Siopao Strategic Plan
Siopao Strategic Plan
Siopao Strategic Plan
and Communications
July 1, 2013
University Marketing and Communications Strategic Goal 1: Develop and execute integrated marketing and
communications programs that help achieve the university's overall target enrollment for a diverse, high-quality student body
and student success.
• Utilize institutional goals and priorities for enrollment and academic programs as a framework for communications and
marketing work products.
• Employ news promotions, publications, and web and other electronic communications to enhance the visibility of
academic and student-focused programs and the university’s commitment to an innovative teaching and learning
• Create and support a positive campus experience that encourages student recruitment, enrollment and retention.
• Develop effective research tools for engaging and motivating target audience and to define key messages.
• Collaborate in the development, creation and application of integrated communications strategies to support student
recruitment marketing and advertising products.
Utilize institutional goals and priorities for
Evaluate all communications to determine University Marketing
enrollment and academic programs as a Responsive/reactive
how they support SDSU's mission and the & Communications
framework for communications and communications
goals of IMPACT 2018
marketing work products
Managers of UMC units
Collaborate with colleges and other core
units to draft strategic communications
plans, linked to goals and outcomes of
Employ news promotions, publications, IMPACT 2018
and web and other electronic Director,
communications to enhance the visibility Assist each college or unit with drafting a University Marketing
Communications support in
of academic and student-focused strategic communications plan for their & Communications
response to requests
programs and the university’s area
commitment to an innovative teaching Managers of UMC units
and learning environment Provide nametags, programs and
publicity for Faculty Excellence event;
photograph event; provide PowerPoint
Increase participation in College
Communicators group to include a
Established relationships
Create and support a positive campus broader University Marketing and
and College Manager,
experience that encourages student Communications presence and regular
Communicators group Strategic Communications
recruitment, enrollment and retention attendance of at least one representative
from each college to produce more
integrated and strategic communications
Implement an analytics project in
cooperation with IT, the incoming web Director,
Develop effective research tools for team, and existing University Relations University Marketing
Basic analytics from
engaging and motivating target audience units (Creative Services and Strategic & Communications
Meltwater and Facebook
and to define key messages Communications) in order to determine
the most efficient and effective use of Managers of UMC units
communications resources
Collaborate in the development, creation Director,
Consolidate college and unit strategic
and application of integrated Communications based on University Marketing
communications plans into a
communications strategies to support past editorial calendars, & Communications
universitywide strategic communications
student recruitment marketing and experience
advertising products Managers of UMC units
University Marketing and Communications Strategic Goal 2: Develop and execute integrated marketing and communications
program that promote, enhance and broaden awareness of the quality, scope and impact of research, scholarship and creative
• Utilize institutional goals and priorities for research, scholarship, and creative activities as a framework for communications
and marketing work products.
• Employ news promotions, publications, and web and other electronic communications to enhance the visibility of the
research, scholarship and creative activities of students, faculty and professional staff.
• Collaborate in the development, creation and execution of integrated communications strategies to support research,
scholarship, and creative activities.
Utilize institutional goals and priorities
for research, scholarship, and creative Analyze the success of SDSU’s marketing Director,
Primarily an identity
activities as a framework for campaigns over the past three years and University Marketing
communications and marketing work submit proposal for next three years & Communications
Employ news promotions, publications,
and web and other electronic
Soft launched IMPACT Official launch of and published schedule Strategic Communications
communications to enhance the
State newsletter and PDF for IMPACT State; implementation of
visibility of the research, scholarship
on InsideState site public IMPACT State website Manager,
and creative activities of students,
Web & New Media Unit
faculty and professional staff
Return fact book to once-a-year schedule
and redesign; post on website
University Marketing and Communications Strategic Goal 3: Develop, execute and assess integrated strategic marketing and
communications programs, both internal and external, that strengthen, promote and protect South Dakota State University’s
brand identity, relevance, accomplishments and excellence.
• Lead the collaborative process to maintain and advance the university's brand identity through messaging, identity and
communication design and execution.
• Utilize institutional goals, strategies and priorities for communications and marketing work products that support
extending the reach and depth of the university.
• Utilize research-based decision-making processes to inform media and message decisions for promoting South Dakota
State University’s brand, institutional reputation, community engagement, and engaging key stakeholders.
• Employ news promotions, publications, marketing and advertising programs, and web and other electronic
communications to brand and differentiate the university as a leading land-grant, research-intensive university.
• Employ news promotions, publications, marketing and advertising programs, and web and other electronic
communications to illustrate the contributions of students, faculty, staff and alumni to the creation of knowledge that
solves the complex problems of today and contributes to the cultural, social and economic well-being of the state, the
region and the world.
• Employ news promotions, publications, marketing and advertising programs, and web and other electronic
communications to promote excellence and traditions, university pride, and to encourage participation in university
celebrations, and educational, cultural and intercollegiate athletic events by alumni, faculty, staff, students and the citizens
of South Dakota and the region.
• Collaborate with the SDSU Foundation through new promotions, publications, marketing and advertising programs and
web and other electronic communications to promote and support university fundraising efforts.
• Utilize social media, networks and new technologies to articulate the university’s position as a leading land grant,
research-intensive institution.
• Champion the university’s brand and strengthen and enforce South Dakota State’s graphic identity standards and related
policies in print and electronically.
• Protect and sustain the university’s reputation through effective issue and crisis management strategies.
Lead the collaborative process to Meet with each college or unit and Director,
maintain and advance the university's representatives of UMC in order to University Marketing
Current working
brand identity through messaging, identify, evaluate and address their & Communications
identity and communication design and communications needs for the coming
execution year Managers of UMC units
Link news, publications and
communications to goals of IMPACT
University Marketing and Communications Strategic Goal 4: Develop, execute and assess University Marketing and
Communications administrative and operational structures and processes in alignment with the university’s strategic goals.
• Explore and adopt new technologies and project management systems that will maximize available resources and
allocation of funding streams, implementation and effectiveness of action plans, improve performance and promote
sustainable solutions.
• Recruit, retain and develop a high-performing, diverse professional staff.
• Provide, marketing, communications and branding consultation services and other resources to the university community.
• Develop, document and implement processes and procedures to ensure effective and efficient work flow and continuous
• Maintain cost-effective services to the campus community that includes in-house graphic design, printing and distribution.
• Maintain an effective and efficient trademark that generates maximum revenues while adhering to the university brand
and graphic design standards
Explore and adopt new technologies
and project management systems that
Identify and implement project
will maximize available resources and Director,
management software for UMC, clients
allocation of funding streams, None University Marketing
and collaborating entities (Basecamp,
implementation and effectiveness of & Communications
SharePoint or similar)
action plans, improve performance and
promote sustainable solutions.
Evaluate all positions within UMC; revise
University Marketing
Recruit, retain and develop a high- responsibilities/position descriptions as
Current staff & Communications
performing, diverse professional staff. needed; present rationale to
administration for any additional staffing
Managers of UMC units
Schedule regular communications
meetings with deans, college
communicators and others
10 | U n i v e r s i t y M a r k e t i n g a n d C o m m u n i c a t i o n s P E R F O R M A N C E I N D I C A T O R S
Establish and distribute updated UMC
Service Agreement/rate card to clients
Maintain cost-effective services to the
campus community that includes in- Manager,
Current service level Create a set of IMPACT 2018 and SDSU
house graphic design, printing and Creative Services Unit
templates (PowerPoint, poster, brochure,
etc.) for use by colleges, departments and
other units
Maintain an effective and efficient
Work with vendors to launch “Weary Will”
trademark that generates maximum
Approve trademark-use vintage clothing and merchandise line; Manager,
revenues while adhering to the
requests compile proposal for other potential Creative Services Unit
university brand and graphic design
specialty lines
11 | U n i v e r s i t y M a r k e t i n g a n d C o m m u n i c a t i o n s P E R F O R M A N C E I N D I C A T O R S