Steps For Success
Steps For Success
Steps For Success
(Planning Session)
VOLUNTEERS ♦ Ensure adequate volunteer commitment, both short and long term.
♦ Consider the logistics, transportation needs, tools, activities, costs,
and a detailed schedule for your project.
♦ Ensure adequate volunteer involvement on planting day.
♦ Train volunteers prior to planting day.
TECHNICAL ♦ Ensure adequate long and short term commitment from qualified
SUPPORT technical experts that include arborists and landscape architects.
♦ Ask for input from qualified professionals or arborists about
♦ appropriate plant selection.
♦ Verify that appropriate quality plant material is available and the
planting stock is inspected.
♦ Prepare the site – clearing/grubbing, digging holes, delivery of
materials, grading, and the irrigation has been installed prior to
planting day.