Quick Sort: Algorithms and Data Structures

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Quick Sort

Algorithms and Data Structures

 quick sort
 selection
 duplicate keys
 system sorts
Two classic sorting algorithms:
merge sort and quick sort
Critical components in the world’s computational infrastructure.
 Full scientific understanding of their properties has enabled us to
develop them into practical system sorts.
 Quick sort honored as one of top 10 algorithms of 20th century in
science and engineering.
Quick Sort
Basic plan.
 Shuffle the array.
 Partition so that, for some j
 entry a[j] is in place

 no larger entry to the left of j

 no smaller entry to the right of j

 Sort each subarray recursively.

Quick Sort – important people
Quick Sort partitioning
Repeat until i and j pointers cross.
 Scan i from left to right so long as (a[i] < a[lo]).
 Scan j from right to left so long as (a[j] > a[lo]).
 Exchange a[i] with a[j].
Quick Sort partitioning
Repeat until i and j pointers cross.
 Scan i from left to right so long as (a[i] < a[lo]).
 Scan j from right to left so long as (a[j] > a[lo]).
 Exchange a[i] with a[j].
Quick Sort partitioning
Repeat until i and j pointers cross.
 Scan i from left to right so long as (a[i] < a[lo]).
 Scan j from right to left so long as (a[j] > a[lo]).
 Exchange a[i] with a[j].
Quick Sort partitioning
Repeat until i and j pointers cross.
 Scan i from left to right so long as (a[i] < a[lo]).
 Scan j from right to left so long as (a[j] > a[lo]).
 Exchange a[i] with a[j].
Quick Sort partitioning
Repeat until i and j pointers cross.
 Scan i from left to right so long as (a[i] < a[lo]).
 Scan j from right to left so long as (a[j] > a[lo]).
 Exchange a[i] with a[j].
Quick Sort partitioning
Repeat until i and j pointers cross.
 Scan i from left to right so long as (a[i] < a[lo]).
 Scan j from right to left so long as (a[j] > a[lo]).
 Exchange a[i] with a[j].
Quick Sort partitioning
Repeat until i and j pointers cross.
 Scan i from left to right so long as (a[i] < a[lo]).
 Scan j from right to left so long as (a[j] > a[lo]).
 Exchange a[i] with a[j].
Quick Sort partitioning
Repeat until i and j pointers cross.
 Scan i from left to right so long as (a[i] < a[lo]).
 Scan j from right to left so long as (a[j] > a[lo]).
 Exchange a[i] with a[j].
Quick Sort partitioning
Repeat until i and j pointers cross.
 Scan i from left to right so long as (a[i] < a[lo]).
 Scan j from right to left so long as (a[j] > a[lo]).
 Exchange a[i] with a[j].

When pointers cross.

 Exchange a[lo] with a[j].

This was Sadgewick 2-way partitioning, there are other strategies like
 Dijkstra 3-way partitioning
 Bentley-McIlroy 3-way partitioning
 dual-pivot partitioning
Quick Sort: Java code for
Quick Sort: Java implementation
Quick Sort: implementation details

 Partitioning in-place. Using an extra array makes

partitioning easier, but is not worth the cost.
 Terminating the loop. Testing whether the
pointers cross is trickier than it might seem.
 Equal keys. When duplicates are present, it is
(counter-intuitively) better to stop scans on keys
equal to the partitioning item's key.
 Preserving randomness. Shuffling is needed for
performance guarantee.
 Equivalent alternative. Pick a random
partitioning item in each subarray.
Quick Sort analysis

 Best case.
Number of compares is ~ N log N.

 Worst case.
Number of compares is ~ ½ N2 .
Quick Sort: practical
Insertion sort small subarrays.
 Even quick sort has too much overhead for tiny
 Cutoff to insertion sort for ≈ 10 items

Median of sample.
 Best choice of pivot item = median.
 Estimate true median by taking median of
 Median-of-3 (random) items
Goal. Given an array of N items, find the k th smallest item.
Ex. Min (k = 0), max (k = N - 1), median (k = N/ 2).

 Order statistics.

 Find the "top k."

Use theory as a guide.

 Easy N log N upper bound. How?

 Easy N upper bound for k = 1, 2, 3. How?

 Easy N lower bound. Why?

Which is true?
 N log N lower bound?

 N upper bound?
Duplicate keys

 Often, purpose of sort is to bring items with equal

keys together.
 Sort population by age.
 Remove duplicates from mailing list.
 Sort job applicants by college attended.

 Typical characteristics of such applications.

 Huge array.
 Small number of key values
Duplicate keys
 What is the result of partitioning the following
array (skip over equal keys)?
Duplicate keys: partitioning
 Bad. Don't stop scans on equal keys.
[ ~ ½ N2 compares when all keys equal ]

 Good. Stop scans on equal keys.

[ ~ N lg N compares when all keys equal ]

 Better. Put all equal keys in place. How?

 [ ~ N compares when all keys equal ]
 Dijkstra 3-way partitioning
Sorting applications
Sorting algorithms are essential in a broad variety of applications:
 Sort a list of names.

 Organize an MP3 library.

 Display Google PageRank results.
 List RSS feed in reverse chronological order.

 Find the median.

 Identify statistical outliers.
 Binary search in a database.
 Find duplicates in a mailing list.

 Data compression.
 Computer graphics.
 Computational biology.
 Load balancing on a parallel computer.

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