Prinsip Kerja PSV

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Even though a safety valve relieves pressure more quickly than a relief valve, their design and

components are very similar. the direct acting safety valve is made up of a casing, inlet, outlet, disc,
seat, spindle, cap and on some a lifting lever. the safety valve assembly is protected by the casing,
which is threaded or flanged for connection to the system. a cap covers the top of the assembly and
reduces the chance of tampering with the valve setting. the disc is held in place unntil the system
pressure increases to the point, when the disc pops off the seat.

The spindel guides the up and down motion of the disc. the adjusting screw is used to adjust the
valve setpoint. if the spring tension changes over a period of time certified personnel will reset the
adjusting screw. the popping open, of the safety valve is due to the design of the disc. there is a main
sufface of the disc whitch is always in contact with system pressure and a lip, which is not exposed
to system pressure. at the set point the disc will lift off the seat, but what makes this valve different
is that the lip then becomes exposed to the system pressure creating a larger surface for the system
pressure to press against. this large area makes for a larger lifting force and causes the valve to pop

When the pressure drops to safe level. the same operation happens in reverse and because of the
high velocity of the escaping gas. the valve must close quickly and completely, otherwise the high
velocity can damage the surfaces of the valve opening. damage is also prevented by a key feature of
safety valve operation known as the huddling chamber. this chamber provides a small cushion, that
keeps the disc from slamming into the seat and damaging the valve. the pressure at which a valve
opens all the way is called the popping pressure. the opposite, rapid closure of the valve is called
positive seating. the difference between the popping pressure and the positive seating is called
blowdown. as an example if popping pressure is 200 psi and the positive seating pressure is 190 psi
the blowdown is 10 psi.

Meskipun katup pengaman mengurangi tekanan lebih cepat daripada katup pelepas, desain dan
komponennya sangat mirip. katup pengaman bertindak langsung terdiri dari casing, inlet, outlet,
disk, kursi, spindle, tutup dan pada beberapa tuas pengangkat. perakitan katup pengaman
dilindungi oleh casing, yang berulir atau bergelang untuk koneksi ke sistem. topi menutupi bagian
atas perakitan dan mengurangi kemungkinan merusak pengaturan katup. disk disimpan di tempat
tanpa sistem tekanan meningkat ke titik, ketika disk muncul dari kursi.

Spindel memandu gerakan naik dan turun dari disk. sekrup penyetel digunakan untuk mengatur
setpoint katup. jika ketegangan pegas berubah selama jangka waktu personil yang bersertifikat
akan mengatur ulang sekrup penyetel. buka terbuka, katup pengaman karena desain disk. ada
sufface utama disc whitch selalu bersentuhan dengan tekanan sistem dan bibir, yang tidak terkena
tekanan sistem. pada titik setel, disk akan terangkat dari kursi, tetapi yang membuat katup ini
berbeda adalah bahwa bibir kemudian terkena tekanan sistem yang menciptakan permukaan
yang lebih besar untuk menekan tekanan sistem. area yang luas ini menghasilkan gaya angkat
yang lebih besar dan menyebabkan katup terbuka.

Ketika tekanan turun ke level aman. operasi yang sama terjadi secara terbalik dan karena
kecepatan tinggi gas yang keluar. katup harus menutup dengan cepat dan sempurna, jika tidak
kecepatan tinggi dapat merusak permukaan bukaan katup. Kerusakan juga dicegah oleh fitur kunci
dari operasi katup pengaman yang dikenal sebagai ruang huddling. ruang ini menyediakan bantal
kecil, yang membuat disk tidak membanting ke kursi dan merusak katup. tekanan di mana katup
terbuka sepanjang jalan disebut tekanan popping. sebaliknya, penutupan katup yang cepat
disebut tempat duduk positif. perbedaan antara tekanan popping dan tempat duduk positif
disebut blowdown. sebagai contoh jika tekanan popping adalah 200 psi dan tekanan tempat
duduk positif adalah 190 psi blowdown adalah 10 psi.
Hello everybody we went to take the next
Seven minutes to describe to you the
Traditional pressure safety valve known
as a PSV this valves may be referred to
as a PRT pressure relief device or PRP
pressure relief valve these valves for
usage under maintenance are heavily
regulated these are generally considered
your last line of defense in an
overpressure situation on this sample
PSV you can see that the inlet and the
Outlet are threaded they might melt that
May be thread it may be flange clamp or
even butt bone above the inlet is the
body in the bonnet on this valve the
body in the bondage are one-piece
construction typically on larger valves
the bonnet will be bolted to the body
freeze and maintenance the bonnet may be
open or closed which is open the spring
will be exposed to the ambient
conditions above the bonnet is the cap
gain the cap may be open or closed that
the cap is open you’ll be able to see
the alignment rod compression screw and
the compression nut on the back of the
valve you’ll see the lift lever not all
PSPs have this lift lever but if they do
They serve two purposes one if the valve
Is seeping a little bit you can lift the
Lever and try to reseat the inner disk
Hopefully that would prevent the seepage
To you can you can test the
Functionality of the valve by pulling on
The unbeliever the internal spring will
Compressed in the valve and pop know
That it’s working this gives no
Indication of set pressure book only
Functionality in front of the valve you
See you nameplate this essentially shows
Who made this valve and some important
Information on the characteristics of
The valve on the back of the valve
You’ll see some screws not all valves
Have these screws some valves only have
One important thing to realize is all
The screws are wired shut
And you have a clamp on this prevents
Tampering and also the clamp indicates
Which valve shock worked on the spout
And if this wire is missing the valve
Must be taken out of service and

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