a total of 57 Zika cases in the country, said the transformation idea was conceived three Alstra director Rajan Komarasu Komarasu said.
seven of which involve pregnant years ago, “when we said we needed to cater to The big drop, he said, came
women aged 16 to 32. what customers are looking for – the requirement are the bigger companies. That’s why we’re slowly getting into from the Visayas region but
While a breakthrough dengue of business to business.” the game.” the bigger share was still
vaccine is reportedly now available, “This required us to totally look at the culture of Alstra still caters to all segments of the construction industry, a cco u nte d by t h e N at i o n a l
most people tend to overlook the organization, the people, the systems that we use. with projects in the manufacturing sector, hotels, restaurants, Capital Region.
fact that there are more practical and We said we need to change this but as we change BPOs, service sectors and even banks. “I think there’s gestation period
we need to market ourselves as building solutions It maintains its focus on the commercial and industrial side going on. Although there’s a lot of
more economical ways to get rid of
expert in the Philippines,” said Komarasu. of the business without losing sight of its beginnings as Filipino commitment on the construction
mosquitoes and other disease-carrying white-line manufacturer Condura.
Komarasu said that in the Philippines it was a side but developers are pulling
insects. big challenge to change old habits, but “we had The company continues to manufacture and sell window- back as well. We believe that
This is where Zap All Knockdown this huge progress to bringing the organization type air-conditioning units, its bread and butter once, but sales contractors and developers are
multi-insect killer comes in. Distributed closer to customers.” had since simmered into a single digit growth as it shifted its moving forward with cautious
by Jardine Distribution Inc., Zap “We put in a lot of effort into the areas wherein focus to more technically-challenging cooling solutions on a sentiments. There are too many
contains a formula that kills dengue people might not normally think we are capable bigger scale in partnership with Carrier. projects out there but because
and Zika virus-carrying mosquitoes, as of or not worthy of any effort like engineering and Condura-Carrier is the first air-conditioning brand in country of shortage of manpower and
well as cockroaches and flies, without project management,” he said. to be ISO certified. By 2020, Alstra aims to have the entire professionals, there is this
any irritating smell. Assistance on engineering design starts right company product line ISO-certified. temporary impact. We believe
Z a p ’s h i g h - q u a l i t y a c t i v e from the concept to implementation stage as well, Alstra still holds the title as market leader in the air- this is temporary and will not be a
he said. conditioning industry quickly. While its vertical solutions in lasting trend. What we see now as
ingredient—sourced from Sumitomo
Alstra will be carrying the same cooling solutions escalators and elevators have struggled in the past, it has since growing are industrial businesses
Chemical, a leading Japanese chemical moved on to a comfortable pace due to consistency in quality
and vertical building solutions such as escalators and institutions,” he said.
firm—guarantees faster knockdown and elevators. and after-service. Komarasu said the company
power and a long-lasting effect With the rebranding, the company will introduce “We want to make sure there’s consistency in everything would continue investing in more
compared to those of other brands in an expanded menu of building solutions including we do. On top of this, we want to continue our CSR [corporate solutions and improving at least
the market. fire assistance, security protocols, lighting solution, social responsibility]. So far, Alstra has spent more than 30,000 90 solutions.
The DOH itself recommends the use controls and automation using IoT (Internet of hours over the last three years educating our customers, our “As a business, we always need
of insect repellants and insect killers as Things) that can be packaged however the client supply partners and some contractors about efficiency, safety to think positive. We will be very
self-protection measures to prevent wants it. and technology. We want to make sure we have the right cautious at the same time, so
mosquito bites that can cause dengue, The trend in building solutions, Komarasu said, is partners and most of all, create synergies in the way we operate,” we can achieve our vision to
Zika, or similar diseases. Maintaining slowly getting ahead of the game, “although, in the Komarasu said. reach P15-billion sales by 2020,”
Philippines, the ones that can only procure these Mergers and acquisitions will remain part of the company’s Komarasu said.
a clean environment and seeking
early consultation with the doctor
are also highly advised at the onset of

From B1
aviation industry, Guico said the road to an aviation crew advancing to become airline pilots,” he said.
so many ideas on to how to help career is not for the faint-hearted. Those interested to Foreseeing the boom in the airlines industry, WCC
fellow Filipinos do the same or how get into the industry should be passionate and fully Aviation is commencing its plans to make quality
to provide them with a free service equipped with optimal skills and experience to gain education more accessible throughout the country
that consolidates all the travel-related a competitive edge. by expanding its reach. The company, which is highly
“Though new graduates will find it hard to land an regarded not just in the Philippines but also in Asia,
information about the country.
aviation job immediately after graduation, the key is aims to soon open a WCC Aviation Branch in Diliman,
The result is, which to keep themselves informed about the industry and Quezon City, offering programs such as pilot training
also includes initiatives such as the specialization they are into. For example, aircraft and flight attendant course.
community service revenue programs mechanics should be more open into accepting on- This is in addition to WCC Aviation’s constant
to create sustainable livelihood and the-job trainings and immersions. This will give them upgrading of its training programs.
the formation of Yapak Club, an the experience and skills that a large airline company From its modest beginnings in 2005 with only a
engagement to connect university is looking for,” he said. small school and two students, WCC Aviation has
and college students. “This is the same with pilot students. The key is to grown to be a university-grade campus that caters
“Yapak Club now has Lyceum chapter gain experience. Airlines may not be always hiring to the needs of the airline industry both locally and
and PUP chapter. The good thing about new pilots, so the option is to start by becoming flight abroad.
it is that later on, Yapak Club members instructors so they will gain flight experience and at At present, WCC Aviation’s state-of-the-art facilities
the same time enhance their skills. So when the time provides a conducive learning environment.
will also feed information. We are also in
comes that an airline will be looking for their new set “We are training students not just to become
talks to have chapters in UE, Adamson, of flight crew, you will be on the top choice,” Guico said. employees but to be critical thinkers. We want them
FEU, La Salle and College of Saint Getting a high-paying job isn’t the sole reason to be the next generation managers and leaders
Benilde,” says Zoleta. to land in the airlines industry. Alongside the life- in the industry. That is why we are highlighting
Zoleta says Yapak’s business model changing chance to see the world are opportunities ‘character formation’ in our curriculum. By focusing
will have digital advertising as its main for career advancement. on developing the character of our students, we help
anchor, where companies such as “Aside from the travel, airlines also provide them nurture their skills and become responsible
hotels, airlines, transport providers and assistance for career advancement. There is an individuals that will later be our contribution towards
travel agencies will converge to market ongoing trend now of aircraft mechanics and cabin nation-building,” said Guico.
their products and services.
“With Yapak, we will also create
FOLLOWING the growth of the global economy, the
livelihood programs for the people.
demand for aviation professionals continues to grow
We will promote even small businesses in the Asia-Pacific region. Data from the Philippine
such as eateries,” she says. Statistics Authority show that aviation-related
Yapak also has a Facebook page occupations – namely aircraft pilots, navigators, and
which has already attracted 12,000 flight engineers – were the highest paying jobs in 2016
followers. “We engage the followers by with a P116,714 average monthly wage rate.
posting three to five articles a day with It was followed by securities and finance dealers
focus on millennials. We provide tips, and brokers (P89,831) and civil engineers (P69,957).
tourist spots, food finds or trivia. We The airline industry has prospered over the past
also have ‘hugot’ lines complete with decades and the need for aviation experts continues
graphics,” says Zoleta. to rise–with 41,000 new aircrafts projected to be built
worldwide within the next 20 years.
Zoleta also plans to launch a journal
With the boom of aviation in the Philippines, what
app, or a travel planner that will remind can aspiring aviation practitioners expect and how
subscribers of their itinerary. should they prepare?
“But the revenue model leans “One must be really ready when entering the
on advertising, because that is our competitive aviation industry,” said Capt. Ramon Guico
expertise. We envision to put media III, president and chief executive of WCC Aviation
and advertising together through Company Inc.
Yapak,” she says. Roderick T. dela Cruz Despite the presence of job opportunities in the
Cesar Barrioquinto, Editor / Jimbo Gulle, Issue Editor
World SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2017

\TOKYO, Japan—A powerful typhoon
was bearing down on Japan Saturday, a
day ahead of national elections, with ex-
perts predicting severe winds and heavy
rains as the country goes to the polls.
Super typhoon Lan, described as
“very large” and “very strong” by Japan’s

Meteorological Agency, was packing
gusts up to 252 kilometres (157 miles) ADRID, Spain—Spain’s government kicked Puigdemont has said such a move the Princess of Asturias Awards --
per hour Saturday above Pacific waters could push regional lawmakers to Spain’s answer to the Nobels -- King
south of Japan.
off a crisis cabinet meeting on Saturday as declare unilateral independence. Felipe described Catalonia as “an es-
As Lan drew closer, voters on remote it prepares to seize powers from Catalonia’s But Rajoy said Friday that Spain sential part of 21st century Spain”.
southern islands in the path of the separatist executive in an unprecedented move had reached a “critical point” after EU leaders, who were at the cer-
storm cast their ballots early for Sun- weeks of political limbo and that his emony to collect a prize for encour-
day’s election. aimed at stopping the northeastern region’s government had to act to stop the aging harmony in Europe, used
The Joint Typhoon Warning Center of independence drive. rule of law being “liquidated”. their acceptance speeches to de-
the US Navy called it a super typhoon. Rajoy is likely to announce mand respect for the law in words
The Japanese agency said Lan would plans to take control of Catalonia’s that offered implicit backing to Ma-
move just east of Okinawa Sunday be- During the meeting, which dum must be resolved “through 16,000-strong police force, the Mos- drid.
fore grazing the country’s coastal areas, started around 10 a.m. (0800 GMT), legitimate democratic institutions”. sos d’Esquadra, whose leader Josep “Some are sowing discord by de-
possibly directly hitting Tokyo or sur- Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy and “We do not want to give up that Lluis Trapero could face up to 15 liberately ignoring law,” European
rounding regions, Monday morning. his ministers will decide on what which we have built together,” he years in jail on sedition charges for parliament head Antonio Tajani said
Meteorologists expect strong winds powers to take away from the pleaded. failing to contain separatist protests at the awards night in the northern
and heavy rain across much of Japan on wealthy region, which currently en- Madrid enjoys constitutional ahead of the referendum. city of Oviedo.
Sunday. joys wide autonomy including con- powers to wrest back control of re- Madrid could also seek to force He added pointedly: “All too often
Regardless of weather, however, na- trol over its own policing, education bellious regions in one of the West- new elections -- its preferred so- in the past the prospect of redraw-
tional surveys have largely predicted and healthcare. ern world’s most decentralized na- lution to Spain’s most protracted ing borders has been presented as a
that the ruling bloc, led by Prime Min- The measures take the country tions, but it has never used them. political crisis since it returned to heavenly panacea that has resulted
ister Shinzo Abe, was likely to claim a into uncharted legal waters, and Autonomy is a hugely sensitive democracy in 1977 -- as early as in a hellish mess.”
landslide victory. AFP come just a day after Madrid won issue in semi-autonomous Cata- January. As tensions continue to run high,
powerful backing from the king lonia, which saw its powers taken Rajoy is due to hold a press con- independence supporters are set to

and the EU in its battle to keep the away under Spain’s military dicta- ference early Saturday afternoon rally in Barcelona Saturday evening
country together. torship. Home to 7.5 million people, to announce his plans, which must calling for the release of Jordi Cuix-
King Felipe VI on Friday blasted the region fiercely defends its own pass through the Senate where his art and Jordi Sanchez, the leaders of

FLESH’ IN BOMBED what he said was an “unacceptable

secession attempt” and said the cri-
language and culture.
There are fears of unrest if Ma-
conservative Popular Party holds
a majority -- a process that would
two powerful grassroots separatist
groups who have been in jail since

sis sparked by the region’s banned drid seeks to impose direct rule of take about a week. Monday pending investigation into
October 1 independence referen- any kind, and Catalan leader Carles Speaking on Friday night at sedition charges. AFP

KABUL, Afghanistan—A strong smell of

blood and flesh permeated the Imam
Zaman mosque in Kabul on Saturday
hours after dozens of Shiite worshippers
were slaughtered by a suicide bomber
during evening prayers.
Broken glass and dust covered the
red carpet, soaked in the blood of the
men, women and children who had
been praying on Friday when the at-
tacker blew himself up, causing carnage
in the cavernous prayer hall.
At least 39 people were killed and 45
others wounded in the assault claimed
by the Islamic State group -- one of two
deadly mosque attacks on Friday -- cap-
ping one of the bloodiest weeks in Af-
ghanistan in recent memory.
“The windows of the mosque were
broken, and blood and human flesh
were spattered everywhere and you
could smell blood and human flesh in-
side the mosque,” Ibrahim, who rushed
to the mosque after the blast, told AFP.
“This is absolutely barbarism. What
kind of Islam is this? They are attacking
worshippers at the time of prayers, even
mosques are not safe for us to pray.”
Hours after the suicide bomb the Tali- MARCH THROUGH NOWHERE. Rohingya refugees who were stranded walk near the no man’s land area between Bangladesh and Myanmar in the Palongkhali
ban fired two rockets at the headquar- area next to Ukhia on Thursday. Since late August, more than 500,000 Rohingya have fled an army campaign in Myanmar’s Rakhine state that the United Nations has
ters of NATO’s Resolute Support mission denounced as ethnic cleansing. AFP
in the heavily fortified diplomatic quar-
ter of Kabul. There were no reports of
casualties but the attack underlined the
worsening security in the country. AFP

PRAGUE, Czech Republic—Voters from 2014 to May this year. mocracy are poised to win a majority in ing to the far-right anti-EU Freedom and
PABLO NERUDA flocked to polling stations on Sat-
urday, the second and final day of a
A 63-year-old Slovak-born chemicals,
food and media tycoon, Babis captured
parliament for the first time since com-
munism fell in 1989, the leading Ho-
Free Democracy (SPD) of Tokyo-born
entrepreneur Tomio Okamura who won
SANTIAGO, Chile—International ex- Czech general election expected to around 25-30 percent support in re- spodarske Noviny daily said in a Friday backing from France’s far-right National
perts announced Friday that Chilean sweep into power a billionaire popu- cent surveys, putting ANO ahead of its editorial. Front.
Nobel laureate Pablo Neruda did not list dubbed the “Czech Trump” and current coalition partner, the left-wing “And for the first time we face the The daily called the elections a “turn-
die of cancer, but could not conclusively boost anti-European Union parties. Social Democrats, who have just 12.5 threat that an openly xenophobic, ex- ing point... both for the country’s inter-
determine if he was assassinated by late Betting on his anti-euro, anti-mi- percent. tremist movement will earn more than nal functioning and its anchoring in the
dictator Augusto Pinochet’s regime. grant and anti-corruption ticket, ANO Parties protesting against liberal de- 10 percent” of the vote, it added, point- European Union.” AFP
Neruda, a celebrated poet, politician, (Yes) movement chief Andrej Babis,
diplomat and bohemian, died in 1973 topped opinion polls by a wide mar-
aged 69, just days after Pinochet, then gin ahead of the ballot which ends
the head of the Chilean army, overthrew on Saturday afternoon.
Socialist president Salvador Allende in a “I think his policy is for the people,”
bloody coup. pensioner Alena Kolarova told AFP
The writer, who was also a prominent in Prague after voting, praising Babis
member of the Chilean Communist par- for “restoring order in public finances
ty, had been preparing to flee into exile and tax collection” during his three-
in Mexico to lead the resistance against year stint as finance minister that
Pinochet’s regime. ended in May.
He died in a Santiago clinic where he Babis said he expected his EU
was being treated for prostate cancer. country of 10.8 million people to
The subsequent death of former pres- “enter a new stage” after voting on
ident Eduardo Frei at the same clinic, Friday, adding it needed “a govern-
where he had come for a routine opera- ment which will really tackle people’s
tion, reinforced the thesis that Neruda problems.”
was murdered. Vaclav Vachel, another pensioner,
“The (death) certificate does not said Babis’s anti-corruption drive was
reflect the real cause of death,” Aure- “the key thing,” seemingly unfazed by
lio Luna said at a news conference on a fraud indictment the mogul faces
behalf of a panel of experts, referring for alleged abuse of EU subsidies.
to the official explanation that cancer Far-right and far-left anti-EU par-
killed the famed writer. ties are eyeing strong gains which
The group of 16 experts from Canada, could lead to a fragmented parlia-
Denmark, the US, Spain and Chile, 12 ment with up to nine parties and few
of whom worked in Santiago while the natural coalition allies.
rest worked from abroad, could neither Analysts warn of instability and
confirm nor rule out the hypothesis that that the Czech Republic’s system
Neruda was murdered. of liberal democracy could be dis-
“We do not have that definitive con- turbed.
clusion, we do not have the determi- ANO has already held key posts in
SENIOR QUEEN. Ms. New Jersey Carolyn Slade Harden is crowned Ms. Senior America during the 38th Annual National Ms.
nation that there was indeed interven- the outgoing rocky centre-left coali- Senior America 2017 Pageant at the Resorts Casino Hotel in Atlantic City, New Jersey on Thursday. The pageant is held for women
tion of third parties,” said investigating tion under Social Democrat Prime between the ages of 60 and 90, where they participate in evening gown presentations, talent performances, and a category in which
Judge Mario Carroza, who is handling Minister Bohuslav Sobotka, with competitors share their life philosophy. AFP
the case. AFP Babis serving as finance minister
B4 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2017 Riera U. Mallari, Editor
& Games


HE Philippines’ no. 1 fast-
food chain is also no. 1 in Outranking all other
QSR brands, Jollibee
digital engagement. garnered a 37% HOME Credit Philippines, a Prague-
share of engagement based finance technology company
on Facebook from that offers in-store financing of
For decades, Jollibee has been January to June 2017
capturing the taste buds of Filipinos smartphones and other goods,
according to online recently signed a syndicated loan
with its langhap-sarap treats. Lately, content assessment
the brand has been winning over the with a total commitment of P2.25
tool Community
hearts of millions online with hit-after- billion.
Plus. Social media
hit digital content. intelligence tool The loan was arranged by Citi-
Community Plus, a Mediacom social Thoughtbuzz also group Global Markets Asia Limited
media listening tool that is used widely reveals that the (Citi) and was participated in by
amongst various global brands, reports brand registered 1.5 some of the country’s largest banks,
that from January to June 2017, Jollibee million mentions namely, Citibank N.A., Union Bank of
outranked all other brands in the quick across digital the Philippines, East West Bank, Rizal
service restaurant category, particularly platforms, almost Commercial Banking Corporation
in Facebook where it garnered a ma- triple that of its and CTBC Bank Philippines.
jority 37% share of engagement, twice competitors in According to HCPH’s chief finan-
greater than its biggest foreign com- the same period, cial officer Zdenek Jankovsky, the
petitor. Social media intelligence tool to become the #1 loan will be used to sustain its fast
Thoughtbuzz also reports that Jollibee most talked about and aggressive expansion in the
is the #1 most talked about QSR brand, QSR brand in the country, as the company’s customer
registering 1.5 million mentions in vari- Philippines. base approaches two million bor-
ous digital platforms; almost triple that rowers, supported by a workforce of
of its competitors in the same period. 8,000 employees and counting.
Jollibee Global Brand Chief Market- videos successfully wooed the online but of Jollibee’s digital content mas- tirelessly sells local delicacies at a near- “In only four years of operation
ing Officer and PH Marketing Head, audience with over 50 million views tery. A Grandparents’ Day special, by Jollibee branch to provide for her in the Philippines, we have rapidly
Francis Flores shares, “Jollibee’s stellar on Facebook and YouTube, about 1.3 “Apo” follows a young man recalling loved ones. The video feature reached grown our customer base while es-
digital success has been key to sustain- million shares, 7.5 million in engage- his happy childhood memories as over 7.7 million netizens and 5.2 mil- tablishing our presence in all major
ing our market leadership in the coun- ment, and 82 million reach (72% or- he makes his way back home to the lion views. cities and provinces in the country,”
try, across all our major target markets.” ganic reach). The buzz of Kwentong embrace of his “second parents”. With Jankovsky said. “This syndicated loan
Flores added: “Through world-class, Jollibee’s Valentine series generated a whopping 29million reach, over An Array of World-Class is highly strategic in sustaining our
highly engaging online content and over P150 million in free PR and 14.2million views and an engage- Digital Content steep growth, and we are happy to
digital innovations, we will continue to media values as well. ment of 1.1 million, Jollibee’s special Apart from the emotional be partnering with leading banks
break the internet to reinforce our posi- The viral success of the Kwentong grandparents’ day tribute solidified Kwentong Jollibee short films, Jol- who share our vision.”
tion as the Philippines’ most loved, most Jollibee episodes continued towards the brand’s online leadership. libee has also produced a number Jankovsky noted that 2017 is a
talked about brand. For us in Jollibee, mid-year with “Parangal” and The most recent viral short film was of successful online campaigns that landmark year for the company, as
capturing the hearts of the Filipinos on- “Powers”—back-to-back moving coupled with a heart-tugging CSR ef- have gotten netizens abuzz: from the it completed its nationwide roll-out
line (and offline) is the ultimate reward.” tributes to the sacrifices of moms and fort, Grand Thank You Project, and a impressive dance skills of the lovable and gained close to a million new
the heroic deeds of dads, to provide a special video feature titled “Handog mascots Jollibee and Friends in the Jol- customers on the way to a projected
The Kwentong Jollibee Success comfortable life for the family—as the para kay Lola Belen”. The project rec- liDance Showdown series with more loan receivables volume of P12 bil-
The brand’s original short-film series, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day videos ognizes hardworking grandparents than 29 million Facebook and YouTube lion by year end.
Kwentong Jollibee, has gone viral multi- garnered positive reactions from neti- and gives back the love with a Grand- views, the quirky quick escape tricks of “In terms of agility and speed of
ple times this year, and has earned mul- zens and received 8.1 million and 7 mil- parents’ Day feast for their family and JolliSavers for every Petsa de Peligro that progress, HCPH can be compared
tiple accolades not only from netizens lion views, respectively. other forms of support such as finan- reached more than 24 million views, to a startup, especially since we are
but from industry leaders globally. The Kwentong Jollibee series’ most cial aid. On the Grand Thank You Project’s to the sumptuous and heartwarming only four years old. But in terms of
In February, the highly-evocative recent viral hit, “Apo” is proof not only second year, Jollibee features Lola Belen, Chickenjoy campaigns that generated customer base and volume being
“Vow”, “Date”, and “Crush” Valentine’s of the enterprise’s sustained success a grandmother from Pangasinan who more than 28 million views. generated, we are already compara-
ble to much older and mature com-
panies,” Jankovsky said.
The HCPH executive noted that


the company’s success may be at-
tributed to its “financially inclusive”
business model, as Home Credit pro-
vides loans even to first-time borrow-
JUST two months after its widely- Selfie Pro and the ZenFone 4 Another unique feature in this ers and those with no credit histories,
successful, grand ZenFone 4 launch in Selfie each have their own bang-for-buck smartphone is the as well as the ease and speed of loan
SMX Convention Center last Aug. 19, advanced ASUS-grade triple slot tray. This allows anyone to application.
ASUS Philippines pulls off yet another front cameras that al- share not only one, but Nano sim Jankovsky said that Home Credit
surprise that will surely shake up the ready capture the cards as well as a Micro SD card Philippines has “one of the fastest, if
tech industry anew. finest selfies and that allows you to store up to not the fastest, loan processing and
With its goal to reclaim the title and wefies, it is still 2TB in one tray. It’s a stylish but approval times” in the industry, with
throne as the premier selfie and wefie quite exciting to practical add-on to this newest applications approved in as fast as
smartphone, ASUS Philippines further see what ASUS’ Ze- variant in the Selfie series. Imag- five minutes through their propri-
beefs up its already fortified ZenFone 4 nFone 4 Selfie Lite has ine all the photos and videos one etary system, and requiring only two
Selfie line-up with the introduction of to dish out, to further el- can store! valid IDs from the applicant.
a third model in the celebrated series: evate the selfie game and Of course, since all of the ZenFone These loan products come with
the ZenFone 4 Selfie Lite. ultimately regain the selfie 4 Selfie series is royally crowned as the “safe lending” features, such as the
The first and original ZenFone Selfie and wefie throne. 13MP SelfieMaster, the ZenFone 4 Selfie Lite option to avail of insurance along
graced the Philippine market back in WITH THE SELFIE LITE, Phase must also come with the much-favored with the loan; a 15 day “cooling-off ”
2015 with a front camera that was way ANYBODY CAN BE A SelfieMaster Detec- SelfieMaster! Beautification on photos, period that allows customers to pay
ahead of its time and produced styl- Only for the price of P7,995.00, the tion Auto videos, and livestream has never been back the full loan at no added cost
ish grade-A selfies that people thor- newest ZenFone 4 Selfie Lite is a 5.5- Focus with easier with this first ever, all-in-one within this time period; customer-
oughly enjoyed, loved, and treasured. inch HD display beauty that sports a a n LED real-tone beautification technology. Added bo- friendly repayment tools meant to
Two years later, the tech giant returns 13MP front camera with a soft LED flash, flash feature, which will nuses to this special app are the collage address various financial difficulties;
with not only two, but three Selfie great for taking a selfie or even a wefie ensure that the subject will and slideshow makers, which make it and Home Credit’s “Our Commit-
smartphones that the Philippine mar- while still looking fresh wherever and look blur-free and incredible no matter a doozy to share photos anytime and ment” that promises full transpar-
ket would love. While the ZenFone 4 whenever. Its rear camera packs a mean what! anywhere! ency on loan products with no hid-
den charges.


IN1GO Technologies, a 100% Filipino- Small-scale operators, can benefit truck location can be tracked in real time
owned IT Services and BPO Company from expanded business. Larger fleet including the updated estimated time of
offering a suite of value enterprise solu- operators will enjoy reduced truck arrival through GPS. A photo of the driver
tions in project and sales force manage- downtimes and better operational and the truck is provided for increased se-
ment, logistics, distribution and supply curity, together with full transaction details.
chain systems, introduces 1Go Loadr, By downloading the 1Go Loadr app on
a web and mobile enabled collabora- a smart phone and enrolling, a secured log-
tive platform—an online marketplace in enables shippers to post their require-
—where both logistic outsourcees and ments and to find from an extensive di-
services providers—haulers and ship- rectory of enrolled haulers, with complete QC Mayor Herbert Bautista and Vice Mayor Joy Belmonte (5th and 7th from left, respectively),
pers—converge to address the numer- vehicle specs, the ones capable of match- with councilors Godofredo Liban, Allan Francisco and Hero Bautista, PLDT Enterprise AVP Dennis
ous delivery requirements of customers. ing their needs. Eligible haulers will then be Magbatoc, Smart AVP/Head of Community Engagement and Partnerships Gabby R. Cui, PLDT
Through a revolutionary mobile app notified. Posted shipping requirements will Enterprise Senior Relationship Manager Jojo Alonzo IV and Councilor Elizabeth Delarmente.
that’s downloadable from the Google Play be assigned on a first-come, first-serve ba-
Store, or on the web at,
haulers of varying scales—whether
operating just one truck or an entire
sis. Once a hauler accepts, the shipper can
then monitor the whole delivery process
from pick-up to final unloading.
fleet—can gain access to a wide variety of 1Go Loadr harnesses the power of TO provide residents and workers with high than 12 million residents, or about 3 million
goods and items available for shipment, technology to revolutionize logistics, quality data connectivity, PLDT wireless people, live in Quezon City.
resulting in increased productivity and Manny Miranda, Operations Head resulting for cheaper, faster, and highly subsidiary Smart Communications, Inc. is “By making Smart Wifi available in
convenience for both haulers and shippers. of 1Go Tech efficient delivery for utmost customer rolling out carrier-grade Smart Wifi in more more high-traffic spaces, we are making
“We realized the existence of a gap, a efficiency as well as the ability to manage satisfaction and better business backed areas in Quezon City, Metro Manila’s most high quality connections more acces-
sweet spot, that fleet managers couldn’t and deploy their fleets with ease. by 1Go’s solid experience, impressive populous city.  sible for more Filipinos, who can now be
fill,” said Manny Miranda, Operations Shippers will find it is so much easier to roster of world-renowned clients, and ro-  Smart Wifi is now available at the Quezon more productive because they can access
Head of 1Go Tech. “Through 1Go Loadr, find a reliable hauler and the right vehi- bust end-to-end technology solutions. City Hall, while several Quezon City restau- important government services, as well
we are creating a marketplace among cle that fit their exact shipping require- To experience the future of logis- rants have also been transformed into Smart as update their social media while on-
our users. Our business to consumer ments, as the service has over 2000 en- tics collaboration, download the 1Go Spots, providing high-speed Wifi to people the-go,” said Jovy Hernandez, Senior Vice
model allows them to open their fleets rolled trucks to take a load on-demand! Loader app at the Google Play Store or who live and work in the city. President and Head of Enterprise for PLDT
of trucks to a larger community.” Peace of mind is assured as the exact visit About a fifth of Metro Manila’s more and Smart.
C1 sunday, october 22, 2017 Isah V. Red, Editor /
Young Life
Bernadette Lunas, Issue Editor

3 key
for the
No matteR how hectic the prep-
aration for holiday festivities get,
fashion should not be compro-
this season, expect styles to go
full on lengthy and layers to warm
us up the chicest way possible.
the Sm Store shows how you can
wear the three key trends that are
expected to dominate the 2017
holiday season.

Scan this icon to

view the PDF

stories of sexual abuse
on social Media
By Bernadette Lunas
Flower Power
Slip into the season’s ‘70s in-
spired prints and let your flower
child run free with a floral printed
bell-sleeved top by GtW and a

mixed floral trousers from Sfera.
oCIal media has been many things to many people: a tool for communication, a source of exude femininity with a hippie
information, a platform for discussion. But most recently, it has become a stage where victims touch when a dainty loose top is
matched with a pleated skirt from
of sexual harassment share their harrowing tales of abuse.  GtW. Complement this ‘70s bohe-
mian look with a suede hat and a
leather bag from Sm accessories.
Facebook, twitter, and Instagram are currently flooded with per- ted by powerful film producer Harvey Weinstein  to women he Put the outfit together with a ‘70s
sonal stories of women (and a couple of men) tagged with #metoo.  had worked with.  inspired flat slingbacks, mules, or
the hashtag started as a call to action by american actress Hollywood bigwigs, including Angelina Jolie, Gwyneth Pal- platform heels from Parisian.
Alyssa Milano. In her tweet, she asked people who had experi- trow and  Lena Headey,  opened up about being harassed by
enced sexual abuse to Weinstein.  Reese With-
reply “me too.”  In an ac- erspoon, on the other
companying screenshot, hand, recounted her ex-
she explained: “If all the perience of being sexu-
women who have been ally abused by a director
sexually harassed or as- when she was just start-
saulted wrote ‘me too’ as ing out in her career. 
a status, we might give male celebrities have
people a sense of the also shared their stories
magnitude of the prob- of sexual assault. Ham-
lem.” ilton  star Javier Muñoz
milano’s tweet has wrote in reply to milano’s
since garnered more viral tweet, “me too. I
than 51,000 likes, 24,000 don’t know if [it] means
retweets, and 66,000 anything coming from
replies from ordinary a gay man but it’s hap-
women and famous pened. multiple times.”
personalities includ- the recent scandal
ing  Rosario Dawson, and milano’s online
Viola Davis, Gina  Ro- campaign have inspired
driguez, Lily Allen, thousands of individu-
and, locally, Saab Mag- als, famous or not, to
alona, among others.  the viral tweet of american actress alyssa milano that started the #metoo online movement share their personal sto-
While the “me too” ries of abuse.
movement originally the #metoo move-
started by Tarana Bourke in 2006 to spread awareness about ment has revealed what we already know or what many still re-
sexual abuse in underprivileged communities of color, the on- fuse to admit: the magnitude of the problem encompasses sta- Graphic Arts
line movement has only caught on and reached a wider scale last tus, race, and gender. optical fashion is at its best
week amid the news of multiple sexual assault allegedly commit- Turn to C2 with the Graphic arts trend. Be
Turn to C2

Sporty and techie Lock and loaded
Wear a crimson pull- the utilitarian look, with
over and a pair of jet its neutral colors, comple-
black technical sweat- ments the somber tone
pants for an outfit that’s of a gloomy weather. opt

comfortable but still for a neutral colored top,
looks put together. Be preferably in gray, and a
ready to tackle the wet pair of denim pants. For
and muddy streets in some serious grip even on
Saucony Caliber tR. Fin- wet, slippery and uneven

ish off your look with a terrain, slip on the Sau-
cool wearable gadget cony Peregrine 7, a runner
that tracks your every that’s all power with every
step and lets you stay footstrike, boasting of re-
connected to your social silience and energy.

C2 sunday, october 22, 2017 young
oung Life


sure to turn heads and minds with

playful stripes to keep you ahead of
everyone. start with a bold color like
a red knit top paired with a vertical-
striped navy blue skirt from sM Wom-
an. for an elegant approach, try on
a striped waist dress by sM Woman.
Have an even stronger refined look
with either white pointed flats, white
chunky heels, or metallic heels, all
from Parisian.

intellock locking system

is an innovative way to
keep your valuables safe

GivinG metals a new liFe

By Daniel Reyes

Minimal Utilitarian
the latest Minimal utilitarian trend Here are quite a number of things much more interesting than metal gates and plant
is for on-the-go fashionistas. this no- boxes. but a sheet metal fabricating company has innovated ways to transform these
fuss fall key look is all about structure
and matching pieces that always simple metal products into something smart and elegant.
look effortlesly polished. Live in a
big sleeve moment with sM Wom-
Md cutting edge Materials Processing corporation gives metals interesting. to change this perception, the company offers metal
an’s grey oversized top and pleated
a new life by recycling them to forge products that harmonize with fabrications that come in a variety of colors and textures that match
cullotes. cinch your waist with a
the environment. the company uses the origami technique where- diverse characters and tastes.
brown leather belt from sM accesso-
in a 2d thin sheet of metal is bended and formed into the desired With celosia, homeowners can customize the design and
ries and finish the look with either rib-
3d geometry through laser cutting. bring an added sense of personality to their home by choosing
bon-slides or velvet slides by Parisian.
in its commitment to “push beyond the boundaries of convention,” the pattern of metals, like peacock and houndstooth patterns,
cutting edge introduces three product lines, namely arcadia, celosia, among others.
Go to or follow and intellock, that will make you look at metals in a new light. its innovative and tailor-made metal fabrications can be ap-
@TheSMStore on Facebook and Insta- plied to mundane items such as gates, fences, doors, staircase
gram for more information. Pockets of greens railings, windows, facades, and dividers. they can even be made
Having a garden, or at least a small piece of nature, in a small ur- into wall arts.
ban residential space is almost, if at all, impossible for those living
Smart lock
From C1
in condominium buildings.
but arcadia plant boxes give everyone, whether they live in a house intellock offers an innovative way to keep your valuables
with a backyard or in a studio unit, a chance to plant small greens or such as designer items, important documents, and jewelry
arrange flowers to add elegance and nature to their environment. safely. it uses a keyless entry lock using a password and sends
sexual assault can happen any- “We wanted every filipino individual to be able to have this an sMs to your phone, thus ensuring the safety of your valu-
where to anyone. the gut-wrenching opportunity to bring back into their home some pockets of cool ables.
accounts of those who went through greens that they can enjoy in their home, especially now in our ur- intellock steel storage also guarantees to protect items stored in-
the ordeal reveal that anyone from a ban dwellings where it’s all cramped and polluted,” explains Mel- side from harsh elements such as severe weather conditions. it can
mogul in a bathrobe to a creepy dude vin Dy, president and owner of Md Gruppe. also be customized by size, color, and celosia metal patterns.
at work to a random stranger on Arcadia and Celosia are exclusively distributed by Greenergy Ven-
the street to your very own relative Personalized patterns tures. Visit and like Greenergy on Face-
can  ruin your  self-esteem by  catcall- Most people often think of metal as something standard and un- book for more information.
ing, touching, or, worst, raping you. 
it also reveals how victims refuse to
fight back and choose to keep their
traumatic experience to themselves
in fear of humiliation, defamation,
and losing a job. it shows that the
perpetrators usually get away with
their inappropriate advances and live
a normal life, while their victims are
forever traumatized. 
the avalanche of #Metoo tagged
posts is a clear indication that the
statistics we have on sexual abuse
may be grossly  inaccurate. Here in
the Philippines, a 2015 survey by un
Women revealed that “3 in 5 women
have experienced sexual harassment
at least once in their lifetime” and
that half of the women to whom un-
wanted attentions were forced did
nothing after the incident. the num- arcadia plant boxes celosia metal fabrications can be used in gates, fences, doors, and more
ber could further balloon had women
who did not speak up disclose their
While #Metoo has sparked a

Millennials teach seniors

conversation and provided a  plat-
form  for  victims (mostly women)
to share their stories, several critics
claim that it has removed the blame

how to Make video calls

from men and instead put the weight,
once again, on women  who  had
to recount a horrifying experience. 
“Why are we still demanding that
women out themselves as survi- Life is about to change for 68-year-old Evange- He added, “some people say that they’re too
vors...rather than demanding that line Ganzon, as her son is about to leave for an- old for these things—that these are for millennials
men out themselves as abusers,” other country. only. that’s not true. they just got here; they can
author Heather Jo Flores wrote in the physical separation would have been diffi- still learn. We all just learn at our own pace.”
Independent.  cult for nanay Vangie had she not known how to indeed, the lesson was initially confusing for nanay
the online campaign is arguably keep in touch with her loved ones—thankfully she Vangie. “the video call was hard at first,” she admit-
passive, but a Los angeles-based psy- does, with the help of smart Millenniors program. ted. but thankfully, the young volunteers were pa-
chologist said that speaking up on so- smart’s “Millenniors” program—a play on the tient and committed to teaching their old students. a student from adamson university teaches nanay Vangie
cial media can be a positive first step words “millennials” and “seniors”—aims to teach “We really needed patience because our lolos and how to make video calls and use facebook Messenger
for victims of inappropriate behavior. technology to the elderly. the second session, held lolas are not like us, who could easily understand
“People are a little more aware of it,” in partnership with adamson university, taught the and absorb the things we were talking about,” said ferrer also noted how happy the seniors were
said dr. Nicole Lightman.  senior citizens of barangay 734 in Paco, Manila how dela cruz. “We just needed to go back to the things to be taught how to use youtube. “i saw the utter
Zero tolerance, concrete ac- to use facebook Messenger, make video calls, and they needed to remember, again and again.” joy of some elders while backtracking what they
tion, and support from authorities are watch videos on youtube. the hard work of volunteers was paid off when missed in their favorite teleseryes or basketball
needed to stop abuse from happen- employee volunteers from smart led the lecture, they saw how the information they taught can pos- games on youtube.”
ing. but if sharing a traumatic experi- while students from adamson university’s com- sibly enrich the life of senior citizens. smart community Partnerships senior manager
ence will shed a light on the breadth puter science department and adamson’s inte- Christine Ferrer, a volunteer from smart, was Stephanie Orlino said the Millenniors program is
of the problem and, at least, unbur- grated community extension services sat with the touched upon seeing how one participant re- a way the telecommunications company enables
den the victim/survivor, we should elders to provide one-on-one assistance. acted after activating Messenger. “i saw a grand- digital learning to be accessible to more people.
rally behind such a cause.  “it made me happy to see them smile,” shared mother add her granddaughter on facebook and “i am glad we have this program,” nanay Vangie
silence enables abuse. and, yes, Toby dela Cruz, a computer science student [sent a] message [to] her right away, ‘Gising ka na enthused after the session. “i can use the things i
#Metoo. from adamson. ba?’,” she related. learned today to call my son.”
Isah V. Red, Editor / Nickie Wang, Issue Editor


By Nickie Wang The cast of the musical variety

show, “Sunday PinaSaya”

HE Dubsmash Queen Maine Mendo- IT IS customary among many
za has made a lot of transformations Filipinos to repay what is given
to them. But this Christmas
in her life since she appeared on TV season, Sunday PinaSaya rede-
as Yaya Dub. She’s recorded a single, fines the cultural trait of “utang
made two films and starred na loob” through its advocacy
campaign that aims to spread
in a series with her perennial kindness. Instead of paying the
partner Alden Richards, gratitude back, the program en-
courages everyone to just sim-
launched countless ply pay it forward.
brands as a celeb- Dubbed “I-Share Ang Puso
ng Pasko,” the advocacy cam-
rity endorser, and paign is told through a 9-week
so much more. comedy sketch which com-
mences today. It’s the story of
And now she’s the modern day Robin Hoods:
turned her hand On Thursday, the 22-year-old TV star will meet with her fans Melo, Gaston, and Bart, who are
at the launching of Yup, I am that Girl, an autobiographical bailed out of jail by a mysteri-
to something new as book that gives the public an intimate peak into her life on ous person named Master Lodi.
she celebrates an- and off camera. He gives the ‘Trekkings’ a mis-
other milestone. Based on the book description, Yup, I am that Girl is an unfil- sion to share good vibes and
tered version of her personal blog, Pessimistic Optimist Bella, kindness to two people without
which she’s been maintaining since 2012. The blog features expecting any reward. Each of
her random thoughts and personal adventures. And follow- their two recipients will do the
ing on that promise, what we can expect from the book is a same gesture to two people,
lighthearted account of her rise to stardom from a virtually and then they will do the same
unknown girl from Bulacan, to her emergence as a social me- to two more, thereafter creating
dia darling, and from her non-speaking character as Yaya Dub an expanding network of self-
to the fanfare over the phenomenal success of AlDUb. less giving.
The title, on the other hand, is inspired by her Twitter ac- Although the Trekkings are
count bio that she deactivated in June after posting a series fictional characters, they will
of cryptic messages. encourage real people from all
With Yup, I am that Girl, Maine joins the ranks of other celeb- walks of life to join the mission.
rities who have dabbled into writing like Kathryn Bernardo, Each week, cast members of
Vice Ganda
Ganda, Michael V, Sarah Lahbati, Solenn Heussaff, Sunday Pinasaya will join their
Heart Evangelista
Evangelista, Alex Gonzaga, and Andrea Brillantes, down-line recipients as they
to name a few. share the heart of Christmas to
Yup, I am that Girl, which took Maine more than half a year others. The act of sharing will
to finish, is published by Summit Books, which revealed the be featured every Sunday and it
good news on its Instagram account on Monday. The publish- shall be symbolized by the giv-
ing company shared a teaser video and a sneak peek of the ing of a heart-shaped Christmas
cover of Maine’s book. wreath.
The same video was shared on Maine’s official Facebook GMA First Vice President for
page, 35-seconder teaser is accompanied by a caption that Program Management Joey Ab-
Out soon is says, “I’m about to release my FIRST EVER BOOK c/o @Summit. acan thanks the viewers for their
"Yup, I Am books! #YupIAmThatGirl is coming soon to bookstores and continued support. “In a way, this
That Girl," newsstands! Stay tuned for book launch details!” campaign is also our gesture of
Maine Men- Meanwhile, Maine and Alden starred in a movie made for giving back. We are deeply thank-
doza's book television helmed by Adolf Alix, Jr. The trending show en- ful to all our viewers because
which reveals titled Love is…aired last night and once again captured the they made Sunday PinaSaya the
the real
hearts of televiewers. undisputed number one Sunday
story of the
phenomenal Love is…, which redefines love, promise, and commitment, noontime show since it launched
star on and is AlDub’s first project after their GMA-7 series Destined to be in 2015.”
off camera Yours and their 2016 movie, Imagine You and Me’ Meanwhile, Sunday PinaSaya
Supervising Producer Ramel
David says, “We are so passion-
ate about this campaign that

we want everyone to follow
suit. Just imagine how many
lives you can potentially touch
with just one simple mission
that begins with yourself.”
Sunday PinaSaya also urges


its viewers who will take on the
mission to share their stories
of giving online. They can post
videos or pictures on the official


Facebook page of Sunday Pina-
Saya or on their personal so-
cial media accounts, using the
hashtag #IShareAngPusoNg-
Select stories of giving from
KNOWN for having the grandest performanc- Ganda, guest stars Maymay Entrata, Kisses
the viewers will be featured
es and concerts, it is truly expected from the Delavin, and more, the concert will likely
during the Christmas special of
Unkabogable Star Vice Ganda to introduce his garner at least 10,000 attendees making it
the program this December and
cosmetics brand with a big concert. Vice Cos- possible for Vice Cosmetics to set the record
will also be invited to watch the
metics is formally launching its brand in the for having the biggest brand launch yet in
episode live and see their favor-
grandest, biggest and funnest way—a concert the Philippines.
ite SPS hosts.
dubbed Ganda for All starring its founder and It will be a night of Ponies, Unicorns and
Watch Sunday PinaSaya as
chief creative officer, Vice Ganda. so much beauty, love and music with lots of
“I-Share Ang Puso ng Pasko”
The show will be staged today at 7 p.m. surprises thrown in between.
stars rolling today. The pro-
at Smart-Araneta Coliseum as Vice Ganda Fans can get their tickets by buying Vice
gram will also release the
shows the world that beauty knows no Cosmetics Phenomenal Lip Kits and Good
campaign’s official theme
boundaries, beauty knows no age, class and Vibes Matte Lipsticks at kiosks located in Tri-
song which will be performed
size. And anyone can be beautiful regardless noma, Market! Market! and Farmers Market
by the whole cast.
of their status in life. and The SM Stores at SM Fairview, SM North Vice Ganda ventures into makeup with Vice Cosmetics, which he is
With special performances from Vice Edsa, SM Megamall and SM Masinag. launching today at the Big Dome
C4 sunday, october 22, 2017 Desiree Carlos, Editor

The paw soak

By Rhodora Lao
and a good paW soak after
Alking your dog is very important for
their physical, mental and emotional

Do walk your dogs every day around After walks and exposure outside
the neighborhood so they can exercise the tiled areas of the house, please
and smell “pee-mails.” give your pet a good wipe down from
Walking also stimulates their minds, the face to the body using baby wipes
and makes them happy as they get to or a clean face towel.
expend excess energy and “socialize” Paws need special attention as
with other dogs. they come into contact with dirt, pee
During these walks, they do their and excrement. The simplest way to
pee and poo business. Please bring disinfect them is to do a paw soak.
toilet paper or newspaper to scoop the This is very important as you do not
poop and put these in a plastic bag for want your pet to lick his/her paws
proper disposal later. with all those dirt he/she could have
Often, you will encounter dog and walked on. Wipe the paw dry after the paw soak . The color of the mixture should look like iced tea.
cat droppings—evidence of how A paw soak is very simple. Here are
some dog owners can be so irresponsi- the items you will need: For medium-sized dogs, you can use
ble. Try to avoid these droppings and 1. water; a basin where they can stand up. Rhodora “Rhodes” Lao be-
encourage other pet owners to pick up 2. povidone-iodine; and An alternative is a small dipper or came a supporter of animal
after their pets. 3. a container where you can wash tabo but you can only soak one paw rescue groups in the past year
Because a lot of diseases can be your dog’s paws. at a time. after adopting her first two dogs,
passed on through infected drop- According to Dr. karen Becker, Schnitzel and Logan. A wife to a
pings—some of them deadly like par- The water should be enough to cov- “Povidone-iodine is an organic io- supportive husband, Dennis, and
vo virus—please make sure: er the paws. Put the povidone-iodine dine solution. it's safe, non-toxic, mother to two intelligent and
1. your pet’s vaccination is up-to- solution in the water (one teaspoon antifungal, antibacterial, and anti- animal-loving daughters Shan-
date; may be enough) until the color of the yeast.” nen and Sabine, she is passionate
2. your pet’s immune system is mixture is similar to that of iced tea. After soaking the paws in the mix- about giving the best natural care
strong through proper nutrition; and Mix well. Then let your dog stand in- ture, wipe their paws dry and they are for her dogs and promoting re-
3. make sure your pet will not bring side the basin or container for at least ready to go! Their feet will smell good sponsible pet ownership.
into the house any germ and virus. two minutes. —all clean and healthy!

My Furry Bestie
THis corner features pets of animal lovers every week. We POOCHiE, a three-
hope new owners and those thinking of getting a pet will year-old male labra-
be encouraged to be responsible “furparents” through these dor, is one playful
features. We also hope more people will be moved to be kind dog, says owner Je-
to animals when they read about the great relationship that fpoy g. Abaca.
can be created between humans and animals. "He is super ku-
lit and he always
For contributions, please email to and wants to play out-
put My Furry Bestie as subject. side," Jefpoy adds.

kEnOBi, 2, and owner

Vanessa gilmar fell in love
with each other the first
moment they met when
kenobi was four months
old at the house of Vanes-
sa's mother-in-law.
"Unang tingin pa lang
niya sa akin, feeling nya ay
close na kami. inabot niya
TOOTsiE AnD CHUCHAY are sisters who ang paws niya sa akin, sa-
turned seven months last Oct. 7. bay nagpakarga na. Be-
Romela Carbonel, their owner, says,"They are cause of that, i asked Mama
my happiness. napkalambing po ng magkapa- if i can be kenobi's mom
tid. They also take care of a kitten we adopted. and i was so glad she said
They are that sweet and loving. " yes," gilmar says.

nancy V. Avelino enjoys the company of her rescued dogs. All are asong pinoy or Aspins.

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