Smartgit Quickstart Guide

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SmartGit Quickstart Guide

syntevo GmbH, 2011

1 Introduction 2 Git-Concepts 2.1 Repository, Working Tree, Commit 2.2 Typical Project Life-Cycle . . . . . 2.3 Branches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.1 Working With Branches . . 2.3.2 Branches Are Just Pointers 2.4 Commits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4.1 Its All About Commits . . 2.4.2 How Things Play Together . 2.5 The Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6 Merging and Rebasing . . . . . . . 2.6.1 Normal Merge . . . . . . 2.6.2 Fast-forward Merge . . . . . 2.6.3 Squash Merge . . . . . . . . 2.7 Working Tree States . . . . . . . . 2.8 Submodules . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.9 Git-SVN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 15 15 15

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3 Important Commands 3.1 Project-Related . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.1 Open Working Tree . . . . . . . . . 3.1.2 Cloning a Repository . . . . . . . . 3.2 Synchronizing With a Remote Repository 3.2.1 Push . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.2 Pull . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.3 Synchronize . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Local Operations On The Working Tree . 3.3.1 Stage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.2 Unstage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.3 Ignore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.4 Commit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.5 Undo Last Commit . . . . . . . . . 3.3.6 Revert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

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Contents 3.3.7 Remove . . . . . 3.3.8 Delete . . . . . . Branch Handling . . . . 3.4.1 Switch . . . . . . 3.4.2 Checkout . . . . 3.4.3 Merge . . . . . . 3.4.4 Rebase . . . . . . 3.4.5 Add Branch . . . 3.4.6 Add Tag . . . . . 3.4.7 Branch Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 18 18 18 19


4 Directory tree and le table

5 System properties/VM options 22 5.1 General properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 5.2 User interface properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 5.3 Specifying VM options and system properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 6 Installation and Files 6.1 Location of SmartGits settings directory 6.2 Notable conguration les . . . . . . . . 6.3 Company-wide installation . . . . . . . . 6.4 JRE search order (Windows) . . . . . . . 25 25 25 26 26

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c 2011 syntevo GmbH,

Chapter 1 Introduction
SmartGit is a graphical Git client which runs on all major platforms. Git is a distributed version control system (DVCS). SmartGits target audience are users who need to manage a number of related les in a directory structure, to coordinate access to them in a multiuser environment and to track changes to these les. Typical areas of applications are software projects, documentation projects or website projects.

We want to thank all users, who have given feedback to SmartGit and in this way helped to improve it, e.g., by reporting bugs and making feature suggestions.

Chapter 2 Git-Concepts
The following section helps you to easily start-up with Git and tries to give you an understanding of the fundamental concepts of Git for ecient working.


Repository, Working Tree, Commit

First, we need to dene some Git-specic names which may dier in their meaning with those you already know from other version control systems, for example Subversion. Classical centralized version control systems like Subversion (SVN) use working copies which are related to exactly one repository. SVN working copies can refer to the entire repository or just to parts of it. With Git everything is a repository, even the local working copy which always refers to a complete repository, not just to parts of it. Gits working tree is the directory where you can edit les. Each working tree has its corresponding repository. So-called bare repositories which are used on servers in the meaning of central repositories dont have a working tree. Example Lets assume you have all your project related les in a directory D:\my-project. Then this directory represents the working tree containing all les to edit. The attached repository (or more precise: the repositorys meta data) is located in the D:\my-project\.git directory.


Typical Project Life-Cycle

As with all version control systems, there typically exists a central repository containing the project les. To create a local repository, you need to clone the remote central repository. Then the local repository is connected to the remote repository which, from the local repositorys perspective, is referred to as origin. The cloning-step is comparable with the initial SVN checkout for getting a local working copy. 4

Chapter 2. Git-Concepts Having the local repository containing all project les from origin, you can make changes to the les in the working tree and commit the changes. These changes will be stored in your local repository only, you dont even need to have access to a remote repository when committing. Later on, after you have committed a couple of changes, you can push (see 3.2.1) them back to the remote repository. Other users which have their own clone of the origin repository, pull (see 3.2.2) from the remote repository to get your pushed changes.



Branches can be used to store independent commits in the repository, e.g., to x bugs for a released software project and continue to develop new features for the next project version. Git distinguishes between two kinds of branches: local branches and remote branches. In the local repository, you can create as much local branches as you like. Remote branches refer to local branches of the origin-repository. In other words: cloning a remote repository clones all its local branches which then are stored in your local repository as remote branches. You cant work directly with the remote branches, but have to create local branches for them which are linked to the remote branches. The local branch is called tracking branch and the belonging remote branch tracked branch. There can be independent local branches and tracking branches. The default local main branch which Git creates is named master (the SVN equivalent is the trunk). When cloning a remote repository, the master tracks the remote branch origin/master.


Working With Branches

After you have pushed changes from your local branch to the origin-repository, the tracked (remote) branch will get those changes, too. If you pull changes from the origin-repository, these commits will be stored in the tracked (remote) branch of the local repository. To get the tracked branch changes into your local branch, the remote changes have to be merged from the tracked branch. This can be done directly when invoking the Pull command in SmartGit or later by explicitly invoking the Merge command. An alternative to using the Merge command is using the Rebase command. Tip The method to be used by Pull (either Merge or Rebase) can be congured by Project|Working Tree Settings, in Pull tab.

c 2011 syntevo GmbH,

Chapter 2. Git-Concepts


Branches Are Just Pointers

Every branch is simply a named pointer to a commit. A special unique pointer for every repository is the HEAD which indicates the commit to which the working tree belongs. The HEAD cannot only point to a commit, but also to a local branch which itself points to a commit. Committing changes will create a new commit on top of the commit where the HEAD is pointing to. If the HEAD points to a local branch, the branch pointer will be moved forward to the new commit, so also the HEAD indirectly points to the new commit. If the HEAD points to a commit, the HEAD itself is moved forward to the new commit.



A commit is the equivalent to an SVN revision, a set of changes which are stored in the repository with a commit message. The Commit command is used to store working tree changes in the local repository, creating a new commit.


Its All About Commits

Lets take a short trip to theory, namely commit graphs. Every repository starts with the initial commit. Every subsequent commit is directly based on one or more parent commits. In this way a repository is a commit graph (or more technically speaking: a directed, acyclic graph of commit-nodes) with every commit being a descendant from the initial commit. This is the reason why a commit is not just a set of changes, but due to its xed location in the commit graph, also species a unique repository state. A normal commit has just one parent commit (or none in case of the initial commit). A merge commit has two (or more) parent commits. o | | | o | o | o ... a merge commit \ o ... a normal commit | | ... another normal commit / ... yet another normal commit which has been branched ... the initial commit

Each commit can be identied by its unique SHA-ID. Git allows to check out every commit using its SHA (SmartGit does not require you to enter such hard to remember SHAs, but instead lets you select commits). Checking out will set the HEAD and working tree to c 2011 syntevo GmbH, 6

Chapter 2. Git-Concepts the commit. After altering the working tree, comitting your changes will result in a new commit which will have the checked out commit as its parent. Newly created commits are called heads, because there are no other commits descending from them. In this way you are extending the commit graph.


How Things Play Together

The following example shows how commits, branches, pushing, fetching and (basic) merging play together. Lets assume we have commits A, B and C. master and origin/master both point to C. HEAD points to master (in other words: the working tree is switched to branch master): o [> master][origin/master] C | o B | o A Now, lets commit a set of changes which results in commit D. Commit D is a child of C. master will now point to D, hence it is one commit ahead of the tracked branch origin/master: o | o | o | o [> master] D [origin/master] C B A

As a result of a Push, Git sends the commit D to the origin-repository moving its master to the new commit D. Because a remote branch always refers to the branch in the remote repository, origin/master of our repository will also be set to the commit D: o | o | o | o [> master][origin/master] D C B A

c 2011 syntevo GmbH,

Chapter 2. Git-Concepts Now lets assume someone else has further modied the remote repository and committed E as a child of D, i.e. the master in the origin-repository points now to E. When fetching from the origin-repository, we will receive commit E and our repositorys origin/master will be moved to E: o | o | o | o | o [origin/master] E [> master] D C B A

Finally, we will now merge our local master from its tracking branch origin/master. Because there are no new local commits, this will simply move master forward to the commit E, too (see Section 2.6.2). o | o | o | o | o [> master][origin/master] E D C B A

This was the complete Push-Pull-Merge cycle when working with remote repositories.


The Index

The Index is an intermediate storage for preparing a commit. Depending on your personal preferences, SmartGit allows you to make heavy use of the Index or to ignore its presence at all. With the Stage command you can save a les content from your working tree into the Index. If you stage a previously version-controlled but in the working tree missing le, it will be marked for removal. You can do that explicitly using the Remove command, just as you are accustomed from SVN. If you have a le with Index changes selected, invoking Commit will give you the option to commit all staged changes. c 2011 syntevo GmbH, 8

Chapter 2. Git-Concepts If you have staged some le changes and later modied the working tree le again, you can use the Revert command to either revert the working tree le content to the staged changes stored in the Index or to the le content stored in the repository (HEAD). The Changes preview of the SmartGit project window can show the changes between the HEAD and Index, the HEAD and working tree or the Index and the working tree state of the selected le. When unstaging previously staged changes before committing them, the staged changes will be moved back to the working tree, if the working tree is not modied. The Index will get the HEAD le content.


Merging and Rebasing

Normal Merge

Usually, when merging from a dierent branch and both, the current branch and the branch to merge contain changes, there are two options to merge: the normal merge and the squash merge. In case of the normal merge a merge commit with at least two parent commits (the last from your current branch and the last from the merged branch) is created (> indicates where the HEAD is pointing to): o [> master] |\ o \ | | | o [a-branch] . .

o [> master] | | o [a-branch] . .



Fast-forward Merge

If the current branch is just a few commits behind the merged commit on the same branch, it is sucient to just move the current branch pointer forward. No additional commit needs to be created. o [origin/master] | o [> master] . o [> master][origin/master] | o .


c 2011 syntevo GmbH,

Chapter 2. Git-Concepts


Squash Merge

The squash merge will perform the merge like the normal merge, but drops the information from what branch the merge occurs. Hence it only allows to create normal commits. This is very useful to merge changes from local (features) branches where you dont want all your feature branch commits be pushed into the remote repository. o [> master] (this commit will contain changes | from a-branch) o | | o [a-branch] . .

o [> master] | | o [a-branch] . . Note


Merging is a fundamental concept in Git and SmartGit performs merges automatically in situations where you might not expect it at a rst glance. For example, if you are working on the master branch and want to switch to the release-1 branch, SmartGit merges changes from the tracking branch origin/release-1. So be aware that a plain switch to a dierent branch can result in a merge conict.

A Git-specic alternative to merging is rebasing (see Section 3.4.4). It can be used to keep the history linear. For example, if a user has done local commits and performs a pull with merge, a merge commit with two parent commits (his last commit and the last commit from the tracking branch) is created. When using rebase instead of merge, Git applies the local commits on top of the commits from the tracking branch, thus avoiding a merge commit. As for merge, this only works if no conict occurs.


Working Tree States

Usually, you can commit individual le changes. But there are some situations where this is not possible, e.g., if a merge has failed with a conict. In this case you either have to nish the merge by solving the conict, staging the le changes and performing the commit on the working tree root or by reverting the whole working tree.



Often, software projects are not completely selfcontained, but they usually share common parts with other software projects. Git oers a feature called submodules which c 2011 syntevo GmbH, 10

Chapter 2. Git-Concepts allows to integrate directory structures into another directory structure (similar to SVNs externals feature). A submodule is a nested repository which is embedded in a dedicated subdirectory of the working tree (of its parent repository). It is always pointing at a particular commit of the embedded repository. The denition of the submodule is stored as a separate entry in the git object database of the parent repository. The link between working tree entry and foreign repository is stored in the .gitmodules les of the parent repository. The .gitmodules le is usually versioned, so it can be maintained by all users respectively changes are propagated to all users. Submodule repositories are not automatically cloned, but need to be initialized rst. The initialization arranges necessary entries in the .git/config le which can be edited later by the user, e.g., to x SSH login names.



Git allows not only to communicate with other Git repositories, but also with SVN repositories. This means that you can use SmartGit also as a simple SVN client: Cloning from a SVN repository is similar to checking out a SVN working copy. Pulling from the SVN repository is similar to updating the SVN working copy. Pushing to the SVN repository is similar to committing from the SVN working copy to the SVN server. In addition to a normal SVN client, you can use all (local) Git features like local commits and branching. SmartGit integrates all SVN operations transparently, so you almost never need to care which server VCS is hosting your main repository.

c 2011 syntevo GmbH,


Chapter 3 Important Commands

This chapter gives you an overview of important SmartGit commands.



A SmartGit project is a named entity which usually has one assigned working tree and makes working with it easier by remembering a couple of (primarily) GUI related options. Depending on the selected directory, when cloning or opening a working tree, SmartGit allows to create a new project, open an existing one for the directory or to add the working tree to the currently open project. To group the projects, use Project|Project Manager. To remove a working tree from a SmartGit project, use Project|Remove Working Tree.


Open Working Tree

Use Project|Open Working Tree to either open an existing local working tree (e.g. initialized or cloned with the Git command line client) or to initialize a new working tree. You need to specify the local directory which you want to open. If the specied directory is not yet a Git working tree, you have the option to initialize it.


Cloning a Repository

Use Project|Clone to create a clone of another Git or SVN repository. Specify the repository to clone either as a remote URL ( or, if the repository is locally available in your le system, the le path. In the next step you have to provide a local path where the clone should be located.


Chapter 3. Important Commands


Synchronizing With a Remote Repository

The following commands can be found in the Remote menu:



Use Remote|Push or Remote|Push Advanced to store local commits to a remote repository. Remote|Push can only push the current branch or changes in all tracking branches to the origin-repository, but works for multiple working trees. Remote|Push Advanced only works for one working tree. In case multiple repositories are assigned to your local repository, select the target repository where the local commits should be pushed to. Select the local branches or tags for which you want to push commits. If you try to push commits from a new local branch, you will be asked whether to set up tracking for the newly created remote branch. In most cases its recommended to set up tracking, so you will also be able to receive changes from the remote repository and have Gits branch synchronization mechanism working here (see Section 2.3).



Use Remote|Pull to fetch commits from a remote repository and integrate (merge or rebase) them into the local branch. After successfully fetching the commits of the remote repository, they are stored in the remote branches. The changes have to be merged or rebased into the local tracking branches either automatically or manually. If the option Merge fetched remote changes resp. Rebase local branch onto fetched changes is selected, the merge resp. rebase will happen immediately after fetching. In case of conicts, the working tree remains in merging resp. rebasing state. Use Project|Working Tree Settings to change the default options. If the option Just fetch changes is selected, you later can use the Merge (see 3.4.3) or Rebase (see 3.4.4) commands to merge or rebase the remote changes from the tracked remote branch to the local branch. This, for example, can be useful if you cant merge or rebase the remote changes now but want to have the latest remote changes in your repository, e.g., if you are going o-line.



Use this command to push local commits to a remote repository and pull commits at the same time.

c 2011 syntevo GmbH,


Chapter 3. Important Commands Usually, you have to use the Push (see 3.2.1) and Pull (see 3.2.2) commands to keep your repository synchronized with a remote repository. Using Synchronize simplies this common workow. In the case of local and remote commits, the invoked push command fails. But the pull command is performed nevertheless, so at least the commits from the remote repository are available in the tracked branch and are ready to merge or rebase. If the remote changes were applied to the local branch, you can invoke the Synchronize command again.


Local Operations On The Working Tree

These commands can be found in the Local menu.



Use this command to prepare a commit by saving the current le content state in the Index (see 2.5) by scheduling an untracked le for adding or a missing le for removing from the repository. To commit staged changes, invoke the Commit (see 3.3.4) command on the working tree root.



Use this command to undo a previous Stage (see 3.3.1). If the le content in the Index is the same as in the working copy, the indexed content will be restored to the working tree. Otherwise the indexed content will be lost.



Use this command to mark untracked les as to be ignored. This is useful to distinguish purely local les which should never be stored in the repository from locally created les which show up as untracked and should be stored in the repository for the next commit. If the menu option View|Ignored Files is selected, ignored les will be shown. Ignoring a le will write an entry to the .gitignore le in the same directory. Git supports various options to ignore les, e.g. patterns that apply to les in subdirectories, too. Using the SmartGit Ignore command only ignores the les in the same directory. To use the more advanced Git ignore options, you may edit the .gitignore le(s) manually.

c 2011 syntevo GmbH,


Chapter 3. Important Commands



Use this command to save local changes in the local repository. If the working tree is in merging state (see Section 2.6), you can only commit the whole working tree. Otherwise, you can select the les to commit (previously tracked, now missing les will be removed from the repository, untracked new les will be added). If you have staged (see 3.3.1) changes in the Index, you can commit them by selecting at least one le with Index changes or the working tree root before invoking the commit command. Note If you commit one or more individual les which have both staged and unstaged changes, the working tree state will be committed.

While entering the commit message, you can use <Ctrl>+<Space>-keystroke to complete le names or le paths. Use Select from Log to pick a commit message or SHA ID from the log. If Amend foregoing commit instead of creating a new one is selected, you can update the commit message and les of the previous commit, e.g. to x a typo or add a forgotten le. If a normal merge (see 2.6.1) has been performed before, you will have the option to create a merge commit or normal commit, refer to Section 2.6.1 and Section 2.6.3 for details.


Undo Last Commit

Use this command to undo the last commit. The committed le contents will be stored in the Index (see 2.5). Warning! Dont undo an already pushed commit unless you know exactly what you are doing! Otherwise you need to force pushing your local changes which might discard other users commits in the remote repository.



Use this command to revert the le contents either back to their Index (see 2.5) or repository state (HEAD). If the working copy is in merging state use this command on the root of the working copy to get out of the merging state.

c 2011 syntevo GmbH,


Chapter 3. Important Commands



Use this command to remove les from the local repository and optionally delete them in the working tree. If the local le in the working tree is already missing, staging (see 3.3.1) will have the same eect, but the Remove command also allows to remove les from the repository but still keeping them locally.



Use this command to delete local les (or directories) from the working tree. Warning! Note that the les will not be deleted into the systems trash, so restoring the content might be impossible!


Branch Handling

Use this command to switch your working tree to a dierent branch. If you select a remote branch, you can optionally create a new local branch, what is recommended. Switching to a local branch which has a remote tracking branch will try to merge changes from the tracking branch after the switch if the option Merge changes from tracking branch is selected. If this option is not selected, you can later use the Merge command (see 3.4.3) to merge changes from the tracking branch.



Use this command to switch the working tree to a certain commit. If you select a commit where local branches point to, you will have the option to switch to these branches. If you select a commit where remote branches point to, you will have the option to create a corresponding local branch.



Use this command to merge changes from another branch to the current branch. Select the option Branch starting with the selected commit to prepare a normal merge (see 2.6.1). This will leave your working tree in merging state to let you review or tweak c 2011 syntevo GmbH, 16

Chapter 3. Important Commands the changes. When performing a commit (see 3.3.4), you will have the option to create a merge or simple commit (Section 2.6.3). Also select the option If possible, move just the branch pointer forward, if instead of preparing a merge commit, the current branch pointer just should move forward (Section 2.6.2). Select the option Only the selected commits to cherry-pick one or more commits into the working tree. This will not prepare a merge commit, so there will be no corresponding option on commit either. If you also select the option Undo the selected commit, the selected commit will be reverted in the working tree. Use this to undo the changes introduced by the selected commit.



Use this command to apply commits from one branch to another. Select the option Current branch onto its tracked branch (e.g. after having fetched remote changes) to apply your recent local commits onto the tracked branch. This command is a shortcut for the option HEAD commits to selected commit and selecting the commit with the tracked branch. Use this option to keep the history of your repository linear. This option only is enabled, if your local branch is behind its tracked remote branch. Select the option Selected commit(s) to HEAD, click Next and select a commit (or a commit range - start and end) to apply the commits to the current branch. o [> master] B | o C | o D | o A | | o [a-branch] | | | o B | | | o C | | | o D | / | / o

o [> master] A | | o [a-branch] | | | o B (selected) | | | o C | | | o D | / | / o


Select the option HEAD commits to selected commit, click Next and select a commit to apply the last current branchs commits to the selected commit. c 2011 syntevo GmbH, 17

Chapter 3. Important Commands

o [> master] A | | o [a-branch] | | o | B | | | o C (selected) | | o | D | / | / o

===> rebase

o A . . o . | o | . | . o . | o | . / . / o

o [> master] A | o B | o D | | | | [a-branch] | / B / /\ C == hiding D lost commits

o [> master] A | o B | o D | | | | o [a-branch] | | | / | / o | | | | o


Add Branch

Use this command to create a branch at the current commit.


Add Tag

Use this command to create a tag at the current commit.


Branch Manager

Use this dialog to get an overview of all branches or to delete some of the branches. It also lets you congure tracking by selecting a local not-yet tracking branch and a remote branch.

c 2011 syntevo GmbH,


Chapter 4 Directory tree and le table

Directory tree and le table display the status of your working tree (and Index). The primary directory states are listed in Table 4.1, and possible states of submodules in Table 4.2. Every primary and submodule state may be combined with additional states, which are listed in Table 4.3. The possible le states are listed in Table 4.4. Icon State Default Details Directory is present in the repository (more precisely: there is at least one versioned le below this directory stored in the repository). Directory (and contained les) are present in the working tree, but have not been added to the repository yet. Use Stage to add the les to the repository. Directory is not present in the repository (exists only in the working tree) and is marked as to be ignored. Directory is present in the repository, but does not exist in the working tree. Use Stage to remove the les from the repository or Discard to restore them in the working tree. Repository contains conicting les (only displayed on the root directory). Use Resolve to resolve the conict. Repository is in merging or rebasing state (only displayed on the root directory). Either Commit the merge/rebase or use Discard to cancel the merge/rebase. Directory is either the project root or a submodule root, see Table 4.2. Figure 4.1: Primary Directory States


Ignored Missing

Conict Merge



Chapter 4. Directory tree and le table


State Submodule Modied in working tree

Details Unchanged submodule. Submodule in working tree points to a dierent commit than the one registered in the repository. Use Stage to register the new commit in the Index, or Reset to reset the submodule to the commit registered in the repository. Submodule in working tree points to a dierent commit than the one registered in the repository, and this changed commit has been staged to the Index. Commit this change or use Discard to revert the Index. Submodule in working tree points to a dierent commit than the one in the Index, and the staged commit in the Index is dierent from the one in the repository. Use either Stage to register the changed commit in the Index (overwriting the Index change), Discard to revert the Index, or Reset to reset the submodule to the commit registered in the Index. Nested repository is not registered in the parent repository as submodule. Use Stage to register (and add) the submodule to the parent repository. Figure 4.2: Submodule States

Modied in Index

Modied in WT and Index

Foreign repository


State Direct Local Changes Indirect Local Changes

Details There are local (or Index) changes within the directory itself. There are local (or Index) changes in one of the subdirectories of this directory.

Figure 4.3: Additional Directory States

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Chapter 4. Directory tree and le table


State Unchanged

Details File is under version control and neither modied in working tree nor in Index. Unversioned File is not under version control, but only exists in the working tree. Use Stage to add the le or Ignore to ignore the le. Ignored File is not under version control (exists only in the working tree) and is marked to be ignored. Modied File is modied in the working tree. Use Stage to add the changes to the Index or Commit the changes immediately. Modied (Index) File is modied and the changes have been staged to the Index. Either Commit the changes or Unstage changes to the working tree. Modied (WT and Index) File is modied in the working tree and in the Index in dierent ways. You may Commit either Index changes or working tree changes. Added File has been added to Index. Use Unstage to remove from the Index. Removed File has been removed from the Index. Use Unstage to un-schedule the removal from the Index. Missing File is under version control, but does not exist in the working tree. Use Stage or Remove to remove from the Index or Discard to restore in the wirking tree. Modied (Added) File has been added to the Index and there is an additional change in the working tree. Use Commit to either commit just the addition or commit addition and change. Intent-to-Add File is planned to be added to the Index. Use Add or Stage to add actually or Discard to revert to unversioned. Conict A merge-like command resulted in conicting changes. Use the Conict Solver to x the conicts. Figure 4.4: File States

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Chapter 5 System properties/VM options

Some very fundamental options, which have to be known early at startup time or which typically need not to be changed are specied by Java VM options instead of SmartGit preferences. Options suppied to the VM are either actual standard or non-standard options, like -Xmx to set the maximum memory limit, or system properties, typically prexed by -D. This chapter is mainly about SmartGit-specic system properties.


General properties

Following general purpose properties are supported by SmartGit.

This propery species the directory into which SmartGit will put its conguration les; refer to Section 6 for details. The value of smartgit.home may also contain other default Java system properties, like user.home. It may also contain the special smartgit.installation property, which refers to the installation directory of SmartGit. Example To store all settings into the subdirectory .settings of SmartGits installation directory, you can set smartgit.home=${smartgit.installation}\.settings.


Chapter 5. System properties/VM options


User interface properties
This property species whether to show the splash screen on startup or not. It defaults to true. Example Use to disable the splash screen.


Specifying VM options and system properties

Depending on your operating system, VM options resp. system properties are specied in dierent ways. le
The le is present on all operating systems. Its located in SmartGits settings directory; refer to Section 5.1 for details. All system properties can be specied in this le. Note System properties are VM options which would be specied by the -D prex when directly providing them with the start of the java process. All options listed in this chapter are system properties and hence can be specied in the le.

Every option is specied on a new line, with its name followed by a = and the corresponding value. Example Add to disable the splash screen.

Microsoft Windows
VM options are specied in bin/smartgit.vmoptions within the installation directory of SmartGit. You can also specify system properties by adding a new line with the property name, prexed by -D, and appending = and the corresponding property value.

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Chapter 5. System properties/VM options Example Add the line to disable the splash screen.

Apple Mac OS X
System properties are specied in the Info.plist le. Right click the in the Finder and select Show Package Contents, double click the Contents directory and there you will nd the Info.plist le. Open it in a text editor of your choice. Specify the system properties as key-string pairs in the dict-tag after the key with the Properties content. Example Use the following key-string pairs <key>Properties</key> <dict> ... <key></key> <string>false</string> </dict> to disable the splash screen. Specify a VM option by placing them in the string-tag to the VMOptions array.

System properties are specied e.g. in bin/ within the installation directory of SmartGit. You can specify a property by adding the property name, prexed by -D and appending = and the corresponding property value to the VM PROPERTIES environment variable. Multiple properties are simply separated by a whitespace; make sure to use quotes when specifying several properties. Example Add _VM_PROPERTIES="$_VM_PROPERTIES" before the $ JAVA EXEC to disable the splash screen.

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Chapter 6 Installation and Files

SmartGit stores its conguration les per-user. The root directory of SmartGits conguration area contains subdirectories for every major SmartGit version, so you can use multiple versions concurrently. The location of the conguration root directory depends on the operating system.


Location of SmartGits settings directory

Windows:: The conguration les are located below %APPDATA%\syntevo\SmartGit. Mac OS:: The conguration les are located below ~/Library/Preferences/SmartGit. Unix/Other:: The conguration les are located below ~/.smartgit. Tip You can change the directory where the conguration les are stored by the system property smartgit.home (see 5.1).


Notable conguration les

accelerators.xml stores the accelerators conguration. credentials.xml stores authentication information, except the corresponding passwords. license stores your SmartGits license key. log.txt contains debug log information. Its congured via passwords is an encrypted le and stores the passwords used throughout SmartGit. projects.xml stores all congured projects including their settings. 25

Chapter 6. Installation and Files settings.xml stores the application-wide Preferences of SmartGit. uiSettings.xml stores the context menu conguration.


Company-wide installation

For company-wide installations, the administrator can install SmartGit on a network share. To make deployment and initial conguration for the users easier, certain conguration les can be prepared and put into the subdirectory default (within SmartGits installation directory). When a user starts SmartGit for the rst time, following les will be copied from the default directory to his private conguration area: accelerators.xml credentials.xml projects.xml settings.xml uiSettings.xml The license le (only for Enterprise licenses and 10+ users Professional licenses) can also be placed into the default directory. In this case, SmartGit will prell the License eld in the Set Up wizard when a user starts Smartgit for the rst time. When upgrading SmartGit, this license le will also be used, so users wont be prompted with a license expired message, but can continue working seamlessly. Note Typically, you will receive license les from us wrapped into a ZIP archive. In this case you have to unzip the contained license le into the default directory.


JRE search order (Windows)

On Windows, the smartgit.exe launcher will search for an appropriate JRE in the following order (from top to bottom): Environment variable SMARTGIT JAVA HOME Sub-directory jre within SmartGits installation directory Environment variable JAVA HOME c 2011 syntevo GmbH, 26

Chapter 6. Installation and Files Environment variable JDK HOME Registry key HKEY LOCAL MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment

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