HACCP History and Overview 2014

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Hazard Analysis and Critical
Control Points

History and Overview

Dennis Burson
Extension Meat Specialist
University of Nebraska, Lincoln

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Food – Borne Disease

 48 Million Cases Annually
 1 out of every 6 Americans
 128,000 Hospitalizations
 3,000 Fatalities
 Costs?
 $1 Billion to $10 Billion Annually

University of Nebraska–Lincoln


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Why Protect the Customer or

Customer goodwill
It’s the law
Moral Responsibility
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“Hazard Analysis
Critical Control
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 “Science based, common sense prevention approach to
food safety”
 “Application from field to table”
 “A preventive system for assuring safe food
 “A systematic approach to be used in food production
as a means to assure food safety”

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H: Hazard C: Critical
and C: Control
A: Analysis
P: Points

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 Biological
 Bacteria, viruses, yeast, and molds
 Chemical
 Pesticides, antibiotics, food allergens
 Physical
 Metal, bone, or glass

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 Design controls to make the product as safe as
 Be able to prove that product was processed as safe
as possible
 Verify that both of the above happens

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History of HACCP
 1959 - Pillsbury
 Natick Laboratories of US Armed Forces
 U.S. Air Force Space Lab Project Group

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History of HACCP
 Safe Food for Astronauts
 Prevent Illness that might cause Aborted Mission
 Crumbs
 Wanted Close to 100% Assurance that Food was
not Contaminated

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History of HACCP
 1971 National Conference on Food Protection,
Three principles
 Identify hazards
 Determine CCP’s
 Monitor CCP’s
 During 1970’s FDA’s Canned food regulations
were based on HACCP, but did not mention
HACCP in the regulations

University of Nebraska–Lincoln

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History of HACCP
 1985- National Academy of Sciences
 Recommended that HACCP be adopted by all
regulatory agencies and be mandatory for food
 1989 NACMCF (National Advisory Committee on
Microbiological Criteria for Foods)
 Standardized HACCP Principles

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History of HACCP
 1992 NACMCF
 Revised the document that included modifications
to the seven principles of HACCP (Principles 1
and 3)
 1997 NACMCF
 Changed order of principles 6 and 7.
 Made definitions more consice
 Better agreement with CODEX

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History of HACCP
 CODEX Alimentarius Commision
 1969 Adopted Food Hygiene Document
 1997 Revision
 2003 Publication of Revision 4 of HACCP system
and Guidelines for it’s application.

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 1995 Seafood Regulations
 1996 Meat and Poultry HACCP regulations
 2001 Juice HACCP Regulations
 2009 FSMA (Preventative Controls)

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HACCP Regulations
 1995 FDA Seafood HACCP, 21 CFR 123
 1996 USDA Meat and Poultry HACCP, 9 CFR
417(1998, 1999, 2000 implementation dates)
 2001 FDA Juice HACCP, 21 CFR 120
 USDA Egg and egg products HACCP
 2009 FSMA (Preventative Controls)

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HACCP Regulations
 2009 Food Safety Modernization Act
 FDA regulations
 Proposed Rule under FSMA for Preventive
Controls for Human Food: Current Good
Manufacturing Practice and Hazard Analysis
and Risk-Based Preventive Controls for
Human Food (HAPC)
 Proposed Rule under FSMA for Produce:
Standards for the Growing, Harvesting,
Packing, and Holding of Produce for Human

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HACCP Certification and Audits

 Global Food Safety Initiative

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Standard Principles of HACCP

NACMCF - 7 Principles of HACCP:
1. Conduct a Hazard Analysis
2. Identify Critical Control Points (CCP)
3. Establish Critical Limits for CCP
4. Establish Monitoring Procedures
5. Establish Corrective Actions
6. Establish Verification Procedures
7. Establish Recordkeeping Procedures

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Types of HACCP

Regulatory Scientific Pragmatic

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Principles of HACCP
 Principle 1 - Conduct a Hazard Analysis
 List steps in process
 Identify Hazards “Reasonably Likely to Occur”
 Hazards must be a Risk Significant enough so
that Control is Essential for Safe Food
 Identify Control Measures

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Hazard Analysis
Product: Beef Slaughter
Potential hazard introduced, Is this potential Justification for decision made in previous What control measures can be applied to
controlled or enhanced at this step hazard need to be column prevent, eliminate or reduce the hazards
B= Biological addressed in the being addressed in the HACCP plan?
C= Chemical HACCP plan?
P= Physical (Yes or No)
Receiving of Livestock Yes Livestock are a known source of Proper slaughter procedures to prevent
pathogens with the hide and ingesta as contamination and microbial
B - Presence of pathogens sources during slaughter. Studies by interventions to eliminate or reduce E.
-E. Coli O157:H7 Smith et.al 2001. Journal of Food Coli O157:H7 contamination.
Non-O157 STEC Protection 64:1899 and by Elder et.al.
Salmonella 2000. PNAS 97:2999 indicate high
occurrence of E.coli O157:H7 in cattle.
In addition, testing by FSIS USDA
indicates an increased level of
occurrence of E. coli O157:H7 with
more sensitive testing methods.
C -Antibiotics No USDA monitoring indicates a very low
occurrence per 2009 National Residue
Program Data The "Red Book"

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Principles of HACCP
 Principle 2 - Identify CCP
 Point, step or procedure at which Control can be
Applied and a Food Safety Hazard can be
Prevented, Eliminated or Reduced to Acceptable
 Use CCP Decision Tree to Identify

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Product: Slaughter Principle 2 – CCP Determination

Process Step Hazard Q1. Does this step Q2. Does a If Q2 is no: Is Q3. Is control at this CCP #
B = biological involve a preventa control at step necessary
hazard of tive to prevent,
C = chemical this step eliminate or
P = physical sufficient risk measure necessary reduce the risk
and severity to for the
for safety? of the hazard to
warrant its hazard consumers?
control? exist at
Receiving B- Presence of Yes No No No
and pathogenic
Holding organisms
of E coli O157:H7,
animals non O157 STEC,


Hot Water B- Reduce E. coli Yes Yes Yes CCP 1B

Wash O157:H7


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Principles of HACCP
 Principle 3 - Establish Critical Limits
 Temperature
 Time
 Aw
 pH
 Base on Scientific Literature and/or Regulatory

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Principles of HACCP
 Principle 4- Monitor CCP
 Establish the monitoring procedures
 Physical Measurement
 Who
 What
 When
 How

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Principles of HACCP
 Principle 5 - Establish Corrective Action
 What are you going to do when there is a
deviation from critical limit?
 Correct the product and the process.

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Principles 3, 4 and 5
Critical Limits, Monitoring and Corrective Actions
Product: Beef Slaughter

Process Step/ Critical Limits Monitoring Procedures Corrective Actions

CCP (Who/What/When/How)

Option 1 Hot water wash

Hot Water Hot water at a Who: Slaughter operator 1. Corrective Action will be
Wash temperature of greater What: The water temperature applied to the conducted by a member of the
than or equal to 165 carcass. HACCP team
degrees F. applied to When: Daily (on slaughter dates) before application 2. Determine cause of low water
each carcass. to each carcass. temperature
How: The temperature of the water applied to the 3. Retrain employees for proper
carcass will be measured with a calibrated application of hot water
thermometer and results recorded on the Hot Water 4. Hold carcasses since last
Wash CCP Record. acceptable check and re-spray with
correct temperature water
5. In all cases comply with guidelines
in CFR Section 417.3

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Principles of HACCP
 Principle 6 - Verification
 HACCP plan Functioning
 Record review
 Calibration of equipment
 Audit of CCP monitoring
 Regulatory Responsibility

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Principles of HACCP
 Principle 7 - Recordkeeping
 Monitoring System
 Corrective Actions
 Verification Procedures
 HACCP Team
 Product Description
 Flow Diagrams
 Hazards, CCP and Preventive Measures
 Critical Limits
 Recordkeeping Procedures

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Principles 6 and 7
Verification and Record Keeping
Process Step/CCP Verification Records
Option 1. Hot Water Wash
Hot Water Wash 1. Daily review and initialing of the hot 1. Hot Water Temperature CCP log.
water temperature Log. 2. Thermometer Calibration Log.
2. Visual auditing of the CCP monitoring
every 3 months.
3. Thermometer calibration.
4. Once every 3 months an E. coli
O157:H7 test will be conducted.

University of Nebraska–Lincoln

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HACCP Plan Does Not Stand Alone
 HACCP System
 Basic Operating Conditions Necessary for the
Safe Production of Food
 Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)
 Standard operating procedures
 Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures
 HACCP Prerequisite programs

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Good Manufacturing Practices

 Normal practices for food manufacturing
 Personnel
 Buildings and facilities
 Plant and Grounds
 Buildings & Facilities
 Equipment and facilities
 Production & Process Control

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Standard Operating Procedures

 Written procedures for a specific task
 Sampling for a pathogen
 How to measure pH

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Sanitation Standard Operating
 Meat and Poultry requirement
 Procedures for pre-operational sanitation
 Procedures for operational sanitation
 Monitoring and corrective actions.
 Pre-op
 Operational

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HACCP pre-requisites
 A program that addresses a potential hazard that is
not very likely to occur.
 Must include action limits, monitoring, corrective
actions, verification, and records.

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