DLL - 2ND Week Creative
DLL - 2ND Week Creative
DLL - 2ND Week Creative
A. Content Standard he learners have an understandng of… imagery, diction, figures of speech, and variations on languages.
B. Performance Standard The learners shall be able to… produce short paragraphs or vignettes using imagery, diction, figures of speech, and specific experiences
C. Learning
Competency/Objectives identify the various identify the various identify the various
Write the LC code for each. identify the various elements, techniques, and elements, techniques, and elements, techniques, and
elements, techniques, and literary devices in poetry literary devices in poetry literary devices in poetry
literary devices in poetry
III. LEARNING RESOURCES Laptop, Projector, Pisara, Laptop, Projector, Pisara, Tisa at Laptop, Projector, Pisara, Tisa at Laptop, Projector, Pisara, Tisa at
Tisa at papel papel papel papel
A. References
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson Attendance and review of lesson Attendance and review of lesson Attendance and review of lesson
C. Presenting examples/Instances of
the new lesson
E. Discussing new concepts and poetry is made to express A. Stanza B. Form 1. Lyric Poetry. It is any poem with
practicing new skills#2 thoughts and emotions in a Stanzas refer to series of lines In many cases, a poem may not one speaker (not necessarily the
creative and grouped together and separated by a have specific lines or stanza, and poet) who
imaginative way. It conveys space metrical expresses strong thoughts and
thoughts and feelings, from other stanzas. They pattern, however, it can still be feelings. Most poems, especially
describes a scene or tells a correspond to a paragraph in an labelled according to its form or modern ones,
story in a concentrated, essay. Identifying the style. Here, we will
lyrical arrangement of words stanza is done by counting the discuss the three most common are lyric poems. Below are some
number of lines. types of poetry according to form
are: lyric,
descriptive and narrative. We will types of lyric poetry.
also include other popular types of
F. Developing mastery STRUCTURE OF POETRY Narrative Poetry. It is a poem that a. Ode. An ode is a lyric poem that
(leads to Formative Assessment 3) One significant way to tells a story; its structure resembles praises an individual, an idea or an
analyse poems is by looking the plot line of a story [i.e. the event.
into the stanza structure introduction of conflict and The length is usually moderate, the
and the form of the poem. characters, rising subject is serious, the style is
Generally speaking, structure action, climax and the denouement elevated and
refers to the overall the stanza pattern is elaborate.
organization of lines and/or
the conventional patterns of
G. Finding practical application of Individual insights of the Individual insights of the learners about Individual insights of the learners about Individual insights of the learners about
learners about the lesson the lesson through recitation. the lesson through recitation. the lesson through recitation.
concepts and skills in daily living
through recitation.
I. Evaluating learning 1. What stanzas can be seen in the You are challenged to write your haiku.
poem? Choose your subject from the
2. What is the rhyme pictures
scheme/pattern of the poem? below.
Use the lines on the right side of
each line in the stanza.
3. What specific type of poetry is
used in the poem?
J. Additional activities for application
or remediation
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation