Bluecalla Speedwell

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The Speedwell Sling Bag

8” W x 12” H x 2.5” D
SUPPLIES: which way the fabric should face.

RST/RS: an abbreviation that stands for Right

Exterior fabric: Side Together OR Right Side which indicates
1/2 yard fabric (quilt weight cotton, linen blends) which way the fabric should face.

Lining fabric: Basting Stitch: Sewing using a longer stitch

1 yard quilt weight cotton length. I usually use a stitch length of 4.

Interfacing: Seam Allowance: Seam allowance is always

3 yards Fusible woven interfacing (20” wide) 3/8 inch unless specified otherwise. Zipper instal-
1/2 yard Peltex sew-in (20” wide) lation seam allowance is usually 1/4 inch when
1/2 yard Fusible fleece (20” wide) using a zipper foot attachment. Topstitching is
1/8” seam allowance. All seam allowances are
included in pattern pieces.
Notions and supplies:
(2) 7” or 8” zippers (#3 or #5) (or (2) 10” of zip- PATTERN PIECES:
per tape) Print out pattern pieces using Adobe Reader
(1) 20” double pull zipper (must be #5) on regular 8.5 x 11 size paper with scaling set
(1) 6” zipper (#3) to “none” or “100%”. Cut out. You will need to
(1) 1.5” rectangle slide tape together Main Body A, Front Zipper Flap B
(1) 1.5” rectangle ring and Front Pocket Back C at the dotted line with
Choice of: matching symbols. Print out 2 COPIES of pages
(1) small thumb lock (max. 1” high) 21-23 and cut out a second Main Body A, Thumb
OR Lock Tab G, Magnetic Snap Tab K and Top Strap
(1) 18mm magnetic snap Tab F at the inside dotted line. Do not overlap
OR symbols or lines when taping. Symbols will not
(1) small turn lock (max. 1 3/8” wide) necessarily line up perfectly.
OPTIONAL: (1) or (2) 12mm or 1/2” diameter
For your convenience, a cutting chart has been
A note about interfacing: You are free to substi- From MAIN BODY A, cut:
tute the woven interfacing for any lightweight (1) Exterior fabric
fusible interfacing, however, I do recommend (2) Lining fabric
using a woven (ex. SF101) on all exterior pieces (4) Fusible woven interfacing
to prevent wrinkles. A lightweight non-woven will (1) Peltex (cut from inner dotted line)
work fine for interfacing interior pocket linings. If
you do not have Peltex, any similar heavyweight From FRONT ZIPPER FLAP B, cut:
interfacing will work (ex: Stiff Stuff). Please fol- (1) Exterior fabric
low instructions carefully to minimize bulk in the (1) Lining fabric
seams and to make the binding finish easier. (2) Fusible woven interfacing
(1) Fusible fleece
Backstitching: Backstitching is sewing in From FRONT POCKET BACK C, cut:
forward and reverse over the same set of stitches (1) Lining fabric
to lock them at the end of a line of sewing. (1) Fusible woven interfacing
(1) Fusible fleece
WST/WS: an abbreviation that stands for Wrong
Side Together OR Wrong Side which indicates
From TOP BAND D, cut: (2) Fusible woven interfacing
(1) Exterior fabric Also cut (1) fusible fleece for BOTTOM GUSSET,
(1) Lining fabric cut dimensions (17.25” W x 2.25” H)
(2) Fusible woven interfacing
(1) Fusible fleece For RECTANGLE RING STRAP, cut dimensions (6”
W x 3” H):
From BOTTOM BAND E, cut: (1) Exterior fabric
(1) Exterior fabric (1) Fusible woven interfacing
(1) Fusible woven interfacing
(1) Fusible fleece For ADJUSTABLE STRAP, cut dimensions (44” W x
From TOP STRAP TAB F, cut: (1) Exterior fabric
(2) Exterior fabric (1) Fusible woven interfacing
(2) Fusible woven interfacing *** You can also use pre-made 1.5” W webbing
(1) Fusible fleece (cut from inner dotted line) and cut a length of 44”
(1) Peltex (cut from inner dotted line)
For FRONT FLAP SLIP POCKET, cut dimensions
If using a thumb lock closure, use THUMB LOCK (6.5” W x 5.5” H):
TAB G. If using a magnetic snap or turn lock clo- (2) Lining fabric
sure, use MAGNETIC SNAP TAB K and cut: (2) Fusible woven interfacing
(2) Exterior fabric
(2) Fusible woven interfacing For FRONT FLAP ZIPPER POCKET and INTERIOR
(1) Fusible fleece (cut from inner dotted line) SLIP POCKETS, cut dimensions (6.5” W x 6.5” H):
(1) Peltex (cut from inner dotted line) (6) Lining fabric
(6) Fusible woven interfacing
(1) set mirror image of Exterior fabric For BIAS BINDING, cut (1) Lining fabric on the
(1) set mirror image of Lining fabric bias 76” L x 2.5” H (or 2 pieces 38” L)
(2) sets mirror image of Fusible woven interfacing
If using 7” zippers, you’ll need to cut ZIPPER
From BACK GUSSET I, cut: TABS (1.25” W x 2” H):
(2) sets mirror image of Lining fabric (4) Lining fabric
(1) set mirror image of Fusible woven interfacing
(2) sets mirror image of Lining fabric
(1) set mirror image of Fusible woven interfacing

For ZIPPER PANELS, cut dimensions (19.5” W x

1.5” H):
(2) Exterior fabric
(2) Lining fabric
(4) Fusible woven interfacing
Also cut (2) fusible fleece for ZIPPER PANELS, cut
dimensions (18.75” W x 3/4” H)

For BOTTOM GUSSET, cut dimensions (18” W x 3”

H): 1. Fuse one layer of Fusible woven interfacing to
(1) Exterior fabric the WS of your MAIN BODY A Exterior piece. Then
(1) Lining fabric place your MAIN BODY A Peltex piece on the WS,
over your first layer of woven interfacing. Make
sure there is 1/2” of space all the way around the
Peltex. Place a second layer of fusible woven in-
terfacing over top the Peltex and fuse in place to
secure the Peltex. Carefully fuse all of the edges.
If you prefer, you can also baste stitch all the way
around with 1/8” seam allowance.
2. Trim 3/8” seam allowance from FRONT ZIPPER
and BOTTOM BAND E fusible fleece.
3. Fuse woven interfacing to the WS of all match-
ing fabric pieces. Your FRONT GUSSET J and BACK 7. Sew along both 6” sides of the RECTANGLE
GUSSET I pieces will only have one interfaced RING STRAP, first with 1/8” seam allowance and
piece per matching set. then a second time with 3/8” seam allowance.

4. Take both ZIPPER PANEL exterior fabric pieces

and BOTTOM GUSSET exterior fabric piece and
fuse fleece to the WS over top woven interfacing,
making sure there is equal space (3/8”) all the 8. Slip the strap from Step 7 through your rect-
way around. angle ring and fold in half, WST with the raw
edges at the centre encased inside. Sew the rect-
5. Fuse fleece to WS of FRONT POCKET BACK C, angle ring strap together using red lines in photo
FRONT ZIPPER FLAP B exterior piece, TOP BAND above as a guide. Start at the bottom raw edge;
D exterior piece, BOTTOM BAND E and (1) TOP sew up to the rectangle ring following original
STRAP TAB F piece. Also fuse fleece to WS of 1/8” seam allowance line of stitches. Sew across
either (1) THUMB LOCK TAB G or (1) MAGNETIC the strap just below the rectangle ring and then
SNAP TAB K piece. sew down the other side, again following your
STRAP AND BACK PANEL 1/8” seam allowance line of stitches.


6. Take your RECTANGLE RING STRAP and fold

in half along the entire length WST and press to
create a crease. Open the strap piece and fold in
both halves towards the centre crease and press.
9. Take your ADJUSTABLE STRAP and press 1/2”
towards the WS at one end only.

10. Fold the ADJUSTABLE STRAP in half WST
along the entire length and press to create a
centre crease. Open up the strap and fold in 14. Pass the raw end of your ADJUSTABLE STRAP
both halves towards the centre crease, WST and through the rectangle ring, then pass that same
press again. strap end through the rectangle slide as shown
in photo above.

11. Fold the strap in half again along original

crease and press. 15. Take your TOP STRAP TAB F piece with the
fleece and place on your work surface RS up.
Take your TOP STRAP TAB F pattern piece and
fold in half vertically. Place the pattern piece on
top and take the half of your thumb lock with
the catch bar. Place your lock upside down, with
the catch bar aligned with the bar mark on your
pattern piece. (Note a photo of the installed lock
on the right above so you make marks at the
right location.) Mark the location of your lock’s
12. Sew the ADJUSTABLE STRAP along all sides prongs on the TAB piece, at the centre of your
exactly as you did in Step 7 for the RECTANGLE TAB. PLEASE NOTE: Do not install your thumb
RING STRAP. lock yet!!


Transfer the magnetic snap mark instead of the
thumb lock prong marks. You will install the
female half of your magnetic snap or the male
half of your turn lock at this mark. Again, do not
install the turn lock yet. Wait until Steps 21-22.

13. Take your rectangle slide and pass the fin-

ished end of your ADJUSTABLE STRAP through
the slide, wrap it around the middle bar and fold
it onto itself about 2”. Sew in place with a rect-
angle box of stitching.
19. Take your TOP STRAP TAB F Peltex piece
and place over top the tab. If the Peltex piece is
bigger than your tab, trim it so it will fit snugly
16. Place the fleece lined TAB on your surface inside.
RS up. Place the raw end of your ADJUSTABLE
STRAP at the narrow top end of the TAB piece.
Your strap end should stick out 1/4” from the
top edge of the TAB, centered, and your ADJUST-
ABLE STRAP should be WS facing up as shown in
photo above. Baste strap end in place with 1/8”
seam allowance.

20. Place the Peltex piece in between the TAB

layers and then topstitch along the sides and top
curved edge to sew the Peltex in place. Leave the
bottom straight edge unsewn.

17. Pin your second TOP STRAP TAB F exterior

piece to the first (with basted strap end) RST.
Sew together around all sides, leaving bottom
straight edge unsewn with strap inside.

21. Using your seam ripper carefully cut out the

18. Trim seam allowance to 1/8” except at the prong marks you made in Step 15, making sure
strap. Turn TAB RS out and press. Do NOT top- to only cut through the top tab layer and the
stitch yet! peltex; add fray check to the holes.

not twisted and then place your rectangle ring
strap along one side, 1.5” from the bottom edge
with the raw end sticking out. Baste in place. Set
aside for now.

TIP: You can attach the rectangle ring strap on

either side of the back panel depending on which
shoulder you want to carry the bag. In the photo
in Step 24, the bag will be carried over the RIGHT
22. Push the prongs of your thumb lock through
the holes you cut in Step 21, place the washer MAIN ASSEMBLY:
over the prongs and flatten prongs to secure.
If you’d like to cover the back of the lock with
Transfer the magnetic snap mark from pattern
interfacing to prevent damage to the other half of
piece MAGNETIC SNAP TAB K to the RS of your
your tab, please do so now.
tab piece with the fusible fleece. If using a mag-
netic snap, install the male half at this mark now.
If using a turn lock, complete Steps 25 and 26
then install the female half of your turn lock at
the mark.

23. Take your MAIN BODY A Exterior piece and

fold in half vertically WST. Mark the top centre on
the RS.

25. Take both THUMB LOCK TAB G pieces and pin

RST. Sew together leaving bottom straight edge
unsewn. Trim seam allowance to 1/8”.

26. Repeat Steps 19-20 to fit your Peltex to your

thumb lock tab and topstitch.

24. Place the TOP STRAP TAB at the top of your

MAIN BODY A Exterior piece with the raw open
edge centered over the mark made in Step 23.
Baste in place with the strap RS facing up as
shown in photo above. Make sure the strap is

at the top corners.

27. Pin both FRONT FLAP SLIP POCKET pieces

pieces RST. Sew all the way around leaving a 3”
opening at the bottom to turn your pockets RS
30. Place an INTERIOR SLIP POCKET on each
MAIN BODY A lining piece, both RS facing up.
Pin in place, centered, 2 inches from the bottom
edge. Sew in place like you did for the FRONT
FLAP SLIP POCKET in step 29. Set aside for now.
Pin 3” from
top edge

3/4” from top

from 3/8” H
side 5.5” W
28. Clip the seam allowance at the corners. Turn
pockets RS out through the opening at the bot-
tom; gently push out the corners of each pocket
and press seam allowances flat. Topstitch the top
edge of each pocket piece.


and draw a rectangle on the WS that is 5.5” W x
3/8” H on the WS. The rectangle should be drawn
3/4” from the top edge of the ZIPPER POCKET lin-
ing piece and centered with 1/2” space on either
side of the rectangle. Pin this lining piece RST
with the FRONT POCKET BACK C lining piece, 3”
from the top edge of the FRONT POCKET BACK C
29. Place the FRONT FLAP SLIP POCKET on the lining piece. Sew all the way around the rectangle
FRONT POCKET BACK C lining piece, both RS you drew on the FRONT FLAP ZIPPER POCKET
facing up. Your pocket should be wider than it piece. Keep your needle in the down position to
is tall. Pin the SLIP POCKET in place, centered, 1 help rotating at the corners.
inch from the bottom edge of the FRONT POCKET
BACK piece. Sew the SLIP POCKET in place using
red lines in photo above as a guide. Backstitch
lining piece RST with the attached lining piece.
32. Draw a horizontal line through the centre of Sew all the way around to sew the two pocket
the rectangle, stopping 1/2” from each end. Then lining pieces together, only sewing through the
draw diagonal lines going from the centre to each zipper pocket pieces, not the FRONT POCKET
of the 4 corners. Cut out the lines carefully, mak- BACK C lining piece.
ing sure not to clip any stitches at the corners.

NOTE: If you are using zipper tape for your

FRONT FLAP POCKET instead of pre-made zippers,
make marks at the opening and end of your zip-
per tape with 8” between the marks as shown in
photo above.
33. Pull the zipper pocket lining piece through
the opening you cut in Step 33 towards the WS IF USING 7” ZIPPERS, follow steps 36- 39 to add
of the FRONT POCKET BACK C lining piece. Press zipper tabs to the closed ends of your zippers.
the seam allowance of your rectangle so it’s nice
and flat.

36. Take 2 of your ZIPPER TAB pieces and one

zipper. Place 1 ZIPPER TAB RS up on your work
surface, then place one zipper RS up on top
34. Place your 6” zipper inside of your rect-
with the end of the zipper tape aligned with the
angle, RS up. Pin/glue/tape in place according
shorter end of your tab on the right. Then take
to personal preference; sew the zipper in place
a second ZIPPER TAB piece and place RS facing
by sewing around the rectangle with 1/8” seam
down over top, aligning the tab pieces.
a 45 degree angle. You’ll want to baste the op-
posite sides for each zipper (so one zipper’s left
side and the other zipper’s right side).

37. Sew all 3 layers together with 5/8” seam al-

lowance, getting as close to the zipper stop as


J pieces and pin them RST, matching sets (each
set should have one piece interfaced and the
other not interfaced). Sew along 3 sides leaving
38. Press both ZIPPER TAB pieces away from the the longer straight edge unsewn. Make sure to
zipper, WST. Topstitch seam allowance. Trim away backstitch. Trim away seam allowance from the
excess ZIPPER TAB so it is the same height as corners.
your zipper tape.

39. Mark the location on your zipper tab, 8”

away from the zipper opening. Repeat steps 36-
39 for your second 7” zipper and remaining 2
ZIPPER TAB pieces.
42. Turn your FLAP GUSSET pieces RS out. Press
seams and topstitch seam allowance along the
top and bottom edges ONLY.

1” from
40. Baste stitch the zipper tape above your zip-
per stops on one side of the zipper’s opening at 43. Take both assembled FRONT GUSSETs (the
smaller ones) and pin one on each side of your
FRONT ZIPPER FLAP B lining piece with the
straight edges of your GUSSETs aligned with the
outside edges of the FLAP piece, 1” from the bot-
tom straight edge of your FLAP piece. Baste in
place with 1/8” seam allowance.

46. Take your assembled tab (either the thumb

lock tab or magnetic snap tab depending on
what you’ve chosen) and baste it, centered, at
the top curve of your FRONT ZIPPER FLAP B exte-
rior piece as shown in photo above. (Use centre
mark on pattern piece FRONT ZIPPER FLAP B to
find your centre). If you’ve made the magnetic
snap tab, you’ll want to baste it so that your
snap is facing up. If you used a turn lock, you
want the female side to be WS up.

44. Take your 8” zippers and pin each one RS

facing up, aligned with the outside edges (with
basted GUSSETs). You’ll want the angled zipper
tape to be directed towards the outside of the
FRONT ZIPPER FLAP lining piece as shown in pho-
to above. If you’re using zipper tape, your bottom
mark should be aligned with the bottom straight
edge of the FRONT ZIPPER FLAP lining. If you’re
using a pre-made zipper, pin your zipper with the
zipper stop 3/8” above the bottom edge.

47. Pin/clip both FRONT ZIPPER FLAP pieces RST.

If you’re using #4.5 or #5 handbag zippers, you’ll
want to sew these together with 3/8” seam allow-
ance. If you’re using #3 zippers, use a 1/4” seam
allowance. Use your zipper foot and do not sew
45. Baste your zippers in place with 1/8” seam the bottom straight edge. Make sure to back-
allowance along the outside edges. stitch.
NOTE: Please remember the appropriate seam al-
lowance to use for your zipper size when sewing
the remaining steps for the FRONT ZIPPER FLAP
assembly as mentioned in Step 47.
48. Trim the seam allowance along the top
curved edges, except where your tab is located.
Trim excess zippers as well. 51. Topstitch the seam allowance of your FRONT
ZIPPER FLAP. When you get to the location of
your GUSSETs, reach under and gently tug them
away from the zipper. The GUSSETs should be
caught in the topstitching.
HELPFUL TIP: Before sewing the ZIPPER SIDE
PANEL H pieces, you need to make sure you’re
sewing them in the right direction. Use the di-
rection arrow on the pattern piece to mark the
correct direction on the WS of your fabric pieces.
This is helpful especially if you’re not using a
directional print.
49. Turn your FRONT ZIPPER FLAP RS out through
the opening on the bottom. Press seam allow-
ances all the way around making sure you press
the exterior and lining pieces away from your

52. Take your ZIPPER SIDE PANEL H lining piece

that is curved on the left side and straight on the
right side.
50. Turn the FRONT ZIPPER FLAP so it is lining
side up and press the GUSSETs in towards the
centre of the flap, away from the zippers. This is
important to avoid having the GUSSETs getting
caught in your zippers.

55. Press ZIPPER SIDE PANEL layers away from
53. Place the right side of your assembled FRONT the zipper. Topstitch the seam allowance along
ZIPPER FLAP over this lining piece with the ex- the zipper. Baste stitch the layers along the top
posed zipper side aligned with the straight edge and curved outside edge so they don’t move
of the ZIPPER SIDE PANEL lining piece. Both when assembling in the next steps.
should be RS up and the bottom straight edges
should be aligned. Baste together with 1/8” seam 56. REPEAT STEPS 52-55 to attach the second
allowance. set of ZIPPER SIDE PANEL H exterior and lin-
ing pieces to the zipper on the left side of your


54. Take your ZIPPER SIDE PANEL H exterior 57. Turn your assembled FRONT ZIPPER FLAP and
piece that has the straight edge on the left side place it on your work surface lining side facing
and curved edge on the right side. Place it WS up. Take one assembled BACK GUSSET and pin it
facing up, straight edge aligned with the outside to one attached FRONT GUSSET with the angled
zipper edge you’ve just basted in step 50 and sides pinned together.
clip/pin RST. Sew all 3 layers together.

58. Sew the angled side of the FRONT GUSSET lining piece, RS up, and align the straight edge
and BACK GUSSET together. The raw straight with the top raw edges of your assembled zip-
edge of the BACK GUSSET will remain unsewn. pers/zipper side panels, lining side facing down.
Make sure the outer edges of the zipper side
panels are aligned with the outer edges of the
TOP BAND D lining piece. Baste stitch in place
with 1/4” seam allowance.

59. Once sewn, your gusset flaps will look as

pictured above. Repeat steps 57-58 to sew the
second BACK GUSSET to the other FRONT GUS- 62. Take your TOP BAND D exterior piece and pin
SET. RST with straight edges aligned at the top to the
TOP BAND D lining piece with basted zipper side
panels. Sew all layers together at the top straight

60. OPTIONAL: If you wish to install the ear bud

grommets, mark the location of either one or
both grommets on the RS of your TOP BAND D
exterior piece (with the fused fleece) using the
marks on the pattern piece as a guide.

63. Flip both TOP BAND D layers so they are WST

and press seam allowance. Topstitch seam allow-
ance and baste the layers around the top curve.

61. Unzip your FRONT ZIPPER FLAP zippers and

fold the flap of your FRONT ZIPPER FLAP towards
the bottom straight edge and clip/pin to make
sure it is out of the way. Take your TOP BAND D
64. If you are installing grommets, use the appro-
priate sized hole punch and punch out holes at
the marks you made in Step 60. Apply fray check
to the holes.

67. Trim away excess BACK GUSSET sections that

are sticking out the sides.

65. Using the appropriate anvil/setter combo

for the size of your grommets, set a grommet
in each hole you’ve punched out. You’ll want
the grommet part with the post to be inserted
through the RS of TOP BAND D exterior and the
washer goes on the lining side. Set grommet(s).
68. Take your BOTTOM BAND E piece and pin/
clip RST with the straight edge of BOTTOM BAND
E aligned with the bottom straight edge of your
assembled FRONT ZIPPER POCKET panel. Sew
together. Press the BOTTOM BAND E and seam
allowance away from the FRONT ZIPPER POCKET
panel and topstitch seam allowance.

66. Take your assembled FRONT ZIPPER FLAP

and place it RS up over your assembled FRONT
POCKET BACK, also RS up. Align all the edges 69. Take your assembled BACK PANEL, your as-
and make sure the GUSSET pieces are complete- sembled FRONT PANEL and lay each of them over
ly flat. The BACK GUSSETs will stick out a bit on a MAIN BODY A lining panel WST and pin/clip in
the sides - that is OK. Baste together with 1/4” place. Baste stitch together all the way around
seam allowance. with 1/4” seam allowance.

70. Take your double pull zipper and place it
RS facing up on top of one ZIPPER PANEL lining
piece, also RS up. Align one zipper tape edge
with the edge of the ZIPPER PANEL lining piece.
Pin in place then baste stitch zipper to ZIPPER
PANEL with 1/8” seam allowance. 74. Place your zipper panels RS facing up over
your BOTTOM GUSSET lining piece, also RS facing
up, aligning the shorter sides. Pin in place and
baste stitch together.

71. Lay one ZIPPER PANEL exterior piece WS fac-

ing up over the zipper with attached lining zipper
panel from step 70. Pin/clip together and sew
together with 1/4” seam allowance for #3 zipper
and 3/8” seam allowance for #5 zipper along the
basted side from step 70.
75. Place your BOTTOM GUSSET exterior piece
WS facing up over top the zipper panels and
BOTTOM GUSSET lining piece from Step 74, again
aligning the short ends together. Pin them RST
and then sew all layers together.

72. Press both zipper panel pieces away from the

zipper, WST and topstitch seam allowance along
zipper. Repeat steps 70-72 to attach second set
of zipper panels to the other side of your zipper.
76. Press BOTTOM GUSSET exterior and lining
pieces away from the zipper panels and topstitch
seam allowance.

73. Baste stitch the outside edges of your zipper

panel exterior and lining layers together with 1/4”
seam allowance so they don’t move during

77. Repeat Steps 74-76 to attach the opposite your FRONT FLAP out of the way.
shorter end of your zipper panels to the oppo-
site shorter end of your BOTTOM GUSSET pieces.
When you’re done, you should have a GUSSET
LOOP as pictured above. Baste the outer edges
of the gusset loop.

81. Now clip the rest of the GUSSET LOOP to your

assembled FRONT PANEL.
78. Using pattern piece MAIN BODY A, transfer
the centre marks from the pattern piece to the
top and bottom centre of your assembled BACK
AND FRONT PANELS on the lining side.

align seams
79. Take your GUSSET LOOP and align the seams
and then flatten the loop. Mark the centres at
each end top and bottom on the lining side.
82. Sew together with 3/8” seam allowance.
When sewn together, it should look like previous

80. Take your assembled FRONT PANEL and your

GUSSET LOOP. Clip them RST at the top and 83. Open up your zipper part way. Now take your
bottom centre marks first. You’ll want the zipper assembled BACK PANEL and repeat Steps 80-82
panels to be at the top curved edge of the as- to clip and sew them RST. Make sure to stuff the
sembled FRONT PANEL. Make sure to pin or clip strap inside so it won’t be sewn into the seam.
Once sewn together, trim any unevenness from
the seam allowance but do not cut it away. start sewing here

87. Start with the end of your binding strip that

84. You will need (2) separate binding strips that is folded in and pin/clip it along the bottom edge
are 38” long. You will likely need to piece to- of your assembled bag, raw binding edge aligned
gether strips to achieve this length. Sew angled with the raw edge of the bag. I find it better to
binding strips together with 1/4” seam allowance not clip the entire binding to start. Only one clip
as pictured above. Press seam allowance open will do for now. Start sewing 1” away from the
and trim excess fabric from edges. folded end of your binding.

85. Cut one end of your binding strip so it is

straight and then press 1/2” towards the WS at
that same end.

88. Sew the binding on with a longer stitch

length (I use 3) and keep it taut as you are sew-
ing by gently tugging on it. It is cut on the bias
and will prevent puckers if you sew it on this
way. I also found it easier to sew it on with the
gusset side facing up.

86. Now press the binding strip in half WST

along the entire length.

89. Do not sew all the way around. When you

get to the folded edge of your binding, stop and
cut the binding so there is an overlap of 1”.
90. Open up the folded end of your binding
strip and place the cut end of your binding strip 93. Repeat steps 87-92 to sew the binding on the
inside this folded end so it is tucked in between other side. Turn your bag RS out.
the WS layers of the binding. Now you can finish
sewing the binding. Make sure to backstitch.

91. Now you can flip the folded edge of your 94. If you’re using a thumb lock, you can now in-
binding to the body panel side, encasing the raw stall the push lock portion to your THUMB LOCK
edges of your seam allowance. Clip the binding TAB. Follow the installation instructions that
in place as you fold it over. came with your thumb lock.

You’re done!

I’d love to see your creations!

Use #SpeedwellSling when sharing on

92. Sew the binding in place, this time with the

body panel side facing up. Remove your clips as
you sew. Use a seam allowance slightly smaller
than 3/8”. NOTE: Feel free to hand sew this step
instead of using your machine.
©2017 Blue Calla Creations. All Rights Reserved. Written permission is required to copy and or
distribute copies of this pattern or instructions. Celine is happy to allow products made from this
pattern by a home sewer to be sold. Please include a credit to all your online listings stating that
your item is made from a Blue Calla Pattern. A link to my Etsy pattern shop would be appreciated.
Patterns must be purchased retail and the items must be made by one person, in their home.
Mass Production is strictly prohibited and will result in a change to these policies.

Bag and Purse Shop:
Pattern Shop:
Follow me on Instagram! @bluecallapatterns
Join my Blue Calla Patterns sewing group at:
1 inch
Speedwell Back Sling
Main Body A
Cut 1 Exterior fabric
Cut 2 Lining fabric
Cut 4 Fusible woven interfacing

*** Print 2 copies and cut out one

copy at inside dotted line. Use to cut
1 Peltex interfacing
Speedwell Back Sling
Zipper Side Panel H
Cut 1 set mirror image of Exterior fabric
this way up

zipper Cut 1 set mirror image of Lining fabric

attached to Cut 2 sets mirror image of Fusible woven interfacing

1 inch
magnetic snap
Speedwell Back Sling thumb lock
Magnetic Snap Tab K
Cut 2 Exterior fabric Speedwell Back Sling
Cut 2 Fusible woven Top Strap Tab F
interfacing Cut 2 Exterior fabric
Cut 2 Fusible woven interfacing
***Print out 2 copies and cut
one copy at inside dotted line. ***Print out 2 copies and cut
Use to cut out 1 Peltex and 1 one copy at inside dotted line.
Use to cut out 1 Peltex and 1 Fusible fleece
Fusible fleece

Cut 1 set mirror image of

Cut 2 sets mirror image of

Front Gusset J
Speedwell Back Sling
Lining fabric
Fusible woven interfacing
Speedwell Back Sling
Thumb Lock Tab G
Cut 2 Exterior fabric
Cut 2 Fusible woven
1 inch
***Print out 2 copies and cut
one copy at inside dotted line.
Use to cut out 1 Peltex and 1
Fusible fleece
1 inch
Speedwell Back Sling
Back Gusset I
Cut 2 sets mirror image of
Lining fabric
Cut 1 set mirror image of
Fusible woven interfacing
1 inch

Speedwell Back Sling

Front Zipper Flap B
Cut 1 Exterior fabric
Cut 1 Lining fabric
Cut 2 Fusible woven interfacing
Cut 1 Fusible fleece

Speedwell Back Sling

Top Band D
Cut 1 Exterior fabric
Cut 1 Lining fabric
Cut 2 Fusible woven interfacing
Cut 1 Fusible fleece
1 inch
Speedwell Back Sling
Bottom Band E
Cut 1 Exterior fabric
Cut 1 Fusible woven interfacing
Cut 1 Fusible fleece

1 inch
Speedwell Back Sling
Front Pocket Back C
Cut 1 Lining fabric
Cut 1 Fusible woven interfacing
Cut 1 Fusible fleece
Speedwell Sling Bag Cutting Chart
Exterior Lining Fusible woven interfacing Fusible fleece Peltex
Main Body A 1 2 4 1 (at dotted
Front Zipper Flap B 1 1 2 1
Front Pocket Back C 1 1 1
Top Band D 1 1 2 1
Bottom Band E 1 1 1
Top Strap Tab F 2 2 1 (at dotted 1 (at dotted
line) line)
Thumb Lock Tab G OR 2 2 1 (at dotted 1 (at dotted
Magnetic Snap Tab K line) line)
Zipper Side Panel H 1 set mirror 1 set mirror 2 sets mirror image
image image
Back Gusset I 2 sets mirror 1 set mirror image
Front Gusset J 2 sets mirror 1 set mirror image
Zipper Panels 2 2 4 2 (18.75” W x
(19.5” W x 1.5” W) 3/4” H)
Bottom Gusset 1 1 2 1 (17.25” W x
(18” W x 3” H) 2.25” H)
Rectangle Ring Strap 1 1
(6” W x 3” H)
Exterior Lining Fusible woven interfacing Fusible fleece Peltex

Adjustable Strap 1 1
(44” W x 6”H)
Front Flap Slip Pocket 2 2
(6.5” W x 5.5” H)
Front Flap Zipper Pocket 6 6
and Interior Slip Pockets
(6.5” W x 6.5” H)
Bias Binding 1
(76” L x 2.5” H or 2 pieces
38” L)

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