The Kid Corner December 2010

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Merry Christmas!!

Ozark-Dale County Public Library Volume 8, Issue 12

416 James Street December 2010
Ozark, AL 36360
334-774-5480 Be sure to explore our
E-mail: website!
Hours of operation:
Hey Kids! Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: View trailers of
Gaming Day was a blast! 10:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. upcoming
Don’t forget about our Popcorn & a Friday and Saturday: movies;
Movie programs this month, we’re 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
showing some really good movies!!
Also, we have a Pokémon Look at
City Tournament on Gaming Day pictures from
Sunday, December 12 @ 12pm!
Ms. Lou, Ms. Joni
& Ms. Kathryn
Winners! past events;

Play games;
What do you call 50 penguins in the
And much more!
Answer - Page 2

December Events:
Dec. 2 - Winter Fun
Dec. 4 - Popcorn & a Movie Rock Band Coloring Contest Winners
& Pokémon @ 4 p.m. Kayla Johnson, Kristina For November!
Dec. 9 - All About Holidays! Speck, James Mize
Dec. 11 - Popcorn & a Movie Alina McKnight
& Pokémon @ 4 p.m.
Dec. 12 - Pokémon Tournament Audra Lowery
Dec. 16 - Christmas Story Time
Dec. 18 - Christmas Party 10 am Racquel Ransom
& Popcorn & a Movie
& Pokémon @ 4 p.m. Megan Dean
Dec. 23 - NO Story Time Scrabble
Dec. 24 & 25 - CLOSED
Dec. 30 - New Year’s Fun
Dec. 31 and Jan. 1 - CLOSED 1
National Gaming Day
November 13, 2010
Make your Own Snow Globe!
Small glass jar (with lid), glycerin, polymer
clay or small figurine/ornament, glitter or fake
snow crystals, hot glue, distilled water

1. If using clay, create a small model on the lid and

bake according to manufacturer’s instructions.
2. If using a figurine/ornament, just glue onto the lid
of the jar.
3. Fill the jar with water and a tablespoon of
4. Sprinkle some glitter/crystals into the jar.
5. Screw on the lid and secure with hot glue around
the edges.

What: Pokémon League

When: Saturdays from 4 p.m. - 7 p.m.

Where: Ozark-Dale County

Public Library West Wing
416 James St.
Ozark, AL 36360
Contact #: Call 334-434-0241
for directions or more info.
Entry Fee: FREE!!!
Details: Battle Pokémon through
cards or video games!
Make new friends, have fun,
and win prizes!!
**Bring your own 60-card
deck from Pokémon sets
Majestic Dawn & forward.
Lost!! REALLY LOST!! Come on out for a good time!
(Penguins live in Antarctica) Also, check us out on the web @
“Kids’ Corner” Coloring Contest!
Deadline: Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Please complete the block on the back of this paper, cut this page out,
and return it to the Library!

Wink: The Ninja Who Wanted to be Noticed
The Busy Tree JE PHI
A rhyming text that describes a tree's activities Little Wink, after being admitted to the
from its roots to its branches, introduce young Summer Moon School for Young
readers to the amazing activities that go on in a Ninjas, finds that his constant need to be
tree. Acorns nibbled by chipmunks, ants scurrying noticed is decidedly at odds with the
across a trunk, a spider spinning a web, leaves ninja’s primary tenet of stealth.
"breathing out air for all to breathe in"--everything Eventually, Wink finds that his acrobatic
adds up to a "busy tree" for all to "come and see." skills and theatrical sensibility are a
perfect match to be a circus performer.

The Busy Tree The Quite Book

When a boy with a toy shark faces a There are many kinds of quiet:
train-wielding companion, it sets off a Quiet can be delicate.
series of imaginative and very funny Quiet can be thundering!
contests between fish and machine. The Quiet can be sweet,and cozy,and can most definitely help
result of each battle depends on the you fall asleep.
setting. Shark wins at high diving, not
surprisingly, while Train comes out on This gentle picture book explores all the different quiets
top when it comes to burping. that can fill a child's days from morning to night.

Manners! Staying Out of Trouble Famous! The Awesome Life of Chicken! Be Brave with David
with David Mortimore Baxter David Mortimore Baxter Mortimore Baxter

David thinks the coolest thing in the Davids school is on a trip to an

David didn't realize it is rude to burp in adventure camp, and David is the only
public, even if you burp the national anthem. world would be to be on TV. So
why isn’t he more excited when his kid who hasnt been brave enough to
Now he knows better. His handy new guide walk over the scary rope bridge. Now,
full of tips on good and bad manners will help family is chosen to be filmed for the
hit reality show, Trading Moms? David is famous for being the wimpiest
save other kids from making some guy at Bays Park Middle School! How
embarrassing mistakes. will he ever live down his new nickname

Truth! David Mortimore Baxter Please complete the following for the coloring contest:
Comes Clean
JF TAY First name_________________________________________________________

David Mortimore Bax- Last name_________________________________________________________

ter's web of lies has got-
ten him into trouble be- Address____________________________________________________________
fore. Now his parents are
threatening to take away
his dog, Boris, if he
doesn't tell the truth, and
only the truth. Woof!
Age_____________ Phone #_____________________________
Deer: Growing Up in the Wild
J 599 RIN Lions & Tigers & Leopards: The Big Cats
J 599 URQ
Describes how baby deer are
reared in the wild and some of Text and pictures introduce
the hardships they, and other lions, tigers, leopards, and the
animals like them, encounter. other big cats.

Along a Rocky Shore Henry Aaron’s Dream


What helps a sea star "get a grip" on Before he was Hammerin’ Hank,
Henry Aaron was a young boy grow
slippery surfaces? How can you tell when a ing up in Mobile, Alabama, with what
humpback whale is having fun? Kids can seemed like a foolhardy dream: to be a
explore the teeming worlds of tide pools, big-league baseball player. He didn’t
rocky coasts, sandy shores, and shallow have a bat. He didn’t have a ball. And
there wasn’t a single black ball player
ocean beds and discover a treasure chest of in the major leagues. But none of this
finds. could stop Aaron.

Abacadabra Board to Death


An unexpected visitor The undercover brothers, Frank and Joe

comes to a teenage Hardy, go undercover at a major
birthday party, and shares skateboarding contest in Venice,
the strange story of her California to find out which competitor
past. is trying to kill off the competition--

Serenity: Those Left Behind

With the war between the Alliance and the
independent Browncoats over, Mal Reynolds,
captain of the Serenity, and his crew of misfits,
fugitives, and would-be outlaws work the frontier. Defeated and di-
rectionless, their goal has become simply to keep flying, and Mal is
willing to take any job, in- or outside the law, to achieve it.

How to Train Your Dragon


Hiccup is a failure as a Viking: skinny, inquisitive, and inventive, he asks questions and
tries out unsuccessful contraptions when he's supposed to be fighting the dragons that
attack his village. His father, chief Stoick the Vast, has pretty much given up on his
teenage son and apprenticed him to blacksmith Gobber. Worse, Hiccup knows the
village loser hasn't a chance of impressing Astrid, the girl of his dreams and a
formidable dragon fighter in her own right. When one of Hiccup's inventions actually
works, he hasn't the heart to kill the young dragon he's brought down. He names it
Toothless and befriends it, although he's been taught to fear and loathe dragons.
Rated: PG 5
98 minutes
Game Zone

Connect the Dots

Each player takes turns drawing a line to connect
two dots, either horizontally or vertically. If a player
makes the line that completes a box, that player
puts their initial in the box. Once all the dots are
connected, the player with their initial in the most
boxes is the winner!

The Ozark-Dale County Public Library hosts a program for children:
There will be popcorn, a drink, and a movie. Refreshments will be served from
12:45 p.m. -1:00 p.m.
The movie will begin promptly at 1:00 p.m.
Please come and join in the fun!
Call 774-5480 for more information.

Saturday December 4, 2010

Toy Story 3 welcomes back Woody, Buzz and the whole gang back to the big screen as
Andy prepares to depart for college and his loyal toys find themselves in …daycare!
These untamed tots with their sticky little fingers do not play nice, so it’s all for one and
one for all as plans for the Great Escape get underway. A few new faces join the
adventure, including Barbie’s counterpart Ken, a thespian hedgehog named Mr.
Pricklepants and a pink strawberry-scented teddy bear called Lots-o-Huggin’ Bear.
**Rated: Guidance** Length: 86 minutes

Saturday December 11, 2010

Twelve-year-old Dre Parker could've been the most popular kid in Detroit, but his mother's
latest career move has landed him in China. Dre immediately falls for his classmate Mei
Ying, but cultural differences make such a friendship impossible. Even worse, Dre's feelings
make an enemy of the class bully and kung fu prodigy, Cheng. With no friends in a strange
land, Dre has nowhere to turn but maintenance man Mr. Han, who is secretly a master of kung
fu. As Han teaches Dre that kung fu is not about punches and parries, but maturity and calm,
Dre realizes that facing down the bullies will be the fightf his life.
**Rated: Guidance** Length: 86 minutes

Saturday December 18, 2010 **Rated: PG**

Jim Carrey plays four separate roles in this updated version of the Charles Length: 96 minutes
Dickens’ classic. The old miser Scrooge must face the Ghosts of Christmas
Past, Present and Yet-to-Come. The spirits must help bring kindness to his
otherwise cold heart and remind him of the man he used to be.

The Ozark-Dale County Public Library welcomes all,

whether you are an adult, teenager, or a kid; the Library is
always in need of good workers to help out!!
Ozark-Dale County Public Library NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION
416 James Street U.S. POSTAGE PAID
Ozark, AL 36360 n the We OZARK, ALABAMA
Visit us o PERMIT NO. 16!

Kayla Berg Dec. 25
Michael Boyd Dec. 1 Madisyn Garrett Dec. 26
Alexis Rabren Dec. 4 Marlana Pinkerton Dec. 26
Drew Sobay Dec. 5 Lucas Morecraft Dec. 27
Jacob Thomas Dec. 7 Jamie Collier Dec. 28
Zyakia Curry Dec. 8 Zane Hubbard Dec. 29
Olivia Perault Dec. 11 Mailing Label Jack Cordes Dec. 29
Brianna Siples Dec. 13 Jill Cordes Dec. 29
Sierra Barrow Dec. 14 Lauren Winkler Dec. 29
Amber Reaves Dec. 16 Nicholas Little Dec. 30
Brannon Beaty Dec. 17 Victoria Barrs Dec. 31
James Bartlett Dec. 18 Micah Holliman Dec. 31
Andrea Siples Dec. 19 Olivia Sanders Dec. 31
Perry Faulk Dec. 21
Zoey Jackson Dec. 23
Amelia Thomas Dec. 24

December 2010
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2 3 4 Pokémon - 4 p.m.
Story Time 10:30
See You at the Library! Kids’ Corner 4:30 Popcorn &
a Movie 12:45

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Pokémon - 4 p.m.
National Cotton Story Time 10:30
Bathtub Party Day Candy Day Kids’ Corner 4:30
Popcorn &
a Movie 12:45

12 Pokémon City 13 14 15 16 17 18 Popcorn &

Championship Coloring Contest Story Time 10:30 a Movie 12:45
Tournament 12pm Due Kids’ Corner 4:30 Kids’ Christmas
Party 10am-12:30pm
Poinsettia Day
Pokémon - 4 p.m.
19 20 21 22 23 24 CLOSED 25 CLOSED
No Story Time Christmas
World Peace Day

26 27 28 29 30 31 Closed
Story Time 10:30
National Candy Kids’ Corner 4:30 New Year’s Eve
Cane Day

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