MyWeeklyKoreanVocabulary Week15

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Week 15 day 1 make-up

day 2 to be cold,

something is cold
photo by Hyojin An
day 3 trash, garbage

Week 15 day 4 to wash

day 5 snow

day 6 to be late

day 7 concern, worry, problem

copyright ⓒ G9 2011. All rights reserved.

My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 15 2

Day 1


화장품 cosmetics, cosmetic products

화장대 dressing table

눈 화장 eye make-up 눈 = eye

화장을 하다 to put on make-up, to wear make-up

화장을 지우다 to remove make-up 지우다 = to remove, to get rid of, to delete, to erase

화장을 고치다 to fix one’s make-up, to redo one’s make- 고치다 = to fix

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 15 3

화장을 진하게 하다 to wear/put on heavy make-up 하다 = to be heavy, to be thick

진하게 is the adverb form of 진하다.
화장을 하다 = to put on make-up, to wear make-up

화장을 연하게 하다 to wear/put on light make-up 하다 = to be soft, to be light, to be weak

연하게 is the adverb form of 연하다.
화장을 하다 = to put on make-up, to wear make-up

눈 화장이 예뻐요. Your eye make-up is pretty. 눈 = eye

예쁘다 = to be pretty

어떤 화장품 쓰세요? What kind of cosmetics do you use? 어떤 = which, what kind of
화장품 = cosmetics, cosmetic products
쓰다 = to use

화장을 고치러 갔어요. She went to fix her make-up. 고치다 = to fix
-(으)러 가다 = to go V-ing

화장품이 다 떨어졌어요. I’ve run out of cosmetics. 화장품 = cosmetics, cosmetic products
다 = all, whole, every
떨어지다 = to run out of, to be out of

화장대 위에 올려 놨어요. I put it on the dressing table. 화장대 = dressing table

위 = above, on
-에 = at, in, from, to
올려 놓다 = to put something on something

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 15 4

저는 화장을 거의 안 해요. I almost never wear make-up. 저 = I (polite)

거의 = almost
안 = not
화장을 하다 = to put on make-up, to wear make-up

화장을 안 한 모습도 You are pretty even when you don’t wear 안 = not
make-up. 화장을 하다 = to put on make-up, to wear make-up
예뻐요. 모습 = appearance, figure
-도 = also, too, even
예쁘다 = to be pretty

화장품 보통 어디에서 Where do you usually buy your 화장품 = cosmetics, cosmetic products
cosmetics? 보통 = usually
사세요? 어디 = where
-에서 = at, in, from
사다 = to buy

그 여자는 화장을 너무 She wears her make-up too heavy. 그 = that, the
여자 = girl, woman
진하게 해요. 너무 = too much, excessively, very
진하다 = to be heavy, to be thick
진하게 is the adverb form of 진하다.
화장을 하다 = to put on make-up, to wear make-up

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 15 5

제일 많이 쓰는 화장품은 Which is the make-up product that you 제일 = the best, the most
use the most? 많다 = to be a lot
어떤 거예요? 많이 is the adverb form of 많다.
쓰다 = to use
화장품 = cosmetics, cosmetic products
어떤 거 = which one, which

아무리 피곤해도, 화장은 No matter how tired you are, you should 아무리 -아/어/여도 = no matter how much + S + V
remove your make-up before you go to 피곤하다 = to be tired, to be exhausted
지우고 자야죠. bed. 지우다 = to remove, to get rid of, to delete, to erase
자다 = to sleep

아침에 화장할 때 시간이 How long does it take when you put on 아침 = morning
your make-up in the morning? -에 = at, in, from, to
얼마나 걸려요? 화장하다 = to put on make-up, to wear make-up
-(으)ㄹ 때 = when, while, during
시간 = time, hour
얼마나 = how + adjective/adverb
(시간이) 걸리다 = to take (a certain amount of time)

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 15 6

Day 2


차가운 물 cold water 물 = water

차가운 바람 cold wind 바람 = wind

차가운 시선 cold look, cold stare 시선 = look

차가운 음료 cold beverage 음료 = beverage

차가운 에어컨 바람 cold wind from air-conditioning 에어컨 = air-conditioner

바람 = wind

손이 차갑다 the hands are cold 손 = hand

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 15 7

공기가 차갑다 the air is cold 공기 = air

반응이 차갑다 chilly reaction 반응 = reaction

차갑게 마시다 to drink something cold, to cool down a 마시다 = to drink

beverage and drink it

차갑게 대답하다 to give a cold response 대답하다 = to answer

차가운 물 있어요? Do you have cold water? 물 = water

있다 = to have, to be there, to exist

저는 손이 항상 차가워요. My hands are always cold. 저 = I (polite)

손 = hand
항상 = always

차가운 밀크쉐이크 어때요? How about a cold milk shake? 밀크쉐이크 = milk shake

생각보다 반응이 The reaction was worse (more chilly) 생각보다 = than one’s thought
than we had thought. 반응 = reaction

아직은 새벽에 공기가 The air is still cold early in the morning. 아직 = not yet, still
새벽 = dawn, early morning
차가워요. -에 = at, in, from, to
공기 = air

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 15 8

더우니까 차가운 주스 It’s hot. Do you want some cold juice? 덥다 = to be hot
-(으)니까 = since, because
마실래요? 주스 = juice
마시다 = to drink
-(으)ㄹ래요? = Do you want to + V?, Shall we + V?

너무 차가운데, 조금 데울 It’s too cold. Can you warm it up a bit? 너무 = too much, excessively, very
-(느/으)ㄴ데 = but, and
수 있어요? 조금 = a little
데우다 = to warm up, to heat up (food)
-(으)ㄹ 수 있다 = to be able to, can

저는 커피를 차갑게 마시는 I like drinking my coffee cold. 저 = I (polite)

커피 = coffee
걸 좋아해요. 마시다 = to drink
차갑게 마시다 = to drink something cold, to cool down a
beverage and drink it
좋아하다 = to like

어제 차가운 바람을 쐬어서 I think I’ve caught a cold from being out 어제 = yesterday
in the cold wind yesterday. 바람 = wind
감기에 걸린 것 같아요. 바람을 쐬다 = to get some fresh air, to expose oneself to
the wind
감기 = cold, flu
감기에 걸리다 = to catch a cold
-(으)ㄴ 것 같다 = I think + S + V, it seems like + S + V

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 15 9

차가운 에어컨 바람을 너무 It’s not healthy to breathe in too much 에어컨 = air conditioner
cold wind from air-conditioning. 바람 = wind
많이 쐬면 몸에 안 좋아요. 너무 = too much, excessively, very
많다 = to be a lot
많이 is the adverb form of 많다.
바람을 쐬다 = to get some fresh air, to expose oneself to
the wind
-(으)면 = when, if, once
몸 = body
-에 = at, in, from, to
안 = not
좋다 = to be good

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 15 10

Day 3


쓰레기통 trash can, garbage can 통 = container, bucket

쓰레기 더미 pile of trash 더미 = pile, heap

음식물 쓰레기 food waste 음식물 = food and drink

재활용 쓰레기 recyclable waste 재활용 = recycle

쓰레기를 줍다 to pick up trash 줍다 = to pick up

쓰레기를 치우다 to clean up trash 치우다 = to clean up, to move

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 15 11

쓰레기를 버리다 to throw away garbage 버리다 = to throw away, to dump

쓰레기를 재활용하다 to recycle trash 재활용하다 = to recycle

쓰레기통이 꽉 찼어요. The trash can is full. 통 = container, bucket

꽉 = fully, tight
차다 = to be full

쓰레기통 좀 비워 주세요. Please empty the trash can. 통 = container, bucket

쓰레기통 = trash can, garbage can
좀 = a little, please
비우다 = to vacate, to empty
-아/어/여 주세요 = Do something for me. (polite)

그거 쓰레기통에 버렸어요. I’ve thrown it away in the trash can. 그거 = that, that thing
그거 is the 그것 in original form but people often just use 그
거 for ease of pronunciation.
통 = container, bucket
쓰레기통 = trash can, garbage can
-에 = at, in, from, to
버리다 = to throw away, to dump

쓰레기통은 어디에 있어요? Where is the trash can? 통 = container, bucket

쓰레기통 = trash can, garbage can
어디 = where
-에 = at, in, from, to
있다 = to be there, to have, to exist

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 15 12

저 쓰레기 좀 버리고 I am going to go throw away some trash. 저 = I (polite)

좀 = a little, please
올게요. 버리다 = to throw away, to dump
-고 오다 = to go do something and then come back

여기에 쓰레기 버리지 Don’t throw away garbage here. 여기 = here, this place
-에 = at, in, from, to
마세요. 버리다 = to throw away, to dump
-지 마세요. = Don’t + V. (polite)

쓰레기는 여기에 넣어 Please put your trash in here. 여기 = here, this place
-에 = at, in, from, to
주세요. 넣다 = to put in
-아/어/여 주세요 = Do something for me (polite).

누가 여기에 쓰레기 Who threw away trash here? 누가 = who (subject)

여기 = here, this place
버렸어요? -에 = at, in, from, to
버리다 = to throw away, to dump

음식물 쓰레기는 어디에 Where do I dump food waste? 음식물 = food and drink
어디 = where
버려요? -에 = at, in, from, to
버리다 = to throw away, to dump

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 15 13

주변에 있는 쓰레기를 좀 Please pick up the trash around you. 주변 = surrounding

-에 = at, in, from, to
주워 주세요. 있다 = to be there, to not have, to not exist
좀 = a little, please
줍다 = to pick up
-아/어/여 주세요 = Do something for me. (polite)

쓰레기도 재활용하면 자원 Even trash can become a resource if you -도 = also, too
recycle it. 재활용하다 = to recycle
이 될 수 있어요. -(으)면 = when, if, once
자원 = resource
되다 = to become
-(으)ㄹ 수 있다 = to be able to, can

나가는 길에 쓰레기 좀 밖에 Please take out the trash on your way out. 나가다 = to go out
길 = road, street, way
내 놓아 주세요. 나가는 길 = on one’s way out
-에 = at, in, from, to
좀 = a little, please
밖 = outside, out
내 놓다 = to take out, to put something out
-아/어/여 주세요 = Do something for me. (polite)

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 15 14

Day 4


손을 씻다 to wash one’s hands 손 = hand

발을 씻다 to wash one’s feet 발 = foot

비누로 씻다 to wash with soap 비누 = soap

-로 = to, with, by, in, on, from, as, for, by, via, at, through

깨끗이 씻다 to wash something clean 깨끗하다 = to be clean

깨끗이 is the adverb form of 깨끗하다.

저 씻고 올게요. I will go wash. 저 = I (polite)

-고 오다 = to go do something and then come back
-(으)ㄹ 것이다 = will, to be going to + V

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 15 15

손 씻고 오세요. Go wash your hands. 손 = hand

-고 오다 = to go do something and then come back
-(으)세요 = imperative (polite)

손 좀 씻고 올게요. I will go wash my hands. 손 = hand

좀 = a little, please
-고 오다 = to go do something and then come back
-(으)ㄹ 것이다 = will, to be going to + V

이 컵 좀 씻어 주세요. Please wash this cup. 이 = this, this thing

컵 = cup
좀 = a little, please
-아/어/여 주세요 = Do something for me. (polite)

이거 물로 씻어도 돼요? Is it okay to wash this with water? 이거 = this, this thing
이거 is 이것 in the original form, but people often just use
이거 for ease of pronunciation.
물 = water
-로 = to, with, by, in, on, from, as, for, by, via, at, through
-아/어/여도 되다 = it is okay to + V, S + can + V

어서 손 씻고 와서 밥 Hurry up. Go wash your hands and eat. 어서 = hurry up and + V

손 = hand
먹어요. -고 오다 = to go do something and then come back
밥 = food, meal, rice
먹다 = to eat
-아/어/여요 = Let’s + V.

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 15 16

씻고 있어서 전화 못 I couldn’t pick up the phone because I -고 있다 = to be + V-ing

was in the shower. -아/어/여서 = because, since
받았어요. 전화 = phone, phone call
못 = can’t
받다 = receive
전화를 받다 = to receive a phone call, to pick up the phone

야채를 씻어서 그릇에 담아 Wash the vegetables and put them in a 야채 = vegetable
bowl. 그릇 = bowl
주세요. -에 = at, in, from, to
담다 = to put something on/in something
-아/어/여 주세요 = Do something for me (polite).

밖에 나갔다 왔으니까 손 Since you just came back from outside, go 밖 = outside
wash your hands. -에 = at, in, from, to
씻고 오세요. 나가다 = to go out
나갔다 오다 = to (go out and) come back from outside
-(으)니까 = since, because
손 = hand
-고 오다 = to go do something and then come back

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 15 17

아무리 깨끗하게 씻어도 잘 No matter how much I try to wash it, (the 아무리 -아/어/여도 = no matter how much + S + V
stain) won’t come clean. 깨끗하다 = to be clean
안 지워져요. 깨끗하게 is the adverb form of 깨끗하다.
-아/어/여도 = even though, even if, no matter how much +
잘 = well
안 = not
지워지다 = to get erased, the stain comes out, to come

운동한 다음에 씻고 나니까 It feels really great to take a shower after 운동하다 =to work out, to exercise
working out. 다음 = next, next time
정말 개운해요. -에 = at, in, from, to
-(으)니까 = since, because
-고 나니까 = after V-ing, since S + V-ed
정말 = very, really
개운하다 = to feel

저는 사과를 깎지 않고 I don’t peel my apples, but I just wash 사과 = apple

and eat them. 깎다 = to peel, to shave
씻어서 바로 먹어요. -지 않다 = to not + V
바로 = right away
먹다 = to eat

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 15 18

땀을 많이 흘렸어요. 집에 I’ve been sweating a lot. I will go home 땀 = sweat, perspiration

and take a shower. 많다 = to be a lot
가서 씻고 올게요. 많이 is the adverb form of 많다.
땀을 흘리다 = to sweat
집 = house, home
-에 = at, in, from, to
가다 = to go
-고 오다 = to go do something and then come back
-(으)ㄹ 것이다 = will, to be going to + V

물로만 씻지 말고 비누로 Please wash the vegetables and put them 물 = water
in a bowl. -로 = to, with, by, in, on, from, as, for, by, via, at, through
깨끗이 씻어야 돼요. -만 = only, just
-지 말고 = don’t + V + and
비누 = soap
깨끗하다 = to be clean
깨끗이 is the adverb form of 깨끗하다.
-아/어/여야 되다 = have to, should, must

밥을 할 때, 쌀을 너무 많이 When you cook rice, if you wash the rice 밥 = food, meal, rice, steamed rice
too much, it’s not delicious. 밥을 하다 = to cook, to make food, to make steamed rice
씻으면 맛이 없어요. -(으)ㄹ 때 = when, while, during
쌀 = rice
너무 = too much, excessively, very
많다 = to be a lot
많이 is the adverb form of 많다.
-(으)면 = when, if, once
맛이 없다 = to be not delicious, to not taste good, to taste

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 15 19

꽃병이 없길래 그냥 콜라 There was no vase (I could use), so 꽃병 = vase

instead I washed a cola bottle and made 없다 = to be not there, to not have, to not exist
병을 씻어서 꽃병으로 it into a vase. -길래 = for what reason, resulting from which situation
만들었어요. 그냥 = just, only
콜라 = coke, cola drink
병 = bottle
-으로 = as, to, with, via, through, into, in, toward, on
만들다 = to make, to create

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 15 20

Day 5

눈사람 snowman 사람 = person, people

눈이 오다 to snow 오다 = to come

눈이 녹다 the snow melts 녹다 = to melt

눈이 쌓이다 the snow piles up 쌓이다 = to pile up

눈이 내리다 the snow falls 내리다 = to come down, to fall down

눈이 와요. It’s snowing. 오다 = to come

눈이 오다 = to snow

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 15 21

눈 좋아하세요? Do you like snow? 좋아하다 = to like

밤새 눈이 많이 내렸어요. It snowed a lot overnight. 밤새 = all night long, overnight

많다 = to be a lot
많이 is the adverb form of 많다.
내리다 = to to come down
눈이 내리다 = to snow

눈 많이 쌓이면, 눈사람 If the snow accumulates, do you want to 많다 = to be a lot

make a snowman? 많이 is the adverb form of 많다.
만들까요? 쌓이다 = to pile up
-(으)면 = when, if, once
사람 = person, people
눈사람 = snowman
만들다 = to make, to create
-(으)ㄹ까요? = shall we + S + V? Do you want me to + V?,
Let’s + V, Should we + V?

눈이 이렇게 많이 내린 건 It’s my first time seeing such a huge snow 이렇게 = like this, so
fall. 많다 = to be a lot
처음 봐요. 많이 is the adverb form of 많다.
내리다 = to come down, to fall down
처음 = first, for the first time, beginning, start
보다 = to see

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 15 22

눈이 녹아서 도로가 많이 The snow has melted, so the roads are 녹다 = to melt
very slippery. -아/어/여서 = because, since
미끄러워요. 도로 = road, path
많다 = to be a lot
많이 is the adverb form of 많다.
미끄럽다 = to be slippery

비 오는 날보다는 눈 오는 I like snowy days more than rainy days. 오다 = to come

비 = rain
날이 좋아요. 비 오다 = to rain
눈 오다 = to snow
날 = day
-보다 = than + N
좋다 = to be good, to be likable, to be desirable, to be
nice, to like

눈이 내리는 날에는 차가 On snowy days, there are a lot of traffic 내리다 = to come down, to fall down
jams. 눈이 내리다 = to snow
많이 막혀요. 날 = day
차 = car
차가 막히다 = the traffic is bad, the road is jammed with
많다 = to be a lot
많이 is the adverb form of 많다.

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 15 23

눈이 이렇게 많이 오는데 It’s snowing so much. How are you going 이렇게 = like this, so
to go there? 많다 = to be a lot
어떻게 가요? 많이 is the adverb form of 많다.
오다 = to come
눈이 오다 = to snow
어떻게 = how
가다 = to go

크리스마스에 눈이 I wish it would snow on Christmas. 크리스마스 = Christmas

내리다 = to come down, to fall down
내렸으면 좋겠어요. 눈이 내리다 = to snow
-(으)면 좋겠다 = I wish + S + would + V, I hope + S + V

눈이 많이 와서 아무데도 갈 It’s snowed so much so we can’t go 많다 = to be a lot

anywhere. 많이 is the adverb form of 많다.
수가 없어요. 오다 = to come down, to fall down
눈이 오다 = to snow
-아/어/여서 = because, since
아무데도 = (not) anywhere
가다 = to go
-(으)ㄹ 수가 없다 = to be not able to + V, can’t

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 15 24

겨울은 추워서 싫은데, 눈이 I don’t like winter because it’s cold, but I 겨울 = winter
like it when it snows. 춥다 = to be cold
오는 건 좋아요. -아/어/여서 = because, since
싫다 = to be not likable, to be not pleasant, to not enjoy, to
hate, to not like, to dislike
-(느/으)ㄴ데 = but, and
오다 = to come
눈이 오다 = to snow
좋다 = to be good, to be likable, to be desirable, to be
nice, to like

제가 사는 곳은 겨울에 눈이 Where I live, it snows a lot in the winter. 살다 = to live

곳 = place
정말 많이 와요. 겨울 = winter
-에 = at, in, from, to
정말 = very, really
많다 = to be a lot
많이 is the adverb form of 많다.
오다 = to come
눈이 오다 = to snow

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 15 25

눈은 내릴 때는 예쁜데, The snow is pretty when it’s falling, but 내리다 = to come down, to fall down
it’s not when it has melted. 눈이 내리다 = to snow
녹으면 정말 안 예뻐요. -(으)ㄹ 때 = when, while, during
예쁘다 = to be pretty, to be beautiful
-(느/으)ㄴ데 = but, and
녹다 = to melt
-(으)면 = when, if, once
정말 = very, really
안 = not
좋아하다 = to like

어릴 때는 눈을 좋아했는데 I used like snow when I was little, but I 어리다 = to be young
don’t like it that much now. -(으)ㄹ 때 = when, while, during
지금은 별로 안 좋아해요. 좋아하다 = like
-(느/으)ㄴ데 = but, and
지금 = now
별로 = not really
안 = not

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 15 26

Day 6


늦은 시각 late hour 시각 = hour

약속에 늦다 to be late for an appointment, to be late 약속 = promise, plans, appointment

-에 = at, in, from, to

시계가 늦다 the clock/watch is late, the clock/watch 시계 = clock,. watch


늦게 도착하다 to arrive late 도착하다 = to arrive

너무 늦었어요. It’s too late. 너무 = too much, excessively, very

늦어서 죄송합니다. I’m sorry for being late. -아/어/여서 죄송합니다 = I’m sorry for + V-ing.

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 15 27

왜 이렇게 늦었어요? Why are you so late? 왜 = why, how come

이렇게 = like this, so, so

얼마나 늦을 것 같아요? How late do you think you will be? 얼마나 = how + adjective/adverb
-(으)ㄹ 것 같다 = I think + S + will + V

1시간 늦게 도착했어요. We arrived one hour late. 시간 = time, hour

1시간 = one hour
도착하다 = to arrive

늦었지만 그래도 갈까요? (I know) we are late, but do you still want -지만 = but, although, however
to go? 그래도 = but still
가다 = to go
-(으)ㄹ까요? = shall we + S + V? Do you want me to + V?,
Let’s + V, Should we + V?

많이 늦을 것 같지는 I don’t think we will be that late. 많다 = to be a lot

많이 is the adverb form of 많다.
않아요. -(으)ㄹ 것 같다 = I think + S + will + V
-지 않다 = to not + V

저는 10분 정도 늦을 것 I think I will be about ten minutes late. 저 = I (polite)

분 = minute
같아요. 정도 = around, about
-(으)ㄹ 것 같다 = I think + S + will + V

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 15 28

늦게 온 사람들은 이쪽으로 Those of you who are late, please come 오다 = to come
over this way. 사람 = person, people
오세요. -들 = suffix for plural
이쪽 = this way
-으로 = as, to, with, via, through, into, in, toward, on
오다 = to come
-(으)세요 = imperative (polite)

늦을 것 같으면 미리 전화해 If you think you will be late, call me in -(으)ㄹ 것 같다 = I think + S + will + V
advance. -(으)면 = when, if, once
주세요. 미리 = in advance
전화하다 = to call, to make a phone call
-아/어/여 주세요 = Do something for me (polite).

늦으면 늦는다고 전화를 해 If you were going to be late, you should -(으)면 = when, if, once
have called to tell me. -(으/느)ㄴ다고 (말하다) = to say/tell that + S + V
줬어야죠. 전화를 하다 = to call, to make a phone call
-아/어/여 주다 = to do something for someone
-았/었/였어야죠 = You should have + p.p

늦게 출발했는데, 생각보다 We left late, but we arrived earlier than 출발하다 = to depart, to leave
we had thought. -(느/으)ㄴ데 = but, and
빨리 도착했어요. 생각보다 = than one’s thought
빠르다 = to be fast
빨리 is the adverb form of 빠르다.
도착하다 = to arrive

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오늘 차가 많이 막혀서 약속 There was a lot of traffic today so I was 오늘 = today

late for the appointment. 차 = car
시간에 늦었어요. 차가 막히다 = the traffic is bad, the road is jammed with
많다 = to be a lot
많이 is the adverb form of 많다.
-아/어/여서 = because, since
약속 = promise, plans, appointment
시간 = time, hour
-에 = at, in, from, to

저 오늘 많이 늦을 것 I think I will be quite late today, so don’t 저 = I (polite)

wait for me. 오늘 = today
같으니까 기다리지 마세요. 많다 = to be a lot
많이 is the adverb form of 많다.
-(으)ㄹ 것 같다 = I think + S + will + V
-(으)니까 = since, because
기다리다 = to wait
-지 마세요. = Don’t + V. (polite)

아버지는 오늘 일이 많아서 My father says he will come home late 아버지 = father
because he has a lot of work (to do) 오늘 = today
늦게 들어오실 거래요. today. 일 = work, thing, occasion, stuff
많다 = to be a lot
-아/어/여서 = because, since
들어오다 = to come in, to come home, to have something
inside, to be in (something)
-(으)ㄹ 거래요 = S + says that + ...

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 15 30

내일은 중요한 회의가 We have an important meeting 내일 = tomorrow

tomorrow, so DO NOT be late. 중요하다 = to be important
있으니까 절대로 늦지 중요한 is the adjective form of 중요하다.
마세요. 회의 = meeting
있다 = to be there, to have, to exist
-(으)니까 = since, because
절대로 -지 마세요 = Never + V. (polite)

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 15 31

Day 7


고민거리 something to worry about, worries,


고민 상담 getting advice for one’s problems/worries 상담 = advice, counsel, consulation

심각한 고민 serious concerns 심각하다 = to be serious

심각한 is the adjective form of 심각하다.

말 못 할 고민 worries that you can’t share with others 말하다 = to tell, to say, to speak, to talk
못 = can’t

남 모르는 고민 your worries that other people don’t know 남 = other people, others
모르다 = to not know
남 모르는 = (something) that others don’t know, secret

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고민이 있다 to have something to be worried about 있다 = to be there, to have, to exist

고민을 해결하다 to solve one’s problem, to find a solution 해결하다 = to solve, to settle
to one’s problem/concern

고민을 털어놓다 to confide one’s worries (to someone)

무슨 고민 있어요? Is there anything bothering you? Are you 무슨 = what, what kind of
worried about something? 있다 = to be there, to have, to exist

고민할 필요 없어요. You don’t need to worry about it. 필요 = need, necessity
-(으)ㄹ 필요 없다 = to not need to, to not have to

요즘 심각한 고민이 있어요. I have a serious concern these days. 요즘 = lately, these days, recently
심각하다 = to be serious
심각한 is the adjective form of 심각하다.
있다 = to have, to be there, to exist

고민이 많아서 잠이 안 I have a lot of things to worry about so I 많다 = to be a lot

can’t sleep (at night). -아/어/여서 = because, since
와요. 잠 = sleep
잠이 오다 = to be sleepy
안 = not
잠이 안 오다 = to be not be able to sleep, to have trouble
with sleeping

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요즘에 살이 쪄서 I’ve been gaining weight lately and it’s 요즘 = lately, these days, recently
bothering me. -에 = at, in, from, to
고민이에요. 살 = fat, flesh
살이 찌다 = to gain weight
-아/어/여서 고민이다 = to be worried because + S + V

고민이 있으면 이야기해 If you have a problem that worries you, 있다 = to have, to be there, to exist
tell me. -(으)면 = when, if, once
봐요. 이야기하다 = to talk, to speak, to say, to tell, to have a
conversation, to tell a story
-아/어/여 보다 = to try V-ing

고민하던 문제가 잘 해결 The problem that I was worried about has -(으)던 = that S + used to + V
been solved. 문제 = matter, problem, issue
됐어요. 잘 = well
해결 되다 = to be solved

요즘 새로운 고민거리가 I have another thing that’s worrying me 요즘 = these days, lately
these days. 새로운 = new
생겼어요. 고민거리 = something to worry about
생기다 = to be formed, to appear, to be created

너무 심각하게 고민할 필요 You don’t have to worry about it too 너무 = too much, excessively, very
seriously. 심각하다 = to be serious
없어요. 심각하게 is the adverb form of 심각하다.
-(으)ㄹ 필요 없다 = to not need to + V

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 15 34

저한테도, 남 모르는 고민이 I also have some secret problems. 저 = I (honorofic)

-한테 = to/for (someone)
있어요. -도 = also, too
남 = other people, others
모르다 = to not know
남 모르는 = (something) that others don’t know, secret
있다 = to have, to exist, to be there

혼자서 고민하지 말고 Don’t worry about it all alone. Look for 혼자서 = alone, by oneself
someone who can help you. -지 말고 = don’t do + V + but
도와 줄 수 있는 사람을 도와 주다 = to help
찾아 봐요. -(으)ㄹ 수 있다 = can, to be able to
사람 = people, person
찾아 보다 = to look for, to try looking for

고민 상담을 하고 싶은데, I want to get some advice about my 상담 = consultation, advice, counsel
problem but I don’t know whom to talk to -고 싶다 = to want to + V
누구한테 해야 할지 (about it). -(느/으)ㄴ데 = but, and
모르겠어요. 누구 = who
-한테 = to/for (someone)
-아/어/여야 할지 모르다 = to not know (how/where/what) to

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