Introduction To English Language & Linguistics-2
Introduction To English Language & Linguistics-2
Introduction To English Language & Linguistics-2
to English Linguistics
A Companion to the Seminar
László Varga
August 2010
László Varga
Eötvös Loránd University
The contents of this book have been derived from a number of sources. The
sources include standard introductory textbooks, such as Aitchison, J. (1978)
Linguistics. 3rd ed. (Teach Yourself Books. Hodder & Stoughton), Akmajian,
A., R. A. Demers & R. M. Harnish (1979) Linguistics: An Introduction to
Language and Communication. (Cambridge, Mass., London, England: The
MIT Press), Fromkin, V. & R. Rodman (1998) An Introduction to Language.
6th ed. (Fort Worth, etc.: Harcourt Brace College Publishers), or Radford, A.,
M. Atkinson, D. Britain, H. Clahsen & A. Spencer (1999) Linguistics, An
Introduction. (Cambridge: CUP), but also textbooks of more specific kinds,
such as Lyons, J. (1977) Semantics. Cambridge: CUP, or Cook, V. J. & M.
Newson (1996) Chomsky’s Universal Grammar. 2nd ed. (Oxford: Blackwell),
and many more. I would like to express my indebtedness to the authors of all of
My thanks are also due to my colleagues Ádám Nádasdy and Péter A.
Lázár, both of Eötvös Loránd University, for their expert opinions on the
manuscript of this book. Needless to say, I alone am responsible for any
weaknesses that may have remained.
László Varga
Table of Contents
Preface 3
Acknowledgements 4
Table of Contents 5
Unit 1 Language 8
1.1 Communication and signs 8
1.2 Linguistic communication: the use of language 9
1.3 The discrete nature of language 12
1.4 Paralanguage 16
Exercises, problems, and other tasks 17
Unit 2 The Study of Language (i) 19
2.1 Language: Externalised and Internalised 19
2.2 Components of language 19
2.3 Linguistics and its branches 20
2.4 Traditional Grammar 23
2.5 Comparative Philology 23
2.6 The Beginnings of Modern Linguistics in Europe,
Saussure 24
2.7 The Beginnings of Modern Linguistics in America.
the Sapir―Whorf hypothesis 25
Exercises, problems, and other tasks 27
Unit 3 The Study of Language (ii) 30
3.1 The Great Synthesis of American Structuralist Linguistics 31
3.2 Generative Linguistics 32
Exercises, problems, and other tasks 36
Unit 4 Phonetics and Phonology, the Study of Sounds
and Phonemes 38
4.1 Phonetics 38
4.2 The tasks of phonetics 38
4.3 Phonology 43
Exercises, problems, and other tasks 46
Unit 5 Morphology, the Study of Morphemes and Words 48
5.1 Words 48
5.2 Morphemes 49
5.3 Segmentability of words into morphemes 52
5.4 Word formation 52
Exercises, problems, and other tasks 54
Unit 6 Syntax, the Study of the Structure of Phrases and Sentences 56
6.1 Sentences and phrases 56
6.2 Representation 56
6.3 Simple and complex sentences 58
6.4 Compound (coordinated) sentences 61
6.5 Sentence and utterance 64
Exercises, problems, and other tasks 65
Unit 7 Semantics, the Study of Meaning 68
7.1 Kinds of meaning 68
7.2 Approaches to word meaning 69
7.3 Sentence meaning 70
7.4 Sense relations between words 71
7.5 The cognitive meaning of sentences 73
Exercises, problems, and other tasks 75
Unit 8 Pragmatics, the Study of Language Use in Particular
Situations 77
8.1 Pragmatics 77
8.2 The role of context and presuppositions 77
8.3 Language functions and speech acts 78
8.4 Conversational implicatures 81
Exercises, problems, and other tasks 82
Unit 9 Language Variation 84
9.1 The identity and variability of language 84
9.2 User-related variation: dialect, sociolect, pidgin, creole,
child language, gender differences 85
9.3 Use-related variation: spoken and written varieties, styles,
registers 87
9.4 Idiolect, code switching, diglossia 88
Exercises, problems, and other tasks 89
Unit 10 Language Change 91
10.1 Periods in the history of English 91
10.2 Examples of changes 93
Exercises, problems, and other tasks 97
Unit 1
According to a nice old definition by St. Augustine (died in 430), a sign is something that
gives itself to the senses but something beyond itself to the mind.
• However, when there is a natural resemblance between the exponent
and the referents of the sign, the sign is an icon. For instance, the stylised
silhouette of a man or a woman on a public lavatory door is an iconic sign. A
small minority of the words in languages, viz. onomatopoeic words, e.g.
English buzz, dingdong, miaow, cuckoo, etc., are signs that are partly iconic.
(But even these are partly arbitrary, i.e. partly symbolic, because their
counterparts in other languages are never quite the same.)
• And finally, when the exponent of a sign is mechanically linked to
its source in such a way that it is a spontaneous reflection of the state of the
source, the sign is a symptom (= indicium). Blushing is the symptom of
embarrassment, a trembling voice is the symptom of excitement, smoke is the
symptom of fire, etc. Symptoms do not need interpretation in a language, they
are interpreted simply by there being a direct association between two states of
affairs. They are not chosen and sent deliberately but follow automatically from
certain states of affairs. (Human beings, however, are capable of producing
some symptoms deliberately. This happens in playacting or deceving, e.g. when
somebody deliberately assumes a tired or a drunken way of walking, even when
they are not tired or drunk at all.)
In Unit 5 we shall see that many words can be decomposed into even smaller meaningful parts
called morphemes, e.g. the English third person singular present tense verb form enjoys
contains the morphemes en-, joy and -s, but since the meanings of such composite words often
do not obviously follow from the meanings of the constituent morphemes, we claim that the
basic signs are words rather than morphemes.
(1) Linguistic communication
If Speaker A and Speaker B do not share the linguistic code (do not speak the
same language), linguistic communication cannot take place between them.
While animal communication happens automatically and instinctively,
conditioned by the situation, relying mostly on symptomatic (and iconic) signs,
linguistic communication between human beings is predominantly intentional,
relying mostly on symbolic signs, and can be totally independent of the
A comparison of human languages and animal communication systems
can be made in terms of the so called design features of language (a set of
features characterising human languages).3
• We have already mentioned one of these, viz. arbitrariness, i.e. the
absence of a natural bond between sign-exponents and their referents (cf. 1.1).
Arbitrariness is present in the words (and morphemes) of human languages (not
counting the onomatopoeic ones, which are partly natural). Interestingly, a
certain degree of arbitrariness is present in bee-dancing, too, which is a term for
the special movements that bees perform with their wings and bodies in order to
communicate to their fellow-bees about the direction and distance of a source of
nectar. This can be regarded as arbitrary because there is no obvious connection
between the form of the dance and the distance from the hive, but this
arbitrariness is of a very limited kind, manifesting itself only in connection with
localising food.
• Probably the most important design feature of language is duality
(= double articulation). By this we mean that every human language is
organised into two layers. The first is a layer of basic sounds called phonemes,
such as /Q/, /k/, /t/, which are meaningless in isolation and take on meaning
only when combined in certain ways.4 The second is a layer of meaningful units
(morphemes, words, sentences), which result from combining the basic sounds,
First set up by the American linguist Charles Hockett.
Sounds in general can be transcribed (represented on paper) by symbols put between square
brackets, as in [æ], [k], [t], but the phonemes of a particular language are represented by
symbols put between slants, as in /æ/, /k/, /t/ (see Unit 4 below).
as in e.g. /kQt/ cat, /tQk/ tack, /Qkt/ act, or from combining meaningful units,
as in e.g. un-friend-li-ness, or in The man saw the lion. There is no evidence
that duality is present in any animal communication system.
• Another important design feature is patterning. This means that
every language has certain permitted ways of combination, i.e. ways in which
phonemes can be combined into words and words into sentences. For instance,
in English we can have /kQt/, /tQk/, /Qkt/, but not */ktQ/ or */tkQ/ or */Qtk/.5
Similarly, we can have He is happy., Is he happy?, and even Happy he is., but
not *Is happy he? This feature, too, is missing from animal communication
systems. Other design features are creativity and displacement.
• Creativity (= productivity) means that human beings can produce
and understand an infinite number of new messages that they have never heard
before. This feature is present in bee-dancing, because the exact location of
nectar can always be different and so new messages are always possible, but
this is a very limited kind of creativity, existing in connection with localising
food again.
• Finally, displacement can be defined as the ability to use language
in connection with things and events remote in space and time. For instance we
can talk about past, future and distant events, hypothetical objects, and we can
even lie. Displacement is certainly present in bee-dancing, but only in
connection with food, and it is only spatial displacement, not temporal. (Bees
can inform their fellow-bees about the whereabouts of a source of nectar at the
time of the communication, but they cannot pass on any information about the
availability of a source of nectar in the future or in the past.)
The following table sums up those design features that we have
discussed, and the corresponding values in bee-dancing.
The star (asterisk) before an item means that the item is ill-formed (ungrammatical).
1.3 The discrete nature of language
Linguistic communication, i.e. the use of language, is characteristically vocal
and verbal behaviour, involving the use of discrete language elements.
• It is vocal because it is crucially associated with the articulatory
(vocal) organs.
• It is verbal because words play a central part in it.
• Thirdly, it involves the use of discrete language elements, which
differ from one another discretely (on an either-or basis) rather than gradually
(on a more-or-less basis).
Words as lexical items are discrete because they differ from one another
on an either-or basis. This means that two word-realisations either represent the
same word or two different words. For instance, whenever English speakers
utter the word pen, there will always be some physical difference between the
realisations, but these variations are not only gradual and hardly noticeable but
also insignificant, and so each rendering will be taken as realising the same
word pen. However, when the English words pen, pan, car, picture and camera
are uttered, the words are discretely different, regardless of the fact that in
physical terms pen and pan, both starting with /p/ and ending with /n/ are more
similar to each other than to the others. In the relevant sense, they are all
discretely different because if you change one of them for another in a
particular sentence you may get a completely different sentence, with a
completely different meaning, as in (3).
(3) pen
This car is very expensive.
Words are composed of basic sounds called phonemes. The latter are
discrete, too, because two phoneme-realisations either represent the same
phoneme or two different phonemes. The phonemes of a language are those
sounds that are capable of distinguishing otherwise identical words. If you
replace one phoneme with another in a particular word, you may get a different
word which no longer means the same, cf. (4).
(4) e pen
Q pan
/p ç˘ n/ pawn
I pin
√ pun
When the only difference between two words is that one has one phoneme
where the other has another phoneme, the two words constitute a minimal pair.
Thus, e.g. /pen/ and /pQn/, or /pen/ and /pç˘n/, or /pQn/ and /pç˘n/, etc., are
minimal pairs in English.
In English the phonemes /e/, /Q/ and /ç˘/ are discretely different, even
though from a strictly physical point of view /e/ and /Q/, both being “front”
vowels, are more similar to each other than to /ç˘/, which is a “back” vowel. But
this similarity is irrelevant, because they are capable of distinguishing words
that are otherwise identical.
Phonemes can be looked upon as segmental elements, because they are
in a sense the smallest building blocks (= segments) of words and sentences.
But words and their sequences in sentences also contain suprasegmental
elements, which are called so because they are “superimposed” upon units that
are or can be larger than segments, such as e.g. syllables.6
The most significant suprasegmental elements are stress patterns and
pitch patterns, and we shall now briefly look at these to prove that they are
discrete, too. Stress is a degree of the prominence of a syllable. Stress patterns
are patterns of syllabic prominence. Syllabic prominence can be achieved by
various means. The innumerable degrees of syllabic prominence that are
physically possible and may actually occur in real speech can be grouped into a
few, discrete degrees in English: non-stress, tertiary stress, secondary stress,
and primary stress (in order of increasing strength). In a somewhat simplified
account we can define these in the following way:
• A tertiary-stressed syllable is louder than the unstressed ones, i.e.
it is extra-loud.
• A secondary-stressed syllable is extra-loud and pitch prominent,
i.e. it is associated with some pitch change, but this pitch change is not the
initiation of a nuclear pitch pattern, only a step-up or step-down in pitch.
• By contrast, a primary-stressed syllable is extra-loud and pitch
prominent in the sense that it initiates a nuclear pitch pattern. A nuclear pitch
pattern is the characteristic final melody in an intonational phrase, e.g. a falling
Suprasegmental elements are also known as prosodic elements.
contour, a rising contour, a falling-rising contour, etc.7 The stress degrees so
defined are discrete: a syllable is either extra-loud or not, and when it is extra-
loud, it is either pitch prominent or not, and when it is pitch prominent, it either
has a nuclear contour or not.
When we want to show which syllables are stressed in words, we may
put the symbol » before a primary-stressed syllable, the symbol « before a
secondary-stressed syllable, and the symbol o before a tertiary-stressed one, as
in the examples in (5): Monongahela (name of a river in the USA) and
individualistic. The stress symbols used in the lines of text of (5) indicate stress
degrees only, they do not show intonation. Intonation here is indicated by
schematic drawings
representing the pitch heights of the syllables of the examples.
In English, stress patterns are able to distinguish words that are otherwise
identical. For example, the noun insult has the primary stress on its first
syllable, whereas the verb insult has it on the second syllable, cf. /»Ins√lt/ vs.
/In»s√lt/. But they can also distinguish utterances, i.e. spoken sentences. For
instance, in (6) the interpretation of the utterances depends on where the
primary stress falls in them. In (6a) the primary stress falls on come and the
utterance implies ‘but he didn’t come’, whereas in (6b) it falls on thought and
the utterance implies ‘and he did come’.
In English, in addition to the loudness and pitch features that characterise them, stressed
syllables also have a full (unreduced) vowel quality.
• In some languages, such as e.g. Chinese or Thai, pitch patterns are
used as lexical tones or “word melodies”, because they can distinguish the
meanings of words that are segmentally identical. Such languages are called
tone-languages. For example, in Thai there are several different words which
are all composed of the sound string kha, but have different pitch patterns and
so different meanings. With a falling pitch pattern kha means ‘kill’ (7a), with a
rising one it means ‘leg’ (7b), with a low level one it means ‘spice’ (7c), with a
high level one it means ‘trade’ (7d). (The special symbols used in the examples
indicate the various pitch patterns.)
By means of the tonetic stress marks we can transcribe the stressing and the
intonation of utterances within the line of text and no separate drawings are
necessary. (The drawings in (8a) and (8b) are only there to help you visualise
what the tonetic stress marks stand for.)
In (6a) and (6b) above, the suprasegmental transcription symbols in the
lines of text above the intonational drawings showed the stressing of the
utterances but not their intonation. The intonation was shown in separate
drawings below the lines of text. If we apply tonetic stress marks to them, as in
(9a) and (9b), we do not need intionational drawings:
Of course there is room for variation within the pitch patterns. For example, a
fall can start at any pitch from very high to mid-low pitch. Nevertheless, a fall
is a discrete pitch pattern, because it is not a rise, not a fall-rise, not a rise-fall,
and not a level tone, either. Two tone-realisations realise either the same tone,
or two different ones.
1.4 Paralanguage
In the preceding section we have seen that the use of language is
characteristically vocal and verbal behaviour, involving the use of discrete
elements. However, accompanying and occasionally even replacing language,
we also find behaviour which is not vocal or, if vocal, not verbal and not
discrete. Variations in this kind of behaviour, used during and instead of
linguistic communication, are called paralinguistic features or
Among the non-vocal features of paralanguage we have to mention
gestures, bodily movements, facial expressions which we make while we are
speaking or instead of speaking. These include e.g. bowing, waving, winking,
raising our eyebrows, putting our finger across our lips, shaking our head,
nodding, etc. The vocal paralinguistic features include various meaningful
noises, such as hm, pff, the wolf whistle (a not very polite way of young men’s
whistling to a pretty girl), throat clearing, etc. Some of these are intentional,
some are unintentional. Throat clearing, for example, can be either. When it is
unintentional, it is merely symptomatic, and shows that you have a cold. But it
can be used deliberately (symbolically), too, e.g. as a warning.
The suprasegmental part of human communication, which we sketched
in 1.3, is vocal, non-verbal behaviour, and it is partly linguistic, partly
paralinguistic. The stress degrees are linguistic because they are discrete, but
The prefix para- comes from Greek and means ‘beside, accompanying’.
the general loudness-level of a certain part of an utterance is gradable, and so
paralinguistic. The pitch patterns used in word-melodies and in intonation are
linguistic because they are discrete, but their vertical extent (range) and the
general pitch height of certain parts of utterances (key) are gradable, i.e.
paralinguistic variations. Similarly, tempo, pause-length, voice-quality
variations are gradable, and however important and informative they may be,
they belong to paralinguistic rather than linguistic communication.
17. What are types and tokens?
18. How do we define phonemes? Why are they segmental elements?
19. What is a minimal pair? Do collar and colour constitute a minimal pair?
And monkey and donkey?
20. What are suprasegmental elements, and why are they called so?
21. What is stress, and how many degrees have we distinguished in English? In
what sense are these degrees discrete?
22. Find three English noun–verb pairs like »insult vs. in»sult. What do they
differ in? Why can we not find similar pairs in Hungarian?
23. What are pitch patterns and what are the two basic ways in which they are
used in human languages? In what sense are pitch patterns discrete?
24. Chinese is said to be a tone-language. Why?
25. What is intonation?
26. What is paralanguage? Mention non-vocal and vocal paralinguistic features.
27. In certain cultures shaking one’s head means ‘yes’ and nodding means ‘no’
What does this show?
28. Do you know what these paralinguistic vocal noises mean: [tsk], [mmm],
[p∏]? Can you do the wolf whistle?
29. Classify the following signs:
a. involuntary cough.
b. cough for getting attention
c. nod of head (‘Yes’)
d. Uh-huh (‘Yes’)
e. Yes.
f. Bzzz ( sound of a bee)
g. hand indicating height from ground (‘So high.’)
h. waving the hand (‘Good-bye.’)
i. blushing
j. sweating.
Unit 2
The Study of Language (i)
and /tQk/ are phonologically well-formed in English, but */ktQ/ or */tkQ/ are
phonologically ill-formed.
• Another component is morphology. This includes the morphemes and
the rules for combining them to derive and inflect words in a particular
language. (For the time being we define morphemes as the smallest meaningful
units of a language. We will make this definition more precise in Unit 5.) In
English, for instance, the morpheme -ion can be added to the verb elect (which
is a vocabulary item) and the result is the noun election (which is a new
vocabulary item derived from the former one). In a similar way, the plural
morpheme -s can be added to the noun election to obtain the plural form of the
same noun: elections (which is not a new vocabulary item but the inflected
variant of an already existing one). The morphological rules of English tell us
that the sequence un-friend-li-ness is a morphologically well-formed word,
while *friend-li-un-ness is not.
• Syntax is the component of language that contains the rules for putting
together words in phrases and phrases in sentences. For example, the English
sentence He went to London. is syntactically well-formed, whereas *To he
London went. is syntactically ill-formed.
• Finally, languages also contain a system of meanings: this component is
known as semantics. The semantic rules specify which sentences are
semantically normal and which are semantically anomalous. For instance, This
woman is the mother of three girls. is semantically normal but !This woman is
the father of three oil-wells. is anomalous.1
In addition, we can also separate a special component in which all the
central components may play a role, viz. a lexicon. This is a list of the
vocabulary items of a language and it contains all idiosyncratic information
about those vocabulary items (such as the unpredictable aspects of their
phonology, morphology, syntactic behaviour, and meaning). Words, once
formed and established as vocabulary items, are stored in the lexicon, from
where they can be retrieved as wholes and do not have to be put together again
from their constituent morphemes every time they are used by a speaker.
Native speakers of a language have linguistic knowledge: they know
their language. They possess I-language, they have an internal grammar.2
They know the elements and the rules in the various components of their
language, after all they use those elements and obey those rules all the time and,
on the basis of this knowledge, they can tell whether a string of words in their
1 !
In this book, the raised exclamation mark before a sentence indicates that the sentence is
semantically anomalous.
The word grammar is used here in a broad sense to include phonology, morphology, syntax,
and semantics. It can also be used in a narrow sense to include only morphology and syntax.
language is grammatical or not. But most speakers are unable to explain to their
children or to their foreign friends why one string of words is grammatical in
their language and another is not. This is because their linguistic knowledge
(internal grammar) is intuitive (subconscious), and they cannot express it
explicitly (i.e. clearly and definitely).
or from a diachronic (historical) point of view (how they change through
In a somewhat broader concept of linguistics there are phonetic and
pragmatic components, too. Phonetics is closely related to phonology, it is the
study of the production, physical properties and perception of the actual sounds
realising the phonemes and of the suprasegmental elements of speech.
Pragmatics is close to semantics and the difference is not always quite clear.
We can say that while semantics examines what sentences and words mean in
themselves, pragmatics studies the ways in which they obtain different
interpretations when uttered in different situations. For instance, if I put the
question Can you play the piano? to a person I am interviewing in a room
where there is no piano, my utterance will count as a real yes-or-no question.
But if I say the same utterance to a person who is known to be a good pianist,
and I point towards a piano at the same time, my utterance will count as a
request to play.
The scope of linguistics can be extended further. It can include
sociolinguistics. This is an interdisciplinary branch of study (relevant to both
linguistics and sociology), studying the different varieties of a language used by
different geographical and socio-cultural subsections of a community, or
varieties used by the same group of speakers in different social situations.
Psycholinguistics, another interdisciplinary subject, deals with areas such as
the mental processes that take place when we produce and receive linguistic
messages, or the processes of native language acquisition. And finally,
linguistics can be put in the service of a large number of other fields, some
more practical, some more theoretical, such as e.g. foreign-language teaching,
speech therapy, successful advertising, literary criticism, stylistics, etc. These
involve various kinds of applied linguistics. For example, when a doctor wants
to cure a patient who suffers from aphasia (i.e. who has lost – partly or
completely – the ability to use language), the doctor will have to know about
the language system. In such cases linguistics helps the doctor in his/her work.
The present book offers an introduction to the basic notions in the main
branches of linguistics. Unit 4 introduces Phonetics and Phonology, Unit 5
Morphology, Unit 6 Syntax, Unit 7 Semantics, Unit 8 Pragmatics, Unit 9
Sociolinguistics, and Unit 10 historical linguistics.
In the rest of this unit we take a brief look at the history of language
study before and at the time of the appearance of modern linguistics in the 20th
These terms come from Greek, where khronos means ‘time’, syn- means ‘together’ and
‘alike’, and dia- means ‘through’. They were introduced by Ferdinand de Saussure (see below).
2.4 Traditional Grammar
Languages began to be studied a very long time ago: in the 5th century BC or
earlier, but it is only since the 19th century that we can speak about linguistics. It
was in the 19th century that historical language study began to meet the criteria of
scientificness and only in the 20th century that the study of contemporary
languages became scientific in today’s sense of the word.
Earlier language study can be called Traditional Grammar. In principle,
this kind of language study dealt with the contemporary state of languages but it
often mixed its synchronic statements with diachronic ones.
Traditional Grammar was not sufficiently scientific. (a) It was not
explicit enough: it was often too vague in its statements and its definitions were
often too loose. For example, the noun was defined as “the name of a person,
place or thing”, although there are lots of words that we intuitively feel to be
nouns even though they are not the names of persons, places or things, e.g.
reflection. (b) It was not systematic enough: it ignored spoken language and
was preoccupied with written language, especially with the written language of
older literarary works. (c) It was not objective enough: it was often
prescriptive and puristic rather than descriptive, i.e. instead of recording what
the language examined was like, traditional grammarians often tried to
prescribe what it should be like. In these attempts they relied on their subjective
wishes and speculations and on historical, logical and aesthetic arguments, and
on analogy with Latin. For example, they argued that the split infinitive, which
is quite common in English, was incorrect: “You shouldn’t say to humbly
apologize, you should say: to apologize humbly”. The idea that the split
infinitive was wrong was based on Latin. It was believed that, since a Latin
infinitive was only one word, its English equivalent should also be as near to
one word as possible. Traditional grammarians thought that language change
was harmful and they fought against it.
With all its weaknesses, however, Traditional Grammar accumulated a
great number of facts about individual languages and elaborated linguistic
terminology. Modern linguistics would not have been born if there had been no
Traditional Grammar to prepare the way for it.
This kind of linguistics emerged after the discovery that Sanskrit was
related to Latin and Greek. The discovery was made in 1786, by a British
government official working in India, Sir William Jones. Throughout the 19th
century, language scholars tried to establish genetical relationships between
languages. That was the time when the various language families and branches
were discovered, for example the Germanic branch (of which English is a
member) and a Proto-Indo-European parent language was reconstructed. In
Comparative Philology the study of language was beginning to develop towards
an autonomous, independent branch of study. Language began to be studied for its
own sake. Besides, this kind of language study had an objective method: it was
based on textual evidence, i.e. E-language facts, found in earlier written records of
language, and it also tried to show language change in a systematic way, as a
process determined by rules. (In the last quarter of the 19th century, a group of
scholars in and around Leipzig, nicknamed the Neogrammarians, claimed that
language changes were not just accidental events or optional tendencies, but
Meanwhile, the study of the contemporary state of languages went on in
the non-scientific (or not sufficiently scientific) framework of Traditional
We know his revolutionary ideas from a posthumous book, Cours de Linguitique Générale,
which was published by his students in 1916.
• He separated the synchronic and diachronic aspects of lsnguage study,
and argued for the primacy of the former by saying that the synchronic aspect
deals with language as a collection of simultaneous facts, existing as a state at a
particular point of time, whereas the diachronic regards language as a
succession of states, so it is the states that have to described first.
• According to Saussure, linguistic signs enter into two kinds of
relationship: syntagmatic and paradigmatic. The syntagmatic relationship is a
linear (horizontal, chain) relationship, which exists between the signs that follow
one another in a complex unit. For example, the four words in This coffee is
strong. are in a syntagmatic relationship: they are placed one after the other along
the syntagmatic axis, and each of the words has a particular environment or
CONTEXT which consists of the other words on its left and right.
The paradigmatic relationship is a vertical (choice) relationship, which
exists between a sign present in a particular environment and all the other signs
that could replace it while still yielding a well-formed complex unit. For instance,
coffee in the above sentence is in a paradigmatic relationship with tea, student,
girl, wall, light, whisky, cigar, etc., see (2).
This coffee is strong
Since Saussure’s time the notion of these two relationships has been extended to
phonemes as well, see (3).
(3) e bet
√ but
/b i˘ t/ beat
I bit
ç˘ bought
accurately as possible. Modern American linguistics in the first half of the 20th
century was usually called structural(ist) or descriptive linguistics.
The Amerindian languages did not make a traditional approach possible.
They existed only in a spoken form, they had no earlier written records, they were
very different from most of the languages studied until then, and the linguists who
wanted to describe them did not speak them, so no prescriptive and puristic
statements could be made about them. Briefly: these languages forced language-
scholars to adopt a non-traditional approach to language, based on objectivity,
systematicness and explicitness.
American descriptivists tried to describe each language in its own terms
and they emphasised (even exaggerated) the differences between languages. One
of them, Martin Joos, said: “Languages differ from one another without limit and
in unpredictable ways.” This is the essence of linguistic relativism. Linguistic
relativism is the assumption that any natural language can be totally different from
other natural languages.
But some linguists went even further. Sapir and especially Whorf thought
that languages not only differed from one another without limit but also that the
language of a community determined the way in which that community saw the
world. This latter view is called linguistic determinism.5 The combination of
linguistic relativism and linguistic determinism became known as the Sapir—
Whorf hypothesis. According to the strong version of the hypothesis the
individual is not free in his experience of the world, because the vocabulary and
grammatical categories of his native language determine the ways in which he can
interpret his experience. For instance, the American linguist Boas discovered that
in Eskimo there are several different words for different kinds of snow, whereas in
English there is only one generic term: snow. Other linguists collected similar
facts from other languages. (For instance, the Navajo language has no separate
words for blue and green but has two separate words for different shades of black;
the Hopi language does not distinguish present, past and future tenses; in Kwakiutl
the distinction between singular and plural number is not obligatory, etc.) On the
basis of such examples the conclusion was drawn that people belonging to
different cultural-linguistic groups not only spoke differently but also thought
differently: i.e. each cultural-linguistic community lived in the “prison” of its
language. This conclusion, however, cannot be accepted. It is true that different
languages cut up reality in different ways, but this is because different
communities find different things important in their life. The fact that the English
have no separate words for different kinds of snow does not mean that they cannot
see these differences, only that they are not significant to them. When these
This idea was not quite new: Wilhelm von Humboldt made a similar claim at the beginning of the
19th century.
differences do become important, the English can paraphrase and say “falling
snow”, “hard packed snow”, “powdery snow”, etc. The main counter-argument
against the strong form of linguistic determinism is the possibility of translation.
Translation is possible for most of the time and although we cannot always
translate everything with the same ease, we are nevertheless usually able at least to
paraphrase or explain what we mean in any language.
However, the weak form of the Sapir―Whorf hypothesis, according to
which language influences thought, seems to be correct. Certain things are less
codable (i.e. less expressible) in some languages than in others. The codability of
an aspect of reality in a particular language means having a word for it, or at least
the possibility of a simple paraphrase. People tend to notice and remember the
things that are codable in their language better than things that are not codable.
But differences in codability between languages are of secondary importance: it is
only the less basic, culture-specific concepts that may present codability problems.
The essential things are equally codable because they are equally relevant to all
16. What is the difference betwen the descriptive and prescriptive approaches to
the investigation of language?
17. Comment on the following quotations:
a. “Double negation is illogical.”
b. “‘It is me’ should be replaced by ‘It is I’ because Latin required the
nominative case after the verb corresponding to ‘to be’.”
c. “The regular plural of English nouns is formed by adding the letter -
d. “The noun is the name of a person, place or thing.”
e. “A preposition is a word that is put before another word. Therefore it
should not be used to end a sentence.”
18. Characterise Comparative Philology. How did it start? In what sense was it
19. Study the divisions of the Indo-European parent language, provided in
Appendix B.
20. Does synchronic linguistics necessarily mean the study of the present day
state of language?
21. What did Saussure mean by langue and parole? Match the following
adjectives, nouns and sentences with langue and parole, respectively:
a. potential
b. He speaks English.
c. individual
d. actual
e. social
f. language system
g. He is speaking English.
h. behaviour
22. Discuss the syntagmatic and paradigmatic aspects of the following:
Your friend may come.
1 2 3 4
Compare the number of words that can replace 1, 2, 3 and 4. Which sets
of words are open? Which ones are closed?
23. What do we call the kind of linguistics prevalent in the USA in the first half
of the 20th century and why?
24. Discuss linguistic relativism, linguistic determinism, and the Sapir—Whorf
hypothesis (its strong and weak forms).
25. What is meant by codability and by lexical gaps?
26. Here are a few examples of lexical gaps. Can you translate busójárás,
kopjafa, másfélszobás into English? Or privacy, brackish, brass-rubbing
into Hungarian?
27. Make sure you know the following terms: phonology, phonetics,
morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, lexicology, sociolinguistics,
psycholinguistics, applied linguistics, Traditional Grammar, prescriptive
attitude, linguistics, linguist, explicit grammar, synchronic point of
view, diachronic point of view, langue, parole, syntagmatic relationship,
paradigmatic relationship, linguistic relativism, linguistic determinism,
Unit 3
The Study of Language (ii)
We shall call such variants of a phoneme allophones (see Unit 3 below).
final position, e.g. [he…] hell. By contrast, if the distributions of two language
elements are not entirely different, i.e. there is at least one common environment
in which one could replace the other, the two elements are not in complementary
distribution. In this case they are either in contrast or in free variation.
Two language-elements are in contrast in a particular unit if replacing one
by the other changes the meaning of the unit. For example, English /e/ and /i:/ in
the environment /m—t/ are in contrast because /met/ does not mean the same as
If however replacing one language element by another in a particular unit
does not change the meaning of the unit, they are in free variation in that unit.
For instance, the same two phonemes /e/ and /i˘/ are in free variation in the
environment /—k´»nÅmIks/, because /i˘k´»nÅmIks/ means the same as
• The other important method of formal analysis which the Bloomfieldians
introduced was constituent analysis. (The Bloomfieldians themselves called it
“immediate constituent analysis” or “IC analysis”.) This means cutting syntactic
units (or words) into their constituents, then the constituents into their constituents,
and so on until we reach the individual words (or morphemes). Cutting a unit into
its constituents is based on the test of substitution (replacement). For instance, the
sentence My friend ran home. can be divided into two: [My friend] and [ran home]
because My friend can be replaced by a simpler constituent, e.g. Peter, as in Peter
ran home; and because ran home can also be replaced by a simpler constituent,
e.g. slept, as in My friend slept. So we divide the sentence into [My friend] and
[ran home], and then, through further applications of the substitution test, these
parts can be divided into even smaller constituents. Constituent analysis can be
visualised in essentially two ways, viz. by bracketings, as in (1), or by tree
diagrams, as in (2).
(2) S
Det N V Adv
│ │ │ │
My friend ran home.2
The syntactic representations in (1) and (2) and in other sections of this book are strictly
preliminary and will be substantially modified in your later syntax studies.
The constituents in the representations in (1) and (2) are labelled, S stands for
Sentence, NP for Noun Phrase, VP for Verb Phrase, Det for Determiner, N for
Noun, V for Verb, and Adv for Adverb. Trees and bracketings do not have to be
labelled but the labelled ones are more informative than the unlabelled ones.
For further information on syntactic representations, see Unit 6.
Constituent analysis was suitable for resolving certain ambiguities, by
showing different constituent structures, e.g.: (old (men and women)) vs. ((old
men) and women).
However, there were lots of ambiguities which constituent analysis could not
resolve. For instance, The lamb is ready to eat. has two distinct meanings (is
ambiguous), but the American structuralists could give it only one analysis: ((The
lamb)(is (ready (to eat)))). Their analysis remained on the surface and could not
disambiguate structures which were different in the deep.
The growing dissatisfaction with the limitations of structuralist linguistics
led to the emergence of a radically new type of linguistic analysis towards the end
of the 1950s. This has become known as transformational-generative linguistics,
or just generative linguistics (= generative grammar), for short. This kind of
analysis distinguishes two levels of syntactic analysis: a surface structure or S-
structure (which was recognised by the structuralists, too) and an underlying
abstract deep structure or D-structure (which was not recognised by the
structuralists). Transformational-Generative grammar is transformational
because it explains surface structure as being derived from deep structure by a
series of changes: transformations. For instance, the S-structure in (3b) is
derived from the D-structure in (3a).
(3)a. → b.
question, which can be used e.g. as a surprised response to He can study
In this framework, ambiguous sentences have identical surface structures
but different deep structures, according to the different meanings. For instance, the
ambiguous sentence The lamb is ready to eat (whose two meanings can be
paraphrased as ‘The lamb can eat’ and ‘Somebody can eat the lamb’) is derived
from two different deep structures. Synonymous sentences like It rained
yesterday. and Yesterday it rained., however, derive from one common deep
structure and differ only on the surface.
Transformational-generative grammar is generative, because it can
generate (i.e. produce, define and explicitly characterise) all and only the
grammatical sentences of a language. This means that (a) by applying the rules of
the grammar, we always get a syntactically well-formed sentence, (b) this kind of
grammar generates all the well-formed sentences of a language, i.e. not only those
that have been uttered but also those that have not been uttered but could be
uttered, and are, thus, potential sentences of the language. The number of possible
grammatical sentences in any language at any one time is infinite, but the rules
which make this infinite variation possible are finite (otherwise the native speaker
would not be able to learn them).
The founder and most influential representative to this day of generative
linguistics has been the American linguist Noam Chomsky, whose works have
found a great many followers all over the world. Since its appearance the theory
has been modified and remodified several times and several new proposals have
been made and are still being made by Chomsky himself and by others.3
As we saw above, the Bloomfieldians were uninterested in general
theoretical questions, emphasised the differences between individual languages,
and thought that the main purpose of linguistics was to describe individual
languages. In contrast, Chomsky holds that linguistics should be primarily
concerned with Universal Grammar, i.e. with the principles that are the
properties of all human languages. One of these principles is structure-
dependence, which means that operations in a sentence apply to phrases and not
just words, i.e. these operations require a knowledge of the structural relationships
of words rather than just their linear sequence. For instance, when English
speakers transform a declarative sentence into a yes-or-no interrogative, the
auxiliary they move is not simply “the second word” of the declarative sentence,
Chomsky’s generative works include Syntactic Structures (1957), Aspects of the Theory of
Syntax (1965), The Sound Pattern of English (with M. Halle, 1968), Language and Mind
(1972), Lectures on Government and Binding (1981), Barriers (1986), Principles and
Parameters Theory (with L. Lasnik 1993), The Minimalist Program (1995).
as a superficial observer might think on the basis of (4a), but rather the word after
the entire Noun Phrase that occupies the subject-slot of the declarative sentence,
as is shown in (4b).
b. [NP The man who has sold his house] will buy a car. →
Will [NP the man who has sold his house] — buy a car?
In Hungarian sentences, too, the syntactic constituents are not individual words
but structural units composed of words (occasionally consisting of single words),
i.e. phrases, such as e.g. meghívtam ‘I invited’, a szomszéd gyerekeit ‘my
neighbour’s children’, egy belvárosi fagylaltozóba ‘to an inner-city ice-cream
bar’, cf. (5a), (5b), (5c).
by birth, in the sense that its structure is related to the structure of the human mind
and so the basis of competence is a universal characteristic of the human species.
On the basis of their competence, native speakers can do several things:
• They can produce and understand an infinite number of new grammatical
sentences in their language.
• They can distinguish between grammatical and ungrammatical
formations (He went to London vs. *Went London he to).
• They can interpret elliptical sentences, i.e. sentences with missing
elements (Peter is happy but John isn’t).
• They can perceive ambiguity (The lamb is ready to eat).
• They can perceive synonymy (The duck crossed the road vs. The road
was crossed by the duck).
• They can idealise utterances, i.e. they can disregard the imperfections
and idiosyncratic features of performance and reconstruct the grammatical
sentences which the utterances realise (*? The thought of those poor children
were really … WAS really ... bothering me.).4
The last point has a very important consequence: generative linguistics has an I-
language approach to the study of language. Earlier, both Saussure and the
American structuralists in the first half of the 20th century were convinced that the
way to la langue led through the observation of la parole. In other words,
linguistic analysis had to be based on a corpus of data taken from the linguistic
behaviour (actual language-use) of people, i.e. from parole or performance. This
can be called the E-language approach. By contrast, generative linguists think
that linguistics is concerned with far more than what can be found in a corpus.
Thus, even if we do use a corpus for linguistic work, we shall have to “idealise”
the data, i.e. free them from the imperfections and idiosyncrasies of performance.
This is what native speakers automatically do when they understand other native
speakers’ utterances. They do so intuitively, on the basis of their competence (or I-
language). But then the real task of linguistics should be the study of the native
speakers’ competence (and especially the part of it which can be regarded as
Universal Grammar). This is more important than the actual utterances found in a
corpus. Competence can be examined by asking questions about intuitions.
Consequently, the linguist has the right to use his own and other people’s
intuitions in linguistic analysis. And if the linguist is a native speaker of the
language he examines, he can ask and answer questions about his own intuitions.
Examining one’s own intuitions concerning language is a kind of introspection. In
other words, generative linguists can base their theories not (only) on empirical
In this book, the sign combination *? indicates performance mistakes.
facts but on introspection and on native speakers’ intuitions. However, this does
not mean that they give up objectivity because their theories can be submitted to
subsequent empirical verification. (Only their method is different from the
inductive method of the preceding decades: their method is deductive,
proceeding from theories to empirical facts.) But the focus of their attention is
undoubtedly on I-language: they are interested not so much in the empirical facts
themselves as rather in the knowledge that enables speakers to produce those
empirical facts.
Since competence resides in the individual language-user’s mind and is
a device of the reasoning activity of human beings, it is a mental, psychological
phenomenon. Consequently, by studying what linguistic competence is and
how it works, we are actually studying what the mind is and how the mind
works. If language-competence is part of the human mind, then the study of this
competence, i.e. linguistics, is part of the study of the mind, i.e. psychology. In
other words: Chomsky’s conclusion is that linguistics is a branch of cognitive
psychology. Generative linguistics, then, has extended the status of psycho-
linguistics from being a mere branch of linguistics, to being the dominant
branch of modern linguistics.
8. How are the D-structure and S-structure connected in Transformational-
Generative grammar?
9. Which of the following sentences are synonymous?
a. Pigs prefer large turnips.
b. Pigs don’t prefer large turnips.
c. Large turnips are preferred by pigs.
d. What pigs prefer is large turnips.
10. When is a grammar generative?
11. What is Universal Grammar?
12. What do we mean by structure dependency?
13. How does Chomsky define competence and performance?
14. What can native speakers do on the basis of their competence?
15. Comment on these utterances in relation to native speakers’ competence:
a. He went to London. vs. *Went London he to.
b. Peter is happy but John isn’t.
c. The lamb is ready to eat.
d. The duck crossed the road. vs. The road was crossed by the duck.
16. If you know Hungarian, comment on the following Hungarian utterances,
taken from native speakers’ performance:
a. *? Azokba a ... hm ... ódon falak között azér mosis … most is hűvös
lehet. = Azok között az ódon falak között azért most is hűvös lehet.
b. *? Nem tudod, mi volt te abban…
c. *? Akkor mint betűszedőként működött.
d. *? Csak hát hogy itt van ez a …izé, örrsov… orrsövényferdülés …
17. In what sense can we say that Generative Linguistics has an I-language
approach to the study of language?
18. Make sure you know the following terms: corpus, formal analysis,
distribution, complementary distribution, contrast, free variation,
constituent analysis, S-structure, D-structure, transformation,
generative, Universal Grammar, competence, performance
Unit 4
Phonetics and Phonology, the Study of
Sounds and Phonemes
4.1 Phonetics
Phonetics is the science of human speech sounds. It has three subfields or
• The oldest branch, and also the one which is the most relevant in foreign
language teaching, is articulatory phonetics. This examines the articulatory
(vocal) organs and their role in the production of speech sounds.
• The second branch is acoustic phonetics. This deals with the physical
properties of speech sounds as they travel through the air in the form of
sound waves.
• The third branch is called auditory phonetics, which examines the way in
which human beings perceive speech sounds through the medium of the ear.
The main task of phonetic science is twofold, it is to provide a notation and
description for each speech sound. By notation we mean a system of
transcription symbols whereby we can make an accurate and unambiguous
record of what goes on in speech. This is necessary because conventional letters
cannot do this job properly. The correspondence between letters and sounds is
indirect. In English, for example, there are 26 basic letters but considerably
more speech sounds that we can distinguish. The transcription system which
contains symbols for the hundred or so speech sounds that can be distinguished
in human language is a special kind of alphabet, known as the International
Phonetic Alphabet (= IPA).1 In this system each phonetic symbol stands for
one and only one speech sound. Sometimes supplementary marks (diacritics)
are added to the symbols, e.g. the raised letter h indicates aspiration of the
initial sound [t] in the word [thu:…] tool. Phonetic transcriptions are enclosed in
square brackets: [ ]. They are detailed, and called narrow transcriptions. The
degree of detail (narrowness) depends on the analyst’s purposes.
The other main aim of phonetics is the description (characterisation) of
speech sounds. This is done in terms of phonetic features. In order to
understand these features, we have to get acquainted with the articulatory
organs. These are schematically shown in (1) below. The diagram represents
the side-view of the front part of a human head and neck.
N a. wind-pipe = trachea
b. larynx, with the glottis
c. food-pipe = oesophagus
i j d. lower lip
h k e. lower teeth
f O f. upper lip
g T g. upper teeth
e P h. alveolar ridge
d i. palate = hard palate
j. velum = soft palate
k. uvula
P. pharynx
O. oral cavity
b c N. nasal cavity
a T. tongue
This was devised in 1888 by the International Phonetic Association and has been widely used
ever since.
One characteristic feature of speech sounds is, for instance, the presence or
absence of vocal cord vibration during the production of the sound. The air
coming from the lungs by way of the wind-pipe (a) arrives at the larynx (b).
This is where the vocal cords are situated, forming an opening between them
called the glottis. When the vocal cords are together and the air stream passing
through between them makes them vibrate, the sound produced will be voiced
(or [+voice]), e.g. [b, d, g, v, D, z, Z]. When the vocal cords are apart and so the
air stream passes through freely, without causing vibration of the vocal cords,
the sound produced will be voiceless (or [–voice]), e.g. [p, t, k, f, T, s, S].
Another feature of speech sounds is, for example, the presence or
absence of nasality. The air, leaving the glottis, arrives at a cavity called the
pharynx (P), from which it can go on to two further cavities: the nose and the
mouth, i.e. the nasal cavity (N) and the oral cavity (O), respectively. These two
are separated from each other by the roof of the mouth. The roof has several
parts. Just behind the upper front teeth (g) is the alveolar ridge (h), then comes
the hard palate or palate (i), followed by the soft palate or velum (j). When the
back of the velum, i.e. the uvula (k) is raised, the passage through the nose is
cut off and the air can only escape through the mouth. Sounds produced in this
way are oral [–nasal], e.g. [b, d, g]. If, however, the back of the velum is
lowered, the air can escape through the nose and the mouth. Sounds produced
this way are nasal [+nasal], e.g. [m, n, N].
The consonants which occur in the world’s languages can be described
in terms of place and manner of articulation. Here we shall concentrate on the
most important English consonants only. We distinguish eight classes of these
consonants according to place of articulation. Bilabials ([p, b, m, w]) are
produced between the two lips, labiodentals ([f, v]) between the upper front
teeth and the lower lip, dentals ([T, D]) between the upper front teeth and the tip
of the tongue, alveolars ([t, d, s, z, n, l, r]) between the alveolar ridge and the
front of the tongue, palatoalveolars ([S, Z, tS, dZ]) in the postalveolar region,
palatals in the area of the hard palate ([j]), velars ([k, g, N]) in the area of the
soft palate or velum, and finally glottals ([/], called the ‘glottal stop’, and [h])
are produced in the glottis.2 According to manner of articulation we
distinguish six classes. Plosives (also known as oral stops) [p, b, t, d, k, g, /]: a
complete closure is made between two articulatory organs, behind which the
The glottal stop [/] is produced by the vocal cords when their tightly closed position is
suddenly burst open; it may replace [t] in certain contexts, as in [»skç/l´nd], or indicate a
syllable boundary between two vowels, as in [k´U»/çp´reIt].
air-pressure builds up and is then released explosively. Fricatives (also known
as spirants) [f, v, T, D, s, z, S, Z, h]: two articulatory organs form a narrowing so
that the air stream passing through causes friction. Affricates [tS, dZ]: complete
closure is made but is released slowly, so that friction can be heard. Nasals
(also known as nasal stops) [m, n, N]: complete closure is made somewhere in
the mouth but the air escapes continuously through the nose. Liquids: these are
sounds of the types [l, r]. Glides [w, j]: there is a narrowing but it is not narrow
enough to cause friction.
Plosives, fricatives and affricates are produced with a stricture impeding
the flow of air, and therefore they can be called obstruents; while nasals, liquids
and glides are produced with a relatively free airflow, and can be called
The most important English consonants that we have dealt with are
shown in (2). The columns represent the place of articulation, the rows the
manner of articulation.
divide the distance between the tongue positions for [i] and [a] into three equal
parts, you get the half-close front [e], and the half-open front [E]. If you do the
same movements with the back of your tongue, you will get the close back
vowel [u], the half-close back [o], the half-open back [ç], and the open back [A].
The 8 vowels so obtained are called cardinal vowels. They do not necessarily
occur in every language, they should rather be regarded as theoretical vowels or
orientation points which indicate the limits within which the tongue can move
in the human mouth to produce vowels, and with reference to which all vowels
of all languages can be accommodated. The trapezium formed by the cardinal
vowels is called the Cardinal Vowel Chart, see (3).
i u
e o
E ç
a A
The most important simple vowels of English are shown in (4). They are called
simple because the particular tongue position characterising the vowel in each
case is steady throughout producing the vowel. The vowels in the triangle of the
chart are central vowels, those on the left of the triangle are front, those on the
right of the triangle are back vowels. The encircled vowels are produced with
lip-rounding: they are round vowels. The vowels whose symbols have a colon
(:) attached to them are long vowels.
i˘ u˘
I ´ U
e Œ˘ ç˘
Q √ Å
no new syllable is formed. For instance, the vowels in the words height, hate,
house, hose, i.e. [aI, eI, AU, ´U], are diphthongs.3
It needs to be emphasised that there are far more distinguishable speech
sounds (both consonants and vowels) in English than the ones we have
presented in (2) and (4), but we have only concentrated on the most important
Consonants and vowels together can be called segments.4 Since
phonetics primarily deals with these, the major part of phonetics is segmental
phonetics. But phonetics has to deal with other aspects of human speech as
well, viz. aspects characterising larger units than segments. This kind of
phonetics is called suprasegmental phonetics. The suprasegmental aspects of
speech include intonation (the meaningful melody of utterances) and stress
(the extra prominence of a syllable over the other syllables in a word or phrase).
We have already mentioned these notions in Unit 1, and in this introductory
course we are not going to say more about them.
4.3 Phonology
While phonetics deals with the articulatory, acoustic and auditory aspects of
actual speech sounds, phonology ignores all non-distinctive detail and limits its
attention strictly to the really distinctive speech sounds, i.e. the basic sounds or
phonemes, which form systems in a particular language. The key notion of
phonology is that of contrast.
A phoneme is an abstract minimal sound unit of a particular language,
which, when realised, is capable of distinguishing different words in that
language. Phonemes can be discovered by the minimal pair technique. If
replacing one sound by another results in a different word, the two sounds
represent different phonemes and the two words form a minimal pair. For
instance, the English consonants [k] and [s] represent two different phonemes
because they distinguish e.g. [li:k] leak and [li:s] lease, and since the two words
are otherwise identical, they form a minimal pair. The minimal pair technique is
based on the notion of paradigmatic relationship, which we first introduced in
Unit 2. (As you will remember, this is a “vertical” or “choice” relationship,
which exists between a language element present in a particular environment
In fact we may even distinguish triphthongs, in which the vowel has three tongue positions
one after the other, as in e.g. fire and power, containing the triphthongs [aI´] and [AU´],
This is because once they were looked upon as the smallest building blocks, i.e. segments, of
speech. Today segments are regarded to be decomposable into features, cf. 4.3 below.
and all the other language elements which could replace it while yielding a
well-formed complex unit.)
By means of the minimal pair technique we can distinguish 44
phonemes in Standard British English. (The pronunciation of Standard British
English is sometimes referred to as Received Pronunciation, or just RP; this is
the kind of pronunciation which has the highest social prestige, see Unit 9
below.) Actually, the so-called “important sounds” of English which we saw in
(2) and (4), except for the glottal stop [/], are all phonemes of Standard British
English. In addition to them, however, there are a large number of other
consonants and vowels in Standard British English which are distinct (i.e. we
can distinguish them) but which are not distinctive (i.e. they do not distinguish
English words) and so they are not separate phonemes, only variants of existing
When we transcribe speech sounds from the point of view of the
phonemes that they represent, we ignore all non-phonemic (i.e. non-distinctive)
detail, and use a phonemic transcription. This is normally put between
slashes: / /. In phonemic transcription we use as many symbols as there are
phonemes. Consequently there are fewer symbols in phonemic transcription
than in narrow phonetic transcription. For example, the phonemic transcription
of the word tool, /tu˘l/, omits non-phonemic details such as the aspiration of the
initial [t] or the darkness of the final […]. These would be included in a narrow
phonetic transcription: [thu˘ …].
The myriads of actual speech sounds or phones that realise a phoneme
in a language can be grouped into a small number of allophones. Allophones
are the positional alternants of a phoneme: they are phonetically similar and are
in complementary distribution. (In 3.1.2 we explained that if two language
elements occur in mutually exclusive environments, then they are said to be in
complementary distribution.) For instance, in Standard British English the
phoneme /l/ has two allophones: a clear [l], which occurs before vowels, and a
dark [¬], which occurs elsewhere, cf. lip [lIp] and Helen [»hel´n] vs. film [fI…m]
and hill [hI…]. Other examples include the English phoneme /p/, which also has
two allophones: an aspirated [ph] at the beginning of a stressed syllable and an
unaspirated [p] elsewhere, as in port [phç:t] and sport [spç:t]. Another example:
any English vowel gets a nasal allophone when it is adjacent to a nasal
consonant but an oral allophone elsewhere, cf. pen [phẽn] vs. pet [phet]. The
allophones of a phoneme are conditioned by the environment and so their
properties are predictable or redundant. They never occur in a paradigmatic
relationship with one another and so they cannot be in contrast. That is why
they do not perform a distinctive function, and cannot be separate phonemes in
the same language. (However, what is non-distinctive in one language may be
distinctive in another.) Since allophonic variations are not reflected in
phonemic transcription, the examples given in this paragraph are phonemically
transcribed as /lIp/, /»hel´n/, /fIlm/, /hIl/, /pç:t/, /spç:t/, /pen/, /pet/.
From the adjectives phonetic and phonemic the terms etic /»etIk/ and
emic /»i˘mIk/ have been abstracted, referring to two kinds of approach which can
be distinguished in various types of linguistic studies. The etic approach deals
with all data of a given kind, while the emic approach studies the structuring
of data into systemic abstract entities on the basis of their distinctive power in a
given language. In the field of sounds the emic approach is concerned with
phonemes, the etic approach with allophones and phones.
Structuralist phonology (i.e. the phonology of Structuralist Linguistics,
especially in the 1950s and 1960s) looked upon phonemes as the ultimate
building blocks of language. Generative phonology (i.e. the phonology in
Generative Linguistics) has claimed that phonemes should be decomposed into
bundles (sets) of binary distinctive features. (Binary here means ‘having two
values’.) Take, for example, the English phonemes /p/, /b/, /m/. They all share
the properties of being consonantal [+consonantal] and being pronounced with
the lips [+labial], but only /b/ and /m/ are voiced [+voice], and only /m/ is
[+nasal], and so on. We can draw a chart which shows the properties of each
phoneme, with a + sign if the property is present with a positive value, and with
a − sign if the property is present with a negative value, as is illustrated in the
the partial specification of /p, b, m/ in (5).
(6) Rule Format
A → B / X ____Y
worth, sword, board, head, though, rough. Which of them are minimal
11. Which is more similar to /m/: /p/ or /b/? Why?
12. What is the general rule format in generative linguistics?
13. Try to write a rule for the elision (omission) of /t/ in words and phrases like
postman and must be.
16. What are allophones?
17. Comment on the emic and etic approach.
18. Is nasality a distinctive feature of English vowels? And of English
19. Learn the IPA phonemic transcription symbols provided in Appendix A.
20. Make sure you know the following terms: phonetics, articulatory phonetics,
acoustic phonetics, auditory phonetics, speech sound (phone),
transcription symbol, narrow transcription, wind-pipe (trachea), larynx,
glottis, vocal cords, alveolar ridge, palate, velum, roof of the mouth,
pharynx, oral cavity, nasal cavity, tongue, voiced, voiceless, oral, nasal,
consonant, vowel, bilabial, dental, alveolar, palatoalveolar, palatal,
velar, glottal, plosive (stop), fricative (spirant), affricate, liquid, glide,
cardinal vowels, front vowels, central vowels, back vowels, rounded,
diphthong, stress, intonation, syllable, phoneme, allophone,
complementary distribution, aspiration, emic approach, etic approach,
distinctive features, assimilation, elision.
Unit 5
Morphology, the Study of Morphemes
and Words
5.1 Words
The term word can be used in different senses. On the one hand, vocabulary
items, i.e. entries in the dictionary (e.g. take), are called words, but on the other
hand the different inflected forms of a word (e.g. take, takes, taking, took,
taken) are also called words. Moreover, some words, e.g. (life insurance), are
said to be written in two “words”. To avoid confusion, we shall use the
following terms: lexeme, syntactic word, and orthographic word.
• A lexeme is a unit of the lexicon (an entry in the dictionary, a
vocabulary item), which is an uninflected abstract form that underlies all its
inflected variants. To distinguish lexemes from their inflected variants it is
customary to use capital letters to indicate lexemes. For instance, the lexeme
TAKE underlies the inflected variants take, takes, taking, took, taken.
• A syntactic word is an inflected variant of a lexeme (including the
zero-inflection), so take, takes, taking, took, taken are syntactic words.
Inflection means varying the shape of a lexeme in such a way that its
grammatical relation to other lexemes within the phrase or sentence becomes
clear. Consider e.g. the sentence in (1):
In this sentence the verb takes is a predicate in the 3rd person singular present
tense, preceded by he (the subject pronoun in the nominative case), and
followed by them (the object pronoun in the accusative case). All three words
are inflected, even the apparently uninflected he can be regarded as zero-
inflected. (Compare Hungarian kap-ok, kap-sz, kap-0, where the last form is not
uninflected but zero-inflected.) The whole set of inflected variants of a lexeme
is called a paradigm. The forms take, takes, taking, took, taken constitute the
paradigm of TAKE. The members of such a paradigm are syntactic words.
• The third sense in which the word word is popularly used is a unit of
writing: it is a stretch of graphic symbols with a space on either side and no
space within. This will be called orthographic word. For example, the lexeme
LIFE INSURANCE is two orthographic words, but the two lexemes in I’m are
just one orthographic word.
The three senses of the word word are not equally important. In our
linguistic studies it is only the lexemes and syntactic words that have to be
taken into consideration, and orthographic words are irrelevant. Lexemes can be
likened to types, syntactic words to tokens, i.e. particular instances of the
abstract types. Lexemes (and their inflected variants, the syntactic words)
belong to different syntactic categories (= word classes, parts of speech).
Nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs and prepositions are content words, others,
e.g. conjunctions, pronouns, auxiliaries are function words. Traditional
grammarians (see Unit 2) tried to define the syntactic categories of lexemes on
the basis of meaning. (Just to remind you, e.g. a noun was said to be “the name
of a person, place or thing”, which, however, is blatantly false in the case of
many words that native speakers use as nouns.) American structuralists (see
Unit 3) defined the syntactic categories of lexemes not on the basis of meaning
but on the basis of form. This involved an examination of word endings (e.g.
any word ending in -ness is a noun), and of the ways in which the words enter
into larger constructions (e.g. any word that fits the dash in the frame The — is
there. is a noun).
5.2 Morphemes
To start with a working definition, which we will make more precise later, we
can say that morphemes are the smallest meaningful units of language, which
cannot be subdivided without losing their meaning. They are abstract units,
indicated between braces: { }. Lexemes and syntactic words are composed of
one or more than one morpheme. For instance, the lexeme TEACHER consists
of two morphemes: {teach}{-er}, the lexeme ALBATROSS consists of one:
{albatross}.1 When we realise morphemes, we produce morphs. Morphs are
the physical realisations of morphemes. The billions of actual morphs realising
an abstract morpheme by actual speakers in actual situations can be grouped
into a few phonologically different shapes, so called allomorphs. Allomorphs
are the positional alternants of a morpheme: they have the same meaning and
are in complementary distribution. (The latter means that they occur in
mutually exclusive environments, cf. Unit 3.)
There is a perfect parallel between the morph – allomorph – morpheme
series on the one hand, and the phone – allophone – phoneme series on the
To express this more technically, we can say that teacher is bimorphemic (= having 2
morphemes), albatrosss is monomorphemic (having 1 morpheme).
other. Just like the phone (speech sound) and the allophone are the concern of
the etic approach and the phoneme of the emic approach, the morph and the
allomorph are the concern of the etic approach and the morpheme of the emic
approach, cf. Unit 4.
The phonological differences between the allomorphs of a morpheme
are often due to the phonological environment, i.e. the phonological differences
are often phonologically conditioned. For instance, {-s}, the abstract plural
morpheme in English has three regular allomorphs. When the last sound of the
noun is a sibilant (i.e. /s, z, S, Z, tS, dZ/), the allomorph will be /Iz/, as in e.g.
boxes, bushes. When the last sound of the noun is a voiceless non-sibilant, the
allomorph will be /s/, as in books, plates. And elsewhere, i.e. where the last
sound of the noun is a voiced non-sibilant, the plural morpheme will be realised
as /z/, as in bags, apples, potatoes. In other cases the phonological differences
of the allomorphs can be due to lexical conditioning. For instance, the plural
morpheme is realised as /´n/ when it is attached to the noun ox. Here it is not
the last sound of the noun that is responsible for the alternation but the entire
lexeme OX. The phonological difference of the allomorphs can also be caused
by morphological conditioning. This happens e.g. in the plural noun houses,
i.e.{house}{-s}, where the first morpheme is realised as /haUz/ before the plural
morpheme, although it is realised as /haUs/ when it stands alone as a singular
noun. Here one morpheme affects the realisation of another.
Morphemes can be grouped into two types on the basis of whether or
not they can form monomorphemic words.
• If they can occur by themselves as whole words, (i.e. if they can
form monomorphemic words), then we call them free morphemes. For
instance, {house}, {albatross}, {kangaroo}, {lullaby}, {table}, etc. are free
• But there are also morphemes which must be attached to other
morphemes within words, these are called bound morphemes. For example,
the plural morpheme {-s}, or the adverb-forming morpheme {-ly} are bound
morphemes. Most bound morphemes are affixes. In English, these are either
suffixes (following stems) or prefixes (preceding stems). Suffixes in English are
either inflectional or derivational. If you add an inflectional suffix to a stem,
you do not create a new lexeme, you only produce another inflected variant (i.e.
another syntactic word) of the same lexeme. For example, {-s} is an inflectional
suffix, because by adding it to the stem {boy}, we get boys, which is just
another syntactic word belonging to the paradigm of BOY. However, if you add
a derivational suffix to a stem, you create another lexeme. For example, {-
hood} is a derivational suffix, because by adding it to the stem {boy}, you
produce a new lexeme BOYHOOD, which is the starting point of a new
paradigm. Prefixes in Present-Day English are always derivational, e.g. {en-},
added to the stem {joy} gives rise to a new lexeme ENJOY.2
A stem is that part of a word which remains if we remove the suffix or
prefix that has entered the word last. The stem is not necessarily a single
morpheme, e.g. the stem of unfriendliness is unfriendly, the stem of unfriendly
is friendly, and the stem of friendly is friend, cf. (2). If we remove all affixes,
we arrive at the absolute stem, called root (also known as base), which is
always a single morpheme. Thus, the root of unfriendliness is {friend},
underlined in (2).
(2) N
Aff A
N Aff Aff
un friend li ness
The root is usually a free morpheme (as in e.g. unfriendliness), but there
are also roots which are bound. For example, in words like include, conclude,
preclude, exclude, etc. the prefix {in-}, {con-}, {pre-}, {ex-}, etc. is followed
by the root {-clude}, which is not a free form since it never occurs alone as a
monomorphemic word. Moreover, the meaning of {-clude} is unclear, in fact it
is dubious whether it has any meaning at all. (If you know Latin you may think
that {-clude} means ‘to close’, but this can hardly be felt in e.g. conclude.
Besides, native speakers of English do not think of Latin when they use such
words.) Although we do not know if {-clude} has a meaning or what that
meaning is, we still regard it as a morpheme, because its pronunciation /klu:d/
systematically varies with /klu:s/ when it is followed by the suffix {-ive}, as in
inclusive or conclusive, and with /klu˘Z/ when followed by the suffix {-ion}, as
in inclusion, conclusion. To put it in another way, {-clude} has allomorphic
variants: /klu˘d/, /klu˘s/ and /klu˘Z/, which shows that it is a morpheme.
Since, as we have just seen, the criterion of meaning cannot always be
used, we shall revise our original definition, which we gave at the beginning of
this section, in the following way: Morphemes are the smallest meaningful
While inflectional affixes correspond to what are called ragok and jelek in Hungarian
linguistics, derivational affixes correspond to képzők.
units of language or the units of allomorphic variation, which cannot be
subdivided without losing their meaning or losing their allomorphic variability.
To put it more informally, morphemes are recurring word-parts which have
some constant variants, and which are typically but not necessarily meaningful.
This definition will cover all morphemes that we have considered so far.
• One of the major word-forming processes is derivation (=
affixation), i.e. creating a new lexeme by means of adding a derivational prefix
or suffix to an old lexeme. For instance, the lexeme KINGDOM is derived from
the stem {king}, to which the derivational suffix {-dom} has been added, or the
lexeme IMPOLITE is derived from the stem {polite}, with the derivational
prefix {in-}, or the lexeme UNHAPPINESS is derived from the stem
UNHAPPY (itself derived from HAPPY), by adding the derivational suffix {-
ness}. The lexemes produced by affixation can be called derivative words, or
simply just derivatives.
• It can happen that a lexeme is assigned to another word class (part
of speech) without changing its form. This is called conversion (also known as
zero affixation), which is extremely common in English, see e.g. BOTTLEN →
BOTTLEV, DAILYA → DAILYN, MILKN → MILKV. A special subtype of
conversion is called approximate conversion, in which lexemes undergo a
small but systematic change in pronunciation and are thereby assigned to a
different word class. Sometimes this “small change” is a stress shift (with some
concomitant changes in vowel quality), as in e.g. SUS»PECTV and »SUSPECTN,
EN»VELOPV, etc. Another kind of approximate conversion is changing the
voice value of the final fricative in some lexemes, having a voiceless final
fricative in nouns and a voiced one in verbs, e.g. HALFN /hA˘f/ → HALVEV
/hA˘v/, USEN /ju˘s/→ USEV /ju˘z/, WREATHN /ri˘T/→ WREATHEV /ri˘D/.
Changing the voice value of the final fricative is sometimes accompanied by
vowel change, too, e.g. GLASSN /glA˘s/ → GLAZEV /gleIz/.
• The next major word-forming process is compounding. This means
bringing together two roots or two lexemes to produce a new lexeme, called a
compound, as in e.g. »BLACKMAIL, »GOLDFISH, »WHITE HOUSE (where
the president of the US lives), »HAY FEVER, »CHRISTMAS-TREE,
«CHRISTMAS »PUDDING, etc. Members of a compound may be compounds
themselves, cf. e.g. »RAILWAY-«STATION AT«TENDANT, etc. Typically (but
not always) compounds bear the main stress on their initial member. They are
usually (but not always) written in one orthographic word.
Other word-formation processes include clipping, blending,
backformation and the formation of acronyms.
• Clipping means shortening a lexeme and thus producing a more
informal variant, e.g. PHOTOGRAPH → PHOTO, INFLUENZA → FLU,
• Blending is putting together lexemes but at least one of these
lexemes is present only in a fragmentary form, as in e.g. FOG + SMOKE →
SMOG, BREAKFAST + LUNCH → BRUNCH, etc. The lexemes so produced
are blends.
• A kind of reverse affixation takes place in backformation, which
means establishing, on the basis of analogy with derivatives, the apparently
existing stem of a lexeme which looks like a derivative, although it is not a real
derivative. For instance, pairs like SUPERVISIONN and SUPERVISEV suggest
that if there is a word TELEVISIONN, there should also be a word
TELEVISEV, although the former was not derived from the latter. We say that
TELEVISE has been backformed from TELEVISION. Similarly, DONATE has
been backformed from DONATION (by analogy with pairs such as
• Finally, acronym formation means forming a lexeme from the
initial letters or larger parts of words; the lexemes so created are acronyms.
Many of these are pronounced as words, e.g. RADAR for ‘radio detecting and
ranging’, NATO for ‘North Atlantic Treaty Organization’. In many cases,
however, they are pronounced as sequences of letters, e.g. BBC, YMCA, etc.
9. What is {ge-}in Old English ic habbe geleorned (’I have learnt’)? Are there
any inflectional prefixes in Present-Day English?
10. Why do we say that unfriendly, rather than friendliness, is the stem of
11. Give a labelled bracketing representation of the morphemic structure of the
word unfriendliness.
12. Draw labelled tree diagrams to show the morphemic structure of these
words: hospitalisation, organisation, desirability, ungentlemanliness;
greenhouse, oil well, red-hot, breastfeed, dog food box.
13. List the bound morphemes to be found in these words: misleads, submit,
previewer, shortened, unhappier, fearlessly, permitted. Classify the
bound morphemes you have found into roots and derivational or
inflectional affixes.
14. Discuss each process of word formation and collect examples of your own.
15. Make sure you know the following terms: lexeme, syntactic word,
orthographic word, inflection, paradigm, parts of speech, content words,
function words, morpheme, allomorph, morph, free morpheme, bound
morpheme, affix, suffix, prefix, inflectional and derivational affixes,
stem, root (base), agglutinating language, isolating language, fusional or
inflecting language, loanword, derivation, derivative word, conversion,
compound, clipping, blend, backformation, acronym, homograph,
homophone, homonym
Unit 6
Syntax, the Study of the Structure of
Phrases and Sentences
(1)-(4) are sentences. The terms sentence and clause can be used
synonymously. A sentence or clause is an expression which minimally contains
a subject and a predicate, and which may also contain other types of elements,
viz. complements and adjuncts. For instance, (1) consists of just a subject and a
predicate. The NP the king is the subject, and the Verb Phrase (VP), composed
of a single verb (V) laughed, is the predicate.
A complement is a constituent whose presence is structurally “dictated”
(required or licensed) by a particular word. The presence of the complement
“follows” from the presence of the word which it is a complement of. For
instance, in (2) above the NP my brother is the subject, the V bought is the
predicate, and the NP an expensive car is a complement, more particularly a
What we call Noun Phrase (NP) here has been recently reanalysed in many syntactic works as
Determiner Phrase (DP). However, in this introductory course we shall continue to use the old
term Noun Phrase (NP) instead.
direct object, of the verb bought. An object is a particular kind of complement.
In (3) above the subject is the NP John, the predicate is the V gave, and there
are two complements, the NP Mary, functioning as an indirect object, and the
NP apples functioning as a direct object. In (4) the complement of the V went is
the Adverb Phrase (AdvP) home, consisting of the single adverb (Adv) home.
The subject and the complement(s) together are said to be the arguments
of the predicate. Arguments are the participants (entities) that are necessarily
involved in the situation identified by the predicate. For example, in (2) the
predicate bought has two arguments: the subject (somebody did the buying),
and the object (something was bought). In English, subjects typically occur in
the nominative case (I, he, etc.), whereas objects occur in the accusative case
(me, him, etc.), but observable case-marking is restricted to pronouns. Another
difference between subjects and complements is that, in English, verbs agree
with their subjects in person and number but do not agree with their
complements. Also, subjects in English typically precede verbs, while
complements follow them.
In addition to the subject, verb and complement(s), the sentence or
clause may also contain constituents which are not structurally required by the
verb but add optional information about place, time, manner, purpose, etc. Such
constituents are called adjuncts. Some of these function as adverbials, e.g. the
Prepositional Phrase (PP) on Tuesday in (5) is a time adverbial, the Adverb
Phrase (AdvP) very quickly in (6) is a manner adverbial. Some of the adjuncts
function as attributes within noun phrases, e.g. the Adjective Phrase (AP),
realised by a single Adjective (A) expensive in (5), is an attribute of car.
6.2 Representation
The constituent structure of sentences can be represented in essentially two
ways: by means of labelled tree diagrams, and by means of labelled
bracketings (see Unit 2). Although the two ways of representation are logically
equivalent, we prefer tree diagrams because they help visualise structure better
than bracketings do. Tree diagrams are like uprooted trees, with branches and
nodes. The nodes in a tree diagram are the topmost point, the bottom points,
and all those intermediate points at which the tree branches. The labels are the
abbreviated names of the categories to which the constituents belong. The new
labels in (7) are S, D, Pron, Aux, and DegP; these stand for Sentence,
Determiner, Pronoun, Auxiliary, and Degree Phrase, respectively. Please note
that the complements in (7b), (7c), (7d), viz. an expensive car, Mary, apples,
home, are sisters of the verb, while the adjuncts, viz. on Tuesday and very
quickly in (7e) and (7f), are adjoined to the VP, with which they form a higher
(7)a. S
b. S
The syntactic analyses embodied in the tree diagrams of this book are strictly preliminary and
are likely to be substantially modified in your later studies.
c. S
d. S
Pron V AdvP
He went home.
e. S
f. S
Pron VP AdvP
In the last example, (7f), the auxiliary will stands as a separate constituent
outside the VP, although we may intuitively think the auxiliary should be part
of the VP. One of the reasons why we analyse it as being outside the VP is that
the VP may be deleted independently of the Aux, see e.g. (8).
(7)f ’. S
will go home very quickly.
A node in a tree is said to dominate (i.e. contain) all the nodes below it that are
linked to it by a line. A string of words (which consists of minimally one word)
is a constituent in a tree if there is a node which exclusively dominates it, i.e.
dominates all and only the words in that string. For instance, in (7f) each word
is a separate constituent because each one is exclusively dominated by a node
(he by the node Pron, will by the node Aux, go by the node V, home by the
node Adv, very by the node Deg, and quickly by the node Adv), but the strings
go home and very quickly are also constituents because they are exclusively
dominated by the lower VP and the AdvP, respectively, and the string go home
very quickly is a constituent, too, because it is exclusively dominated by the
higher VP. However, the words home very do not form a constituent in (7f)
because there is no node in this tree which would dominate these two words
and only these two words.
When a node dominates lower nodes without the intervention of
intermediate nodes, we speak about immediate domination. A string of words
is called an immediate constituent (IC) in a tree when there is a node which
immediately dominates all and only the words in that string. Thus, the
immediate constituents of the sentence in (7f) are He, will, and go home very
quickly, because these are the NP, Aux and VP which are immediately
dominated by the sentence. The sentence is “mother” to its immediate
constituents, the immediate constituents are “daughters” to the sentence, and
“sisters” to each other. The immediate constituents (i.e. daughters) of the VP go
home very quickly are the lower VP go home and the AdvP very quickly. The
immediate constituents of the lower VP go home are the V go and the AdvP
home, and those of the AdvP very quickly are the DegP very and the Adv
sentence (S2) functions as a complement clause within the higher sentence
(9) [S1 Peter believes [S2 that you will buy a car]].
(10) [S1 Peter believes [S2 that you will buy a car [S3 when you come back
from America]]].
(11) S1
Peter believes S2
The topmost matrix clause minus the subclause it contains is also known as the
main clause. So in both (9) and (10) the main clause is Peter believes … Let
us now consider two different kinds of subclause in (12a) and (12b).
In (12a) the verb collects carries the inflectional suffix -s, which shows that the
verb is inflected for agreement with its subject (third person singular) and
simultaneously for present tense. We regard tense as an inflection on the first
auxiliary or, if there is no auxiliary, on the verb in the sentence, consequently
we distinguish only two tenses in English: present tense, e.g. collect-s and
collect-0 or will-0, and past tense, e.g. collect-ed, or will-ed = would.3 By
contrast, in (12b) the verb collect does not agree with George and it is tenseless.
The verb in (12b) is uninflected for agreement and tense. A further difference is
that in (12a) the subject of the embedded clause, George, can be replaced by a
pronoun in the nominative case: he, but in (12b) George can only be replaced
by a pronoun in the accusative case: him.
In (13a) the auxiliary will is inflected for tense (it is in the present tense:
will-0, its past tense form would be: would, i.e. will-ed). This is in contrast with
the untensed particle to of the infinitive in (13b). And just like in (12a) and
(12b), the subject of the bracketed clause, George, can be replaced by the
nominative case pronoun he in (13a) and the accusative case pronoun him in
From (12) and (13) we can conclude that sentences or clauses can be
finite and nonfinite. A finite clause has a subject in the nominative case and
contains a verb or an auxiliary inflected for tense / agreement. A non-finite
clause does not have a nominative subject and does not contain a verb or
auxiliary inflected for tense / agreement. The subclauses in (12a) and (13a) are
finite, whereas those in (12b) and (13b) are non-finite.
The subject of an English non-finite subclause can be an invisible
pronoun called PRO (pronounced: ‘big pro’), too, as in (14a) and (14b).
Although traditional school grammars speak about 12 “tenses”, viz. the simple, continuous,
perfect, and perfect continuous “tenses” in present, past, and future, we do not follow this
tradition because it mixes up tense with aspect and modality, and words with phrases.
An antecedent can be defined as a constituent from which another constituent (usually later in
the sentence or in the discourse) derives its interpretation. For instance, the boy is the
antecedent of he in: The boy was eating rapidly because he was very hungry.
set up for the subjects of non-finite clauses: it is not a subject in the nominative
Non-finite verb forms are the bare infinitive and to-infinitive forms (e.g.
(to) write), the -ing form (e.g. writing), and the -en form (e.g. written) of verbs.
(Though the latter two are inflected, they are not inflected for tense and
agreement!) To sum up: the bracketed subclauses in (12b), (13b), (14a) and
(14b) are non-finite, those in (9), (10), (12a) and (13a) are finite. All the main
clauses are finite.
Finally, consider the bracketed subclause in (15), which we saw last
week. This is part of the NP the shoes which we saw last week.
(15) [S1 I’ve bought [NP the shoes [S2 which we saw last week]]].
Here the NP itself is the object (complement) of the matrix verb bought. The
subclause modifies (is an adjunct to) the noun shoes. Since which relates to
(refers back to) shoes, it is called a Relative Pronoun and the subclause which
contains it is called a Relative Clause. More precisely, we can say it is a
Defining (or Restrictive) Relative Clause because it helps identify the referent
of the word shoes, i.e. tells us which particular shoes the speaker is actually
talking about.
(16) Additive: [S [S Her daughter was a teacher] [Conj and] [S her son was
studying arts]].
(17) Adversative: [S [S I asked him] [Conj but] [S he refused]].
(18) Disjunctive: [S [S I can go to my friends] [Conj or] [S my friends can come to
constructs of competence, they are ideal, abstract entities. For instance, Peter
smokes cheap cigars is an English sentence because it has the structure of an
English sentence.
By contrast, an utterance (megnyilatkozás) is typically the physical
realisation of a sentence in a real situation of language use, i.e. in performance.
(Performance is the actual use of competence and it involves individual and
situational factors, see Unit 2.) Since utterances belong to performance, in
spontaneous speech they often contain imperfections, such as hesitations, false
starts, lack of concord, etc., especially if the speaker is tired or excited or
embarrassed. For instance, (19) is an attested utterance made by a Hungarian
artist in a TV interview, and it realises a hybrid of two different but
synonymous Hungarian sentences shown in (20).
“Incorrect” utterances like (19) are often made by native speakers but they do
not seem to matter because, on the basis of their competence, Hungarian
speaker-hearers automatically interpret (19) as either (20a) or (20b). That is
why such mistakes are usually not corrected and often not even noticed.
The utterances we make are not necessarily the realisations of complete
sentences. It may happen that sentences are left unfinished because the speakers
change their minds in the middle of the sentence and begin a new one, or
because they are interrupted by someone, or because they are shot dead before
they have finished, etc. So it may happen that an utterance consists of a
fragment of a sentence or that parts of it belong to different languages. Ellipsis
(= omission) of predictable constituents is quite common.
5. Identify the constituents and immediate constituents in (7b) and (7e).
Describe their relationships using the metaphorical mother-daughter-
6. In (7b), why are brother bought, bought an, expensive car not constituents?
7. Try to reveal the constituent structure of the following sentences and phrases
by drawing trees for them: a. The big dog followed the small boy. b. My
friend ran home. c. The president went to the wedding last Sunday. d.
The reporter realised that the minister had lied.
8. The following expressions are ambiguous. Try to disambiguate them by
means of unlabelled tree diagrams:
a. old men and women b. I met a foreign language teacher on the train.
9. What is the difference between a simple sentence and a complex sentence?
10. Find examples of recursion among the tree diagrams (1)-(10).
11. Identify the function of the bracketed subclause in the following:
a. I don’t know [where the plane crashed]. b. [Where the plane crashed]
is still uncertain. c. Let’s meet [where the plane crashed].
12. How do we define tense and how many tenses do we distinguish in English?
What is the difference between the forms may and might, shall and
should, write and wrote? How do we analyse the string will go?
13. What controls PRO in a. I promised Mary [PRO to buy it]. b. I persuaded
Mary [PRO to buy it]. c. [PRO to buy it now] would be immoral.
14. Identify and comment on the subclause in [the dentist [who(m) you’ve
15. Compare and establish the difference between the subclauses in [the dentist
[who(m) you’ve consulted]] and [my father, [who(m) you’ve consulted]].
Note that only in the latter do we have a comma before the relative
16. Draw simplified trees on the basis of the bracketings for the compound
sentences (16)-(18).
17. If you are a native speaker of Hungarian, comment on what the following
utterances show:
a. *? Pedig tudom, hogy az egyik legnagyobb emberek egyike.
b. *? Elviszem ezt a könyveket a Péternek.
c. *? Azokba a…hm…ódon falak között azér mosis…most is hűvös lehet.
d.*? Mi lenne a …ööö… mivel tudnának kiegyezni?
e. *? Az ördög megint a részletekben zajlik.
18. Comment on this utterance: *? It’s uh … it’s hu not … I mean … actually
well I have just sort of … er … sort of thought of going to … bed.
19. In which of the following utterances does ellipsis depend on the linguistic
context? a. Anybody need a lift? b. No, tomorrow. c. Looking for me,
Terry? d. Sorry. e. In Bristol. f. Yes, I have.
20. Make sure you know the following terms: phrase, head, sentence (clause),
subject, object, adverbial, predicate, complement, argument, nominative
case, accusative case, genitive case, adjunct, node, domination,
constituent, immediate constituent, simple sentence, recursion, complex
sentence, matrix clause, embedded clause (subordinate clause), main
clause, tense, finite clause, non-finite clause, PRO, antecedent,
compound sentence, utterance, ellipsis; noun, pronoun, verb, auxiliary,
adverb, adjective, numeral, article, determiner, preposition, interjection,
conjunction; parts of speech; masculine gender, feminine gender, neuter
gender; singular number, plural number, declarative, interrogative,
imperative, exclamatory; relative clause, adverbial clause.
Unit 7
Semantics, the Study of Meaning
There are other kinds of meaning, too. For instance, we can say (2), which is
different from (1) in terms of stylistic meaning, although cognitively identical
with it. Or, we can say (3a) and (3b), which, being a question and an
imperative, respectively, cannot be treated as being either true or false, but they
can be claimed to have a questioning and a commanding speech act meaning,
respectively. Or, we can say (4), where, in addition to the cognitive meaning
that the sentence has, we have considerable emotive (affective) meaning, too
(expressed not only by the word wow but also by its special intonation).
(2) The damsel made her way to the garden. (formal, archaic style)
(3)a. Did the girl go to the garden? (question)
b. Let the girl go to the garden. (command)
(4) Wow! The girl went to the garden! (emotional)
The term semantics comes from Greek sēmantikos, which means ‘meaningful, significant’.
By a somewhat arbitrary decision, we claim that semantics is concerned with
cognitive meaning, while the other kinds of meaning are the concern of
pragmatics (see Unit 7). In the present unit we shall only deal with cognitive
features of the verb die are: ‘animate being’ ‘becomes’ ‘not alive’.2 Or, the
semantic features of the noun man are: ‘male’, ‘adult’, ‘human’. The semantic
features need not be scientifically correct. Consider, for example, the lexeme
whale, whose popular conceptualisation does not necessarily contain the feature
‘mammal’ (many speakers are not aware of this), although the feature
‘mammal’ is undoubtedly part of the scientific definition of what a whale is.
The conceptual theory also has its problems. The most obvious one is
that a large number of lexemes are not associated with concepts at all. Again we
can think of many function words that are meaningful because they affect the
meaning of sentences (e.g. if, very, why, and, etc.) but are not definable in terms
of concepts or essential features of concepts. And proper names like George
Bush or The Louvre also contribute to the meaning of sentences, but they are
not associated with concepts.
From this it follows that we cannot propose a definition of word
meaning suitable for all words, without taking sentence meaning into
consideration. Since word meaning cannot be given an independent
characterisation, our original assumption, viz. that word meaning is primary,
has to be replaced by the view that sentence meaning is primary. If we give
sentence meaning an independent characterisation, then the meaning of any
word can be defined as the contribution it systematically makes to the meaning
of the sentences in which it occurs. This will cover not only the meaning of
content words but the meaning of function words and the meaning of proper
names, too. It is important to emphasise that we do not deny word meaning, we
only identify it with the contribution the word makes to the meaning of the
sentence. We shall return to the question of word meaning after we have
discussed sentence meaning.
A sentence such as The engine died. is metaphorical: we treat the engine as if it was a living
being, which can die, i.e. ‘stop operating’.
This sentence is true if and only if an individual that has the features which we
attribute to boys (i.e. ‘human’, ‘male’, ‘non-adult’) perceived through his eyes
another individual that has the features we attribute to mice, (i.e. ‘small’
’rodent’). This set of conditions, which minimally guarantees that (5) is true, is
the meaning of (5).
If, however, we replace the verb saw by the verb killed, as in (6), the
sentence will have a different set of truth conditions, i.e. a different meaning: a
boy (’human’, ‘male’,‘non-adult’) caused another individual, having the
features that we attribute to mice (i.e. ‘small’, ‘rodent’), to die.
Both (5) and (6) refer to different states of affairs, which can be true or false.
extended on the basis of some similarity, cf. leg (of a man) vs. leg (of a table).
It often happens that the metaphorical connection that once used to exist
between such lexemes fades or is lost altogether and so what started out as a set
of polysemous items becomes a set of homonymous items, cf. e.g. horn1 (‘the
hard pointed part that grows on the head of cattle’) vs. horn2 (‘kind of musical
instrument played by blowing’) vs. horn3 (‘apparatus in a car which makes a
loud warning sound’). Originally, a horn2 was made of a horn1, and a horn3 was
a kind of horn2, but many native speakers are no longer aware of this
connection. The presence of an ambiguous lexeme in a sentence makes the
sentence ambiguous, too. This is shown in (8a) and (8b).
(8)a. We waited by the bank. (‘by the building of the financial institution’).
b. We waited by the bank. (‘by the riverside’).
general, lexeme and the more specific lexemes that are cognitively subordinated
to it. For instance, tulip, rose, daisy, carnation, lily, daffodil, etc. are all
hyponyms in relation to flower (and co-hyponyms in relation to one another),
because the sets of semantic features that they all have include the feature
There are semantic features which are present in the sense of a number
of lexemes, e.g. ‘female’ or [–male] is present in the nouns, proper names,
verbs and adjectives enumerated in (10).
The noun phrase in (11a) and the sentence in (11b) are semantically anomalous
because they attempt to reconcile incompatible semantic properties:
If, in a sentence, we replace a hyponym lexeme with its superordinate lexeme, the
original, first sentence is said to entail the new one. One sentence entails another
sentence if the truth of the first guarantees the truth of the second, and the falsity
of the second guarantees the falsity of the first. For instance, (12a) entails (12b).
(Check this for yourself: if (12a) is true, is (12b) true, too? If (12b) is false, is
(12a) false, too? If the answer to both questions is ‘yes’, then (12a) entails (12b).)
(13)a. Mr. Brown kicked the man. ≠
b. Mr. Brown kicked the dog.
(17)a. The sheriff killed the man with the gun. (‘The sheriff fired the gun at
the man’)
b. The sheriff killed the man with the gun. (‘The sheriff fired at the man
who had the gun.’)
Furthermore, ambiguity may also result from the different functions a particular
constituent can perform, see (18a) and (18b).
(18)a. [subject The lamb] is ready to eat. (‘The lamb will eat.’)
b. [object The lamb] is ready to eat. (‘Somebody will eat the lamb.’)
B. bull, stallion, drake, ram, rooster.
3. Synonymous lexemes may differ in their non-cognitive (e.g. stylistic)
meaning, cf. toilet and loo, or shinbone and tibia. Comment and give at
least two similar examples.
4. Look up the meaning of the lexeme bottleneck and comment on it.
5. What is the difference between homonyms, homophones and homographs?
Illustrate them. (You may consider Exercise 4 in Unit 5.)
6. Comment on the Hungarian lexeme toll (‘pen’).
7. Identify the following opposites: good – bad, expensive – cheap, false – true,
parent – offspring, beautiful – ugly, lessor – lessee, pass – fail, hot –
cold, legal – illegal, poor – rich, fast – slow, asleep – awake, husband –
wife, before – after
8. What are suffix and prefix the hyponyms of?
9. Comment on the proposition relation between Yesterday it rained. and It
rained yesterday.
10. The following sentence is both structurally and lexically ambiguous: I saw
him walking by the bank. Paraphrase all its meanings.
11. Turn the labelled tree diagrams in (17a) and (17b) into labelled bracketings.
12. What relation is there between the A sentences and the B sentences:
i) A. The police wounded the burglar. B. The burglar is injured.
ii) A. The house is red. B. The house is not white.
13. Describe the oddness of the following sentences, using semantic features:
The television drank my water. !Colourless green ideas sleep furiously.
(N. Chomsky)
14. Make sure you know the following terms: cognitive meaning, proposition(al
meaning), stylistic meaning, speech act meaning, emotive meaning
(affective meaning), referential theory of word meaning, conceptual
theory of word meaning, semantic features, componential analysis,
truth conditions, sense relations, synonymy, ambiguity, homonymy,
polysemy, oppositeness, complementary opposites, gradable opposites,
relational opposites, hyponymy, incompatibility, entailment, paraphrase
Unit 8
Pragmatics, the Study of Language Use
in Particular Situations
8.1 Pragmatics
Pragmatics is the study of various aspects of language use; it deals with the
ways in which language-users use and interpret words and utterances in
particular situations. By words and utterances we mean lexemes and sentences
used in particular situations, and by situations we mean linguistic and physical
Pragmatics is not easy to separate from semantics and it is to some
extent an arbitrary decision where we draw the line between them. The central
concerns of the two, however, stand out fairly clearly. While semantics
primarily examines the cognitive meaning of lexemes and sentences,
pragmatics primarily examines what the speaker means by the lexemes (words)
and sentences (utterances) used in particular situations; i.e. it is a study of
intended “speaker meaning”.
We shall deal with the following aspects of language use: (a) the role of
context and presuppositions, (b) language functions and speech acts, (c)
conversational implicatures.
(1)a. The right bank of the River Danube in Budapest is nice and hilly.
b. The bank has announced an increase in interest rates.
In a broader sense, the linguistic context comprises the other utterances around
the ambiguous utterance within a discourse. By discourse we mean the
physical product of language use in a particular situation; it consists of all the
utterances made in the same situation. For example, although the sentence The
sheriff killed the man with the gun. is ambiguous in itself (see 7.5), it gets
disambiguated when uttered in different discourses, see (2a) and (2b).
(2)a. There were two people waiting for him round the corner: a man with a gun
and a woman with a knife. The sheriff killed the man with the gun.
b. John gave the sheriff the gun the man had dropped. The sheriff killed the
man with the gun.
(3) I’ll have to do that next week because they’re not here now.
It can happen that a positive sentence and its negative counterpart both
presuppose that a particular state of affairs (proposition) is true and known not
only by the speaker but also by the hearer. This proposition is called a
presupposition. A presupposition is a proposition that follows from both a
positive sentence and its negative counterpart, and which both the speaker and
the hearer assume to be true. For example, the presupposition of (4a) and (4b) is
One way of dealing with language use is in terms of language functions. It is
customary to distinguish six types of language function.
• The cognitive function (= propositional or descriptive function):
this is the communication of a state of affairs, e.g. Today is Monday. or The
table is in the middle of the room.
• The expressive function (= affective function): this is the
expression of the speaker’s attitudes, feelings, emotions, e.g. Damn! or Shit! or
• The directive function. this is influencing the hearer’s behaviour or
attitude, e.g. Come here! or Could you lend me two thousand dollars until
• The phatic function: this is establishing and maintaining contact
with the hearer, e.g. Hi there., Nice to see you. or Can you follow me?
• The metalinguistic function: talking about language in order to
clarify certain aspects of it, sometimes to ensure that communication can take
place undisturbed, e.g. The word “violin” is of Italian origin.
• The poetic function (= aesthetic function): this is the use of
language primarily for its own sake, i.e. for the pleasure it gives speaker and
hearer through its sound and rhythm, rather than for performing any of the other
functions, e.g. Pat a cake, pat a cake, baker’s man.
A more recent classification of various types of language use has been
provided by speech act theory, first propagated by the language philosophers
Austin and Searle. The central notion in this theory is illocutionary act, which
is the act the speaker performs in and while saying an utterance.1 An
illocutionary act realises the speaker’s communicative intention, which can be
of hundreds of different kinds, e.g. asserting, stating, reporting, complaining,
promising, inquiring, warning, suggesting, ordering, requesting, thanking,
greeting, etc. Illocutionary acts can be made fully explicit if we use
performative verbs. A performative verb is so called because it explicitly
performs an illocutionary act; i.e. it explicitly expresses the speaker’s
communicative intention, and as such it stands in the first person singular and
can be prefixed by the adverb hereby. In some situations the use of the
performative verb is obligatory. Consider the underlined verbs in (6), (7) and
(8), where the verbs name, declare and Hungarian üdvözölni (‘to greet’), all in
first person singular, present tense, indicative, carry out the very acts of
naming, declaring and greeting.
The word illocution derives from “in+locution”, i.e. ‘in speaking’.
(7) I declare the meeting open.
(8) Üdvözlöm.
Of course, the performative verb need not be there in most cases, because the
speaker’s communicative intention can be obvious in the situation without
making it explicit. Consider the sentences in (9), (10) and (11), in which the use
of the performative verb is not obligatory. The verbs underlined in the (a)
sentences are performative verbs and they explicitly carry out the illocutionary
acts of asserting, suggesting and promising. But instead of the (a) sentences we
may actually utter the (b) sentences; with these we can perform the same
illocutionary acts as with their (a) counterparts.
e. I want you to leave.
f. Why don’t you leave?
g. When are you leaving?
h. It’s time you left.
i. Please, leave.
Out of these (12i), Please, leave., can be called a direct speech act because it is
realised by the most obvious linguistic means, the imperative. The others are
indirect speech acts because they use syntactic structures that are more usually
associated with other acts.
• Thirdly, the interpretation of the function or illocutionary act
represented by an utterance requires knowledge of the situation (physical and
linguistic context) in which the utterance is made. Consider, for example, the
sentence Can you play the piano? This counts as an ordinary question if you
say it to someone in a room where there is no piano and the conversation is
about who can play what musical instrument. But it will count as a request to
play if it is said to someone who is known to be a good pianist, in a room where
there is a piano, cf. Unit 2. In other words, we simply cannot say what the
function or illocution of a sentence is if we take it in isolation from the context
or situation in which it is uttered.
(14) Speaker A: Have you cleaned your room and done the shopping?
Speaker B: I have cleaned my room.
On the basis of maxim (13a), we may rightfully assume that the implicature is: I
have not done the shopping, i.e. this is how we can interpret Speaker B’s
utterance in the given context. This interpretation, however, is not necessarily
correct and can be cancelled, as is shown in (15).
(15) Speaker A: Have you cleaned your room and done the shopping?
Speaker B: I have cleaned my room.
Speaker A: So you haven’t done the shopping.
Speaker B: Oh, yes, I’ve done the shopping, too.
In the given situation the first utterance, by Speaker A, can only be understood
as a request towards Speaker B to go and answer the door. However, Speaker B
is in the bath, and his response, on the basis of maxim (13b), can only be
interpreted as I can’t go, so please go yourself.
1. What are the deictic expressions in the following statement? I am busy now,
so you can’t do that here.
2. What is one obvious presupposition of a speaker who says:
a. Your watch is broken. b. The King of France is bald. c. John regrets
that he broke your window. d. The pregnant teacher went on holiday.
3. In what functions can you use the sentence It is cold this morning.?
4. What illocutionary acts can you perform in saying the sentence in 3?
5. Comment on the function of the Hungarian nursery rhyme: Egyedem,
begyedem, tengertánc.
6. Which utterance does not contain a performative verb?
a. I deny your charge. b. I bequeath you my gold watch. c. I sentence you
to three years in prison. d. I know you. e. I resign f. I apologise.
7. Why can we not interpret the following utterances as promises?
a. I’ve brought you a box of chocolates. b. I’ll kill you.
8. Mention two of Grice’s maxims.
9. Discuss possible interpretations of
a. You’ve left the door open. b. I can hear someone laughing. (uttered by
an invigilating teacher in an exam room where students are supposed to be
working silently). c. My mouth is parched. (said to a barman) d. My
mouth is parched. (said to a doctor).
10. Explain the abnormality of the following exchange:
Speaker A: Excuse me, I’m looking for the English Department.
Speaker B: That’s very nice of you, go ahead.
11. Make sure you know the following terms: linguistic context, physical context,
discourse, deixis, deictic expressions, presupposition, language functions,
cognitive function (propositional function, descriptive function),
expressive function (affective function), directive function, phatic
function, metalinguistic function, poetic function (aesthetic function),
illocutionary act, performative verb, direct speech act, indirect speech act,
conversational implicatures.
Unit 9
Language Variation
9.2 User-related variation: dialect, sociolect, pidgin,
creole, child language, gender differences
The most obvious user-related language varieties involve the user’s
geographical and social position.
• That variety of a language which is used in a certain geographical
area is called regional dialect or just dialect, for short. Dialects may differ in
vocabulary, pronunciation and even morphology and syntax. The boundaries
between dialects are not as clearcut as political boundaries or topographical
features. They can be established by collecting linguistic features characteristic
of the area. The line marking the limit of the distribution of a linguistic feature
on a map is called an isogloss. For instance, in a particular area within the state
of Pennsylvania (USA), the local word for ’drought’ is drooth. The line drawn
around this area on the map is an isogloss. Other language features observed in
this area may have slightly different geographical distributions, so the
isoglosses based on these other features will not necessarily perfectly coincide
with the isogloss for drooth but there will be considerable overlap between
them. A dialect is a more or less congruent bundle of isoglosses.
• It often happens that one of the regional varieties gains social-
political priority over the others and becomes the standard variety (or prestige
variety), which is used for education, scholarship and state administration all
over the country. The standard variety is no longer restricted to the geographical
area where it was originally used but is associated with people who are
educated, who are at the top of the socio-cultural scale, no matter where they
live. The standard is no longer a regional dialect, it is rather a social dialect, or
sociolect. A sociolect is a variety of language used by people in the same socio-
cultural position.
It is important to emphasise that the standard variety has a higher social
prestige, but is not linguistically better than the other varieties. For instance,
Standard English was originally a regional dialect used in the South-East of
England and its emergence as the standard was accidental from a linguistic
point of view. The fact that it was this particular variety rather than a northern
variety that became the standard is due to historical, political, cultural,
economic reasons (think of the significance, in this respect, of the capital city
and the great universities in the region). Standard English has two major
national subvarieties, Standard British and Standard American, neither of which
is linguistically superior to the other. The two display remarkable uniformity,
the greatest difference between them is probably in pronunciation. The ideal
type of pronunciation of Standard British English is called Received
Pronunciation, or RP (so called because by the 19th century this had become
the only socially acceptable pronunciation in polite society in England, notably
the pronunciation of those people who were received at court). The
pronunciation associated with Standard American English is called General
American, or GA.1
Standard British English, with its RP, is the language of the educated
people at the top of the socio-cultural scale in Britain. The lower you go along
this scale, the more you find that people mix the standard with dialectal
(regional, local) features on the one hand, and with sociolectal (non-regional)
features that generally characterise the language of less educated people on the
other hand. Those near the bottom of the socio-cultural scale nearly always use
non-standard varieties, which may coincide with regional dialects but may
also cut across dialect boundaries. Here are a few examples: He want it., I
wants it., That was the man has done it., He don’t know nothing., I ain’t got no
car., etc. (The last two examples illustrate double or multiple negation, a non-
standard sociolectal feature used by uneducated English speakers in very
different geographical areas.) One must not think, however, that examples of
this sort are incorrect. They simply belong to other codes than the standard.
They are perfectly well-formed within the varieties to which they belong and
obey the rules of those varieties. (This is why the derogatory label substandard
is unjustified and should be avoided. We recommend the use of non-standard,
• A third type of user-related language variation is pidgin. A pidgin is
usually the simplified version of a European language, containing features of
one or more local languages, used for occasional communication between
people with no common language, in West Africa or in the Far East. For
example, Melanesian Pidgin English (called Tok Pisin) is used in Australian
New Guinea and the nearby islands. While a pidgin is not a native language, it
can become the native language of a community (e.g. through intermarriage
between people who have been brought together on a plantation from different
linguistic backgrounds, and who have the pidgin as the only common language
they can use for communication with one another). When a pidgin becomes the
native language of a community, it is called a creole. For instance, in Jamaica,
in addition to Standard English, there exist several kinds of Creole English.
Finally, one could add to the list of user-related varieties the linguistic
features that are attributable to the age and sex of the language user. Apart from
the features of child language, however, such features are not sufficiently
systematic to form clearly identifiable varieties. For instance, although one can
Since the way in which a language is pronounced is called accent, RP and GA are also
accents. Needless to say, there are dialectal and foreign accents as well, so one can speak
English with a Yorkshire accent, or with a German accent, or with an RP accent, etc.
spot a few features that tend to occur more often in the language of female
speakers than in the language of male speakers (and vice versa), it would be
unjustified to separate feminine and masculine varieties of English.
Formal style is usually impersonal and polite, used in public speeches, serious
polite talk, serious writing (official reports, regulations, legal and scientific
texts, business letters, etc.). A very formal style can be called rigid, it is nearly
always written and standard. Informal (= colloquial) style characterises private
conversations, personal letters between intimates and popular newspapers. A
very informal style can be called familiar, this may involve the use of non-
standard features, four-letter words, and slang expressions. Slang can be
defined as very informal language, with a vocabulary composed typically of
coinages and arbitrarily changed words, such as the ones often created by
young speakers. Some slang expressions are associated with particular groups
of people, so we can distinguish e.g. army slang, school slang, etc., to this
extent slang is partly user-related. After a time, some slang expressions die out
or become old-fashioned, e.g. to take a shufti at something (’to take a look at
something’), but some may pass into ordinary colloquialism (i.e. informal
standard), e.g. to slag someone off (‘to criticise someone’) is a British slang
expression half-way towards becoming a standard vocabulary item.
When we use language, we must use sentences that are not only
grammatical and meaningful but also stylistically appropriate, i.e. matching
the stylistic requirements of the situation. For instance, the sentence Be seated.
is perfectly grammatical and meaningful, but would be ridiculously
inappropriate if we said it to a friend of ours in our home (unless we wanted to
sound humorous).
• The third type of use-related language variation is register, which is
conditioned by the subject matter in connection with which the language is
being used. Each field of interest, activity, occupation is associated with a
special vocabulary, and it is mainly these vocabulary differences that underlie
the different registers. Thus we can talk about the registers of sports, religion,
medicine, computer engineering, cookery, weather forecasts, etc. Think, for
example, of the word shotputting, which is hardly ever used outside the sports
register, or the word blackboard, which is only used in the register of school
teaching. When the register of a field is full of technical terms which those who
have received no training in that field cannot understand, it is referred to as
jargon (think e.g. of the jargon of computer engineers or the jargon of
linguists). Criminals’ jargon can be called argot or cant. Since the most
frequent and most favourite topics of one’s speech or writing are related to
one’s occupation, registers are partly user-related, too.
The total of all the varieties of a language that a person knows is the person’s
idiolect. An idiolect, then, is the amount of a language that an individual
possesses. The ability to change from one variant to another is code switching.
For instance, a doctor switches codes when he speaks of a bone as tibia to his
colleagues in the hospital and as shinbone to his family at home.
It can happen that two distinct varieties of a language co-occur in a
speech community, one with a high social prestige (such as e.g. Standard
English, learnt at school, used in church, on radio programmes, in serious
literature, and generally on formal occasions), and one with a low social
prestige (e.g. a local dialect, used in family conversations and other informal
situations). The sociolinguistic term for this situation is diglossia, and an
individual having diglossia is a diglossic. (These terms are not to be confused
with bilingualism and bilingual, which mean ‘knowledge of two languages’
and ‘person knowing two languages’, respectively.)
1. Are the boundaries between regional dialects as clear and sharp as political
boundaries? What is an isogloss? How can you define a dialect in terms
of isoglosses?
2. Discuss the standard variety. How does it emerge? Is it more correct than the
other (non-standard) varieties? Is it more beautiful? Is it purer? Is it
more versatile and flexible than the other varieties? Why?
3. The form ain't is extremely common in non-standard varieties. Find out how
it is used, on the basis of the following data: It ain’t coming. We ain’t
going. It ain’t there. I ain’t done it. He ain’t got one. BUT: I haven’t a
clue. and not *I ain’t a clue. What does this show?
4. In American Black English Where ya been lately? replaces the standard
Where’ve you been lately? but *Where’ve been lately?, *Where been
lately? and *Where ya lately? are impossible. What does this show? Are
there no rules in non-standard varieties?
5. Find differences between British and American English lexis, phonology,
morphology, syntax, and orthography.
6. Why do we teach British English in most schools in Hungary?
7. Explain RP, GA, and the term accent. Does the Queen speak with an accent?
8. In Tok Pisin, the phrase ka bilong yu means ‘your car’. What do you think ka
bilong mi means?
9. Try to find differences between male speech and female speech in English or
in your native language.
10. Identify the styles of these:
(i) a. Peter went home early because he felt tired. b. Feeling tired, Peter
went home early. c. Pete felt tired, so he went home early.
(ii) a. When his dad died, Eddie had to get another job. b. On the decease
of his father, Mr Grey was obliged to seek alternative employment.
c. After his father’s death, Edward had to change his job.
11. On the basis of the data in Exercise 10, try to identify some characteristic
features of informal and formal style in English.
12. What is “wrong” with Hello, old chap!, said to the dean by a student?
13. Identify the varieties in each of the following:
a. To be taken three times a day, after meals. b. Dear Sir,… c. Three
Die in Hotel Blaze d. Ladies and Gentlemen! e. He don't know nothing.
f. Aphasia results from cortical lesion. g. No daddy come. h. The price
of gas is terrible, isn’t it Eddie? i. Be seated. j. They chucked a stone at
the cops, and then did a bunk with the loot.
14. Scientific reports, legal documents, printed essays in English do not usually
contain contracted forms (e.g. I’ll, you’re, isn’t, etc.). Why not?
15. Make sure you know the following terms: dialect (regional dialect),
socioloect (social dialect), standard variety, Standard English, Received
Pronunciation (RP), General American (GA), non-standard varieties,
double or multiple negation, pidgin, creole, medium-conditioned
varieties, style, neutral style, formal and rigid styles, informal and
familiar styles, slang, stylistic appropriateness, register, jargon, argot
(cant), idiolect, code switching, diglossia, bilingualism.
Unit 10
Language Change
‘And then someone told him that they were from England and that the
people of that country were so comely.’
The OE example differs from its ModE counterpart in many respects. For
instance, it contains a short [a] and a long [ā], as well as diphthongs that later
disappeared, e.g. [ēo]. Words like Dēod (‘country’) and wlitig (‘comely,
handsome, beautiful’) have disappeared from use. The word hī means ‘they’.
There are considerable syntactic differences, too: for example in the first clause
the verb precedes the indirect object and the indirect object precedes the
The main OE dialects were Northumbrian, Mercian, West Saxon and Kentish.
The letter þ (called ‘thorn’) and the letter D (called ‘barred d’) were both pronounced as the /D/
in intervocalic position and as /T/ elsewhere.
subject. Morphology is also quite different. The suffix -on in wæ#ron indicates
that the verb is in the past tense and plural. In OE there was an elaborate
inflection system for both verbs and nominal phrases.
In 1066, with the Norman Conquest, a new era began, which is referred
to as Middle English. In this period the English language changed more
radically than in any other period of its history. Vast numbers of French words
entered English and by the end of the period English had lost most of its
inflections, and the quality of many of its original sounds had changed
considerably. From the main dialects of ME3 eventually a Mid-South-Eastern
dialect (around London) emerged as the dominant one and this provided the
basis for what later became Standard English. The following extract, (2), is not
too difficult to understand for present-day readers. It is from Chaucer’s The
Parson’s Tale (end of the 14th c.). Chaucer wrote in the London dialect.
(2) Of the roote of contricion spryngeth a stalke that bereth braunches and
of the root of contrition springs a stalk that bears branches and
’From the root of contrition springs a stalk, leaves of confession and fruits of
The main dialects of ME were Northern, West-Midland, East-Midland, Southern and Kentish.
10.2 Examples of changes
An examination of the changes that have occurred in English during the past
1500 years shows that they have affected all parts of the language. We will
illustrate this claim with a few examples.
• Let us start with some phonological changes. These are sound
changes that directly affect a language’s phonological system. For instance, the
sound [N] was originally an allophone of /n/, which appeared before /k, g/ in
English, just as it does in Hungarian words like munka and inga today. During
Middle English, /g/ was lost in word-final position after a nasal consonant,
leaving [N] as the final consonant in words like sing. The loss of the final /g/ in
words created minimal pairs such as sin and sing, i.e. the phoneme /n/ split into
two phonemes: /n/ and /N/.
Sound change was also a common type of phonological change. By the
end of the 14th century the old /A˘/ sound was replaced by /ç˘/, and words such
as e.g. stān, bān and gāst became stōne (‘stone’), bōne (‘bone’) and gōst
(‘ghost’), respectively.
A major phonological change in the history of English took place
approximately between 1400 and 1600. It is known as the Great Vowel Shift.
The seven long vowels of Middle English underwent the following change. The
highest vowels, /i˘/ and /u˘/, became the diphthongs /aI/ and /aU/, respectively.
In addition to this, each of these vowels was replaced by the next higher vowel.
All this is schematically shown in (4), with some examples in (5).
i: u:
aI aU
e: o:
E: ç:
ME GVS Later ModE
/ti˘d/ /i˘/ → /aI/ /taId/
/hu˘s/ /u˘/ → /aU/ /haUs/
/ge˘s/ /e˘/ → /i˘/ /gi˘s/
/brE˘k´n/ /E˘/→ /e˘/ → /eI/ /breIk/
/go˘s/ /o˘/ → /u˘/ /gu˘s/
/brç˘k´n/ /ç˘/→ /o˘/ → /´U/ /br´Uk´n/
/na˘me/ /a˘/ → /E˘/ → /eI/ /neIm/
This elaborate system of declension had disappeared by the end of the Middle
English period and with the overwhelming majority of nouns it was only the
non-genitive singular form and the form with the suffix -s (standing for non-
genitive plural, genitive singular and genitive plural) that remained
• As for syntactic changes, there are statistics which show that in
1200 the direct object (O) was put before the verb (V) in 53 % of all cases and
after the verb in 47 %. By about 1500 this had changed completely: the direct
object was put before the verb in only 2 % of the cases and after the verb in 98
%. The verb-object word order had become dominant.
1200 1500
OV 53 % 2%
VO 47 % 98 %
While in Old and Middle English the inversion involved in the formation of
questions could apply to all verbs, in the Modern English period the inversion
rule was gradually changed to apply solely to auxiliary verbs. In the King
James Version of the Bible (1611) we still find both main verbs and auxiliary
verbs inverted with the subject, as shown in (8). Later this possibility ceased to
exist for main verbs and do-insertion became the established way of asking
questions when no auxiliary was present.
Today, if you examine the 5000 most frequent words in English, you will find
that 40 % of them are of English (Germanic) origin, 39 % of French origin, 12
% of Latin origin and 9 % of other. But if you concentrate on the first 1000
most frequent words, you will find that the ratio of words of English origin is
considerably higher:
most frequent source language
words in English E Fr Lat Other
5000 40% 39% 12% 9%
1000 83% 11% 2% 4%
Words have often changed their meaning, too. These changes involve the
following processes: semantic broadening (the meaning of a word becomes
more general than its earlier meaning), semantic narrowing (the meaning of a
word becomes less general than its earlier meaning), and semantic shift (the
word loses its earlier meaning and acquires a new one). These processes are
illustrated in (11).
Process Word Old meaning New meaning
Semantic BIRD ’small, ’any winged
Broadening domesticated creature’
winged creature’
DOG ’a hunting canine’ ’any canine’
Exercises, problems, and other tasks
1. Which historical dates mark the beginning and the end of the Old English
and Middle English period?
2. Analyse the word order in the following line (from an 8th c. translation of the
Venerable Bede’s Latin history of England): And Seaxan þā sige
geslōgan (and Saxons the victory won) = ‘And Saxons won the victory.’
3. What were the main linguistic tendencies in the period of Middle English?
4. Give an outline of what happened in the course of The Great Vowel Shift.
5. Questions like What think ye? were possible until the end of the Early
Modern English period. What do these show?
6. What words of French origin are used to refer to the meat of these animals:
pig, cow, calf, sheep.
7. Try to identify the source of the following lexical borrowings into English:
comrade, motto, poodle, tornado, czar, smuggle, gin, toboggan, bagel,
kindergarten, balcony, banana, coach, wigwam, mosquito, casino,
sauerkraut. Use a dictionary that contains etymological information
(e.g. The Concise Oxford Dictionary or Webster’s Ninth New
Collegiate Dictionary).
8. The words aunt and mete (meat) used to mean ‘father’s sister’ and ‘food’,
respectively. What kinds of semantic changes do they exemplify?
9. Make sure you know the following terms: Old English, Middle English,
Modern English, semantic broadening, semantic narrowing, semantic shift.
Appendix A: IPA symbols for the phonemes
of Standard British English (RP)
Consonants Vowels
/p/ pen /Q/ bad
/b/ back /A˘/ calm
/t/ tea /e/ bed
/d/ day /I/ ship
/k/ key /i˘/ sheep
/g/ get /Å/ pot
/m/ mouse /ç˘/ caught
/n/ nice /U/ put
/N/ sing /u˘/ boot
/l/ led /√/ cut
/r/ red /Œ˘/ bird
/f/ fat /´/ ago
/v/ view /eI/ make
/T/ thing /aI/ bite
/D/ then /çI/ boy
/s/ sun /AU/ = /aU/ now
/z/ zero /´U/ = /oU/ note
/S/ ship /I´/ here
/Z/ rouge /E´/ = /e´/ there
/h/ hot /U´/ poor
/tS/ chair
/dZ/ jump
/w/ wet
/j/ yes
Appendix B: The Indo-European family of languages
Sanskrit Hindi
INDO- Punjabi Polish
IRANIAN Urdu Slovak
Old Persian Persian Sorbian
SLAVIC Macedonian
Lithuanian Ukrainan
INDO- Armenian
PEAN Albanian
Italian Icelandic
French Swedish
Spanish Danish
ITALIC Latin Portuguese
CELTIC Scots Gaelic