Clinical Indirect Instruction Ss Lesson Plan
Clinical Indirect Instruction Ss Lesson Plan
Clinical Indirect Instruction Ss Lesson Plan
Central Focus:
Subject: There are different types of resources for different reasons all
Social Studies around us.
3.G.1.3 Exemplify how people adapt to, change Date submitted: Date taught:
and protect the environment to meet their needs.
Students will be able to correctly identify one of each type of resources: natural, capital, and human.
Prior Knowledge:
Students should already be familiar with the different types of environment and know the basic human needs.
Ask questions:
1. What needs does the family meet by using things they grow or
raise? (food, shelter, clothing)
Potatoes, tomatoes, honey, shingles, shawl, sheep wool
2. What things does the family need that must be bought?
1. Engage Iron kettle, embroidery needle, knife, peppermint candies
3. Why does the family's work change with each season? Each
season offers different environments. In the winter, you can’t
grow certain foods outside in the dirt, bees stay and rest during
the winter.
Review vocabulary words and definitions.
Ask about the basic needs of humans.
What are they? Food, clothing, shelter
Explain about how people modify their environments to meet their
needs by building houses, schools, and shopping centers.
2. Explore
Ask questions to facilitate the discussion such as:
Why do we build houses? Schools? Grocery stores?
What are some of the needs that we need and how to we get
10 out of 12 students could identify one of each of the three types of resources.
6. Assessment Results of
2 out of 12 students could only identify a natural resource and got the capital and
all objectives/skills
natural resource incorrect.
Targeted Students Modifications/Accommodations Student/Small Group Modifications/Accommodations
ASD- students with autism spectrum disorders Students will be working in pairs to cut out and share
would have the option to work at their own table ideas about what resource belongs in which category.
or area of their choice in the classroom for better Before gluing the resource on the paper, students will
concentration. make sure to get the ‘ok’ to do so by having the teacher
ELLS- students may use translation apps to double check.
translate the questions, directions, or worksheets. If there are multiple students who still have trouble with
Also, the book has an online audio version of the differentiating the resources, I will have them pair up with
reading in their own language. Students that are other students who will be able to assist them.
fluent in both languages may be an additional help
to students who are fluent in their own language
and have trouble with English.
projector, ox cart worksheet (1 per student), glue sticks (1 per pair), scissors (1 per pair), notebook paper (1 per
Reflection on lesson:
Overall, I feel that the lesson went well. Since I had the introduction lesson of the social studies unit, I wanted
to make sure that this lesson was basic for the learners. Prior to teaching my lesson, the cooperating teacher and
I had minor miscommunication through email about what was required to be done or taught during the lesson. I
assumed that she had read the book to the students, but she had thought that I was going to do a lesson on the
given essential standard with the book for assistance. Since it was minor, it was an easy modification to
implement within the lesson. Because I had to modify my lesson and read the book to the class, I had to do a
little more of building the students’ prior knowledge and stopping to talk about what is occurring in the book
with clarifying questions. This took a little more time on explore, which meant less time to implement the
elaborate section of this lesson -which I knew would take long because there were lots of resources to sort out.
When we got to this section, I noticed that it was taking a little longer cutting and pasting than it should have,
and the time was nearing its end. I had to quickly think of another alternative to -not completely wipe out this
part of the assignment but I had to modify it. Instead of having the students to sort out all the resources into
each of their categories, I had students find two resources to put in each of the categories. This way, the
students only had to focus of finding two of each type of resources. Once I did this, this sped up the process and
something that the students could accomplish with the given of time left. I felt that this was overall a good
lesson but could be better with improvements. Improvements include providing visual images to correlate with
each type of resource and having that for the students to draw back on, this was feedback given from my
cooperating teacher, which I felt was very constructive and helpful for future lessons.
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