Fluid Report 2 1

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The experiment aims to determine the relationship between upstream head and flow rate for water flowing over a V-notch weir. It also calculates the discharge coefficient. Key steps involve setting up the apparatus, taking readings at steady flow, and calculating discharge using volume/time and weir equations.

The objectives of the experiment are to show flow rate measurement, determine the relationship between upstream head and flow rate for a V-notch weir, and calculate the discharge coefficient.

Key steps involve balancing the hydraulic bench, fixing the weir plate, opening the apparatus to allow water flow, taking head readings at steady flow, collecting volume/time to calculate actual discharge, and repeating for different flows.

University of Duhok - Duhok

College of Engineering
Water Resources Department
Secound Year


Name of experiment :Discharge over a vee notch weir

Experiment NO: 1
Submitted by: Eman hamdi
Date of experiment: 12/12/2016
Data of submitting: 19/2/2017
Flow over Notches and weir:A notch is an opening in the
side of a tank or reservoir which extends above the surface of
the liquid. It is usually a device for measuring discharge. A
weir is a notch on a large scale. It may be sharp crested but
also may have a substantial width in the direction of flow – it
is used as both a flow measuring device and a device to raise
water levels.

Weir Assumptions:We will assume that the velocity of the

fluid approaching the weir is small so that kinetic energy can
be neglected. We will also assume that the velocity through
any elemental strip depends only on the depth below the
free surface. These are acceptable assumption for tanks with
notches or reservoirs with weirs, but for flows where the
velocity approaching the weir is substantial the kinetic energy
must be taken into account (e.g. a fast moving river).
A weir is basically an obstruction in the flow path in an open
channel. The weir will cause an increase in the water depth
as the water flows over the weir. In general, the greater the
flow rate, the greater will be the increase in depth of flow,
the height of water above the top of the weir is the
measurement usually used to correlate with flow rate.
The objectives of the Experiment are:
a. To show the measurement of flow rate.
b. To determine the relationship between upstream head
and flow rate for water flowing over a V-Notch weir.
c. To calculate the discharge coefficient Cd (0.58 to 0.61).


1. V-Notch weir Apparatus.

2. Water.
1. First we get balance of Hydraulic Bench.
2. Then the weir plate was take and fixed carefully normal
to the sides and bottom of the Hydraulic Bench and
leveled on all sides by a carpenters balance.
3. We opening the key of apparatus and water coming in
large sped.
4. A series of different flow rates were overtopped over
the weir and the corresponding heads above the weir
crest were recorded. The flow head over the weir crest,
using a point gauge, was measured at a distance (3-4) H
upstream of the weir after the zero on the weir crest or
the apex of the weir. Take enough care not damage the
weir plate and the point gauge.
5. For each flow rate, we wait until steady condition is
attained then measure and record the head (H) above
the weir.
6. The Actual discharge determined by the volume in
collecting tank and the time required to collect that
volume by stopwatch. Qact = V/t
Qact= actual flow rate
V = volume of the collecting
t = time taken to rise volume (liter).
7. The theoretical flow rates passing over the weir were
calculated from the flow equation of V-Notch plate weir.
Qth= 8/15* √2g *tan (θ/2)*H5/2
Where:Qth = Theoretical flow rate,
g = acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/sec2),
H = head of water over the notch,
θ = 30⁰ angle of the notch (deg).
The coefficient of discharge Cd is the ratio of actual
discharge obtained experimentally to the theoretical
discharge. Cd = Qact/ Qth where Cd = coefficient of
discharge is a dimensionless discharge coefficient which
takes account the effects of neglecting losses and the
contraction of the jet as it passes over the notch on Qth.
We repeat this procedure for different flow rates by
adjusting the inlet valve opening and tabulate the
W complete tabulation and find mean value of Cd =
0.6836 while this must be between(0.58 to 0.61).
We draw a chart between Qact and H another chart
between Qact and H5/2.
Qth= 8/15*√2g*tan (θ/2)*H5/2

Qth= Theoretical flow rate,

g = acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/sec2)

H= head of water over the notch

θ = 30⁰ angle of the notch (deg).

Qth=8/15*√2 ∗ 9.81*tan(

Qact = V/t

Qact= actual flow rate

V = volume of the collecting

t = time taken to rise volume (liter).

Qact=5/(6.71*1000)=7.45*10-4 m3/sec

Cd = Qact/ Qth Cd = Coefficient of discharge [Cd(0.58 to 0.61)]


H = Crest Level – Water Level

Volume = 15 lt , time= 18 sec, crest level = 142 mm,

gauge reading = 61 mm, θ = 30⁰

H = 142-61=81mm= 0.081m

H5/2=(0.081m) 5/2=1.87*10-3m5/2

Qact= V/t = 15/(18*1000)=8.33*10-4(m3/s)

Qth= 8/15* √2g *tan (θ/2)*H5/2

= 8/15* √2 ∗ 9.81 *tan (30/2)*( 1.87*10-3)=1.184*10-3 m3/s

Cd = Qact/ Qth = 8.33*10-4 / 1.184*10-3 = 0.704

Crest Gauge Volume Time H H5/2*104 Q act*104 Q th*10-4 Cd

level Reading
(s) (m) (m5/2) (m3/s) (m3/s)
(mm) (mm)

142 61 15 18 0.081 18.67 8.33 11.81 0.705

142 63 15 20 0.079 17.54 7.50 11.10 0.676

142 67 15 22 0.075 15.40 6.81 9.75 0.698

142 80 15 34 0.062 9.57 4.41 6.06 0.728

142 95 5 27 0.047 4.79 1.85 3.03 0.611

In this test we know how to determine discharge over a Vee
Notch weir we know we will be careful to balance hydraulic
bench to determine true value and we wait until the flow
steady, when we record data we not the value of velocity
decrease and time increase because sped of water decrease
in below of tank while when is full it coming in large speed,
we have 2 equation to calculate discharge first is actually
another is theoretically the value of this equation near to
each other but always the value of actual discharge is less
than theoretical discharge because actually have a fraction
and resistant to weather changing, we determine the value
of coefficient of discharge by ratio between actual discharge
over theoretical discharge that value will be in term of ( 0.5
to 0.61) but when I determine the value is 0.6836 not in
range it is larger of this value because we not be careful
when we record data or calculation is not true and this is a
problem so we will be a careful to determine true value, we
make chart between actual discharge and H another chart
between actual discharge and H5/2 when one of this value
increase another will increase this is a relationship between
this value.
Finally if we want to determine the discharge actually or
theoretically we have Vee Notch weir, first we know the weir
is an open channel used when it is increasing in water depth,
increasing in flow rate over weir is increasing in depth of flow
and the height of water above weir. We get balance of
hydraulic bench and take weir plate careful normal to the
sides, we show relation between upstream head and flow
rate for water flowing over a V-Notch weir the upstream
distance is between (3-4) head in weir crest after the zero,
we opening the apparatus key and water coming in large
sped we determine the head and we get stop watch to
determine true volume, we return this procedure 5 time so
we note the sped of water decrease so the time will increase,
by Bernoulli equation we have some low we determine
actual and theoretical value of discharge and we determine
coefficient of discharge by ratio of actual discharge over
theoretical discharge we note that value of this coefficient
must be between (0.58 to 0.61) if not the value will be not
correct and we get problem so we will be careful we show
the value of actual discharge is less that theoretical because
actually have fraction and weather changing, we made chart
between actual discharge and H another chart between
actual and h5/2 both of chart the relation between this value
is same when one of this increase another will increase too.

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