JP MT3 Sol

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DATE : 07-01-2018 COURSE : VIJETA (02JP)


PAPER-1 
(a – 1)x2 – (a + 1)x + (a + 1) = 0
such that
1. A point is moving......................  2 + 2 =  – 2
Sol. Equation of chord of contact from (-2, 0) is 3x + 4y -34 = 0 ( + )2 – 3 + 2 = 0
2  a  1  a  1
Solving this with circle we get x = 6 ,     –3   +2=0
5  a – 1  a – 1
2. If the normal at...................... a 1
Sol. Equation of normal at P (2 sec  , 2 tan  ) t2 – 3t + 2 = 0, where t =
a –1
2x 2x
is  8 t = 1, t = 2
sec  tan  a 1 a 1
 = 1 (not possible) and =2
then G (4 sec  , 0) and g (0, 4 tan  ) a –1 a –1
a=3 C=3
3. If the quadratic ...................... Hence A + B = 5; (B + C  A) = 2 + 3  3 = 3
Sol. sum of roots = product of roots and roots are real

4. If the roots of ...................... 9. If the divisors ......................

Sol. roots are a/r, a, ar where a > 0 and r > 1
3 p   4  1  4l   1
p p
a/r + a + ar = –p ...............(1) Sol.
(a/r)a + a(ar) + (a/r)ar = q ...............(2) 5q = (4 + 1)q = 4m + 1
(a/r)a(ar) = 1 7r = (7 – 1)r = 8n + (–1)r
 a=1
since r + 1/r > 2
from (1) p < – 3 10. If the product ......................
Sol. Since product of roots is 2 sin a = 1
5. If the axis of ...................... or a = n  + (–1)n /6, n  I.
Sol : Let parabola be y 2  4ax and let hyperbola be Again since roots are imaginary, a2 < 16
i.e., –4 < a < 4. Therefore
x2 y2
 1 7  5
a2 b2 a , , . Hence choices (B) and (C) are correct.
Then chord of contact for (h, k) is ky  2a  x  h 6 6 6
And it touches the hyperbola so applying condition of
11. The least positive ......................
tangency, we get equation of ellipse.
Sol. We have sin  ( x 2  x )  sin  x 2
6. For positive ......................
Sol. Using A.M  G .M   ( x 2  x )  n   ( 1)n  x 2 , n  Z
  b  c  c  a  a  b   8abc  x 2  x  n  ( 1)n x 2
  p  a  p  b  p  c   8abc Now, two cases arise.
Case 1 When n is an even integer say n = 2 m, m  Z In this
Also case, Eq. (i) reduces to
 p  a  p  b   p  c   1
x 2  x  2m  x 2  x  2m, m  Z
  p  a  p  b  p  c  
Case 2 When n is an odd integer say n = 2m + 1, m  Z In this
 2p 1
   p  a  p  b  p  c   3 case, Eq. (i) reduces to
x 2  x  ( 2m  1)  x 2
7. The number ......................
Sol. When z = n + 1, we can choose x, y from
 2 x 2  x  ( 2m  1)  0
{1,2,........,n}  n2 ways
 1 1  8 ( 2m  1)
  n  1  ..........  1
2  x
total no. of ways = n 4
 1 
 x
8. Let A denotes ...................... 4
Sol. A = 3 Where   8 ( 2m  1)  1 is an odd integer.
B= log 2
(( 3 + 1) – ( 3 –1)) = 2
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12. In a ABC , ...................... 18. The tangent ......................
Sol. The point lies on y = 2x + 3 Sol. (x – y + 2)(x + y – 6) = 0
x2 – y2 – 4x + 8y – 12 = 0
 = 2 + 3
Area of triangle ABC  x  y   x  y   x  y 
x2 – y2 – 4x  3  + 8y  3  – 12  3  =0
     
cofficient of x2 + coefficient of y2 = 0
  = -7, -6, 2, 3. 122 + 12 – 12 = 0
13. Let N = 2 + ...................... 2 +  – 1 = 0
Sol.   
N  2  22  222  2222  2997  10,000 m  Sum of values of  = –1
2 2
= [9 + 99 + 999......] = [10 + 102 + 103.... – 30000] 
9 9
19. If N is the ......................
Where m is a positive integer
Sol. If x and y denote the no. of ways to take unit and 2 steps
14. ABCD is a square...................... respectively, then x + 2y = 7.
Sol. X = 1, 3, 5.
If x = 1, then steps will be 1 2 2 2

No. of ways =

If x = 3, the steps will be 1 1 1 2 2

No. of ways =
In ABO, 2 1 r  r
2 (1 – r) = r, 4(1  r)  r 2 If x = 5, the steps will be 1 1 1 1 1 2  no. of ways = 6
If x = 7, the steps will be 1 1 1 1 1 1 1  no. of ways = 1
2 = r (1 + 2)
=r 20. If the eccentricity......................
2 1
2  
2 1 = r Sol. and

r= 2 2
15. The equation ......................

Sol. .

21. A train is ..............................
Let t = Sol.

t = a or 1 – a

16. In a triangle ......................

Sol. cosA.cosB + sinA.sinB + cosA.sinB + sinA.cosB = 2
 cos(A – B) + sin(A + B) = 2
 cos(A – B) = sin(A + B) = 1  A = B
 a = b and sin2A = 1
 A = 45° or 135º ( not possible)
f [v s  v cos ]
 fobs = =f
[v s  v cos ]
v s  v cos 
17. Number of ...................... obs =
Sol. For any observer in train frequency observed is equal to original
frequency but observed wavelength is more.

 sinx = 0, where x = 0, , 2, 3
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22. In a flexible .............................. Phase of difference between two particle in same loop will be
Sol. The V-T diagram for the process would be : zero and that between two particles in adjacent loops will be .
(B) and (D) Number of loops will not be integral. Hence neither a
node nor an antinode will be formed in the middle.
Phase of difference between two particle in same loop will be
zero and that between two particles in adjacent loops will be .

25. An elastic ..............................

Sol. (A) initial acceleration of any point on circumference of ring is g
cos 
(B*) initial acceleration of centre of ring is g sin cos

V1 V2
A)  (for process AB ) radius = a
T1 T2 (C) h
1 3 radius = b
  T2 = 900 K
300 T2
 6R  ba
dU  nC v dT  2    600  3 10 4 J tan =
 2  h = (b – a) cot
P1V1  P2 V2 1
C) dW  Wab  Wbc  Pdv  mg (b – a) cot = k(2b – 2a)2
 1 2
nRdT 1 2
4 k(b – a)2
= nRdT   40kJ mg (b – a) cot =
 1
mg cot 
23. Consider one .............................. b–a=
v 2 2 k
Sol. After collision velocity of (particle + piston) = (D) at the moment maximum vertical displacement acceleration
2 of centre of ring is upward.
1 v2 mv 2
So, K.E. = (2m) = 26. A semi circular ..............................
2 4 4 Sol. Displacement of centre of mass is zero. So take centre of mass
As, Q = 0, U = –W as origin then find displacement of all points.
mv 2 3R mv 2
So, = T  T = 27. An external ..............................
4 2 6R 20
Sol. Fdrag = 6RV = 6 × 0.1 × 5 = 10 N
mv 2 mv 2 7 mv 2 6
So, Tmax =  =
R 6R 6 R
mv 2 mv 2 5 mv 2
and Tmin =  =
R 6R 6 R
Tmax 7
So, = .
Tmin 5
D) When particle strikes elastically, particle comes to rest
instantaneously and piston moves with velocity v.
1 2 3
So, mv = RT
2 2
mv 2
T = Fb + 8 = 10
Fb = 2
4 mv 2
So, Tmax =
3 R 28. A particle is ..............................
mv 2 x 3
and Tmin = Sol. =
R y 4
Tmax 4 4
So, = y= x
Tmin 3 3
 
and a = – (100 )2 r
24. Choose the .............................. means SHM.
Sol. (A) Number of loops (of length /2) will be even or odd and
node or antinode will respectively be formed at the middle.

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29. A small ball .............................. dt
 H H dx
Sol. mg  h   = [vg] v
 2 2 dt
h=H ds u

 H H H H dx v
mg  h    = [vg] + [v2g]
 2 2 2 2 S b
7H 
ds 
v 
dx 
s = 700m

 H H 33. Position verses ..............................
mg  h   – [vg] = K.E.
 2  2 Sol. It can be interpreted with the help of slope
Alternate :
 5H  3 x = x0 + A sint
mg    mgH = K.E.
 2 2 dx
= A cost
K.E. = mgH.. dt
30. An experiment .............................. dx
= – A2 sint
ab2 dt
Sol. x =
c3 34. Heat is supplied ..............................
lnx = lna + 2lnb –3lnc Sol. Slope of graph is greater in the solid state i.e., temperature is
1 1 2 3dc rising faster, hence lower heat capacity.
dx = da + db – × 100 The transition from solid to liquid state takes lesser time, hence
x a b c latent heat is smaller.
dx da 2db 3dc
× 100 = × 100 + × 100 – × 100 35. The ring shown ..............................
x a b c C A
= 1 + 2 × 3 – 3 (–2)
Maximum error =  13 % Sol.

31. Two spherical .............................. A C

4s t=0
Sol. Pressure in left bubble =
r1 36. A ball collides ..............................
Sol. Solve in the reference frame fixed to the wall.
4 3
Volume of left bubble = r1 Before collision, velocity of ball = 3v towards it.
3  After elastic collision of ball = 3v away from it (here we have
used the result that a light mass is reversed by a heavy body at
4s 4 3
Pressure in right bubble = = r2 rest).
r 3 2h
n1 + n2 = 2n Time of flight =
r12 + r22 = 2R2 g
A1 + A2 and n1 + n2 are constant 2h
2 2
 Distance between wall and ball = 3v. .
n1 r 4 2R g
   r22 
n2 r 1 5 37 A particle is ..............................
r2  R
r1  R
32. A boat crosses ..............................
Sol. Apply conservation of energy
B 1 1
m (6gL) = mgL + mVB2
2 2
3 mgL = mgL + mVB2
s u VB= 4gL
TB = = 4 mg
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m (6 gL) = 2 mgL +
2 2
1 41. Which of the following ..........
mgL = mVC2 Sol. HA H+ + A–
VC = 2gL
C(1-) C C
mVC2  
[H ] [A ] c 2
TC + mg = Ka = =
L [HA  ] 1 
TC = 2 mg – mg = mg
TB 4mg [HA]
 =4 [H+] = Ka
TC mg [A  ]
[A  ]
38. A thin rod .............................. pH = pka + log
Sol. Lets take an element of dx width at a distance x from the [HA]
lowest end.
x 1 c

pH = pka + log
dU = (dm) g x x 2 dx  40J c (1   )
x 0

pH = pka + log
1 

dx 1 
log = pka – pH

1 
x  10pka pH

1  10pka pH
39. A uniform ..............................
1 c. 
Sol. (K.E.) of plate A = I 2 ka =
2 A 1 

A =
kg m2
[H ]
ka =
3 1 
1 4 8
(K.E.)A = × ×4= J.
2 3 3 43. Which of the following ..........
Sol. (A) Molar volume of ideal gas at STP is 22.4 L
40. Figure shows ..............................
Sol. 3
(B) Under critical conditions Z = .

44. Which of the following ..........

Sol. Formation of CO from constituent elements involves
Fnet = 4F cos
= 4K  L2  x 2  L  . 45. Salt AB undergoes anionic ..........
  L2  x 2 Sol. B– + H2O  HB + OH–
c(1–h) ch ch
 L  c = 0.1 M
= 4Kx 1  
ch = 10–5
 L  x 
2 2

h = 10–4

  Kh = ch2 = 10–9
x2  
1/ 2

= 4Kx 1   1  2   Ka(HB) = 10–5

  L  
 Kb of B– = 10–9

 x 2  2K 1
= 4Kx  2  = 2 x 3 pH = (5 – (–1)) = 3
 2L  L 2

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48. The wave functions .......... 52. Which of the following ..........
Sol. (A) Total nodal surfaces in 3s = 2
Sol. (A) 2 R  X  2Na   R  R  2 NaX
dry ether
Total nodal surfaces in 3p = 2
(B) Angular node in 3p, cos  = 0 (B)
CH3 – C – CH3 NH2NH2 / KOH CH3 – CH2 – CH3
 = /2 Alkane
(C) Let =x Carbonyl compound
a0 (C)
Lindlar's R R
4 2 R–CC–R C=C
Radial nodes in 3s, (6 – 4x + x)=0 Catalyst H H
9 cis
53. Select the incorrect ..........
2 2
 (3 – 2x + x ) = 0 27 – 18x + 2x2 = 0 O
Sol. H–O–O–S–OH
18  324 – 216 18  108
 x= =
2 2 4 O

93 3 9–3 3 –
2 P
x= ,x= OH
2 2 O O
2 Borax 2Na
Radial nodes in 3p. 4– x=0 O
3 O—B—O O O

 x=6 OH P

Hence their radial nodes are not same. O

(D) It is a fact. H2S2O5 (Pyrosulphurous acid)

49. In the following options .......... H–O–S–S–OH
Sol. As bond order between carbon and nitrogen increases, bond
length decreases.
54. Which of the following ..........
50. Which of the following ..........
Sol. S S
Sol. (A) O2 :- 1s
2s2 *2s2 22pz 2p2x  22py

 *
2p2x   2p y (diamagnetic)
* P P
(B) N22 :- 1s
2 2s 
2 *
2p2x  22py 22pz
 55. Ca2B6O11 + Na2CO3 ..........
* 2p2x  * 2p y (paramagnetic) Sol. Compound [X] is Na2B4O7.
(A) In anion of borax two boron is sp3 hybridised and two
(C) He2 :- 1s
1 (paramagnetic)
boron are sp2 hybridised.
 (B) Aqueous solutions of [X] is alkaline.
(D) B2 :- 1s
2 2s 
2 *
2px 2  2p y (C) In the structure of [X] anion B–O–B bonds.
(D) [X] on heating with chromium salts in oxidizing flame
gives green coloured bead.
51. Which of the following..........
Sol. Structure Linearly arranged carbon atoms 56. Given is an equation of ..........
A 2B
3 Sol. PV = RT – 
V V2
(B) H–CC–CC–H 4
H H P=  2  3
(C) C=C H 2 V V V
H H dP
At critical point 0
H dV
dP RT 2A 6B
(D) H
CC–C–H 4
 2  3  4
dV V V V

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1 
RT 
2A 6B 
 2  x  y  x  y
sin 2    1  sin 
2 
 2 
0= = 1 (for x and y
V  V V   2 
RTV2 –2AV + 6B = 0 to be smaller)
D = 4A2 – 4 × RT × 6B = 0
x y 
TC =
VC =
PC =
 .
6RB A 108B2 2 2
x y 1 x  y 2 2

Also cos    or –
RTC Z 2 2 2 3 3
 5     5 
(x, y) = 
 6 6   6 6 
, or ,
57. A magnesium ribbon..........
Sol. Mg + air  MgO + Mg3N2
3. Let A = [–2, 4) .......................
0.25 mol 0.1 0.05 Sol. B  A  both roots of x2 – ax – 4 = 0 should lie in [–2, 4] by
MgO + 2HCl  MgCl2 + H2O. using location of roots two cases are possible.
0.1 0.2mol
Case-I :

Mg3N2 + 8HCl  3MgCl2 + 2NH4Cl. –2 4

0.05 mol 0.4 mol0.1 mol
Both root lie in (–2, 4) for which 4 following conditions are
NaOH required
(1) D  0  a2 + 16 > 0  a  R ........(1)
NH3 b a
(2) –2 < – <4–2< < 4  a  [–4, 8] .......(2)
0.1 mol 2a 2
58. How many structural .......... (3) f(–2) > 0  4 + 2a – 4 > 0  a  (0, ) ........(3)
Sol. 2-methylbutan-2-ol. (4) f(4) > 0  12 – 4a > 0  a  (–, 3) ........(4)
So (1)  (2)  (3)  (4) gives a  (0, 3)
Case-II : at least one root is – 2
59. How many functional ..........
Sol. Functional group present are : aldehyde, alcohol, primary
amine, ketone, secondary amide, carboxylic acid and or
anhydride. –2 4 –2 4
by putting (–2) into x – ax – 4 = 0 we get a = 0 hence x2 – 4 = 0

60. How many of the following .......... have 2 roots 2 and –2 both lying in
Sol. (I), (II), (III), (IV), (V), (VIII), (IX) [–2, 4) hence a = 0 is also included in solution
hence set S = [0, 3)

PAPER-2 4. If P is a point .......................

Sol. Let (h, k) be the ex-centre, then
PART : I MATHEMATICS ae(ae sec   a )  ae(ae sec   a )  2ae(a sec  )
2ae(sec   1)
1. If inside a big .......................
= –a for a sec   0
 r
Sol. If R is it’s radius  sin   Similarly x = a for a sec   0  locus is x2  a2
n Rr
  5. The length .......................
 R  r  1  cos ec 
 n 6. Area of .......................
abc 2
2. For the smallest....................... Sol. Area of ABC = = 2R sin A sin B sin C
 x y  x y  2 x y  ADE = ABE = B/2
Sol. 4sin   cos    2  2 cos    1
 2   2    2  
 x  y
cos 
 2 
 x  y  x  y
4sin   16sin 2   16
 2   2 
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BC 15. In a plane .......................
Similarly FDA = FCA = C/2  FDE = 1
2 Sol. Each family has parallel lines having distance b/w them is
AC A B 2
and DEF = and DFE =
2 2 and perpendicular to each other
In DEF , by sine rule,  2R 16. The line 3x + 2y.......................
Sol. B(8, 0) and A(0, 12) mid point D is (4, 6)The equation of
A perpendicular bisector of AB is
 EF = 2R cos   2x – 3y + 10 = 0.
2 Now line through (0, –1) and parallel to x-axis is y = –1. Then C
Then area of DEF =
 13 
 A B
2R2 sin 
B C  A C
 sin  2  sin  2 
is   , 1
 2     
Area of triangle ABC P = 91
2  A   B   C 
= 2R cos   cos   cos  
2 2 2 17. Let .......................
Sol. x 2  x( y  a )  ( y 2  ay  1)  0x  R
7. If the equation .......................
1  ( y  a) 2  4( y 2  ay  1)  0
Sol. divide by x 2
and put x =t
 D0
B 18. If p is even .......................
 D > 0 and f(2)  0 and – <2 Sol. p = 2
8. If exactly two....................... 4
Sol. –2 and 2 must lie b/w the roots  f(–2) > 0 and f(2) < 0 ((2017)2018 –1)x2 + (2 – (2017) 2018) x – 1 = 0
3 3 clearly x = 1 satisfy
 a and a  no value of a exist. –1
4 4  roots are 1,
(2017)2018 – 1
9. The angle ....................... =1
Sol. Let T be the point of intersection of tangents. Since  (2018 – 1)p2 + (p – 1 – 2017)pq + 4q
AOC  1200 , the angle b/w the tangents is 60º.
= 0 × 22 + (2 – 1 – 1)(2)
3 3
4 +4× 4=3
10. The locus of .......................
 
Sol. The locus is a circle whose centre is O(0, 0) and radius is hence (D) is correct

 19. Let S be the.......................

OT = a cos ec = 2a.
6 
r2 
 1 1 
11. Number of .......................
Sol. S = 1 2r 1 r (r  1) =   2 r  2
r r 1
(r  1) 
Sol. total ways = C2 7C2 5C2 3! 1 1  1
lim   n 1
2 (n  1) 
= =
12. Assume that ....................... n  2 2
Sol. For any m  R we have A  B  
which means (0, 6) lies in side or on the ellipse 3x2 + 4y2 = 20. The number.......................
12 1 1 1
 0 + 4c2 – 12  0 Sol. , , are in A.P.
 c2 – 3  0 6 a b
– 3 c 3 2 1 1 6a
 number of integral values of c    b=
–1, 0, 1 a 6 b 12  a
 a  {3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11}
13. Consider the .......................
Sol. The radius of the variable circle is 4 – h which touches 21. If p is a prime.......................
x y 4
2 2
 2+4–h= h k
2 2
 y 2
= –12(x – 3)
14. The value of ....................... 2
b  2
Sol. a 2e 2  2   2 and b2  a 2 (1  e2 ) –1 0 1
 a 
16p + 1 = m 3

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 16p = m3 – 1 (C) Clockwise cyclic process on P-V diagram has +ve work.
= (m – 1)(m2 + m + 1)
 m – 1 = 16
 m = 17
 16p = 173 – 1
 p = 307
 307   307 
 E = E17(307!) =  17  +  172  = 18 + 1 = 19
   
 |x| + |x + 1| + |x – 1| = 19 – 15 = 4 27. When a capillary .............................
 Two solutions Sol. The angle of contact at the free liquid surface inside the capillary
tube will change such that the vertical component of the surface
22. If N is the ....................... tension forces just balance the weight of the liquid column.
Sol. the exponent must be in A.P. Exponent of a and c both
should be either odd or even 28. Two coherent .............................
5 5 Sol. Phase difference at A is 9(S2 is lag in phase)
N= C2 + C2 = 20
Phase difference at B is 3(S1 is lag in phase)
So, 6 times maximum sound can be observed from A to B.
23. The number.......................
Sol. x(log10 10  log10 5)  log10 (2 x  1)  log10 6 intensity at A, 1 =  18 watt/m2
4(10) 2

 x log10 2  log10 (2 x  1)  log10 6 7200

intensity at B, 2 =  18 watt/m2
 log10 2 x (2 x  1)  log10 6 4(10)2
resultant intensity at
 22 x  2 x  6  0 B = 1 + 2 + 2 1 2 cos5 = ( 50  18 )2 .
 x=1
24. In a triangle ....................... 29. An insect with .............................
Sol. 4sinA.sinB + 4sinB.sinC + 4sinC.sinA = 9 Mg
 2[cos(A – B) + cos(B – C) + cos(C – A)] Sol. B0 =
since insect just float so B0 = 1

3 M = Mass of insect
= 9 – 2(cosA + cosB + cosC)  92 =6
2 Mg 10  10 – 6  10
T= = = 0.076 N/m
 cos(A – B) = cos(B – C) = cos(C – A) = 1  A = B = C L 1.3  10 – 3
30. Mass of insect .............................
25 . A rectangular ............................. 15  10 – 6  10
For A, B0 =
F sin θ 7.5  10 – 2  2.5  10 –3
Sol.  = =  sin2
S cosec θ = 0.8 so A will float
F sin θ 6  10 – 6  10
= =  sin  cos  For B, B0 = = so B will drown
S sec θ 7.5  10 – 2  0.6  10 –3
 sin 2 32. Choose the .............................
2 Sol. From The P–V graph, the relation between P and V is
F Po
P V  P0 .... (1)
S = Area Vo
Also the ideal gas state equation for one mole is
A PV =RT .... (2)
F cos  
S Po V 
  Area From equation (1) and (2) is T V 1  
 sin  R  Vo 
F sin  Hence the graph of T vs. V is a parabola given by

26. 4 g of He .............................
Sol. (A)(Easy) BC and DA are isochoric process. Hence
workdone W 1 and W2 both are zero.
(B)(Easy)UC  D = 0
PC Obviously T is maximum at V=. There maximum value of T
Q = W = nRT n 2
PD P0 V0
= 1 × R × 600 n 2 = 600 n 2. R 4 R
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Q = U + W
mg2 m 4mg2
vm2 =  3g2 =
k k k
vm = 2 .g .
35. A straight line .............................
Sol. Imagine a cylinder of radius 7m and length 10m. Intensity of
where U is the change in the internal energy of the gas; sound at the surface of cylinder is same everywhere.
and W is work, done by the gas. For one mole of the
P 2.2  10 4
monatomic ideal gas U = 3/2R T. Work equals the area Therefore = =
under the graph P vs. V 2rL 2  10  7
Therefore, for the process from the initial state with P1V1 = (As sound is propagating radially out only, sound energy does
3/2 RT1 to the state with P,V,T the heat given to system is not flow out through the ends)
  = 50 W/m2
Q = (3/2) R (T – T1) + (1/2) (P + P1 (V – V1)
Energy intercepted by the detector
3 1 =  × A = 3 mW
= (PV – P1V1) + (PV + P1V + PV1 – P1V1) .... (3)
2 2
1 1
= 2PV + P V– PV – 2P1V1
2 1 2 1 P
from equation 1 and 3 we get
P0 2 5 5 V 
= 2 V  P0 V  2P0 V1   1 
V0 2  4 V0  36. Subsonic aircraft .............................
The process switches from endothermic to exothermic as Sol.
dQ dQ
changes from positive to negative, that is at = 0.
dV dV
Solving we get V = V
8 0 60°
34. The maximum .............................
Sol. From momentum conservation, velocity of block just after
V 3R
bullet comes out of block,
m m u R
u= . + mv
2 2 2


2R 1
Time taken by plane to travel by 60° = 
V 6
time taken by sound to travel 3 R distance =
2R 1 3R V 2 
 = 
 3 6
u Now, = =
 1 = V 6 V V 3 3
  mg 
2 
 12 = 2  A  
2 37. An object of .............................
   Sol. 2T cos37° = Mg
  k  
2  1 T
 A2 =
m 2  mg 
.1  
3  2d    25
  
k  k 
2mg 38. A uniform solid .............................
k  2 mR2
The maximum speed will be at equilibrium Sol. T = 2 = 2
From energy conservation C 5 C
mg 1  mg 
2 2
 k. 
m(v2m – v12)
= mR2
k 2  k  =
2 5

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39. Two ideal ............................. 43. A uniform disc .............................
11 4 Sol.
Sol.  = =1+
7 7
7 n1.3  n2 .5 n1
f = =  =3
mixture 2 n1  n2 n2

40. Some water .............................

Ans. 7
Sol. Let f  fraction which freezes, m = mass of water PQR = AOB + M.(ON)2
7 2
f= 1 2  C 
8 PQR =
MR + M   .
mass of water freezes = mf 4  2
heat lost by freezing water 1 2 R
= mfLF But PQR = MR  C=  .
Heat gained by vapour 2 2
= m(1 – f) . LV
using principle of calorimetry
44. Two identical .............................
mf LF = m (1 – f) LV
1 2
7 1 Sol. v rel (1  e2 )  E
LF = L 2
8 8 V
1 m 1 1 1 
LV = 7 LF
  (2V)2 (1 – e2) =  mV 2  mV 2 
2 2 2 2 2 
41. A non–viscous ............................. 1
Sol. Applying Bernoulli's equation between section A and B mV2 (1 – e2) = mV2
1 1
PA + vA2 + ghA = PB + v 2 + ghB 1 1 1
2 2 B 1 – e2 =  e2 = e=
2 2 2
1 2 1
PA + v + gh = PB + (2v)2 + 0
2 2 45. A wire frame .............................
3 2 h Y
PB – PA = gh – v and PB – PA = g
2 2
h 3 2 gh
g = gh – v v = . N
2 2 3
x  2
m x
42. In the figure .............................
Sol. The F.B.D. of wire PQ is  mg
The force due to surface tension = FST = 2T × 2 AD tan

2 x
(1) m2x cos  = mg sin   tan =
tan  = = 10x
For wire to be in equilibrium (Figure (a))
4T AD tan = mg .... (1) (2) N = m2x sin  + mg cos     10 rad / sec
If the wire PQ is at a distance x below the mean position, the
restoring force on the wire is (Figure (b)) 46. A particle is .............................

 (xy
– ma = 4T tan (AD + x) – mg = 4T tanx
Hence the wire PQ executes SHM Sol. (WF)OAC = dx  x 2 y dy)
4T A C

 (xy  (xy
a=– tan x
m = dx  x y dy) +
dx  x 2 y dy)
comparing with a = – 2x we get 0 A
ON OA path ;
2 = tan y = 0 , dy = 0 and on AC path
m x = 1 , dx = 0
m 1 10 3  A y4
or T = 2 = 2 = s
4T tan  4  25  10 3 5 =
 (0 .dx  0. dy) +
 (0 1 y dy) = 8 J
0 y 0

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(WF)OBC = 0 +
 (xy dx  x 2 y dy)
dry acetone
+ NaCl
B + NaI
 {x4dx
x 0
 x 2 4(0)} (Finkelstein reaction)

53. A 100 mL solution of ..........
47. A balloon is .............................
Sol. The initial velocity of the packet is the same as that of the Sol. H2C2O4 + NaOH  NaHC2O4 + H2O
balloon and is pointing upward, which is taken as the 100 x 120 x 0
positive direction. The acceleration due to gravity being in — 20 x 100 x
the opposite direction is taken negative the displacement is
also negative since its vertically down.
U = 9.8 m/sec, a = –g = –9.8 m/s2
S = –98 m NaHC2O4 + NaOH  Na2C2O4 + H2O
1 2 1 100 x 20 x —
S= ut  at  –98 = 9.8t – 9.8 t2 80 x 0 20 x
2 2
t2 – 2t – 20 = 0 [Na2C2O4 ]
 pH = pka2 + log
t= 1  21 [NaHC2O4 ]
The acceptable solution is 1  21 = 5.585
The second solution bring negative is neglected.  pH = 7 + log
48. A block of ............................. = 6.4
Sol. The magnitude of deceleration from graph is
a= = 2m/s2 54. pH of which of the ..........
40 Sol:- (A) NaHC2O4 is a salt of strong base with amphiprotic anion. Its
The deceleration of block is
pK a1  pK a 2
a pH 
a = µg  µ= = 0.2 2
PART : III CHEMISTRY (C) CH3COONa is WASB salt pH  7  1 pKa  1 log c
2 2
50. For chromium element.......... So pH changes with dilution
2 2 6 2 6 1 5
Sol. 24Cr – 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 4s 3d (D) CH3COONH4 is salt of WAWB. Its pH  7  1 pK  1 pK
a b
2 2
Only 2p, 3p and 4s orbital satisfies the relation n +  + | m | =
So no effect of dilution on pH .
for 2p orbital  2 e– (m = 1)
55. What is the magnitude..........
for 3p orbital  1 e–
for 4s orbital  1 e– single e– may have clockwise or Sol. W   Pext.dv 
anticlockwise spin.
4V0 4V
 no. of electrons may be = 3 or 4  V2  0
=   aV dV
 a  
 2  V
51. Which of the following .......... 0

H – C N–H
+ +

a 16V02  V02  = 
15a V02
Sol. (A) H – C = N–H
2 2
– +
(B) CH2 = C O CH2 – C  O 56. What is the molar ..........

– + R
(C) CH 2 = C = C = CH2 CH2 – C  C – CH2 Sol. Molar heat capacity C = Cv +
1 n
(D) These are not resonating structures because nitrogen PV–1 = a or n = –1
can't expand their octet.
or C = 
52. In which of the following ..........
 1 2
Sol. (C) alkyl halides (R-X) when reacts with aq. KOH gives 2R  R    1 R(   1)
C= =
aq. KOH
   1 2 2(   1)
CH3 – CH – CH3 CH3 – CH – CH3

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58. How many structural .......... 64. At 25ºC 560 g of deuterium ..........
Sol. H2O + D2O 2HDO.
H CH3 O CH3 t=0 28mol 28mol 0
Sol. O3 + Zn
CH3–C=C–CH2CH3 CH3–C–H + O=C–CH2–CH3
H2/Ni t = teq 28  14 28  14 28
Cl2 Kc = 4 Ans.
CH3–CH2–CH–CH2–CH3 4 structural isomer
59. The maximum number .......... 65. How many of the following ..........
Sol. Only first four line of Balmer series (n = 2) are visible. Sol. Statements 3,4,7 are true.

6  2, 5  2, 4  2, 32
66. How many following ..........

60. A solution of specific .......... Sol. Aliphatic aldehydes, formic acid and -hydroxy carbonyl
Sol. Let compounds will give positive fehling test.
Vsolution = 100 ml
So, weightsolution = 160 g 67. ..........

weight of solute = 108 g N

Now suppose x g H2O or x ml H2O is added in it. O
weight of new solution = (160 + x) g
Volume of new solution = ( 100 +x) ml (1)
 weight of new solution = (100 + x) 1.2 = 160 + x
Sol. Aromatic – 6 (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 9)
 x = 200 g or 200 ml
Non aromatic– (4, 6)
So, % by weight = 108 × 100 = 108 ×100=30% Anti aromatic – (7)
160  200 360

68. Identify number of ..........

61. Boric acid B(OH)3 is .......... Sol. a, b, c, d, g gives phenol on reaction with corresponding
1 reagent.
Sol. pH = [pKa – logC]
69. How many of the following ..........
= [10 – log4 – log 0.0025] Sol. SO2, BaO2, N2O, O3, CO
1 70. How many of following ..........
= [10 – 0.6 + 2.60]
2 Sol. NaNO3, KNO3, CsNO3 and RbNO3 can not give NO2 on heating.
= 6 Ans.
71. Sum of number ..........
62. If 48 g Mg is dissolved in .......... Sol. SO2, CO2, P4O10
Sol. Mg + H2SO4 MgSO4 + H2 1+2+0=3
48g 2 mol
or 2 mol 72. Trimolite is an amphibole ..........
ng = 2 Sol. Ca2Mg5(Si4O11)2(OH)2

Work = – ngRT
=–2× × 300
= –5000 = –5 KJ

63. An electron beam can ..........

Sol. For an electron

150 150
(Å)  or 5
or V = 6 V Ans.

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
Website : | E-mail :
Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029
DATE : 07-01-2018 COURSE : VIJETA (02JP)


1. (BC) 2. (ABCD) 3. (ABC) 4. (ACD) 5. (AB) 6. (AB) 7. (ABC)

8. (AD) 9. (AC) 10. (BC) 11. (CD) 12. (ABCD) 13. (BD) 14. (AD)
15. (ABC) 16. (4) 17. (4) 18. (1) 19. (7) 20. (4)

21. (CD) 22. (AC) 23. (AD) 24. (ABCD) 25. (BC) 26. (ABD) 27. (ABCD)
28. (BC) 29. (ABCD) 30. (AB) 31. (ABCD) 32. (BC) 33. (BCD) 34. (AC)
35. (ABCD) 36. (3) 37. (4) 38. (8) 39. (8) 40. (3)


41. (AB) 42. (ABCD) 43. (ABD) 44. (ABC) 45. (ABCD) 46. (ACD) 47. (AB)
48. (ABD) 49. (ABCD) 50. (ABD) 51. (BD) 52. (ACD) 53. (B) 54. (ABCD)
55. (BCD) 56. (3) 57. (6) 58. (1) 59. (7) 60. (7)

1. (AB) 2. (ABC) 3. (ACD) 4. (AB) 5. (A) 6. (D) 7. (C)
8. (C) 9. (C) 10. (C) 11. (9) 12. (3) 13. (3) 14. (2)
15. (9) 16. (7) 17. (3) 18. (3) 19. (2) 20. (7) 21. (2)
22. (4) 23. (1) 24. (3)

25 . (BCD) 26. (ABC) 27. (CD) 28. (ABCD) 29. (C) 30. (A) 31. (C)
32. (A) 33. (D) 34. (D) 35. (3) 36. (2) 37. (8) 38. (4)
39. (3) 40. (7) 41. (3) 42. (5) 43. (2) 44. (3) 45. (5)
46. (4) 47. (7) 48. (2)


49. (ABC) 50. (BC) 51. (ABC) 52. (AB) 53. (C) 54. (C) 55. (C)
56. (A) 57. (B) 58. (C) 59. (4) 60. (3) 61. (6) 62. (5)
63. (6) 64. (4) 65. (3) 66. (2) 67. (5) 68. (5) 69. (5)
70. (4) 71. (3) 72. (5)

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
Website : | E-mail :
Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029

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