Center for Quantum Technology Research, School of Physics, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China
The Germplasm Bank of Wild Species & Yunnan Key Laboratory for Fungal Diversity and Green Development, Kunming Institute of
School of Integrated Circuits and Electronics, Beijing Institute of Technology, 100081 Beijing, China
*Author for correspondence: lishengwen@bit.edu.cn (Sheng-Wen Li), yaoxuri@bit.edu.cn (Xu-Ri Yao), qzhaoyuping@bit.edu.cn (Qing
The author responsible for distribution of materials integral to the findings presented in this article in accordance with the policy
Ultra-weak photon emission (UPE), an inherent property of all living systems, has been
observed across a diverse range of organisms, including animals, plants, and microorganisms.
It is defined as the spontaneous emission of a weak photon stream by organisms during
metabolic processes. The intensity of this emission typically ranges from a few photons to a
few hundred per square centimeter and wavelengths between 180−800 nm. This emission
can be considered a reflection of the organism’s local energy state[1].
In eukaryotic cells, the primary sources of UPE are the excited-state carbonyl (3R=O·)
or singlet oxygen (1O2) generated during oxidation, which serves as the ultimate photon
emitters. The mechanism of their formation is well known[2]. During normal oxidative
Ultra-Weak Photon Emission in Plants
metabolism, organisms produce small amounts of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which are
essential precursors of UPE. NADPH oxidase is a multi-subunit membrane protein complex
typically found in cellular membranes, including the inner membranes of mitochondria and
chloroplasts. The enzyme acts as an electron donor and facilitates the electron transfer
reaction between a substrate and molecular oxygen (O₂), thus forming the superoxide anion
(O₂⁻). Subsequently, the action of enzymes, such as superoxide dismutase, facilitates the rapid
conversion of O₂⁻ into hydrogen peroxide (H₂O₂). H₂O₂ can undergo further reactions to
produce the highly reactive hydroxyl radical (HO·). HO· then reacts with proteins, lipids,
nucleic acids, and other biomolecules in organisms to form alkyl radicals (R·) , which
subsequently combine with O₂ to form organic peroxyl radicals (ROO·). ROO· then reacts
with other organic substances to form organic peroxides (ROOH) and R·. The cyclization or
recombination of ROO· can produce unstable, energetic intermediates, such as dioxetane
(ROOR) and tetroxide (ROOOOR) [4-5]. These unstable intermediates decompose into triplet-
excited carbonyls (3R=O·) and ground state carbonyls (R=O). The energy transfer from
R=O· to pigments or O₂ results in the formation of the excited-state pigments (3P· or 1P·)
and 1O2. These excited states release excess energy in the form of photons when they return
to a lower energy state[6]. The energy of the photons emitted by various radiators corresponds
to certain wavelength ranges in the electromagnetic spectrum. The emission wavelengths of
R=O· are between 350−550 nm, while those of the pigments are between 550−750 nm (1P·)
and 750−1000 nm (3P·). A simplified diagram of the above reaction mechanism is presented
in Figure 1.
Figure 1. (a) Schematic representation of the UPE mechanism. NADPH oxidase is located within the
Ultra-Weak Photon Emission in Plants
mitochondrial or chloroplast membranes, where it catalyzes the reaction between a substrate and molecular
oxygen, resulting in the production of the O₂⁻, which is subsequently converted to H₂O₂ and HO·. HO· can
then oxidize biomolecules. These unstable intermediates have high energy levels, as exemplified by
ROOR and ROOOOR. They decompose into 3R=O· and R=O. 3R=O· then transfers energy to pigments
or O2 leading to the production of excited-state pigments (3P· or 1P·) and 1O2. The reaction scheme is
based on[2]. (b) UPE electronically excited species. 3R=O· emission wavelengths are located in the near-
ultraviolet and blue-green regions, while the excited state pigments are located in the green-red (1P·) and
near-infrared (3P·) regions. 1O2 is in the red and near-infrared regions. The solid arrows indicate the energy
level transitions from the excited state to the ground state, while the dashed arrows indicate the
· transitions and the energy transfer between the pigments and O2.
ROS concentrations during plant growth and metabolism are closely associated with
UPE. Low ROS levels signal external stimuli, regulate plant growth and development, and
work in synergy with other defense mechanisms to enhance plant resistance[7]. However,
when ROS levels remain persistently elevated, an oxidative stress response is triggered,
impairing the plant’s antioxidant system and causing oxidative damage to tissues[8]. ROS
accumulation disrupts the balance between production and scavenging, resulting in increased
UPE intensity. The existing literature indicates that different stress conditions significantly
affect plant UPE in varying ways. For example, in Arabidopsis, UPE increases and persists
for several hours after mechanical damage, accompanied by changes in the spectral pattern
of photon emission[9]. The endogenous photon emission intensity of Arabidopsis seeds
significantly increases during the early stages of seed germination, and this increase depends
on the dose of locally applied H₂O₂[10]. In sunflower plants subjected to biotic and abiotic
stresses, a significant decrease in photon emission was observed in healthy plants under
controlled growth conditions. In contrast, a marked increase was observed in stressed plants
under water stress[11]. Peanut and rice seedlings exhibited the most pronounced UPE when
exposed to white light, followed by red and yellow lights. Conversely, the lowest
luminescence intensity was observed under blue light. Under natural light conditions, UPE
exhibited the slowest decay, while all other monochromatic lights exhibited faster decay rates
than that of natural light[12]. These results indicate that UPE, as a macroscopic manifestation
of microscopic life activities, is highly sensitive to internal changes in plants and external
Ultra-Weak Photon Emission in Plants
Ultra-Weak Photon Emission in Plants
In light of the above considerations, this study proposes the implementation of a light-
induced methodology for the systematic observation of DL in Hydrocotyle vulgaris,
Arabidopsis and Ginkgo leaves under natural growth conditions, considering different stress
factors. The methodology involves using a highly sensitive two-dimensional photon imaging
technique, which enables effective monitoring of oxidative metabolic processes in plants and
their responses to oxidative stress. Additionally, a comprehensive investigation of the DL
decay kinetics in plant leaves will be conducted to elucidate the relationship between changes
in DL parameters and plant physiological states. This study aims to provide a new basis for
understanding the quantum effects and the physical mechanisms of UPE.
Arabidopsis plants and leaves, H. vulgaris leaves, and Ginkgo leaves were imaged in
their natural state, as shown in Figure 2(a). Figure 2(b) presents the trend of DL intensity over
time. After multiple exposures, the DL intensity of all three plants exhibited a nonlinear decay
trend, characterized by an initial high intensity followed by a rapid decline and subsequent
stabilization. This observation suggests that by the end of the measurement period, the plants’
DL had almost ceased and had entered a stable spontaneous luminescence phase.
The DL decay differed significantly between the Arabidopsis plant and its leaves. The
plant had a higher initial intensity (0.2736) than the leaves (0.2258) and stabilized earlier. In
contrast, the leaves showed greater fluctuation, with a notable decrease at t = 120s, slight
recovery, and then stabilization, reflecting different metabolic and physiological responses.
The DL ability also varied between plant species. Arabidopsis leaves had the weakest
and shortest luminescence, with a rapid decay. H. vulgaris had a higher initial intensity
(0.3037) but decayed quickly, with a brief luminescence duration. Ginkgo leaves had the
strongest and most persistent delayed luminescence, with the highest initial intensity (0.5353)
and a slower decay rate, maintaining a high intensity for a longer period.
Ultra-Weak Photon Emission in Plants
a Sample 3 s s s 12 s 1 s1 s b
.2 3 . 3 . 3 . . 2 . 2
.22 . . 3 . 23 . 3 3 . 32
.3 3 . . 3 . 2 1 . 1 . 1
in go leaf
. 3 3 .1 2 . 3 . . 3 . 2
Figure 2. (a) DL imaging results of Arabidopsis (plants and leaves), H. vulgaris leaves, and Ginkgo leaves
in the natural state. Sample sizes are presented in front of the qCMOS camera. The exposure time was 30
s, and the total measurement time was 180 seconds. The red data represents the DL intensity. The image
size was 230 × 230 pixels. Subsequent figures follow a similar pattern. (b) The trend of DL intensity over
Ultra-Weak Photon Emission in Plants
Ultra-Weak Photon Emission in Plants
.3 . 1 . 2 . 3 . 2 2 . 1 . 22
.2 .2 .2 .2 3 .2 13 .321 .2 2
in go leaf
. 2 . 3 . . 1 2 . . . 3
c d ydrocotyle
ulgarist in go leaf
Figure 3. Effect of mechanical injury on plant DL. (a) Initial intensity (t = 30 s) imaging results of DL
after mechanical injury in three plants. 0 min indicates the control. Time represents the duration of
mechanical injury, which was monitored every 5 min for 30 min Samples present the true state of the
leaves before the experiment, with the red line indicating the location of the mechanical injury. (b) D-value
in DL intensity in the stress and control groups. The error bar comes from the average of three
measurements. (c-e) Examples of the fit of DL control and stress groups decaying over time for H. vulgaris,
Arabidopsis, and Ginkgo leaves. The data comes from the average of three measurements.
The leaves of H. vulgaris, Arabidopsis, and Ginkgo were treated with a 3% H2O2
solution, and the response was monitored using a DL imaging system. The resulting images
are presented in Figure (a), with 0 min representing the untreated control. Data for the first
30 seconds are shown in the figure, while the data for the first 90 seconds can be found in the
Supplementary Figure S3. 3D waterfall plots of DL intensity and its decay for three plants
at different oxidative stress times are shown in Supplementary Figure S . Bar graphs were
constructed to demonstrate the changes in DL intensity between the oxidative stress group
and the control group (Figure (b)). Figure (c-e) presents the fitting of the intensity decay for
the three plants during DL. The detailed regression coefficients (a), slope parameters (b), and
Ultra-Weak Photon Emission in Plants
fitting coefficients (R²) are given in Supplementary Table 1 and Supplementary Table 2,
Monitoring and imaging the initial DL intensity of the three plants’ leaves under
oxidative stress over time revealed that different plants exhibited different response
mechanisms. During the initial 5 min, the DL intensity of H. vulgaris decreased by 13.0%
compared to the control group. However, after 30 min, it returned to a higher level, indicating
a robust antioxidant capacity. Arabidopsis displayed a more sensitive response to oxidative
stress, with a sustained decrease in DL intensity. At the 5-minute mark, its DL intensity
decreased to 0.2375, representing a 24.3% reduction. Subsequently, the DL intensity
decreased further to 0.2486 after 30 min, representing a total change of 27.4%. In contrast,
the Ginkgo leaves displayed a remarkable ability to adapt to oxidative stress. Within the first
5 min, the DL intensity increased from 0.4555 to 0.4979, a change of 9.3%. After 30 min, the
DL intensity continued to increase and reached 0.6546, an increase of 43.7%. These results
indicate that the Ginkgo leaves could rapidly activate their antioxidant response mechanism,
resulting in increased DL intensity. The results revealed that the three plants had different
response mechanisms when exposed to oxidative stress, and applying H2O2 facilitated
changes in the DL intensity of the plants.
Data fitting results indicated that the decay of DL in the three plants under oxidative
stress was more consistent with the fitted model, suggesting that oxidative stress had a
significant impact on the plants' DL characteristics. Oxidative stress significantly increased
the initial DL intensity in both H. vulgaris and Ginkgo leaves, with Ginkgo leaves exhibiting
an initial intensity nearly three times higher than that of the control group, indicating a
stronger response to oxidative stress. Regarding the decay rate, H. vulgaris showed a slight
increase with no significant change, while Ginkgo leaves showed a significantly faster decay
rate, reflecting their stronger adaptive capacity. In contrast, Arabidopsis showed a faster
decay rate, indicating a weaker ability to cope with oxidative stress. These results highlight
the different response mechanisms of the three plants under oxidative stress and underline
the high sensitivity of DL imaging as an effective tool for monitoring oxidative responses in
Ultra-Weak Photon Emission in Plants
.3 .3 2 .331 .3 2 .3 . 1 . 22
in go leaf
. . . . 11 .3 . .
c d ydrocotyle
ulgarist in go leaf
Figure . Effect of oxidative stress on plant DL. (a) Initial intensity (t = 30 s) imaging results of DL after
oxidative stress in three plants. 0 min indicates the control. Time represents the duration of oxidative stress,
which was monitored every 5 min for 30 min. Samples present the true state of the leaves before the
experiment. (b) D-value in DL intensity in the stress and control groups. The error bar comes from the
average of three measurements. (c-e) Examples of the fit of DL control and stress groups decaying over
time for H. vulgaris, Arabidopsis, and Ginkgo leaves. The data comes from the average of three
Figure (a) presents the results of the DL imaging of plant leaves under white, red, and
blue lights. Figure (b) and Figure (c) compare the effects of different light qualities on the
DL of the same plant and an analysis of the DL intensity of the three plants under different
light qualities at the same exposure time. Figure (d-f) presents an example of the fitting of
the DL decay with time for the three plants. The fitting results demonstrate that the decay
patterns of H. vulgaris and Ginkgo leaves were consistent with the exponential model (Eq.
(5)), whereas that of Arabidopsis displayed a polynomial decay pattern (Eq. (6)). The detailed
regression coefficients (a), slope parameters (b), and fit coefficients (R²) are presented in
Supplementary Table 3 and Supplementary Table .
Ultra-Weak Photon Emission in Plants
Different light qualities significantly influenced the initial intensity and decay rate of
DL in the leaves of the three plant species, with both common patterns and individual
differences in their responses. Under white light, the initial luminescence intensity was
highest and the decay rate was slow for all three plants. In contrast, under blue light, the
intensity was the lowest and the decay rate was the fastest, particularly in H. vulgaris and
Ginkgo leaves. Under red light, the DL intensity fell between that of white and blue light,
and the decay rate was more moderate. These findings suggest that plant responses to
different wavelengths of light vary significantly, particularly under white light conditions.
The observed differences among plants' responses were related to their
photoacclimation mechanisms. Under white light, Ginkgo leaves exhibited the highest initial
luminescence intensity, followed by H. vulgaris, with Arabidopsis showing the lowest
intensity. The initial intensity of H. vulgaris was similar to and significantly higher than, that
under blue light in both white and red light conditions, with DL persistence being
significantly higher, especially under red light. In contrast, the luminescence intensity and
decay rate of Arabidopsis showed less variation, particularly under red and blue light, and its
response was more consistent. Under blue light, the R² value for Arabidopsis was 0.9998,
indicating that its DL decay followed a polynomial model. Under red light, Ginkgo leaves
displayed a higher initial DL intensity and a slower decay, exhibiting an exponential decay
pattern similar to that of H. vulgaris.
Ultra-Weak Photon Emission in Plants
a ydrocotyle Arabidopsis
in go le af
ulgarist le af
3 s s s 3 s s s 3 s s s
white light
0.4671 0.0973 0.0420 0.2857 0.0612 0.0557 0.4819 0.0815 0.0355
red light
blue light
b c
d e f
Figure . The effect of different light qualities on plants’ DL. (a) DL imaging results of the three plants
under white, red, and blue light irradiation presented for a single measurement with an exposure of 30 s,
for a total of 180 s. The results for the first 90 s are presented. (b) Decreasing trend of DL with increasing
exposure time for the same plant under different light qualities. (c) Decreasing trend of DL intensity of
three plants with the same exposure time under different light qualities. (d-f) Fitted curves of DL decay
with time for H. vulgaris, Arabidopsis, and Ginkgo leaves under different light qualities. The data represent
The observed DL in plants and the luminescence process of glow sticks have similarities.
Specifically, the luminescence mechanism of glow sticks comprises a series of chemical
reactions triggered by physical stimuli (e.g., bending). In this process, H2O2 inside the glow
stick reacts with the fluorescent dye, decomposing and producing water and high-energy 1O2.
The 1O2 then exchanges energy with the fluorescent dye, causing the dye molecule to jump
to the excited state. When the dye molecule returns to its ground state, energy is released in
the form of photons, producing visible light. This luminescence mechanism is analogous to
the DL phenomenon in plants, particularly in chemical reactions involving H2O2.
a b
Figure . Physical mechanisms and quantum modeling of DL in plants. (a) Theoretical model of quantum
dot luminescence. The left and right sides indicate two electrodes, and the top line indicates the
electrochemical potential of the two electrodes. (b) Theoretical model of DL in plants. e and g denote the
two energy levels of the final luminescence, and the left side denotes the chemical potential provided by
the complex chemical reaction process. The graph represents the trend of the gain intensity with the course
To further quantify the plant luminescence process, we borrowed the model of quantum
dot luminescence to describe its luminescence mechanism. Figure (a) illustrates the
luminescence process of quantum dots, in which electrons jump from the electrodes to the
upper energy level of the quantum dots and from the upper energy level to the lower energy
level, emitting photons in the process. The energy of the luminescence process comes from
the “electrochemical potential” of the electrons in the electrode. The DL of plants, Conversely,
is an energy transfer process driven by the chemical potential provided by a chemical reaction.
Therefore, there exists a similarity in the nature of the energy transfer between the two
The process of plant luminescence is triggered by a complex chemical reaction (Figure
Ultra-Weak Photon Emission in Plants
(b)). In this process, the jump between the excited state and the ground state determines the
final luminescence intensity. Assuming that the electron jumps in the process of plant
luminescence follow an energy transfer mechanism similar to that of quantum dot
luminescence, we can simplify it into two energy levels: the ground state (g) and the excited
state (e). A chemical reaction causes the electrons in the excited state to occupy the number
Ne, which decreases with the decay term, providing sufficient chemical potential and
releasing energy to produce light, as per the following equation:
𝜕𝑡 𝑁𝑒 = −𝛾𝑁𝑒 + 𝜅𝑁𝑐 (1)
𝜕𝑡 𝑁𝑐 = −Γ𝑡− 𝑁𝑐 + Γ𝑡+ 𝑁𝑔 (2)
Eq. (1) describes the excited state generation process, where the first term represents the
decay of the occupation number Ne of the excited state with time and is the rate constant for
the jump from the excited state (e) to the ground state (g). The second term represents the
increase in Ne due to the transition from the intermediate state (c) to the excited state (e) and
is the rate constant for the jump. Eq. (2) describes the evolution of the occupancy number Nc
of the intermediate state with time, where Γ𝑡− is the rate constant for the transition from the
intermediate state (c) to the excited state (e), and Γ + corresponds to the rate constant for a
chemical reaction to excite an electron to a higher energy state. As a result of the chemical
reaction, the system’s energy changes from the lowest to a higher state. By analogy with the
quantum dot luminescence process, we propose to write these two jump coefficients as Γ + ≡
𝛾0 𝑛̅𝑡 , Γ − ≡ 𝛾0 (1 − 𝑛̅𝑡 ), where nt denotes a quantity analogous to the chemical potential
and varies with the chemical reaction process.
The model’s predictions regarding the kinetics of the chemical reactions were
effectively verified in the experiments. The experimental results revealed that mechanical
injury and oxidative stress significantly increased the DL intensity of plants, a phenomenon
consistent with the description of the electron jump rate and energy transfer in the model.
Mechanical injury disrupted plant cellular structures and induced ROS accumulation. This
process accelerated the electron jump from the excited state to the ground state and increased
the DL intensity. Conversely, oxidative stress increased the luminescence intensity by
increasing the H2O2 concentration, which increased the chemical potential of the reaction and
the number of electrons occupying the excited state and facilitated the electron jump. In a
Ultra-Weak Photon Emission in Plants
study of the effect of different light qualities on DL in plants, the photosynthesis efficiency
was higher under white light irradiation. Compared with monochromatic light irradiation,
white light activated stronger chemical reactions and promoted the conversion of electrons
from the intermediate to the excited states. Additionally, white light irradiation may promote
the production of photosynthetic intermediates (e.g., ATP and NADPH), which is directly
related to the chemical potential provided by the chemical reactions in the model. According
to the model, the metabolites provided additional energy for electron jumps under light
irradiation, further facilitating the electron transfer from the excited state to the ground state
and increasing the DL intensity. This result is consistent with the experimental observations,
suggesting that the wavelength of the light source during photosynthesis directly affects the
DL intensity and decay characteristics.
Furthermore, for the simplified two-energy system, we can derive the following
evolution equations:
𝜕𝑡 𝑁𝑒 = −𝛾𝑁𝑒 + 𝐺(𝑡)𝑁𝑒 (3)
where G(t) denotes the gain of the chemical reaction for Ne. Although these equations are
time-inclusive, considering the slower rate of the chemical reaction relative to the
luminescence process, we can assume that G(t) changes gradually with time and stabilizes
on longer time scales. In the solution of the model, we can approximate the process to obtain
the Ne, the time evolution of the plant’s luminescence: 𝑁𝑒 (𝑡) ≅ 𝐶exp[𝛾𝑡 + 𝐺(𝑡)𝑡], and thus
derive the decay properties of plant luminescence. Additionally, combining the polynomial
and exponential decay terms, a functional model for fitting the DL data was built:
Ultra-Weak Photon Emission in Plants
plants by adjusting the parameters in the model, which can provide a theoretical basis for
further studies on the effects of plant physiology and chemical reactions on the luminescence
Ultra-Weak Photon Emission in Plants
accumulation may contribute to the production of more high-energy states in plant cells,
which release more photons when jumping to the ground state. As a result, the initial DL
intensity of the damaged group was usually higher than that of the control group.
The differences in the responses of different plants to mechanical injury reflect their
different mechanisms of response to oxidative stress. Our results revealed that the DL
intensity significantly increased in mechanically injured plants, which is consistent with the
findings of Prasad et al[9]. Additionally, H. vulgaris displayed a strong oxidative stress
response, whereas Arabidopsis was more stable, and Ginkgo leaves responded significantly
in terms of initial DL intensity but declined more significantly over time. Future studies could
further explore how the DL property can enhance the stress tolerance performance of plants.
Endogenous metal ions in plants (e.g., Fe2 or Cu2 ) react with exogenous H2O2
solutions in a Fenton reaction to produce HO·, which accelerates oxidative reactions in
plants[2]. To test this hypothesis, we treated the leaves of three plants (H. vulgaris, Arabidopsis,
and Ginkgo leaves) with a 3% H2O2 solution and monitored their responses using a DL
imaging system. The results revealed that the initial DL intensity significantly increased in
plants under oxidative stress. Exogenous H2O2 induced oxidative stress and reacted with
intracellular metal ions to generate hydroxyl radicals and hydroxide ions, which increased
the intracellular ROS concentration and significantly increased the DL intensity. However,
with H2O2 depletion and the excited-state substances, the DL intensity gradually decreased
and eventually tended toward the steady state. The differences in the responses of different
plants to oxidative stress may be due to their differences in the rate of the Fenton reaction or
the primary oxidation reaction, which directly affects the DL intensity and its decay time.
Our results indicated that H. vulgaris and Ginkgo leaves could effectively regulate the
intracellular ROS levels, resulting in an increase in DL intensity, whereas Arabidopsis
exhibited higher sensitivity, resulting in a decrease in DL intensity. Related studies have also
demonstrated the critical role of H2O2 and oxidative processes in UPE; for example, the UPE
intensity in potato tubers was significantly correlated with endogenous H2O2[32].
Photobiology is an essential field that studies the effects of light on plant physiology,
development, and ecology. The health status of plants under different light qualities is usually
assessed by indicators like the photosynthetic rate, respiration rate, and chlorophyll content.
Ultra-Weak Photon Emission in Plants
Compared with static bioindicators, DL imaging provides more detailed dynamic information
and can effectively integrate the complex relationship between light quality, time, and plant
physiological status. The results revealed that the DL intensity in plants under white light was
significantly higher than under red and blue lights, further confirming the importance of the
light source wavelength in plant physiological responses. Different light qualities had
different effects on the DL decay rate in plants: white light had the highest initial DL intensity
and a slow decay rate, while blue light had the lowest initial DL intensity and fastest decay
rate. Ginkgo leaves had the highest initial intensity in all experimental conditions, followed
by H. vulgaris, while Arabidopsis had a relatively low DL intensity. Notably, the DL
properties of H. vulgaris exhibited unique variations under red light conditions, suggesting a
higher sensitivity to that wavelength. Related studies have demonstrated that different light
wavelengths interact with each other through relevant pigments to affect the hormonal
balance in plants, which in turn triggers physiological and ecological changes in plants[33,34].
We hypothesize that the differences in the response mechanisms of plants under different
light conditions may be due to their different internal pigment systems, which have different
absorption and utilization capabilities for different light wavelengths, thus affecting plant
growth and development.
Additionally, we analyzed the DL decay properties and verified the consistency of the
quantum model with experimental data. By simplifying the theoretical DL model (Eq. (4)),
several fitting forms were derived by combining different experimental data and limiting
cases. By adjusting key parameters in the model (e.g., the decay rate γ), we investigated the
main DL decay modes and the differences between plant species. The experimental data
revealed that the DL intensity of H. vulgaris and Ginkgo leaves decayed exponentially with
time, indicating that the DL of these plants is mainly driven by fast and direct processes,
which is consistent with the assumption of an exponential decay term in the theoretical model.
When the decay rate γ is negative (i.e., γ = −b, where b is a positive decay constant), the
model exhibits an exponential decay property (Eq. (5)). The exponential decay term describes
the rapid decrease in the luminescence intensity with time. However, the DL decay in
Arabidopsis does not strictly follow the exponential decay law and displays a more complex
time dependence. This deviation could be related to intermediate reactions, complex
Ultra-Weak Photon Emission in Plants
Ultra-Weak Photon Emission in Plants
Using a high-resolution and low-noise imaging system, this study provides a highly
accurate noninvasive plant monitoring method that can effectively reflect plant cells’
physiological status and health level. This method provides a new idea for the study of plant
stress response and offers a wide range of application potentials, especially in plant health
monitoring, environmental stress assessment, and precision agriculture management, with
important practical significance. In the future, by combining DL technology with quantum
physics modeling, we expect to further elucidate the response mechanism of plants to their
external environment and provide new technical approaches and theoretical support for the
realization of precision agriculture and the enhancement of plant resistance.
Ultra-Weak Photon Emission in Plants
The Ginkgo tree is a perennial deciduous tree belonging to the genus Ginkgo in the
family Ginkgoaceae. It is rich in various biologically active components, including
flavonoids and pigments, which give it a high medicinal value. The leaves were harvested on
the campus of the Beijing Institute of Technology, and the research team selected only healthy
leaves free from pests and avoided picking fallen or discolored leaves to ensure the quality
of the samples and the reliability of the experimental results.
DL imaging system
a water-cooling system, and a computer. Due to the extremely low intensity of the DL photon
flux emitted by the organism, a highly sensitive qCMOS camera (Hamamatsu ORCA-Quest)
was selected. The camera’s qCMOS imaging sensor has single photon sensitivity and
subpiston readout noise characteristics, minimal dark current signal loss, and is equipped
with a two-dimensional photon counting function that allows simultaneous acquisition of
temporal and spatial information on DL intensity. The camera operates in the single photon
number resolved mode with a scan rate of 17.6 frames per second and has a spectral
sensitivity of 400−1000 nm with a quantum efficiency of up to 85%. The accompanying
Computar objective (M2514-MP2, f = 25 mm) allows efficient DL measurement in
organisms. A water-cooling system (LX-150 cooling circulator) was used to maintain the
temperature of the camera at −40°C and minimize the occurrence of dark counts. The
experiment was conducted in an opaque darkroom, with similarly sized intact plant samples
(plants or leaves) positioned on a completely sealed black dark box sample stage, which was
located within the camera’s field of view. For each measurement, the same image acquisition
parameters were maintained, with a single imaging exposure time of 30 seconds and six
consecutive measurements with a cumulative imaging time of 180 seconds. The distance
between the plant and the detector was 25 cm, and the distance between the leaf and the
detector was 5 cm. After acquiring the detector signal, the data were transferred to a computer
outside the darkroom. HCImage software was used for image acquisition and analysis, while
Ultra-Weak Photon Emission in Plants
data correction was achieved by subtracting the background signal before each measurement.
Image processing techniques were also integrated to improve the measurement system’s
image quality.
The experiments were conducted in a dark room with the temperature maintained at
18℃. The air conditioning was run for 1 h before the start of the experiment, and the
apparatus was allowed to reach equilibrium for 30 min to ensure the stability of the
background signal and consistency of the ambient temperature. All biological samples were
allowed to acclimatize in an external dark room for 30 min before measurement to minimize
the effects of the environment and prevent the material’s residual luminescence from
affecting the results. Measurements were made by illuminating the sample and measuring the
intensity of photons re-emitted from the sample after the light source was switched off.
Because different leaf areas were used for each sample, the DL intensity was normalized to
the photon intensity emitted per unit time and per unit leaf area. During the measurement
process, fresh leaves of comparable growth stage were selected. They were first washed with
deionized water, and the surface moisture was removed with filter paper. The leaves were
then exposed to a 220 V and 10 W white LED light source for 5 min. Then, they were quickly
Ultra-Weak Photon Emission in Plants
transferred to the sample chamber, where measurements of the leaves’ DL intensity decay
over time immediately started. The total duration of each measurement was set at 180 s, with
three consecutive measurements. Background noise measurements were conducted under the
same experimental conditions to obtain the final DL intensity measurements. These values
were then subtracted from the average of the three measurements to obtain the final result.
Mechanical injury
The plant leaves were mechanically damaged using a sharp blade in a low-light
environment. Precautions were taken to avoid additional stress or damage to other parts of
the plant samples. After 5 min of mechanical damage, the samples were exposed to a 220 V
and 10 W white LED light source for 5 min. This step ensured that the leaves could quickly
adapt to the changed environment. Following the illumination period, DL intensity
measurements were initiated.
2O2 processing
During the H2O2 treatment, a freshly prepared 3% H2O2 solution was applied evenly to
the surface of the plant samples to ensure optimum leaf infiltration. An equal amount of water
was used as a control treatment to ensure the reliability of the experimental results. After 5
min of H2O2 treatment, the samples were irradiated for 5 min under a 220 V and 10 W white
LED light source. This step was done to promote the recovery of photosynthesis and related
physiological responses. At the end of the treatment, DL measurements were started to assess
the effect of H2O2 on the plants’ DL.
Light quality
LED curing lights (emitting white, red, and blue) of 220 V and 5 W were used as
different light sources. The white light source emitted a full spectrum of light, while the red
and blue light sources had central wavelengths of 660 and 460 nm, respectively. During the
experiment, plant leaves treated with deionized water were exposed to their respective light
sources at 5 cm from the LED lamps for 5 min. After irradiation, the sample leaves were
immediately transferred to the sample chamber, and their DL intensity measurement started
Ultra-Weak Photon Emission in Plants
A suitable mathematical model was selected to describe the DL decay curves and make
a quantitative comparison of the differences in DL intensities exhibited by different plants.
The DL intensity data (in counts per 30 s) of H. vulgaris and Ginkgo leaves over time were
subjected to an exponential regression model as follows:
y = a × exp(b × x) (5)
where y is the response variable, x is the predictor variable, a is the regression coefficient
representing the initial DL intensity, and b is the dynamic parameter of the exponential
decay (i.e., the slope parameter) representing the DL decay rate.
For the Arabidopsis DL intensity data, a polynomial model was fitted with the
following model form:
y = A0 + A1 x + A2 x 2 + A3 x 3 + A4 x 4 (6)
where y is the response variable, x is the predictor variable, and the DL is characterized by
the parameters A0, A1, A2, A3, and A4.
Supplementary Data
Supplementary Figure S1. The dynamics of DL intensity for three plants (during the
first 90 s) at different mechanical injury times.
Supplementary Figure S2. 3D waterfall plots of DL intensity and its decay for three
plants at different mechanical injury times.
Supplementary Figure S3. The dynamics of DL intensity for three plants (during the
first 90 s) at different oxidative stress times.
Supplementary Figure S . 3D waterfall plots of DL intensity and its decay for three
plants at different oxidative stress times.
Supplementary Table 1. Exponential model fit data for the effect of oxidative stress
on DL in plants.
Supplementary Table 2. Polynomial model fit data for the effect of oxidative stress
on DL in Arabidopsis.
Supplementary Table 3. Exponential model fitting data for the effect of different light
Ultra-Weak Photon Emission in Plants
Supplementary Table . Polynomial model fit data for the effect of different light
qualities on the DL in Arabidopsis.
This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public,
commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. Thanks to Figdraw (www.figdraw.com) for help with
character cartoons.
Author Contributions
Table 1. Exponential model fit data for the effect of mechanical injury on DL in plants.
Table 2. Polynomial model fit data for the effect of mechanical injury in Arabidopsis.
Arabidopsis A A1 A2 A3 A R2
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