Alis 10 (3-4) 175-186
Alis 10 (3-4) 175-186
Alis 10 (3-4) 175-186
Li brarian,
Connemara Public Library,
Madras - 8.
Indicates ~hat assigning any work in and so on. In fact, he had worked out a
Iiterature to any particular subf'orrn leads schedule for subforms.
to cross classification, and violation of
the Canon of Ascertainability and the Canon
01 Cross Classification
of Permanence. However, the subfCirms may be
recognised in cla s sc.f'y i ng Evaluation of a However, Ranganathan' s reaction at
particular subform in general, Evaluation of that time was not favourable. F'o r , though
a particular subform occurring in the work
a' particular novel may be predominantly
of a particular author, Anth~logy of a par-
ticular subform in general, Anthology of a social it is seldom that it will have no other
particular subform occurring in the work of essential characteristic equally in demand.
a pur-ticu lar author, and Linguistics con- This statement becomes even more valid in
cerned with the composition of a particular respect of the subdivisions of poetry and
subform. Works out a schedule for subf'oz-m s drama. In these c ir curns ta nc e s it will lead
of 'I'amr L poetry as a case stud.y. Suggests to cross classification. This is very well
8if'iilarwork for other formE! of Tamil liter-
demonstrated in the case of division 827
ature and for literature in o t her languages
also. The schedule and its Lr.dex are fellow- 'satire' in DC.
ed b;y illustrative examples. Then follow the
02 Canon of Ascertainability
Even if VIe can get over this difficulty
of cross classification by some device, the
o THE PROBLEM Canon of Ascertainability will be put to
severe strain, in prefering one possible suil-
In 1956, Ranganathan happened to visit
f orrn to the others.
the County Library System of Lanarkshire.
His friend Mr Paton was taking him round.
03 Canon of Permanence
At one stage they reached the County Cerit r a l
Library at Hamilton. There, a young lib- Even supposing that we can, as classi-
rarian discussed with him the desirability fiers, release the strain on the Canon of
and the possibility of classifying a literary Ascertainability by taking majority opinion of
form such as poetry, drama, and fiction into competent literary critics, there is no guar-
their subforms. He based this on his experi- antee that the future generation of literary
ence of readers asking for any detective critics, will not upset the judgement of their
fiction, historical fiction, scientific fiction, predecessors. As literary criticism is a
04 Residual Problem
05 Solution
What is stated above amounts only to
Sections 73 and 74 of paper H in this issue
saying that it is improper to assign any work
have suggested a method of meeting the above
in literature to any particular subform while
residual problems. The purpose of this
classifying it. On the other hand it does not
paper is to put up a schedule of subforms of
exclude the problem in classifying the follow-
Tamil poetry and an illustrative list of books
calling for these subforms to be represented
Evaluation of a particular subform in their respective class numbers. Sec 5
in general; of this paper contains annotation elucidating
2 Evaluation of a particular subform some of the points arising either in the
occurring in the works of a particu- schedule or in the illustrative examples.
lar author; This is only a pilot project. Similar work
3 Anthology for a particular subform should be done for other forms of Tamil
in general; literature and for literature in other langu-
4 Anthology of a particular subform ages also.
176 An lib sc
178 An lib se
031, 1 POETRY
Subforms of
180 An lib sc
182 An lib s c
P Linguistics
P3 Dravidian
P31 Tamil
P31,7 Pieces of Composition
P31,71 Poetry
031,12 Child
031,121 Pillaithamil
031,121x Collection
184 An lib sc
51 Avoidance of Cross Classification
The following convention is adopted in not of any particular author but of the sub-
order to avoid cross classification: fo r rn in general. (See examples 1 to 32 in
Se c 4).
511 In classifying a specific work of
an author, the s ubfo r m number should not 523 A comparison of (IP3] in the
be used. class numbers of examples 1 to 32 with the
[IP3] in the examples 33 to 39 will show a
512 In the class number of a specific facile device e rrrpl oy e d in the construction
work of an author, the isolate number in of class numbers.
[lP4] represents the specific work and it
is got by alphabetical Device (See example 524 In the first thirty-two examples,
39 in Sec 4) the isolate numbers in [lP3] start with an
Indo-Arabic numeral and are got by enumer-
513 The isolates in the [IP4] of the ation. They represent subforms.
class number of the works of an author re-
presented by Indo-Arabic nurn e r al s , denote
subforms. They should be used only in the 525 On the other hand, the isolate
case of an anthology of a subform or an numbers in [IP3] in examples 33 to 39 start
evaluation of it (See examples 33 to 38). with a Rornan Cap and are got by chronologi-
cal Device. They represent authors.
52 When Author Facet is Absent
532 This exploitation has been sug- 5 Kulanthai elutthalar yar - yevar. 1961.
gested by the EffH:iency Table.
6 Kumarakurbarar. Chidambara cheyyut-
533 In view of this, it is a moot ques- kovai. 1932.
tion whether the comma inserted between the
isolate number in [lP2] and that in [lP3] in
each of the examples 1 to 32 may not be 7 Govindaraja Mudaliar, Ed. Panniru-
omitted. pattiyal. 1949.
534 Its omission will not affect the 8 Ranganathan (S R) and Muthukumara-
relative position of the class numbers. swarny (R). Commemoration bibliography
of the first 1008 books published by the
BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE DOCUMENTS USED south India saiva siddhanta works pub-
lishing society.
1 Aiyanarithanar. Purapporal Venba
malai. 1955. 9 Tamil nul vivara attavanai, 1867-1900.
2 Arnirtasagarar. Yapparunga1akkarigal. V 1 in 2 parts. 1961-62.
1944. 10 Thamil elutthalar yar-yevar, i962.
3 Gunavirapandithar. Vachananthimalai. 11 Thillainayagam (V). Kurippedu. 1963.
12 Vt s akappe r umal atye r , Yappi l akkanam ,
4 Ka1aikkalanchiyam. 9V. 1954-63. 1960.
J.86 An lib Be