1SDC007109G0203 QT10 Photovoltaic Plants
1SDC007109G0203 QT10 Photovoltaic Plants
1SDC007109G0203 QT10 Photovoltaic Plants
Photovoltaic plants
Technical Application Papers
Photovoltaic plants
Introduction................................................ 4 3 Installation methods and
configurations ............................... 26
1 Generalities on photovoltaic 3.1 Architectural integration.................................. 26
(PV) plants............................................. 5 3.2 PV plant layout................................................ 27
Single-inverter plant................................................ 27
1.1 Operating principle.................................... 5 3.2.1 3.2.2 Plant with one inverter for each string..................... 27
1.2 Energy from the Sun.................................. 5 3.2.3 Multi-inverter plant.................................................. 27
1.3 Main components of a photovoltaic plant..... 8 3.3 Selection and interfacing of inverters.............. 28
1.3.1 Photovoltaic generator.................................... 8
1.3.2 Inverter.......................................................... 11 3.4 Choice of cables............................................. 32
1.4 Types of photovoltaic modules............... 12 3.4.1 Types of cables........................................................ 32
1.4.1 Crystal silicon modules................................. 12 3.4.2 Cross-sectional area and current carrying capacity.... 33
Technical Application Papers
Photovoltaic plants
5.2 Plants with transformer................................... 41 6.1.15 Molded-case circuit-breakers for applications up to .
5.2.1 Exposed conductive parts on the load side of the ...... 1000 V DC.............................................................. 60
transformer.............................................................. 41 6.1.16 Tmax PV molded-case circuit-breakers for direct .....
current applications............................................... 61 Plant with IT system................................... 41 Plant with TN system.................................. 41 6.1.17 Air circuit-breakers for direct current applications.62
5.2.2 Exposed conductive parts on the supply side of the .. 6.1.18 Air switch-disconnectors for applications up to ........
1000V DC............................................................... 66
transformer.............................................................. 42
6.1.19 New air switch-disconnectors for applications up to .
5.3 Plants without transformer.............................. 43 1000V DC............................................................... 67
6.18 Cable glands and nuts with metric pitch...... 88 Annex C – Dimensioning examples of photovoltaic
6.19 Screw clamp terminal blocks........................ 88 C.1 Introduction................................................... 110
6.20 Polyamide 6.6 and 12 cable ties - UV resistant C.2 3kWp PV plant.............................................. 110
black................................................................ 89 C.3 60kWp PV plant............................................ 113
Technical Application Papers
In the present global energy and environmental context, This Technical Paper is aimed at analyzing the problems
the aim to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases and and the basic concepts to be faced when realizing a
polluting substances (also following the Kyoto protocol) photovoltaic plant. Starting from a general description
has become of primary importance. This target can be of the modalities of exploiting solar energy through PV
reached also by exploiting alternative and renewable en- plants, a short description is given of the methods of
protection against overcurrents, overvoltages and indirect
ergy sources to back up and reduce the use of the fossil
contact, so as to offer a guide to the proper selection
fuels, which moreover are doomed to run out because
of the operating and protection devices for the different
of the great consumption by several countries. components of the plant.
The Sun is certainly a high potential source for renewable This new edition of the Technical Paper is divided into two
energy and it is possible to turn to it in the full respect parts: the first part, which is more general and includes
of the environment. Just think that instant by instant the first five chapters, describes the operating principle
the surface of the terrestrial hemisphere exposed to of PV plants, their typology, the main components, the
the Sun gets a power exceeding 50 thousand TW; the installation methods, the different configurations and
quantity of solar energy which reaches the terrestrial soil the protection systems. Besides, it offers an analysis of
is enormous, about 10 thousand times the energy used the production of energy in a plant and illustrates how it
varies as a function of determined quantities.
all over the world.
The second part (which includes Chapter 6) illustrates
Among the different systems using renewable energy the ABB solutions for photovoltaic applications.
sources, photovoltaics is promising due to the intrinsic
qualities of the system itself: it has very reduced service To complete this Technical Paper, there are four annexes
costs (fuel is free of charge) and limited maintenance which present:
requirements, it is reliable, noiseless and quite easy to • a description of the new technologies used in photo-
install. Moreover, photovoltaics, in some grid-off ap- voltaic plants
plications, is definitely convenient in comparison with • a description of the other renewable energy sources;
other energy sources, especially in those places which • an example for the dimensioning of a 3kWp PV plant for
are difficult and uneconomic to reach with traditional a detached house and of a 60kWp plant for an artisan
manufacturing business.
electric lines.
• a description of temperature rise, MCB and discon-
nector behavior in photovoltaic applications.
4 Photovoltaic plants
Due to its elliptical orbit the Earth is at its least distance from the Sun (perihelion) in
December and January and at its greatest distance (aphelion) in June and July.
Photovoltaic plants 5
Technical Application Papers
With solar radiation we mean the integral of the solar irradi- The reflected radiation depends on the capability of a sur-
ance over a specified period of time [kWh/m2]. Therefore face to reflect the solar radiation and it is measured by the
1 Generalities on photovoltaic (PV) plants
the radiation falling on a horizontal surface is constituted albedo coefficient calculated for each material (Figure 1.4).
by a direct radiation, associated to the direct irradiance on
the surface, by a diffuse radiation which strikes the surface
Figure 1.4 - Reflected radiation
from the whole sky and not from a specific part of it and
by a radiation reflected on a given surface by the ground
surface type albedo
and by the surrounding environment (Figure 1.3). In winter
Dirty roads 0,04
the sky is overcast and the diffuse component is greater
Aqueous surfaces 0,07
than the direct one.
Coniferous forest in winter 0,07
Figure 1.3 - Components of solar radiation Worn asphalt 0,10
Bitumen roofs and terraces 0,13
Soil (clay, marl) 0,14
Dry grass 0,20
Rubble 0,20
Worn concrete 0,22
solar constant Forest in autumn / fields 0,26
Reduction of solar
radiation Green grass 0,26
Dark surfaces of buildings 0,27
Dead leaves 0,30
Bright surfaces of buildings 0,60
Direct Fresh snow 0,75
Figure 1.5 shows the world atlas of the average solar
irradiance on an inclined plan 30° South [kWh/m2/day].
6 Photovoltaic plants
In Italy the average annual irradiance varies from the 3.6 sible to draw about 2 MWh/m2 (5.4 . 365) per year, that is
kWh/m2 a day of the Po Valley to the 4.7 kWh/m2 a day the energetic equivalent of 1.5 petroleum barrels for each
4.4 4.0
4.0 4.2
Genoa 4.8
5.2 Alghero
Photovoltaic plants 7
Technical Application Papers
1.3 Main components of a photovoltaic plant In the contact area between the two layers differently
doped (P-N junction), the electrons tend to move from
1 Generalities on photovoltaic (PV) plants
the electron rich region (N) to the electron poor region (P),
1.3.1 Photovoltaic generator thus generating an accumulation of negative charge in
the P region. A dual phenomenon occurs for the electron
The elementary component of a PV generator is the pho-
holes, with an accumulation of positive charge in the
tovoltaic cell where the conversion of the solar radiation
region N. Therefore an electric field is created across the
into electric current is carried out. The cell consists of junction and it opposes the further diffusion of electric
a thin layer of semiconductor material, generally silicon charges. By applying a voltage from the outside, the
properly treated, with a thickness of about 0.3 mm and junction allows the current to flow in one direction only
a surface from 100 to 225 cm2. (diode functioning).
Silicon, which has four valence electrons (tetravalent), is When the cell is exposed to light, due to the photovoltaic
“doped” by adding trivalent atoms (e.g. boron – P doping) effect2, some electron-hole couples arise both in the N
on one “layer” and small quantities of pentavalent atoms region as well as in the P region. The internal electric field
(e.g. phosphorus – N doping) on the other one. allows the excess electrons (derived from the absorption
The P-type region has an excess of holes, whereas the of the photons from part of the material) to be separated
from the holes and pushes them in opposite directions
N-type region has an excess of electrons (Figure 1.7).
in relation one to another.
As a consequence, once the electrons have passed the
depletion region they cannot move back since the field
prevents them from flowing in the reverse direction. By
connecting the junction with an external conductor, a
Figure 1.7 - The photovoltaic cell
closed circuit is obtained, in which the current flows
from the layer P, having higher potential, to the layer N,
Doped silicon having lower potential, as long as the cell is illuminated
(Figure 1.8).
Si Si Si
Figure 1.8 - How a photovoltaic cell works
Hole Load
B Si P Luminous
Electric current
Si Si Si
N-type silicon
P-N junction
P-type silicon
Photons flow
Depletion region
+5 +5 +5 +3 +3 +3
+5 +5 +5 +3 +3 +3
+5 +5 +5 +3 +3 +3
The photovoltaic effect occurs when an electron in the valence band of a material
(generally a semiconductor) is promoted to the conduction band due to the absorption of
one sufficiently energetic photon (quantum of electromagnetic radiation) incident on the
+5 +5 +5 +3 +3 +3 material. In fact, in the semiconductor materials, as for insulating materials, the valence
electrons cannot move freely, but comparing semiconductor materials with insulating
materials the energy gap between the valence band and the conduction band (typical of
+5 +5 +5 +3 +3 +3 conducting materials) is small, so that the electrons can easily move to the conduction
band when they receive enough energy from the outside. Such energy can be supplied
+5 +5 +5 +3 +3 +3 by the luminous radiation, hence the photovoltaic effect.
8 Photovoltaic plants
The silicon region which contributes to supply the cur- On the market there are photovoltaic modules for sale
rent is the area surrounding the P-N junction; the electric constituted by an assembly of cells. The most common
4 Several panels electrically connected in series constitute
N layer an array and several arrays, electrically connected in
parallel to generate the required power, constitute the
generator or photovoltaic field (Figures 1.11 and 1.12).
1 Figure 1.11
several modules assembled
into a single structure
2 1 Array
P-N region Cell Module assembly of panels
Positive connected in series
contact 1 P layer
Photovoltaic plants 9
Technical Application Papers
The PV cells in the modules are not exactly alike due to between glass and cell, to eliminate the interstices due
the unavoidable manufacturing deviations; as a conse- to surface imperfections of the cells and electrically
1 Generalities on photovoltaic (PV) plants
quence, two blocks of cells connected in parallel between insulate the cell from the rest of the panel; in the pro-
them can have different voltage. As a consequence, a cesses where the lamination phase is required Ethylene
flowing current is created from the block of cells at higher Vinyl Acetate (EVA) is often used;
voltage towards the block at lower voltage. Therefore, a • a rear supporting substratum (glass, metal, plastic);
part of the power generated by the module is lost within • a metal frame, usually made of aluminium.
the module itself (mismatch losses).
The inequality of the cells can be determined also by dif-
Figure 1.13
ferent solar irradiance, for example when a part of cells
are shaded or when they are deteriorated.
These cells behave as a diode, blocking the current
generated by the other cells.
Aluminium frame
The diode is subject to the voltage of the other cells and
it may cause the perforation of the junction with local
overheating and damages to the module.
Therefore the modules are equipped with by-pass diodes
to limit such phenomenon by short-circuiting the shaded
or damaged part of the module.
The phenomenon of mismatch arises also between
the arrays of the photovoltaic field, due to inequality of
modules, different irradiance of the arrays, shadings and
faults in an array.
To avoid reverse current flowing among the arrays it is
possible to insert diodes.
The cells forming the module are encapsulated in an
assembly system which:
• electrically insulates the cells towards the outside;
• protects the cells against atmospheric agents and
against mechanical stresses;
• resists ultra violet rays at low temperatures, sudden Supporting
changes of temperature and abrasion; substratum Cells
10 Photovoltaic plants
1.3.2 Inverter The power delivered by a PV generator depends on the
The power conditioning and control system is constituted point where it operates.
+ L I
- N
V . I = cost
To obtain a waveform as sinusoidal as possible, a more
sophisticated technique – Pulse Width Modulation
(PWM) – is used; PWM technique allows a regulation to
be achieved on the frequency as well as on the r.m.s. 0 V
value of the output waveform (Figure 1.15).
The maximum point of power transfer corresponds to the
point of tangency between the I-V characteristic curve for a
given value of solar radiation and the hyperbola of equation
Figure 1.15 – Operating principle of the PWM technology
V . I = cost.
8 The MPPT systems commercially used identify the
maximum power point on the characteristic curve of the
generator by provoking, at regular intervals, small varia-
Vsin 4 tions of loads which determine deviations of the voltage-
2 current values and evaluating if the new product I x V is
higher or lower then the previous one. In case of a rise,
Volt (V)
the load conditions are kept varying in the considered
direction. Otherwise, the conditions are modified in the
-4 opposite direction.
Due to the characteristics of the required performances,
0 0,002 0,004 0,006 0,008 0,01 0,012 0,014 the inverters for off-grid plants and for grid-connected
time (s) plants shall have different characteristics:
• in off-grid plants the inverters shall be able to supply a
voltage on the AC side as constant as possible at the
varying of the production of the generator and of the
load demand;
• in grid-connected plants the inverters shall reproduce,
as exactly as possible, the network voltage and at the
same time try to optimize and maximize the power
output of the PV modules.
m = Vsin / Vtr <1
Photovoltaic plants 11
Technical Application Papers
1.4 Types of photovoltaic modules direction of the crystals and the consequent different
behavior with respect to light. The polycrystalline silicon
1 Generalities on photovoltaic (PV) plants
Some manufacturers guarantee the modules for 20 years, with a maximum loss of ef-
ficiency of 10% with respect to the nominal value.
The dark blue color is due to the titan oxide antireflective coating, which has the purpose
of improving the collection of solar radiation.
12 Photovoltaic plants
Nowadays the market is dominated by crystal silicon The materials mainly used are:
technology, which represents about 90% of it. Such • amorphous silicon (a-Si)
Buffer layer
Cadmium Sulfide
(CdS 60nm)
Cadmium Telluride
(CdTe 6nm)
Tellurium Antinomy
(Sb2 Te3 200nm)
(Mo 200nm)
Photovoltaic plants 13
Technical Application Papers
cadmium, it may become a problem when not properly The deposition techniques are low power consumption
recycled or used (Figure 1.19). CdTeS cells have higher processes and consequently the relevant payback time
1 Generalities on photovoltaic (PV) plants
efficiency than amorphous silicon cells (12.4 to 13.4%, is short, that is only the time for which a PV plant shall
and 12.7 to 14.2% for high performance modules) and be running before the power used to build it has been
also a cost per unit slightly higher (0.58-0.60 €/W). generated (about 1 year for amorphous silicon thin films
against the 2 years of crystalline silicon).
In the CIS/CIGS/CIGSS modules, instead of silicon, some In comparison with crystalline silicon modules, thin film
special alloys are used, such as: modules show a lower dependence of efficiency on the
• copper, indium and selenite (CIS); operating temperature and a good response also when
• copper, indium, gallium and selenite (CIGS); the diffused light component is more marked and the
• copper, indium, gallium, selenite and sulphur (CIGSS). radiation levels are low, above all on cloudy days.
The efficiency is about 14.1 to 14.6% (15% for high
performance modules) and the performances remain
Table 1.1
unchanged over the time; as for crystal silicon, a reduc-
tion is foreseen for the unit cost, which is actually about Single crystalline Polycrystalline Amorphous
0.65 €/W. silicon silicon silicon
η Cell 16% to 17% 14% to 16% 7% to 8%
Benefits High η Lower cost, Lower cost,
Nowadays, GaAs technology is the most interesting η constant simpler reduced influence
one if considered from the point of view of the obtained Reliable production, of the temperature,
technology optimum overall higher power
efficiency, higher than 25 to 30%, but the production of dimensions output with
such cells is limited by the high costs and by the scarcity diffused radiation
of the material, which is prevailingly used in the “high Disadvantages Higher quantity of Sensitivity to Larger dimensions,
power necessary impurities in the cost of the
speed semiconductors” and optoelectronics industry. for production manufacturing structure and
In fact, GaAs technology is mainly used for space ap- process assembly time
plications where weights and reduced dimensions play
an important role.
Table 1.2
The market share of thin film technologies is limited, but
such technologies are taken into consideration as the GaAs CIS (Copper
solution with the highest potentiality in the medium-long (Gallium Cadmium Iridium Selenide
term, also for a substantial price reduction. Arsenide) Telluride alloys)
η Cell 32.5% 12.4% - 13.4% 13.6 - 14.6%
By depositing the thin film directly on a large scale, more
Benefits High resistance at Basso costo Molto stabile
than 5 m2, the scraps, which are typical of the slicing high temperatures
operation to get crystalline silicon wafers from the initial (ok for
ingot, are avoided. Disadvantages Toxicity, Toxicity, Toxicity
availability of the availability of the
According to some studies in this field, by 2020 the market share of thin films could materials materials
reach 30% to 40%.
14 Photovoltaic plants
1.5 Types of photovoltaic plants Figure 1.20 - Photovoltaic shelters and street lamps supplied by photovol-
taic power
Figure 1.21
5 7
3 6
AC connections
Photovoltaic plants 15
Technical Application Papers
the grid during the hours when the PV generator cannot LV grid
produce the energy necessary to satisfy the needs of
Power from
the consumer. the grid
On the contrary, if the PV system produces excess elec-
Power to the
tric power, the surplus is put into the grid, which therefore grid
can operate as a big accumulator: as a consequence,
grid-connected systems do not need accumulator banks
(Figure 1.22).
Figure 1.22
Figure 1.24
1 PV generator
16 Photovoltaic plants
1.6 Intermittence of generation and storage of Through a technical selection of these options according
produced power
Photovoltaic plants 17
Technical Application Papers
2 Energy production
2.1 Circuit equivalent to the cell Then, the current supplied to the load is given by:
2 Energy production
A photovoltaic cell can be considered as a current gen-
. .
erator and can be represented by the equivalent circuit I = Ig - Id - Il = Ig - ID . e A k T -1 - Gl . Voc [2.3]
of Figure 2.1.
The current I at the outgoing terminals is equal to the
In the usual cells, the last term of this formula, i.e. the
current generated through the PV effect Ig by the ideal
leakage current to earth Il, is negligible with respect to
current generator, decreased by the diode current Id and
the other two currents.
by the leakage current Il. As a consequence, the saturation current of the diode
The resistance series Rs represents the internal resist- can be experimentally determined by applying the open
ance to the flow of generated current and depends on circuit Voc to a not-illuminated cell and measuring the
the thick of the junction P-N, on the present impurities current flowing inside the cell.
and on the contact resistances.
The leakage conductance Gl takes into account the cur-
2.2 Voltage-current characteristic of the module
rent to earth under normal operation conditions.
In an ideal cell, we would have Rs=0 and Gl=0.
On the contrary, in a high-quality silicon cell we have The voltage-current characteristic curve of a PV module
is shown in Figure 2.2. Under shortcircuit conditions the
Rs=0.05÷0.10Ω and Gl=3÷5mS.
generated current is at the highest (Isc), whereas, with
The conversion efficiency of the PV cell is greatly affected
the circuit open, the voltage (Voc=open circuit voltage)
also by a small variation of Rs, whereas it is much less is at the highest.
affected by a variation of Gl. Under the two above mentioned conditions, the electric
power produced in the cell is null, whereas under all the
Figure 2.1
other conditions, when the voltage increases, the pro-
Ig Rs duced power rises too: at first it reaches the maximum
power point (Pm) and then it falls suddenly near to the
open circuit voltage value.
Figure 2.2
Voc Cell temp. = 25 °C Pm = Im* Vm
4.0 Incid. irrad. = 1000 W/m2
GI ISC 59.9 W
3.0 Im
Current [A]
The open circuit voltage Voc occurs when the load does 2.0
not absorb any current (I=0) and is given by the relation: 1.5
Voc = [2.1] 0.5
GI 0.0
0 5 10 15 20 VOC 25
Voltage [V ]
The diode current is given by the classic formula for
direct current: Then, the characteristic data of a PV module can be
Q.V oc [2.2] summarized as follows:
. .
Id = ID . e A k T -1 • Isc short-circuit current;
• Voc open circuit voltage;
where: • Pm maximum produced power under standard condi-
• ID is the saturation current of the diode; tions (STC);
• Q is the charge of the electron (1.6 . 10-19 C) • Im current produced at the maximum power point;
• A is the identity factor of the diode and depends on • Vm voltage at the maximum power point;
the recombination factors inside the diode itself (for • FF filling factor: it is a parameter which determines the
crystalline silicon it is about 2) J form of the characteristic curve V-I and it is the ratio
• k is the Boltzmann constant (1.38 . 10-23 ) between the maximum power and the product (Voc . Isc )
• T is the absolute temperature in K degree of the no-load voltage multiplied by the short-circuit
18 Photovoltaic plants
If a voltage is applied from the outside to the PV cell in The currents Ig and Ir, which come from the PV generator
reverse direction with respect to standard operation, the (Ig) and from the network (Ir) respectively, converge in the
2 Energy production
generated current remains constant and the power is node N of Figure 2.4 and the current Iu absorbed by the
absorbed by the cell. consumer plant flows out from the node:
When a certain value of inverse voltage (“breakdown”
voltage) is exceeded, the junction P-N is perforated, as Iu = Ig + Ir [2.4]
it occurs in a diode, and the current reaches a high value
thus damaging the cell. In absence of light, the gener- Since the current on the load is also the ratio between
ated current is null for reverse voltage values up to the the network voltage U and the load resistance Ru:
“breakdown” voltage, then there is a discharge current
analogously to the lighting conditions (Figure 2.3 – left
quadrant). U
Iu = [2.5]
Figure 2.3
Current [A ]
Ir = - Ig [2.6]
Ir = [2.7]
Voltage [V]
Vinv 0 Voc On the contrary, if all the current generated by the PV
plant is absorbed by the consumer plant, the current
supplied by the grid shall be null and consequently the
2.3 Grid connection scheme formula [2.6] becomes:
Figure 2.4 • Pu = U . Iu = the power absorbed by the user plant;
Ig N Ir
• Pg = U . Ig the power generated by the PV plant;
PV generator U Grid
Photovoltaic plants 19
Technical Application Papers
The nominal peak power (kWp) is the electric power AM = 1 at sea level in a day with clear sky and the sun
that a PV plant is able to deliver under standard testing at the zenith (P = Po, sen(h) = 1);
conditions (STC): AM = 2 at sea level in a beautiful day with the sun at a
• 1 kW/m2 insolation perpendicular to the panels; 1
• 25°C temperature in the cells; 30° angle above the horizon (P = Po, sen(h) = ).
• air mass (AM) equal to 1.5.
Figure 2.6
The air mass influences the PV energy production since
it represents an index of the trend of the power spectral
density of solar radiation. As a matter of fact, the latter
Upper limit of the
has a spectrum with a characteristic W/m2-wavelength absorbing atmosphere
which varies also as a function of the air density.
In the diagram of Figure 2.5 the yellow surface repre- AM = AM1 = 0
sents the radiation perpendicular to the Earth surface,
absorbed by the atmosphere, whereas the blue surface )
represents the solar radiation which really reaches the /se
AM = AM1 = 1 =1
Earth surface; the difference between the slope of the two AM Zenith angle
curves gives and indication of the spectrum variation h
due to the air mass1. Local horizon
0 km
Figure 2.5 10
2.5 Expected energy production per year
1000 [W/m2] (AM1)
20 Photovoltaic plants
by the CNR-IFA (Institute of Atmospheric Physics) in the where:
period 1966-1975. It reports isoradiation maps of the hBOS (Balance Of System) is the overall efficiency of all the
2 Energy production
Italian and European territory on both horizontal and components of the PV plant on the load side of the mod-
inclined surfaces ules (inverter, connections, losses due to the temperature
• the ENEA data bank: since 1994 ENEA collects the data effect, losses due to dissymetries in the performances,
of the solar radiation in Italy through the imagines of losses due to shading and low solar radiation, losses
the Meteosat satellite. due to reflection…). Such efficiency, in a plant properly
The maps obtained up to now have been collected designed and installed, may range from 0.75 to 0.85.
in two publications: one relevant to the year 1994 and
another one relevant to the period 1995-1999. Instead, taking into consideration the average daily in-
solation Emg, to calculate the expected produced energy
Tables 2.1 and 2.2 represent respectively, for different Ital- per year, for each kWp, the following is obtained:
ian sites, the values of the average annual solar radiation
on the horizontal plane [kWh/m2] according to the Std.
UNI 10349, and the mean daily values month by month Ep = Emg . 365 . hBOS [kWh/kWp] [2.11]
[kWh/m2/day] from ENEA source.
The annual solar radiation for a given site may vary from
Example 2.1
a source to the other also by 10%, since it derives from
We want to determine the annual mean power produced
the statistical processing of data gathered over different
by a 3kWp plant, on a horizontal plane, installed in Ber-
periods; moreover, these data are subject to the variation
gamo, Italy. The efficiency of the plant components is
of the weather conditions from one year to the other. As
supposed to be equal to 0.75.
a consequence, the insolation values have a probabilistic
significance, since they represent an expected value, not From the Table in the Std. UNI 10349, an annual mean
a definite one. radiation of 1276 kWh/m2 is obtained. Assuming to be
Starting from the mean annual radiation Ema, to obtain the under the standard conditions of 1 kW/m2, the expected
expected produced energy per year Ep, for each kWp, annual mean production is equal to:
the following formula is applied: E = 3 . 1276 . 0.75 = 3062 kWh
Table 2.1
Annual solar radiation on the horizontal plane - UNI 10349
Annual solar Annual solar Annual solar Annual solar Annual solar
Site radiation Site radiation Site radiation Site radiation Site radiation
(kWh/m2) (kWh/m2) (kWh/m2) (kWh/m2) (kWh/m2)
Agrigento 1923 Caltanisetta 1831 Lecce 1639 Pordenone 1291 Savona 1384
Alessandria 1275 Cuneo 1210 Livorno 1511 Prato 1350 Taranto 1681
Ancona 1471 Como 1252 Latina 1673 Parma 1470 Teramo 1487
Aosta 1274 Cremona 1347 Lucca 1415 Pistoia 1308 Trento 1423
Ascoli Piceno 1471 Cosenza 1852 Macerata 1499 Pesaro-Urbino 1411 Torino 1339
L’Aquila 1381 Catania 1829 Messina 1730 Pavia 1316 Trapani 1867
Arezzo 1329 Catanzaro 1663 Milan 1307 Potenza 1545 Terni 1409
Asti 1300 Enna 1850 Mantova 1316 Ravenna 1411 Trieste 1325
Avellino 1559 Ferrara 1368 Modena 1405 Reggio Calabria 1751 Treviso 1385
Bari 1734 Foggia 1630 Massa Carrara 1436 Reggio Emilia 1427 Udine 1272
Bergamo 1275 Florence 1475 Matera 1584 Ragusa 1833 Varese 1287
Belluno 1272 Forlì 1489 Naples 1645 Rieti 1366 Verbania 1326
Benevento 1510 Frosinone 1545 Novara 1327 Rome 1612 Vercelli 1327
Bologna 1420 Genoa 1425 Nuoro 1655 Rimini 1455 Venice 1473
Brindisi 1668 Gorizia 1326 Oristano 1654 Rovigo 1415 Vicenza 1315
Brescia 1371 Grosseto 1570 Palermo 1784 Salerno 1419 Verona 1267
Bolzano 1329 Imperia 1544 Piacenza 1400 Siena 1400 Viterbo 1468
Cagliari 1635 Isernia 1464 Padova 1266 Sondrio 1442
Campobasso 1597 Crotone 1679 Pescara 1535 La Spezia 1452
Caserta 1678 Lecco 1271 Perugia 1463 Siracusa 1870
Chieti 1561 Lodi 1311 Pisa 1499 Sassari 1669
Table 2.2
Site January February March April May June July August September October November December
Milan 1.44 2.25 3.78 4.81 5.67 6.28 6.31 5.36 3.97 2.67 1.64 1.19
Venice 1.42 2.25 3.67 4.72 5.75 6.31 6.36 5.39 4.08 2.72 1.64 1.14
Bologna 1.50 2.28 3.81 4.81 5.86 6.42 6.47 5.47 4.19 2.81 1.72 1.25
Florence 1.58 2.33 3.75 4.72 5.86 6.39 6.44 5.50 4.17 2.86 1.83 1.39
Rome 1.92 2.61 3.94 4.92 6.08 6.56 6.58 5.72 4.39 3.17 2.11 1.58
Naples 1.92 2.67 3.92 5.03 6.08 6.64 6.58 5.81 4.50 3.28 2.17 1.69
Bari 1.86 2.58 3.97 5.08 6.08 6.69 6.64 5.81 4.53 3.25 2.08 1.69
Messina 2.11 2.94 4.19 5.19 6.22 6.69 6.67 5.89 4.64 3.53 2.36 1.94
Siracusa 2.36 3.22 4.33 5.39 6.36 6.78 6.75 6.00 4.81 3.69 2.58 2.17
Photovoltaic plants 21
Technical Application Papers
2.6 Inclination and orientation of the modules Finding the complementary angle of α (90°-α), it is pos-
2 Energy production
0° 11
-23 Autumnal equinox 10
, 45
° 22nd or 23rd September 8
Winter solstice at the 7
Tropic of Capricorn 8 11
22nd or 23rd December 6
8 S
6 T
22 Photovoltaic plants
Positive values of the Azimuth angles show an orientation A non–horizontal module receives, in addition to direct
to west, whereas negative values show an orientation to and diffuse radiation, also the radiation reflected by the
2 Energy production
east (IEC 61194). surface surrounding it (albedo component).
As regards ground-mounted modules, the combination An albedo coefficient of 0.2 is usually assumed.
of inclination and orientation determines the exposition For a first evaluation of the annual production capability
of the modules themselves (Figure 2.9). On the contrary, of electric power in a PV installation, it is usually sufficient
when the modules are installed on the roofs of buildings, to apply to the annual mean radiation on the horizontal
the exposition is determined by the inclination and the plane (Tables 2.1-2.2) the correction coefficients of Tables
orientation of the roof pitches. Good results are obtained 2.3-2.4-2.56 (referred to the Italian context).
through collectors oriented to south-east or to south-
west with a deviation with respect to the south up to 6
Assumed Albedo: 0.2.
45° (Figure 2.10). Table 2.3 – Northern Italy: 44°N latitude
Greater deviations can be compensated by means of a Orientation
slight enlargement of the collector surface. 0° ± 90°
Inclination (south) ± 15° ± 30° ± 45° (east, west)
Figure 2.9 0° 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
10° 1.07 1.06 1.06 1.04 0.99
15° 1.09 1.09 1.07 1.06 0.98
β 20° 1.11 1.10 1.09 1.07 0.96
30° 1.13 1.12 1.10 1.07 0.93
40° 1.12 1.11 1.09 1.05 0.89
50° 1.09 1.08 1.05 1.02 0.83
60° 1.03 0.99 0.96 0.93 0.77
70° 0.95 0.95 0.93 0.89 0.71
90° 0.74 0.74 0.73 0.72 0.57
+1 0° Table 2.5 – Southern Italy: 38°N latitude
° -12
+11 0° Orientation
0° -11 0° ± 90°
+100° -100° Inclination (south) ± 15° ± 30° ± 45° (east, west)
0° 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
West 10° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° East 10° 1.06 1.06 1.05 1.04 0.99
15° 1.08 1.08 1.07 1.05 0.97
+80° -80° 20° 1.10 1.09 1.08 1.06 0.96
-70 30° 1.11 1.10 1.08 1.06 0.92
° °
+70 40° 1.10 1.09 1.07 1.03 0.87
50° 1.06 1.05 1.03 0.99 0.82
+6 -5 60° 0.99 0.99 0.96 0.93 0.75
0° 0° 70° 0.91 0.91 0.88 0.86 0.69
+5 90° 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.67 0.55
Photovoltaic plants 23
Technical Application Papers
2.7 Voltages and currents in a PV plant 2.8 Variation in the produced energy
2 Energy production
PV modules generate a current from 4 to 10A at a volt- The main factors which influence the electric energy
age from 30 to 40V. produced by a PV installation are:
To get the projected peak power, the modules are electri- • irradiance
cally connected in series to form the strings, which are • temperature of the modules
connected in parallel. • shading.
The trend is to develop strings constituted by as many
modules as possible, because of the complexity and cost 2.8.1 Irradiance
of wiring, in particular of the paralleling switchboards As a function of the irradiance incident on the PV cells,
between the strings. their characteristic curve V-I changes as shown in Figure 2.11.
The maximum number of modules which can be con- When the irradiance decreases, the generated PV cur-
nected in series (and therefore the highest reachable rent decreases proportionally, whereas the variation of
voltage) to form a string is determined by the operation the no-load voltage is very small.
range of the inverter (see Chapter 3) and by the availability As a matter of fact, conversion efficiency is not influenced
of the disconnection and protection devices suitable for by the variation of the irradiance within the standard op-
the voltage achieved. In particular, for efficiency reasons, eration range of the cells, which means that the conver-
the voltage of the inverter is bound to its power: gener- sion efficiency is the same both in a clear as well as in a
ally, when using inverter with power lower than 10 kW, cloudy day. Therefore, the smaller power generated with
the voltage range most commonly used is from 250V to a cloudy sky can be referred not to a drop of efficiency,
750V, whereas if the power of the inverter exceeds 10 kW, but to a reduced production of current because of lower
the voltage range usually is from 500V to 900V. solar irradiance.
Figure 2.11
Current [A]
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Voltage [V]
24 Photovoltaic plants
2.8.2 Temperature of the modules 2.8.3 Shading
Contrary to the previous case, when the temperature of
2 Energy production
Taking into consideration the area occupied by the mod-
the PV modules increases, the current produced remains ules of a PV plant, part of them (one or more cells) may
practically unchanged, whereas the voltage decreases be shaded by trees, fallen leaves, chimneys, clouds or
and with it there is a reduction in the performances of the by PV modules installed nearby.
panels in terms of produced electric power (Figure 2.12). In case of shading, a PV cell consisting in a junction P-N
stops producing energy and becomes a passive load.
Figure 2.12
This cell behaves as a diode which blocks the current
3 produced by the other cells connected in series and thus
E = 1000 W/m2 jeopardizes the whole production of the module.
Besides, the diode is subject to the voltage of the other
cells; this may cause the perforation of the junction be-
2 20 cause of localized overheating (hot spot), and damages
40 to the module.
60 In order to avoid that one or more shaded cells thwart the
production of a whole string, some diodes which by-pass
1 80
the shaded or damaged part of module are inserted at
the module level.
Thus, functioning of the module is guaranteed but with
Voltage reduced efficiency. In theory, it would be necessary to
0 insert a by-pass diode in parallel to each single cell, but
0.2 0.4 0.6
this would be too onerous for the ratio costs/benefits.
Therefore, 2 to 4 by-pass diodes are usually installed for
The variation in the open circuit voltage Voc of a PV mod- each module (Figure 2.13).
ule, with respect to the standard conditions Voc,stc, as a
function of the operating temperature of the cells Tcell, is
expressed by the following formula:
Figure 2.13
Voc(T) = Voc,stc - NS . b . (25-Tcel) [2.13]
By-pass diode
β is the variation coefficient of the voltage according to
temperature and depends on the typology of PV module
(usually -2.2 mV/°C/cell for crystalline silicon modules
and about -1.5 ÷ -1.8 mV/°C/cell for thin film modules);
Solar radiation
Ns is the number of cells in series in the module.
The efficiency reduction when the temperature increases can be estimated as 0.4 to
0.6 each °C degree.
Photovoltaic plants 25
Technical Application Papers
with slopes up to 5°
In the last years the architectural integration of modules
2 PV modules installed on pitched roofs
into building structures has been making great strides 3 PV modules installed on roofs having characteristics different
thanks to the manufacturing of the modules themselves, from those at items 1 and 2
which for dimensions and characteristics can completely 4 PV modules installed as sunbreakers
substitute some components.
A plant with architectural integration is the plant in which
the modules replace, either totally or in part, the function
Three macro-typologies of architectural integration for of the architectural elements in the buildings, elements as
PV installations can be defined: coverings, vertical opaque surfaces, transparent or semi-
1 non-integrated plants; transparent surfaces on coverings, surfaces that can be
2 partially integrated plants; opened and similar (doors, windows and shop windows,
3 integrated plants. even if they cannot be opened, including frames). As a
consequence, the modules are designed and realized not
Non-integrated plants are plants with ground-mounted only to carry out the function of producing electric power,
modules, that is with the modules positioned on the but also have architectural functions, such as protection
elements of street furniture, on the external surfaces of or thermal regulation in the building (the modules must
building envelopes, on buildings and structures for any guarantee the fulfillment of energy demand of the build-
ing and have a thermal transmittance comparable to that
function and purpose with modes different from those
of the replaced architectural component), water resist-
provided for the typologies 2) and 3) (Figure 3.1) ance and the consequent waterproofing of the underly-
Figure 3.1 ing structure of the building and mechanical withstand
comparable to that of the replaced element (Figure 3.3).
Figure 3.3
26 Photovoltaic plants
3.2 PV plant layout 3.2.2 Plant with one inverter for each string
the PV plant (and with it also the peak power) increases, string
since this raises the problems of protection against
overcurrents and the problems deriving from a different
Photovoltaic plants 27
Technical Application Papers
It is advisable that each string can be disconnected 3.3 Selection and interfacing of inverters
separately2, so that the necessary operation and main-
3 Installation methods and configurations
tenance verifications can be carried out without putting The selection of the inverter and of its size is carried
out of service the whole PV generator. out according to the PV rated power it has to manage.
When installing paralleling switchboard on the DC side, The size of the inverter can be determined starting from
it is necessary to provide for the insertion on each string a value from 0.8 to 0.9 for the ratio between the active
of a device for the protection against overcurrents and power put into the network and the rated power of the
reverse currents so that the supply of shaded or faulted PV generator.
strings from the other ones in parallel is avoided. Pro- This ratio keeps into account the loss of power of the
tection against overcurrents can be obtained by means PV modules under the real operating conditions (working
of either a thermomagnetic circuit-breaker or a fuse, temperature, voltage drops on the electrical connec-
whereas protection against reverse current is obtained tions….) and the efficiency of the inverter.
through blocking diodes3. This ratio depends also on the methods of installation of
With this configuration the diagnosis of the plant is as- the modules (latitude, inclination, ambient temperature…)
signed to a supervision system which checks the produc- which may cause a variation in the generated power. For
tion of the different strings. this reason, the inverter is provided with an automatic
limitation of the supplied power to get round situations
in which the generated power is higher than that usually
Figure 3.6 estimated
Among the characteristics for the correct sizing of the
inverter, the following ones should be considered:
• DC side:
- rated power and maximum power;
- maximum delivered current allowing the calculation
of the contribution of the PV plant to the short-
circuit current;
- maximum voltage distortion and power factor;
- maximum conversion efficiency;
- efficiency at partial load and at 100% of the rated
string power (“European efficiency”4 or efficiency diagram5
(Figure 3.7)).
Note that the opening of the disconnecting device does not exclude that the voltage is 4
The European efficiency is calculated by considering the efficiencies at partial load of
still present on the DC side. the inverter according to the formula:
heuro = 0.03.h5% + 0.06.h10% + 0.13.h20% + 0.10.h30% + 0.48.h50% + 0.20.h100%
The diodes introduce a constant power loss due to the voltage drop on their junction.
Such loss can be reduced through the use of components with semiconducting metal 5
From this diagram it is possible to see that the maximum efficiency ranges from 40% to
junction having a loss of 0.4V (Schottky diodes), instead of 0.7V as conventional diodes. 80% of the rated power of the inverter, which corresponds to the power interval in which
the inverter works for the most part of the operating time.
28 Photovoltaic plants
Figure 3.7 that is, the minimum voltage, at the corresponding
100 maximum power at the output of the string and under
96 standard solar radiation conditions, shall be lower than
94 or equal to the maximum operating voltage of the MPPT
93 of the inverter.
91 Figure 3.8 shows a coupling diagram between PV field
0 5 10 20 30 50 100 and inverter, taking into account the three above men-
Power [% of the rated power] tioned inequalities.
Moreover, it is necessary to evaluate the rated values of In addition to compliance with the three above mentioned
voltage and frequency at the output and of voltage at conditions regarding voltage, it is necessary to verify that
the input of the inverter. the maximum current of the PV generator when operat-
The voltage and frequency values at the output, for plants ing at the maximum power point (MPP) is lower than the
connected to the public distribution network are imposed maximum current admitted by the inverter at the input.
by the network with defined tolerances6. Figure 3.8
As regards the voltage at the input, the extreme operating
conditions of the PV generator shall be assessed in order Operating range of the PV array
to ensure a safe and productive operation of the inverter.
First of all it is necessary to verify that the open circuit 0V Umin Umax Uoc max
voltage Uoc 7 at the output of the strings, at the low-
est expected operating temperature, is lower than the
maximum temperature which the inverter can withstand, 0V UMPPT min UMPPT max UMAX
that is:
DC operating range of the inverter
In some models of inverter there is a capacitor bank at Possible dependence of the lower operating limit on the grid voltage
Photovoltaic plants 29
Technical Application Papers
The inverters available on the market have a rated power solution with more single-phase inverters equally dis-
up to about 10 kW single-phase and about 100 kW tributed on the three phases, common neutral and with
3 Installation methods and configurations
Figure 3.9
30 Photovoltaic plants
Figure 3.10
Q7 - 1
Q6 - 1
Q5 - 1
Q4 - 1
Q3 - 1
Q2 - 1
Q1-2 Inverter
Q7 - 2
Q6 - 2
Q5 - 2
Q4 - 2
Q3 - 2
Q2 - 2
Inverter paralleling
Q1-3 Inverter
Q7 - 3
Q6 - 3
Q5 - 3
Q4 - 3
Q3 - 3
Q2 - 3
Q1-4 Inverter
Q7 - 4
Q6 - 4
Q5 - 4
Q4 - 4
Q3 - 4
Q2 - 4
The disconnection of the inverter must be possible both Besides, as shown in Figure 3.10, it is advisable to install
on the DC side as well as on the AC side so that mainte- a disconnecting device on each string, so that verification
nance is allowed by excluding both the supply sources, and maintenance operations on each string are possible
that is PV generator and grid. without putting out of service the other parts of the plant.
Photovoltaic plants 31
Technical Application Papers
3.4 Choice of cables The cables connecting the modules are fastened in the
rear part of the modules themselves, where the tempera-
3 Installation methods and configurations
The cables used in a PV plant must be able to stand, for ture may reach 70° to 80°C. As a consequence, these
the whole life cycle (20 to 25 years) of the plant, severe cables shall be able to stand high temperatures and with-
environmental conditions in terms of high temperatures, stand ultraviolet rays, when installed at sight. Therefore,
atmospheric precipitations and ultraviolet radiations. particular cables are used, generally single-core cables
with rubber sheath and isolation, rated voltage 0.6/1kV,
First of all, the cables shall have a rated voltage suitable with maximum operating temperature not lower than
for that of the plant. Under direct current conditions, the 90°C and with high resistance to UV rays.
plant voltage shall not exceed of 50% the rated voltage
of the cables (Figure 3.11) referred to their AC applica- Non-solar cables positioned on the load side of the first
tions (in alternating current the voltage of the plant shall switchboard are at an environmental temperature not
not exceed the rated voltage of the cables). higher than 30° to 40°C since they are far away from
the modules.
These cables cannot withstand UV rays and therefore,
Table 3.2 if laid out outside, they must be protected against solar
alternating current direct current radiation in conduit or trunking and however sheathed
(V) (V) for outdoor use. On the contrary, if they are laid out in-
300/500 450/750 side the buildings, the rules usually applied to electrical
450/750 675/1125 plants are valid.
600/1000 900/1500
For cables erected on the AC side downstream the
inverter what said for non-solar cables on the DC side
3.4.1 Types of cables
is valid.
The conductors8 on the DC side of the plant shall have 8
The whole of cables and conduit or trunking system in which they are placed.
double or reinforced isolation (class II) so as to minimize
the risk of earth faults and short-circuits (IEC 60364-
32 Photovoltaic plants
3.4.2 Cross sectional area and current carrying The current carrying capacity Io of the cables is usually
On the DC side the voltage drop in the cables is purely resistive and in percentage it
corresponds to the power loss:
Photovoltaic plants 33
Technical Application Papers
of the different sections of the plant against overcurrents combiner box and the PV array combiner box, whereas
and overvoltages of atmospheric origin. the current Isc4 = (SA-SSA) . 1.25 . Isc is higher than the ser-
Here are given, firstly, the conditions for the protection vice current if SA-SSA > SSA ⇒ SA > 2SSA.
against overcurrents in the PV plant on the supply (DC In this case, it is necessary to protect the cable against
side) and on the load side of the inverter (AC side), then short-circuit if its current carrying capacity is lower than
the methods for the protection of the plant against any Isc4, that is Iz<(SA-SSA).1.25.Isc.
damage caused by possible direct or indirect lightning1.
Figure 4.1
“A” represents the protective device installed in the PV string combiner box.
4.1 Protection against overcurrents on DC side “B” represents the protective device installed in the PV array combiner box.
“SSA” is the number of parallel-connected PV strings in the PV sub-array.
“SA” is the total number of parallel-connected PV strings in the PV sub-array.
4.1.1 Cable protections
From the point of view of protection against overloads,
it is not necessary to protect PV string cables if they
are chosen with a current carrying capacity equal to or PV string
+ cable PV string
greater than 1.25 . Isc2; it is not necessary to protect PV String
– combiner box
sub-array cables if they are chosen with a current carry- A
ing capacity equal to or greater than 1.25 . SSA . Isc ; it is
not necessary to protect the PV array cable if it is chosen
PV sub-array
with a current carrying capacity equal to or greater than + cable
1.25 . SA . Isc (IEC 60364-7). –
As regards short-circuits, the cables on the DC side are
Fault 1
affected by such overcurrent in case of:
Fault 2
• fault between the polarity of the PV system;
• fault to earth in the earthed systems; Isc1 Isc2
• double fault to earth in the earth-insulated systems.
PV string
A short-circuit on a PV string cable (fault 1 of Fig- combiner box
ure 4.1) is supplied simultaneously upstream by
the string under consideration (Isc1 = 1.25 . Isc) and PV array cable
(SA=2), it results that Isc2 = 1.25 . Isc = Isc1 and therefore it PV array
is not necessary to protect the PV string cables against combiner box
On the contrary, when three or more strings (SA≥3) are
connected to the inverter, the current Isc2 is higher than
the service current and therefore the cables must be
protected against the short-circuit when their current car-
rying capacity is lower than Isc2, that is Iz< (SA-1) . 1.25 . Isc. PV string
combiner box
Isc is the short-circuit current in the module under standard test conditions and the
25% rise takes into account of the insolation values exceeding 1kW/m2 (see Chapter 3).
34 Photovoltaic plants
4.1.2 Protection of strings against reverse 4.1.4 Choice of protective devices
current As regards the protection against the short-circuits on the
Photovoltaic plants 35
Technical Application Papers
used for strings is to allow designer flexibility. lower than the short-circuit current of the other SA-SSA
The PV array overcurrent protection is only required for strings, that is:
4 Protection against overcurrents and overvoltages
Protection against short-circuit only since usually either Iz ≥ 1.25 . Isc or Iz ≥ 1.25 . SSA . Isc
or Iz ≥ 1.25 . SA . Isc.
The short-circuit current Isc1 = 1.25 . Isc (Figure 4.1) is negligible since the string cable 9
Generally, the inverter limits the output current to a value which is the double of its rated
has a current carrying capacity not lower than 1.25 . Isc. current and goes in stand-by in a few tenths of seconds due to the trip of the internal
The short-circuit current Isc3 = SSA . 1.25 . Isc (Figure 4.1) is negligible since the string cable protection. As a consequence, the contribution of the inverter to the short-circuit current
has a current carrying capacity not lower than SSA . 1.25 . Isc. is negligible in comparison with the contribution of the grid.
36 Photovoltaic plants
4.3 Choice of switching and disconnecting
devices The withstand voltage of these devices must be declared
When an automatic circuit-breaker is used, the switching and disconnecting function
is already included.
Photovoltaic plants 37
Technical Application Papers
4.4.1 PV plants on roofs the protection level shall be fixed as already done for the
In case of PV plants on roofs, the first thing to do is to LV line, taking into consideration withstand of the devices
4 Protection against overcurrents and overvoltages
Lightining Protection System: it consists of the protective systems, both external
(detectors, lightning conductors and ground electrodes) as well as internal (protective
measures to reduce the electromagnetic effects of the lightning currents entering the
structure to be protected).
38 Photovoltaic plants
Class II SPDs, with In of at least 5 kA, shall be installed They are typically supplied by a MV three-phase line,
close to the modules on one side and to the inverter on which is unshielded and may be many kilometers long.
Figure 4.7
Photovoltaic plants 39
Technical Application Papers
The installation requirements for an external LPS are The figures below show the structure of a PV plant di-
reported in the Std. IEC 62305-3. vided into different zones, from A to D, and indicate the
4 Protection against overcurrents and overvoltages
The LV power line in alternating current must be protected protection functions carried out by an SPD installed in
by means of SPDs, Class I tested, with Iimp at least 10 kA each zone.
and In at least 15 kA; as regards Up the same criterion as
in the previous cases can be applied.
External limit of the collecting area of the lightning rod Lightning rod
Lightning rod
Equipotential bonding zone
of the building masses
Strings MSB
A + IscSTC Inverter
C -
40 Photovoltaic plants
5 Earthing and protection against indirect contact
5.1 Earthing
In this case the earthing resistance Re of the exposed
+ - + - + - B
Id Re
Load In this case upstream and downstream are referred to the direction of the electric power
For safety reasons the earthing system of the PV plant results to be in common with the
consumer’s one. Hovewer, to make the insulation controller of the inverter operate prop-
Re erly and monitor the PV generator, it is necessary that the frames and/or the supporting
structures of the modules (even if of class II) are earthed.
Photovoltaic plants 41
Technical Application Papers
In the presence of an earth fault, a short-circuit occurs the transformer is incorporated, a residual current device
as in the usual TN systems, but such current cannot be shall be interposed as Figure 5.4 shows; this residual
5 Earthing and protection against indirect contact
detected by the maximum current devices since the char- current device4 detects the leakage currents coming
acteristic of the PV plants is the generation of fault cur- both from the network as well as from the PV generator.
rents with values not much higher than the rated current. When the residual current device trips due to an earth
Therefore, as regards the hazardousness of this fault, the fault current, the inverter goes in stand by due to lack of
considerations made in the previous paragraph3 about network voltage.
the second fault in an IT system are valid.
Figure 5.4
5.2.2 Exposed conductive parts on the load
side of the transformer
Take into consideration the network-consumer system of
TT type. The exposed conductive parts belonging to the + - Id Network
consumer’s plant protected by a residual current circuit- B
breaker positioned at the beginning of the consumer’s
plant (Figure 5.3), result protected against the faults sup-
plied by both the network as well as by the PV generator.
Figure 5.3 Rn
A Id
The rated residual current shall be coordinated with the earth resistance Re, in compli-
ance with the usual relation of TT systems:
Re ≤
42 Photovoltaic plants
5.3 Plants without transformer Since the PV system is type IT, the considerations made
in clause are valid.
Figure 5.6
Id Network
type B
+ - + - + -
Photovoltaic plants 43
Technical Application Papers
ABB offers the following types of molded-case and air (I1 = 0.7..1 x In) and fixed magnetic threshold (I3 = 10 x In);
circuit-breakers and switch-disconnectors for the pro-
tection against overcurrents and the disconnection of • XT2 160 and XT4 250, equipped with thermomag-
PV installations both in the DC as well in the AC section. netic trip units type TMA (for In ≥ 40A) with adjustable
thermal threshold (I1 = 0.7..1 x In) and adjustable mag-
6.1.1 New series of molded-case circuit- netic threshold I3 adjustable in the range 8..10 x In for
breakers SACE Tmax XT 40A, 6..10 x In for 50A and 5..10 x In for In ≥ 63A, or
equipped with Ekip electronic trip units also with neutral
ABB offers also the new series of molded-case circuit-
increased at 160%.
breakers SACE Tmax XT up to 250A.
For the protection of the AC section of PV installations
the following circuit-breakers are available:
Size [A] 160 160 250 160/250
Poles [Nr.] 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4
[V] (AC)
Rated service voltage, Ue 50-60 Hz 690 690 690 690
Rated impulse withstand voltage, Uimp [kV] 8 8 8 8
Rated insulation voltage, Ui [V] 800 1000 800 1000
Rated ultimate short-circuit breaking
capacity, Icu B C N S H N S H L V N S N S H L V
(AC) 240V 50-60Hz [kA] 25 40 65 85 100 65 85 100 150 200 50 85 65 85 100 150 200
(AC) 380V 50-60Hz [kA] 18 25 36 50 70 36 50 70 120 200 36 50 36 50 70 120 150
(AC) 415V 50-60Hz [kA] 18 25 36 50 70 36 50 70 120 150 36 50 36 50 70 120 150
(AC) 440V 50-60Hz [kA] 15 25 36 50 65 36 50 65 100 150 25 40 36 50 65 100 150
(AC) 500V 50-60Hz [kA] 8 18 30 36 50 30 36 50 60 70 20 30 30 36 50 60 70
(AC) 525V 50-60Hz [kA] 6 8 22 35 35 20 25 30 36 50 13 20 20 25 45 50 50
(AC) 690V 50-60Hz [kA] 3 4 6 8 10 10 12 15 18 20 5 8 10 12 15 20 25 (90)(1)
Utilization Category (IEC 60947-2) A A A A
Isolation behaviour n n n n
Trip units: thermomagnetic
T regolabile, M fixed TMD n n (up to 32A) n n (up to 32A)
T adjustable, M adjustable TMA - n - n
magnetic only MF/MA - n n n
electronic Ekip - n - n
Interchangeable - n - n
Versions F-P F-P-W F-P F-P-W
44 Photovoltaic plants
6.1.2 Tmax T molded-case circuit-breakers for • Tmax T4, T5 and T6 with electronic trip units type
alternating current applications PR221DS, PR222DS and PR223DS;
Photovoltaic plants 45
Technical Application Papers
T4 T5 T6 T7
6 ABB solutions for photovoltaic applications
Icw = 5kA
Icw = 7.6kA (630A) - 10kA (800A)
For T7 800/1000/1250A only
Icw = 20kA (S,H,L version) - 15kA (V version)
46 Photovoltaic plants
6.1.3 Molded-case circuit-breakers for trip units type PR221DS, PR222DS and PR223DS.
applications up to 1150V AC These circuit-breakers are available in fixed, plug-in and
T4-T5 circuit-breakers for use up to 1150 V AC and T6 circuit-breakers for use up to 1000 V AC
T4 T5 T6
Rated uninterrupted current, Iu [A] 250 400/630 630/800
Poles 3/4 3/4 3/4
Rated service voltage, Ue [V] 1000 1150 1000 1150 1000
Rated impulse withstand voltage, Uimp [kV] 8 8 8
Rated insulation voltage, Ui [V] 1000 1150 1000 1150 1000
Test voltage at industrial frequency for 1 min. [V] 3500 3500 3500
Rated ultimate short-circuit breaking capacity, Icu L V(1) L V(1) L(1)
(AC) 1000V 50-60Hz [kA] 12 20 12 20 12
(AC) 1150V 50-60Hz [kA] - 12 - 12 -
Utilization category (IEC 60947-2) A B (400A)(2) - A (630A) B(3)
Isolation behaviour n n n
Trip units: thermomagnetic
T adjustable, M fixed TMD n
T adjustable, M adjustable (5..10 x In) TMA n n n
PR221DS n n n n n
PR222DS n n n n n
Versions F-P-W F F-P-W(4) F F(5)
Supply from the top only
Icw = 5kA
Icw = 7.6kA (630A) - 10kA (800A)
Tmax T5 630 is available in the fixed version only
For T6 in the withdrawable version ask ABB
Rated currents available for Tmax T molded-case circuit-breakers with electronic type trip units
Photovoltaic plants 47
Technical Application Papers
Rated currents available for Tmax T molded-case circuit-breakers with thermomagnetic type trip units
6 ABB solutions for photovoltaic applications
T5 T6
400-630 630-800
320 n
400 n
500 n
630 n
800 n
Rated currents available for SACE Tmax XT molded-case circuit-breakers with Ekip electronic trip unit
48 Photovoltaic plants
Rated currents available for SACE Tmax XT molded-case circuit-breakers with magnetic type trip units
1,6 n
2 n n
2,5 n
3,2 n
4 n n
5 n
6,3 n
8 n
8,5 n
10 n n
12,5 n n n
16 n n n
20 n n n n n
25 n n n n
32 n n n n n
40 n n n
50 n n n
52 n n
63 n n n n
80 n n n n n n
100 n n n n n n n
125 n n n n n n
160 n n n n n n
200 n n n n
250 n n
Photovoltaic plants 49
Technical Application Papers
Tmax T and SACE Tmax XT switch-disconnectors derive nitely with that of the contacts (positive operation). Each
from the corresponding automatic circuit-breakers from switch-disconnector must be protected on the supply
which they differ only for the absence of the protection side by a coordinated device which safeguards it against
trip units. short-circuits.
The main function carried out by these devices is the The Tmax and SACE Tmax XT automatic circuit-breaker
disconnection of the circuit in which they are installed. which can carry out this protection function is always
In fact, once the contacts are open, they are at such a a device of a size corresponding to or smaller than the
distance that the arc is prevented from striking, in compli- switch-disconnector in question.
ance with the prescriptions of the Standards as regards
Withdrawable version not available for T6 1000 A
50 Photovoltaic plants
6.1.5 Air circuit-breakers for alternating current Emax X1 automatic circuit-breakers have application filed
applications ranging from 400A to 1600A, breaking capacities from
E1 E2 E3 E4 E6 X1
Rated service voltage, Ue [V] 690 690 690 690 690 690
Rated impulse withstand voltage, Uimp [kV] 12 12 12 12 12 12
Rated insulation voltage, Ui [V] 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
Poles [Nr.] 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4
Rated uninterrupted current Iu B N B N S L N S H V L S H V H V B N L
[A] 800 800 1600 1000 800 1250 2500 1000 800 800 2000 4000 3200 3200 4000 3200 630 630 630
[A] 1000 1000 2000 1250 1000 1600 3200 1250 1000 1250 2500 4000 4000 5000 4000 800 800 800
[A] 1250 1250 1600 1250 1600 1250 1600 6300 5000 1000 1000 1000
[A] 1600 1600 2000 1600 2000 1600 2000 6300 1250 1250 1250
[A] 2000 2500 2000 2500 1600 1600
[A] 3200 2500 3200
[A] 3200
Rated ultimate breaking capacity under short-circuit Icu
220-230-380-400-415V 50-60Hz [kA] 42 50 42 65 85 130 65 75 100 130 130 75 100 150 100 150 42 65 150
440V 50-60Hz [kA] 42 50 42 65 85 110 65 75 100 130 110 75 100 150 100 150 42 65 130
500V 50-60Hz [kA] 42 50 42 55 65 85 65 75 100 100 85 75 100 130 100 130 42 55 100
690V 50-60Hz [kA] 42 50 42 55 65 85 65 75 85(*) 100 85 75 85(*) 100 100 100 42 55 60
Rated short-time withstand current for 1s, Icw [kA] 42 50 42 55 65 10 65 75 75 85 15 75 100 100 100 100 42 42 15
Utilization category (IEC 60947-2) B B B B B A B B B B A B B B B B B B A
Isolation behaviour n n n n n n n
Versions F-W F-W F-W F-W F-W F-W F-W
Photovoltaic plants 51
Technical Application Papers
ABB offers the new series of air circuit-breakers SACE for 1s, in an extremely compact architecture. It offers
Emax 2 up to 6300A. Able to control the electric plant the sturdiness of SACE Emax with reduced dimensions
effectively, in a simple way and with a minimum energy and allows 66kA switchboards on 400mm columns to
impact, the new SACE Emax 2 represent the evolution be realized, in three- and four-pole version, which is
of the circuit-breaker into a Power Manager. The range essential where a reduction of the overall dimensions
consists of 4 sizes: E1.2, E2.2, E4.2, E6.2, allowing is fundamental, typically in marine and offshore instal-
compact-dimensioned, high-performing switchboards lations;
to be realized, with busbars of reduced length and • E2.2 allows carrying capacities up to 2500A to be
cross-section. obtained in switchboards with 400mm width for three-
Protection trip units, auxiliary connections and main ac- pole versions, with Icu up to 100kA and Icw up to 85kA
cessories are common to the whole series, to simplify for 1s;
design and installation. Moreover, the sizes from E2.2 to • E4.2 is the new 4000A circuit-breaker, designed to carry
E6.2 have the same height and depth. high current values and Icw of 100kA without taking
special measures;
• E6.2 is the top of the series with Icu up to 200kA and an
architecture ensuring to reach 6300A in switchboard,
also under complex installation conditions.
Common data
Rated service
[V] 690
voltage Ue
Rated insulation
[V] 1000
voltage Ui
Rated impulse withstand
[kV] 12
voltage Uimp
Frequency [Hz] 50 - 60
Number of poles 3-4
Version Fixed - Withdrawable
Isolation behaviour IEC 60947-2
52 Photovoltaic plants
6.1.7 Air circuit-breakers for applications up to letters of the standard range plus “/E” and are derived
1150V AC
Rated insulation voltage, Ui [V] 1250 1250 1250 1250 1250 1000
Rated uninterrupted current Iu [A] 1600 1250 1250 3200 4000 630
30 kA @ 1150 V
Rated currents available for air circuit-breakers Emax and Emax X1 with the different types of electronic trip units
In [A] 400 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3200 4000 5000 6300
E1 n n n n n n
E2 n n n n n n n
PR122/P E3 n n n n n n n n n n
E4 n n n n n n n n
E6 n n n n n n n n n n
n n n n n n
PR332/P X1 n n n n n n
n n n n n n
Photovoltaic plants 53
Technical Application Papers
6.1.8 New air circuit-breakers for applications dimensions and accessories as the standard 690V AC
up to 1150V AC series. This series is identified by the letter “/E”.
6 ABB solutions for photovoltaic applications
Common data
Rated service
[V] 1150
voltage Ue
Rated insulation
[V] 1250
voltage Ui
Rated impulse withstand
[kV] 12
voltage Uimp
Frequency [Hz] 50 - 60
Number of poles 3-4
Version Fixed - Withdrawable
Isolation behaviour IEC 60947-2
54 Photovoltaic plants
6.1.9 Air switch-disconnectors They are available in both fixed and withdrawable, three-
and four-pole versions; they are identified by the letters
Rated service voltage Ue [V ~] 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690
[V -] 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250
Rated insulation voltage Ui [V ~] 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
Poles [Nr.] 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4
Rated uninterrupted current Iu [A] 800 800 1600 1000 1000 2500 1000 800 4000 3200 4000 1000
[A] 1000 1000 2000 1250 1250 3200 1250 1250 4000 5000 1250
Note: The breaking capacity Icu at the maximum service voltage, when using an external protective relay with 500ms maximum timing, is equal to the
value of Icw (1s), except for:
Icu = 85 kA @ 690 V
Photovoltaic plants 55
Technical Application Papers
6.1.10 New air switch-disconnectors The device, when in open position, guarantees such an
insulation distance between the main contacts of the circuit-
6 ABB solutions for photovoltaic applications
Common data
Rated service
[V] 690
voltage Ue
Rated insulation
[V] 1000
voltage Ui
Rated impulse withstand
[kV] 12
voltage Uimp
Frequency [Hz] 50 - 60
Number of poles 3-4
Version Fixed - Withdrawable
Isolation behaviour IEC 60947-3
56 Photovoltaic plants
6.1.11 Air switch-disconnectors for applications letters of the standard range plus “/E” and are derived
up to 1150V AC
Rated service voltage Ue [V] 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150 1000
Rated insulation voltage Ui [V] 1250 1250 1250 1250 1250 1000
Rated uninterrupted current Iu [A] 1600 1250 1250 3200 4000 1000
[A] 2500
[A] 3200
Note: The breaking capacity Icu, when using an external protective release with 500ms maximum timing, is equal to the value of Icw (1s)
(*) Icu = 50 kA @ 1000 V.
Photovoltaic plants 57
Technical Application Papers
6.1.12 New air switch-disconnectors for The switch-disconnectors are not equipped with Ekip
applications up to 1150V AC protective units; by using an external protective trip unit
6 ABB solutions for photovoltaic applications
The new switch-disconnectors for applications up to with 500ms maximum time delay, the breaking capacity
1150V AC, identified by the letters “/E” and “/MS”, de- Icu at the maximum service voltage (Ue) is equal to the
rive from the corresponding automatic circuit-breakers, Icw value for 1s.
of which they maintain the overall dimensions and the
possibility of mounting accessories.
Common data
Rated service
[V] 1150
voltage Ue
Rated insulation
[V] 1250
voltage Ui
Rated impulse withstand
[kV] 12
voltage Uimp
Frequency [Hz] 50 - 60
Number of poles 3-4
Version Fixed - Withdrawable
Isolation behaviour IEC 60947-3
58 Photovoltaic plants
6.1.13 Tmax molded-case circuit-breakers for
direct current applications
1 As regards the modality of pole connection according to the network type and to the
service voltage, please refer to the tables shown in the QT5 “ABB circuit-breakers for
direct current applications”.
2 The value of the trip threshold varies according to the connection modality of the poles.
For further information please refer to the technical product catalogue.
T5 T6
Rated uninterrupted current Iu [A] 400/630 630/800/1000
Poles [Nr.] 3/4 3/4
Rated service voltage Ue [V] (DC) 750 750
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp [kV] 8 8
Rated insulation voltage Ui [V] 1000 1000
Test voltage at industrial frequency for 1 min. [V] 3500 3500
Rated ultimate short-circuit breaking
capacity Icu N S H L V N S H L
(DC) 250V - 2 poles in series [kA] 36 50 70 100 150 36 50 70 100
(DC) 250V - 3 poles in series [kA] - - - - - - - - -
(DC) 500V - 2 poles in series [kA] 25 36 50 70 100 20 35 50 65
(DC) 500V - 3 poles in series [kA] - - - - - - - - -
(DC) 750V - 3 poles in series [kA] 16 25 36 50 70 16 20 36 50
Utilization category B (400A)(1) B (630A-800A)(2)
(IEC 60947-2) A (630A) A (1000A)
Isolation behaviour n n
Trip units: thermomagnetic
T adjustable, M adjustable (5..10 x In) TMA n (up to 500A) n (up to 800A)
Interchangeability n n
Versions F-P-W F-W
Icw = 5kA
Icw = 7.6kA (630A) - 10kA (800A)
Photovoltaic plants 59
Technical Application Papers
ABB offers also the new series of molded-case circuit- The panorama of the Tmax T solutions includes also the
breakers SACE Tmax XT up to 250A. circuit-breakers T4, T5 and T6 for direct current applica-
For the protection of the DC section of PV installations tions up to 1000V.
the following circuit-breakers are available: These circuit-breakers are available in the three-pole
• XT1 160 and XT3 250 equipped with thermomagnetic and four-pole version with TMD or TMA thermomagnetic
trip units TMD with adjustable thermal threshold (I1 = trip units.
0.7..1 x In) and fixed magnetic threshold (I3 = 10 x In); These circuit-breakers are available in fixed, plug-in and
• XT2 160 and XT4 250 equipped with thermo- withdrawable version (for this the use of the 1000V fixed
magnetic trip units TMA (for In ≥ 40A) with adjust- parts which can be supplied by the upper terminals only
able thermal threshold (I1 = 0.7..1 x In) and mag- is required) and comply with all accessories except for
netic threshold I3 adjustable in the range 8..10 x In the residual current release.
for 40A, 6..10 x In for 50A and 5..10 x In for In ≥ 63A.
T4 T5 T6
XT1 XT2 XT3 XT4 Rated uninterrupted current Iu [A] 250 400/630 630/800
Size [A] 160 160 250 160/250 Poles 4 4 4
Poles [Nr.] 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 Rated service voltage Ue [V] 1000 1000 1000
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp [kV] 8 8 8
Rated service voltage [V]
Rated insulation voltage Ui [V] 1150 1150 1000
Ue (DC) 500 500 500 500
Test voltage at industrial frequency
Rated impulse for 1 min. [V] 3500 3500 3500
withstand voltage Uimp [kV] 8 8 8 8 Rated ultimate short-circuit breaking
Rated insulation capacity Icu V(1)
V (1)
voltage Ui [V] 800 1000 800 1000 (DC) 4 poles in series [kA] 40 40 40
Rated ultimate short- B (400A)(2) -
circuit breaking Utilization category (IEC 60947-2) A A (630A) B(3)
capacity Icu B C N S H N S H L V N S N S H L V Isolation behaviour n n n
(DC) 250V-2 poles in series [kA] 18 25 36 50 70 36 50 70 120 150 36 50 36 50 70 120 - Trip units: thermomagnetic
T adjustable, M fixed TMD n - -
(DC) 500V-3 poles in series [kA] 18 25 36 50 70 36 50 70 120 150 36 50 36 50 70 120 -
T adjustable, M adjustable (5..10 x In) TMA n n n
Utilization category
Versions F F F(4)
(IEC 60947-2) A A A A
behaviour n n n n
Trip units:
Supply from the top only
Icw = 5kA
T adjustable, M fixed TMD n n (up to 32A) n n (up to 32A)
Icw = 7.6kA (630A) - 10kA (800A)
Tmax T5 630 is available in the fixed version only
T adjustable, M (5)
For T6 in the withdrawable version ask ABB
adjustable TMA - n - n
magnetic only MF/MA n n n
electronic Ekip - n - n
Versions F-P F-P-W F-P F-P-W Thermomagnetic trip units for applications up to
1000V DC – TMD and TMA
For XT4 160A
For XT4 250A T4 T5 T6
250 400-630 630-800
32 n
50 n
80 n
100 n
125 n
160 n
200 n
250 n
320 n
400 n
500 n
630 n
800 n
60 Photovoltaic plants
6.1.16 Tmax PV molded-case circuit-breakers The connection jumpers required for Tmax PV UL ensure
for direct current applications
Molded-case switch-disconnectors at 1000V DC, in compliance with Molded-case switch-disconnectors at 1500V DC, in compliance with
Std. IEC 60947-3 Std. IEC 60947-3
T1D/ T3D/ T4D/ T5D/ T6D/ T7D/ T4D/PV T7D/PV
Size (A) 160 250 250 630 800 1250- Size (A) 250 1250-1600
Rated service current in category DC22 B (A) 250 1250-1600
Rated service current in category (A) 160 200 250 500 800 1250-
DC22 B 1600 Poles (No.) 4 4
Poles (No.) 4 4 4 4 4 4 Rated service voltage (V DC) 1500 1500
Rated service voltage (V DC) 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 Rated short-time withstand current (kA) 3 19.2
Rated short-time withstand (kA) 1.92 2.4 3 6 9.6 19.2
Molded-case switch-disconnectors at 1000V DC, in compliance with Molded-case circuit-breakers at 1000V DC, in compliance with Std. UL 489B
Std. UL 489B
T1N-D/ T4N-D/ T5N-D/ T6N-D/ T7N-D/
Size (A) 200 400 600-800
Size (A) 100 200 400 600-800 1000
Rated service current (A) 40-200 400 600-800
Rated service current (A) 100 200 400 600-800 1000
Rated service voltage (V DC) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 Rated service voltage (V DC) 1000 1000 1000
For wiring configurations and for further technical information please refer to the catalogue and to the installation instructions.
If a polarity on the inverter side is connected to ground, ask ABB the proper size of the fuse and the configuration of the CB poles.
Photovoltaic plants 61
Technical Application Papers
6.1.17 Air circuit-breakers for direct current mechanical accessories in common with the Emax range
applications for alternating current applications.
6 ABB solutions for photovoltaic applications
and to the service voltage, please refer to the schemes shown in the QT5 “ABB circuit-
breakers for direct current applications”.
E2 E3 E4 E6
Rated service voltage Ue [V] 1000 1000 1000 1000
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp [kV] 12 12 12 12
Rated insulation voltage Ui [V] 1000 1000 1000 1000
Poles [Nr.] 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4
Rated uninterrupted curent Iu B N N H S H H
[A] 800 800
[A] 1000 1000
[A] 1250 1250
[A] 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600
[A] 2000 2000 2000
[A] 2500 2500 2500
[A] 3200 3200 3200
[A] 4000
[A] 5000
Rated short-time withstand current for (0.5s) Icw [kA]
500V DC (III) 35 50 60 65 75 100 100
750V DC (III) 25 25 40 40 65 65 65
750V DC (III) 25 40 50 50 65 65 65
1000V DC (IV) 25 25 35 40 50 65 65
Utilization category (IEC 60947-2) B B B B B B B
Isolation behaviour n n n n
Versions F-W F-W F-W F-W
62 Photovoltaic plants
Network isolated (1)
- D
+ - +
isolation n n n n
protection n n n n
PR122/DC n n n n
PR123/DC n n n n
B 35 25 25 25
E2 1250
N 1600 50 25 40 25
N 60 40 50 35
E3 2000
H 2000 65(3) 40 50 40
S 75 65 65 50
E4 2500
H 3200 100 65 65 65
E6 H 4000 100 65 65 65
With this type of pole connections the likelihood of a double fault to earth is to be considered negligible. For further information see QT5:
“ABB circuit-breakers for direct current applications”.
Icu with L/R = 15ms in compliance with IEC 60946-2. As regards the Icu values with L/R = 5ms and L/R = 30ms please ask ABB.
85kA, only if supplied from below and by specifying in the order the following extra code: 1SDA067148R1. Ics=65kA.
Photovoltaic plants 63
Technical Application Papers
- D
LOAD + -
PR122/DC - - - -
PR123/DC n n n n
fault typology a b c a b c a b c a b c
poles in series affected by the fault 3 2 (U/2) 1 (U/2) 3 2 (U/2) 2 (U/2) 3 2 (U/2) 2 (U/2) 3 2 (U/2) 2 (U/2)
B 35 35 18 35 35 35 25 25 25 25 25 25
E2 1250
N 1600 50 50 25 50 50 50 40 40 40 25 25 25
N 60 60 30 60 60 60 50 50 50 35 35 35
E3 2000
S 75 75 35 75 75 75 65 65 65 50 50 50
E4 2500
Icu with L/R = 15ms in compliance with IEC 60946-2. As regards the Icu values with L/R = 5ms and L/R = 30ms please ask ABB.
85kA only if supplied from below and by specifying in the order the following extra code: 1SDA067148R1.
64 Photovoltaic plants
Network with a negative polarity connected to earth (1)
- D
LOAD + -
isolation n n
protection n n
PR122/DC n n
PR123/DC n n
[kA] [kA]
B 35 20 25 25
E2 1250
N 1600 50 25 40 25
N 60 30 50 35
E3 2000
S 100 50 100 100
E4 2500
For networks with grounded positive polarity please ask ABB.
For higher voltage values please ask ABB.
For further information see QT5: “ABB circuit-breakers for direct current applications”.
Icu with L/R = 15ms in compliance with IEC 60946-2. As regards the Icu values with L/R = 5ms and L/R = 30ms please ask ABB.
85kA only if supplied from below and by specifying in the order the following extra code: 1SDA067148R1. Ics=65kA.
Photovoltaic plants 65
Technical Application Papers
6.1.18 Air switch-disconnectors for applications By connecting three breaking poles in series, it is possible
up to 1000V DC to achieve a rated voltage of 750V DC, while with four
6 ABB solutions for photovoltaic applications
Rated service voltage Ue [V] 750 1000 750 1000 750 1000 750 1000 750 1000
Rated insulation voltage Ui [V] 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
Poles [Nr.] 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4
[A] 2500
[A] 3200
Rated short-time withstand current for (1s) Icw [kA] 20 20* 25 25* 40 40* 65 65 65 65
Note: the breaking capacity Icu when using an external release with 500ms maximum time delay is equal to the Icw value (1s).
*The performances at 750V are:
for E1B/E MS Icw = 25 kA
for E2N/E MS Icw = 40 kA
for E3H/E MS Icw = 50 kA
66 Photovoltaic plants
6.1.19 New air switch-disconnectors for compliance with the international Standard IEC 60947-3.
applications up to 1000V DC. For all those applications requiring also integrated
Common data
Rated service
[V] 750 (3p) / 1000 (4p)
voltage Ue
Rated insulation
[V] 1000
voltage Ui
Rated impulse withstand
[kV] 12
voltage Uimp
Number of poles 3-4
Version Fissa - Estraibile
Isolation behaviour IEC 60947-3
Photovoltaic plants 67
Technical Application Papers
6.2 Residual current releases Type B according to the prospective fault frequencies generated
on the load side of the release.
6 ABB solutions for photovoltaic applications
RC B Type
Rated service current [A] fino a 250A (225 per T3) fino a 225A
68 Photovoltaic plants
6.2.2 Residual Current Devices F200 A
Residual Current Circuit-Breakers (RCCBs) F 200 On the other hand, in case a DC/AC electrical separation
DDA 204
Photovoltaic plants 69
Technical Application Papers
GAF contactors tors with increased insulation, are used for controlling d.c.
The GAF range is dedicated to DC switching. Based on power circuits, at voltages Ue ≤ 1500 V d.c. (time con-
the A range, these are reliable and modern contactors.* stant L/R ≤ 7.5 ms). (For operational voltage Ue > 1500
When DC voltage and/or current ratings higher than V d.c. or time constant L/R > 7.5 ms: please contact us).
below table, ABB offers bar contactors, designed by The poles must be connected in series. For 63 to 500 A
customer specification. contactor ratings, the blow-out coil will be rated as the
actual service current rating.
Main technical specifications GAF
Auxiliary contacts: 1 N.O. + 1 N.C. available.
Rated operational voltage 1000 VDC
Current ratings, DC-1 275 – 2050 A
Control voltage Electronically controlled AC/DC
Number of poles 3 (connect in series) Main technical specifications
Reference standards IEC60947-1, -4-1 Rated operational current Ue ≤ 1500 V d.c.
Number of poles 3
IOR..-CC, IORR..-CC DC-1 A 85, 170, 275,
contactors 550, 800, 1500,
(a.c operated) 1800
DC-3/DC-5 A 68, 125, 205,
500, 720
IORE..-CC contactors DC-1 A 85, 170, 275,
(d.c operated - with 550, 800, 1500,
economy resistor) 1800
DC-3/DC-5 A 68, 125, 205,
500, 720
IORC..-CC contactors DC-1 A 85, 170, 275,
(d.c operated - without 550, 800
economy resistor) DC-3/DC-5 A 68, 125, 205,
500, 720
70 Photovoltaic plants
Standard A and AF range Main technical specifications OTDC16...32
The A and AF ranges are standard, general purpose Reference Standards CEI EN 60947-3
6.4 Switch-disconnectors
OTDC 16...32
OTDC switch-disconnectors are available with nominal
currents from 16A up to 32A in three different modular
versions, with the same frontal footprint and one, two
or three arc plates depending on operating DC voltage.
The main features of the OTDC switch-disconnectors
- Compactness and modularity: allow for switchboard
dimension and costs reduction
- Thermal efficiency: low resistive losses for reduced heat
dispersion, avoiding waste of energy
- High operating voltages: the in-depth development - + - - +
of arc plates allows to reach insulating voltages up 1 3 1 3 5 1 3 5 7
to 1000V OEZXY85
- Rail mounting for easy installation OEZXY86
- DIN, tunnel terminals and jumpers for parallel wiring
included: easy and quick assembly 2 4 2 4 6 2 4 6 8
- + - + + - +
- OTDC from 16 to 32 A is also available in a plastic
enclosure (OTDCP), suitable for outdoor use. Wiring diagram
Photovoltaic plants 71
Technical Application Papers
- + - - + - + - - +
1 3 1 3 5 1 3 5 7 1 3 1 3 5 1 3 5 7
2 4 2 4 6 2 4 6 8 2 4 2 4 6 2 4 6 8
- + - + + - + - + - + + - +
72 Photovoltaic plants
Switch-disconnectors OT_M OT series
The rotary switch-disconnectors of OT_M series are The OT series of switch-disconnectors from ABB has
specially designed for quick-disconnection of electrical been the industry standard in traditional AC applications
lines according to IEC 60947-3 standard; they are used for many years. They are a perfect solution for the AC
to control and insulate strings up to 750 VDC and offer side of solar applications.
an ideal complement for a safety maintenance of FV OT switch-disconnectors are not only among the most
systems. compact in the market, but they also offer high techni-
cal ratings.
The main features of the OT_M switch-disconnectors
The main features include:
include: - Full range to cover any application up to 3800 A
- quick-make and quick-break operations with independ- - Door, base or DIN-rail mounting, flexible installation in
ent snap function any direction
- available options include auxiliary contacts and knobs - Wide selection of accessories
for remoted rotary command - Small frames save money as less space is needed
- Integrated with the System pro M compact product - Remote control with motorized versions (OTM_)
line and compatible with OT series accessories
- Versions over 40 A with pad lockable door locking knob Main technical specifications OT
Reference standard IEC 60947-3
Main technical specifications OT_M UL 508 & UL 98
Nominal voltage, Ue up to 690 V
Reference Standards IEC EN 60947-3
Nominal current, In 16 - 4000 A (IEC)
Nominal current In 40, 80, 125 A 20 - 2000 A (UL)
Number of poles 3, 4 Number of poles 2, 3, 4
Switch-disconnector 40M_ 63ML_ 125M_ Mounting Base, DIN rail and door mounting
Nominal Operanting
Current in DC-21A/
series poles
500 VDC A 16/4 16/4 20/4
750 VDC A - - -
Class of use DC-21A
Operating temperature °C -25…+50
Mounting on DIN rail EN 60715
(35 mm) by means
of fast clip device
* Refer to wiring diagrams
Load Load
Photovoltaic plants 73
Technical Application Papers
(S802PV-SD, S803PV-SD and S804PV-SD) can be used specially designed for networks up to 1000 V DC.
in networks up to 1500 V DC (4-poles execution). To- They are equipped with permanent magnets which pro-
gether with its range of accessories (auxiliary contacts, vide the switch polarity, therefore a correct supply volt-
shunt trips, undervoltage releases, shunt open releases, age is required. S802 PV-M-H switch-disconnectors and
motorized commands) allow for a wide spectrum of its range of accessories (auxiliary contacts, shunt trips,
configurations. undervoltage releases, shunt open releases, motorized
The main features of the S800 PV-SD switch-discon- commands) allow for a wide spectrum of configurations.
nectors include: The main features of the S802 PV-M-H switch-discon-
- interchangeable terminals nectors include:
- contact status displayed for each pole - interchangeable terminals
- polarity independent wiring - contact status displayed for each pole
Main technical specifications S800 PV-SD Main technical specifications S802 PV-M-H
Reference Standards IEC 60947-3 and Annex D Reference Standards IEC / EN 60947-3
Rated current In A 32, 63, 125 Rated current In A 32, 63, 100
Number of poles 2, 3, 4 Number of poles 2
Rated voltage Ue Rated voltage Ue (DC) 2 poles* V 1000
(DC) 2 poles* V 800 Rated short-time withstand current Icw
(DC) 3 poles* V 1200 (DC) 2 poles* 1000 V kA 1.5
(DC) 4 poles* V 1500 Class of use DC-21A
Operating temperature °C -25…+60
Rated short-time withstand current Icw (kA) 1.5
Mounting on DIN rail EN 60715 (35 mm)
Rated short-circuit making capacity Icm(kA) 0.5
by means of fast clip device
Utilisation category DC-21A, DC-PV2
Ambient temperature °C -25…+70 *Please refer to the wiring diagrams
1 3 1 3 5 1 3 1 3 5
Earthed network 100, 125 A
2 4 2 6 4 2 4 2 4 6 – +
800 VDC 1200 L+ L–
3 5 800 VDC 1200
3 5
1 3 2 4 6 1 3 2 4
with polarity and supply direction in wiring.
2 4 2 4
1 3 1 3 5 1 3 1 3 5
2 4 2 4 6 2 4 2 4 6
1 3 1 3 5 7 1 3 1 3 5 7
4 100,
2 125 A 4
2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8
800 VDC 1500 VDC 800 VDC 1500 VDC
1 3 1 3 5 7 1 3 1 3 5 7
2 4 2 4 6 8 2 4 2 4 6 8
74 Photovoltaic plants
6.5 Miniature circuit-breakers
Main technical specifications S800PV-SP
1 3 1 3 5 1 3 1 3 5
2 4 network 2 4 6 100,
2 125
4 A 2 4 6
800 VDC 1200
3 5 800 VDC 1200
3 5
1 3 2 4 6 1 3 2 4 6
2 4 2 4
1 3 1 3 5 1 3 1 3 5
2 4 2 4 6 2 4 2 4 6
1 3 1 3 5 7 1 3 1 3 5 7
2 network
4 2 4 6 8 100,
2 125 A 4 2 4 6 8
800 VDC 1500 VDC 800 VDC 1500 VDC
1 3 1 3 5 7 1 3 1 3 5 7
2 4 2 4 6 8 2 4 2 4 6 8
Photovoltaic plants 75
Technical Application Papers
Open-core sensors
AC accuracy* of ≤ ±1.0 %
The laying method influences the accuracy.
18-mm overall width
CMS-120xx (80 A) CMS-120PS CMS-120DR CMS-120CA
CMS-121xx (40 A) CMS-121PS CMS-121DR CMS-121CA
CMS-122xx (20 A) CMS-122PS CMS-122DR CMS-122CA
Solid-core sensors
AC accuracy* ≤ ± 0.5 %
18-mm overall width
CMS-100xx (80A) CMS-100PS CMS-100S8 CMS-100DR CMS-100CA
CMS-101xx (40A) CMS-101PS CMS-101S8 CMS-101DR CMS-101CA
CMS-102xx (20A) CMS-102PS CMS-102S8 CMS-102DR CMS-102CA
CMS-200xx (160A) CMS-200S8 CMS-200DR CMS-200CA
CMS-201xx (120A) CMS-201S8 CMS-201DR CMS-201CA
CMS-202xx (80A) CMS-202S8 CMS-202DR CMS-202CA
* All accuracy specifications refer to the relevant full scale value and apply to 25 °C.
76 Photovoltaic plants
6.7 Surge protective devices
Technical features
Photovoltaic plants 77
Technical Application Papers
78 Photovoltaic plants
6.8 Fuse disconnectors 6.9 Cylindrical Fuses
Photovoltaic plants 79
Technical Application Papers
Busbars type PS…DC are used for fast and easy line side
wiring of ABB modular devices in DC-applications up
to 1000V DC. The entire product line includes 1- and
2-phase busbars with a pin distance of 17,6 mm and 26,4
mm for universal use. The range is therefore ideally suited
for line side wiring of modular devices or fuse carriers and
fuse switch disconnectors E90 PV in solar applications.
Matching feeder terminals allow the connection of con-
ductors with a cross section of max. 35 mm².
1) Independently from the current rating of the feeder terminal or busbar, the current-carrying capacity/current rating of the device terminal must not be exceeded.
The copper bus has to be cut to a length that is app. 10 mm less than the corresponding length of the plastic busbar housing. Touch-safe only when used with the
required end caps. Independant from the rated voltage of the devices like busbars or feeder terminals the creepage distances and distances over the air needs to be
considered. This is depending on the particular application as well as on the complete assembling.
80 Photovoltaic plants
6.11 Insulation monitoring devices Main technical specifications
Photovoltaic plants 81
Technical Application Papers
Insulation monitoring device CM-IWN - High reliability with built-in system start-up test
The CM- IWx series offers an innovative insulation moni- - Possibility to reset and test at product front or via
6 ABB solutions for photovoltaic applications
Measurement principle
Using CM-IW.x, a pulsating measurement signal is sent
to the system to be monitored and the insulation resist-
L+ V1+ L- V1- 12 14 L+ VS V1+ V1-
ance is calculated. This pulsating measurement signal VS VE Vw 22 24 L- KE w A2
VL+ VL- A1 11 21 S1 S2 S3
82 Photovoltaic plants
6.12 Monitoring relay - CEI 0-21 standard - Password setting protection
- 3 c/o (SPDT) contacts
Photovoltaic plants 83
Technical Application Papers
6.13 Power buffers Using the latest ultracapacitor technology, ABB offers an
innovative and completely maintenance-free solution for
6 ABB solutions for photovoltaic applications
L+ L- 1) In progress
max. 3A 24V DC
24V DC
max. 3A
(6A for 24V DC
max. 1,5 s) L+
CM-UFD.M32 AF26 Contactor or shunt coil for
redundancy breaker
Main technical specifications CP-B 24/3.0 CP-B 24/10.0 CP-B 24/20.0 CP-B EXT.2
ABB code 1SVR 427 060 R0300 1SVR 427 060 R1000 1SVR 427 060 R2000 1SVR 427 065 R0000
Order code CPB243 CPB2410 CPB2420 CPBEXT2
Nominal Input Voltage DC 24 V 24 V 24 V -
Nominal Current DC 3A 10 A 20 A -
Storable Energy (min.) 1000 Ws 10000 Ws 8000 Ws 2000 Ws
Typical charge time 100% 65 s 120 s 68 s
with 0% load current 56 s 82 s 62 s
Typical buffering time 1)
According to load current 100 % 14 s 40 s 15 s
50 % 28 s 80 s 30 s
25 % 74 s 140 s 60 s
10 % 148 s 380 s 150 s
Length 60 mm 127 mm 84 mm 60 mm
Height 92,5 mm 163 mm 192 mm 92,5 mm
Depth 116 mm 150 mm 198 mm 116 mm
Buffering Time ~
1) torable energy * 0.9
23 V
84 Photovoltaic plants
6.14 Modular energy meters - Previous values (by day, week or month)
- Demand measurement (max and min)
Photovoltaic plants 85
Technical Application Papers 1 3 4 6 7 9 11
Standards 1 3 4 6 7 192113 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 S1 S2
1 3 4 6 7 9 11
1 21 33 4456677 9811
9 11
1 3 4 6 7 9 11 S1 S2
IEC 62052-11, IEC 62053-21class 1 & 2, IEC 62053-22
6 ABB solutions for photovoltaic applications
P1 P2 P1 P2
class 0,5 S, IEC 62053-23 class 2, IEC 62054-21,L1EN L1
L L1
50470-1, EN 50470-3 category A, B & C. L2 L2
L3 system
L3 N
L3 N
PE with neutral
Communication DBB23XXX DBB22XXX DBB21XXX
Built-in communication interfaces and separate com- DAB13000
munication devices enable serial
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9data
11 S1 communication
S2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 S1 S2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 S1 S2
between energy meter and remote supervision
P1 P2
system. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 S1
P1 P2
86 Photovoltaic plants
6.15 Switchboards 6.16 Wall mounting consumer units
Photovoltaic plants 87
Technical Application Papers
ABB provides IP65 polycarbonate junction boxes that The screw clamp terminal blocks of the new SNK series
are perfect for use in outdoor installations. are ideal for use in photovoltaic systems.
The main features of the junction boxes include: The SNK series offers a modern, innovative and compact
- class II insulation design, and a wide range of accessories for any require-
- manufactured in self-extinguishing thermoplastic mate-
ment. The series come with the highest international
rial able to withstand abnormal heat and fire up to 960
°C (glow wire test) in compliance with IEC 60695-2-11
- installation temperature: -25 °C to +60 °C Main technical specifications
- nominal insulation voltage: 1000 V AC; 1500 V DC Electrical characteristics
- shock resistance: 20 joules (IK 10 degrees) Nominal voltage V 1000
- junction boxes in compliance with IEC 23-48 and IEC Nominal current A max 232
60670 standards Nominal section mm² max 95
- IMQ approved
Compliance with IEC 60947-7-1, IEC 60947-7-2 standards
Parallel interconnections are available
Self-extinguishing material UL94V0
88 Photovoltaic plants
6.20 Polyamide 6.6 and 12 cable ties -
UV resistant black
Photovoltaic plants 89
Technical Application Papers
6.21 PMA Cable Protection System Solutions 6.22 Direct lightning protection
6 ABB solutions for photovoltaic applications
PMA offers a broad product portfolio of cable protec- OPR, simple rod & earthing system
tion products. To provide efficient protection for a Solar system, the PV
plant must be protected against direct lightning strikes
Our 30 years experience in the design and production and have a proper grounding system in addition to pro-
of cable protection systems guarantees optimal solu- tection against overvoltage on both side of the inverter.
tions for use in power generation applications whether ABB offers:
they are driven by water, wind, sunlight or gas.
- OPR, ESE lightning rod protect against direct lightning,
- Protection degree: IP66 / IP68 and IP69K - simple rod lightning protection against direct lightning,
- Metric, NPT and PG threads made of metal and plastic - earthing and interconnection system to safely dissipate
- Available with strain relief elements the lightning current.
90 Photovoltaic plants
6.23 String combiners for string protection,
control and monitoring system for large
Photovoltaic plants 91
Technical Application Papers
IP20 protection of
components inside the
combiner - No live parts are
accessible directly inside the
Efficient design enabling combiners ensuring safety of
to have configurations the installers.
from 1 to 32 strings in a single
enclosure, making it easy for
logistics and installation at site.
According to the rating, both the monitoring and the use of the string combiner changes:
1000V DC:
a) 1000V DC without monitoring (no fuses) for ungrounded or floating earthing systems;
b) 1000V DC without monitoring (2 fuses + - ) for ungrounded or floating earthing systems;
c) 1000V DC with monitoring (2 fuses + - ) for ungrounded or floating earthing systems;
d) 1000V DC without monitoring (1 fuse + ) for grounded earthing systems;
e) 1000V DC with monitoring (1 fuse + ) for grounded earthing systems;
f) 1000V DC multi-output without monitoring (2 fuses + - ) for ungrounded or floating earthing systems.
1500V DC
a) 1500V DC without monitoring (2 fuses + - ) for ungrounded or floating earthing systems;
b) 1500V DC with monitoring (2 fuses + - ) for ungrounded or floating earthing systems;
c) 1500V DC without monitoring (1 fuse + ) for grounded earthing systems;
d) 1500V DC with monitoring (1 fuse + ) for grounded earthing systems.
92 Photovoltaic plants
String combiner 1000V DC
Technical features
General Data
Maximum Voltage 1000VDC
No of DC Input 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 28 32
(+ & -, optional)
SPD protection Type 2 Pluggable
String protection No Per each incoming string
Monitoring No Optional
Monitoring Parameters No Current, temperature and SPD signal as standard.
Optional to include Voltage and Disconnector
Communication Protocol No Modbus RTU
Enclosure Type
Model Europa Gemini
Material Type Thermoplastic
Door Type/ Opening Transparent, Hinged Opaque, Hinged Door openable 180 Deg
Lock Type Click on push to lock Doors supplied with 2 standard double bit locks (3 for sizes 5 and 6)
Rated Service Voltage 1000VDC
Degree of resistance IK 10
to impacts
Degree of protection IP65 IP66
Recylable 100%
Environmental data
Operating Temperature °C -20°C upto +50°C
Storage temperature °C -20°C upto +60°C
Resistance to Abnormal upto 750°C
heat and fire
Height above Sea level Up to 2000m
Humidity up to 95%
DC Input
Input Cable entry M16 Cable Gland, 2,5 - 16 mm²
Input Connection Terminals Directly on the Fuse Holder
Fuse Type No fuse Cylindrical 10x38 gPV
Fuse Size 15A
DC Output
Output Cable gland +/- M16 M16 M16 M16 M25 M25 M25 M32 M32 M32 M32 M40 M40 M40 M40
Clamping cable diameter (m²) 2,5-16 25-50 70-120 150-240
Conductor material Cupper/Alluminium
Terminal Type Pipe terminal Ring Terminal
Voltage DC 1000VDC
Maximun current output 10A 20A 30A 40A 60A 80A 100A 120A 140A 160A 180A 200A 240A 280A 320A
Photovoltaic plants 93
Technical Application Papers
General Data
Maximum Voltage (VDC) 1500
No of DC Input 16 18 20 24 28 32
DC input for + & - Optional available -
SPD protection Type 2 Pluggable
Monitoring Optional -
Monitoring Parameters Current, temperature and SPD signal as standard. -
Optional to include Voltage and Disconnector signal
Communication Protocol Modbus RTU -
Enclosure Type
Model Gemini
Material Type Thermoplastic
Door Type/ Opening Opaque, Hinged Door openable 180 Deg
Lock Type Doors supplied with 2 standard double bit locks (3 for sizes 5 and 6)
Rated Service Voltage 1500VDC
Degree of resistance to impacts IK10
Degree of protection IP66
Recylable 100%
Environmental data
Operating Temperature °C -20°C upto +50°C
Storage temperature °C -20°C upto +60°C
Resistance to Abnormal upto 750°C
heat and fire
Height above Sea level Up to 2000m
Humidity up to 95%
DC Input
Input Cable entry M16 Cable Gland, 2,5 - 16 mm²
Input Connection Directly on the Fuse Holder
Fuse Type Cylindrical 10x85 gPV
Fuse Size (A) 15
DC Output
Output Cable gland M32 M32 M40 M40 M40 M40
Clamping area 70-120 150-240
Conductor material Cupper/Alluminium
Terminal Type Ring Terminal
Voltage DC 1500
Maximum Current Output (A) 160A 180A 200A 240A 280A 320A
94 Photovoltaic plants
Connection examples
Single output
8 stringhe 1
7 Distribution block DBL160
1 2
1 Fuse holder
2 56 2 Stop BAM3
3 Surge protection OVR
2 5
3 4 Terminal block M35 PE
2 5
3 5 Switch disconnector
a controllo 4
1 6 Shroud for OTDC
a controllo 4
a controllo 1 4
Photovoltaic plants 95
Technical Application Papers
3 4 6
3 4 6
1 5
1 5
1 Fuse holder
2 Distribution block DBL160
3 Stop BAM3
4 Surge protection OVR
5 Terminal block M35 PE
6 Switch disconnector
7 Shroud for OTDC
2 2 7 2
2 2 7
1 5
1 3
1 Fuse holder
2 Distribution block DBL160
3 Stop BAM3
4 Surge protection OVR
5 Terminal block M35 PE
6 Switch disconnector
7 Shroud for OTDC
96 Photovoltaic plants
16 strings, 1000V DC with monitoring
13 3
Photovoltaic plants 97
Technical Application Papers
1 Fuse holder
2 SCK-M-1500V (special accessory)
5 16
9 3 Terminal block M4 PE
5 16
9 4 Distribution block DBL160
12 5 Stop BAM3
12 8 6 Surge protection OVR TS
15 7 Terminal block M4 GREY
12 15 8 Switch disconnector OTDC400EV11K
12 10 9 Shroud for OTDC
10 10 Switch E211
12 5 11 Power supplier CP-E 2,5 24V
5 12 SCK-M-I-8S-20A
6 11 14 5 2 5 13 SCK-C-MODBUS
1 14 5 2 5 14 Terminal block M35 PE
1 15 Aux contact OTDC (special accessory)
7 16 Erico 1ST622
3 13 3
3 13 3
98 Photovoltaic plants
24 strings, 1500V DC with monitoring
Photovoltaic plants 99
Technical Application Papers
7 7
6 6
2 2
5 1 5
9 9
8 8
3 7
1 1
1 Fuse holder
2 Distribution block DBL160
4 2 2 6
3 Stop BAM3
4 Surge protection OVR
5 Terminal block M35 PE
6 Switch disconnector
7 Shroud for OTDC
Connection examples
1 Fuse holder
2 Terminal block M16 PE
5 3 Terminal block M16 BLU
9 9
4 Terminal block M16 GREY
8 8
5 Stop BAM3
6 Terminal block M35 BLU
3 7 7 Terminal block M35 GREY
1 1 9 Surge protection OVR QS
4 2 2 6
cally separated cells, each able to exploit at the best a • the necessity of installing the plants in areas with high
part of the solar spectrum. This approach avoids the direct solar radiation, which makes the analysis of
Annex A: New technologies
use of the expensive multijunction cells and reduces the the characteristics of the location quite difficult in the
problem of the temperature rise of the PV cells present design phase and reduces the number of the areas
in the traditional concentration systems. suitable for such plants;
At present, the modules based on such technologies • the necessity of an accurate tracking system to keep
are not available on the market even if the first pilot the module as perpendicular as possible to direct solar
production lines are being set up. The estimated time to radiation;
have organic cells with commercial diffusion is around • the necessity of a cooling system for the cells because
ten years. of the high temperature they can reach due to the
Figure A.1 shows the forecast of the market share for increased irradiance; the operating temperature must
these technologies considered in the short, medium and be kept lower than 200-250°C through air-cooling
long time. The new concepts include, in addition to the systems (plate fin heat exchangers) or liquid cooling
emerging technologies, also concentrated photovoltaics. systems (with micro-tubes and possibility of using the
heat taken for co-generation).
Figure A.1
Diffused radiation
to that absorbed by trees during their growth process. not usually exceed 50 cm.
Biomasses can be used in thermal generation plants with In a tidal power plant the water flows in and out of a basin
Annex B: Other renewable energy sources
different dimensions, dimensions strictly connected to of a few square kilometers, passing through a series of
the characteristics of the territory and to the availability pipes in which it gains speed and drives some turbines
of this fuel in neighbouring zones. connected to generators (alternators).
During the ebb tide the water flows from the basin to the
B.4 Geothermal power deep sea, thus driving the turbine; when the sea level
begins to rise and the tide is sufficiently high, the sea
Geothermal power is a form of energy using the heat water is made to flow into the basin and the turbine is
sources in the most inner areas of the earth, the subsoil. powered again.
It is naturally linked to those regions where geothermal A peculiarity of this system is the reversibility of the tur-
phenomena are present (in Italy Tuscany, Latium, Sar- bines which therefore can run both as the tide rises and
dinia, Sicily and other areas in Veneto, Emilia Romagna as it falls (Figure B.1).
and Lombardy can be pointed out as “hot areas”), where
the heat spreading to the rocks next to the surface can
be exploited to generate electricity through steam tur-
Figure B.1
bines, or used for heating in residential and industrial
There are also technologies (geothermal sensor heat
pumps) able to exploit the latent energy stored in the
soil: in this case we speak of low temperature geothermal Deep sea
energy. These pumps are electrical heating (and also
cooling) systems which take advantage of the relatively
constant temperature of the soil during the whole year
and can find an application in a wide range of buildings, Basin
all over the world. Geothermal sensors are heat exchang-
ers (of the tubes), vertically (or horizontally) grounded, in
which a thermally conducting fluid flows. During winter, Turbine with
the spaces are heated transferring the energy from the
ground to the house, whereas during summer the system
is reversed by drawing the heat from the environment and
transferring it to the ground.
In Italy the exploitation of geothermal power is limited today to Tuscany and high Lazio
with a total capacity of 681 MW in 2004, and a production of 5.4 billion kWh equal to
1.55% of the national electric production.
downwards. In this case the thermal storage unit is • forced circulation. Unlike natural convection, by forced
positioned above the panel (mounted on the roof as circulation the storage unit can be positioned also at a
Annex B: Other renewable energy sources
in Figure B.2a or placed in the attic as in Figure B.2b). lower level than the collectors and therefore inside the
The thermo-vector fluid, once it has been heated by house too. In this type of installations, the presence
the solar radiation, rises directly in the storage unit of an electric pump allows the thermo-vector fluid to
and transfers its own heat to the water contained in circulate from the collectors (higher position) to the
it. Once the fluid has cooled it flows downwards into thermal storage unit (lower).
the panels and the cycle starts again. This technology With respect to natural circulation systems, this type
simply needs some solar collectors and a storage unit/ of plant needs a circulation pump, a control unit, tem-
heat exchanger. perature sensors and expansion vessels, which usually
Surfaces and sizes vary according to the thermal re- implies higher costs and requires more maintenance.
quirements. The benefits of this type of plant are the However, people who live in prestigious historic cent-
cheapness, the possibility of functioning without elec- ers (and therefore in buildings subject to architectonic
tric pumps and control units, the inclination given by constraints) and do not have an attic available to “hide”
the slope of the roof, quick and economical installation, the storage unit of the natural circulation system, can
minimum maintenance and high efficiency strengthen solve the problem of the overall dimensions of the
by the natural circulation of the thermo-vector fluid. But storage unit on the roof thanks to forced circulation
there are also some disadvantages, from the slightest (Figure B.3).
ones of aesthetic nature to the most important ones
such as the exposure of the storage unit to atmospheric Figure B.3 - Scheme of a forced circulation plant
Figura B.2
a boiler used to
integrate heat when necessary a storage unit
containing water
with the proper maintenance it might also endure for a Concentratore
longer time.
For the solar thermal plants, only when installed in build- Ricevitore
Decree) 185/2008.
This deduction has been extended for further three years
by the Financial Act 2008. The VAT for solar plants is 10%.
Besides, in many regions, provinces and communes,
incentives and loans are provided, which usually reach Eliostato
25% to 30% of the total expenses.
B.8 Solar thermodynamic power Every technology allows different concentration factors
to be reached, i.e. different values of maximum tem-
perature and with it the thermodynamic cycle typology
The conversion of solar energy into electricity is carried most suitable for the conversion of thermal energy into
out in a solar thermodynamic plant in two phases: electrical energy.
• firstly solar radiation is converted into thermal energy; As a consequence, a solar thermal power station can
• successively the thermal energy is converted into be considered as the grouping of two sub-assemblies:
electrical power through a thermodynamic cycle. • one consisting of the solar collector which carries out
the first phase of energy conversion;
The thermodynamic conversion of the second phase is • one converting the thermal energy into the electrical
completely analogous to what occurs in conventional energy and which consists of the energy conversion
thermal power stations and therefore it is necessary equipment and of the transport and storage system
that the thermal power is available at high temperature which transfers heat from the collector to the thermo-
to obtain high efficiency. As a consequence, in solar dynamic cycle.
thermodynamic systems it is generally necessary to con-
centrate the solar radiation by means of a concentrator, The thermal store unit has the purpose of storing the
constituted by suitably-designed mirrors to collect and generated heat to ensure the proper operation of the
focus the solar radiation onto a receiver which absorbs plant in case of sudden variations in the irradiation due
it and transforms it into thermal energy. The whole of to weather phenomena.
concentrator and receiver forms the solar collector.
According to the maximum temperature of the convector These types of plants have an average annual net conver-
fluid, as thermodynamic cycle, the following typologies sion output of about 18%, with daily peaks of 24%, but
Annex B: Other renewable energy sources
can be adopted: the water steam Rankine cycle (for they are suitable for the generation of low powers (some
temperatures in the range from 400° to 600°C) typical dozens of kW).
for plants with parabolic trough collectors, the Stirling
Figure B.6 – Parabolic dish plant
cycle (for temperatures up to 800°C) in small parabolic
dish plants and the Joule-Brayton cycle (for temperatures
up to 1000°C), either in simple configuration or with
combined cycle, typically in tower plants.
Finally, the maximum short-circuit current of the string Verification of the voltage drop
shall not exceed the maximum short-circuit current which Here is the calculation of the voltage drop on the DC side
the inverter can withstand on the input: of the inverter to verify that it does not exceed 2%, so
that the loss of the produced energy is less than such
10 A < 11.5 A (OK) percentage (see Chapter 3).
Length of the cables with 2.5 mm2 cross-sectional area:
Choice of cables
The modules are connected in series through the cables • connection between the string modules (L1): (17-1) x 1 m = 16 m
L1* and the string thus obtained is connected to the PV • connection between string and switchboard (L2): 15 m
array combiner box immediately on the supply side of • connection between switchboard and inverter (L3): 1m
the inverter using solar single-core cables L2 with the • total length 16 + 15 + 1 = 32 m
following characteristics:
• cross-sectional area 2.5 mm2 Therefore the percentage voltage drop results2:
• rated voltage Uo/U 600/1000 VAC – 1500 VDC
• operating temperature -40 +90 °C Pmax . (ρ1 . L1 . ρ2 . 2. L2 + ρ2 . 2 . L3) . 100 = ↵
∆U% =
• current carrying capacity in free air at 60°C s . U2
(two adjacent cables) 35 A → 3000 . (0.021 . 16 + 0.018 . 2 . 15 + 0.018 . 2 . 1) . 100 = 0.7%
• correction factor of the current carrying capacity at 70°C 0.91
2.5 . 3962
• maximum temperature of the cable under
overload conditions 120 °C
Photovoltaic plants 113
Technical Application Papers
Switching and protection devices DC side by installing inside the PV array combiner box
With reference to the plant diagram shown in Figure an SPD type OVR PV T2 40-600 P TS QS, upstream the
Annex C: Dimensioning example of photovoltaic plants
C.1, the protection against overcurrent is not provided switch-disconnector, for the simultaneous protection of
since on the DC side the cables have a current carrying both inverter and modules; on the AC side instead, an
capacity higher than the maximum short-circuit current OVR T2 1N 40-275s P QS is mounted inside the input
which could affect them. In the main switchboard of the switchboard. The SPD type OVR PV installed on the DC
detached house, on the AC side, there is a thermomag- side, shall be protected by two 4A fuses 10.3x38mm (or
netic residual current circuit-breaker DS 201 C16 30mA/ 16A, only with IP 65 enclosure) inserted in a switch-dis-
typeA (Icn= 6kA) for the protection of the connection line connector fuse holder E 92/32 PV. Instead, OVR T2 SPD,
of the inverter against overcurrents and for the protection on the AC side, shall be protected by a fuse 10.3x38mm
against indirect contacts. To guarantee the possibility E9F 16A gG mounted on a fuse holder E91hN/32.
of carrying out the necessary maintenance operations The other switching and protection devices, that is the
on the inverter, two switch-disconnectors are installed input thermomagnetic circuit-breaker S202 C25, the
immediately upstream and downstream the inverter, main switch-disconnector E202 In=25A and the two
S802 PV-M32 upstream and E202 In=16A downstream thermomagnetic residual current circuit-breakers DS201
respectively. C10/16, were already installed in the pre-existing user
The protection against overvoltages is carried out on the plant and are maintained.
Figure C.1
LV grid
Input switchboard
OVR T2 1N 40-275s P QS
meter S202 C25 E 91hN/32
Main switchboard
E202 25A
N07V-K 3x2.5mm2
L5 = 5m
Meter of
produced power kWh
N07V-K 3x2.5mm2
L4 = 1m +
E202 16 A
– n Modules
N07V-K 3x2.5mm2 The connection cables
L3 = 1m between the panels
(L1* = 1m) are (n - 1)
S802 PV M32 40-600 P TS QS
PV array
combiner box –
Solar cable +
L2 = 15m
connection L1 = 16m of the 17 panels
input rated power; therefore six strings in parallel shall and each deriving string is connected to the PV array
be connected to each inverter. combiner box inside the shed and upstream the inverter
The three-phase inverters which have been chosen through solar cables with length L2, positioned in two
convert direct current to alternating current thanks to the cable trunkings, containing 6 circuits in bunches each.
PWM control and IGBT bridge. Here are the characteristics of the solar cables:
They have input and output filters for the suppression • cross-sectional area 4 mm2
of the emission disturbances, both conducted as well • rated voltage Uo/U 600/1000 VAC – 1500 VDC
as radiated, and an earth-isolation sensor for the PV • operating temperature -40 +90 °C
modules. They are equipped with the Maximum Power • current carrying capacity in free air at 60°C 55 A
Point Tracker (MPPT) and have an internal protection • correction factor of the carrying capacity at 70°C 0.91
preventing the inflow of currents with continuous com- • maximum temperature of the cable under
ponents into the grid. overload conditions 120 °C
Technical characteristics:
• Input rated power 31000 W
• Operating voltage of the inverter MPPT The current carrying capacity Iz of the solar cables
on the DC side 420-800 V bunched in conduit at the operating temperature of 70°C
• Maximum voltage on the DC side 1000 V results to be equal to (see Chapter 3):
• Maximum input current on the DC side 80 A
• Output rated power on the AC side 30000 W Iz = 0.57 . 0.9 . 0.91 . I0 = 0.57 . 0.9 . 0.91 . 55 ≈ 26A
• Rated voltage on the AC side 400 V three-phase
• Rated frequency 50 Hz where 0.9 represents the correction factor for the instal-
• Power factor 0.99 lation of the solar cables in conduit or in cable trunking,
• Maximum efficiency 97.5% whereas 0.57 is the correction factor for 6 circuits in
• European efficiency 97% bunches.
The carrying capacity is higher than the maximum short-
To verify the correct connection string-inverter (see Chap- circuit current of the string:
ter 3) first of all it is necessary to verify that the maximum
no-load voltage at the ends of the string is less than the
maximum input voltage withstood by the inverter: Iz > 1.25 . Isc = 10.63A
955.68 V < 1000 V (OK) The frames of the modules and the supporting struc-
ture of each string are earthed through a cable N07V-K,
In addition, the minimum voltage MPP of the string shall yellow-green, with 4 mm2 cross-section. With reference
not be lower than the minimum voltage of the inverter to the electric diagram of Figure C.2, the connection
MPPT: of the PV array combiner box to the inverter is carried
504.90 V > 420 V (OK) out by using two single-core cables N1VV-K (0.6/1kV
sheathed cables) with 16 mm2 cross-section and length
whereas the maximum voltage MPP of the string shall L3=1m in conduit, current carrying capacity of 76A, a
not exceeds the maximum voltage of the inverter MPPT: value exceeding the maximum total short-circuit current
of the six strings connected in parallel:
733.70 V < 800 V (OK)
Iz > 6 . 1.25 . Isc = 63.75A
Finally, the maximum total short-circuit current of the six
strings connected in parallel and relevant to each inverter The connection between the inverter and the paralleling
shall not exceed the input maximum short-circuit current switchboard of the inverters is carried out using three
which the inverter can withstand: single-core cables N1VV-K of 16 mm2 cross-section
and length L4=1m in conduit, current carrying capacity
6 x 10.63 = 63.75 A < 80 A (OK) of 69A, which is higher than the output rated current of
the three-phase inverter:
Pn 30000
Iz > = = 43.7A
. V . cosϕ . 400 . 0.99
n n
Equivalent to the
previous lay-out
For the connection cables string-switchboard and switchboard-inverter the re-
sistivity of copper at 30°C ρ = 0.018 Ω mm , is assumed, whereas for the con-
nection cables between panels an ambient temperature of 70°C is assumed; then
Ω . mm2 .
ρ1 = 0.018 . [1+0.004 . (70 - 30)] = 0.021
Two poles in series are connected with the positive polarity and two in series on the
negative polarity since the PV system is isolated from earth
The neutral pole is not connected.
OVR T2 3N 40-275s P TS QS
XT2N160 Ekip LS/I
kWh meter Id LS/l In 100A RC Sel
+ CM-UFD.M32
Id Id
E 93hN/32
User’s plant
N1VV-K 3x35mm2 L6 = 7m
N07V-K 1x16mm2
Meter of produced
N1VV-K 3x35mm2 kWh power
N07V-K 1x16mm2 L5 = 3 m
XT1D160 3 poles
Id Inverter paralleling Id
L4 = 1m N1VV-K 3x16mm2 Modulo
N07V-K 1x16mm2
L4 = 1m
– n Modules
The connection cables
between the panels
N1VV-K L3 = 1m (L1* = 1m) are (n - 1)
L3 = 1m 2x16mm2
40-1000 P TS QS
PV array
combiner box
S804 PV-S16
String formed by 22 solar
Solar cable 4m m2 –
L2 = 20m –
panels in series
L1 = 21m
This annex provides useful wiring advices to take in Low environmental temperature usually increases the
consideration when designing PV panels and especially lifetime of components and the reliability of the applica-
the PV breakers and disconnectors: tion. A box directly put in the sun, can easily have an
inside air temperature increase of 30 K.
There is no Simultaneity Factor for PV applications Under worst case conditions, (maximum environment
Depending on the national installation rules, assembly temperature, maximum load, direct sunlight exposure,
engineering takes into consideration that not all AC etc.) the internal box temperature can easily exceed
consumers are active at the same time. 100°C.
By applying a simultaneity factor, upstream MCBs’ rated
currents are less than the sum of the downstream circuit In a typical combiner containing a PV disconnector, 24
breakers. fuses for string protections (12 strings), connectors and
However, in PV applications, all strings produce the same cables, the total internal resistance of cables and compo-
solar power leading to a simultaneity factor of 1. nents can be estimated at 0.01 ohm, which would result
Ambient Temperature in a total dissipation of 100 W at 100 A DC load. 100
The PV industry requires low voltage products operable in Watt dissipation in a hermetically closed enclosure will
a large temperature range. Inverters and combiners can definitely lead to a significant increase of the temperature
become very cold at night and very warm during daytime inside the enclosure.
with a typical peak reached in the early afternoon. The temperature might even exceed the temperature
Therefore, PV breakers and disconnectors can be used specifications of components inside the box.
not only in the temperature range given by the standards Therefore enclosure dimensions are a very important
but also at temperatures down to -40°C and up till 70°C design issue.
with regard to a certain uprating or derating factor.
It’s important to keep in mind that ambient temperature It should also be noticed that temperature increase usu-
always refers to PV breakers or disconnectors, not the ally correlates with the load current square (I2). E.g. if a
air temperature outside the combiner or inverter. 100 A DC load would give a temperature rise of 30 K,
The power loss as a result of internal contact resistance 125 A DC would probably result in a temperature increase
of PV breakers and disconnectors cabling connection of 45 K.
and surrounding low voltage products lead to an internal
heating of the enclosure. This fact must be considered
when choosing the right enclosure size.
Terminal temperature
Ta = Ambient temperature
MV/LV trasformer substations: theory and exam- Power factor correction and harmonic filtering in
ples of short-circuit calculation electrical plants
Distribution systems and protection against indi- Bus communication with ABB circuit-breakers
rect contact and earth fault
QT4 QT10
ABB circuit-breakers inside LV switchboards Photovoltaic plants
QT5 QT11
ABB circuit-breakers for direct current Guidelines to the construction of a low-voltage
applications assembly complying with the Standards IEC 61439
Part 1 and Part 2
QT6 QT12
Arc-proof low voltage switchgear and controlgear Generalities on naval systems and installations
assemblies on board
Wind power plants
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A division of ABB S.p.A. the basis of technical development of the products,
L.V. Breakers without prior notice.
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