Korando B5 A0

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CAUTION: Disconnect the negative battery cable before removing or installing any electrical unit or when a
tool or equipment could easily come in contact with exposed electrical terminals. Disconnecting this cable
will help prevent personal injury and damage to the vehicle. The ignition must also be in LOCK unless
otherwise noted.

Description and Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A-2 Shift Quality Faults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A-44
BTRA M74 4WD Automatic Transmission . . . . . . 5A-2 After Teardown Faults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A-46
Operators Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A-2 Trouble Code Diagnosis - Gasoline Vehicle . . 5A-48
Control Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A-3 TCM Diagnostic System Overview . . . . . . . . . . 5A-48
Electronic Control System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A-3 Clearing Trouble Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A-48
Hydraulic Control System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A-9 Diagnostic Trouble Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A-48
Hydraulic Control Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A-10 Trouble Code Diagnosis - Diesel Vehicle . . . . . 5A-50
Power Train System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A-14 TCM Diagnostic System Overview . . . . . . . . . . 5A-50
Power Flows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A-18 Clearing Trouble Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A-50
Park and Neutral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A-20 Diagnostic Trouble Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A-50
Reverse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A-22 Repair Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A-157
Manual 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A-24 On-Vehicle Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A-157
Drive 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A-26 Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A-157
Drive 2 and Manual 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A-28 Unit Repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A-160
Drive 3 and Manual 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A-30 Rebuild Warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A-160
Drive 3 Lock Up and Manual 3 Lock Up . . . . . . 5A-32 Disassembly Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A-161
Drive 4 (Overdrive) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A-34 Assembly Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A-171
Drive 4 Lock Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A-36 Front and Rear Band Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . 5A-199
Diagnostic Information and Procedures . . . . . 5A-38 Gear Shift Control Lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A-202
Diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A-38 Kickdown Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A-202
Basic Knowledge Required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A-38 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A-203
Functional Check Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A-38 General Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A-203
Transmission Fluid Level Service Procedure . . . 5A-38 Fastener Tightening Specifications . . . . . . . . . . 5A-205
Fluid Leak Diagnosis and Repair . . . . . . . . . . . 5A-39 Schematic and Routing Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . 5A-206
Electrical / Garage Shift Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A-40 TCM Wiring Diagrams (Gasoline Engine) . . . . . 5A-206
Road Test Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A-40 TCM Wiring Diagrams (Diesel Engine) . . . . . . . 5A-208
Electronic Adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A-40 Connector End View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A-210
Symptom Diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A-41 Special Tools and Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A-211
Drive Faults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A-41 Special Tools Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A-211
Faulty Shift Pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A-42


BTRA M74 4WD AUTOMATIC Of primary significance is the Transmission Control Mo-
dule (TCM) which is a microprocessor based control
The BTR Automotive Model 74 Four Speed Automatic The TCM utilizes throttle position, rate of throttle open-
Transmission is an electronically controlled overdrive ing, engine speed, vehicle speed, transmission fluid
four speed unit with a lock-up torque converter. The temperature, gear selector position and mode selector
lock-up torque converter results in lower engine speeds inputs, and in some applications a Kickdown Switch
at cruise and eliminates unnecessary slippage. These to control all shift feel and shift schedule aspects.
features benefit the customer through improved fuel
The TCM drives a single proportional solenoid multi-
economy and noise reduction.
plexed to three regulator valves to control all shift feel
Max. aspects. The output pressure of this solenoid is con-
Power trolled as a function of transmission fluid temperature
(kW) to maintain consistent shift feel throughout the
operating range.
260 mm Torque Shift scheduling is highly flexible, and several indepen-
Converter-Wide dent schedules are programmed depending on the ve-
320 160 Ratio Gear Set hicle.
Splined Output for Transfer
Typically the NORMAL schedule is used to maximize
fuel economy and driveability, and a POWER schedule
is used to maximize performance. WINTER schedule
is used to facilitate starting in second gear.


OPERATORS INTERFACES • P - Park position prevents the vehicle from rolling

either forward or backward by locking the
There are three operator interfaces as the following; transmission output shaft. The inhibitor switch
• Gear Shift Control Lever allows the engine to be started. For safety reasons,
• Driving Mode Selector the parking should be used in addition to the park
position. Do not select the Park position until the
• Indicator Light vehicle comes to a complete stop because it
Gear Shift Control lever mechanically locks the output shaft.
The transmission uses a conventional shift control lever. • R - Reverse allows the vehicle to be operated in a
The gear shift control lever can be moved from one rearward direction. The inhibitor switch enables re-
position to another within the staggered configuration verse lamp operation.
of the shift control lever gate to positively indicate the
gear selection.


• N - Neutral allows the engine to be started and oper- When NORMAL mode is selected upshifts will occur
ated while driving the vehicle. The inhibitor switch to maximize fuel economy. When POWER mode is se-
allows the engine to be started. There is no power lected, upshifts will occur to give maximum
transferred through the transmission in Neutral. But performance and the POWER mode indicator light is
the final drive is not locked by the parking pawl, so switched ON.
thewheels are free to rotate. When WINTER mode is selected, starting in second
• D - Overdrive range is used for all normal driving gear is facilitated, the WINTER mode indicator light is
conditions. 4th gear (overdrive gear) reduces the switched ON and the POWER mode indicator light is
fuel consumption and the engine noise. Engine switched OFF.
braking is applied with reduced throttle.
Indicator Light
First to second (1 → 2), first to third (1 → 3), second
The indicator light is located on the instrument panel.
to third (2 → 3), second to fourth (2 → 4), third to
fourth (3 → 4), fourth to third (4 → 3), fourth to • Auto shift indicator light comes ON when the ignition
second (4 → 2), third to second (3 → 2), third to switch ON and shows the gear shift control lever
first (3 → 1) and second to first (2 → 1) shifts are position.
all available as a function of vehicle speed, throttle • POWER mode indicator light comes ON when the
position and the time change rate of the throttle POWER mode is selected and when the kickdown
position. switch is depressed.
Downshifts are available for safe passing by • WINTER mode indicator light comes ON when the
depress-ing the accelerator. Lockup clutch may be WINTER mode is selected.
enabled in 3rd and 4th gears depending on vehicle
• 3 - Manual 3 provides three gear ratios (first through BTRA M74 4WD automatic transmission consists of
third) and prevents the transmission from operating two control systems. One is the electronic control
in 4th gear. 3rd gear is used when driving on long system that monitors vehicle parameters and adjusts
hill roads or in heavy city traffic. Downshifts are the transmission performance. Another is the hydraulic
available by depressing the accelerator. control system that implements the commands of the
• 2 - Manual 2 provides two gear ratios (first and electronic control system commands.
second). It is used to provide more power when
climbing hills or engine braking when driving down ELECTRONIC CONTROL SYSTEM
a steep hill or starting off on slippery roads. The electronic control system comprises of sensors, a
• 1 - Manual 1 is used to provide the maximum engine TCM and seven solenoids. The TCM reads the inputs
braking when driving down the severe gradients. and activates the outputs according to values stored
in Read Only Memory (ROM).
The TCM controls the hydraulic control system. This
control is via the hydraulic valve body, which contains
seven electromagnetic solenoids. Six of the seven
solenoids are used to control the line pressure, operate
the shift valves and the torque converter lock-up clutch,
and to turn ON and OFF the two regulator valves that
control the shift feel.
The seventh solenoid is the proportional or Variable
Pressure Solenoid (VPS) which works with the two regu-
lator valves to control shift feel.
Transmission Control Module (TCM)
The TCM is an in-vehicle micro-processor based trans-
mission management system. It is mounted under the
Driving Mode Selector driver’s side front seat in the vehicle cabin.
The driving mode selector consists of a driving mode The TCM contains:
selector switch and indicator light. The driving mode • Processing logic circuits which include a central mi-
selector is located on the center console and allows croprocessor controller and a back-up memory
the driver to select the driving mode. system.
The driving modes available to be selected vary with • Input circuits.
vehicle types. Typically the driver should have the
option to select among NORMAL, POWER and
WINTER modes.


• Output circuits which control external devices such The TCM continuously monitors every input and output
as the Variable Pressure Solenoid (VPS) driver, On/ circuit for short or open circuits and operating range.
Off solenoid drivers, a diagnostics output and the When a failure or abnormal operation is detected the
driving mode indicator light. TCM records the condition code in the diagnostics
Processing Logic memory and implements a Limp Home Mode (LHM).
Shift schedule and calibration information is stored in The actual limp home mode used depends upon the
an Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (EPROM). failure detected with the object to maintain maximum
drive-ability without damaging the transmission. In
Throttle input calibration constants and the diagnostics
general input failures are handled by providing a default
information are stored in Electrically Erasable Program-
value. Output failures, which are capable of damaging
mable Read Only Memory (EEPROM) that retains the
the transmission, result in full limp mode giving only
memory even when power to the TCM is disconnected.
third or fourth gear and reverse. For further details of
TCM continuously monitors the input values and uses
limp modes and memory retention refer to the
these, via the shift schedule, to determine the required
Diagnostic Trouble Code Diagnosis Section.
gear state. At the same time it monitors, via the solenoid
outputs, the current gear state, whenever the input The TCM is designed to operate at ambient
conditions change such that the required gear state is temperatures between - 40 and 85 °C (- 40 and 185 °F).
different to the current gear state, the TCM initiates a It is also protected against electrical noise and voltage
gear shift to bring the two states back into line. spikes, however all the usual precautions should be
observed, for example when arc welding or jump
Once the TCM has determined the type of gearshift
required the TCM accesses the shift logic, estimates
the engine torque output, adjusts the variable pressure
solenoid ramp pressure then executes the shift.


TCM Inputs
To function correctly, the TCM requires engine speed, This ensures the correct gear selection and shift feel
vehicle speed, transmission fluid temperature, throttle for all driving conditions.
position, gear position and Kickdown Switch inputs to The inputs required by the TCM are as follows;
determine the variable pressure solenoid current ramp
and on/off solenoid states.


• Engine Speed Pin No. Codes and colors in Solenoid Loom

The engine speed signal is derived from the Control-
Pin No. Wire Color Connects to
ler Area Network (CAN) via Engine Control Module
(ECM). 1 Red Solenoid 1
• Vehicle Speed 2 Blue Solenoid 2
The vehicle speed sensor, which is located in the 3 Yellow Solenoid 3
transfer case, sends the output shaft speed signal 4 Orange Solenoid 4
to the Engine Control Module (ECM). The information
5 Green Solenoid 5
is then transferred to the TCM via the CAN.
6 Violet Solenoid 6
• Transmission Fluid Temperature
The transmission fluid temperature sensor is a 7 Brown Solenoid 7
thermistor located in the solenoid wiring loom within 8 Green Solenoid 5
the valve body of the transmission. This sensor is 9 White Temperature Sensor
a typical Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC)
10 Red Temperature Sensor
resistor with low temperatures producing a high
resistance and high temperatures producing a low
If the transmission fluid temperature exceeds 135
°C (275 °F), the TCM will impose converter lock-up
at lower vehicle speeds and in some vehicles
flashes the mode indicator light. This results in
maximum oil flow through the external oil cooler and
eliminates slippage in the torque converter. Both
these actions combine to reduce the oil temperature
in the transmission.

Temperature Resistance (Ohms)

(°C) Minimum Maximum
-20 13,638 17,287
0 5,177 6,616 Gear Position Sensor
20 2,278 2, 723 The gear position sensor is incorporated in the inhibitor
100 117 196 switch mounted on the side of the transmission case.
135 (Overheat
Mode Threshold) 75 85


The gear position sensor is a multi-function switch pro-

viding three functions;
• Inhibit starting of the vehicle when the shift lever is
in a position other than Park or Neutral
• Illuminate the reverse lamps when Reverse is se-
• Indicate to the TCM which lever position has been
selected by way of a varying resistance.

Readings for Resistance / Shift Lever Positions Solenoids
The TCM controls seven solenoids. Solenoids 1 to 6
Shift Lever Position Resistance (kΩ
(S1 to S6) are mounted in the valve body, while
Manual 1 1 ~ 1.4 Solenoid 7 (S7) is mounted in the pump cover.
Manual 2 21.8 ~ 2.2 • Solenoid 1 and 2: S1 and S2 are normally open ON/
Manual 3 3 3 ~ 3.4 OFF solenoids that set the selected gear. These
solenoids determine static gear position by
Drive 4.5 ~ 4.9
operating the shift valves. Note that S1 and S2
Neutral 6.8 ~ 7.2 solenoids also send signal pressure to allow or
Reverse 10.8 ~ 11.2 prohibit rear band engagement.
Park 18.6 ~ 19 • Solenoid 3 and 4: S3 and S4 are normally open ON/
OFF solenoids that combine to control shift quality
Kickdown Switch and sequencing. S3 switches the clutch regulator
The Kickdown Switch is used to signal the TCM that valve OFF or ON. S4 switches the front band regula-
the driver has pressed the acclerator to the floor and tor valve OFF or ON. S5 also provides the signal
requires a kickdown shift. When this switch is used, pressure for the converter clutch regulator valve.
the POWER light comes ON and the POWER shift • Solenoid 5: S5 is a variable pressure solenoid that
pattern is used. ramps the pressure during gear changes. This sole-
noid provides the signal pressure to the clutch and
Diagnostic Inputs
band regulator, thereby controlling the shift pres-
The diagnostic control input or K-line is used to initiate sures. S5 also provides the signal pressure for the
the outputting of diagnostic data from the TCM to a converter clutch regulator valve.
diagnostic test instrument. This input may also be used
to clear the stored fault history data from the TCM’s • Solenoid 6: S6 is a normally open ON/OFF solenoid
that sets the high/low level of line pressure. Solenoid
retentive memory. Connection to the diagnostic input
OFF gives high pressure.
of the TCM is via a connector included in the vehicle’s
wiring harness or computer interface. • Solenoid 7: S7 is a normally open ON/OFF solenoid
that controls the application of the converter clutch.
Battery Voltage Monitoring Input Solenoid ON activates the clutch.
The battery voltage monitoring input is connected to Solenoid Logic for Static Gear States
the positive side of the battery. This signal is taken
from the main supply to the TCM. Gear S1 S2
If the battery voltage at the TCM falls below 11.3 V,
1st ON ON
the transmission will adopt a low voltage mode of
operating in which shifts into first gear are inhibited. 2nd OFF ON
All other shifts are allowed but may not occur because 3rd OFF OFF
of the reduced voltage. This condition normally occurs 4th ON OFF
only when the battery is in poor condition.
Reverse OFF OFF
If the battery voltage is greater than 16.5 V, the trans-
mission will adopt limp home mode and all solenoids Neutral OFF OFF
are turned OFF. Park OFF OFF
When system voltage recovers, the TCM will resume
normal operation after a 30 seconds delay period.
TCM Outputs
The outputs from the TCM are supplied to the compo-
nents described below;
• Solenoids
• Mode Indicator Light

Solenoid Operation during Gearshifts

Shift To Initiate Shift Typical S5 Current Ramp To Complete Shift

1-2 S1 OFF 750mA to 600mA S4 OFF
1-3 S1 OFF S3 OFF
S2 OFF 850mA to 750mA S4 OFF
1-4 S2 OFF S3 OFF
S3 ON 850mA to 750mA S4 OFF
2-3 S2 OFF 700mA to 500mA S3 OFF
3-4 S1 ON 750mA to 600mA S4 OFF
4-3 S4 ON 750mA to 900mA S1 OFF
4-2 S3 ON S1 OFF
750mA to 950mA S2 ON
4-1 S3 ON S2 ON
S4 ON 600mA to 1000mA S3 OFF
3-2 S2 ON S4 OFF
S4 ON 600mA to 450mA @ 20 kph.
550mA to 400mA @ 60 kph.
800mA to 650mA @ 100 kph.
3-1 S3 ON S1 ON
700mA to 950mA S4 OFF
2-1 S4 ON 800mA to 950mA S1 ON
Conv. Clutch
ON S7 ON 700mA to 400mA S7 OFF
OFF 600mA to 100mA

Solenoid Valve Symbols This applies full Line 500 pressure to the plunger and
because Line 500 pressure is always greater than S5
(ON/OFF Solenoids)
pressure it squeezes the S5 oil out between the
The solenoid symbol shown adjacent to each solenoid regulator valve and the plunger. The friction elements
on the hydraulic system schematics indicates the state are then fed oil pressure equal to Line 500 multiplied
of the oil flow through the solenoid valve with the power by the amplification ratio.
ON or OFF.
When a shift is initiated the required ON/OFF solenoid
Normally Open (NO) Solenoid is switched ON cutting the supply of Line 500 to the
POWER ON: Line 500 port is closed. The output port plunger.
is open to exhaust at the solenoid valve. At the same time the VPS pressure is reduced to the
POWER OFF: The exhaust port is closed. The output ramp start value and assumes control of the regulator
port is open to line 500. valve by pushing the plunger away from the valve.
The VPS then carries out the required pressure ramp
and the timed shift is completed by switching OFF the
ON/ OFF solenoid and returning the VPS to the standby
This system enables either the band or clutch or both
to be electrically controlled for each gearshift.
Mode Indicator Light
Depending on the application, the mode indicator light
may be used to indicate the mode that has been se-
lected or if an overheat condition exists. The mode
indicator light is usually located on the instrument
KAA5A070 Communication Systems
Variable Pressure Solenoid Multiplexing System CAN
Friction element shifting pressures are controlled by The Controller Area Network (CAN) connects various
the Variable Pressure Solenoid (VPS). control modules by using a twisted pair of wires, to
Line pressure is completely independent of shift pres- share common information. This results in a reduction
sure and is a function of throttle position, gear state of sensors and wiring. TCM obtains the actual engine
and engine speed. speed and throttle position, vehicle speed and
accelerator position etc. from ECM via CAN without
S5 is a proportional or variable pressure solenoid that
any additional sensors.
provides the signal pressure to the clutch and band
regulator valves thereby controlling shift pressures. K-Line
VPS pressure is multiplexed to the clutch regulator The K-line is typically used for obtaining diagnostic
valve, the band regulator valve and the converter clutch information from the TCM. A scan tool with a special
regulator valve during automatic gearshifts. interface is connected to the TCM via Data Link
A variable pressure solenoid produces a hydraulic Connector (DLC) and all current faults, stored faults,
pressure inversely proportional to the current applied. runtime parameters are then available. The stored
During a gearshift the TCM applies a progressively trouble codes can also be cleared by scan tool.
increasing or decreasing (ramped) current to the The K-line can be used for vehicle coding at the
solenoid. Current applied will vary between a minimum manufacturer’s plant or in the workshop. This allows
oaf 200 mA and a maximum of 1000 mA. Increasing for one TCM design to be used over different vehicle
current decreases output (S5) pressure. Decreasing mod-els.
current increases output (S5) pressure. The particular code is sent to the microprocessor via
Line 500 pressure, (approximately 440 to 560 kPa), is the K-line and this results in the software selecting the
the reference pressure for the VPS, and the VPS output correct shift and VPS ramp parameters.
pressure is always below line 500 pressure.
Data Link Connector (DLC)
When the VPS is at standby, that is no gearshift is
The Data Link Connector (DLC) is a multiple cavity
taking place, the VPS current is set to 200 mA giving
connector. The DLC provides the means to access the
maximum output pressure.
serial data from the TCM.
Under steady state conditions the band and clutch
The DLC allows the technician to use a scan tool to
regulator valve solenoids are switched OFF.
monitor the various systems and display the Diagnostic
Trouble Codes (DTCs).

The DLC connector is located within the driver’s The pump cover contains the following;
compartment, directly below the instrument panel on • Primary regulator valve for line pressure
the driver’s side.
• Converter clutch regulator valve
• Converter clutch control valve
• Solenoid S7
The main case contains the following;
• B1R exhaust valve
All upshifts are accomplished by simultaneously
switching on a shift valve(s), switching VPS pressure
to the band and/or clutch regulator valve, and then
sending the VPS a ramped current. The shift is
completed by switching the regulators OFF and at the
same time causing the VPS to reach maximum
All downshifts are accomplished by switching VPS pres-
sure to the band and/or clutch regulator valve and send-
HYDRAULIC CONTROL SYSTEM ing a ramped current to the VPS. The shift is completed
by simultaneously switching the regulators OFF,
The hydraulic controls are located in the valve body, switching the shift valves and at the same time causing
pump body and main case. the VPS to return to stand-by pressure.
The valve body contains the following; The primary regulator valve is located in the pump
• Manual valve cover and supplies four line pressures; high and low
• Three shift valves for forward gears, and high and low for reverse. This
pressure has no effect on shift quality and merely
• Sequence valve provides static clutch capacity during steady state
• Solenoid supply pressure regulator valve operation. Low pressure can be obtained by activating
• Line pressure control valve an ON/OFF solenoid with high line pressure being the
• Clutch apply feed regulator valve default mode.
• Band apply feed regulator valve Torque converter lock-up is initiated by toggling the
converter clutch control valve with an ON/OFF solenoid.
• Solenoid S1 to S6
The actual apply and release of the clutch is regulated
• Reverse lockout valve by the VPS via the converter clutch regulator valve.
The solenoid supply pressure regulator valve provides
reference pressure for all the solenoids.




Valve Body


KAA5A90 2-3 Shift Valve

Manual Valve The 2-3 shift valve is a two position valve. It is used
on all 2-3 and 3-2 gearshifts.
The manual valve is connected to the vehicle selector
mechanism and controls the flow of oil to the forward The switching of this valve is achieved by S2 which is
and reverse circuits. The manual valve function is located at the end of the valve spool.
identical in all forward gear positions except that in In the 1, 2 position, second gear oil from the 1-2 shift
the Manual 1 position an additional supply of oil is valve is prevented from entering the third gear circuit.
directed to the 1-2 shift valve for application of the When the valve is moved to the 3, 4 position, oil from
rear band and the C4 overrun clutch. The manual valve the second gear circuit is routed to the third gear circuit
directs the line pressure into the PRND fluid circuits. and the transmission is changed to third gear.

KAA5A100 KAA5A120

1-2 Shift Valve 3-4 Shift Valve

The 1-2 shift valve is a two position valve that must be The 3-4 shift valve is a two position valve. It is used
switched to the 2, 3 and 4 position in order to get any for all 3-4 and 4-3 gearshifts.
forward gear other than first gear. It is used for all 1-2
The switching of this valve is achieved by S1 which is
and 2-1 gearshifts.
located at the end of the valve spool.
The switching of this valve is achieved by using S1
During a 3-4 gearshift the 3-4 shift valve:
and/ or S2.
During a 1-2 gearshift drive oil from the manual valve • Exhausts the front band release (B1R) circuit
thereby allowing the application of the front band
passes through to the second gear circuit. During a 2-
1 gearshift the band apply feed oil is allowed to exhaust
via the 1-2 shift valve. • Connects the inner apply area of the front servo
(B1AI) to the Band Apply Feed (BAF) circuit thus
The 1-2 shift valve works in conjunction with the 3-4
allowing greater apply forces to the front band.
shift valve to disengage the C4 clutch in first gear,
and engage C4 in second gear. When Manual 1 is • Exhausts the Overrun Clutch (OC) circuit which al-
selected the C4 clutch and rear band (B2) are engaged. lows the C4 clutch to disengage.

During a 4-3 gearshift, the C4 clutch is engaged and line pressure control valve. When S6 pressure is applied
the front band (B1) is released. These actions are se- to the end of the Primary Regulator Valve (PRV), it is
quenced by the 4-3 sequence valve. opposed by spring force and causes LOW line
The 3-4 shift valve also switches during 1-2 and 2-1 pressure for light throttle application and cruising.
gearshifts where its function is to apply the overrun Heavy throttle application causes the normally open
clutch (C4) in second gear but to release it in first S6 to open (switch Off) thus closing line 500 and
gear. opening S6 to exhaust. Removal of S6 pressure from
Note that the C4 clutch is applied in Manual 1 by virtue the PRV results in HIGH line pressure.
of the manual valve and the 1-2 shift valve. Refer to
“1-2 Shift Valve” in this section.


Clutch Apply Feed Regulator Valve

The clutch apply feed regulator valve is a fixed ratio
4-3 Sequence Valve (2.25:1) valve. This valve provides a regulated pressure
The 4-3 sequence valve is a two position spring loaded to the C1 clutch and controls the change rate of the
valve. It switches during 3-4 and 4-3 gearshifts although clutch state to give the desired shift quality.
it performs no function during the 3-4 shift. Third gear oil supplied to the valve is regulated to pro-
During the 4-3 shift the 4-3 sequence valve delays the vide an output pressure, Clutch Apply Feed (CAF) pres-
connection of the Clutch Apply Feed (CAF) circuit to sure, of 2.25 times the S5 signal pressure when S3 is
the B1R circuit until the B1R circuit has been fully ON. When S3 is OFF, the output pressure is 2.25 times
pressurized by using the third gear circuit. This the line 500 pressure.
prevents objectionable engine flare on completion of
the 4-3 gearshift.


Band Apply Feed Regulator Valve

The band apply feed regulator valve is a fixed ratio
Solenoid Supply Pressure Regulator Valve (1.4:1) valve. It provides a regulated pressure to the
The solenoid supply pressure regulator valve supplies front servo, and controls the change rate of the front
a constant pressure to all solenoids (S1 to S7). Line band (B1) state to give the desired shift quality.
pres-sure is used as the feeding oil to this regulator Second gear oil supplied to the valve is regulated to
and the output is termed line 500. provide an output pressure, Band Apply Feed (BAF)
Line Pressure Control Valve pressure, of 1.4 times the S5 signal pressure when S4
is ON. When S4 is OFF the output pressure is 1.4 times
Line pressure is controlled by S6, which acts as the the line 500 pressure.

S1- S2 pressure is exhausted and the valve is held in
the lockout position by the spring. In this position,
engagement of B2 is prohibited.
This feature protects the transmission from abuse by
preventing the undesirable application of B2 at high
speed, and by providing a reverse lockout function.
Note that if the transmission is in failure mode, the
rear band will be applied at all times in P, R and N.
Pump Cover


Reverse Lockout Valve

The reverse lockout valve is a two position valve con-
tained in the upper valve body. This valve uses S1-S2
pressure as a signal pressure and controls the applica-
tion of the rear band (B2).
While the manual valve is in D, 3, 2 or 1 positions,
drive oil is applied to the spring end of the valve,
overriding any signal pressures and holding the valve
in the lockout position. This prevents the application KAA5A190

of B2 in any of the forward driving gears except M1.

Primary Regulator Valve
The Primary Regulator Valve (PRV) regulates the trans-
mission line pressure (or pump output pressure). This
valve gives either high or low line pressure depending
on whether S6 is switched OFF or ON. When S6 is
switched ON, S6 pressure is applied to the PRV moving
it against spring pressure and opening the line
pressure circuit to the pump suction port resulting in
reduced line pressure.
Low line pressure is used during light throttle applica-
tions and cruising. Heavy throttle will cause S6 to switch
OFF and thereby cause high line pressure.
This stepped line pressure control has no detrimental
KAA5A180 effect on shift feel because all shifting pressures are
When the manual valve is in P, R or N positions, drive controlled by separate band and clutch regulator
oil is exhausted and the reverse lockout valve may be valves, and the output of S5.
toggled by S1-S2 pressure. When reverse gear is selected, both the low and high
B2 is applied in P, R, and N if the following conditions line pressure values are boosted to guard against slip-
are satisfied; page. This is achieved by applying reverse oil line
pressure to the PRV to assist the spring load. The
• In P or N, vehicle speed = 3 km/h. other end of the valve contains ports for line pressure
• In R, vehicle speed = 10 km/h. feedback and S6 pressure.
• Engine speed = 1600 rpm. The PRV also regulates the supply of oil to the
• Throttle position = 12 %. converter via the converter feed port. The cascade
Under these conditions, the TCM switches solenoids effect of the PRV ensures the first priority of the valve
S1 and S2 to OFF. The reverse lockout valve toggles is to maintain line pressure at very low engine speeds.
under the influence of the S1-S2 pressure, to connect When the engine speed increases and the pump
the line pressure to the B2 feed. Oil is fed to both the supplies an excess of oil the PRV moves to uncover
inner and outer apply areas of the rear servo piston, the converter feed port thereby pressurizing the
applying B2. converter. If there is an excess of oil for the
transmission’s needs then the PRV moves further to
If any of the above conditions are not satisfied, the allow oil to return to the suction port.
TCM switches solenoids S1 and S2 to ON.


KAA5A200 KAA5A220

Converter Clutch Regulator Valve B1R Exhaust Valve

The converter clutch regulator valve regulates the pres- The B1R exhaust valve is a two position spring loaded
sure of the oil which applies the converter clutch. Input valve located in the transmission case directly adjacent
oil from the line 500 circuit is regulated within the valve, to the front servo. It permits the servo release oil to be
with the output pressure being variable according to rapidly exhausted into the transmission case during
the signal pressure from the S5 circuit. Converter clutch application of the front band (B1). This prevents the
apply and release application is smoothed by need to force the oil back from the front servo through
electronically varying the S5 circuit pressure. the valve body and through the 3-4 shift valve. The
spring positions the valve to prevent oil entering the
release area of the servo until the B1R circuit oil
pressure reaches approximately 100 kPa.


Converter Clutch Control Valve

The converter clutch control valve is a two position KAA5A240
valve which applies or releases the converter clutch.
The switching of this valve is governed by the signal POWER TRAIN SYSTEM
pressure from S7. The Power Train System consists of;
When the valve is in the OFF or released position, con- • A torque converter with single face lock-up clutch
verter feed oil from the PRV is directed to the release
side of the converter clutch. After flowing through the • Four multi-plate clutch assemblies
converter, oil returns to the converter clutch control • Two brake bands
valve and is then directed to the oil cooler. • Two one-way clutches
When the valve is in the ON or applied position, regu- • Planetary gear set
lated oil from the converter clutch regulator valve is • Parking mechanism
directed to the apply side of the converter clutch. This
A conventional six pinion Ravigneaux compound plane-
oil remains within the converter because the converter
tary gear set is used with overdrive (fourth gear) being
clutch piston is sealed against the flat friction surface
obtained by driving the carrier.
of the converter cover. To provide oil flow to the cooler
the converter clutch control valve directs converter feed The cross-sectional arrangement is very modular in
oil from the PRV directly to the cooler circuit. nature.
Four main sub-assemblies are installed within the case
to complete the build. These subassemblies are;


• Gear set-sprag-centre support the B1 band. The 3-4 shift is accomplished by re-
• C1 -C2 -C3 -C4 clutch sub-assembly applying the B1 band and overrunning the 3-4 OWC.
Reverse gear is engaged by applying the C3 clutch
• Pump assembly
and the B2 band.
• Valve body assembly
The C4 clutch is applied in the Manual 1, 2 and 3 ranges
One, or a combination of selective washers are used to provide engine braking. In addition, the C4 clutch
between the input shaft flange and the number 4 is also applied in the Drive range for second and third
bearing to control the transmission end float. This gears to eliminate objectionable freewheel coasting.
arrangement allows for extensive subassembly testing
The B2 band is also applied in the Manual 1 range to
and simplistic final assembly during production.
accomplish the low-overrun shift.
A general description of the operation of the Power
Both the front and rear servos are dual area designs
Train System is detailed below.
to allow accurate friction element matching without the
First gear is engaged by applying the C2 clutch and need for secondary regulator valves. All the friction
locking the 1-2 One Way Clutch (1-2 OWC). The 1-2 elements have been designed to provide low shift
shift is accomplished by applying the B1 band and energies and high static capacities when used with
overrunning the 1-2 OWC. The 2-3 shift is the new low static co-efficient transmission fluids. Non-
accomplished by applying the C1 clutch and releasing asbestos friction materials are used throughout.

Gear Gear C1 C2 C3 C4 B1 B2 1-2 3-4 LU
First 2.741 X X X
Second 1.508 X X X
Third 1.000 X X X X X X*
Fourth 0.708 X X X X X
Reverse 2.428 X X
Manual 1 2.741 X X X X
* For Certain Vehicle Applications, Refer to the Owner's Manual.



Torque Converter Clutch Packs

The torque converter consists of a turbine, stator pump, There are four clutch packs. All clutch packs are com-
impeller and a lock-up damper and piston assembly. posed of multiple steel and friction plates.
As in conventional torque converters, the impeller is C1 CLUTCH: When applied, this clutch pack allows
attached to the converter cover, the turbine is splined the input shaft to drive the planet carrier. This occurs
to the input shaft and the stator is mounted on the in third and fourth gears.
pump housing via a one way clutch (sprag).
C2 CLUTCH: When applied this clutch pack allows
The addition of the damper and piston assembly en- the input shaft to drive the forward sun gear via the 3-
ables the torque converter to lock-up under favorable 4 OWC. This occurs in all forward gears.
conditions. Lock-up is only permitted to occur in third
C3 CLUTCH: When applied this clutch pack allows
and fourth gears under specified throttle and vehicle
the input shaft to drive the reverse sun gear. This only
speed conditions.
occurs in reverse gear.
Lock-up is achieved by applying hydraulic pressure
C4 CLUTCH: When applied this clutch provides engine
to the damper and piston assembly which couples the
braking on overrun. This occurs in Manual 1, 2 and 3
turbine to the converter cover, locking-up the converter
and also Drive 2 and Drive 3 to prevent objectionable
and eliminating unwanted slippage. Whenever lock-
free wheel coasting.
up occurs, improved fuel consumption is achieved.
Torsional damper springs are provided in the damper
and piston assembly to absorb any engine torque
fluctuations during lock-up.




Bands area of the apply piston is utilized. In fourth gear both

areas are utilized for greater clamping force.
The transmission utilizes two bands, the B1 band
(sometimes known as the 2-4 band), and the B2 band The B2 band is a solid band which is engaged by the
(sometimes known as the low-reverse band). rear servo piston. B2 is activated in Park, Reverse,
Neutral and Manual 1. When activated B2 prevents
The B1 band is a flexible band which is engaged by
the planet carrier assembly from rotating. In Manual 1
the front servo piston. B1 is activated in second and
only the inner area of the apply piston is utilized. In
fourth gear. When activated B1 prevents the reverse
Park, Reverse and Neutral, both areas are utilized for
sun gear from rotating by holding the C3 clutch
greater clamping force.
assembly stationary. In second gear only the outer


Planetary Gear Set

One Way Clutches
The planetary gear set used in the transmission is a
The transmission uses two OWCs, the 1-2 OWC and
conventional six pinion Ravigneaux compound gear
the 3-4 OWC. (Note that a third OWC is located in the
torque converter, also known as a sprag.)
The 1-2 OWC is located between the planetary carrier Parking Mechanism
assembly and the center support. This allows the carrier When Park is selected the manual lever extends the
to rotate around the center support in one direction park rod rearwards to engage the parking pawl. The
only. The one way clutch is engaged only in Drive 1. pawl will engage the external teeth on the ring gear
This 3-4 OWC is located between the C4 and the C2 thus locking the output shaft to the transmission case.
clutch assemblies. This allows the C2 clutch to drive When Park is not selected a return spring holds the
the forward sun gear in first, second and third gears parking pawl clear of the output shaft, preventing
but unlocks in fourth gear and during overrun. accidental engagement of Park.



POWER FLOWS • Power Flow - Drive 3

The power flows for the various transmission selections • Power Flow - Drive 3 Lock Up
are listed below; • Power Flow - Drive 4 (Overdrive)
• Power Flow - Neutral and Park • Power Flow - Drive 4 Lock Up
• Power Flow - Reverse The following table details the engaged elements
versus the gear selected for all transmission selections.
• Power Flow - Manual 1
• Power Flow - Drive 1
• Power Flow - Drive 2

Gear State C1 C2 C3 C4 B1 B2 1-2 3-4 LU
Park and Neutral - - - - - X - - -
Reverse - - X - - X - - -
Manual 1 - X - X - X - X -
Drive 1 - X - - - - X X -
Drive 2 and Manual 2 - X - X X - - X -
Drive 3 and Manual 3 X X - X - - - X -
Drive 3 Lock Up and X X - X - - - X X
Manual 3 Lock Up
Drive 4 Overdrive X X - - X - - X -
Drive 4 Lock Up X X - - X - - X X







Power Flow - Park and Neutral • Line (pump) pressure is applied to the Primary Regu-
lator Valve (PRV) and to the solenoid supply
In Park and Neutral, there is no drive to the planetary
pressure regulator valve.
gear set. The rear band is applied to eliminate ‘clunk’
on engagement of the reverse gear, and to improve • The converter, oil cooler, and lubrication circuits are
the low range engagement for 4WD applications. No charged from the primary regulator valve.
other clutches or bands are applied. • The line 500 circuit is charged by the solenoid
In Park the transmission is mechanically locked by supply pressure regulator valve.
engaging a case mounted pawl with teeth on the output • The S5 circuit is charged by the variable pressure
shaft ring gear. solenoid (S5).
Control • Line pressure is prevented from entering the drive
circuit by the manual valve.
To maintain this arrangement in the steady state sole-
noids and valves are activated as follows: • The B1 circuit and all clutch circuits are open to ex-
• Solenoids S1 and S2 are switched OFF.

Gear State C1 C2 C3 C4 B1 B2 1-2 3-4 LU
Park and Neutral - - - - - X - - -






Power Flow - Reverse Control

In Reverse, transmission drive is via the input shaft To maintain this arrangement in the steady state sole-
and the forward clutch cylinder to the hub of the C3 noids and valves are activated as follows;
clutch. The elements of the transmission function as • Solenoids S1 and S2 are switched OFF.
follows; • Line pressure is directed through the reverse lockout
• The C3 clutch is engaged and drives the reverse valve to both the inner and outer apply areas of the
sun gear in a clock-wise direction. rear servo piston for B2 band application.
• The B2 band is engaged and holds the planetary • Line pressure feeds the reverse oil circuit via the
gear carrier stationary causing the long pinion to manual valve.
rotate anti-clockwise about its axis on the pinion • Reverse oil is routed from the manual valve to the
shaft. C3 clutch.
• The long pinion drives the internal ring gear in the • Reverse oil is also applied to the spring end of the
same direction. primary regulator valve to assist the spring and to
• The internal ring being splined to the output shaft boost the line pressure value.
drives it in an anti-clockwise or reverse direction. • All other clutch and band apply circuits are open to

Gear State C1 C2 C3 C4 B1 B2 1-2 3-4 LU
Reverse - - X - - X - - -






Power Flow - Manual 1 Control

In Manual 1, transmission drive is via the input shaft To maintain this arrangement in the steady state sole-
to the forward clutch cylinder. The elements of the noids and valves are activated as follows;
trans-mission function as follows; • Solenoids S1 and S2 are switched ON.
• The C2 clutch is engaged to drive the forward sun • The 1-2, 2-3, and 3-4 shift valves are held in their
gear, via the 3-4 OWC. first gear positions by line 500 pressure.
• The B2 band is engaged to hold the planetary gear • Drive (line pressure) oil from the manual valve en-
carrier stationary. gages the C2 clutch.
• The forward sun gear drives the short pinion anti- • Lo-1st (line pressure) oil is routed through the 1-2
clockwise. shift valve to the C4 clutch, and to the inner apply
• The short pinion drives the long pinion clockwise. area of the rear servo piston for B2 band application.
• The long pinion rotating about its axis drives the
inter-nal ring gear and the output shaft in a clockwise
or forward direction.
• The C4 clutch provides engine braking through the
3-4 OWC on overrun.

Gear State C1 C2 C3 C4 B1 B2 1-2 3-4 LU
Manual 1 - X - X - X - X -






Power Flow - Drive 1 Control

In Drive 1, transmission drive is via the input shaft to To maintain this arrangement in the steady state sole-
the forward clutch cylinder. The elements of the noids and valves are activated as follows:
transmission function as follows : • Solenoids S1 and S2 are switched ON.
• The C2 clutch is engaged to drive the forward sun • The 1-2, 2-3, and 3-4 shift valves are held in their
gear via the 3-4 OWC. first gear positions by line 500 pressure.
• The forward sun gear drives the short pinion anti- • Drive (line pressure) oil from the manual valve en-
clockwise. gages the C2 clutch.
• The short pinion drives the long pinion clockwise.
• The 1-2 OWC prevents the planetary gear carrier
from rotating under reaction force and the long pinion
rotates on its axis driving the internal ring gear and
output shaft in a clockwise or forward direction.
• There is no engine braking on overrun.

Gear State C1 C2 C3 C4 B1 B2 1-2 3-4 LU
Drive 1 - X - - - - X X -






Power Flow - Drive 2 and Manual 2 • Drive (line pressure) oil from the manual valve en-
gages the C2 clutch.
In Drive 2 and Manual 2, transmission drive is via the
input shaft and forward clutch cylinder. The elements • When S1 switches OFF, S1 oil pressure, which is
of the transmission function as follows; derived from line 500 pressure, moves the 3-4 shift
valve to the left. At the same time S1 oil is directed
• The C2 clutch is applied to drive the forward sun to the 1-2 shift valve which moves the valve to the
second gear position.
• The forward sun gear drives the short pinion anti-
clockwise. • 2nd oil (line pressure) from the 1-2 shift valve is di-
rected to the band apply regulator valve, and to
• The short pinion drives the long pinion clockwise. the 2-3 shift valve.
• The B1 band is applied holding the reverse sun • The band apply feed regulator valve supplies 2nd
gear stationary therefore the long pinion walks oil (regulated to line pressure multiplied by the valve
around the reverse sun gear taking the internal ring ratio) to the Band Apply Feed (BAF) circuit.
gear and output shaft with it in a clockwise or
forward direction. • Band apply feed oil is directed to;
- The outer apply area of the front servo
• The C4 clutch is applied to bypass the 3-4 OWC
and provide engine braking on overrun. - The 1-2 shift valve to provide an exhaust port
when the transmission is shifted to first gear
- The 3-4 shift valve for use when the transmission
To maintain this arrangement in the steady state sole- is shifted into fourth gear
noids and valves are activated as follows;
• Drive (line pressure) is routed through the 3-4 shift
• Solenoid S1 is switched OFF. S2 is switched ON. valve to apply the C4 clutch.

Gear State C1 C2 C3 C4 B1 B2 1-2 3-4 LU
Drive 2 and Manual 2 - X - X X - - X -






Power Flow - Drive 3 and Manual 3 • The band apply feed regulator valve supplies 2nd
oil (regulated to line pressure multiplied by the valve
In Drive 2 and Manual 2, transmission drive is via the
ra-tio) to the Band Apply Feed (BAF) circuit.
input shaft and forward clutch cylinder. The elements
of the transmission function as follows; • Band apply feed oil is directed to;
• The C2 clutch is engaged to drive the forward sun - The outer apply area of the front servo
gear. - The 1-2 shift valve to provide an exhaust port
• The C1 clutch is engaged to drive the planet carrier. when the transmission is shifted to first gear
• The short pinion drives the long pinion clockwise. - The 3-4 shift valve for use when the transmission
is shifted into fourth gear
• The forward sun gear and the planet carrier are driv-
en clockwise at the same speed therefore there is • 2nd oil at the 2-3 shift valve is directed to the 3rd
no relative motion between the sun gear and the oil circuit.
pinions. • 3rd oil from the 2-3 shift valve is directed to the
• The ring gear and output shaft are driven in a clock- clutch apply regulator valve, and to the 4-3
wise or forward direction at input shaft speed. sequence valve.
• The C4 clutch is applied to bypass the 3-4 OWC • The clutch apply regulator valve supplies oil (regu-
and provide engine braking on overrun. lated to line 500 pressure multiplied by the valve
ratio) to the Clutch Apply Feed (CAF) circuit.
The CAF oil is directed to;
To maintain this arrangement in the steady state sole-
- The C1clutch
noids and valves are activated as follows:
- The 4-3 sequence valve
• Solenoid S1 is switched OFF. S2 is switched OFF.
• With S1 and S2 switched OFF, the 2-3 and 3-4 shift • At the 4-3 sequence valve the CAF oil becomes
Band 1 Release Feed (B1R-F) oil, and is directed
valves are held in the third gear position by line
through the 3-4 shift valve to the spring end of the
500 pressure.
4-3 sequence valve, and to the release side of the
• The 1-2 shift valve is held in the third gear position front servo piston to hold band 1 OFF.
by S1-S2 oil pressure.
• Drive (line pressure) is routed through the 3-4 shift
• 2nd oil (line pressure) from the 1-2 shift valve is di- valve to apply the C4 clutch.
rected to the band apply feed regulator valve and
to the 2-3 shift valve.

Gear State C1 C2 C3 C4 B1 B2 1-2 3-4 LU
Drive 3 and Manual 3 X X - X - - - X -






Power Flow - Drive 3 Lock Up and Manual 3 • When S7 is switched ON, S7 feed oil to the converter
Lock Up clutch control valve is switched OFF and allowed
to exhaust through the S7 solenoid. This allows the
In Drive 3 Lock Up and Manual 3 Lock Up, transmission valve to move to the clutch engage position.
drive is the same as for Drive 3 but with the application
of the converter lock up clutch to provide positive no- • Regulated apply feed oil, drive oil at the converter
slip converter drive. clutch regulator valve, is directed by the converter
clutch control valve to the engage side of the
Control converter clutch.
Control for Drive 3 Lock Up and Manual 3 Lock Up is • Converter clutch release oil is exhausted at the con-
the same as for Drive 3 with the addition of the verter clutch control valve.
converter clutch circuit activated by solenoid S7.
• Converter feed oil is re-routed by the converter clutch
control valve directly to the oil cooler and lubrication

Gear State C1 C2 C3 C4 B1 B2 1-2 3-4 LU
Drive 3 Lock Up and Manual 3 X X - X - - - X X
Lock Up






Power Flow - Drive 4 (Overdrive) • The 1-2 shift valve is held in the fourth gear position
by S2 oil pressure.
In Drive 4 (Overdrive), transmission drive is via the
input shaft to the forward clutch cylinder. • 2nd oil (line pressure) from the 1-2 shift valve is di-
rected to the band apply feed regulator valve, and
The elements of the transmission function as follows;
to the 2-3 shift valve.
• The C1 clutch is applied to drive the planet carrier
clockwise. • The band apply feed regulator valve supplies 2nd
oil (regulated to line pressure multiplied by the valve
• The B1 band is applied to hold the reverse sun gear ra-tio) to the Band Apply Feed (BAF) circuit.
• Band apply feed oil is directed to;
• As the planet carrier tuns, the long pinion walks - the outer apply area of the front servo
around the stationary reverse sun gear and rotates
around its axis driving the internal ring gear and - the inner apply area of the front servo piston via
output shaft in a clockwise or forward direction at a the 3-4 shift valve
speed faster than the input shaft i.e. in overdrive - the 1-2 shift valve to provide an exhaust port
ratio. when the transmission is shifted to first gear
• The forward sun gear is also driven faster than the • 2nd oil at the 2-3 shift valve is directed to the 3rd
input shaft and overruns the 3-4 OWC. oil circuit.
• The C2 clutch is engaged to reduce the speed differ- • 3rd oil from the 2-3 shift valve is directed to the
ential across the 3-4 OWC. clutch apply regulator valve, and to the 4-3
sequence valve.
To maintain this arrangement in the steady state sole- • The clutch apply regulator valve supplies oil (regu-
lated to line 500 pressure multiplied by the valve
noids and valves are activated as follows;
ratio) to the Clutch Apply Feed (CAF) circuit.
• Solenoid S1 is switched ON. S2 is switched OFF.
• The CAF oil is directed to;
• With S1 switched ON, the 3-4 shift valve is held in - the C1 clutch
the fourth gear position by line 500 pressure on the
small end of the valve. - the 4-3 sequence valve
• With S2 switched OFF, the 2-3 shift valve is held in • Drive oil (line pressure) from the manual valve en-
the fourth gear position by line 500 pressure on the gages the C2 clutch.
large end of the valve.

Gear State C1 C2 C3 C4 B1 B2 1-2 3-4 LU
Drive 4 Overdrive X X - - X - - - -






Power Flow - Drive 4 Lock Up • Regulated apply feed oil, drived from drive oil at
the converter clutch regulator valve, is directed by
In Drive 4 Lock Up, transmission drive is the same as
the converter clutch control valve to the engage side
for Drive 4 but with the application of the converter
of the converter clutch.
lock up clutch to provide positive no-slip converter
drive. • Converter clutch release oil is exhausted at the con-
verter clutch control valve.
• Converter feed oil is re-routed by the converter clutch
To maintain this arrangement in the steady state sole- control valve directly to the oil cooler and lubrication
noids and valves are activated as follows; circuit.
• When S7 is switched ON, S7 feed oil to the converter
clutch control valve is switched OFF and allowed
to exhaust through the S7 solenoid. This allows the
valve to move to the clutch engage position.

Gear State C1 C2 C3 C4 B1 B2 1-2 3-4 LU
Drive 4 Lock Up X X - - X - - - -




Refer to the appropriate “Diagnostic Trouble Code
DIAGNOSIS (DTC)” information and repair the vehicle as
directed. After repairing the vehicle, perform the
BASIC KNOWLEDGE REQUIRED road test and verify that the code has not set again.
You must be familliar with some basic electronics to • Perform the Electrical/Garage Shift Tests.
use this section of the Service Manual. They will help
you to follow diagnostic procedures.
• Perform the Road Test Procedure in this section.

Notice: Lack of the basic knowledge of this transmis-

• Inspect the oil and check for metal or other contami-
nants in the oil pan.
sion when performing diagnostic procedures could re-
sult in incorrect diagnostic performance or damage to TRANSMISSION FLUID LEVEL
transmission components. Do not, under any circum-
stances, attempt to diagnose a transmission problem
without this basic knowledge. This procedure is to be used when checking a concern
Notice: If a wire is probed with a sharp instrument with the fluid level in a vehicle. A low fluid level will
and not properly sealed afterward, the wire will corrode result in slipping and loss of drive/ reverse or delay on
and an open circuit will result. engagement of drive/ reverse when the vehicle is cold.
Diagnostic test probes are now available that allow The vehicle is first checked for transmission diagnostic
you to probe individual wires without leaving the wire messages on the scan tool. If the oil level is low, it is
open to the environment. These probe devices are possible to register a vehicle speed signal fault.
inexpensive and easy to install, and they permanently The vehicle is to be test driven to determine if there is
seal the wire from corrosion. an abnormal delay when selecting drive or reverse, or
loss of drive. One symptom of low fluid level is a
Special Tools momentary loss of drive when driving the vehicle around
You should be able to use a Digital Volt Meter (DVM), a corner. Also when the transmission fluid level is low,
a circuit tester, jumper wires or leads and a line a loss of drive may occur when the transmission fluid
pressure gauge set. The functional check procedure temperature is low.
is designed to verify the correct operation of electronic If there is no loss of drive when the vehicle is driven
components in the transmission. This will eliminate the warm and a vehicle speed signal fault is registered,
unnecessary removal of transmission components. then fluid should be added to the transmission.
FUNCTIONAL CHECK When adding or changing transmission fluid use only
Castrol TQ 95 automatic transmission fluid. The use of
PROCEDURE incorrect fluid will cause the performance and durability
Begin with the Functional Check Procedure which pro- of the transmission to be severely degraded.
vides a general outline of how to diagnose automatic Fluid Level Diagnosis procedure
transmission. The following functional check procedure
will indicate the proper path of diagnosing the transmis- 1. If the vehicle is at operating temperature allow the
sion by describing the basic checks and then referenc- vehicle to cool down for two hours, but no greater
ing the locations of the specific checks. than four hours. Or if the vehicle is at cool status,
start the engine and allow the engine to idle for
• Check the fluid level according to the Fluid Level approximately 5 minutes or, if possible, drive the
Service Procedure.
vehicle for a few kilometers. This will allow the
• Check the transmission fluid leak. transmission to be within the correct temperature
• Check if the transmission fluid is not burnt by smell. range. Transmission fluid level should be checked
Notice: The specific fluid used in this transmission at temperature 50 - 60 °C (82 - 140 °F).
turns brown during normal operation. Brown fluid
Caution: Removal of the fluid filler plug when
does not indicate a transmission fault.
the transmission fluid is hot may cause injury if
• Ensure that the transmission is not in Limp Home fluid drains from the filler hole.
Mode (LHM).
2. With the brake pedal pressed, move the gear shift
• Check the battery terminals and the earth connec-
tions for corrosion or looseness. control lever through the gear ranges, pausing a
few seconds in each range. Return the gear shift
• Check that the cooler flow is not restricted. control lever to P (Park). Turn the engine OFF.
• Check all electrical plug connections for tightness. 3. Park the vehicle on a hoist, inspection pit or similar
• Use on-board diagnostic tool or a scan tool to see raised level surface. The vehicle must be control
if any transmission trouble codes have been set. level to obtain a correct fluid level measurement.

4. Place a fluid container below the fluid filler plug. Then add an additional 0.5 litres of fluid. Return
5. Clean all dirt from around the fluid filler plug. the gear shift lever to P (Park). Turn the engine OFF
Remove the fluid filler plug. Clean the filler plug and raise the vehicle. Install the fluid filler plug and
and check that there is no damage to the ‘O’ ring. tighten it to 33 N•m (24 lb-ft).
• If fluid drains through the filler hole the transmis- 5. Drive the vehicle at 3.5 to 4.5 kilometers with light
sion may have been overfilled. When the fluid throttle so that the engine does not exceed 2500
stops draining the fluid level is correct. Install rpm.
the fluid filler plug and tighten it to 33 N•m (24 This should result in the transmission temperature
lb-ft). being in the range 50 - 60 °C (82 - 140 °F). With the
• If fluid does not drain through the filler hole, the brake applied, move the shift lever through the gear
transmission fluid level may be low. Install the ranges, pausing a few seconds in each range at
filler pump into the filler hole. Lower the vehicle the engine idling.
with the filler pump still connected and partially 6. Return the gear shift lever to P (Park).
fill the fluid through the filler hole. Turn the en-gine OFF and raise the vehicle on the
Start the vehicle in P (Park) with the parking hoist, if applicable, ensuring the vehicle is level.
brake and the brake applied. With the engine When the three minutes passed after the engine
idling, move the gear shift. control lever through stopped, remove the filler plug.
the gear ranges, pausing a few seconds in each Check if the fluid level is aligned with the bottom of
range and adding the fluid until gear application the filler hole. If not, add a small quantity of fluid to
is felt. the correct level. Install the fluid filler plug and
Return the gear shift lever to P (Park). tighten it to 33 N•m (24 lb-ft).
Turn the engine OFF and raise the vehicle. When 7. Wipe any fluid around the filler plug with a rag or
the three minutes passed after the engine shop towel.
stopped, remove the filler pump.
Check if the fluid level is aligned with the bottom FLUID LEAK DIAGNOSIS AND
of the filler hole. If not, add a small quantity of REPAIR
fluid to the correct level. Install the fluid filler The cause of most external leaks can generally be lo-
plug and tighten it to 33 N•m (24 lb-ft). cated and repaired with the transmission in the vehicle.
• If fluid does not drain through the filler hole al- Methods for Locating Leaks
though adding a total of 1.5 liters, the transmission
should be inspected for fluid leaks and any leaks General Method
should be fixed before setting the transmission
1. Verify that the leak is transmission fluid.
fluid level.
2. Thoroughly clean the suspected leak area.
6. When the fluid level checking procedure is com-
pleted, wipe any fluid around the filler plug with a 3. Drive the vehicle for approximately 25 km (15 miles)
rag or shop towel. or until the transmission reaches normal operating
temperature (88 °C, 190 °F).
Fluid Level Set After Service 4. Park the vehicle over clean paper or cardboard.
1. Depending on the service procedure performed, 5. Turn the engine OFF and look for fluid spots on the
add the following amounts of fluid through the filler paper.
plug hole prior to adjusting the fluid level:
6. Make the necessary repairs to correct the leak.
Converter empty 8.0 liters (8.5 quarts)
Powder Method
Converter full 3.8 liters (4.0 quarts)
1. Thoroughly clean the suspected leak area.
2. Follow steps 1 through 4 of the Fluid Level Diagnosis
Procedure. 2. Apply an aerosol type powder (foot powder) to the
suspected leak area.
3. Clean all dirt from around the fluid filler plug.
Remove the fluid filler plug. Clean the filler plug 3. Drive the vehicle for approximately 25 km (15 miles)
and check that there is no damage to the ‘O’ ring. or until the transmission reaches normal operating
temperature (88 °C, 190 °F).
4. Lower the vehicle with the filler pump still connected
and start the vehicle in P (Park) with the parking 4. Turn the engine OFF.
brake and the brake applied. With the engine idling, 5. Inspect the suspected leak area and trace the leak
move the gear shift control lever through the gear path through the powder to find the source of the
ranges, pausing a few seconds in each range and leak.
adding the fluid until gear application is felt. 6. Make the necessary repairs.

1. Add dye to the transmission through the transmission • OPEN THROTTLE POSITION LEARNT
fluid filler plug. Follow the manufacturer’s recommen- • CLOSED ACCEL. PEDAL POSITION LEARNT
dation for the amount of dye to be used.
2. Use the black light to find the fluid leak.
3. Make the necessary repairs.
Repairing the Fluid Leak • 4WD STATUS
Once the leak point is found the source of the leak • MODE SWITCH
must be determined. The following list describes the
potential causes for the leak:
• Fasteners are not torqued to specification.
• Fastener threads and fastener holes are dirty or
corroded. • A/C SWITCH

• Gaskets, seals or sleeves are misaligned, damaged • KICKDOWN SWITCH VOLTAGE

• Damaged, warped or scratched seal bore or gasket • 4WD LAMP HIGH VOLTAGE
• Loose or worn bearing causing excess seal or sleeve • BATTERY VOLTAGE
wear. 6. Monitor the A/C COMPRESSOR STATUS signal
• Case or component porosity. while pushing the A/C switch.
• Fluid level is too high. • The A/C COMPRESSOR STATUS should come
• Plugged vent or damaged vent tube. ON when the A/C switch is pressed, and turn
OFF when the A/C switch is repushed.
• Water or coolant in fluid.
7. Monitor the GEAR SHIFT LEVER POSITION signal
• Fluid drain back holes plugged. and move the gear shift control lever through all
value matches the gear range indicated on the
This preliminary test should be performed before a hoist instrument panel or console.
or road test to make sure electronic control inputs are
connected and operating. If the inputs are not checked • Gear selections should be immediate and not
before operating the transmission, a simple electrical
condition could be misdiagnosed as a major 8. Move gear shift control lever to neutral and monitor
transmission condition. the THROTTLE POSITION signal while increasing
and decreasing engine speed with the accelerator
A scan tool provides valuable information and must
be used on the automatic transmission for accurate
diagnosis. • THROTTLE POSITION should increase with en-
gine speed.
1. Move gear shift control lever to P (Park) and set
the parking brake. ROAD TEST PROCEDURE
2. Connect scan tool to Data Link Connector (DLC)
terminal. • Perform the road test using a scan tool.

3. Start engine. • This test should be performed when traffic and road
conditions permit.
4. Turn the scan tool ON.
• Observe all traffic regulations.
5. Verify that the appropriate signals are present.
These signals may include: ELECTRONIC ADJUSTMENTS
• ENGINE SPEED Idle Speed Adjustments
• VEHICLE SPEED Carry out the adjustments to the idle speed as detailed
• THROTTLE POSITION in the workshop manual.
• TRANSMISSION GEAR STATE The vehicle coding is integrated as part of the
• GEAR SHIFT LEVER POSITION diagnostic software. A scan tool has the function to
• TRANSMISSION FLUID TEMPERATURE code the ve-hicle through the K-line.

1. Add dye to the transmission through the transmission • OPEN THROTTLE POSITION LEARNT
fluid filler plug. Follow the manufacturer’s recommen- • CLOSED ACCEL. PEDAL POSITION LEARNT
dation for the amount of dye to be used.
2. Use the black light to find the fluid leak.
3. Make the necessary repairs.
Repairing the Fluid Leak • 4WD STATUS
Once the leak point is found the source of the leak • MODE SWITCH
must be determined. The following list describes the
potential causes for the leak:
• Fasteners are not torqued to specification.
• Fastener threads and fastener holes are dirty or
corroded. • A/C SWITCH

• Gaskets, seals or sleeves are misaligned, damaged • KICKDOWN SWITCH VOLTAGE

• Damaged, warped or scratched seal bore or gasket • 4WD LAMP HIGH VOLTAGE
• Loose or worn bearing causing excess seal or sleeve • BATTERY VOLTAGE
wear. 6. Monitor the A/C COMPRESSOR STATUS signal
• Case or component porosity. while pushing the A/C switch.
• Fluid level is too high. • The A/C COMPRESSOR STATUS should come
• Plugged vent or damaged vent tube. ON when the A/C switch is pressed, and turn
OFF when the A/C switch is repushed.
• Water or coolant in fluid.
7. Monitor the GEAR SHIFT LEVER POSITION signal
• Fluid drain back holes plugged. and move the gear shift control lever through all
value matches the gear range indicated on the
This preliminary test should be performed before a hoist instrument panel or console.
or road test to make sure electronic control inputs are
connected and operating. If the inputs are not checked • Gear selections should be immediate and not
before operating the transmission, a simple electrical
condition could be misdiagnosed as a major 8. Move gear shift control lever to neutral and monitor
transmission condition. the THROTTLE POSITION signal while increasing
and decreasing engine speed with the accelerator
A scan tool provides valuable information and must
be used on the automatic transmission for accurate
diagnosis. • THROTTLE POSITION should increase with en-
gine speed.
1. Move gear shift control lever to P (Park) and set
the parking brake. ROAD TEST PROCEDURE
2. Connect scan tool to Data Link Connector (DLC)
terminal. • Perform the road test using a scan tool.

3. Start engine. • This test should be performed when traffic and road
conditions permit.
4. Turn the scan tool ON.
• Observe all traffic regulations.
5. Verify that the appropriate signals are present.
These signals may include: ELECTRONIC ADJUSTMENTS
• ENGINE SPEED Idle Speed Adjustments
• VEHICLE SPEED Carry out the adjustments to the idle speed as detailed
• THROTTLE POSITION in the workshop manual.
• TRANSMISSION GEAR STATE The vehicle coding is integrated as part of the
• GEAR SHIFT LEVER POSITION diagnostic software. A scan tool has the function to
• TRANSMISSION FLUID TEMPERATURE code the ve-hicle through the K-line.


Condition Possible Causes Action
No Drive in D • Insufficient auto transmission • Check the fluid level. Top up as
fluid. necessary.
• Blocked feed in C1/C2 cylinder. • Inspect and clean C1/C2 feed.
• ‘Z’ link displaced. • Reinstall/renew the ‘z’ link.
• Primary Regulator Valve (PRV) • Remove, clean and re-install the
jammed open. PRV.
• Overdrive shaft or input shaft • Inspect and replace as necessary.
seal rings failed.
• 3-4 or 1-2 One Way Clutch • Inspect and replace as necessary.
(OWC) installed backwards or
• C2 piston broken or cracked. • Inspect and replace as necessary.
No Drive in Reverse • Rear band or servo faulty. • Check servo adjustment or
No engine braking in Manual 1 replace rear band as necessary.
Engine braking in Manual 1 is OK • Failure in C3, C3 hub or C1/C2 • Check for failure in C3, C3 hub
cylinder. or C1/C2 cylinder. Repair as
• Damaged input shaft sealing rings. • Inspect and replace as necessary.
No drive in Drive and Reverse • Jammed Primary Regulator • Inspect and clean PRV.
Valve (PRV).
• Damaged/broken pump gears. • Inspect and replace pump
gears as necessary.
• Dislodged output shaft snap ring. • Inspect and repair as necessary.



Condition Possible Causes Action

2-3 shift only (no 4th or 1st) • S1 always OFF. • Inspect S1. Repair or replace as
• Check for 12 Volts applied to S1
at all times or for wiring fault.
1-4 shift only1-3-4 • S1 always ON. • Inspect S1. Repair or replace as
(Delayed 1-2 shift) necessary.
• Check for 12 Volts applied to S1
at all times or for wiring fault.
4-3 shift only • S2 always OFF. • Inspect S2. Repair or replace as
• Check for open circuit or wiring
1-2-Neutral (1st over run) • S2 always ON. • Inspect S2. Repair or replace as
• Check for open circuit or wiring
1-3 shift only • B1 failed. • Inspect and repair as necessary.
• Loose band adjustment. • Inspect and adjust as necessary.
• Front servo piston or seal failed. • Inspect and repair as necessary.
• S1/S2 ball misplaced, • Inspect and replace or refit as
1-3-4 only • Smaller ‘O’ ring on front servo • Inspect ‘O’ ring. Refit or replace
piston failed or missing. as necessary.
• 2-3 shift valve jammed. • Inspect the 2-3 shift valve.
Repair or replace as necessary.
1-2-1 only • C1 clutch failed or slipping in 3rd • Inspect C1 clutch. Repair or
and 4th. (Gives 1st in 3rd and replace as necessary.
2nd in 4th.)
No manual 4-3, 3-2 or 2-1 • Over-run Clutch (OC) /low ball • Inspect ball. Refit or replace as
misplaced. necessary.
No manual 1st • Rear band slipping when hot. • Inspect rear band adjustment.
Adjust as necessary.
• Reverse/Low-1st ball misplaced. • Inspect ball. Refit or replace as
• Rear servo inner ‘O’ ring • Inspect ‘O’ ring. Refit or replace
missing. as necessary.
1st gear only or 2nd,3rd, and 4th • 1-2 shift valve jammed. • Inspect the 1-2 shift valve.
only Repair or replace as necessary.
1st and 2nd only or 1st, 3rd and • 2-3 shift valve jammed. • Inspect the 2-3 shift valve.
4th only Repair or replace as necessary.
1st, 2nd and 4th only or 1st, 2nd, • Inhibitor switch fault, 1-2-3 only. • Inspect inhibitor switch. Repair
and 3rd (tied up in 3rd) or replace as necessary.
• 3-4 shift valve jammed. • Inspect the 3-4 shift valve.
Repair or replace as necessary.


Condition Possible Causes Action

Harsh 2-3 shift • Jammed band 1 release valve. • Inspect the release valve.
Repair or replace as necessary.
• Faulty S3 or S2 solenoid. • Inspect S3 or S2. Repair or
replace as necessary.
• Faulty clutch apply regulator • Inspect the regulator valve.
valve. Repair or replace as necessary.
• Missing or damaged clutch • Inspect the ball. Refit or replace
apply feed ball. as necessary.
• Damaged input shaft sealing • Inspect the sealing rings. Refit
rings. or replace as necessary.
• Damaged C1 piston ‘O’ rings. • Inspect the ‘O’ rings. Refit or
replace as necessary.
• Damaged or dislodged C1 • Inspect the bleed ball. Refit or
piston bleedball. replace as necessary.
Harsh 3-4 shift • Faulty S1 or S4 solenoid. • Inspect S1 or S4. Repair or
replace as necessary.
• Jammed band 1 release valve. • Inspect the release valve.
Repair or replace as necessary.
• Incorrect front band adjustment. • Inspect the band. Adjust as
• Damaged front servo piston ‘O’ • Inspect the ‘O’ rings. Refit or
rings. replace as necessary.
• Faulty or damaged variable • Inspect S5. Repair or replace as
pressure solenoid (S5). necessary.
• Faulty band apply regulator • Inspect the regulator valve.
valve. Repair or replace as necessary.



Condition Possible Causes Action

All Shifts Firm • Incorrect auto transmission fluid • Drain and fill with specified ATF.
• S5 faulty won, or incorrectly • Check that S5 is fitted correctly,
fitted. or replace S5.
• Band apply and clutch apply • Inspect band apply and clutch
regulator springs misplaced. apply regulator springs. Refit or
replace as necessary
Manual 4-3-2-1 is soft delayed or • Over-run Clutch (OC) /Low-1st • Inspect the ball. Refit or replace
missing ball misplaced. as necessary.
• C4 clutch worn or burnt. • Inspect C4 clutch. Replace or
repair as necessary.
• C4 wave plate not lined up with • Check the alignment. Realign as
the holes in the piston. necessary.
Firm 1-2 Hot • S5 worn. • Inspect S5 and replace as
4th Tied up • Incorrect C4 pack clearance. • Check the clearance and adjust
as necessary.
• Damaged C4 clutch. • Inspect C4. Repair or replace as
• Cracked C2 piston (leaking into • Inspect piston. Repair or
C4). replace as necessary.
Tied up on 2-3 • Incorrect band adjustment • Inspect and adjust band as
• Front servo plastic plug missing • Replace the plug.
• B1R spring broken. • Replace the spring.
Flare on 2-3 • B1R spring/plug left out. • Replace the spring/plug.
• C1/B1R ball misplaced. • Refit the ball.
• C1 clutch damaged. • Inspect the clutch. Repair the
clutch as necessary.
• Restriction in C1 feed. • Inspect and clean C1 feed.
• C1 piston check ball jammed. • Replace the piston.
• Overdrive or input shaft sealing • Inspect and replace the sealing
rings damaged. rings and/or shaft as necessary.
Slips in 4th • C1/B1R ball misplaced. • Inspect and replace the ball.
• Overdrive or input shaft sealing • Inspect and replace the sealing
rings damaged. rings and/or shaft as necessary.
• C1 clutch damaged. • Inspect and repair the C1 clutch
as necessary.
Slips in reverse, no manual 1st • Rear band incorrectly adjusted • Inspect and adjust or replace
or damage rear band.
• Low-1st check ball misplaced. • Inspect and re-fit the ball.
Flare on 4-3, Flare on 3-2 • 4-3 sequence valve in backwards. • Refit the valve.
Firm Manual low shift-high line • Low-1st check ball misplaced. • Replace the ball.


Condition Possible Causes Action

Harsh 1-2 shift • Faulty inhibitor switch. • Check the resistance. Replace
the inhibitor switch as necessary.
• Faulty throttle position sensor. • Inspect and replace the sensor
as necessary.
• Incorrect front band adjustment. • Inspect and adjust the band as
• Damaged front servo piston ‘O’ • Inspect and replace the ‘O’
rings. rings as necessary.
• Faulty or damaged variable • Inspect, repair or replace S5 as
pressure solenoid (S5). necessary.
• Faulty S1 or S4 solenoid. • Inspect, repair or replace S1 or
S4 as necessary.
• Faulty Band Apply Regulator • Inspect, repair or replace the
(BAR) valve. BAR as necessary.
• Misassembled front servo return • Inspect and repair as necessary.
Stalls when Drive Or Reverse • Jammed Converter Clutch • Inspect and clean CCCV.
Control Valve (CCCV).
Selected Shudder on Rolldown • Faulty solenoid 7. • Inspect, repair or replace as



Condition Possible Causes Action

C2 burnt • Gear shift lever linkage out of • Inspect, repair C2 and adjust
adjustment. the linkage as necessary.
• S6 foiled - stuck low. • Repair C2. Inspect, repair or
replace S6 as necessary.
• Overdrive/output shaft sealing • Repair C2. Inspect, replace the
rings damaged. sealing rings and/or shaft as
• C2 piston cracked. • Repair C2. Inspect, repair or
replace the C2 piston as
C4 burnt • Incorrect C4 pack clearance. • Inspect C4 and repair as
• Inspect and adjust the C4 pack
clearance as necessary.
• C4 wave plate not lined up • Repair C4. Inspect and realign
properly. the wave plate as necessary.
• Overdrive or output shaft sealing • Repair C4. Inspect and realign
rings damaged. the sealing rings and/or shaft as
• C2 piston cracked. • Repair C4. Inspect and replace
the C2 piston as necessary.
• Over-run Clutch (OC) /low-1st • Repair C4. Inspect and refit the
ball misplaced. ball as necessary.
B1 burnt • B1R spring broken. • Inspect and repair B1 and
replace the spring as necessary.
• Input shaft sealing ring cut. • Replace sealing ring.
• C1/B1R ball misplaced. • Repair B1. Refit the ball as
C1 burnt • B1R spring left out. • Inspect and repair C1 and
replace the spring.
• Overdrive or input shaft sealing • Repair C1. Inspect and replace
rings damaged. the sealing tongs and/or shaft
as necessary.
• C1 piston cracked. • Repair C1. Inspect and replace
the C1 piston as necessary.
• Ball capsule jammed. • Repair C1. Inspect and refit the
capsule as necessary.
• 4-3 sequence valve in backwards. • Repair C1. Inspect and refit the
valve as necessary.
• Clutch Apply Feed (CAF) /B1R • Repair C1. Inspect and replace
ball left out. the ball as necessary.
B2 burnt • Rear band incorrectly adjusted • Inspect and adjust the band as
(Slips in reverse - no manual 1st ) or damaged. necessary.
• Reverse-low/first ball misplaced. • Inspect and refit the ball as


Condition Possible Causes Action

Firm converter lock or unlock • Input shaft 'O' ring missing or • Inspect and replace the 'O' ring
damaged. as necessary.
• Converter clutch regulator valve • Inspect and refit the valve as
in backwards. necessary.
No lock up at light throttle • Input shaft 'O' ring missing or • Inspect and replace the 'O' ring
damaged. as necessary.
• C1 bias valve in backwards. • Inspect and refit the valve as



TCM DIAGNOSTIC SYSTEM to the EOBD scan tool to pass on any EOBD relevant
codes from the TCM. The table below contains a list of
OVERVIEW all supported DTCs and the classification of each for
Notice: To prevent Transmission Control Module (TCM) EOBD purposes. Where a type B DTC has been set in
damage. The ignition key must be OFF when an EOBD vehicle, the response to the fault may include
disconnection or reconnection the power to the TCM action by the ECM, including the illumination of the
(for example bttery cable, TCM pigtail connector, TCM Malfunction lndicator Lamp (MIL). Refer to Section 1F,
fuse, jumper cables, etc.). Engine Control, for details on EOBD system function,
When the TCM detects a system fault, a Diagnostic checks and fault clearing.
Trouble Code (DTC) is set in the TCM. This code is
present while the fault conditions are met and is stored
as a ‘History DTC’ until cleared. Condition for setting TCM DTCs should be cleared after repairs have been
and clearing each TCM DTC are provided in the relevant completed. Some diagnostic tables will tell you to clear
sections. the codes before using the chart, which will help to
In the case where the vehicle type is certified for Eure find the cause of the problem more quickly. Always
On-Board Diagnostic (EOBD) compliance, the Engine note the DTCs present before clearing - this information
Control Module (ECM) provides the communication link may be helpful in the diagnostic process.”


DTC Description Type

P0706 Transmission Range Sensor Circuit Range/Performance B

P0707 Transmission Range Sensor Circuit Low input B
P0708 Transmission Range Sensor Circuit High input B
P0710 Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor Circuit Malfunction D
P0790 Normal/Performance Switch Circuit Malfunction D
P1703 Engine Speed Signal Error D
P1704 Shaft Speed Signal Error D
P1708 TCM Supply Voltage Low D
P1709 TCM Supply Voltage High D
P1712 Kickdown Switch Circuit Malfunction D
P1713 Pedal Signal Error D
P1714 EEPROM Vehicle Code Error D
P1715 VPS Offset Error D
P1717 RAM Error D
P1718 ROM Error D
P1719 CAN Bus Error D
P1720 EEPROM Error D
P1721 Throttle Signal Error D
P1722 Vehicle Type Determination Error D
P1733 Solenoid 1 Circuit Open D
P1734 Solenoid 2 Circuit Open D
P1735 Solenoid 3 Circuit Open D
P1736 Solenoid 4 Circuit Open D
P1737 Solenoid 5 Circuit Open D



DTC Description Type

P1738 Solenoid 6 Circuit Open D

P1739 Solenoid 7 Circuit Open D
P1741 Solenoid 1 Circuit Short D
P1742 Solenoid 2 Circuit Short D
P1743 Solenoid 3 Circuit Short D
P1744 Solenoid 4 Circuit Short D
P1745 Solenoid 5 Circuit Short D
P1746 Solenoid 6 Circuit Short D
P1747 Solenoid 7 Circuit Short D

DTC Types • TCM stores a history DTC on the first driving cycle
with a fail.
Each DTC is directly related to a diagnostic test. The
Diagnostic management system sets DTCs based on • EOBD system stores a history DTC on the second
the failure of the tests during a driving cycle or cycles. consecutive driving cycle with a fail, (the DTC will
The following are the two types of DTCs and the charac- be armed after the first fail).
teristics of those codes; • EOBD system stores a freeze frame on the second
consecutive driving cycle with a fail, (if empty).
Type B
• Emissions related. Type D
• EOBD system “Armed” after one driving cycle with • Non-Emissions related.
a fail. • Does not request illumination of any lamp.
• EOBD system “Disarmed” after one driving cycle • Stores a history DTC on the first driving cycle with
with a pass. a fail.
• Illuminates the MIL on the second con-secutive • EOBD system does not store a freeze frame.
driving cycle with a fail.



TCM DIAGNOSTIC SYSTEM as a ‘History DTC’ until cleared. Condition for setting
and clearing each TCM DTC are provided in the relevant
OVERVIEW sections.
Notice: To prevent Transmission Control Module (TCM)
damage. The ignition key must be OFF when CLEARING TROUBLE CODES
disconnection or reconnection the power to the TCM TCM DTCs should be cleared after repairs have been
(for example bttery cable, TCM pigtail connector, TCM completed. Some diagnostic tables will tell you to clear
fuse, jumper cables, etc.). the codes before using the chart, which will help to
When the TCM detects a system fault, a Diagnostic find the cause of the problem more quickly. Always
Trouble Code (DTC) is set in the TCM. This code is note the DTCs present before clearing - this information
present while the fault conditions are met and is stored may be helpful in the diagnostic process.


DTC Description

P0707 Transmission Range Sensor Circuit Low Input

P0708 Transmission Range Sensor Circuit High Input
P0710 Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor Circuit Malfunction
P0790 Normal/Performance Switch Circuit Malfunction
P1703 Engine Speed Signal Error
P1704 Shaft Speed Signal Error
P1708 TCM Supply Voltage Low
P1709 TCM Supply Voltage High
P1710 Air Conditioning Switch Circuit Malfunction
P1712 Kickdown Switch Circuit Malfunction
P1714 EEPROM Vehicle Code Error
P1715 VPS Offset Error
P1716 Throttle Not Learnt Error
P1717 RAM Error
P1718 ROM Error
P1720 EEPROM Error
P1721 Throttle Signal Error
P1722 Vehicle Type Determination Error
P1733 Solenoid 1 Circuit Open
P1734 Solenoid 2 Circuit Open
P1735 Solenoid 3 Circuit Open
P1736 Solenoid 4 Circuit Open
P1737 Solenoid 5 Circuit Open
P1738 Solenoid 6 Circuit Open
P1739 Solenoid 7 Circuit Open
P1741 Solenoid 1 Circuit Short
P1742 Solenoid 2 Circuit Short
P1743 Solenoid 3 Circuit Short
P1744 Solenoid 4 Circuit Short



DTC Description

P1745 Solenoid 5 Circuit Short

P1746 Solenoid 6 Circuit Short
P1747 Solenoid 7 Circuit Short




Circuit Description Diagnostic Aids
The Transmission Control Module (TCM) Diagnistic An intermittent fault may be caused by a poor connec-
System Check is the starting point for any driveability tion, rubbed-through wire insulation or a wire broken
complaint diagnosis. Before using this procedure, inside the insulation. Check for poor connections or a
perform a careful visual/physical check of the damaged harness. Inspect the TCM harness and con-
Transmission Control Module (TCM) and the nections for improper mating, broken locks, improperly
transmission grounds for cleanliness and tightness. formed or damaged terminals, poor terminal-to-wire
The TCM Diagnostic System Check is an organized connection, and damaged harness.
approach to identifying a problem created by an
electronic transmission control system malfunction.

TCM Diagnostic System Check

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

1 Turn the ignition OFF.
2. Install the scan tool.
3. Turn the ignition ON, with the engine OFF.
4. Attempt to display the Transmission Control
Module (TCM) Data List with the scan tool.
Does the scan tool display the TCM data? - Go to Step 2 Go to Step 3
Select the Trouble Code with the scan tool.
Are any Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) stored? Go to System OK,
2 applicable Check
- DTC table Complete


TCM Diagnostic System Check (Cont'd)

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

1. Turn the ignition OFF.
2. Disconnect the TCM connector B.
3. Turn the ignition ON.
4. Check the serial data line from TCM connector
terminal B22 to Data Link Connector (DLC) connec-
tor terminal 14 for an open, short to ground, or
short to voltage. Also, check the DLC ignition feed
circuit for an open or short to ground and the DLC
ground circuit for an open.
Is a problem found? - Go to Step 4 Go to Step 5
Repair the open, short to ground or short to voltage in
the serial data circuit or the DLC ignition feed circuit
4 or the DLC ground circuit.
Is a repair complete? - Go to Step 1 -
Check the TCM ignition feed circuit for an open or
5 short to ground and the TCM ground circuit for an
open. - Go to Step 6 Go to Step 7
Is a problem found?
6 Repair the open or short to ground in the TCM ignition
feed circuit or the TCM ground circuit. - Go to Step 1 -
Is a repair complete?
7 1. Turn the ignition OFF.
2. Disconnect the TCM connector. - Go to Step 1 -




Circuit Description Action Taken When the DTC Sets
The Transmission Range (TR) sensor is incorporated • The Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) will illuminate
in the inhibitor switch mounted on the side of the on the second consecutive driving cycle with the
transmission case. The TR sensor Indicates to the TCM DTC present.
which gear position has been selected by way of a • The EOBD system will record operating conditions
varying resistance. at the time the diagnostic fails. This information will
The TR sensor signal has discrete values indicating be stored in the Failure Records buffer.
the positions selected by the gear shift control lever • TR signal is assumed to be in the Drive position.
(PRND321). The Transmission Control Module (TCM)
receives that signal with a voltage varying from 0 V to • The transmission is limited to 2nd and R gears only.
Namely 1st, 3rd and 4th gears are inhibited.
5 V. DTC P0706 sets when the TR sensor signal is not
feasi ble. • Torque Converter Clutch (TCC) is disabled.
Conditions for Setting the DTC Conditions for Clearing the DTC
• The engine temperature is greater than 60 °C (140 °F). • The DTC will clear when the malfunction has not oc-
curred for 30 seconds and TR is in P, R, N or D.
• The engine speed is greater than 2000 RPM and
less than 4000 RPM. • A history DTC will clear after 40 TCM power-up
cycles with a warm transmission (>50 °C) and
• Engine load is greater than 60 %. without a fault.
• DTCs P0707, P0708, P1703 and P1719 are not set. • History DTCs can be cleared by using a scan tool.
• Transmission temperature is greater than 0 °C (32 °F)
or if P0710 is present the engine coolant Diagnostic Aids
temperature is greater than 60 °C (140 °F). • Inspect the wiring for poor electrical connections
• The TR sensor indicates that the transmission is in at the TCM and at the TR sensor connector. Look
a neutral state, however the engine output torque for possible bent, backed out, deformed or damaged
indicates that a drive gear load is present. This ter-minals. Check for weak terminal tension as well.
condition must be continuously present for 5 Also, check for chafed wires that could short to bare
seconds. metal or other wiring. Inspect for broken wires inside
the in-sulation.


DTC P0706 Transmission Range Sensor Circuit Range/Performance

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

Perform a Transmission Control Module (TCM) Go to “TCM
1 Diagnostic System Check. Diagnostic
Is the check performed? - Go to Step 2 System Check”
1. Install the scan tool.
2. Turn the ignition ON, with the engine OFF.
3. Record and then clear DTCs.
4. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for Go to
setting this DTC as specified in the text. “Diagnostic
Does the scan tool display P0706? - Go to Step 3 Aids”
1. Select Gear Lever Position on scan tool Data List.
2. Move the gear shift control lever through all of the
3 gear ranges (P, R, N, D, 3, 2, 1).
Does the scan tool display the correct gear lever
positions? - Go to Step 6 Go to Step 4
1. Inspect the TR sensor for damage to its rotating
part or its mountings.
4 2. Inspect the shaft driving the TR sensor for damage.
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 5 Go to Step 6
5 Replace the TR sensor or driving shaft as appropriate.
Is the acting complete? - Go to Step 7 -
Check for damage to the z-link within the transmission
6 and repair as necessary.
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 7 -
1. Using the scan tool, clear the DTCs.
2. Road test the vehicle within the conditions for
setting this DTC as specified in the text.
7 Does the scan tool indicate that this diagnostic has
run and passed? - Go to Step 8 Go to Step 2
Check if any DTCs are set. Go to System OK,
8 Are there any DTCs displayed or previously recorded applicable Check
at Step 2 that have not been diagnosed? - DTC table Complete




Circuit Description Conditions for Clearing the DTC
The Transmission Range (TR) sensor is incorporated • The DTC will clear when the malfunction has not
in the inhibitor switch mounted on the side of the occurred for 3 seconds.
transmis sion case. The TR sensor Indicates to the • A history DTC will clear after 40 TCM power-up
TCM which gear position has been selected by way of cycles with a warm transmission (>50 °C) and
a varying resistance. without a fault.
The TR sensor signal has discrete values indicating • History DTCs can be cleared by using a scan tool.
the positions selected by the gear shift control lever
(PRND321). The Transmission Control Module (TCM) Diagnostic Aids
receives that signal with a voltage varying from 0 V to • The voltage measured by the TCM across the TR
5 V. DTC P0707 sets when the TR sensor signal is sensor input terminals has been below on
faulty, causing the gear lever position signal to be less acceptable level for a significant length of time.
than 0.87 V. • This would typically be caused by a short to ground
Conditions for Setting the DTC in the wiring to, or within, the inhibitor switch which
has caused the signal at the TCM to read about 0
• TR sensor signal is less than 0.87 V. V.
• The above condition must be continuously present • Inspect the wiring for poor electrical connections
for 100 milliseconds.
at the TCM and at the TR sensor connector. Look
Action Taken When the DTC Sets for possible bent, deformed or damaged terminals.
• The Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) will illuminate Also, check for chafed wires that could short to bare
on the second consecutive driving cycle with the metal or other wiring.
DTC present. • In searching for a possible intermittent short or open
• The EOBD system will record operating conditions condition, move or massage the wiring harness
at the time the diagnostic fails. This information will while observing the test equipment for a change.
be stored in the Failure Records buffer. Test Description
• Transmission range is assumed to be in the Drive The number(s) below refer to the step number(s) on
position. the Diagnostic Table.
• The transmission is limited to 2nd and R gears only. 3. This step simulates a DTC P0708 condition. If the
Namely 1st, 3rd and 4th gears are inhibited. scan tool displays the specified value, the TR
• Torque Converter Clutch (TCC) is disabled. sensor signal circuit and the TCM are OK.


DTC P0707 Transmission Range Sensor Circuit Low Input

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

Perform a Transmission Control Module (TCM) Go to “TCM
1 Diagnostic System Check. Diagnostic
Is the check performed? - Go to Step 2 System Check”
1. Turn the ignition ON, with the engine OFF.
2. Install a scan tool.
3. Record and then clear DTCs.
2 4. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for
setting this DTC as specified in the text. Go to
5. Review the TR Sensor value on the scan tool. “Diagnostic
Is the TR Sensor value less than the specified value? 0.87 V Go to Step 3 Aids”
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
2. Disconnect the Transmission Range (TR) sensor
3 connector.
3. Turn the ignition ON.
Is the TR Sensor value greater than specified value? 4.12 V Go to Step 4 Go to Step 5
Replace the TR sensor.
Is the action complete? - Go to Step 10 -
With a test light connected to B+, probe the TR
5 sensor signal circuit at terminal 1.
Does the test light illuminate? - Go to Step 6 Go to Step 8
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
2. Disconnect the Transmission Control Module (TCM)
connector A.
6 3. Turn the ignition ON.
4. With a test light connected to B+, probe the TR
sensor signal circuit at terminal 1.
Does the test light illuminate? - Go to Step 7 Go to Step 9
Repair the short to ground in the TR sensor signal
7 circuit.
Is a repair complete? - Go to Step 10 -
Check for a poor connection at the TR sensor connector
and TCM connector and repair the malfunctioning
8 terminals as necessary.
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 10 -
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
9 2. Replace the TCM.
Is the action complete? - Go to Step 10 -
1. Using the scan tool, clear the DTCs.
2. Road test the vehicle within the conditions for
10 setting this DTC as specified in the text.
Does the scan tool indicate that this diagnostic has
run and passed? - Go to Step 11
Check if any DTCs are set. Go to System OK,
11 Are there any DTCs displayed or DTC previously applicable Check
recorded at Step 2 that have not been diagnosed? - DTC table Complete




Circuit Description Conditions for Clearing the DTC
The Transmission Range (TR) sensor is incorporated • The DTC will clear when the malfunction has not
in the inhibitor switch mounted on the side of the occurred for 3 seconds.
transmission case. The TR sensor Indicates to the • A history DTC will clear after 40 TCM power-up
TCM which gear position has been selected by way of cycles with a warm transmission (>50°C) and
a varying resistance. without a fault.
The TR sensor signal has discrete values indicating • History DTCs can be cleared by using a scan tool.
the positions selected by the gear shift control lever
(PRND321). The Transmission Control Module (TCM) Diagnostic Aids
receives that signal with a voltage varying from 0 V to • The voltage measured by the TCM across the shift
5 V. lever input terminals has been above an acceptable
The transmission range sensor is faulty, causing the level for a significant length of time.
gear lever position signal to be greater than 4.12 V. • This would typically be caused by a loose
connection or an open or short to B+ in the wiring
Conditions for Setting the DTC
to, or within, the inhibitor switch which has caused
• TR sensor signal is greater than 4.12 V. the signal at the TCM to read 5 V.
• The above condition must be continuously present • If the DTC sets when an accessory is operated,
for 100 milliseconds. check for a poor connection or excessive current
Action Taken When the DTC Sets draw.
• The Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) will illuminate • Inspect the wiring for poor electrical connections
on the second consecutive driving cycle with the at the TCM and at the TR sensor connector. Look
DTC present. for possible bent, backed out, deformed or damaged
terminals. Check for weak terminal tension as well.
• The EOBD system will record operating conditions Also, check for chafed wires that could short to
at the time the diagnostic fails. This information
other wiring. Inspect for broken wires inside the
will be stored in the Failure Records buffer.
• Transmission range (gear lever) is assumed to be • In searching for a possible intermittent short or open
in the Drive position.
condition, move or massage the wiring harness
• The transmission is limited to 2nd and R gears only. while observing test equipment for a change.
Namely 1st, 3rd and 4th gears are inhibited.
• Torque Converter Clutch (TCC) is disabled.
• Manually initiated downshifts will not be available.

Test Description 4. This step simulates a DTC P0707 condition. If the
The number(s) below refer to the step number(s) on scan tool displays the specified value, the TR
the Diagnostic Table. sensor signal circuit and the TCM are OK.

DTC P0707 Transmission Range Sensor Circuit High Input

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

Perform a Transmission Control Module (TCM) Diag- Go to “TCM
1 nostic System Check. Diagnostic
Is the check performed? - Go to Step 2 System Check”
1. Turn the ignition ON, with the engine OFF.
2. Install a scan tool.
3. Record and then clear DTCs.
2 4. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for
setting this DTC as specified in the text. Go to
5. Review the TR Sensor value on the scan tool. “Diagnostic
Is the TR Sensor value greater than the specified value? 4.12 V Go to Step 3 Aids”
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
2. Disconnect the Transmission Range (TR) sensor
3 3. Turn the ignition ON.
4. With a test light connected to ground, probe the
TR sensor signal circuit at terminal 1.
Is the TR sensor value less than specified value? 0.87 V Go to Step 4 Go to Step 7
With a test light connected to B+, probe the TR
4 sensor ground circuit at terminal 2.
Does the test light illuminate? - Go to Step 5 Go to Step 8
Check for a poor connection at the TR sensor connector
5 and repair the malfunctioning terminals as necessary.
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 11 Go to Step 6
Replace the TR sensor.
Is the action complete? - Go to Step 11 -
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
2. Disconnect the Transmission Control Module (TCM)
connector A.
3. Check the TR sensor signal circuit at terminal 1 for an
open or short to voltage and repair as necessary.
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 11 Go to Step 9
Check the TR sensor ground circuit at terminal 2 for
8 an open and repair as necessary.
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 11 Go to Step 9
Check for a poor connection at the TCM connector
9 and repair the malfunctioning terminals as necessary.
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 11 Go to Step 10
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
10 2. Replace the TCM.
Is the action complete? - Go to Step 11 -


DTC P0707 Transmission Range Sensor Circuit High Input (Cont'd)

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

1. Using the scan tool, clear the DTCs.
2. Road test the vehicle within the conditions for
11 setting this DTC as specified in the text.
Does the scan tool indicate that this diagnostic has
run and passed? - Go to Step 12 Go to Step 2
Check if any DTCs are set. Go to System OK,
12 Are there any DTCs displayed or DTCs previously applicable Check
recorded at Step 2 that have not been diagnosed? - DTC table Complete






Circuit Description Conditions for Clearing the DTC
The Transmission Fluid Temperature (TFT) sensor is a • The DTC will clear when the malfunction has not oc
thermistor located in the solenoid wiring loom within curred for 3 seconds.
the valve body of the transmission. This sensor is a • A history DTC will clear after 40 TCM power-up cycles
typical Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) resistor with a warm transmission (>50 °C) and without a
with low temperatures producing a high resistance and fault.
high temperatures producing a low resistance.
• History DTCs can be cleared by using a scan tool.
If the transmission fluid temperature exceeds 135 °C
(275 °F), the TCM will impose converter lock-up at lower Diagnostic Aids
vehicle speeds. Favour a lower gear to increase engine • The voltage measured by the TCM across the trans-
speed, and in some vehicles flashes the mode indicator mission fluid temperature input terminals has been
lamp. This results in maximum oil flow through the exter- outside acceptable levels.
nal oil cooler and eliminates slippage in the torque • If the DTC sets when an accessory is operated,
converter. Both these actions combine to reduce the check for a poor connection or excessive current
oil temperature in the transmission. draw.
The DTC P0710 sets when the TFT sensor signal is not • Inspect the wiring for poor electrical connections
feasible. at the TCM and at the 10-way transmission
Conditions for Setting the DTC connector. Look for possible bent, backed out,
deformed or damaged terminals. Check for weak
• Transmission fluid temperature sensor signal is terminal tension as well. Also, check for chafed wires
greater than 4.88 volts (immediate detection).
that could short to bare metal or other wiring. Inspect
• Transmission fluid temperature sensor signal is less for broken wires inside the insulation.
than 0.21 volts (immediate detection).
• In searching for a possible intermittent short or open
• Transmission temperature has not changed by 2 °C condition, move or massage the wiring harness
in 15 minutes since ignition on and temperature is while observing test equipment for a change.
less than 20 °C or greater than 125 °C.
Test Description
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
The number(s) below refer to the step number(s) on
• Transmission fluid temperature is assumed to be the Diagnostic Table.
120 °C (248 °F).
5. This step simulates a DTC P0710 condition. If the
• All shifts will be firm until the transmission has scan tool displays the specified value, the TFT
warmed up because a high transmission fluid sensor signal circuit and the TCM are OK.
temperature is assumed.


DTC P0710 Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor Circuit Malfunction

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

Perform a Transmission Control Module (TCM) Diag- Go to “TCM
1 nostic System Check. Diagnostic
Is the check performed? - Go to Step 2 System Check”
1. Install the scan tool.
2. Turn the ignition ON, with the engine OFF.
2 3. Record and then clear DTCs.
4. Select T/M Fluid Temperature on scan tool Data List.
Is the TFT sensor value less than specified value? 0.21 V Go to Step 4 Go to Step 3
Is the TFT sensor value greater than specified value? Go to
3 “Diagnostic
4.88 V Go to Step 7 Aids”
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
2. Disconnect the 10-way transmission connector
4 (additional DTCs will set).
3. Turn the ignition ON.
Is the TFT sensor value greater than the specified value? 4.88 V Go to Step 6 Go to Step 5
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
2. Disconnect the TCM connector A.
3. Turn the ignition ON.
5 4. With a test light connected to B+, probe the TFT
sensor signal circuit, terminal 9 at the 10-way
transmission connector.
Does the test light illuminate? - Go to Step 8 Go to Step 14
Replace the TFT sensor.
Is the action complete? - Go to Step 16 -
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
2. Disconnect the 10-way transmission connector
(additional DTCs will set).
3. Turn the ignition ON.
4. Jumper the TFT ground circuit terminal 10 to the
TFT sensor signal circuit terminal 9 at the 10-way
transmission connector.
Is the TFT sensor value less than specified value? 0.21 V Go to Step 6 Go to Step 9
Repair the short to ground in the TFT sensor signal
8 circuit as necessary.
Is the repair complete? - Go to Step 16 -
With a test light connected to B+, probe the TFT
9 sensor ground circuit at terminal 10 at the 10-way
transmission connector.
Does the test light illuminate? - Go to Step 10 Go to Step 11
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
2. Disconnect the TCM connector A.
3. Turn the ignition ON.
4. Check the TFT sensor signal circuit, terminal 9 at
the 10-way transmission connector for an open or
short to voltage.
Is a problem found? - Go to Step 13 Go to Step 14


DTC P0710 Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor Circuit Malfunction (Cont'd)

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

1. Turn the ignition OFF.
2. Disconnect the TCM connector A.
11 3. Turn the ignition ON.
4. Check the TFT sensor ground circuit for an open.
Is a problem found? - Go to Step 12 Go to Step 14
Repair the TFT ground circuit for an open.
12 - Go to Step 16 -
Is a repair complete?
Repair an open or short to voltage in the TFT sensor
13 signal circuit as necessary.
Is the repair complete? - Go to Step 16 -
Check for a poor connection at the 10-way transmission
connector and TCM connector and repair the malfunc-
14 tioning terminals as necessary.
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 16 Go to Step 15
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
15 2. Replace the TCM.
Is the action complete? - Go to Step 16 -
1. Using the scan tool, clear the DTCs.
2. Road test the vehicle within the conditions for
16 setting this DTC as specified in the text.
Does the scan tool indicate that this diagnostic has
run and passed? - Go to Step 17 Go to Step 2
Check if any DTCs are set. Go to System OK,
17 Are there any DTCs displayed or previously recorded applicable Check
at Step 3 that have not been diagnosed? - DTC table Complete






Circuit Description Conditions for Clearing the DTC
The driving mode selector switch is located on the • The DTC will clear after 3 seconds without the fault.
center console and allows the driver to select the • A history DTC will clear after 40 TCM power-up
driving mode. cycles with a warm transmission (>50 °C) and
When NORMAL mode is selected upshifts will occur without a fault.
to maximize fuel economy. When POWER mode is se- • History DTCs can be cleared by using a scan tool.
lected, upshifts will occur to give maximum
performance and the POWER mode indicator light is Diagnostic Aids
switched ON. • This fault is caused by too many changes in the
When WINTER mode is selected, starting in second mode input signal over a period of time.
gear is facilitated, the WINTER mode indicator light is • Typical causes would be an intermittent connection
switched ON and the POWER mode indicator light is in the switch or wiring or an intermittent short to
switched OFF. ground in the wiring.
The DTC P0790 sets when an intermittent connection Test Description
in the mode selector switch (mode switch) circuit has
The number(s) below refer to the step number(s) on
been detected. The mode switch input is rapidly
the Diagnostic Table.
changing states. The switching frequency is greater
than 8.3 Hz. 3. Check mode switch signal circuit for an
intermittent open / short
Conditions for Setting the DTC
5. Check mode switch ground circuit for an
• The mode switching frequency is greater than 8.3 intermittent open / short
8. Check mode switch feed circuit for an intermittent
• The above condition must be continuously present open / short
for 4 state changes.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• All shifts will occur as if the mode is set to NORMAL.
• The mode indicator will always be OFF indicating
that NORMAL mode is selected.
• The mode indicator will not respond to the changes
in switch setting.


DTC P0790 Normal/Performance Switch Circuit Malfunction

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

Perform a Transmission Control Module (TCM) Diag- Go to “TCM
1 nostic System Check. Diagnostic
Is the check performed? - Go to Step 2 System Check”
1. Install the scan tool.
2. Turn the ignition ON, with the engine OFF.
3. Record and then clear DTCs.
4. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for Go to
setting this DTC as specified in the text. “Diagnostic
Does the scan tool display P0790? - Go to Step 3 Aids”
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
2. Disconnect the mode switch connector. Refer to
Shift Control Lever in this section.
3. Turn the ignition ON.
4. Select Mode Switch on scan tool Data List.
Is the Mode Switch value frequently changing? - Go to Step 4 Go to Step 5
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
2. Disconnect the TCM connector B.
4 3. Check the mode switch signal circuit for an
intermittent open or short and repair as necessary.
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 13 Go to Step 10
Jumper the mode switch ground terminal 1 to the
5 signal terminal 2.
Is the Mode Switch value frequently changing? - Go to Step 6 Go to Step 7
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
2. Disconnect the TCM connector B.
6 3. Check the mode switch ground circuit for an
intermittent open and repair as necessary.
Is a repair complete? - Go to Step 13 -
Check the fuse F27 for a malfunctioning and replace
7 as necessary?
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 13 Go to Step 8
Jumper the mode switch feed terminal 3 to the signal
8 terminal 2.
Is the Mode Switch value frequently changed? - Go to Step 9 Go to Step 11
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
2. Disconnect the TCM connector B.
9 3. Check the mode switch feed circuit for an
intermittent open and repair as necessary.
Is a repair complete? - Go to Step 13 -
Check for a poor connection at the mode switch and
TCM connector and repair the malfunctioning terminals
10 as necessary.
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 13 Go to Step 12


DTC P0790 Normal/Performance Switch Circuit Malfunction (Cont'd)

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

Replace the mode switch. Refer to Shift Control Lever
11 in this section.
Is the action complete? - Go to Step 13 -
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
12 2. Replace the TCM.
Is the action complete? - Go to Step 13 -
1. Using the scan tool, clear the DTCs.
2. Road test the vehicle within the conditions for
13 setting this DTC as specified in the text.
Does the scan tool indicate that this diagnostic has
run and passed? - Go to Step 14 Go to Step 2
Check if any DTCs are set. Go to System OK,
14 Are there any DTCs displayed or previously recorded applicable Check
at Step 2 that have not been diagnosed? - DTC table Complete






Circuit Description Conditions for Clearing the DTC
The Controller Area Network (CAN) connects various • The DTC will clear after 30 seconds without the fault.
control modules by using a twisted pair of wires, to • A history DTC will clear after 40 TCM power-up
share common information. This results in a reduction cycles with a warm transmission (>50 °C) and
of sensors and wiring. TCM obtains the actual engine without a fault.
speed and throttle position, vehicle speed and
accelerator position etc. from ECM via CAN without • History DTCs can be cleared by using a scan tool
any additional sensors. Diagnostic Aids
The DTC P1703 sets when the engine speed signal via • Inspect the wiring for poor electrical connections
CAN is out of range or not feasible: The engine speed at the TCM and ECM connectors. Look for possible
signal is greater than 7000 rpm or less than 0 rpm, or bent, backed out, deformed or damaged terminals.
the indicated engine speed is low while other signals Check for weak terminal tension as well. Also check
indicate the car is moving (i.e. the vehicle speed has for chafed wires that could short to bare metal or
increased more than 125 rpm). other wiring. Inspect for broken wire inside the
Conditions for Setting the DTC
• Immediately upon the test indicating malfunction • If diagnosing for a possible intermittent short or
open condition, move or massage the wiring
as follows.
harness while observing test equipment for a
• The engine speed signal is greater than 7000 rpm change.
or less than 0 rpm under the precondition that DTC
P1719 is not set. • When ECM finds a fault on the engine speed
signals, ECM will adopt a default mode and send
• The indicated engine speed is low while other signals the default value and trouble message to TCM via
indicate the car is moving, i.e. the vehicle speed CAN.
has increased more than 125 rpm under the following
precondition; Test Description
- Driving gear is selected. The number(s) below refer to the step number(s) on
the Diagnostic Table.
- The applied throttle is greater than 5 %.
3. Check if there are any DTCs related to the engine
- The engine speed is less than 550 rpm.
speed sensor on the ECM side.
- DTCs P0706, P0707, P0708, P1704, P1719 and
4. Check for a poor connection at the ECM and TCM
1721 are not set.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• Fault detection of some other signals will not pos-


DTC P1703 Engine Speed Signal Error

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

Perform a Transmission Control Module (TCM) Diag- Go to “TCM
1 nostic System Check. Diagnostic
Is the check performed? - Go to Step 2 System Check”
1. Install the scan tool.
2. Turn the ignition ON, with the engine OFF.
3. Record and then clear DTCs.
4. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for Go to
setting this DTC as specified in the text. “Diagnostic
Does the scan tool display P1703? - Go to Step 3 Aids”
Check if there are any DTCs related to the engine Go to Section
3 speed sensor on the ECM side. 1F, Engine
Are any DTCs related to engine speed sensor found? - Controls Go to Step 4
Check for a poor connection at the ECM connector or
TCM connector and repair the malfunctioning termi-
4 nals as necessary.
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 6 Go to Step 5
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
5 2. Replace the TCM.
Is the action complete? - Go to Step 6 -
1. Using the scan tool, clear the DTCs.
2. Road test the vehicle within the conditions for
6 setting this DTC as specified in the text.
Does the scan tool indicate that this diagnostic has
run and passed? - Go to Step 7 Go to Step 2
Check if any DTCs are set. Go to System OK,
7 Are there any DTCs displayed or previously recorded applicable Check
at Step 2 that have not been diagnosed? - DTC table Complete




Circuit Description Action Taken When the DTC Sets
The Controller Area Network (CAN) connects various • All skip downshifts disabled and fourth gear will
control modules by using a twisted pair of wires, to be in-hibited.
share common information. This results in a reduction • The torque converter will be unlocked at all times.
of sensors and wiring. TCM obtains the actual engine
speed and throttle position, vehicle speed and • Gears are selected by the shift control lever but all
downshifts are inhibited by engine speed limits to
accelerator position etc. from ECM via CAN without
prevent over-revving.
any additional sensors.
The DTC P1704 sets when the indicated drive shaft • D position selects 3rd gear.
speed signal via CAN is out of range or not feasible or • 1st and 2nd gears can be manually selected.
a shaft speed of 0 is present while other signals indicate Conditions for Clearing the DTC
the vehicle is being driven.
• The DTC will clear when the malfunction has not
Conditions for Setting the DTC occurred for 30 seconds and a non-zero speed is
• Immediately upon the test indicating malfunction detected.
as follows. • A history DTC will clear after 40 TCM power-up
• The shaft speed signal is greater than 9000 rpm or cycles with a warm transmission (>50 °C) and
less than 0 rpm under the precondition that DTC without a fault.
P1719 is not set. • History DTCs can be cleared by using a scan tool.
• The shaft speed indicates 0 rpm while all other sig- Diagnostic Aids
nals indicate the car is moving under the following
• Inspect the wiring for poor electrical connections
at the TCM and ECM connectors. Look for possible
- Driving gear is selected. bent, backed out, deformed or damaged terminals.
- The transmission range sensor has not recently Check for weak terminal tension as well. Also check
changed state. for chafed wires that could short to bare metal or
- The engine speed is greater than 2800 rpm. other wiring. Inspect for broken wire inside the
- DTCs P0706, P0707, P0708, P1703 and P1719
are not set.
• The shaft speed has dropped from above 2100 rpm
to 0 rpm within 20 ms.


• If diagnosing for a possible intermittent short or Test Description

open condition, move or massage the wiring harness The number(s) below refer to the step number(s) on
while observing test equipment for a change. the Diagnostic Table.
• When ECM finds a fault on the vehicle speed 3. Check if there are any DTCs related to the vehicle
signals, ECM will adopt a default mode and send speed sensor on the ECM side.
the default value and trouble message to TCM via
4. Check a poor connection at the ECM and TCM

DTC P1704 Shaft Speed Signal Error

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

Perform a Transmission Control Module (TCM) Go to “TCM
1 Diagnostic System Check. Diagnostic
Is the check performed? - Go to Step 2 System Check”
1. Install the scan tool.
2. Turn the ignition ON, with the engine OFF.
3. Record and then clear DTCs.
4. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for Go to
setting this DTC as specified in the text. “Diagnostic
Does the scan tool display P1704? - Go to Step 3 Aids”
Check if there are any DTCs related to the vehicle Go to Section
3 speed sensor on the ECM side. 1F, Engine
Are any DTCs related to vehicle speed sensor found? - Controls Go to Step 4
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
4 2. Replace the TCM.
Is the action complete? - Go to Step 5 -
1. Using the scan tool, clear the DTCs.
2. Road test the vehicle within the conditions for
5 setting this DTC as specified in the text.
Does the scan tool indicate that this diagnostic has
run and passed? - Go to Step 6 Go to Step 2
Check if any DTCs are set. Go to System OK,
6 Are there any DTCs displayed or previously recorded applicable Check
at Step 2 that have not been diagnosed? - DTC table Complete




Circuit Description Conditions for Clearing the DTC
The battery voltage monitoring input is connected to • The DTC will clear when the malfunction has not
the positive side of the battery. This signal is taken occurred for 30 seconds.
from the main supply to the TCM. • A history DTC will clear after 40 TCM power-up
If the battery voltage at the TCM falls below the thresh- cycles with a warm transmission (>50 °C) and
old value, DTC P1708 will be set and the transmission without a fault.
will adopt a low voltage mode of operating in which • History DTCs can be cleared by using a scan tool.
shifts into first gear are inhibited. All other shifts are
attempted but may not occur because of the reduced Diagnostic Aids
voltage. This condition normally occurs only when the • The minimum operating voltage depends on the
battery is in poor condition. transmission temperature but is typically between
When system voltage recovers, the TCM will resume 8 - 9 V for a warm transmission.
normal operation after a 30 seconds delay period. • If the DTC sets when an accessory is operated,
check for a poor connection.
Conditions for Setting the DTC
• The engine speed is greater than 550 RPM. • Look for possible bent, backed out, deformed or
damaged terminals. Check for weak terminal tension
• A driving gear is selected or one of DTCs P0706, as well. Also, check for chafed wires that could short
P0707 and P0708 is set. to bare metal or other wiring. Inspect for broken
• The indicated supply voltage falls below a linear wires inside the insulation.
temperature characteristic threshold or below that • If diagnosing for a possible intermittent short or
required to operate the CPU. If the TCM measures open condition, move or massage the wiring harness
the supply voltage at less than that required for it while observing test equipment for a change.
to be operating, the DTC sets immediately.
Test Description
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
The number(s) below refer to the step number(s) on
• 1st gear is inhibited. the Diagnostic Table.
• S6 is inhibited. 4. Check if the generator is malfunctioning under load
• S5 standby current is zero. condition.
8. Check the ignition feed circuit for excessive resist-


DTC P1708 TCM Supply Voltage Low

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

Perform a Transmission Control Module (TCM) Diag- Go to “TCM
1 nostic System Check. Diagnostic
Is the check performed? - Go to Step 2 System Check”
1. Install the scan tool.
2. Turn the ignition ON, with the engine OFF.
3. Record and then clear DTCs.
4. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for Go to
setting this DTC as specified in the text. “Diagnostic
Does the scan tool display P1708? - Go to Step 3 Aids”
1. Isolate the driven wheels from the ground and
apply the hand brake.
2. Start the engine and allow it to idle.
3 3. Move the gear lever to Drive.
4. Select the Ignition Voltage on the scan tool Data
Is the Ignition Voltage less than the specified value? 10 V Go to Step 4 Go to Step 10
While running the engine at the specified value, mea- Go to Section
4 sure the battery voltage at the battery using a DVM. Idle in Drive 1E, Engine
Is the battery voltage greater than the specified value? 12 V Go to Step 5 Electrical
Check the fuse F23 for a malfunction and replace as
5 necessary?
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 10 Go to Step 6
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
2. Disconnect the TCM connector B.
3. Start the engine and raise the engine speed to
specified value.
4. While running the engine at the specified value,
measure the ignition voltage at the ignition feed
circuit terminal B30 using a DVM. Idle in Drive
Is the ignition voltage greater than the specified value? 10 V Go to Step 7 Go to Step 8
Check for a malfunctioning connection at the TCM
7 harness terminals and repair as necessary.
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 10 Go to Step 9
Repair the poor connection (high resistance) at the
8 ignition feed circuit.
Is the action complete? - Go to Step 10 -
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
9 2. Replace the TCM.
Is the action complete? - Go to Step 10 -
1. Using the scan tool, clear the DTCs.
2. Road test the vehicle within the conditions for
10 setting this DTC as specified in the text.
Does the scan tool indicate that this diagnostic has
run and passed? - Go to Step 11 Go to Step 2
Check if any DTCs are set. Go to System OK,
11 Are there any DTCs displayed or previously recorded applicable Check
at Step 2 that have not been diagnosed? - DTC table Complete




Circuit Description Diagnostic Aids
The battery voltage monitoring input is connected to • The voltage measured by the TCM corresponding
the positive side of the battery. This signal is taken to the battery supply voltage has been outside the
from the main supply to the TCM. range of the maximum operating voltage of 16.5 V.
If the battery voltage is greater than 16.5 V, DTC P1709 • Look for possible bent, backed out, deformed or
will be set and the transmission will adopt limp home damaged terminals. Check for weak terminal tension
mode and all solenoids are turned OFF. as well. Also, check for chafed wires that could short
to bare metal or other wiring. Inspect for broken
Conditions for Setting the DTC
wires inside the insulation.
• The indicated supply voltage is greater than 16.5 V. • If diagnosing for a possible intermittent short or
• The malfunction triggers immediately after this open condition, move or massage the wiring harness
condition exists. while observing test equipment for a change.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets Test Description
• All solenoids are turned OFF while the high battery The number(s) below refer to the step number(s) on
voltage condition is detected. the Diagnostic Table.
• The transmission goes into Limp Home Mode (LHM). 4. Checks if the generator is malfunctioning under
Conditions for Clearing the DTC load conditions.
• The DTC will clear when the malfunction has not 5. Check connection of other connectors.
occurred for 30 seconds.
• A history DTC will clear after 40 TCM power-up
cycles with a warm transmission (>50 °C) and
without a fault.
• History DTCs can be cleared by using a scan tool.


DTC P1709 TCM Supply Voltage High

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

Perform a Transmission Control Module (TCM) Diag- Go to “TCM
1 nostic System Check. Diagnostic
Is the check performed? - Go to Step 2 System Check”
1. Install the scan tool.
2. Turn the ignition ON, with the engine OFF.
3. Record and then clear DTCs.
4. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for Go to
setting this DTC as specified in the text. “Diagnostic
Does the scan tool display P1709? - Go to Step 3 Aids”
1. Start the engine and raise the engine speed to the
specified value.
3 2. Select the Ignition Voltage on the scan tool Data
List. 1500 rpm
Is the Ignition Voltage greater than the specified value? 16.5 V Go to Step 4 Go to Step 8
While running the engine at the specified value, mea- Go to Section
4 sure the battery voltage at the battery using a DVM. 2000 rpm 1E, Engine
Is the battery voltage less than the specified value? 16.5 V Go to Step 5 Electrical
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
2. Disconnect the TCM connector B.
3. Start the engine and raise the engine speed to the
specified vale.
4. While running the engine at the specified value,
measure the ignition voltage at the ignition feed
circuit terminal B30 with respect to the ground
terminal B14. 1500 rpm
Is the ignition voltage greater than the specified value? 16.5 V Go to Step 6 Go to Step 7
Check the wiring harness from the fuse F23 to TCM
6 terminal B30 and from the ground G301 to TCM
terminal B14 for damage. - Go to Step 8 -
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
7 2. Replace the TCM.
Is the action complete? - Go to Step 8 -
1. Using the scan tool, clear the DTCs.
2. Road test the vehicle within the conditions for
8 setting this DTC as specified in the text.
Does the scan tool indicate that this diagnostic has
run and passed? - Go to Step 9 Go to Step 2
Check if any DTCs are set. Go to System OK,
9 Are there any DTCs displayed or previously recorded applicable Check
at Step 2 that have not been diagnosed? - DTC table Complete




Circuit Description Conditions for Clearing the DTC
The Air Conditioning Switch circuit indicates the state • The DTC will clear after 3 seconds without the fault.
of the air conditioning compressor clutch (on or off). • A history DTC will clear after 40 TCM power-up
This signal is available to the TCM only on vehicles cycles with a warm transmission (>50 °C) and
fitted with air conditioning. without a fault.
The DTC 1710 sets when an intermittent connection in • History DTCs can be cleared by using a scan tool.
the air conditioning switch circuit has been detected.
The switch input is rapidly changing states and the Diagnostic Aids
switching frequency is greater than 8.3 Hz. • This fault is caused by too many changes in the
mode input signal over a period of time.
Conditions for Setting the DTC
• The mode switching frequency is greater than 8.3 • Typical causes would be an intermittent connection
in the switch or wiring or an intermittent short to
ground in the wiring.
• The above condition must be continuously present
for 4 state changes.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The TCM does not compensate for torque variation
due to air conditioning compressor clutch activation.


DTC P1710 Air Conditioning Switch Circuit Malfunction

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

Perform a TCM Diagnostic System Check. Go to “TCM
1 Is the check performed? Diagnostic
- Go to Step 2 System Check”
1. Install the scan tool.
2. Turn the ignition ON, with the engine OFF.
2 3. Record and then clear DTCs.
4. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for Go to
setting this DTC as specified in the text. “Diagnostic
Does the scan tool display P1710. - Go to Step 3 Aids”
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
2. Disconnect the air conditioning compressor relay
3 3. Turn the ignition ON.
4. Select Air Conditioning Compressor Switch on
scan tool Data List.
Is the value frequently changing? - Go to Step 4 Go to Step 5
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
2. Disconnect the TCM connector A.
3. Check the air conditioning compressor signal
4 circuit for an intermittent open or short and repair
as necessary.
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 11 Go to Step 8
1. Jumper the air conditioning compressor relay
connector terminal 30 and 87.
5 2. Turn the air conditioning switch ON.
Is the air conditioning compressor switch value
frequently changing? - Go to Step 6 Go to Step 7
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
2. Disconnect the TCM connector B.
3. Check the air conditioning compressor signal
6 circuit for an intermittent open and repair as
Is a repair complete? - Go to Step 11 -
Check the fuse Ef3 for a malfunctioning and replace
7 as necessary?
Is a repair necessary - Go to Step 11 Go to Step 9
Check for a poor connection at the air conditioning
compressor relay and TCM connector and repair the
8 malfunctioning terminals as necessary.
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 11 Go to Step 10
Replace the air conditioning compressor relay.
Is the action complete? - Go to Step 11 -
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
10 2. Replace the TCM.
Is the action complete? - Go to Step 11 -


DTC P1710 Air Conditioning Switch Circuit Malfunction (Cont’d)

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

1. Using the scan tool, clear the DTCs.
2. Road test the vehicle within the conditions for
11 setting this DTC as specified in the text.
Does the scan tool indicate that this diagnostic has
run and passed? - Go to Step 12 Go to Step 2
Check if any DTCs are set. Go to System OK,
12 Are there any DTCs displayed or previously recorded applicable Check
at Step 2 that have not been diagnosed? - DTC table Complete






Circuit Description • A history DTC will clear after 40 TCM power-up
The Kickdown Switch is used to signal the TCM that cycles with a warm transmission (>50 °C) and
the driver requires kickdown indicating the driver without a fault.
pressed the accelerator to the floor. When this switch • History DTCs can be cleared by using a scan tool.
is used in high range non-winter mode driving, the
Diagnostic Aids
POWER light comes ON.
The DTC sets when the kickdown switch has an inter- • Typical causes would be an short circuit within the
switch, or a short circuit to ground in the wiring to
mittent connection or is stuck ON. Kickdown Switch is
the switch.
closed when other signals indicate otherwise, i.e. the
accelerator pedal is released and the engine is running. • Inspect the wiring for poor electrical connections
Or the switch is cycling open/closed more rapidly than at the TCM and at the Kickdown Switch connector.
the normal operation allows. Look for possible bent, backed out, deformed or
damagednterminals. Check for weak terminal
Conditions for Setting the DTC tension as well. Also check for chafed wires that
• DTCs P1703, P1713 and P1719 are not set. could short to bare metal or other wiring. Inspect
• Kickdown Switch is closed when other signals indi- for broken wire inside the insulation.
cate otherwise, i.e. the accelerator pedal is released • If diagnosing for a possible intermittent short or
and the engine is running. open condition, move or massage the wiring harness
• The switch is cycling open/closed more rapidly than while observing test equipment for a change.
normal operation allows : 10 state changes in less Test Description
than 30 milliseconds.
The number(s) below refer to the step number(s) on
Action Taken When the DTC Sets the Diagnostic Table.
• Kickdown Switch feature is disabled while the fault 4. Checks if the kickdown signal circuit is
exists. malfunctioning.
Conditions for Clearing the DTC 7. Checks if the kickdown ground circuit is
• The DTC will clear when the malfunction has not
occurred for 30 seconds. 8. Check resistance between Kickdown Switch termi-
nal 4 and 2.
12. Check connections of other connectors.


DTC P1712 Kickdown Switch Circult Malfunction

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

Perform a Transmission Control Module (TCM) Go to “TCM
1 Diagnostic System Check. Diagnostic
Is the check performed? - Go to Step 2 System Check”
1. Install the scan tool.
2. Turn the ignition ON, with the engine OFF.
2 3. Select the Kickdown Switch on the scan tool.
Is the Kickdown Switch value frequently changed ON/
OFF or continuously ON? - Go to Step 4 Go to Step 3
Push the accelerator pedal fully to the Kickdown
Switch. Go to
3 “Diagnostic
Is the Kickdown Switch value frequently changed
OFF/ON? - Go to Step 7 Aids”
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
2. Disconnect the Kickdown Switch connector. Refer
to the Kickdown Switch in this section.
4 3. Turn the ignition ON, with the engine OFF.
Is the Kickdown Switch value frequently changed ON/
OFF or continuously ON? - Go to Step 5 Go to Step 8
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
2. Disconnect the TCM connector B.
3. Check the Kickdown Switch signal circuit from
5 Kickdown Switch connector terminal 4 to TCM
terminal B3 for a short to ground.
Is a short to ground found? - Go to Step 6 Go to Step 14
Repair the short to ground or an open in the Kickdown
6 Switch signal circuit.
Is the action complete? - Go to Step 15 -
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
2. Disconnect the Kickdown Switch connector. Refer
to the Kickdown Switch in this section.
7 3. With a test light connected to B+, probe the
Kickdown Switch ground circuit, terminal 2.
Does the test light illuminate? - Go to Step 10 Go to Step 11
Check the resistance between Kickdown Switch Push: less
terminal 2 and 4 when pushing the switch and not than 5 Ω Go to
8 pushing. No push: “Diagnostic
Is the resistance within the specified value? Open Loop Aids” Go to Step 9
Replace the Kickdown Switch.
Is the action complete? - Go to Step 15 -
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
2. Disconnect the TCM connector B.
3. Check the Kickdown Switch signal circuit from
Kickdown Switch connector terminal 4 to TCM
terminal B3 for an open.
Is an open founded? - Go to Step 6 Go to Step 12
Repair the open in the Kickdown Switch ground circuit.
Is the action complete? - Go to Step 15 -


DTC P1712 Kickdown Switch Circult Malfunction (Cont'd)

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

Check for a poor connection at the Kickdown Switch
connector and TCM connector and repair the
malfunctioning terminals as necessary.
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 15 Go to Step 13
Check the resistance between kickdown switch
13 terminal 2 and 4 when pushing the switch.
Is the resistance within the specified value and steady? less than 5 Ω Go to Step 14 Go to Step 9
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
14 2. Replace the TCM.
Is the action complete? - Go to Step 15 -
1. Using the scan tool, clear the DTCs.
2. Road test the vehicle within the conditions for
15 setting this DTC as specified in the text.
Does the scan tool indicate that this diagnostic has
run and passed? - Go to Step 16 Go to Step 2
Check if any DTCs are set. Go to System OK,
16 Are there any DTCs displayed or previously recorded applicable Check
at Step 2 that have not been diagnosed? - DTC table Complete






Circuit Description • A history DTC will clear after 40 TCM power-up
The Controller Area Network (CAN) connects various cycles with a warm transmission (>50 °C) and
control modules by using a twisted pair of wires, to without a fault.
share common information. This results in a reduction • History DTCs can be cleared by using a scan tool.
of sensors and wiring. TCM obtains the actual engine
Diagnostic Aids
speed and throttle position, vehicle speed and
accelerator pedal position etc. from ECM via CAN • Inspect the wiring for poor electrical connections
without any additional sensors. at the TCM and ECM connectors. Look for possible
bent, backed out, deformed or damaged terminals.
The DTC P1713 sets when the accelerator pedal signal
Check for weak terminal tension as well. Also check
via CAN is out of range. The accelerator pedal signal
for chafed wires that could short to bare metal or
is greater than 254 steps.
other wiring. Inspect for broken wire inside the
Conditions for Setting the DTC insulation.
• DTCs P1719 is not set. • If diagnosing for a possible intermittent short or
• The accelerator pedal signal is greater than 254 open condition, move or massage the wiring harness
steps. The malfunction is triggered immediately while observing test equipment for a change.
after this condition exists. • When ECM finds a fault on the accelerator pedal
signals, ECM will adopt a default mode and send
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
the default value and trouble message to TCM via
• 4th gear is inhibited. CAN.
• Torque Converter Clutch (TCC) is inhibited. Test Description
• Default value is adopted for shift point decisions. The number(s) below refer to the step number(s) on
• Accelerator pedal is not used for P, R, or N B2 the Diagnostic Table.
activation decisions.
3. Check if there are any DTCs related to the accelera-
Conditions for Clearing the DTC tor pedal sensor on the ECM side.
• The DTC will clear when the malfunction has not 4. Check for a poor connection at the ECM and TCM
occurred for 30 seconds. connectors.


DTC P1713 Pedal Signal Error

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

Perform a Transmission Control Module (TCM) Diag- Go to “TCM
1 nostic System Check. Diagnostic
Is the check performed? - Go to Step 2 System Check”
1. Install the scan tool.
2. Turn the ignition ON, with the engine OFF.
3. Record and then clear DTCs.
4. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for Go to
setting this DTC as specified in the text. “Diagnostic
Does the scan tool display P1713? - Go to Step 3 Aids”
Check if there are any DTCs related to the accelerator
3 pedal sensor on the ECM side. Go to Section
Are any DTCs related to accelerator pedal sensor 1F, Engine
found? - Controls Go to Step 4
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
4 2. Replace the TCM.
Is the action complete? - Go to Step 5 -
1. Using the scan tool, clear the DTCs.
2. Road test the vehicle within the conditions for
5 setting this DTC as specified in the text.
Does the scan tool indicate that this diagnostic has
run and passed? - Go to Step 6 Go to Step 2
Check if any DTCs are set. Go to System OK,
6 Are there any DTCs displayed or previously recorded applicable Check
at Step 2 that have not been diagnosed? - DTC table Complete



System Description Action Taken When the DTC Sets
The Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only • If CAN is detected, OBD N32D VIN is selected. Or
Memory (EEPROM) is a permanent memory chip that If CAN is not detected, P29 STi VIN is selected.
is physically soldered within the Transmission Control • Shift quality may by degraded.
Module (TCM). The EEPROM contains the program and Conditions for Clearing the DTC
the calibration information required for transmission
and transmission diagnostics operation. • This DTC can only be cleared by reprogramming
the EEPROM with the correct vehicle code and than
The DTC P1714 sets when the vehicle ID stored in EE- cycling power to the TCM. This is a factor
PROM is out of range when checked on initialization. procedure.
The EEPROM Vehicle identification Number (VIN) value
does not lie within the range 0 - 13. • A history DTC will clear after 40 TCM power-up
cycles with a warm transmission (>50 °C) and
Conditions for Setting the DTC without a fault.
• DTC P1720 is not set. • History DTCs can be cleared by using a scan tool.
• The vehicle type is not recognized. The EEPROM Test Description
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) value does not
The number(s) below refer to the step number(s) on
lie within the range 0 - 13. The malfunction is
the Diagnostic Table.
triggered immediately after this condition exists.
3. Perform the vehicle coding.

DTC P1714 EEPROM Vehicle Code Error

Step Action Value(s) No

Perform a Transmission Control Module (TCM) Go to “TCM
1 Diagnostic System Check. Diagnostic
Is the check performed? - Go to Step 2 System Check”
1. Install the scan tool.
2. Turn the ignition ON, with the engine OFF.
3. Record and then clear DTCs.
4. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for
setting this DTC as specified in the text.
Does the scan tool display P1714? - Go to Step 3 Go to Step 6
1. Select the required VIN on TCM Coding of scan tool.
2. Perform the vehicle coding.
3 3. Turn the ignition OFF.
4. Turn the ignition ON, with the engine OFF.
Does the scan tool display P1714? - Go to Step 4 Go to Step 5
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
4 2. Replace the TCM.
Is the action complete? - Go to Step 5 -
1. Using the scan tool, clear the DTCs.
2. Road test the vehicle within the conditions for
5 setting this DTC as specified in the text.
Does the scan tool indicate that this diagnostic has
run and passed? - Go to Step 6 Go to Step 2
Check if any DTCs are set. Go to System OK,
6 Are there any DTCs displayed or previously recorded applicable Check
at Step 2 that have not been diagnosed? - DTC table Complete



Circuit Description Conditions for Setting the DTC
The VPS is used to regulate the clutch and band pres- • DTC P1720 is not set.
sures during a shift. The TCM compares TP voltage, • The VPS offset is greater than 120 mA from nominal.
engine rpm and other inputs to determine the pressure The malfunction is triggered immediately after this
appropriate for a given shift. The TCM will regulate condition exists.
pressure by applying a varying amperage to the
Variable Pressure Solenoid (VPS) valve. The applied Action Taken When the DTC Sets
amperage can vary from 0 to 1.275 amps. The TCM • Default values are used which are typical of the
then monitors the amperage at the return line. calibrated values.
This VPS offsets calibrate the accuracy between actual • Shift quality may be degraded.
and expected VPS current.
Conditions for Clearing the DTC
The DTC P1715 sets when the VPS offset value stored
in EEPROM is out of range when checked on initializa-
• This DTC can only be cleared by recalibrating the
VPS and then cycling power to the TCM. This is a
tion. The VPS offset is greater than 120 mA from nomi- factory procedure.
• A history DTC will clear after 40 TCM power-up
cycles with a warm transmission (>50 °C) and
without a fault.
• History DTCs can be cleared by using a scan tool.

DTC P1715 VPS Offset Error

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

Perform a Transmission Control Module (TCM) Diag- Go to “TCM
1 nostic System Check. Diagnostic
Is the check performed? - Go to Step 2 System Check”
1. Install the scan tool.
2. Turn the ignition ON, with the engine OFF.
3. Record and then clear DTCs.
4. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for
setting this DTC as specified in the text.
Does the scan tool display P1715? - Go to Step 3 Go to Step 5
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
3 2. Replace the TCM.
Is the action complete? - Go to Step 4 -
1. Using the scan tool, clear the DTCs.
2. Road test the vehicle within the conditions for
4 setting this DTC as specified in the text.
Does the scan tool indicate that this diagnostic has
run and passed? - Go to Step 5 Go to Step 2
Check if any DTCs are set. Go to System OK,
5 Are there any DTCs displayed or previously recorded applicable Check
at Step 2 that have not been diagnosed? - DTC table Complete




Circuit Description Conditions for Clearing the DTC
The Controller Area Network (CAN) connects various • Throttle learns 0 % position. This value must be
control modules by using a twisted pair of wires, to greater than 0.2 V.
share common information. This results in a reduction
Diagnostic Aids
of sensors and wiring. TCM obtains the actual engine
speed and throttle position, vehicle speed and • This fault indicates that the TCU has not learnt the
accelerator etc. from ECM via CAN without any throttle position correctly since installation in the
additional sensors. vehicle or that the throttle setting have been cleared
by a diagnostic tool.
The DTC P1716 sets when the throttle signal via CAN
is out of range. The throttle is greater than 254 steps. Test Description
Conditions for Setting the DTC The number(s) below refer to the step number(s) on
the Diagnostic Table.
• The minimum & maximum throttle positions have
not been learnt by the TCU. 4. The “Throttle Position Calibration Procedure” needs
to be carried out. This is given in this section.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The minimum & maximum throttle positions are set
to their factory default values.
• Incorrect sensitivity to driver demand.
• Incorrect gear shift points.


DTC P1716 Throttle Not Learnt Error

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

Perform a Transmission Control Module (TCM) Diag- Go to “TCM
1 nostic System Check. Diagnostic
Is the check performed? - Go to Step 2 System Check”
1. Install the scan tool.
2. Turn the ignition ON, with the engine OFF.
3. Record and then clear DTCs.
4. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for Go to
setting this DTC as specified in the text. “Diagnostic
Does the scan tool display P1716? - Go to Step 3 Aids”
Check if there are any DTCs related to the throttle Go to
3 position sensor. applicable
Are any DTCs related to throttle position sensor found? - DTC table Go to Step 4
Fulfill the Throttle Clearing and Throttle Position
4 Calibration.
Is the repair complete? - Go to Step 6 Go to Step 5
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
5 2. Replace the TCM.
Is the action complete? - Go to Step 6 -
1. Using the scan tool, clear the DTCs.
2. Road test the vehicle within the conditions for
6 setting this DTC as specified in the text.
Does the scan tool indicate that this diagnostic has
run and passed? - Go to Step 7 Go to Step 2
Check if any DTCs are set. Go to System OK,
7 Are there any DTCs displayed or previously recorded applicable Check
at Step 2 that have not been diagnosed? - DTC table Complete



Circuit Description • The transmission adopts the third gear LHM
A normal function of the Transmission Control Module strategy of operation, independent of the vehicle
(TCM) programming is to perform an internal check speed. The operation of TCM under this condition
that verifies the integrity of the RAM memory is difficult to predict. Its operation may be erratic.
allocations. Conditions for Clearing the DTC
The DTC P1717 sets when the Random Access Memory • The DTC will clear if the malfunction is not present
(RAM) is not operating correctly when checked on after cycling the ignition.
initialization. An area of RAM has failed a read/ write
test. • A history DTC will clear after 40 TCM power-up
cycles with a warm transmission (>50 °C) and
Conditions for Setting the DTC without a fault.
• An area of RAM has failed a read/ write test. • History DTCs can be cleared by using a scan tool.
• Immediately after the above condition occurs. Diagnostic Aids
Action Taken When the DTC Sets • When DTC P1717 sets, the replacement of TCM is
• Adopt Limp Home Mode (LHM) recommended.
• Outputs are disabled.

DTC P1717 RAM Error

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

Perform a Transmission Control Module (TCM) Go to “TCM
1 Diagnostic System Check. Diagnostic
Is the check performed? - Go to Step 2 System Check”
1. Install the scan tool. Go to
2 2. Turn the ignition ON, with the engine OFF. “Diagnostic
Does the scan tool display P1717? - Go to Step 3 Aids”
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
3 2. Replace the TCM.
Is the action complete? - Go to Step 4 -
1. Using the scan tool, clear the DTCs.
2. Road test the vehicle within the conditions for
4 setting this DTC as specified in the text.
Does the scan tool indicate that this diagnostic has
run and passed? - Go to Step 5 Go to Step 2
Check if any DTCs are set. Go to System OK,
5 Are there any DTCs displayed or previously recorded applicable Check
at Step 2 that have not been diagnosed? - DTC table Complete



Circuit Description Action Taken When the DTC Sets
A normal function of the Transmission Control Module • Adopt Limp Home Mode (LHM)
(TCM) programming is to perform an internal check • The transmission adopts the third gear LHM strategy
that verifies the integrity of the ROM memory of operation, independent of the vehicle speed. The
allocations. This function is called a checksum. operation of TCM under this condition cannot be
The DTC P1718 sets when the Read Only Memory predicted. Its operation may be erratic.
(ROM), program memory, is corrupted when checked
Conditions for Clearing the DTC
on initialization. The calculated checksum disagrees
with the stored checksum. • The DTC will clear if the malfunction is not present
after cycling the ignition.
Conditions for Setting the DTC
• A history DTC will clear after 40 TCM power-up
• TCM has been powered ON for greater than 7 sec- cycles with a warm transmission (>50 °C) and
onds. without a fault.
• The calculated checksum disagrees with the stored • History DTCs can be cleared by using a scan tool.
checksum. The malfunction is triggered immediately
after this condition exists. Diagnostic Aids
• When DTC P1718 sets, the replacement of TCM is

DTC P1718 ROM Error

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

Perform a Transmission Control Module (TCM) Go to “TCM
1 Diagnostic System Check. Diagnostic
Is the check performed? - Go to Step 2 System Check”
1. Install the scan tool. Go to
2 2. Turn the ignition ON, with the engine OFF. “Diagnostic
Does the scan tool display P1718? - Go to Step 3 Aids”
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
3 2. Replace the TCM.
Is the action complete? - Go to Step 4 -
1. Using the scan tool, clear the DTCs.
2. Road test the vehicle within the conditions for
4 setting this DTC as specified in the text.
Does the scan tool indicate that this diagnostic has
run and passed? - Go to Step 5 Go to Step 2
Check if any DTCs are set. Go to System OK,
5 Are there any DTCs displayed or previously recorded applicable Check
at Step 2 that have not been diagnosed? - DTC table Complete




Circuit Description • A history DTC will clear after 40 TCM power-up
The Controller Area Network (CAN) connects various cycles with a warm transmission (>50 °C) and
control modules by using a twisted pair of wires, to without a fault.
share common information. This results in a reduction • History DTCs can be cleared by using a scan tool.
of sensors and wiring. TCM obtains the actual engine
Diagnostic Aids
speed and throttle position, vehicle speed and
accelerator position etc. from ECM via CAN without • Inspect the wiring for poor electrical connections
any additional sensors. at the TCM and ECM connectors. Look for possible
bent, backed out, deformed or damaged terminals.
The DTC P1719 sets when the information required by
Check for weak terminal tension as well. Also check
TCM is not available on the CAN. One or more CAN
for chafed wires that could short to bare metal or
messages used by the TCM is timed out, i.e. not re-
other wiring. Inspect for broken wire inside the
freshed for 1 second.
Conditions for Setting the DTC • If diagnosing for a possible intermittent short or
• One or more CAN messages used by the TCM are open condition, move or massage the wiring harness
timed out, i.e. not refreshed for 1 second. while observing test equipment for a change.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets Test Description
• TCM uses default values for all CAN dependent sig- The number(s) below refer to the step number(s) on
nals. the Diagnostic Table.
Conditions for Clearing the DTC 6. Check for a poor connection at the ECM and TCM
• The DTC will clear when the malfunction has not
occurred for 30 seconds.


DTC P1719 CAN Bus Error

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

Perform a Transmission Control Module (TCM) Diag- Go to “TCM
1 nostic System Check. Diagnostic
Is the check performed? - Go to Step 2 System Check”
1. Install the scan tool.
2. Turn the ignition ON, with the engine OFF.
2 3. Record and then clear DTCs.
4. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for Go to
setting this DTC as specified in the text. “Diagnostic
Does the scan tool display P1719? - Go to Step 3 Aids”
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
2. Disconnect the TCM connector B.
3. Disconnect the Engine Control Module (ECM)
3 connector.
4. Check the wiring harness from ECM connector
terminal 38 to TCM connector terminal B23 for an
open or a short.
Is a problem found? - Go to Step 4 Go to Step 5
Repair the malfunctioning wiring harness.
4 - Go to Step 10 -
Is a repair complete?
Check the wiring harness from ECM connector termi-
nal 37 to TCM connector terminal B24 for an open or a
5 short.
Is a problem found? - Go to Step 4 Go to Step 6
Check for a poor connection at the ECM connector or
6 TCM connector and repair the malfunctioning terminals
as necessary.
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 10 Go to Step 7
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
7 2. Replace the TCM.
Is the action complete? - Go to Step 8 -
1. Using the scan tool, clear the DTCs.
2. Road test the vehicle within the conditions for
8 setting this DTC as specified in the text.
Does the scan tool indicate that this diagnostic has
run and passed? - Go to Step 10 Go to Step 9
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
Go to
9 2. Replace the TCM with the original. Section 1F,
- Engine Control -
1. Using the scan tool, clear the DTCs.
2. Road test the vehicle within the conditions for
10 setting this DTC as specified in the text.
Does the scan tool indicate that this diagnostic has
run and passed? - Go to Step 11 Go to Step 2
Check if any DTCs are set. Go to System OK,
11 Are there any DTCs displayed or previously recorded applicable Check
at Step 2 that have not been diagnosed? - DTC table Complete



System Description Action Taken When the DTC Sets
The Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only • If CAN is detected, OBD N32D VIN is selected. Or
Memory (EEPROM) is a permanent memory chip that If CAN is not detected, P29 STi VIN is selected.
is physically soldered within the Transmission Control • Default values are used which are typical of
Module (TCM). The EEPROM contains the calibration calibrated values.
information required for transmission and transmission
diagnostics operation. When the EEPROM malfunc- • Shift quality may be degraded.
tions, DTC P1720 will set. The EEPROM memory is Conditions for Clearing the DTC
corrupted and the calculated checksum disagrees with • The DTC will only clear if the malfunction is not pres-
the stored checksum or an EEPROM communication ent after cycling the ignition.
failure has occurred when checked on initialization.
• A history DTC will clear after 40 TCM power-up
Conditions for Setting the DTC cycles with a warm transmission (>50 °C) and
• The calculated checksum disagrees with the stored without a fault.
checksum or an EEPROM communication failure has • History DTCs can be cleared by using a scan tool.
occurred when checked on initialization.
Diagnostic Aids
• Immediately after the above condition occurs. • When DTC 1720 is set, it is likely the TCM will need

DTC P1720 EEPROM Error

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

Perform a Transmission Control Module (TCM) Diag- Go to “TCM
1 nostic System Check. Diagnostic
Is the check performed? - Go to Step 2 System Check”
1. Install the scan tool.
2. Turn the ignition ON, with the engine OFF.
3. Record and then clear DTCs.
2 4. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for Go to
setting this DTC as specified in the text. “Diagnostic
Does the scan tool display P1720? - Go to Step 3 Aids”
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
3 2. Replace the TCM.
Is the action complete? - Go to Step 4 -
1. Using the scan tool, clear the DTCs.
2. Road test the vehicle within the conditions for
4 setting this DTC as specified in the text.
Does the scan tool indicate that this diagnostic has
run and passed? - Go to Step 5 Go to Step 2
Check if any DTCs are set. Go to System OK,
5 Are there any DTCs displayed or previously recorded applicable Check
at Step 2 that have not been diagnosed? - DTC table Complete






Circuit Description • A history DTC will clear after 40 TCM power-up
The Controller Area Network (CAN) connects various cycles with a warm transmission (>50 °C) and
control modules by using a twisted pair of wires, to without a fault.
share common information. This results in a reduction • History DTCs can be cleared by using a scan tool.
of sensors and wiring. TCM obtains the actual engine
Diagnostic Aids
speed and throttle position, vehicle speed and
accelerator etc. from ECM via CAN without any • Inspect the wiring for poor electrical connections
additional sensors. at the TCM and ECM connectors. Look for possible
bent, backed out, deformed or damaged terminals.
The DTC P1721 sets when the throttle signal via CAN
Check for weak terminal tension as well. Also check
is out of range. The throttle is greater than 254 steps.
for chafed wires that could short to bare metal or
Conditions for Setting the DTC other wiring. Inspect for broken wire inside the
• DTC P1719 is not set. insulation.
• The throttle is greater than 254 steps. The malfunc- • If diagnosing for a possible intermittent short or
tion triggers immediately after the above condition open condition, move or massage the wiring harness
occurs. while observing test equipment for a change.

Action Taken When the DTC Sets • When ECM finds a fault on the throttle signals, ECM
will adopt a default mode and send the default value
• The throttle signal is defaulted to 100 %. and trouble message to TCM via CAN.
• Shift quality is degraded. Test Description
• All shifts will be firm as full throttle and hence high The number(s) below refer to the step number(s) on
engine torque is assumed.
the Diagnostic Table.
• Line pressure will always stay high (S6 OFF) to cope 3. Check if there are any DTCs related to the throttle
with the assumed high throttle/ torque.
position sensor on the ECM side.
• Manual 1 gear selection is inhibited. 4. Check for a poor connection at the ECM and TCM
Conditions for Clearing the DTC connectors.
• The DTC will clear if the malfunction is not present
for 30 seconds.


DTC P1721 Throttle Signal Error

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

Perform a Transmission Control Module (TCM) Diag- Go to “TCM
1 nostic System Check. Diagnostic
Is the check performed? - Go to Step 2 System Check”
1. Install the scan tool.
2. Turn the ignition ON, with the engine OFF.
3. Record and then clear DTCs.
4. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for Go to
setting this DTC as specified in the text. “Diagnostic
Does the scan tool display P1721? - Go to Step 3 Aids”
Check if there are any DTCs related to the throttle Go to Section
3 position sensor on the ECM side. 1F, Engine
Are any DTCs related to throttle position sensor found? - Controls Go to Step 4
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
4 2. Replace the TCM.
Is the action complete? - Go to Step 5 -
1. Using the scan tool, clear the DTCs.
2. Road test the vehicle within the conditions for
5 setting this DTC as specified in the text.
Does the scan tool indicate that this diagnostic has
run and passed? - Go to Step 6 Go to Step 2
Check if any DTCs are set. Go to System OK,
6 Are there any DTCs displayed or previously recorded applicable Check
at Step 2 that have not been diagnosed? - DTC table Complete




Circuit Description Conditions for Clearing the DTC
The Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only • The DTC will clear when the malfunction has not
Memory (EEPROM) is a permanent memory chip that occurred after ignition cycle.
is physically soldered within the Transmission Control • A history DTC will clear after 40 TCM power-up
Module (TCM) The EEPROM contains the program and cycles with a warm transmission (>50 °C) and
the calibration information required for the transmission without a fault.
and transmission diagnostics operation.
• History DTCs can be cleared by using a scan tool.
The DTC P1722 sets when TCM is unable to determine
the vehicle type from EEPROM or CAN. CAN vehicle Diagnostic Aids
type information is in error or unavailable in time. • Inspect the wiring for poor electrical connections
By definition, there must by on EEPROM fault (P1720) at the TCM connector. Look for possible bent,
or an EEPROM vehicle code error (P1714) to cause the backed out, deformed or damaged terminals. Check
TCM to try and determine the vehicle code by other for weak terminal tension as well. Also check for
means. chafed wires that could short to bare metal or other
wiring. Inspect for broken wire inside the insulation.
The DTC P1722 is a reflection of the significance of
the problem caused by the other error. • If diagnosing for a possible intermittent short or
open condition, move or massage the wiring harness
Conditions for Setting the DTC while observing test equipment for a change
• EEPROM information is in error or unreliable. Test Description
• Vehicle type information on the CAN is not present The number(s) below refer to the step number(s) on
or in error.
the Diagnostic Table.
• The above condition exists for 1 second after power 3. If there are any other DTCs like P1714 or P1720,
troubleshoot those prior to P1722.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• If CAN is detected, OBD N32D VIN is selected. Or
If CAN is not detected, P29 STi VIN is selected.
• Shift quality may be degraded.


DTC P1722 Vehicle Type Determination Error

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

Perform a Transmission Control Module (TCM) Go to “TCM
1 Diagnostic System Check. Diagnostic
Is the check performed? - Go to Step 2 System Check”
1. Install the scan tool. Go to
2 2. Turn the ignition ON, with the engine OFF. “Diagnostic
Does the scan tool display P1722? - Go to Step 3 Aids”
Does the scan tool display DTC P1714. Go to
3 applicable Go to DTC
- DTC table P1720 table




Circuit Description Conditions for Clearing the DTC
The solenoid 1 is used to control fluid flow acting on • The DTC will clear when the malfunction has not
the 1 - 2 shift valve. The solenoid 1 is a normally open occurred after ignition cycle.
ON/ OFF type solenoid that is used in conjunction with • A history DTC will clear after 40 TCM power-up
the solenoid 2 to allow four different shifting cycles with a warm transmission (>50 °C) and
combinations. Refer to Solenoid Logic for Static Gear without a fault.
States. The solenoid is attached to the valve body
within the transmission. Voltage is supplied directly • History DTCs can be cleared by using a scan tool.
to the solenoid through the Transmission Control Diagnostic Aids
Module (TCM). • During the TCM’s testing, solenoid 1 is turned OFF/
The DTC P1733 sets when the Solenoid 1 (S1) circuit ON by a very small (4 millisecond) pulse. This pulse
is open or the switched leg of the solenoid 1 is shorted is too short for the solenoid to react so the
to battery positive. transmission operation is not affected.
Conditions for Setting the DTC • The solenoid feedback voltage is measured before
the (4 millisecond) pulse and again during the
• DTCs P1717 and P1718 are not set. pulse. If the difference is outside the acceptable
• S1 is OFF. limits the relevant fault is recorded.
• S2 is OFF. • Typical causes would be an open circuit in the
• The solenoid 1’s driver Integrated Chip (IC) status wiring to or within the solenoid, or a short circuit to
indicates a faulty circuit. This condition must be power in the wiring to or within the solenoid.
continuously present for 60 milliseconds. • If several faults of solenoids are present, check the
Action Taken When the DTC Sets wiring or connectors that are common to the selected
solenoids, especially the earth connections.
• The solenoid 1 is always OFF.
• TCM adopts a Limp Home Mode (LHM) operation.


• Inspect the wiring for poor electrical connections Test Description

at the TCM and at the 10-way transmission The number(s) below refer to the step number(s) on
connector. Look for possible bent, backed out, the Diagnostic Table.
deformed or damaged terminals. Check for weak
3. Checks if the S1 circuit in the transmission is mal-
terminal tension as well. Also check for chafed wires
that could short to bare metal or other wiring. Inspect
for broken wire inside the insulation. 4. Check cable in the transmission for open / short.
• If diagnosing for a possible intermittent short or 6. Check resistance between S1 terminal A and B.
open condition, move or massage the wiring harness Standard value is 22 - 30 Ω.
while observing test equipment for a change. 9. Check poor connections of other connectors
• Solenoid Logic for Static Gear States

Gear S1 S2
1st ON ON
2nd OFF ON
4th ON OFF
Reverse OFF OFF
Neutral OFF OFF

DTC P1733 Solenoid 1 Circuit Open

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

Perform a Transmission Control Module (TCM) Go to “TCM
1 Diagnostic System Check. Diagnostic
Is the check performed? - Go to Step 2 System Check”
1. Install the scan tool.
2. Turn the ignition ON, with the engine OFF.
3. Record and then clear DTCs.
2 4. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for Go to
setting this DTC as specified in the text. “Diagnostic
Does the scan tool display P1733? - Go to Step 3 Aids”
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
2. Disconnect the 10-way transmission connector.
(additional DTCs will set)
3. Connect Solenoid/Thermistor Electrical Tester
(STET) to the 10-way transmission connector of
3 transmission side and to the good ground.
4. Turn the mode knob of STET to 1 and push the red
Does the bulb of open circuit on the solenoids side of
STET illuminate? - Go to Step 4 Go to Step 8
1. Remove the valve cover. Refer to the Transmission
in this section.
2. Check the wiring harness from 10-way transmission
4 connector to Solenoid 1 (S1) on the valve body for an
open or short to positive and repair as necessary.
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 11 Go to Step 5
Check the S1 ground circuit for an open and repair as
5 necessary.
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 11 Go to Step 6


DTC P1733 Solenoid 1 Circuit Open (Cont’d)

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

Using a Digital Volt Meter (DVM), measure the resis- Go to
6 tance between S1 terminal A and B. “Diagnostic
Is the resistance within the specified value? 22 - 30 Ω Aids” Go to Step 7
Replace the S1.
Is the action complete? - Go to Step 11 -
1. Disconnect the TCM connector A.
2. Check the wiring harness from 10-way transmission
8 connector terminal 1 to TCM terminal A3 for an open
or short to positive and repair as necessary.
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 11 Go to Step 9
Check for a poor connection at the 10-way transmission
connector and TCM connector and repair the malfunc-
9 tioning terminals as necessary.
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 11 Go to Step 10
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
10 2. Replace the TCM.
Is the action complete? - Go to Step 11 -
1. Using the scan tool, clear the DTCs.
2. Road test the vehicle within the conditions for
11 setting this DTC as specified in the text.
Does the scan tool indicate that this diagnostic has
run and passed? - Go to Step 12 Go to Step 2
Check if any DTCs are set. Go to System OK,
12 Are there any DTCs displayed or previously recorded applicable Check
at Step 2 that have not been diagnosed? - DTC table Complete






Circuit Description Conditions for Clearing the DTC
The solenoid 2 is used to control fluid flow acting on • The DTC will clear when the malfunction has not
the 2 - 3 shift valve. The solenoid 2 is a normally open occurred after ignition cycle.
ON/ OFF type solenoid that is used in conjunction with • A history DTC will clear after 40 TCM power-up
the solenoid 1 to allow four different shifting cycles with a warm transmission (>50 °C) and
combinations. Refer to Solenoid Logic for Static Gear without a fault.
• History DTCs can be cleared by using a scan tool.
The solenoid is attached to the valve body within the
transmission. Voltage is supplied directly to the Diagnostic Aids
solenoid through the Transmission Control Module • During the TCM’s testing, solenoid 2 is turned OFF/
(TCM). ON by a very small (4 millisecond) pulses. This
The DTC P1734 sets when the Solenoid 2 (S2) circuit pulse is too short for the solenoid to react so the
is open or the switched leg of the solenoid 2 is shorted transmission operation is not affected.
to battery positive. • The solenoid feedback voltage is measured before
the (4 millisecond) pulse and again during the
Conditions for Setting the DTC
pulse. If the difference is outside the acceptable
• DTCs P1717 and P1718 are not set. limits the relevant fault is recorded.
• S2 is OFF. • Typical causes would be an open circuit in the
• S1 is OFF. wiring to or within the solenoid, or a short circuit to
• The solenoid 2’s driver Integrated Chip (IC) status power in the wiring to or within the solenoid.
indicates a faulty circuit. This condition must be • If several faults of solenoids are present, check the
continuously present for 60 milliseconds. wiring or connectors that are common to the selected
solenoids, especially the earth connections.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The solenoid 2 is always OFF.
• TCM adopts a Limp Home Mode (LHM) operation.


• Inspect the wiring for poor electrical connections Test Description

at the TCM and at the 10-way transmission The number(s) below refer to the step number(s) on
connector. Look for possible bent, backed out, the Diagnostic Table.
deformed or damaged terminals. Check for weak
3. Checks if the S2 circuit in the transmission is mal-
terminal tension as well. Also check for chafed wires
that could short to bare metal or other wiring.
Inspect for broken wire inside the insulation. 4. Check cable in the transmission for open / short.
• If diagnosing for a possible intermittent short or 6. Check resistance between S2 terminal A and B.
open condition, move or massage the wiring Standard value is 22 - 30 Ω.
harness while observing test equipment for a 9. Check connections of other connectors
• Solenoid Logic for Static Gear States

Gear S1 S2
1st ON ON
2nd OFF ON
4th ON OFF
Reverse OFF OFF
Neutral OFF OFF

DTC P1734 Solenoid 2 Circuit Open

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

Perform a Transmission Control Module (TCM) Diag- Go to “TCM
1 nostic System Check. Diagnostic
Is the check performed? - Go to Step 2 System Check”
1. Install the scan tool.
2. Turn the ignition ON, with the engine OFF.
3. Record and then clear DTCs.
2 4. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for Go to
setting this DTC as specified in the text. “Diagnostic
Does the scan tool display P1734? - Go to Step 3 Aids”
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
2. Disconnect the 10-way transmission connector.
(additional DTCs will set)
3. Connect Solenoid/Thermistor Electrical Tester
(STET) to the 10-way transmission connector of
3 transmission side and to the good ground.
4. Turn the mode knob of STET to 2 and push the red
Does the bulb of open circuit on the solenoids side of
STET illuminate? - Go to Step 4 Go to Step 8
1. Remove the valve cover. Refer to the Transmission
in this section.
2. Check the wiring harness from 10-way transmission
4 connector to Solenoid 2 (S2) on the valve body for an
open or short to positive and repair as necessary.
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 11 Go to Step 5
Check the S2 necessarycircuit for an open and repair
5 as necessary.
Is a repair complete? - Go to Step 11 Go to Step 6


DTC P1734 Solenoid 2 Circuit Open (Cont’d)

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

Using a Digital Volt Meter (DVM), measure the Go to
6 resistance between S2 terminal A and B. “Diagnostic
Is the resistance within the specified value? 22 - 30 Ω Aids” Go to Step 7
Replace the S2.
Is the action complete? - Go to Step 11 -
1. Disconnect the TCM connector A.
2. Check the wiring harness from 10-way transmission
8 connector terminal 2 to TCM terminal A11 for an open
or short to positive and repair as necessary.
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 11 Go to Step 9
Check for a poor connection at the 10-way transmission
connector and TCM connector and repair the malfunc-
9 tioning terminals as necessary.
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 11 Go to Step 10
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
10 2. Replace the TCM.
Is the action complete? - Go to Step 11 -
1. Using the scan tool, clear the DTCs.
2. Road test the vehicle within the conditions for
11 setting this DTC as specified in the text.
Does the scan tool indicate that this diagnostic has
run and passed? - Go to Step 12 Go to Step 2
Check if any DTCs are set. Go to System OK,
12 Are there any DTCs displayed or previously recorded applicable Check
at Step 2 that have not been diagnosed? - DTC table Complete






Circuit Description Conditions for Clearing the DTC
The solenoid 3 is a normally open ON/OFF type sole- • The DTC will clear when the malfunction has not
noid that is used in conjunction with the solenoid 4 to occurred after ignition cycle.
control the shift quality and sequencing. • A history DTC will clear after 40 TCM power-up
The solenoid 3 switches the clutch regulator valve OFF cycles with a warm transmission (>50 °C) and
or ON and is attached to the valve body within the without a fault.
transmission. Voltage is supplied directly to the • History DTCs can be cleared by using a scan tool.
solenoid through the Transmission Control Module
(TCM). Diagnostic Aids
The DTC P1735 sets when the Solenoid 3 (S3) circuit • During the TCM’s testing, solenoid 3 is turned OFF/
is open or the switched leg of the solenoid 3 is shorted ON by a very small (4 millisecond) pulses. This
to battery positive. The solenoid 3’s driver Integrated pulse is too short for the solenoid to react so the
Chip (IC) status indicates a faulty circuit. transmission operation is not affected.

Conditions for Setting the DTC • The solenoid feedback voltage is measured before
the (4 millisecond) pulse and again during the
• DTCs P1717 and P1718 are not set. pulse. If the difference is outside the acceptable
• S3 is OFF. limits the relevant fault is recorded.
• S7 is OFF. • Typical causes would be an open circuit in the
• The solenoid 3’s driver Integrated Chip (IC) status wiring to or within the solenoid, or a short circuit to
indicates a faulty circuit. This condition must be power in the wiring to or within the solenoid.
continuously present for 60 milliseconds. • If several faults of solenoids are present, check the
wiring or connectors that are common to the selected
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
solenoids, especially the earth connections.
• The solenoid 3 is always OFF.
• The 1 → 3, 1 → 4, 2 → 3, 2 → 4, 3 → 1, 3 → 2,
4 → 2 and 4 → 1 shift quality is degraded.


• Inspect the wiring for poor electrical connections Test Description

at the TCM and at the 10-way transmission The number(s) below refer to the step number(s) on
connector. Look for possible bent, backed out, the Diagnostic Table.
deformed or damaged terminals. Check for weak
3. Checks if the S3 circuit in the transmission is mal-
terminal tension as well. Also check for chafed wires
that could short to bare metal or other wiring.
Inspect for broken wire in-side the insulation. 4. Check cable in the transmission for open / short.
• If diagnosing for a possible intermittent short or 6. Check resistance between S3 terminal A and B.
open condition, move or massage the wiring Standard value is 22 - 30 Ω.
harness while observing test equipment for a 9. Check connections of other connectors

DTC P1735 Solenoid 3 Circuit Open

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

Perform a Transmission Control Module (TCM) Diag- Go to “TCM
1 nostic System Check. Diagnostic
Is the check performed? - Go to Step 2 System Check”
1. Install the scan tool.
2. Turn the ignition ON, with the engine OFF.
2 3. Record and then clear DTCs.
4. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for Go to
setting this DTC as specified in the text. “Diagnostic
Does the scan tool display P1735? - Go to Step 3 Aids”
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
2. Disconnect the 10-way transmission connector.
(additional DTCs will set)
3. Connect Solenoid/Thermistor Electrical Tester
(STET) to the 10-way transmission connector of
3 transmission side and to the good ground.
4. Turn the mode knob of STET to 3 and push the red
Does the bulb of open circuit on the solenoids side of
STET illuminate? - Go to Step 4 Go to Step 8
1. Remove the valve cover. Refer to the Transmission
in this section.
2. Check the wiring harness from 10-way transmission
4 connector to Solenoid 3 (S3) on the valve body for an
open or short to positive and repair as necessary.
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 11 Go to Step 5
Check the S3 ground circuit for an open and repair as
5 necessary.
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 11 Go to Step 6
Using a Digital Volt Meter (DVM), measure the Go to
6 resistance between S3 terminal A and B. “Diagnostic
Is the resistance within the specified value? 22 - 30 Ω Aids” Go to Step 7

7 Replace the S3.

Is the action necessary? - Go to Step 11 -
1. Disconnect the TCM connector A.
2. Check the wiring harness from 10-way transmission
8 connector terminal 3 to TCM terminal A10 for an open
or short to positive and repair as necessary.
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 11 Go to Step 9


DTC P1735 Solenoid 3 Circuit Open (Cont'd)

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

Check for a poor connection at the 10-way transmission
connector and TCM connector and repair the malfunc-
tioning terminals as necessary.
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 11 Go to Step 10
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
10 2. Replace the TCM.
Is the action complete? - Go to Step 11 -
1. Using the scan tool, clear the DTCs.
2. Road test the vehicle within the conditions for
11 setting this DTC as specified in the text.
Does the scan tool indicate that this diagnostic has
run and passed? - Go to Step 12 Go to Step 2
Check if any DTCs are set. Go to System OK,
12 Are there any DTCs displayed or previously recorded applicable Check
at Step 2 that have not been diagnosed? - DTC table Complete






Circuit Description Conditions for Clearing the DTC
The solenoid 4 is a normally open ON/OFF type sole- • The DTC will clear when the malfunction has not
noid that is used in conjunction with the solenoid 3 to occurred after ignition cycle.
control the shift quality and sequencing. • A history DTC will clear after 40 TCM power-up
The solenoid 4 switches the clutch regulator valve OFF cycles with a warm transmission (>50 °C) and
or ON and is attached to the valve body within the without a fault.
transmission. Voltage is supplied directly to the • History DTCs can be cleared by using a scan tool.
solenoid through the Transmission Control Module
(TCM). Diagnostic Aids
The DTC P1736 sets when the Solenoid 4 (S4) circuit • During the TCM’s testing, solenoid 4 is turned OFF/
is open or the switched leg of the solenoid 4 is shorted ON by a very small (4 millisecond) pulses. This
to battery positive. The solenoid 4’s driver Integrated pulse is too short for the solenoid to react so the
Chip (IC) status indicates a faulty circuit. transmission operation is not affected.

Conditions for Setting the DTC • The solenoid feedback voltage is measured before
the (4 millisecond) pulse and again during the
• DTCs P1717 and P1718 are not set. pulse. If the difference is outside the acceptable
• S4 is OFF. limits the relevant fault is recorded.
• S6 is OFF. • Typical causes would be an open circuit in the
• The solenoid 3’s driver Integrated Chip (IC) status wiring to or within the solenoid, or a short circuit to
indicates a faulty circuit. This condition must be power in the wiring to or within the solenoid.
continuously present for 60 milliseconds. • If several faults of solenoids are present, check the
wiring or connectors that are common to the selected
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
solenoids, especially the earth connections.
• The solenoid 4 is always OFF.
• The 1 → 2, 1 → 4, 2 → 3, 2 → 4, 3 → 2 (all including
manual), 3 → 4, 4 → 1 and 4 → 3 shift quality is de-


• Inspect the wiring for poor electrical connections Test Description

at the TCM and at the 10-way transmission The number(s) below refer to the step number(s) on
connector. Look for possible bent, backed out, the Diagnostic Table.
deformed or damaged terminals. Check for weak
3. Checks if the S4 circuit in the transmission is mal-
terminal tension as well. Also check for chafed wires
that could short to bare metal or other wiring.
Inspect for broken wire inside the insulation. 4. Check cable in the transmission for open / short.
• If diagnosing for a possible intermittent short or 6. Check resistance between S4 terminal A and B.
open condition, move or massage the wiring Standard value is 22 - 30 Ω.
harness while observing test equipment for a 9. Check connections of other connectors

DTC P1736 Solenoid 4 Circuit Open

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

Perform a Transmission Control Module (TCM) Diag- Go to “TCM
1 nostic System Check. Diagnostic
Is the check performed? - Go to Step 2 System Check”
1. Install the scan tool.
2. Turn the ignition ON, with the engine OFF.
3. Record and then clear DTCs.
2 4. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for Go to
setting this DTC as specified in the text. “Diagnostic
Does the scan tool display P1736? - Go to Step 3 Aids”
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
2. Disconnect the 10-way transmission connector.
(additional DTCs will set)
3. Connect Solenoid/Thermistor Electrical Tester
(STET) to the 10-way transmission connector of
3 transmission side and to the good ground.
4. Turn the mode knob of STET to 4 and push the red
Does the bulb of open circuit on the solenoids side of
STET illuminate? - Go to Step 4 Go to Step 8
1. Remove the valve cover. Refer to the Transmission
in this section.
2. Check the wiring harness from 10-way transmission
4 connector to Solenoid 4 (S4) on the valve body for an
open or short to positive and repair as necessary.
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 11 Go to Step 5
Check the S4 ground circuit for an open and repair as
5 necessary.
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 11 Go to Step 6
Using a Digital Volt Meter (DVM), measure the Go to
6 resistance between S4 terminal A and B. “Diagnostic
Is the resistance within the specified value? 22 - 30 Ω Aids” Go to Step 7
Replace the S4.
Is the action necessary? - Go to Step 11 -
1. Disconnect the TCM connector A.
2. Check the wiring harness from 10-way transmission
8 connector terminal 4 to TCM terminal A4 for an open
or short to positive and repair as necessary.
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 11 Go to Step 9


DTC P1736 Solenoid 4 Circuit Open (Cont’d)

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

Check for a poor connection at the 10-way transmission
connector and TCM connector and repair the
malfunctioning terminals as necessary.
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 11 Go to Step 10
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
10 2. Replace the TCM.
Is the action complete? - Go to Step 11 -
1. Using the scan tool, clear the DTCs.
2. Road test the vehicle within the conditions for
11 setting this DTC as specified in the text.
Does the scan tool indicate that this diagnostic has
run and passed? - Go to Step 12 Go to Step 2
Check if any DTCs are set. Go to System OK,
12 Are there any DTCs displayed or previously recorded applicable Check
at Step 2 that have not been diagnosed? - DTC table Complete






Circuit Description Conditions for Clearing the DTC
The solenoid 5 is a variable force solenoid that ramps • The DTC will clear when the malfunction has not
the pressure during the gear changes and solenoid occurred after ignition cycle.
switching, to enhance the transmission shift quality. • A history DTC will clear after 40 TCM power-up
This solenoid provides the signal pressure to the clutch cycles with a warm transmission (>50 °C) and
and band regulator, thereby controlling the shift without a fault.
• History DTCs can be cleared by using a scan tool.
The solenoid 5 is attached to the valve body within
the transmission. Voltage is supplied directly to the Diagnostic Aids
solenoid through the Transmission Control Module • The current to solenoid 5 was outside acceptable
(TCM). limits.
The DTC P1737 sets when the solenoid 5 (S5) circuit • This fault results from a mismatch between the cur-
is open or the switched leg of the solenoid 5 is shorted rent set point for solenoid 5 and the current
to battery positive. The solenoid 5‘s driver Integrated measured by the feedback within the TCM.
Chip (IC) status indicates a fauty circuit. • Typical causes would be an open circuit or short
Conditions for Setting the DTC circuit to power in the wiring to, from or within the
• DTCs P1717 and P1718 are not set.
• The solenoid 5‘s driver Integrated Chip (IC) status • It is also possible that there has been a fault in the
solenoid output circuit. But if this is the cause, the
indicates a faulty circuit. This condition must be
fault should be continually present.
continuously present for 60 milliseconds.
• The measured S5 current is greater than 100 mA • Inspect the wiring for poor electrical connections
at the TCM and at the 10-way transmission
below its expected lower limit.
connector. Look for possible bent, backed out,
Action Taken When the DTC Sets deformed or damaged terminals. Check for weak
• Solenoid 5 is disabled (always OFF). terminal tension as well. Also check for chafed wires
that could short to bare metal or other wiring.
• The shift quality is degraded. Inspect for broken wire in-side the insulation.


• If diagnosing for a possible intermittent short or 3. Checks if the S5 circuit in the transmission is mal-
open condition, move or massage the wiring functioning.
harness while observing test equipment for a 4. Check cable in the transmission for open / short.
6. Check resistance between S5 terminal A and B.
Test Description Standard value is 3.6 - 5.5 Ω.
The number(s) below refer to the step number(s) on 9. Check connections of other connectors
the Diagnostic Table.

DTC P1737 Solenoid 5 Circuit Open

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

Perform a Transmission Control Module (TCM) System Go to “TCM
1 Check. Diagnostic
Is the check performed? - Go to Step 2 System Check”
1. Install the scan tool.
2. Turn the ignition ON, with the engine OFF.
2 3. Record and then clear DTCs.
4. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for Go to
setting this DTC as specified in the text. “Diagnostic
Does the scan tool display P1737? - Go to Step 3 Aids”
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
2. Disconnect the 10-way transmission connector.
(additional DTCs will set)
3. Connect Solenoid/Thermistor Electrical Tester
(STET) to the 10-way transmission connector of
3 transmission side.
4. Turn the mode knob of STET to 5 and push the red
Does the bulb of open circuit on the solenoids side of
STET illuminate? - Go to Step 4 Go to Step 7
1. Remove the valve cover. Refer to the Transmission
in this section.
2. Check the wiring harnesses from 10-way trans
4 mission connector to Solenoid 5 (S5) on the valve
body for an open or short to positive and repair as
Is a repair complete? - Go to Step 11 Go to Step 5
Using a Digital Volt Meter (DVM), measure the Go to
5 resistance between S5 terminal A and B. “Diagnostic
Is the resistance within the specified value? 3.6 - 5.5 Ω Aids” Go to Step 6
Replace the S5.
6 - Go to Step 11 -
Is the action complete?
1. Disconnect the TCM connector A.
2. Check the wiring harness from 10-way transmis-
7 sion connector terminal 5 to TCM terminal A1 for an
open or short to battery and repair as necessary.
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 11 Go to Step 8
Check the wiring harness from 10-way transmission
connector terminal 8 to TCM terminal A7 for an open
8 and repair as necessary.
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 11 Go to Step 9


DTC P1737 Solenoid 5 Circuit Open (Cont'd)

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

Check for a poor connection at the 10-way transmission
connector and TCM connector and repair the malfunc-
tioning terminals as necessary.
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 11 Go to Step 10
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
10 2. Replace the TCM.
Is the action complete? - Go to Step 11 -
1. Using the scan tool, clear the DTCs.
2. Road test the vehicle within the conditions for
11 setting this DTC as specified in the text.
Does the scan tool indicate that this diagnostic has
run and passed? - Go to Step 12 Go to Step 2
Check if any DTCs are set. Go to System OK,
12 Are there any DTCs displayed or previously recorded applicable Check
at Step 2 that have not been diagnosed? - DTC table Complete






Circuit Description Conditions for Clearing the DTC
The solenoid 6 is a normally open ON/OFF type sole- • The DTC will clear when the malfunction has not
noid that is used to set the high/ low level of line pres- occurred after ignition cycle.
sure. • A history DTC will clear after 40 TCM power-up
The Solenoid 6 (S6) OFF gives high pressure and the cycles with a warm transmission (>50 °C) and
S6 is attached to the valve body within the without a fault.
transmission. Voltage is supplied directly to the • History DTCs can be cleared by using a scan tool.
solenoid through the Transmission Control Module
(TCM). Diagnostic Aids
The DTC P1738 sets when the solenoid 6 circuit is • During the TCM's testing, solenoid 6 is turned OFF/
open or the switched leg of the solenoid 6 is shorted ON by a very small (4 millisecond) pulses. This
to battery positive. The solenoid 6's driver Integrated pulse is too short for the solenoid to react so the
Chip (IC) status indicates a faulty circuit. transmission operation is not affected.

Conditions for Setting the DTC • The solenoid feedback voltage is measured before
the (4 millisecond) pulse and again during the pulse.
• DTCs P1717 and P1718 are not set. If the difference is outside the acceptable limits
• S6 is OFF. the relevant fault is recorded.
• S4 is OFF. • Typical causes would be an open circuit in the wiring
• The solenoid 6's driver Integrated Chip (IC) status to or within the solenoid, or a short circuit to power
indicates a faulty circuit. This condition must be in the wiring to or within the solenoid.
continuously present for 60 milliseconds. • If several faults of solenoids are present, check the
wiring or connectors that are common to the selected
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
solenoids, especially the earth connections.
• The solenoid 6 is disabled (OFF) resulting in high
line pressure being applied continuously.


• Inspect the wiring for poor electrical connections Test Description

at the TCM and at the 10-way transmission The number(s) below refer to the step number(s) on
connector. Look for possible bent, backed out, the Diagnostic Table.
deformed or damaged terminals. Check for weak
3. Checks if the S6 circuit in the transmission is mal-
terminal tension as well. Also check for chafed wires
that could short to bare metal or other wiring.
Inspect for broken wire inside the insulation. 4. Check cable in the transmission for open / short.
• If diagnosing for a possible intermittent short or 6. Check resistance between S6 terminal A and B.
open condition, move or massage the wiring Standard value is 22 - 30 Ω.
harness while observing test equipment for a 9. Check connections of other connectors

DTC P1738 Solenoid 6 Circuit Open

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

Perform a Transmission Control Module (TCM) System Go to “TCM
1 Check. Diagnostic
Is the check performed? - Go to Step 2 System Check”
1. Install the scan tool.
2. Turn the ignition ON, with the engine OFF.
3. Record and then clear DTCs.
2 4. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for Go to
setting this DTC as specified in the text. “Diagnostic
Does the scan tool display P1738? - Go to Step 3 Aids”
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
2. Disconnect the 10-way transmission connector.
(additional DTCs will set)
3. Connect Solenoid/Thermistor Electrical Tester
(STET) to the 10-way transmission connector of
3 transmission side and to the good ground.
4. Turn the mode knob of STET to 6 and push the red
Does the bulb of open circuit on the solenoids side of
STET illuminate? - Go to Step 4 Go to Step 8
1. Remove the valve cover. Refer to the Transmission
in this section.
2. Check the wiring harness from 10-way transmission
connector to Solenoid 6 (S6) on the valve body for an
open or short to positive and repair as necessary.
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 11 Go to Step 5
Check the S6 ground circuit for an open and repair as
5 necessary.
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 11 Go to Step 6
Using a Digital Volt Meter (DVM), measure the resis- Go to
6 tance between S6 terminal A and B. “Diagnostic
Is the resistance within the specified value? 22 - 30 Ω Aids” Go to Step 7
Replace the S6.
Is the action complete? - Go to Step 11 -
1. Disconnect the TCM connector A.
2. Check the wiring harness from 10-way transmission
8 connector terminal 6 to TCM terminal A12 for an open
and repair as necessary.
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 11 Go to Step 9


DTC P1738 Solenoid 6 Circuit Open (Cont'd)

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

Check for a poor connection at the 10-way transmission
connector and TCM connector and repair the malfunc-
tioning terminals as necessary.
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 11 Go to Step 10
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
10 2. Replace the TCM.
Is the action complete? - Go to Step 11 -
1. Using the scan tool, clear the DTCs.
2. Road test the vehicle within the conditions for
11 setting this DTC as specified in the text.
Does the scan tool indicate that this diagnostic has
run and passed? - Go to Step 12 Go to Step 2
Check if any DTCs are set. Go to System OK,
12 Are there any DTCs displayed or previously recorded applicable Check
at Step 2 that have not been diagnosed? - DTC table Complete






Circuit Description Conditions for Clearing the DTC
The solenoid 7 is a normally open ON/OFF type sole- • The DTC will clear when the malfunction has not
noid that is used to control the application of the occurred after ignition cycle.
Torque Converter Clutch (TCC). • A history DTC will clear after 40 TCM power-up
The Solenoid 7 (S7) ON activates the TCC and the S7 cycles with a warm transmission (>50 °C) and
is attached to the pump body within the transmission. without a fault.
Voltage is supplied directly to the solenoid through • History DTCs can be cleared by using a scan tool.
the Transmission Control Module (TCM).
Diagnostic Aids
The DTC P1739 sets when the solenoid 7, Torque Con-
verter Clutch Solenoid, circuit is open or the switched • During the TCM's testing, solenoid 7 is turned OFF/
leg of the solenoid 7 is shorted to battery positive. ON by a very small (4 millisecond) pulses. This
The solenoid 7's driver Integrated Chip (IC) status pulse is too short for the solenoid to react so the
indicates a faulty circuit. transmission operation is not affected.

Conditions for Setting the DTC • The solenoid feedback voltage is measured before
the (4 millisecond) pulse and again during the pulse.
• DTCs P1717 and P1718 are not set. If the difference is outside the acceptable limits
• S7 is OFF. the relevant fault is recorede.
• S3 is OFF. • Typical causes would be an open circuit in the wiring
• The solenoid 7's driver Integrated Chip (IC) status to or within the solenoid, or a short circuit to power
indicates a faulty circuit. This condition must be in the wiring to or within the solenoid.
continuously present for 60 milliseconds. • If several faults of solenoids are present, check the
wiring or connectors that are common to the selected
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
solenoids, especially the earth connections.
• The solenoid 7 is always disabled (OFF) resulting • Inspect the wiring for poor electrical connections
in the TCC being unlocked always.
at the TCM and at the 10-way transmission

Look for possible bent, backed out, deformed or 3. Checks if the S7 circuit in the transmission is mal-
damaged terminals. Check for weak terminal functioning.
tension as well. Also check for chafed wires that 4. Check cable in the transmission for open / short.
could short to bare metal or other wiring. Inspect If the problem is found in the wiring harness from
for broken wire inside the insulation. 10-way transmission connector to contact point
• If diagnosing for a possible intermittent short or attached onto the transmission case, repair it with
open condition, move or massage the wiring removing the valve cover. Refer to the
harness while observing test equipment for a Transmission in this section.
change. 7. Check resistance between S7 terminal A and B.
Test Description Standard value is 22 - 30 Ω.
The number(s) below refer to the step number(s) on 10. Check connections of other connectors.
the Diagnostic Table.

DTC P1739 Solenoid 7 Circuit Open

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

Perform a Transmission Control Module (TCM) System Go to “TCM
1 Check. Diagnostic
Is the check performed? - Go to Step 2 System Check”
1. Install the scan tool.
2. Turn the ignition ON, with the engine OFF.
3. Record and then clear DTCs.
4. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for Go to
setting this DTC as specified in the text. “Diagnostic
Does the scan tool display P1739? - Go to Step 3 Aids”
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
2. Disconnect the 10-way transmission connector.
(additional DTCs will set)
3. Connect Solenoid/Thermistor Electrical Tester
(STET) to the 10-way transmission connector of
3 transmission side and to the good ground.
4. Turn the mode knob of STET to 7 and push the red
Does the bulb of open circuit on the solenoids side of
STET illuminate? - Go to Step 4 Go to Step 9
1. Remove the pump assembly. Refer to the Pump in
this section.
2. Check the wiring harness from 10-way transmission
4 connector to contact point attached onto the
transmission case for an open or short to positive
and repair as necessary.
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 12 Go to Step 5
Check the wiring harness from contact point attached
onto the transmission case to S7 for an open or short
5 to positive and repair as necessary.
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 12 Go to Step 6
Check the S7 ground circuit for an open and repair as
6 necessary.
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 12 Go to Step 7
Using a Digital Volt Meter (DVM), measure the resis- Go to
7 tance between S7 terminal A and B. “Diagnostic
Is the resistance within the specified value? 22 - 30 Ω Aids” Go to Step 8
Replace the S7.
8 Is the action complete? - Go to Step 12 -


DTC P1739 Solenoid 7 Circuit Open (Cont'd)

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

1. Disconnect the TCM connector A.
2. Check the wiring harness from 10-way transmission
9 connector terminal 7 to TCM terminal A9 for an open
or short to positive and repair as necessary.
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 12 Go to Step 10
Check for a poor connection at the 10-way transmission
connector and TCM connector and repair the malfunc-
10 tioning terminals as necessary.
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 12 Go to Step 11
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
11 2. Replace the TCM.
Is the action complete? - Go to Step 12 -
1. Using the scan tool, clear the DTCs.
2. Road test the vehicle within the conditions for
12 setting this DTC as specified in the text.
Does the scan tool indicate that this diagnostic has
run and passed? - Go to Step 13 Go to Step 2
Check if any DTCs are set. Go to System OK,
13 Are there any DTCs displayed or previously recorded applicable Check
at Step 2 that have not been diagnosed? - DTC table Complete






Circuit Description • A history DTC will clear after 40 TCM power-up
The solenoid 1 is used to control fluid flow acting on cycles with a warm transmission (>50 °C) and
the 1 - 2 shift valve. The solenoid 1 is a normally open without a fault.
ON/ OFF type solenoid that is used in conjunction with • History DTCs can be cleared by using a scan tool.
the solenoid 2 to allow four different shifting
Diagnostic Aids
combinations. Refer to Static Gear Status.
The solenoid is attached to the valve body within the
• During the TCM’s testing, solenoid 1 is turned OFF/
ON by a very small (4 millisecond) pulses. This
transmission. Voltage is supplied directly to the
pulse is too short for the solenoid to react so the
solenoid through the Transmission Control Module
transmission operation is not affected.
The DTC P1741 sets when the Solenoid 1 (S1) circuit • The solenoid feedback voltage is measured before
the (4 millisecond) pulse and again during the
is shorted to ground. The solenoid 1’s driver
pulse. If the difference is outside the acceptable
Integrated Chip (IC) status indicates a faulty circuit.
limits the relevant fault is recorded.
Conditions for Setting the DTC • Typical causes would be a short circuit to ground
• DTCs P1717 and P1718 are not set. in the wiring to or within the solenoid.
• S1 is ON. • If several faults of solenoids are present, check
• The solenoid 1’s driver Integrated Chip (IC) status the wiring or connectors that are common to the
indicates a faulty circuit. This condition must be selected solenoids, especially the earth
continuously present for 60 milliseconds. connections.

Action Taken When the DTC Sets • Inspect the wiring for poor electrical connections
at the TCM and at the 10-way transmission
• The solenoid 1 is always OFF. connector. Look for possible bent, backed out,
• TCM adopts a Limp Home Mode (LHM) operation. deformed or damaged terminals. Check for weak
Conditions for Clearing the DTC terminal tension as well. Also check for chafed wires
that could short to bare metal or other wiring.
• The DTC will clear when the malfunction has not Inspect for broken wire in-side the insulation.
occurred after ignition cycle.

• If diagnosing for a possible intermittent short or Test Description
open condition, move or massage the wiring The number(s) below refer to the step number(s) on
harness while observing test equipment for a the Diagnostic Table.
3. Checks if the S1 circuit in the transmission is mal-
• Solenoid Logic for Static Gear States functioning.
4. Check cable in the transmission for short to
Gear S1 S2
1st ON ON 6. Check resistance between S1 terminal A and B.
2nd OFF ON Standard value is 22 - 30 Ω .
3rd OFF OFF 9. Check connections of other connectors.
4th ON OFF
Reverse OFF OFF
Neutral OFF OFF

DTC P1741 Solenoid 1 Circuit Short

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

Perform a Transmission Control Module (TCM) System Go to “TCM
1 Check. Diagnostic
Is the check performed? - Go to Step 2 System Check”
1. Install the scan tool.
2. Turn the ignition ON, with the engine OFF.
3. Record and then clear DTCs.
4. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for Go to
setting this DTC as specified in the text. “Diagnostic
Does the scan tool display - Go to Step 3 Aids”
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
2. Disconnect the 10-way transmission connector.
(additional DTCs will set)
3. Connect Solenoid/Thermistor Electrical Tester
(STET) to the 10-way transmission connector of
3 transmission side and to the good ground.
4. Turn the mode knob of STET to 1 and push the red
Does the bulb of close circuit on the solenoids side of
STET illuminate? - Go to Step 4 Go to Step 8
1. Remove the valve cover. Refer to the Transmission
in this section.
2. With a test light connected to B+, probe the wiring
harness from 10-way transmission connector to
Solenoid 1 (S1) on the valve body.
Does the test light illuminate? - Go to Step 5 Go to Step 6
Repair the short to ground in the wiring harness.
5 - Go to Step 11 -
Is the repair complete?
Using a Digital Volt Meter (DVM), measure the Go to
6 resistance between S1 terminal A and B. “Diagnostic
Is the resistance within the specified value? 20 - 30 Ω Aids” Go to Step 7
Replace the S1.
7 Is the action complete? - Go to Step 11 -


DTC P1741 Solenoid 1 Circuit Short (Cont’d)

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

1. Disconnect the TCM connector A.
2. With a test light connected to B+, probe the wiring
8 harness from 10-way transmission connector
terminal 1 to TCM terminal A3.
Does the test light illuminate? - Go to Step 5 Go to Step 9
Check for a poor connection at the 10-way transmission
connector and TCM connector and repair the
malfunctioning terminals as necessary.
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 11 Go to Step 10
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
10 2. Replace the TCM.
Is the action complete? - Go to Step 11 -
1. Using the scan tool, clear the DTCs.
2. Road test the vehicle within the conditions for
11 setting this DTC as specified in the text.
Does the scan tool indicate that this diagnostic has
run and passed? - Go to Step 12 Go to Step 2
Check if any DTCs are set. Go to System OK,
12 Are there any DTCs displayed or previously recorded applicable Check
at Step 2 that have not been diagnosed? - DTC table Complete






Circuit Description • A history DTC will clear after 40 TCM power-up
The solenoid 2 is used to control fluid flow acting on cycles with a warm transmission (>50 °C) and
the 2 - 3 shift valve. The solenoid 2 is a normally open without a fault.
ON/OFF type solenoid that is used in conjunction with • History DTCs can be cleared by using a scan tool.
the solenoid 1 to allow four different shifting
Diagnostic Aids
combinations. Refer to Static Gear Status.
The solenoid is attached to the valve body within the • During the TCM’s testing, solenoid 2 is turned OFF/
ON by a very small (4 millisecond) pulses. This
transmission. Voltage is supplied directly to the
pulse is too short for the solenoid to react so the
solenoid through the Transmission Control Module
transmission operation is not affected.
The DTC P1742 sets when the Solenoid 2 (S2) circuit
• The solenoid feedback voltage is measured before
the (4 millisecond) pulse and again during the pulse.
is shorted to ground. The solenoid 2’s driver
If the difference is outside the acceptable limits
Integrated Chip (IC) status indicates a faulty circuit.
the relevant fault is recorded.
Conditions for Setting the DTC • Typical causes would be a short circuit to ground
• DTCs P1717 and P1718 are not set. in the wiring to or within the solenoid.
• S2 is ON. • If several faults of solenoids are present, check the
• The solenoid 2’s driver Integrated Chip (IC) status wiring or connectors that are common to the selected
indicates a faulty circuit. This condition must be solenoids, especially the earth connections.
continuously present for 60 milliseconds. • Inspect the wiring for poor electrical connections
at the TCM and at the transmission 10-way
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
connector. Look for possible bent, backed out,
• The solenoid 2 is always OFF. deformed or damaged terminals. Check for weak
• TCM adopts a Limp Home Mode (LHM) operation. terminal tension as well. Also check for chafed wires
that could short to bare metal or other wiring.
Conditions for Clearing the DTC
Inspect for broken wire inside the insulation.
• The DTC will clear when the malfunction has not
occurred after ignition cycle.


• If diagnosing for a possible intermittent short or Test Description

open condition, move or massage the wiring The number(s) below refer to the step number(s) on
harness while observing test equipment for a the Diagnostic Table.
3. Checks if the S2 circuit in the transmission is
• Solenoid Logic for Static Gear States malfunctioning.
4. Check cable in the transmission for short to
Gear S1 S2
1st ON ON 6. Check resistance between S2 terminal A and B.
2nd OFF ON Standard value is 22 - 30 Ω.
3rd OFF OFF 9. Check connections of other connectors.
4th ON OFF
Reverse OFF OFF
Neutral OFF OFF

DTC P1742 Solenoid 2 Circuit Short

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

Perform a Transmission Control Module (TCM) System Go to “TCM
1 Check. Diagnostic
Is the check performed? - Go to Step 2 System Check”
1. Install the scan tool.
2. Turn the ignition ON, with the engine OFF.
2 3. Record and then clear DTCs.
4. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for Go to
setting this DTC as specified in the text. “Diagnostic
Does the scan tool display P1742? - Go to Step 3 Aids”
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
2. Disconnect the 10-way transmission connector.
(additional DTCs will set)
3. Connect Solenoid/Thermistor Electrical Tester
3 (STET) to the 10-way transmission connector of
transmission side and to the good ground.
4. Turn the mode knob of STET to 2 and push the red
Does the bulb of close circuit on the solenoids side of
STET illuminate? - Go to Step 4 Go to Step 8
1. Remove the valve cover. Refer to the Transmission
in this section.
4 2. With a test light connected to B+, probe the wiring
harness from 10-way transmission connector to
Solenoid 2 (S2) on the valve body.
Does the test light illuminate? - Go to Step 5 Go to Step 6
Repair the short to ground in the wiring harness.
5 - Go to Step 11 -
Is the repair complete?
Using a Digital Volt Meter (DVM), measure the Go to
6 resistance between S2 terminal A and B. “Diagnostic
Is the resistance within the specified value? 20 - 30 Ω Aids” Go to Step 7
Replace the S2.
7 Is the action complete? - Go to Step 11 -


DTC P1742 Solenoid 2 Circuit Short (Cont’d)

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

1. Disconnect the TCM connector A.
2. With a test light connected to B+, probe the wiring
8 harness from 10-way transmission connector
terminal 2 to TCM terminal A11.
Does the test light illuminate? - Go to Step 5 Go to Step 9
Check for a poor connection at the 10-way transmission
connector and TCM connector and repair the malfunc-
9 tioning terminals as necessary.
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 11 Go to Step 10
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
10 2. Replace the TCM.
Is the action complete? - Go to Step 11 -
1. Using the scan tool, clear the DTCs.
2. Road test the vehicle within the conditions for
11 setting this DTC as specified in the text.
Does the scan tool indicate that this diagnostic has
run and passed? - Go to Step 12 Go to Step 2
Check if any DTCs are set. Go to System OK,
12 Are there any DTCs displayed or previously recorded applicable Check
at Step 2 that have not been diagnosed? - DTC table Complete






Circuit Description • A history DTC will clear after 40 TCM power-up
The solenoid 3 is a normally open ON/OFF type sole- cycles with a warm transmission (>50 °C) and
noid that is used in conjunction with the solenoid 4 to without a fault.
control the shift quality and sequencing. • History DTCs can be cleared by using a scan tool.
The solenoid 3 switches the clutch regulator valve OFF Diagnostic Aids
or ON and is attached to the valve body within the
transmission. Voltage is supplied directly to the
• During the TCM’s testing, solenoid 3 is turned OFF/
ON by a very small (4 millisecond) pulses. This
solenoid through the Transmission Control Module
pulse is too short for the solenoid to react so the
transmission operation is not affected.
The DTC P1743 sets when the Solenoid 3 (S3) circuit
is shorted to ground. The solenoid 3’s driver • The solenoid feedback voltage is measured before
the (4 millisecond) pulse and again during the
Integrated Chip (IC) status indicates a faulty circuit.
pulse. If the difference is outside the acceptable
Conditions for Setting the DTC limits the relevant fault is recorded.
• DTCs P1717 and P1718 are not set. • Typical causes would be a short circuit to ground
• S3 is ON. in the wiring to or within the solenoid.
• The solenoid 3’s driver Integrated Chip (IC) status • If several faults of solenoids are present, check
indicates a faulty circuit. This condition must be the wiring or connectors that are common to the
continuously present for 60 milliseconds. selected solenoids, especially the earth
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• Inspect the wiring for poor electrical connections
• The solenoid 3 is always OFF. at the TCM and at the 10-way transmission
• The 1 → 3, 1 → 4, 2 → 3, 2 → 4, 3 → 1, 3 → 2, 4 → connector. Look for possible bent, backed out,
2 and 4 1 shift quality is degraded. deformed or damaged terminals. Check for weak
Conditions for Clearing the DTC terminal tension as well. Also check for chafed wires
that could short to bare metal or other wiring.
• The DTC will clear when the malfunction has not Inspect for broken wire inside the insulation.
occurred after ignition cycle.


• If diagnosing for a possible intermittent short or 3. Checks if the S3 circuit in the transmission is mal-
open condition, move or massage the wiring functioning.
harness while observing test equipment for a 4. Check cable in the transmission for short to
change. ground.
Test Description 6. Check resistance between S3 terminal A and B.
The number(s) below refer to the step number(s) on Standard value is 22 - 30 Ω.
the Diagnostic Table. 9. Check connections of other connectors.

DTC P1743 Solenoid 3 Circuit Short

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

Perform a Transmission Control Module (TCM) System Go to “TCM
1 Check. Diagnostic
Is the check performed? - Go to Step 2 System Check”
1. Install the scan tool.
2. Turn the ignition ON, with the engine OFF.
2 3. Record and then clear DTCs.
4. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for Go to
setting this DTC as specified in the text. “Diagnostic
Does the scan tool display P1743? - Go to Step 3 Aids”
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
2. Disconnect the 10-way transmission connector.
(additional DTCs will set)
3. Connect Solenoid/Thermistor Electrical Tester
(STET) to the 10-way transmission connector of
3 transmission side and to the good ground.
4. Turn the mode knob of STET to 3 and push the red
Does the bulb of close circuit on the solenoids side of
STET illuminate? - Go to Step 4 Go to Step 8
1. Remove the valve cover. Refer to the Transmission
in this section.
2. With a test light connected to B+, probe the wiring
4 harness from 10-way transmission connector to
Solenoid 3 (S3) on the valve body.
Does the test light illuminate? - Go to Step 5 Go to Step 6
Repair the short to ground in the wiring harness.
Is the repair complete? - Go to Step 11 -
Using a Digital Volt Meter (DVM), measure the resis- Go to
6 tance between S3 terminal A and B. “Diagnostic
Is the resistance within the specified value? 20 - 30 Ω Aids” Go to Step 7
Replace the S3.
Is the action complete? - Go to Step 11 -
1. Disconnect the TCM connector A.
2. With a test light connected to B+, probe the wiring
8 harness from 10-way transmission connector
terminal 3 to TCM terminal A10.
Does the test light illuminate? - Go to Step 5 Go to Step 9
Check for a poor connection at the 10-way transmission
connector and TCM connector and repair the malfunc-
9 tioning terminals as necessary.
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 11 Go to Step 10


DTC P1743 Solenoid 3 Circuit Short (Cont’d)

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

1. Turn the ignition OFF.
10 2. Replace the TCM.
Is the action complete? - Go to Step 11 -
1. Using the scan tool, clear the DTCs.
2. Road test the vehicle within the conditions for
11 setting this DTC as specified in the text.
Does the scan tool indicate that this diagnostic has
run and passed? - Go to Step 12 Go to Step 2
Check if any DTCs are set. Go to System OK,
12 Are there any DTCs displayed or previously recorded applicable Check
at Step 2 that have not been diagnosed? - DTC table Complete






Circuit Description Conditions for Clearing the DTC
The solenoid 4 is a normally open ON/OFF type sole- • The DTC will clear when the malfunction has not
noid that is used in conjunction with the solenoid 3 to occurred after ignition cycle.
control the shift quality and sequencing. • A history DTC will clear after 40 TCM power-up
The solenoid 4 switches the band regulator valve OFF cycles with a warm transmission (>50 °C) and
or ON and is attached to the valve body within the without a fault.
transmission. • History DTCs can be cleared by using a scan tool.
Voltage is supplied directly to the solenoid through
Diagnostic Aids
the Transmission Control Module (TCM).
The DTC P1744 sets when the Solenoid 4 (S4) circuit • During the TCM’s testing, solenoid 4 is turned OFF/
ON by a very small (4 millisecond) pulses. This
is shorted to ground. The solenoid 4’s driver
pulse is too short for the solenoid to react so the
Integrated Chip (IC) status indicates a faulty circuit.
transmission operation is not affected.
Conditions for Setting the DTC • The solenoid feedback voltage is measured before
• DTCs P1717 and P1718 are not set. the (4 millisecond) pulse and again during the
• S4 is ON. pulse. If the difference is outside the acceptable
limits the relevant fault is recorded.
• The solenoid 4’s driver Integrated Chip (IC) status
indicates a faulty circuit. This condition must be • Typical causes would be a short circuit to ground
continuously present for 60 milliseconds. in the wiring to or within the solenoid.

Action Taken When the DTC Sets • If several faults of solenoids are present, check
the wiring or connectors that are common to the
• The solenoid 4 is always OFF. selected solenoids, especially the earth
• The 1 → 2, 1 → 4, 2 → 3, 2 → 4, 3 → 1, 3 → 2 (all connections.
including manual), 3 → 4, 4 → 1 and 4 → 3 shift
quality is degraded.


• Inspect the wiring for poor electrical connections Test Description

at the TCM and at the 10-way transmission The number(s) below refer to the step number(s) on
connector. Look for possible bent, backed out, the Diagnostic Table.
deformed or damaged terminals. Check for weak
3. Checks if the S4 circuit in the transmission is mal-
terminal tension as well. Also check for chafed wires
that could short to bare metal or other wiring.
Inspect for broken wire inside the insulation. 4. Check cable in the transmission for short to
• If diagnosing for a possible intermittent short or
open condition, move or massage the wiring 6. Check resistance between S4 terminal A and B.
harness while observing test equipment for a Standard value is 22 - 30 Ω.
change. 9. Check connections of other connectors.

DTC P1744 Solenoid 4 Circuit Short

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

Perform Transmission Control Module (TCM) System Go to “TCM
1 Check. Diagnostic
Is the check performed? - Go to Step 2 System Check”
1. Install the scan tool.
2. Turn the ignition ON, with the engine OFF.
3. Record and then clear DTCs.
2 4. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for Go to
setting this DTC as specified in the text. “Diagnostic
Does the scan tool display P1744? - Go to Step 3 Aids”
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
2. Disconnect the 10-way transmission connector.
(additional DTCs will set)
3. Connect Solenoid/Thermistor Electrical Tester
3 (STET) to the 10-way transmission connector of
transmission side and to the good ground.
4. Turn the mode knob of STET to 4 and push the red
Does the bulb of close circuit on the solenoids side of
STET illuminate? - Go to Step 4 Go to Step 8
1. Remove the valve cover. Refer to the Transmission
in this section.
2. With a test light connected to B+, probe the wiring
4 harness from 10-way transmission connector to
Solenoid 4 (S4) on the valve body.
Does the test light illuminate? - Go to Step 5 Go to Step 6
Repair the short to ground in the wiring harness.
Is the repair complete? - Go to Step 11 -
Using a Digital Volt Meter (DVM), measure the resis- Go to
6 tance between S4 terminal A and B. “Diagnostic
Is the resistance within the specified value? 20 - 30 Ω Aids” Go to Step 7
Replace the S4.
Is the action complete? - Go to Step 11 -
1. Disconnect the TCM connector A.
2. With a test light connected to B+, probe the wiring
8 harness from 10-way transmission connector
terminal 4 to TCM terminal A4.
Does the test light illuminate? - Go to Step 5 Go to Step 9


DTC P1744 Solenoid 4 Circuit Short (Cont’d)

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

Check for a poor connection at the 10-way transmission
connector and TCM connector and repair the malfunc-
9 tioning terminals as necessary.
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 11 Go to Step 10
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
10 2. Replace the TCM.
Is the action complete? - Go to Step 11 -
1. Using the scan tool, clear the DTCs.
2. Road test the vehicle within the conditions for
11 setting this DTC as specified in the text.
Does the scan tool indicate that this diagnostic has
run and passed? - Go to Step 12 Go to Step 2
Check if any DTCs are set. Go to System OK,
12 Are there any DTCs displayed or previously recorded applicable Check
at Step 2 that have not been diagnosed? - DTC table Complete






Circuit Description • A history DTC will clear after 40 TCM power-up
The solenoid 5 is a variable force solenoid that ramps cycles with a warm transmission (>50 °C) and
the pressure during the gear changes and solenoid without a fault.
switching, to enhance the transmission shift quality. • History DTCs can be cleared by using a scan tool.
This solenoid provides the signal pressure to the clutch
Diagnostic Aids
and band regulator, there by controlling the shift
pressure. • The current to solenoid 5 was outside acceptable
The solenoid 5 is attached to the valve body within
the transmission. Voltage is supplied directly to the • This fault results from a mismatch between the cur-
solenoid through the Transmission Control Module rent set point for solenoid 5 and the current
(TCM). measured by the feedback within the TCM.
The DTC P1745 sets when the Solenoid 5 (S5) circuit • Typical causes would be a short circuit to ground
is shorted to ground. The solenoid 5’s driver in the wiring to, from or within the solenoid.
Integrated Chip (IC) status indicates a faulty circuit. • It is also possible that there has been a fault in the
solenoid output circuit. But if this is the cause, the
Conditions for Setting the DTC
fault should be continually present.
• DTCs P1717 and P1718 are not set. • Inspect the wiring for poor electrical connections
• S5 is ON. at the TCM and at the 10-way transmission
• The solenoid 5’s driver Integrated Chip (IC) status connector. Look for possible bent, backed out,
indicates a faulty circuit. This condition must be deformed or damaged terminals. Check for weak
continuously present for 60 milliseconds. terminal tension as well. Also check for chafed wires
that could short to bare metal or other wiring.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
Inspect for broken wire inside the insulation.
• Solenoid 5 is disabled (always OFF) • If diagnosing for a possible intermittent short or
• The shift quality is degraded. open condition, move or massage the wiring
Conditions for Clearing the DTC harness while observing test equipment for a
• The DTC will clear when the malfunction has not
occurred after ignition cycle.
Test Description 4. Check cable in the transmission for short to
The number(s) below refer to the step number(s) on ground.
the Diagnostic Table. 6. Check resistance between S5 terminal A and B.
3. Checks if the S5 circuit in the transmission is mal- Standard value is 3.6 - 5.5 Ω.
functioning. 10. Check connections of other connectors.

DTC P1745 Solenoid 5 Circuit Short

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

Perform Transmission Control Module (TCM) System Go to “TCM
1 Check. Diagnostic
Is the check performed? - Go to Step 2 System Check”
1. Install the scan tool.
2. Turn the ignition ON, with the engine OFF.
3. Record and then clear DTCs.
2 4. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for Go to
setting this DTC as specified in the text. “Diagnostic
Does the scan tool display P1745? - Go to Step 3 Aids”
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
2. Disconnect the 10-way transmission connector.
(additional DTCs will set)
3. Connect Solenoid/Thermistor Electrical Tester
(STET) to the 10-way transmission connector of
3 transmission side.
4. Turn the mode knob of STET to 5 and push the red
Does the bulb of close circuit on the solenoids side of
STET illuminate? - Go to Step 4 Go to Step 8
1. Remove the valve cover. Refer to the Transmission
in this section.
2. With a test light connected to B+ probe the wiring
harnesses from 10-way transmission connector to
Solenoid 5 (S5) on the valve body.
Does the test light illuminate? - Go to Step 5 Go to Step 6
Repair the short to ground in the wiring harness.
Is the repair complete? - Go to Step 12 -
Using a Digital Volt Meter (DVM), measure the resis- Go to
6 tance between S5 terminal A and B. “Diagnostic
Is the resistance within the specified value? 3.6 - 5.5 Ω Aids” Go to Step 7
Replace the S5.
Is the action complete? - Go to Step 12 -
1. Disconnect the TCM connector A.
2. With a test light connected to B+, probe the wiring
8 harness from 10-way transmission connector
terminal 5 to TCM terminal.
Does the test light illuminate? - Go to Step 5 Go to Step 9
Probe the wiring harness from 10-way transmission
9 connector terminal 8 to TCM terminal A1.
Does the test light illuminate? - Go to Step 5 Go to Step 10
Check for a poor connection at the 10-way transmission
connector and TCM connector and repair the malfunc-
tioning terminals as necessary.
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 12 Go to Step 11


DTC P1745 Solenoid 5 Circuit Short (Cont’d)

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

1. Turn the ignition OFF.
11 2. Replace the TCM.
Is the action complete? - Go to Step 12 -
1. Using the scan tool, clear the DTCs.
2. Road test the vehicle within the conditions for
12 setting this DTC as specified in the text.
Does the scan tool indicate that this diagnostic has
run and passed? - Go to Step 13 Go to Step 2
Check if any DTCs are set. Go to System OK,
13 Are any there DTCs displayed or previously recorded applicable Check
at Step 2 that have not been diagnosed? - DTC table Complete






Circuit Description • A history DTC will clear after 40 TCM power-up
The solenoid 6 is a normally open ON/OFF type sole- cycles with a warm transmission (>50 °C) and
noid that is used to set the high/ low level of line pres- without a fault.
sure. • History DTCs can be cleared by using a scan tool.
The solenoid 6 (S6) OFF gives high pressure and the Diagnostic Aids
S6 is attached to the valve body within the
transmission. Voltage is supplied directly to the • During the TCM’s testing, solenoid 6 is turned OFF/
ON by a very small (4 millisecond) pulses. This
solenoid through the Transmission Control Module
pulse is too short for the solenoid to react so the
transmission operation is not affected.
The DTC P1746 sets when the Solenoid 6 (S6) circuit
is shorted to ground. The solenoid 6’s driver • The solenoid feedback voltage is measured before
the (4 millisecond) pulse and again during the
Integrated Chip (IC) status indicates a faulty circuit.
pulse. If the difference is outside the acceptable
Conditions for Setting the DTC limits the relevant fault is recorded.
• DTCs P1717 and P1718 are not set. • Typical causes would be a short circuit to ground
• S6 is ON. in the wiring to or within the solenoid.
• The solenoid 6’s driver Integrated Chip (IC) status • If several faults of solenoids are present, check
indicates a faulty circuit. This condition must be the wiring or connectors that are common to the
continuously present for 60 milliseconds. selected solenoids, especially the earth
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• Inspect the wiring for poor electrical connections
• The solenoid 6 is disabled (OFF) resulting in high at the TCM and at the 10-way transmission
line pressure being applied continuously. connector. Look for possible bent, backed out,
Conditions for Clearing the DTC deformed or damaged terminals. Check for weak
terminal tension as well. Also check for chafed wires
• The DTC will clear when the malfunction has not that could short to bare metal or other wiring.
occurred after ignition cycle.
Inspect for broken wire inside the insulation.


• If diagnosing for a possible intermittent short or 4. Check cable in the transmission for short to
open condition, move or massage the wiring ground.
harness while observing test equipment for a 6. Check resistance between S6 terminal A and B.
change. Standard value is 22 - 30 Ω.
Test Description 9. Check connections of other connectors.
The number(s) below refer to the step number(s) on
the Diagnostic Table.
3. Checks if the S6 circuit in the transmission is mal-

DTC P1746 Solenoid 6 Circuit Short

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

Perform a Transmission Control Module (TCM) System Go to “TCM
1 Check. Diagnostic
Is the check performed? - Go to Step 2 System Check”
1. Install the scan tool.
2. Turn the ignition ON, with the engine OFF.
3. Record and then clear DTCs.
2 4. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for Go to
setting this DTC as specified in the text. “Diagnostic
Does the scan tool display P1746? - Go to Step 3 Aids”
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
2. Disconnect the 10-way transmission connector.
(additional DTCs will set)
3. Connect Solenoid/Thermistor Electrical Tester
3 (STET) to the 10-way transmission connector of
transmission side and to the good ground.
4. Turn the mode knob of STET to 6 and push the red
Does the bulb of close circuit on the solenoids side of
STET illuminate? - Go to Step 4 Go to Step 8
1. Remove the valve cover. Refer to the Transmission
in this section.
2. With a test light connected to B+, probe the wiring
4 harness from 10-way transmission connector to
Solenoid 6 (S6) on the valve body.
Does the test light illuminate? - Go to Step 5 Go to Step 6
Repair the short to ground in the wiring harness.
Is the repair complete? - Go to Step 11 -
Using a Digital Volt Meter (DVM), measure the Go to
6 resistance between S6 terminal A and B. “Diagnostic
Is the resistance within the specified value? 20 - 30 Ω Aids” Go to Step 7
Replace the S6.
Is the action complete? - Go to Step 11 -
1. Disconnect the TCM connector A.
2. With a test light connected to B+, probe the wiring
8 harness from 10-way transmission connector
terminal 6 to TCM terminal A12.
Does the test light illuminate? - Go to Step 5 Go to Step 9
Check for a poor connection at the 10-way transmission
connector and TCM connector and repair the malfunc-
9 tioning terminals as necessary.
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 11 Go to Step 10


DTC P1746 Solenoid 6 Circuit Short (Cont’d)

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

1. Turn the ignition OFF.
10 2. Replace the TCM.
Is the action complete? - Go to Step 11 -
1. Using the scan tool, clear the DTCs.
2. Road test the vehicle within the conditions for
11 setting this DTC as specified in the text.
Does the scan tool indicate that this diagnostic has
run and passed? - Go to Step 12 Go to Step 2
Check if any DTCs are set. Go to System OK,
12 Are there any DTCs displayed or previously recorded applicable Check
at Step 2 that have not been diagnosed? - DTC table Complete






Circuit Description • A history DTC will clear after 40 TCM power-up
The solenoid 7 is a normally open ON/OFF type sole- cycles with a warm transmission (>50 °C) and
noid that is used to control the application of the without a fault.
Torque Converter Clutch (TCC). • History DTCs can be cleared by using a scan tool.
The Solenoid 7 (S7) ON activates the TCC and is at- Diagnostic Aids
tached to the pump body within the transmission. Volt-
age is supplied directly to the solenoid through the • During the TCM’s testing, solenoid 7 is turned OFF/
ON by a very small (4 millisecond) pulses. This
Transmission Control Module (TCM).
pulse is too short for the solenoid to react so the
The DTC P1747 sets when the solenoid 7, Torque transmission operation is not affected.
Converter Clutch Solenoid, circuit is shorted to ground.
The solenoid 7’s driver Integrated Chip (IC) status • The solenoid feedback voltage is measured before
the (4 millisecond) pulse and again during the
indicates a faulty circuit.
pulse. If the difference is outside the acceptable
Conditions for Setting the DTC limits the relevant fault is recorded.
• DTCs P1717 and P1718 are not set. • Typical causes would be a short circuit to ground
• S7 is ON. in the wiring to or within the solenoid.
• The solenoid 7’s driver Integrated Chip (IC) status • If several faults of solenoids are present, check
indicates a faulty circuit. This condition must be the wiring or connectors that are common to the
continuously present for 60 milliseconds. selected solenoids, especially the earth
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• Inspect the wiring for poor electrical connections
• The solenoid 7 is always disabled (OFF) resulting at the TCM and at the 10-way transmission
in the TCC being unlocked continuously. connector. Look for possible bent, backed out,
Conditions for Clearing the DTC deformed or damaged terminals. Check for weak
terminal tension as well. Also check for chafed wires
• The DTC will clear when the malfunction has not that could short tobare metal or other wiring. Inspect
occurred after ignition cycle.
for broken wire inside the insulation.


• If diagnosing for a possible intermittent short or 4. Check cable in the transmission for short to
open condition, move or massage the wiring ground.
harness while observing test equipment for a 7. Check resistance between S7 terminal A and B.
change. Standard value is 22 - 30 Ω.
Test Description 10. Check connections of other connectors.
The number(s) below refer to the step number(s) on
the Diagnostic Table.
3. Checks if the S7 circuit in the transmission is mal-

DTC P1747 Solenoid 7 Circuit Short

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

Perform a Transmission Control Module (TCM) System Go to “TCM
1 Check. Diagnostic
Is the check performed? - Go to Step 2 System Check”
1. Install the scan tool.
2. Turn the ignition ON, with the engine OFF.
3. Record and then clear DTCs.
2 4. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for Go to
setting this DTC as specified in the text. “Diagnostic
Does the scan tool display P1747? - Go to Step 3 Aids”
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
2. Disconnect the 10-way transmission connector.
(additional DTCs will set)
3. Connect Solenoid/Thermistor Electrical Tester
3 (STET) to the 10-way transmission connector of
transmission side and to the good ground.
4. Turn the mode knob of STET to 7 and push the red
Does the bulb of close circuit on the solenoids side of
STET illuminate? - Go to Step 4 Go to Step 8
1. Remove the pump assembly. Refer to the Pump in
this section.
2. With a test light connected to B+, probe the wiring
4 harness from 10-way transmission connector to
contact point attached onto the transmission case.
Does the test light illuminate? - Go to Step 5 Go to Step 6
Repair the short to ground in the wiring harness.
Is the repair complete? - Go to Step 12 -
With a test light connected to B+, probe the wiring
6 harness from contact point attached onto the trans-
mission case to S7.
Does the test light illuminate? - Go to Step 15 Go to Step 7
Using a Digital Volt Meter (DVM), measure the Go to
7 resistance between S7 terminal A and B. “Diagnostic
Is the resistance within the specified value? 20 - 30 Ω Aids” Go to Step 8
Replace the S7.
Is the action complete? - Go to Step 12 -
1. Disconnect the TCM connector A.
2. With a test light connected to B+, probe the wiring
9 harness from 10-way transmission connector
terminal 7 to TCM terminal A9.
Does the test light illuminate? - Go to Step 5 Go to Step 10


DTC P1747 Solenoid 7 Circuit Short (Cont’d)

Step Action Value(s) Yes No

Check for a poor connection at the 10-way transmission
connector and TCM connector and repair the malfunc-
10 tioning terminals as necessary.
Is a repair necessary? - Go to Step 12 Go to Step 11
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
11 2. Replace the TCM.
Is the action complete? - Go to Step 12 -
1. Using the scan tool, clear the DTCs.
2. Road test the vehicle within the conditions for
12 setting this DTC as specified in the text.
Does the scan tool indicate that this diagnostic has
run and passed? - Go to Step 13 Go to Step 2
Check if any DTCs are set. Go to System OK,
13 Are there any DTCs displayed or previously recorded applicable Check
at Step 2 that have not been diagnosed? - DTC table Complete


Removal and Installation Procedure
1. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
2. Disconnect the connectors from transfer case.
3. Disconnect the speedometer connector from
transfer case.
4. Disconnect the inhibitor connector, gear position
sensor connector and transmission case connector.

5. Remove the rear propeller shaft bolts.

Installation Notice

Tightening Torque 70 - 80 N•m

(52 - 59 lb-ft)


6. Remove the cross member bolts and nuts.

Installation Notice

Tightening Torque 70 - 80 N•m

(52 - 59 lb-ft)


7. Remove the front propeller shaft bolts from transfer
Installation Notice

Tightening Torque 70 - 80 N•m

(52 - 59 lb-ft)


8. Remove the transfer case-to-transmission housing

bolts and remove the transfer case.
Installation Notice

Tightening Torque 35 - 60 N•m

(28 - 44 lb-ft)

9. Disconnect the 10-Pins Plug connector from trans-



10. Separate the locking clip on shift lever and remove

the shift rod.
Notice: Removal and installation performed when
the shift procedure should be lever is in ’D’ range.


11. Remove the oil cooler pipes.

Installation Notice

Tightening Torque 40 - 45 N•m

(29 - 33 lb-ft)


12. Remove the service hole cover in the engine block.
13. Put the alignment mark for installation, and
removethe six mounting bolts for torque converter
from drive plate through the service hole by
rotating the engine and remove the torque
Installation Notice

Tightening Torque 42 N•m (31 lb-ft)

• Screw the six bolts mounting the torque

converter through the service hole by using a
mirror and rotating the engine.
14. Remover the starter. Refer to Section 1E, Engine

15. Remove the extension housing to case bolts and

remove the transmission assembly.
Installation Notice

Tightening Torque 54 - 68 N•m

(40 - 50 lb-ft)

•Be careful not to drop the torque converter while

removing the transmission.
16. Installation should follow the removal procedure
in the reverse order.



Prior to rebuilding a transmission system, the following warnings are to be noted.
• Ensure that, before replacing a transmission the cooler lines are flushed out to remove any debris. This can
be done by applying compressed air to the rear cooler line forcing oil and any contaminants out of the front
cooler line.
• The cooler flow should be checked after the transmission has been fitted. With the front cooler line connected
and the rear line run into a suitable container, measure the flow over 15 seconds with the vehicle idling in park.
• The flow rate should exceed 1 liter in 15 seconds.
• Be wary of any situation where water enters the transmission. This may result in fluid foaming and leaking
through the breather.
• Ensure that both earth straps (one at the battery terminal and one on the vehicle body) are connected in the
vehicle before connecting the positive side of the battery.
• Follow the throttle position calibration procedure in this manual if the engine control module/ transmission
control module (ECM/TCM) is swapped.



Tools Required
0555-336256 Transmission Bench Cradle
0555-336257 Pump Puller

• Remove the inhibitor switch before washing the
transmission in solvent or hot wash.
• It is assumed that the transmission fluid has been
drained when the transmission was removed from
the vehicle and that the ‘special tools’ quoted are
• The transmission is dismantled in a modular fashion,
and the details of disassembly for each module are
given under the appropriate subject. Refer to Special
Tools Table in this chapter for details of all special
tools required when performing disassembly
• Technicians overhauling these transmissions will
also require a selection of good quality Torx bit
sockets, in particular numbers 30, 40 and 50, and
an 8 mm, 10 mm and 12 mm double hex socket.

1. Remove the converter and the converter housing.

2. Mount the transmission on the transmission bench
cradle 0555-336256.
3. Remove the oil pan and the oil pan seal.


4. Remove each end of the filter retaining clip from

the valve body and remove the filter.
5. Disconnect the wires from each solenoid and ground
and lay the wiring to one side.
6. Remove the valve body securing screws and
remove the valve body from the case.


7. Remove the front servo cover circlip.
8. Remove the front servo cover, piston and spring.
Notice: The plastic servo block is retained by the
piston return spring only.

9. Remove the adaptor housing bolts and adaptor



10. Remove the pump to case bolts using a multi-

hex 8 mm spanner.
11. Using the pump puller 0555-336257, remove the
pump and pump cover.


12. Remove the input shaft, forward clutch cylinder,

and the overdrive shaft as an assembly,
withdrawing them through the front of the case.
13. Remove the C3 clutch cylinder and sun gears.


14. Remove the front band struts. Remove the front



15. Remove the two centre support retaining bolts
using a T50 Torx bit.
16. Remove the centre support retaining circlip.
Notice: Do not hammer the output shaft to remove
the centre support as this will cause permanent
damage to the thrust bearing surfaces.

17. Remove the centre support, 1 - 2 one way clutch,

and planetary gear set as an assembly.
18. Remove the parking rod cam plate using a T40
Torx bit.


19. Remove the rear band struts and remove the band.
Notice: Vise the both end of rear band using the
plier and lean forward about 15 degrees

20. Remove the output shaft assembly.


Transmission Case
Tools Required
0555-336258 Cross Shaft Pin Remover/Installer
(Detent Lever)
0555-336261 Cross Shaft Seal Remover
0555-336265 Cross Shaft Pin Remover/Installer
(Inhibitor Switch)
1. Remove the pin from the side of cross shaft
inhibitor switch using cross shaft pin remover/
installer (inhibitor switch) 0555-336265.
2. Remove the inhibitor switch bolts and inhibitor
switch from the case.
3. Remove the cross shaft seals with cross shaft seal
remover 0555-336261.
4. Remove the circlip from the cross shaft. Pull the
shaft to release the drive pin from the selector


5. Using cross shaft pin remover/installer (detent le-
ver) 0555-336258, press the pin from the cross
shaft and withdraw the shaft from the case.
6. Remove the cross shaft pin and spring.
7. Remove the manual valve lever and the park rod.


8. Depress the tangs and withdraw the 10 pin

connector into the case. Remove the wiring loom


9. Detach the No. 7 solenoid wire from the front of

the case.
10. Remove the parking pawl pivot pin and the pawl
and spring from the case.
11. Remove the shaft and the rear servo lever.


12. Remove the rear servo cover and piston assembly.

13. Remove the B1R circlip, valve and spring.
14. Remove both band adjustment shims.
15. Inspect the output shaft bushing in the case and
replace if necessary.
16. Inspect cooler line fittings and replace as
17. Inspect the case for damage.


18. To remove the park rod lever: Remove the circlip
from the inner end of the pivot shaft and tap the
outer end of the shaft until it moves free from the
case, then using a wide shallow tapered drift as a
wedge, drive the pin out from the inside of the
case and remove the lever and spring.
Notice: Do not remove the park rod lever unless
absolutely necessary.


Forward Clutch Cylinder

Tools Required
0555-336259 Clutch Spring Compressor
1. Place the assembly in a horizontal position.


2. Remove the No. 4 needle bearing (2) and adjust-

ment shims (1) from the input shaft.
3. Remove the circlip from the front of the clutch cylin-
der and remove the input shaft.
4. Remove the overdrive shaft and the C1 clutch hub
assembly from the clutch cylinder.
5. Remove the C1 clutch plates from the cylinder.


6. Remove the circlip retaining the C3 clutch hub in

the rear of the clutch cylinder and remove the hub.
7. Remove the C2/C4 clutch hub assembly and
remove the No. 5 needle bearing from the C4 hub.
8. Removethe C2 clutch plates.


9. Invert the clutch cylinder and remove the C4 clutch
sleeve, clutch plates and the two wave washers.
The 3 - 4 one way clutch is located between the
C2 and C4 clutch hubs, and the hubs may be
separated by rotating one hub clockwise and
withdrawing it from the other.
10. Remove the thrust block from the C4 clutch
cylinder hub.


11. Mount the clutch cylinder on clutch spring

compressor 0555-336259 with the C2/C4 end
uppermost and compress the piston return spring.
Remove the spring retaining circlip. Release the
tool and remove the circlip, keeper and spring.
Notice: Make sure that the spring keeper is not
caught in the circlip groove, and that all the spring
pressure is released, before removing the tool.

12. Invert the clutch cylinder on the compressor tool

and removethe C1 clutch piston return spring in
asimilar manner.

13. To remove the clutch pistons from the clutch

cylinder, apply air pressure to the apply ports in
the bore of the cylinder.


C3 Clutch Cylinder
Tools Required
0555-336259 Clutch Spring Compressor
1. Remove the forward sun gear, No. 7 needle
bearing (2) thrust washer (1) and lipped thrust
washer (3) from the C3 clutch cylinder.
2. Remove the thrust plate (4), No. 6 needle bearing
(5), thrust plate (6) and nylon thrust plate (7) from
the clutch cylinder hub.
3. Remove the clutch plate retaining circlip and re-
move the clutch plates.

4. Mount the clutch assembly on clutch spring com-
pressor 0555-336259 and compress the piston re-
turn spring.
5. Remove the circlip and release the spring.
6. Remove the tool, circlip, keeper and spring.
Notice: Make sure that the spring keeper has not
been caught in the circlip groove, and that all spring
pressure has been released, before removing the tool.


7. Remove the sealing rings from the C3 clutch

8. To remove the clutch piston from the clutch cylinder,
apply air pressure to the port between the iron
sealing rings on the bearing journals of the cylinder.
9. Remove the reverse sun gear and C3 washer from
the cylinder.


Planet Carrier Assembly and Centre

1. Remove the No. 9 (2) needle bearing and washer
(1) from the output shaft and the planet carrier.
2. Separate the centre support from the planet carrier
by rotating it anti-clockwise.


3. Lift the one way clutch (1) from the planet carrier
4. Remove the circlip (2) retaining the one way clutch
outer race (3) in the planet carrier and remove the
5. Remove the one way clutch retainer (4) from the
planet carrier.



Notice: The following valves are housed in the pump

• Solenoid 7
• Converter clutch control valve
• Converter clutch regulator valve
• Primary regulator valve

1. Remove the wiring loom retainer plate and remove

solenoid 7 with a T30 Torx bit.
2. Remove the five washer head bolts from the cover
plate using a multi-point 8 mm socket.
3. Remove the five Torx head screws from the cover
plate with T30 Torx bit. Note that the long screw
holds the pump body to the pump body cover.
Notice: Do not strike the converter support tube to
loosen the pump body.


4. Separate the pump body from the pump cover.

5. Remove the cover plate, gasket and seal from the


6. Remove the ball check valve and one spring from

the pump cover.


7. Depress the plug inward and remove the retaining
pin for each of the three valves.
Notice: Some of the valves and plugs are preloaded
by springs and may unexpectedly fall out of the
cover when the pins are removed.

8. Remove the four valves, plugs and springs.


9. Remove the pump gears from the pump body.

10. Remove the lip seal from the front of the pump


Valve Body
1. Remove the manual valve detent spring and
retain-er plate using a T40 Torx bit.
2. Slide the manual valve out of the lower valve body.
Notice: Be aware that the manual valve will fall out
of the valve body.

3. Take note of the angular relationship of the

solenoid terminals to the valve body and remove
the solenoids 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and valve assemblies.
Notice: Take care that the bracket is not separated
from the solenoid.

4. Place the valve body assembly on the bench with

the upper body uppermost.
5. Remove the 24 clamping screws with a No. 30
Torx bit. Separate the upper and lower valve
bodies by lifting the upper body and the separator
plate together.
6. Turn the upper body over and place it on the bench
with the separator plate uppermost.


7. Lift the separator plate and gaskets from the upper
valve body.
8. Remove the five nylon check balls exposed in the
valve body.
9. Remove the retaining plate, plug, spring and re-
verse lockout valve.


10. Remove the filter (1.3) and the large nylon check
ball (2) from the lower valve body.
11. Remove the retaining plates and pins from the 1 -
2, 2 - 3, 3 - 4, BAR and CAR valves. The pins can
be removed with a magnet.
Notice: Once the pins are removed, the plates are
loose in the valve body and will drop out when the
valve body is turned over.

12. Remove the 1 - 2, 2 - 3 and 3 - 4 shift valves.


13. Depress the 4 - 3 sequence valve plug and

remove the retaining plate.
Notice: The plug is preloaded by the spring and
may unexpectedly fall out of the valve body.

14. Remove the plug, spring and valve


15. Depress the solenoid 5 valve. Remove the

retaining in and remove the valve, damper guide
and spring.
Notice: The valve is preloaded by the spring and
may unexpectedly fall out of the valve body.

16. Depress the line pressure release valve, remove

the retaining pin, disc (if fitted), spring and valve.
17. Drive out the retaining pin and remove the spring
and ball check valve adjacent to the BAR valve.



Tools Required
0555-336256 Transmission Bench Cradle
0555-336258 Cross Shaft Pin Remover/Installer
(Detent Lever)
0555-336262 Cross Shaft Seal Installer
0555-336263 Cross Shaft bullet
0555-336265 Cross Shaft Pin Remover/Installer
(Inhibitor Switch)

• The transmission is assembled in modular fashion
and details of assembly for each module are given
under the appropriate subject.
• Technicians overhauling these transmissions will
also require a selection of good quality Torx bit
sockets, in particular numbers 30, 40 and 50, and
an 8 mm, 10 mm and 12 mm double hex socket.
• Ensure that the B1R circlip is fitted to the case. (If
this is not fitted, the valve will peen its way into
and through the separator plate)
• Ensure that the ’E’clip is fitted to the cross shaft.
• Ensure that all aspects of the parking mechanism
are working.

1. Turn the transmission case upside down on the

bench and mount it to the transmission bench cradle
2. Install all fittings, plugs and the breather, applying
a sealant where applicable, Tighten the fittings to
specifications. Ensurethatthebreatheris clear,
andcheckthat the lube fitting in the rear of the case
is fittedand clear of obstruction.


3. Assemble the B1R valve and spring, and secure

with the circlip. Ensure that the circlip is completely
seated in its groove.


4. Install the rear servo lever and pivot pin.
Notice: The lever must pivot freely on its pin.


5. Assemble the park rod lever, complete with the

return spring and pivot pin, applying a small
amount of sealant to the outer end of the pivot
Notice: Care must be taken when applying sealant
to ensure that it is not applied between the pin and
the lever.

6. Secure the pivot pin with the circlip.

Notice: The lever must pivot freely on its pin and
the spring must return the park rod lever to its correct

7. Install the parking pawl pivot pin and spring.

Notice: The pawl must pivot freely on its pin.


8. Connect the park rod to the manual valve detent

lever. Ensure the spring and cam collar is firmly
installed on the rod.
9. Check that the cam collar slides freely on the rod.
10. Insert the cross shaft into the case, from the side
opposite to the inhibitor switch, then install the
antirattle spring on the shaft.


11. Poition the manual valve detent lever, aligning it
with the cross-shaft bore in the case.
12. Push the shaft through the detent lever until it
starts in the detent lever side of the case.


13. Install the detent lever drive pin in the shaft using
cross shaft pin remover/installer (detent lever)
0555-336258 with the adaptor over the pin.
14. Press the pin into the shaft until the tool bottoms.
15. Remove the tool and fit the spring retaining circlip
to the shaft.


16. Install the new cross shaft seals using cross shaft
seal installer 0555-336262 (1) and cross shaft
bullet 0555-336263 (2).


17. Install the inhibitor switch on the case. Torque the

bolts as per specifications. Press the pin into the
shaft until the tool bottoms using cross shaft pin
installer/ remover (inhibitor switch) 0555-336265.
Installation Notice

Tightening Torque 4 - 6 N•m

(35 - 53 lb-in)

18. Thoroughly check the terminal wiring loom for

condition and continuity.


19. Position the wiring loom and locate the solenoid 7
contact and terminal in the pump mounting flange
at the front of the case. The solenoid 7 wire is
routed under the park rod and cross shaft in the


20. Install the 10 pin connector in the case engaging

the tangs on the connector in the notches in case.


Output Shaft and Gear Assembly

1. Check that the output shaft bush is not worn or
damaged. Replace if necessary.
2. Check for damage to parking pawl teeth on the
ring gear. Replace if necessary.
3. Check that the sealing ring grooves have not been
4. Lubricate the sealing rings with automatic
transmission fluid.
5. Assemble the sealing rings to the output shaft
with the scarf cut uppermost.

6. If previously dismantled, assemble the ring gear

to the output shaft and secure with circlip. Ensure
that the circlip is firmly seated in its groove.
7. Install the No. 10 needle bearing assembly onto
the output shaft using petroleum jelly.
8. Carefully install the output shaft assembly in the
case to prevent damage to the sealing rings.



Rear Band Assembly

1. Check the rear band for any cracks or damage
along the lining and metal backing.
2. Install the reaction anchor strut into the main case,
without shims.
3. Carefully install the rear band into the transmission
case and ensure that it is properly fitted in the
Notice: If fitting a new band, soak the new band in
automatic transmission fluid for a minimum of five
minutes prior to assembly.

4. Position the apply strut on the rear band then

engage the apply strut in the servo lever.
5. Install the cam plate and tighten the screws to
Installation Notice

Tightening Torque 16 - 22 N•m

(12 - 16 lb-ft)


Rear Servo Assembly

1. Check the servo piston ‘O’ rings and gasket for
any damage.
2. Lubricate the servo piston ‘O’ rings with
automatic transmission fluid, and fit the ‘O’ rings
to the piston grooves.
3. Assemble the piston to the cover, ensuring that
‘O’ ring compression is adequate but not
4. Align the spring on the piston spigot, then position
the rear servo rod into the spigot.

5. Assemble the gasket to the cover and fit the

assembly to the case.
Notice: Do not use petroleum jelly on the gasket.

6. Apply additional Loctite 202 or equivalent as

required to the rear servo to case bolts. Install
the bolts and tighten to specification.
Installation Notice

Tightening Torque 30 - 35 N•m

(22 - 26 lb-ft)



Planet Carrier Assembly and Centre Support

1. Check the carrier and planet assembly for any
damage or irregularity and ensure that all pinions
rotate freely and that the pinion end float is within
0.10 mm - 0.50 mm.


2. Install the One Way Clutch (OWC) retainer (1) to

the planet carrier with the inner edge pointing down-
wards. Inspect the OWC race and the sprag
assemblies for wear or damage. Replace if
3. Install the outer (3) race in the drum. Press the
race to the bottom of the drum and install the
retaining circlip (2). Ensure the circlip is firmly
seated in its groove.
4. Install the OWC (1) into the outer race with the lip
edge uppermost. Lubricate the sprags with auto-
matic transmission fluid.

5. Check that the plugs are fitted to the centre

support, then assemble the centre support into
the OWC, ensuring that the support will rotate in
an anti-clock-wise direction only.
6. Lubricate the No. 9 needle bearing and washer
with petroleum jelly and fit them to the rear face
of the planet carrier.


latsnI eht

Tightening Torque 20 - 27 N•m

KAA5A560 (15 - 20 lb-ft)


Adaptor Housing Assembly

1. Install a new seal to the adaptor housing.
2. Position a new gasket onto the adaptor housing.
Notice: Do not use petroleum jelly to hold the gasket
in position.

3. Apply additional Loctite 202 or equivalent as required

to the adapter housing bolts. Install the adaptor
housing and torque the bolts to specification.
Installation Notice

Tightening Torque 30 - 35 N•m

KAA5A0B0 (22 - 26 lb-ft)

Front Servo Assembly

1. Lubricate the cover ‘O’ ring with automatic
transmission fluid and fit to the cover.
2. Lubricatethepiston‘O’ rings with automatic trans-
mission fluid and fit to the piston.
3. Assemble the piston, push rod, spring, belleville
washer, seat and retaining ring.
4. Fit the piston push rod assembly into the front
servo cover.


5. Install the front servo block and spring into the

6. Install the front servo assembly into the case.


7. Compress the servo cover and fit the servo cover

retaining circlip, aligning the gap with the pan rail,
and ensuring that it is completely seated in its
Notice: Ensure that the front servo snap ring is
installed correctly. Orient the circlip with the gap at
the bottom, near the pan rail.



Front Band Assembly

1. Install the reaction anchor strut to the case.
2. Check the band for all cracks or damage along its
lining and metal backing.
3. Position the strut retainers on the band.


4. Install the front band into the transmission case,

ensuring that it is properly seated in place.
Notice: If fitting a new band, soak the band in
automatic transmission fluid for a minimum of 5
minutes prior to assembly.

5. Position the reaction strut in its retaining clip and

engage it with the band and anchor strut.
6. Position the apply strut in its retaining clip and
engage it with the band and the servo piston rod.


C2/C4 Clutch Assembly

Tools Required
0555-336259 Clutch Spring Compressor
0555-336260 Clutch Pack Clearance Kit

• Check pistons for cracks.
• Do not mix the clutch piston return springs.
• Ensure that the snap rings are fitted correctly.

1. Check the feed orifices in the cylinder bore are clear

of obstructions.
2. Check the C2 piston bleed orifices are clear of
3. Lubricate the ‘O’ rings with Automatic Transmission
Fluid (ATF)
4. Fit the small ‘O’ ring onto the inner groove, and
the large ‘O’ ring onto the outer groove of the
Notice: ‘O’ rings must not be twisted in the grooves.


5. Check the C4 piston bleed orifices are clear of
6. Lubricate the ‘O’ rings with ATF.
7. Fit the small ‘O’ rings onto the inner groove and
the large ‘O’ rings onto the outer groove of the
8. Position the clutch cylinder with the C2/C4 cavity
facing upwards.
9. Fit the C4 piston into the C2 piston with the bleed
orifices in alignment.
10. Install the C2/C4 piston assembly into the
cylinder, with the piston bleed orifices aligned with
the holes on the outside of the cylinder, until the
outer diameter of the C2 piston enters the inner
diameter of the cylinder.

11. Assemble the piston return spring to the piston,

and fit the spring retainer over the spring.
12. Using 0555-336259 clutch spring compressor,
compress the spring sufficiently to enable the
installation of the retaining circlip ensuring that
the circlip is firmly seated in its groove, then
remove the tool.
Notice: The wire diameter of this spring is 4.3 mm.

13. Check the C1 piston check valves are not

damaged and are free to move, and that the
cylinder feed orifices are clear of obstructions.
KAA5A690 14. Lubricate the ‘O’ rings with ATF and fit them to
their respective grooves.
Notice: ‘O’ rings must not be twisted in the

15. Position the cylinder with the C1 cavity upwards.
Install the piston into the cylinder until the outer
diameter of the piston enters the inner diameter
of the cylinder.
16. Install the spring and spring retainer onto the
17. Using 0555-336259 clutch spring compressor,
compress the spring sufficiently to enable the
installation of the retaining circlip ensuring that
the circlip is firmly seated in its groove, then
remove the tool.
Notice: The wire diameter of this spring is 5.26 mm.
18. Install the C2 wave washer into the cylinder with
the crest of one wave covering one of the bleed
orifices inthe C2 piston.

19. Measure and record the thickness of the flange of

the C2 sleeve.
20. Install the C4 clutch plates and wave washer into
the C2 actuating sleeve, with the rounded edge
of the steel plates down, in the following
• Steel plate (selective)
• Friction disc
• Steel plate
• Friction disc
• Steel plate
KAA5A0I0 • Friction disc
• Steel plate
• Wave washer

21. Holding the cylinder horizontal, install the sleeve
and clutch plate assembly into the cylinder, with
the crest of one wave of the washer in line with
one of the holes in the outside of the cylinder,
until the sleeve contacts the C2 wave washer.
22. Check the C4 clutch pack clearance using 0555-
336260 clutch pack clearance kit.


Notice: With the C2 wave spring compressed, and

the clutch Pack supporting a 2 kg weight, the
dimension from the underside of the C2 pressure plate
to the selective steel is to be between 1.4 - 1.8 mm. If
the clutch is to be gauged from the top of the pressure
plate, then the dimension is to be the actual thickness
of the pressure plate plus 1.4 - 1.8 mm.
23. Use selective plates to achieve the correct
specification. If new friction plates are being fitted,
remove the clutch pack and soak the friction plates
in ATF for a minimum of 5 minutes prior to reassembly.
Notice: The clutch pack clearance must be taken
KAA5A0K0 before the elements are soaked in ATF.

24. Reassemble the sleeve and clutch pack into the

cylinder. Observe the alignment of the wave
washer to the hole in the cylinder.
25. Install the C2 clutch plates in the cylinder in the
following sequence:
• Friction disc
• Steel plate
• Friction disc
• Steel plate
• Steel plate (0574-000013, `014, `015, `016,
`019, `022), or Friction disc (0574-000012 & `017)
KAA5A0L0 • Steel plate (selective)
• Friction disc
• Steel plate (selective)
• Friction disc

26. Check the clutch pack clearance using only the
weight from 0555-336260 clutch pack clearance
Notice: With the clutch pack supporting a 2
kgweight, the dimension from the C3 clutch hub
locating step to the friction plate is to be between
0.80 - 1.05 mm.
27. Use selective plates to achieve the correct
specifica-tion. If new friction plates are being
fitted, remove the clutch pack and soak the friction
plates in ATF for a minimum of 5 minutes prior to
Notice: The clutch pack clearance must be taken
before the elements are soaked in ATF.
28. Lubricate and fit the 3-4 OWC and end caps to
the C2 hub.

29. Align the tangs and fit the nylon thrust washer
onto the C4 hub.
30. Align and fit the C4 hub to the C2 clutch and the
OWC assembly.
31. Check the rotation of the C2 hub. While holding
the C4 hub, the C2 hub should rotate in the
clockwise direction and lockup in the anti-
clockwise direction when viewed from the C2 hub.


32. Apply petroleum jelly to the No. 5 needle bearing

and fit it to the C4 hub.
33. Remove the C2 clutch plates from the clutch cylin-
34. Fit the thrust plate over the cylinder inner hub.
35. Engage the C2/C4 clutch hub assembly in the C4
clutch plates.
36. Install the C2 clutch plates.
37. Install the C3 hub and secure it with the circlip,
ensuring that the circlip is firmly seated in its


C3 Clutch and Reverse Sun Gear Assembly

Tools Required
0555-336259 Clutch Spring Compressor
0555-336260 Clutch Pack Clearance Kit
1. Check the orifices in the cylinder are clear of ob-
2. Check the C3 cylinder bush outside diameter and
the centre support inside diameter are in good
condition and not damaged. Coat the sealing rings
with automatic transmission fluid and fit into the
C3 cylinder grooves.

3. Check the reverse sun gear splines, grooves and

thrust face for condition. Coat the ‘O’ ring with
automatic transmission fluid and fit it to the groove
of the reverse sun gear.
4. Lubricate the C3 washer with petroleum jelly and
fit to the inner face of the reverse sun gear.
5. Install the reverse sun gear in the C3 cylinder,
ensuring that the ‘O’ ring compression is
adequate but not excessive.
Notice: ‘O’ rings must not be twisted in the


6. Coat the C3 piston ‘O’ rings with automatic trans-

mission fluid and fit the small ‘O’ ring onto the
inner ring and the large ‘O’ ring onto the outer
ring of the C3 piston.
7. Check that the bleed orifices of the piston are
clean and clear of obstructions.
8. Install the C3 piston in the cylinder until the
outside diameter of the piston enters the inside
diameter of the cylinder.
Notice: Take care not to cut the ‘O’ ring.


9. Assemble the spring and spring retainer on the

piston. Using 0555-336259 clutch spring
compressor compress the spring sufficiently to
enable the installation of the retaining circlip,
ensuring that the circlip is firmly seated in the
groove, and remove the tool.
10. Fit the C3 wave plate to the C3 piston face,
ensuring that one crest of the wave plate of the
C3 piston face is aligned over one of the piston


11. Assemble the clutch plates and discs into the
cylinder in the following sequence :
• Steel plate
• Friction disc
• Steel plate
• Steel plate (0574-000013, `014, `015, `016, `019,
`022), or Friction disc (0574-000012, `017)
• Steel plate (selective)
• Friction disc
• Steel plate (selective)
• Friction disc
12. Align and fit the pressure plate with the
counterbore facing away from the clutch plates.

13. Install the circlip.

14. Check the C3 clutch clearance using 0555-336260
clutch pack clearance kit in the following manner
(weight only).
a. Place the weight on the pressure plate and
measure the distance from the end of the
cylinder to the top of the pressure plate.
b. Record this figure.
c. Remove the weight.
d. Lift the pressure plate up against the circlip
and measure the distance from the end of the
cylinder to the top of the pressure plate.
e. Record this figure.
f. Subtract the second reading from the first read-
ing to obtain the clutch pack clearance.

Notice: With the clutch pack supporting a weight
of 2kg, the clearance between the snap ring and
the top of the pressure plate is to be between 1.07
- 1.45 mm.

15. If new friction plates are being fitted, remove the

clutch pack and soak the friction elements in auto-
matic transmission fluid for a minimum of five min-
utes prior to reassembly.
Notice: The clutch pack clearance must be taken
before the elements are soaked in automatic
transmission fluid.

Forward Sun Gear and C3 Clutch Pack

1. Fit the No. 7 needle bearing assembly over the
for-ward sun gear, ensuring that the thrust washer
is between the bearing and the sun gear.
2. Lubricate the lipped thrust plate with petroleum
jelly and fit the thrust plate onto the reverse sun


3. Align and fit the C3 clutch assembly over the for-

ward sun gear.


4. Lubricate the No. 6 needle bearing with petroleum

jelly and fit it to the thrust plate. Ensure the lugs
on the outside diameter of the bearing fit in the
thrust plate counterbore.
5. Align and fit the plastic thrust washer to the thrust
plate with petroleum jelly.
6. Install the assembly over the forward sun gear
shaft against the No. 6 needle bearing.
7. Place the assembly to one side.



C1 Clutch Overdrive Shaft and Input Shaft

Tools Required
0555-336260 Clutch Pack Clearance Kit

• Ensure that the snap rings are fitted correctly.
• Check pistons for cracks, especially the C1 piston.
• Do not mix clutch piston return springs.
• If the C1/C2 clutch packs separate from the C3
clutch pack, make sure the No. 6 bearing doesn’t
drop out of the bearing retainer.

1. Check the overdrive shaft grooves for any defect.

2. Coat the sealing rings, large and small, with petro-
leum jelly and fit them to the overdrive shaft. The
sealing rings may be held in place with a small
amount of petroleum jelly.


3. Assemble the clutch plate and disc into the cylinder

in the following sequence:
• Steel plate
• Friction disc
• Steel plate
• Friction disc
• Steel plate
• Steel plate ( 0574-000013, `014, `015, `016, `019,
`022), or friction disc (0574-000012 & `017)
• Steel plate (selective)
• Friction disc
• Steel plate (selective)
• Friction disc
4. Check the clutch pack clearance using 0555-
336260 clutch pack clearance kit.
5. Use selective plates to achieve the correct
Notice: With the clutch pack supporting a 2 kg
weight, the dimension from the input shaft locating
stop to the friction disc must be 0.70 - 0.90 mm.
6. If new friction plates are being fitted, remove the
clutch pack and soak the friction elements in auto-
matic transmission fluid for a minimum of five
minutes prior to assembly.
Notice: The clutch pack clearance must be taken
KAA5A0Z0 before elements are soaked in automatic
transmission fluid.
7. Check the fit of the C1 clutch hub on the overdrive
shaft. If it is loose, the hub and shaft assembly
must be replaced.
8. Coat the small nylon thrust spacer with petroleum
jelly and install it over the overdrive shaft.
9. Carefully fit the overdrive shaft into the C1 cylinder
so as not to damage the sealing ring.
10. Fit the small bronze C1 hub thrust washer in place
with petroleum jelly.
11. Check the input shaft for any defect. Fit the input
shaft into the cylinder and secure it with the circlip,
ensuring that the circlip is completely seated in
the groove.

12. Coat the sealing rings with petroleum jelly and fit
onto the input shaft.


13. Assemble the C1/C2/C4 clutch assembly to the

C3 clutch and sun gear assembly.
14. Install this assembly in the transmission case.



Pump Cover and Converter Support

• Do not wash the nose of solenoids in solvent.
• Ensure that the correct ‘O’ ring is fitted for the
• Be careful not to damage the needle bearings on
the assembly. Avoid any axial impact loads during
• Check the transmission end float. This will help to
detect any missing parts or incorrect assembly.

1. Check the pump body for any damage, chips or

irregularity. Check that the bush is firmly staked
in the drive gear.
2. Install the seal flush with the front face of the
pump body.
3. Lubricate the pump bush, and the drive and driven
gears, with automatic transmission fluid.


4. Install the pump driven gear and the pump drive

gear into the pump body.
5. Using a straight edge and thickness gauge, check
that the clearance between pump face and gears
is 0.04 - 0.018 mm.
6. Lubricate the pump body ‘O’ ring with automatic
transmission fluid and fit it to the pump body. Put
the pump body to one side.


7. Ensure that the pump cover cavities, ports and

holes are clean and free of any obstruction.
8. Lubricate all loose parts with automatic
transmission fluid prior to assembly.


9. Assemble the primary regulator valve, spring and
plunger to the pump cover, ensuring that the
regulator valve slides freely, then fit the regulator
valve plug and ‘O’ ring.
10. Install the retaining pin.


11. Install the converter clutch regulator valve, plug,

spring and ‘O’ ring.


12. Install the retaining pin.


13. Install the converter clutch control valve, spring,

plug, and ‘O’ ring.
14. Install the retaining pin.


15. Install the converter release check ball and spring.
16. Install the gasket on the pump cover.


17. Install the cover plate, solenoid 7 with the retainer

and the solenoid wiring retainer to the pump cover,
ensuring that the periphery of the cover plate is
flush with the periphery of the pump cover.
18. Tighten the screws to specification in the order.
Installation Notice

Tightening Torque 13 - 16 N•m

(10 - 12 lb-ft)

19. Tighten the solenoid 7 screw.

Installation Notice

Tightening Torque 13 - 16 N•m

(10 - 12 lb-ft)

• Check that neither the wiring nor the connector

protrudes excessively, in order that at
assembly neither the wiring and the connector
contacts or rubs on the input shaft or the C1/
C2 clutch cylinder.

20. Assemble the pump to the pump cover.

21. Tighten all bolts and the crescent screw finger
tight, ensuring that the pump is flush against the
pump cover. Tighten the bolts and the screw to
specification in the order. (A-F)
Installation Notice
Bolt (A-E) : 24 - 27 N•m
Tightening (18 - 20 lb-ft)
Torque Screw (F) : 13 - 16 N•m
(10 - 12 lb-ft)
22. Install the pump to transmission case gasket onto
KAA5A1L0 the case.
23. Fit the ‘O’ ring to the pump cover outer diameter.
24. Install the pump and cover assembly over the
input shaft being careful not to damage the sealing
rings. Apply additional Loctite 202 or equivalent
as required to the pump cover to case bolts.
Install and tighten bolts to specification.
Installation Notice

Tightening Torque 24 - 34 N•m

(18 - 25 lb-ft)


25. Check that the transmission end float is 0.50 -

0.65 mm. If the unshimmed end float clearance is
greater than specification, shims are to be placed
between the No. 4 bearing and the input shaft
bearing surface. If the end float clearance is less
than 0.5 mm then the transmission has been
assembled incorrectly or the parts are out of
26. Perform the following steps to check the end float :
a. Attach a dial indicator to the front of the trans-
mission case with the stylus resting on the end
of the input shaft.
KAA5A1N0 b. Apply a force of approximately 250 N or 25 kg
to the input shaft.
c. Zero the dial indicator.
d. Place a small lever behind the forward clutch
cylinder and lever the cylinder forward.
e. The measurement recorded on the dial indicator
is the transmission end float or clearance be-
tween the No. 4 bearing and the converter sup-
port tube.
27. On completion of this procedure, adjust the front
and rear bands to specifications. Refer to “Front
and Rear Band Adjustment” in this section.


Valve Body
• Do not wash the nose of solenoids in solvent.
• Be aware of ball positions in the upper valve body.
• Be aware of 1 - 2 and 3 - 4 shift valve positions,
they can be swapped.
• Check the 4 - 3 sequence valve and spring
• Check that the 12 mm ball is in the lower body.
• Check the line pressure relief valve for swarf, and
be aware of replacing the shims.
• When servicing the transmission, ensure that the
solenoid 5 damper spring is not broken.
• Locate the detent spring central to the detent lever.
• Wash the upper and lower valve bodies thoroughly
with cleansing solvent and blow dry.
• Check the valve body cavities, ports and holes for
damage or obstructions.
• The orifices in the valve body are for stability and
safeguard. Do not drill them larger.
• Thoroughly wash all loose components.
• Check that all valves slide freely in their location.

1. Install the detent lever locating pin

2. Install the Band Apply Regulator (BAR) valve,
springs, plunger and retaining pin.


3. Install the line pressure relief valve, tapered end

first, spring and disc. Secure with the retaining pin.


4. Install the solenoid 5 damper guide and spring,
piston and retaining pin.


5. Install the 4 - 3 sequence valve, spring, plug and

retaining plate.


6. Install the 1 - 2 shift valve, plug and retaining pin.


7. Install the 2 - 3 shift valve and retaining pin.


8. Install the 3 - 4 shift valve and retaining pin.


9. Install the Clutch Apply Regulator (CAR) valve,

springs, plunger and retaining pin.


10. Install the solenoid supply valve, spring and

retaining plate.
Notice: This aluminum valve is easily damaged.

11. Install solenoid 6 plunger, spring and retaining



12. Position the third feed ball (large nylon) in the valve
body and install the solenoid 6 filter.
13. Check the separator plate for burrs and damage.
Repair or replace the separator plate as
14. Check the upper and lower valve body gaskets
for damage. Replace the gaskets as necessary.
15. Install the lower valve body gasket on the lower
valve body.


16. Install the reverse lockout valve, spring, plug and
retaining plate. Ensure that the valve is correctly


17. Position the five nylon ball checks in the upper

valve body.
18. Fit the upper valve body gasket. Install the
separator plate over the upper valve body.


19. Holding the separator plate to the upper valve

body to prevent the check balls from falling out,
install the upper valve body on the lower valve
body. Install all screws finger tight then tighten
the screws to specification in the prescribed
Installation Notice

Tightening Torque 11 - 16 N•m

(8 - 12 lb-ft)

20. Install solenoids 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6. Ensure the

solenoid is firmly secured by the retainer and that
KAA5A830 the screw is tightened to specification.
Installation Notice
8 - 12 N•m
(71 - 106 lb-in)

• The wiring loom ground wire eyelet terminal is

secured beneath the solenoid 1 retainer.

21. Install solenoid 5. Ensure that the solenoid is
pushed firmly into the valve body by the retainer
and that the screw is tightened to specification.
Installation Notice

Tightening Torque 8 - 12 N•m

(71 - 106 lb-in)


22. Install the detent spring assembly (spring, support

plate and screw), ensuring that the screw is tight-
ened to specification. Check the spring for wear
or damage.
Installation Notice

Tightening Torque 20 - 22 N•m

(15 - 16 lb-ft)


23. Install the manual shift valve.

Notice: Be aware that the manual valve will fall out
of the valve body.


24. Align the valve body assembly on the

transmission case and install the manual valve
lever to manual valve link. Fit the long end of the
link to the manual valve first. Install the securing
bolts and tighten to specification in the specified
Installation Notice

Tightening Torque 8 - 13 N•m

(71 - 115 lb-in)


25. Check the alignment of the detent roller and the
manual lever quadrant.
26. Connect the solenoid wiring as detailed below:
Solenoid 1 - red
Solenoid 2 - bIue
Solenoid 3 - yellow
Solenoid 4 - orange
Solenoid 5 - green
Solenoid 6 - violet
Notice: All hardware must be correctly installed and
torqued to specification.

Oil Filter and Pan Assembly

• Replace the filter whenever rebuilding a
transmission where a significant amount of
mechanical damage has occurred.
• To aid the assembly of the pan gasket, use a small
amount of Vaseline at the pan/gasket interface. This
ensures that the gasket remains on the pan ridge.
Do not over torque pan bolts as this may distort
the pan and cause leaks.
• Ensure that the internal line pressure plus in the
valve body is fitted.
1. Lubricate the oil filter sealing ring with automatic
transmission fluid.

2. Carefully assemble the oil filter to the valve body.

The spigot must not lean on one side while being
3. Secure the oil filter assembly with the retainer.
4. Check that the magnet is located in the dimple in
the corner of the oil pan.
5. Assemble the gasket on the pan lip. The gasket
must be free of any distortion when installed.


6. Fit the oil pan assembly to the transmission case
and tighten the securing bolts to specification and
sequence. Do not over torque.
Installation Notice

Tightening Torque 4 - 6 N•m

(35 - 53 lb-in)


Torque Converter and Housing Assembly

1. Locate the torque converter housing on the trans-
mission main case.
2. Apply additional Loctite 202 or equivalent as
required to the converter housing to case bolts.
Install and tighten bolts to specification.
Installation Notice

Tightening Torque 54 - 68 N•m

(40 - 50 lb-ft)

• All the hardware must be correctly installed and

torqued to specification.
3. Fit the converter ensuring that the tangs are
engaged in the pump gear. Ensure that the tangs
do not contact the pump seal.

Output Flange Assembly (2WD Mode)

1. Position the transmission detent lever into the park
position and lock the output shaft.
2. Clear the threads on the output shaft and apply
Loctite 243 or equivalent as required to threads.
3. Install the flange, ‘O’ ring and torque the nut to
Installation Notice
Tightening Torque 35 N•m (26 lb-ft)




Front Band Setting Procedure


1. Measure the projection of the front servo push rod 2. Fit the selected shim(s) to the shank of the anchor
from the transmission case dimension ‘A’. strut as follows:
a. Apply air at 650/700 kPa to the front servo apply a. Inspect the shim(s) for damage, wear or corro-
area (B1 outer) sion. Replace as necessary.
b. Measure the travel of the push rod and subtract b. The shim(s) are to be installed between the case
3 mm to find the shim size required. abutment face and the anchor strut flange.
c. Release the air. c. The shim(s) are to be fitted by hand and under
no circumstances to be hammered or forced.
Notice: A minimum of one shim is required at all times
- minimum shim size is 1 mm. The thickness of d. Shim(s) are to be pressed on by hand until an
available shims are listed in the table below. audible click is heard. The click indicates that
the shim is clipped home correctly.
Thickness (mm) Part Number 3. Re-check that the push rod travel. (3 mm ± 0.25
0.95/1.05 0574-037017
1.15/1.25 0574-037018
1.44/1.56 0574-037019
1.73/1.87 0574-037020
1.93/2.07 0574-037021
2.12/2.28 0574-037022
2.42/2.58 0574-037023
2.61/2.79 0574-037024


Rear Band Setting Procedure


1. Measure distance‘A’ from the rear servo piston to 2. Fit the selected shim(s) to the shank of the anchor
the inner face of the transmission case using vernier strut as follows.
calipers. a. Inspect the shim(s) for damage, wear or
a. Apply air at 650/700 kPa to the rear servo apply corrosion and replace as necessary. The shim(s)
area (B2 outer) are to be installed between the case abutment
b. Measure the travel of the piston, subtract 3.75 face and the anchor strut flange.
mm and divide the remainder by 2.5 to find shim b. The shim(s) are to be fitted by hand and under
size. no circumstances to be hammered or forced
c. Release the air. c. The shim(s) are to be pressed on by hand until
an audible click is heard. The click indicates
Notice: A minimum of one shim is required at all times
that the shim is clipped home correctly.
- minimum shim size is 1 mm. The thickness of
available shims are listed in the table below. 3. Re-check that the piston travel.
(3.75 mm ± 0.625 mm)
Thickness (mm) Part Number
0.0.95/1.05 0574-037017
1.15/1.25 0574-037018
1.44/1.56 0574-037019
1.73/1.87 0574-037020
1.93/2.07 0574-037021
2.12/2.28 0574-037022
2.42/2.58 0574-037023
2.61/2.79 0574-037024





Disassembly and Assembly Procedure
1. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
2. Remove the gear shift control lever assembly.
Refer to Section 9G, interior Trim.
3. Remove the gear shift control lever knob.
4. Separate the upper and middle housing from the
gear shift control lever assembly by unlocking the
5. Remove the upper housing.
6. Disconnect the P position lamp by turning it from
the middle housing.
7. Remove the P position switches assembly bolts.
8. Remove the middle housing with the mode
selector switch wiring harness from the gear shift
control lever assembly.
9. Separate the P position switches assembly with
the P position lamp wiring harness from the gear
shift control lever assembly.
Notice: Adjust the brake transmission shift interlock
ease the operation well.


10. Remove the clips supporting the springs and

bushes from the pin of the pin of the gear shift
control lever.
11. Remover the spring and bushes from the pin of
the gear shift control lever.
12. Remove the gear shift control lever by pushing
the pin.
13. Installation should follow the removal procedure
in the reverse order.


1. Separate the Kickdown Switch from the Kickdown
Switch bracket by pushing the lock.
2. Disconnect the Kickdown Switch connector.
3. Installation should follow the removal procedure in
the reverse order.




Disassembly and Assembly Procedure
1. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
2. Remove the gear shift control lever assembly.
Refer to Section 9G, interior Trim.
3. Remove the gear shift control lever knob.
4. Separate the upper and middle housing from the
gear shift control lever assembly by unlocking the
5. Remove the upper housing.
6. Disconnect the P position lamp by turning it from
the middle housing.
7. Remove the P position switches assembly bolts.
8. Remove the middle housing with the mode
selector switch wiring harness from the gear shift
control lever assembly.
9. Separate the P position switches assembly with
the P position lamp wiring harness from the gear
shift control lever assembly.
Notice: Adjust the brake transmission shift interlock
ease the operation well.


10. Remove the clips supporting the springs and

bushes from the pin of the pin of the gear shift
control lever.
11. Remover the spring and bushes from the pin of
the gear shift control lever.
12. Remove the gear shift control lever by pushing
the pin.
13. Installation should follow the removal procedure
in the reverse order.


1. Separate the Kickdown Switch from the Kickdown
Switch bracket by pushing the lock.
2. Disconnect the Kickdown Switch connector.
3. Installation should follow the removal procedure in
the reverse order.




Model Part Numbers And Applications

SYMC P/NO Transmission Engine Version Torque Converter

36100-05442 0574-000013 E23 179K
36100-05432 0574-000012 E32 150K

Model Specifications

Application Descriprtion
Torque Converter
Mean Diameter of Fluid Circuit Description 260 mm (10.2 in.)
Maximum Torque Multiplication 2.0 : 1
Gear Ratios
First 2.741 : 1
Second 1.508 : 1
Third 1.000 : 1
Fourth 0.708 : 1
Reverse 2.429 : 1
Type Castrol TQ95
Dry System 9.0 Liters (approx.)
Service Refill 4.5 Liters (approx.)
Gear Train End Float 0.50 - 0.65 mm (0.020 - 0.026 in.)
Gear Set Pinion End Float 0.10 - 0.50 mm (0.004 - 0.020 in.)

Clutch Pack Details

0574-000012 (13)
Composition 5 (4)
Steel 5 (6)
Composition 5 (4)
Steel 4 (5)
Composition 4 (3)
Steel 4 (5)
Composition 3 (3)
Steel 4 (4)


E32 Typical Shift Patterns


OPENING 1/2 2/3 3L 3/4 4L OPENING 1/2 2/3 3L 3/4 4L
0% 12 20 - 39 82 0% 12 24 - 41 82
45 % 24 50 70 93 93 45 % 32 66 - 105 117
100 % (WOT) 57 110 114 170 170 100 % (WOT) 57 110 - 170 170
Kickdown 57 110 119 175 175 Kickdown 57 110 119 175 175

Typical Manual Downshift Maximum Speed

Downshift Type Max. Speed limitations inhibiting Downshift

Manual 2-1 61 kph (37.9 mph)
Manual 3-2 117 kph (72.7 mph)
Manual 4-3 149 kph (92.5 mph)
Manual 4-2 (4-2 direct) 64 kph (39.8 mph)
Manual 4-2 (4-3-2 sequence) 117 kph (72.7 mph)

E23 Typical Shift Patterns


OPENING 1/2 2/3 3L 3/4 4L OPENING 1/2 2/3 3L 3/4 4L
0% 10 19 - 36 79 0% 12 23 - 42 75
50 % 23 46 75 72 92 50 % 31 64 - 97 94
100 % (WOT) 47 92 95 147 147 100 % (WOT) 47 92 - 147 147
Kickdown 48 94 96 150 150 Kickdown 48 94 96 150 150



Application N•m Lb-Ft Lb-Ft
Adaptor Housing to Case Bolts 35 - 40 26 - 30 -
Cam Plate to Case (Parking Pawl) Screws 16 - 22 12 - 16 -
Centre Support to Case Bolts 20 - 27 15 - 20 -
Detent Spring Screw 20 - 22 15 - 16 -
Extension Housing to Case Bolts 54 - 68 40 - 50 -
Front Propeller Shaft Bolts 70 - 80 52 - 59 -
Inhibitor Switch to Case Bolts 4-6 - 35 - 53
Oil Cooler Pipes 40 - 45 29 - 33 -
Oil Pan to Case Bolts 4-6 - 35 - 53
On/Off Solenoid Retainer Screws 8 - 12 - 71 - 106
Output Flange Nuts 35 26 -
Pump Cover Plate to Crescent Screw 13 - 16 10 - 12 -
Pump Cover Plate to Pump Cover Screws 13 - 16 10 - 12 -
Pump Cover to Case Bolts 24 - 34 18 - 25 -
Pump to Pump Cover Bolts 24 - 27 18 - 20 -
Rear Propeller Shaft Bolts 70 - 80 52 - 59 -
Rear Servo Cover to Case Bolts 30 - 35 22 - 26 -
Torque Converter Housing to Case Bolts 54 - 68 40 - 50 -
Torque Converter Mounting Bolts 42 31 -
Transfer Case to Transmission Housing Bolts 35 - 60 26 - 44 -
Transmission Filler Plug 30 - 35 22 - 26 -
Upper Valve Body to Lower Valve Body Screws 11 - 16 8 - 12 -
Valve Body To Case Bolts 8 - 13 - 71 - 115
Variable Pressure Solenoid (S5) Retainer Screw 8 - 12 - 71 - 106



















0555 - 336256
0555 - 336257
Transmission Bench
Pump Puller


ss Shaft Pin 0555 - 336259

emover / Instal Clutch Spring
er (Dentent Lever) Compressor


0555 - 336260 0555 - 336261

Clutch Pack Clearance Cross Shaft Seal
Kit Remover


0555 - 336262
0555 - 336263
Cross Shaft Seal
Cross Shaft Bullet




0555 - 336265
0555 - 336266
Cross Shaft Pin
Adaptor Housing Seal
Remover / Installer
(Inhibitor Switch)


0555 - 336267 0555 - 336268

Pump Alignment Tool Pump Seal Installer


0555 - 336269 0555 - 336270

End Float Measuring End Float Measuring
Adaptor Shaft


0555 - 336302 0555 - 336046

Output Shaft Bullet Solenoid Bench Tester




0555 - 332083
Solenoid /Thermistor
Electronic Tester



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