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GUITAR UNE INTRODUCTION AU JAZZ. MANOUCHE DEIN EINSTIEG IN DIE GYPSY JAZZ GITARRE b STEPHANE WREMBEL ‘Trantor: Sylkie MonoContents ‘CONTENU DU CD ep CONTENTS: (Cb - VERZEICHNIS. a [REMERCIEMENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS DANKE, INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION EINLEITUNG —— ‘APROPOS DE L’ AUTEUR ABOUT THE AUTHOR (UBER DEN AUTOR... = a PREMIERE PARTIE: TECHNIQUE PT. RAIYTMIQUE PART ONE:TECHNIQUE AND RHYTHM TTEIL FINS: TECHNIK UND RHYTHMUS 8 [CHAPITRE 1:TECHIIQUE MAIN DROITE ET ECHAUTFEMENT CHAPTER 1: RIGHT HAND TECHNIQUE AND WARM-UP EAPITEL DTECHNIK DER RECHTEN HAND UNDWARMSPIELEN 8 CCHAPETRE2: VOICINGS. (CHAPTER 2: VOICINGS KAPITEL 2 VOICINGS 16 (CHADITRE 3:ACCOMPAGNEMENT. (CHAPTER 3 ACCOMPANIMENT RADITEL 3: BEGLEITUNG s-- : a” [DEUXIEME PARTIE: IMPROVISATION PART TWO: IMPROVISATION TTEIL ZWEI: IMPROVISATION as LES SIX FORMES BASIQUES POUR L'IMPROVISATION [BASIC SHAPES FOR [MPOVISATION ¢ RONDAMENTALE GRIFFBILDER FUR DIEIMPROVISATION. a4 EXTENSION DU MATERIEL: FORMES COMPLETES EXPANDING ON THE SUBJECT MATTER: COMPLETE SHAPES eA DUNG DESTHEMATISCHEN GEGENSTANDES KOMPLETTE GRIFEEIGUREN 29 PLAN D'APPROCHE ESSENTIEL AU JAZZ MANOUCHE NPLAN OF APPROACH ESSENTIAL'TO GYPSY JAZZ I CAND IOSSDER METHODE, DIEFOR DEN GYPSY JAZZ UNENTBEHIRCH ST e398 EXTENSIONS DES ARPEGES: RAJOUTER DES COULEURS [ARPEGCIO EXTENSIONS: ADDING COLOR AA EGUIO ERWEMERUNGEN: DAS HINZUPUGEN VON (KLANGFARDE), 0 _MELANGE ARPEGE DIMINUE - ARPEGE SEPTIEME MIMINISHED ARPEGGIO - 7th CHORD ARPEGGIO MIX DM INDERTES ARPEGGIO-DOMINANTSEPTAKKORD ARPEGGIO MIX osEXEMPLES DE QUATRE MESURES, PROGRESSIONV? | MEASURES EXAMPLESV7 1 PROGRESSION, VIERTAKTIGE BEISPIELE,V7 1 AKKORDFOLGE “GYPSY SWING EN MINEUR" “GYPSY SWING IN MINOR" “GYPSY SWING IN MOLL” GAMME MINEURE HARMONIQUE HARMONIC MINOR SCALE HARMONISCH MOLL-SKALA GAMME MINEURE MELODIQUE MELODIC MINOR SCALE MELODISCH MOLL-SKALA LA GAMME PAR-TONS WHOLE-TONE SCALE GANZTONSKALA sesso (CONCEPTS DE GROUPEMENTS D'UNE OU DEUX NOTES PAR CORDE CONCEPTS IN ONE OR TWO NOTES PER STRING GROUPINGS KONZEPTE FUR GRUPPIERUNGEN VON BIN ODER ZWEI NOTEN PRO SAITE LA GAMME CHROMATIQUE, ‘THE CHROMATIC SCALE DIE CHROMATISCHESKALA APPROCHES CHROMATIQUES ET CONCEPT DE GROUPEMENT DE TROIS NOTES PAR CORDE, CHROMATIC APPROACH AND THREE NOTES PER STRING GROUPING CONCEPT [DIE CHIROMATISCHE METHODE UND DAS KONZEPT DER GRUDPERUNG | VON DRED "TONENPROSAITE, — ‘COMBINAISONS DE DOIGTES POUR DEUX ETTROIS NOTES PAR CORDE COMBINING FINGERINGS FOR 2 AND 3 NOTES PER STRING KOMBINIERTE FINGERSATZE FUR 2 UND 3 TONE PRO SAITE SUBSTITUTIONS SUBSTITUTIONS SUBSTITUTIONEN TRANSCRIRE. "TRANSCRIBING CTRANSKRIBIEREN n 7 7 1 98 102 103 108(CD CONTENTS: a ecu sdynatit [Bi mepanet98 Nh Gy marina [Bn [H] nesmnnent 1 sean 03) [f] mount sehen [ay testi (selene ste EH) tesetion Scapa 30 {aj mers Nacon| BE) Mr ane 21 [Bremen rae “nt (Bown, (tet (a ara 0 freer {says ee [a] Newson fa som os gr (5) sot fe cece) Mocs ease) i vane Sen 8 [i chetPmpenter 3) Ma See 38 {i Onsosnon(0S) GF) Mesa) Ti tern nati) Mr 1 worden ns) DoS {Been cn S041] Doin 56) ‘elsoanrrnen oe) Comm Sonat) {By rnp 00) ois fe Sinesatng9 031 G5] Dont hw (Beans 1) Bonne ey (0 [Beware {Bl mena e281 syne [Bl bower a nyse 21185 [Eh omnes) soya (Bm aa en 01 [innit aE 2126) [Dimetra eee [ED ores Egle [Bomnestuagt 21028 [eb fowrtanse eee) (hr nen se (2) [el fer ome art 22) Fo bee mp2 [eros Em 18 owen Bp Sie) ene Mi Se 10391 hme ose 38 [eb renter ms 38 [eraser Em [5 Free ee [onc or San 132) [Pew Eeop Ni ine 0 [zy were See) [lw neo wg 1291 [BB areata 51 Ge Crane S09) [cnn pene 30) [oma ens 027 emt rn) (come F285 [Bsmsuowes) sz (0281 [By sons strxercisee Rhyehmiques sur les Cones Ouvertes 1) Choisisice wn tempo lene entre 40 Sibi de pretence 2) ides dan nombre de pulsations Se métonome par conde (eyele de ‘got temps, hui temps). 3) Pratiquer ce tempo chaque division ave a2 technique min Grote 4) Paster diene division une aut En choisissant Ia formole ryehmigue pivot ex) S1-5-255-3- Se" Sane logique en chossasant Jp prochsine Tormole sur le rss os tks ing oy tee nites par jour pour vou eae vos prtet ie re coneereton oe fn du eythme dealer re sme (de prevents cents a bras ee Us (bene fits drle came sas, date vous ake pp Ise de ‘ovr prague quossinne EXEMPLE: Choi 1) wp tempo de 46. 2) an cyl de uate palation par conde 5) jouer avec cet donnéer fer neuf (pv chat pln nenonom) DIVISION PAR 1: LA NOIRE Rhythm Exerciser on Open Strings 1) Choore a slow tempo, preferably etme 40nd SO beeper minster 2) Decide on he number ofwabevisons Derbeat per srng (ec of bes 8 Beawiee) 5) Practice each abivion ats emp swith the appropriate right-hand ‘echnique 4) Switch Boone wsvion to anther ‘yycheosng scl tne formal (Gr example 8 1-52-5-35-4 with 5 te pot he). Thishoald be done ‘withow premedication, choosing the Tes fronon the spot Practicing thete exercies 20 - 30 sinuses each day a8 warm=up, il Improve youresneentrtion nd sense of ‘ythm,jromote god tone and prevent fendonies in the right arm. These ‘Sercer mat be worked om el ‘else aanosphere and shoul help yoo propane forte rat oFyour daly peste. EXAMPLE: hove 1) ep oF 46 Bas per minut. 2) Rodeo dsdbon per ba pering 5) Using these parameters, play the 9 folowing este (rea, ¥:p#: metronome best) SUBDIVISION BY 1: THE QUARTER NOTE. LUNTERTEILUNG IN 1: DIE VIERTELNOTE Gl, nn nnn moan ‘Riyehmus-Obungen auf Leersiten 1) Wile cin langsames Tempe (rommgrneee ween undp) 2) Enucheide dich fe dle Anzahl det Unserteilungen pro Best pro Sate (Zen vom 4 Bens 8 Beate) 13) Obe Jede Untertilng bei diet ‘Tempo mit. der entsprochenden Rechtehand-Tehnik. 9 Wechlevon einer Unsng nee sauezen idem du cine =yklsche, thyehmiene Formal wikise (am Doped S15-2.5.35-4yobe 5 tee dhe Ace i), Dis slee e lanes Uberogen gerac een nem 3 sifes Sele ice Forel wake ‘enn di ioe Utangn jen Tig 201 30 Mime ng zm Wermpien mas, ‘wnhionod dene Konzntbesthigecrab tbehden yg en ‘Seesanetnen gen King used oe Schonnchesineaing im ecteon ‘Arm, Darum sn dese Oangen sachin ‘Ser euhigen,eotpinten Aemesphire ‘ane rund ste cece ee, Fifer Rose deiner tgchen Ulunge ‘ortersetn en sEisPinL: wie: 1) Bin Tempo von 45 2) Binen Zyklvs von 4 Unercllngen pro Best po Sate 5) Spiele die folgenden 9 Ubungen, in pd dise Parameter Bente (ncabwars, Yaufiwars. Schlag des ‘Metronoms) nonin nn nonDIVISION PAR 2: LA CROCHE SUBDIVISION BY 2:THE EIGHTH NOTE UNTERTEILUNG IN 2: DIE ACHTELNOTE, 4 mynynvnyavavnay avn eo = SS a as jeedessss geae se | a ae DIVISION PAR 3: LE TRIOLET SUBDIVISION BY 3: THE TRIPLET UNTERTEILUNG IN 3: DIE TRIOLE eo nummy nynnynnvanvnnvmninn yan ya OA UOA YO ta DIVISION PAR 4: LA DOUBLE CROCHE SUBDIVISION BY 4: THE SIXTEENTH NOTE UNTERTEILUNG IN 4: DIB SECHZEFINTELNOTE nvnvnvynvnv ny nym gonial [) Sdadessdaevesee Gritidasiesas ee oeDIVISION PAR 5: LE QUINTOLET SUBDIVISION BY §:THE QUINTUPLET UNTERTEILUNG IN 5: DIE QUINTOLE ie PVUP AV AY AAVAY Ay ny IR AY ov i DIVISION PAR 6: LE SEXTOLET SUBDIVISION BY 6:THE SEXTUPLET UNTERTEILUNG IN 6: DIE SEXTOLE Go UR A VARV AR nV nv DIVISION PAR 7: LE SEPTOLET SUBDIVISION BY 7:THE SEPTUPLET UNTERTEILUNG IN 7: DIE SEPTIMALE Sn nV AY AVR AV ny VV VR 3DIVISION PAR &: LA‘TRIPLE CROCHE SUDDIVISION BY 8: THE THIRTYSECOND NOTE UNTERTEILUNG IN 8; DIE ZWEIUNDDREISSIGSTELNOTE le nynvavnvnyavavavyAvaya yea RL DIVISION PAR 9: LE NONOLET SUBDIVISION BY 9: THE NONUPLET UNTERTEILUNG IN 9: DIE NOVEMOLE, ie navanianvnnvany ane Van yn nny VARY a 3 IMPORTANT IMPORTANT wcrc. i iver pr quire cing sit. tH aubdviaing by 4,6, tis cog Meanie User in AG gr ee i es pus Gat for yeu, do not scempti yel_ sao Sh ml 10, SP Poe EES pussies Domo week speed, bus eather och neal Hi tucks ects a eee sree duc, events ia the dvson of che beat, gaan ch de eshte sai oe pu good balance in volume for cach der Alun des Beam sie ue ns 2 ps bonne tls ses Sos sack and ch ome gal, UF ie Lani bein ARSE se chaque agus beat Soon about your current limit atempe Safer «le Kanga Weng dene manera Sees eee ales ew doe or wesks you wil manage. Genus Hewes i he eG ar eoiraeine an ‘Then, having reached a certain parTag ode Wotan wes 0S YESS de danfor pater sing” comfort level, go on to 5 et. Brrecin dae Be eect china wel i she wee Panons au qutriéme et derie point Movingon othe Ath and as point Sum scare sie eves ofthe group of exercise: Sonic komen wir sum 4, und Ke pon diner pp von4) Diécidons par exemple que Ia 4) Lecs decide, for example, that 2 4) Lass’ uns 2B. sagen, dass cine vison par eing/va tea division subdivision by S will be the Untertlng in 3 die "Aekten™ pet wor" subdivision, the one you Unteretung st, ako diejenig, 70 recur to consent dvd sind zurich nynvynn onvyavnn vo nvaynn ym avavanyn Appliquee le méine exercice pour Apply the same exercise to cach _Wende dieselbe Ubung auf jeder chague corde seine salteso. -Maintenant fasant la méme chose, -Now phy the sume ching again, But Nan ie noch mal dice abet ge vais en pasuant de Tune 1 Vautee, going fom one subdivision to anther von der een Unsstdng sn, sans sat logigne ‘without premedtsnon ‘hn toe der cheno Seo nvm yn Vv nvmynvnn Yon non v nv Refaites cet exereice aussi sur Agsin, play this exercise on each _Wiedchole die Ubang aun aj ehagee corde vering siren Site ly des rasvons de divisions qui ‘There ste some subdivision Ex gibe Uberginge switchen cinigen provoguent uiférences sensations: transitions which evoke different Untetelungen, die unteschedliche Prser de deve 3 guate cy celle de scmustions: Going fom 210 4s at Emptindunges hervreufn: So i der ones celle de passer Je wois3 cing. of doubling: going fom 3 to 5 on Ubmpgvon 21 sare nine\alpyling. ‘a par contre changer radicslement le the other hand wll change the fel wn se bem Ubeqzngvon 35 ct ‘ang da pase. Tavs ces iferent: of the pale radically. Work these. Enplaxo der Per naa nde Abe sffeuten boule (23-2 2edet, various effects in loop (2-3-2-3,2- mide aAleehe Bn neem Loop 2502-5), faites vor’ proptet 2-4, 2-5-2-5 cteni De cremive @-b2,2-42-42.5-25 ow) Sl ee ombinatons oyer crest! fn maLing your own combinstions. sv Entsio deiner agenenKembraonca!Voici maintenant quelques plans typigues du sy maouche. Ces plans ‘eh ley ter aise 3 interiewe {So improvietons, tes quel et Your Grierons de vous emméler les cena dans vo sol (ben souvent er notes es gnes rates so dues ‘Shc confsion dana coordination des ‘ees maine, ayant pour origine ene fttewetechnagee.lszone bien sur Jouer prt ale manche dans ets Fes tonality, dans tos lessens NB: Respects les doigtés «seeds iaporr!(Isindex, 2 moyen. 3 anes) ee G or Ga Doph oD py ere are rome typical licks inthe Manoucbe syle, these Licks are in friplets and ase often used for Giprovisationt sar is" They wil preven you fom “mixing your rashes” when soloing” Quite ofen, mined notes and phrases are due co {ontusion inthe coordination ofthe favo hands, having 208 origin some Technical weakness. These hicks Should be played theoughout the [Retboard, inal Hey, inal reson Note: Respect the fingerings: this Ts very bmportand! (Ie index, 2: tide Rg, eing ge) ie sind ra einige phe Lik me Manouche Sa Die iin nd ‘ern nich ig zm Inprowseren te Se wen deh dor bewae, om Solo durcheinandes 20 kommen “lamben of et der Grand fi iskngene ‘Rowman Per persue bs dt KRoordnierung der beiden Hands was ‘wiederom. seinen Ursprung in einct ‘nschen Schuhe ae Die ich ‘lees din Ge peck edn (SST nal Rete. ‘Achte auf de Fingersitge! Das it sh wg (1: Zeige, Ming SRinginwe)ies Ga oD many ana Ay3) Accord Sepibmes 2) Seventh chords 3) DoninaneSeptakhonde Les couleurs de Tsecond de septiéme The favor ofthe chord depends _ Der Klngcarakter eines Domini dpanentdctrecluson Suengsatun on how it reolves: Thus ic resolves Sepukonks ing dona wie erat reiusu wisconinanensurlgie_ to major chord orf + tinor chord, Wi Jruchemcberas aremDa-Alkot! Reedlsccnson sso der the Teangs wil ier: ‘ea MaleAnd afd teh Sprang uted 2) Sept (net) 2) 7 (ool) 1) Downiant-Septakod (eal) Rejoud sur majeur ow mince ss Retolves to. major or minor, importance: without consequence: Agel 20 Dur oder Mol, ohne eae 7 7 Gs : 19 Sepitme vers accond miner 1 7g towards minor chord ¥) Doman Sepak ine Mall ‘Akko’ IL 0 trois pes de tensions que _ Thete are thee types of tensions sappoetePaccorfscphme reiontsur offered by 17” chord which resolves Es gibe det Spunnangsypen, de ein Taecord mien: tna minor chord! Denne epee der a one Mal ‘oda we ste » ~ om ie 0) Septdae vers acond majeur 6) 7 awards major eboré «6 DaminaneSeptakond au einem Dur- ‘Atkord (Ces derniets ont aw nombne do sepe OF these, here ae 7 forms: ‘on diesen etren ge esicben Sticks130) os as r m foe ft isa cab ui ae owe Lex deux dernier voicing oat NoteThelst woveingoamplsawabit Deachtc, dats dic, lesen been ‘op pea “deca” ur, “rid we oicing-cpile in der Anwendung cin bh esl sin 4) Mints 4) Mins 4) MoS (Halbvermindert) ‘On Vitise en aie earement en This chord is acewaly rarely wied Diy Akkord win! i der Funktion eagle cca Mints, mis sts nbs pe sy rather a ls MelETAS a indi, sons ane fonction Nvcrezment smerson of the Ming; nonehces sekn Bena, sondern chet i che BIaRBE come oe aeeryondcux here are the «vo main ways fo voice Umkebrung von Molt, worden gibt oieigr prepa the Mins (Se priepille Aten des Voicing ais 5) Diminwe 7 (27) 5) Diminished 7 (07) 5) Vermingert 9 (°7) accord Dim? a certaines ‘The DimT chord has some | Der, Dim? Akkond weist einige carcrrtiques pecs, erondericeen “te ate de dee miner ene Iesones om miner 3 minor 38 2, ew th om Hees Te in tse i See eeseheedfetapceraes ine), becate cit Tee Gel 3 Bar). we. I 2 Tae Snccompar duneewpapodsen made up of tacked minor 3%. on een eee (Eacermansus te oy be wed as «passing chordsif Ee kann als Zovichenakhor gebraucht -peusersedaeconl de passers you go fom Cin Davin, you cn were kon du ron Cia ss Dr pease ascends ae sean 1d n Claim (CHT) between the gy. solanne dizer den bik cit Steoed de Chin (FH ees deus, 80 Egein (C7) cin Lis pls génraemnen, srt de Dut most commonby ic ed a Am emt be wnt ween Mais plas pence gn sasttuson fr the chodinthe guise Subat fir dn Danson Seakio! Ban aor serine que ofa Tb9 chord meaningdacitspomile derFornems 799 ARs, wnebst Fn ae Taceod septme fo replace the Tr chor! with the semigkhieden Demet Sei, a ese taco denicon dinbed cord logted «half one ch cen vrmunenen Mio 5 Pe acon din Stl on rym, abowe su rosie «and Uy exapoltion, cin dean Hibion hrc Tika jem deg ni epee [wah diminished chords sarcngon Egan inden nan i Tere inc te cor ma erie de the ute Sand the ofthe sveth hd ie Sep as dry Dominas, be res. sel Taceord chord nee the diinahed chord Sspadanemaseh user coynre accord septs (Quire mance moves fom minor 3 torino). Atk ehvon Kes T zene ee nese mine). teva 7 a o Bie ferVoici un exemple qui peut Here ate examples of votcings Hier Folge Wicing-Beice, de fir fongtanet wie cords de BET, which will work for the DIT.Db, dic Aldonde Db? BST, EY und GT bbc EPina'G7 chon finan. be. 2 & =F Et voila aussi quelques exemples And here ate some examples of Und bier sind auch noch cin paar enchsinemenedsccoree progressions using the chordr I've Beupiele fe Atkordfolge, die de on nodveee Ini torgsleas Chords verwenden:6) Chiehis 6 Quand on see sur un scordmajur When subuitucing for maior or tienes 6) Chen “wenn man Subsiat fir een Due —— eet wn i rien eo scant ot gel > ~ i a a ae stn des sy 2 ‘0m appele marche harmonique ve syeceson d'accords septiemes qui ‘alent surler accords septitmes. Ex) ERAT DI-Gr Cone forme ats commune dans Je ner manowehe,entanes-v0s 3 It ower dans rote ies tomalis, $ Bien een. fa) Sweet Georgia Brows, IMPORTANT: tary a presqoe pis de HL en tae anno may poe 70-V7 eI mp ju miner ma pnt Tepcbhe, Srv pret par ample Sree tot nbc G7 C7 Beehanger le Dn par un B Je Pi é DeDr-G7 et. common i Gypry ae practce plying Sweet Georgia Brows) Mobaid which ends wah Dr! GT 7 ‘What i called “harmon mate” Sccenion of cventh chords which cfc on seventh ears EX) E> ‘Der sogesnnte “harmonic mach st dre blgy vn DonurantSepalsores (Ge ae Doran Sepak aise Bip E-AMDIGT om Given shat this a diser Laof ion Gypsy Jaze sehr pbeocichi sido ter ina Fare sae, urd ian dr ong {rian bp Sees Goggia Brown) wicHTIG: unG yyy zee it -V We seen ReVA/V=VT O wd t Mota sd cher 2 Domne Secon! gop. We wi be eo ‘Sandands vo den Ende age Dar G7/ C/G ann ene: den DT ‘kod dh et D7 hice is very Teal keys td Usten closely (Ex MPORTANT: ‘There i slsost a0 TY in Gypsy sie eather VII VnV{IT 6 ot layed ap 8 minor chord, bat cacher “F5 Chocd). For example, given "Ce repac the Dat with a DT.(CHAPITRE 3: ACCOMPNGNEMENT Le SWING Hl ent difiele espliguer accompugement dats ult alors bil frie voir et FentendeeVotet ‘ammoins quelques eayeaus qu vous eres ges base + Is main gruchs doint se décaller 3 age temps f Cala vite le pire que ‘ous puter fie, ser Un temps Tog, temp cure le sing est en 4/4, done, comprez ‘gone tp un tis sont Gerass, vous devez "ppayer encode ues seer pave + deux et quatre sont fouettés, et Tuemasere on son sre se, 3 Ts te ane clue die n'y aac emp fore que Tae, ‘sdonenerous ee aeaques de woUne Egieclement dene erqunte soot ph fits er pl ere, = Jouce out accord surtout psa base ron et toto let sige or dec quae! Leb de accompagnement et dre ansane alors, es fe ebondir || On ‘Ge ausi qu doi somper comme on Pour partiqur ceo cing execces Asentely sor accord de Ar, ae ae le metronome * Reprint le ee ‘néconome aw Les ois premiers examples ont le !ndaoncmne sues ep Par eons, les dea dernier none le ee que ar on st ogy dour et gua ‘Tyler ave Te pe sr ne cis eprérente le RYTHME HARMONIQUE,cese--diteTendrit (0 Pecord change. (CHAPTER 5: ACCOMPANIMENT SWING fe is dificult to explain accompaniment im 2 book, when st inant be sen and heaed, Noncthees, ete are some tips which wil help you avoid typial pial: the left hand must be feed fo each ‘bent! This will prevent you from ‘commiting the sin of playing. ome Tong best followed by one shore bese = Swingisin 4/4: thus, coune 4 beats ~ Beats 1 and 3 are “squashed”: ies ‘you mus press down on the strings Bed prodate + dry busy sound. = Beats 2 and 4 are “whipped”, and produce avery dry sound akin to 8 rare dew There it no beat stronger than another all stacks mat be egal is volume, ‘the only diffrence being that beat 3 Sed are noticeably whipped and 1 Snd 3 are noticeably quate = Play the entire chont: avoid coo ‘uch Sars on tan 3, and erble on Bana a The goof he azorpaninent is be incest ro make bounce 280 SS faci eg to sound tke ean) ‘To pratice these concepts, here are five indispensible exercises on the ‘Am chord to be played. with = ietronome.(repreens a metonsine eek) er a a: or a: on oy 2 34 stops 4 ‘The fst thre examples feacae the seonomelek on ech beat where, Shela othe chek fal on 1 abd 3 orbiad Pacing withihepuke on and nese she HARMONIC RHYTHM, da, he lhe whee the chord changi I y KAPITEL 5: BEGLEITUNG SWING ses incnem Bach Belang ‘uence ht ‘seen Ten seine Tis deen werden, ype Flick = sommes: Die ink Han us ile Sci ‘el Dashinde dich dans Schire ‘un, mil nen lng es ‘ostream Bet pen + Seng in in param ile 4 Sige ie Bee 1 und 3 werden "gee sate Stes rence ie trckrnen un agen Kang eres eB 2nd werden geal ‘ingen bet sehr oockener Sound ‘wren Sue Dr, Kein Sgt ihr ade ankle ‘Aselge sen inde Laie peich ‘eben Untied a {Geos und des epee, od Shnekich auanmeages kings + Spe den gn Aton we vie und ged ve Hiden au 2nd De Zerg i meine a Si iniowecni gna Unde Kops din Sindee der Sie unbeche Ubongen auf A) [Athos mat cers Manors gi Steonalten(escefirenen Meron: oa Die enten dei Bespile haben den Meronom-k ae Sg en ‘Bir een eid Ger Kh a and'3 (ero ie Ds bea mcm Pe wed Shunt «de HARMONISCHEREEYTHMIEG ao the Stl, wo der Ae! we Stce eds important davoi une solide ‘Soto doe sep (en asiqne Funes de rxomber etn recta nig ain dun cj). Dose ‘nue epseten le ebe goowe fyene Taller xs deo sean et iar ows dane un bom emangl ya pstfakerae Gia LAvaLse a vase est [a formule rychmigue itis temps, Méme chose gue pour fetwing, saa que un est rae, deux Ec roitvontfouetes. Bxemple: Am / ‘hm? Ain 7 ED 7 ET / ET Lz BOLERO Lebolg tun rthmesud-Amésiin trtspopuie drs lejaze manouce, {rindgpemsie de connate Exes Bin Bn / Ges / Ga) ite Paris on wise cee formule LA BOSSA-MANOUCHE La boss-manouche et ts sire als shams gitane (Ex: Dn! Dom? Gar Gm) porate ao el he "te fle beat ln idan ai he al nba one 1 with etic he ed of sock), Byconmas, Zand 4 hight he (goons ef be dys. Pacing tse lok gh you good dang thor ole es “The waltz is defined by is 3-beat meter the sane ar sing, exeepé that Dent is squathed, while beate2 and Be whipped, Exsmple:Am / Am/ Am/Am PET /ET! 57/27 waurz BOLERO “The Bolero is « South-American shyt, very popalat in Gypsy Jz, Grd a mastknow (Examples: Dm / Bin? Gm Ga) nvny mon _¥v Sometimes this hyn is used nm LA OSSA-MANOUCHE Bosa-Mancuche is very similar ro she Gypsy Rhumba. Example: Da/ Din Gm 7 Gm. vic nsliis GoiU Fide, (docket irnderindschen Mask (eesde Regham Ende ds Zamir ‘nila wieder suf de 1 au ile). fm Gets ans ber 2 nd he OE Sa Setuyemsturvor DusUoen dee tenn Foe wi dfn on gots iming ‘enn gie ene Akeni Gite waLZER Der Wales wind defies durch sin se BenablendesTakenad, Gena wie ‘er Swing, eer dass Beat 1 geprest ‘Wied, wahrend die Beats 2-und 3 agen meen, Bespie: Am Am Bins Ain B77 89 727 / B BOLERO Der Bolero sin sikneritnicher ‘Rin pay fe pois fd iran en sola Nes deem Repti son se Bape Dio / Dr? Gnves) a nov Manehmal wisd dieser Rhyehmus serwendee W LA BOSSA-MANOUCHE Der Bosss-Manouche ist der Gypsy Rumbesehr abel (Beisel Dub? Bm! Gre / Gr) ny Rv ny Seo ae pl oa ili, pour ce gui ext_de Thats it for accompaniment! We Dissilner Thame Sainng ee resompagnement moos avons fit Te tour dur vung ereybmes principaux Jover aver le metronome, ues ave {es dioquesjoveren groupe, Cherchez endurance eta regular es eux ls {Bun bon accompagaetent have completed our tour of voicing fou primary shythens. Play with the metronome, play along with recordings, play 40 2 group. Seek ‘Thauranee snd evens the (v0 Keys {good accompaniment. ‘wir fen dase useren, Ag de Voicings wad wetendiche Rhythine sbyechiowen: pide mt dem Mtn Sle mig wean dr CDs i Spe? monet Grape, Stebe Auséauer UF (Gecanaigiatondnelden Shion? She gen BeneDone, chague accord aura ttois Ths each chord will ave three _ Ako wine Abbr po Oke an de aes, States par ctor sure. diferen loestions per getaveon the vendhucien Sten af dem Garena lect ict une wc herlzntle de_ fretboard, ete 3 horizoneal view zuGndain Hirsch horse Aric aque groupe de formes Df each group of shapes ‘Rlerensnen Gripe soa Gi FORMES MAJEURES MAJOR SHAPES. DUR-GRIFFE 1 2 3 1 agin ie FORMES MINEURES MINOR SHAPES MOLL-RIFFE 1 2 3 1 Asin Comment peatiquer "improvisation So how do yo practice improvisation Whe db dunan abo das tmprosisiren soe cor sie formes? svih dese sx hapa? hand diner secs Geile? NouwTouslesfxemplesont eritsde (Note: All examples are weitten enh dia ale Disp ich end piNGie due Sex un lime Je sous due to the face the is 1 book. 1 alfyundderTehe des cian Bach's ra sere aeigaccks prciaing éapes suggest applying the next steps Ich wir drater ene, inicio REI ore tsttumene 4 dieety co your tastrumene by car: Sehrite direkt an deinem Insrument Behe Repeiee viseliement vos Locate the thapes visually, but alzo_ vorzunehmen, aznlich nach Gehor darn cies Scout ttentuementcoetuly lien to the round of each Laalse Ge Greve. aber he dr TEE hague now! Limproviaton otc! Improvisation i an aural art_amhonpigden Kags creo arene sat farcoujourgucer cele forms alvay Keep that in ind.) ant Imprevsation it eine das Gehor ene) reps Karate ime inline! 1) Preanone ane progression typigue do. 1) Consider a eypical progression ia ‘Bez manovehe Gypry 2 1) Las’ une eine spiche Gypsy bez ‘skosllge betcsten | Das lox] Ef Ans | Er | | Ans | | Das | | Ane | o« 4 E7 | | Avs 1 I[Appliquce ce méme excreice 4a Apply the same exercise to the Wende die gleiche Ubung fir die aes sion (hae Et), pu second progresion (Am6 /E7)yehen zeke AkKoraolge an (Am / 7), dann In orme compte tothe ence form. {Bedasgeame Shem empl pour progres un (Amé/ Example For Progression 1 (Am6 Beisel fr die Akkontoige 1 (Am6 / ‘mh dou fos pr poson 1 Dinglphy twice per postion: Dmé)erweimal pro Postion ae Position 1 An Das x Ané Position 3 Ans Des XAno a g z g g & z 3 a = Fa15) Choivee un fagnent de dean ‘goss nots deprive forme. FNchous tous notes de Am en ston wt powr exemple. Un Repent ete su de note ah TP ence Sree en eh 5) Pick Fagment of wo thes of Sat a Fgmentec es four notes from the fr shape ( Chose notes om Am in Position {for tne example below). A Feagment is 3 collection of notes ‘iMteh bas noe yet been put to shyehe Position 1 ‘A 6 (agent) 6) Merc ragmanten eye ayez “Scio de forme) devine ats 0 Bear Dane am dewalt cps, ‘Rporee fn meme ie sor Dan ‘Sean es notes gone ont pus Se eraccord nese sures mes Pea Nous smner ainerart eb frsence tune vequence. Ens, Jooce cee quees pr des vue ‘ecompagnement jag ave nme mslessyer Or de vote ‘Sohmigue man drote avs ce hy SSIS coups ere a) de woe favo une wisn Ben cli des ioemes Moi / Moe Sega Sqn _ 6 Sexi Fagment to shythm erying 6 many patterns hen becomes 3 Ban Next transpose the sane Fajen co Dr changing he teegettach ase longer Far oF {he chon stay om te sme #09, Wiese now desing with sseqnenes Then psy thsseguence along wth or sleonpaniment unt sounds Wieurl, Check your right band ‘ehiqae (in his exe, only dow, Stokes, check your sound, and SiSimatn a elese vision of the shapes Das “Tina us don een Ge en boo (har Bea des Tone aus Arm i de edi | ange En Fragen (Gre Anssnang vo Teen, de nach tienen Rinses worden wot SE emt ds Ako Set Hee suf denaben Sate. oot ‘Shen ws mi ner Sequenz 20 Sj darch dew Seen ANT Sie ne Beerung bse atch Ling, Ubergate eee diet fecten Hand Ga disem Fall nt ‘Risse, epi denen Sun elt reel onsen (Es Gren instore eos Ma Se Most ices Mss 7 oeFORMES MAJEURES MAJOR SHAPES DUR-GRIFFE, — Tt T+ Gis | SE = pt 6 ; . ei pee] fete st Eee oe SEE ee al 6 OF} or if L ne EEE Se EEE = : et Ouvert Open Weitee ey a m) Ouvere, Open Weit are 2es ETUDE No.2 STUDY No.2 3Can ARPEGES DE BASE: fitade sur Minor Swing, Etude Trois BASIC ARPEGGIOS: Study No, 3 on Minor Swing GRUND-ARPEGGIOS: Eade Nr. 3 auf einem Motl-Swing An x De[BASIC ARPEGGIOS: Study No. 4 on the end of “All of Me™ I of Me™ | ee [ARPEGES DE BASE: Etude sur Ia Fin de “All of Me", Brads Quatre GRUND-ARPEGGIOS: Etide Nr. 4 auf dem Ende vor * F Fa Coif ar ”PLAN D'APPROCHE ESSENTIEL ‘xt JAZZ. MANOUCHE (Cestun an de Django pou sprocer lesnored aps Chg postion ae ‘compose on quae pares 1) Larpéce ave set bons coups de ‘dare. 2) approche chromatic parle bs. 5) Approche chromatgue pa le haut {eu dnoaigue) 4 Doble approche A PLAN OF APPROACH ESSENTIAL TO GYPSY JAZZ “This Django’ plan for approaching arpeagio noeer Hach position i spit into foue pare 1) The arpeggio with the correct mmediatar stokes 2) Chromati appresch fom below 3) Chromatic (or dintonie) approach from above mm 4) Double approuch EIN GRUNDBISS DER, METHODE, DIE FUR DEN GYPS* |AZZ UNENTSEHRLICH IST [Nach ieee Mathnde see Dang [Now ins Arps um. ee Foi Saline ee 1) Da Arpeggio mit den korekte ‘nschlige 2) Chroatiche Methode von unten 13) Chromatische (oder distoisch ‘Matha von ben 4 Doppcte Method.eo ARPEGES MAJEURS 2 MAJOR ARPEGGIOS 2 ‘DUR-ARPEGGIOS 2 POSITION 2, 6 ERM CLOSE ENG 1) FERME, APPROCHE CHROMATIQUE PAR LE BAS ‘CLOSE, LOWER CHROMATIC APPROACH ENG. TIEFERE CHROMATISCHE METHODE wmv nian vnynynvnyayay nvnvnvayn OG 1p FERME,APPROCHE CHROMATIQUE PAR LE MAU. CLOSE, UPPER APPROACH ENG, HOHERE METHODE nvavavevevavogad at nyaynyavaAyad ; vayn Iv) FERME, DOUBLE APPROCHE (CLOSE: DOUBLE APPROACH ENG, DOPPELTE METHODE RY RV AYAY AV AY AY myn ny ny rae OTS SIE RG eto eo, Ee a7 gra bt bere tee ottSeo ARDEGES MAJEURS 3 MAJOR ARPEGGIOS 3 DUR-ARPEGGIOS 3 postion 3,6 penme Goose ino ® non ny nn fon nin n si rena, ar”ROCHE CHROMATIQUE PAR LE RAS Cote Cowan CHROMATIC AMPROACH Ene Fitters CHROMATISGHE METHODS nv nvnvaynvavggnynynynyarad ity FERME APPROCHE CHROMATIQUE PAR LE HAUT CLOSE, UPPER APPROACH ENG, HOHERE MBTHODE mv nvynvevnynyidnynvnvnvai ne a oo 0 Ps =o |v) FERME, DOUBLE APPROCHE ‘CLOSE, DOUBLE APPROACH ENG, DOPPELTE METHODE nynVAVAVAY AV AVA ey nuns ard eee ae ea eer Owe ee = “eae aS Ban ARPEGES MAJEURS 4 MAJOR ARPEGGIOS 4 UR-ARPEGGIOS ¢ POSITION 4,6 ) OUVERT. ‘OPEN wer 1 OUVERT,APPROCHE CHROMATIQUE PAR LE BAS ‘OPEN, LOWER CHROMATIC APPROACH WEIT.TIEFERE CHROMATISCHE METHODE nvninvevnvayevggngninynvevay Se oe 1M) OUVERC APPROCHE CHROMATIQUE PAR LE HAUT ‘OPEN, UPPER APPROACH WEIT, HOHERE METHODE nynvnvaravnravod sandavaynyny Oa c=: oe 1) QUVERT, DOUBLE APPROCHE ‘OPEN, DOUBLE APPROACH \WEIT, DOPPELTE METHODE niny ain MURVAVAYAYAY RY AY ny YAY RY AYAY eee _ ——— ai ARPEGES MAJEURS 5 iss MAJOR ARPEGGIOS 5 f DUR-ARPEGGIOS 5 POSITION 5, 6 OUVERT OPEN welt non iy non m Se ————— 1 OUVERT, APPROCHE CHROMATIQUE PAR LE BAS ‘OPEN, LOWER CHROMATIC APPROACH ‘WEIT.TIEFERE CHROMATISCHE METHODE nvnvnvavavavavayodnv ny av AVY lip OUVERE APPROCHE CHROMATIQUE PAR LE HAUT ‘OPEN, UPPER APPROACH, (WENT, HOHERE METHODE IV) QUVERT, DOUBLE APPROCHE ‘OPEN, DOUBLE APPROACH \WEIT, DOPPELTE METHODE AU nVAYAYAVAYAY AY inv nvm vin ign on 6Seo AROEGES MINEURS 1 MINOR ARPEGGIOS 1 MOLL-ARPEGGIOS 1 POSITION 1,8 MINOR 1» FERME Lose ENG 1) FERME, APPROCHE CHROMATIQUE PAR LE BAS. ‘CLOSE, LOWER CHROMATIC APPROACH ENG, TIEFERE CHROMATISCHE METHODE AVAVAVAY AVVO eee vv VY a EG a 1) FER, APPROCHE CHROMATIQUE PAR LE HAUT CLOSE, UPPER APPROACH ENG, HOHERE METHODE a “nvevavavarnrogggtgayaravevavat Se el 1) FERME, DOUBLE APPROCHE CLOSE, DOUBLE APPROACH ENG, DOPPELTE METHODE AVAVAVAYAVAVAVAinvnvAy Arn ny Ge BT OuSo ARDEGES MINEURS 2 MINOR ARPEGGIOS 2 ‘MOLL-ARPEGGIOS 2 POSITION 2, A MINOR p FeRME Lose ENG 1) FERME, APPROCHE CHROMATIQUE PAR LE BAS ‘CLOSE, LOWER CHROMATIC APPROACH [ENG TIEFERE CHROMATISCHE METHODE. niunvavevn wns pinvavaynvan® Ith FERME,APPROCHE CHROMATIQUE PAR LE HAUT CLOSE, UPPER APPROACH ENG, HOHERE METHODE 1) FERME, DOUBLE APPROCHE CLOSE, DOUBLE APPROACH ENG, DOPPELTE METHODE nV AVAVAY AV AVAV Aye VnY AYA Yay avay ape O ru 4 epee 6ARPEGES MINEURS 3 ie MINOR ARPEGGIOS 3 MOLL-ARFEGGIOS 3 POSITION 3,A MINOR, FoR cLose ENG {) FERME, APPROCHE CHROMATIQUE PAR LE BAS CLOSE, LOWER CHROMATIC APPROACH ENG, TIEFERE CHROMATISCHE METHODE nunynvarnineigeyatayareisty = eee See oe ty FERAME,APPROCHE CHROMATIQUE PIRLLE HAUT CLOSE, UPPER APPROACH ENG, HOHERE METHODE nvyavavavavavyodgayavyavavay nt oO eel pee 1) FERME, DOUBLE APPROCHE CLOSE, DOUBLE APPROACH ENG, DOPPELTE METHODE nYAVAV AV nVAYAYAVAYAYAUAY G2 wav n fi Ghgny ny nvay “6ARDEGES MINEURS 4 in MINOR ARPEGGIOS + MOLL-ARPEGGIOS 4 POSITION 4, MINOR, ) OUVERT OPEN welt #) OUVERT,APPROCHE CHROMATIQUE PAR LE BAS ‘OPEN, LOWER CHROMATIC APPROACH WEIT;TIEFERE CHROMATISCHE METHODE nvnvaynvnvaynyad nd ndavavnvnvay ny Ay e li) QUVERTAPPROCHE CHROMATIQUE PARLE HAUT ‘OPEN, UPPER APPROACH (WET, HOHERE METHODE ngtgavaynavavavaynay niunvavnynyavnyny 10. 0G 1V) OUVERT, DOUBLE APPROCHE (OPEN, DOUBLE APPROACH \WEIT, DOPPELTE METHODE nimyny RURVAYAVRURVAYAY AYR ve GiBe ARPEGES MINEURS 5 MINOR ARPEGGIOS 5 ‘MOLL-ARPEGGIOS 5 POSITION 5, D MINOR » ovvERT: OPEN wEIT 1) OUVERT,APPROCHE CHROMATIQUE PAR LE BAS (OPEN, LOWER CHROMATIC APPROACH WELT; TIEFERE CHROMATISCHE METHODE. vaynvnvavavnvodavayay ny avy ny OUVERTAPPROCHE CHROMATIQUE PAR LE HAUT ‘OPEN, UPPER APPROACH \WEIT, HOHERE METHODE RY AV mY nvAYayAyadnvavavavnvavny prin inininini eee 1V) OUVERT, DOUBLE APPROCHE (OPEN, DOUBLE APPROACH WENT, DOPPELTE METHODE ninunyny AYAURYALBIRIALAL AES Da nvavnvny erage apseMAJOR 6 ‘CHORDS Fermé Close Open Weit G6MAJOR 9 Goa cer SI Open Weit1) ACCORDS MINEURS 1) MINOR CHORDS 11) MOLL-AKKORDE Cespositions peuvent éejougessur ‘These postions may be played on Diese Postionen kBnnen auf allen outsccord mincur Min7#S'neva que all:migot chords: Min7bs will only Mol Akkorden geile werden. Min?05 Bin min 43, maig ert en fie sn go wits miayss, bt f actually bam geht aur mie min h5, seach ber fenversement mine fiversion of ming Sine Unkabrung von mine MINOR i Fermé Close Eng Ouver Open Weit Gminor GminorMINOR (MAJOR 7) Gm(naj7) Ces 1 Fermé r t Close EEE aS Eng. Lt ob Gan(nsi7) Ser EPtoei insun 3 ttt = oy = t Ets et Gm(maj7) sere cI t : ne tt to Ouvert Open a Gm(maj7) et 5 oT A + tot T + oe T —— eee 83Mineur7 neque eds rement sist, Minor 7s very rarely used. Its mot _ Minor? wid sehr he verwendet Dis CCen'sspasune coslaormajeuredutyle, a majo vne color suited tothe syle kane Ri diesen Mask! bedetende ‘Se werstinevterlsplpareda tempest ure should even be avoided mort of Khngébe DerAKsonsoltesop ear Se otic ve precation | fhe eine” Use with auton! ‘nee Zero wer ens mavorche MINOR 7 Gm7 Gia ft Gm7 eed PEPE EEE Eng. Gm? Ouvert Open Weit cm?MINOR 6MINOR § Gah Bim ft Fermé Close Eng Ouvert ‘WeitMINOR 75 Em7s5=(Gm6) 1 Em (Gm) — Seed 2 He E oe oe ose = | - ae ot Soe mis (Gm) 3 Emr5=(Gm6) 1 Ouvert Open Weit Am7b5=(Cm6) 2ACCORDS DE SEPTIEME. Lesaccond9, 13,13 0), 139 vontéve plat ute sr deacon de pio Syant pour solution un acond mae Les acconde89, 13,789,513 voot ue struts deacon de epsme bane pours un accord mine Mais il est possible de_ tes interchange Poa nee spre (Ex; E13(9)~Ams6). ™ DOMINANT 7 G7 Ge [1 Fermé Close 1M) SEVENTH CHORDS 9.13,13(9) 1389 chr wiles fen ew onset chor which reaketo3 me cho 19,613, 719,413 will most often be sued on reventh chords which resolve oa minor chord Due i i possible to interchange them for ¢ surprise effect (Ex E130)-Am6) It) DOMINANTSEPTAKKORDE 9,13,13(9), 139 Akkonde werden am blige bet Dominant Sepabkoren ‘emtzde as cinem Dar Akon sien 49,413, 700,513 Alorde werden amt bdufigiten benotet bel Doman Septakkorden, die 20 cinem Moll kon sudbren. £4 ist aber_maglich, sie als Oberrschanguerue austutauschen (pF EIIE)—AM6) ‘WeitDOMINANT 9 oo | @e {1 Fermé | Close | Eng Ouvert Open Weit ©DOMINANT 758 ons Gio fs Fermé Close Eng Ouvert Open weitDOMINANT 713 das Fermé Close Ouvert Open Weit omi3 ems oDOMINANT 13 oi Fermé ei Close ¢ 2 ee z Eng i : =} Gn 3 Ee f z =a} iS ees Foto Ouvert Open weitDOMINANT 130) 6130) G13) 2130) OuvertDOMINANT H13669) 61309) Cis | 1 : S - Soe 61309) Fermé Close Eng 61369) 3 : z mo 613069) 1 Onvert ‘Open ee 61309) _ Z 2 me = ; =DOMINANT 13669) Geo Close Eng Ouvert ‘Open Weit oa 5 = z Lots ‘ Fa EP Spe ERREE EES corse Gm1369) oni39) emis) 6sDini EXERCICE 1: 57 Aspempes EXERCISE 1: F7 ‘UBUNG 1: F7 tt 0NB: Los exemples rant derit em position un, forme. Applique es us Positions deus, fermée, e toi, Sa Sursout, taller bien Varpage e0 scaler en montane et en descendant, tune de astues qu vous perce de ‘Soynge horontlement sur le mache ‘Se cnger de poston, come Pout Is apes econ MELANGE ARPEGE DIMINUE ‘ARPEGE SEPTIEME oii cng lignes milodiques de deve smesures, qut ont comme structure aston! de episme, cost appuace
pio x Gas GasKaair) ” ons Fas x DaifBoo anon Dead E19 Ans 2 Ens Ans F 9613) Bho x 14) co Fons76) xC1369) ans Gne ans ano cms Fai) Cn6966) Clio am 6Bo Coif 2) 23) ens x Fm) 2) coms) Fea? 25) eoFico Das x Gini x FL6) x Bimaif x Ene x Ans x Bas pie % Gas Gasspues cetignes écouter cele qui vous Ply these pass en fr those you Spi dice Phen, ae ian ie pitricentarsppreneetenecaros, ike Ds Teaa hem, and especialy, drm basen geile. se nd denke ease itis dany tous make sp your own! Practice them in
oition de forme basque JeV7 (D7) Spe D7 Grunig eV? 7 SAME MINEURE HARMONIQUE AVEC FORMES BASIQUES SUR I MINEURE (Gi) HARMONIC MINOR SCALE AND BASIC SHAPES ON I MINOR (Gm) AARMONISCH MOLL-SKALA UND GRUNDGRIFFE AUF I MOLL (Gi) ten »(GAMME MINEURE HARMONIQUE AVEC FORMES BASIQUES SURV? (D7) HARMONIC MINOR SCALE AND BASIC SHAPES ON'V7 (D7) HARMONISCH MOLL-SKALA UND GRUNDGRIFFEVON V7 (D7) io 1) 2» 2 »Maintenane, mélsngeons cette gine see Taeptge dininue. Voi [eres cxereicer sur AZ, moneane ls position de arpége diminué, et fescendane In. gamme (chaque fenversement de Taccord diminut orrespond on renverzement de Is [one mineuteharmonigue),sivs de [gtr exemple conte (On monte thineare harmomigue ee on descend Farpege dnnins) "Now, let's combine thi scale with the diminished arpoggio. Hlte are Tour cxcreees on AT going ep the diminished arpegsi and down che feale (each. inversion of the Ulininihed chord corresponds to an Inversion of the harmonic minor scale) followed by four opposite txamples (going up (the) harmonic minor [seale| aad down the Aiinished arpeggo) Las? uns un dete Skala mie dem serminderen Arpeggio Kombiniren Hier and wor Bepile a A, de dx verindete peso hiauchen und dies Shalt -Hevamtergehen = ede Gnkehrang ds vermindren Akondes coupricht der Umbehrung det Harmonisch Mot-Ska). Dann gen ver gegetcige Be Harmoaich Moll Stl ‘ermindet Arpeggio biabgshen: on in. t./B Haem a. a ou 1 Min. nD Harm Min) um, on 1D Min Han / Ha in am, Mo 1) 2 Mia Ha. /D Har Mi Hu, Ml 2)1 Min Hum /D Har ND ie, Mal 3) 7 Ar P a ® 1 Min m/s. Min Ham, Mal we bat be ” Min. Hr. Ma. am Ma Loo 1 Mi HD Ha Mia. Hm M2 eeVoici maintenant guns caemples de Now, ere are four examples, sil Nun gen vier spin ser och i safer AP Dn Able wemindee PO ans Dat x” Da Ape Is Ans x Des Ane x De 6‘AMME MINEURE MELODIQUE PAR RAPPORT AUX FORMES BASIQUES. AELODIC MINOR SCALE IN RELATION TO THE BASIC SHAPES SELODISCH MOLL-SKALA IM ZUSAMMENHANG MIT DEN GRUNDGRIFFIN,GAMES MINEURE, MELODIQUE AVEC FORMES BASIQUES 1 MINEURE (Ge) MINOR MELODIC SCALE AND BASIC SHAPES I MINOR (Gm) MELODISCH MOLL-SKALA UND GRUNDGRIFFE 1 MOLL (Gi) ee ¥9«| EXEMPLES, MINEUR MELODIQUE 4 EXAMPLES, MELODIC MINOR 4/BEISPIELE, MELODISCH MOLL Bee Am % »CCeue gamme ost tris atlisée sar This wale it often used on the 7 _ Dice kale wind of af dom Demsnane accord de septitme (sur GT. G par chord (over G7, the whole tone scale Septakkord angewenéet” (aul G7 alterer (le rendre in G), co alter ie (making it more Guna n us se 2 ake lsconnane, et renforcer $2 tension). dissonant, and to. consolidate its (ate Spannang 2a versa inn foici trois. exemples en G7, tension). Here are three examplesin ie domes gemacht wi). it ind ‘ortespendanis sux trois former G7, which correspond to the three drei Betpile in’ G7, die den deel saguer de basi shapes for Gr (Grandgie ir Genter a » _— ee vorcines voicing vorciNG Pour trouver les voicing dela garone To Bind woicings forthe whle-rone Umber Ganka iin, i tonsil sufic en fate woler une note sale, its enough 2 choore one note keegan Grapenvon 2,40 6 weond sur des groupes de deus, ros, per sting on BoUpS Of 2,-4.5, 088. Sen nen Ten pn Soe nan Hit tec ours cores. Voie quelques. fing. Here se some examplehaccan sind chige Digit diva er CD, srmplespouvant fe outs chacun sur be played over C7,D7,E1,F47, 47 and. 1,47, GE? und AF? pepe werden TIDNED.E.GHT ec AAT: ar KonePour en fnir avec fa gamme'par cons pour ce ehapitre, vole €oI5 Cxemple eypigues dutiisasion de ‘iene velcings bougeane de facon parallle sr tout le manche, Bsayer os formales voc d'autres voicing de ite “To conclude with the whole-tone seile In this chapter, heve ae chee amples desing wih the eypical ase Sf various voicings, moving Ins parle athion over the enoire neck. Fy these leks wth soscings of your wa) Daamie wi in diesem Kapitel die Gear ee Bir cha Beppe desthtcom pcb (Geteauch der oteetedichen Voings ete ud ha pre Ar ber ‘degen Ginebra. (Pie (Soe ids it Oren ene 5)concepts De GROUPEMENTS D'UNE OU DEUX NOTES PAR CORDE La gumme par tons me permet inuodatre ce concep: de Crmules ‘emacs fone ou dou not pat corde. Ls groupes de un. deux oor os Sat ent Tes pls courant ete lat importants (ets ser couvert dans Ie ‘Supe des Speeches. En effet permettent une synchronition «Bele ee les dese Tain De pls, cela mec en proete Taetent sur min dot, et done mt aspect pees de guitare Le groupe de une note pat conde ws couinerstémutiquemene des coups Je ‘neditor ves Ie ba le groupe de dee notes pa code de ler our 1) Conese dune note par cone ae ‘ge partons Pir ape mo bin nh echo dar oe danse pier ee Sidupine pectin lolex ensuite une note par corde, ‘monn et descends Tarpege sve det coups ves le bat oniguement, Le fombre. de” combinsisens” tant Considerable, je vous denne erois ramp A ots de owe fs ves NB: Le but ost dimproviser cet, srercice, en ft fue vsiment oir samo ceschems et rer cer rpeget temps rel, directement sor Wot area papier Ensuite splez deux notes par core, faterle mime exrice,msi on fa deTaller retour bar-haoravec a main ‘rite: CONCEPTS IN ONE OR TWO NOTES PER STRING GROUPINGS “The whole-tone scale gives me am ‘opporcunsy to intioduce the concept ftystemitc formular fone oF so fot pet sting. Groups 1.2.0" 3 sein fae the most common snd the ‘most important (3 willbe covered in the chapter desing with approach) Indeed, they allow for “easy fon of the two hands. they emphasize the the percusive ile ofthe gitar “The one note per string group will systematically result in downward ‘edintor stoked the two mores por Sting group. in some back and forth Ipidet. 1) Gonceps of one note per tring with the wihole-tone sae “Sep 1: Have the checkerboard outne ‘wel io mind asin the fst example of the preceding chapter Step 2:Pick one note per sting. 20 up ‘and down the aspeggio wt dover Stoker exclusively The number of ‘ombinatione is comida th give you tree camps 5 up t0 yOu to {ind your own [Note that he goal to improvise tis cexeeite; indeed, you must really have bemorized Cesc patterns and erste preston in el tine diel 09 your sul without paper “Afterwards, pick two notes per tring, practice the same exercle, but gig back and forth, up-down, wich the right hand: KONZEPTE FOR, GRUPPIERUNGEN VON EIN ODER ZWEI NOTEN PRO SAITE Die Ganson imide Geen, as Korupedeyenaicen Fora vot (Si ode sct Neen po Sate vrmaen Di-Guppen 2.derSsndcieicgenich he pitaccen ed wien (id ln dam Kopel tetas is ch a ee abo beet In der Tat eemlichen sie eine leche" Synchroniserang det been Hinde. Auderdem beronen sie den ‘Akzo au detect Hand und dat ie pekusive Seite dee Gare 1) Keep vo einen Tn pro Sst it (er Ganson Sebi I: Fike ie Stic ds Siac, so wie si i ere Bega des worsen oper gan den vor Auge, “Scie 2 Wile ne Te po Ste und sei, vei schlecht sa nd Mab Da Be ‘hd Vann bene (gbeich de Bape Estzan i.e Seen ae Beach cs as Zieh i ie Ube inproviseren. Du muss dir abo diese Maser witch gu engin und ‘Arpeggios ohne slice Voge in Erhoes decaf dene Gere ewe, -Wle iach vei Noten po Site. Gebe ae Obengdnhaber Seal ind fs: i der eehen Hand sare ud saneMaincenant om pews dlvelopper cet cstrccef tout pe Urpege Je vous Cone cee rc de sous muni de parler ade norer vor pions a poco mu singlet. aout duncloone dpe esate eae fowl ob my esa qin cosmos Eat (ss noms de cose Gp, pein, ‘nae oe), ‘Voick wis exemples sur arpiges sminour un pour cha forme basque dean ire nym one y "This exercise can be developed sung all nds of arpeggios! This Fines {suggest you And a piece of paper to note your positions “Te process consis, very simply. of adding’n second note where ther ‘nly one nan arpegsioshape the notes Being the color notes (9.11, 13 Here are 3 examples using minor fagion, ove far ech atte shape oA minor a nynynyny nv Diese Chung kann weiterentickelt ‘wedi i esgic Sven von Erect ve SEES Sek tiene anne, ‘inden Poesonenautacheben. Der Vorgang Bestehe ganz einfach diesusy dort einen weiten Toa hinewaigen, wo ia ener Arpeion ‘theta ma iar auch Dice Tone Sd dan de arbakzente™ 0.9.11, 1) Hice sind 3 Begpile, die Moll ~ Arpeggios benuszen, ens fOr jedes Geinagtichema von Ams ninvayad a Pe * ny e@ain vai 2 & ob rp hie Ee Pe oe eee fee woop sn ns ON rere ————————nye > Voy ny ny avn yay av ndt ng Bo 13 al 3 nop 8 rr test posible deoir des doigts un It it possible you may encounter Es bese die Moi, dss da pevctir aici conime' dant somes meteifica gene. sn comm whee Bar semiple quate iin example ‘began eo we Beil 4 ‘he world oftwo notes per sting Die Welder Arpaio fir zwei Tne pro. Seite steht der individeellen EEronchng and dans deiner Kress, Lemonde des arpigesa deux nes par corde est fotclement, ouvert i arpegglor# ull open to individual ‘egploraion peconnli, done 4 voue exploration, thts 10 your creativity. Sains blir pa quly a wows (Keep in mind that there are three wet of (Deak im Hinerkoptdas Moss ugbges debe es mieuses Susie arpeggios minor, mor, abd. dai Grundlormen des Aegon te = mses cs eps), seventh. ‘Mel Durend Dominant Sep.Pour pratiquer, commences tout coceine sot ane corde et aceltez it pt anes doi chaque Ut elie t ben syneronite, wee on ‘ef fade Se sé. Enso, en in ao a gare compli “To practic, begin very slowly on ‘one string and speed up itl by isle, ‘inking ue to play each note elealy Sn well synebrorized with a nice, Rowing side effest. Next, do the fame with the ents chromate eae Ui ae, ol da ga gn af ier Ste saingen und dan Sete fa ‘Sthinecineler wenn Seles ds do {penton rund chronaieeike Tt cic shines, Senden She EAS Michestnilstes ds gsche ire eset ‘eoriche Stl APPROCHES CHROMATIQUES ET CONCEPT DE GROUPEMENT DE TROIS ‘NOTES PAR CORDE En fit ous avons di abordé un pew sujet dur des easstne pute, Sis Tenscce stale Pine Approcbe Senda Jase Manouche. Tey on 0 Sauer sor um astre concept Te crmplisage des epces ous ler comprendeen regan cet acme Voie poor commencer ut Tae de gene partons det nots Ui onde, premistoment aorta, PO ‘lt epi de chromates CHROMATIC APPROACH AND THREE NOTES PER STRING ‘GROUPING CONCEPT Acrally, we ave already deal wth this objec some, a the Sart of pate fo In the exercise ealedA plan of Sppesuch essential f0 Gypey Jaze" Here we wil follow up with another concept calee "apace Sls” ‘You will undersand by fooking at tive examples Te begin, heve ha ‘eholectone scale erpeggi, with vo hover per sein at fst natural then Fal of chromatic DIE CHROMATISCHE, METHODE UND Das KONZEPT DER CRUPPIERUNG VON DREL “TONEN PRO SAITE ich bon wir resco eet dy Tera bhai een Bagi (ds oucen Terr Ong Te “ip Gronds der Method ce Be don Gypsum Hie vere Sore She mit nen andewn Korat, den sogenannten Space PS" (Covent), we, Da wie verhen ns geen ude Sees Bespelanchaae Forde ting {hier on peo der Gator mit ‘Bei Tien Po Sone rate, dn SroweticeGAMME PARTON, MEME ARPEGE A DEUX NOTES PAR CORDE, MAIS AVEC REMPLISSAGE WHOLE-TONE SCALE, SAME ARPEGGIO, TWO NOTES PER STRING BUT WITH FILLS GANZTONSKALA, GLEICHES ARPEGGIO, ZWEI TONE PRO SAITE, ABER MIT FILLS eo nv nvnn yen 5 vegi¢ 2 oie un suze emletojous ser Hete is another example, til with, Hier it cin weitere Beispil, aber ome pew the whsle-tone sale Jimme noch mit der Canora nov oo 0 GAMME PAR TON, MEME ARPEGE, AVEC REMPLISSAGE. WHOLE-TONE SCALE, SAME ARPEGGIO, WITH FILLS, GANZTONSKALA, GLEICHES ARPEGGTO, MIT FILLS \ navn y a a Frisns i mire che sie un ape Leo these thing wih admin Las’ ws dn pice mi ermine sina se Aspe machen See 0ARPEGE DIMINUE AVEC REMPLISSAGE CHROMATIQUE DIMINISHED ARPEGGIO WITH CHROMATIC FILLS ‘VERMINDERTES ARPEGGIO MIT CHROMATISCHEN FILLS ite 2 us ent avec rpg despite » nv ny mun y % 2 a7 VY ny my yl Balboa Finally, using 72h arpeggio: SchlieBlich verwenden wir ein Dominant Sepe-Arpegp: a yon g ARPEGE A7 AVEC REMPLISSAGE CHROMATIQUE. ‘A] ARPEGGIO WITH CHROMATIC FILLS 'AT ARPEGGIO MIT CHROMATISCHEN FILLS mony on 2 Bt sls de suite, yout powree tout ‘empl out ype daepege de games {2 Matsatetion Ane pas top user (ive fall et ede un jeu pst Os ‘Sliver le chromnsme tn poor cree tds groupes de trols noes pr conde {comme les deux premier exemple de ce chapive sur game pat toa) Tos Sotesweut die que le min droite wa fee tn motiemnene tas-hast-bt Contant. La grande foree de cote soni ong ec tos rendte appl sur un confit de ran doe. nvr ann ‘And soon; you can fill everyhing, _ Und 40 weiter: d kannst ale mit any kind ofstpegsio cle ec but be Zavachentaen src, ede Art von teu note oveuse fast would kil Sn Se ora oe eetuct sod sake foc some dull Sew Sn duwine Sc Wey Playing. Chromadcism tao Wed to. seven und cers cnan cing Ete vce not pops Snaschcrng, Sin Gaetan wal acheter Grin the two fine examples in ttm auf Se Grupierngen von el ‘Super withthe uhole-one scale]. Tonensnerzagen wt ndzncoenben reesnote” means thatthe right Betpicen des” Kapics mit dct hand wil be moving down-up-Jown, Ganaort) "Deen tee dee Uhroughout. The gresturengeh of che Han sich de os Zax abv = organising your plying nis manner sfvie-sbwarebrve Die oS, Mo always be able to ely on 3 wemdsdeinSpelag ie Weenie Comfortable right and Fegtdrindin cs eget Hinde 100Voici un exemple sor Dis, A vous Here isan example over Dm. eis Hike flge in Bepieldbe: Dr. Es ie an Seems ee OM comme up to you to find your owe (es lege (etme) an di, deine eigenen ‘habitat hull espe 2 nde 2. NOTES PAR CORDE, 2. NOTES PER STRING 2 TONE PRO SAITE Gop. 2 0 3 NOTES PAR CORDE, AVEC REMPLISSAGE CHROMATIQUE 3 NOTES PER STRING, WITH CHROMATIC FILLS 5 TONE FRO SAITE MIT-CHROMATISCHEN FILS 101COMBINAISONS DE DOIGT#S COMBINING FINGERINGS FOR _KOMBINIEITE FINGERSATZE POUR DEUX ET TROIS NOTES 2AND 3 NOTES PER STRING FUR? UND 3 TONE PRO SAITE PAR CORDE ‘To avoid alwys falling back on ¢he Um semeien das da name wer ‘Ain done ps toyjours mtomber drs es same formulas, (the tendency being. inde geicen Scher mils, de mmc fos Qe tendace eat dete to always play 1-23 or 3-2-1) and Tendee a nwver 2-3 oer 32-1 toujun 12-3 ou 32d} erdaeucr une to acquit font independence af the speknunl ene prvae Unga tine nence ds dogs de lnan_Tee hand Singers, ere ir otter way. de Finger deter liren Handa ean septate See eps of npn ach oyun pegs perk dic Met we igen cen deverapegt Systeatea Jed eden Asp eich * kasi anet. 0 ‘deus nos por conde: Ces pltée Two nes per ing tt ther eye foley deuc formule, 122-1 swenopiems | 2and 1 1) Zwei Tine pr Sted itech ~esgiee: Mst, und 2 » D MINEURE, DEUX NOTES PAR CORDE, FORMULE 2-1 D MINOR, TWO NOTES PER STRING,A 2-1. PATTERN D MOLL, ZWEI TONE PRO SAITE, EIN 2-1-MUSTER oy ay mvt my ey DTEh Dt nv wy nn G pany tet nv vy Avon J =S> == 2 2 D MINEURE, DEUX NOTES PAR CORDE, FORMULE 1-2 D MINOR, TWO NOTES PER STRING, A 1-2 FATTERN D MOLL, ZWEITONE PRO SAITE, EIN 1-2.MUSTER n nv nvole ny nv 2 G £ Pour tos notes par corde.on va avoir 2) For thee note pr aring thee ae 6 2) Fr drei Tone pro Suite gibt es 6 se posite ‘ombice Migheldee 123 13-2 243 BET S42 3.28 » MINFURE:TROIS NOTES PAR CORDE, FORDE 1-23 D MINOR, 3 NOTES PER STRING, 1-2-3 PATTERN D MOLE, TONE PRO SATE, -2-3-4USTER, mv cpr mint Pay any thy! Sry oh 2 Rte i Gaara ESt oeD MINEURE, 3 NOTES PAR CORDE, FORMULE 1-1-2 D MINOR, 3 NOTES PER STRING,A 1-3-2 PATTERN D MOLL, 3 TONE PRO SAITE, EIN. 1-3-2-MUSTER Sas Da nun anu ee é ry a yt oul eee A Wim yy OA pte Oe pote tase —— eS ae a SE pe = ae i D MINEURE, 3 NOTES PAR CORDE, FORMULE 2-3-1 D MINOR, 3 NOTES PER STRING, A. 2-3-1 PATTERN | D MOLL, 3 TONE PRO SAITE, EIN. 2-3-1-MUSTER, D MINDURE, 3 NOTES PAR CORDE, FORMULE 2-1-3, D MINOR, 3 NOTES PER STRING,A 2-1-3 PATTERN D MOLL, 3 TONE PRO SAITE, EIN 2-1-3-MUSTER Dm ayn myn yin ooh Biehe A Sn ny 6s ee reas & =a = 03D MINEURE, 3 NOTES PAR CORDE, FORMULE 3-1-2 D MINOR, 3 NOTES PER STRING, A 3-1-2 PATTERN D MOLL, 3 TONE PRO SAITE, EIN 3-1-2-MUSTER D MINEURE, 5 NOTES PAR CORDE, FORMULE 3-2-1 D MINOR, 3 NOTES PER STRING,A 3.2.1 PATTERN D MOLL, } TONE PRO SAITE, EIN 3.SUBSTITUTIONS Sebatiae consiue jouer un aecont ln place d'un tote, ce gui va eer ‘ereinescouleus Ler plus utilises dans le jee manovdhe ron La sbittioneitonigns -Mineur poersenine + Mineo pour meu. 1) Ls ston rong Dans le cs dn aceon de sepiéme, cetpes ssi ccaccond port cod Sr Spe stud un omen deus Go andes. Clason eset fineus, Guo accentse bien ls divonsnee de cond de epitme [Exemple: Pour B7,on pet jouer BS? Cee Er » SUBSTITUTIONS Substitution conse of playing one chord in place of another chord, Fevling ih enhanced tone coloe ‘The mest common [stitutions] in GGypay seat" “Titonesabatittion = Mina instead of 7 = Minor intesd of jor 1) Tite Sabon In the cate of the seventh chord, subgete thi chord wath the sevench ‘hon locsteds rtone below or above ‘Ths hava sey drat effect wich aecentuater the disionance of the Seventh chord ‘Example: For £7, you ean pay BHT SUBSTITUTIO’ Subeinston besehe din inn Akond an Sl cn nde Aloe 2 ple, ‘saul cinen were Klong iat Die ibueihaen Sasi im ee Gry Tritonvs Sobeine Malan Sele von Donne Sept Moll an Sele von Dur 1) Tritors Sebstiion: Inn Fale eines Dominant Sepabkodes craeat ds dicie Akkoré aureh den mins Sepaton, der apen Titans ‘deuce der drier Boge: Dis ten ‘eh deracn Be, der de Dare (ds DomsraneSopatioea hevorete ei: ir 7 kan du BST peer An » Ente 2) Accord minus sur accord de sepsibme: On peue jover Psceerd minear sitat ne quarte au dessous de Iecord de sepeiéme, principalement fhns le eas ou et accord rerosd se tun accord majeur (au exceptions freancun eee suprie). 2) Minor chord instead ofa seventh chore {v & possible to play the minor chord foesed' a fourth below the {eveneh chord, mostly when this Chord resolves 10-3 major chord {ecepe in cases when's worprse 2) Moll-Akkord, an Stelle eines DontimaeSepakkordes 2s igi, den Mola! 20 spies, der ene Qutte oer dest ininiSeettod ba me dr onde Alten aben Bech ile wa ac en alent oe cre ceceangetlcerr aExcmple:Sor DY ation de Ams ie » 2 pr 23) Accond mine sor second majo: (On sie Pacond near sta one sicwe mineoreen devour del tonigue ‘eTaceon! Ma, Voc deve exemple ‘ppiques sor Ams an A si) Amst) = Example:Am for D7 Beipe:Verwendung von Am fr D7 x Gea? 1) Minorchoed instead of major chor: ]Mol-Aklon=n Ste dns Dur Akon: ‘The minor chord located + minor Ewin der Ma-Abko werend de third below the toni [root] of the cine en Trea der Grace Maj? chord iv used. Here are two dss My Abode: ig. Hit sind we ‘peal examples om Ama: ‘pach Bese antag xSer un acon! qui dure longemps Fora chord which Ista longtime Weehe bel cinem Akon, de cine (@eorouquaresmeute.onvefakemer (2 or 4 measures) aiternate 4 with linger Zeit angehaten wie @ oder # iNecson qconddesepatine et aéerun fee seventh chord snd create a Takie), mit seinem Dominant- sequence sequence Sepaktondab underage cine Segue: Exemple:Gm /1D7/Gm/ D7 8 Example: Gm /D7/ Gm /D7... _ Beispick Gm / D7 / Gm / D7. an lapacede Gm / Gm /Gmn/ Gm. ined of Gm / Gm Gm / Gm...” Stelle von Gm / Gm / Gm / Gr Gao on x an pate) lon pate Ge 07TRANSCRIRE Le dernier chapitee de ce livre concern Is eamcription ‘Savoir frinserire Is musique sur soo laurunent ex primordial, 7 que Fron joue ee queTentend Voici ditfrenter étaper pour ene reameripton eee 1) Choiscunsea.en npportavee sore intention de eviler (an slo de Django par exemple 2) Copier ce solo sur une cassette ou Sn dis et le jower le matin a8 eect, dans Ta voiture, durant Ia pure du midi, dans vous ban ao Bevous en imprepser 5) Chamerpardesuste soit en mime fempequslskswec ue Parsculaion, Iesnoinde br ex yrmigucs Vous se dever Bite quien sec 4) Tansee exacement avec les bom oigtr © doit pour ler solr de Djangs) ce gus vous es alerane de chance doncaTentendte pfaemen urs gare Vows dover Jouer et rejowe predecon,jaget nner parteement came esot, ‘Povo ler mémesrematons Sy) Amps dle ep iectemerk Feemonuenent elder 6) Eventatlement, apts cea, vous ure leo sr pape” Mal Eno! Jespere que ce livre vows aidera dans vous quate de In goitare nouche, ee gee vous auret autant {ke plane 3 Te taller que jst 8 ‘mol-méme 4 Mri Stephane Wrembel New York Ciey, May 2003, TRANSCRIBING ‘The lat chapter of this book as co do with transcribing. IF you tpprosch the guitar by es since one fev pity wt ohe eats Inowing how eo traneribe music on ‘your intrument is esensl Here ae different stept to 3 saccenfl raneription: 1) Chore s solo whieh i in Keeping with your proficeney and awhat ou intend to practice ( slo by Bago, for example). 2) Record thie solo om a castecte of 2 tisk, snd pay it in the morning pen awakening, ib your ear Sderinglunck time while aking 2 tiath eee. so nto oak" fe al 3) Sing slong with the soloist including all srticalations, the sallese noise, dynamics, ete YOu ‘ust be one with himniee 1) Now traeribe filly, with the correct fingerings (wo fingers for Django solos) what you ae nw able torre, an has hea lesly forthe fate You ma play along [wach fhe recording) and keep phying. ‘inl you sound exactly Hike she tole ge he same fel 5) Ae the same sme, snalyee what is Rappening harmonically and selodealy dtcedy onthe goiter. 6) Eventually, when sll this is done, youeus pt the solo to paper. Bat hot befor! hope that thi book will help you in your questa leven the Gypsy jase fyle and tae yor ell hve a te plessuze pacing ic into practice as | mye had weiing te ‘TRANSKRIBIEREN Daslee Kept dies Buches bat it dene nseibeen 2 un Wenn cic Imethodach nach Gee it der Gee tseinanderseet, st es wesendich 26 wrseen, wie ds Mani suf deiner Tneroment tarkebirst Hie sad verchiedene Schrive 2 ines efolgechon Transspion 1) Soche dein Solo su, dasanfdeinem Testungsniveas leg and ds da 20 ‘ben beach um Bese ein Solo von Django) aN Seer ok ‘nee Disk afta er morgen tac ems Autadhen alsin, n nem ‘Auto, wabrend der Mictagspause, ‘eid du ela Bod mime, 29 (bse dues volsddig vernnerichen ‘enn: 13) Siogmit em Seospice iyinksve tlle Arielatonen dem Aeisten {Gerasch, Dyparie sy Da st ‘pele ee mem shin, 5) Anlyere zur lichen Zeit dckeanf ‘der Gire, wae harmoniteh und ‘lode paste. 6 tngendwana, wen all ds eed Tend Solo Paper ingen ‘Aber nich vorbe! 1h home, dss dieses Buch di be dsinern Besnon, den Gypey asia ‘leer bic sca ward und dss da esate ve! Vergndgen dae ate {he Pes umausetaen, wie ih sels ae Ish egechrieben habe
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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
Gilbert King
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (273)
The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
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The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
Garth Stein
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (4264)
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Betty Smith
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (1934)
Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
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Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
Doris Kearns Goodwin
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4.5/5 (235)
A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
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A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
Dave Eggers
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (233)
Fear: Trump in the White House
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Fear: Trump in the White House
Bob Woodward
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (805)
On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
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On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
Naomi Klein
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (75)
Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
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Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
Jay Sekulow
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (139)
Manhattan Beach: A Novel
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Manhattan Beach: A Novel
Jennifer Egan
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The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
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The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
George Packer
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John Adams
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John Adams
David McCullough
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4.5/5 (2520)
The Constant Gardener: A Novel
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The Constant Gardener: A Novel
John le Carré
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
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Little Women
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Little Women
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Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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Film Journal: The Wondrous Oz and "Showman Extraordinaire"
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Film Journal: The Wondrous Oz and "Showman Extraordinaire"
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Ready Player One - Percussion Ensemble
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