Measurement of Electrical Parameters of Breakdown in Transformer Oil

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Measurement of electrical parameters of

breakdown in transformer oil

Article in Przeglad Elektrotechniczny · January 2011


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3 authors, including:

Jozef Kúdelčík
University of Žilina


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University of Žilina, Slovakia

Measurement of electrical parameters of breakdown in

transformer oil
Abstract: The initial state of breakdown development is explained on the basis of bubble theory. Application of HV-DC voltage to electrodes
immersed in oil results to creation of small channels, in which streamers can develop. In the next phase a plasma channel between the electrodes
can be formed. The electrical resistance of plasma channel changes from a few ohms to a few hundred milliohms due to Joule heating caused by
high arc current which flows through the plasma. The dynamics of the arc current depends on the parameters of outer circuit and is represented by
RLC circuit.

Streszczenie. Początkowe stadium przebicia w oleju transformatorowym jest analizowane przy wykorzystaniu teorii bąbli. Przyłożenie dużego
napięcia DC powoduje powstawanie kanałów. W następnej fazie powstaje kanał plazmowy między elektrodami. Rezystancja kanału plazmowego
zmienia się od kilku omów do kilku miliomów na skutek ogrzewania łukowego. Parametry wyładowania łukowego zależą też od zewnętrznego
obwodu RLC. (Badanie parametrów elektrycznych przebicia izolacji olejowej)

Keywords: plasma channel, arc resistance, arc current, RLC circuit.

Słowa kluczowe: kanał plazmowy, izolacja olejowa

Introduction mechanical work done by the expanding cavity. Win(t) can

The electrical breakdown in transformer oil and be determined from:
characteristic properties of this process are very important pt V t 
for many applications. Insulating liquids such as transformer (1) Win t   ,
oils are critical components for high voltage and pulsed  1
power system. It was reported in numerous publications where V(t) is the volume of the plasma channel, p(t) is the
that dielectric breakdown is based on complex interactions pressure in the channel and  is specific heats.
of hydrodynamic and electronic phenomenon [1, 2]. Energy partition in liquid dielectric spark discharges has
In present it is well known the initial stage of breakdown been studied by several researchers [1, 2, 3, 5, 6]. It was
in transformer oil can be described using bubble shown by these authors that the main components of the
mechanism. This theory assumes that a bubble of gas is discharge energy are the internal energy of the plasma–
formed by vaporization of liquid by local heating in the vapour mixture inside the transient cavity and the
strong field region at a surface of the electrode. So the mechanical work done by the cavity. A simplified version of
formed bubble will grow and a breakdown will take place the energy balance equation [1] for the spark channel which
inside the bubble. The breakdown processes are also can be written in terms of electrical power deposited in the
dependent on mechanisms, which play role on interface of channel:
the liquid and the surface of electrodes. During breakdown d V t  d Win t 
pt   R pl t I t 
a plasma channel with high initial resistance value is (2) 
formed. This stage of breakdown - the creation of the dt dt
plasma channel is similar for various types of liquid or Here Rpl(t) is the resistance of the plasma channel and I(t)
gaseous at enough high applied voltage, although times is the time varying discharge current. The first term in this
and processes leading to this stage of breakdown are equation represents changes in the kinetic energy of water
different. as it moves in response to the expansion of the plasma
cavity and the second term expresses changes in the
Theory internal (potential) energy of the cavity.
The development of breakdown can be characterized During the breakdown process resistance of the plasma
using some parameters as: resistance, its radius and channel, its temperature and radius and pressure inside the
temperature, dissipated energy and pressure of the plasma channel exhibit a highly dynamic behaviour. The plasma
channel. Their time development can be described using an channel decreases from its initial value of a few Ohms to a
analytical approach, which combines energy based minimum value occurring at the current peak when the
hydrodynamic equations, channel radiation and heat magnitude is a few hundreds milliohms [1]. Martin et al [6]
conduction and change of the pressure in the channel. The applied the breakdown model developed for gases by
Braginskii model [3] for air is combination of these Braginskii to water. In work by Warme [5] it was made
parameters into self-consistent calculations, where the combination of these models into Braginskii-Martin's model
channel radius is allowed to grow through hydrodynamic and it was used for water. To describe this time dependent
expansion driven by the electric energy delivered in Joule plasma channel resistance, model derived in work by
heating. Warme [5] was used, which is based on Braginskii-Martin
To describe time-dependent channel resistance, an analytical model [5]. This model calculates physical
analytical model has been developed based on the parameters of arc channel using system of three differential
Braginskii hydrodynamic energy balance equation and an equations (the energy balance equation for spark channel
empirical link between the plasma channel resistance and which is written in term of electrical deposited energy in
its internal energy. The Braginskii equation, as proposed in channel; the energy balance between energy change of
[3] and discussed by Engel et al [4], states that the electrical plasma channel to channel radiation and heat conduction;
energy delivered to the plasma channel, Eel(t) through the change of pressure in channel by shock approximation)
Joule heating is divided between the internal energy, Win(t), [7]. The solution of this system gives time development of
of the plasma–vapour mixture inside the cavity and the p(t) is pressure, A(t) is area and T(t) is time dependence of
temperature of arc channel.

PRZEGLĄD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY (Electrical Review), ISSN 0033-2097, R. 87 NR 8/2011 159

Experimental setup displayed in Fig.3. Number and distribution of channels
Fig.1 shows the schematic diagram of the experimental were dependent on electrode distance and applied voltage.
setup, which includes HVdc power supply TESLA HVdc Scattering of laser light on the interface of channels and the
power supply TESLA HT 55-I (max voltage 60 kV and oil was caused by lower density of channels than that of the
current 2,5 mA), electrode system, electric and optical oil. The channels were concentrated along the electrode
diagnostics. Sphere-to-sphere Cu electrodes with radius 1 axis at voltage over the breakdown voltage.
cm were used as the electrode system. The distance of
electrode was measured by metric gauge blocks with
accuracy of 0.01 mm. New and unfiltered transformer oil -
ITO 100 was filled into discharge chamber (0.2 dm ) and
electrodes were cleaned after series of 5 breakdowns. Time
intervals between breakdowns were 15 minutes. The
capacitor bank contained up to 2 HV capacitors connected
in parallel, with nominally capacitance 0.05 F. This allowed
capacitances of between 0.025 and 0.01 F to be used.
The applied voltage and current were measured using a
high voltage probe (E253/01, 10 MHz) and a Rogowski coil
(Pearson Current monitor 110A, 10 kA, 20 MHz, 50 ns).
Development of current and voltage were measured using
150 MHz external oscilloscope ETC M520.

Fig.3 The picture of discharge gap at the applied voltage 1.2 kV

and gap distance 0.4 mm.

Development of the arc current at various capacitances

is presented in the Fig. 4. For this case and type of
electrode configuration there is almost homogeneous
electric field with the electric intensity 74 kV/cm. The arc
current is characterized by under-damped oscillation and its
angular frequency depends on the value of capacitance, as
Fig.1 Experimental setup it can be seen in Fig. 3. At equal capacitance only
amplitude and duration of arc current changed with applied
Rogowski coils are used for detection and measurement voltage. The measurements were also made at various
of electric currents. The operating principle is that if an air- electrode distances (0.1 to 0.6 mm) and similar
cored coil (Fig. 2.) is placed around the conductor in a developments of arc currents as were observed in the Fig.
closed path, the magnetic field produced by the current 3. Simple measurements in transformer oil were also made
induces an output voltage U1 in the coil that is proportional by Marton [8], in water by Timoshkin et al. [1] and in air by
to the rate of charge of the encircled current I, given by the Kijonka et al. [9].
expression: U1 = -M dI / dt, where M is the mutual
inductance between the Rogowski coil and the conductor. If
the coil is connected to an integrator (Fig. 2.), the output
reproduces the current waveform. Because the output from
the Rogowski coil is proportional to the time derivative of
the current, an integrator is needed to convert the di/dt
signal back to the format of i(t).

Fig.4 Development of arc current and voltage across gaps at

voltage 9200 V in ITO 100 and gap distance of 0,4 mm
Fig.2 Principle of Rogowski coil
During breakdown the experimental setup can be
Results described by a electrical circuit, in which the arc current
Various transport phenomena were observed at electric flows. Time dependence of the arc current can be fitted by
field below 106 V/m. At around 25 % value of breakdown function Sine Damp:
voltage (30 kV/cm) a small channel with diameter of some (3)   
I t  I 0 e  t sin  t ,
micrometers was detected between electrodes. Number of
channels rose with increasing voltage. Their shapes were where: I0 - the amplitude of current, α - the damping ratio, ω
not stable and they were changing and moving. Shapes of - the angular frequency of under-damped oscillation.
these narrow channels illuminated by the laser are

160 PRZEGLĄD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY (Electrical Review), ISSN 0033-2097, R. 87 NR 8/2011

These parameters are determined by interpolation of
measured pulses of arc current. Similar development of
current can be observed in RLC circuit. On the basis of this
similarity, corresponding values R, L and C* of the electrical
circuit were calculated using the previous parameters and
the breakdown voltage UB as:
UB 1
(4,5,6) L , R  2 L , C * 
I 0 L(   2 )

where R the total resistance of the electrical circuit.


C [μF ] I0 [A] α [μs-1] ω [rad μs-1] R [mΩ]

Fig. 5 Theoretical development of resistance Rpl(t) and radius r(t) of

0.025 1 250 0.309 5.375 849
the plasma channel at voltages 9.2 kV (I. 0,1 F; II. 0,025 F) and
0.05 1 850 0.212 3.909 540 electrode distance 0.4 mm.$

0.01 2 200 0.133 2.825 391 Discussion and conclusion

The application of the high-voltage to electrodes
This circuit can be divided into two parts: external part immersed in a dielectric transformer oil ITO 100 results in
with Rcircuit (HVdc power supply, capacitor bank, connecting breakdown if its magnitude exceeds a breakdown voltage.
cords and experimental equipment) and the arc resistance From the works [1, 2, 11] it is known that breakdown in
of the plasma channel Rpl (t): R = Rpl + Rcircuit. Capacitance transformer oil can be described by the bubble mechanism
C* calculated using previous formula was equal to the that leads to streamer propagation between the electrodes.
capacitance C of capacitor bank with accuracy better than After the streamer bridges the inter-electrode distance the
2%. Fitted parameters I0, α, ω and calculated R are listed in current increase (see Fig. 3) and the plasma channel is
the Table 1 for different capacitances C. The same created. This channel has very small radius, conduction and
identifications as in work [1] were used. Resistance R of the relatively large value of initial resistance Rpl(t=0) (see Fig.
electrical circuit reduces with increasing input energy. 5). Time dependence of resistance and radius of plasma
From previous results it can not be determined channel were calculated by the system of differential
resistance Rpl(t) of the plasma channel in transformer oil. equations [7] and (7). From Fig. 4, 5 the results show that
There are no works concerning the calculations of the time the development of the plasma channel is associated with
dependence of the plasma channel resistance in the fast decrease of its resistance Rpl(t) from few ohms to
transformer oil. In the case of water, the empirical
few hundreds milliohms during the first half period (~1 s) of
expression relating resistance of the plasma channel to its
the current. This decrease is caused by Joule heating from
internal energy Win(t) [1,10] can be used
high current which flows through the plasma channel.
Al 2 A l 2   1
R pl t  
Resistance of the plasma channel is indirectly proportional
(7)  ,
Win t  p t V t  to p(t) and V(t). Joule heating causes, during the first
microsecond of breakdown, a big increase of temperature
where A is a spark constant and l is the length of the from 300 K to more than 11000 K, the consequence of this
discharge channel. This empirical expression could be is big decrease of the plasma channel resistance. This
characteristically for various types of liquids and the spark decrease is also connected with the increasing radius of
constant changes in dependence on the type of liquid. plasma channels as is it shown in Fig. 5 and in works [1, 7].
From the measured arc current fitted by SineDamp (3) The plasma channel resistance is stabilized 2 μs after the
(Table 1) and the initial condition (p(0) = 10 Pa, A(0)=  start of breakdown (Fig. 5) and the magnitude of this value
-6 2 2
(10 ) m , T(0) = 300 K) we get by solution of systems of is dependent on the applied voltage and capacitance. The
differential equations [7] time development of p(t) is correct computation of time development Rpl(t) is confirmed
pressure, A(t) is area and T(t) is time dependence of by similarity in the development of experimental and
temperature of arc channel The arc radius was then theoretical dissipated energy during breakdown [7].
calculated as r(t)=(A(t)/) for different conditions which are Development of resistance of the plasma channel in oil (Fig.
shown in Fig. 3. From this figure it can be seen, that the arc 5) has the same characteristics as development of the
radius rises with time, what is similar with results of other plasma channel resistance in air [13].
studies [1, 5, 11]. Time dependence of the plasma channel From electrical point of view the whole breakdown can
resistances was calculated by equation (7) (A = 2,5 105 be represented by RLC circuit. Parameters of this circuit
V/m2 [1,12]), when they are known time development of p(t) were calculated from experimental results using the theory
is pressure, V(t) = A(t) l is volume of arc channel. It can be of RLC circuit. During this stage, energy stored in capacitor
observed (Fig. 5) that resistance of the plasma channel bank was discharged to the system and under-damped arc
drops rapidly during the first two microseconds and then it current oscillations (Fig. 3, Eq. 3) were observed. The
reaches at minimum value, which is the order of several model of RLC circuit was also used in [1]. After transient
hundreds m (R, Table 1). The minimum resistance of the phase, the value of arc resistance Rpl-const was order of
plasma channel decreased with increasing values of peak severel mΩ, so it had minimal effect to development of the
arc current, the number of capacitors connected in parallel arc current. Development of the arc current depends on
and energy dissipated in the plasma channel. It can be capacitance of capacitor bank (see Fig. 3) and parameters
seen from comparison with Fig. 3, that significant decrease of outer circuit [14]. Similar development of the arc current
of the plasma channel resistance was associated with initial was observed in oil by Marton et al. [8]. The breakdown was
increase of the arc current to the peak value. The increase accompanied with other various processes as: acoustical
of resistance after 5 ms is associated with decay of arc

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