Field Crops Report: Corn condition rated 2 percent very poor, 4 poor, 11 fair, 54 good, and
29 excellent. Corn dough was 94 percent, near 92 last year, and ahead of 89 for the five-year
average. Dented was 59 percent, ahead of 48 last year and 46 average. Mature was 2 percent,
near 1 both last year and average.
Soybean condition rated 2 percent very poor, 4 poor, 13 fair, 55 good, and 26 excellent.
Soybeans setting pods was 95 percent, near 96 last year, and equal to average. Dropping leaves
was 8 percent, ahead of 3 last year, and near 4 average.
Sorghum condition rated 0 percent very poor, 2 poor, 12 fair, 62 good, and 24 excellent.
Sorghum coloring was 62 percent, well ahead of 36 last year and 41 average. Mature was
3 percent.
Pasture and Range Report: Pasture and range conditions rated 2 percent very poor, 4 poor,
20 fair, 63 good, and 11 excellent.
Data for this news release were provided at the county level by USDA Farm Service Agency,
UNL Extension Service, and other reporters across the State.
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