07 Installation To Hard Disk
07 Installation To Hard Disk
07 Installation To Hard Disk
0 7-1
7.2 Installation
HSC is installed in the same way as most other Windows programs:
1. Log on to the computer with Administrator privileges.
2. It is not necessary to remove the old HSC 1.0 - 5.1 versions if you want to upgrade
to HSC 6.0. These can still be used if the new 6.0 is installed in a different directory.
However, all old HSC 5.x (beta) versions must be uninstalled before new HSC 6
installation with Windows Control Panel Add/Remove Programs Dialog.
3. Close all other Windows programs, but not Windows itself. Note that you must
also close, for example, the MS Office icon bar, because it has loaded some
programs to the memory. Otherwise the HSC installation program can not upgrade
those libraries which are in use. You can press “Ctrl, Alt, Delete” to view and close
all the running programs. Do not, however, close EXPLORER and SYSTRAY
under Windows 98.
4. Insert HSC CD in your drive.
5. Select Start Run: from the Menu (or use Add Programs from Control Panel.)
6. Locate SETUP.EXE from HSC CD and press Enter. Answer questions.
Restart Windows when installation is complete.
If you have problems see the following notes and Chapter 7.4.
Note that the final HSC user must Log on to the computer as Administrator and using
his/her own User Name before running HSC 6.0 installation, however, this depends on
your computer settings and Windows version. The final user must also have installation
privileges when he/she starts HSC at the first time, in order to allow Windows configure
HSC properly to the new user, see Fig. 3. Later on some privilege limitations may be
added. If the Administrator installs HSC using his own User name then the final user must
also have administrator privileges at least on the first time when he/she starts HSC!
HSC Chemistry® 6.0 7-2
Fig. 1. HSC6 - folder Properties dialog of Windows My Computer. HSC user must have
full Permissions to the HSC6 folder because HSC saves INI and other files into this folder.
The HSC user must also have full permissions to the HSC6 folder! You may check to
permissions by clicking HSC6 folder in My Computer with mouse right button and
selecting Properties dialog and Security tab. See Fig. 1.
Fig. 3. Windows configures HSC for the new user for the first time when the user
changes. If the new user do not have enough privileges then this configuration process
cannot finish properly. Configuration process may use the file "\Downloaded
Installations\HSC Chemistry 6.00.msi" in the Windows folder for the configuration.
[HSC Path]
Server=C:\HSC6\ ' Path of HSC in your computer
Terminal=C:\HSC6\ ' Path of HSC in server
OwnDB=C:\HSC6\DATABASES\OWNDB6.HSC ' Path of Own Database
MainDB=C:\HSC6\DATABASES\MAINDB6.HSC ' Path of Main Database
SolGasMix=C:\HSC6\SGM.EXE ' Path of Solgasmix
UserName=Antti Roine ' HSC Licence: User Name
If you reinstall HSC in the same directory, do not overwrite your old OwnDB6.HSC file if
you have saved data on it, i.e. copy this file first to some other directory.
Note also that selected fonts and sizes must be available in your printer. However, you can
also change fonts later by pressing the Settings button in HSC Main Menu. You can
change the default printer using the Printers icon on the Control Panel.
Sim-module used Sim_FlowSheet1.INI and Sim_FlowSheet2.INI files for saving user
settings. You may recover original settings by deleting these files from the HSC6-folder.
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