The Kid Corner December 2010
The Kid Corner December 2010
The Kid Corner December 2010
Play games;
What do you call 50 penguins in the
And much more!
Answer - Page 2
December Events:
Dec. 2 - Winter Fun
Dec. 4 - Popcorn & a Movie Rock Band Coloring Contest Winners
& Pokémon @ 4 p.m. Kayla Johnson, Kristina For November!
Dec. 9 - All About Holidays! Speck, James Mize
Dec. 11 - Popcorn & a Movie Alina McKnight
& Pokémon @ 4 p.m.
Dec. 12 - Pokémon Tournament Audra Lowery
Dec. 16 - Christmas Story Time
Dec. 18 - Christmas Party 10 am Racquel Ransom
& Popcorn & a Movie
& Pokémon @ 4 p.m. Megan Dean
Dec. 23 - NO Story Time Scrabble
Dec. 24 & 25 - CLOSED
Dec. 30 - New Year’s Fun
Dec. 31 and Jan. 1 - CLOSED 1
National Gaming Day
November 13, 2010
Make your Own Snow Globe!
Small glass jar (with lid), glycerin, polymer
clay or small figurine/ornament, glitter or fake
snow crystals, hot glue, distilled water
Wink: The Ninja Who Wanted to be Noticed
The Busy Tree JE PHI
A rhyming text that describes a tree's activities Little Wink, after being admitted to the
from its roots to its branches, introduce young Summer Moon School for Young
readers to the amazing activities that go on in a Ninjas, finds that his constant need to be
tree. Acorns nibbled by chipmunks, ants scurrying noticed is decidedly at odds with the
across a trunk, a spider spinning a web, leaves ninja’s primary tenet of stealth.
"breathing out air for all to breathe in"--everything Eventually, Wink finds that his acrobatic
adds up to a "busy tree" for all to "come and see." skills and theatrical sensibility are a
perfect match to be a circus performer.
Manners! Staying Out of Trouble Famous! The Awesome Life of Chicken! Be Brave with David
with David Mortimore Baxter David Mortimore Baxter Mortimore Baxter
Truth! David Mortimore Baxter Please complete the following for the coloring contest:
Comes Clean
JF TAY First name_________________________________________________________
What helps a sea star "get a grip" on Before he was Hammerin’ Hank,
Henry Aaron was a young boy grow
slippery surfaces? How can you tell when a ing up in Mobile, Alabama, with what
humpback whale is having fun? Kids can seemed like a foolhardy dream: to be a
explore the teeming worlds of tide pools, big-league baseball player. He didn’t
rocky coasts, sandy shores, and shallow have a bat. He didn’t have a ball. And
there wasn’t a single black ball player
ocean beds and discover a treasure chest of in the major leagues. But none of this
finds. could stop Aaron.
Hiccup is a failure as a Viking: skinny, inquisitive, and inventive, he asks questions and
tries out unsuccessful contraptions when he's supposed to be fighting the dragons that
attack his village. His father, chief Stoick the Vast, has pretty much given up on his
teenage son and apprenticed him to blacksmith Gobber. Worse, Hiccup knows the
village loser hasn't a chance of impressing Astrid, the girl of his dreams and a
formidable dragon fighter in her own right. When one of Hiccup's inventions actually
works, he hasn't the heart to kill the young dragon he's brought down. He names it
Toothless and befriends it, although he's been taught to fear and loathe dragons.
Rated: PG 5
98 minutes
Game Zone
The Ozark-Dale County Public Library hosts a program for children:
There will be popcorn, a drink, and a movie. Refreshments will be served from
12:45 p.m. -1:00 p.m.
The movie will begin promptly at 1:00 p.m.
Please come and join in the fun!
Call 774-5480 for more information.
Kayla Berg Dec. 25
Michael Boyd Dec. 1 Madisyn Garrett Dec. 26
Alexis Rabren Dec. 4 Marlana Pinkerton Dec. 26
Drew Sobay Dec. 5 Lucas Morecraft Dec. 27
Jacob Thomas Dec. 7 Jamie Collier Dec. 28
Zyakia Curry Dec. 8 Zane Hubbard Dec. 29
Olivia Perault Dec. 11 Mailing Label Jack Cordes Dec. 29
Brianna Siples Dec. 13 Jill Cordes Dec. 29
Sierra Barrow Dec. 14 Lauren Winkler Dec. 29
Amber Reaves Dec. 16 Nicholas Little Dec. 30
Brannon Beaty Dec. 17 Victoria Barrs Dec. 31
James Bartlett Dec. 18 Micah Holliman Dec. 31
Andrea Siples Dec. 19 Olivia Sanders Dec. 31
Perry Faulk Dec. 21
Zoey Jackson Dec. 23
Amelia Thomas Dec. 24
December 2010
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2 3 4 Pokémon - 4 p.m.
Story Time 10:30
See You at the Library! Kids’ Corner 4:30 Popcorn &
a Movie 12:45
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Pokémon - 4 p.m.
National Cotton Story Time 10:30
Bathtub Party Day Candy Day Kids’ Corner 4:30
Popcorn &
a Movie 12:45
26 27 28 29 30 31 Closed
Story Time 10:30
National Candy Kids’ Corner 4:30 New Year’s Eve
Cane Day