Camera Shopper 18
Camera Shopper 18
Camera Shopper 18
or d-slr?
10 things you must
know when choosing Budget telephoto 36
between SLRs & CSCs options on test lenses
teste d
L 162 pages of
photo Tests
you can trust!
Buy with confidence! Nobody
Olympus OM-D E-M1 MkII
OMG! Olympus’s new turbocharged
Fuji’s newest X-mount flagship adds
runs tougher, more scientific
OM-D shoots at 60 frames a second! faster autofocus and 4K video camera and lens reviews
GE 8
PA 14
Photo techniques
Pro interviews
The latest news
GIFTS and more...
f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e 3
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14 Beginners’ cameras
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51 Portable drives
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22 Canon 760D/Rebel T6s
A great all-rounder
52 Canon EOS 1D X Mark II
Pro SLR for action specialists
All contents copyright © 2016 Future Publishing Limited or published under licence.
All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced, stored, transmitted
Great enthusiasts’ all-rounder
54 Fujifilm X-T2
Classic camera styling with
57 GoPro Hero 5
at the time of going to press. Future cannot accept any responsibility for errors or
inaccuracies in such information. You are advised to contact manufacturers and retailers
directly with regard to the price and other details of products or services referred to in this
Rival action DSLRs for enthusiasts
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The best action cam of all?
We are not responsible for their contents or any changes or updates to them.
If you submit unsolicited material to us, you automatically grant Future a licence to publish
Canon EOS 6D
58 Fujfilm X-E2S
your submission in whole or in part in all editions of the magazine, including licensed
editions worldwide and in any physical or digital format throughout the world. Any material
you submit is sent at your risk and, although every care is taken, neither Future nor its vs Nikon D750
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Affordable full-frame SLRs compared Classy rangefinder-style CSC
42 Canon EOS 5D IV
The new choice for pros?
66 84 137
90 Mk
Olympus OM-D E-M5 138
94 Mk
Olympus OM-D E-M1
Olympus’ popular pro-level MFT
flagship has speed you won’t believe
whatever the weather has to offer
64 Instant cameras
Print pics in an instant
110 Sony Alpha 68
Good-value DSLR alternative 126 Prime lenses
9 things you need to know
69 tripod
114 Sony Alpha a77 II
24MP APS-C workhorse 137 Laowa 105mm f/2
Fast telephoto prime lens
70 Nikon D7200
The enthusiasts’ favourite
APS-C format (DX) Nikon SLR 122 Camera phones
Quality pocket snappers 145 Sony FE 50mm
f/2.8 Macro
1:1 full-frame macro prime
74 Nikon D500
High-speed shooting and 4K! 104 146 Budget telephotos
More reach, less cost
78 Nikon D810
vs Pentax K-1
Full-frame head-to-head 153 Sigma 30mm f/1.4
Fast crop sensor prime
Nikon’s best pro camera yet Perfect for wildlife and action
84 Hard cases
Ultimate gear protection
122 161 Fujifilm XF 100-400mm
f/4.5-5.6 R LM OIS WR
Powerful telephoto for X-mount
f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e 5
Cameras and Accessories
Real-world testing
The first and most important
pillar of our process is real-
world testing. We firmly believe
that the best measure of a
product is how it performs in
the field (or studio) doing the job
for which it was intended. The
majority of our testing time is
therefore spent using products
in this way, so we can report
back on how they cope under a
number of different lighting
scenarios and conditions.
amera ensure all products and cameras and lenses that The first part of our real-
C Shopper is
brought to you
services are credibly graded.
Take a look at the opposite page
supplement our real world
testing with benchmarks.
world testing involves telling
you how a product handles and
by the UK’s for more details. our impressions of its
most experienced team of Independence performance; the second is
photography journalists, Passion Camera Shopper is 100% about examining the image
which means you can trust We believe the best way to test independent and never swayed quality produced, so we take a
everything you read on a product is to use it as it was by the influence of advertisers number of photographs under
these pages and can buy intended, so our real world or PR firms. The tests you read different conditions with every
your next piece of testing involves taking in the magazine are our camera and lens we test, which
photography equipment equipment on a proper shoot genuine unbiased opinions and means you can see the results
with total confidence. In – whether outdoors or in the Future Publishing, the achieved for yourself.
case you need any further studio – and testing it exactly company behind Camera
convincing, here’s why our tests as you would use it in real life to Shopper, has a strict code of Benchmarking
are the best: let you know whether it’s fit for conduct on testing. The second pillar of our testing
purpose. policy involves testing the
Depth Consistency output of cameras and lenses
At Camera Shopper, we take Objectivity We store data from every under controlled conditions. We
great pride in the rigorous Although scientific data won’t camera and lens test so that we shoot a series of test charts that
nature of our testing process. tell you everything about a can make full and standardised are specifically designed to test
Every product and service is product, it’s a great way to draw comparisons between different performance aspects
tested in appropriate direct comparisons and products. We believe you don’t of a camera or lens. Further
circumstances, and a sense-check our real world just want to know how good details about the tests we
combination of real world and conclusions, so we’ve devised a these products are but how they perform can be found in the
objective tests are performed to series of controlled tests for compare with their rivals. panel to the right.
6 f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e
Camera tests
Scores explained
testing SLRs, we use Sigma’s seen as a substitute for real-
50mm f/1.4 EX DG HSM prime world testing, though. We can
lens, which is available for every test for a range of very specific
SLR camera system. performance criteria, but there
Each of our tests scores
Next, we perform an analysis are many more characteristics
of the test images using that only become apparent in out of five in one or more Forget it
Imatest’s Imatest Master (www. actual use. Lab tests won’t tell sub-categories; then we award and DxO Analyzer you which camera handles best an overall mark out of five.
Below average
( in the field, for example, or Digital Camera is 100%
quality/dxo_analyzer) to which is easiest to use, but they independent – and never
generate benchmark figures for do enable us to sense-check our swayed by advertisers. The Good for the price
each test. These can then be lab results against real-world tests you read are our genuine,
plotted against the results from image tests and make accurate unbiased opinions. Our company Very good all round
rival products to enable us to comparisons of products’ has a strict code of conduct on
make a direct comparison and capabilities. testing – the most rigorous of
determine which performs No other magazine goes this An exceptional,
any photo magazine. best-in-class product
better under a whole range of far to deliver equipment test
different test criteria. results you can really trust.
Given to the top For products Given to products Given to products Given to products
product in a that offer superb that receive five that are innovative that merit very
group test value for money stars overall & groundbreaking special attention
f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e 7
A C C ESSORIES get the kit you need with our in-depth reviews
Cameras and Accessories
14 78
10 CSC vs SLR
Which camera type is best? 52 Canon EOS 1D X Mark II
Pro SLR for action specialists 74 Nikon D500
High-speed shooting and 4K!
14 Beginners’ cameras
Starter camera and lens kits 54 Fujifilm X-T2
24MP X-Trans sensor 78 Nikon D810
vs Pentax K-1
Full-frame head-to-head
36 Canon EOS 6D
vs Nikon D750
Affordable full-frame SLRs compared
63 Cable releases
Get a cable and go remote
90 Mk
Olympus OM-D EM-5
Plug-in computer storage The enthusiasts’ favourite Tough new outdoor camera
8 f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e
26 74 104
impact of camera settings before you features, smaller size and full-time Live
Quality pocket snappers take a shot, so you know if you’ve set View of CSCs. See overleaf for more.
f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e 9
Cameras and Accessories
csc VS slr
CSC Cheap CSCs don’t have
viewfinders; those that do cost a
good deal more
10 key differences
compact system camera would make them
cheaper to buy, but that’s not the case. If
you want a fully-featured, ‘proper’ camera
for the least money, then a DSLR is the
cheapest option.
o you want a decent camera that and pros, however, have taken a bit of For example, the 24Mp Nikon D3300
takes interchangeable lenses? A convincing – first, that the image DSLR has just about the best APS-C sensor
few years ago that was easy quality is good enough to match a currently on the market, an optical
– you had to buy a DSLR. But DSLRs; second, that the features and viewfinder (of course), decent manual
then in 2009 Olympus launched its first handling are comparable; third and controls and 700-shot battery life. Its
mirrorless camera, the Pen E-P1, and most important, that these cameras will nearest rivals on price in the compact
everything changed. have a proper range of lenses to match system camera market can’t match its
Though it didn’t change overnight. those already available for DSLRs. resolution or its battery life and they don’t
Mirrorless cameras are great in principle So have mirrorless cameras done have viewfinders.
because they’re smaller, lighter and enough to be genuine DSLR rivals or, In fact, the cheapest CSC with a
mechanically simpler. They’re also just more to the point, are they already viewfinder at the time of writing is the 16Mp
like supersized compact cameras to better? To help you decide, here are the Olympus OM-D E-M10, which currently
use, whereas DSLRs are a bit of a jump key differences and what they mean for sells for around 30% more than the Nikon
from a regular compact. Enthusiasts everyday photography. D3300 – and it’s only that cheap because
it’s just been superseded.
Once you get into enthusiast and pro
market, however, the differences largely
disappear – for any given amount of money
you get broadly the same features,
performance and power.
10 f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e
f e at u r e
2 3 4
BatTery life Size and Lenses
CSC Much weaker, and typically CSC Yes, they are smaller and CSC Olympus, Panasonic and Sony
around 300-400 shots. You’ll need lighter, but the lenses (mostly) are have big ranges, while Fujifilm has
spare batteries just as big as a DSLR’s a good number of high-quality
Battery life comparisons might not be Small size is one of the big selling points for
exciting, but they are important when the mirrorless cameras, but it doesn’t always If you want the widest possible choice of
differences are as great as this. The Nikon work out that way because what you lenses, then a Canon or Nikon DSLR is
D7200 DSLR, for example, can take 1,100 actually have to take into account is the size possibly the best best, but mirrorless
shots on a single charge, while the Fuji X-T1 of the camera body and lens combination. cameras are gaining ground. Sony
CSC, a close match on paper, can only This is a problem for APS-C mirrorless mirrorless cameras are well supported now
shoot 350 photos before the battery cameras because you can get a nice slim – though more fast prime lenses and
expires. This pattern is repeated across the body but a fat, heavy kit lens. Some now constant aperture zooms would help – and
range of DSLRs and CSCs. come with retractable or power-zoom Panasonic and Olympus use the Micro Four
It’s not clear why. DSLR batteries are lenses but that doesn’t help when you have Thirds format, which now has a large and
sometimes larger, though not always, and to swap to a different type of lens. established lens range behind it.
you might have thought that driving the Panasonic and Olympus cameras have
mirror up and down for each shot would an advantage here. The Micro Four Thirds
consume more power, and that that LCD sensor format is smaller (which many
display would be used just as much. photographers don’t like) but this means
Apparently not, though, and this is one the lenses are smaller and lighter too
area where DSLRs do often have a (which many do).
substantial practical advantage.
f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e 11
f e at u r e
5 6 7
Continuous Video Features
DSLR The best DSLRs can no longer DSLR Massively popular with pros DSLR Even entry-level models
Cameras and Accessories
match the speeds of the best CSCs but, arguably, only because DSLRs have full manual controls, and
got there first DSLRs are powerful cameras
CSC The mirrorless design makes it
easier to add high-speed shooting CSC 4K video becoming more CSC They match DSLRs feature for
common, better live view AF – this feature, often going a step or two
You need a fast continuous shooting mode looks like the future further
to capture action shots, and compact
system cameras are streaking ahead here, Most pros shooting video use a DSLR, but In terms of photographic features and
partly because the mirrorless system that says more about the rather controls, DSLRs and CSCs are hard to split.
means there are fewer moving parts and conservative professional market than the They all offer full manual control over
partly because many models are now technology. DSLRs were the first to offer exposure and focusing and can shoot raw
pushing ahead into 4K video – this professional HD and full HD video, together files as well as JPEGs. In any one sector,
demands serious processing power, which with a vast range of lenses and other such as entry-level cameras, enthusiast or
helps with continuous shooting too. accessories, and pros prefer systems with pro models, the control layouts and
To put this in perspective, Canon’s top solid, long-term support. capabilities are pretty similar. Entry-level
professional DSLR can shoot at 14 frames But that was then. The industry is waking DSLRs tend to hide away the manual
per second, but the mirrorless Olympus up to the potential offered by mirrorless controls under a layer of automation, but
E-M1 II can shoot at an incredible 60fps. technology, including 4K video (still not it’s the same for CSCs.
Panasonic, meanwhile, is pioneering the common on consumer DSLRs), efficient Keep in mind the point about
use of 4K video to capture 8-megapixel live view autofocus and high-speed data viewfinders, though – all DSLRs have
images at 30 frames per second. readout and processing. The Panasonic viewfinders, but cheaper compact system
GH4, for example, has had a big impact as cameras don’t.
a hybrid stills/video camera that’s equally
good in both roles, rather than a stills
camera adapted to shoot video.
12 f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e
f e at u r e
8 9 10
Autofocus Viewfinders Image
DSLR Still better, on the whole for DSLR Many still prefer an ‘optical’ DSLR DSLRs use the latest and
CSC Full time live view AF means CSC Others prefer to see a digital CSC They use the same sensors,
faster shooting when using the LCD rendition of the scene as the but there are also smaller formats
screen camera will capture it for smaller cameras
DSLRs use fast and efficient ‘phase All DSLRs, even the cheapest, come with There’s nothing to choose here either.
detection’ autofocus modules mounted an optical viewfinder because it’s an Currently, the highest resolution is in a
below the mirror in the body, but these only integral part of the DSLR design. However, DSLR, the 50Mp Canon EOS 5Ds, but the
work while the mirror is down. If you’re many compact system cameras don’t have 42.5Mp Sony A7R II isn’t far behind.
using a DSLR in live view mode, composing viewfinders at all, so you have to use the It’s not just about megapixels, though,
a picture or video on the LCD display, the rear LCD to compose photos, which because the main factor in image quality is
mirror has to be flipped up and the regular doesn’t always work so well in bright light. sensor size. Full frame sensors are the
AF module is no longer in the light path, so Compact system cameras with biggest and offer the best quality, while
DSLRs have to switch to a (generally) viewfinders cost more, and these are cameras with APS-C sensors are almost as
slower sensor-based autofocus system. electronic rather than optical viewfinders good and much cheaper – and you can get
Some Canon DSLRs have hybrid AF – they display the image direct from the these sensor sizes in both DSLRs and
using phase-detection pixels built into the sensor readout and not via an optical CSCs.
sensor. This gives faster autofocus in live mirror/pentaprism system. But the compact system camera market
view mode to close the gap on CSCs, but Electronic viewfinders are advancing in offers smaller formats too. The Micro Four
this technology is currently the exception leaps and bounds, so the latest rarely show Thirds format used by Panasonic and
for DSLRs rather than the rule. any pixelation or ‘granularity’, though there Olympus is smaller than APS-C, but so are
CSCs use sensor-based autofocus all the can often be a slight but visible ‘lag’ if you the cameras and lenses.
time but it’s tuned for speed and efficiency. move the camera quickly. Overall, then, there’s no intrinsic image
More advanced models have advanced The advantage of electronic viewfinders image quality advantage in a DSLR, given
‘hybrid’ AF systems combining contrast is that they can display a lot more that the same sensor sizes are available in
autofocus with phase-detection pixels on information than an optical viewfinder, compact system cameras too.
the sensor, and the best are now so fast including live image histograms, for
that they’re getting almost as good as example. They can also simulate the digital
DSLRs at locking onto and following image the camera will capture.
moving subjects. Panasonic and Olympus This simulation is not always perfect,
cameras use a smaller Micro Four Thirds however, and many photographers prefer
sensor format, but this means the lenses to see the world with their own eyes as they
are smaller and lighter too, which is a real compose the image and check the digital The technical differences between
advantage for many photographers. version on the LCD straight after it’s been DSLRs and CSCs aren’t the only things
you need to consider, and may not even
be the most important. The only way to
DSLR CSC decide once and for all is to pick them up
and try them out to see which you prefer.
You might prefer the chunky feel and
optical viewfinder of a DSLR or you
might like the smaller body and more
precise feel of a CSC.
For those on a budget, a cheap digital
SLR gives you more than a cheap
f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e 13
group test beginners’ cameras
Cameras and Accessories
Matthew Richards tests eight
starter camera‑and-lens combinations
the contenders
1 Canon EOS 1300D with 18-55mm IS II lens £320/$450
2 Canon EOS 750D with 18-55mm IS STM lens £530/$700
3 Fujifilm X-T10 with 16-50mm XC II lens £550/$900
Alex Sun / Shutterstock
Canon’s most basic SLR. But -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 1300D. It has a 24.2MP sensor, -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20
it has barely anything new to offer, Scores closer to zero are better an image processor that’s two
Images have very natural colour rendition,
like a hangover of the 1200D that Colour rendition is fairly accurate on the generations newer, a sophisticated without the 1300D’s slight over-saturation.
whole, but can look a little over-saturated.
it replaces, with the addition of 19-point autofocus system (all
built-in Wi-Fi and NFC. SIGNAL-TO-NOISE RATIo cross-type), a hybrid secondary SIGNAL-TO-NOISE RATIo
The image processor gets a 50 autofocus system for Live View and 50
minor update and the LCD screen 40 movie capture, and a revamped 40
30 30
Motor) edition that’s sold with Noise at high settings is better controlled There’s a better implementation Despite the higher-res sensor, image noise
than the 1200D, but worse than the 750D. is better controlled than in the 1300D.
Canon’s other entry-level cameras. of Canon’s Quick menu for easy
DYNAMIC RANGE adjustment of important shooting DYNAMIC RANGE
Performance 14 settings, thanks to the LCD being 14
Exposure Value
12 12
vertical and horizontal planes). 100 400 1,600 6,400 25,600 100 400 1,600 6,400 25,600
Good retention of highlight and shadow Highlight and shadow detail are enhanced
Contrast-detection autofocus in detail, even in high-contrast scenes.
Performance by Canon’s Auto Lighting Optimizer.
Live View mode is painfully slow, Continuous shooting is nippy at
and continuous AF is unavailable Verdict up to 5fps, and the autofocus and Verdict
when shooting movies. The Features metering systems are highly Features
a slim and retro-styled -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 D3400. It has the same image -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20
design, similar to the Scores closer to zero are better sensor and processor, the most Scores closer to zero are better
Olympus E-M10 II. This is Auto white balance can be on the cool side, notable upgrade being that the Typical of many Nikon cameras, there’s
but images tend to be punchy and vibrant. a slight tendency to boost green hues.
enabled by the omission of a D3400 gains wireless connectivity.
conventional reflex mirror but, as SIGNAL-TO-NOISE RATIo Strangely, though, it’s Bluetooth SIGNAL-TO-NOISE RATIo
with the other CSCs in the group, 50 rather than the usual Wi-Fi and 50
30 30
LCD screen, although it lacks a full The 16.3MP resolution APS-C sensor gives interactive, pictorial shooting The D3400 strikes a good balance between
clean images at high ISO settings. suppressing noise and retaining fine detail.
pivot facility. The screen also lacks guide. Battery life is very good,
touch-sensitivity, but the Quick DYNAMIC RANGE but downgrades from the D3400 DYNAMIC RANGE
shooting menu is easy to navigate 14 are a weaker pop-up flash and the 14
with the four-way pad. The shutter removal of auto sensor cleaning.
Exposure Value
Exposure Value
12 12
in Auto and scene modes. 100 400 1,600 6,400 25,600 rather than the camera itself. As 100 400 1,600 6,400 25,600
The X-T10 manages to retain good levels of Nikon’s Active D-Lighting broadens the
detail in bright and dark areas within scenes.
with competing lenses used in all dynamic range to cope with high contrast.
Performance but the Canon 1300D and Pentax
The hybrid autofocus system is fast Verdict K-50 kits, this enables smooth and Verdict
and accurate, while light metering Features near-silent autofocus for movies, Features
British kit includes the new -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 range of cameras, the E-M10 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20
AF-P stepping motor lens, Scores closer to zero are better II being the latest entry-level Scores closer to zero are better
rather than the older AF-S Saturation can be less rich than in the model. Attractions include a The Auto white balance setting produces
D3400; auto white balance be slightly cool. slightly warm but appealing colour rendition.
version. Although the camera high-resolution electronic
has the same image sensor and SIGNAL-TO-NOISE RATIo viewfinder and tilting touchscreen, SIGNAL-TO-NOISE RATIo
processor as the D3400, a crucial 50 along with an excellent in-camera 50
30 30
shell. Both cameras are lacking There’s good retention of fine detail with who’s new to the camera. The flip The E-M10 II isn’t a star performer at high
minimal image noise at high ISO settings. ISO settings, with image noise visible.
in direct access buttons for side is that there’s a good level
adjusting shooting settings. DYNAMIC RANGE of customisation in the mostly DYNAMIC RANGE
However, making changes via the 14 intuitive menu system, so you can 14
Exposure Value
12 12
100 400 1,600 6,400 25,600 a Micro Four Thirds camera with 100 400 1,600 6,400 25,600
For outright dynamic range in the ISO Scores are good throughout the ISO range,
Performance 100-400 area, it’s one of the best here.
a relatively small image sensor and beating most of the other cameras.
Performance is similar in the two contrast-only rather than hybrid
cameras, but the D5500 produces Verdict autofocus. Even so, autofocus Verdict
slightly cleaner high-ISO images, Features speed is rapid and image noise at Features
other CSCs on test, yet handling Colour balance is accurate but over-exposure pentamirror viewfinder Accuracy can be hampered by under-
can result in images with poor saturation. exposure in multi-segment metering mode.
is a little more natural. Beginners and sensor-shift image
might find the dials and buttons SIGNAL-TO-NOISE RATIo stabilisation that works with SIGNAL-TO-NOISE RATIo
slightly daunting – there are five 50 any attached lens. The K-50 50
30 30
clearly labelled. 20
of a second and 6fps respectively, 20
via the on-screen Quick menu. Images taken at medium to high ISO settings sealed, as is the kit WR zoom lens. The sensitivity range stretches a long
are the noisiest of any camera on test. way, but noise is obvious above ISO 6,400.
The LCD benefits from being a It’s not all good news, however.
touchscreen, as well as boasting DYNAMIC RANGE The kit lens has a noisy autofocus DYNAMIC RANGE
full articulation. A claim to fame 14 system that’s driven from a motor 14
of the G7 is that it’s the only camera in the camera body, and there’s
Exposure Value
Exposure Value
12 12
Performance is good overall, but 100 400 1,600 6,400 25,600 and the screen lacks touch- 100 400 1,600 6,400 25,600
The G7 edges ahead of all the other Impressive at low sensitivity settings, but
the metering system errs on the cameras, throughout the entire ISO range.
sensitivity and articulation. more average at mid to high ISO values.
side of overexposure, sometimes
giving rise to a lack of highlight Verdict Performance Verdict
definition and colour saturation. Features The K-50 performs well in almost Features
Image noise at high ISO settings all areas. An exception is that the
is the worst of any camera in the multi-segment light metering
group, and the maximum bulb performance option often results in under- performance
exposure time is a mere two Value
exposure for high-contrast scenes, Value
minutes, making the G7 a poor delivering dull-looking images
candidate for night shots. OVERALL with muddy colour rendition. OVERALL
The Verdict
How the
Cameras Canon EOS Canon EOS Fujifilm X-T10, Nikon D3400, Nikon D5500, Olympus OM-D Panasonic Pentax K-50,
compare 1300D, 18-55mm 750D, 18-55mm 18-55mm 18-55mm 18-55mm E-M10 II, Lumix G7, 18-55mm
14-42mm 14-42mm
Street price £320/$450 £530/$700 £550/$900 £430/$500 £670/$700 £400/$700 £430/$800 £420/$450
Sensor (size) 18MP CMOS 24.2MP CMOS 16.3MP CMOS 24.2MP CMOS 24.2MP CMOS 16.1MP CMOS 16MP CMOS 16.3MP CMOS
(APS-C) (APS-C) (APS-C) (APS-C) (APS-C) (Four Thirds) (Four Thirds) (APS-C)
Lens mount Canon EF-S (1.6x) Canon EF-S (1.6x) Fuji X (1.5x) Nikon DX (1.5x) Nikon DX (1.5x) Micro Four Thirds Micro Four Thirds Pentax KAF2
(crop factor) (2.0x) (2.0x) (1.5x)
Viewfinder Pentamirror, 0.8x, Optical Optical Optical Optical Electronic (2.36M Electronic (2.36M Optical
95% (pentamirror) (pentamirror) (pentamirror) (pentamirror) dots) dots) (pentaprism)
ISO range ISO 100-6,400 ISO 100-12,800 ISO 200-6,400 ISO 100-25,600 ISO 100-25,600 ISO 200-25,600 ISO 200-25,600 ISO 100-51,200
(expanded) (12,800 exp) (25600 exp) (100-51,200) (100) (100)
Primary Phase (9 points, Phase (19 points, Hybrid (77 areas) Phase (11 points, Phase (39 points, Contrast Contrast Phase (11 points,
autofocus 1 cross-type) all cross-type) 1 cross-type) 9 cross-type) (81 areas) (49 areas) 9 cross-type)
Shutter speeds 30-1/4,000 sec, 30-1/4,000 sec, 30-1/4,000 sec, 30-1/4,000 sec, 30-1/4,000 sec, 60-1/4,000 sec, 60-1/4,000 sec, 30-1/6,000 sec,
Bulb Bulb Bulb Bulb Bulb Bulb 30 min Bulb 2 min Bulb
Max burst rate 3fps 5fps 8fps 5fps 5fps 8.5fps 6fps (8fps AF-S) 6fps
Flash Pop-up + hotshoe Pop-up + hotshoe Pop-up + hotshoe Pop-up + hotshoe Pop-up + hotshoe Pop-up + hotshoe Pop-up + hotshoe Pop-up + hotshoe
Image Via lens Via lens Via lens Via lens Via lens In-camera Via lens In-camera
Video - max 1080p, 1080p, 1080p, 60/50/ 1080p, 60/50/ 1080p, 60/50/ 1080p, 60/50/ 4K, 30/25/24fps 1080p,
resolution 30/25/24fps 30/25/24fps 30/25/24fps 30/25/24fps 30/25/24fps 30/25/24fps 30/25/24fps
LCD screen 3.0-inch, 920k, 3.0-inch, 1,040k, 3.0-inch, 920k, tilt 3.0-inch, 921k, 3.2-inch, 1,037k, 3.0-inch, 1,037k, 3.0-inch, 1,040k, 3.0-inch, 921k,
fixed pivot, touch fixed pivot, touch tilt, touch pivot, touch fixed
Wireless Wi-Fi, NFC Wi-Fi, NFC Wi-Fi Bluetooth Wi-Fi Wi-Fi Wi-Fi None
Body (W x H 129 x 101 x 78mm, 133 x 100 x 118 x 83 x 41mm, 124 x 98 x 76mm, 124 x 97 x 70mm, 120 x 83 x 47mm, 125 x 86 x 77mm, 129 x 97 x 70mm,
x D), weight 485g 79mm, 580g 381g 445g 470g 390g 410g 650g
Battery life 500 shots 440 shots 350 shots 1,200 shots 820 shots 320 shots 360 shots 410 shots
All the best bits from and
in two brilliant 228-page handbooks
SL R w w
760D shares many components with
the 750D. For a start they both have
Canon’s new APS-C format CMOS
sensor with an effective pixel count of
Angela Nicholson puts Canon’s more 24.2 million, a Digic 6 processing
engine and a phase detection
advanced new 24MP APS-C format SLR autofocus system, with 19 cross-type
points for use when focusing images in
through our full testing procedure... the viewfinder. The cameras can select
the appropriate AF point to use
automatically in 19-point AF mode, or
it can be set manually in groups in
Zone AF mode (there are five groups of
points for selection) or individually in
Specifications WIth three cameras Single-point AF mode.
in its entry-level There’s also Canon’s new Hybrid
Sensor 24.2MP APS-C (22.3 x 14.9mm) range Canon CMOS AF III system (with Face
CMOS sensor
already had plenty Detection, Tracking AF, FlexiZone-
Focal Length conversion 1.6x
to interest novices and Multi and FlexiZone-Single modes),
Viewfinder Optical viewfinder, 95% enthusiast photographers on for use when images or video are
coverage, 0.82x magnification a budget. Now the company has composed on the screen in Live View
Video resolution Full HD (1,920x1,080 replaced the 700D with two mode. This system has a greater
pixels) at 30, 25 or 24fps models, the EOS 760D and 750D, number of focusing pixels, set in a
ISO range ISO 100-12,800 (expandable rather than one. more regular array than before.
to 25,600) As the 700D continues in the Canon says it’s about four times faster
Autofocus points 19 line-up (for now at least), this than version II (used in the EOS
Max burst rate 5fps means that there are five cameras 100D).
LCD Screen size 3-inch; 1,040,000
in what Canon calls its beginners’ Despite the increase in pixel count
Shutter speeds 1 /4,000-30 sec, Bulb
range. The new 760D and 750D, in comparison with the 700D, which
Weight 565g (inc battery and memory known as the Rebel T6s and T6i in has 18 million pixels, the 760D has
card) the US, sit at the top of this group a native sensitivity range of ISO
Dimensions 131.9 x 100.9 x 77.8mm above the 700D, 100D and 1200D. 100-12,800, with an expansion
Power supply LP-E17 Li-ion battery The 760D is designed with setting of ISO 25,600 for when it’s
(supplied with camera) more experienced photographers vital to get an image in low light. For
in mind than the 750D, and has a movie shooting, the maximum native
few features from Canon’s setting is ISO 6,400, and there’s an
The new metering high-end cameras. In this review expansion value of ISO 12,800.
22 f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e
This detects when Viewfinder Top LCD
Q button
the 760D is held to If the 760D detects The 760D displays
Pressing this button
your eye and turns flicker from lights, an when the Wi-Fi
gives a quick route to
off the main screen icon tells you to use system is active in
changing some key
display. Anti-Flicker Shoot. the top-plate LCD.
Partial (6.0% of viewfinder), Spot (3.5% of sensor each have their own RGB-IR filter and Evaluative mode uses 315 zones,
viewfinder) and Centre-weighted average are read independently within the zone, Partial metering covers 10% of the
metering are available. In Evaluative mode the which Canon claims gives more accuracy and scene and Spot 2.7%.
metering is linked to the AF points, so the better colour detection. In Live View and Canon has been pretty quick to
brightness of the subject could have an impact video mode the same metering options are appreciate the benefits brought by
upon overall exposure Unlike the 700D’s available, but the camera uses the imaging touchscreen technology. Like the
(iFCL) metering system, the pixels on the sensor to supply the information and 700D, the 760D has a 3-inch touch-
sensitive Clear View II TFT screen with
1,040,000 dots and an aspect ratio of
3:2 to match the uncropped ratio of the
imaging sensor precisely.
In another first for Canon SLRs,
Meet the both cameras feature Wi-Fi and NFC
rivals… (Near Field Communication) to enable
them to be connected to other devices
The models for remote control and image sharing.
the 760D is Canon 750D Nikon D5500 Pentax K-S2
The NFC function provides a quick
£529 / $749 £579 / $600 £469 / $527
taking on without lens without lens without lens
way of connecting them wirelessly to
An alternative use of The first Nikon SLR to Like teh Canon and other NFC-enabled devices such as a
the 760D’s have a touchscreen, Nikon, this 20MP smartphone, tablet, another camera
processing engine, this 24MP SLR has a vari-angle or Canon’s Connect Station CS100, the
For test sensor, metering, has no AA sensor screen and Wi-Fi company’s portable storage unit. Once
images and white balance and filter for better detail connectivity for enabled via the menu, two NFC devices
resolution AF system resolution. sharing images. are connected just by touching their
charts, visit Reviewed: page 16 Reviewed: page 18 Reviewed: Issue 165 NFC logos together. You can also
www.techradar. control the cameras remotely via
com/cameras Wi-Fi using Canon’s free app on
a smartphone.
f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e 23
CSC benchmarks
How does the Canon EOS 760D fare?
COLOUR ERROR Closest to zero is best
Canon 750D 6.2
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10
Cameras and Accessories
200 400 800 1600 3200 6400
NOISE RESULT: The two Canons beat the D5500 for signal-to-
noise ratio – which means that they produce cleaner images.
The metering
and AF systems
coped well with
RAW DYNAMIC RANGE* Highest values are best this tricky shot.
12 Build and handling LCD on the top-plate. This shows
Although they have a different useful information such as the
control layout, the 750D and 760D sensitivity, battery level, exposure
8 feel very similar in the hand. There’s level, shutter speed and aperture. It’s
7 only 0.2mm difference in one useful to see the camera settings from
Highest values are best dimension between them – the 760D above and uses less power than the
5 is the slightly taller of the two. They main screen.
200 400 800 1600 3200 6400
SENSITIVITY don’t have quite the solidity of the 5D In another departure from the
DYNAMIC RESULT: The 760D and 750D capture a wide good
Mark III, but they have a chassis that 750D, the 760D has a dial around the
dynamic range, but they can’t quite match the Pentax K-S2. is constructed from aluminium alloy navigation buttons, with a lock to
and polycarbonate resin with glass deactivate it. As on the 70D, this
OVERALL BENCHMARK RESULT fibre and they feel pretty durable for allows quick adjustments to exposure
Both the 760D and the 750D (see page 14) performed well entry-level models. There’s no in manual exposure mode and
in our tests, indicating that they capture lots of detail
alarming creaking when you grip exposure compensation in the
and control noise well. They also have consistent
dynamic range across their sensitivity range, beating the them tightly. automatic and semi-automatic
D5500 at high values. But, in the lab at least, the Pentax One of the biggest differences modes, as there’s no need to press
K-S2 holds its own in this company. between the two cameras is that the a button while using the main dial.
* Raw results use images converted to TIFF 760D has a secondary (monochrome) The new dial feels lightweight in
comparison with the larger dial found
on the back of higher-end cameras
Stick or twist? Upgrade advice like the 5D Mark III. It’s also rather
low down on the body, so it doesn’t fall
Although the 760D and 750D easier to use. The addition of
within the natural reach of your
replace the 700D (pictured), an electronic level is also
with the addition of the rear useful for keeping horizons thumb: you have to stretch down to it.
control dial and a top-plate straight. Most importantly, Nevertheless, it allows quicker
LCD, the 760D is closer in the 760D can resolve a lot adjustments to be made than is
handling to the Canon 70D. more detail than the 700D possible with the 700D or 750D.
This may take some without detriment to image
adjusting to, but it makes noise control, making it Like the 7D Mark II but unlike the
the camera quicker and a great upgrade. 750D, the 760D has an electronic
level that can be shown in the
24 f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e
The 760D produces superb-quality
images that can match Canon’s
viewfinder or the main screen. This Above Both the is yes. We saw an occasional exposure top-end APS-C format camera, the
has a dedicated icon in the viewfinder new Canons could variation, but that can easily be EOS 7D Mark II, for detail. Noise is
and it doesn’t use the AF points, so it resolve the detail explained by slight differences in controlled well, and colour and
of these tomato
can be seen when pressing the shutter stalks. framing (resulting from the different exposure are excellent. While the
release to focus the lens. However, it lens position) and the location of the secondary LCD is a useful bonus,
can be hard to see when the scene is active AF point. In other respects – it’s the 760D’s electronic level and
dark and (unlike the 7D Mark II’s) it colour noise control and detail – our the rear dial that really make the
only indicates horizontal tilt, not up/ tests reveal that the two cameras difference between it and the 750D
down tilt. This means that while it’s produce the same results. in use. I think these features are
useful for getting horizons straight, it The follow-up questions are worth the extra expense.
can’t help when you’re trying to usually “How much detail can they The main and Quick menus are
ensure that the sensor is parallel to a resolve?” and “What’s the noise well organised and the touch control
building to avoid converging control like?” It’s good news on both is very well implemented, so you
verticals. counts. The level of detail in images is switch seamlessly between tapping
a huge leap up from that from the or swiping the screen and using the
Performance 700D. Further good news is that the control buttons and dials. It’s a great
Probably the first question that level of noise is about the same, or camera for the money.
everyone wants to be answered when slightly better than in images from Angela Nicholson
they hear about the 750D and 760D is Below Unlike the the 700D throughout the sensitivity
whether they produce the same image 750D, the 760D has range. That’s despite the six-million
quality. Not surprisingly, the answer a top-plate LCD. hike in pixel count.
At 100% on-screen, high- WE SAY...
sensitivity JPEGs from the 760D look The 760D has the same superb image quality
softer than simultaneously captured as the 750D, but its better handling,
raw files, but even at ISO 12,800 they secondary LCD and electronic level make it
look good at around A3 size. Raw files our choice of the two models. It’s almost like
have more visible noise at 100%, but a smaller, lighter 70D.
it’s fine grained and there’s no
banding, so it’s possible to produce Verdict
images that have a bit more bite than
the JPEGs. Features
While the Live View autofocus BUILD & HANDLING
f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e 25
Cameras and Accessories
SL R w w .com
26 f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e
speedy route to some of the most
commonly used features. It would
be nice, however, if this was
customisable so that it only
contained the features you use on
a frequent basis.
Although the 80D’s screen is
very good, the viewfinder is still
The 80D’s 24.2MP sensor makes a
25% increase in pixel count over the
70D’s, and it enables the new camera
to make a significant step up in detail
resolution for the majority of the 1 2 3
sensitivity range without an increase Fast AF Dynamic range It’s natural
in the level of noise. It’s noticeable, In continuous autofocus mode, the Thanks to the 80D’s high dynamic The automatic white balance
however, that at ISO 12,800 the 80D 80D kept this skateboarder sharp range, there’s detail in the bright system coped with the different
scores lower in our resolution tests easily as he moved across the highlights as well as the gloomy light and numerous colours of the
than the 70D. However, when the frame and towards the camera. interior of this scene. scene to produce a natural image.
default levels of noise reduction
are applied, images shot at this
sensitivity setting (and at ISO Meet the
16,000) look good.
Noise is controlled well and
although some detail is lost, there’s
no obvious smearing. We would The cameras Nikon D7200 Pentax K-3 II Sony Alpha 77 II
advise caution with the uppermost taking on the £714/$1,047 £709/$850 £764/$1,198
setting of ISO 25,600, because some Canon 80D… Like the K-3 II, this Pixel Shift Technology This 24Mp SLT
areas have a slight haze and lack SLR’s 24MP sensor helps reduce noise has an electronic
detail when images are at around A4 lacks an optical from this 24MP SLR, viewfinder, along
size. But that’s why this value is an low-pass filter, which but its impact isn’t with an AF system
For test helps it resolve a obvious with most that’s fast and
expansion setting: Canon makes it images and higher than average shots at normal accurate even in
available for use if it’s really needed, resolution amount of detail. viewing sizes. low light.
but doesn’t consider the image charts, visit Reviewed Issue 164 Reviewed Issue 170 Reviewed Issue 156
quality entirely satisfactory. www.techradar.
Canon has given the 80D a com/cameras
significantly better autofocus (AF)
f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e 27
Cameras and Accessories
28 f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e
-5 0 5 10 15 20
Higher scores are better. Raw
results use images converted to TIFF
Exposure Value 12
Higher scores are better. Raw
results use images converted to TIFF
f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e 29
Kit zone Head to head
Cameras and Accessories
Canon 7D Mk II VS
Nikon D500
The top-end APS-C format SLRs from the market-leading manufacturers
30 f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e
Head to head Kit zone
or absolutely ages, Canon
was the only company to CANON EOS 7D Mk II NIKON D500
offer a really high-end
APS-C format SLR that
was designed to appeal to
dedicated enthusiast
photographers, or to pros
who wanted a lighter body with a
smaller sensor to give their lenses
extra reach. That’s changed recently,
however, with the introduction of the
Nikon D500, which means that the
selected, both cameras offer options that 25-point dynamic option actually only sensitivity range of ISO 100-51,200.
allow you to set a starting AF point and adds the four diagonally adjacent There are also five expansion settings
use the surrounding points to track the selectable points to create a 3x3 square that give a maximum equivalent setting
subject if it strays away from the initial of points, along with 16-non-selectable of ISO 1,640,000 – an incredibly high
point. On paper, Canon would seem to points that fall between. There are also figure that beats all other APS-C format
give more precision here, with the option Zone focusing options that give broad SLRs. In comparison, the 7D Mark II’s >
f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e 31
Kit zone Head to head
5 5
6 6
native sensitivity range is ISO 100 to the iOS version should have been is fixed, the D500’s screen is mounted
16,000. The two expansion settings give released since we went to press. on a tilting bracket, which enables it to
a maximum value of ISO 51,200 – the be tipped up or down for easier viewing
D500’s top native setting. Build and handling when shooting landscape-format images
It’s possible to shoot Full HD video The two cameras aren’t a million miles from below or above head-height. It’s
with both cameras, but only the D500 apart in terms of size and shape, but the especially useful to videographers, who
has 4K capability. That’s a major plus D500 is just a shade beefier-looking. need to use the screen for composing
for the Nikon camera – but focusing in A glance at the spec sheets confirms that scenes. The bracket is nice and solid, and
Video or Live View modes relies solely it is 150g lighter. This weight difference seems set to work well for a long time.
on contrast detection, whereas the doesn’t reflect in the feel of the camera: it At 3.2 inches, the D500’s screen is also
Canon camera has faster Dual-Pixel seems every bit as tough as the 7D Mark 0.2 inches bigger across the diagonal
AF technology, which incorporates II. Both models have weatherproof and than the 7D Mark II’s. Perhaps more
phase-detection focusing. dustproof seals. significant to the handling, however, is
One disappointment with the 7D The control layouts follow the familiar the fact that the D500’s screen is touch-
Mark II is that it doesn’t have Wi-Fi Canon and Nikon patterns. The 7D Mark sensitive. Unfortunately it’s not possible
connectivity built-in. (There is a GPS II has a dedicated mode dial on the left of to use it to select settings or navigate the
unit, though.) Nikon, however, used the the top-plate, and the D500 has a button menu with taps on the screen, but it’s
D500 to introduce SnapBridge, a Wi-Fi that must be used in conjunction with very useful for setting the AF point when
system that uses low-power Bluetooth the rear Command Dial to set the you’re shooting in Live View or Video
communication to maintain a connection exposure mode. The D500 has a dial for mode. You can also scroll through
between a paired camera and a smart setting the drive mode on the left of the images with a swipe and zoom in
device at all times. It can also be set to top-plate while the 7D Mark II uses a with a double-tap to check sharpness.
allow 2MP images to be transferred button along with the Quick Control Dial Sticking with the screen, with
automatically to the photo or tablet – to set the same feature. 2,359,000 dots rather than 1,040,000
even if the camera is turned off. There’s A key difference between the two dots, the Nikon monitor provides a
only an Android app available, although cameras is that while the 7D II’s screen sharper, more detailed view than the
32 f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e
Head to head Kit zone
Image test
Canon Nikon
levels from the two cameras are very The Canon 7D Mark II’s autofocus
Performance similar, even at the 7D Mark II’s top system is very good: it gets moving
Our resolution chart results make expansion setting (ISO 51,200). This subjects sharp quickly and can keep
interesting viewing. Although the two suggests that, rather than making a them in focus in many situations. The
cameras have a similar pixel count, the major breakthrough with noise control, D500’s is just a shade nippier, though,
D500 is able to resolve just a little more Nikon has pushed the boundaries to and needs very little contrast to >
f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e 33
Kit zone Head to head
6.3 1.6
Cameras and Accessories
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
This score indicates that the 7D Mark II produces This result is close to perfect, but colours can look
warmer, more saturated images than the D500. a little flat in the default settings.
RAW* SIGNAL-TO-NOISE RATIO higher is better; raw results use images converted from TIFF
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
the 7D Mark II – but D500 for its whole ISO range. capture a similar level of noise.
you really can’t with RAW* DYNAMIC RANGE higher is better; raw results use images converted from TIFF
the Nikon D500 14 14
Exposure value
Exposure value
10 10
8 8
operate. It also latches onto subjects
quicker, and I found I got a slightly 6
* Raw results use images
Switch to Live View or Video mode, 100 400 1,600 6,400 25,600 100 400 1,600 6,400 25,600
however, and the 7D Mark II’s Dual Pixel The 7D Mark II certainly captures a good range Dynamic range is over 12EV from ISO 50 to 800
AF technology comes into play, resulting of tones, but it can’t match the D500. and is maintained well to ISO 51,200. (Not shown.)
in much smoother, faster AF adjustment
than the D500’s contrast-detection Normal ISO range Expanded ISO range
system can manage. While experienced
videographers will still focus manually, Verdict
you can get away with autofocusing while
shooting video with the 7D II – but you Features Features
really can’t with the D500. BUILD & HANDLING BUILD & HANDLING
When using the general-purpose
Evaluative (Canon) and Matrix (Nikon) performance performance
metering systems during this test, there
were a few occasions when a little Value Value
exposure compensation was required,
sometimes by one camera, sometimes
by both. It was never excessive with
either camera, although the D500 copes The Canon 7D Mark II is an excellent SnapBridge technology is a boon to anyone
especially well with bright subjects. camera that has stood the test of time who likes to share images on a frequent
The D500’s auto white balance system very well, and its image quality is a basis, because it saves you from having to
tends to produce neutral to cold results, near match to that of the Nikon D500. remake the connection with your phone.
while the 7D Mark II’s errs more on the However, the D500 benefits from a little It’s a shame that Nikon hasn’t put some
side of warmth. Neither is objectionable finessing that has been brought about by effort into improving the Live View and
and there’s little in it, but when viewed recent developments. The autofocusing Video autofocus system for the D500,
alongside each other, I suspect most system is absolutely superb, and the whole because the tilting touch-sensitive screen
people may prefer the Canon results. camera just seems a little more responsive are a great partnership for the 4K video
Angela Nicholson than its Canon counterpart. The new recording capability.
34 f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e
The only magazine for Canon DSLR photographers
Cameras and Accessories
Canon EOS 6D VS
Matthew Richards pits two top-selling SLRs against each other
Canon eos 6D NIKON D750
ANT the very
best enthusiast-
level digital SLR
without blowing
your budget on a fully professional
body? There are two main contenders–
the Canon EOS 6D and the Nikon D750.
Canon and Nikon’s range of ‘professional’
digital SLRs kick off with the 5D Mk III
and D810, both of which cost roughly
and the 6D also has an OLPF. compression settings, unlike Canon. adds a pop-up flash which is omitted in
The D750 looks the sportier camera Tracking action should be another the 6D’s design. You could argue that
of the two, with a 6.5fps maximum drive sporty win to the D750, as it features photographers at this level are unlikely to
rate. That’s two whole frames per second a new-generation 51-point autofocus use a pop-up flash, but it can be useful for
faster than the 6D can muster. And where module. This includes 15 cross-type the emergency filling of shadows, as well
the 6D has sufficient buffer capacity for points for resolving detail in both as for wirelessly triggering off-camera >
f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f Di g i t a l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e 37
2 2
4 4
5 5
6 6
The 6D’s screen has a lower The tilting LCD screen comes in
pixel count and no tilt facility. handy for Live View and movies.
flashguns that are compatible with built-in Wi-Fi connectivity, and the only from a freshly-charged battery rather
Nikon’s wireless master/slave flash modes. notable feature that’s included in the 6D than the 6D’s 1,090 shots (Cipa-tested).
Around the back, the D750 boasts a but lacking in the D750 is built-in GPS Both of these SLRs have conventional
slightly larger and higher-resolution LCD for geo-tagging images. shooting mode dials that include a Scene
screen than the 6D. The Nikon also adds position for access to various scene
a tilt facility that’s missing on the Canon. Build and handling modes, as well as a fully automatic
It’s not fully articulated and, unlike in The build quality of the two cameras feels shooting mode that has intelligent
some current cameras, the range of tilt very similar in most respects. Both use real-time scene analysis. The Nikon
doesn’t extend to flipping the screen over a mix of reinforced polycarbonate and goes a step further with an Effects
completely for selfie mode shooting. Even magnesium alloy sections. The Nikon position on the shooting mode dial, for
so, it’s a bonus for high-level or low-level has alloy sections at the top and rear, applying special imaging effects while
Live View and movie shooting. The D750 with a polycarbonate front panel, shooting, whereas the Canon adds a more
also includes two SD slots rather than whereas the Canon has alloy front and serious and enthusiast-friendly Bulb
the 6Ds’s one. The extra slot is useful rear panels and polycarbonate up on mode. Both cameras add two user-
for instantly creating backups of your top. Both feature weather-seals. defined positions on the shooting mode
images while shooting, or for saving raw The 6D and D750 make great everyday dial for quick access to preferred set-ups.
and JPEG files to separate cards. Both walkabout and travel cameras, with Further similarities in handling
cameras are compatible with SDHC compact dimensions for full-frame SLRs. include a top-panel info LCD for showing
and SDXC cards, and are able to make They’re noticeably smaller than the important shooting settings and various
use of the performance increase offered Canon 5D Mk III and Nikon D810, and other parameters like battery status. In
by the UHS-1 (Ultra High Speed) bus. nowhere near as big as the top-flight front of this LCD, the Canon has a bank
The Nikon can capture 1080p movies 1D X and D4S models with their built-in of buttons for accessing AF mode, drive
at maximum frame rates of 50 or 60 vertical grips. The 6D is marginally mode, ISO and metering mode. The
frames per second rather than the smaller the D750 and somewhat lighter Nikon only has a metering mode button
Canon’s 25 or 30fps, but neither camera at 755g compared with 840g. The D750 in front of the top screen, other functions
is capable of 4K video capture. Both have has better stamina, with 1,230 shots being dispersed to buttons and dials at
38 f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f Di g i t a l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e
Image test
Canon Nikon
Canon Nikon
Detail The Nikon performs better in capturing fine detail. It makes the most of its sensor’s
The 6D and D750 higher megapixel count and stays slightly ahead of the Canon throughout the sensitivity range.
make great everyday
walkabout and travel
cameras, with
compact dimensions
for full-frame SLRs
Canon Nikon
Dynamic range This shot with bright highlights and deep shadows shows the D750 gives
higher-contrast results. Highlights are well preserved in both, but the Canon retains more lowlights.
other positions around the camera.
The Nikon also adds an exposure
compensation button just behind the
shutter release-button. We prefer this
to the Canon’s rear-mounted rotary dial
for exposure compensation, which is
easy to adjust accidentally unless you
engage the adjacent locking switch.
The now ubiquitous Quick or Info
menu is available on both cameras, for Canon Nikon
quick and easy control over shooting
settings via a specialist on-screen menu
Low light There’s practically nothing to choose in the clean and noise-free quality of these
lowlight images, which both retain high levels of detail. They were taken well after sunset at ISO 12,800.
on the rear LCD. Both are pretty slick and
well thought out, although Canon wins
out for intuitive design. Overall, the
layout of controls and general handling central AF point, which is equally or matrix metering mode, the 6D biases
of the 6D and D750 are typical of Canon effective in both cameras even in very results more exclusively to brightness
and Nikon designs respectively, and will low lighting conditions. However, the levels at the AF point (or points) that
feel immediately familiar to photographers D750 is more competent than the 6D at achieve autofocus, whereas the D750’s
accustomed to either brand. autofocusing with off-centre AF points, value judgments are based more on the
and it’s better at tracking moving objects whole scene. The D750 is more safety-
Performance in continuous autofocus mode. Nikon’s conscious in its efforts to avoid blown
With equivalent high-quality lenses that advanced, 3D-tracking AF mode is highlights when using matrix metering.
have fast ring-type ultrasonic autofocus, particularly good for this. For colour rendition, the Canon’s
there’s practically no difference in the Both cameras have consistent images are typically a little warmer
speed with which the two competing metering, although the 6D tends to give whereas the Nikon often tends to pump
cameras can lock onto stationery objects. marginally brighter images in centre- up saturation a little more and adds
At least, that’s the case when using the weighted metering mode. In evaluative a little extra punch and vibrancy. This >
f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f Di g i t a l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e 39
6.3 -0.92
Cameras and Accessories
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Technically, the score for colour accuracy isn’t great, Near-perfect colour rendition in the lab, but the auto
but there’s an attractive warmth to the 6D’s images. white balance system produces cool shots outdoors.
RAW* SIGNAL-TO-NOISE RATIO higher is better; raw results use images converted from TIFF
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
* Raw results use images
converted to TIFF
100 400 1,600 6,400 25,600 100 400 1,600 6,400 25,600
There’s very little to Signal-to-noise ratio scores are better than from the The D750’s images look equally detailed and
choose between the D750, but the Nikon draws closer in JPEG quality. noise-free, before and after conversion.
two cameras for RAW* DYNAMIC RANGE higher is better; raw results use images converted from TIFF
dynamic range at the 14 14
base sensitivity
Exposure value
Exposure value
12 12
8 8
6 6
* Raw results use images
converted to TIFF
arguably makes the 6D a little more 100 400 1,600 6,400 25,600 100 400 1,600 6,400 25,600
flattering for portraits, and the D750 The D750loses more low-light detail than the 6D and
The 6D maintains astonishingly rich highlight and
a bit more dramatic for landscapes. low-light detail, even at ultra-high ISO settings. is more likely to blow highlights at high ISO settings.
There’s very little to choose between
the two for dynamic range at the base Verdict
sensitivity setting of ISO 100. However,
from ISO 200 and upwards, the 6D Features Features
gives better detail in lowlights, and more
convincing tonal range. This remains the BUILD & HANDLING BUILD & HANDLING
case whether the Canon’s Auto Lighting performance performance
Optimizer and Nikon’s Active D-Lighting
features are enabled or switched off. Value Value
The D750 improves on the older Nikon
D610 and easily outclasses the D810 for OVERALL OVERALL
delivering clean, noise-free images at
high ISO settings. Low-light, low-noise The Canon 6D and Nikon D750 are both strengths and weaknesses. The Nikon
imagery has recently been a Canon excellent cameras, ideally suited to delivers punchier-looking images and has
strong point but the D750 proves every expert and enthusiast photographers. better autofocus, especially for moving
bit as good as the 6D at producing clean The D750 reaches out a little more to objects. The Canon has better dynamic
images with impressive fine detail. beginners with its additional Effects modes. range and is more able to retain detail in
Results are superb even at super-high Both cameras strike a great balance bright highlights and dark lowlights.
sensitivity settings of ISO 6,400 and between size and natural handling: the 6D Both cameras also give stunning low-light
12,800, although the Canon is slightly has a more intuitive Quick menu, whereas performance, delivering amazingly clean
better at the top of its native sensitivity the D750 adds a tilting rear screen. images even at super-high sensitivity
range of ISO 25,600, at which point the For overall features and specifications, settings. All things considered, however,
Nikon is already in its expanded range. the D750 is a clear winner over the 6D. the Nikon D750 is the better camera, and
Matthew Richards As for performance, both cameras have well worth its higher asking price.
40 f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f Di g i t a l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e
Sling straps
Strap in and discover the most comfortable and convenient ways to carry your camera
This updated Sport strap now has The B-Glider’s soft, supple strap feels Kaiser’s contender is almost identical
breathable foam to keep you cool, while great, and it’ll clip to a backpack. Camera to Matin’s design (below), with the same
an extra-wide pad and under-arm strap attachment and release is easy, although soft shoulder pad and pivoting joints. It
ensure top comfort. A super-smooth slide the mounting plate is bulky and the slide edges ahead thanks to smoother strap
action seals the deal. action isn’t the smoothest. material that enables slicker sliding.
w w w. c a m e r a c l e a n . c o . u k w w w. o p t e c h u s a . c o m w w w. p e a k d e s i g n . c o m
Matin Neoprene OpTech Utility Peak Design
Fast-Access Strap 5 Strap Sling Slide
£43/$47 £16/$30 £49/$60
There’s a lot to like here, with superbly This budget buy feels comfortable and A sling, shoulder strap and neck strap
supple padding and swivel joints that secure, and it attaches to a camera strap in one, the Slide exudes quality with a
further up the ergonomics. Camera loop rather than to the tripod mount. seatbelt-style strap and premium fittings.
attachment is tool-free, and a secure Sliding could be smoother, however, A dedicated sling feels more secure, but
clip links the strap to the mount. and some elements feel cheap. the Slide takes the style win.
f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e 41
SLR t e s t CANON EOS 5D Mk IV 2
Cameras and Accessories
SL R w w
42 f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e
slr test
else, including the 61-point AF III, so existing owners looking to use This is the only file format available
system with 41 cross-type sensors both cameras in tandem don’t need when shooting 4K, however, and
(five of which are dual cross-type for two sets of batteries and chargers. there’s no option to shoot in a flat
even greater accuracy). The 5D Mark IV features DCI 4K gamma profile. Things get better
The AF system is sensitive down video capture at 4,096 x 2,160 pixels, at 1080p, with a host of Full HD
to -3EV (-4EV in Live View) – that’s at 30/25/24fps (approx 500Mbps). options, as well as the ability to shoot
darker than moonlight, so focusing This also means you can extract 120fps HD video for some impressive
shouldn’t be an issue in poor light, 8.8MP JPEG images from 4K video if slow-mo movies.
while the fact that you can use lens/ needed, thanks to the Motion JPEG The 5D Mark IV has external
teleconverter combinations with a file format available for 4K capture. microphone and headphone ports,
maximum aperture of f/8 and still
have the luxury of all 61 AF points (21
cross-type) will be a real draw for
sports and wildlife photographers. Meet the
The Mark IV also inherits Canon’s
Dual Pixel AF technology, so there
are phase-detection points on the
imaging sensor itself, promising The cameras Canon EOS 5DS Nikon D810 Sony Alpha 7R II
quicker AF acquisition than we saw taking on £2,800/$3,500 £2,400/$2,800 £3,000/$3,200
in the Mark III, and performance as the Canon The 5DS is now the The Nikon D810 is The A7R II has proved
speedy as many mirrorless cameras. EOS 5D Mk IV… benchmark for a great SLR. The popular thanks to its
The large 3.2-inch display boasts full-frame image 36.3MP sensor 42.2MP resolution,
an impressive 1,620,000 dots and quality, but it is delivers stunning generating huge
For test not quite as well- images, and sets images with bags of
touchscreen functionality, as on the images and rounded an SLR a high standard for detail, with noise
1D X Mark II. The touchscreen resolution as the 5D Mark IV. image quality. well controlled.
interface is active all the time, charts, visit Reviewed Page 46 Reviewed Page 78 Reviewed Page 118
enabling menu navigation and image www.techradar.
review as well. Canon has also kept com/cameras
the same battery as in the 5D Mark
f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e 43
SLR t e s t CANON EOS 5D Mk IV
Cameras and Accessories
that’s well-balanced.
There are no nasty surprises with
the white balance system either.
as well as HDMI Mini out and allowing you to toggle the Above Fast subjects There’s a choice of either Ambience
USB 3.0 terminals. In addition, sensitivity without having to like this cycle race or White Priority settings, with the
it sports dual CompactFlash take your eye away from the peloton are a great latter delivering neutral images even
(accepting fast UDMA 7 cards) viewfinder. way to test the 5D under tungsten lighting, while
Mark IV’s 7fps burst
and SD card slots, and features As you’d expect for a camera Ambience Priority has a bias to
both Wi-Fi and NFC connectivity that sports a virtually identical retain some warmth in the image.
for transferring images to a AF configuration to the flagship As you’d expect from a full-frame
compatible device – and that’s 1D X Mark II (Canon states that SLR, the camera features a large and
not forgetting the built-in GPS the systems aren’t completely bright viewfinder with 100%
unit for location-tagging. identical, with some different coverage. As well as displaying key
At first glance the 5D Mark IV internal components being used), shooting info along the bottom, it
bears a striking resemblance to AF performance doesn’t also benefits from what Canon terms
the outgoing Mark III (and for disappoint. Intelligent Viewfinder II technology.
that matter the 5DS and 5DS R). The AF is linked to the 5D This enables you to display an
Canon doesn’t want existing 5D Mark IV’s metering system, with electronic level, along with grid lines
users to have to ‘re-learn’ the the latter helping to detect and and a host of other key shooting info
new camera, so aims to keep track coloured objects and that you might wish to have fed back
the transition as hassle-free perform face recognition. to you when you have the camera
as possible. Coverage is good, and better raised to your eye.
than in the 5D Mark III, but The rear display has an impressive
Build and handling there’s still a noticeable bias resolution that must make it one of
Still, there have been numerous towards the centre of the frame. the sharpest screens out there. It also
tweaks and refinements to the That minor quibble aside, the AF makes composing shots in Live View
body. The hand grip has been system performs brilliantly. a piece of cake – even when we used
enlarged, providing an even more Shooting in Live View, the Dual a dense 10-stop Lee Big Stopper filter,
satisfying hold when you pick the Pixel AF is a huge improvement the display was incredibly clear, with
camera up, while the pentaprism over the relatively sluggish no noticeable signal noise.
viewfinder stands slightly taller system on the 5D Mark III, with There were times while I was
to accommodate the GPS unit. focusing pretty much testing the 5D Mark IV when a
Despite cramming more tech into instantaneous, making the Live vari-angle screen would have been
the body, the engineers at Canon View AF a much more valuable welcome, especially when composing
have managed to cut the weight of feature to have than it has been in low-angle shots, but the clarity and
the 5D Mark IV by 60g compared the past. excellent viewing angle of the display
with the Mark III, while at the makes this omission less of an issue
same time improving Performance than with some other cameras.
the weatherproofing with extra The 5D Mark IV gets Canon’s That’s not forgetting the
grommets and seals. 252-zone RGB+IR metering touchscreen interface, which I have
The camera features a system with Intelligent Scene to say is a very welcome addition.
customisable button just below Analysis, and it’s all the better for With touch control over both the
the joypad on the rear of the body. it compared to the older iFCL main and Quick Menus, it makes the
This can be assigned to perform a system found in the 5D Mark III. 5D Mark IV’s comprehensive menus
multitude of functions in The system weights the exposure much quicker to navigate; while the
conjunction with the front to the active AF point, and does a ability to pinch to zoom as well as
command dial. A useful option good job of assessing the scene as swipe through images, makes things
would be to set it to control ISO, a whole to deliver an exposure that much quicker.
44 f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e
slr test
-5 0 5 10 15 20
Higher scores are better. Raw
Above Low-light performance is excellent. Given that this fairground booth was shot at ISO 8,000, 0
results use images converted to TIFF
there’s inevitably some noise here, but it doesn’t detract from the overall image quality. 100 400 1,600 6,400 25,600
Image quality There are no qualms about colour 10 400 1,600 6,400 25,600
It’s really no surprise to find that the reproduction either. The JPEG Oddly, the raw results show mediocre
results from the new 30.4MP sensor Picture Styles produce pleasing performance at lower ISOs, but we were
display excellent levels of detail . You results, while skin tones can be using Canon’s new DPP software. Adobe
should have no problems producing faithfully reproduced. Camera Raw may yield better results.
richly detailed prints at Super A3,
while A2 prints and beyond are a Verdict
realistic proposition – that’s not Pretty much every element has been
forgetting the ability to tightly crop improved from the 5D Mark III. The The Canon EOS 5D Mark IV is a marked
images if needed. ISO performance is 30.4MP sensor is a welcome boost in improvement over its predecessor and
also very good. resolution compared to the 22.3MP performs admirably in a wide variety
Results at ISO 800 still appear of the 5D Mark III, along with of shooting scenarios, although some
videographers are unhappy with the 4K crop
improved noise and dynamic range
factor. That aside, and if you can justify the
performance. It’s no surprise to see outlay, the 5D Mark IV is an extremely
DCI 4K video capture, although the powerful and up-and-date all-rounder.
1.64x crop of the sensor makes it hard
to get those wide-angle shots.
The only other issue is the fairly Verdict
hefty price, especially in the UK.
However, the Canon EOS 5D Mark Features
IV has to be one of the most BUILD & HANDLING
f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e 45
SLR TEST CANON EOS 5ds & 5ds r
Cameras and Accessories
SL R w w .com
A technical tweak enables the 5DS R to resolve more detail than the 5DS
Both the cameras have a low-pass filter achieve the same thing. Canon claims
over the sensor. However, the 5DS R has a that removing the filter would alter the This is useful to give
secondary ‘cancellation’ filter that enables camera’s focal plane and require an images a star rating
it to resolve a little more detail, but runs internal redesign. As yet Canon hasn’t and find them quickly
the risk of images suffering from moiré been able (or willing) to explain why after downloading.
interference. Some other manufacturers removing the filter would cause this, It can also be
have removed the low-pass filter to but adding a second filter does not. customised.
46 f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e
Despite all the processing power,
the 5DS can ‘only’ manage a
maximum continuous shooting
speed of 5fps (for 510 Large Fine
JPEGs or 14 raw files with a UDMA
CompactFlash card installed),
rather than 6fps for 16,270 Large
Fine JPEGs or 18 raw files of the 5D
Mark III with the same card.
Other significant changes from
the 5D Mark III include a
150,000-pixel RGB+IR metering
sensor with 252 zones, and
Intelligent Scene Analysis in place of
bright and shows 100% of the scene, images and just 22.3MP on the 5DS came along. location or in the
so there are no nasty surprises resolution sensor. Reviewed Page 78 studio.
around the edges of images. Like the charts, visit Reviewed Issue 126 Reviewed Issue 164
5D Mark III, it’s possible to display an www.techradar.
electronic level in the viewfinder as com/cameras
well as on the main screen; but unlike
f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e 47
Cameras and Accessories
the 5D Mark III, the 5DS uses a The options in the 5DS’s Quick Above Thanks to range; even the ISO 12,800
dedicated icon instead of the AF menu are logical, but it’s possible the level of detail expansion setting produces images
points. This means the level stays to customise the screen to remove they capture, the with a high level of detail. At lower
visible even when the shutter any options you don’t use and 5DS and 5DS R are sensitivity settings, very fine details
release is depressed to focus the change the size of icons ideal for shooting and subtle tonal gradations are
lens. representing those that you do. visible at 100% in JPEG files. Much of
When using manual focus in It’s a nice touch. this is also visible in images taken at
Live View mode, the on-screen Although the 5DS isn’t a ISO 6,400, but there’s a fine texture
image can be magnified by 6x or natural choice for videographers, of luminance noise. Chroma noise is
16x. This makes details clear, but it’s worth noting that like the 5D visible at 100% in simultaneously
you become acutely aware of how Mark III, the large Quick Control captured raw files when all noise
much wobble is introduced by dial on the back of the camera can reduction is turned off.
touching the camera. It’s a good be used as a touch-control, so There’s a suggestion of luminance
reminder to engage Mirror near-silent adjustments can be noise in darker even-toned areas of
Lock-up mode. The ability to set made to aspects such as exposure JPEG and raw files captured at ISO
the shutter to fire following a set and audio recording level. 400, but you really have to look for it
delay after the shutter release is at 100% on-screen. This noise
pressed means that a remote Performance becomes a little more noticeable in
release is unnecessary in many The great news is that the 5DS ISO 800 images, with chroma noise
situations. can resolve a fantastic amount of becoming just visible in raw files
detail. If you want the ultimate in when all noise reduction is turned
detail resolution, the 5DS R off. Our tests indicate that Canon
resolves a tiny little bit more than could have given the 5DS higher
the 5DS, but you have to look at sensitivity settings and image quality
100 or 200% to spot the would have been acceptable, but it
difference – and even then it’s seems the company has decided to
only in the very finest detail make it deliver the best stills images
areas. Both cameras out-resolve possible.
You can customise the our resolution chart for most of Like Canon’s earlier iFCL metering
48 f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e
Cameras and Accessories
Scores closer
Nikon D810 0.9
to zero are better
-5 0 5 10 15 20
Higher scores are better. Raw
results use images converted to TIFF
continuously at the 5fps maximum, I images with pleasing colours and the
Exposure Value
up around the card port. This seems as a result of the extra pixels delivering 10
to affect burst depth, and the number the huge level of detail and smooth tonal
of images you can shoot drops gradations, some of the files have a bit 8
mirror lock-up when the camera is on details and giving edges a naturally 200 400 800 1,600 3,200 6,400
a tripod, even with shutter speeds of sharp look. While the 5DS’s dynamic range is good at the
around 1/60 sec and a focal length of lower sensitivity values, it doesn’t quite
100mm. I set the camera to take the Verdict match the competition.
shot one second after the shutter While it has an autofocus system that can
release was pressed: this produced keep up with fast-moving subjects and WE SAY...
sharper images than those taken can record high quality video, the
The Canon 5DS and 5DS R are superb
without mirror lock-up. 5DS/5DS R is designed to take high- cameras that capture a huge amount of
When hand-holding the camera quality stills images. The images from detail. Before you commit to the investment,
with the Canon EF 24-70mm f2.8L II the 5DS/5DS R have an incredible however, make sure your lenses can match
USM lens mounted, I recommend amount of detail, with great colour and the resolving power.
keeping shutter speed at 1/125 sec or exposure in most situations. Its handling
higher to be sure of getting pin-sharp is also excellent, using the control layout Verdict
results. It is possible to get sharp of teh 5D Mark III.
results at slower shutter speeds, but Whichever model you opt for, you need Features
1/125 sec or faster delivers the goods to focus carefully, follow the guidelines to BUILD & HANDLING
50 f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e
MINI t e s t
Keep your photos and videos mobile without sacrificing storage or speed
w w w. s e a g a t e . c o m w w w. t r a n s c e n d - i n f o . c o m w w w. w d . c o m
Seagate Backup Plus Transcend StoreJet WD My Passport
Ultra Slim 2TB 25M3 2TB Ultra 1TB
£90/$90 £90/$103 £60/$60
Seagate claims that this 9.6mm design is The plasticky StoreJet doesn’t ooze WD’s compact contender is narrowly
the world’s thinnest 2TB mobile hard quality, but it’s shock-resistant to military beaten into last place here for speed, but
drive. It looks the part too, and transfers standards. Transfer speeds are the it’s well-priced and includes extensive
images and video at a respectable rate, fastest on test for a hard drive, and with back-up and drive encryption software.
despite using a traditional hard drive. 2TB of storage you get incredible value. Even so, it’s an average overall package.
f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e 51
Cameras and Accessories
SL R w w .com
The Mark II’s 3.2-inch 1,620k-dot controls means they’re Analysis) system, with a dedicated
Provided sensitivity is screen is touch-sensitive. However, at your fingertips 360,000-pixel RGB+IR sensor. It
whether you’re
kept to ISO 25,600 or the touch control is only used in
shooting in portrait or
was reliable in a range of conditions;
Live View or Video modes for I didn’t once have to use exposure
lower, the 1D X Mark II setting the AF point, or in Video
landscape orientation.
compensation unexpectedly.
produces superb images mode for turning the continuous Angela Nicholson
52 f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e
Canon 1D X 1.2
Nikon D5 7.9
Nikon D4S 4.5 to zero
are better
-5 0 5 10 15 20
Higher scores are better. Raw
results use images converted to TIFF
Exposure Value
1 2 3
f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e 53
c s c TE S T fujifilm x-t2
Cameras and Accessories
Fujifilm X-T2
£1,399/$1,599 (body only)
The X-T1 brought real class and style to the mirrorless
camera market; the X-T2 adds speed and resolution
0.77x magnification, but it’s camera with classic this is extended to 29 minutes and
The SLR-like X-T2 now twice as bright, there’s an controls, including 59 seconds. There’s HDMI output,
is designed for the automatic brightness adjustment physical ISO, shutter audio volume live monitoring and
function and it features a higher speed and exposure adjustment, and a microphone socket
brand’s growing baseline frame rate of 60fps – compensation dials. in the body (and a 3.5mm headphone
range of fast zooms and there’s now a Boost mode terminal in the optional grip). This
54 F R O M T H E M A K E R S O F D i g i t a l C a m e r a MAGA Z INE
Sony alpha 7R II C S C TE S T
Mirrorless cameras have to get inside it has a new flagship rangefinder- AF system, Sony’s
For more
over some skepticism towards AF 20MP Micro Four style camera. It’s mirrorless camera
performance and moving subjects. Thirds sensor. good value, too. is terrific value.
reviews, visit
The X-T1 had a solid if rather Reviewed Page 86 Reviewed Issue 170 Reviewed Issue 162
unremarkable AF system which saw com/cameras
a fairly major firmware upgrade to >
F R O M T H E M A K E R S O F D i g i t a l C a m e r a MAGA Z INE 55
The X-T2’s continuous autofocus
performance represents
a big step forward, both in
comparison to the X-T1 and for COLOUR ERROR
mirrorless cameras in general.
Fujifilm X-T2 16.1
Scores closer
Sony Alpha 7 Mk II to zero are 1.8
-20 -10 0 10 20
Sensitivity and Zone Area Switching. compared to APS-C rivals with 100 400 1,600 6,400 25,600
The X-T2 features five presets, as well a similar resolution. Initially, the X-T2’s raw dynamic range looked
as a custom setting allowing you to Dynamic range is good at lower poor, but this was traced back to the SilkyPix
tinker with these variables yourself. sensitivities, and in addition there’s raw converter. Adobe Camera Raw’s dynamic
We trialled it on fast-moving cars Fujifilm’s own expanded Dynamic range results are more in line with its rivals.
using Preset 3 (accelerating/ Range option (both for JPEG and
decelerating subjects); and, coupled raw), though this does require a
with the improved frequency of the higher base sensitivity. At higher ISO
AF search timing, reduced from settings above ISO 1,600, things tail With a brilliant new AF system, lovely
280m/sec on the X-T1 to just 114m/ off slightly, but are still more than handling and an updated sensor that delivers
sec, it rarely missed a beat. acceptable up to ISO 25,600. pin-sharp images, the X-T2 has to be one of
the most desirable cameras available right
The burst rate is a decent 8fps, and The original X-T1 has been a firm
now. It combines classic-style controls with
with an SDHC UHS-II card you can favourite amongst photographers, state-of-the-art imaging technology and an
expect to shoot 27 uncompressed raw but the AF performance, particularly expanding range of first-rate lenses.
files at this rate before the buffer fills in continuous mode, was a stumbling
up. If you’re shooting JPEGs, 81 files block. The X-T2 changes that, with
are possible before it slows down. a big leap in AF performance. It Verdict
With the optional battery grip, the delivers fast and reliable autofocus
burst rate increases to 11fps, or if you that when matched with the fast Features
switch to the electronic shutter, it’s burst shooting mode, make the X-T2 BUILD & HANDLING
possible to shoot at 14fps without the a very capable camera for action.
need for the optional grip. When you factor in the new sensor PERFORMANCE
The X-T2’s new 24.3MP CMOS and its really nice results, the X-T2
sensor produces a noticeable jump in is the most desirable mid-range Value
detail recorded compared to results cameras available right now.
from the X-T1. It does an excellent job Phil Hall
56 F R O M T H E M A K E R S O F D i g i t a l C a m e r a MAGA Z INE
GoPro’s most usable camera yet. exceptional quality in good light. safety stop to prevent
The GoPro Hero5 Black is the bracket slipping PERFORMANCE
Build & handling compact, rugged and ready to go. out of a faulty mount.
A sleeker design does away with It’s the best 4K action camera on Value
the waterproof housing, yet the the market right now.
camera is still protected to a Alastair Jennings
f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e 57
C S C TEST Fujifilm X-E2S
1 2
Cameras and Accessories
CSC w w w.f u j i f il m .com
Fujifilm X-E2S
your card reader at home. button accesses Wi-Fi standard of JPEGs straight out of the
Noise is well controlled as standard, but this camera means these can be relied
throughout the ISO Build & handling can be customised. upon most of the time, although any
The camera has been fashioned raw files can be quickly spruced up
range and detail is with a sturdy metal top plate and with in-camera processing.
generally good milled dials, with a textured wrap Matt Golowczynski
58 f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e
c s c TEST
-5 0 10 15 20 25
Higher scores are better. Raw
results use images converted to TIFF
Exposure Value
1 2 3
Bokeh brilliance Metering Sharp details A decent start and finish from the X-E2S with
Being able to focus closely to the The camera’s default multi- In a shot captured at a shutter regards to dynamic range in raw files, but
subject together with the kit lens’ metering pattern has done a good speed of 1/70 sec, the image performance in the middlemost ISO settings
maximum telephoto aperture of job at balancing the exposure here. stabilisation system in the lens has leaves room for improvement.
f/4 allows for lovely, creamy, Highlights have been kept in check intervened to maintain sharpness
defocused backgrounds. and details are visible in shadows. in focused areas. WE SAY...
While there may not be a world of difference
between the X-E2S and the model it updates,
it nevertheless has a lot going for it. With
Meet the a lovely design, an excellent viewfinder,
rivals… compatibility with a range of high-quality
glass and great image quality straight out of
The cameras the camera, it’s a welcome and competent
Olympus OM-D Panasonic Sony Alpha 6000 addition to the mid-range mirrorless sector.
taking on the E-M10 II Lumix GX80 Price: £549/$698
Fujifilm X-E2S Price: £394/$699 Price: £549/$698 (inc 16-50mm lens)
(inc 14-42mm lens) (inc 12-32mm lens) The A6000’s
The diminutive A slimmed-down 24.3MP sensor and Features
E-M10 II matches the version of the 11fps burst shooting
X-E2S with a 16MP excellent GX8, make it a very BUILD & HANDLING
For test
f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e 59
Cameras and Accessories
Fujifilm X-Pro2
£1,349/$1,699 (body only)
With a new sensor and an overhauled AF system,
this is a significant update to a revered pioneer
option, together with Zone and joins the previously seen rear dial,
A new three-inch Wide/Tracking options for while a control for the ISO setting has
LCD screen offers moving subjects. been integrated into the shutter-
The hybrid viewfinder has also speed dial on the top plate. This is
an impressive had its electronic panel upgraded adjusted by pulling the dial upwards;
1,620k-dot resolution from 1.44 million to 2.36 million while perfectly usable, it’s somewhat
60 f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e
Canon EOS
EOS 760D
The viewfinder is
much improved, with a
maximum display rate
of 85fps, meaning that
details appear smooth
and natural
true of many similar systems. optics, the E-M5 II advantage of 4K built-in image
images and
Images from the X-Pro2 are is ideal for creative video, and is around stabilisation and
characterised by accurate white shooting. half the price. a lower price.
charts, visit
balance in most conditions, with Reviewed Page 90 Reviewed Page 94 Reviewed Issue 171
the automatic setting only really com/cameras
showing any serious errors under >
f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e 61
The X-Pro2 enables you to reduce the size of the focusing point, which was helpful here,
as it enabled me to focus tightly on the stamens of the flower in this shot. 20
not to mention a port for external 100 400 1,600 6,400 25,600
microphones, as the camera’s built- Up until ISO 3,200, there’s little to split the
in microphones can be troubled by X-Pro2 from its peers. Things take a slide at
wind noise when recording outside. and after ISO 6,400, though, where the likes
The effects of the camera’s Low Noise Footage is recorded smoothly and of the Alpha 7 II continue to hold up.
Reduction option can be seen in this ISO with good detail, and artefacts aren’t
12,800 image, but good detail has been as visible as on the X-Pro1.
retained in busier parts of the scene. At 210 frames on the camera’s
High Performance setting and 250 The X-Pro2 is a worthy update to the X-Pro1.
on the Standard option, you may The original’s classic styling has been
certain mixed natural/artificial need a spare battery. There’s an retained and many of that camera’s foibles
addressed. While a few of the changes aren’t
sources. Colours are accurate and Economy setting that boosts this to
entirely for the better, the X-Pro2 is a much
pleasing on the default Standard/ 330 frames, although the drop in more capable tool for a broader range of
Provia Film Simulation option. electronic viewfinder performance genres, particularly moving subjects.
The metering system does well in may discourage you from using this.
unbalanced scenes dominated by Matt Golowczynski
highlights or shadows, although Verdict
highlights can occasionally roll off
sooner than expected. Features
There’s typically a little noise There’s a little noise visible BUILD & HANDLING
62 f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e
MINI t e s t
Cable releases
If you’re capturing long exposures or macro shots, a remote release is a must w w w. n i k o n . c o . u k w w w. p h o t t i x . c o m
Hama DCC Base Cable Nikon MC-DC2 Remote Phottix Wired
Remote Release Control Remote
£15 £30/$27 £15/$16
This remote is almost identical to This is the joint-smallest remote on test, As with the Hähnel and Hama remotes,
Hähnel’s offering, but the cord is tiny measuring 8cm long, yet it sports a this Phottix can be bought with Canon,
and doesn’t plug into your camera. generous 105cm cable. However, even Nikon, Sony, Olympus or Panasonic
Instead you choose an additional cable these revolutionary features can’t hide connections. The remote itself is
to suit your camera model, adding that this is a generic design with a essentially the same as the Nikon
versatility, but also £10 to the price. premium price. MC-DC2, so why pay more?
f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e 63
mini test
Instant cameras Six instant shooters perfect for party snappers or retro artists
Cameras and Accessories
w w w. f u j i f i l m . e u / u k / w w w. f u j i f i l m . e u / u k
1 Fujifilm instax mini 70 2 Fujifilm instax wide 300 3 Impossible I-1
£99/$99 £99/$95 £315/369
Cheap and cheerful, the instax mini Big hardly covers it. The instax wide Resembling a cross between a
70 is a cost-effective way to get into 300 is the size of an old-fashioned plastic pyramid and a spaceship from
instant photography. Ours came in medium-format rangefinder camera, Close Encounters of the Third Kind,
canary yellow, but you can also get it in even a small folding field camera. It’s the Impossible I-1 is the only new
passion red, stardust gold, midnight because it uses instax wide film packs camera for the original Polaroid film.
black, moon white and island blue. As rather than the regular instax mini. The The lights around the lens form a ‘ring
these names suggest, it’s a party camera, film costs twice as much, but each instant flash’ for softer portrait lighting, and the
but it’s really easy to use – you just turn it print is twice the size; this is the closest whole camera is a curious amalgam of
on and start shooting. you can get to old-style Polaroid print old-school chemistry and new-fangled
The only thing you need to be careful sizes but with modern instax film technical wizardry.
of is that you don’t obscure the flash technology. It even comes with a free I-1 app for
with your finger when you’re taking shots The instax 300 wide might look big your smartphone. You can use this as
vertically. Everything else is taken care and clumsy but it’s light, and the generous a remote trigger, a noise trigger and
of – focusing, exposure and flash are all grip makes it easy to hold and use. You a self-timer. The app also allows double
fully automatic. The inability to control power up with a spring-loaded switch exposures, light painting, and aperture
the flash manually can be a bit of an around the shutter release, which extends and shutter speed adjustment – and it
annoyance – you’d need the more the 95mm lens. The instax wide format is works as a photo scanner too. This makes
expensive mini 90 for that – but you do much larger than a digital sensor, so this the I-1 an excellent tool for experiments
get a selfie mode and even a tiny selfie equates to a moderate wide-angle lens. in instant photography, but too
mirror on the front. The direct vision For a big camera, though, the instax cumbersome for informal party shots.
viewfinder is a little cramped, but wide 300 has a tiny viewfinder. It takes The shape doesn’t help – this is a bulky
effective enough. practice even to get your eye lined up with camera to carry around. The battery in
It’s maybe not the kind of camera the eyepiece. Otherwise, it’s simple to use our sample lost its power far too quickly
you’d use for analogue ‘art’ projects, but and delivers very good results. Where the as well: the battery was flat practically
we really liked the instax 70 as a simple regular instax mini format produces small every time we went to use the camera.
party accessory – and the results are just photo ‘tokens’, these are more like proper The cost and slow development time of
as good as those from the other instax photographs. The instax wide 300 is also Impossible Project’s film technology is
mini cameras, including the Leica Sofort. good value. another drawback.
64 f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e
mini test
Leica making an instant camera? South Beach in California is, we Amazing to look at even now, the
That’s like Bentley making a moped. But imagine, the inspiration for the Polaroid SX-70 (refurbished and sold
Leica is deadly serious with the Sofort – Lomo’Instant Automat South Beach by the Impossible Project) is a real blast
and it’s not bad at all. It’s chunky and edition. It’s a quirky hipster throwback from the past. Even unfolding it for use is
solid, and although it’s made of plastic, that is never going to fade into the an adventure. There is a knack: you have
it’s good plastic. It comes in a choice of background. But while it is just a tiny bit to pull up on both ends of the viewfinder
mint, orange and white, and takes regular mad on the outside, it’s pretty panel on the top until the internal latch is
Fujifilm instax mini film packs, although conventional on the inside, packing released, and the whole of the top of the
Leica supplies its own film packs too, regular Fujifilm instax mini film. camera opens out on a set of bellows.
which produce a warm white frame It’s not just the styling that makes this It’s an ingenious system because you
around each picture. South Beach edition different – it also even get through-the lens viewing and
Pressing the power button on the back comes with a selection of accessories, focusing via a pop-up eyepiece on the rear
extends the lens and, provided you have including a lens cap that doubles as of the viewfinder housing and a split-image
a film pack inserted, you’re ready to a wireless shutter release (there’s a slot rangefinder. It’s a bit dark, but it is at least
shoot. You compose shots using the small for a button cell in the cap), a close-up a ‘proper’ viewfinder.
direct-vision viewfinder in the top left lens, a wide-angle lens, a fisheye lens, and You adjust the focus with one dial on
corner on the back of the camera. It’s not an object called a Splitzer. This isn’t an the front of the camera and the exposure
very big, but it’s usable enough. For an interchangeable-lens camera – these are compensation with another – the new
instant camera, the Sofort offers a lot of just accessories that clip on the front. Impossible Project film has a different
control, with Macro, Bulb, Self timer, The Automat is simple to use, with a sensitivity to the original emulsion. The
Party & People, Sport & Action, Double power switch around the lens barrel that camera is great, but the film is expensive
Exposure and Selfie modes – in addition also operates the three-position zone for experimenting with (each pack has
to fully automatic operation. You can also focusing. The viewfinder is small, but easy a battery built in) and the 30-minute
turn the flash on and off. The Sofort is to find with your eye, and exposure is development time is so long that this
expensive compared to the Fujifilm instax automatic. It’s nicely made, although camera is actually far from ‘instant’. You
mini 70, despite using the same size of some of the icons on the back are hard to also need to make sure you get the proper
film, but it was the most popular model decipher, the full accessory kit pushes up SX-70 film, which has a lower sensitivity
around the office. the price… and will you really use it all? than the others.
f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e 65
c s c T ES T Leica M-D (Typ 262)
to r e
Cameras and Accessories
C S C h t t p : // u k . l e i c a - c a m e r a . c o m 4
Specifications Yes, it’s true: the 1 used to shoot in the days of film –
Leica M-D really Behind this small
and we managed all right then.
Sensor 24MP full-frame CMOS sensor doesn’t have a rear In fact, Leica has a point here.
(23.9 x 35.8mm) window is a rotating
display. The back of mirror that produces You can’t check your photos, so you
Focal length conversion on lens 1x
Memory SD/SDHC/SDXC card
the camera is taken up instead the rangefinder devote all your attention to shooting
Viewfinder Direct vision with by a large ISO setting dial. The focus image. them. You have to trust the camera –
framing guides direct-vision optical viewfinder and yourself – to get them right, but
Max video resolution N/A shows you nothing but the scene 2
that’s part of the craft of photography.
ISO range 200-6,400 in front of the camera, a set of
Autofocus Manual, via rangefinder frame guides for your current The M-D has a direct- Features
Max burst rate 3fps vision viewfinder. It’s
lens and the bare minimum of The removal of the screen is the
Screen N/A a separate viewfinder
exposure and status information. that does not show
M-D’s key feature. Otherwise, it’s
Shutter speeds 60-1/4,000 sec, Bulb This camera has caused a great essentially a Leica M (Typ 262). You
Weight 680g (body only, with battery) the view through
deal of controversy in the Digital the lens. get a 24-megapixel full-frame
Dimensions 139 x 42 x 80mm
Power supply BP-SCL2 lithium-ion
Camera office. Some folk think CMOS sensor – not a lot by today’s
battery (supplied) it’s an absurd affectation, standards, but perfectly adequate
a perverse gimmick dreamed for this camera’s needs – but no
up by an overactive marketing No, there’s no LCD! video or Live View. The sensor is
department. Others – those who The space where it also designed to work with Leica’s
have gone out shooting with the would be is occupied extensive collection of lenses from
by an ISO dial.
M-D, in fact – tend to form the analogue era, and not just
a different impression. modern digital glass. The maximum
You can’t look at the photos 4 ISO is 6,400 – again, not that high,
you’ve shot with the M-D until For those used to but bear in mind that Leica’s lens
you get back to base and transfer today’s giant primes, range is populated by fast primes
This camera has them on a computer. You the M-D’s lenses in the f/1.4 to f/2 range.
caused a great deal can’t check the exposure, the look tiny. Image processing is carried out
composition or the sharpness by Leica’s own Maestro processing
of controversy in the as you shoot. Does that sound engine, and pictures are saved as
Digital Camera office terrifying? Well, it’s how we all DNG files only. The Leica M-D does
66 F R O M T H E M A K E R S O F D i g i t a l C a m e r a MAGA Z INE
not shoot JPEGs, so the ‘look’ of your
photos is down to what you do with
your raw files.
you control the shutter speed with a some great prime full-frame Leica. Its inside it has a new
For more
dial on the top of the camera. If you camera lenses in the range. Summilux 28mm 20MP Micro Four
want the camera to take care of the Worth a look. f/1.7 lens is a beauty. Thirds sensor.
reviews, visit
exposure for you, just set the shutter Reviewed Page 60 Reviewed Issue 169 Reviewed Page 86
speed dial to ‘A’ to switch it to com/cameras
Aperture Priority mode. (There is >
F R O M T H E M A K E R S O F D i g i t a l C a m e r a MAGA Z INE 67
Leica lenses have a
reputation for beautiful
rendering, which this COLOUR ERROR
shot exemplifies.
Leica M-D 27
Leica Q -2.6
Scores closer
Olympus Pen-F to zero are 11.6
-30 -20 0 20 30
Performance but there is something in the way it 100 400 1,600 6,400 25,600
We can’t talk about the autofocus, renders images that sets it apart – The M-D’s DNG files look dense and contrasty
because there isn’t any, or the white that and the unique shooting when first opened in Adobe Camera Raw, and
balance: the M-D only shoots raw. experience of Leica rangefinders. the dynamic range is adequate. You may
The manual focus is as accurate as This won’t suit everyone. Ben need to work on bringing up the shadows.
you are. The exposure system does Brain, Digital Camera’s editor,
a good job, favouring highlight detail finds it quite natural. I don’t. I did,
over shadowed areas, which is what however, quickly appreciate the way
most keen photographers would the Leica M-D makes you think and The Leica M-D is tricky to rate. Normally, you
prefer. The continuous shooting shoot. First, it stops you pixel- could add up the sub-scores below to arrive
speed of three frames per second is peeping after every shot, simply at the final rating, but the fact is that the M-D
is bad at some of the things we score for
unremarkable to say the least, but because you can’t. Second, it makes
while being brilliant at things we don’t. It’s
this isn’t a sports camera. you think about focus, shutter speed a unique and challenging camera that you
The images have a distinct ‘look’, and aperture much more clearly. will find either inexplicable or inspiring.
however, which could be due to Third, by taking away the
Leica’s Maestro image processor or compositional precision offered by
the particular optical quality of regular digital cameras, it makes you Verdict
Leica’s lenses. Images are sharp and look for something else – instead of
contrasty, and the Summilux 50mm photographing how things look, you Features
f/1.4 in particular delivers beautifully start to photograph things that are BUILD & HANDLING
68 F R O M T H E M A K E R S O F D i g i t a l C a m e r a MAGA Z INE
MINI t e s t
Want to capture panoramas properly? You’d better get a head
w w w. n o v o f l e x . c o m
w w w. m a n f r o t t o . c o m Novoflex
Manfrotto 303SPH Nodal Ninja 3 MKII VR‑System Slim
£409/$550 £198/$180 £450/$825
Adjustment is king with the 303SPH: it’s This head is great for spherical scenes This is a beautifully built head for
packed with positioning options to help and is a pleasure to use thanks to quality spherical panoramas, and collapses
you shoot accurate spherical scenes. It’s build and materials. It also packs small for increased portability. You also get
just a shame the design is unwieldy, and and weighs just 475g, although it’s best incremental panning click stops, but the
it weighs a whopping 2.1kg. suited to smaller SLRs and CSCs. Nodal Ninja still has the edge on value.
f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e 69
Cameras and Accessories
Nikon D7200
£849, $997 (body only)
The Nikon D7200 replaces the D7100 - the body’s roughly the
same but there are key upgrades. Amy Davies checks it out
Specifications oughly two years Above The D7200 the ability to focus down to -3EV,
Sensor 24.2-million-pixel
R after the introduction looks like the
D7100’s identical
thanks to the inheritance of the
of the D7100, the new Multi-Cam 3500-II 51-point
Focal Length 1.5x twin – apart from
D7200 which replaces it autofocusing system from models that
Memory 2 x SD / SDHC / SDXC the name badge.
Viewfinder Eye-level pentaprism
seems more like an are higher up in Nikon’s range.
viewfinder; 100% field of view incremental upgrade than a The D7200 now includes Wi-Fi
Video resolution Full HD (1,920 x major overhaul. Inside the and, for the first time in a Nikon
1,080) at 60, 50 (1.3x crop mode), 30, 25 camera you’ll find a sensor with digital SLR, NFC (Near Field
or 24p the same 24-million-pixel Communication) connectivity. The
ISO range 100-25,600 (expandable resolution as its predecessor, two wireless technologies should
to 102,400 equivalent, monochrome only) while the external body is make it easier than ever to establish a
Autofocus points 51 identical. remote shooting connection with your
Max burst rate 6fps (DX), 7fps (1.3x As before, the sensor is missing phone or tablet, or send pictures
an anti-aliasing filter, which across for quick sharing.
Screen 3.2 inch, 1,229k-dot fixed TFT
should again make it extremely Staying the same as in the D7100 is
Shutter speeds 1/8,000–30 sec capable of resolving fine detail. a 3.2 inch, 1229k-dot LCD screen,
Weight 443g 765g (body only, with That’s not to say that some of the which is fixed and not touch-sensitive.
battery and memory card) changes that have been made are It is joined by an eye-level pentaprism
Dimensions 136 x 107 x 76mm not significant, though. optical viewfinder, which offers 100%
Power supply EN-EL15 rechargeable coverage.
Li-ion battery Features
An Expeed 4 processor facilitates Build and handling
an increase in burst depth: Nikon Nikon has worked hard to make the
says that the D7200 is capable of D7200 look and feel like a high-
shooting up to 27 raw-format files quality piece of kit. It feels pretty
or 100 JPEGs before the buffer similar to something like the D610 or
fills. There’s also an increase in the D750 when you’re holding it. Both
The optical viewfinder native sensitivity range: it’s now the front and rear grip have soft
ISO 100-25,600, with two special textured coatings, which make it feel
is bright and clear. It’s monochrome-only expansion nice in the hand, while your fingers sit
great to see a 100% settings which take the sensitivity comfortably thanks to its contoured
up to ISO 102,400. and shaped grip.
offering on a camera Also included for the first time As with the D7100, the D7200 is
at this level in a DX format (APS-C) Nikon is weatherproof, which gives you the
70 f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e
Lock switch
confidence to use it in a range of conditions owner, you will feel extremely familiar with still-life scenes, it’s advisable to use the
without concern. It also helps to give it an air of both the button and menu layout, but if you’re rear LCD screen, which offers a
high quality –albeit not feeling quite as rugged coming from a different Nikon model, you magnified view for checking critical
as the D810. should also feel at home. focus. It would be nice if the screen was
This is very much a camera that requires The optical viewfinder is bright and clear. articulated or tilting, though, to help
both hands to use and, as we’d expect from this It’s great to see a 100% offering on a camera at with awkward angles.
level of camera, there’s a good range of dials this level, as it means you’ll never have Connecting to a smartphone via
and buttons for making changes to key something unexpected creeping into the Wi-Fi is easy, but the control is hidden
settings quickly and easily. If you’re a D7100 edges of the frame. When shooting macro or away a little in the main menu. A
dedicated button for quicker access
would have been better. NFC is
included – but, despite several
Meet the attempts, I wasn’t able to get it to
rivals… respond to my Android phone. The
Nikon Wireless Utility app is also very
The cameras limited, only offering the ability to set
taking on the Canon EOS 70D Fujifilm X-T1 Olympus OM-D autofocus point and trip the shutter.
Nikon D7200 Body: £729 / $899 Body: £795 / $1,299 E-M5 Mark II Nevertheless, it’s useful for group
A fantastic Beautiful retro Body: £749 / $899 shots, or if you want to shoot from a
all-rounder, with Wi-Fi design makes the A powerful CSC with tricky angle.
and great image X-T1 an ideal camera usability that gives
For test
quality. It’s also got an for enthusiasts who SLRs a run for their Performance
images and articulating like traditional money and a clever
resolution The 24.2MP sensor and Expeed 4
touchscreen. controls. High Res mode. processor combination has already
charts, visit Reviewed Issue 144 Reviewed Issue 151 Reviewed Page 90
www.techradar. proved itself to be great partnership in
com/cameras the Nikon D5500, which sits
underneath the D7200 in Nikon’s
f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e 71
Camera benchmarks
How does the Nikon D7200 fare?
COLOUR ERROR Scores closer to zero are better
0 5 10
Cameras and Accessories
Highest values are best
200 400 800 1,600 3,200 6,400
NOISE RESULT: The D7200 comes bottom here. This could be
a result of Nikon’s processing favouring detail over noise, though.
line-up, so we were fully expecting shot. Looking at raw-format files, it’s
good things from the D7200. clear that a fair amount of noise
This camera is aimed broadly at reduction is applied to JPEG images
enthusiasts, who want to shoot a bit in their default settings, but this
Highest values are best of everything, so it needs to be a gives you scope to apply exactly the
6 fantastic all-rounder, capable of kind of noise reduction you want to
200 400 800 1,600 3,200 6,400
SENSITIVITY handling lots of different subjects. in post-processing, balancing out
DYNAMIC RESULT: The D7200 is fairly closely matched here with
Looking at JPEG images directly detail with the presence of noise.
the Fujifilm X-T1, but it performs slightly better than the 70D. from the camera, colours have a Using the matrix metering
great vibrancy, with a bright but system leaves you with well-exposed
Overall benchmark result natural appearance. Colours are images in the majority of conditions,
Unsurprisingly, the D7200 is better at detail resolution than the
Canon EOS 70D, while it is very closely matched with the
vivid and bold in good light, but even and it even copes well with some
Fujifilm X-T1. Both the 70D and the X-T1 generally perform better under different lighting conditions, high-contrast scenes. On occasion,
than the D7200 for JPEG signal-to-noise ratio, although the you still get a nice warmth and you may find dialling in some
Nikon fares better at higher sensitivities. Meanwhile, for JPEG
dynamic range, the D7200 and 70D are very closely matched, saturation. exposure compensation for dull
and are both better than the X-T1. Detail is also excellently resolved. landscapes helps to bring out detail,
* Raw results use images converted to TIFF Examining images at 100% reveals though.
some very fine detail, with pretty The automatic white balance
much zero evidence of image- system copes very well with
smoothing at lower sensitivities. different lighting conditions, and is
Detail continues to be resolved well pretty much faultless in daylight or
throughout the sensitivity range, cloudy conditions. It errs ever so
and even at those incredibly high slightly on the warm side under
72 f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e
D7200. Thanks to the new AF 2–3 seconds, or 4–5 seconds at 100% viewfinder to use.
system, the camera is capable of 12-bit, if you need the higher-quality The Expeed 4 processor fixes the
locking onto a moving subject, even files. issue of burst depth, making it more
in lower-light conditions. The 15 useful than before if you’re shooting
cross-type AF points are more Verdict quick-moving subjects. The handling
sensitive in lower light, while the Although the D7200 may not be a of the camera also remains great, with
central point is the most sensitive of complete overhaul, Nikon has a high-quality feel you might
all if light levels drop even further. tweaked an already great camera to otherwise expect from something that
The camera’s burst depth is now produce something that is even sits at the top of Nikon’s range, rather
much improved when compared better than its predecessor. than in the middle.
with its predecessor. Shooting with The D7200 makes for a great
Fine JPEG selected allows you to all-rounder. It produces images that
capture around 50 shots before the are very sharp and detailed, with a WE SAY...
buffer fills; this equates to around pleasing degree of saturation. You won’t find a A comprehensive feature set and great
nine seconds of shooting time, While it would be nice to see an dedicated Wi-Fi quality images make the D7200 the ideal
giving you plenty of opportunity to articulating, or perhaps even button: its camera for enthusiasts – or maybe even a
catch the action. Raw-format touch-sensitive, screen, as we have activated via the back-up model for those who already own a
shooting at 14-bit gives you roughly on the D5500, it’s great to have a menu. full-frame Nikon.
Stick or twist? Upgrade advice Features
If you already own a D7100 would like the higher native ISO
(pictured) or a D7000, there are a range. Otherwise, it’s a slightly BUILD & HANDLING
f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e 73
SLR TEST Nikon d500 2
Cameras and Accessories
74 f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e
Nikon d500 SLR TEST
standard range is ISO 100-51,200, electronic Vibration Reduction has been made, images can be
and there are five expansion settings to reduce camera shake when transferred automatically to your
taking it up to the equivalent of ISO shooting movies hand-held. phone whenever you shoot.
1,640,000 – a stop lower than the Another feature that distinguishes The D500 has two card slots. One
D5’s maximum, but still an incredibly the D500 from the D5 is Nikon’s new accepts SD cards, while the other is
high figure. SnapBridge technology, which allows for the faster XQD format. Although
There are many other similarities the camera to stay permanently they’ve been around for quite some
between the two new cameras, all linked to a smart device via a time, XQD cards haven’t quite
of which make the D500 an exciting low-power Bluetooth connection become commonplace yet, but this
proposition. The Expeed 5 processor (or Wi-Fi). After the first connection could be about to change.
is the same, for example, as is the new
153-point Multi-Cam 20K autofocus
system with 99 cross-type points.
The processing engine also brings Meet the
a maximum continuous shooting rate
of 10 frames per second (the D5 can
hit 12 frames per second when
shooting normally) for up to 200 The cameras Canon EOS 7D II Nikon D7200 Sony Alpha 77 II
14-bit lossless compressed raw taking on the £1,249/$1,349 £849/$997 £999/$998
files – a staggering feat by any Canon 80D… The 7D II is a good The D7200 is the This 24MP SLT
measure. It makes the D500 enticing choice if you’re a next model down in has an electronic
for sports photographers. Canon shooter after Nikon’s DX range. It viewfinder, along
Whereas the D5’s 4K shooting a camera like the has more megapixels with an AF system
For test D500 – although the but can’t match the that’s fast and
capability is limited to three minutes, images and D500 edges ahead D500’s continuous accurate even in
it’s possible to shoot 4K UHD (3,840 resolution on paper. shooting and AF. low light.
x 2,160) 30p/25p/24p video for up to charts, visit Reviewed Page 30 Reviewed Page 70 Reviewed Page 114
29 minutes and 59 seconds with the www.techradar.
D500. 4K UHD time-lapse movies com/cameras
can be created in-camera, and there’s
f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e 75
the hotshoe is protected with a
weatherproof seal.
The camera certainly feels solid,
without having the weight of its
full-frame sibling. On the front is a
decent grip with a textured coating;
a ridge on the back marks the thumb
rest, making for a comfortable
holding experience.
All the direct controls that you
would expect are present, along with
a ridged mini-joystick controller for
selecting the AF point quickly when
the camera is held to your eye. This
sits just to the left of the resting
Cameras and Accessories
76 f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e
Nikon d500 SLR TEST
Scores closer
Nikon D500 1.6 to zero are better
-5 0 5 10 15 20
Higher scores are better. Raw
results use images converted to TIFF
Above Even in a gloomy underpass, the D500’s AF system proved to be fast and accurate.
Exposure Value
f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e 77
Cameras and Accessories
The Nikon D810 is an established flagship camera; the Pentax K-1 is the challenger...
HOTOGRAPHERS looking The K-1 arrives with a new approach to Both cameras dispense with the usual
for a full-frame digital SLR camera ergonomics and, thanks to Pentax’s anti-aliasing filter in front of the sensor.
have had to choose between powerful SR II lens-shift system, an Removing this filter improves fine detail
two brands – Canon and intriguing collection of features. but risks occasional moiré effects. With
Nikon – until now. Pentax the D810 you have to correct any moiré
has been making APS-C Features effects later in software, but the K-1’s AA
format digital SLRs for The big technical story with the K-1 is this simulation mode ‘jiggles’ the sensor a
years, but this is the company’s first sensor-shift system, which is used for a sub-pixel level during the exposure to
foray into full-frame photography. variety of functions. The most obvious is simulate a real anti-aliasing filter.
These two cameras come with very its five-axis image stabilisation, which should The SR mechanism accommodates
different approaches, however. The D810 work with practically any lens and corrects a large enough movement range to
is a ‘classic’ Nikon, with a sturdy build, a much wider range of movements than the compensate for skewed horizons with
carefully honed control layout and the lens-based VR system used by Nikon. Pentax an auto-level mode. Most of the time you
backing of a huge range of professional says it can deliver a shutter speed advantage can see if the camera is straight, but this
lenses and photographic accessories. of up to five stops. feature could be very useful in low light
78 f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g ita l C a m e r a m a g a z ine
NIKON D810 vs pentax k-1
f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g ita l C a m e r a m a g a z ine 79
HEAD TO HEAD NIKON D810 vs pentax k-1
Image test
Nikon Pentax
Cameras and Accessories
Outdoors, the fine detail captured by the K-1 is slightly less crisp than the D810’s, though
the definition at the edge is better. This comparison used the makers’ 24-70mm f/2.8 standard lenses.
Nikon Pentax
Low light This ISO 6,400 indoor shot shows the performance difference – the K-1’s result is The D810 has a
crisper and smoother than the D810’s. Its five-axis in-body stabilisation gives it a boost in low light. 3.2-inch 1,229,000-
dot LCD display. The
K-1’s LCD display lags
behind in resolution
at 1,037,000 dots
Nikon Pentax
Colour The K-1 offers a slightly more robust, saturated colour rendition than the D810, and
some outdoor shots show a hint of magenta in bright tones. Overall, though, they are hard to separate.
camera and can be angled upwards,
downwards, left or right. It doesn’t give
quite the same range of angles as the
flip-out vari-angle screens on some SLRs
and mirrorless cameras, but it keeps the
LCD display on the optical axis of the
camera, rather than off to one side.
The K-1 also offers a radically different
external control layout to the D810. It
Nikon Pentax features a regular mode dial on its top
plate and an additional Smart Dial. The
Exposure In unchallenging lighting, both cameras produce similar exposure levels. In this shot,
Smart Dial is used to select settings such
the K-1 has paid more attention to the shadows under the bridge, leaving the daylit area over-exposed.
as exposure compensation, ISO, drive
mode, bracketing settings, HDR mode
and more. Alongside it is an unmarked
mode button near the shutter release and curtain shutter and a smoother-acting ‘e-dial’, used to change these settings.
turning the command dial. shutter mechanism are all designed to
On the left of the top plate is a four- get the best possible benefit from its Performance
button control cluster unique to high-end 36-megapixel sensor and go some way Pentax has made clear progress with its
Nikons. There are buttons for setting the towards offsetting the advantage of the autofocus and lenses, with the result that
image quality, metering pattern, ISO K-1’s in-camera image stabilisation. the K-1 feels smooth and responsive – at
setting and white balance. Around its Round the back, the D810 has a fixed least with static subjects. With moving
base is a release mode dial with settings (non-articulating) 3.2-inch 1,229,000- subjects, it couldn’t quite match the
for single-shot mode, low and high-speed dot LCD display. The K-1’s LCD display performance of the Nikon D810’s more
continuous shooting, the D810’s ‘quiet’ matches it for size but lags slightly sophisticated and highly developed
mode and mirror up modes. The mirror behind in resolution at 1,037,000 dots. 51-point system. Neither camera is really
up mode, the D810’s delayed shutter The K-1 f has a unique scissor-action equipped for sports, but the D810 is
release option, an optional electronic first screen that pulls out from the back of the better at tracking moving subjects. It’s
80 f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g ita l C a m e r a m a g a z ine
NIKON D810 vs pentax k-1
0.9 2.4
The D810 delivers very accurate colours, subject to The K-1’s colour error is higher than the D810’s, but
the exposure and white balance settings you choose. it’s still low. Images have slightly higher saturation.
RAW* SIGNAL-TO-NOISE RATIO higher is better; raw results use images converted from TIFF
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
Exposure value
12 12
24-70mm kit lens on the D810. Our
10 10
hit-rate of sharp shots from the K-1
was much higher than with the D810. 8 8
D810 offers full HD at up to 60/50p (the safe pair of hands for professionals. It can’t more of a risk. Pentax has been building up
K-1 only manages interlaced video at this match the K-1 for features or low-light its full-frame lens system, but Nikon still
higher speed), electronic aperture control performance, but it comes with a big lens leads here. On the other hand, the K-1’s
while filming, and clean HDMI output and accessory system. Cameras come and in-body stabilisation, better high-ISO
while recording to internal memory cards. go, but lenses are for life, so you need to performance, built-in GPS and Wi-Fi, and
Rod Lawton consider the long-term investment. The lower price make it a terrific all-rounder.
f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g ita l C a m e r a m a g a z ine 81
Cameras and Accessories
Nikon D5 4
It’s a great camera with a fabulous AF system – but
forget about using the highest sensitivity setting
Nikon has kept the D5’s control weather-sealing; In other respects the D5 performs
Real-world images layout the same as the D4S. While there’s even a well. The Matrix metering system is
weatherproof cover
look cleaner and this makes it easy to swap
for the hotshoe.
fairly easily influenced by very dark
between the two cameras, there or bright sections in the scene, but
sharper than those are a few niggles with the it’s usually predictable.
from the D4S handling. Because of differences Angela Nicholson
82 f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e
NIKON D5 7.9
-5 0 5 10 15 20
Higher scores are better. Raw
results use images converted to TIFF
Exposure Value 12
Higher scores are better. Raw
results use images converted to TIFF
Decisive timing Faithful hues Natural colour While the D5’s raw file dynamic range is good,
The 12fps burst rate came in very At low sensitivity settings, the D5 In the Standard Picture Control it is beaten by the D4S and the 1D X Mark II,
handy for getting a nice cloud of captures a lot of detail, with results mode, the D5 produces quite subtle indicating that these cameras capture a
glitter on an Aspire Photography on a par with or even beating a shades of natural subjects, but it broader range of tones.
Training course. (www. higher-resolution camera like the still makes bold colours look D750, for example. pleasantly vibrant. WE SAY...
The D5 is a great camera and a worthwhile
upgrade to the D4S, but there are a few
niggles that stop it from being an absolute
Meet the belter. The top sensitivity expansion settings
rivals… are headline-grabbing, if largely useless to
most photographers, but the image quality in
The cameras the native sensitivity range is high, provided
Canon EOS-1D X Nikon D750 Nikon D4S you keep an eye on the exposure.
taking on Mark II £1,514/$1,897 £4,189/$5,997
the Nikon D5… £4,799/$5,999 (body only) (body only)
(body only) Aimed at enthusiast Still a great 16MP
Canon’s direct photographers, the camera, the D4S has Features
competitor, this D750 is a capable been popular with
20.2MP full-frame all-rounder that has pros. There should BUILD & HANDLING
For test
f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e 83
m i n i te s t
HARd cases
Ultimate gear protection for when the going gets really rough
Cameras and Accessories
w w w. c a l p h o t o . c o . u k w w w. l o w e p r o . c o m w w w. p e l i . c o m
Calumet WT3434 Lowepro Hardside 3 Peli 1525
1 2
Watertight Hard Case 300 Photo Air Case
£199 £165/$150 £238/$169
Calumet hard cases range from the The Hardside 300 Photo has an IP67 Hard cases have many benefits, but
dinky 31 x 27 x 14cm, 1.8kg WT411 up rating, certifying it dustproof and lightness isn’t usually one of them.
to the monster WT9263, which weighs waterproof in a metre of water for up Peli’s Air range is a breath of fresh
in at 12.2kg – although thankfully that to 30 minutes. Lowepro uses an ABS you-know-what: the 1525 Air weighs just
model has wheels. This WT3434 case polymer for the outer shell. While this 3.2kg with foam, making it noticeably
is hardly petite at 65 x 51 x 24cm, but easily survived our testing, it gives the lighter than Peli’s slightly smaller 5.26kg
you don’t get wheels to suspend its impression of being slightly more brittle iM2600 Storm Case. Space hasn’t been
hefty 8.2kg mass. than some of the other case materials. sacrificed to achieve this, as internal
Even its chunky rubber-coated handle You won’t find typical diced foam dimensions of 52 x 29 x 17cm make
isn’t enough to lighten this load, although inside, but rather a removable, the 1525 Air a good fit for a typical kit.
extra handles on each end mean both self-contained padded soft case with Robustness isn’t compromised
arms – or a friend – can help take the customisable dividers and even a pair of either: Peli’s used a clever honeycomb
strain. Inside is space for serious gear, concealable backpack straps. Within this construction and a new lightweight plastic
including an exotic super-tele lens, all is space for a body and an attached lens, polymer. When subjected to extreme
nestled in diced foam. plus up to six extra lenses – although the abuse, the Air flexes slightly more than
Four rugged catches secure the case’s relatively svelte form means the the conventional Storm Case, but it’s
lockable lid, ensuring the neoprene seal optimal divider layout is best suited to still reassuringly tough.
is clamped tightly to keep out water and narrower APS-C optics. Useful details, like steel protectors
dust. Top-notch material quality exudes The payoff is 45 x 30 x 18cm outer around the padlocking points and an
robustness, helping the WT3434 take dimensions, which comply with most ergonomic rubber-coated handle, seal
our overzealous abuse in its stride. airline carry-on requirements. the deal.
84 f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i tal C a m era m a g a z i n e
Compared to the lightweight Air The Supreme 40F thrashes the It’s not just Peli that’s tried to lighten
case, this 6.58kg design is on the Hardside 300’s one-metre waterproof hard cases. The VGP-13’s internal
weighty side, but it does sport wheels rating, as this case will keep your kit dimensions may be slightly smaller than
and an extendible handle so you can dry down to five metres underwater. the 1525 Air at 45 x 31 x 15cm, but its
use it as a roller case. Toughness is Although, with so much foam inside, you foam-equipped weight of 3.2kg is
a match for any case in this test group, have to wonder how the case could impressive nonetheless.
with the handle and wheels not letting possibly sink so deep. However, where the Air saves weight
the side down either. Its 43 x 30 x 18cm interior dimensions without compromise, this case isn’t quite
The iM2620 is relatively deep at 27cm, give enough space for a full-frame SLR so impenetrable. It’s constructed of a
allowing a typical 24-70mm lens to slot in and three or four lenses, while still reinforced aluminium frame surrounding
upright to save space, while the 54cm retaining a convenient outer size and plastic panels, but though these flexed
length and 41cm width make this case modest 4.4kg weight. Hexagonally diced more than a conventional hard case in our
spacious without being unwieldy. foam is the included padding, although testing, the VGP-13 still survived perfectly
As with most of Peli’s hard cases, you Vanguard sells an optional self-contained intact. The packing-case look is also easier
have a choice of internal padding. Pick ‘n’ divider bag for added versatility. on the eye than more utilitarian designs.
Pluck diced foam is the cheapest option, Despite the keen price tag, there Both diced foam and customisable
but there’s also a movable padded divider are nice extras like a comfy handle divider interiors are included, and
set. You can even spec an organiser and non-slip rubber feet on the base. Vanguard even throws in a shoulder
pouch to store accessories like filters and Robustness is top-notch too, with the strap. The only things missing here are
batteries in the lid, while nifty press-and- Supreme being every bit as tough as waterproofing, and sufficient space for
pull lid latches come as standard. the Calumet and Peli cases. a bulky full-frame set-up.
f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i tal C a m era m a g a z i n e 85
Cameras and Accessories
C S C w w w. o l y m p u s - g l o b a l . c o m /e n 4
Olympus Pen-F
The most advanced Pen-series camera has
the features and handling to charm enthusiasts
86 f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e
Cameras and Accessories
Despite the low light, low contrast and
netting, the autofocus system was
able to get this moving subject sharp.
more than on any other current CMOS II sensor, lots of customisation screen, along with
images and
Olympus Pen or OM-D cameras. Our resolution and has a superb options, and a Panasonic’s 4K
lab tests reveal that, in comparison electronic viewfinder. tilting touchscreen. Photo feature.
charts, visit
with the Pen E-P5, this brings a Reviewed Page 58 Reviewed Page 18 Reviewed Issue 170
significant hike in the amount of com/cameras
detail in images at lower sensitivity
f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e 87
Fujifilm X-E2S 19
Scores closer
Panasonic GX8 -6.6
to zero are better
-5 0 5 10 15 20
Higher scores are better. Raw
results use images converted to TIFF
look good when sized to make prints. unsuitable for shooting subjects with
Exposure Value
Noise is controlled well for most of the moving elements such as flowing water.
Pen-F’s sensitivity range. As usual, in the There seems to be an near-infinite 10
default noise-reduction setting you can number of ways to tweak the colour of
expect to see some fine details lost from JPEGs to suit your preferences, so if you 8
JPEGs at the upper sensitivity settings. don’t like the results from the Pen-F, you 6
Nevertheless ISO 6,400 images (both raw probably just need to find the right setting. Higher scores are better. Raw
results use images converted to TIFF
and JPEG) look good at A3 size. The Natural Picture Mode makes a good 100 400 1,600 6,400 25,600
Switching to the High-Res Shot mode starting point and produces natural, if The Pen-F’s raw files are quite similar to the
slows shooting down considerably, with slightly muted, colours and contrast. If you JPEGs and don’t match the high scores of
each image taking nine seconds or more to want a bit more punch, switch to the Vivid the competing cameras. However, they have
or I-Enhance mode. good scope for post-capture adjustment.
Although the Pen-F has a contrast-
detection system, rather than a hybrid
solution that combines contrast detection
with a phase system, it’s fast and accurate The Pen-F is an excellent camera with
in many situations. It works well in quite bags of features, plus lots of scope for
low light, but you can expect a bit of customisation of both the controls and the
hunting as contrast levels drop further. appearance of the images it produces. It may
take you a while to work through the various
Provided that you keep the active AF point
options and optimise it for the way you want
over the subject, it’s also pretty good
to shoot, but it’s worth taking the time to
at keeping moving subjects sharp in explore and experiment.
continuous AF mode, but the Tracking
AF mode is more hit-and-miss.
Olympus’s stabilisation system is well Verdict
regarded, and it doesn’t disappoint in the
Pen-F. When shooting with the popular Features
12-50mm f/3.5-6.3 EZ ED MSC lens at BUILD & HANDLING
88 f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e
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Cameras and Accessories
90 f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e
The electronic
viewfinder (EVF),
which shows 100% of
The new vari-angle 3-inch the scene, has been
In a change from the
1,037k-dot touch-sensitive improved and has
original E-M5 layout,
screen is useful for 2,360,000 dots rather
the power switch is
composing images at than the 1,440,000
now alongside the
awkward angles in dots of the original
mode dial.
landscape or portrait E-M5’s.
Build and handling E-M10 in the OM-D range, and its control the dials, but on the other, you need to
It may be small, but the OM-D E-M5 Mark II arrangement is halfway between the two. remember which setting gives access
feels nicely constructed. Its magnesium body Taking a cue from the E-M1, there’s a switch to the controls you want. You get into
is solid, comfortable and secure in the hand. on the back that changes the options adjusted the swing of it once you’ve been using
It’s also dust- and water-proof, as well as by the two top-plate dials. This switch is a the camera for a while, but you can
freeze-proof down to -10 degrees C. mixed blessing. On one hand, it doubles the expect some frustration in the early
The E-M5 II sits between the E-M1 and number of options that can be adjusted via days.
One of the great features of the
OM-D series is that the cameras are
extremely customisable. However, it
can take quite a while to find and
Meet the understand all the options as well as
rivals… the huge range of features. The
controls are all within easy reach, but
The cameras some people may find the small
taking on the Fujifilm X-T1 Samsung NX1 Sony Alpha 7R buttons fiddly. I also found that a
Body: £795 / $1299 Body: £1,249 / Body: £999 /
E-M5 Mk II Traditional controls, $1,499 $1,898
couple of buttons didn’t behave as
weatherproof build One of the E-M5 II’s Sony’s first-
I would expect on a few occasions. The
and retro styling, chief rivals has generation A7R lacks Info button, for example, which I used
plus superb-quality already fallen by the the in-body image to toggle between the on-screen
images make this wayside, but this stabilisation of its displays, occasionally wouldn’t bring
SLR-like 16MP 28MP 4K video successor but its up the electronic level display. And
For test
compact system powerhouse could be 36MP full-frame there was a short period when I
images and camera a real a great used buy if sensor delivers both
resolution couldn’t review images in the
winner. you get lenses too. power and value. viewfinder. I was unable to find any
charts, visit Reviewed Issue 151 Reviewed Issue 160 Reviewed Issue 147
www.techradar. explanation for this within the menu,
com/cameras and the ability to review recovered
without me changing any settings.
f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e 91
CSC benchmarks
How does the Olympus E-M5 Mark II fare?
COLOUR ERROR Scores closer to zero are better
Olympus OM-D E-M5 II 5.7
Fujifilm X-T1 6.7
Samsung NX1 -9.83
Sony Alpha 7R -5.04
-10 -5 0 5 10
Cameras and Accessories
Highest values are best
200 400 800 1,600 3,200 6,400
Above It was very useful to be able to check the focus was spot-on using the
NOISE RESULT: In its standard 16MP mode, the E-M5 II beats
magnified view in the rear display.
its rivals at most ISO settings, indicating that images are a
little cleaner.
The electronic viewfinder provides engineers believe that the 64MP raw
RAW DYNAMIC RANGE* Highest values are best a good view of the subject. There’s no files only resolve a level of detail
13 sign of any texture or flickering, and equivalent to that from a 40MP
12 the contrast is a good match for the camera. Of course it depends upon
11 scene’s. With the Natural Picture what format that camera is: let’s not
10 mode selected, the viewfinder image forget that the Four Thirds-type
9 sometimes looks a little more sensor inside the OM-D
saturated than the scene, but the hues series cameras is smaller than both
are a good match. There’s some noise APS-C and full-frame format.
Highest values are best visible in very low light, but you can However, our tests show that at the
200 400 800 1,600 3,200 6,400 still see the subject clearly. lowest sensitivity settings the E-M5
SENSITIVITY Mark II can match the full-frame
DYNAMIC RESULT: The E-M5 II performs consistently Performance 36MP Nikon D810 for resolving
throughout its sensitivity range. This indicates that raw files One of the main attractions of the power. It drops away from the D810 a
have a wide tonal range.
OM-D E-M5 Mark II is its High Res little as sensitivity rises, but as the
Mode, which enables it to record camera has to be tripod-mounted and
OVERALL BENCHMARK RESULT 40MP JPEG images or 64MP raw the subject motionless, there will be
Overall the OM-D E-M5 II puts in a good performance in our lab.
While it can’t match the Samsung and Sony cameras and their files. As you might imagine, this isn’t few occasions when sensitivity needs
larger, higher-pixel-count sensors for detail resolution in its without compromise. Sensitivity is to be raised above ISO 200.
standard 16MP mode, it produces very respectable results for a
Micro Four Thirds camera – and can match them in High Res
limited to ISO 100-1,600, the The results are very impressive.
Shot mode. minimum aperture is f/8 and the Comparing simultaneously captured
* Raw results use images converted to TIFF slowest available shutter speed is high-resolution files at 100% reveals
eight seconds. that the JPEGs look slightly sharper
It’s also essential that the camera and more natural, which seems to
Below This is the first
Olympus CSC to have a
is stationary and that the subject bear out Olympus’s decision to limit
vari-angle screen. doesn’t move. Even small movements their size at 40MP.
result in a hatched pattern appearing Turning to the standard (16MP)
or ghosting in images. The High Res files, noise is controlled well from ISO
Shot raw files also have to be 100-6,400, although some luminance
processed using a free Photoshop noise is visible at 100% in images
plug-in for Windows or Mac OS X. taken at the lowest sensitivities.
Olympus prefers to refer to the Unusually, JPEG
camera as a 40MP model, because the files taken in the standard settings
92 f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e
f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e 93
C S C TEST Olympus OM-D E-M1 II
Cameras and Accessories
the frame height) than regular dedicated drive mode a quoted shutter life of 200,000 shots
The E-M1 II’s 60fps burst digital SLR systems. dial – instead, you and an optional new HLD-9 battery
mode is a spectacular But let’s get back to that have to press this grip that doubles the battery life
continuous shooting capability. button and turn the (always a sore point with mirrorless
leap forward in high- The bald fact is the E-M1 II can rear dial. cameras) and has dedicated controls
speed shooting shoot full-resolution, uncropped for vertical shooting.
94 f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e
Cameras and Accessories
1 2 3
Inside the body is a 20.4-megapixel It’s not just about the size of the body, squeeze on a lot of external controls
Live MOS sensor measuring 17.3 x but the lenses too. The 12-40mm without making them feel cramped.
13mm, with an ISO range of ‘Low’ f/2.8 Pro lens (24-80mm effective) The key dials are on the right side
to 25,600. It’s equipped with a is half the size and weight of a of the top plate, and consist of
newly redesigned five-axis image full-frame equivalent; this goes a regular mode dial and two
stabilisation system, which can work right across the board, right up to unmarked control dials whose
in conjunction with a new 12-140m Olympus’s 40-150mm f/2.8 (80- function depends on both the mode
f/4 IS lens, launched at the same time 300mm equivalent) and 300mm f/4 you’re in and the position of a lever
as the camera. super-telephoto (600mm equivalent). on the back of the camera, just to
The E-M1 II can shoot 4K video in Despite the E-M1 II’s relatively the right of the viewfinder eyepiece.
both the C4K (4,096 x 2,160) and 4K/ small size, Olympus has managed to This effectively doubles up on the >
UHD (3,840 x 2,160) formats – and
this new lens is designed not only
to offer a useful focal range for
videographers (24-200mm Meet the
equivalent) but to offer even better rivals…
hand-held footage thanks to its own
in-built image stabiliser. Olympus The cameras Fujifilm X-T2 Panasonic GH4 Sony Alpha 6300
is claiming a 6.5-stop shutter speed taking on the £1,399/$1,599 £899/$1,198 £899/$998
advantage for this camera and lens. Olympus OM-D The X-T2 can’t quite It’s due for With continuous
E-M1 Mark II… match the E-M1 II for replacement, but the shooting up to 11fps
Build and handling high-speed bursts, GH4’s specs still and a super-high-
The E-M1 Mark II is the largest but its 24MP APS-C look special, with 4K tech AF system, the
camera in Olympus’s OM-D range, X-Trans sensor’s video, continuous A6300 is more
but it’s positively diminutive next image quality and 12fps shooting and powerful than its
For more
to a pro SLR. The smaller sensor its AF system are an innovative 30fps understated looks
size of the Olympus means it’s at first-rate. 4K Photo mode. suggest. Look out
reviews, visit
a disadvantage for ultimate image Reviewed Issue 185 Reviewed Issue 154 for the A6500 soon.
quality, but it brings two big com/cameras
advantages: size and weight.
f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e 95
Cameras and Accessories
control dial functions – as long as shutter action is unusually soft – as any pro SLR. It hunts from time to
you remember to set the lever to the much softer than its predecessor’s. time in low light, however, or with
correct position. The feel of the materials and low-contrast subjects, but the speed
This is a camera that you can controls is first-rate – this feels such at which it can refocus from infinity
easily get confused with, at least a finely made, high-precision to a subject close to the camera and
initially. Despite the array of external device that you have to remind back again borders on the uncanny.
controls, it also relies heavily on its yourself it’s also been ‘ruggedised’ The E-M1 II is a fraction of the
menu system and an interactive for outdoor conditions. weight and cost of a high-speed pro
touch-screen control layout, sports SLR, but it has an autofocus
activated by the OK button in the Performance system which narrows or perhaps
middle of the four-way controller. The OM-D E-M1 II’s sensor is half even eliminates the performance gap
You don’t have to use the touch the size of APS-C and around between mirrorless and SLR
system – you can also navigate one-quarter the size of a full-frame technologies – and can shoot at
through the options using the SLR sensor, yet you wouldn’t know speeds that no SLR can match.
four-way controller buttons and the it from the images it produces. They Rod Lawton
control dials on the top of the camera. are extremely sharp; the roll-off in
But what about the revolutionary bright highlights is smooth and
continuous shooting and autofocus subtle; and lens aberrations like
modes? These are key features that distortion and fringing are
surely deserved a rethink of the processed out so well that they
camera’s external layout, with effectively cease to exist.
dedicated controls for each. Instead, The OM-D II performs well at
the E-M1 II follows the same generic higher ISOs too, although larger-
exterior layout as its predecessor, sensor rivals pull ahead here.
96 f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e
Scores closer
Sony Alpha 6300 -3.7 to zero are
-20 -10 0 10 20
It’s not the worst, it’s not the best. The OM-D
E-M1 II’s colour rendition is more accurate
than the X-T2’s, but the Sony A6300 and
Panasonic GH4 are more neutral.
Higher scores are better. Raw
results use images converted to TIFF
100 400 1,600 6,400 25,600
Exposure Value 12
Higher scores are better. Raw
results use images converted to TIFF
We’d want to do more extensive tests before
reaching any final decision about the E-M1’s
continuous focus tracking performance, but
it’s an extraordinary camera in every other
respect. The image quality belies its small
sensor, and its static autofocus and burst
shooting modes are exceptional.
f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e 97
M I N I t es t
Don’t let rain stop play: keep your camera dry and ready to capture wet-weather wonders
Cameras and Accessories
w w w. m i n d s h i f t g e a r. c o m w w w. m a n f r o t t o . c o . u k
MindShift Gear Peak Design
1 UltraLight 20 3 Shell
£27/$35 £30/$40
THIS is actually a type of small, The second of the two basic cover
light bag that keeps your designs here, Shell is designed to work
camera dry between shots, but in harmony with Peak Design’s Capture
you need to take out the Clip system, which attaches your
camera for use. It’s essentially camera to a belt or a bag strap. What’s
a lightly padded fabric cube where more, where the MindShift cover is
the top flap folds over your camera designed as a stowaway pouch, you can
and fastens around the lens with a still use your camera with Shell fitted.
drawstring. This mid-sized version will The stretchy neoprene sleeve slips
wrap around a full-frame SLR with a over your lens and onto the camera body,
modest zoom lens, and features an with drawstring cords tightening around
integrated waist belt that allows the the base and lens to create a snug fit.
cover to be worn like a holster bag. A couple of well-sealed slots allow your
Unlike a traditional holster design, camera’s strap to pass through the top.
this cover can be collapsed and Although Shell looks neat and tidy
scrunched into its own compact when fitted, the cover needs to be folded
pouch for ultimate portability. This w w w. t h i n k t a n k p h o t o . c o m back awkwardly to use your camera;
means it’s just the ticket for stashing Think Tank even then, the lens is still obscured,
in your main camera bag, ready for a
day when you want to travel light but
2 Hydrophobia 70-200 making this better suited to protecting
a prime optic. A clever concept, but not
still want to pack some protection £128/$150 without its limitations.
should the heavens open.
The Hydrophobia may not be cheap, OVERALL
OVERALL but you’re paying for a real step up in
design. Rather than two hand openings
either side of the camera body, here the
left opening is further forward, just where
you need it for lens controls. There’s also
a grippy coating inside the lens jacket
that ensures it won’t slide out of place.
More useful extras include a rugged
carry strap and a front lens cover cap,
should you need extra wet-weather
protection between shoots.
A clever touch is the viewfinder hole
in the back panel – although to achieve
a waterproof seal, you’ll have to spend
£27/$35 on a compatible camera
eyepiece. The material surrounding this
can also obscure the top of a smaller
98 f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i t al C a m era m a g a z ine
M I N I t es t
h t t p : / /e . m a t i n . c o . k r
5 Matin M-7098 Deluxe
f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i t al C a m era m a g a z ine 99
Cameras and Accessories
CSC w w w.r icoh-imag
Pentax K-70
£799/$897 with 18-135mm lens
Pentax elbows its way into the enthusiast digital
SLR market with a tough new outdoor camera
100 f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e
-5 0 5 10 15 20
The vari-angle screen meant that we were able to get right down to puddle-level to capture this beautiful
reflection – and the camera’s decent level of weather-proofing proved to be rather reassuring in a downpour!
Higher scores are better. Raw
results use images converted to TIFF
100 400 1,600 6,400 25,600
Exposure Value 12
Higher scores are better. Raw
4 results use images converted to TIFF
100 400 1,600 6,400 25,600
The extra zoom range of the 18-135mm kit lens is useful for isolating subjects and getting tighter compositions.
Sharpness at full zoom was disappointing, however, and the 18-135mm lens had poor edge sharpness too. WE SAY...
The K-70 is a compact, solid and well-
specified camera for enthusiasts. It’s packed
with innovative features, and the articulated
Meet the screen comes to life with the new hybrid Live
rivals… View autofocus system. The 18-135mm kit
lens, however, is a disappointment: it handles
The cameras well, it focuses quickly and it offers a long
Canon EOS 760D Nikon D7200 Sony Alpha 68 zoom range, but the optical quality is poor.
taking on the £509/$849 (body) £999/$1,297 (body £629/$698 (body
Pentax K-70… With its 24MP with 18-105mm lens) with 18-55mm lens)
sensor, vari-angle The D7200 delivers The translucent
display and hybrid excellent resolution mirror combines the Features
CMOS AF sensor, and image quality autofocus speed of
the 760D is a close with good handling. an SLR with the Live BUILD & HANDLING
f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e 101
C S C TE S T Sigma sd Quattro
1 3
Cameras and Accessories
Sigma sd Quattro
Sigma takes its three-layer sensor technology
to the next level in a new mirrorless camera
102 f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e
c s c TE S T
-10 0 5 10 15 20
Higher scores are better. Raw
results use images converted to TIFF
100 400 1,600 6,400 25,600
Exposure Value 12
Higher scores are better. Raw
4 results use images converted to TIFF
10 400 1,600 6,400 25,600
1 2 3
Fine detail Dynamic range Natural colours The sq Quattro’s contrasty image rendition
The sd Quattro has no anti-aliasing Dynamic range could prove As long as you can use low ISOs carries through into the raw files, and
filter and does not need to a sticking point. In our tests, (up to 400) to capture the scene highlight detail is easily lost. The results
‘demosaic’ colour data like a highlights were easily blown out and you’re shooting, the sd Quattro from our lab tests are disappointing.
conventional sensor – the fine Sigma’s Photo Pro 6 software was produces rich, vibrant but
detail rendition is exceptional. unable to recover them. natural-looking colours. WE SAY...
The sd Quattro is a solid, well-designed
camera backed up by a strong lens range
from Sigma. But although the Foveon X3
Meet the sensor delivers great detail, it falls behind its
rivals… rivals for noise control and dynamic range.
Worse is the camera’s operational speed,
The cameras notably its autofocus. A good camera
Fujifilm X-E2S Panasonic GX8 Sony Alpha 7 undermined by its experimental tech.
taking on the £549/$699 (body) £770/$998 (body) £799/$1,098 (body)
sd Quattro… Like the sd Quattro, This CSC has a Sony’s first and
this camera has an smaller sensor than oldest A7 model
unusual sensor the sd Quattro, but is still on sale at Features
design. Fujifilm’s the GX8’s 20MP knock-down prices.
X-Trans tech delivers images are good, You get full-frame BUILD & HANDLING
f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e 103
mi n itest
Rock-solid carbon-fibre legs for when only the very best camera support will do...
Cameras and Accessories
1 2 3
w w w. b e n r o e u . c o m w w w. g i t z o . c o m w w w. m a n f r o t t o . c o m
Benro GoPlus Gitzo Mountaineer Manfrotto
Classic TGP27C Series 1 Kit MT055CXPRO4
& IB2 head GK1542-82QD & XPRO Ball Head
£309 + £94 £839/$1,000 £279 + £160/$500 + $160
This new no-compromise design Where Benro adopts the ‘bigger is The 055 packs several small but
makes a big impression. With an IB2 ball better’ ethos, Gitzo’s entry is just the useful features, like Quick Power Lock
head attached, it’ll top out at an imposing opposite. Its 170cm maximum height leg extension clamps that are easier
178cm and pack down to a still-unwieldy with head is pretty lofty, yet these are and faster to use than even the best
73.5cm. That’s due to the use of three- the lightest legs on test at just shy of twist-grip designs. Their positive locking
section legs, which should be more rigid 1.8kg, and the four-section carbon tubes also helps to make the four-section legs
than four-section designs, even if step down to a mere 14.7mm diameter. feel as rigid as most three-section rivals,
portability does take a hit. Factor the Gitzo’s exceptional build quality, and compensate for the slightly spindly
extra-large diameter carbon tubing, cutting-edge carbon construction 16mm minimum tube diameter.
capable of supporting a whopping 12kg, and rock-solid twist-lock extension The leg angle selectors aren’t quite
and you get a solid-feeling set-up here. clamps help the Mountaineer defy its so ergonomic, but at least you get
A monopod conversion feature size and stand almost as strong as the Manfrotto’s 90° centre column, which can
enhances the GoPlus’ appeal, as does Benro. There are no extras like spiked be rotated to sit horizontally, as well as an
the versatile Quick Flip centre column, feet or a trick centre column, but the Easy Link socket to mount accessories.
which easily pivots to almost any angle. GH1382QD ball head has super-smooth We paired the 055 with the Xpro Ball
Benro also throws in interchangeable movement, friction adjustment, and Head. It boasts a 45mm-diameter ball,
spiked feet, while the optional IB2 head a 40mm diameter ball capable of superb precision and variable friction,
impresses with its large, friction- supporting 14kg. The legs, however, although at 520g it takes the total
adjustable ball and sound ergonomics. are rated for a more modest 10kg. platform weight north of 2.5kg.
w w w. n e s t - s t y l e . c o m w w w. n o v o - p h o t o . c o m w w w. v a n g u a r d w o r l d . c o m
Nest Traveller Novo Explora Vanguard
NT-6294CK Carbon Fibre T10 with CBH-40 Alta Pro
Tripod / Monopod Kit ball head 283CB100
£300 £229 £300/$370
Thanks to legs that flip up to Novo is a new name in the tripod Like Benro, Vanguard has opted to use
surround the head, this tripod packs market, but its Explora T10 is worth three-section legs for added rigidity,
down to just 45cm, yet the four- the effort of seeking out. This’ll pull the and it has the same side-effect of
section legs and centre column still detachable monopod trick, and it includes increasing packed length to a bulky
extend to a respectable 166cm at full long and short centre columns for 72.5cm when fitted with the included
stretch. The large-diameter eight-layer low-level shooting. The rubber feet can SBH-100 ball head. It results in a handy
carbon tubes and twist-grip extension be removed to reveal spikes, while the 180cm extended height however, and
locks aren’t quite as rigid as the Benro included CBH-40 ball head is silky smooth Vanguard’s Multi-Angle Central Column
or Manfrotto legs, but they’ll hold steady with a large ball diameter and variable rivals Benro’s Quick Flip column, helping
under a large SLR and 70-200mm lens. friction. You can rotate the camera you snap low-angle and macro shots.
Despite its relatively low price, you mounting plate while the ball is locked. Grippy rubber feet can be retracted to
still get a monopod conversion, with Weighing in at 1.8kg means these reveal spikes, while foam pads wrap the
a fully-featured head boasting friction legs rival the Gitzo as the lightest here, top of all three legs, and you can pivot the
control, two bubble levels and a fairly and at 49cm long when packed, only the legs to 20, 50 or 80°. Twist-grip leg locks
large 32mm-diameter ball. It tips the Nest compresses more. Four-section keep the eight-layer carbon tubes from
scales at 275g, contributing to an all-in legs give a 171cm maximum shooting compressing under an 8kg load capacity,
weight of 1.85kg. The only downsides height, but their twist-grip extension but they have a fraction more lateral play
are a centre column that won’t pivot, locks – while holding steady – don’t than Benro’s clamps, reducing the benefit
and you can’t add spiked feet. give the instant grip rival designs. of the three-section legs.
Cameras and Accessories
106 f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e
Although the A6000’s
viewfinder was a good
performer, it’s great to
see this being made
even better here with a
higher resolution panel
Although the A6000’s viewfinder was
a good performer, it’s great to see this 1 2 3
being made even better here, with a
Colour Out-of-focus areas Exposure
higher-resolution panel. It’s crisp and The camera’s Vivid Creative Captured at f/4 with the This shows the camera’s slight
high in contrast, and only troubled Style has given the greens Carl Zeiss Vario-Tessar T* E tendency to under-expose on
by a little noise in darker conditions. and reds in this image a 16-70mm f/4 ZA OSS, the occasion. This image benefits
The LCD screen’s specifications aren’t pleasant boost, without out-of-focus areas in this from +0.5EV over-exposure to
quite class-leading, and at default oversaturating them. scene appear smooth. make it more balanced.
settings it appears somewhat
under-powered and in need of a boost
in brightness through the menu,
although it otherwise performs as
Meet the
you would expect. rivals…
The camera’s revamped focusing
system is one of its main highlights, The cameras Olympus Pen F Panasonic GX8 Fujifilm X-E2S
and it’s pleasing to discover that it taking on £899/$999 £574/$998 £549/$699
delivers. There’s very little delay when the Sony The latest Pen model The GX8 has an With a 16MP X-Trans
focusing on everyday subjects, while A6300… from Olympus oozes excellent 20MP CMOS sensor and
performance against moving subjects style, but it’s just as sensor to X-series glass,
is also strong. The spread of focusing impressive on the recommend it, Fujifilm’s compact
For test
points, almost up to the peripheries inside, with a together with a fast and affordable
images and cracking EVF and AF system, 4K video rangefinder-style is
of the frame, ensures that the system resolution
stays with the subject well wherever it high-quality images. – and a great price. worth a closer look.
charts, visit Reviewed Page 86 Reviewed Issue 170 Reviewed Page 58
moves. Objects travelling in a variety www.techradar.
of directions and speeds relative to com/cameras
the camera are picked up and >
f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e 107
Scores closer
Sony Alpha 6300 -3.7 to zero are
Fujifilm X-E2S 19
-10 -5 0 10 20
Above The camera’s electronic level makes it easy to capture images completely horizontal (or
vertical) – important in scenes where linear details make any slight skewing more apparent. 20
footage rather than anything more 100 400 1,600 6,400 25,600
contrast and colour. Sharpness is also and usable results are still possible
just at the right level. at settings as high as ISO 6,400, 10
108 f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e
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Cameras and Accessories
S LT w w w. s o n y . c o m
Sony Alpha 68
£513/$599 (body only)
The A68 combines a number of enthusiast-level
features from the A77 II with an entry-level price
110 f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e
f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e 111
-5 0 5 10 15 20
Higher scores are better. Raw
results use images converted to TIFF
Captured at ISO 1,250, noise reduction has robbed some of the finer details from this scene, Noise is well controlled in JPEGs; raw files
although it’s still possible to identify many single hairs in focused areas. tell a very different story. Here, the A68
scores consistently lower throughout the
ISO range than the competing cameras.
of its class, it performs to a superb any shadows and tame the highlights
standard, typically acquiring focus in where necessary.
impressively little time, and doing well Colours are generally accurate when RAW DYNAMIC RANGE
when tracking moving subjects, partly using the Standard Creative Style. This is
on account of the high saturation of points also partly down to the work of the Auto
in the centre of the frame. White Balance system, although I often
I found it was perfectly possible to found more pleasing results on the Vivid, Exposure Value
achieve around 56 Fine JPEGs and 37 Autumn Leaves or another setting;
Extra Fine JPEGs on the camera’s sometimes the Standard option is a little
JPEG-only, cropped 8fps option, and too neutral for print- or web-ready results.
around 21 Extra Fine frames and 33 Fine Images captured on lower sensitivities
frames when shooting at 5fps (at full are nice and clean, but noise begins to Higher scores are better. Raw
results use images converted to TIFF
resolution). On the latter mode, only appear from ISO 400 or so – even in
around seven or eight raw frames can be images captured in good conditions. The A68 doesn’t fare too badly for dynamic
captured, though, so this is something to Results from around ISO 3,200 onwards range in raw files captured at lower
consider if you intend on using burst are usable at smaller sizes, but noise and sensitivities, although it soon starts to slip
shooting with some frequency. noise reduction are evident. The camera’s behind its competitors – albeit not by much.
The camera’s metering system does sensor-based image stabilisation system
a fine job of keeping exposure balanced is effective at boosting stability and
in the majority of situations, although it maintaining sharpness at slower shutter
does display a tendency to underexpose speeds, however, so it’s a good idea to keep The A68 is something of a mixed performer
in the presence of highlights. this on for hand-held shooting. with a powerful AF system, excellent handling
The Sony Alpha 68’s Dynamic Range As we’d expect from a company with and a decent viewfinder to recommend it, but
Optimizer is a very useful feature to keep Sony’s heritage, video quality is also very lacklustre build quality, a poorly performing
LCD and noisy images let it down. It’s a great
activated, as this does well to bring up good. While the option to record in a 4K
option for those shooting action, but if you
resolution is absent, Full HD footage
want a more flexible camera, it may be better
contains very good detail and audio quality to look to an alternative solution.
is also reasonably clear on default settings,
although you can always opt to connect
an external microphone to the camera Verdict
should you want to capture this with
greater clarity. Features
The advantage of Sony’s Translucent BUILD & HANDLING
Mirror Technology also makes itself
apparent here, with smooth autofocusing PERFORMANCE
while recording, however you can choose
to use manual focus for greater control Value
where necessary.
The screen isn’t great, but it is tiltable. Matt Golowczynski
104 f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e
m i n i test
Kingston’s fastest SD card managed a It may only have a UHS Class 1 speed The Pro+ turned in the fastest outright
whopping 84.1MB/s when writing video, rating, but this card’s read rates are a image write rate of 58.2MB/s, but not
though transferring multiple image files match for the competition. Write speeds without some minor speed fluctuations.
resulted in a mediocre 42.8MB/s, with of 53MB/s with video and 36.7MB/s Read performance is faultless, however,
lots of speed fluctuations. with images trail the pack, though. as is video write speed.
Usually quoted in MB/s, this is the highest
speed the card can achieve, but not
necessarily sustain. It’s most relevant
for stills photography.
Class rating
The minimum sustained speed – very
important for video. The new UHS speed
ratings are Class 1 (minimum 10MB/s)
and Class 3 (30MB/s). w w w. s a n d i s k . c o m
blistering 83.3MB/s video write rate, ratings as SanDisk’s entry, this card only
of contacts on the back. UHS-II SD cards
and it wrote images at a sustained managed an erratic 36.8MB/s average
have a second row of contacts, offering
up to three times the theoretical speed,
56.4MB/s with no speed dips, making image write speed. 64MB/s when
though you need a compatible camera. it the smoothest performer here. writing video isn’t too shabby, though.
1 2
Cameras and Accessories
114 F R O M T H E M A K E R S O F D i g i t a l C a m e r a MAGA Z I N E
Sony alpha 77 II C S C TE S T
F R O M T H E M A K E R S O F D i g i t a l C a m e r a MAGA Z I N E 115
Cameras and Accessories
supports this with the allow only the centre AF point to Using the 12 slots in the Function menu, for
surrounding eight points, which be used. Landscape Creative example. It’s also possible to
is useful when shooting a moving As suggested above, the A77 II Style boosts blues customise the function of many of
subject. can shoot a maximum rate of 12 and greens. the buttons, but the default settings
It’s also possible to adjust the frames per second with AF work well.
AF tracking duration across five tracking, and the buffer has If you like using Picture Effects
levels via the menu. The low capacity to allow up to 25 raw (Toy Camera, Pop Color,
settings are useful when the and JPEG images to be captured Posterization, Retro Photo, Soft
subject distance isn’t expected to in a single burst, but aperture High-key, Partial Color, High
change quickly, while high levels is locked at the start of the Contrast Mono, Soft Focus, HDR
suit shooting subjects at different sequence. Painting, Rich-tone Monochrome,
distances. In addition, a new AF Other pleasing additions to the Miniature, Watercolor and
Range Control option allows you A77 II’s featureset include an Illustration are provided), it’s worth
to restrict the AF to working HDMI port, which can supply assigning this and image quality to
within a specific distance range clean video output to external the Function menu so that you can
– useful when there are objects storage devices, and Wi-Fi quickly turn off raw recording and
between the camera and the connectivity. As the A77 II has an access the effects. As with other Sony
subject. NFC chip, owners of NFC- cameras, the Creative Style options
According to Sony, almost all of enabled smartphones and tablets (Standard, Vivid, Neutral, Clear,
its A-mount lenses are compatible can connect to the camera by Deep, Light, Portrait, Landscape,
with the 79 AF points, although touching the two devices Sunset, Night, Autumn, Black &
only 61 are available when you’re together. Interestingly, despite White and Sepia), which give JPEG
shooting at 12fps. Sony’s 500mm the presence of Wi-Fi images a particular appearance, can
f/8 lens is a notable, but not connectivity, the A77 II cannot be used when shooting raw images
surprising, exception: it will make use of Sony’s PlayMemories simultaneously.
Camera apps. While the three-inch 1,229k-dot
vari-angle screen is useful for
Build and handling composing images from awkward
Sony has given the Alpha 77 II the angles, the articulating hinge seems
same tough feel, overall shape unnecessarily complicated, and it
The articulating hinge and control layout as the A77, and takes a while to get used to its quirks
116 F R O M T H E M A K E R S O F D i g i t a l C a m e r a MAGA Z I N E
Sony alpha 77 II C S C TE S T
of SLRs and CSCs Canon EOS 70D Nikon D7100 Fujifilm X-T1
Nikon D7100 3.8
at this price point £734 / $899 £609 / $697 £795 / $1,299
Now getting harder A 24.1MP SLR with This stylish Fujifilm X-T1 5 Scores closer
to find new, this superb resolving SLR-style CSC to zero are better
(EVF) is bright and clear, with plenty Expanded Flexible Spot, it also 40
of detail visible. As usual with an tracked them around the frame if the
EVF, this brings the benefit of seeing original AF point wasn’t kept in the 35
extra gain applied in dark conditions and a good optic is required to get the
can mean that the viewfinder image best from the Alpha 77 II. It performs 20
Higher scores are better. Raw
looks significantly brighter than the very well with the 70-200mm f/2.8, results use images converted to TIFF
final image, so it’s best to set the for example, but is a little more 200 400 800 1,600 3,200 6,400
brightness to Manual. hesitant in low light with the 85mm The A77 II is one of the lower performing
f/2.8 – which also has a much noisier cameras here, but as with the JPEG images,
Performance focus mechanism. this may be to reveal more detail.
Even at the highest selectable We used the Multi-segment
sensitivity setting of ISO 25,600, metering system almost exclusively RAW DYNAMIC RANGE
noise is controlled well in raw files, during this test. Although we shot in
having a fine texture with no banding a wide range of conditions, there were 16
possible to conceal most of the Colours are also good straight from
Exposure Value
coloured speckling in raw files and the camera, and the white balance
produce an image with just system general does a good job when 10
luminance noise giving some grain. set to the Automatic setting.
Simultaneously captured JPEG files 8
slightly sharpened edges. They has worked on the most important 200 400 800 1,600 3,200 6,400
generally look acceptable viewed at aspects – the sensor and processor – The Sony Alpha 77 II’s raw file dynamic range
A3 size, but we prefer the slightly to boost speed and image quality, as lags behind competing cameras through
sharper, grainer look of the raw files. well as the autofocus performance. most of its sensitivity range.
As you’d hope with a 24MP sensor, Many will recognise that it’s sensible
the A77 II is capable of recording a to stick with the same pixel count as WE SAY...
high level of detail at the lower with the Alpha 77: 24 million pixels The A77 II’s image quality is excellent, even
sensitivity settings. capture enough detail for most at high sensitivity settings, and the
While the A77 II’s AF system purposes and allow big prints to be autofocus system is fast and accurate. It’s a
struggled a little more than the made. The files are large without great choice for enthusiasts who want
Canon 5D Mark III in the low, flat being unmanageable by the average versatility from their camera.
light of an unlit music gig, there were modern computer.
no such problems with a fast-moving The AF system improvements and Verdict
subject in good light. It was positive, the A77 II’s ability to control noise at
fast and accurate. In continuous AF high sensitivity levels, combined with Features
mode with AF selection set to the general high quality of the BUILD & HANDLING
F R O M T H E M A K E R S O F D i g i t a l C a m e r a MAGA Z I N E 117
csc TE S T Sony Alpha 7r II
Cameras and Accessories
the A7R’s 36 million pixels with out of position. secure in use. The shutter release
The front grip is more an effective pixel count of 42.4 button is also moved forward onto
pronounced, making million. To push detail resolution the top of the grip, and beneath it
even further, the sensor has no there’s a conveniently placed
it more comfortable optical low pass filter (OLPF). recessed dial for adjusting settings.
and secure in use As well as having the first full- This has created space for a second
118 F R O M T H E M A K E R S O F D i g i t a l C a m e r a MAGA Z I N E
Sony alpha 7R II C S C TE S T
1 2 3
Detail Depth of field Get it right
The Sony A7R II is able to Having a full-frame sensor You can rely on the auto
resolve a very impressive means there’s lots of control white balance and 1200-zone
level of detail. The fabric over depth of field. The evaluative metering systems to
of the umbrella is clearly softness of out-of-focus areas deliver accurate colours and
visible in the droplets seems to be emphasised by the exposures, even in tricky
of water. sharpness of areas in focus. lighting conditions.
F R O M T H E M A K E R S O F D i g i t a l C a m e r a MAGA Z I N E 119
Cameras and Accessories
customisable button on the Using an electronic of six features – I found it useful for
camera’s top-plate. viewfinder makes it adjusting sensitivity quickly – and
The A7R II has a magnesium easier to produce any of 62 functions can be assigned
alloy construction and is creative images for access via four Custom buttons.
weather-sealed. Most of the in-camera; this Three of the navigation buttons and
camera feels very solid, with a scene looked far the centre button can also be used as
better overexposed
Three of the navigation pleasant density, but the front
grip creaks when it’s held tightly.
by +1.7EV.
shortcuts to features, and 12 of 34
functions can be assigned for access
buttons and the centre One of the great things about via the Function menu.
button can also be the A7R II is that it’s highly The default set-up makes a
customisable. The control wheel good starting point, but it’s worth
used as shortcuts on the back of the camera, for experimenting with other options
to features example, can be set to adjust one until you have the optimum control
arrangement for your needs.
Meet the One thing that’s clear from our
rivals… real-world and lab tests is that the
Alpha 7R II can resolve a lot of detail.
The cameras Canon EOS 5DS Nikon D810 Sony Alpha 7R
As you’d expect, the highest level of
taking on the £2,799/$3,499 £2,214/$2,997 £999/$1,898
detail is captured at the lowest
Sony A7R II… This 36MP CSC
sensitivity settings.
Along with the 5DS R, With 36 million
this 50-million-pixel pixels on its full- turned lots of heads I found it impossible to match the
SLR is the highest frame sensor, this when it was first JPEGs’ in-camera processing when
resolution full-frame SLR can’t quite unveiled. It produces processing raw files using the
camera currently match the Canon superb images, supplied software, and the JPEGs
For test
available – and it 5DS for detail, but making it a great resolve very slightly more detail.
images and and more affordable
certainly packs in it’s still a top choice It doesn’t quite out-resolve our
resolution alternative to buy.
the detail. for Nikon lovers. resolution chart, so it can’t match
charts, visit Reviewed Issue 147
Reviewed Page 46 Reviewed Page 46 the 50MP Canon 5DS for detail.
com/cameras As sensitivity increases to mid-range
values, the JPEGs take on a slightly
120 F R O M T H E M A K E R S O F D i g i t a l C a m e r a MAGA Z I N E
Sony alpha 7R II C S C TE S T
-5 0 5 10 15 20
Higher scores are better. Raw
results use images converted to TIFF
Exposure Value 12
Higher scores are better. Raw
results use images converted to TIFF
painterly appearance at 100% become rather ponderous. It’s also
on-screen. This becomes even more hard to predict exactly where the Although it has a high pixel count and can
evident at high values and the edges focus will be when using Lock-on AF. record lots of detail, the Alpha 7R II needn’t
of elements become a little harsh Although it does a good job be limited to use on a tripod, and its
autofocus system is capable of getting
while the areas in-between are a of tracking a subject,
moving subjects sharp. It’s also highly
softer wash of colour. in practice the portable and customisable. Although Sony is
Noise levels are perfectly precise point working on it, the lens range is a little limited.
acceptable throughout the native of focus may turn
sensitivity range (ISO 100-25,600), out to be slightly
but I’d avoid the high expansion off where you Verdict
settings unless getting a shot is want it to be.
more important than its quality. Angela Features
The A7R II’s autofocus (AF) Nicholson BUILD & HANDLING
F R O M T H E M A K E R S O F D i g i t a l C a m e r a MAGA Z I N E 121
Camera phones
Find out which of the latest and greatest smartphones boasts the best camera
Cameras and Accessories
w w w. a p p l e . c o m w w w. h t c . c o m
Apple iPhone 7 Plus 2 Google Pixel XL 3 HTC 10
From £719/$769 From £719/$770 £570/$700
The 7 Plus stands out The Pixel XL replaces HTC’s One M9 was a
from its smaller sibling the Nexus 6P as major disappointment
not only because of its Google’s flagship in terms of camera
5.5-inch, 1,080 x 1,920 smartphone. Unlike the quality. Thankfully HTC
display, but also iPhone 7 Plus, there’s has ditched its old 20MP
thanks to the inclusion just a single rear-facing sensor, and the new
of two cameras. Both have 12MP 12.3MP sensor fronted by an f/2.0 phone packs a more sensible 12MP device
sensors; one has a 28mm-equivalent lens, and it lacks proper optical image paired with a 26mm-equivalent f/1.8 lens
wide-angle f/1.8 lens with optical image stablilsation. Google’s native camera app that’s tricked out with optical image
stabilsation, and the other camera gets is also lacking much manual control, and stablisation and laser autofocus. Screen
a 56mm-equivalent telephoto lens to it won’t shoot raw image files. specs are improved, too, as the 10 sports
effectively provide 2x optical zoom in Thankfully the Pixel’s image quality is a 5.2-inch 1,440 x 2,560 display, while
a smartphone that’s just 7.3mm thick. much more impressive. Its cutting-edge HTC’s camera app is packed with
It’s all great on paper, but the image 1/2.3-inch sensor is able to resolve an advanced controls including manual
quality is less impressive. Although colour incredible amount of fine detail, closer to focus. You also get a MicroSD slot, and
accuracy is first class, phones like the what you’d expect from a 1-inch sensor. the camera can capture DNG raw files.
Galaxy S7 and the Google Pixel use Low light performance is equally The new camera sensor produces a
slightly larger sensors and resolve much impressive: even at high ISOs, noise is vast improvement in image quality over
more fine detail. The 7 Plus’ low-light minimal and detail is well-retained. the One M9. Detail is well-resolved in good
quality is another disappointment, and The Pixel’s white balance, exposure light, and the HTC 10’s high-ISO image
Apple’s native camera app is short on metering and autofocus are also first- quality is impressive, with minimal noise
manual control and lacks raw capture class, although the 5.5-inch 1,440 x 2,560 when the going gets dim. If we were to
(although some third-party apps support AMOLED screen can slightly oversaturate nitpick, colour and contrast can look
both). At least it’s easy to use, thanks colours. You won’t find a MicroSD slot a little flat, and the camera app is prone
to excellent autofocus and the most either, which is a surprising omission given to oversaturating red and orange tones
accurate image preview here. that the Pixel commands serious money. when composing shots.
ground by resolving plenty of detail in of the 5.5-inch 1,440 x 2,560 display compensate for the lacklustre image
good lighting. It can capture stunning make the S7 slippery to hold. But these quality from camera tech that’s in dire
dynamic range with HDR enabled. are small gripes with a superb all-rounder. need of an overhaul.
Cameras and Accessories
145 Sony
from. A fast telephoto
FE 50mm zoom lens, for example, is
f/2.8 Macro a great investment. It’s
1:1 full-frame macro prime usually associated with
shooting sport and action,
124 f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e
161 154
f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e 125
Cameras and Accessories
things you should
know about using
prime lenses
It’s all about quality
vs versatility
126 f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e
f e at u r e
appear at the wide-angle and telephoto The need for speed faster shutter speed of 1/250 sec. An f/1.8
ends of the zoom range respectively. You Another big bonus of using prime lenses is lens is 3.3 stops faster than an f/5.6 lens,
can also expect an increase in chromatic that they’re usually ‘faster’. This means and an f/2.8 model is two stops faster.
f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e 127
Cameras and Accessories
128 f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e
f e at u r e
The ‘fastest’ lenses have apertures of f/1.4 professional optic, such as a full-frame
or f/1.8 and enable higher shutter speeds compatible lens, even if you currently use
and reduced depth of field. This makes an APS-C format DSLR – one day you may
them more useful than f/2.8 lenses. decide to trade up to a full-frame camera.
f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e 129
Cameras and Accessories
Let’s twist again, with fingers firmly on the focus ring.
Matthew Richards explores the benefits of manual lenses
hat’s so good about autofocus electronics that enable operation of the focus
W anyway? Those who like being in control
often shy away from multi-point AF,
assist and confirmation lamps in the viewfinder.
In some cases, you also need to set the
where the camera decides which parts of a scene aperture on the lens itself, rather than from the
it’s going to focus on, often in a seemingly camera. This might sound like an extra chore but
arbitrary process. Instead, they’ll single out the there’s a lot to be said for setting up your camera
central AF point. This invariably means choosing and lens, then concentrating fully on what you’re
an object in the scene that’s our preferred shooting, instead of worrying about what the
distance away, autofocusing, then maintaining camera’s going to do next. And there’s nothing
a light press on the shutter button while they more frustrating than missing a defining, magical
swivel the camera and compose the shot. moment because your camera has suddenly
For landscapes, street photography, reportage gone AWOL on autofocus duties.
and action sports, manual focusing is a viable
alternative. These manual lenses have a very
particular advantage for manual focusing. They
the contenders
Marc Adamus / www.
can rarely do with regular autofocus lenses. 4 Samyang 14mm f/2.8 IF ED UMC £300/$330
Most digital cameras aren’t really set up for 5 Voigtländer 10.5mm f/0.95 Nokton £900/$1,100
accurate manual focusing – the split-screen
6 Zeiss Loxia 2.8/21mm £1,100/$1,500
and microprism viewfinder aids of 35mm film
7 Zeiss Milvus 2/21mm £1,300/$1,850
cameras are long gone – but help might still be
at hand. Some manual lenses have built-in PLUS Zeiss Touit 2.8/12mm £650/$1,000
manual lenses g r o up t e s t
f r o m t h e ma k e r s o f Di g i t a l C a m e r a m a g a zi n e 131
Cameras and Accessories
focus lens, the focus ring has Centre Middle Edge There are no built-in electronics, Centre Middle Edge
Sharpness is impressive throughout the Good at the centre, sharpness drops off
silky-smooth rotation and a long range, and astonishing wide-open at f/2.4.
so it’s a completely manual lens. towards the frame’s edges and corners.
travel of about 150°, enabling The stepless, click-free aperture
FRINGING (At f/8 lower is better) FRINGING (at F/8) Lower is better
excellent precision. Built-in ring is a bonus for movie capture,
electronics feed focus assist Fringing 0.79 but precise focus adjustments are Fringing 1.68
There’s practically no colour fringing, even This does a decent job of keeping colour
and confirmation lamps in the around high-contrast edges at the edges. tricky, due to the focus ring only fringing to low levels across the frame.
viewfinder and allow the aperture DISTORTION Nearer 0 is better
having 90° of travel. This is despite DISTORTION Nearer 0 is better
to be set from the host camera. This the extended close focusing range
also maintains a bright viewfinder -2.15 for macro shooting. -2.94
proved more accurate than in the wide apertures. Distortion isn’t too
Firefly edition that we reviewed bad in conventional shooting but
last issue. It’s also neat that you performance becomes irregular when using the performance
can lock the focus setting to any Value
shift feature, somewhat negating Value
preset position, thanks to the function’s usefulness for
a separate locking ring. OVERALL architectural shooting. OVERALL
132 f r o m t h e ma k e r s o f Di g i t a l C a m e r a m a g a zi n e
manual lenses group test
driven aperture control and the Centre Middle Edge hybrid and regular aspherical Centre Middle Edge
Remarkably good wide-open, sharpness is Centre sharpness is very good at the widest
illumination of focus-assist lamps actually better at f/2.8 than it is at f/4.
elements, instead of two regular aperture, but drops away in the corners.
in the viewfinder. These are lacking aspherical elements. Other optical
FRINGING (at F/8) Lower is better FRINGING (at F/8) Lower is better
in other mount options of the lens. upgrades include an extra ED
The lens hood forms an integral Fringing 1.61 (Extra-low Dispersion) element Fringing 1.15
Colour fringing worsens at narrow apertures Opposite to its 10mm stablemate, colour
part of the barrel and can’t be but remains within respectable limits. and three HRI (High Refractive fringing decreases as the aperture narrows.
removed, precluding the DISTORTION Nearer 0 is better
Index) elements. Both have a DISTORTION Nearer 0 is better
attachment of filters. Build quality six-blade diaphragm and built-in
feels good, and the focus ring has -3.62 hood, but the 14mm is the only lens -3.22
f r o m t h e ma k e r s o f Di g i t a l C a m e r a m a g a zi n e 133
B son
Cameras and Accessories
Priority and metered manual Centre Middle Edge an automatic magnified preview Centre Middle Edge
At wide aperture settings, corner-sharpness The Loxia’s superb sharpness does justice
modes on our MFT test bodies. figures are much lower than you’d expect.
while you’re focusing, courtesy to high-resolution cameras like the A7R II.
Quick and easy selection of of the A7’s ‘MF Assist’ function.
FRINGING (at F/8) Lower is better FRINGING (at F/8) Lower is better
click-steps or click-free aperture The aperture ring has one-third
control is available via an Fringing 2.69 f/stop click steps, but also has Fringing 0.59
Colour fringing remains constant, but can Colour fringing is practically impossible
additional control ring on the be noticeable towards the frame’s edges. a de-click option for step-less to spot anywhere in the image frame.
barrel. The focus ring has a very aperture control. Mode selection
DISTORTION Nearer 0 is better DISTORTION Nearer 0 is better
smooth action and an extra-long requires the turn of a screw in the
265° of travel, while depth-of-field -0.75 mounting plate, so you have to 0.07
134 f r o m t h e ma k e r s o f Di g i t a l C a m e r a m a g a zi n e
manual lenses group test
Nikon SLRs is nine lenses that it’s hard to • The option of autofocus
strong, ranging from 15mm to find manual alternatives for whenever you want it.
135mm in focal length, and 2000
some camera systems. One
including two 0.5x macro option is to go for a premium • For critical focusing
lenses. Optics include updated 1500 wide-angle prime like the Zeiss with longer focal
versions of classic Zeiss Distagon Touit, which is an autofocus lens lengths and reduced
and Planar designs, this 21mm f/2 1000
but boasts the heritage of classic depths of field, auto-
lens exemplifying the former. It Zeiss Distagon design. focus can be faster.
features the same excellent build Available in Fujifilm X and
quality as the Loxia but is much Sony E-mount options, this APS-C • Full-time manual
larger and about twice the weight – format lens is still a good choice override is often
partly because it’s for SLRs but for manual shooting. Like various available in autofocus
also as it’s an f/stop faster. f/2.8 f/4 f/5.6 f/8 f/11 f/16 f/22
other stepping-motor autofocus lenses, enabling
The travel of the focus ring is Centre Middle Edge lenses, the electronic fly-by-wire seamless swapping.
increased to 125°, enabling precise Levels of sharpness are good and consistent
throughout the entire aperture range.
focus ring enables fine and precise
adjustments. Electronics enable adjustments in manual focusing. COns
FRINGING (at F/8) Lower is better
the illumination of focus-assist While the Touit lacks a focus
and confirmation lamps in the Fringing 1.05 distance scale and depth of field • Fine manual adjustment
There’s practically no colour fringing, even in
camera’s viewfinder. The Nikon- the extreme corners of full-frame images. markings, many mirrorless can be difficult in
mount option has an aperture ring cameras can display focus distance autofocus lenses, as the
DISTORTION Nearer 0 is better
with the same de-click mechanism information in the viewfinder. focus ring’s rotational
as in the Loxia lens. 0.00 travel is often small.
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
Judging the depth
Performance As indicated by the lab test score, distortion Mirrorless cameras give you a live • Modern autofocus
is basically a non-issue for this lens.
Typical of the Zeiss Milvus range, preview of the depth of field at any lenses often lack a
the 21mm delivers exceptional Verdict combination of focus distance and distance scale and
sharpness and contrast, even at Features aperture, while keeping a viewfinder depth-of-field markings.
f r o m t h e ma k e r s o f Di g i t a l C a m e r a m a g a zi n e 135
g r o up t e s t manual lenses
The Verdict
How the
LENSES Irix 15mm f/2.4 Laowa 15mm f/4 Samyang 10mm Samyang 14mm Voigtländer 10.5mm Zeiss Loxia Zeiss Milvus
compare Blackstone Wide Angle Macro f/2.8 ED AS NCS CS f/2.8 IF ED UMC f/0.95 Nokton 2.8/21mm 2/21mm
Angle of view 110 degrees 110 degrees 110 degrees 116 degrees 93 degrees 91 degrees 90 degrees
Elements/ 15 / 11 12 / 9 14 / 9 14 / 10 13 / 10 11 / 9 16 / 13
Aperture range f/2.4-22 f/4-32 f/2.8-22 f/2.8-22 f/0.95 to f/16 f/2.8-22 f/2.8-22
DOF markings f/8, 11, 16 f/5.6, 11, 16, 22 f/2.8, 4, 5.6 None f/1.4, 2, 4, 8, 11 f/4, 8, 16, 22 f/4, 8, 16, 22
Focus ring travel 150 degrees 90 degrees 140 degrees 240 degrees 265 degrees 90 degrees 125 degrees
Hood Petal, supplied Petal, supplied Built-in Built-in Petal, supplied Petal, supplied Petal, supplied
Widest diameter 114 x 100mm 84 x 65mm 87 x 104-132mm* 87 x 96-122mm* 77 x 82mm 62 x 72mm 96 x 110-112mm*
x length
136 f r o m t h e ma k e r s o f Di g i t a l C a m e r a m a g a zi n e
Laowa 105mm f/2 STF le n s t es t
Full-frame compatible Yes
Effective focal length 157.5-168mm (APS-C)
Image Stabiliser No
Minimum focus distance 0.9m
Max magnification factor 0.16x
Manual focus override N/A
Focus limit switch No
Internal focus Yes
Filter size 67mm
Iris blades 8 (F) 14 (T)
Weather seals No
Supplied accessories Hood
Dimensions (dia x length) 76 x 99mm
2 2,000
t e l e p h o t o p r i m e l e n s w w w.v e n u s l e n s . n e t 0
£735/$700 1,000
employs an apodisation element shooting video and controls a The long-travel focus
There’s really no visible distortion in any
in an effort to take bokeh to a well-rounded 14-blade diaphragm ring operates very
of the images taken with this lens.
smoothly and enables
creamier, dreamier level. It’s with continuous step-less
excellent focusing
essentially a built-in radial adjustment between T3.2 and T8. precision. Depth of
graduated neutral-density filter In both cases, the aperture has to WE SAY...
field markings are
that reduces light transmission be set using the relevant aperture shown for f/5.6, f/11 It’s a hands-on lens with manual focusing and
towards the perimeter of the ring, and can’t be controlled from and f/22. aperture control, but the Laowa combines
frame. It’s like having a the camera body. excellent sharpness with superb softness.
secondary, smoothly graduated
iris that works in conjunction Performance Verdict
with the main aperture (actually The focus ring operates with The main aperture
two apertures, as we’ll see later) excellent smoothness and ring operates in full Features
f/stop click-steps
to produce a softer bokeh. precision. True to its aims and BUILD & HANDLING
between f/2 and f/22,
f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i t al C a m e r a m a g a z i n e 137
group test MACRO LENSES
Cameras and Accessories
It’s all in the detail. Matthew
Richards tests eight close-up options
here’s big news in all these independently
T the small world of
photographing tiny
manufactured lenses stack up
against own-brand competition?
objects. A redesign of Tamron’s The Canon 100mm L-series
90mm lens is aiming for new and Nikon’s 105mm represent
heights of excellence, while a both companies’ most high-tech
price drop in Sigma’s 105mm macro optics. While they’re
lens makes it look great value costly, Sony’s new E-mount
for money, especially in the UK. 90mm has an even heftier price
Samyang puts its own twist on tag. The Micro Four Thirds
macro photography with its 60mm lens is Olympus’s finest
manual lens, while Tokina sticks offering, but is much more
to a veteran design. So how do affordable. Let’s take a look...
the contenders
1 Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM £870/$800
2 Nikon AF-S 105mm f/2.8G IF ED VR Micro £750/$900
3 Olympus 60mm f/2.8 Macro M.Zuiko Digital ED £370/$500
lock out either the short or long end f/2.8 f/4 f/5.6 f/8 f/11 f/16 f/22
The upmarket build includes a f/2.8 f/4 f/5.6 f/8 f/11 f/16 f/22
of the range. Centre Middle Edge weather-sealed mount, an ED Centre Middle Edge
It’s excellent across the frame, but bokeh Levels of sharpness are good, but no better
The pro-grade build includes isn’t as smooth as with the Sony or Tamron. (Extra-low Dispersion) optical than in some of the cheaper competitors.
weather-seals and the lens comes element, Nano Crystal coating to
FRINGING Lower is better FRINGING Lower is better
with a hood and soft pouch. A UD reduce ghosting and flare, and fast
f/2.8 1.35 f/8 0.74 f/16 0.72 f/2.8 1.92 f/8 2.26 f/16 2.31
(Ultra-low Dispersion) element The worsening at f/2.8 is of no concern
ring-type ultrasonic autofocus. It’s not generally noticeable, but lab scores
is included in the optical path to for close-ups with narrower apertures. There’s an autofocus range limiter for this lens are the worst in the group.
boost sharpness and contrast while DISTORTION Nearer 0 is better switch but, disappointingly, it’s not DISTORTION Nearer 0 is better
reducing chromatic aberrations. able to lock out the long range for
-0.74 close-up shooting. -0.49
Performance -2 -1 0 1 2 -2 -1 0 1 2
Autofocus is fast and accurate and, There’s more barrel distortion than with Performance There’s very slight barrel distortion, but
any other lens on test, but it’s still minimal. it’s marginally less than in the Canon lens.
arguably more importantly for Autofocus and VR (Vibration
macro shooting, the manual focus Verdict Reduction) work well for general Verdict
ring operates smoothly and enables Features shooting but are of no real benefit Features
image circle, the lens is compact does it lack any autofocus ability,
and remarkably light, at just 185g. 1000 but the aperture also has to be set 1000
Even so, it feels sturdy and manually, using the lens’s aperture
well-built, and the construction ring. The only exception to this is
500 500
includes weather seals. the Nikon-fit edition, which
The MFT format’s 2.0x crop includes the electronics and readings taken
from centre
factor gives the lens an effective 0 mechanics necessary for adjusting 0
focal length of 120mm. More f/2.8 f/4 f/5.6 f/8 f/11 f/16 f/22
the aperture from the host camera. f/2.8 f/4 f/5.6 f/8 f/11 f/16 f/22
Performance -2 -1 0 1 2 -2 -1 0 1 2
Both automatic and manual The amount of pincushion distortion is so Performance There’s a touch of pincushion distortion,
negligible that it’s almost impossible to spot. but not usually enough to detect.
focusing work very effectively Sharpness and contrast are good
for macro shooting, based on a Verdict even at the widest available Verdict
stepping motor system that enables Features aperture of f/2.8, and remain very Features
cheapest lens here (in the UK, at include a DDSSM (Direct Drive
least) but you’d never guess based 1500 Super Sonic wave Motor) autofocus 1500
elements. It’s supplied with a soft f/2.8 f/4 f/5.6 f/8 f/11 f/16 f/22
ring has a push-pull mechanism f/2.8 f/4 f/5.6 f/8 f/11 f/16 f/22
-2 -1 0 1 2
both an ED (Extra-low Dispersion) -2 -1 0 1 2
Performance The negligible amount of barrel distortion element and a Super ED element. Barrel distortion is marginally worse than
will go completely unnoticed in most images. average, on a par with the Nikon lens.
The Sigma combines excellent
image quality with accurate Verdict Performance Verdict
autofocus and effective Features Image quality, handling and Features
In our real-world tests, the Tamron maintained It’s excellent across the frame, apart from
enhance the quality of bokeh. The astonishing sharpness in extreme close-ups.
between the front of the lens and a drop-off at the narrowest f/22 aperture.
design incorporates one LD (Low the subject is a fairly typical 13.5cm
FRINGING Lower is better FRINGING Lower is better
Dispersion) and two XLD (eXtra in full 1.0x magnification shooting.
f/2.8 0.09 f/8 1.36 f/16 2.06 f/2.8 0.62 f/8 0.38 f/16 0.35
Low Dispersion), along with dual Edging ahead of the Nikon lens, colour
The Tokina is well-engineered, There’s impressively little colour fringing at
nano-structure coatings to reduce fringing is barely ever perceptible in images. with a high-quality feel to its any aperture, throughout the whole range.
ghosting and flare, plus a moisture- DISTORTION Nearer 0 is better handling. The push-pull focus ring DISTORTION Nearer 0 is better
repellent fluorine coating on the enables easy switching between
front element. All of these facets 0.09 automatic and manual focusing. -0.01
previous Tamron 90mm lens. There’s no distortion from this lens, with smoothness in the focus ring’s With no distortion, the Tokina has a
a lab score that’s close to perfection. practically perfect lab score in this respect.
operation, giving great precision.
Performance Verdict Verdict
The ring-type ultrasonic autofocus Features Performance Features
The Verdict
amroN’S new incarnation The Sigma lens is nearly the same price
T of its classic 90mm macro
lens delivers sublime
as the Tamron in the USA, but is much
cheaper in the UK, and very good value.
image quality, is beautifully built, It’s another excellent performer that
and boasts high-end features. The works brilliantly as a short telephoto
Cameras and Accessories
own-brand Canon lens isn’t as sharp for prime as well as for extreme close-ups.
extreme close-ups, and the Nikon’s For Micro Four Thirds cameras, the
overall performance is less impressive. Olympus 60mm is the best buy. It’s light
The Sony lens is a close match to the in weight but nicely built, and makes the
Tamron in terms of image quality, but most of the MFT format’s ability to
has a more standard optical stabiliser. double the effective magnification. The
The Sony lens is very pricey, but the Samyang delivers good quality if you
Tamron isn’t available in a Sony E-mount don’t mind being limited to manual
option, although an A-mount version focusing. The Tokina also produces good
without stabilisation is in the pipeline. image quality from a more retro design.
How the Canon EF 100mm Nikon AF-S Olympus 60mm Samyang 100mm Sigma Macro Sony FE 90mm Tamron SP Tokina AT-X AF
f/2.8L Macro IS
105mm f/2.8 G IF
ED VR Micro
f/2.8 Macro
M.Zuiko Digital
f/2.8 ED UMC
105mm f/2.8 EX
f/2.8 Macro G
90mm F/2.8 Di
VC USD Macro
100mm f/2.8 Pro
compare ED
Street price £870/$800 £750/$900 £370/$500 £350/$530 £320/$620 £900/$1,100 £580/$650 £350/$370
Diaphragm blades 9 blades 9 blades 7 blades 9 blades 9 blades 9 blades 9 blades 9 blades
Autofocus type Ultrasonic Ultrasonic Stepping motor Manual focus only Ultrasonic Ultrasonic (motor) Ultrasonic Electric motor
(ring-type) (ring-type) (ring-type) (ring-type) (Canon only)
Manual AF override Full-time Full-time Via camera menu N/A Full-time Push-pull Full-time Push-pull
Min focus distance 0.3m 0.31m 0.19m 0.31m 0.31m 0.28m 0.3m 0.3m
Minimum aperture f/32 f/32 f/22 f/32 f/22 f/22 f/32 f/32
Filter size 67mm 62mm 46mm 67mm 62mm 62mm 62mm 55mm
Included Hood, pouch Hood, pouch None Hood Hood, hood Hood Hood Hood
accessories adaptor, soft case
Full-frame compatible Yes
Effective focal length 50mm (75mm APS-C)
Image Stabiliser No
Minimum focus distance 0.16m
Max magnification factor 1.0x
Manual focus override Yes
Focus limit switch Yes
Internal focus No
Filter size 55mm
Iris blades 7
Weather seals Partial
Supplied accessories Caps
Dimensions (dia x length) 71 x 71mm
M ACRO PRIME L E NS w w w.s 0
f/2.8 f/4 f/5.6 f/8 f/11 f/16
Macro £500/$500
A standard prime that fully lives up to its macro billing f/2.8 f/4 f/5.6
optic boasts 1.0x magnification, magnified focusing view available switches, as well as There’s the very slightest hint of barrel
a focus hold button. distortion, but it’s pretty much unnoticeable.
reproducing small objects at full in Sony compact system cameras.
life-size on the image sensor.
Performance 3 WE SAY...
Build & handling The autofocus system is highly Eight optical elements The Sony FE 50mm f/2.8 Macro works very
Although the lens is compact and accurate but rather slow. For are arranged in seven well as both a ‘standard’ and a macro prime
light, it feels well-built and fairly close-up shots, AF speed can be groups, which include lens, with excellent handling and very good
robust. It lacks a weather-sealed further hampered by hunting, so an aspherical front overall image quality.
mount but is dust- and moisture- the limiter switch earns its keep. element and an
resistant. The inner barrel doesn’t Wide-open at f/2.8, there’s a little ED (Extra-low Verdict
rotate during focusing but does vignetting and a slight drop in Dispersion) element.
extend at shorter focusing sharpness, but the quality of Features
distances, revealing calibrated bokeh is pleasing. BUILD & HANDLING
f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e 145
Cameras and Accessories
Matthew Richards looks at appealing
and cost-effective telephoto options
the contenders
Sysasya Photography / Shutterstock
motor instead of a basic electric 55mm 100mm 200mm 250mm electronically coupled ‘fly by wire’ 50mm 100mm 135mm 230mm
Crucially for a telephoto lens without a ‘fast’ It starts off well, but sharpness drops off in
motor for powering autofocus. aperture rating, sharpness remains good.
focus ring. Focus modes and the 135-230mm sector of the zoom range.
As used in many of the rival lenses, operation of the 3.5-stop optical
a stepping motor enables smooth FRINGING (at F/8) Lower is better image stabiliser are selected via FRINGING (at F/8) Lower is better
and virtually silent autofocus Wide 1.11 Mid 1.07 Tele 1.52 camera menus – the lens lacks Wide 1.00 Mid 0.6 Tele 0.43
transitions that are well suited to There’s very little colour fringing, which control switches. As in the Canon There’s very little fringing at 50mm, and it
both stills and video capture. remains consistent throughout the range. and Nikon lenses, the mounting reduces at mid to long zoom settings.
focusing are unavailable. 70mm 135mm 200mm 300mm autofocus transitions, along with 75mm 100mm 200mm 300mm
It’s good overall, but sharpness tails off in Scores based on close-range test charts are
The 300mm focal length and the 250-300mm sector of the zoom range.
electronically coupled manual poor, but real-world results were better.
1.5x crop factor of Nikon’s DX focusing. There are no on-board
format gives an effective reach of FRINGING (at F/8) Lower is better switches or controls, other than the FRINGING (at F/8) Lower is better
450mm, overtaking the Canon Wide 2.37 Mid 3.21 Tele 4.07 zoom and focus rings. Unlike all Wide 1.08 Mid 0.31 Tele 0.42
and Fujinon lenses. It’s physically The Nikon is an underachiever, relying on the lenses we’ve covered so far, the Lateral chromatic aberrations are tuned
bigger and heavier, and relies on automatic corrections in recent cameras. Olympus has no optical image out by the camera automatically.
length of 300mm at the long end. 45mm 75mm 100mm 150mm maximum zoom setting. 55mm 100mm 200mm 300mm
Sharpness is good at 45mm, but lacklustre There’s impressive sharpness and
Even so, the Panasonic equals the in the mid to long sector of the zoom range.
Like all the lenses apart from contrast throughout the zoom range.
maximum reach of a traditional the Sigma and Tamron contenders,
70-300mm budget tele zoom on FRINGING (at F/8) Lower is better the Pentax features a stepping FRINGING (at F/8) Lower is better
a full-frame SLR. Wide 0.56 Mid 0.25 Tele 0.27 motor autofocus system, the near- Wide 1.83 Mid 0.32 Tele 2.26
Automatic corrections for colour fringing silence of which is an improvement Negligible at mid-zoom settings, fringing
Performance are applied in both raw and JPEG modes. over some of Pentax’s notably noisy only rises a little at each end of the range.
is claimed to produce less colour 70mm 100mm 200mm 300mm a viewing window. 70mm 100mm 200mm 300mm
In tests and real-world shooting, the Sigma Sharpness only drops when combining the
fringing than the standard version gave the worst performance in the group.
Switches are fitted on the barrel longest zoom setting and widest aperture.
of the lens. Even so, it’s quite basic for AF/M focus modes and VC on/
in some respects, with a noisy FRINGING (at F/8) Lower is better off. The Vibration Compensation FRINGING (at F/8) Lower is better
electric motor for autofocus. It’s the Wide 1.32 Mid 2.18 Tele 3.78 system is Tamron’s proprietary Wide 1.12 Mid 1.42 Tele 2.23
only lens in the group in which the Colour fringing is well controlled at 70mm, form of optical stabilisation, and is Even in the corners, colour fringing is well
focus ring and the front element but gets worse at mid to long settings. fitted to both the Canon and Nikon controlled throughout the zoom range.
rotate during focusing, and there’s mount options of the lens. The
DISTORTION Nearer 0 is better DISTORTION Nearer 0 is better
no optical stabilisation. Sony A-fit version of the lens relies
Wide 0.41 Mid 3.02 Tele 2.33 on in-camera stabilisation instead. Wide -0.34 Mid 2.01 Tele 1.97
Pincushion distortion is quite noticeable Very minor barrel distortion at 70mm, and
Performance in the middle sector of the zoom range. pincushion is controlled at longer lengths.
Image quality is a little lacklustre Performance
compared with all the other, Verdict Autofocus is fast and effective and, Verdict
relatively new, designs of lenses. Features throughout testing on Nikon Features
Sharpness and contrast are both D7200 and D750 bodies, we found
disappointing, especially when the stabiliser had an effectiveness
shooting wide-open. The lack of performance of four stops. Image quality is very performance
a stabiliser can be a real problem Value
good overall, matched by top build Value
in Canon and Nikon bodies, which quality that combines sturdy barrel
lack sensor-shift stabilisation. OVERALL parts with a metal mounting plate. OVERALL
The Verdict
erhaps it’s splitting hairs prefer the Tamron lens, which has
P to say that the Pentax has
the biggest outright zoom
superior build quality and performance,
as well as being full-frame compatible.
range of any lens in the group. For Micro Four Thirds, the Olympus
What’s more important is that it delivers 75-300mm wins out over the compact
Cameras and Accessories
excellent image quality, has refined Panasonic 45-150mm, not only for its
handling characteristics, and is very extreme telephoto reach, equivalent
robust for a ‘budget’ telephoto zoom, to 600mm, but for its sharper image
complete with weather seals. quality. For Fujifilm shooters, the
The Canon and Nikon lenses are good XC50-230mm is a smart buy at the price
choices for APS-C format bodies. The and delivers pleasing image quality, but
Canon isn’t overly generous in telephoto we had a few autofocus problems.
reach, while the Nikon is only compatible The Sigma APO 70-300mm is an
with a limited number of recent cameras. antiquated design that seems past its
For both Canon and Nikon cameras, we sell-by date, and is in need of a revamp.
How the Canon EF-S Fujinon Nikon AF-P DX Olympus M.Zuiko Panasonic Pentax Sigma APO Tamron SP
f/4.5-6.7 OIS II
f/4.5-6.5G ED VR
ED 75-300mm
f/4.8-6.7 II
Street price £270/$300 £320/$400 £300/$400 £390/$450 £180/$250 £400/$400 £150/$200 £300/$450
Diaphragm blades 7 7 7 7 7 9 9 9
Min aperture f/22-32 f/22 f/22-32 f/22 f/22 f/22-32 f/22 f/32
Autofocus motor Stepping motor Stepping motor Stepping motor Stepping motor Stepping motor Stepping motor Electric motor Ring-type
type ultrasonic
Internal zoom/ No/Yes No/Yes No/Yes No/Yes No/Yes No/Yes No/No No/Yes
Min focus distance 0.85m 1.1m 1.1m 0.9m 0.9m 0.95m 0.95m 1.5m
Max magnification 0.29x 0.2x 0.22x 0.24x 0.17x 0.3x 0.5x 0.25x
Filter size 58mm 58mm 58mm 58mm 52mm 58mm 58mm 62mm
Mounting plate Plastic Plastic Plastic Metal Metal Metal Metal Metal
Included None Hood None None Hood Hood Hood, soft case Hood
Full-frame compatible No
Effective focal length
45mm (Sony), 60mm (MFT)
Image stabiliser No
Minimum focus distance 0.3m
Max magnification factor 0.14x
Manual focus override Yes
Focus limit switch No
Internal focus Yes
Filter size 52mm
Iris blades 9
Supplied accessories Hood, caps
Dimensions (dia x length) 65 x 73mm
3 1,500
S TA N D A R D P R I M E L E N S w w w. s i g m a - i m a g i n g - u k . c o m 0
f/1.4 f/2.8 f/4 f/5.6 f/8 f/11 f/16
DC DN | C £240/$340
line, which is more budget- Performance plates are made There’s noticeable barrel distortion, but it’s
from brass, but lack uniform and easy to correct when editing.
friendly than the Art series. It’s There’s plenty of bite, even at
weather-seal rings.
also only a third of the weight of f/1.4, with impressive sharpness
the 30mm Art lens, at just 140g, and contrast, along with fairly WE SAY...
making it a well-balanced optic minimal vignetting. Bokeh is 3
The combination of excellent image quality
for small compact system cameras. smooth, despite the challenge of The large fly-by-wire and handling, along with a fast f/1.4 aperture
getting a tight depth of field with focus ring operates rating, makes the Sigma 30mm f/1.4
Build & handling a 30mm lens. Resistance to smoothly and enables DC DN | C a bargain buy.
The optical design includes two ghosting and flare is excellent. precise adjustments.
aspherical elements to boost Autofocus proved very fast and Verdict
image quality and compactness. accurate throughout our testing
Sigma claims the new lens rivals with a Sony Alpha 6000 body. Features
its Art-line optics for image Overall, this Contemporary class BUILD & HANDLING
f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i t al C a m e r a m aga z i ne 153
Cameras and Accessories
Matthew Richards tests long lenses
for shooting wildlife and action
the contenders
1 Canon EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6L IS USM £1,190/$1,350
2 Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS £1,790/$2,050
3 Nikon AF-S 80-400mm f/4.5-5.6G ED VR £2,090/$2,300
manual override. In keeping with 70mm 135mm 200mm 300mm to boost sharpness and contrast 100mm 200mm 300mm 400mm
Levels of sharpness are consistently It’s very good throughout most of the zoom
its relatively short maximum focal excellent throughout the zoom range.
and reduce chromatic aberrations, range, but drops off a little at 400mm.
length, this is the lightest lens in along with Canon’s ASC (Air
the group at just over a kilogram, FRINGING (at F/8) Lower is better Sphere Coating) to tackle ghosting FRINGING (at F/8) Lower is better
and it’s the only one that’s supplied Wide 2.31 Mid 0.46 Tele 1.57 and flare. There’s also an updated Wide 2.44 Mid 0.57 Tele 0.03
without a tripod collar, although There’s a small amount of colour fringing four-stop stabiliser with three Slight fringing at 80mm becomes virtually
one is available as an option. at 70mm and even less at longer settings. operating modes, including one imperceptible at mid to long settings.
zoom range. However, for wildlife lens, and there’s nothing to choose
photography, this full-frame in levels of sharpness and contrast
compatible lens is better suited to performance at equal zoom settings. However, performance
an APS-C format body, where it Value
sharpness from the 100-400mm Value
has an effective maximum reach drops off at the long end, and it’s
of 480mm. OVERALL more expensive. OVERALL
updated stabiliser that gives a 80mm 200mm 300mm 400mm erratically moving wildlife through 200mm 300mm 400mm 500mm
The Nikon does a good job of retaining It’s sharper at 500mm than the competing
four-stop advantage. Even so, the sharpness at its longest zoom setting.
the viewfinder. Sigma C and Tamron 150-600mm lenses.
stabiliser isn’t quite as effective Unlike the 80-400mm, it has
as that of the Nikon 200-500mm FRINGING (at F/8) Lower is better an electromagnetically controlled FRINGING (at F/8) Lower is better
lens on test, and lacks the latter’s Wide 1.35 Mid 0.56 Tele 0.77 diaphragm for more consistent Wide 0.3 Mid 0.85 Tele 2.21
‘sport’ mode. Optical highlights Colour fringing is well controlled continuous shooting. However, it There’s less colour fringing than from the
include four ED (Extra-low throughout the zoom range. lacks the 80-400mm’s dual-mode Nikon 80-400mm at the short end.
considering it’s the most expensive a par with the 80-400mm right up
lens in the group, it’s a shame some to the 400mm setting, and only
of Nikon’s latest developments are performance drops off a little at 500mm. The performance
lacking, like an electromagnetically Value
lens doesn’t feature Nikon’s Nano Value
controlled diaphragm to improve Crystal Coat, but resistance to
rapid-fire continuous shooting. OVERALL ghosting and flare is still good. OVERALL
Mount options: Canon EF Nikon FX Pentax K Sigma SA Sony A Mount options: Canon EF Nikon FX Sigma SA
little unusually, the stabiliser is 50mm 200mm 400mm 500mm on the lens barrel. The catch is that 150mm 250mm 400mm 600mm
Edge-sharpness is a little poor, but centre- There’s less of a drop-off at the long end
fitted in all mount options, sharpness only drops off at the long end.
you must set these up with Sigma’s of the zoom range than in the Tamron.
although stabilisation doesn’t work optional USB Dock (£40/$60).
with Pentax’s *ist series or K100D. FRINGING (at F/8) Lower is better To avoid zoom creep, you can FRINGING (at F/8) Lower is better
For cameras that feature a sensor- Wide 4.18 Mid 1.56 Tele 3.29 engage the zoom lock switch at any Wide 2.08 Mid 1.48 Tele 1.16
shift stabiliser, you get the choice Colour fringing is worse than average, position that has a marked focal Control over colour fringing is good, but
of whether to use in-camera or especially towards both extremities. length on the zoom ring. Build not quite as good as from the Tamron.
substantial, and comes with a 100mm 300mm 400mm 600mm gives the usual full-time manual 150mm 300mm 400mm 600mm
Excellent sharpness is maintained all the It’s good overall, but drops off noticeably in
carrying strap that attaches to lugs way through the extensive zoom range.
override from its ring-type the 500-600mm sector of the zoom range.
on the lens barrel. ultrasonic system. Similarly, VC
A bonus for rainy-day shooting FRINGING (at F/8) Lower is better (Vibration Compensation) has no FRINGING (at F/8) Lower is better
is that, unlike the C lens, this one Wide 1.99 Mid 0.58 Tele 1.01 dedicated panning mode: Tamron Wide 1.06 Mid 0.72 Tele 1.59
features a full set of weather-seals There’s little fringing, with lab scores claims that its system is effective It beats Sigma’s 150-600mm lenses at the
instead of just a sealed mount. marginally better than from the Sigma C. for both static and panning shots. short end, but isn’t as good at the long end.
The Verdict
How the Canon EF Canon EF Nikon AF-S Nikon AF-S Sigma APO Sigma Sigma Tamron SP
f/4.5-5.6L IS II
f/4.5-5.6G ED VR
f/5.6E ED VR
f/4.5-6.3 DG OS
f/5-6.3 DG OS
f/5-6.3 DG OS
f/5-6.3 Di VC
compare USM HSM HSM | C HSM | S USD
Street price £1,190/$1,350 £1,790/$2,050 £2,090/$2,300 £1,180/$1,400 £850/$1,660 £740/$990 £1,200/$2,000 £730/$870
Diaphragm blades 8 blades 9 blades 9 blades 9 blades 9 blades 9 blades 9 blades 9 blades
Min aperture f/32-45 f/32-40 f/32-40 f/32 f/22 f/22 f/22 f/32
Optical stabiliser 4 stops 4 stops 4 stops 4.5 stops 4 stops 4 stops 4 stops 4 stops (C N only)
Autofocus motor Ultrasonic Ultrasonic Ultrasonic Ultrasonic Ultrasonic Ultrasonic Ultrasonic Ultrasonic
type (ring-type) (ring-type) (ring-type) (ring-type) (ring-type) (ring-type) (ring-type) (ring-type)
Internal zoom/ No/Yes No/Yes No/Yes No/Yes No/Yes No/Yes No/Yes No/Yes
Angle of view 34-8 degrees 24-6 degrees 30-6 degrees 12-5 degrees 47-5 degrees 16-4 degrees 16-4 degrees 16-4 degrees
Min focus distance 1.2m 0.98m 1.5m 2.2m 0.5-1.8m 2.8m 2.6m 2.7m
Max magnification 0.21x 0.31x 0.2x 0.22x 0.32x 0.2x 0.2x 0.2x
Filter size 67mm 77mm 77mm 95mm 95mm 95mm 105mm 95mm
Weather seals Yes Yes Sealed mount Sealed mount None Sealed mount Yes Yes
Included Hood Hood, tripod Hood, tripod Hood, tripod Hood, tripod Hood, tripod collar Hood, tripod collar Hood, tripod collar
accessories collar, soft case collar, pouch collar, soft case collar, step-down
Dimensions 89 x 143mm 94 x 193mm 96 x 203mm 108 x 268mm 104 x 219mm 105 x 260mm 121 x 290mm 106 x 258mm
(dia x length)
Full-frame compatible No (APS-C only)
Effective focal length 152-609mm
Image stabiliser Yes (five stops)
Minimum focus distance 1.75m
Max magnification factor 0.19x
Manual focus override Yes
Focus limit switch Yes (5m to infinity)
Internal zoom/focus No/Yes
Filter size 77mm
Iris blades 9
Weather seals Yes
Supplied accessories Hood, caps, tripod
mounting ring
T e l e pho to l e ns w w w.f u j i f il m 1500
XF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6
Wide Mid Tele
f/4.5 f/5.6 f/8 f/11 f/16 f/22
R LM OIS WR £1,500/$1,900
Fujifilm has been excellent, the zoom and focus Typical of telephoto zooms, sharpness drops
manufacturing rings are smooth and precise, and off a little at the long end, but images still
professional- there’s no hint of zoom creep. The front element has look superbly detailed with plenty of bite.
grade lenses for The aperture ring comes with a a fluorine coating, and
the filter attachment FRINGING (at F/8) Nearer 0 is better
the photographic, TV and mode switch to enable automatic
thread is 77mm.
movie industries for or manual control. The autofocus A sliding panel in the
decades. The relatively recent system employs two linear Wide 0.24 Mid 0.27 Tele 0.33
lens hood gives access
XF mount lenses have earned motors to boost speed, along with Lateral chromatic aberration is low through
for filter rotation.
an excellent reputation for build a range limiter switch that can the entire aperture and zoom ranges.
quality and image quality. This lock out sub-5m focusing. The
new 100-400mm super-telephoto optical stabiliser has a five-stop
2 DISTORTION Nearer 0 is better
zoom is an ‘R’ lens with a built-in rating (Cipa-tested), and includes Switches are on hand
aperture ring; it has an LM automatic horizontal panning for OIS on/off, auto/ Wide -0.01 Mid 0.02 Tele 0.01
(Linear Motor) autofocus system, detection. The weather-resistant manual aperture There’s no distortion at any focal length, from
control, an autofocus the middle of the range to both extremities.
OIS (Optical Image Stabilisation) construction features 13 seals,
range limiter (5m to
and a WR (Weather-Resistant) plus a water-repellent fluorine infinity) and zoom lock.
construction as standard. coating on the front element. WE SAY...
Competitively priced for a super-telephoto
Build & handling Performance 3
zoom, this outstanding and beautifully
Fujifilm says the lens has a Making the most of its five ED The supplied tripod engineered lens delivers spectacular
compact and lightweight design; (Extra-low Dispersion) elements, collar makes for performance and is a joy to use.
however, despite being an APS-C plus one Super ED element, balanced tripod or
format lens that produces a small sharpness and contrast are monopod-based Verdict
image circle, it’s about the same spectacular, along with minimal shooting, with very
size as the latest Canon 100- colour fringing. Distortions are easy rotation between Features
landscape or
400mm and Nikon 80-400mm essentially non-existent, and portrait orientation. BUILD & HANDLING
f r o m t h e m a k e r s o f D i g i ta l C a m e r a m a g a z i n e 161
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