Bluecalla Speedwell
Bluecalla Speedwell
Bluecalla Speedwell
8” W x 12” H x 2.5” D
SUPPLIES: which way the fabric should face.
10. Fold the ADJUSTABLE STRAP in half WST
along the entire length and press to create a
centre crease. Open up the strap and fold in 14. Pass the raw end of your ADJUSTABLE STRAP
both halves towards the centre crease, WST and through the rectangle ring, then pass that same
press again. strap end through the rectangle slide as shown
in photo above.
not twisted and then place your rectangle ring
strap along one side, 1.5” from the bottom edge
with the raw end sticking out. Baste in place. Set
aside for now.
at the top corners.
1” from
40. Baste stitch the zipper tape above your zip-
per stops on one side of the zipper’s opening at 43. Take both assembled FRONT GUSSETs (the
smaller ones) and pin one on each side of your
FRONT ZIPPER FLAP B lining piece with the
straight edges of your GUSSETs aligned with the
outside edges of the FLAP piece, 1” from the bot-
tom straight edge of your FLAP piece. Baste in
place with 1/8” seam allowance.
55. Press ZIPPER SIDE PANEL layers away from
53. Place the right side of your assembled FRONT the zipper. Topstitch the seam allowance along
ZIPPER FLAP over this lining piece with the ex- the zipper. Baste stitch the layers along the top
posed zipper side aligned with the straight edge and curved outside edge so they don’t move
of the ZIPPER SIDE PANEL lining piece. Both when assembling in the next steps.
should be RS up and the bottom straight edges
should be aligned. Baste together with 1/8” seam 56. REPEAT STEPS 52-55 to attach the second
allowance. set of ZIPPER SIDE PANEL H exterior and lin-
ing pieces to the zipper on the left side of your
54. Take your ZIPPER SIDE PANEL H exterior 57. Turn your assembled FRONT ZIPPER FLAP and
piece that has the straight edge on the left side place it on your work surface lining side facing
and curved edge on the right side. Place it WS up. Take one assembled BACK GUSSET and pin it
facing up, straight edge aligned with the outside to one attached FRONT GUSSET with the angled
zipper edge you’ve just basted in step 50 and sides pinned together.
clip/pin RST. Sew all 3 layers together.
58. Sew the angled side of the FRONT GUSSET lining piece, RS up, and align the straight edge
and BACK GUSSET together. The raw straight with the top raw edges of your assembled zip-
edge of the BACK GUSSET will remain unsewn. pers/zipper side panels, lining side facing down.
Make sure the outer edges of the zipper side
panels are aligned with the outer edges of the
TOP BAND D lining piece. Baste stitch in place
with 1/4” seam allowance.
70. Take your double pull zipper and place it
RS facing up on top of one ZIPPER PANEL lining
piece, also RS up. Align one zipper tape edge
with the edge of the ZIPPER PANEL lining piece.
Pin in place then baste stitch zipper to ZIPPER
PANEL with 1/8” seam allowance. 74. Place your zipper panels RS facing up over
your BOTTOM GUSSET lining piece, also RS facing
up, aligning the shorter sides. Pin in place and
baste stitch together.
77. Repeat Steps 74-76 to attach the opposite your FRONT FLAP out of the way.
shorter end of your zipper panels to the oppo-
site shorter end of your BOTTOM GUSSET pieces.
When you’re done, you should have a GUSSET
LOOP as pictured above. Baste the outer edges
of the gusset loop.
align seams
79. Take your GUSSET LOOP and align the seams
and then flatten the loop. Mark the centres at
each end top and bottom on the lining side.
82. Sew together with 3/8” seam allowance.
When sewn together, it should look like previous
91. Now you can flip the folded edge of your 94. If you’re using a thumb lock, you can now in-
binding to the body panel side, encasing the raw stall the push lock portion to your THUMB LOCK
edges of your seam allowance. Clip the binding TAB. Follow the installation instructions that
in place as you fold it over. came with your thumb lock.
You’re done!
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1 inch
Speedwell Back Sling
Main Body A
Cut 1 Exterior fabric
Cut 2 Lining fabric
Cut 4 Fusible woven interfacing
1 inch
magnetic snap
Speedwell Back Sling thumb lock
Magnetic Snap Tab K
Cut 2 Exterior fabric Speedwell Back Sling
Cut 2 Fusible woven Top Strap Tab F
interfacing Cut 2 Exterior fabric
Cut 2 Fusible woven interfacing
***Print out 2 copies and cut
one copy at inside dotted line. ***Print out 2 copies and cut
Use to cut out 1 Peltex and 1 one copy at inside dotted line.
Use to cut out 1 Peltex and 1 Fusible fleece
Fusible fleece
1 inch
Speedwell Back Sling
Front Pocket Back C
Cut 1 Lining fabric
Cut 1 Fusible woven interfacing
Cut 1 Fusible fleece
Speedwell Sling Bag Cutting Chart
Exterior Lining Fusible woven interfacing Fusible fleece Peltex
Main Body A 1 2 4 1 (at dotted
Front Zipper Flap B 1 1 2 1
Front Pocket Back C 1 1 1
Top Band D 1 1 2 1
Bottom Band E 1 1 1
Top Strap Tab F 2 2 1 (at dotted 1 (at dotted
line) line)
Thumb Lock Tab G OR 2 2 1 (at dotted 1 (at dotted
Magnetic Snap Tab K line) line)
Zipper Side Panel H 1 set mirror 1 set mirror 2 sets mirror image
image image
Back Gusset I 2 sets mirror 1 set mirror image
Front Gusset J 2 sets mirror 1 set mirror image
Zipper Panels 2 2 4 2 (18.75” W x
(19.5” W x 1.5” W) 3/4” H)
Bottom Gusset 1 1 2 1 (17.25” W x
(18” W x 3” H) 2.25” H)
Rectangle Ring Strap 1 1
(6” W x 3” H)
Exterior Lining Fusible woven interfacing Fusible fleece Peltex
Adjustable Strap 1 1
(44” W x 6”H)
Front Flap Slip Pocket 2 2
(6.5” W x 5.5” H)
Front Flap Zipper Pocket 6 6
and Interior Slip Pockets
(6.5” W x 6.5” H)
Bias Binding 1
(76” L x 2.5” H or 2 pieces
38” L)