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HACCP Overview

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Overview of HACCP


 DefineHACCP
 Understand HACCP Principles
 Review HACCP of Processing Meat
Food and the Consumer
Is Food Available? Is Food Safe?
Accessible? Pathogens
Affordable? Toxins
Food Security Contaminants

Is Food Authentic?
Meat species Where did food come
Fish species from?
Plant species Country
Ingredients How was food produced?
Locality - provenance
Animal welfare
Fair Trade
HACCP Defined?

A safety system designed to protect

foods as they flow through a facility.
Preventive – Rather than Reactive
Rational – Based on Historical Data
Science Based – Time & Temp Studies
Continuous – Problems Detected & Corrected
Comprehensive – Ingredients & Processes
Commitment – Management & Staff
 Developed in 1960’s in USA

 Collaborative effort to develop safety food for

 Since modified and developed by the food industry
 National and international recognition

 Codex HACCP code (7 principles)

 European legislation (Codex principles)

 Industry standards
Five Main Features of HACCP
 Oversees all hazardous points and
controllable operations
 Offers an integrated certification
system for the food industry
 Strengthen the scientific administration
and supervision of the food production
 Confirm and handle any accidents
 Works constantly to upgrade and
update mgt rules and regulations to
cover every possible conditions
HACCP System
It promotes:
Company Pride
Customer Security
Competitive Advantage
Seven Principles of HACCP
1. Analyze Hazard
2. Identify Critical Control Point
3. Establish Critical Limits
4. Establish Monitoring Procedures
5. Establish Corrective Action
6. Establish Record Keeping
7. Establish Verification Procedures
Principle 1- Hazard Analysis

this involves identifying hazard that might

be introduced to food by certain food
production practices or the intended use of
a product
hazards- (biological, chemical, and
physical) are conditions which may pose
an unacceptable health risk to the
Classifications of Hazards
 Biological- an organism, or substance derived
from an organism, that poses a threat to
(primarily) human health.
-this includes viruses, parasites and fungi
 Chemical- are toxin substances that may occur
naturally or may be added during the
processing of foods.
 Physical-are hard or soft objects in food that can
contaminate the food(metal,jewelry, hair pins)
Principle 2- Identify Critical Control
Points (CCPs)
 is an operation (practices, preparation step,
or procedures) in the flow of food which
will prevent, eliminate, or reduce hazard to
acceptable level
 it provides “kill step”(destroys bacteria) or
a control step”(prevents or slows down the
rate of the bacteria
Examples of CCPs:
 Cooking, reheating, and hot holding
 Chilling, chilled storage, and chilled
 Receiving, thawing, mixing ingredients,
and other food-handling stages
 Product formulation(reducing the pH of a
food to below 4.6 or Aw to .85 or below)
Principle 3- Establish the Critical limits
(thresholds) Which must be met at EACH
Critical Control Point

Critical Limits-it must be specified and

validated if possible for each Critical Control
Point. In some cases more than one critical
limit will be elaborated at a particular step

Critical limit Boundaries of food safety

Time Limit the amount of time food is in the
temperature danger zone during preparation
and service processes to 4 hours or less

Temperature Keep potentially hazardous foods at or below 40

degrees F or at or above 135 degrees F
Maintain specific cooking, cooling, reheating and
hot holding temperature

Water Activity Foods with a water activity (Aw) of.85 or less do

not support growth of disease-causing bacteria

pH Disease-causing bacteria do not grow in foods

(acidity level) that have a pH of 4.6 below
Each CCP has one or more critical limits
to monitor to assure that hazards are:

1. Prevented
2. Eliminated
3. Reduce to acceptable level
Principle 4- Establish Procedures to
Monitor CCPs
 Is a critical part of the HACCP system and
provides written documentation that can be
used to verify that the HACCP system is
working properly
 is a planned sequence of measurements or
observations to ensure the product or process
is in control (critical limits are being met).
 Is necessary to ensure that the process is
under control at each critical control point
Principle 5- Establish Corrective
 to be taken when monitoring shows that
a critical limit has been exceeded
a. Determine what went wrong
b. Choose and apply the appropriate
corrective action
Corrective actions that can be done

 Increase process temperature

 Re-heat or Re-process
 Adjust Quantities of Preservatives
 Stopping Production
 Hold product & Investigating
Principle #6 Record keeping
 The HACCP system requires the
preparation and maintenance of a
written HACCP plan together with
other documentation. This must include
all records generated during the
monitoring of each CCP and notations
of corrective actions taken. Usually, the
simplest record keeping system possible
to ensure effectiveness is the most
Principle #7 Verification
 Verification has several steps. The
scientific or technical validity of the
hazard analysis and the adequacy of the
CCP's should be documented.
Verification of the effectiveness of the
Verification can be done :
1. Who? - QA/ Consultant
2. How?
a. checking monitoring records
b. observing operations in CCP
c. checking calibration of monitoring
d. analyzing and evaluation of food product
e. review customer complaint on quality
defects and food-borne illness
f. statistical evaluation of monitoring data

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