HACCP Overview
HACCP Overview
HACCP Overview
Understand HACCP Principles
Review HACCP of Processing Meat
Food and the Consumer
Is Food Available? Is Food Safe?
Accessible? Pathogens
Affordable? Toxins
Food Security Contaminants
Is Food Authentic?
Meat species Where did food come
Fish species from?
Plant species Country
Ingredients How was food produced?
Locality - provenance
Animal welfare
Fair Trade
HACCP Defined?
1. Prevented
2. Eliminated
3. Reduce to acceptable level
Principle 4- Establish Procedures to
Monitor CCPs
Is a critical part of the HACCP system and
provides written documentation that can be
used to verify that the HACCP system is
working properly
is a planned sequence of measurements or
observations to ensure the product or process
is in control (critical limits are being met).
Is necessary to ensure that the process is
under control at each critical control point
Principle 5- Establish Corrective
to be taken when monitoring shows that
a critical limit has been exceeded
a. Determine what went wrong
b. Choose and apply the appropriate
corrective action
Corrective actions that can be done