Fundamental Chromatographic Parameters: Review Article
Fundamental Chromatographic Parameters: Review Article
Fundamental Chromatographic Parameters: Review Article
Review Article
Retention time Peak width at half
High column efficiency is beneficial since less selectivity between peaks A and B than between B and C.
is required to completely resolve narrow peaks. Column Calculations are provided to demonstrate.
efficiency is affected by column parameters (diameter,
Selectivity can be changed by changing the mobile
length, particle size), the type of eluent (especially its
phase constituents or changing the stationary phase.
viscosity), and flow rate or average linear velocity.
Temperature may also be a factor in adjusting
Efficiency is also affected by the compound and its
retention. When comparing columns, the number of
theoretical plates per meter (N/m) is often used. Resolution (Rs)
However, the same chromatographic temperature
Resolution describes the ability of a column to separate
conditions and peak retention (k) are required for the
the peaks of interest, and so the higher the resolution,
comparision to be valid. On stationary phases where α
the easier it is to achieve baseline separation between
is small, more efficient columns are beneficial.
two peaks. Resolution takes into consideration efficiency,
Retention Factor (k) selectivity and retention, as can be seen in Equation 4.
One can improve resolution by improving any one of
Formerly referred to as capacity factor or k´ (k prime), the
these parameters. Figure 3a shows the impact of
retention factor measures the period of time that the
efficiency, selectivity and retention on resolution. As a
sample component resides in a stationary phase relative
matter of fact selectivity may be the major effective tool
to the time it resides in the mobile phase. It is calculated
for optimizing resolution.
from the retention time divided by the time for an
unretained peak (t0). N (-1) k
Rs =
Retention time for the sample 4 (k+1)
(tR-to) Equation 4: Resolution equation
try to work on something to improve the separation, the A is distance from the leading edge of peak midpoint to
less effective it will become. the midpoint
If you double the column length, you will obtain more Asymmetry factor
theoretical plates, but your separation will take twice as
long; you will only get a square root of 2 or 1.4
improvement in the resolution.
A value of 1 is the minimum for a measurable separation
to occur and to allow adequate quantitation. A value of
0.6 is required to discern a valley between two equal -
height peaks. Values of 1.7 or greater generally are
desirable for rugged methods. A value of 1.6 is
considered to be a baseline separation and ensures the
most accurate quantitative result.
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