My Weekly Korean Vocabulary: Week 7
My Weekly Korean Vocabulary: Week 7
My Weekly Korean Vocabulary: Week 7
My Weekly
Week 7
Day 1
그 사람은 성격만 좋아요. He/She only has a good personality (and 그 = that, the
no other good traits). 사람 = person, people
-만 = only, just
좋다 = to be good
혈액형에 따라 성격이 Do you believe the story that says your 혈액형 = blood type
personality depends on your blood type? -에 따라 = depending on
다르다는 이야기 믿으세요? 다르다 = to be different
이야기 = story, things people say
믿다 = to believe, to trust
그 사람은 성격이 안 좋아서 He has a bad personality, so people don’t 그 = that, the
like him. 사람 = person, people
사람들이 안 좋아해요. 안 = not
좋다 = to be good
-아/어/여서 = because, since
-들 = suffix for plural
안 = not
좋아하다 = to like
Day 2
어떻게 여기까지 How did you walk all the way here? 어떻게 = how
여기 = here
걸어왔어요? -까지 = to, until
오다 = to come
적당히 걷는 것은 건강에 I heard that moderate walking is good for 적당하다 = to be moderate
your health. 적당히 is the adverb form of 적당하다.
좋대요. 건강 = health
좋다 = to be good
-ㄴ/는대요 = I hear that + S + V
택시를 못 잡아서 그냥 I couldn’t get a cab so I just walked here. 택시 = cab, taxi
못 = can’t
걸어왔어요. 잡다 = to grab
택시를 잡다 = to get a cab
-아/어/여서 = because, since
그냥 = just, only
오다 = to come
정말로 거기까지 걸어서 갈 Are you really going to walk all the way 정말로 = really
there? 거기 = there
거예요? -까지 = to, till
-아/어/여서 = by + V-ing
-(으)ㄹ 것이다 = will, to be going to + V
너무 많이 걸으면 Walking too much will tire out you, so 너무 = too much, excessively
walk just a little. 많다 = to be a lot
피곤하니까 조금만 많이 is the adverb form of 많다.
걸으세요. -(으)면 = if + S + V, once + S + V
피곤하다 = to be tired
-(으)니까 = because, since
조금 = a little
-만 = only
-(으)세요 = imperative (polite)
Day 3
날씨가 풀리면 산에 가요. Once the weather gets warmer, let’s go to 풀리다 = to get warmmer (weather)
a mountain. -(으)면 = if + S + V, once + S + V
산 = mountain
-에 = at, in , from
가다 = to go
-아/어/여요 = Let’s + V.
날씨가 흐려서 그런지 Maybe because of the cloudy weather, I 흐리다 = to be cloudy
feel depressed. -아/어/여서 = because, since
기분이 우울해요. -아/어/여서 그런지 = maybe because of, perhaps because
기분 = feelings, mood
우울하다 = to be depressed
날씨가 안 좋아서 소풍이 The weather is not good so the picnic got 안 = not
cancelled. 좋다 = to be good
취소됐어요. -아/어/여서 = because, since
소풍 = picnic
취소되다 = to be cancelled
벌써 3월인데 아직도 겨울 It’s already March, but still the weather is 벌써 = already
like we are in winter. 3월 = March
날씨 같아요. -ㄴ/은/는데 = but still, however
아직도 = still
겨울 = winter
N + 같다 = to be like + N
요즘에는 날씨가 너무 자주 Lately, the weather seems to change very 요즘 = these days, lately, recently
often. -에 = at, in, from, to
바뀌는 것 같아요. 너무 = too much, excessively
자주 = often
바뀌다 = to change, to be changed
N + 같다 = to be like + N
어제까지는 날씨가 Until yesterday, the weather was nice, but 어제 = yesterday
today it is raining. -까지 = until, to
좋았는데 오늘은 비가 좋다 = to be good
오네요. 오늘 = today
비 = rain
오다 = to come
비가 오다 = to rain
Day 4
생각하면 할수록 화가 나요. The more I think about it, the more upset -(으)면 -(으)ㄹ수록 = the more ..., the more ...
I get. 화가 나다 = to get angry/mad/upset
이렇게 생각해 본 적은 I have never thought like this before. 이렇다 = to be like this
이렇게 is the adverb form of 이렇다.
없어요. -아/어/여 보다 = to try + V-ing
-(으)ㄴ 적 없다 = to have never + p.p.
한 번만 다시 생각해 봐 Please think about it one more time. 한 번 = once, one time
-만 = just
주세요. 다시 = again
-아/어/여 보다 = to try + V-ing
-아/어/여 주세요 = Do something for me.
중요한 일이니까, 신중히 Since it’s an important matter, you 중요하다 = to be important
should think (about it) carefully. 중요한 is the adjective form of 중요하다.
생각하세요. 일 = thing, occasion, stuff, work
-이니까 = because, since
신중하다 = to be cautious
신중히 is the adverb form of 신중하다.
-(으)세요 = imperative (polite)
그 이야기에 대해서 생각해 Have you given it some thought? 그 = that, the
이야기 = story, things people say
보셨어요? -에 대해서 = about + N, regarding + N
-아/어/여 보다 = to try + V-ing
아무리 생각해도 그건 틀린 No matter how much I think about it, I 아무리 -아/어/여도 = no matter how much + S + V
still think it’s wrong. 그건 = that is, it is
것 같아요. 그건 is 그거는 in the original form, but people often just use
그건 for ease of pronunciation.
틀리다 = to be wrong
N + 같다 = to be like + N
그 사람에 대해서는 I don’t even want to think about that 그 = that, the
person. 사람 = person, people
생각하기도 싫어요. -에 대해서 = about + N, regarding + N
-기도 싫다 = to not even want to + V
곰곰히 생각해 봤는데, 이게 I have given it a lot of thought. I think 곰곰히 = (to think) carefully
this will be good. -아/어/여 보다 = to try + V-ing
좋을 것 같아요. 이게 = this
이게 is 이것이 in the original form, but people often just use
이게 for ease of pronunciation.
좋다 = to be good
-(으)ㄹ 것 같다 = I think + S + will + V
그 문제에 대해서는 다시는 As for that matter, I don’t want to think 그 = that, the
about it ever again. 문제 = matter, problem, issue
생각하고 싶지 않아요. -에 대해서 = about + N, regarding + N
다시 = again
-고 싶지 않다 = to not want to + V
Day 5
그 자전거 어디에서 Where did you buy that bike? 그 = that, the
어디 = where
사셨어요? -에서 = from, at
사다 = to buy
자전거를 안 탄 지 10년이 It’s been over 10 years since I have ridden 안 = not
a bike. 타다 = to ride, to get on
넘었어요. -(으)ㄴ 지 = (to have been a certain amount of time) since +
10년 = ten years
넘다 = to be over + time/amount
일요일에는 한강에서 자전 On Sunday I rode a bike at the Han River 일요일 = Sunday
riverside. -에 = at, in, from, to
거를 탔어요. 한강 = Han River
-에서 = from, at
타다 = to ride, to get on
이번 생일에는 자전거를 For this birthday, I want to receive a bike 이번 = this, this time
as a present. 생일 = birthday
선물로 받고 싶어요. -에 = at, in, from, to
선물 = present, give
받다 = to receive
-고 싶다 = to want to + V
자전거를 탈 때는 자전거 When you ride a bike, you should ride on 타다 = to ride, to get on
the bike path. -(으)ㄹ 때 = when + S + V
도로에서 타야 해요. 도로 = road, path
-에서 = from, at
타다 = to ride, to get on
-아/어/여야 하다 = should, have to + V
건강을 위해서 앞으로는 For my health, from now on, I will ride a 건강 = health
bike to work. 위해서 = for, for the sake of
자전거를 타고 출근할 앞으로 = from now on
거예요. 타다 = to ride, to get on
출근하다 = to go to work
-(으)ㄹ 것이다 = will, to be going to + V
자전거를 타고 가기에는 It’s too far to go there by bike so I’m 타다 = to ride, to get on
going to go there by car. 가다 = to go
너무 멀어서 자동차를 타고 -기에는 (너무) - = too + adjective + to + V
갈 거예요. 너무 = too much, excessively
멀다 = to be far
-아/어/여서 = because, since
타다 = to ride, to get on (a vehicle)
-(으)ㄹ 것이다 = will, to be going to + V
Day 6
앉으니까 편하죠? It feels good to sit down, right? -(으)니까 = now that S + V, since
편하다 = to be comfortable
노약자석에는 앉으면 안 You can’t sit in the seats reserved for the 노약자석 = seats reserved for the elderly
elderly. -에 = at, in, from, to
돼요. -(으)면 안 되다 = you can’t, you shouldn’t
저 벤치에 앉아서 좀 쉬었다 Let’s sit down on that bench there and 저 = that
rest before we walk again. 벤치 = bench
가요. -에 = at, in, from, to
-아/어/여서 = by V-ing, to V and then
좀 = a little
쉬다 = to get some rest
가다 = to go
-아/어/여요 = Let’s + V.
저기요, 안 보이니까 좀 Excuse me, I can’t see (because of you), 저기요 = Excuse me
so please sit down. 안 = not
앉아 주세요. 보이다 = to be seen, to be able to see
-(으)니까 = because, since
좀 = a little, please
-아/어/여 주세요 = Do something for me.
가만히 앉아 있으면 문제가 If you just sit there doing nothing, the 가만히 = still, motionlessly
problem won’t be solved. -(으)면 = if + S + V, once + S + V
해결되지 않아요. 문제 = matter, problem, issue
해결되다 = to be solved
-지 않다 = to not + V
지금 이 시간에 버스에 타면 If you take the bus at this hour, will there 지금 = now
be seats left to sit in? 이 = this
앉을 자리가 있을까요? 시간 = time, hour
지금 이 시간 = at this hour
-에 = at, in, from, to
버스 = bus
타다 = to ride, to get on
-(으)면 = if + S + V, once + S + V
자리 = seat
있다 = to exist
가만히 앉아서 컴퓨터만 Don’t just sit there just using your 가만히 = still, motionlessly
computer, but go out and do some -아/어/여서 = while V-ing, by V-ing
하지 말고 밖에 나가서 exercise, too. 컴퓨터 = computer
운동도 하세요. -만 = just, only
하지 말다 = Don’t + V
밖 = outside
-에 = at, in, from, to
나가다 = to go out
운동 = exercise
-도 = too
운동 하다 = to exercise, to work out
-(으)세요 = imperative (polite)
Day 7
운동 선수 athlete 선수 = player
어떤 운동 좋아하세요? What kind of exercise do you like? 어떤 = what kind of, which
좋아하다 = to like
아침에 운동을 했더니 I went swimming this morning and I feel 아침 = morning
very good. -에 = at, in, from, to
기분이 상쾌해요. 하다 = to do
-았/었/였더니 = because, as a result
기분 = mood, feelings
상쾌하다 = to be refreshing
수영을 하기 전에는 준비 Before you swim, you need to warm up. 수영 = swimming
하다 = to do
운동을 해야 돼요. -기 전에 = before + S + V
-에 = at, in, from, to
준비 = preparation
해야 되다 = should, have to
요즘 살을 빼기 위해서 I am exercising these days in order to lose 요즘 = lately, these days, recently
weight. 살 = fat, flesh
운동을 하고 있어요. 빼다 = to subtract, to take something out
살을 빼다 = to lose weight
-기 위해서 = in order to + V
하다 = to do
-고 있다 = to V-in