BIM in Conflict Management

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Research Article

International Journal of Engineering

Business Management
Volume 9: 1–18
Building information modeling in ª The Author(s) 2017
DOI: 10.1177/1847979017746257
construction conflict management

Aref Charehzehi1, ChangSaar Chai1, Aminah Md Yusof2,

Heap-Yih Chong3, and Siaw Chuing Loo4

Dispute is recognized as critical cause of deficiency and low performance in construction projects. Plenty of studies have
been done in construction dispute management recently; however, there are no studies on construction dispute elim-
ination. This study aims to propose a building information modeling (BIM) approach to control conflict causes before the
occurrence of dispute. BIM is one of the latest platforms that promote a high level of collaboration, information sharing,
and coordination where its implementation ranges from project initialization to completion stage. The circumstances
associating with BIM technology can be utilized to explore the possibilities in conflict and dispute resolution system.
Questionnaire surveys are used to collect the primary data. Analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and multi attribute utility
technique (MAUT) are adopted to develop an algorithm and a decision-making framework to manage and resolve the
potential conflict causes, particularly for the Malaysian construction industry. Data analysis emerged that five critical
conflict factors in Malaysian construction industry are insufficient monitoring of CPM scheduling and updates require-
ments; failures to understand and correctly bid or price the works; delay in running bill payment; inadequate contractors’
management, supervision, and coordination; and error and omission in design that are originated from time, cost, quality,
and documentation. Further analysis to prioritize BIM functions in construction conflict management has been done by the
combination of AHP and MAUT results. Consequently, it is affirmed that clash detection and cost estimating, 4D sche-
duling, 3D visualization and structure analysis as BIM functions obtained the highest score to control conflicting factors.

Building information modeling, construction, conflict, dispute, decision-making

Date received: 25 January 2017; accepted: 14 October 2017

The construction industry plays a vital role in socioeco-
nomic development. Various resources and collaborations Department of Structure and Materials, Faculty of Civil Engineering,
have to be provided to construct particular infrastructures. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia
School of Graduate Studies, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor,
Construction process typically encompasses standard Malaysia
procedures such as planning, designing, procuring, con- 3
School of Built Environment, Curtin University, Bentley, Australia
structing, maintaining, and demolishing, which necessitate Department of Quantity Surveying, Faculty of Built Environment,
the involvement of variety of organizations, firms, and University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
individuals such as consultants, main contractors, and sub-
Corresponding author:
contractors. Inevitably, each participant possesses individ- Aref Charehzehi, Department of Structure and Materials, Faculty of Civil
ual aim and objective that could be in conflict with the Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia.
goal of the project.1 Therefore, implementation of complex Email:

Creative Commons CC BY: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
( which permits any use, reproduction and distribution of the work without
further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages (
2 International Journal of Engineering Business Management

construction projects is bounded by many problems due to framework. The research outcomes are very useful for aca-
distinctive expectation, value, and goal among project demia and construction industry, as it can assist in con-
practitioners, and conflict seems inevitable.2 The negative flict management within the least allowance time and
impact of conflict on performance of construction organi- budget. It helps in minimizing dispute occurrence rate,
zations is extensively documented by a number of studies which will indirectly boost productivity rate, quality
in several undertaken projects.3 This conflict may cause to enhancements, and customers’ satisfaction. The proposed
increase delay in actual project implementation, disconti- algorithm and framework can be used as a benchmark for
nuity of the work, and in some cases suspension of the future studies to examine each function of BIM in rela-
projects.4 However, conflict control may improve the rela- tion to construction conflict and dispute management.
tion between project team and provide significant benefits The result thus can be used to develop a framework for
to the organization. dispute mitigation.
The existence of several problematic issues in construc-
tion projects may trigger conflicts, which may damage the
project procedure and lead to dispute occurrence and costly Cause of conflict
litigation.5 It is suggested that in case of more complex and The review of literature revealed that previous studies devel-
larger projects, the dispute is higher.6 Moreover, it is oped concepts to use diverse attitudes of disputants to reach
affirmed by various authors that for several years the con- consensus agreement, to examine the ability of project orga-
struction industry is a pioneer in disputes.7 In this circum- nization to settle disputes, to collect different attributes of
stance, companies and governments may require to expend construction disputes to create a database, and to predict
millions of dollars annually in terms of direct costs (law- dispute occurrence to provide suitable dispute resolution at
yers, claims consultancy, work suspension, completion early stage of dispute occurrence. Most of the approaches
postponement) and indirect costs (destruction of working shed light upon the sole particular area and are applicable
relationships, promotion of suspicion between main practi- only after dispute occurrence. In addition, it can be seen that
tioners, and lack of team work) to resolve the construction focal point of previous studies is on the cure rather than
dispute problems.8 In this regard, direct cost of dispute is dispute prevention in the construction industry. For instance,
computed around 0.5–5%of contract value.9 Chou et al.17 compared several machine learning techniques
Occurrences of several conflicts and unexpected dispute to see how they can predict dispute occurrence. Their study
are perceived in Malaysian construction industry that is sur- illustrated the efficiency and effectiveness of hybrid
rounded by dissatisfactions and problematic issues.10 More- machine learning techniques for early anticipating of dispute
over, the study by Memon et al. 11 revealed that in occurrence using conceptual project information as model
Malaysia89% and 92% of the projects face cost and time input. This system gave the opportunity to the practitioners
overrun, respectively. Several authors considered conflict, to select a proper dispute resolution method at the early stage
dispute, arbitration, and costly litigation as a result of this of occurrence, but its concentration was on the cure rather
delay and cost overrun.12,13 An examination of the Malaysian than prevention. However, latest 10 years’ studies that
annual audit report from 2006 to 2014 confirmed that the related to this area are listed in Table 1.
aforementioned problems still have remained in the industry.
The abovementioned problems increased the rate of the
claims as the main problematic issues in this industry.14 Con- Definition of claim, conflict, and dispute
sequently, the complexity of the projects and availability of Researchers attempted to exhibit the procedure of escalat-
different technical problems in Malaysian construction indus- ing dispute in the spectrum by linking the terms “claim,”
try paved the way to form numerous conflicts and subse- “dispute,” and “conflict.”8 First, they defined claim as “an
quently disputes. In addition, it is confirmed by Malaysian assertion of a right to money, property, or a remedy, and
Economic Transformation Program.15,16 Aforementioned can be made under the contract itself; for breach of the
issues and huge amounts of money and time to avert dispute contract, for breach of duty in common law, or on the
problems and risk of litigation encourage the researchers to quasi-contractual basis.” They commented that unresolved
develop more efficient ways of resolving disputes. claim can be converted to dispute easily. In brief, the rela-
Despite building information modeling (BIM) promo- tionships of conflict, claim, and dispute are exhibited in a
tion within the construction industry around the world, modified diagrammatic form as shown in Figure 1.
none of the studies focused on dispute prevention by con- Figure 1 illustrates that conflicts can be connected in
flict management through application of BIM concept as terms of the period of claim notification and dispute reso-
one of the advance technologies in construction industry. lution. At the beginning stage of claim notification, the
Thus, the objectives of this research are set to (a) identify severity of conflict is situated at the lowest level, and its
the causes of conflict encountered by client, contractor, and intensity climbed when claims remained unsettled for a
consultant under the BIM working environment and (b) long period of time and will be simply converted as dispute.
determine the efficiency of each BIM function in control- Consequently, most of the claims and disputes may be the
ling the named causes and develop a decision-making outcomes of previously neglected conflicts.
Charehzehi et al. 3

Table 1. List of studies in dispute management.

Framework Author Contribution Characteristics

K-nearest neighbor-based Chen18 Early warning of sever dispute Focus only on change order dispute
knowledge-sharing model for occurrence factors
severe change order disputes Litigation procedure Focus on the cure rather than
in construction Save time and money prevention or minimization
Fuzzy case-based reasoning for Cheng et al.19 Assist mediators responsible to handle The application is reactive and only be
coping with construction construction dispute useful after dispute occurrence
MAS-COR El-Adaway Create legal arguments in claim Focus on the cure rather than
and Kandil20 preparation prevention or minimization
Preparation defense in dispute procedure Just consider factors related to change
Facilitate dispute resolution order
E-dispute resolution model on Yih21 Assist in settling of variation dispute in Disputes related to delay and
contractual variations construction by proper dispute extension of time were not been
resolution and within minimum time considered
and budget Applied after dispute occurrence
Decision support system for Chaphalkar Simplify decision-making in dispute Limited to Indian construction industry
dispute resolution in and Patil22 resolution related to variation clauses Focus on dispute resolution rather
construction contract Reduce the time that is required for than dispute prevention
problem solving by ADR Applied after dispute occurrence
Attempt to prevent litigation
Project dispute prediction by Chou et al.17 Predict dispute occurrence Just prediction of dispute occurrence
hybrid machine learning Assist to select appropriate dispute but no solution to manage or
techniques resolution in early stage of dispute prevent the issues to suspend
occurrence dispute occurrence
An expert system to manage Elziny et al.23 The ADR for disputes by using “DRExM” Focused on selection of dispute
dispute resolutions in saves time and cost with simplified resolution methods
construction projects presentation of results and minimum Applied after dispute occurrence
MAS-COR: multiagent system for construction dispute resolution; ADR: Alternative dispute resolution.

The studies by Yates and Hardcastel8 and Kumaras-

wamy27 exhibit that hierarchy of events must take place
to begin a dispute. This procedure approximately can be
compared with accident occurrence in the construction site.
Heinrich28 developed a theory called Domino theory to
prevent accident and injury before occurrence. Heinrich’s
Domino theory states that accidents result from a chain of
sequential events, metaphorically like a line of dominoes
falling over.
Based on the theory by Heinrich,28 dispute occurrence
involves a number of metaphorical dominoes that fall of
Figure 1. The spectrum of conflict.8 one domino, triggering the next event until the appearance
of disruptive consequences of dispute in the projects. Based
Disputes are referred as the long-term unresolved claims on Heinrich’stheory,28 removing one of the key factors can
and uncontrolled disruptive conflict. Although conflict is stop the whole process and prevent disruptive results. A
well-known with its unpleasant implication and conse- question here is that which dimension is to be removed.
quences, other positive and functional aspects of conflict Based on Figure 1, conflict is allocated between claim
must not be ignored. In fact, innovation and progression notification on one side and dispute resolution on the
will vanish without the existence of conflict.24 In contrast, another side and has the lowest intensity in the early stage
conflict can be dysfunctional with initial traducing, devas- of claim notification. Moreover, according to Mitkus and
tating, and dysfunctional outcomes that can be considered Mitkus,29 conflicts can be managed, but disputes must be
as parasites in organizations.25 Therefore, the light shed resolved by binding or nonbinding dispute-resolution meth-
upon the area of conflict is to pose control and mitigate its ods. In this situation, managing conflict in the early stage
inefficiency and disruptive consequences that can affect may assist to prevent disruptive dispute occurrence within
project performance due to disputes among participants.4,26 minimum time and expenses. Functional conflict should be
4 International Journal of Engineering Business Management

Table 2. List of BIM implementation area.

Functional Improvement
Purpose of usage References
BIM 33
Procurement industrial
Dysfunctional Claims Dispute
Sustainable design and analysis
Safety design and management
Design selection and optimization
Figure 2. Relationship between conflict, claim, and dispute. Operation and maintenance
Supply chain management
Construction planning and management
guided to preserve its useful role in construction working Quality management 44,45

procedure, while dysfunctional conflict must be managed Automated building design review 36,38
or eliminated proactively before converting to dispute. Fabrication
Thus, in order to clarify the BIM role in conflict manage- Engineering project
ment, the graphic illustration by Kumaraswamy27 has been Cost management
updated as depicted in Figure 2. Application of BIM in Commissioning
conflict management will be discussed in detail in the fol- BIM: building information modeling.
lowing sections.
to decrease the cost of construction projects and prevent
Building information modeling design errors in the planning phase of the projects. Two of
the initial projects in Malaysia that applied BIM system
According to National Institute of Building Science,30 BIM completely are National Cancer Institute of Malaysia and
was being defined as “a digital representation of physical Sultan Ibrahim Hall of UTHM.53 A comparative review of
and functional characteristics of a facility and a shared BIM implementation in first two projects in Malaysia has
knowledge resource for information about a facility forming been done by Latiffi et al.53 to obtain how BIM affected
a reliable basis for decisions during the project life-cycle.” these projects. They identified that both projects are
BIM utilizes data to create a database of information, in affected positively by BIM implementation in terms of
concurrently with its 3-D virtual representation; it effectively cost, time, project design, project process, and
improves the design, construction, prefabrication, and oper- communication.
ation of the facility.31 Connecting 3-D geometric model to However, none of the studies and projects in Malaysia
the schedule data presented another effective function that is and also other countries considered BIM as dispute mitiga-
4-D visualization; 4-D visualization can provide several effi- tion approach by controlling conflict causes in the early
cient advantages that facilitate site planning and manage- stage of occurrence. Thus, in this study BIM with its poten-
ment, anticipate the occurrence of crucial problems, and tial functions is considered as a new strategy for controlling
simplify the process of site management and practice. The conflicts related to the client, contractor, and consultant and
other levels of BIM technology are 5-D (cost estimating) and endeavor to prevent disputes. To obtain aforementioned
6-D (facility management (FM)) which possess more key priorities, there are several proficiencies that can be con-
roles in facilitating the process of construction work.32 sidered as the main BIM functions. Some of BIM functions
BIM assists the participants within the industry to that are being utilized in Malaysia are described in Table
improve the accuracy and speed of building engineering 1A. These functions are as follows: FM, shop-drawing pro-
and construction management at all stages. Successful cess, scheduling (4-D), cost estimation (CE), structural
implementation of BIM in projects associated with signif- analysis (SA), clash detection (CD), and 3-D visualization.
icant benefits, including enhancement of design quality, Therefore, an effective framework based on BIM concept
increased productivity rate, and cost and time reduction, should be capable of controlling the causes of dysfunc-
which lead to less conflict occurrence. A comparative tional conflicts between different parties and convert them
review of BIM implementation in building and infrastruc- to functional conflicts, where claims and disputes will be
ture industry has been done by Shou et al.32 They examined mitigated as work progressions have been improved. As
several case studies and main BIM uses in academic pub- this study focuses on the client, contractor, and consultants
lications and some examples are summarized in Table 2. conflicting factors, the applications of BIM in conflict
This analysis has been done to identify the level and area of reduction relationships are explained in detail in the fol-
BIM implementation. As illustrated in Table 2, BIM has lowing sections.
been utilized for various goals and objectives such as per-
formance improvement, cost estimating, safety manage-
ment, and so on.
BIM implementation in Malaysia has been recom-
Client-related factors
mended by the Director of Public Works Department Cost and financial issues, construction time scheduling, and
(PWD) in 2007.52 Their main purpose to apply BIM was on-time decision-making are the conflicting factors related
Charehzehi et al. 5

to the client.54 BIM, with its efficient functions, can be enhance site management, construction procedure, and
utilized to manage the aforementioned conflict causes. improve the organizational structure that is required in the
Firstly, 3-D and 4-D BIM functions are intended to provide initial stages of the projects. Moreover, 4-D attribute of
the accurate design visualization and time scheduling, BIM is having potential in providing the most reliable proj-
which closely reflect the real-time progress, assist in sound ect time scheduling and eases the examination of different
decision-making, and reduce the number of variation phases of construction work and activity sequences. This
orders. Secondly, BIM can assist the client to manage its will secure the agreed completion time for the project.
financial issues by integrated 5-D BIM model, which pos- Furthermore, the ability of BIM to generate automatic
sesses the ability to precipitate the quantity surveying tasks, quantity takeoff and cost estimation in the design stage
which can immediately apply any changes occurred in both ensures secure project implementation cost, which is useful
schedule and budget allocation. Thus, effective monitoring for the contractor to prepare a right financial plan to deliver
and same execution of changes will promote a trustful the project. Utilization of all these BIM functions by con-
environment between the client and the designers.55 tractors indicates that they possess the opportunity to per-
Furthermore, working environmentequipped with BIM has form a comprehensive procurement schedule and effective
the lower possibility of omissions, prevented change orders management before the actual execution.
during the delivery process which ultimately result in the
elimination of dysfunctional conflicts and reduction in Causes of conflict
project expenses and duration.
The importance of construction conflict and dispute man-
agement encouraged researchers to conduct several studies
Consultant-related factors to extract causes of conflict and dispute in this industry. To
Documentation factor is the significant area of conflicts examine the causes of conflict and dispute, an in-depth
pertinent to the consultants within construction projects. literature review has been done and various variables are
BIM is equipped with the abilities to facilitate management extracted. The factors are illustrated in Table 2A.
and controlling documentary issues. According to Latiffi
et al.,56 BIM can assist consultants in conflicting factor Research methodology
reduction by(1) presenting a principle to assist the archi-
Questionnaire surveys are distributed to professional
tects to incept the process of evolutionary design, (2) pro-
experts in the construction field. From the gathered ques-
viding an efficient mode to enhance design and
tionnaire, 16 most significant causes are specified using
documentation quality, (3) reducing drawing issues and
average index technique. Most of the identified causes
conflict errors, and (4) decreasing design conflict issues
originated directly or indirectly from cost, time, quality,
by integrating the overall system and enhance communica-
and documentation-related issues. Then, a theoretical
tion. Therefore, these benefits associated with BIM can
model contains analytical hierarchy process (AHP), and
ensure the timely generation and confirmation of working
multi attribute utility technique (MAUT) is developed to
information, allow the combination of several project doc-
enable the participants to choose the appropriate function
uments, instant submission of drawing, and implement fre-
of BIM in controlling the causes of conflict. The intention
quent quality examination control. All of these tailing
of applying AHP and MAUT together is to mitigate the
benefits ensure that the actual work coincides with the
percentage of personal error. Moreover, both tangible and
proposed design, where the rate of conflicts will be reduced
intangible factors in computing data can be utilized quan-
and productivity heightened.
titatively by MAUT. The application of these two meth-
ods (AHP and MAUT) will provide the weighted score for
Contractor-related factors each BIM function based on the highest score. The MAUT
with its extensive capacity can be utilized in the following
Conflict issues pertinent to contractors are closely interre-
areas, namely:
lated to construction execution and site management and
control. Inappropriate planning and scheduling, wrong 1. specify the alternative and relevant attributes,
selection of construction methods, poor site management, 2. assess each alternative regarding different
incorrect organizational structure,and procurement meth- attributes,
ods and schedule are established as the common causes 3. exhibit attributes preference by allocating relative
of conflict by contractors. Most of the conflicts will be weight,
triggered when contractors spend excess time and money 4. integrate attribute weight and satisfaction rate of
due to improper working attitude and management proce- each alternative, and
dure, which lead to inefficient asset and finance manage- 5. prepare sensitivity and at the end make a decision.
ment. BIM is playing a crucial role in settling these
problems. The 3-D function of BIM enables real-life virtual In current practice, decisions concerning BIM functions
visualization of construction building that assists to to manage conflicts are based on qualitative assessment and
6 International Journal of Engineering Business Management

Clash detection Structural Cost estimation Scheduling Shop-drawing Facility 3D

analysis (4D) process management visualization

Client-related factors Consultant-related Contractor-related

factors factors

Figure 3. BIM-conflict relation diagram. BIM: building information modeling.

related to previous experience. It is extensively true that 3. Giving cooperative decision-making through agree-
qualitative evaluations are subjective in nature, and the ment utilizing the geometric mean of the individual
results can be affected by the personal preference of the judgments.
decision makers. Application of MAUT assists to prevent 4. Obtaining the degree and level of values by pair-
this kind of problems and obtain reasonable results.57 Con- wise comparison in conjunction with rating, and it is
verting the problems to a single objective problem during proper for multiobjective, multicriterion, and multi-
the accurate assessment of utility function is one of the actor decisions with any number of alternatives.
main benefits of MAUT utilization. According to Fellows 5. Doing scale evaluation rather than measurements
et al.,58 MAUT is a method that can provide object mea- that is convenient for modeling circumstance with-
surements in subjective areas. Moreover, it has been out particular measures (e.g. modeling risk and
applied in different areas such as maintenance, quantity uncertainty).
surveying, project procurement, and also dispute resolu- 6. It also reveals the relative merits of alternative solu-
tion. 57 In addition, the study by Cheung and Suen 57 tions for anMAUT problem.63
affirmed that MAUT utilization can reduce the subjective
elements that affect the decision-making process and However, Figure 3 reveals the proposed integrated
increase accuracy. The basic of MAUT technique is the model of BIM-conflict relation based on applying AHP and
allocation of a number called outcome utilities to each MAUT to identify how BIM may control conflicting fac-
outcome state. The satisfaction or desirability rate of each tors pertinent to client, contractor, and consultant in the
attribute is called utility (normally expresses as Ui). The construction industry.
overall concept of MAUT contains two main attributes The causes of conflict that have been extracted from
with respect to both model and utility weight derivation. literature review are highlighted in the questionnaires
The purpose of MAUT application in this study is to inte- through outputs from average index technique. The data
grate both priority rates for each criterion and utilities collected is analyzed with the average index formula based
derived from BIM functions to identify the suitability of on Majid and McCaffer.64 Questionnaires are distributed to
each BIM function in conflict management. local authority, developers, engineers, architects, and quan-
AHP is multi decision-making techniques that can be tity surveyors who directly involved in construction dispute
used to achieve the most appropriate alternative by pair- resolution and experienced in BIM platform. Hundred
wise comparison between several criteria.59 It assists the questionnaires are distributed, and of which 45 respondents
decision makers to solve sophisticated problems and assess responded. With 30 sets of valid questionnaire, it indicated
both qualitative and quantitative data in principled meth- 30% response rate. The sample size achieved the minimum
odologies under conflicting multicriteria by converting requirement of the central limit theorem in probability the-
complicated systems to hierarchical form with several lev- ory.65 The reliability and validity tests have been per-
els.60 Moreover, subjective appraisals and objective reali- formed. Cronbach’s a was applied in this case to
ties are synthesized into legitimate hierarchical AHP that understand whether the data provide a good support for
has a wide range of application in decision-making, includ- internal consistency reliability. Moreover, Kaiser–Meyer–
ing selection alternatives among different choices, alterna- Olkin (KMO) Bartlett’s validity test is performed to show
tive assessment, cost–benefit analysis, resource allocations, whether the sample size used for analysis is adequate. The
planning and development, and priority and ranking.61 results of all tests have been illustrated in Table 3. The
According to Aminbakhsh et al.,62 the main advantages reliability statistic showed the Cronbach’s a value of
of AHP are as follow: 0.952 from the correlation of the 29 factors. This value is
larger than 0.70, which presents a great support for the
1. Measuring and minimizing the inconsistency of consistency of the results.66 The KMO value was 0.610,
expert’s judgments. which exceeded the recommended value of 0.6 to be
2. Avoiding respondent bias in decision-making. valid.67,68,69 Likewise, the Bartlett’s test was 657.030 with
Charehzehi et al. 7

Table 3. Reliability and validity test of questionnaire data.

Reliability statistics KMO and Bartlett’s test

Cronbach’s a Number of items KMO measure of sampling adequacy 0.610

Bartlett’s test of sphericity Approximate w2 1269.805
0.952 29 df 406
Sig. 0.000
KMO: Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin.

Table 4. Respondents’ background. Table 5. Respondents’ conflict experience.

Position Frequency of respondents Percentage (%) Frequency of Frequency of Percentage

respondents respondents (%)
Architect 9 30
Engineer 8 27  5 years < 10 years 12 40
Quantity surveyor 8 27  10 years < 15 years 13 44
Contractor 5 16  15 years 5 16
Total 30 100 Total 30 100

significance 0.000, which is less than 0.05. Hence, the data Table 6. Respondents’ managerial position.
set is valid and reliable for analysis.
Position Frequency of respondents Percentage (%)
Distributions of respondents are categorized by disci-
pline, management position, project involvement, and Project manager 8 27
conflict experience. Respondents’ discipline and their Contract executive 12 40
conflict experience have been illustrated in Tables 4 Contract manager 5 17
and 5, respectively. Majority of respondents (60%) pos- Director 5 16
Total 30 100
sessed more than 10 years of working experience.
Furthermore, all the respondents have minimum 5 years
of working experience. Results show high reliability are employed to reduce the subjective components and
based on the practitioners’ experience, who are evaluated encourage transparency in the decision-making process.
as experienced respondents. This model comprises set of criteria, set of utility factors,
Meanwhile, Table 6 shows the position of respondents and set of weightings for criteria. Accordingly, the follow-
involved in construction industry. There were 30 respon- ing steps are required to carry out this study:
dents, including 5 directors, 5 contract managers, 8 project
managers, and 12 contract executives. They were in right 1. extract and examine conflict factors related to cli-
position to answer the questions regarding conflict causes ent, contractors, and consultants to determine the
in construction industry and trustful information has been predominant selection criteria for different BIM
gathered. In order to prevent quantitative measurement functions,
bias and response bias, respondents are required to com- 2. determine BIM function ability to facilitate compu-
ment on other professions except his/her own profession. tation of utility factors for each function,
Measurement bias will be triggered from an error in col- 3. collect utility factors for each BIM function,
lected data and measuring process, while response bias is 4. collect weighting for selected criteria, and
a type of bias where the respondents consciously or sub- 5. compute the score for each function and examine
consciously provide responses that they think the how each one can control different conflict factors.
researcher intended to know.

Result Part A: Causes of conflict by client

In this study, BIM is considered as an efficient concept to Many authors contended that the relationships between
control and manage conflict occurrence, but selection of construction players and parties are harsh and easily spark
the appropriate BIM function to solve a particular type of off to conflicts and litigation.70 Thus, to ensure the relia-
conflict may not be subjective. Therefore, it is necessary to bility, the questionnaires are directed to the representa-
analyze the functions objectively based on each function tives in the PWD Malaysia to rank the cause of conflict
performance before the final selection. Thus, based on pre- by client, contractor, and consultant from the least impor-
vious explanations in methodology part, MAUT and AHP tant to the most important. The significance of each factor
8 International Journal of Engineering Business Management

Table 7. Main cause of dispute by client. Table 9. Main causes of conflict by consultant.

Level of Level of
List of causes Index agreement List of causes Index agreement

Late payment to contractor 3.67 Agree Incompleteness of drawing and specifications 3.53 Agree
Discrepancies or ambiguities in contract 3.67 Agree Errors and omission in design 3.87 Agree
documents Excessive quantity variations 3.80 Agree
Delay in running bill payment 3.90 Agree
Failure to respond in time 3.60 Agree
Lowest price mentality in engagement of 3.60 Agree contractors. Indeed when the planning is based on defective
contractors and designers
scheduling documents, it provides ground for delay in work
Excessive change orders 3.73 Agree
and requests for an extension of time by contractor that can
lead to adversarial behavior and conflict in projects. Failure
to understand and correctly bid or price the works is ranked
Table 8. Main cause of conflict by contractors. as second significant causes of conflict by contractors.
Level of Wrong CE and acceptance of incorrect bid by contractors
List of causes Index agreement may decrease their profit margin and sometimes collapse
their business opportunity. In this situation, the rate of pro-
Insufficient monitoring of CPM scheduling and 4.20 Agree blematic claims by contractors will be increased to cover
update requirements
Nonpayment to subcontractor 3.80 Agree
their expenses. For instance, some contractors try to cheat
Defective construction (quality) 3.60 Agree using quadratic and low-quality material different with
Inadequate contractor management, 3.87 Agree actual that is quoted in the contract, but they claim quoted
supervision, and coordination price for the particular items as assigned in the contract that
Failure to understand and correctly bid or 3.93 Agree is higher than actual expenses for provided item by con-
price the works tractor. Inadequate contractor management, supervision,
Inadequate CPM scheduling and update 3.80 Agree and coordinationare ranked as third causes of conflict by
Delay/suspension of works 3.67 Agree
contractors. Contractors have the role to manage project
implementation from commencement until completion and
delivery. So, lack of project management competency by
contractors creates several issues that can directly affect the
is ranked based on the average index value. The list of top
cost and quality of the project and trigger problematic con-
six significant causes of conflict by the clientsis shown in
flicts and disputes.
Table 7. The result from the survey shows that there are
several conflict issues between client and main contractor.
Delay in running bill of quantities and excessive change Causes of conflict by consultant
orders are the first two main causes of conflict by owner
that directly involve contractor. This situation can affect This part depicts outcomes concerning the causes of con-
the contractor’s ability to finance the work that can delay flict by consultants. Seven factors are identified from the
or sometimes suspend the progress of work and impress obtained data. These factors are ranked and sorted based on
the cost and quality negatively. the level of significance as per defined by respondents and
further reclassified into three significant factors of conflict
by consultants as shown in Table 9. The factor of design
Cause of conflict by contractor error and omission is one of the crucial issues of conflict
One of the major groups to shed light in construction indus- that obtained the highest score as the cause of conflict by
try is contractors and subcontractors. They are required to consultants. Several factors such as clients’ requirements,
complete the works within an anticipated timeand agreed quality of the work, feasibility of implementation by con-
budget andto achieve the quality that is expressly and tractors, and so on must be considered by consultants in
impliedly stated in the contract. However, due to the huge designing a particular project. Therefore, the competency
responsibility, contradictions always happened and led to and experience of consultant in contract administration and
the formation of conflicts and disputes. From the gathered design preparation are really critical to obtain a successful
data, a total of 11 factors have been identified as causes of project in amicable environment.
conflict by the contractor. The significance of each factor is As previously mentioned, there are abundant causes of
ranked based on the average index value as mentioned in conflict by client, contractor, and consultant. For instance,
previous part. The eight significant causes of conflict by as stated by Acharya et al.,4 one of the consultant causes of
contractors are revealed in Table 8. conflict is differing of site condition, where it was consid-
Insufficient monitoring of CPM scheduling and update ered as main critical causes of conflict in the Korean con-
requirements is ranked as first causes of conflict by struction industry. However, it is pinpointed that it is not
Charehzehi et al. 9

Table 10. Conflict causes based on their characteristics.

Factors Client Contractor Consultant

Cost  Lowest price mentality in  Failure to understand and correctly  Excessive quantity
engagement of contractors and bid or price the works variations
designers  Nonpayment to subcontractor
 Delay in running bill payment
Time  Failure to respond in timely manner  Delay/suspension of works
 Late payment to contractor  Inadequate CPM scheduling and
update requirements
 Insufficient monitoring of CPM
scheduling and update requirements
Quality  Excessive change orders  Inadequate contractor management,  Errors and omission in
supervision, and coordination design
 Defective construction (quality)
Documentation  Discrepancies or ambiguities in  Failure to understand and correctly  Incompleteness of drawing
contract documents bid or price the works and specifications

Table 11. Summary of mean utility factors matrix for BIM functions.

Effectiveness of cost, time, quality, and documentation within BIM functions (utility factor)

Numbers Criteria (from average index) 3-D visualization CD SA CE Scheduling (4-D animation) SP FM

1 Cost 72.00 104.00 89.33 104.67 75.33 90.67 74.00

2 Time 75.33 100.67 90.00 74.67 99.33 92.00 50.67
3 Quality 92.00 104.00 94.00 74.00 74.00 90.67 55.33
4 Documentation 92.00 82.67 89.33 79.33 75.33 56.00 34.67
SA: structural analysis; CD: clash detection; SP: shop-drawing process; CE: cost estimation; FM: facility management.

considered as an effective factor in context of Malaysia. should be in place to manage the causes of conflict before
Thus, to suit the applicability and genuineness, the ana- they emerge to dispute. Thus, BIM concept is being con-
lyzed outcomes revealed that the top five high effective sidered to overcome the challenges related to time, cost,
causes of conflict in the Malaysian construction industry quality, and documentation in construction projects. It is
are insufficient monitoring of CPM scheduling and update positive that the conflict management will be much effec-
requirements; failures to understand and correctly bid or tive and accurate as BIM is an intelligent tool that offers
price the works; delay in running bill payment; inadequate great visualization, interoperability, coordination, and so
contractors’ management, supervision, and coordination; on. Therefore, it is decisive to identify the efficiency of
and error and omission in design. In contrast, factors such each BIM function in relation to time, cost, quality, and
as failure to appoint a project manager by client, consul- documentation so that proper solution can be initiated
tant failures to understand its responsibilities under the before conflict occurrence.
design team contract, and contractor failure to plan and
execute the changes in works are ranked as ineffective
factors in triggering conflict. Thereby, late payment,
Part B: Utility factor gathering for MAUT
wrong CPM scheduling, frequent change orders, exces-
sive variation, and incomplete design and specification This part determines the utility factors for sustainability of
are very prevalent throughout the industry, heightening cost, time, quality, and documentation within BIM func-
conflict and dispute. It is obvious that conflict causes in tions. The outcomes are contributed by BIM professional
the Malaysian construction industry originated from cost, experts in Malaysia, with the utilization of their profession-
time, quality, and documentation. Finally, to properly alism and previous experience. In this section, the respon-
address these issues, the final results gathered are categor- dents are required to allocate the score of 10–110 when
ized based on cost, time, quality, and documentation as appraising the degree of importance of each BIM function
illustrated in Table 10. against each criterion. Such statement is in parallel with the
The main factors of conflict by client, contractor, and explanation of Cheung and Suen,57 which marks allocation
consultant are classified based on the root causes including excluded “0” to avoid mathematical errors. From the inputs
cost, time, quality, and documentation. Since their origin- gathered, the average results of utility factors are summar-
ality is known, efficient and proper techniques and tools ized in Table 11.
10 International Journal of Engineering Business Management



3D Cost
Consultant visualiztion estimation Contractor


Clash Structural
detection analysis


Cost control
Quality control
Documentation control
Time control

Conflict Prevention

Figure 4. Integrated model to mitigate conflict in construction projects.

Table 11 illustrates the utility value for each BIM func- facilitate conflict identification and control for all three
tion based on different criteria. For instance, cost estimat- groups to achieve a successful project within acceptable
ing has the highest utility value and 3-D visualization time, cost, and desired quality.
function has the lowest utility value for cost. The useful
performance range of each tool can be easily obtained from
Table 11 and further integrated with AHP to gain the Algorithm for selecting BIM functions
weight percentage for each criterion. It can vary according An effective algorithm is then developed based on the out-
to project managers’ professional perspective regarding the comes obtained to facilitate the selection of BIM functions
originality of conflicts and select the most appropriate BIM to control conflict and guarantee project productivity. The
function to manage and control the potential conflicts. Fig- algorithm is constrained to seven BIM functions discussed
ure 4 reveals the proposed integrated model to control and throughout this study, and it is based on the following
prevent conflicts in the construction industry by applying assumptions: (1) recognition of conflict symptoms,(2)
BIM based on the result of Table 11. This figure shows that selection of BIM function by applying AHP and MAUT
BIM application with its valuable functions puts main prac- based on different criteria, and (3) the objectives that deter-
titioners (client, consultant, and contractor) on a virtual mine the applicability of BIM functions are cost, time,
environment and provides a level of effectiveness, colla- quality, and documentation. The decision-making algo-
boration, communication, and cooperation that enables the rithm is developed based on these assumptions by follow-
integration of the whole construction procedure practi- ing four major steps. The steps are illustrated in Figure 5
tioners. Moreover, potential abilities of BIM provide better and explained in detail below.
understanding about project requirements for the owner;
help the consultant team to analyze, design, and develop Step 1: Monitoring the project to identify the symptoms of
project design based on owner priorities; and facilitate proj- conflict and claims. The first step is to identify the potential
ect implementation. Furthermore, it assists the contractor to conflicts’ symptoms, as every cure starts from the roots.
manage the construction project in right way and overall From the analyzed outcomes previously, some significant
Charehzehi et al. 11

Clash detection
Cost estimation

Clash detection

4D scheduling

Conflict causes Unresolved Clash detection

Quality 3D visualization
Current study
Structural analysis

3D visualization
Structural analysis

Is there any Yes Using BIM in

symptom project

New Case

Check the Combine AHP

Close the originality of Identify the relative weight for
and MAUT
case conflict causes as each criterion using AHP

Figure 5. Decision-making flowchart of selecting BIM function to control conflict.BIM: building information modeling.

causes of conflict by client, contractor, and consultant were Table 12. Nine-point pairwise comparison scale.59
identified. These symptoms will then be further assessed to
Numerical scale Verbal meaning
determine the conflict causes.
1 Equal important for both elements
Step 2: Assessment the conflict causes to identify their originality. 3 Moderate important of one element over the
Conflict assessment is a crucial process to measure project other
performance and then allocate suitable approach to manage 5 Strong important of one element over the other
and control it. Different factors such as direct cost, indirect 7 Very strong important of one element over the
cost, loss of quality, and delay can be considered when other
9 Extremely important of one element over the
assessing conflict causes. For current study, the results
show that majority of the identified causes are related to 2,4,6,8 Intermediate values between the above
cost, time, quality, and documentation. Thus, they are being adjacent values
utilized as the main criteria in this study to evaluate each
BIM function by applying MAUT. The results of MAUT
for BIM function based on experts’ experience are illu- conflict management and are capable of utilizing AHP
strated in Table 11. The table is applicable for different technique. The AHP process utilizes pairwise comparison
projects based upon the preferred focus field of study. technique to recognize the participation percentage of each
criterion for conflict occurrence. The experts are required
Step 3: Weighting identification for criteria. The third step is to to judge on the four standing criteria. This pairwise com-
specify the weight for each criterion. As exemplified, the parison is conducted by a nine-point scale as shown in
conflict causes by client, contractor, and consultant are Table 12.
originated from the cost, time, quality, and documentation. The allocation of the weight for each criterion requires
These four factors are considered as criteria when assessing logical and analytical thinking and only suitably done by
BIM function. To reflect the difference between the experts who possess the wide range of knowledge about
selected criteria, each of them is assigned with a weight conflict and dispute in construction industry. To demon-
in accordance with its relative importance comparatively strate the practicality of the process, the following prefer-
with other criterions. The setting of the weight is completed ence vector (matrix A) as shown in Table 13 is being
by the professionals who have profound knowledge in utilized as each criterion in relation to others. This table
12 International Journal of Engineering Business Management

Table 13. Ranking criteria (the preference vector for criteria- instantaneously generating pricing information. Thus,
Matrix A). quantities can be extracted easily and automatically
Ranking criteria (the preference vector for criteria-Matrix A)
updated when any modifications are executed in the mode-
land thereby conflict issues will not be triggered. This can
Criteria be credited as building information models that are formed
to scale in 3-D space, thus all related systems can be
Criteria Cost Time Quality Documentation
instantly and automatically identified for any clashes or
Cost 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 interferences. Model analysis contributed to project evalua-
Time 0.50 1.00 2.00 2.00 tion process and significantly mitigated construction con-
Quality 0.33 0.50 1.00 2.00 flicts and construction waste.
Documentation 0.25 0.50 0.50 1.00 For the time criterion, two functions are selected. The first
Sum 2.08 4.00 6.50 9.00
one is CD (25.67%), as 3-D coordination can be initiated after
the completion of the model to precipitate the detection of
clashes (hard clash or soft clash) conflicts, so that corrective
Table 14. Eigenvector for each criterion obtained from AHP
model. actions and remedies can be applied at the earliest phase. The
second function is scheduling (4-D animation) with 25.33%,
Normalized which manages the time factors by simulating and anticipat-
ing the sequence of construction activities, potential time–
space conflicts, and accessibility problems.
Eigenvector From the portrayed outcomes for quality criterion, CD,
Criteria Cost Time Quality Documentation X SA, and 3-D visualization surmounted the top three high-
est scores with 17.10%, 15.51%, and 15.18%, respec-
Cost 0.48 0.50 0.46 0.44 0.471
Time 0.24 0.25 0.31 0.22 0.255 tively. Inevitably, these factors are playing a critical role
Quality 0.16 0.13 0.15 0.22 0.165 in controlling quality factors in construction projects, as
Documentation 0.12 0.12 0.08 0.12 0.109 quality is indirectly proportional to conflict formation.
Sum 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.000 While, on the other hand, 3-D visualization (10.03%) and
SA (9.74%) have been opted in managing the documen-
tation problems. Structure analysis can synchronize anal-
demonstrates the importance of each criterion against other ysis result and design information to prepare a much
criteria. For instance, the criterion of cost is two and three reliable contract document, mitigate errors and omissions
times more important than time and quality, respectively. in contract interpretations, and enhance the quality of the
To identify the eigenvector for each criterion, matrix A is final works, where all these contributed toward reduction
normalized by applying simple computation to determine in conflicts and disputes.
the weight that is assigned to each criterion. Table 14 Based on the revealed outputs, CD obtained the highest
reveals a distributive summary of the result based on the cumulative score (100.83%). It emerges as the critical and
four criteria and their relative scores, which was sorted in effective element in controlling and managing conflicts
descending order. before further conversion to disputes. CD guarantees
design accuracy and reduces possible variation orders and
Step 4: Prioritizing BIM functions by combining the result of claims, and such issues are unavoidable in the conven-
MAUT and AHP. After the weights are calculated, the poten- tional project delivery process. With effective CD, it will
tial contribution of each BIM function is computed. By definitely prevent the unnecessary rework, repetitive
calculating the priority rate for each BIM function, the most quantity takingoff, variation works, and so on, which
efficient function to control and manage conflicts is might trigger additional cost, time, and resources or lead
selected. The complete multiattribute selection of BIM to conflicts or disputes.
function is exhibited in Table 15. On the contrary, shop drawing and FM function are not
as outstanding as others. This indicates the low degree of
appreciations and comprehensions, and they are rarely
Discussion being utilized and applied in the Malaysian construction
As exemplified in Table 15, CD (48.98%) and cost estima- industry. It should be pinpointed that if the weight of each
tion (49.30%) emerged as the most appropriate functions to criterion and utility factors for BIM function differs in other
control and manage the factors that are cost-oriented. When cases, the exemplified outcomes undoubtedly will be dif-
4-D concepts are being incorporated into the BIM process, ferent and a new function might be selected.
estimation and quantification are made easier;beacuse once The framework as shown in Figure 5 is established to
the 3-D model is developed, a material’s quantity report is provide a decision-making procedure in easing the selection
instantaneously available. In addition, relying upon the of the most proper BIM functions in managing conflicts
sophisticate software, some software are capable of within minimum time and budget. This framework can be
Charehzehi et al. 13

Table 15. Final multi attribute calculation for PWD case study.

Criteria Cost Time Quality Documentation Sum

Function Criteria percentage (%) 47.1 25.5 16.5 10.9 100

3-D visualization (3-D) Utility factor 72.00 75.33 92.00 92.00

Score 33.91 19.21 15.18 10.03 78.33
CD Utility factor 104.00 100.67 104.00 82.67 100.83
Score 48.98 25.67 17.16 9.01
SA Utility factor 89.33 90.00 94.00 89.33 90.27
Score 42.07 22.95 15.51 9.74
CE Utility factor 104.67 74.67 74.00 79.33 89.20
Score 49.30 19.04 12.21 8.65
Scheduling (4-D animation) Utility factor 75.33 99.33 74.00 75.33 81.21
Score 35.48 25.33 12.21 8.21
SP Utility factor 90.67 92.00 90.67 56.00 87.23
Score 42.71 23.46 14.96 6.10
FM Utility factor 74.00 50.67 55.33 34.67 60.68
Score 34.85 12.92 9.13 3.78

SA: structural analysis; CE: cost estimation; SP: shop-drawing process; FM: facility management; CD: clash detection; PWD: Public Works Department;
AHP: analytical hierarchy process.

utilized by individual practitioners or the government to changed based on project circumstances and the originality of
control payment issues, delays, disruption, and financial conflict causes. Therefore, the practitioners in construction
issues in construction projects. If it is being employed effi- are suggested to obtain consultations from BIM experts to
ciently, it will further improve management processes and expand the comprehensions and appreciations regarding its
boost the productivity rate. Furthermore, by applying this functions before further decision-making.
framework, the costs allocated for conflict management can
be greatly reduced; simultaneously, it will avoid the costly
arbitration and litigation fees and associating indirect costs. Conclusion
Furthermore, utilizing the framework in construction Dispute destructive affection in construction industry moti-
projects can facilitate the dispute resolution methods such vates researchers to conduct several studies in this area.
as in negotiation or adjudication as the accessibility and However, examination of literature as illustrated in Table
completeness of precise construction data will precipitate 1 showed that most of the previous studies concentrated on
the judgments. Other than that, it can also facilitate the construction dispute settlement and tried to facilitate the
overall project execution and encourage prompt communi- application of alternative dispute resolution methods
cation and coordination between different parties in the instead of dispute occurrence minimization and elimina-
enriched project milieu. Completion of the project within tion. Although BIM has recently attained widespread atten-
desired time, cost, and quality and less conflict stipulation tion in the construction industry, no study has identified the
are the intended outputs that can be expected by wise appli- role of BIM in dispute resolution and conflict mitigation in
cation of this framework. the construction industry to provide a practical framework
This framework contains two segments: current study and to be applicable in construction conflict management. Sev-
new or future studies. According to the results of the AHP, eral areas of BIM application have been illustrated in Table
MAUT, and the last multi attribute calculation (Table 15), the 2, and lack of attention to its ability in construction conflict
first segment illustrates selected functions for each criterion management is utterly obvious.
based on the current study that is useful in managing conflict- Hence, this study focused on construction conflict man-
ing factors based on their originality. While the latter part agement by the application of BIM. In this regard, this
portrays the procedure for a new case in which the priority research has identified the causes of conflict and dispute
rate, project specification, and conflicting factors are different from the perspective of clients, contractors, and consul-
and new set of distinct results might be obtained. This study tants. Based on the results, most of the significant causes
provides a different decision-making process by considering originated from time, cost, quality, and documentation such
human bias and external factors. Application of this particular as failed to pay variation claims, poor monitoring of CPM
approach makes the process much transparent and objective, scheduling and update requirements, and the late issue of
while concurrently, the users’ ability to control and manage design information or drawings. Likewise, the efficiency of
conflict will be maximized too. Moreover, the critical criteria each BIM function against each criterion (time, cost, qual-
for BIM function selection that are identified through this ity, documentation) has been appraised by applying
study are time, cost, quality, and documentation. The selected MAUT. Subsequently, AHP is utilized to recognize the
criteria and their weights are not constants, and they should be weight for each criterion. Eventually, the combination of
14 International Journal of Engineering Business Management

the outcomes of MAUT and AHP formed a table related to Declaration of conflicting interests
precedence of BIM functions. A framework is then devel- The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect
oped to provide guidance to interested practitioners. This to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
framework is started by recognition of conflict symptoms
in construction projects and followed by checking the ori-
ginality of causes. AHP and MAUT are then applied to
The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support
identify the weights for each criterion, and the most appro-
for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article:
priate BIM function to control the causes of conflicts is
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Flagship Grant, Vote: 03G55.
selected. Proposed framework may assist the practitioners
in construction projects to control conflict in early stage
and minimize dispute occurrence proactively. References
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Appendix 1
Table 1A. List of BIM functions.

Function Utility to improve the process of construction work

3-D visualization BIM provides a great visualization tool enabling designers and contractors to work together to identify and
resolve problems with the help of the model. It enables the display of holistic picture of a project by applying
the multiple project data sets to the 3-D building model components.
Clash detection Traditionally, design drawings must be coordinated to assure that different building systems do not clash and can
be constructed in the allocated and allowed space. Most clashes are identified when the contractor received
the design drawings at later stage and by that time, rectifications are too late. With clashes being detected at
later stage, delay is triggered and spontaneous remedies need to be made to avoid the accumulating expenses.
BIM enables potential problems to be identified earlier during the design phase and resolved them before
construction begins.

Charehzehi et al. 17

Table 1A. (continued)

Function Utility to improve the process of construction work

Structure analysis Without BIM, each type of analysis requires a distinct model to produce. One of the main issues in structural
firms is that the professional engineers consumed long period of time in transferring data from one software to
another, configuring the analyzing model to a usable format in applied software and harmonizing the result of
design and analysis with documents manually. In this situation, BIM structural engineering software such as
Revit Architect provides the ability to transfer the data directly from the Revit Structure building information
model to analysis software and most importantly, all analysis, design, and documents will be synchronized.
Cost estimation Cost estimation can be developed with the utilization of BIM model to obtain a reliable cost planning and it also
enables the practitioners to link BIM model and sophisticated estimation software. This linkage will synchronize
any changes that occurred through the whole estimating cycle automatically. Therefore, this function can assist
in the obtaining cost-related or expenditure-related assessments where early settlement of differences and
conflicts can be initiated before disputes emerge.
Scheduling (4-D) In fourth dimension (4-D) of BIM concept, 3-D geometry is integrated with time to facilitate the scheduling
procedure in construction process. Any project component in a 4-D model possesses geometric features
which illustrate its 3-D shape, while simultaneously, associating with time features that represent the
commencement and completion durations of that particular element. Therefore, the practitioners can utilize
4-D model of BIM to simulate the sequence of construction performance which enhance them with the virtual
and visual understanding of the construction process.
Shop drawing In conventional practice, it is commonly acceptable that 2-D drawings are being used throughout the whole
project delivery process, which the common encountered predicaments are trigged due to ineffective
communication. Such situation can be avoided with the wise utilization of BIM approaches, as it eases
visualization overview and provides effective communication through 3-D BIM models. After generation of the
complete 3-D BIM model, 2-D shop drawings can be generated and being used.
Facility management Operation, maintenance, improvement, and adaption of building and infrastructure asset are considered as part of
project management. Facility management covers an extensive area including multidisciplinary and independent
disciplines with a common goal to improve building performances to achieve occupants’ satisfaction and such
intention can be achieved through proper utilization of BIM.

Appendix 2
Table 2A. Causes of conflict categorization based on time, cost, quality, and documentation.
Client Consultant Contractor

Causes Authors Causes Authors Causes Authors

71 72
 Deficient management, Fenn et al.  Overdesign and Hall  Failure to understand and Carmichael73
supervision, and underestimating the costs correctly bid or price the
coordination efforts on the involved works
part of the project
 Excessive extra work Acharya  Financial failure of Acharya
 Lowest price mentality in

 Excessive quantity variation et al.4 contractor et al.4

engagement of contractors
 Nonpayment to
and designers
 Excessive change orders Acharya et al.4
 Financial failure of owner
 Delay in running bill
 Failure to respond in timely Fenn et al.71  Late information delivery Hall72  Delay/suspension of Carmichael73
manner and cumbersome approach works
 Deficient management, to request for information  Inadequate CPM
supervision, and scheduling and update
coordination efforts on the requirement
part of the project

 Excessive change orders Acharya et al.4  Slow work of contractor Acharya

 Site access delays et al.4
 Delay in decision by owner
 Late handover of
construction site owner-
furnished equipment

18 International Journal of Engineering Business Management

Table 2A. (continued)

Client Consultant Contractor


Causes Authors Causes Authors Causes Authors

71 72
 Poor communications Fenn et al.  Failure to understand its Hall  Inadequate contractor Carmichael73
among members of the team responsibilities under the management,
 The absence of team spirit design team contract supervision, and
among the participants  Over design and coordination
 Reluctant to check for underestimating the costs  Failure to plan and
constructability, clarity and involved execute the changes of
completeness  Design and specification works
 Failure to appoint a project oversights and errors or  Reluctance to seek
manager omissions resulting clarification
from uncoordinated civil,
Acharya et al.4

 Excessive change orders  Incompetent contractor Acharya

structural, architectural,
 Lack of space in  Major defects in et al.4
mechanical and electrical
construction site maintenance
 Owner furnished material  Local people
 Incompleteness of drawing
and specifications
 Subcontractor inefficiency
 Mentality of contractor
 Defective construction
 Defective design Acharya
 Errors and omission in et al.4
 Differing site condition
 Inadequate tracing Fenn et al.71  Late information delivery Hall72  Failure to understand and Carmichael73
mechanisms for request of and cumbersome approach correctly bid or price the
information to request for information works

 Discrepancies/ambiguities in  Incompleteness of drawing  Lack of understanding and

contract documents and specifications agreement in contract
 Confusing requirements Acharya et al.4  Specification related Acharya
 Reluctance to seek
of owner et al.4
 Project scope definition not
 Unbalanced risks

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