Lesson 2 Other Animal Senses
Lesson 2 Other Animal Senses
Lesson 2 Other Animal Senses
Brief Context: This lesson is the second of the sensory unit and comes after the
exploration of the five human senses. This lesson serves as an
extension of lesson one. Students will learn through research that
just like humans, animals too can receive stimuli, but often in
different ways that we do as humans.
Prerequisite Students will need to know what a stimulus is and be able to list all
Knowledge/Skills: five human senses.
Objectives: Students will be able to identify at least three animals who have
[Indicate different or enhanced senses.
connections to
applicable national
or state standards.]
Technology ● Video
Integration: ● Laptops for research
● Powerpoint for some groups
Strategies you intend to use to ● Ask a question to the person not paying
redirect individual students: attention
● Subtly say their name as an example for
an idea being explained.
PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT: [Note ● Students will sit in their assigned seats for
any specific ways you will use the the beginning of class and individual
environment to contribute to the research time.
learning.] ● Students will sit with their groups at a table
to work on their presentations.
Development: [It may help ● Remind students that just like humans do, animals
to number your steps with too have senses that help them take in stimuli.
corresponding times. Think Oftentimes, animals have much different senses or
about what your students sensitivities with their senses, just like the dog in
are doing!] the video who has a very sensitive sense of smell.
● Tell students that they will be studying a certain
animal and its’ unique sense abilities.
● They will go to this website:
ml and pick 8 different animals and at least one fun
fact about that animals senses. Encourage students
to look through them all and just write down their
favorite or most interesting discoveries.
● Next, students will get into groups of three and
share their findings.
● As a group, create a poster or powerpoint about
three of the animals that your group decides on. On
the poster include the name of the animal, the fun
fact about their senses, how this unique feature
helps them receive a stimulus, and why God would
have given that animal that unique ability. Pictures
would also be a good idea if you have all other
parts down and still have time left.
Closure: [What will you ● Allow groups to share their presentation with the
SAY to emphasize the class (as many groups as time allows)
most important aspect of ● If time remains, allow students to read.
your lesson?]