Lesson 2
Lesson 2
Lesson 2
Step 2: Implement
the LP and write a short reflection (see prompts at the bottom of your LP template).
Date: 3/15/2023 Teacher Name & CMT: Mia Butler Class: English
6.RL.2.2 Determine how a theme or central idea of a work of literature is conveyed through particular details; provide a
detailed, objective summary of the text.
● Main ideas and themes are different. A main idea is what a text is ● main idea vs. theme
mostly about while a theme is the moral/central message of a ● details convey theme and main idea
● A theme cannot just be one word or a topic such as “friendship”
or “love”. A theme should be expressed in a sentence.
● A theme is not explicitly stated in a text, rather it is inferred from
Questions to elicit deeper thinking or build upon about the topic…
various textual clues.
● How are main idea and theme similar/different?
Resource for Backward Design:
● What are the most important parts of the story?
● What is the topic of the text?
● What is the author implying about a certain topic?
● Specific: Concrete, detailed, and well defined so that you know where you are going and what to expect when you arrive
Evaluative Criteria:
Students success would look like. . .
● Accurately sorting the main idea vs. theme tiles Summative (if any beyond the performance task):
● writing an accurate one sentence thematic statement ● post-it note with one sentence thematic statement
Stations Writing to Learn Inquiry Learning Independent Learning Small Group Direct Instruction Workshop Role Play Game
Where will this lesson take place? General Education Classroom Resource Room or Other:
Time: Teacher Will Be (Planned Supports tied to objectives Students Will Be (Learning Tasks connect Rationale: (Based
& build in checks for understanding) to prior knowledge & assets): on Research/theory)
0:00-0:05 The teacher will introduce the lesson and do a mood check with Students will identify with whichever GIF(s) best This is a way for me to gauge
mood check the students using various GIFs. describe their current mood. how the students are doing as
well as wrok on relationship
0:05-0:15 The teacher will give instructions for the sorting activity and Students will be working in small groups (3 per group) This tactile sorting activity will
sorting activity then walk around the classroom observing students while they to sort paper tiles as either main ideas or themes. The allow students to work with
sort. The teacher will give students a plastic bag containing 10 students should use their prior knowledge to sort the their peers and activate their
sorting tiles and six sticky notes. The teacher will instruct the tiles. prior knowledge about theme
students to hold on to the sticky notes for later. vs main idea. The sorting
activity is level 2 (understand)
of blooms taxonomy. This
activity also gives students
examples of what a thematic
statement looks like which they
will be writing later on.
0:15-0:22 The teacher will instruct the students to pay attention to the The students will actively watch the video and jot down Giving the students the
watching the animated theme while watching the video. The teacher will then play the any themes they notice during the video. opportunity to write while
short “Wings” video (5:52). watching the video will help
them better remember the
video and pay attention.
0:22-0:30 The teacher will lead a brief discussion about what topics were The students will list topics/themes they noticed in the The whole group discussion will
group discussion shown in the animated short (friendship, empathy, selflessness, video and provide su[pporting evidence. make sure that all students are
helping others, etc.). The teacher should prompt students to on a similar page and give
explain where they saw that topic/theme in the video. The students the opportunity to
teacher should write student answers on the board. verbally express their
understanding or ask questions.
The group discussion also
allows me to gauge student
understanding and works as a
formative assessment.
0:30-0:37 The teacher will instruct the students to use their remaining The students will independently write and one- The ideas written on the board
writing one-sentence post-it notes to write a one-sentence thematic statement. When sentence thematic statement on a post-it note and should aid students in coming
thematic statements the students are done, they should place their post-it notes place it on the wall around the classroom. Students will up with their thematic
around the rooms on the wall. The teacher should also go over stand by their post-it not until instructed otherwise. statement. Hanging the post-it
expectations (place the post-it note where everyone can see it, notes on the wall allows for
write neatly, etc.) student movement. In this
activity, students are reaching
the application level of Bloom's
0:37-0:45 Once all students have placed their sticky notes on the wall, the The students will quietly walk around the classroom student movement (hierarchy
gallery walk teacher should instruct the students to do a gallery walk around and read each other’s thematic statements. of needs). analyze/evaluate
the classroom looking at each other’s work. level of Bloom's taxonomy.
Based on today’s objective, the students were able to create a one-sentence thematic statement for the short film we watched in class. AS a
whole, the class did really well in writing their thematic statements. Everyone wrote a complete sentence describing the theme of the short
film. responses varied but all students seemed to understand what theme is and what theme was expressed in the specific short film. The
sorting activity really helped students understand the difference between them and main idea which I think helped them successfully write
their thematic statements. Each group was relatively successful with sorting the cards. Several groups needed a little prompting to correctly
sort the cards.
The students had different understandings of the theme prior to the lesson. I would say about half of the class could correctly describe the
theme prior to the lesson. However, the majority of the students understood the theme after a quick review. It was not a new concept for
them but some had more experience with it. I think the students with less prior knowledge needed a little more support. However, I think that
the students were able to support and help each other very well during group activities during this lesson. I think that this lesson went really
well in terms of content!