Wire Mesh Specifications PDF

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WIRE MESH SPECIFICATIONS MESH REINFORCEMENT AS PER DIN STANDARDS 488 Meshes In Stock size sheets 3.2 m wide & 5 m or 6 m long Longitudinal Wires Cross Wires Mass Stock German Sheet Edge wire Reference length size pitch area _ {if any) size pitch area m= =o mm mm mmm No. Size mm mm mmm —kgim* __kg/sheet Q #4 6 40 10 & - - 40 1600 1.84 144 Q 431 5 50 150 131 - - 50 150 131 209 225 Q 188 5 60 150 188 - - 60 150 188 301 324 Q an 5 45d 150 2 8 45 65 160 221 300 322 Q 262 5 50d 150 262 8 50 70 150 257 357 384 Q 377 5 60d 150 377 8 60 85 150 377 521 560 Q 513 6 7d 150 513 9 70 80 100 513 697 900 R 131 5 50 18 131 - - 40 250 50 147 158 R188 5 60 150 188 - - 40 250 50 195 209 R168 5 40d 150 168 4 40 40 250 50 159 174 R 212 5 45d 150 212 4 45 40 250 50 191 205 R262 5 50d 150 262 4 50 45 250 64 236 254 R37 5 55d 150 317 4 55 45 250 64 276 297 R377 5 60d 150 377 4 60 50 250 78 330 355 R443 5 65d 150 443 4 65 55 250 9 389 418 R 513 5 7.00 150 513 4 7 60 250 113 454 586 R589 6 75d 150 589 4 75 65 250 133 524 675 K 664 6 65d 100 664 8 65 65 260 133 539 606 kK 70 6 70d 100 70 8 70 70 250 154 627 08 K 884 6 75d 100 84878758 807.20 929 MESH REINFORCEMENT AS PER BRITISH STANDARDS BS 4483 Meshes in Stock size sheets 4.8m long 2.4m wide British Mesh Size Cross Sectional Nominal ‘Standard Nominal Pitch ‘Areaper Mass per Reference of wires Size of Wires Meter Width Sq. metre MAIN CROSS MAIN CROSS MAIN CROSS mm mm mm mm = mm2_—mm2 kg ‘Square A 565, 200 200 2 12 565 565 8.88 Mesh A 393 200 200 10 10 393-393 6.16 Fabric A 252 200 200 8 8 252252 3.95 A 193 200 200 7 7 193193 3.02 A 142 200 200 6 6 142142 222 A 98 200 200 5 5 8 98 1.54 Structura—B 1131 100 200 12.08 1131-262 10.9 Fabric B 785 100 200 170 8 785 252 8.14 B 503 100 200 8 8 503252 5.93 B 385, 100 200 7 7 385193 453 8 283 100 200 6 7 283-193, 3.73 B 196 100 200 5 7 198193 3.05 Long c 785 100 400 10 6 785 708 672 Mesh c 636 100 400 9 6 636708 5.55 Fabric c 503 100 400 8 5 50349 4.34 c 385 100 400 iz 5 38549 341 c 283, 100 400 6 5 28349 2.61 GLOBAL

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