Prerequisite: Knowledge of engineering mathematics, basics of control theory, simulation know- how
on Matlab/ Scilab or other equivalent software
Rationale: The course is useful for the students to get idea of ideal practices in the field of control systems
design. This makes students capable for further studies and/ or conducting research work in the field.
Students get in touch with recent trends in the field of modern control engineering. Importance of designing
the control systems is emphasized.
Note: This specification table shall be treated as a general guideline for students and teachers. The actual
distribution of marks in the question paper may vary slightly from above table.
Reference Books:
Course Outcome:
1. CO1 define fundamental control system design specifications and basic principles of controller
2. CO2 recognize the importance of observability and controllability for system design.
3. CO3 design modern controllers based on the state space techniques, optimal control and robust
control techniques.
4. CO4 design cascade compensators based on time Domain and frequency domain analysis
techniques; synthesize the controller using analog circuits.
5. CO5 design state feedback and optimal control.
List of Experiments:
(followingpracticals are recommended but they are not limited for modifications and or alterations by the
faculty member/s teaching the particular subject. The use of MATLAB or SCILAB or equivalent software is
1 Design a lead compensator for second order plant type 1 system to meet required specification of
overshoot and settling time. Design a pre-filter also.
2 Design a state feedback controller ẋ= Ax+Bu ,
( ) ()
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
where, A=
− 6 − 11 − 6 , B= 1
,C= (1 0 0)
and u is the unit step input.
3 Design a lag compensator to meet the specification settling timet s≤ 10 s, velocity error constant Kv = 5
s-1 and damping ratio ξ= 0.5 for the system G(s) = s (s+1 )(s+ 4 )
where, A= (01 20 . 6
0 ) , C= (0 1 ) B=, ( ) and u is the unit step input.
Obtain the observer gain and controller gain where dominant poles are P= [-1.8 ± 2.4j] and Q=[-8,-
8] using Ackermann formula.
5 To implement and Run the closed loop circuit of second order RC network with compensator on
6 K
Design a lead compensator for system G(s)= S (S+2 ) , Using the frequency response analysis tool
Phase margin ≥60 ° and Kv≥ 10 sec-1.
7 Design a control system which is tracking the step input by the state feedback technique
System transfer function G(s)= S (S+2 )(S+ 1 )
Desired poles are p=[-10 , -2+3.464j , -2-3.464j]
8 K
Design a lag compensator for system G(s)= S (0 . 1S+1 )(0 . 2s+1 ) . Using the frequency response
Major Equipment: