Reproducible Cavitation Activity in Water-Particle Suspensions
Reproducible Cavitation Activity in Water-Particle Suspensions
Reproducible Cavitation Activity in Water-Particle Suspensions
I. INTRODUCTION motion. The latter could stimulate the formation and subse-
quent merging of surface bubbles into microscale cavities,
The discrepancy between the theoretical tensile strength which has been termed acoustic coaxing.10,14 This hypothesis
of pure water and the much lower values reported in various is also put forward in a more recent study in which a Keller-
cavitation experiments has been attributed to the presence of vortex flow system is used to induce cavitation on
cavitation nuclei. Harvey et al.1 suggested that stable, minute microparticles.12
gas nuclei are present in cavities on the solid surfaces of Cavitation experiments, when performed under uncon-
suspended particles, and that such cavities could act as nucle- trolled lab conditions, are usually difficult to reproduce, see,
ation sources. Greenspan and Tschiegg2 reported that remov- for example, the comments of Strasberg in 1959.3 His data
ing particles larger than 0.2 m in diameter increased the showed a “surprising” mean deviation of 10%–15% for
tensile strength of water to about 200 bar. The hypothesis of
10–20 measurements with unchanged experimental condi-
Harvey et al. developed over several years into the so-called
tions. Madanshetty et al.14 and Deng et al.11 suggest that
“crevice model”3–7 which predicts the acoustic cavitation
cavitation thresholds are strongly influenced by the cleanli-
threshold required to nucleate a vapor cavity from a mote,
ness of the system. They both stress the importance of moni-
and the threshold’s dependency on bulk liquid properties and
toring and accounting for fine details in the liquid prepara-
crevice attributes such as size, wettability, and geometry.
tion and handling. Thus great experimental care has to be
The experiments2,3,8 revealed that cavitation inception
taken to set up the nuclei environment in order to obtain
depends not only on various liquid properties but also on
acoustic parameters such as pulse duration, frequency and repeatable cavitation measurements. Still, cavitation thresh-
the geometric form of the sound field, and 共if present兲 the old measurements typically have a standard deviation of
number of cavitation nuclei and their respective nuclei prop- about 15%, which is regarded as good; see, for example,
erties. The latter observation stimulated investigations into Atchley et al.15
the role played by controlled amounts of impurities, such as In the present work we emphasize the reproducibility of
suspended particles.9–14 As a result of that work it was rec- the experiment. This addresses the fact that the results have
ognized that the method used to determine whether a cavita- been reproduced in our lab a few months later with freshly
tion event has happened can play a crucial role in determin- prepared particle-water suspensions. Thus, we expect that
ing cavitation thresholds. In the majority of experiments an this technique is a suitable method to compare cavitation
active detector is used9–11,13,14 which consists of a focused activity—within the later specified error margins—also in
transducer operated in pulse-echo mode, typically at 30 MHz different groups.
共see, for example, Madanshetty et al.13,14 for details兲. How- Given that most of the problems faced in cavitation ex-
ever, this invasive method affects the cavitation process,14 periments are related to the invasiveness of the cavitation
for example the acoustic field can convect the particles into detector and the cleanliness of the nuclei environment, we
the cavitation zone through acoustic radiation forces, and designed a method which overcomes both. In this study, we
high acoustic frequencies might set particles into oscillatory make use of a single acoustic cycle from a shock wave gen-
erator to nucleate cavitation bubbles in an ultraclean environ-
ment. Since the shock wave passage takes only a few micro-
Electronic mail: seconds, the interaction of the acoustic signal with the
1406 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 121 共3兲, March 2007 0001-4966/2007/121共3兲/1406/7/$23.00 © 2007 Acoustical Society of America
FIG. 1. Side and top view 共respectively, left and right兲 of the experimental
setup. A: shock-wave generator, B: water tank, C: magnetic stirrer, D: flask
with particle suspension, E: translation stage, F: flash light, and G: camera. FIG. 2. Pressure as a function of time as recorded inside the flask 共without
particles兲 with the fiber optic probe hydrophone FOPH-500 for a charging
voltage of 5 kV. The time t = 0 corresponds to the start of the lithotripter
cavitation bubbles is reduced to a minimum which distin- pulse.
guishes this approach from the ones presented in Refs. 2, 3,
8–11, and 13. In addition, we detect cavitation bubbles opti- rene flask is shown in Fig. 2. The pressure pulse has been
cally, thus quantitative and noninvasive. With this method we recorded with a calibrated glass fiber hydrophone 共FOPH-
showed previously that cavitation bubbles nucleate on the 500, RP Acoustics兲 located inside the sealed flask and close
microparticles itself and, as a direct consequence, the par- to the acoustic focus point, which is marked by two crossing
ticles are accelerated away with velocities up to tens of laser diodes. The measurement shows that the travel time for
meters per second.16 In contrast, we report here on the deple- the pressure wave from the front shell to the acoustic focus is
tion of cavitation nuclei due to both the nucleation event approximately 136 s. Once the acoustic wave arrives, a
itself and prepressurization of the particles. Finally, we report steep overpressure-peak 共maximum of 100 bar, half-width of
how new sets of cavitation nuclei can be activated by in- 1 s兲 is followed by a more elongated tensile wave 共mini-
creasing the tensile stress in the liquid in a stepwise manner. mum of −60 bar, 5 s duration兲. During the latter period the
threshold pressure is exceeded and cavitation bubbles are
II. MATERIALS AND METHODS created 共Fig. 3兲. If sufficient cavitation nuclei are present, an
A. Experimental setup approximately cigar-like cavitation cluster is found.17
Bearing in mind that each expanding and collapsing
The noninvasive technique to detect cavitation has bubble is acting as an acoustic source, the shape of the pres-
evolved from a prior experiment discussed in Arora et al.16 sure wave following the positive peak in Fig. 2 may vary
Cavitation is induced by a focused shock wave source and is strongly with cavitation activity.18
detected with a camera, see Fig. 1. The shock wave source is The bubble activity is illuminated with a flash lamp
attached at an angle of 45° in one of the walls of a large 共Strobolume 1540, General Radio兲 positioned behind a dif-
container filled with approximately 50 l of partially degassed fuser and photographed with a single frame from a digital
demineralized water 共⬃3 mg/ l O2 concentration at a tem- charged-coupled device camera 共Pulnix TM-6710, Alzenau,
perature of approximately 20° C兲.
The probe suspension is contained within a polystyrene
sterile flask 共75 ml, EasyFlask, Nunclon兲. This is positioned
with its center aligned with the acoustic focus of the shock
wave source using an xyz-translation stage. A watertight
magnetic stirrer 共Telemodul 90407, Variomag兲 located below
the flask is mixing the suspension in the flask homoge-
neously with a glass-coated magnet. Before submerging the
flask in the basin its content is sealed with a foil 共Parafilm,
American National Can, Chicago兲. Here, care is taken that no
air bubbles become entrapped while closing the seal.
Shock waves are generated with a focused piezoelectric
source which is a slightly modified extracorporeal lithotripter
共Piezolith 3000, Wolf GmbH兲. The strength of the applied
tensile stress is set through the discharge voltage ranging
FIG. 3. Typical bubble cloud which appears approximately 14 s after pas-
from 0 to 9 kV on the piezoelectric transducers. A typical sage of the tensile wave 共Fig. 2兲 inside of the flask. Settings: 104
pressure profile 共5 kV discharge voltage兲 inside the polysty- particles/ 75 ml and 5 kV discharge voltage.
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 121, No. 3, March 2007 Borkent et al.: Cavitation in water-particle suspensions 1407
Germany兲. The camera is equipped with a macro lens C. Estimation of the cavitation yield
共Makro-Planar T*2.8/ 60, Carl Zeiss兲 and placed around The cavitation yield, ␣, is defined as the percentage of
30 cm from the acoustic focus, which is just outside the wa-
particles in the acoustic volume which develop into cavita-
ter tank. The devices are triggered with a home-made delay
tion bubbles, i.e.,
generator. The diffuse backillumination provides a good con-
trast for detecting the bubbles; they are imaged as dark Nbub
␣= ⫻ 100 % . 共1兲
dishes 共Fig. 3兲. The spatial resolution of the images obtained Nparticles
is 32.1± 0.1 m per pixel, resulting in an image area of
15.4⫻ 20.6 mm2. In this image a region of interest 共ROI兲 is Here, Nbub is the number of imaged bubbles and Nparticles is
selected parallel to the direction of the shock wave propaga- the number of particles. The acoustic volume is the vol-
tion being 45° to the horizontal. Bubbles in this ROI are ume in the flask where the pressure becomes low enough
segmented, counted, and analyzed with standard image pro- such that cavitation bubbles become visible. Although the
cessing tools 共MATLAB, The Mathworks, Natick, MA兲. To particles are distributed homogeneously in the flask, it is
limit the analysis to bubbles within a certain depth range a important to stress that the negative pressure amplitude
threshold technique is applied on the bubble border. Bubbles varies strongly in space. Thus, not all of the particles in
imaged in focus possess a strong gray scale gradient at their the acoustic volume can develop into cavitation bubbles.
edge. Bubbles positioned away from the object plane are To estimate this acoustically active volume we sum up
imaged with a lower magnitude of the edge gradient. Apply- many images with bubble activity. This averaged image
ing a threshold filter on the averaged gradient of the bubble reveals that bubbles appear in an approximately cylindri-
boundary allows the detection algorithm to limit the counting cal region with its central axis aligned with the acoustic
of bubbles within a fixed depth. This depth has been deter- pathway: The cylinder length is 14.2± 0.1 mm and its di-
mined by moving an artificial bubble object back and forth in ameter is 7.3 ± 0.1 mm leading to an optically registered
the imaged volume. It was obtained that the bubble counting acoustic volume as 0.59± 0.02 cm3. Clearly, these values
algorithm limits the detection depth to 8.0 mm. vary with the applied acoustic pressure but here we limit
to the case of 5 kV discharge voltage 共corresponding to
−60 bar peak tensile stress, see Fig. 2兲. With the number
density of 133 particles/ ml given and the assumption of a
homogeneous distribution of particles, approximately
B. Liquid handling 78± 3 particles are present in the optically registered
acoustic volume. For instance, in the first shot of Fig. 6 66
Stock solutions of the particles were made in test tubes bubbles were counted resulting into a cavitation yield of
and their number densities were determined with a Neubauer ␣ = 85± 3%. Thus, most of the particles serve as a cavita-
cell-counting chamber under the microscope. The corre- tion nucleus.
sponding volume containing 104 particles was pipetted from
the test tube with a micropipette into the sterile 75 ml flask.
Then, the flasks are filled up to their rim with Milli-Q water
and sealed carefully. After placing the flask in the holder at The key request of the experiment was that a quantita-
the acoustic focus a shock wave is generated. The bubble tive measure of cavitation activity of a controlled amount of
activity is recorded approximately 14 s after the passage of particles could be obtained in a reproducible way. Reproduc-
the tensile wave through the focus. To check for the water ibility in cavitation experiments is a notorious problem since
quality of the suspending liquid control experiments were many factors may stimulate or impose nucleation, especially
conducted. Only if the flasks containing pure Milli-Q water contamination. In the end, it was found that reliable quanti-
showed less than five cavitation bubbles in the field of view tative data could be obtained by counting the number of
the water was considered appropriately clean. bubbles produced by a controlled number of particles in a
In the case of prepressurization 共Sec. III C兲 the suspen- fixed volume at given shock wave settings while carefully
sion was first introduced into a pressure chamber. This con- handling the liquids and ultrapure water conditions.
sists of a stainless steel cylinder having a maximum volume
of 40 ml. The liquid in the cylinder is pressurized with a gas
A. Cavitation activity of microparticles
tight piston connected to the labs high pressure air supply.
First, the liquid handling system is gently flushed with the First we investigated different types of particles from
suspension. Thereby, it was verified that most bubbles in this which we select one type for further quantitative studies.
system are removed. Then, 40 ml of the suspension are Figure 4 depicts the number of cavitation events per particle
sucked into the cylinder and pressurized with 3 or 5 bar ab- for the ones listed in Table I. Here 104 particles per flask,
solute pressure for 15 min. In the control experiment all liq- thus 1.3⫻ 102 per ml, have been prepared and the shock
uid handling steps were conducted in the same way with the wave generator has been operated from 1 to 5 kV discharge
exception of pressurizing the chamber. After 15 min the sus- voltage with steps of 1 kV. 共The pressure pulse correspond-
pension was pushed smoothly out of the chamber into the ing to 5 kV discharge voltage is depicted in Fig. 2 and has a
flask and an additional volume of 35 ml of partly degassed peak negative pressure of −60 bar.兲 The total number of
Milli-Q water with no particles is gently added to fill up the bubbles, nucleated in these five subsequent shots, is depicted
flask, which is then sealed and put into the water tank. in Fig. 4. Clearly, polyamide and polystyrene enhance cavi-
1408 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 121, No. 3, March 2007 Borkent et al.: Cavitation in water-particle suspensions
at least on the microscale as compared to polystyrene 共Fig.
5兲. Thus, the higher surface roughness of polyamide may
facilitate the entrapment and stabilization of gas pockets on
the surface. The further studies are conducted with the polya-
mide particles.
TABLE I. Characterization of the particles investigated in this study on cavitation activity. An asterisk 共*兲
behind the mean diameter indicates the manufacturers specification. In the other cases the particle sizes were
determined with a microscope in the lab.
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 121, No. 3, March 2007 Borkent et al.: Cavitation in water-particle suspensions 1409
FIG. 6. Cavitation activity given as the percentage of particles that lead to a
cavitation event. Each data point is the mean of three experiments. The
waiting time of 10 s 共circles兲 and 60 s 共squares兲 has no effect on the cavi-
tation yield. The line shows the values as calculated by the model, Eq. 共3兲,
with no adjustable parameter.
C. Prepressurization
The crevice model7 predicts that a pressurization of the
suspension will force the meniscus of the gaseous nuclei to a
more convex shape, until it reaches the advancing contact
angle. An increased or prolonged pressurization will move
the meniscus of the interface toward the apex of the assumed
conical crevice: The bubble shrinks and liquid moves into
the crevice. Here, the question is addressed if preexisting
nuclei on the particles can be affected by pressurization of
FIG. 5. SEM pictures of 共a兲 polyamide, 共b兲 polystyrene, and 共c兲 glass
spheres: Further specifications are in Table I.
1410 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 121, No. 3, March 2007 Borkent et al.: Cavitation in water-particle suspensions
bly a coalescence of gaseous nuclei on the particle surface.
These now larger nuclei possess a reduced cavitation thresh-
old and thus explode at smaller absolute pressures.
B. Model
Assuming that each nucleus in the acoustic volume can
grow into a cavitation bubble the observed number of
bubbles, Nbub, should be equal to the number of nuclei
present in the observed acoustic volume Vob.
The number of nuclei in the observed acoustic volume is
determined from
FIG. 8. Temporal evolution of cavitation after preexperimental pressuriza- Vob
tion. A decrease of cavitation of around 30% has been measured when Nbub = Nnuclei , 共2兲
shooting with 3 kV shots after pressurization with 3 bars 共diamonds兲, com-
pared to the nonpressurized scenario 共circles兲. Pressurization with 5 bars
where Vflask = 75 ml is the total flask volume and Nnuclei the
共squares兲 leads to a cavitation reduction of more than 80%. Every data point
is the mean of three experiments 共bars depict standard deviation兲. total number of nuclei available in the flask.
The observed acoustic volume is approximated from the
experimental geometry with a cylinder, Vob = r2l having a
the suspension prior to the nucleation experiment. The effect
radius r = 3.6 mm and a length l = 14.2 mm. Initially 共expo-
of prepressurization of controlled water-particle-suspensions
sure number n = 1兲, the number of nuclei in the flask, Nnuclei,
has not been investigated before, yet it was proposed by
is related to the number of particles Nparticles through the cavi-
Deng et al.11 Interestingly, Strasberg found that it is more is
tation yield, thus Nnuclei = Nparticles␣, where ␣ is the cavitation
difficult to obtain cavitation in tap water which had been
yield. We assume that at later stages 共n ⬎ 1兲 nuclei become
subjected temporarily to a high pressure.3
used up due to cavitation, thus Nnuclei decreases with every
The liquid handling during the pressurization step is de-
shot by a factor of Vtav / Vflask. Here, Vtav is the total acoustic
scribed in Sec. II B. Two different preexperimental pressur-
volume r2lflask where lflask = 71 mm is the length of the
ization levels are compared with the case with no pressuriza-
acoustic volume in the entire flask. Therefore, the decrease
tion but the same fluid handling steps in Fig. 8. Again, each
of cavitation nuclei as a function of the exposure number n is
experiment is repeated three times and the mean number of
given by
冉 冊
cavitation bubbles is plotted. The control case, circles in Fig.
8, shows the typical decrease of cavitation activity with shot Vtav
Nnuclei = 1− Nn . 共3兲
number. A prepressurization of the suspension with 3 bar ab- Vflask nuclei
solute pressure for 15 min leads to a significant decrease of
cavitation 共diamonds in Fig. 8兲. Cavitation activity is largely Now the number of nucleated bubbles Nbub can be cal-
diminished with a preexperimental treatment of the suspen- culated from Eq. 共2兲. Here, all model parameters are deter-
sion with 5 bar overpressure, see squares in Fig. 8. Here, mined from the experiment and no fitting parameters come
only about 20% of the bubbles are counted as compared to into play. The model Eq. 共2兲 gives an exponential decrease in
the control. cavitation activity which resembles the trend in the experi-
mental curve reasonably well. It is possible to obtain a very
good fit to the measured decay and the model by changing
the experimental parameters by no more than by 10%. Yet,
A. Effect of exposure time we see the good agreement with the measured data only as
an indication that indeed a particle is acting as one-time trig-
Interestingly, the particles 共dynoQ735 and dynoQ476,
gerable source of cavitation. This finding underlines the im-
see Fig. 4兲 which are from the same batch as the ones tested
portance of the history of the suspension in cavitation stud-
in Marschall et al.12 did not show pronounced cavitation ac-
ies, e.g., how many times it has been exposed to a rarefaction
tivity in response to the 60 bar peak negative pressure wave
wave; and the golden rule of Robert Apfel.22 “Know thy
共Fig. 2兲. This is in bold contrast to Keller’s vortex-flow
liquid!” applies.
nozzle experiment as described in Ref. 12. In that work a
negative pressure of 0.87 bar was sufficient to induce cavi-
tation with particles from the same batch. The obvious dif-
ference between the two experimental conditions is the ex- A novel experimental approach to study cavitation in-
posure duration for the particles to the tensile stress. In the ception within a well controlled environment has been pre-
shock wave experiments, particles are exposed only a few sented. A flask filled with a suspension of clean water and an
microseconds, whereas in the flow cavitation experiments adjustable number of particles is exposed to a single shock
the tensile stress lasts two orders of magnitude longer.21 This wave-rarefaction wave cycle. At a peak negative pressure
difference suggests that not only the tensile strength but also amplitude of 60 bar, hydrophobic and corrugated polymer
the duration of negative pressure exposure is critical for the particles facilitate cavitation inception, while smooth and hy-
nucleation process. Our hypothesis is that a longer exposure drophilic particles do not enhance cavitation activity. In the
to tensile stress allows a dynamic rearrangement and possi- case of polyamide, around 80% of the particles nucleate after
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 121, No. 3, March 2007 Borkent et al.: Cavitation in water-particle suspensions 1411
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1412 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 121, No. 3, March 2007 Borkent et al.: Cavitation in water-particle suspensions