December 2017 Kids' Corner Newsletter

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December 2017

Ozark-Dale County Public Library

416 James Street
Ozark, AL 36360 December Events:
E-mail: Dec. 2 -Pokémon 1-4 PM
Website: Hours of operation:
Facebook: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: Dec. 5 -LEGO Club @ 4PM
ozarklibrary 10:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Friday and Saturday: Dec. 7 -Story Time @10:30 & 4:30
10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Dec. 9 -Santa Visits! 10:30-Noon
Pokémon 1-4 PM
Coloring Did you know?
Contest Winners  December 6 is Saint Dec. 12 -Baby and Me! 11 AM
Nicholas Day, where
children in Germany Dec. 14 -Story Time @10:30 & 4:30
leave their shoes
Aria Arthur, age 8 outside their doors and wait Dec. 16 -Popcorn & a Movie
Isabella Atwell, age 5 overnight to receive chocolates, if Pokémon 1-4 PM
Tennie Bradshaw, age 12 they have been good...or coal and
Chyna Crittendon, age 4 twigs if they’ve been bad! Sounds Dec. 19 -LEGO Club @ 4 PM
Savannah Fletcher, age 7 familiar, right?!
Felix Fowler, age 8  December 12 is Gingerbread Dec. 21 -Christmas Story Time
Chase Gallaspie, age 18 House Day
 December 21 is Winter Solstice Dec. 23 -Pokémon 1-4 PM
Clay McConnell, age 11
Autumn Grace McCready, age 7 = shortest day of the year
Dec. 25-27 - CLOSED
Kathryn Moore, age 6  December 26 is National
Alexis Watson, age 7 Candy Cane Day Dec. 28 -New Year’s Story Time

All submissions are on display in the

Children’s Section, so come grab a book Story Time Themes for
and see your art on display! December:
December 7: Santa History
Q. What do Santa’s elves learn in December 14: Making instruments
school? December 21: Christmas Crafts
Answer on last page. December 28: New Year’s Celebration
The Ozark-Dale County Public Library welcomes
all, whether you are an adult or a teenager; the Library is
always in need of good volunteers to help out!
Mrs. Cheryl @
and a

12:45 PM in
the West
Baby and Me!
Lap Sit Story Time
ONLY TUESDAY, December 12 this month
11 AM
For caregivers and parents along with their
babies from birth to 2 years old.
Remember Lego Club will meet Join us to sing, sign, jump,
on the 1st and 3rd TUESDAYS from bounce, and play our way to
4:00– 5:00 early learning!
This month on December 5 and 19

Dear Friends,
YOU are who makes Ozark-Dale County Public Library a great place to be! Witnessing
your kindness towards each other has “made my day” many times. Thank you!
Please keep in mind that as Winter comes, so does Cold and Flu season. So if you think
you may be sick, please stay home until you’re all better and no one else gets sick.
Here are a few titles you may enjoy this Christmas from the Library:

Merry Christmas!
-Mrs. Cheryl
Special thanks to Wal-Mart
and Ozark Super Sav for
sponsoring our Pumpkin
Decorating during Story
Time on Oct. 26 at 10:30
and 4:30. Thank you for
giving back to your
Thanks for
coming to the
“Kids’ Corner” Coloring Contest!
Please return to the Library by Dec. 13, 2017
Please complete the block on the back of this paper, and return it to the Library!
*Remember to have your full name, age, and phone number on your entry!
Call 774-5480 for more information.

Ozark-Dale County Public Library 416 James Street, Ozark, Alabama 36360

Mrs. Cheryl will read a story

and you can tell Santa your
Christmas wishes!
Saturday, December 9 at  Games
10:30 in the West Wing of the Library  Cookies

Popcorn & a Movie

Saturday, Dec. 16
12:45 in the West Wing

Christmas Craft Story Time

December 21@ 10:30 and 4:30
Open to all ages

Do you love Legos?! Join us in the Children’s section of the Library! We’ll
have building challenges, games, and free play! We will meet on TUESDAY,
Dec. 5 AND Dec. 19 @ 4:00-5:00 PM

Pokémon League
Please join us every Saturday from 1-4 in the West Wing for Pokémon. This Program
is for all ages. If you want to play, but aren't quite sure how, Joni will be more than
happy to help you. Can’t wait to see you here!! If you have any questions, please
call: 774-5480

Please complete the following for the coloring contest:

First name________________________ Last name____________________________
Address__________________________________ City_____________________________
Age_____________ Phone #_________________________


Kylie Junghans Dec. 5 Trey Mitchell Dec. 20

Grace Furrowh Dec. 6 Gavin Huffstutler Dec. 23
Tobias Ayhens Dec. 6 Trinity Smith Dec. 25
Kaya McAllister Dec. 8 Ariona Forbes Dec. 28
Abigail England Dec. 9 Lilly Faulk Dec. 28
Hezekiah Barrs Dec. 9 Aaron Forbes Dec. 29
Adrien Ernandes Dec. 14 Jack Cordes Dec. 29
Holden Junghans Dec. 14 Jill Cordes Dec. 29
Katelyn Thompson Dec. 14 Lauren Winkler Dec. 29
Robby Larroy Dec. 19 Rowan Delaney Dec. 29
Perry Faulk Dec. 21 Olivia Sanders Dec. 31
Henry Carter Dec. 21 Nalani Thompson Dec. 31
Ronald Zito III Dec. 21
Josh Holmes Dec. 22
Trey Mitchell Dec. 20

Answer: The ELFabet!

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2
Basketball Day
See You at the Library! Pokémon 1-4
Pokémon - 2 p.m.
3 4 National 5 Lego Club - 6 7 8 9
Cookie Day St. Nicholas Story Time Pretend To Be A Santa Visits!!
4pm Day 10:30 & 4:30 Time Traveler 10:30-Noon in the
Day West Wing

10 11 12 13 14 15 National 16
Dewey Decimal Kaleidoscope Baby and *Coloring Story Time Cupcake Popcorn & a
System Day Day Contest Sheets Day! Movie 12:45
Me! are Due
10:30 & 4:30
11 AM
Pokémon 1-4
17 18 19Lego Club- 20 21 22 23
Answer The Games Day Story Time Craft Day
Telephone Like 10:30 & 4:30 2-4 PM Pokémon 1-4
Buddy The Elf
24 Christmas Eve 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 CLOSED CLOSED 10:30 & 4:30 2-4 PM CLOSED
New Year’s Eve

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