5-Chapter Five - Sem1 Session 2023 - 2024
5-Chapter Five - Sem1 Session 2023 - 2024
5-Chapter Five - Sem1 Session 2023 - 2024
• The natural phenomena that lead to signal loss on transmission through the
earth`s atmosphere are:
1. Atmospheric absorption, e.g. gaseous effects.
2. Cloud attenuation, e.g. liquid water content, aerosol and ice particle
3. Atmospheric attenuation, e.g. rain, hail and ice effects.
4. Ionospheric disturbance, e.g. ionospheric scintillation and polarization
rotation effects.
5. Tropospheric disturbance, e.g. tropospheric scintillation effects.
• International Telecommunication Union-Radiocommunication sector (ITU-R)
has a role to manage the international radio-frequency spectrum and
satellite orbit resources plus to develop standards for radiocommunication
systems with the objective of ensuring the effective use of the spectrum.
• Gaseous absorption due to oxygen and water vapour: This effect is almost
constant over time and its statistics can be calculated with the help of the
model in Recommendation ITU-R P.676.
• Cloud attenuation: This effect is very slowly varying over time (in minutes or
hours) and its statistics can be calculated with the help of the model in
Recommendation ITU-R P.840.
• Rain attenuation: It varies slowly over time (order of minutes or few seconds)
and its statistics can be calculated with the help of the relevant model in
Recommendation ITU-R P.618.
• Scintillations: These are very fast variations (order of milliseconds) and their
statistics can be calculated with the help of the relevant model in
Recommendation ITU-R P.618.
• Simplifications:
1. Rainfall measured at the earth surface is correlated to
the rainfall along the path.
2. The actual path length can be adjusted to the effective
path lengths.
𝐴 = න 𝑓 𝑅𝑙 ⅆ𝑙 ≈ 𝛾𝐿
➢Energy from the sun causes the ionosphere to “grow” during the day, increasing
the Total Electron Content (TEC).
➢The TEC value rapidly change from the day time to the night time, that gives rise
to irregularities in the ionosphere.
➢The irregularities cause the signal to vary rapidly in amplitude and phase, which
leads to rapid signal fluctuations.
• Traveling ionospheric disturbances are clouds of electrons
in the ionosphere that provoke radio signal fluctuations,
which can only be determined on a statistical basis.
• The two disturbances of major concern are:
1. Ionospheric scintillation.
2. Polarization rotation.
• Scintillations are variations in the amplitude, phase,
polarization, or angle of arrival of radio waves caused by
irregularities in the ionosphere, which change over time.
• The main effect of scintillations is fading of the signal.
-0 . 5
RSL attenuation due to scintilation
-1 . 5
-2 . 5
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
• If the propagation direction of those rays deviates away from the vertical
incidence direction, the rays undergo refraction before passing through
the ionosphere as shown by ray 4 and ray 5.
• Some of those rays may be refracted enough to be reflected back to the
ground as shown by ray 6.
• Rays propagated obliquely into the ionosphere at frequencies below 𝑓0𝐹2
are refracted and can be reflected back to the ground after a skip distance
depending on both the (oblique) initial elevation angle of the rays, and
the frequency as illustrated by ray 2 and ray 3.
• Rays propagating with frequencies below the plasma frequency at the
bottom of the lower ionospheric layer (𝐸 layer), are reflected back to the
ground at the bottom of the 𝐸 layer as shown by ray 1.
A1 B2
A2 F
A1 B2
A2 F
A1 B2
A2 F
A1 B2
A2 F