Alis 10 (3-4) 175-186

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Li brarian,
Connemara Public Library,
Madras - 8.

Indicates ~hat assigning any work in and so on. In fact, he had worked out a
Iiterature to any particular subf'orrn leads schedule for subforms.
to cross classification, and violation of
the Canon of Ascertainability and the Canon
01 Cross Classification
of Permanence. However, the subfCirms may be
recognised in cla s sc.f'y i ng Evaluation of a However, Ranganathan' s reaction at
particular subform in general, Evaluation of that time was not favourable. F'o r , though
a particular subform occurring in the work
a' particular novel may be predominantly
of a particular author, Anth~logy of a par-
ticular subform in general, Anthology of a social it is seldom that it will have no other
particular subform occurring in the work of essential characteristic equally in demand.
a pur-ticu lar author, and Linguistics con- This statement becomes even more valid in
cerned with the composition of a particular respect of the subdivisions of poetry and
subform. Works out a schedule for subf'oz-m s drama. In these c ir curns ta nc e s it will lead
of 'I'amr L poetry as a case stud.y. Suggests to cross classification. This is very well
8if'iilarwork for other formE! of Tamil liter-
demonstrated in the case of division 827
ature and for literature in o t her languages
also. The schedule and its Lr.dex are fellow- 'satire' in DC.
ed b;y illustrative examples. Then follow the
02 Canon of Ascertainability
Even if VIe can get over this difficulty
of cross classification by some device, the
o THE PROBLEM Canon of Ascertainability will be put to
severe strain, in prefering one possible suil-
In 1956, Ranganathan happened to visit
f orrn to the others.
the County Library System of Lanarkshire.
His friend Mr Paton was taking him round.
03 Canon of Permanence
At one stage they reached the County Cerit r a l
Library at Hamilton. There, a young lib- Even supposing that we can, as classi-
rarian discussed with him the desirability fiers, release the strain on the Canon of
and the possibility of classifying a literary Ascertainability by taking majority opinion of
form such as poetry, drama, and fiction into competent literary critics, there is no guar-
their subforms. He based this on his experi- antee that the future generation of literary
ence of readers asking for any detective critics, will not upset the judgement of their
fiction, historical fiction, scientific fiction, predecessors. As literary criticism is a

V 10 N 3-4 Sep-Dec 1963 175


discipline of virile growth changes in the the works of pa r t i-

opinion are bound to occur from period to cular author; and
period. In other words, the Canon of Perma- 5 Linguistics concerned with the
nence will be violated. composition of a particular subform.

04 Residual Problem
05 Solution
What is stated above amounts only to
Sections 73 and 74 of paper H in this issue
saying that it is improper to assign any work
have suggested a method of meeting the above
in literature to any particular subform while
residual problems. The purpose of this
classifying it. On the other hand it does not
paper is to put up a schedule of subforms of
exclude the problem in classifying the follow-
Tamil poetry and an illustrative list of books
calling for these subforms to be represented
Evaluation of a particular subform in their respective class numbers. Sec 5
in general; of this paper contains annotation elucidating
2 Evaluation of a particular subform some of the points arising either in the
occurring in the works of a particu- schedule or in the illustrative examples.
lar author; This is only a pilot project. Similar work
3 Anthology for a particular subform should be done for other forms of Tamil
in general; literature and for literature in other langu-
4 Anthology of a particular subform ages also.


Aaru 1361C Asukavi 1721

Adimarimandila aSlrlappa 1824 Attagam 1928
Adiyavar Pillaithamil 1218 Attamangalam 112041462
Affection 16 Attruppadai 175
Agapporutkkovai 1650 Chandam 1922
Aimmanima1ai 1875 Chathagam. 193100
Ainthinai Cheyyul 165 Chathakam 15
Alank-ara Panchagam 1931001 CHENGOL 1361G
Alank-aram 1120415
Alavali thandagam 19234 Ch en g ol 1361G
Alaviyal thandagam 19233 m.a1ai 19327
Ambotharanka Otthalisaikkalippa 1832 Cherukkalavanchi 15191
Anandakhalippu 11204195 Cheviyarivuru lR492
Andadhi 191 Cheviyarivuru m.arulpa 1854
Angamalai 15L Child 12
Annamviduthuthu 165587 Chiledai 1894
Anripa l Pillaithamil 1211 Chindu 1898
Anubudhi 1120413 Chinnappu 1364
Anuragamalai 16511 Chinthadi vanchippa 1842
Aranul 15R4 Chitthirakavi 1723
Ar a san viruttham 1367 Chittukavi 1711
Aruvadaippattu 17J07 Chunnamidikkum. pattu 1JE
Asiriappa (Agava1) 182 Dasangam 1361
Asiriyattalisai 18643 Dasangappatthu 1362
As ir iya tthu r a i 18663 Da san ga tthaya l 1363
Asiriya viruttham 18682 Eccharikkai 1120418

176 An lib sc

Elukurrirukkai 15MY Kuram 17Y

Elupathu 19370 Kurattalisai 18641
Emotion 16 Kurinchi 16501
En cheyyul 194 Kurunthandagam 19231
Erupaerupahthu 19320 Kuthirai 1361J
Ettu 19381 Lavani 17NR
Exposition 17 Letters, By number of 192
Feeling, Emotion, Affection 16 Madakku 191 6
God 11 Madal 16513
Hero 13 Malai 1361B
Heroine 14 Malai 1361E
Hinduism, Post Vedic 112 Malai 187
Illaravellai 16592 Manga1am 1366
Inaikkural asiriappa 1822 Mangalavellai 148
Inaimanimalai 18720 Manimalai 1871
Innisai chinthiyal venba 1816 Manviduthuthu 165588
Innisai venba 1813 Maram 1393
Irattai manimalai 18721 Marulpa 185
Irattai rrran irna.Ia i (By different metre) 18722 Ma r utha.rn 16503
Iyalmoli va1tthu 133 Mathurakavi 1722
Kadainilai 1713 Mayangisai Kochakakkalippa 18392
Ka.dani Lai 1373 Meikirthimalai 131
Kadigai Venba 1394 Mullai 16502
Kaikkilai 16594 Mummanikovai 1883
Kaikilai marulpa 1852 Mummanimalai 1873
Kaiyarunilai 1661 Muppathu 19330
Kalaiyedukkum pattu 17J04 Murasu 1361 F
Kalambagam 1891 Murugan Pillaithamil 12116
Kalambagama1ai 1892 Muthukanchi 15R94
Kalippa 183 Nadodipattu 17A
Kalittalisai 18644 Nadu 1361A
Kalitthurai 18664 Namamalai 123
Kalitthurai 18664 Nanmanimalai 1874
Kalithurai andadhi 1918 Narpathu 19340
Kalivenba 1834 Narrunadugaippattu 17J02
Kaliviruttham 18683 Navamanimalai 1879
Kaliyandadhi 19131 Nayanappatthu 15L185
Kanchimalai 1515 Nedunthandagam 19232
Kannigal 1893 Neithal 16504
Kanpadainilai 1391 Nelkurrumpattu 171D9 (MJ381)
Ka.ppa l pattu 17D525 Nenchuviduthuthu 165581
Nerisai asiriappa 1821
Kappumalai 112041461
Nerisai chinthiyal venba 1815
Kavacham 1120414
Ne r isa i otthalisaikkalippa 1831
Kavadi chindu 1898Q
Kesathipatham 15L02 Nerisai venba 1812
Kilividuthuthu 165586 Nilaimandila asiriappa 1823
Ko di 1361H Nirottagayamaga andadhi 19151
Kovai 188 Nocchimalai 1517
Kulamagan 122 Nurrandadhi 1914
Kurnrn i 17NS Occupational songs 17A
Kummi chindu 1898N Oli yandadh i 191 3
Kural venba 1811 Oppari 1663
Kuraladi vanchippa 1841 Orupavorupahthu 193102

V 10 N 3-4 Sep-Dec 1963 177


Orupogu 1120411 Thumbaimalai 1518

Oruthuraikkovai 165011 Thurai 1866
Padanthinai 15194 Thuthu 1655d
Pahrodai venba 1814 Thuyiledainilai 1392
Pahrralisai Kochakakkalippa 18391 U1a 16555
Pa1ai 16505 U1amada1 16512
Pa1chandama1ai 18792 Ulingnaimalai 1516
Pallu or Ulathipattu 17J
Uncharppattu 1120457
Panarviduthuthu 165583
Panchagam 1935 Ur 1361D
Pancharathinam 19352 Urinnisai 15U203
Parainilai 1372 Urnerisai 15U202
U'rve nba 15U201
Parani 15193
Vagaimalai 15192
Pathathikesam 15L01
Vaguppu 1120456
Pathigam 193101
Va1amadal 16514
Pathirrandadhi 1911
Valinadiehindu 1898U
Patthu 19310
Valthu 174
Pavanikkatha1 165551
Vanehippa 184
Payotharappatthu 15L556
Vanehittalisai 18645
Penpal Pillaithamil 1215
Vanchitthurai 18665
Perumagilchimalai 134
Vanchi viruttham 18684
Perumangalam 1371
Vanduviduthuthu 165585
Perunthinai 16596
Vannaka Otthali sa ikkali ppa 1833
Peyarnerisai 1351
Peyarinnisai 1"152 Vara1arruvanehi 132
Varnippu 173
Pillaitthamil 121
Varukkamalai 18791
Por 151
Varukkakovai 1886
Poradikkurn pattu 17J073
Vasanthamalai 15U283·
Porkeluvanchi 1514
Vathoranamanchari 151991
Pro.ody. By 18
Pugalchimalai 141 Vayuraivalthu lR491
Pulambal 1662 Vayuraivalthu marulpa 1853
Puranilai 112041463 Veli viruttham 18681
Puranilai valthu 15R496 Venba 181
Puranilaivalthu maru1pa 1851 Venba andadhi 1917
Seva1 pattu 17K351 Venehenthurai 18661
Sinkara chindu 1898s Vanilmalai 15U 162
Sirralisai Kochakakkalippa 1838 Venkalippa 1835
Stanza, By number of 193 Ventalisai 18642
Subject, By 15 Venthurai 18662
Talisai 1864 Verrikkaranthaimanehari 1512
Tamil viduthuthu 165582 Vilakhunilai 138
Tha1attu 17S Vilasam 16556
Thanaima1ai 1513 V illuppattu 17NR09
Thandagam 1923 Vinayagar Pillaithamil .12114
Thandagamalai 18798 Vinnappam 1712
Tharakaima1ai 145 Viralividu thuthu 165584
Tharavinai kochakakkalippa 1837 Viravetehimalai 1511
Tharavu kochakakkalippa 1836 Viruttham 1868
Thenra1viduthuthu 16558U Virutthavilakkanam 1365
Thiripandadhi 19161 Vihharakkavi 1724
Thirupugal 1120417 Yamagandadhi 1915
Thiruppallie1ucchi 1120452 Yaria i 1361K

178 An lib se

Yanaittholil 15KX447 Yerrappattu 17D2

Yandunilai 137 Yesal 17S05
Yelappattu 17D521


031, 1 POETRY
Subforms of

11 GOD asking for alms)

112 Hinduism - Post Vedic (For other 134 Perumagi1chima1ai (Praising the
religions, the religion number beauty etc ).
will r epl ac e the isolate l351 Peyarnerisai (Praising the name
2 Hinduism). of the Hero in Nerisai metre)
1120411 Orupogu (Initiation) 1352 Peyarinnisai (Praising the name
1120413 Anubudhi (Evangelistic) of the Hero in innisai metre)
1120414 Kav a cha m (Worship) 1361 Dasangam (Praising of ten
112041461 Kappuma1ai (Prayer) administrative organs)
112041462 Attamanga1am ( - With .different 1361A Na.du (Country)
metre) 1361B M~lai (Mountain)
112041463 Puranilai 1361C Aaru (River)
1120415 Alankaram (Symbolism) 1361D Ur (Village)
1120417 Thirupuga1 (Hymns) 1361E Ma1ai (Garland)
1120418 Eccharikkai (Incantation - ends 1361F Murasu (Drum)
with the word Eccharikkai) 1361G Chengo1 (Sceptre)
11204195 Anandakkalippu (Expiation) 1361H Kod i (Flag)
1120452 Tiruppallielucchi (Consecration) 136lJ Kuthirai (Horse)
1120456 Vaguppu (Sacred furniture) 1361K Ya na i (Elephant)
1120457 Uncharppattu (Festival) 1362 Dasangappatthu (1362-1367 Differ-
entiated by metre).
To be divided as 1361
121 Pillaithami1 (Praising the child
and its activities)
1363 Da sanga ttha yal
To be divided as 1361
1211 Annpa1 Pillaitharnil (Male)
1364 Chinnappu
12114 Vinayagar Pillaitharni1 (Vinaya-
To be divided as 1361
1365 Vi ru ttha vilakkanam
12116 Murugan Pillaithamil (Muruga) To be divided as 1361
1215 Penpal Pillaithami1 (Female) 1366 Manga1am
1218 Adiyavar Pillaithami1 (Hero) To be divided as 1361
122 Ku1amagan (Praise of child by a 1367 Arasan Viruttham
woman) To be divided as 1361
123 Namama1ai (Praising of son) 137 Yanduni1ai (Birthday blessing)
1371 Perumanga1am (Birthday gift
13 HERO by the hero)
Meikirthima1ai (Praising the 1372 Paraini1ai (Birthday Celebration -
131 Drum)
Geneo1ogy of the Hero)
1373 Kadanilai (Birthday Celebration -
132 Va ralarruvanchi ( - including Sacrifice of Ox)
the present hero) 138 Vilakkunilai (Praising the sword
133 Iya1amoli Valtthu (- in and lamp)

V 10 N 3-4 Sep-Dec 1963 179


1391 Kanpadainilai (Arranging for 15LO 1 Pathathikesam (- from foot to

sleep) hair)
1392 Thuyiledainilai (Waking up from 15L02 Kesathipatham (- from hair to
sleep) foot)
1393 Maram (Anger of a subordinate 15L 185 Nayanappatthu (- eye)
for asking his daughter for 15L556 Payotharappatthu (- breast)
marriage by the hero) 15MY Elukurrirukkai (Verse in the
1394 Kadigai Venba (Happenings in form of child's play)
a minute) 15 Chathagam (Writing of Astrolo-
gical note for the child)
14 HEROINE 15R4 Aranul (Ethical Works)
141 Pugalchimalai (Praising of 15R491 Vayuraivalthu (Detailing the
woman) Good and evil)
145 Tha r aka irna Ia i (Praising of 15R492 Cheviyarivuru (- Truth and
chaste women) falsehood)
148 Manga1avellai (Praising of 15R494 Muthukanchi (- Happiness and
highly placed woman) sorrow - advice of an elderly
man to his juniors)
15R496 Puranilaivalthu (- P'r ay e r- for
151 Por (War)
1511 Viravetchima1ai (Taking of
cows with Vetchi garland) 15U162 Venil Malai (On Summer)
1512 Verrikkaranthai manchari 15U 20 1 Urvenba (On village in Venba
(Recapturing of the cows with metre)
Karanthai garland) 15U202 Urnerisai - nerisa.i metre
1513 Thanaimalai (March past for 15U203 Urinnisai - innisai -
war) 15U283 Va santharna la.i (On wind from
1514 Porkeluvanchi (Praising the South)
army on the way to battle)
1515 Kanchimalai (Attacking tlfe 16 BY FEELING, EMOTION,
enemy with Kanchi garland) AFFECTION
1516 Ulingnaimalai (Surrounding the 165 Anithinai Cheyyul (Love on 5
enemy with Ulingnai garland) Physiographical divisions)
1517 Nocchima1ai (Defence of the 1650 Agapporutkkovai (Collection of
enemy with Nocchi garland) Verses covering all divisions)
1518 Thumbaima1ai (Fighting with 16501 Kurinchi (Mountain - Courtship)
the enemy with Thumbai 165011 Oruthuraikk6vai (Sighting of
garland) lover)
15191 Cherukkalavanchi (Details of the 16502 Mullai (Forest - Remaining in
battle field) house)
15192 Vagaimalai (Celebration of 16503 Marutham (Wetland - Bouderie -
Victory with Vagai garland) feigned dislike)
15193 Par ani (Epic on the Victor) 16504 Neithal ( Coastland - Yearning)
15194 Padanthinai (Praising the 16505 Pa1ai (Desert - Elopement -
Victor) Separation)
151991 Vathoranamanchari (Praising 16511 Anuragama1ai (Detailing about
of an individual who con- one's Dream girl)
trolled Elephants) 16512 Ulamadal (Proposal to marry
15KX447 Yanaittholil (on elephant) the dream girl)
16513 Madal (- - - - - - - -in open place)
16514 Valamada1 (Decision of the ----)
15KX447 Yanaittholil (On Elephant) 16555 Ula (Procession of Hero and
15L Angamalai (Detailing the organs) description of lady admirers

180 An lib sc

of different age group) of lime)

165551 Pavanikkathal (Lovelorn lady 17J Pallu or Ulathippattu (Song on
tells about her to her friend) agricultural activitie s)
16556 Vilasam (Soliloquy of the love- l7J02 Narrunadugaippattu (Transplant-
lorn lady) ing)
16558 Thuthu (Sending somebody to 17J04 Kalaiyedukkumpattu (Weeding
meet the lover to explain her out)
position) 17J07 Aruvadaippattu (Harvesting)
165581 Nenchuviduthuthu (Heart) 17J073 Poradikkumpattu (Stacking)
165582 Tamil viduthuthu (Tamil l7K351 Sevalpattu (On Cock)
Language) 17NR Lavani (Song with music)
165583 Panarvidu thuthu (Musicia.n) 17S Thala.ttu (Song to make child
165584 Viralividu thuthu (Dancer) sleep)
165585 Vanaduviduthuthu (Insect) 17505 Yesal (Rebuke)
165586 Kilividuthuthu (Parrot) 17Y Kuram (Gypsy Song)
165587 Annamviduthuthu (Swan)
165588 Manviduthuthu (Deer) 18 BY PROSODY (metre, stanza,
16558U Thenralvidu thuthu (Wind from letter etc. )
South) 181 Venba
16592 lllaravellai (Joy of family life) 1811 Kural Venba
16594 Kaikkilai (One side love) 1812 Nerisai Venba
16596 Perunthinai (Unsuitable love) 1813 Innisai Venba
1661 Kaiyarunilai (On death - mourn- 1814 Pahrodai Venba
ing) 1815 Nerisai Chinthiyal Venba
1662 Pulambal ( - - muttering) 1816 Innisai Chinthiyal Venba
1663 Oppari (- - weeping)
182 Asiriappa (Agaval)
1821 Nerisai asiriappa
1711 Chittukavi (Poet detailing his
1822 Inaikkural asiriappa
1823 Nilaimandila asiriappa
1712 Vinnappam (Request)
1824 Adimarimandila asiriappa
1713 Kadainilai (Telling that he is
waiting at the door) 183 Kalippa
1721 Asukavi (c:;omposing ver s e as 1831 Nerisaiotthalisaikkalippa
desired) 1832 Ambotharanka Otthalisaikkalippa
1722 Mathurakavi (Verse full of 1833 Vannaka Otthalisaikkalippa
meaning) 1834 Kalivenba
1723 Chithirakavi (Verse in design) 1835 Venkalippa
1724 Vittharakkavi (Verse in detail) 1836 Tharavu Kochakakkalippa
173 Varnippu (Detailing of a subject) 1837 Tharavinai Kochakakkalippa
174 Valthu (Blessing) 1838 Sirralisai Kochakakkalippa
175 Attruppadai (one poet detailing 18391 Pahrralisai Kochakakkalippa
about the hero to another poet) 18392 Mayangisai Kochakakkalippa

17A Nadodipattu (Country .. Occupa- 184 Vanchippa

tional - Songs) l841 Kuraladi Vanchippa
17D2 Ye r r a ppa tfu (Song during irriga- 1842 Chinthadi Vanchippa
17D521 Yelappattu (Song during boating) 185 Marulpa
17D525 Kappal pattu (Shipping) 1851 Puranilaivalthu Marulpa
171D9 1852 Kaikilai Marulpa
(MJ381) Nelkurrumpattu (Husking) 1853 Vayuraivalthu Marulpa
17E Chunnamidikkumpattu (Pounding 1854 Ch ev iya r ivu r n Marulpa

V 10 N 3-4 Sep-Dec 1963 181


186 Deviations of 181 to 1854 1911 Pathirrandadhi (10-)

1864 Talisai 1913 Oliyandadhi (30 -)
18641 Kurattalisai 19131 Kaliyandadhi (-different
18642 Ventalisai variety)
18643 Asiriyattalisai 1914 Nurrandadhi (100-)
18644 Kalittalisai 1915 Yamagandadhi (particular
18645 Vanchittalisai alphabets)
1866 Thurai 19151 Nirottagayamaga andadhi (with
18661 Venchenthurai slight difference)
18662 Venthurai 1916 Madakku (repeating the previous
18663 Asiriyathurai line's words)
18664 Kalithurai 19161 Thiripandadhi (-with slight
18665 Vanchitthurai difference)
1868 Virutham 1917 Venba andadhi (andadhi in Venba
18681 Veli viruttham metre)
18682 Asiriya viruttham 1919 Kalithurai andadhi (andadhi in
18683 Kaliviruttham Kalithurai metre)
18684 Vanchi viruttham
187 Malai (Verse as Garland) 192 By number of letters
1871 Manimalai (Garland of beads) 1922 Chandam (Verse with I'e s s than
18720 Inaimanimalai (Two garlands) 26 letters in a line)
18721 Irattai manimalai (Twin garlands) 1923 Thandagam (Verse with more
18722 Irattai manimalai (- by different than 27 letter s in a line)
metre) 19231 Kurunthandagam I(Sub
1873 Mummanimalai (Three garlands) 19232 Nedunthandagam I divisions
1874 Nanmanimalai (Four garlands) 1.9233 Alaviyal Thandagam I of 1923
1875 Aimmanimalai (Five garlands) 19234 Alavali Thandagam I with sligli:
1879 Navamanimalai (Nine garlands) difference
18791 Varukkama1ai (Garland with from the
particular alphabets) other)
18792 Palchandamalai (Garland with
different musical notation) 193 By number of Stanzas
18798 Thandagamalai (Gar land with 1935 Panchagam (5 Stanzas)
300stanzas) 19352 Pancharathinam (- in different
Kovai (Collection of Ve r s e s) metre)
Mummanikovai (Three) 1938 Attagam (8)
19381 Ettu (8 in different metre)
1886 Varukkakovai (Particular
19310 Patthu (10)
183101 Pathigam (10 in different metre)
1891 Kalambagam (Collection of 193102 Orupavorupahthu (lOin another
Verses - different variety) different metre)
1892 Kalambagamalai (-with slight 19320 Erupaerupahthu (20 in different
deviation) metre)
1893 Kannigal (Two line verses) 19327 Chenthamil malai (27)
1894 Chiledai (Double meaning 19330 Muppathu (30)
verses) 19340 Narpathu (40)
1898 Chindu (Musical song) 19370 Elupathu (70)
l898N Kumrnichindu 193100 Chathagam (100)
18980 Kavadi chindu 1931001 Alankara Panchagam (100 in
1898S Singara Chindu different metres)
1898U Valinadai chindu
191 ANDADHI (Verses with conti - 194 En cheyyul (Verse with Enum e r a-
nuity from the previous ones) tion by numbers)

182 An lib s c


P Linguistics
P3 Dravidian
P31 Tamil
P31,7 Pieces of Composition
P31,71 Poetry

P 31, 7 1120417 Linguistics of thirup- P31, 715193,6:2 Structure of sentences

pugal in parani
P31,71120417:2 Structure of thiruppugal P31,715193,6:33 Analysis of sentences
P31,71120417,3 Words in thiruppugal in parani
P31, 71120417,3:2 Structure of words in
P31,717A Linguistics of nado-
P31,7121 Linguistics of pillai-
P31, 717 A:7 Composition of nadodip-
P31,7121:7 Art of cornpo s it ion of
pillaithamil P31, 717 A, 3 Words in, nadodippattu
P31,7121:75 Imagery in pillaithamil P31, 717A, 3:291 Word. arrangement in
P31,715193 Linguistics of parani nadodippattu
P31.715193,6 Sentences in par-am P31, 717 A, 4 Phrases in nadodippattu


031,12 Child
031,121 Pillaithamil
031,121x Collection

N37 PILLAIT TAMILK kotthu. 1937 031,16 Emotion

031,165 Ainthinai
2 N57.1 PILLAIT T AMILK kotthu. Part
031,161:g Evaluation
l. 1957.
031,121:g Evaluation
thinai amutham. (Sentamil.
3 p7N59 [Symposium on pillaitthamil). 51; 1954-55; 148-55).
(Chitrilakki ya Corpolivugal
031, 1650 Agapporul
1959. Part 2).
031,1650:g Evaluation
031,15 By subject
7 N59 VIMALAN ADAM (M S). Kathal.
031,151 Por
(Tamil Polil. 35; 1959-60;
031,15193 Parani
92-96; 105-13).
031, 15193:g Evaluation
031,16501 Kurinchi
4 p7N60 [Symposium on parani). (Chitri. 031,16501:g Evaluation
lakkiya corpolivugal. 1960.
8 N57 SAMI (B L). Kurinchi thinai.
Part 3).
(Sentamil selvi. 32; 1957-58;
031, 15R4 Aranul 555-64).
5 N48.2 NITHINUR KOTTHU. Part 2. Ula. (Sentamil. 32; 1934-35;
1948. 293-306) .

V 10 N 3-4 Sep-Dec 1963 183


10 N53 VIRABHADRAN. Ulakkatchi. Tamil virutham. (Sentamil

(Sehtamil. 50; 1953-54; se1vi. 33; 1958-59; 566-68).
15-28) .
031, 188 Kovai
031, 16555 Ula 031, 188:g Evaluation
031, 16555:g Evaluation
11 p7N58 [Symposium on u1a]. (Chitri- Kovai. (Sentamil. 33; 1935-
1akkiya corpolivugal. 1958. 36; 1-6).
Part I).
21 p7N61 [Symposium on Kovai]. (Chitri-
12 N61 VIMALANADAM (M S). Ula. 1akkiya corpolivugal. 1961.
(Sentamil. 57; 1961-62; 280- Part 4).
87) .
22 N62 VIMALANADAM (M S). Kovai.
031, 16558 Thuthu (Sentamil. 58; 1962-63; 103-
031, 16558:g Evaluation 108, 157-62, 174-81).

13 p7N58 [Symposium on thuthu]. (Chit- 031,1891 Ka1ambagam

rilakkiya corpolivugal. 1958. 031,1891:g Evaluation
Part 1. P 389-424}.
23 p7N58 [Symposium on ka1ambagam].
031; 17 By Exposition (Chitrilakki ya corpoli vugal.
031,175 Attruppadai 1958. Part 1. 283-388).
031,175:g Evaluation
031, 1894 Chiledai
14 N59 VIMALANADAM (M S). At- 031, 1894x Collection
truppadai. (Tamil polil. 35;
24 N38 CHILEDAI VENBA. 1938.
1959-60; 152-60; 279-88,
308-12). 031, 1894:g Evaluation

031,17J Pallu 25 N51 KRISHNA IYYANGAR (T N).

031, 17J:g Evaluation Chiledai. (Sentamil. 48;
15 N60 VIMALANADAM (M S). Pallu. 1951-52; 269-75).
(Tamil polil. 36; 1960-61; 031,191 Andhadi
220-23, 282-86, 319-20, 031,19lx Collection
378-81. 37; 1961-62; 22-25).
26 N28.1 ANDHADIK KOTTHU. Part 1.
16 p7N60 [Symposium on pallu]. (Chit- 1928.
rilakkiya corpolivugal. 1960.
Part 3. Pl11-211). 031,191:g Evaluation
031,17Y Kuram
031,17Y:g Evaluation
LAR. Andhadi. (SentaI}lil
17 N59 VIMALANADAM (M S). Kura- selvi. 32; 1957-58; 521-28).
mum Kuravanchiyum. (Ta-
mil po1il 35; 1959-60; 334- ilakkiyam. (Tamil polil.
42. 36; 1960-61; 117-25,
332; 1957-58; 382-84, 34;
157-60, 183-87).
1958-59; 13-16, 63-64, 67-
18 p7N60 [Symposium on Kuravanchi]. 68) •
(Chitrilakki ya co r pol ivugal ,
1960. Fd.rt 3. 212-330).
LAR. Andhadi ilakkiyam.
031, 18 By Prosody (Sentamil. 55; 1959 -60; 9-.
031, 1868 Virutham 13, 29-34, 69-72).
031,1868:g Evaluation
30 p7N62 [Symposium on andhadi]. (Chit-
19 N58 SUBRAMANIAN (Nellai K). rilakkiya corpolivugal. 1962.

184 An lib sc

Part 5). <H N26 -. -. -. (539-95).

031, 193100 Chatagam 031, IMI5, 88x Kovaigal

031, 193100x Collection
35 N26 -. -. -. (745-844).
031, IMI5, 891x Kalambagan-
Part 1. Corn by Ar as u, 1954.
031, 193100:g Evaluation

32 N62 ARIVU or.r (T N). Chatha- 36 N26 -. -.-. (397-530).

gangal. (Sentarnil selvi. 37;
031, IM1S, 91x Andadhi nulgal
1962-63; 496-505, 545-53).

031,lM15 MinakSlisundaram 37 N26 -. -. -. (397'- 530).

Pillai 031, IMI5, 9301x Pathigangal

031, IMI5, 21x Pillaithamil
38 N26 _. _. -. (1-6).
nul gal


Minakshisundaram pillai pr a- 01, IM15, VA Vatpokkik Kalarn-
bandha thirattu. 1926. 7-105 bagam

031, IMI5, 87x Malaigal 39 M89 -. Vatpokkik Kal arrrba.garn ,


51 Avoidance of Cross Classification

The following convention is adopted in not of any particular author but of the sub-
order to avoid cross classification: fo r rn in general. (See examples 1 to 32 in
Se c 4).
511 In classifying a specific work of
an author, the s ubfo r m number should not 523 A comparison of (IP3] in the
be used. class numbers of examples 1 to 32 with the
[IP3] in the examples 33 to 39 will show a
512 In the class number of a specific facile device e rrrpl oy e d in the construction
work of an author, the isolate number in of class numbers.
[lP4] represents the specific work and it
is got by alphabetical Device (See example 524 In the first thirty-two examples,
39 in Sec 4) the isolate numbers in [lP3] start with an
Indo-Arabic numeral and are got by enumer-
513 The isolates in the [IP4] of the ation. They represent subforms.
class number of the works of an author re-
presented by Indo-Arabic nurn e r al s , denote
subforms. They should be used only in the 525 On the other hand, the isolate
case of an anthology of a subform or an numbers in [IP3] in examples 33 to 39 start
evaluation of it (See examples 33 to 38). with a Rornan Cap and are got by chronologi-
cal Device. They represent authors.
52 When Author Facet is Absent

521 When Author Facet is abs ent, 53 Exploitation of Mixed Notation

there is no possibility of any happening of
531 Thus the benefits of the forma-
Cros s Clas sification. tion of sectors in an array by the use of
522 For, when the Author Facet is mixed notation are fully exploited in the
absent, the book can ernbody only history [IP3] and in [lP4] as viewed from the nota-
or anthology or evaluation of a subform -- tional plane.

V 10 N 3-4 Sep-Dec 1963 185


532 This exploitation has been sug- 5 Kulanthai elutthalar yar - yevar. 1961.
gested by the EffH:iency Table.
6 Kumarakurbarar. Chidambara cheyyut-
533 In view of this, it is a moot ques- kovai. 1932.
tion whether the comma inserted between the
isolate number in [lP2] and that in [lP3] in
each of the examples 1 to 32 may not be 7 Govindaraja Mudaliar, Ed. Panniru-
omitted. pattiyal. 1949.

534 Its omission will not affect the 8 Ranganathan (S R) and Muthukumara-
relative position of the class numbers. swarny (R). Commemoration bibliography
of the first 1008 books published by the
BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE DOCUMENTS USED south India saiva siddhanta works pub-
lishing society.
1 Aiyanarithanar. Purapporal Venba
malai. 1955. 9 Tamil nul vivara attavanai, 1867-1900.
2 Arnirtasagarar. Yapparunga1akkarigal. V 1 in 2 parts. 1961-62.
1944. 10 Thamil elutthalar yar-yevar, i962.
3 Gunavirapandithar. Vachananthimalai. 11 Thillainayagam (V). Kurippedu. 1963.
12 Vt s akappe r umal atye r , Yappi l akkanam ,
4 Ka1aikkalanchiyam. 9V. 1954-63. 1960.

J.86 An lib Be

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