Wisconsin Successes From The Field Fiscal Year 2017
Wisconsin Successes From The Field Fiscal Year 2017
Wisconsin Successes From The Field Fiscal Year 2017
Wisconsin Successes
from the Field
Featuring Local Farmers & Landowners
People Help
the Land
USDA Natural Resources
Conservation Service
8030 Excelsior Drive, Ste 200
Madison, Wisconsin
(608) 662-4422
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Gary Haughn
Patrick Richter
Keith Zygowicz
Andy Walsh
Joe Schmelz
Jason Thomas Brandi Richter
• Welcome from the State Conservationist
NRCS strives to help private landowners care for the land, use it productively
and excel as stewards for the future. Wisconsin’s working lands produce
Angela Biggs, State Conservationist
food and fiber, clean air and water, wildlife and healthy soil. Farming can be
one of the most environmentally compatible uses of land there is.
Meet and learn about these farmers, landowners and conservationists from across the state. Read about how they partner
with NRCS to put conservation on the ground while maintaining viable business operations providing food, fiber and energy
that contribute to the economy, creating a more sustainable future for all of us.
We encourage you to visit our website at www.wi.nrcs.usda.gov for information regarding all of NRCS–Wisconsin’s technical
tools, services and assistance available to farmers and landowners. NRCS looks forward to delivering one-on-one, personal-
ized advice on the best solutions to meet the unique conservation and business goals of those who grow our nation’s food
and fiber.
• Area 1 Office Information
1304 N. Hillcrest Parkway, Suite A
Altoona, WI 54720-1601
(715) 832-6547
Assistant State Conservationist, Field Operations
Gary Haughn
Patrick Richter
Keith Zygowicz
Joe Schmelz
Jason Thomas Brandi Richter
• Area 1 Service Center Information
407 S 2nd Street, P.O. Box 88 409 County Road R 390 Red Cedar Street, Suite B
Alma, WI 54610 Black River Falls, WI 54615 Menomonie, WI 54751
(608) 685-4454 (715) 284-4515 (715) 232-2614
1304 N. Hillcrest Parkway, Suite A 1160 Weather Ridge Rd 4 Boon Boulevard
Altoona, WI 54720 Chippewa Falls, WI 54729 Neillsville, WI 54456
(715) 832-6547 (715) 723-8556 (715) 743-3164
COUNTY: Ashland, Bayfield, Douglas, Iron COUNTY: Pepin COUNTY: Burnett, Washburn, Sawyer
• Barron County
Thinking Outside the Box
Alex and Mary Olson of Breezy Hill Dairy, in Dallas, Wis- Personal interaction and farm visits contributed to a
consin, operate a 550 cow facility. They also plant crops on successful conservation partnership and relationship with
1,000 acres and strictly practice no-till. The Olson’s dairy Alex and Mary. According to Patrick Richter, Barron County
farm was purchased in 1949 by Alex’s parents. Alex joined NRCS District Conservationist, “A consistent conservation
his parents in the operation in 1981 and started a part- message from Barron County Soil and Water Conservation
nership in 1983. The farm family is an advocate of conser- District (SWCD) and NRCS has helped this farm succeed at
vation and progressive in utilizing the newest innovative reaching its goal of 100% no-till, in 2016.” Alex and Mary
technologies. In fact, they hosted the most popular Wiscon- are advocates of no-till and are willing partners in conser-
sin farm show, Farm Technology Days, in 2013 showcasing vation efforts. They enjoy collaborating with NRCS and the
innovative technologies on their dairy farm. SWCD to receive conservation technical assistance and
funding. In recent communications with Alex and Mary,
Over the years, Breezy Hill Dairy has partnered with the they stated “We are still learning, but want to say thanks
United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources to the soil and water conservation department and the
Conservation Service (NRCS) through the Environmental NRCS for helping us think outside the box!” Local NRCS
Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) and the Conservation staff and SWCD partners look forward to working with
Stewardship Program (CSP). EQIP is a voluntary program Breezy Hill Dairy in the future to continue in helping them
that provides financial and technical assistance to agricul- help their land and foster their learning of conservation
tural producers to plan and implement conservation and sustainability.
practices that improve soil, water, plant, animal, air and
related natural resources on agricultural and forest land.
Breezy Hill Dairy takes their conservation one step further
by partnering with NRCS through CSP, which helps farmers
build on their existing conservation efforts while further
strengthening their conservation efforts and sustainability
of their operation.
Alex completes a no-till planting into cover crop and corn silage residue at Breezy Hill Dairy.
• Highlighting
Bayfield County
Eau Claire County
Volunteers work to stablize the eroded streambank on Spirit Island by completing plantings.
The Red Cliff Reservation, established during the treaty U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources
of 1854, is one mile wide and 14 miles long, located at Conservation Service (NRCS) for assistance though their
the top of the Bayfield Peninsula, on the shores of Lake Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP). “NRCS
Superior in northern Wisconsin. The reservation has places special emphasis on working with tribes and building
7,021 total enrolled tribal members. Natural resources tribal partnerships; we were excited for the opportunity
and conservation has always been of the utmost impor- to work with the Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa
tance to those members. Spirit Island is a small piece to restore their streambank, putting conservation on the
of upland land surrounded by an extensive, frequently ground and directly into the watershed,” said Tom Krapf,
flooded marshy area and coastal estuary for the Rasp- NRCS Assistant State Conservationist for Programs.
berry River system on the south shore of Lake Superior.
“The island is located within the Red Cliff Band of Lake
Superior Chippewa (RCB) Reservation and has significant
historical and cultural value to the Red Cliff Tribe,” said
Todd Norwood, Project Coordinator, RCB. For many years,
community members and tribal councils expressed concern
that the southwest facing bank of Spirit Island along the
Raspberry River was heavily eroding and depositing the
sandy soil downstream and at the mouth of the river. “Not
only did the erosion and sedimentation cause a potential
Northwest Area Highlights
• Bayfield County (continued)
Left: Volunteers and staff work to drive stakes that hold bio-logs in place. Middle: Volunteers and staff work during the second planting
event on the streambank. Right: Volunteers and staff work on the streambank stabilization.
helped prevent high velocities that would erode the toe of the bio-log where soil was wet.” Partnerships were key in
the streambank at the project site. It was determined the completing the 12,000 plug planting. TNR held a communi-
erosion was mostly the result of the lack of streambank ty event where Red Cliff tribal members could take part in
vegetation that resulted in an unstable bank condition. preserving Spirit Island. Area Bayfield High School science
Based on survey results, NRCS developed an initial plan students also provided planting assistance. “A subsequent
requiring large equipment for placement of bioengineer- planting event with the students occurred two weeks after
ing of large root wads and woody material to protect the our initial planting, followed by a few days of final planting
bank. This idea was presented to the Tribal Council by NRCS by TNR staff,” said Todd. The former trail was re-routed
District Conservationist, Gary Haughn. “The Council was inland to help prevent future vegetation loss and slope
concerned about the impact the large equipment would failure, while also allowing for new plant establishment and
have on sacred and fragile tribal lands and asked if a less bank stabilization. “One month post planting, the site looks
invasive method could be developed,” explained Gary. NRCS excellent and the plants are thriving,” explained Chad. “This
re-evaluated options for low impact methods the tribe project wouldn’t have been possible without the technical
would accept. The revised low impact plan required hand and financial support of the Natural Resources Conserva-
labor only, to eliminate the negative environmental impacts tion Service (NRCS) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service;
associated with heavy machinery in the fragile area. RCB their successful partnership with the Red Cliff Band was
Tribal Council accepted the plan during summer 2016 and instrumental,” said Todd. “The NRCS partnership with the
work began. Protection was required at the waterline and tribal council and staff lead to strong community support
was provided by aspen fiber ‘bio-logs’ rather than root for this project. With community support, the protection
wads that required machinery. Bio-logs were secured into needed to preserve Spirit Island’s sacred importance was
the streambank with wooden stakes and natural fiber possible and a great cultural gain for present and future
rope, all of which are designed to biodegrade over a generations,” said Gary.
3‒5 year period. “Following some minor bank shaping
and site preparation, we planted approximately
12,000 plants to help stabilize the bank,” said Todd.
• Burnett
Eau Claire County
• Chippewa County
Farmer Proves Value in Cover Crops
Steve Siverling, Chippewa County, uses cover crops, like cereal rye shown here, after corn silage to increase soil health on his farm.
Steve Siverling, a Chippewa County farmer located in To describe my soil and farm, my farm is on the edge of a
Bloomer, Wisconsin, is a serious advocate and success glacial wash. Of the 350 acres I farm, about 80 acres are
story for managing soil health and using cover crops to in hay; the rest of the tillable land is split between corn,
benefit his farm. He’s been working with the USDA Nat- soybeans and a few acres of small grains, primarily oats,
ural Resources Conservation Service since 2003 as an barley and/or cereal rye. The soil runs from 10 ft of top soil
early adopter of the Conservation Reserve Enhancement (on top of 10 ft of granite) to sandy loam, some clay loam
Program, installing riparian and filter strip buffers along and even the ultimate farmer’s dream; hilly, rocky and/or
McCann Creek. He’s also a participant in the Conservation chronically wet! McCann creek runs through my property,
Stewardship Program, extending a field border for water and both the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and
quality and wildlife protection, leaving standing grain for the NRCS have made me very aware about best practices in
wildlife, using drift reducing nozzles, establishing pollina- water quality. I have enacted many practices over the years
tor habitat and planting multiple cover crop mixes. Cover to maintain or improve that water quality.
crops provide multiple benefits in a cropping system. They
prevent erosion, improve soil’s physical and biological I call myself a biological farmer. To me, that means taking
properties, supply nutrients, suppress weeds, improve the care of the soil and trying to improve it. I am not the best
availability of soil water and break pest cycles along with bookkeeper and sometimes I felt I might have been a little
various other benefits. Steve is passionate about his work “backwards” in some of my practices over the years. But,
and wanted to share his successes directly with you, first- that is the great thing about farming, you can do it your
hand. NRCS is happy to help share stories, like Steve’s, to way, as long as you pay your bills and feed your family.
aid farmers in conservation efforts.
My soil health endeavors started 20 years ago when I
You cannot open a farm paper or magazine without seeing purchased 80 acres across the road from my farm. After
an article on cover crops. The NRCS is promoting cover running soil tests, I found the soil contained less than Northwest Area Highlights
crops and soil health also. After attending a cover crop 1% organic matter and the pH was around 5.5. At the
meeting, asking for more farmer input/discussion and time, I was a dairy farmer and my most important crop
watching a video discussion by Dr. Joel Gruver, Western Ill. was alfalfa. Attempting to grow alfalfa on this land simply
University Ag Professor, and studier of cover crops and the wasn’t going to happen and I didn’t have the money to
benefits they have on the soil, one question keeps coming make improvements.
to mind; do cover crops pay off in dollars and cents?
My agronomy consultants at the time talked about soil
I have been planting cereal rye as a cover crop for around health and building soil structure…and I listened. In 1996,
twenty years on post-soybean and chopped corn silage I still did a lot of moldboard plowing; 40 acres (of the 80 I
ground. I’ve typically planted the cover crop around purchased) were flat sandy loam. I divided that parcel into
September 15, but as late as November 10 over the years. two sections: 20 acres of soybeans and 20 acres of corn
• Highlighting
Chippewa County
Eau Claire
When I dropped the plow into the earth, it was like plowing Do I give all the credit to cover crops? Not all of it, but the
concrete; the ground broke and then rose up like blocks. cover crops help build the organic matter in my soils, which
On the soybean ground, I put a ton of high-calcium lime. results in healthy, productive soils. In return, I grow better
The corn ground received manure. In the fall, after the quality crops with less inputs, especially purchased fertil-
corn was chopped and the beans were harvested, the izer. This year, I’m working with a seed company to do an
entire 40 acres were planted with cereal rye. Sometimes experimental cover crop plot on my farm. We planted six
the rye was drilled and sometimes distributed with a fer- different cover crop mixtures into rectangle plots with a
tilizer spreader. I switched the 40-acre field back-and-forth cereal rye, barley and forage peas mix around the remain-
between corn and beans for about 10 years. I planted rye der of the field. The idea is to conduct a yield check on the
every year after the bean crop and spread manure every corn and see if there is a difference in yields using different
winter and spring onto the incoming corn ground. cover crop mixes. This could potentially help quantify the
benefits of certain cover crops.
I became aware of how the ground worked during tillage;
it became mellower. Through the years, some dry periods I am very interested in various combinations of cover crops.
came during growing seasons. At first, the crops took a hit For us farmers in northern Wisconsin, we are limited in
because of the drought. Later on, after implementing cover what we can use because of the length of our growing
crops, I had another dry period, but the crops remained season. Subsequently, I decided to fly on 80 acres of cover
greener and yields didn’t drop as much. Five years and crops into standing corn. I used a mixture of 30 lb cereal
another soil test later, the pH was at an even 6.0 and the rye, 30 lb barley and 2 lb brassicas per acre. Am I going to
organic matter was over 1%. About that time, there was an be able to get a dollars and cents return-on-investment for
article in a farm paper explaining for every 1% more organic this? I don’t know, only time will tell; here’s hoping. The
matter your soil has, the more water-holding capacity the weather and growing season will also impact the results of
soil would have. our crops. What an adventure being a farmer for sure!
I had agronomists tell me that cereal rye does not pro- The NRCS thanks Steve for sharing his firsthand successes
duce nitrogen, and they are correct. What cereal rye does with cover crops. Our goal is to share ideas on how to im-
accomplish well, is sucking up the nitrogen in the soil for a plement soil health principles and cover crops on your farm.
slow release when the primary crop is growing. In addi- Steve Siverling has seen many benefits on his farm through
tion, the rye roots help break the soil and supply air into the use of cover crops including increased soil structure and
the ground. The most important benefit I see, is cereal rye organic matter, less soil compaction and erosion, improved
supplies food for microorganisms, especially earthworms! water holding capacity in the soil, improved quality of crop
Earthworms navigate the soil; their waste, or worm cast- test weights and protein, less purchased fertilizer inputs
ings, are very high in nitrogen. A combination of rye, slowly needed to fuel crop, potential grazing during fall and spring,
rotting down and feeding the microorganisms in the soil, increased wildlife habitation/food plots, weed suppression
combined with the slow release of nitrogen, helps crops and breaks in pest cycles. “Steve is an active member of our
grow during the season. The most recent soil test done on NRCS farmer network with cover crops in Chippewa County
the field showed organic matter to be 2.5% and the pH was and has done a great job networking with other farmers
7.0. Needless to say, I can grow a beautiful crop of alfalfa and helping NRCS advance the soil health movement one
Northwest Area Highlights
now, when I couldn’t before! farm at a time,” said Tammy Lindsay, Chippewa County
District Conservationist.
Another factor I have noticed and want to highlight is
the quality of the grain that comes off my fields. The test Contact your local NRCS service center or visit www.wi.nrcs.
weight of my corn is up in the 54−58 lb range, when many usda.gov/ to learn more about soil health, cover crops and
other farmers are getting a 50−52 lb average. This has the technical and financial assistance available through
allowed me to sell corn at a premium, at times, 15 cents NRCS. Improving soil health is key to long-term, sustainable
over market, plus free hauling…that premium adds up fast agricultural production.
for a small farmer! The food-grade soybeans are usually at
the top of their protein scale with good test weight; which
means no deductions from the food-grade premium.
• Clark County
No-Till Dairy Farming
Ralph Smrecek Jr., owner of the Black River Ranch, is a
second generation dairy farm near Greenwood, Wiscon-
sin, in the heart of dairy country. Back in the early 1990s,
a zone till movement was started in Clark County. Ralph
and his father started by experimenting with a few fields
and hiring the planting done. They bought a no-till corn
planter in 1993 and since then, have been no-tilling every
crop on their 380 acre dairy farm. Across the road from the
50 cow dairy is the Black River, which ultimately flows into
the Mississippi River. Ralph is playing a big part in putting
conservation practices on the ground to combat erosion
and improve water quality.
Ralph checks for favorable field conditions to no-till into a corn field.
• Highlighting
Dunn County Eau Claire County
(L to R) Katie Wantoch, UW-Extension; Dan Prestebak, Dunn County Land and Water; Mark Denk, Chippewa Valley Technical College;
John Sippl, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service; and Leah Nichol, Dunn County Land and Water; tour a full season cover crop
plot on the demo farm.
The Red Cedar Demonstration Farm, in Menomonie, Cedar Watershed is an impaired watershed and one of the
Wisconsin, is a 155-acre, three parcel farm, leased by ways to improve water quality issues is to apply conserva-
partners to educate and demonstrate conservation of tion practices and fix soil health issues first,” said Sippl.
natural resources. Collaborators in the partnership include
the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS),
Dunn County Land and Water, University of Wisconsin-
Extension (UW-Extension) and Chippewa Valley Technical
College (CVTC). Partners attended a county board meeting,
presented a demonstration and educational farm idea and
showed soil health demonstrations and benefits. The city
and county owners of the parcels were enthusiastic about
the project and agreed to a five year lease to implement
conservation practices to educate students, partners and
the community. “They saw different agencies coming
together to form a truly interactive partnership looking at
conservation management together; this was instrumental
to the committee in approving our ideas for the project,”
said Dan Prestebak, Dunn County Land and Water. Sippl and Nichol assess clover cover crop establishment.
“In 2015, a partnership was formed; we started implement- UW-Extension partners help with educational outreach
Northwest Area Highlights
ing soil health practices, nutrient management standards, for the farm. “New students arrive each year and have a
no-till and cover crops,” said John Sippl, Dunn County chance to learn how to use farm equipment and also demo
NRCS District Conservationist. CVTC Agricultural Program new technologies,” said Katie Wantoch, UW-Extension
students perform farm work on the ground in an outdoor Agent. NRCS partners take the lead in soil conservation,
classroom environment. “The Demo Farm gives students offering technical advice on soil health principles and
a hands-on opportunity to plant, scout fields, monitor helping students with soil sampling in the field. Interest
growth, harvest, write nutrient plans, take soil samples; in the demo farm has grown across the region; farmers
really, it’s a full farm laboratory for students,” said Sippl. and partners are discussing potential new demo farms in
The land previously housed livestock for many years and their areas. “Individuals and agencies want updates to stay
was cropped and tilled in a corn-soybean rotation. Partners informed on how the demo farm is progressing and if they
observed wind erosion and saw the potential for soil health can implement some of these practices on other county
quality opportunities when the project started. “The Red lands,” said Sippl.
• Dunn County (continued)
Students currently plant one-third corn, one-third small quality, looking at agronomy, marketing and the financial
grains and one-third soybeans. No-till is being used on the side of harvesting; we’re excited to be a hands-on member
majority of the land and cover crops are also being used af- of this great partnership,” said Mark Denk, CVTC Instructor.
ter each crop harvest. “We have two designated tillage test “As a farmer and an educator, I’m passionate about this
strips for education and monitoring; they are small fields work and excited to foster the next generation.” Students
within larger fields,” said Sippl. “Students learn how to use are able to use tractors, planters and combines for planting
tillage equipment on the control strip, to compare to no-till and harvesting, as well as other needed equipment. “They
areas, where conservation practices are implemented.” An are excited to have the opportunity to use first rate technol-
experimental field of nine different species of full season ogy, GPS and auto-steering, while also having partner staff
cover crops was also planted, including sunflower, sorghum as mentors and gaining hands-on educational experiences,”
sedan grass, cow peas, radish, winter triticale, turnip and said Sippl.
multiple clover species. After the small grain oat harvest,
cover crops were also planted on the field, a multi-species
mix of a winter annual, a brassica species and clovers.
“With multi-species cover crops on the ground, we’ve seen
an abundance of wildlife, like turkey, deer and waterfowl
on the property; more than we’ve ever seen before,” said
Sippl. The soybeans had winter rye cover crop drilled in
and will be harvested for grain in summer 2016. Corn fields
were aerial seeded with a winter cover crop when corn was
still standing. Lime and urea are also being applied for nu-
trient management. A weather monitoring station, funded
through a UW-Extension Northwest Regional Innovative
Grant, is also in place to compare weather and crop yields
over the next five years.
• Highlighting
Eau Claire County
Eau Claire County
• Jackson County
Local Producer Talks Organic Transition and Pastures
Nathan Kling and his wife, Karen, own and operate a dairy
farm and grain operation near Taylor, Wisconsin, in Jackson
County. The 250 cow dairy is supported by a land base of
around 700 acres. The Kling’s home farm rests on 250 acres
of gently rolling land currently being used to graze dry cows
and young stock. The Klings are transitioning their farm
to organic production and Nathan plans to graze all of his
• Highlighting
Pepin County Eau Claire County
• Pierce County
A “Honey of a Program”
Jerome Rodewald, an experienced bee keeper in rural River to mow the ditches until after the legumes are done flow-
Falls, Wisconsin, has been selling his “Rodewald Honey” for ering. Jerome also mentors neighbors and other fellow bee
the past 8 years. He currently raises a total of 75 hives, split keepers through his involvement in the St. Croix Valley Bee
into groups of 15, spread throughout his 195 acres from Keepers Association, gives talks to school groups and works
April to October. The hives are then shipped to California with the University of Wisconsin‒River Falls to conduct
for the winter months to ensure winter survival. Jerome research for new sources of honey bee forage.
has had many acres of his land enrolled in the Conservation
Reserve Program throughout the years, but was hoping to
increase the quality and quantity of honey bee habitat on
his farm.
• Polk
CountyEau Claire County
Pit Be Gone
Greg and Karen Peper, of Polk County, Wisconsin, are for-
mer dairy operators who decided to transition their farm
to crops and a small beef herd. They own around 250 acres
near Centuria, Wisconsin. Over the years, together they
have raised hundreds of Holstein cows and also three chil-
dren. The farm is located between three large lakes, Bal-
sam, Loveless and Long Lake, so, water quality has always
been a concern for the Peper family.
Wall cleaning to remove all the manure/soil mix to allow for clean
fill to reclaim the pit area.
Northwest Area Highlights
• Rusk County
Wetland Reserve Easement Restored in Sheldon
Robert and Laura Wimer farm in Sheldon, Wisconsin. They
sold their dairy cows a few years ago, allowing them to take
some of their cropland out of production and restore it
back to it’s original wetlands. Robert and Laura partnered
with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources
Conservation Service through the Wetland Reserve
Easement (WRE) program to meet their restoration goals.
Wimer also likes that the NRCS–WRE program allows his Northwest Area Highlights
land to stay private and does not require public access after
easement restoration.
• Highlighting
St. Croix County
Eau Claire County
• Taylor County
Planning is Key to Grazier’s Success
Brian Bolstad, along with his wife, two sons and daughter, Thanks to financial and technical assistance by NRCS and
operate a dairy farm Northwest of Gilman, Wisconsin, in the Taylor County LCD, a lot of hard work by the Bolstad
Taylor County. The Bolstad family utilizes managed grazing family and a good earthmoving contractor, the Bolstad cows
for feeding approximately 80 dairy cattle throughout the can now access any part of their pasture, thereby ensuring
growing season along with a herd of replacement heifers. a good distribution of grazing and more than enough forage
for the cows according to the Bolstad’s intensively managed
The Bolstad property consists mainly of somewhat poorly grazing plan.
draining soils. The Almena Series is a good soil for growing
forage, but does not lend itself to cattle traffic without a In a recent discussion with Brian, two of the biggest im-
raised and surfaced lane. With difficult soils, broken down provements he noticed with the dairy cows were cleaner
fences, very abundant rainfall and poor drainage, the value udders, which translates to a lower somatic cell count and
of managed grazing had diminished on the Bolstad farm. a large reduction in hoof problems. Wisconsin Department
Cattle had difficulty traveling through 12 inches of mud, of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection was also a
causing foot and leg injuries. cost-share partner.
In the summer of 2014, technicians from the Taylor County Melissa Knipfel, District Conservationist, had this to say
Local Conservation District (LCD) and NRCS office met with about the Bolstad project, “Brian Bolstad’s project is an
the Bolstad family to develop a design to improve cattle excellent example of a partnership with a landowner, NRCS
access to the pasture area. The first step was to survey and the Taylor County LCD working together to solve a
the entire area and come up with a design to address the resource concern and getting conservation on the land.”
resources concerns near the farmstead. The concerns
included poor access to the manure storage structure,
poor drainage near the barn, very deep mud where the
cows would gather near the barn and the general mud
problem of 80 cows heading out to pasture twice a day
during a wet summer. The mud was so prevalent, Brian
stated that a disturbing number of cows went lame and
could not head out to pasture to graze.
• Area 2 Office Information
3369 W Brewster St
Appleton, WI 54914
(920) 733-1575
Assistant State Conservationist, Field Operations
Gary Haughn
Patrick Richter
Keith Zygowicz
Joe Schmelz
Jason Thomas Brandi Richter
• Area 2 Service Center Information
3369 W Brewster St 625 E County Y 101 West Riverview Expressway, Ste 111
Appleton, WI 54914 Oshkosh, WI 54901 Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54495
(920) 733-1575 (920) 424-0329 (715) 423-3610
In fall 2015, Tom came into the NRCS office initially interest-
ed in starting to graze some of his idle ground. That conver-
sation about rotational grazing triggered his curiosity. Tom
did what not all people do, he got educated. He took it
upon himself to attend multiple pasture walks and even
the Wisconsin Grassworks Grazing Conference. It was here
• Kewaunee County
For the Uncommon Love of Backyard Bats
Gary Legois of Luxemburg, Wisconsin, is a wildlife and
outdoor enthusiast who enjoys his 50 acres of land. He
has many hobbies, and especially likes woodworking,
fishing and making maple syrup. Gary expanded his hobby
of woodworking to building and selling hundreds of bird
houses each year. He enjoys the care and maintenance
he does on the bird houses. “I am retired; best job I ever
had,” said Gary. Legois cherishes the time he spends on his
property with friends and family, including his children and
Lincoln County
• Highlighting Eau Claire County
• Manitowoc County
Small Non-Profit Proves Huge Impact in Community
(L to R) Matt Rataczak, Jennifer Powell, Jim Knickelbine and Travis Mead viewing restored habitat on Woodland Dunes land.
Woodland Dunes Nature Center and Preserve, located family and adult programs, events and to use seven miles of
between Manitowoc and Two Rivers, Wisconsin, was free public trails and other facilities. Woodland Dunes pro-
founded in 1974 by local people who wanted to preserve gram opportunities include outdoor conservation, wildlife
forested wetlands for wildlife, especially songbirds. Resi- conservation, winter ecology, the nature of maple syrup,
dents formed a non-profit organization, purchasing the first wetland education and much more. “We feel that educating
parcel of land in 1975. The same year, they started provid- youth about the nature of which they are a part is critical
ing environmental education programs for school children to their becoming good stewards of our natural resources.
with the help of volunteers. Today, Woodland Dunes has Our impression is, many children are increasingly unfamil-
acquired tracts of land totaling 1,315 acres. “Much can be iar with nature and perhaps not as frequently exposed to
done to manage land for the benefit of both wildlife and natural areas, as were children in the past; there is a need
people in our communities, and the results can be dramatic to teach them to understand and appreciate the natural
and very positive if the effort is applied,” said Jim Knickel- world,” said Knickelbine. “Having such a unique place to
bine, Executive Director of Woodland Dunes. visit and explore close by, that caters to kids who’ve never
taken walks through forests or natural areas, is so reward-
Much of the preserve consists of old beach ridges or dunes
ing to see,” said Travis Mead, NRCS Soil Conservationist for
and alternating swales, formed by previous shorelines of
Manitowoc County.
Lake Michigan. There are few places along the Great Lakes
where these dune-swale formations still exist, and they Although the preserve is an important natural area, it has
offer very diverse habitat for wildlife. The preserve’s been significantly impacted by human activity. In the past,
location near the shoreline of Lake Michigan is a stopover farmers allowed cattle to graze in the forest, timber was
site for many species of birds during migration. In addi- harvested, land was used for agriculture and erosion was
tion to the 263 species of birds that have been found at evident. Invasive, non-native species are widespread in the Northeast Area Highlights
the preserve, more than 400 species of plants have been preserve and need constant management. As a non-profit
identified, 40 species of mammals, including black bear, corporation with a small staff, managing the land for the
river otter and fisher, nine amphibians and all seven species good of both wildlife and the public is a constant challenge
of Wisconsin’s bats have been recorded. Visitors flock to for Woodland Dunes. In 2006, the Center enrolled agricul-
Woodland Dunes to hike their picturesque trails, birdwatch, tural land in the Farm Service Agency’s Conservation Re-
observe other wildlife, buy local products such as honey serve Program (CRP) and received technical assistance from
and learn about conservation. NRCS. With the help of an NRCS biologist, they established
a 49-acre tract of warm season native grassland. They have
Year-round conservation education programs at the Center
also enrolled 45 more acres for pollinator habitat in FY2016
bring in more than 3,000 school children annually for
through CRP. These successes resulted in a great partner-
educational programming. Many others visit the center for
ship and working relationship with NRCS.
• Highlighting
Manitowoc County
Eau Claire
NRCS assisted Woodland Dunes in developing a conservation with natives; we’re al-
plan, enrolling 948 acres in the Conservation Stewardship ready seeing an increase
Program (CSP) and 89 acres in the Environmental Quality in species and numbers
Incentives Program (EQIP) for FY2015. Through these compared to areas where
programs and CRP, Woodland Dunes will plant 146 acres non-natives have taken
of approved pollinator seed mix, including wildflowers, to over,” explains Powell.
provide pollen and nectar in early, mid and late growing “These practices directly
seasons. The NRCS pollinator mix requires one, bunch align with the mission
grass species and nine forbs and/or legumes, three from of our organization and
each bloom period. “NRCS provided guidance for basic management plans for
pollinator seed requirements; Woodland Dunes had the our land, as they benefit
opportunity to choose additional seeds above and beyond wildlife of many species
the requirements to provide habitat for as many species as and help maintain bio-
Active hives on Woodland Dunes land.
possible to conserve biodiversity,” said Matt Rataczak, NRCS logical diversity within
District Conservationist for Manitowoc County. From June our preserves. This, in turn, benefits our visitors and their
to September, the Midwest region is the resting ground for experience here, and helps us educate more effectively
over 65 percent of commercially managed honey bees in about natural history and habitat management,” said
the country. It is a critical time when bees require abundant Knickelbine. Through the help of NRCS programs, Woodland
and diverse forage across broad landscapes to build up hive Dunes has been able to apply conservation practices to the
strength for the winter. To attract pollinators, an area must land, resulting in increased habitat for more diverse spe-
have adequate sources of food, shelter and nesting sites. cies. “We’re even seeing some insects, like praying mantis-
A variety of wildflowers and grasses will provide pollinators es, we haven’t seen before,” explains Knickelbine. Recently,
with food. Through CSP and other partnership programs, the Center acquired additional acres through donation.
the Center also constructed a shallow water habitat for The Center is partnering with NRCS to plan new projects
wildlife and pollinators. Vegetative enhancements being available to assist in improving habitat on those and other
done will benefit species such as monarch butterflies and areas within the preserve. “As a result, we are participating
dragonflies, as well as other pollinators. “It’s fascinating in programs that enhance not only our grasslands but wet-
to see the wildlife that moves in when you restore these lands and forested areas as well, for the benefit of wildlife,
habitats,” said Knickelbine. especially birds and pollinating insects, as well as managing
invasive species,” said Knickelbine.
Woodland Dunes land also houses thousands of honey bees.
The Center is a meeting place for the Manitowoc County Woodland Dunes is also working with nearby landowners
Beekeeper’s Association, and some local beekeepers have to discuss the benefits of technical and financial assistance
hives on Woodland Dunes property. Many active hives through NRCS programs. “We are very pleased at the positive
are flourishing and more beekeepers are inquiring about relationship we have with neighboring landowners with
placing hives on the Center’s acreage, due to their thriving whom we also work to improve habitat. In fact, two of
pollinator habitat and plans for establishing more them are also applying to enroll their lands in NRCS pro-
pollinator-friendly habitat. “Many of our neighbors also grams,” said Knickelbine. “Many landowners are willing
have hives close to the property and produce honey, so to implement positive land management practices on
the pollinator habitat helps benefit other landowners too,” their properties, but themselves lack expertise or the
Northeast Area Highlights
said Jennifer Powell, Woodland Dunes Land Management resources to carry them out. Conservation plans adminis-
Coordinator. The Center has additional pollinator plantings tered by NRCS provide both of those, and they benefit the
planned on other parcels for FY2016 and beyond. EQIP landowner, the public and wildlife.”
assistance through the Honey Bee Pollinator Effort provides
“Woodland Dunes was formed specifically to preserve a
guidance and support to farmers and ranchers to imple-
priceless, globally important natural area and the NRCS
ment conservation practices that provide safe and diverse
has been incredibly helpful in that effort,” said Knickelbine.
food sources for honey bees.
“As a small non-profit, we greatly value our partnership
The Center is also working on forest habitat restoration with the NRCS and are very appreciative these programs
to remove invasive plants and establish additional native are available and this kind of technical and financial
plantings to benefit insects and migratory birds. “We’re assistance is huge in helping us meet our goals.”
removing invasive shrubs and trees and replacing them
• Oconto County
Surface and Groundwater Protection Efforts Pay Off
Jim Mahoney has been farming in Oconto County, Wiscon-
sin, for 24 years. He has a typical rotation of corn, soybeans
and winter wheat. He also crops acres of alfalfa and snap
beans. The northeast Wisconsin landscape Mahoney
farms offers challenges, from steep sloping sands, to poorly
drained lowlands. This is why Jim likes planting cover crops.
• Highlighting
Oneida CountyEau Claire County
• Outagamie County
Hard Work Pays Off
Greg Nettekoven (R) and his wife, Karon (L), on their 800-acre farm.
Some people are born to farm. Others grow to love it. Greg The Nettekovens first heard about the benefit of NRCS
Nettekoven was born into a farm family and he and his programs through articles and mailings. They have always
wife, Karon, have grown to love farming. Greg is a second been willing to try new conservation practices and learn
generation farmer who grew up working on his family’s along the way. Greg’s forward-thinking attitude led him
760 acres of tillable land. The Nettekoven family farm, into a cooperative agreement with NRCS–WI to enroll his
established in the 1940s, started with milk cows, and 800-acre farm in the Conservation Stewardship Program
eventually led to raising beef and hogs. Spending days (CSP), and participate as a demonstration farm. The CSP is
in the sunshine tending to livestock and tilling fields as a the largest program sign-up utilized in the state. In 2016,
child, grew into a passion for farming and conservation of the program reached over one million acres of Wisconsin
the land. Greg and his wife, Karon, took over the farm in land enrolled in completed, or current contracts. The pro-
1988, turning the beef and hog operation into working the gram gave Greg the tools, resources and incentives to
land to grow vegetable crops, including peas, sweet corn try new conservation practices and reach his land manage-
and beans. A true family business, Greg works the land ment goals. “CSP and the demonstration project have taken
and Karon assists, while also doing the bookwork. He and away some of the financial risk of trying new practices due
his wife have changed their operation over the years, from to the support I have received from NRCS,” said Greg.
livestock to maintaining crop diversity with a corn, bean, Five years after his initial program signup in 2010, he
winter wheat and alfalfa rotation that includes cover crops. renewed his CSP contract five more years, until 2019.
CSP has given him the ability to put conservation practices
Greg’s willingness to try new crops and practices has on the ground, including planting and interseeding cover
contributed to his farming success. Greg always has con- crops of winter rye, triticale, radish and clover. CSP also Northeast Area Highlights
servation and soil health as a high priority. He remembers helped Greg transition to slow-release nitrogen sources,
a time when plowing led to washing, gullies and erosion implement drift reduction strategies for pesticide applica-
in his fields. In years past, driving his tractor through fields tions and even recycle farm lubricants and used oil filters.
with a cloud of dust around him, watching his top soil blow
away, had an impact. Greg says of the experience, “We The Nettekovens have taken their program successes one
were one of the first ones in the area to get a soil saver step further to help share information and resources with
chisel plow to help reduce tillage and start utilizing conser- the public and other landowners. Greg and Karon act as
vation practices actively.” The Nettekovens interest in soil advocates for NRCS programs, by making their land one of
health, and a goal of revitalizing their land sparked a con- four accessible Great Lakes Demonstration Farms, in the
nection with the Natural Resources Conservation Service in Fox River Watershed, as part of the Great Lakes Restoration
Wisconsin (NRCS–WI). Initiative for leading-edge conservation practices to reduce
• Outagamie
Eau Claire
phosphorus entering Green Bay and Lake Michigan. Greg “Greg is a progressive farmer and is an excellent partner
also developed a co-op seed formula, still successfully being to collaborate with to promote conservation on the land.
used, for himself and other farmers. As a demonstration He sets an example for others, applying conservation for
farm, Greg is assisting NRCS in considering the use of urea the good of his farm, and making his farm a model with
and gypsum applications with cover crops, and will be par- productivity and sustainability being the goal,” said Lynn
ticipating in herbicide trials, while also continuing conserva- Szulczewski, District Conservationist, NRCS Appleton Service
tion tillage/no-till practices. Center. NRCS is committed to helping farmers, like Greg,
care for their land, use it productively and excel as stewards
Greg is a strong advocate for NRCS programs. There’s many for the future. NRCS−WI works one-on-one with you to
options and choices when signing up for programs, so he provide the technical expertise and financial assistance to
recommends focusing on two or three things you’d like to make conservation work on the ground. Greg says of the
do to improve your land, and give them a good try, stick- experience, “It’s amazing in the spring to walk my healthy
ing with it for five years, to see a positive impact in soil land and see crops sprouting, thinking wow, I did that. It’s
health and land conservation. “Many farmers think about very rewarding.”
implementing conservation practices, but need help with
resources and advice, that’s where NRCS comes in. CSP is
a great planning tool to help farmers think through apply-
ing conservation enhancements on the ground. They have
great people with expertise on staff to direct questions
and needs in the right place, examples of what has worked
well before and having a local service center connection
in almost every Wisconsin county is priceless,” said Greg.
NRCS−WI has given Greg a direct path to success in his goal
of producing healthy, nutrient-rich food and preserving and
bettering his land for future generations. It has also given
him the flexibility to see what will and won’t work for his
• Shawano County
Preserving Wetlands
In 2009, Jeff Roloff, of Shawano County, Wisconsin, visited The site originally included a combination of restorable
the NRCS Shawano Service Center to find out more about hydric soil, upland acres, remnant sedge meadow, cropland
participating in the NRCS Wetland Reserve Program, now and wetland forest. The site had been ditched and turned
known as Wetland Reserve Easements. Jeff had recently into cropland and pasture, leaving only a portion of the
purchased land north of Shawano, Wisconsin, and was existing wetland functional. After restoration, the new
hoping he would qualify to receive financial assistance 46-acre easement includes a series of scrapes, embank-
and technical advice to restore a wetland on his property. ments, native prairie plantings and existing forestland. The
site now has 5.5 acres of shallow water marsh, 14 acres
of restored wet meadow, 5 acres of remnant sedge mead-
ow, 16.4 acres of native prairie and 5.1 acres of forested
• Shawano
Claire County
• Vilas County
A Place of Solitude
The Epperson property was purchased by Keith Epperson
in the 1950’s as a retreat from his busy life in Milwaukee,
Wisconsin. It includes 200 acres of forestland surrounding
120-acre Erickson Lake in Arbor Vitae.
• Highlighting
Winnebago County
Eau Claire County
Merrie Schamberger, NRCS Winnebago County District Conservationist, and Justin Duell, The G Farm owner, view cattle by the barn.
Entering Justin Duell’s farmhouse, you’ll see his passion for business plan, estimating the trees in the woods and the
farming stands out quickly. A shelf of homemade maple potential income. “I thought, I can really do this; I wanted
syrup graces the entry, calling to all visitors who stop at to replace the tax preparation with farming; eventually with
The G Farm in Larsen, Wisconsin. Justin is a beginning, vet- the goal of being a full time farmer,” said Duell.
eran farmer who joined to serve in the Army after 9/11,
then came home to finish school, get a job and ultimately, The G Farm was founded in August of 2014, before Justin
start a farm. He doesn’t have your traditional farmer’s back- acquired any farmland. He started the infrastructure and
ground. He did tax preparation for 10 years and still does it then purchased farmland to ramp up production. “I wasn’t
today, only doing so to keep his newly found farm passion fulfilled completely at the end of the day with my current
alive. tax work, so I asked myself what am I going to do, then it
was right in front of me; do what I really enjoyed, so I de-
“It really was an initial concept of preparedness. I kept cided to actively farm,” said Duell. Talk about a modern
looking at my cupboards and found nothing in there, so I farmer, Duell listens to podcasts to learn about sustainable
Northeast Area Highlights
decided to start with a little bit of canning and gardening,” agriculture. He also keeps an active Instagram, Facebook,
said Duell. “While living in the city, I scaled up and got a blog and website for The G Farm. Through social media,
few chickens, to have some continuous production. I was podcasts and books, he efficiently learned how to set up
allowed 5 pets, so I had 4 chickens and my dog, Jack.” Justin the business aspect of his farm, how to make an entity
enjoyed canning, gardening and raising chickens; he want- and more. Income through chicken production was Justin’s
ed to expand. His father and grandfather had a property main entry point; he purchased a 27-acre farm in Winneba-
with many maple hardwoods. He decided to start making go County. Duell gained a USDA Farm Service Agency loan,
maple syrup. “I only made $90 from the syrup the first year, purchasing six pregnant cows and one cow/calf pair. He
but I realized I loved the work and wanted to continue mak- currently grazes 11 cattle. “I am trying to move to a com-
ing syrup, so I decided to rent land from my grandpa to use fortable capacity for my barn and farmland,” said Justin.
the trees on his property.” Duell developed a preliminary
• Winnebago County (continued)
When Justin acquired the property, heifers had previous- Through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program
ly been kept in the barn over winter and 2 fields were be- (EQIP), a conservation activity plan for grazing was devel-
ing cropped in alfalfa. Corn was tried in another field and oped. “Justin was able to start by developing a plan for his
plowed ruts were left because the corn didn’t work due to farm, to effectively manage and plan out the installation of
poor soil quality. Justin knew he had some work to do to grazing practices with the help of NRCS,” said Merrie. Start-
improve his land and was ready to get started. ing with a conservation plan gave Justin the opportunity
to put his goals down on paper and see what was realistic
as a beginning farmer. “It helps you plan what you can do
directly with the space you have,” said Justin. “Justin re-
cently received another EQIP contract for pipeline, fencing,
watering tanks and re-seeding pasture for 2017.” The plan
is to restore the old corn field and re-plant it with hay and
other pasture plants that will benefit Justin’s entire grazing
system. “I have been rotationally grazing from day one. I
started with 2 acres and 2 paddocks to move them around
a little bit and it’s evolved from there,” said Justin. Merrie
explains further, “The goal is to get the interior fencing and
paddock fencing in this year, once the pasture is seeded,
and start following a more definitive plan for moving the
cattle.” Justin has also applied for a high tunnel to be able
to start his garden growing season earlier.
• Highlighting
Winnebago County
Eau Claire
Merrie constantly works to establish a grazing network in Justin’s ultimate goal is to provide great, locally sourced
Winnebago County, connecting Justin with others who are produce, pastured poultry and other seasonally accessi-
doing similar work. “We’ve had 10 new grazers in the last ble items to his customers. He practices a holistic approach
couple years, and networking with one another is very ben- with principles rooted in creating a sustainable, diverse and
eficial. Through these connections, Justin was able to build well managed system. Cattle, pigs, chicken and turkeys are
a relationship with another grazer to have his cattle graze raised in rotating pastures that will be increased with EQIP
on their property to breed. It also provided time for his pas- assistance. “I also have a farm partner, Emily Heeg, I do a
ture to re-establish,” explained Merrie. yearly garden with; we do vegetable stands and Community
• Winnebago County (continued)
Supported Agriculture (CSAs),” said Duell. The garden His goals for the future are to keep the farm successfully
is free from herbicides and pesticides. He and Heeg also running, while also continuing to do more on the farm with
utilize alternative techniques to increase soil fertility, avoid the help of NRCS. “Justin is a great example of a beginning
pest issues and increase nutrient content. “You can’t have farmer who’s partnering with NRCS, using the programs to
cows and manure, all this garden waste and compost; all his advantage to get his farm up and running,” said Mer-
the things you create, and not be able to use it, so I want rie. “Justin has had to learn to be flexible; it’s good to have
to make my farm a full circle and use all the nutrients and plans, but he realizes the timeline and what he can really
products that I make,” said Duell. Justin needs his conser- accomplish in a year. He is realistic about goals; we can do
vation plan to work together with his farm goals. “In my everything he wants to do; and we are looking at the years
conversations with Merrie, I was able to make my goals and spacing of practices to accomplish this.” Justin contin-
achievable. Once we had a conservation plan, she shared ues to push himself forward; in the next year he plans to
lists of practices I could implement, so I had many options,” build a fully diversified farm encompassing all the ecological
said Justin. benefits that a full eco-system brings. He truly wants to be
your farmer, to bring high quality meat and produce to your
dinner table.
Justin and Merrie in front of the barn store hours sign at The G Farm.
• Winnebago
Eau Claire County
Jamie keeps track of his soil health and has noticed a differ-
ence since adopting soil health practices, including no-till
and cover crops. “In 2012, soil tests were coming back low
in organic matter, phosphorus and potassium. Implement-
ing no-till, planting cover crops and using moderate fertil- No-till soybeans are shown planted into corn stubble on Albright
izer, we have seen our numbers steadily increase. Organic Brothers and Sons, LLC Farm.
matter, phosphorus and potassium have all increased.
You can definitely see an increase in water infiltration
as a result; less ponding and less runoff,” said Albright.
continue his soil health efforts and keep topsoil from wash-
ing off the land.
• Wood County
Central Wisconsin Family Farms Diverse and Sustainable
Denise and John Hilgart own and operate 269 acres of
farmland in Wood County, Wisconsin, just north of the
city of Auburndale. The main focus of the farm is almost
57 acres of rotational grazing pastures for their black angus
beef livestock, with another 60 acres of cropland planted
in permanent forage to supply the herd with food during
the non-grazing and winter months. The farm also has
72 acres of cropland enrolled in 2002 in the U.S. Depart-
ment of Agriculture, Farm Service Agency’s (FSA) Conserva-
tion Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) and Continuous
The Hilgarts host a pasture walk in August 2013.
Conservation Reserve Program (CCRP) for 15 years, and
a small area of cropland under a high tunnel devoted to installed near the former dairy barn that remains on the
vegetable production. livestock HQ. Other conservation practices developed at
this time included a Comprehensive Nutrient Manage-
ment Plant and nutrient management on all cropland and
pasture acres. A third EQIP contract added a 30 ft by 72 ft
high tunnel to the farm and shifted some focus to vege-
table production. Denise and John are actively involved
with the Auburndale Food Cooperative and CSA, and are
always willing to help other farmers that have questions on
rotational grazing or high tunnel vegetable production. All
cropland acres are also enrolled in the NRCS Conservation
Stewardship Program (CSP). A re-enrollment in CSP for 2017
includes 1.4 acres of native pollinator habitat planting as an
enhancement to the farm. To add to their busy farm oper-
ation, Denise and John have a welding, metal fabrication
and in-floor heating business located in the machine shop
on the farm. Local farmers keep them busy with equipment
Denise (L) and John Hilgart (R), in their seasonal high tunnel repair and other projects also. NRCS District Conservation-
installed in 2012. ist Roy Diver has been serving Wood County since 2003,
“I always enjoy a visit out at the Hilgart’s farm; they have
Resource conservation has always been a main priority
been great stewards of the land they own and always have
of the Hilgarts, along with diversity of farm products and
more thoughts on what is next for the farm,” said Diver. The
having an operation that is sustainable for the land. The
most recent project is transitioning to organic beef produc-
15-year CREP/CCRP contract enabled planting of cool
tion, and partnering with another farm in this process.
season grasses and legumes on some of the wetter farm
fields to be set aside. Other areas were enrolled as filter
strips, and almost 4 acres of field windbreaks were estab-
lished to improve wildlife habitat. The CREP/CCRP contract
Northeast Area Highlights
expires on September 30, 2017, thus, the question for the
operation is whether to re-enroll in CREP/CCRP, or convert
these fields over to grazing acres. In 2009, the beef rota-
tional grazing operation started with assistance from the
NRCS Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP). A
Prescribed Grazing Plan was developed, along with install-
ing a stream crossing and fencing, and planting forage and
biomass. In 2012, a second EQIP contract added livestock
pipeline, seasonal water facilities to the pasture and a year-
round water facility with a concrete pad
• Highlighting
Wood CountyEau Claire County
(L to R) Roy Diver, NRCS District Conservationist; Mary Brazeau Brown, Glacial Lake Cranberries (GLC) President; and Stephen Brown,
GLC Vice President, oversee cranberry harvesting at GLC.
Glacial Lake Cranberries, located in Cranmoor, Wisconsin, more uneven because they were built before laser levelers
was established in 1873 by the Arpin family. The property or modern equipment were available. “To be efficient you
was originally purchased for a lumber business, but the need to square out beds, so they are level both horizontally
owners found wild cranberries growing and decided to raise and vertically; that’s been my mission to bring everything
cranberries instead. “They built dikes and ditches around up to the best it can be where it’s most efficient to manage,”
the native stands of vines and started cultivating the fruit,” explained Mary. “We reconfigured some beds and replaced
said Mary Brazeau Brown, current owner and President the main pipeline, took out ditches, made beds longer,
of Glacial Lake Cranberries. Cranmoor is unique, hous- added new sprinklers and reconfigured the area to be
ing 14 cranberry marshes in the township. Most of those managed much more efficiently.” Through the NRCS Envi-
started by cultivating native vines from the area. Wood ronmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), Mary was
County marshes greatly contribute to making Wisconsin able to install irrigation pipeline, irrigation system sprinklers
the number one state in the country for cranberry produc- and complete irrigation water management. A heavy frost
tion. Brown’s Grandfather was the Arpin’s attorney and fell in the spring of 2016 and the beds with original sprinkler
purchased the property with a group of investors in 1923. systems obtained frost damage. “There was no frost dam-
Mary returned to the property in 1980 and currently owns age to the cranberry beds renovated through NRCS EQIP;
6,000 acres. The land includes 330 acres of cranberries, cost-sharing made Mary’s goals achievable and successful,”
2,600 acres of forest and around 3,000 acres in reservoirs said Roy Diver, Wood County NRCS District Conservationist.
that support the cranberry acres. The operation has 96 fruit
beds and produces 10 million pounds of fruit yearly. “That’s Glacial Lake Cranberries was the first marsh to complete a
more than you’ll eat in your lifetime,” explained Mary. forest management plan and also a nutrient management
Northeast Area Highlights
She runs the operation with the help of her son, Stephen, plan. Mary participates in the NRCS Conservation Stewardship
currently Vice President of Operations, four employees that Program (CSP) to manage her forested acres. “I was so glad
live on the property year-round, seasonal staff and help Roy explained the benefits of the CSP program,” said Mary.
from family. For forestry management through CSP, they practice conifer
crop tree release to enhance the growth and health of
Mary partnered with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, trees, while improving wildlife habitat. “We’re not manag-
Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in 2003, ing our forests for income, we’re managing our forests for
when programs and practices were more applicable and natural succession, wildlife diversity and the best manage-
available to cranberry growers. “We needed renovations ment practices that will support both of those missions,”
because it’s an old marsh; some beds were planted in 1939 explained Brown. “Mary is also progressive in keeping soil
and needed updating. Those are my heirloom varieties,” healthy on her property, by participating in forest stand
said Mary. As Mary’s older producing beds age, they become improvement,” said Roy. “We watch the timing of our
• Wood County
• Area 3 Office Information
26136 Executive Lane Suite 105A
Richland Center, WI 53581
(608) 647-8874
Assistant State Conservationist, Field Operations
Gary Haughn
Patrick Richter
Keith Zygowicz
Joe Schmelz
Jason Thomas Brandi Richter
• Area 3 Service Center Information
505 Broadway St., Suite 232 220 La Crosse St. 26136 Executive Lane Suite 105A
Baraboo, WI 53913 Mauston, WI 53948 Richland Center, WI 53581
(608) 355-4420 (608) 847-7221 (608) 647-8874
• Highlighting
Crawford County
Eau Claire County
Reed Fitton, of Gays Mills, Wisconsin, is a beginning farmer the land, so Reed jumped on the opportunity. That’s where
who has the opportunity to rent and farm a legendary the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS)
piece of property known as the Ben Logan Farm. Reed offered its assistance. To abide by these special rules,
strives to work the land by adhering to Logan’s principles Reed contacted the NRCS because he had heard about its
in the 1975 book, The Land Remembers. “Once you have technical assistance services and successful cost-share
lived on the land, been a partner with its moods, secrets programs. Fitton applied and was accepted to utilize the
and seasons, you cannot leave. The living land remembers,” NRCS Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP)
from The Land Remembers. Reed didn’t grow up as a farmer, to implement conservation practices to help the land.
but became interested, after working on a few vegetable Conservation practices Reed implemented include fencing,
farms and a goat dairy. He had dreams to set up his own forage and biomass planting, livestock pipeline, watering
grazing and dairy operation one day. He gained experience facilities, prescribed grazing and conservation cover. “We’re
by participating in the Wisconsin School for Beginning encouraging beginning farmers to partner with us to learn
Dairy Farmers and is currently in his second year as a Dairy about the best conservation practices available to help
Grazing Apprentice. He’s working with veteran grazer Don their land and to encourage them by offering technical
Boland, a close neighbor, to graze his own herd and some and financial assistance to aid in their success,” said
of Boland’s heifers. During the 2014 season, Reed raised Angela Biggs, State Conservationist in Wisconsin.
and custom grazed 30 young dairy heifers of his own and
When Reed arrived, 40 acres were in hay and 15 acres were
60 of his mentor’s. These animals were rotationally grazed
previously in corn. The land had been farmed conventionally.
and moved to a new paddock every day by Reed. “As a
Southwest Area Highlights
• Crawford County (continued)
From June to September, the region is the resting ground proactive both in communicating his long term goals, while
for over 65 percent of the commercially managed honey taking into consideration the effects on ecosystem around
bees in the country. It is a critical time when bees require him, which made integrating the prescribed grazing an easy
abundant and diverse forage across broad landscapes fit into the pollinator program,” said Karyl Fritsche, District
to build up hive strength for the winter. Fitton received Conservationist, Prairie du Chien Service Center.
funding through EQIP and seeded in FY14, the first year
the special initiative was available. To protect the clover
blossoms and aid in pollinator habitat, the livestock are not
allowed to graze the plants below four inches. “Leaving the
plants growing higher than the minimum required really
seemed to help in reference to the number of pollinators I
see around. Winter is always rough on bees, but I’ve seen
more pollinators this year than I ever have before due to my
conservation efforts,” said Reed. Also, during the first year
of seed establishment, he halted from haying the acres until
after August 1. “I let eight of the hayed acres go to seed so
it can reseed itself. I’ve found letting the pasture go a little
longer has been helpful for the pollinators and minimizes
bloat in my herd because the lush clover has time to ripen
up,” said Reed. To attract pollinators, an area must have ad-
equate sources of food, shelter and nesting sites. A variety
Reed Fitton’s heifers grazing the land.
of wildflowers and grasses will provide pollinators with food
(nectar, pollen and/or larval host plants).
Appropriate cover crops or pasture management may
Fitton and his partner, Amanda Rubasch, are beekeepers provide quality forage and habitat for honey bees and other
themselves. They have six active hives and have seen great pollinators, as well as reduce erosion, increase soil health
success with Reed’s prairie pollinator efforts. Not only has and inhibit invasive species. Setting a conservation plan for
he increased value of the feed for his grazing cattle by in- Fitton helped him realize his goals and passion for farming.
cluding clovers, he has also seen an increase in bee activity “Always tilling the land and letting it wash out, and then the
at his hives, and an increase in honey production, which he soil is gone; you don’t have to look hard to see that. There’s
says is sweet! “Through technical and financial assistance only so much soil there. We need to give back and not keep
provided by the NRCS Honey Bee Pollinator Effort, I am taking, taking and taking. I’m doing my best to restore soil
seeing more bee and butterfly activity this summer than I health in this area through conservation practices with NRCS.”
ever have. The six bee hives on our land look healthy, I’ve
Reed plans to continue his farming success as a grazer
got more bees and pollinators around, and honey production
and owner of dairy heifers, while also implementing
is up! There’s bee’s all over the place now, which is rewarding
conservation practices that help the land, and pollinator
to see.”
habitat. “Starting as a young, beginning farmer with a
“Karyl Fritsche, District Conservationist in Crawford County, dream of having my own operation, to being a successful Southwest Area Highlights
walked me through the whole application process, helped grazer and farmer, with a herd of 60 dairy heifers of my
me set up a conservation plan, recommended seed mixes, own, I’d say I’ve reached my dream,” explains Reed. “I
assisted with questions, planting and more. She’s been wouldn’t be where I am today without the technical and
great to work with and NRCS has always been available financial assistance of NRCS to help me reach my goals.”
if I have a question or stop into my local service center
office,” explains Fitton. EQIP assistance through the Honey
Bee Pollinator Effort provided to landowners, like Fitton,
provide guidance and support to farmers and ranchers to
implement conservation practices that provide safe and
diverse food sources for honey bees. “Reed has been great
to work with through this whole process. He has been very
• Highlighting
Grant County Eau Claire County
After Construction. Banks were shaped, riprap put into place, then
top soil was spread on the banks and they were seeded down. Also,
you can see where a backwater refuge was constructed.
Before construction.
• Green County
Mimicking Nature to Create a Pasture of the Future
(L to R) Jacob Marty, Green Fire Farm; and Tony Strenz, Green County NRCS Soil Conservation Technician, view cattle on the farm.
In 2015, Jacob Marty, of Green Fire Farm in Monticello, and provide nesting bird habitat. That was my gateway into
Wisconsin, established a regenerative, managed grazing grazing on the farm,” said Jacob. “If you do this on a broad
operation as a beginning farmer. Jim and Jacob Marty, a scale, the birds are going to come back, you’re going to
father-son team, farm 400 acres in Green County. Jacob provide habitat for many beneficial species.” By going back
is a sixth generation farmer, with his families farm roots to the family farm and transitioning some of the acres to a
dating back to the 1850s. The farm was an active dairy until grazing operation, Jacob knew he could make a difference,
2012. “After 37 years of milking, it was time for a change,” and at the same time, enjoy his passion for animals.
said Jim. Jacob runs the new 90-acre grazing operation. His
focus is grass-fed beef, pastured heritage pork, pastured
poultry and eggs and sheep. His father runs the cropping
operation, actively cropping corn and alfalfa, and also pro-
ducing grain and hay for animal feed. “My dad is the best
at making great quality hay to feed my beef cattle; we work
as a team and challenge one another to benefit this farm,”
said Jacob. The Marty family has served as stewards of their
land each generation by working hard and adopting con-
servation-minded agriculture technologies to continue to
provide a restorative future for Green Fire Farm. The farm
was even named after Aldo Leopold’s famous conservation Southwest Area Highlights
writings in A Sand County Almanac. Jacob’s great uncle was
a friend of Aldo and a successful forester, so conservation (L to R) Jacob Marty; his father, Jim; Tony Strenz and Brian Pills-
bury, NRCS; discuss a new managed grazing expansion.
runs deep in the Marty family.
With a background and degree in Wildlife Ecology, Jacob Jacob learned about the USDA Natural Resources Conser-
was interested in conservation and endangered species. He vation Service (NRCS) in school and through networking
wanted to help animals, but never thought of taking over with other graziers. Jacob’s first exposure to grazing was a
the family farm himself. “I needed to figure out what I could six week field course. His interest was piqued. “That was
apply my passion to, and realized I might be able to manage the first time I had an opportunity to go on a farm and see
a farm to provide habitat, since I have a passion for animals. rotational grazing work,” said Jacob. “From there, I started
I started looking into the ways of permaculture and grass- reading and researching on providing habitat for wildlife in
fed grazing operations, and how they can mimic grasslands a grazing environment.”
• Green
Claire County
“When Jacob first visited his local NRCS Service Center, he were chosen to provide increased habitat for wildlife and
came prepared with plans and goals; he had everything pollinators, while also providing a diverse mix of forage for
laid out and was more than ready to work with us; he had the cattle. The new grazing acres are divided into 6 large
really done his research,” said Tony Strenz, Green County paddocks, that are then separated into smaller grazing sec-
Soil Conservation Technician. “I made plans to explain to tions by portable fencing. In 2015, he additionally planted
my father why I wanted to do this,” said Jacob. He visited 8 acres of silvopasture to increase wildlife habitat on his
many grazing operations. “I wanted to know what worked own, including chestnut and apple trees. “As a beginning
well, what I should be doing and how to finish high quality farmer, the NRCS cost share assistance really helped me get
beef; I did my research,” said Jacob. His goal is to regener- my grazing operation going. The initial biomass seeding was
ate and build soil, sequester carbon and enhance the health really important; seed is expensive and I wanted to plant a
of the local water, air and nutrient cycles by observing and diverse multi-species mix. The cost sharing made my goal
mimicking patterns that occur in nature through his grazing achievable,” said Jacob.
operation. “My livestock are managed in ways that mimic
their natural history and behavior. This results in healthy
and happy animals that produce incredible quality meat in
the process,” said Jacob.
Jacob’s sheep.
facilities and did forage and biomass plantings of cool sea- couple years,” said Jacob. This year, he will be using a lead-
son grasses on all 48 acres. Through a second EQIP contract er-follower grazing system where his animals, with different
in 2016, he enrolled 39 more acres in prescribed grazing, forage needs, pass through each pasture in succession,
installed more perimeter fencing, livestock pipeline, water- using the land more efficiently without destroying its ability
ing facilities and did forage and biomass plantings of cool to support livestock. “I’ll be moving them twice a day; we
season grasses on the additional 39 acres. are really trying to get our grazing system churning at full
capacity,” said Jacob.
Jacob seeded down over 80 acres of crop ground previously
in corn, into pasture using an 18 species mix of native Jacob partnered with a farm in Peoria, Illinois, to keep St.
grasses, legumes and some medicinal herbs. “The diverse Croix sheep and heritage pigs on his property to graze also.
mix came in really well with clover, alfalfa, meadow fescue, Jacob takes care of over 30 pigs and 25 sheep. For the work
radishes and turnips.” said Jacob. Many of the species he does, he keeps the lambs and piglets that are birthed.
• Green County (continued)
• Green
CountyEau Claire County
• Iowa County
Beef Producers Use EQIP and a “Razor” to Improve Pastures
Ken Ruppert and Karin Condon, of Dodgeville, Wiscon-
sin, run 50 cow/calf pairs on about 150 acres of managed
pasture and oak savanna. They also farm 125 acres of row
crops. Local Natural Resources Conservation Service field
office staff began working with Karin and Ken in 2013. They
were interested in improving pasture production through
managed grazing and brush management. Honeysuck-
le, prickly ash and multiflora rose were invading the oak
savanna portions of the pasture. In addition to brush, they
removed weed trees, such as cedars and box elders.
Ken and Karin were awarded an EQIP contract in 2014 for Ken working hard at brush removal in an oak savanna.
managed grazing, fencing and brush management. Months
earlier Karin had noticed an advertisement in the Iowa Farm
News Paper for a Razor implement that could be used on
the front of a skid steer to clean out fence lines. It looked
like a great tool not just for fence lines, but hard to access
pastures on the property. They drove to Iowa and picked
up the Razor. “The use of the Razor for clearing the larger
brush meant we could cut it at ground level or remove the
brush and root system for a clean result without leaving
debris behind,” observed Karin. The results were clear; the
Razor was an excellent tool for removing brush. The appli-
cation of appropriate herbicide on re-sprouts were close
to 100% effective. Ken and Karin completed 11.2 acres of
brush management in a couple months. “It was much easier
to find new calves in the Spring without all the brush,” said “The Razor” up close.
• Highlighting
Juneau CountyEau Claire County
(L to R) Jon Field, USDA–NRCS Juneau County District Conservationist; Nate Bell, Juneau County Farmer; and Lucy Bell, Nate’s daughter;
by the restored stream on the Bell farm.
Nate Bell, of Juneau County, Wisconsin, is a third genera- “Erosion was our biggest concern; we weren’t building any
tion crop farmer who’s been riding in a combine since he organic matter; much of our soil is highly variable around
was three years old. Bell’s grandpa bought the farm in the here, some good and some sandy knolls,” said Bell. “In
1940s, and Nate always knew he wanted to continue the 2011, we took one 35-acre parcel and planted a radish cov-
family tradition. “I’ve always wanted to be a farmer; I’ve got er crop in the sandy soil. We thought we could try and get
the farming bug; I’m a soil nut too; I like fixing it and mak- some tap roots down and do something to help the sandy
ing it better, balancing it, building water retention; I love soil there,” said Bell. The landlord called Nate in the hottest
it,” said Bell. While attending college, Nate bought his first part of summer and said, “I don’t know what you guys did
farm in 2003. After graduating in 2004, he started farming up here, but you’ve got to come and see this.” “Everyone’s
full time. In 2007, he took over his family’s farm, renting corn in the area was done and this 35-acre parcel of sandy
the property from his parents, and in 2008, purchased it. soil corn was still going strong; the cover crop bought
that corn over two weeks extra time to get it ready due to
“I started realizing the importance of conservation as a increased water retention; we saw the benefits first-hand
teenager, and once I had kids, it clicked even more; I want and are still seeing them with cover crops on that field,”
to leave this land better than I received it,” said Bell. Nate’s explains Bell. Nate has seen better soil health and water
first endeavor as a conservation farmer was practicing retention after implementing no-till and cover crops.
no-till. “When I was a kid, we chisel plowed everything and
worked the ground a lot, then in the mid-1990s, we started Nate worked with the USDA Natural Resources Conser-
Southwest Area Highlights
no-tilling,” explained Bell. The Bell family saw a neighboring vation Service (NRCS) through the Environmental Quality
farmer’s success in no-tilling soybeans. “My dad liked the Incentives Program and the Conservation Stewardship
idea, so we tried it ourselves, by no-tilling 10 acres. We Program to put conservation to work on his farm through
planted into some 200 bushels of cornstalk and we were drainage water management, cover crops and more. He
thinking, oh yeah right, we’re going to get beans out of recently partnered with NRCS to complete a streambank
here?” said Bell. The soybeans ended up doing great and restoration project.
they started using no-till on many more acres from there.
Nate farms and manages 3,000 acres in partnership with Bell’s property has a prominent stream running through it,
his father, Sam and neighbor, Vern. His wife, Lisa, helps where he witnessed erosion on the streambanks. “Erosion
by maintaining the farm books, while also caring for their was the biggest problem on the banks; beavers also compli-
children, Lily (age 8), Lucy (age 7) and Lucas (age 3), who cated the problem by plugging up the stream and subse-
always want to help dad in the shop. quently flooding out my fields, which was very frustrating,”
• Juneau County (continued)
said Bell. Streambanks were covered in overgrown woody there’s cool, deep, running water,” said Bell. The restoration
biomass and invasive species like box elder and honeysuck- includes a pool, riffle, run system. Water pools in an area of
le. “In the 1980s, the stream used to be beautiful and fish- the stream characterized by deep depths and slow current,
ing was immaculate. I remember fishing the streams when I then riffles to shallow depths with fast current, then runs
was a kid; over the years it was much harder to get around with moderate current and depths greater than riffles. The
all the invasives. In 2012, it was impossible to navigate, so mixture of flows and depths provide habitat variety to
people stopped fishing there. It was really disappointing to support fish and invertebrate life. “The day we visited the
see what was happening to the stream,” said Nate. successful restoration, the Wisconsin Department of Natu-
ral Resources was stocking the successfully restored stream
with brown trout; Bell and his family can’t wait to fish the
restored stream this year,” said Field.
Lucy Bell, Nate Bell and Jon Field assess the restored streambank
plant establishment.
• Highlighting
Lafayette County
Eau Claire County
Farmer Dan Shelliam, with his cattle, on his 475-acre Lafayette County farm.
Shelliam’s father and grandfather had a milking parlor setup “A lot of the land I acquired was what no one else wanted,”
for a while, and that, along with many neighboring farm explained Shelliam. Much of the land was run down, and
Southwest Area Highlights
family and friends, sparked his interest in farming full time. the ground was previously disturbed by heavy mining.
He’s been around farms all his life. “I remember riding the “Truly a bad thing for any farmer out there, there’s so many
tractor, choppers and combines with my dad, venturing heavy metals on top of the ground around here; in a dry
around the farm” said Dan. He learned about the agency in year, those heavy metals contribute to drying up all the soils
watching projects on neighboring farms that had received nutrients,” said Dan. “Zinc is normally measured in parts per
financial and technical assistance from NRCS. “Seeing some million and the zinc I had on the land could be measured in
of the practices applied, like forestry and cover crops grams.” The mining ground also had major erosion issues.
through EQIP, and seeing what its done for soil health Dan knew it would take years to fix the soil health issues
and bringing wildlife back in, has been very gratifying,” on his land, but he was up for the challenge with the help
said Dan. of NRCS.
• Lafayette County (continued)
• Highlighting
Monroe CountyEau Claire County
• Monroe County
Pioneers of No-Till
Michelle Komiskey (left), NRCS District Conservationist, and Jack Herricks, Herricks Dairy Farm, on Jack’s property.
Jack Herricks, a pioneer of no-till farming in Monroe Coun- equipment,” said Jack. The Herricks have played a major
ty, Wisconsin, no-tilled before it was popular or regularly role in no-till being widely accepted in their area.
accepted. In 1971, at the age of 19, Jack came home to run
the family farm. “I came home with a suitcase of clothes
and ten dollars’ worth of change in my pockets, to ten sib-
lings younger than me,” said Jack. Jack started with 34 cows
and 120 acres. He now owns 1,080 acres and 600 cows.
“We farm about 1,300 acres currently,” explains Jack. A
century farm in 2012, Jack is a third generation farmer. He
farms with his wife, Pat, and his son and daughter, who are
part owners. His son-in-law and three nephews also work
on the farm full time, as well as eight other employees.
Jack’s dad and grandpa laid out their first contours on the
property in the early 1940s, to gain greater productivity
from the soil and reduce erosion. “We’ve practiced manure
management and soil fertility practices for years to help
with erosion,” said Jack. In 1985, Herricks made his first
effort at no-till corn. “At the time, the dealers didn’t know
how to set up a planter for it yet, and everyone wondered Herricks Dairy Farm landscape. Southwest Area Highlights
what on earth I was doing with my fields,” explained Her-
ricks. Jack and his family have always tried to make good, Jack learned about the NRCS from his father. He has a hand
conservation-minded decisions with their land. Jack quoted written conservation plan his dad worked on with the Soil
Winston Churchill in saying “success is going from one Conservation Service, now NRCS, in the early 1950s. “I
mistake to the next, without any lessening of enthusiasm.” remember as a boy, helping my dad put in waterways and
He resolved, through the challenges, he was going to make contour strips. He was always concerned about keeping soil
no-till work, and his farm has been no-till for many years in place and he tried to do the best conservation practices
now. Jack is such an advocate of no-till, he promotes it and he could in that era, so it was a natural follow through for
helps others in the area. “We used to go to several neigh- me to continue those efforts,” said Jack. With assistance
boring farms and plant a few acres here and there, with from NRCS through the Environmental Quality Incentives
our no-till planter to help out, since no one else had the Program, the Herricks installed cover crops, contour strips,
Monroe County
• Highlighting Eau (continued)
Claire County
water retention structures and grassed waterways. They In the early 1990s, the middle Kickapoo River Watershed,
also practice no-till, forest management, timber stand where Herrick’s farm is located, was targeted for improve-
improvement and manure management. Through the NRCS ment. Through the targeted efforts, Herricks was able
Conservation Stewardship Program, they increase wildlife to install many water retention structures. During the
habitat by leaving standing grain, and use a nitrification initial assessment, a biologist walked Brush Creek in the
inhibitor. “The inhibitor helps retain the nitrogen for the watershed and deemed it a dead trout stream; it was not
plants to use,” said Herricks. Jack also has 1,200 taps good fish habitat. The same biologist walked brush creek
for maple syrup, another step to diversify and make his 20 years later. From the efforts put forth by the area farm-
land more productive, while cleaning up and improving ers and partners, the creek was deemed an active fishery,
his wood lots. had deeper water and other improvements noted. “We
have double the livestock than the rest of the watershed
has; I feel the report is a direct reflection on us and how we
manage our land and our manure,” said Jack. “The quality
shows up in the water, and that’s when you know your
conservation decisions are making a true difference,”
explained Michelle Komiskey, NRCS Monroe County
District Conservationist.
• Richland County
The Ridge and Valleys of Richland County
The landowners in Richland County are as diverse as its “We worked closely with NRCS who helped us through the
landscape. Knowing ones passions can aid a great deal in paperwork and all the steps necessary to receive our EQIP
finding happiness with your selection of property here. funding. When it was approved we were overjoyed and
quickly engaged the help of a local contractor to begin the
For Mathew and Stephanie Kirkham, finding property in the work,” said Greg. Their deeply cut and meandering stream
Driftless area that fit their budget came first, then, finding with steep overhanging banks and intrusive boxelder trees
a way to manage it that fit their lifestyle came second. “We was transformed into a perfect habitat for spawning trout
had to find the acreage we wanted in the price range we with fast moving areas and deep pools created like artwork
wanted, after that, we looked at our options and decided by the perfect placement of flat stones and boulders. A
grazing was the route we wanted to go,” said Matt Kirkham. small wetland scrape was also designed with curving sides
and a couple of raised islands for waterfowl habitat, and it
The Kirkhams looked to the USDA Natural Resources Con-
is already teaming with life. The Harmes can hear the frogs
servation Service (NRCS) for technical and financial assis-
and toads singing late into the night. Through EQIP, they
tance to convert their 50 acres of cropland to a rotational
also planted pollinator habitat to help struggling pollinators
grazing system. Through the NRCS Environmental Quality
and butterflies in Wisconsin. “We couldn’t be happier with
Incentives Program (EQIP), they were able to complete a
the results and hope to continue the restoration of our
forage and biomass planting in 2015, and completed fenc-
beautiful land so we can enjoy it for generations to come,”
ing in 2016. Mathew and Stephanie are excited to see their
said Nina.
plan come together and are working towards stocking their
new grazing system.
For Greg and Nina Harmes the search for property took on
a slightly different meaning. “When we began looking for
property, we had several goals in mind. First, our family con-
tinues to uphold the hunting traditions so important to the
history of Wisconsin. Second, we wanted a variety of land
types, from tillable, to prairie, to woods. Third, the land
had to have water on it. The property the Harmes found in
Richland County had all of the raw ingredients they were
looking for. In teaming up with the NRCS, they have taken
major steps toward making their future dream a reality.
• Highlighting
Sauk County Eau Claire County
Amanda Schultz, Sauk CPZ, talks with Joe and Jon Meyer about
improvements they have seen with the addition of cover crops.
• Vernon County
EQIP Assists in Restoring Stream Function
In 2007 and 2008, Vernon County, Wisconsin, suffered
from severe flooding. Dave Jacobson was one of the many
landowners impacted by this event. Dave is an agricultural
producer along Spring Coulee Creek near Coon Valley, Wis-
consin. The ‘07 and ‘08 floods exacerbated streambank ero-
sion, threatening adjoining cropland and impairing stream
function due to increased sediment loading.
Before the floods, Dave’s land was actively cropped, being
used for corn, hay and tobacco. With flood waters inundat-
ing all of his cropland and almost reaching his residence,
the landscape was drastically changed with rock and sand
deposited on his crop fields and eroding his streambanks to
12-foot sheer drops.
Dave learned of the possibilities of EQIP funding to address
his rapidly eroding streambanks after he saw other projects
being done in the area. Dave had conversations with a DNR
construction crew and an NRCS Soil Conservation Techni-
cian on site. After discussions, they decided the Streambank
Protection practice would address Jacobson’s resource
The streambank work on Dave’s farm was partially funded
through the Driftless Area Land Conservation Initiative
(DALCI). DALCI focuses on restoring cold water stream cor-
ridors. This special funding pool helped many landowners
address their stream resource concerns in Vernon County.
The work was also supported by the Wisconsin DNR
through a fisheries easement. NRCS initiatives often involve
partners at every level of government, from municipalities
to states.
“Vernon County is home to one of the premier trout fish-
eries in the United States,” said Sam Skemp, NRCS District
Conservationist in Vernon County. “Work like this not only Spring Coulee Creek after streambank protection and fish habitat
provides conservation benefits, but contributes to a robust installation. Lunker structures, instream wood placement and
instream rock placement provide habitat for trout.
local economy. Fishermen come from far and wide to enjoy
our crystal clear streams.”
Southwest Area Highlights
Dave Is hopeful the streambank work will prevent future
flooding because the removal of trees in the area will pre-
vent backup. He looks forward to addressing other resource
concerns on his land through the EQIP program. He plans
on converting cropland back to natural cover and is particu-
larly interested in pollinator plantings.
• Area 4 Office Information
451 W. North Street
Juneau, WI 53039
(920) 709-3028
Assistant State Conservationist, Field Operations
Gary Haughn
Patrick Richter
Keith Zygowicz
Joe Schmelz
Jason Thomas Brandi Richter
• Area 4 Service Center Information
W6529 Forest Avenue 5201 Fen Oak Dr, Room 208 333 E Washington St. Ste 3200
Fond du Lac, WI 54937 Madison, WI 54650 West Bend, WI 53095
(920) 923-3033 (608) 224-3750 (262) 335-4860
W1740 North Street, Suite 100 2912 Red Fox Run Road 438 Industrial Drive, Suite 1
Green Lake, WI 54941 Portage, WI 53901 Westfield, WI 53964
(920) 294-6474 (608) 745-7358 (608) 296-2815
Columbia County
• Highlighting Eau Claire County
• Columbia County
Natural Resources Education and Restoration
(L to R) Twyla Kite, NRCS District Conservationist; Nichol and Craig Swenson, WRP landowners and Directors of Flyways Waterfowl
Experience; and Tally Hamilton, Farm Bill Biologist, NRCS and Pheasants Forever Partnership, view the restored WRP easement.
In 1999, Craig and Nichol Swenson, of Columbia County, Wis- WRP, now known as Wetland Reserve Easements, is a
consin, bought property in Baraboo. They are also Directors voluntary opportunity to restore and protect wetlands on
of the Flyways Waterfowl Experience open to the public private property with the help of NRCS. Landowners, like
on Highway 136 south of Baraboo. The Swenson property the Swensons, receive technical and financial assistance to
was enrolled in the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural restore wetlands that have been drained for agriculture. The
Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Wetland Reserve Swenson land was previously conventionally farmed and
Program (WRP) in 1998, but restoration work had yet to corn was always grown. The erosion was vast, flooding was
start when they acquired the property. The Swensons were a constant concern and something needed to be done. Craig
excited to restore their acres and actively manage their land and Nichol worked with NRCS and other partners to fill two
through WRP. Craig and Nichol own 23 acres of the WRP and drainage ditches and install an overflow structure on their
three other neighbors own the rest of the 80-acre easement. easement property. “In 2001, the overflow structure was
completed and wetland water could be let out efficiently, as
The importance of conservation is something Craig learned
needed,” explained Craig.
really early in life. “I grew up in McFarland, Wisconsin, and
we farmed a bit; you learn what conservation is all about.
We’ve hunted, fished and trapped our whole lives too. If you
don’t consider conservation, you won’t have clean water,
animals and our other important natural resources,” said
Craig. Nichol has a different background story concerning Southeast Area Highlights
what conservation means to her. She grew up on a barrier
island in South Jersey, which fueled her interest in soil con-
servation. Nichol explains, “I see conservation from a differ-
ent perspective, an ecological perspective. That’s why we
started the Flyways Waterfowl Experience, to bring kids in
to talk about the importance of these things. We strive to
teach why we need to respect the land so it’s around for
future generations.” Nichol and Craig can teach first-hand,
the importance of active conservation and land manage-
ment at their Experience, because they are stewards of the
(L to R) Nichol and Craig next to a waterfowl exhibit inside the
land they own. Flyways Waterfowl Experience.
• Highlighting
Columbia County
Eau Claire
(L to R) Tally, Nichol and Twyla view the restored prairie acres on the Swenson property.
• Columbia County (continued)
• Highlighting
Dane County Eau Claire County
• Dodge County
A Leader in Conservation
Conservation leader, Dale Macheel, of Dodge County,
Wisconsin, operates Macheel Enterprises and Werld Farms.
Dale is one of the foremost conservation-minded producers
in Dodge County. With over 1,000 cropland acres in produc-
tion, he knows taking care of his most vital money-maker,
his soil, is important.
Dale has a long history with United States Department of
Agriculture programs. He began working with the Natural
Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) when he enrolled
his first acres in the Farm Service Agency’s Conservation
Reserve Program (CRP). Working with NRCS planners and
technicians, Dale also installed soil conservation practices
such as grassed waterways, through the Environmental
Quality Incentives Program (EQIP). Building on that expe-
rience, Dale now includes the Conservation Stewardship
Program (CSP) in his land management plans.
Of all the programs Dale has worked with he says, “CSP is Close up of a forage radish.
one of the best.” He first enrolled in the CSP in 2010. When
it came time to re-enroll his CSP contract, he was looking
for a way to incorporate new technology into his operation
that offered better economical and environmental benefits.
Using the CSP planning process he chose enhancements
AIR 04 and WQL 11, which utilize sprayer and variable
rate technology to address air and water quality resource
concerns. Two years into the contract, Dale says “the best
part of CSP is getting paid to do new practices. Some of the
practices are expensive and I don’t know if I would have
taken the chance.” Incentives offered through CSP made
Dales conservation implementation a reality.
Dale also used CSP to introduce cover crops into his
cropping system. He followed NRCS planning guidance to
establish clover and radish as a cover crop into his winter
wheat as a way to protect and enhance soil health and pro-
duce nitrogen for the next crop. Did it work? Pictures don’t
lie. Dale explains, “after my cover crop success, I drive by
wheat fields and wonder why aren’t others doing this?” Forage radish and red clover seeded into winter wheat stubble.
Southeast Area Highlights
• Highlighting
Fond du Lac Eau
Claire County
Close-up look of plants per square foot. Picture taken on August 11,
• Fond du Lac County
Produce With a Purpose
Richard Slager, of the Empire Township in Fond du Lac enabled the Slagers to grow many crops, from arugula and
County, Wisconsin, is an advocate for producing healthy Asian greens, to beets and broccoli. In January 2014, the
fruits and vegetables while teaching people about sustain- Slagers started a fundraising campaign and raised more
able agriculture. He and his wife, Dawn, are passionate than $6,000 to purchase a bus to be used to deliver fresh
about few things. vegetables. Last summer, Rick’s cousin pitched in with her
artistic talents and painted the bus, now known throughout
One, they realize the effects of what poor food has done
the county as The Fresh Market Bus.
to their local communities. “Most kids don’t realize where
their food comes from,” explained Slager. Two, is their love Once the bus was ready for deliveries, Rick reached out to
for Africa. Since 2000, Richard and Dawn have been actively several YMCAs and institutions to ask to park the bus in
involved in the continent close to their hearts. Since 2001, public locations. Almost immediately, word about the bus
Rick has spent a considerable amount of time in West Africa spread. Local businesses ask the Slagers to stop at their
working in agriculture. With that, Produce With Purpose workplace so employees can buy fresh produce. “It helps
Farm was born. businesses boost their wellness efforts,” said Richard. The
bus makes eight stops throughout the week in the Fond du
Lac area and also stops in Oshkosh on Tuesdays, Milwaukee
on Wednesday nights and at the Oshkosh, Appleton, Fond
du Lac and West Bend farmers markets on rotating Satur-
days. Stop by and visit for some fresh veggies near you!
• Green LakeEau
Highlighting County
Claire County
Decades of Conservation
Conservation has been a part of Richard Dukelow’s farm reduced tillage, his conservation legacy and the coopera-
since the very beginning. Duke can remember when he tion between him and his neighbors to help with custom
was 6 years old “getting in the way” while his grandpa operations, including harvest. “You probably won’t meet
fixed stone walls with a stone boat and horses. These walls too many farmers born in the 1930s, actively studying uni-
were at the edge of two gullies, dropping off the Markesan versity research on cropping systems. Richard is a leader in
Prairie into Roy Creek and the Big Green Watershed. The adopting new conservation activities to improve soil health,
ravines looked similar to rock formations you may see productivity and profitability. NWQI assistance enabled the
today in Wisconsin Dells. These stone walls, fixed by his install of various conservation practices in the Big Green
grandpa in 1937, held back 30-foot head cuts. Lake Watershed over the last five years to improve water
quality. Conservation minded farmers, like Richard, are
an important reason why this program has been success-
ful,” said Caleb Zahn, NRCS Green Lake County District
Conservationist. The Green Lake NRCS has also worked
closely with their local conservation partners including
the Green Lake Land Conservation Department and the
Green Lake Sanitary District to help with design, installa-
tion and additional funding for specific practices. Today,
Dukelow Farms is better off because of Richard’s decades
of conservation-minded choices.
• Jefferson County
Restoration Leads to Flourishing Wetlands
(L to R) Ohne Raasch, of Lake Mills, Wisconsin, and Mark Steinfest, Elkhorn Area Civil Engineering Technician, U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), view the restored easement on the Raasch property.
When land floods more often than it grows crops, why not working with NRCS, I was excited about the opportunity
let it go back as nature intended, to a flourishing wetland. to restore my land.” Ohne has always had an interest in
Ohne and Karen Raasch, of Lake Mills, Wisconsin, had goals conservation and restoring land to bring wildlife back.
to do just that with a property they purchased. Since the “I started by putting out duck houses with my neighbor
age of 12, Ohne grew up hunting on the land they acquired and it grew from there. At first I had 15, and now I have
from a farmer friend in 2010. Karen also got her first buck 350 on multiple properties! I’ve been involved in conser-
40 years ago on the 155-acre farm. The Raaschs had always vation organizations over the years and realize the impor-
loved the land and wanted to own the property. They had tance of making good decisions for our natural resources,”
many goals and aspirations for the land. “When Ohne and said Ohne.
Karen were able to acquire the farm, they really wanted to
restore the property to its original beauty as a wetland,”
said Mark Steinfest, Elkhorn Area Civil Engineering Tech-
nician, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources
Conservation Service (NRCS).
• Jefferson
Eau Claire
The local Elkhorn NRCS Service Center worked with Ohne habitat for roosting birds like songbirds and doves and
to develop a restoration plan for their property. A plan is hold up to future management tools, like the use of fire,”
completed so owners know what to expect throughout the explained Mark. Ohne comments further, “The restored
easement process. “We even worked together to figure wetlands filled in really quick with water; they have never
out different soil types and what I could plant where, that been close to drying out. I’ve seen a lot of increased wildlife
would work best,” said Ohne. “There are some changes recently; I’ve seen many more geese, Sandhill cranes, ducks
along the way as needed, but we work together to come up and turtles.” The Raaschs love seeing the results of what
with a preliminary easement management plan that is best their efforts can do. They’ve seen an abundance of pollina-
for the land and landowner,” said Mark. tors and beneficial insects also. “When I walk around the
restored prairie, I’ve seen an increase in bees and many
other bugs I’ve never seen before,” said Ohne. Since the
restoration, NRCS Farm Bill Biologists visited and are
excited about seeing many native species establishing
on the easement.
• Jefferson County (continued)
• Rock CountyEau Claire County
• Walworth County
16th Annual Prairie Walk Returns to Its Roots
Sixteen years ago, Ray and Sharon Rippel, of Burlington,
Wisconsin, hosted the very first Prairie Walk in Walworth
County. On September 28, 2016, the Rippels again, host-
ed the Prairie Walk. Ray and Sharon own approximately
35 acres of cropland originally enrolled in 1999 in the U.S.
Department of Agriculture (USDA), Farm Service Agency’s
(FSA) Conservation Reserve Program. “We started simple,
with the four big grasses; Big Bluestem, Little Bluestem,
Switchgrass and Indian Grass,” said Ray. Over the years, the
Rippels have worked very hard to maintain a high quality
prairie on their property.
In 2012, with the help of USDA’s Natural Resources Conser-
vation Service (NRCS) and FSA, the Rippels converted some
areas of their prairie into pollinator habitat. Herbicides and
mowings were used to suppress the grassed areas. Then,
20 different forb species were planted. Prescribed burnings Participants get an up-close look at bee hives on the Rippel property.
were also used to aid in forb establishment and for mainte- Their Granddaughter, Emma, is using the hives as part of an
agriculture project for her senior year in high school.
nance purposes.
Ray has several areas in the prairie that are his favorite
(see pictures). These areas are typically very diverse or
areas where unique species are thriving. Ray also notices
areas that need extra work and attention. Those areas are
almost a monoculture of switch or indian grass that have
taken over the forbs. Ray and Sharon will continue to work
on grass suppression while re-establishing the forbs in
those areas needing extra attention.
The 16th Annual Prairie walk at the Rippels, attended by
60 farmers, partners and general public, was a great suc-
cess on a cool fall day. Participants enjoyed guest speaker
PJ Liesch, UW-Extension (UW-EX) Entomologist, presenting Ray points out Rattlesnake Master to participants on the 2016
Prairie Walk in Walworth County.
on bee identification and biology. Attendees also viewed
a demonstration of bee handling gear by Ray and Sharon’s
granddaughter, Emma. Following the speaker’s presenta-
tions and a beautiful walk through the prairie, attendees
also enjoyed a warm, locally sourced and donated lunch.
Walworth County’s Annual Prairie Walk is organized by Southeast Area Highlights
NRCS, FSA and UW-EX. It is held annually in different
seasons to facilitate the discussion of different topics and
points of interest. Looking to the future, locations have
already been confirmed for 2018.
• Highlighting
Washington Eau
Claire County
mediocre hay fields into a good feed source for her sheep.
Val is taking the next step in improving soil on her land.
She has been awarded her first Conservation Stewardship
Program (CSP) contract and will be collecting her first soil
samples to send in to be analyzed to measure soil health.
Soil health tests, such as the Haney test, measure the bio-
logical activity in the soil to better assess the nutrient cycle
to help avoid over-fertilizing that could potentially impact
both soil and water quality.
• Leadership Team
(From L to R) Tivoli Gough, Tom Krapf, Jason Nemecek, Judy Derricks (retired), Angela Biggs, Mark Kulig, Ty Larson, Eric Allness, Deb White,
Josh Sherman, John White, Greg Kidd and John Ramsden.
• District Conservationists by Area
Lisa Neuenfeldt, Waupaca Service Center Kathy Turner, Jefferson and Juneau Service Centers
Matt Rataczak, Manitowoc Service Center Caleb Zahn, Green Lake and Westfield Service Centers
Merrie Schamberger, Oshkosh Service Center
Joe Smedberg, Chilton Service Center
Michael Stinebrink, Rhinelander Service Center
Lynn Szulczewski, Appleton Service Center
Peggy Winter, Antigo Service Center
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Natural Resources Conservation Service
Helping People Help the Land
Wisconsin • FY2017