Reiki4 Rubick B
Reiki4 Rubick B
Reiki4 Rubick B
O-4 increased HOB proliferation after 2 weeks. PCNA staining con-
THE EFFECTS OF REIKI ON BACTERIAL CULTURE firmed these data. No calcium content increase was observed in
GROWTH IN RELATION TO PSYCHO-SOCIAL CONTEXT HOB or SaOs cells at 1 week, but mineralization increased in HOBs
and significantly (p 0.004) decreased in SaOs after 2 weeks of
Beverly Rubik PhD,1 Audrey Brooks PhD,2 and Gary Schwartz, TT, which was confirmed by calcein/phalloidin staining. Northern
PhD2 blots indicated an increase in mRNA expression for bone matrix
1Biofield Research Center, Institute for Frontier Science, Oakland, CA proteins in HOBs and a decrease for SaOs.
2Department of Psychology and Center for Frontier Medicine in Conclusions: Therapeutic Touch increases human osteoblast pro-
Biofield Science, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ liferation, differentiation and bone mineralization, and decreases dif-
ferentiation and mineralization in human osteosarcoma-derived cells.
Objective: To measure effects of Reiki treatments on growth of
heat-shocked bacteria, and to determine the influence of practi- Supported by NIH grant, P20 AT-756.
tioner psychosocial well-being.
Materials and Methods: E. coli K12 was grown overnight and O-6
resuspended in fresh medium. Culture samples were paired with A COMPARISON OF HUMAN ENERGY FIELDS BEFORE
controls to minimize any ordering effects. Samples were heat- AND AFTER STIMULATION OF DR. C. NORMAN
shocked prior to Reiki treatment, which was performed by single SHEALY’S RINGS OF FIRE, EARTH, WATER, AIR, AND
Reiki practitioners for up to 15 min, with untreated controls. Plate CRYSTAL
count assays were performed to determine the number of viable Barbara A. Haydon, BSN, MA, ThD
bacteria using an automated counter. 14 Reiki practitioners com- Brasstown, NC
pleted 2 runs (n 28 runs).
Results: No difference was found between the Reiki and control
plates using paired t-tests. Half the runs showed control counts greater Objective: The present research explores the human energetic
than Reiki bacterial counts, and vice versa. Individual practitioners field change in the human body after the electrical stimulus of Dr.
did not produce consistent effects in duplicate runs. However, upon C. Norman Shealy’s Rings of Fire, Earth, Air, Water, and Crystal
close examination of the pre-post psychosocial data, changes in so- are applied. In addition, a control group of non-acupuncture points
cial (p .05), mental (p .09), emotional (p .09), and overall is also compared to the rings’ analysis. The rings of acupuncture
well-being (p .08) were found to correlate with Reiki treatment points produce specific hormones in the body with stimulation of
outcome. For practitioners starting with a lower level of well-being, the points with the SheLi TENS. The present study compares the
control counts are likely to be higher than Reiki-treated bacterial five rings and their respective electro magnetic energy fields.
counts. For practitioners starting with a higher level of well-being, Materials and Methods: The Gas Discharge Visualization Bio-
Reiki counts are likely to be higher than control counts. Although electrography (BEO-GDV) instrument was used to measure the
practitioners with control counts greater than Reiki have lower well- change in the human energy field. The GDV camera did a mea-
being scores initially, both groups improve to the same level of well- surement of the fingertips with and without a filter. The SheLi
being at post-test. TENS stimulator device was used to stimulate the acupuncture
Conclusion: Changes in Reiki practitioners’ well-being corre- points of the rings and control group. Fifty-five to sixty-one vol-
late with the outcome of Reiki on bacterial culture growth. unteers were tested in each set. The age ranges was 21 to 80 years
and were all healthy individuals.
Supported by National Institutes of Health P20 AT00774-01. Results: The pre-treatment numbers were compared to the post-
treatment numbers. A statistical change was detected in the Rings of
Water, Earth, Crystal, and Air without a filter both right and left hands.
O-5 No statistical change was detected for the Ring of Fire with or with-
THERAPEUTIC TOUCH AFFECTS PROLIFERATION AND out a filter. Statistically significant changes in the energy field with a
BONE FORMATION IN VITRO filter included the Ring of Crystal left hand and Ring of Earth right
hand. The rings of Air and Water had no statistical significant change
A. Jhaveri, M.B. McCarthy, and G. Gronowicz with a filter. The control showed no statistical significant change with
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, University of Connecticut or without a filter. Another analysis of the least-squares fit was done
Health Center, Farmington, CT. to show the movement of the electromagnetic field before and after
stimulation. All of the rings showed a movement toward the balance
points except the control group.
Objective: Our goal was to determine if Therapeutic Touch (TT) Conclusion: The most significant finding in this research was
had an effect on the growth and differentiation of bone cells in vitro. that the electrical stimulation of the acupuncture points (rings) with
Materials and Methods: Human osteoblasts (HOBs) obtained the SheLi TENS moved the electromagnetic energy toward a home-
from bones of patients undergoing orthopaedic procedures, and os- ostasis or balance point in the body.
teoblast-like cells derived from a human osteosarcoma (SaOs) were
used. Cells were plated into culture dishes and qualified practi-
tioners performed TT for 10 minutes, twice a week. Correspond-
ing untreated cultures were used as controls. At 1 and 2 weeks, Physiology and Energy Healing
cell proliferation was determined by [3H]-thymidine incorporation
and by immunocytochemistry for Proliferating Cell Nuclear Anti- O-7
gen (PCNA). At 2 and 4 weeks, calcium content was measured HOLISTIC APPROACH TO THE STUDY OF
biochemically and was visualized by fluorescent microscopy with PSYCHOSPIRITUAL HEALING
calcein and phalloidin. Northern blots were performed to deter-
mine the expression of mRNA levels of Type I collagen, bone Maria Syldona, PhD
sialoprotein and alkaline phosphatase. Transpersonal MindBody Healing Center, Huntington, NY
Results: No significant differences were found in proliferation
assayed by [3H]-thymidine incorporation at 1 or 2 weeks for SaOs Objective: Investigating psychospiritual healing is best accom-
and 1 week of TT for HOBs. However, TT significantly (p 0.01) plished with a multifaceted approach. This study integrates East-
ern and Western scientific traditions and first and third-person Conclusion: These studies demonstrate measurable physiolog-
analyses toward understanding the mechanisms of psychospiritual ical changes during SE state that correlate with a psycho-spiritual
healing. healing experience. Ongoing studies are measuring EEG and HRV
Materials and Methods: Energetic mechanisms underlying the in the clients receiving the energy healing.
healing meditation state of consciousness in 27 mental healing
practitioners was assessed by obtaining and comparing d.c. elec- O-9
trodermal measures recorded simultaneously and continuously EEG CHANGES IN EXPERIENCED JOHREI
from acupoint and nonacupoint locations using two Autogen PRACTITIONERS
3400 Dermographs (biofeedback machines; Autogenics-Cyborg,
Chicago) and specially designed electrodes to minimize artifact. Gary Schwartz,1,2 Audrey Brooks,1,2 Daniel Lewis,1,2,3 Kim Cor-
An ABAB within-subject experimental design, with baseline, was ley,1,2 Katie Reece,1,2 and Katherine Burleson2,4
employed. Five-minute wakeful (talking) states of external focus 1Department of Psychology, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
alternated with 5-minute healing meditation states. After each of 2Center for Frontier Medicine in Biofield Science, University of
the five-minute segments, subjects indicated graphically their felt Arizona, Tucson, AZ
sense of a flow of healing energy. 3Saybrook Institute, San Francisco, CA
Results and Conclusions: Results supported the main hy- 4Program in Integrative Medicine, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
Results: The excellent clinical responders (defined at 3 months) Conclusion: A combination of Yoga exercises, meditation, and
showed a progressive shift from negative to positive difference energy healing is effective in increasing mental and physical flex-
scores in cordance over 6 months. The pattern differed from that ibility, diminishing physical and mental problems, and enhancing
of good and poor responders to verum and placebo. individual’s reflective/intuitive abilities. By learning Yoga and med-
Conclusions: Consistent with the complex adaptive systems itative exercises, individuals were able to continue experiencing the
model for homeopathic healing, the data suggest that EEG cor- benefits obtained from energy healing provided by Yoga Masters.
dance is a dynamic biomarker for the evolution of excellent clin-
ical responses. The pattern over time was unique to exceptional re- O-12
sponders on verum. Apparent irreproducibility of homeopathy DEVELOPING TOOLS TO ASSESS OUTCOMES FOR
research may stem partly from the assumptions of conventional SPIRITUAL/ENERGETIC HEALING: PILOT STUDY
medical researchers that human beings and biomarkers are static
rather than dynamic entities. Elizabeth Sutherland, ND,1,2 Cheryl Ritenbaugh, PhD, MPH,1,2
Susan Kiley MSW LMT,3 and Nancy Vuckovic PhD1
1Center for Health Research, Kaiser Permanente Northwest,
Portland, OR
2Helfgott Research Institute, National College of Naturopathic
Medicine, Portland, OR
3Kaiser Permanente Northwest Pain Management Clinic, Portland,
were qualitatively analyzed to identify recurrent themes, concep- (5) willingness and ability to receive love; (6) relationship to di-
tual categories and relationships. They were reviewed and vali- vine purpose; (7) soul issues; (8) surrender to a spiritual path.
dated by a second investigator. Conclusions: Identified dimensions for pre and post ener-
Results: The healer and client enter the healing space and are getic/spiritual assessment provide a starting point for studying spir-
defined anew as partners, as agents, as energy entities. The ability itual interventions in HIV/AIDS in relation to biological and psy-
to help others heal is achieved through an “awareness” of and “an chometric outcomes, a first step toward integration of spiritual
openness” to energy. The healer’s role is one of “facilitator” of the science with biomedical research.
client’s own ability to heal, a “conduit” for the energy. Healers talk
of “holding” clients in a “sacred” space of “deep love and com-
passion” to “meet the client where he or she is” and “work with
them.” Thus, they must reach a state characterized by clear “in- Theory
tent.” This state demands a practice of self-care and self-manage-
ment, which bring the healer to embody important aspects of their O-15
definition of energy, health and ethical practice. The healer’s iden- A COMPLEX ADAPTIVE SYSTEMS SCIENCE
tity is one of “living the practice.” MODEL FOR TRANSFORMATIONAL HEALING IN
Conclusion: Becoming an energy healer extends beyond formal HOMEOPATHY
training and into the development of a cohesive practice informed by
a complex system of beliefs and the principles of their traditions. It Iris R. Bell, MD, PhD
includes mentorship, overarching philosophical explorations and on- Program in Integrative Medicine, University of Arizona College
going self-regulation. The healer state and identity are defined by of Medicine, Tucson, AZ
what is conducive to health and promotes healing.
Objective: To describe a complex adaptive system (CAS) sci-
Funded in part by the Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholars ence model for transformational healing in homeopathy.
Program Methods: Examined homeopathic case analysis approaches and
empirical evidence.
O-14 Results: Observationally, 70–90% of homeopathic patients im-
A PHASE 0 STUDY OF SPIRITUAL HEALING FOR prove; 20% report multidimensional, transformational responses.
PATIENTS WITH HIV/AIDS: DEVELOPING METHODS Treatment choice derives from fixed patterns/themes that perme-
FOR SPIRITUAL ASSESSMENT ate the patient’s presentation as a whole, emphasizing mental and
general symptoms. A tenet of classical homeopathy is that all dis-
John Laird, MD,1 Ibrahim Jaffe, MD,1 and Cheryl Ritenbaugh, ease begins at the spiritual level, manifesting at mental, emotional,
PhD, MPH1,2 and physical levels. Each person needs a single remedy from the
1The Jaffe Institute, Pope Valley, CA earth’s animal, mineral, or plant kingdom that expresses the in-
2Helfgott Research Institute, National College of Naturopathic tensity of a pervasive life theme, e.g., survival and competition (an-
Medicine, Portland, OR imals), structure (minerals), sensitivity (plants). In a qualitative
study, homeopaths reported “unstuckness” from recurrent self-de-
Objective: To develop methods for studying spiritual healing feating behaviors as signaling transformational change. Change oc-
among HIV/AIDs patients, including identification of the most im- curs in a hierarchical pattern from within outward, above down-
portant spiritual foci for assessment before and after interventions, ward, and in reverse order of time of appearance. Two recent
and parameters to evaluate these foci in relation to changes in bio- quantitative studies demonstrated nonlinear, dynamical (nonstatic)
medical and psychometric measures. patterns of responses to homeopathic remedies.
Materials and Methods: Fifteen patients participated in a wait- Discussion: Systems science accommodates the convergent
list controlled pilot study of spiritual healing for HIV/AIDS. The clinical and empirical evidence. A person is a CAS, an open evo-
protocol included an introductory explanatory session, two inten- lutionary self-organized system in which many different indepen-
sive group healings 10 days apart, and 4 class sessions in between dent variables interact in interdependent and unpredictable ways.
to help integrate the healings. At each of the intensive group heal- Each person is part of the larger dynamic network of the planet,
ing sessions, I. Jaffe led the healers in qualitatively assessing the living out, within a human experience, the challenges/themes of
patients at several energetic levels and describing what appeared his/her environment’s animal, mineral, or plant components. Cor-
relevant to the patients’ health, well-being, and outcome. Assess- rect homeopathic treatment triggers a cascade of sudden change,
ments were tape-recorded, transcribed, and coded for themes and i.e., self-organized criticality, leading to healthier adaptation
content. Changes and areas which resisted change from pre-base- throughout the person and network. The model predicts homeo-
line to post-second healing were noted. These form the basis for pathic treatment of super-connected individuals should markedly
subsequent comparison with viral loads, CD4 counts, and psycho- improve world-network health.
metric assessment at baseline, one, and three months post healing.
Results: Qualitative analysis provided eight dimensions for con- Supported by NIH K24 AT00057 and P20 AT00774 from the Na-
sistent assessment of spiritual state: (1) energetic assessment of T tional Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NC-
cells; (2) energetic assessment of virus; (3) energetic relationship CAM). Its contents are solely the responsibility of the author and do
of patient’s T cells and virus; (4) energetic assessment of thymus; not necessarily represent the official views of NCCAM or NIH.