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ASME B L - 2 2 M 8 5 257551.2 0012008 0
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New York, N. Y. 10017
This Standard will be revised when the Societyapproves the issuance of a new edition.
There will be no addenda or written interpretations of the requirements of this Standard
issued to thisEdition.
This code or standard was developed under procedures accredited as meeting the criteria for
American National Standards. The ConsensusCommittee that approved the code or standard was
balanced to assure that individuals from competent and concerned interests have had an oppor-
tunity to participate. The proposed code or standard was made available for public review and
comment which provides an opportunity for additional public input from industry, academia, reg-
ulatory agencies, and the public-at-large.
ASME does not "approve," "rate," or "endorse" any item, construction, proprietary device, or
ASME does not take any position with respect to the validity of any patent rights asserted in
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ASME accepts responsibility foronly those interpretations issued in accordance with governing
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Copyright 0 1986 by
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Printed in U S A .
American National Standards Committee B1 for the standardization of screw threads was
organized in 1920 as Sectional Committee B1 under the aegis of the American Engineering
Standards Committee [later the American Standards Association, then the United States of
America Standards Institute, and as of October 6, 1969, the AmericanNational Standards
Institute, Inc. (ANSI)], with the Society of Automotive Engineers and the American Society
of Mechanical Engineers as joint sponsors. As a result, a great deal of effort was expended
through the years toward development of several inch screw thread standards, including the
current inch gaging standard, ANWASME B1.2-1983, Gages and Gaging for Unified Inch
Screw Threads.
Recognizing the increasing need of industries in the United States for documentation of
American gaging practice for metric screw threads, American National Standards Committee
B1 charged its thread gaging Subcommittee 2 with the responsibility for producing such a
standard. ANSI B1.16-1972 was developed as a standard for American gaging practice for
metric screw threads; ANWASME B1.16M-1984 is a revision of that standard.
With the development of the MJ series of metric screw threads, documented in ANSI B 1.2 1,
it became necessary to document the required thread gages that were not covered in the ANSI
B1.16 standard. Committee B1 asked Subcommittee 2 to develop such a standard.
ANSI B1.22-1978 was developed by Subcommittee 2 to provide the essential specifications
for gages and gaging practice necessary to fulfill the provisions of the product thread document
ANSI B1.21, Metric Screw Threads - MJ Profile.
In 1982, Committee B1 was reorganized as the ASME Standards Committee B1, and it has
operated under American Society of Mechanical Engineers pmedures to produce and update
standards which become ANSI Standards after final approval by the American National Stan-
dards Institute.
This publication, designated ANWASME B1.22M-1985, does not have any references to
conformance criteria, as Committee B1 has established B1.3M for all levels of acceptability
for screw threads. A considerable amount of new material is added to cover the many options
of gages and measuring equipment shown in B1.3M. Mn/Mt gages have been identified as
NOT GO gages.
The proposed Standard was submitted by the ASME Board of Standardization to the Amer-
ican National Standards Institute. It was approved and fomalljl designated as an American
National Standard on September 26, 1985.
(The following is the rosterof the Committee at the time ofapproval of thisStandard.)
D. J. Ernanuelli, Chairman
H. W. Ellison, Vice Chairman
C. E. Lynch, Secretary
G. G. Gerber, McDonnell Douglas, St. Louis, Missouri
H. Bomnan, Alternate, Sperry Gyroscope Division, Great Neck, New York
E, Schwanz, Defense Industrial Supply Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
C. T. Appleton, Jefferson, Massachusetts
J. Boehnlein, PMC Industries, Wickliffe, Ohio
A. R. Breed, Lakewood. Ohio
R. Browning, Southern Gage Co., Erin, Tennessee
A. Butovich, Air Industries Corp.. Garden Grove, California
R. S. Chamerda, The Johnson Gage Co., Bloomfield, Connecticut
J. F. Cramer, Des Moines, Washington
P. Drake, Hudson, Massachusetts
E. W. Drescher, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
D. J. Ernanuelli. Greenfield Tap and Die, Greenfield, Massachusetts
C. G. Erickson, Sterling Die, West Hartford, Connecticut
S. P. Johnson, The Johnson Gage Co., Bloomfield, Connecticut
S. 1. Kanter, The Hanson-Whitney Co., Hartford, Connecticut
R. W. Lampon. The Van Keuren Co., Watertown, Massachusetts
A. R. Machell, Jr., Webster, New York
A. E. Masterson, Watervliet, New York
R. E. Mazzara. Geometric Tool, New Haven, Connecticut
P. V. Paetore, Regal Beloit Corp., South Beloit, Illinois .
M. M. Schuster, Hi-Shear Corp., Torrance, California
A. G. Strang, Boyds, Maryland
R. Tennis. Caterpillar Tractor Co., Peoria, Illinois
A. F. Thibodeau. Swanson Tool Manufacturing, Inc., West Hartford, Connecticut
J. W. Turton, The Bendix Corp., Greenfield, Massachusetts
Foreword ......................................................................... iii
Standards Committee Roster ......................................................... V
1 Introduction.................................................................. 1
1.1 General ................................................................ 1
References .............................................................. 1
1.3 Units of Measure ........................................................ 1
1.4 Classification ............................................................ 1
1.5 FederalGovernmentUse .................................................. 1
2 BasicPrinciples ............................................................... 1
2.1 Accuracyin
Gaging ...................................................... 1
2.2 Limitations of Gaging .................................................... 1
2.3 DeterminingSize of Gages ................................................ 10
2.4 Temperature. ....................................................
Standard 10
2.5 RoundingProcedures ..................................................... 10
Identification ............................................................ 10
3 GeneralPractice .............................................................. 10
3.1 GeneralDesign .......................................................... 10
3.2 Types of Gages .......................................................... 11
3.3 Interpretation of Tolerances ................................................ 11
3.4 Direction of TolerancesonGages ........................................... 11
3.5 StandardThreadGageTolerances ........................................... 11
3.6 ToleranceonLead ....................................................... 11
3.7 TolerancesonHalf-Angle ................................................. 11
3.8 Check of Effect of Lead and Flank Angle Variations on Product Thread ........... 11
3.9 CalibrationRequirementsand Standards ...................................... 12
3.10 Surveillance............................................................. 12
4 Types of Gages for Product Internal Thread ..................................... 12
4.1 GO WorkingThreadPlugGages ............................................ 12
4.2 NOT GO ThreadPlugGages ............................................... 13
4.3 Full-Form GO ThreadPlugGage ........................................... 16
4.4 ThreadSnapGages - GO Segments or Rolls .................................. 18
4.5 Thread Snap Gages - NOT GO Segments or Rolls ............................ 26
4.6 Thread Snap Gages - Minimum Material: Pitch Diameter Cone and Vee .......... 26
4.7 ThreadSnapGages - MinimumMaterial:Thread-GrooveDiameterType ......... 39
4.8 Thread-SettingSolidRingGages ............................................ 39
4.9 Plain Plug. Snap, and Indicating Gages to Check Minor Diameter of
Internal Thread .............................................. : ......... 40
4.10 Snap and Indicating Gages to Check Major Diameter of Internal Thread ........... 44
4.11 Functional Indicating Thread Gages for Internal Thread ......................... 44
4.12 Minimum-Material Indicating Thread Gages for Internal Thread .................. 47
1 Maximum-Material GO Functional Limit. ........................................ 13
2 Partial End Threads and Chip Grooves ........................................... 14
3 NOT GO Functional Diameter Limit ............................................ 15
4 MJ Full-Form Thread Plug Gage ............................................... 16
5 Thread Snap Gages - Maximum-Material GO Functional Limit ...................... 19 I
6 Thread Snap Gages - NOT GO Functional Diameter Limit ......................... 27
7 Thread Snap Gages - Minimum-Material Pitch Diameter Limit - Cone
and Vee ................................................................... 28 I
8 Thread Snap Gages - Minimum-Material Thread-Groove Diameter Limit .............. 40
9 Thread Form of Solid Thread-Setting Ring Gages .................................. 41
1 Screw Thread Gages and Measuring Equipment for External Product
Thread Characteristics ........................................................ 2
2 Screw Thread Gages and Measuring Equipment for Internal Product
Thread Characteristics ........................................................ 6
3 Recommended Widths for Chip Grooves ........................................... 14
4 Thread Data. MJ Full-Form Thread Gages ......................................... 17
5 Gages for Standard Thread Series Metric MJ Screw Threads - Limits of
Size ....................................................................... 20
6 Setting Gages for Standard Series Metric MJ Screw Threads - Limits of
Size ....................................................................... 29
ACalibrationandInspection of LimitGages.SnapGages.Indicating
Gages. and Measuring Instruments ............................................ 97
Al General ................................................................ 97
A2 ThreadPlugGageCalibration .............................................. 97
A3 ThreadRingGageInspection .............................................. 98
A4 PlainPlugGageCalibration ................................................ 100
A5 PlainRingGageCalibration ............................................... 101
A6 PlainSnapGages ........................................................ 101
A7 Rolls With Zero Lead Thread Form Used on Snap and Indicating Gages ........... 101
A8 InspectingPeripheralContactingSegmentsonIndicatingGages .................. 101
A9 CheckforMagnificationDiscrepanciesDuetoIndicatingSystemLinkage .......... 103
A10 Calibration of Dial and Electronic Indicators .................................. 103
Al1 AssessmentofSurfaceQuality ............................................. 103
B .
Metrology of 60 deg Screw Threads ........................................... 105
B1 WireMethodofMeasurementofPitchDiameter(Thread-Groove
Diameter) ............................................................ 105
B2 Wires ...........................................................
Size of 105
B3 MethodsofMeasuringWiresConsideringtheEffectofDeformation .............. 105
B4 MethodsofMeasurementUsingWires ....................................... 108
B5 Standard Specification for Wires and Standard Practice in Measurement of
Wires of 60 deg . Threads ............................................... 108
B6 GeneralFormula for MeasurementofPitchDiameter ........................... 109
B7 SimplifiedFormula for PitchDiameter ........................................ 109
B8 SettingMeasuringInstrumentsWithVariableMeasuringForce ................... 110
B9 Thread Balls ............................................................ 110
B10 Internal PitchDiameterMeasurement ........................................ 110
C Metric TablesforGageLengths ............................................... 111
D CustomaryEquivalents ....................................................... 113
E Thread Diameter Adjustment Due to Temperature Variation ...................... 135
El Scope ................................................................... 135
. E2 ThreadDiameterAdjustment for TemperaturesAboveand Below Standard ......... 135
A l Minimum Magnification.. ...................................................... 98
A2 60 deg. Included Thread Angle. ................................................. 99
BI Metric Thread-Measuring Wires for 60 deg. Screw Threads. .......................... 107
B2 Measuring Force for Over-Wire Measurements of External Pitch Diameter
and Wire Calibration, and cylindrical Diameter for Wire Calibration ................. 107
B3 Measuring Force Over Balls for Internal Pitch Diameter Measurement and
BallCalibration ............................................................. 110
C1 Metric Lengths of AGD Thread Ring Gage Blanks and Total Thread
Lengths of Standard Truncated Setting Plug Gage Blanks (SI) Selected
FromANSUASMEB47. laM ................................................. 111
C2 Metric Lengths of Taperlock and Trilock Thread Plug Gage Blanks (SI)
Selected From ANWASME B47. laM .......................................... 112
D l Thread Data, MJ Thread Gages (Customary). ...................................... 114
D2 X Gage Tolerances for Thread Gages (Customary) .................................. 115
" D3 W Gage Tolerances for Thread Gages (Customary). ................................. 116
D4 Gage Tolerances for Plain Cylindrical Gages (Customary) ............................ 117
D5 Lengths of Taperlock and Trilock Thread Plug Gage Blanks Selected From
ANSUASMEB47. laM (Customary). ........................................... 118
D6 Lengths of Thread Ring Gage Blanks and Total Thread Lengths of
Standard Truncated Setting Plug Gage Blanks Selected From ANSI/
ASME B47.laM (Customary) ................................................. 119
D7 Setting Gages for Standard Series Metric MJ Screw Threads - Limits of
Sue (Customary) ........................................................... 120
D8 Gages for Standard Thread Series Metric MJ Screw Threads - Limits of
Size (Customary) ........................................................... 127
D9 Metric Thread-Measuring Wires for 60 deg. Screw Threads (Customary). ............... 133
ANSllASME B1.22M-1985
Thread Gages
Root Major Surface
Rad. to Pitch Texture
T Metric MI
Minimum Material
Functional Pitch Groove
16 Roundness Equipment
Roundness of
Pitch Cylinder
Oval Multilobe of Pitch Major
18Odeg. 120 deg. Cylinder Lead Diameter
Incl. Flank
Helix Angle
Limit Size limit Size limit Size Variation Variation limit Size
EI E2 F1 I, I2
. e e e e e e e
4 form Cumulative
e e
e e
e e
T Metric MI
Minimum Material
Pitch Groove
Diameter Diameter
Thread Gages limit Size limiit Size
and -
Measuring Equipment C1 C2 Dl D*
1 Thread Plugs(ANSIIASMEB47.laM)
1.1 GO
1.2 NOT GO
2 Thread SnapGages
2.1 GO segments
2.3 GO rolls
f Y.
COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Licensed by Information Handling Services
ASME B L - 2 2 M 85 2575512 0012025 0
Metric MJ
J1 I J2 N
LNote W1
Minimum Material
NOT GO Thread-
Functional Pitch Groove
- pitch diameter type - cone and
cone only
15 Roundness Equipment
Metric MJ
Roundness of
Pitch Cylinder
Oval MinorMultilobe of Pitch Major
180deg. Cylinder
120deg. Lead Diameter Diameter Diam.
Incl. Flank Runout
Helix Angle Root Minor Surface
Limit Size Limit Size Limit Size Variation Variation Limit Size Limit Size Rad. to Pitch Texture
EI Ez F1 Fz G1 G H I ll Jz KI Kz L M N
a a a a 0 a
0 0 a 0 a 0
a 0 0 a a 0 a a
Cumulative b
(1) Minimum major diameter limitis acceptable when product passes G O or full-form gage.
the opposite extremes of the gage tolerances permitted, product have stabilized to the same temperature. When
and borderline product threads accepted by one gage the materials of the product thread and the gage are dis-
could be rejected by another. For these reasons, a prod- similar, the differing thermal coefficients can cause se-
uct screw thread is considered acceptable when it passes rious complications and must be taken into account
a test by any of the permissible gages in ANSIIASME unless both product and gage are at temperature:
B1.3M for the gaging system specified, provided the (U) 20°C f2"C (68°F f4"F) for 25 mm size and
gage being used is within the tolerances specified in this smaller;
Standard. (b) 20°C f 1"C (68°F f2"F) for sizes above 25 mm
to 75 mm;
2.2.2 When economics and technical problems are (C) 20°C f0.5"C (68°F f 1°F) for sizes above 75
encountered in gaging relatively large-diameter product mm to 150 mm at the time of gaging.
threads, the producer and user should agree onthe
See Appendix E covering temperature corrections for
method and equipment used.
various materials.
2.2.3 Indicating gages for internal threads smaller
than 3 mm are not available.
2.5 RoundingProcedures
2.5.1 Rounding Procedure for Converting Met-
2.3 Determining Size of Gages
ric Gage Values to Inch Gage Values. Determine
2.3.1 Measuring Pitch Diameter. The three-wire metric gage dimensions from gage specifications. Cal-
method of determining pitch diameter size of thread plug culate the inch gage size by dividing the metric gage size
gages is standard for gages in this Standard. Refer to (given to three decimal places) by 25.4. Round to five .
Appendix B. decimal places by the following method. When the first
2.3.2 Size limit adjustments of thread ring and ex- digit discarded is less than 5 , the last digit retained should
ternal thread snap gages are determined by their fit on not be changed. If the first discarded digit is greater than
their respective calibrated setting plugs. Indicating gages 5 , or if it is a 5 followed by at least one digit other than
and thread gages for product external threads are con- 0, the last figure retained should be increased by one
trolled by reference to appropriate calibrated setting unit. If the first discarded digit is a 5 followed by only
plugs. zeros, the last digit retained should be rounded upward
if it is an odd number, but nof changed if it is an even
2.3.3 Size limit adjustments of internal thread snap number. Metric dimensions are official values, and all
gages are determined by their fit on their respective inch tables shown in Appendix D are forreference only.
calibrated setting rings. Indicating gages and other ad- EXAMPLES OF ROUNDING:
justable thread gages for product internal threads are 6.431243782 is rounded to 6.43724
controlled by reference to appropriate cdibrated setting 6.437246643 is rounded to 6.43725
rings or by d i y t measurement. 6.437245001 is rounded to 6.43725
6.437255000 is rounded to 6.43726
6.437245000 is rounded to 6.43724
2.4 Standard Temperature
2.4.1 The standard temperature used internationally 2.6 Identification
for linear measurements is 20°C (68°F). Nominal di-
Thread gages which are used interchangeably for reg-
mensions of gages and product as specified and actual
ular mefric M as well as MJ series metric screw threads
dimensions as measured shall be within specified limits
and which are made to ANSI/ASME B1.16M may be
at this temperature. For screw-thread gaging, the ac-
marked to specifications in that standard.
ceptable tolemce on the standard temperature is f 1°C
2.4.2 Since product threads are frequently checked 3 GENERAL PRACTICE
at temperatures which are not controlled, it is desirable
3.1 General Design
that the coefficient of thethermal expansion of gages be i
the same as that of the product on which they are used. The design of gages is specified only to theextent that
Inasmuch as the majority of threaded product consists it affects the results obtained in the gaging of product
of iron or steel and screw-thread gages are ordinarily threads. Moreover, to serve their intended purposes sat-
made of hardened steel, this condition is usually fulfilled isfactorily, thread gages should be produced by the latest
without special attenfion, provided thread gages and and best manufacturing techniques. The type of steel or
wear-resistant material selected, together with the heat- 3.6 Tolerance on Lead
treating and stabilization processes, should provide wear
The cumulative effect of progressive or erratic helix
life and dimensional stability. Thread gaging elements variation and thick or thin end thread variation is spec-
should be precisely manufactured to assure adequate re- ified as an allowable variation between any two threads
finement of surface texture, prevention or elimination of not farther apart than the length of the standard taperlock
amorphous or smear metal, and uniformityof thread form or trilock gage shown in ANSI/ASME B47.laM. In the
over the entire length of the gaging member. case of setting plugs, the specified tolerance shall be
applicable to the thread length in the mating ring gage
or nine pitches, whichever is smaller. For setting rings,
3.2 Types of Gages the tolerance applies to a thread length of three pitches.
GO thread gages check either the maximum-material The tolerance on lead establishes the width of a zone,
‘ limit or size to assure interchangeable assembly. NOT measured parallel to the axis of the thread, within which
GO thread gages inspect the NOT GO functional di- the actual helical path must lie for the specified length
ameter limit. of the thread. Measurements will be taken from a fixed
GO and NOT GO plain cylindrical plug or ring gages reference point located at the start of the first full thread
and snap or indicating gages check the limit or size of to a sufficient number of positions along the entire helix
the minor diameter of product internal threads and the to detect all types of lead variations. The amounts that
major diameter of product external threads, respectively. these positions vary from their basic (theoretical) posi-
- ”
tions will be recorded with due respect to sign. The
greatest variation in each direction, plus or minus (k),
3.3 Interpretation of Tolerances will be selected and the sum of their values, disregarding
sign, shall not exceed the specified tolerance. If the vari-
Tolerances on lead, half-angle, and pitch diameter are ations are all in one direction, the maximum value gov-
variations which may be taken independently for each erns conformance. In the caseof truncated setting plugs,
of these elements and may be taken to the extent allowed the lead variations present on the full-form portion and
by respective tabulated dimensional limits. The tabulated the truncated portion of an individual gage shall not dif-
tolerance on any one element must not be exceeded even fer from each other by more than 0.003 mm over any
though variations in the other two elements are smaller portion equivalent to the length of the thread ring gage,
than the respective tabulated tolerances. or nine pitches, whichever is less, (When linear lead and
drunkenness are measured as individual elements and the
sum of these does not exceed the tolerance specified, the
I 3.4 Direction of Tolerances
- L__ on Gages gage is well within tolerance.)
At the maximum-material limit (GO), the dimensions
of all gages used for final conformance gaging are within 3.7 Tolerances on Half-Angle
the limits of size of the product thread. At the functional
diameter limit, using NOT GO gages, the standard prac- Tolerances are specified for the half-angle rather than
tice is to have the gage tolerance within the limits of the included angle to assure that the bisector of the in-
size of the product thread. Specifications for gage limits cluded angle will be perpendicular to the axis of the
are listed in Tables 7 and 8. thread within proper limits. The equivalent of the vari-
ation from the true thread form caused by such irregu-
larities as convex, concave, or wavy flanks, rounded
3.5 Standard Thread Gage Tolerances crests, or slight projections on the thread form shall not
exceed the tolerance permitted on half-angle.
Standard tolerances for thread-working gages, thread-
setting plugs, and setting rings are as follows:
3.8 Check of Effect of Lead and Flank Angle
(a) W tolerances, shown in Table 10, represent the
Variations on Product Thread
highest commercial grade ofaccuracy and workmanship
and are specified for thread-setting gages; When this check is specified, there are two general
(b) X tolerances, shown in Table 9, are larger than methods available forthe inspection procedures in-
W tolerances and are used for product inspection gages, volved.
Unless otherwise specified, all thread gages and gag- (a) Direct Measurement of Lead and Half-Angle of
ing contacts which directly check the product threadshall Flanks. The lead and flank angles of the product thread
be X tolerance. may be measured by means of available measuring
equipment such as projection comparators, measuring maximum-material limit of the product internal thread,
microscopes, graduated cone points, lead measuring ma- and the gaging length is equal to the length of the gaging
chines, helix variation measuring machines, thread flank plug.
charting equipment, etc. Diameter equivalents of such
4.1.3 GageBlanks. For practical and economic
variations from nominal may be calculated. Each 0.0025
reasons, the design and lengths of the gaging plug mem-
mm variation in lead amounts to a 0.0043 mm (1.732
bers have been standardized for various size ranges and
x 0.0025) increase in functional pitch diameter on ex-
pitches (see ANSI/ASME B47.laM or Table C2).
ternal threads or a decrease in functional pitch diameter
on internal threads for 60 deg. screw threads. The tan- 4.1.4 Thread Form. The specifications for thread
gent of half-angle variation times 1.5P equals the ap- form are summarized in Table 7 and Fig. 1.
proximate maximum change in functional pitch diameter
4.1.5 Thread Crests. The major diameter of the
with equal half-angle variations.
GO thread plug gage shall be the same as the minimum
(b) DifferentialGaging Utilizing IndicatingThread
major diameter of the product internal thread, with a plus
Gages. See Sections 4 and 5 for explanation and illus-
tration of differential gaging for internal and external gage tolerance. The thread crests shall be flat in an axial
section and parallel to the axis.
4.1.6 Thread Roots. The minor diameter of the
3.9 Calibration Requirements and Standards GO thread plug gage shall be cleared beyond a PI8 width
of flat either by an extension of the sides of the thread
Calibration requirements and standards for X tolerance toward a sharp vee or by an undercut no greater than
thread gages, snap gages, indicating gages, Z tolerance P/8 maximum width and approximately central.
plain gages, and measuring instruments are given in Ta-
ble 13 for external product threads, in Table 14 for in- 4.1.7 Runout of Pitch and Major Cylinders. On
ternal product threads, and in Table 15 for setting gages. threadplug gages an eccentric condition producesan
See Appendix A for the method of calibrating and in- oversize effective major diameter, having a width of flat
specting gages. less than P / 8 , whichmay encroach on the minimum
permissible limit for the mot profile of the product in-
ternal thread. The permissible maximum effective major
3.10 Surveillance diameter, as determined by adding the measurement of
Gages are subject to wear and may be damaged in use. runout (full-indicator movement), shall not exceed the
Periodic rechecking and surveillance is a necessary pre- maximum major diameter specified. Runout is the ratio
caution to assure product thread conformance. Gages of the pitch cylinder to the major diameter.
should also be rechecked immediately after accidents 4.1.8 Pitch Cylinder. The pitch cylinder shallbe
such as dropping the gage or hitting a hard surface. round and straight within the gage pitch diameter limits
4 TYPESOFGAGES FOR PRODUCT 4.1.9 Lead and Half-Angle Variations. Lead and
half-angle variations shall be within the limits specified
(see Table 9).
4.1 GO Working Thread Plug Gages (Table 2 - 4.1.10 Incomplete Thread. The feather edge at
Gage 1.1 1
both ends of the threaded section of the gaging member
4.1.1 Purpose and Use. The GO thread plug gage shall be removed. On pitches coarser than 0.8 mm, one
inspects the maximum-material GO functional limit A, complete thread f % turn of the end threads shall be
of product internal thread. The GO thread gage repre- removed to obtain a full-thread-form blunt start (see Fig.
sents the maximum-material GO functional limit of the 2). On pitches 0.8 mm and finer, a 60 deg. chamfer
product internal thread, and its purpose is to assure in- from the axis of the gage is acceptable in lieu of the
terchangeable assembly of maximum-material mating blunt start.
parts. Go thread plug gages must enter and pass through
the full threaded length of the product freely. The GO 4.1.1 1 Chip Grooves. Each GO thread plug gage,
threadplug gage is a cumulative check of all thread except in sizes U14 and smaller, shall be provided with
elements except the minor diameter, a chip groove at the entering end. On reversible gages,
a chip groove shall be provided at each end. Acceptable
4.1.2 Basic Design. The maximum-material limit chip grooves are in accordance with commercial prac-
on the GO thread plug-gage is made to the prescribed tice, such as a groove cut at an angle with the a x i s or
a longitudinal groove cut parallel with the axis and ex- ANSVASMEB1.16M GO thread plugs are inter-
tending the complete length of the gaging member. The changeable with MJ thread gages for the same class of
groove shall be located circumferentially at the start of thread.
the full thread, and in all cases the depth shall extend
below the root of the first full thread. The distance from
the major diameter of the thread plug to the crest of the 4.2 NOT GO Thread Plug Gages (Table 2 -
convolution rise in front of the chip groove, due to the Gage 1.2)
radius of the convoluting tool, shall be a minimum of 4.2.1 Purpose and Use. The NOT GO thread plug
H / 2 as shown in Fig. 2. The beginning of the first thread gage inspects the NOT GO functional diameter limit B,
shall be of full form. The recommended widths for chip of product internal thread. The NOT GO threadplug
grooves are as shown in Table 3. gage represents the NOT GO functional diameter limit
of the product internal thread. Thread plug gages when
4.1.12 Identification. The GO thread plugs should applied to the product internal thread may engage only
be marked with the metric nominal size, X , pitch-tol- the end threads (which may not be representative of the
erance class, GO, PD, and pitch diameter in millimeters. complete thread). Entering threads on product are in-
(If PD is basic size, tolerance class may be eliminated.)
complete and permit gage to start. Starting threads on
EXAMPLE: NOT GO plugs are subject to greater wear than the re-
U18 X 14HSH GO PD7.350 maining threads. Such wear in combination with the in-
Grinding wheel or
convoluting tool
# '\
TABLE 3 RECOMMENDED WIDTHS FOR CHIP truncating the major diameter, and the length of the gag-
GROOVES ing element where practical is less than that of the GO
gage. Gages are never made with controlled radius root
Chip Groove Width,
mm such as described for full-form GO thread plug gages.
Nominal Diameter,
mm Max. Min. 4.2.3 GageBlanks. For practical and economic
reasons, the design and lengths of the gaging elements
MJ4 and smaller No chip groove required
have been standardized for various size ranges and
Over MJ4to MJ5, inclusive 0.91 0.66
Over MJ5to MJIO,inclusive 7.32 1.07 pitches (see ANSVASME M7.l a M or Table C2).
Over MJlOto MJ12, inclusive1.45 1.70
Over MJ12to MJ24, inclusive 2.11 1.70 4.2.4 Thread Form. The specifications for thread
Over MJ24to MJ39, inclusive 3.30 1.70 form are summarized in Table 7 and Fig-. 3 .
Over MJ39 1.70 4.90
4.2.5 Thread Crests. The maximum major diam-
eter of the NOT GO thread plug gage shall be equal to
complete product threads permits further entry of the the maximum pitch diameter of the product internal
gage. The NOT GO functional diameter limit is accept- thread plus 0.2P,with a minus gage tolerance. This cor-
able when the NOT GO thread plug gage as applied to responds to a width of flat at the crest of the gage equal
the product internal thread does not enter more than three to 0.385P (see Table 7).
complete turns. The gage should not be forced. Special
requirements such as exceptionally thin or ductile ma- 4.2.6 Thread Roots. The minor diameter of the
.terial, s m a l l number of threads, etc., may necessitate NOT GO thread plug gage shall be cleared beyonda
modification of this practice. Pi8 width of flat by an extension toward a sharp vee of
the sides of the thread from the position corresponding
4.2.2 Basic Design. To better check the maximum to this approximate width or by an undercut to any di-
functional diameter limit, the flank contact is reduced by mension no wider than the width resulting from Pi8
COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Licensed by Information Handling Services
T (Ref.)
maximum width, either side of and approximately cen- shall be removed. On pitches coarser than0.8 mm, one
tral with the center line of the thread groove. complete thread f '12turn of the end threads shall be
removed to obtain a full-thread blunt start (see Fig. 2).
4.2.7 Runout of Pitch and Major Cylinders.The
On pitches 0.8 mm and finer, a 60 deg. chamfer from
permissible maximum effective diameter,as determined
the axis of the gage is acceptable in lieu of the blunt
by adding measurements ofxunout (full-indicator move-
" - ~
ment) w f i i s $ x t to the pitch cylinder to the measured Start.
4.3 Full-Form GO Thread Plug Gage (Table 2 - full root radius equal to the maximum root radius of the
Gage 1.3) external metric J thread (0.18042P). A plus gage toler-
ance is applied to this radius (see Fig. 4 and Table 4).
4.3.1 Purpose and Use. In the same manner as the
GO thread plug gage (see para. 4.1. l ) , the full-form GO 4.3.5 Gage Minor Diameter. The minimum minor
thread plug gage inspects the maximum-material GO diameter of the full-form GO thread plug gage is equal
functional limit A, of product internal thread, including to the minimum gage pitch diameter minus two times
a degree of spin down at the minor diameter. the maximum dedendum of the thread, shown as 2hd in
The spin down is the flow of material (plastic defor- Table 4, column 4. The maximum minor diameter of
mation) that mayoccur when producing product internal the gage is equal to the gage minimum minor diameter
threads in some materials, causing a reduction in minor plus the gage tolerance on pitch diameter (normally X)
diameter size below what it was before threading. plus the radius tolerance factor, shown as T in Table 4,
The full-form GO thread plug gage screwed by hand column 7.
should enter the full threaded length ofthe product freely.
4.3.6 GageTolerance for Minor Diameter Ra-
4.3.2 Basic Design. The maximum-material limit dius. The radius tolerance is equal to 10% of the radius
on the GO thread plug gage is made to the prescribed size for pitches finer than 1.5 mm. For pitches from 1.5
maximum-material limit of the product internal thread, mm through 3 mm, the tolerance is equal to 0.025 mm.
and the gaging length is equal to the length of the gaging For coarser pitches the tolerance is equal to 5 % of the
plug. A radius is provided in the minor diameter of the radius size.
plug to inspect the spin down (see Fig. 4).
4.3.7 Thread Crests. The major diameter of the
4.3.3 Gage Blanks. For practical and economic GO thread plug gage shall be the same as the minimum
reasons, the design and lengths of the gaging plug mem- major diameter of the product internal thread with a plus
bers have been standardized for various size ranges and gage tolerance. The thread crests shall be flat in an axial
pitches (see ANSUASME l347.laM or Table C2). section and parallel to the axis.
4.3.4 Thread Form. Full-form GO thread plug 4.3.8 Runout of Pitch and Major Cylinders. On
gages are made the same in all respects as theGO thread thread plug gages an eccentric condition produces an
plug gage, except that the gage minor diameter has a oversize effective major diameter, having a width of flat
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0.35 0.175 0.0884 0.1768 0.0631 0.0063 0.0126 0.1094 0.0568 0.1137
0.4 0.200 0.1010 0.2021 0.0722 0.0072 0.0144 0.1250 0.0650 0.1299
0.45 0.225 0.1137 0.2273 0.0812 o.ooa1 0.0162 0.1406 0.0731 0.1461
0.5 0.250 0.1263 0.2526 0.0902 0.0090 0.0180 0.1562 0.0812 0.1624
0.6 0.300 0.1516 0.3031 0.1082 0.0108 0.0216 0.1875 0.0974 0.1949
0.7 0.350 0.1768 0.3536 0.1263 0.0126 0.0252 0.2188 0.1137 0.2273
0.75 0.375 0.1894 0.3769 0.1353 0.0135 0.0270 0.2344 0.1218 0.2436
0.8 0.400 0.2021 0.4041 0.1443 0.0144 0.0288 0.2500 0.1299 0.2598
1 0.500 0.2526 0.5052 0.1804 0.0180 0.0360 0.3125 0.1624 0.3248
1.25 0.625 0.3157 0.6315 0.2255 0.0226 0.0452 0.3906 0.2030 0.4060
1.5 0.750 0.3789 0.7578 0.2706 0.0250 0.0500 0.4688 0.2436 0.4871
1.75 0.875 0.4420 0.8841 0.3157 0.0250 0.0500 0.5469 0.2832 0.5683
3.5 1.750 0,8841 1.7681 0.6315 0.0316 0.0632 I .093a 0.5683 1.I 367
4 2.000 1.0104 2.0207 0.7217 0.0361 0.0722 1.2500 0.6495 1.2990
4.5 2.250 1.1367 2.2733 0.8f19 0.0406 0.0812 1.4063 0.7307 1.4614
(1) See para. 4.3.6,
(2) Equal to 2t.
less than P / 8 , whichmay encroach on the minimum inspects &e maximum-matenal GO functional limit A,
permissible limit for the root profile of the product in- of product internal thread. The setting of the GO seg-
ternal thread. The permissible maximum effective major ments or rolls represents the maximum-material GO
diameter,. as determined by adding the measurement of functional limit of the product internal thread, andits
runout (full-indicator reading) with respect to the pitch purpose is to assure interchangeable assembly of maxi-
cylinder to the measured major diameter, shall not ex- mum-material mating parts. The segments or rolls the-
ceed the major diameter specified. oretically engage over the full threaded length ofthe
product. The segments or rolls have a cumulative check
4.3.9 Pitch Cylinder. The pitch cylinder shall be
of all thread elements except the minor diameter.
round and straight within the gage pitch diameter limits
Internal thread snap gages by design must have outside
diameter of gaging elements below minor diameter of
4.3.10 Leadand Half-Angle Variations. Lead internal thread in order to enter. The gage checks all
and half-angle variations shall be within the limits spec- thread elements by sensing the resistance at contact after
ified (see Table 9). being set to a master.
The GO thread snap gage can also indicate out-of-
4.3.11 IncompleteThread. The feather edgeat roundness of pitch cylinder for 180 deg. ovality by using
~. . both ends of the threaded section of the gaging member the gage at different internal diametml locations on the
shall be removed. On pitches coarser than 0.8 mm, one product thread.
complete thread f turn of the end threads shall be
removed to obtain a full-thread-form blunt start (see Fig. 4.4.2 BasicDesign. The GO segments and rolls
2). On pitches 0 . 8 mm and finer, a 60 deg. chamfer assembled into gage frames are the design of the indi-
from the axis of the gage is acceptable in lieu of the vidual gage manufacturer. The lengths of the two
blunt start. threaded segments and the two thread rolls spaced 180
deg. apart are equivalent to the standard GO plug gage
4.3.12 ChipGrooves. Each full-form GO plug blank lengths for practical and economic reasons (see
gage, except in sizes MJ4 and smdler, shall be provided Table C2 and Fig. 5 ) . Internal product threads less than
with a chip groove at the entering end. On reversible 3 mm in diameter are not practical to check with snap
gages, a chip groove shall be provided at each end. Ac-
gages. GO thread segments shall engage 25 9% or more
ceptable chip grooves are in accordance with commercial
of the product circumference. The productshall be
practice, such as a groove cut at an angle with the axis
checked around the circumference of thread at sufficient
or a'longitudinal groove cut parallel with the axis and
axial positions to check the full thread length. Thread
extending the complete length of the gaging member.
rolls shall be applied axially at several locations (three
The groove shall be located circumferentially at the start if possible) over the full thread length of product. The
of the full thread, and in all cases the depth shall extend
circumference shall be checked at each position.
below the root of the first full thread. The distance from
the major diameter of the thread plug to the crest of the 4.4.3 Thread Form. The specifications for thread
convolution rise in front of the chip groove, due to the form are summarized in Table 7 and Fig. 5 .
radius of the convoluting tool, shall be a minimum of 4.4.4 Thread Crests. The outside diameter of the
-- ~~
~ -
H12 as shown in Fig. 2. The beginning of the first thread threaded portion of the GO segments or rolls has the
shall be of full form. The recommended widths for chip equivalent of a P/8 flat on the thread with a plus gage
grooves are as shown in Table 3. tolerance. The thread crests shall be flat in an axial sec-
4.3.13 Identification. The full-form GO thread tion and parallel to the axis of the gaging member.
plugs should be marked with the metric nominal size,
4.4.5 ThreadRoots. The minor diameter of the
X , pitch-tolerance class, FULL FORM, GO, PD, and
threaded portion of the GO segments or rolls shall be
pitch diameter in millimeters.
cleared beyond a Pt8 flat either by an extension of the
EXAMPLE: flanks of the thread toward a sharp vee or by an undercut
no greater than Pt8 maximum width and approximately
4.4.6 Runout. The pitch and major cylinders of the I
4.4 Thread Snap Gages - GO Segments or threaded portion of the GO segments or rolls shall not
Rolls (Table 2 - Gages 2.1 and 2.3) exceed the mnout as determined by measurements of
runout (full-indicator movement) on each gaging mem-
4.4.1 Purpose and Use. The thread snap gage with ber, with respect to the pitch cylinder. Runout shall not
two Go threaded segments or two GO zero-lead rolls exceed one-half the X gage major diameter tolerance.
C V)
0 I
Nominal Size
and Pitch
M11.6 x 0.35 4h6h 1.373 1.259 1.333 1.263 1.600 1.515 1.600 1.373 l.fi00 1.373 0,063 1.196 1.496 1.426 139 1.359 4HhH
1.378 l.hO8 1.518 1.597 1.271 1.338 1.251 1.368
2,500 2.400
M12.5 X 0.45 4h6h 2.500 2.073
2.208 2.163
. 2.062 2.208 2.500 2.208 0.081 2.358 1.981 2.2611 2.062 2.187 4HLH
0 2.213 2.510 2.403 2.497 2.083 2.168 2.052 2.203 2.0022.263 2.348 2.065 2.184
4.850 M15 4,260 4,420
X 0.8 4h6h 4.221 4,480 4.421 4.221 4.720
5.000 4.560 4.480 4.076
5.0000.144 4,480 4HbH
013 4.488 5.013 4.853 4.997 4.273 4.428 4,208 4.472
MI8 X 1 7.279
4h6h7.026 7.350 8.000 7.820 8.OOO 7.350 8.000
4HSH 7.350
0.1807.216 7.026 7.445 7.645 6.845
7.358 8.013 7.823 7.997 7.092 7.287 7.013 7.342
6.863 7.113
MI8 X 1.25 4h6h 6.782 7.188 8,000 7.788 6.994 8.000
6.782 7.2887.188
7.538 6.557
8,0000.226 7.188 4H5H
7.196 8.013 7.791 7.997 6.876 7.121 6.769 7,180 8,01:?0,2496.991
7.1966.785 7.280 7.525
, 6.610
Gages for Internal Threads am
pages for External Threads mm
x Thread Cages X Thread Gages m9
2 Plaip Cages for z Plain Gages for
GO NOT GO Major Diam. GO Full-Form GO NOT GO Minor Dinm. mCI
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ml12 x 1.75 4h6h 10.863 11.735 12.000 lO.Rb3 12.000 lO.Rb3 0.314 9.979 11.33R 10.9RR 10.295 lO.Wl 4HSH
10.855 11.738 12.015 IrLR71 12.015 to.871 0.341 10.037 11.323 io.wo 10.29R ml.557
13.720 14.000 12.701 i4.000 12.701 0.361 11,691 13.2.13 12.033 12.051 12.351 4H'iH
13.723 14.015 12.709 14.015 12.709 0.3Rb 11.749 l?.ZlR 12.R25 12.054 12.34R
14.R20 15.000 14,.150 15.000 14.350 O.lAO l?,A45 14,hSO 14.450 '14.02h 14.21b 4HSH
14.823 '15.Ol.i 14.35A 15.01.1 14.35R 0.19tt lP.AR9 14.hJ7 14.442 14.029 14.213
15.764 1b.lt00 15.02b 16.000 15.02b U.271 14.268 15.444 15.144 14.539 14.775 4H'iH
15.767 lb.1115 15.034 lb.015 15.034 0.296 l4..)2b 15.429 15.1.3b 14.542 14.772
15.720 lb.000 14.701 lb.000 14.701 It.361 13.691 15.233 14.RT1 14,llSl 14.351 4HFH
15.723 lb.015 14.709 16.015 14.709 0.3Rb 13.749 15.21R 14.825 14.054 14.14R
16.R20 17.000 16.350 17.000 16.350 0.100 15.R45 lh.h50 16.450 lb.nzb lb.21h 4H5H
16.823 17.013 16.358 17.01 ! 16.35R 0.19A lwtR9 lh.b17 lb.442 lb.029 lb.213
17,764 18.000 17.02b 1R.000 17.02b 0.271 th,ZbR 17,444 17.144 lb.539 lb,775 4H5H
17.7b7 lR.015 17.034 IR.015 17.034 0.296 lb,.Vb 17.429 17.13b lb,542 lb.772 $
19.R20 20.000 19.350 2o.oOO 19.350 0.180 lR.R45 19.bSO 19.450 19,026 19.21b 4H5H !i
19.823 20.013 19.350 20.013 19.35R O.lY8 lR.RR9 19x,37 19.442 19.029 19.2 I.3 !z
18,539 18.936 18.636 20.000 19.764 2O.000 19.02b 20.000 19.026 0,271 lR.ZbR 19.444 19.144 lR.51'~ lA.771i 4H'iH 2%
18.524 18.944 lR.bSl 19.997 19.767 20.015 19m4 2O.Ol5 19.u 14 0.296 JR.326 19.429 l9.l,3b 18.542 111.772 zv,
17.564 18.270 17.770 20.000 19.665 2o.ROo lR,37b 2o.OOo lR.376 0.451 17.113 19.n16 lR.Slh 17.564 17,919 4HliH $ $j
17.549 18.278 17.785 19.997
19.6bR 20.015 lR.:lR4 20.01s 1R.W 0.476 17.171 lY.001 lR.WR 17.567 17.9 lb 9m
20.539 20.936 20.636 22,000 21.764 22,ollo 21.02b 22.000 21.02b ft.271 20.2bR 21.444 21.144 20.5.19 20.775 4H5H Cn :'
20.524 20.944 20.651 21.997 21.767 22.015 21.034 22.0 15 21.014 0.291, ZO..!Zb 21.429 21.11b 20.942 20.772 ii%
22.051 22.595 22.195 24.000 23.720 24.000 22.701 24.000 22.701 0.361 2 I.691 23.241 22.R41 22.051 22.15 I 4ti'iH
22.03h 22M3 22.210 2.1.997 23.72.1 24.015 22.709 24.015 22.709 O.IRb 21.749 21.22b 22.R33 22.054 22.14n k
for External Threads for Internal Threads
sI r 3z
X Thread Cages X Thread Cages
o m
2 Plain Gages inr 2 Plain Gages for
CO NOT CODiam. Major CO Full-Form CO NOT CODiam. Minor z2
M133 X 2 4h6h 31.701 31.051 31,595 31.195 33.000 32.720 33.000 31.701 wo00 31.701
31.693 31.036 31.603 31.210 32.997 32.723 33.015 31.709 33.015 31.709
M139 X 2 37.701
4hbh 37.051 37.595 37.195 39.000 38.7~0 39.00037.701
37.693 37.036 37.603 37.210 38.996 38.724 39.015 39.015
37.709 37.709
x 1.5 39.026 40.000 39.026
38.524 39.768
M142 X 2 40.195 42.000
42.000 40.701 40.701
40.691 40.036 40.605 40.210 41.~6 41.724 42.015 40.711 42.015 40.711
M142 X 4.5 4h6h 39.077 37.616 38.927 38.027 42.000 41.500 42.000 39.077 42.000 39.077
39.0~ 37.596 38.940 38.047 41.996 41.504 42.020 39.090 42.020 39.090
NOlniNlSiZC Pltch Minor Pitch Minor NOT Major Pitch Major Pitqh ROot Minor Maior Pitch NOT
and Pitch Class Diam. Diam. Diam. Diam. GO GO Diam. Diam. Diam. Diam.GODiam. Radius
'GO Diam.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ' 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 16 18 19
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
. Mj60 x 1.5 Ohbh 58.539 59.026 60.000 59.026 60.000 59.764 60.000 58.626
58.268 0.27158.926
59.458 58.539 59.158
58.775 4H5H
59.016 59.996 58.641 58.936 58.524
59,768 60.015 59.036 60.015 59.036 0.296 58.328 59.443 59.148 58.543 58.771
M165 X 1.5 64.026 4h6h63.539 64.026 65.000 64.764 65.000 63.626 63.926
0.271 64.026 65.000 64.158
64.458 63.268 63.539 63.775 4H5H
63.524 64.016 63.641 64.995 64.769 64.036 65.015
65.015 64.036 64.148
64.443 63.3213 0.296 63,543 63.771
Nominal Size Pitch Mhw Pitch Minor NOT Major Pitch Maim Pitch Root Minor M.+r Pitch NOT
and Pifqh ClW Diam. Diam. Diam. Diam. GO GO Diam. Diam. Din”. Diam. Radius Diam, Diam. Diam. GO GO t3.W
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Ml80 x 2 4h6h 78.701 7R.051 7R.ul9 78.189 8n.onn 79.720 tx-mm 78.701 8fl.oon 78.701 0.361 77.691 79,251 78.051 78.051 78.351 4H5H
78.691 78.036 70.599 78.204 79.99s 79.725 8n.ni5 7R.711 80,nl'i 7R.711 0.38h 77.751 79.236 78.841 78.056 78.346
Ml85 x 2 4hbh 83,701 n3.m 83.589 83.189 85SNM 84.720 fmnn R3.701 85.000 83.701 0.361 82.691 04.251 83.851 83,051 83.351 4H5H
83.691 83.036 83.599 83.204 84.995 84.725 05.q15 83.7lT OS.015 83.711 0.386 82.751 04.236 83.841 83.056 83.346
Ml90 x 2 4hbh 80.701 88.051 88.509 88.189 9osmn A9.720 90.000 80.701 99.000 RO.701 0.361 87.691 89.251 88.851 88.051 80.351 4H5H
88.691 88.036 88.599 88.204 A9.995 89.725 90.015 an.711 90.015 68.711 0.306 87.751 89.236 88.841 88.056 88.346
Ml90 x 6 4h6h 86.103 84.154 OS.923 64.723 90.000 09.400 90.000 06.103 9mmn oh.103 1.083 83.072 87.539 86.339 84.154 84.704 4H5H
86.09O 84.131 85.936 84.746 09.995 09.405 90.023 R6.11h 90.023 8h.llh 1.137 03.193 07.516 86.326 04.159 64.779
Ml95 x2 4h6h 93.701 93.051 93.583 93.103 95.oon 94.720 95,000 93.701 95.ono 93.701 0.361 92.691 94.261 93.861 93.051 93.351 4H5H
93.691. 93.036 93.593 93.198 94.995 94.725 95.015 93.711 95.015 93.711 0.386 92.751 94.246 93.051 93.056 93.346
MllW x6 4hbh 96.103 94.154 95.913 94.713 lon.oon 99.400 ino. 96.103 mnoo 96.103 1.083 93.072 97.553
96.090 94.131 95.926 94.736 99.995 99.405 100.023 96.116 ion.023 96,llh 1.137 93.193 97.530
Ml105 x 2 4h6h 103.701 103.051 103.583 103.183 ~05.000 104.720 105.000 103.701 105.000 103.701 0.361 102.h91 104.261
103.M16 103.028 101.598 103.206 104.995 104.725 105.023 llfs.716 ins.023 103.716 0.306 102.756 104.238
Ml110 x 2 4hbh 108.701 io8.nsi 108.583 inn.183 imono 109.720 lin.nno 100.701 110.000 108.701 0.361 107.691 109.261
108.606 ma28 lOR.598 108.206 m9.995 109.725 110.023 108.716 lin.023 108.716 0.386 107.756 109,238
Ml120 x 2 4h6h 118.701 ilmi 118.583 llR.103 120.000 119.720 monn 118.701 12o.onn 118.701 0.361 117.691 119.261
118.6a6 118.028 118.598 iia.znh 119.994 119.7x 120.023 110.71h 120.023 118.716 0.3R6 117.756 119.238
Ml160 x 3 4hhh ls8.nsl 157.077 157.911 157.311 lhfl.OOO 159.h25 ibo.000 158.051 l6n.ooO 158.051 0.541 156.535 150.841 158.241 157.077 157.477 4HSH
158.036 157.049 157.926 157.339 159.994 159.631 lh0.028 158.066 16mI28 158.066 0.566 156.bnO 158.813 158.226 157.083 157.471
. .. .
COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Licensed by Information Handling Services
4.4.7 Pitch Cylinder. The pitch cylinder of the 4.5.3 Thread Form. The specifications for thread
threaded portion of the GO segments or rolls shall be form are summarized in Table 7 and Fig. 6.
straight and round within the X gage pitch diameter lim-
4.5.4 Thread Crests. The maximum major diam-
its specified.
eter of the NOT GO segments and rolls shall be equal
4.4.8 Lead, Pitch, and Half-Angle Variations. to the pitch diameter of the segment or roll plus 0.2P
Lead, pitch, and half-angle variations shall be within the with the gage tolerance minus. This corresponds to a
limits specified (see Table 9). width of flat at the crest equal to 0.385P (see Table 7).
4.4.9 Identification. The assembled gage should 4.5.5 Thread Roots. The minor diameter of the
be marked with the metric nominal size, X , pitch-tol- NOT GO segments and rolls shall be cleared beyond a
erance class, G O , PD, and pitch diameter in millimeters. PI8 width of flat by an extension toward a sharp vee of
EXAMPLE: the sides of the thread or by an undercut to any dimen-
MJ8X14H5H GO PD7.350 sion no wider than P / 4 . The undercut is to be approxi-
ANSVASME B1.16M GO snap gages are inter- mately central with the center line of the thread groove
changeable with MJ thread gages for the same class of (see Fig. 6).
thread. 4.5.6 Runout. The pitch and major cylinders of the
threaded portion of the NOT GO segments or rolls shall
not exceed the runout as determined by measurements
of runout (füll-indicator movement) on each gaging
4.5 Thread Snap Gages -
NOT GO Segments member, with respect to the pitch cylinder. Runout shall
or Rolls (Table 2 - Gages 2.2 and 2.4) not exceed the X gage major diameter tolerance.
4.5.1 Purpose and Use. The thread snap gage with 4.5.7 Pitch Cylinder. The pitch cylinder of the
two NOT GO segments or two NOT GO rolls inspects threaded portion of the NOT GO segments or rolls shall
the NOT GO functional diameter limit B, of product be round within the X gage pitch diameter limits spec-
internal thread. The setting of the NOTGO segments or ified.
rolls represents the maximum functional diameter limit
of the product internal thread. In applying the thread 4.5.8 Lead, Pitch, and Half-Angle Variations.
snap limit gage, the NOT GO functional diameter limit Lead, pitch, and half-angle variations shall be within the
is acceptable when gaging elements do not pass the prod- limits specified (see Table 9).
uct thread. 4.5.9 Identification. The assembled gage should
Internal thread snap gages by design must have the be marked with the metric nominal size, X , pitch-tol-
outside diameter of gaging elements below the minor erance class, NOT G O , PD, and pitch diameter in mil-
diameter of internal thread in order to enter. The gage limeters.
checks the NOT GO functional diameter limit by sensing EXAMPLE:
the resistance at contact after being set to a master. UT8 X 1-4H5H NOT GO PD7.445
The NOT GO thread snap gage can indicate out-of-
roundness of the pitch cylinder for 180 deg. ovality by ANSUASME B1.16M HI snap gages are interchange-
using the gage at different diametral locations on the able with MJ thread gages for the same class of thread.
internal thread,
The NOT GO thread snap gage can check taper of the 4.6 Thread Snap Gages - Minimum Material:
pitch cylinder by using the gage at different locations Pitch Diameter Cone and Vee (Table 2 -
axially on the internal thread. Gage 2.5)
4.5.2 Basic Design. In order that the NOT GO 4.6.1 Purpose and Use. The thread snap gage with
thread snap gage may effectively check the NOT GO two segments or two rolls, both made to cone and vee
functional diameter limit, the flank contact is reduced by design as shown in Fig. 7, inspects the minimum-ma-
truncating the thread on segments and rolls. Since the terial limit pitch diameter C , of the product internal
design of the segments and rolls are different with each thread.
gage manufacturer, the number of pitches engaged in Internal thread snap gages by design must have outside
product thread will vary. Usually, the number of pitches diameter of gaging elements below minor diameter of
engaged is approximately two. Internal product threads internal thread in order to enter. The gage checks the
less than 3 mm in diameter are not practical to check minimum-material PD limit by sensing the resistance at I
with SIMP gages. contact after being set to a master.
I Pitch cylinder
Gaging elements
Gaging elements contact central
contact above on pitch line
pitch line
1 0.1P
Alternate Designs (Ref.)
(Ref.) 1
Contacts in other positions near
the pitch cylinder are also used.
W Thread-Setting Plugs W Thread-Setting Rings
3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
MJ8 X 1 4h6h 7.550 7.479 7.350 8.000 7.279 8.013 7.026 7.350 7.445 7.216. 4H5H
7.537 8.000 7.466 7.347 8.013 7.353 7.282 7.013 7.442 7.203
M J 8 X 1.25 7.438 8.013 7.363 7.188 8.000 7.168 7.113 6.994 7.288
7.425 7.185 8.013 6.981 7.285 6.769 7.191 7.116 8.000
Nominal Size
Major Diam. 1
W Threa -Setting Plugs
Major Diam.
Pitch PitchMinor
W Thread-Setting
and Pitch Diam. Diam. Full
Truncated Diam. Full Truncated Class Diam. Diam.Diam. Class '
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
MJlO X 1.5 4h6h 9.326 10.000 8.941 10.013 9.241 9.026 4H5H 8.775 9.138 8.539
9.31 3 10.013 9.023 10.000 9.228 8.944 8.762 9.135 8.526 9.029
MJll X 1.25 4h6h 10.438 10,188 10.363 11.013 10.188 10.1139.782 10.288 9.994 4H5H
10.425 9.981 11.013 10,185 10.350 10.285 9.769 10.191 10.116
M112 X 1 4h6h 11.550 12.013 11.475 11.350 12.000 11.026 11.350 11.275 4H5H 11.216 11.450
W 11.537 12.000 11.462 11.347 12.013
11.278 ' 11.013 11.353 11.203 11.447
MI12 X 1.25 4h6h 12.000 11.438
11.188 11.103 12.013 11.353 4H5H 10.994 11.300 10.7
11.425 11.340 11.18512.000
12.013 11.I06 10.769 11.191
11.297 10.981
MJ12 X 1.75 4h6h 11.213 12.000 10.863 11.118 i2.015 10.863 10.768 4H5H 10.560 10.988 10.2
11.198 10.545 10.985 10.280 10.866 10.771 12.000 11.103 10.860 12.015
MI14 X 1.5 4h6h 14.000 13.326 12.936 14.013 13.236 13.026 13.144 12.539 13.026 4H5H 12.775
13.313 12.762
13.140 12.526 13.030 12.940 14.000 13.223 1
MJ14 X 2 4h6h 13.101 14.000 12.701 13.001 12.601 14.015 12.051 12.701 4HSH
12.351 12.833 5
13.086 14.015 12.336
12.828 12.036 m
12.706 12.606 14.000 12.986 12
14.350 15.000 14.550 14.350 14.275
15.013 14.475 14.216 4H5H rn
MI15 x 1 4h6h 14,450
14.537 15.013 14.346 14.462 15.000 14.279 14.203
14.446 14.013 14.354
MJ16 X 1.5 4h6h 15.326 15.026 16.000 14.936 16.013 15.236
15.026 14.539 4H5H
14.775 15.144
15.313 16.013 15.022 14.526 15.030 14.940 16.000 15.1 40
14.762 15.223
M116 X 2 4h6h 16.000 15.101 14.051 14.701 14.601 16.015
14.833 14.351 15.001
4H5H14.701 $
15.086 16.015 14.696 14.986 16.000 14.336
14.828 14.036 14.706 14.606 69
MI17 x 1 4h6h 16.350
17.000 16.550 17.01 3 16.475 16.026
16.350 16.275 16.450 16.216 4H5H si
17.013 16.537 16.462 16.354 16.279 17.000
16.013 16.446 16.203 $0
m n
W Thread-Setting Plugs W Thread-Setting Rings -5 "
Nominal Size
and Pitch
M120 Y 1
M120 X 2.5
MI22 X 1.5
MJ24 X 2
MI24 X 3
MJ25 X 1.5
MJ27 Y 2
MJ36 X 2 4h6h 35.101 34.701 36.000 34.595 36.015 34.995 34.051 34.701 34.351 34.841
35.086 36.015 36.000 34.980 34.696 34.706 34.600 34.836 34.036
MJ39 x 2 4h6h 38.101 37.701 39.000 39.015 37.995 37.051 37.701 37.595 37.351 37.841
38.086 39.015 37.980 37.696 39.000 37.600 37.036 37.706 37.336 37.836
MJ42 X 2 4h6h 41.101 42.000 40.701 40.995 42.015 40.701 40.595 40.841 40.05140.351 4HSH
41.086 40.695 42.015 42.000 40.980 40.707 40.601 40.835 40.03640.336
MJ42 X 4.5 4h6h 39.977 39.077 42.000 39.827 42.020 37.616 39.077 38.927
39.277 38.146 4H5H
39.957 39.071 42.020 42.000 39.807
38.933 39.083 38.126 39.271 37.596
M145 X 1.5 4h6h 44.326 44.026 45.00044.231 45.013 43.931 44.026 43.539 44.151 43.775
4H5H V)
44.313 45.013 44.021 44.218 45.000 44.031 43.93643.526 43.762 44.146
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 8 10 11 12 13
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm “I
MJ55 X 1.5 4h6h 54.326 55.000 54.026
55.013 54.22653.926 54.158 53.539 54.026
MI60 X 1.5 4h6h 59.326 59.026 60.000 60.013 59.226 59.026 58.926
58.539 59,158 58.775 4H5H
59.313 60.013 59.021 59.213 60.000 58.931 58.526 59.031 58.762 59.153
MJ64 x 2 4h6h 63.101 62.701 64.00062.989 64.015 62.589 62.701 62.051 62.351 62.851
63.086 62.695 64.015 62.036 62.707
62.595 64.000
62.336 62.974
MJ65 X 1.5 4h6h 64.326 64.026 65.000 64.226 63.926 65.013 63.539 64.026 63.775 64.158
64.313 65.013 64.021 64.213 63.931 65.000 63.762 64.153 63.526 64.031
MI70 X 1.5 4h6h 70.000 69.32669.026 69.226 70.013 68.539 69.026 68.926 68.775 69.158
4H5H D
69.313 70.013 69.021 69.213 70.000 68.931 69.031 68.526 69.153 68.762
MJ72 X 2 4h6h 71.101 72.000 70.701 70.989 72.015 70.701 70.589 70.351 70.851
I I 71.086 I 72.015 I 70.695 I 70.974 I 72.000 I 70.595 I 70.707 I 70.036 , 70.845 I 70.336 I
MJ80 X 6 4h6h 77.303 80.000 76.103 77.123 80.023 75.923 76.103 74.154 76.339 74.784 4H5H
77.280 80.023 76.097 74.131 76.709 75.929 80.000
76.333 74.761 77.100
MJ85 X 2 4h6h 84.101 85.000 83.701 83.989 83.589 85.015 83.051 83.701 83.351 83.851
84.086 85.015 83.695 83.595 85.000
83.036 83.70783.845 83.33683.974
MI90 X 2 4h6h 89.101 90.000 88.701 90.015 88.98988.589 88.051 88.701 88.351 88.851
W 89.086 90.015 88.695 88.974 90.000 88.595 88.036 88.707 88.336 88.845
nm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
MI150 X 2 4h6h 149.101 150.000 148.701 148.983 150.023 148.583 148.701 148.051 148.861 148.351 4H5H
149.078 150.023 148.693 148.960 150.000 148.591 148.709 148.028 148.853 148.328
MI160 X 3 4h6h 160.000 158.051
158.651 158.511 157.911 160.023
158.051 158.241 157.477
157.077 4H5H
I 160.023 158.043
158.628 158.488 157.919 158.059
160.000 157.054 158.233 157.454
MI170 x 3 ' 4h6h" , 168.651 170.000 168.051 168.511 170.023 167.911 168.051 167.077 168.241 167.477 4H5H
168.628 170.023 168.488 170.000
168.043 167.919 168.059 167.054 168.233 167.454
Pitch diameter Max. pitch diameter of external thread; gage tolerance minus
Gages for
Thread gages
1 Minor diameter
Pitch diameter
Minor diameter
Max. pitch diameter of internal thread minus 0.375H;gage
tolerance minus
Plain gages for GO Max. major diameter of external thread; gage tolerance minus
major diameter
NOT GO 1 8 Min. major diameter of exfernal thread; gage tolerance plus
Major diameter Min. major diameter of internal thread; gage tolerance plus
Min. pitch diameter of internal thread; gage tolerance plus
I Major diameter
1 I
Full- Max. root radius of external J thread (0.18042P);gage
form tolerance (t in Table 4,column 6) plus
Thread gages
Gages for GO
Min. equals min. gage pitch diameter minus two times max.
Internal Root radius 13 dedendum (0.50518p).Max. equals min. minor diameter plus
Threads Minor diameter 14
X gage pitch diameter tolerance plus radius tolerance factor T
(see Table 4, column 7).
Plain gages for GO 17 Min. minor diameter of internal thread; ga,se tolerance plus
minor diameter
NOT GO 18 Max. minor diameter of internal thread; gage tolerance minus
Series Designation and Tolerance Class I 19 Of internal thread to be checked
1 Pitch diameter
Min. pitch diameter of internal thread; W gage
tolerance plus
Ring for -
Minor Min. minor diameter of internal thread; W gage
Solid Thread-Setting 10
Rings for Snap and I
tolerance minusdiameter
Indicating Gages 1 Pitch diameter
Max. pitch diameter of internal thread; W gage
Ring for tolerance minus
Minor Max. minor diameter of internal thread; W gage
I diameter tolerance minus
Tolerance on Major
or Minor Diameters
To and
[Note (3)l T To and
Tolerance on Pitch Diameter
[Notes (3), (4)1
Above Above
Pitch, on lead, mm of Thread, Including Above Including 39 mm to 100 mm 200 mm
mm [Notes (11, ( 3 1 deg. f min 100 mm 100 mm 39 mm 100 mm to 200 mm to 300 mm
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
(1) Allowable variation in lead between anytwo threads shallnot be farther apart than the length
of the standardgage that is shown
in ANWASME B47.laM.
(2) See para. 5.14.9.
(3) Tolerances apply to designated sizeof thread. Apply tolerances in accordance with Table 7.
(4) Above MJ300,the tolerance is directly proportional to the tolerancein column 9, in the ratio of the diameter to300 mm.
The cone and vee snap gage can check roundness of 4.7.4 Identification. The assembled gage with rolls
the pitch cylinderfor 180 deg. ovalityby using the gage should be marked with the metric nominalsize, X ,pitch-
at different diametral locations on the internal thread. tolerance class, PD, and pitch diameter in millimeters.
The cone and vee SIMP gage can check taper of the EXAMPLE
pitch cylinder by using the gage at different locations U18 X 1-4H5HPD7.445
axially on the internal thread. ANWASME B1.16M thread-groove snap gages are
4.6.2 Basic Design. The segments are usually made interchangeable withMJ thread gages forthe same class
having a surface contact slightly above the pitch line near of thread.
the center of the flank. The rolls are made with a point
or line contact approximately at the pitch line depending 4.8 Thread-Setting Solid Ring Gages
upon the angle variationsof the thread flanks. (See Fig.
7 for details.) Internal product threads less than 3 mm 4.8.1 Purpose and Use. Thread-setting ring gages
in diameter are not practical to check with snap gages. are used for setting internal thread indicating and snap
gages. GO thread-settingringgages are madetothe
4.6.3 Thread Form. The specifications for thread maximum-material limit of the internal thread specifi-
form, thread crests, and thread roots are summarized in cation and NOT GO thread-setting rings to the mini-
Fig. 7, mum-material limit,
4.6.4 Identification. The assembledgageshould 4.8.2 Gage Blanks. Setting rings under 3 mm are
be markedwith the metric nominal size, X , pitch-tol- too small to be practical. GO and NOT GO solid thread
erance class, PD, and pitch diameter in millimeters. ring gage blanks havebeen standardized for various size
EXAMPLE: ranges and pitches (seeANWASME B47.laM). Length
U18 X 1-4H5HPD7.445 of gage thread is a minimum of four pitches.
ANWASME B1.16M cone and vee snap gages are
4.8.3 The GO andNOT GO thread-settinggage
interchangeable withMJ thread gages for the same class
threads are discussed in detail below and are summarized
of thread.
in Table 6 and Fig. 9.
4.8.4 Thread Crests
4.7 Thread Snap Gages -
Minimum Material: The minor diameterof the GO setting ring
Thread-Groove Diameter Type (Table 2 - gage is equal to the minimum minor diameter of the
Gage 2.6) internal thread.
4.7.1 Purpose and Use. The thread snap gage with The minor diameterof the NOT GO set-
two rolls with “best size” thread wire radius contacts ting ring gage is equal to the maximum minor diameter
inspects the minimum-material limit pitch diameter D, of the internal thread.
of the product internal thread. 4.8.5 Thread Roots
#Internal thread snap gagesby design musf have outside The major diameterof the GO setting ring
diameter of gaging elements below minor diameter of gage shall be cleared beyond P/8 width of flat by either
internal thread in order to enter. The gage checks the an extension of the flanks toward a sharp vee or by a
minimum-material PD limit by sensing the resistance at clearance cut of substantially P/8 widthandapproxi-
. contact after being set to a master. mately central.
The roll thread SIMPgage can check roundnessof the The major diameterof the NOT GO set-
pitch cylinder for 180 deg. ovalityby using the gage at
tingring gage shall be cleared by a clearance cut of
different diametral locations.
substantially 0.385P width and approximately central.
The roll thread snap gagecan check taperof the pitch
Form is optional. The NOT GO setting thread ring gage
cylinder by using the gage at different locations axially.
shall clear the maximum major diameter of the full-form
4.7.2 Basic Design. The “best size’’ thread wire portion of the truncated setting plug (seepara. 5.2.6).
radius contactson the rolls check the threads atthe pitch
4.8.6 Runout of Pitch and Minor Diameter Cyl-
cylinder. Ribs onroll contacts are made one pitch apart.
inders for Sizes 3 mm and Larger. The pitchand
Internal product threads less than 3 mm in diameter are
minor cylinders of setting ring gages shall not exceed
not practical to check with SMP gages.
the mnout as stated hereinafter. The permissible mini-
4.7.3 Thread Form. The specifications for the form mum effective minor diameteras determined by the run-
on gage rolls are summarized in Fig. 8. out (full-indicator movement) with respect to the pitch
cylinder subtracted from the measured minor diameter 4.8.11 Identification. The GO and
shall not be less than the specified minimum minor di- thread-setting ring gages should be marked with the met-
ameter minus the sum of the W gage tolerances for pitch ric nominal size, X , pitch-tolerance class, GO or NOT .
and minor diameter for GO setting gages and minustwice GO, SETTING, PD, and pitch diameter in millimeters.
the sum for NOT GO setting gages. EXAMPLES:
4.8.7 PitchCylinder. Conformance of these ele- MJ8 X 14H5H NOT GO SETTING PD7.445
ments is normally determined by the manufacturing of
the setting ring gages to the applicable setting plug gage. ANSI/ASME B1.16M setting rings are not inter-
changeable with MJ thread gages for the same class of
4.8.8 PitchDiameterLimitation of Taper. The thread.
taper shall be within gage pitch diameter limits.
4.8.9 Lead and Half-Angle. Lead and half-angle
variations shall be within limits specified in Table 10.
4.9 Plain Plug, Snap, and Indicating Gages to
4.8.10 Incomplete Threads. The feather edge at
Check Minor Diameter of Internal Thread
both ends of the thread ring gage shall be removed on
gages larger than 12 mm nominal size or having pitches 4.9.1 Purpose and Use. The GO and NOT GO
coarser than 1.25 mm. One complete thread f turn of thread gages of all designs are cleared at the mot but do
the end threads shall be removed to obtain a full-thread not check the minor diameter of the product internal
blunt start. On gages 12 mm nominal size and smaller thread. Accordingly, para. 4.9 describes the types of
or having pitches 1.25 mm or finer, a 60 deg. chamfer plain diameter gage or precision instruments used to
from the axis of the gage is acceptable in lieu of a blunt check the maximum- and minimum-material limits of
Start. the minor diameter.
' ASME B l 1 * 2 2 M 85 U 2 5 7 5 5 3 2 0 0 3 2 0 5 9 b U
(b) Thread-Setting Ring for Minimum-Material
Limit and NOT GOThread Gage
0.2 0.003 ... 0 30 0.008 ... ... 0.003 ... ... ... ...
0.25 .003 ... 0 30 .008 ... ... .003 ... ... ... ...
0.3 .003 ... 0 30 .008 ... ... .003 ... ... ... ...
1.5 .004 .004 0 8 .013 .013 .018 .003 .004 .005 .006 .008
1.75 .004 .004 0 8 .015 .015 .023 .003 .005 .006 .008 .010
2 .005 .005 0 6 .015 .015 .023 .004 .005 .006 .008 .010
2.5 ... .005 0 6 ... .015 .023 ... .005 ,006 .008 .010
3 ... .006 0 6 ... .015 .023 ... .005 .006 ,008 .010
3.5 ... .006 0 5 ... .018 .028 ... .005 .OD6 .008 .010
4 -.. .W8 0 5 ... .018 .028 ... .005 .006 -008 .010
4.5 ... .008 0 4 ... .020 .033 ... -005 .006 .008 .010
5 ... .008 0 4 ... .020 -033 ... -005 .006 -008 .010
5.5 ... .008 0 4 ... .020 .033 ... .005 .006 .008 .010
6 ... .008 0 4 ... .023 .033 ... .005 .006 .008 .010
8 ... .008 0 4 ... .023 .038 ... .005 .006 .008 .010
(1) Tolerances apply to actual diameter of plug or ring. Apply tolerances in accordance with
Table 7. Symbols XX, X, Y, Z, and 22 are standard plain cylindrical gage tolerance classes.
(2) Used as tolerance on plain cylindrical plug and ring gages to check minor diameter for internal
threads and outside diameter for external threads. Also used for masters for setting indicating
thread gages where design permits.
tolerance. Snap gages check the minor diameter limits conical contact on one finger and two “best size” thread
by sensing the resistance at contact after being set to a balls on another contact [see Fig. 12, sketch (C)]. In each
master. design, the indicating gages are set with cylindrical ring
gages, outside micrometers, vernier calipers, or a gap
4.9.6 Identification. After contacts have been as- made with gage blocks and jaw accessories. Gage con-
sembled in the snap or indicating gage, the assembled tacts are collapsed into a tapped hole andreleased to
gage should be tagged with the metric nominal size, X , contact product majordiameter. Dial indicator gages give
pitch-tolerance class, minor diameter limits in millime- the size of the product between minimum and maximum
tolerances. A snap gage checks the major diameter limit
EXAMPLE: by sensing the resistance at contact after being set to a
MJ8X 14H5H 7.026-7.216 MINOR DIAMETER
ANSI/ASME B1.16M snap and indicating plain di-
4.10.3 identification. After contacts have been as-
ameter gages are not interchangeable with MJ gages for
the same‘class of thread. sembled in the snap or indicating gage, the assembled
gage should be tagged with the metric nominal size, X ,
pitch-tolerance class, GO, NOT GO, major diameters in
4.1 0 Snap (Table 2 - Gage 3.4) and Indicating millimeters, and MAJOR DIAMETER INTERNAL.
(Table 2 - Gage 5.1) Gages to Check EXAMPLE:
Major Diameter of Internal Thread MJ8 x 14H5H GO 8.000 NOT GO 8.239 MAJOR DIAMETER
4.10.1 Purpose and Use. The minimum major di-
ameter limit of the product internal thread is considered ANWASME BI. 16M snap and indicating gages may
acceptable when the product thread accepts GO gages. be interchangeable with MJ gages if customer’s speci-
If further gaging is required, para. 4.10.2 describes gages fications agree on same class of thread.
used to check the maximum- and minimum-material lim-
its of the major diameter.
4.1 1 Functional Indicating Thread Gages for
4.10.2 SnapandindicatingMajorDiameter
Gages. Gages are made to the manufacturer’s standard
Internal Thread (Table 2 -
Gages 4.1
and 4.3)
with 55 deg. maximum gage contacts at 180 deg. in the
form of relieved thread contacts [see Fig. 12, sketch (a)]. 4.1 1.1 Purpose and Use. The GO indicating
Size range is approximately 5 mm to 65 mm. Above 65 thread gage inspects the maximum-material GO func-
mm, gage contacts are thread relieved rolls at 120 deg. tional limit and size, A, and A2, andthe NOT GO func-
[see Fig. 12, sketch (b)]. Another design is the use of tional diameter limit and size, B, andB*, of product
COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Licensed by Information Handling Services
@*@- Segments
r Prism Fingers
ü Segments
I Prism Finger
.-z Pitch Diarn. Finger
(Ref. Table 2 - Columns J, and J2)
' I
W Three roll type:
Gaging contacts Gaging contactswith radius
one rib on each roll
.- with
"best thread I-
: U
: one-half "best size" thread
one-third pitch apart
balls wire diam.
Two or Three
Ball Design
(Ref. Table 2 - Columns D, and D2)
25755-12 0 0 1 2 0 b 7 7
indicate the position of product minor diameter to the gaged sizes equal. A variation of a single thread element
pitch diameter within the tolerance specified. on an internal thread decreases the functional size in
relation to the pitch diameter. Cumulative thread-ele-
4.13.2 Basic Design. Indicating gages have three
ment differential gaging measures the sum of all single
contacts, one plain and two threaded, at 120 deg.; or
thread-element variations corresponding to the total pitch
two contacts, one plain and one threaded, at 180 deg.
diameter change called pitch diameter equivalent AD,c.
[see Fig. 16, sketch (a)]. The range of segments is 6
Single thread-element differentid gaging measures each
mm and larger. The range of rolls is 44 mm and larger.
portion of the total pitch diameter change generated by
The ball-type indicating gage has two balls on one
lead, composite flank angle, roundness, straightness, and
contact engaging two threads, and one contact has a
plain prism-shaped finger 180 deg. apart from the ball
contact [see Fig. 16, sketch (b)]. Range is 15 mm and
larger. 4.14.2 Purpose and Use. Differential gaging is a
The indicating gage is set by a GO setting ring gage variables method for in-process control and/or final con-
(see Fig. 9) with plain gaging contact on the minor di- formance inspection that compares the following differ-
ameter of the thread ring gage and with thread contact ent types of measured values on the product thread:
on the pitch diameter of the thread ring gage. (U) functional sizes;
(b) pitch or groove diameter size;
4.13.3 Thread Form. The specifications for thread
(C) special sizes between (a)and (b) which isolate
form on vee segments or rolls are summarized in Fig. variations in lead (helix), flank angle, roundness,
14. Plain contacts have line bearing on minor diameter straightness, and taper.
of product. Balls are “best size” thread ball contacting The differential readings are the following differences
thread at pitch line. in indicator readings:
4.13.4 Thread Crests. The thread crests shall be ( U ) between different specific types of gage contacts
flat in an axial plane and parallel to the axis of the seg- for cumulative thread-element and leadanalysis [see Fig.
ment or roll. 17A, sketches (a), (b), and (C)];
(b) with the same gage contacts used at different lo-
4.13.5 Leadand Half-Angle Variations. Lead cations along and around the thread for roundness,
and half-angle variations on threaded segments or rolls straightness, and taper analysis [see Fig.17A, sketch
shall be within the limits specified (see Table 9).
( d l;
4.13.6 Identification. The gaging elements, seg- (C) calculated from the above gage readings for com-
ments, rolls, or ball finger should be marked with the posite flank angle analysis.
metric nominal size and pitch. When the gage is assem-
NOTE For all differential readings, do not mix measurements using
bled with proper gaging contacts, the indicating gage two-roll cluster with three-roll cluster gages.
should be tagged with the metric nominal size, X , pitch-
tolerance class, and RUNOUT.
4.14.3 BasicDesignand Differential Reading
Procedure CumulativeThread-Element Differ-
ANSI/ASME B1.16M mnout gages are interchange- ential Gaging. Indicating gages have either three con-
able with MI thread gages for the same class of thread. tacts at 120 deg. spacing or two contacts at 180 deg.
spacing. The indicating gages with segments or rolls as
shown in Figs. 13 and 17A, sketch (a), give the func-
tional size indicating reading Z. The indicating gage with
cone and vee segments or rolls with one thread pitch
4.14 Differential Gaging (Table 2 - Gage 4.8) engagement at pitch line (Fig. 14), thread-groove di-
4.14.1 Every screw thread hastwo gaged sizes: ameter type, and ball-inser&type (Fig. 15), all shown in
functional diameter and pitch diameter. The pitch di- Fig. 17A, sketch (C), give the pitch diameter size indi-
ameter is the gaged size with the least thread-element cating reading X.The difference in the indicator readings
variation. The functional diameter is the gaged size that X - Z between the types of gages gives the cumulative
includes all thread-element variations. Only whena threadelement differential reading, which corresponds
screw thread has perfect position and form (see Fig. to the pitch diameter equivalent AD2c for the combined
17B), i.e., no variations in lead (including helical path), lead (helix), flankangle, roundness, and taper variations
flank angles, taper, straightness, and roundness, are these on the product thread (see Fig. 17A).
COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical
Licensed by Information Handling Services
" _"
-. "
4.14.4 Single
Thread-Element Differential inal size, X , pitch-tolerance class, and the type of dif-
Gaging ferential reading. Lead (Helix) Differential Gaging. The EXAMPLE:
indicating gage reading Y using the full-form thread seg- MI8 X 14H5H LEAD DIFFERENTlAL VARIATION
ments or rolls with one thread pitch engagement, similar ANSI/ASME B I . 16M gages are interchangeable with
to Figs. 13 and 17A, sketch (b), is compared tothe MJ thread gages for the same class of thread.
reading Z using the functional size gage shown in Figs.
13 and 17A, sketch (a).
The difference between the measured values Y 2-Z 4.15 Cumulative Form Gaging (Table 2 - Gage
plus one-fourth of taper measurement is the lead differ- 4.10)
ential reading, which corresponds to the pitch diameter 4.15.1 Purpose and Use. Cumulative form vari-
equivalent ADzX for the lead and helix variation on the ation represents the combined size effect of the thread
product thread. variations resulting from variations in lead (pitch), helix, Roundness,Straightness,and Ta- flank angle, taper, roundness, straightness, and other
per Differential Gaging. By the use of cone and vee forms of variation of the thread. It is the maximum mea-
segments or rolls [Figs. 14 and 17A, sketch (C)], thread- sured difference between the GO thread functional in-
- .- " .
.grodve diameter type [Figs. 15 and 17A, sketch (C)] or
dicating gage (see para. 4.1 1) and the single-element
PD ball-insert type [Figs. 15 and 17A, sketch (C)], the pitch diameter, cone and vee, or thread-groove diameter
roundness, straightness, and taper of pitch cylinder are (see para. 4.12) type gages. Cumulative thread-element
checked. Rotate the product between contacts on thread differential gaging information in para. 4.14 describes
for maximum difference in roundness readings. Two the procedure for measuring cumulative form variation.
contacts spaced 180 deg. apart give even lobing out-of-
round measurement. Three contacts spaced 120deg. 4.16 Pitch Micrometers (Table 2 - Gages 6
apart give odd lobing out-of-round measurements. and 7)
Translate the product thread between contacts along the
axis of the thread without rotation for maximum differ- 4.16.1 Purpose and Use. Inside micrometers, cal-
ence in straightness and taper. iper type, and direct-reading measuring instmments. Composite Flank Angle Variation as Cone and vee contact points are modified for a NOT GO
a Pitch Diameter Equivalent. An approximate diam- profile or pitch diameter contact only (see Fig. 18).
eter equivalent AD2a for the composite flank angle vari-
ation is calculated by subtracting the sum of the lead
differential reading Y - Z plus one-fourth of taper mea-
4.17 Thread-Measuring Balls (Table 2 -
Gage 8)
surement from the cumulative thread-element differential
reading X - Z. -4.17.1 Purposeand Use. One indicating gage
using thread-measuring balls as gaging elements to in-
4.14.5 Thread Form. The functional segments or
spect the pitch diameter of the internal thread is shown
rolls [Fig. 17A, sketch (a)] are described in para. 4.11.
in Fig, 15, sketch (a). Special fixturing and ball probes
The full-form one thread vee segment or roll [Figs. 13
may be required when using a three-axis coordinate mea-
and 17A, sketch (b) lower contact] has a depth of thread
suring machine for internal measurement of pitch di-
equivalent to the functional type, but relieved on the
ameter. See Appendix B, Sections 9 and 10 for more
outside thread flanks. The full-form cone segment or roll
information on thread-measuring balls.
[Figs. 13 and 17A, sketch (b) upper contact] has a P/8
fiat on outside diameter. The cone and vee segments or
rolls [Fig. 17A, sketch (a)] are described and shown in 4.18 Optical Comparator and Toolmaker's
Fig. 14. Thread-groove diameter type [Fig. 17A;sketch Microscope (Table 2 -
Gage 9)
(C)] is described and shown in Fig. 15. PD ball-type
4.18.1 Purpose and Use. The optical comparator
insert [Fig. 17A, sketch (C)] is described and shown in
magnifies and projects the thread profile on screen. In-
Fig. 15.
ternal threads are checked using cast replicas. For best
4.14.6 Identification. The gaging elements, seg- profile image, the threaded item is positioned so that the
ments, rolls, or inserts should be w k e d with the metric light is aligned with the thread lead angle. Since the
nominal size and pitch. Indicating gages, assembled with thread profile is defined in a plane containing the axis, I
proper contacts, should be tagged with the metric nom- a correction factor must be added to the measured flank
PD Cone
ü 4 -4
""""""""""""- Z Y X
Vee Contac
X = indicator reading for (minimum-material) pitch diameter, used for taper, straightness, and roundness
Y = indicator readingused for lead differential analysis
2 = indicator reading for (maximummaterial) functional size, used for lead differential analysis
X-Z = cumulative threadslement differential analysis A D F
( Y - 2 )+ Taper/4 = individual element analysis for lead differential A D 2 A (resultant diameter equivalent)
( X - Z ) - [ ( Y - Z )+ TaperMl = individual analysis for angle differential A D 2 & (resultant diameter equivalent)
Cone Contact
------"-"""""""" Z Y X
y r o d u c t Internal Thread 5
I 0.5625H
5 TYPES OF GAGES FOR PRODUCT 5.1.2 Basic Design. The maximum-material limit
EXTERNAL THREAD or GO thread ring gage is made to the prescribed max-
imum-material limit of the product thread, and the gag-
5.1 GO Working Thread Ring Gages (Table 1 - ing length is equal to the thickness of the thread ring
Gage 1.1)
5.1.1 Purpose and Use. The GO thread ring gage
inspects the maximum-material GO functional limit A, 5.1.3 GageBlanks. For practical and economic
of product external thread. The GO thread ring gage reasons, the designs and thicknesses of thread ring gages
when properly set to its respective calibrated thread- have been standardized for various size ranges and
setting plug represents the maximum-material GO pitches (see ANSYASME B47.laM or Table Cl).
functional limit of the product external thread, and its 5.1.4 Thread Form. The specifications for thread
purpose is to assure interchangeable assembly of maxi" form are summarized in Table 7 and Fig. 19.
mum-material mating parts.
Adjustable GO thread ring gages must be set to the 5.1.5 Thread Crests. The minor diameter of the
applicable W tolerance setting plugs [see Table 15, Note GO thread ring gage shall be equal to theminimum pitch
(l)]. The product thread must freely enter the GO thread diameter of the product internal thread minus 3 / ~ Hwith
ring gage for the entire length of the threaded portion. a minus gage tolerance. This corresponds to a width of
The GO thread ring gage is a cumulative check of all flat of %6P. The thread crests shall be flat in an axial
thread elements except the major diameter. section and parallel to the axis-
5.1.6 Thread Roots. The major -diameter of the 5.2 Adjustable NOT GO Thread Ring Gages
GO thread ring gage shall be cleared beyond P/8 width (Table 1 -
Gage 1.2)
of flat byeither an extension of the flanks toward a sharp
5.2.1 Purpose and Use. The NOT GO thread ring
vee or by a cIearance cut of substantially P/8 width and
gage inspects the NOT GO functional diameter limit B,
approximately central. The root clearance must be such
of product external thread. The NOT GO thread ring
that the maximum major diameter of the fun-form sec-
gage when properly set to its respective thread-setting
tion of the truncated thread-setting plug gage is cleared
plug represents the NOT GO functional diameter limit
after the gage has been properly set to size.
of the product external thread. The NOTGO thread ring
5.1.7 Runout of Pitch and Minor Cylinders. On gage and NOT GO threaded segment-type indicating
thread ring gages, an eccentric condition results in an gage are more reliable for checking thin-walled parts,
undersize effective minor diameter, having a width of which mightbe deformed by NOT GO thread snap gages.
flat less than %P, which mayencroach on the maximum NOT GO thread ring gages must be set to the applicable
permissible limit for the m t profile of the product ex- W tolerance-setting plugs.
ternal thread. The permissible minimum effective minor NOT GO thread ring gages when applied to the prod-
diameter, as determined by measurements of mnout (full- uct external thread may engage only the end threads
indicator movement) with respect to the pitch cylinder, (which may not be representative of the complete prod-
shall not be less than the specified minimum minor di- uct thread).
ameter minus the sum of the gage tolerances for the pitch Starting threads on NOT GO thread ring gages are
and minor diameters. subject to greater wear then the remaining threads. Such
wear in combination with the incomplete threads at the
5.1.8 Pitch Cylinder. Pitch cylinder is transferred end of the product thread permit further entry in the
by the setting of the thread ring gage to the applicable gage. The NOT GO functional diameter limit is accept-
truncated setting plug gage. able when the NOT GO thread ring gage as applied to
the product external thread d&s not pass over the thread
5.1.9 Leadand Half-Angle. Lead and half-angle
more than three complete turns. The gage should not be'
variations shall be within the limits specified in Table 9.
forced. Special requirements such as exceptionally thin
Misalignment of the threads on each side of the adjust- or ductile material, small number of threads, etc., may
able slot may not exceed the lead limits. necessitate modification of this practice.
5.1 -10 Incomplete Thread. The feather edge at 5.2.2 Basic Design. To better check the NOT GO
both ends of the thread ring gage shall be removed. On functional diameter limit, the flank contact is less than
gages larger than MJ 12 or with a pitch coarser than 1.25 that of the GO gage, and the length ofthe gaging element
nun, remove one complete thread f '1'4 turn of the par- where practical is less than that of the GO gage.
tially formed thread at each end to obtain a full-thread
blunt start. On gages MJ12 and smaller or with a pitch 5.2.3 GageBlanks. For practical and economic
of 1.25 mm or finer, the end threads may have a 60 deg. reasons, the designs and thicknesses of thread ring gages
chamfer from the axis ofthe gage to a depth of one-half 'havebeen standardized for various size ranges and
to onepitch. This is acceptable in lieu of the blunt start. pitches (see ANSUASME B47.laM or Table Cl).
5.2.4 Thread Form. The specifications for thread
5.1.1 1 Chip Grooves. GO thread ring gages of the
adjustable type do not require chip grooves since the form are summarized in Table 7 and Fig. 20.
adjusting slots serve this p u p s e . Solid working thread 5,2..5 Thread Crests. The minimum minor diam-
ring gages are made with or without chip grooves de- etgrof the NOT GO thread ring gage shall be equal to
pending upon the gage designer's requirements. the minimum pitch diameter of the external thread minus
0.2P, with a plus gage tolerance. This corresponds to a
5.1.12 Identification. The GO thread ring gage equal to 0.385P (see
width of flat at thecrest of the gage
should be marked with the metric nominal size, X , pitch- Table 8 ) .
tolerance class, GO, PD, and pitch diameter in milli-
meters. 5.2.6 Thread Roots. The major diameter of the
NOT GO thread ring gage shall clear the product thread
EXAMPLE by using a clearance cut of 0.385P width and approxi-
MJ8 X 14h6h GO PD7.350 mately central. The NOT GO thread ring gage shall clear
ANSIIASME B1.16M GO ring. gages are nor inter- the maximum major diameter of the full-form portion of
changeable with MJ thread gages. the truncated thread-setting plug for the NOT GO thread
ASME B3.22M B5 m 2 5 7 5 5 3 20 0 3 2 0 7 7 B m
ring gage. Thus, contact of the thread gage can occur smaller or having pitchesof 1.25 mm or finer, a60 deg.
on the sidesof the threads, but not on the crestor mot. chamfer from the axis of the gage is acceptable in lieu
ASO, the effect of angle variation on the fit of the gage of the blunt start.
with the product thread is minimized.
5.2.1 1 Identification. The NOT GO threadgage
5.2.7 Runout of Pitch and Minor Diameter Cyl- x ,pitch-
should be marked with the metric nominal size,
inders. The permissible minimum effective minor di- tolerance class, NOT GO, PD, andpitchdiameterin
ameter, as determined by subtracting the mnout mea- millimeters.
surement (full-indicator movement) with respect to the EXAMPLE:
pitch cylinder from the measured minor diameter, shall UJBxl4h6h NOT GO PD7.279
not be less than the specified minimum minor diameter ANSUASME B1.16M NOT GO ring gages are inter-
minus twice the sum ofthe gage tolerances for pitch and changeable with MJ thread gages for the same class of
minor diameter. thread.
5.2.8 Pitch Cylinder. The pitch cylinder is trans-
f e d by the setting of the thread ring gage to the ap-
5.3 Thread Snap Gages - GO Segments or
plicable ttuncated setting plug gage.
Rolls (Table 1 -
Gages 2.1 and 2.3)
5.2.9 Leadand Half-Angle. Leadandhalf-angle 5.3.1 Purpose and Use.The thread snap gage with
variations shall be within the limits specified in Table9. two GO threaded segments or two GO zero-lead rolls
5.2.10 Incomplete Thread. The feather edge at inspects the maximum-material GO functional limit A,
both ends of the thread ring gage shall be removed. On of product external thread. The setting of the GO seg-
gages largerthan 12 mm nominal size, or having pitches ments or rollsrepresents the maximum-material GO
coarser than 1.25 mm, one complete thread f 4! turn functional limit of the product external thread, and its
of the end threads shall be removed to obtain a full- purpose is to assure interchangeable assembly of maxi-
thread blunt start. On gages 12 mm nominal size and mum-materialmatingparts. The gaginglengthofthe
. -
COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Licensed by Information Handling Services
. ASME B 3 * 2 2 M8 5 m 2 5 9 5 5 3 20 0 3 2 0 7 8 T m
segments or rolls is equal to the length of the standard 5.3.8 Lead, Pitch, and Half-Angle Variations.
GO ring gages. The segments or rolls have a cumulative Lead, pitch, and half-angle variations shall be within the
check of all thread elements except the major diameter. limits specified (see Table 9).
The GO thread snap gage can check roundness of the
5.3.9 Identification. The assembled gage should
pitch cylinder for 180 deg. ovality by using the gage at
be marked with the metric nominal size, X , pitch-tol-
different external diametral locations on the product
erance class, GO, PD, and pitch diameter in millimeters.
5.3.2 Basic Design. The GO segments and rolls MJ8 X 1-4h6h GO PD7.350
assembled into gage frames are the design of the indi- ANWASME B1.16M GO snap gages are nor inter-
vidual gage manufacturer. The lengths of the two changeable with MJ thread gages.
threaded segments and the two thread rolls spaced 180
deg. apart are equal to the standard GO ring gage blank
lengths for practical and economic reasons (see ANSI/ 5.4 Thread Snap Gages - NOT GO Segments
ASME B47.laM or Table Cl). or Rolls (Table 1 - Gages 2.2 and 2.4)
GO thread segments shall engage 25% or more of the
5.4.1 Purpose and Use. The thread snap gage with
product circumference. Product shall be checked around
full circumference of thread at sufficient axial positions two NOT GO segments or two NOT GO rolls inspects
to checli the full thread length. Thread rolls shall be the NOT GO functional diameter limit B, of product
applied at several locations (three if possible) axially external thread. The setting of the NOT GO segments
over the full thread length of the product. The circum- or rolls represents the NOT GO functional diameter limit
ference shall be checked at each position. of the product external thread. In applying the thread
snap limit gage, the NOT GO functional diameter limit
5.3.3 Thread Form. The specifications for thread is acceptable when gaging elements do not pass over the
form are summarized in Table 7 and Fig. 2 1. product thread.
5.3.4 Thread Crests. The distance between the mi- The NOT GO thread snap gage can check roundness
nor diameter of the GO thread segments and the outside of the pitch cylinder for 180 deg. ovality by passing the
diameter of the GO thread rolls shallbe equal to the gage over the thread at different diametral locations on
the external thread.
minimum pitch diameter of the-product internal thread
minus %H with a minus gage tolerance when assembled The NOT GO thread snap gage can check taper of the
in the gage frame. This corresponds to a width of flat of pitch cylinder by passing the gage over thethreadat
%P. The thread crests shall be flat in an axial plane and different locations axially on the external thread,
parallel to the axis. . 5.4.2 Basic Design. In order that the NOT GO
thread snap gage mayeffectively check the NOT GO
5.3.5 Thread Roots. The major diameter of the
GO thread segments and root diameter of the GO rolls fünctional diameter limit, the flank contact is reduced by
shall be cleared beyond a P/8flat either by an extension truncating the thread on segments and rolls. Since the
of the flanks of the thread toward a sharp vee or by an design of the segments or rolls is differentwitheach
undercut no greater than P/8 maximum width and ap- gage manufacturer, the number of threads engaged in
proximately central. The root clearance must be such product thread will vary. Usually, the number of pitches
engaged is approximately two.
that the maximum major diameter of the full-form sec-
tion of the truncated thread-setting plug gage is cleared 5.4.3 Thread Form. The specifications for thread
after the gage has been properly set to size, form are summarized in Table 7 and Fig. 22.
5.3.6 Runout. The pitch and minor cylinders of the 5.4.4 Thread Crests. The minor diameter of the
threaded portion of the GO segments or rolls shall not NOT GO thread segments and the inner distance be-
exceed the specified runout as determined by measure- tween the outside diameters of NOT GO thread rolls
ments of runout (full-indicator movement). On each gag- shall be equal to the minimum pitch diameter of the
ing member, with respect to the pitch cylinder, xunout product external thread minus 0.2P with a plus gage
shall not exceed one-haif the X gage minor diameter tolerance when assembled in the gage frame. This cor-
tolerance. responds to a width of flat at .the crest equal to 0.385P
(see Table 7).
5.3.7 Pitch Cylinder. The pitch cylinder of the
threaded GO segments and rolls shall be straight within 5.4.5 Thread Roots. The major diameter of the
the X gage pitch diameter limits specified. . NOT GO thread segments or root diameter of the NOT
U 'D
.-E Es
H .m
GO rolls shall clear the product thread by using a clear- 5.5.2 Basic Design.The segments are usually made
ance cut of 0.385P width approximately central except having a surface contact at or slightly above the pitch
for threads smaller than 5 mm and pitches smaller than line near the center of the flank. The rolls make point
0.8 mm. Snap gage contacts shall clear the maximum or line contacts approximately at the pitch line, depend-
major diameter of the full-form portion of the setting ing upon the angle variations of the thread flanks. (See
plug for the NOT GO thread snap gage. Thus, contact Fig. 23 for details.)
of the thread gage can occur on the sides of the thread,
5.5.3 Thread Form. The specifications for thread
but not on the crest or root. Also, the effect of angle
form, thread crests, and thread roots are shown in Fig.
variation on the fit of the gage with the product thread
is minimized.
5.5.4 Identification. The assembled gage should
5.4.6 Runout. The pitch and minor cylinders of the
threaded NOT GO segments or the pitch and outside be marked with the metric nominal size, X , pitch-tol-
cylinders of the rolls shall not exceed the specified run- erance class, PD, and pitch diameter in millimeters.
out as determined by measurement of runout (full-indi- EXAMPLE:
MJS X 1-4h6h PD7.279
cator movement). On each gaging member, with respect
to the pitch cylinder, runout shall not exceed one-half ANSIIASME B1.16M cone and vee gages are inter-
the X gage minor diameter tolerance. changeable with MJ thread gages for the same class of
5.4.7 PitchCylinder. The pitch cylinder of the
threaded NOT GO segments or rolls shall be straight
within the X gage pitch diameter limits specified,
5.4.8 Lead,Pitch,and Half-Angle Variations.
5.6 ThreadSnapGages - Minimum Material:
Lead, pitch, and half-angle variations shall be within the
Thread-Groove Diameter Type (Table 1 -
limits specified (see Table 9).
Gage 2.6)
5.4.9 Identification. The assembled gage should
5.6.1 Purpose and Use. The thread snap gage with
be marked with the metric nominal size, X , pitch-tol-
erance class, NOT GO, PD, and pitch diameter in mil- radius type ribbed rolls inspects the minimum-material
limeters. pitch diameter limit D,. The setting of the thread-groove
diameter type snap gage by NOT GO setting plug gage
represents the minimum-material limit pitch diameter of
M18 X 1-4h6h NOT GO PD7.279
the product external thread.
ANSI/ASME B1.16M NOT GO snap gages are inter- The thread-groove diameter type snap gage can check
changeable with MJ thread gages for the same class of roundness for 180 deg. ovality by passing the gage over
thread. the thread at different diametral locations on the external
The thread-groove diameter type snap gage can check
taper of the pitch cylinder by passing the gage over the
thread at different locations axially on the external thread.
5.5 Thread Snap Gages -
Cone and Vee 5.6.2 BasicDesign. The thread-groove diameter
(Table 1 -
Gage 2.51 type has “best size” thread wire radius ribbed rolls which
5.5.1 Purpose and Use.The thread snap gage with contact at the pitch line.
cone and vee rolls or segments inspects the minimum- 5.6.3 ThreadForm. The specifications for radius
material limit pitch diameter C , . The setting of the cone type rolls are shown in Fig. 24.
and vee rolls or segments represents the minimum-ma-
terial limit pitch diameter of the product external thread. 5.6.4 Identification. The assembled gage should
The cone and vee snap gage can check roundness of be marked with the metric nominal s.ize, X , pitch-tol-
the pitch cylinder for 180 deg. ovality by passing the erance class, PD, and pitch diameter in millimeters.
gage over the thread at different diametral locations on EXAMPLE:
the external thread. M 1 8 x 14h6h PD7.279
The cone and vee snap gage can check taper of the ANSUASME B1.16M thread-groove diameter gages
pitch cylinder by passing the gage over the thread at are interchangeable with MJ thread gages for the same
different locations axially on the external thread. class of thread.
. ”
Gaging Contact
5.7 Plain Ring and Snap Gages to Check Major 5.7.2 Design of Gage Blanks and Gages. Plain
Diameter of Product External Threads cylindrical ring blanks and plain progressive adjustable
[Table 1 -
Gages 3.l(a) and (b), 3.2, and snap gages have been standardized for various size
3.41 ranges (see ANWASME B47.laM and Fig. 25).
5.7.1 Purpose and Use.' The GO and NOT GO 5.7.3 Identification. Cylindrical rings or plain snap
cylindrical ring and plain snap gages inspect the major gages should be marked with. the metric nominal size,
diameter of the product external thread. The GO gage X, pitch-tolerance class, GO and/or NOT GO, and ma-
must completely receive or pass over the major diameter jor diameters in millimefers.
of the product external thread to assure that the major EXAMPLE
diameter does not exceed the maximum-material limit. MJ8x 1-4h6h GO 8.000 (and/or) NOT GO 7.820
The NOT GO cylindrical ring gage or NOT GO plain ANSIIASME BI,16M plain ring and snap gages are
snap gage must not pass over the major diameter of the interchangeable with MJ thread gages for the same class
product external thread to assure that the major diameter of thread. .
is not less than the minimum-material limit.
In the inspection procedure, the snap gage should ver- 5.7.4 Precision Instruments (Table 1 - Gage
ify the first check by rotation of the gage or product 180 14). Precision instruments such as dial calipers, outside
deg. for another check. micrometers, vernier calipers, and pocket slide calipers
\A . 1 NOT
can also be used to measure the major diameter of prod- length of the GO thread gage. The length of engagement
uct external thread. of the minimum size limit segments or rolIs is usually
limited to three pitches. (See Fig. 26.)
5.8 Snap Gages for Minor Diameter of Product 5.8.3 Identification. Thread snap gages should be
External Threads (Table 1 Gages 3.3 - marked with the metric nominal size, X , pitch-tolerance
and 3.51 class, GO, NOT GO, minor diameters in millimeters,
5.8.1 Purpose and Use. The minor diameter thread
snap gage is used to inspect the maximum and minimum EXAMPLE:
MJ8X1-4h6h GO 6.845 NOT GO 6.714 MINOR DIAMETER
limits of the minor diameter of the external product MJ EXTERNAL
thread. The maximum size limit segments or rolls must
ANWASME B1.16M snap gages are nor interchange-
pass over the product thread. The minimum size limit
able with UT thread gages.
segments or rolls must not pass over the product thread.
5.8.2 Basic Design. The minor diameter thread
5.9 Functional Indicating Thread Gages for
snap gage has segments or rolls with a thread form of
External Thread (Table 1 - Gages 4.1
55 deg. maximum to assum clearance wi& 60 deg. prod-
and 4.3)
uct thread flanks. The length of engagement of the max-
imum size limit segments or rolls is usually three pitches, 5.9.1 Purpose and Use. The GO indicating thread
but often extends to a length equal to the engagement gage inspects the maximum-material GO functional limit
and size, A, and A2, and -the NOT GO functional di- 5.9.9 Identification. The segments and rolls shall
ameter limit and size, B, and B2, of product external be marked with the metric nominal size and pitch. When
thread. the indicating gage is assembled with proper contacts,
The gage is also used to check eve! or odd lobe round- the gage should be tagged with the metric nominal size,
ness of the pitch cylinder. Indicating thread gages must X , pitch-tolerance class, PD, and pitch diameter limits
be set to the proper thread-setting plug gages. Readings in millimeters.
indicate the position of product external thread within EXAMPLE:
the tolerance range. MJ8X 1-4h6h PD7.350-7.279
ANSUASME B1.16M functional indicating gages are
5.9.2 Basic Design. Indicating gages have two or not interchangeable with MJ thread gages.
three contacts at 180 deg, or 120 deg., respectively.
Gages with segments or rolls are designed with the length
of the GO functional maximum-material gaging ele-
ments equal to thelength of the standard GO ring gages.
5.9.3 Thread Form. The specifications for thread 5.10 Minimum-Material IndicatingThread Gages
form for GO functional maximum-material segments and for External Thread (Table 1 - Gages 4.5
rolls are summarized in Table 7 and Fig. 27. and 4.6)
5.10.1 Purposeand Use. The indicating thread
5.9.4 Thread Crests. The minor diameter of the
gage with cone and vee rolls or segments, and the thread-
GO functional maximum-material thread segments and
groove diameter type with rolls and pitch diameter ball-
the diameter of the circle surrounded by the roll cluster
type inserts, inspect the minimum-material limit andsize,
of GO functional maximum-material rolls shall be equal
to the minimum pitch diameter of the product internal
C,and C2,D, and Dl, of product external thread. Either
type of three-roll and three-segment gage cancheck
thread minus %H with a minus X gage tolerance when
roundness of pitchcylinder for 120 deg. lobing and taper
assembled in the gage frame. This corresponds to a width
of pitch cylinder. The two rolls, two segments, and PD
of flat of %6P. The thread crests shall be flat in an axial
balls check even lobing roundness and taper. The indi-
plane and parallel to the axis of the segment or roll.
cating gages are set to the proper thread-setting plug
5.9.5 Thread Roots. The major diameter of the gage. Readings indicate the position of the product ex-
GO functional maximum-material thread segments and ternal thread pitch diameter within the tolerance range.
the root of the GO functional maximum-material rolls
shall be cleared beyond a P18 flat either by an extension 5.10.2 Basic Design. The cone and vee indicating
of the flanks of the thread toward a sharp vee or by an thread gage has rolls or segments with contact near the
undercut no greater than P / 8 maximum width and ap- pitch line or contact slightly above the pitch line near .
proximately central. The root clearance must be such the center of the flank, The thread-groove diameter type
that the major diameter of the full-form section of the indicating thread gage also has two or three rolls with
thread-setting plug gage is cleared after the assembled the radii on the ribs of roll made to ‘%est size” thread
gage has been properly set to size. wire size. The ball-type indicating gage has two inserts
with “best size” thread balls.
5.9.6 Runout. The pitch and minor cylinders of the
threaded segments and the pitch and outside cylinders 5.10.3 ThreadForm. The specifications on form
of the rolls shall not exceed the specified mnout as de- of cone and vee rolls and segments, thread-groove di-
termined by measuementsof runout (full-indicator ameter type. rolls, and ball type are shown in Figs. 28
movement). On each gaging member with respect to the and 29.
pitch cylinder, runout shall not exceed one-half the X
gage minor diameter tolerance. 5.1 0.4 Identification, The assembled gage should
be tagged with the metric nominal size, X , pitch-toler-
5.9.7 PitchCylinder. The pitch cylinder of the
ance class, PD, and pitch diameter in millimeters.
thread segments and rolls should be straight within the
X gage pitch diameter limits specified. EXAMPLE:
MJ8X14h6h PD7.279
5.9.8 Lead,Pitch,andHalf-AngleVariations. ANSIlASME BI. 16M minimum-material indicating
Lead, pitch, and half-angle variations shall be within the gages are interchangeable with MJ thread gages for the
limits specified (see Table 9). same class of thread.
5.1 1 Indicating Runout Gage for External thread-element variations corresponding to the total pitch
Thread (Table 1 - Gage 4.7) diameter change, called pitch diameter equivalent AdJ.
Single thread-element differential gaging measures each
5.1 1.1 Purpose and Use. This indicating gage portion of the total pitch diameter change generated by
inspects the runout of the major diameter to the pitch lead, composite flank angle, roundness, straightness, and
diameter, M, of the product external thread. Readings
indicate the position of the product major diameter to
the pitch diameter within the tolerance specified. 5.12.2 Purpose. Differential gaging is a variables
method for in-process control and/or final conformance
5.1 1.2 Basic Design. Indicating gages have three inspection that compares the following different types of
contacts, one plain and two threaded, at 120 deg.; or measured values on the product thread:
two contacts, one plain and one ball type, or one plain (a) functional size;
and one threaded, at 180 deg. The threaded segments or (6) pitch or groove diameter size;
roll contacts are minimum-material pitch diameter type (C) special sizes between (a) and (b) which isolate
(see Fig. 28). Ball type is shown in Fig. 30, sketch (b). variations in lead (helix), flank angle, roundness,
The length of the plain and threaded contacts is designed straightness, and taper.
equal to the length of the standard GO ring gages (see The differential readings are the following differences
ANWASME B47.laM and Table Cl). The indicating in indicator readings:
gage is set to a basic full-form setting thread plug gage ( U ) between different specific types of gage contacts
with plain gaging contact on the outside diameter of the for cumulative thread-element and leadanalysis [see Fig.
thread-setting plug gage and ball, or thread contact on 31A, sketches (a), (b), and (C)];
the pitch diameter of the thread-setting plug gage. (b) with the same gage contacts used at different lo-
cations along and around the thread for roundness,
5.1 1.3 Thread Form, Threed Crests, and Lead straightness, and taper analysis [see Fig. 31A, sketch
and Half-Angle Variations. The specifications for (C11 ;
thread form, thread crests, andleadandhalf-angle of (C) calculated from the above gage readings for com-
thread segments and thread rolls are noted in para. 5.10. posite flank angle analysis.
Plain contacts have a line bearing on the major diameter NOTE: For all differential readings. do not mix measurements using
of the product (see Fig. 30). two-roll cluster with three-roll cluster gages.
5.1 1.4 Identification. The gaging elements, seg- 5.12.3 Basic Design and Differential Reading
ments, balls, or rolls should be marked with the metric Procedure
nominal size and pitch. When the indicating gage is as- Cumulative Thread-Element Differ-
sembled with proper gaging contacts, the indicating gage ential Gaging. Indicating gages have either three con-
should be tagged with the metric nominal size, X ,pitch- tacts at 120 deg. spacing or two contacts at 180 deg.
tolerance class, and RUNOUT. spacing, The indicating gages with segments or rolls as
EXAMPLE shown in Figs. 27 and 31A, sketch (a), give the func-
MJ8 X 1-4h6h RUNOUT tional size indicating reading Z. The indicating gage with
cone and vee segments or rolls with one threadpitch
engagement at pitch line (Fig. 28), thread-groove di-
5.12 Differential Gaging (Table 1 - Gage 4.8) ameter type, and PD ball insert type (Fig. 29), all shown
in Fig. 31A, sketch (C), give the pitch diameter size
5.12.1 Every screw thread has two gagedsizes: indicating reading X. The difference in the indicator
functional diameter and pitch diameter. The pitch di- readings Z - X between the types of gages gives the
-ameter is the gaged size with the least thread-element cumulative thread-element differential reading, which
variation. The functional diameter is the gaged size that corresponds to the pitch diameter equivalent Ad2C for
includes all thread-element variations. Only when a the combined lead (helix), flank angle, roundness, and
screw thread has perfect position and form (see Fig. taper variations on the product thread (see Fig, 3 1A).
31B), Le., no variations in lead (including helical path),
flank angles, taper, straightness, and roundness, are these 5.1 2.4 Single Thread-Element Differential
gaged sizes equal. A variation of a single thread element Gaging
on an external thread increases the functional size in Lead (Helix) Differential Gaging. The I
relation to the pitch diameter. Cumulative thread-ele- indicating gage reading Y using the full-form thread seg-
ment differential gaging measures the sum of all single ments or rolls with one thread pitch engagement, similar
X = indicator reading for (minimum-material)pitch diameter, used for taper, straightness, and roundness
Y = indicator reading used for lead differential analysis
2 = indicator reading for (maximum-material)functional size, used for lead differential analysis
2-X = cumulativethread-element differential analysis A d 2 ~
( 2 - Y )+ Taped4 = individual element analysis for lead differential Ad2h (resultant diameter equivalent)
" . (2-X) - [ ( Z - y )+ Taped41 = individual analysis for angle differential Ad2a (resultant diameter equivalent)
to Figs. 27 and 31A, sketch (b), is compared to the 5.1 3 Cumulative Form Gaging (Table 1 -
feading Z using the functional size gage shown in Figs. Gage 4.10)
27 dnd 3 1A, sketch (a),
5.13.1 PurposeandUse. Cumulative form vari-
The difference between the measured values Z - Y
ation represents the combined size effect of the thread
plus one-fourth of taper measurement is the lead differ-
variations resulting from variations in lead (pitch), helix,
ential reading, which corresponds to the pitch diameter
flank angle, taper, roundness, straightness, and other
equivalent AdJ for the lead and helix variation on the
fomS of variation of the thread. It is the maximum mea-
product thread.
sured difference between the GO thread functional in-
$.14,4.2 Roundness,Straightness,andTa- dicating gage (see para. 5.9) and the single-element pitch
per Differential Gaging. By the us: of cone and vee diameter, cone and vee, or thread-groove diameter (see
segments or rolls [Figs. 28 and 31A, sketch (C)], thread- para. 5.10) type gages. Cumulative thread-element dif-
&oove diameter typ [Figs. 29 and 31A, sketch (C)] or ferential gaging information in para. 5.12 describes the
PD ball-insert type [Fig. 31A, sketch (C)], the round- procedure for measuring cumulative form variation,
ness, straightness, afid taper of pitch cylinder are
checked. Rofate the product between contacfs on thread
for maximum difference in roundness readings. Two 5.14 W Tolerance Thread-Setting Plug Gages
contacts spaced 180 deg. apart give even lobing out-of- 5.14.1 Purpose and Use. Thread-setting plug
round measurement. Three contacts spaced 120 deg. gages are used to set adjustable thread ring gages, check
apart give odd lobing out-of-round measurements. solid thread ring gages, set thread snap limit gages, and
Translate the product thread between contacts along the set indicating thread gages. Thread-setting pluggages
axis of the thread without rotation for maximum differ- are also applied to detect wear on gages and gaging
ence in straightness and taper. elements in use. GO thread-setting plug gages are made Composite Flank Angle Variation as to the maximum-material limit of the external thread
I Pitch Diameter Equivalent. An approximate diam- specification, while NOT GO thread-setting plug gages
eter equivalent Ad,a for the composite flank angle vari- are made to the minimum-material limit of the thread
ationis calculated by subtracting the sumof the lead specification.
differential reading 2 Y plus one-fourth of taper mea-
5.14.2 Basic Design. Thread-setting plug gages are
surement from the cumulative thread-element differential
of two standard designs, which are designated as full-
reading Z - X.
form and truncated setting plugs. The full-form GO set-
5.12.5 ThreadForm. The functional segments or ting plug is one having a width of flat at the crest equal
rolls [Fig. 31A, sketch (a)] are described in para. 5.9. to P/8. Thetruncated GO setting plug is the same as the
The full-form single-thread vee segment or roll [Figs. full-form setting plug, except that it is longer and the
28 and 31A, sketch (b) lower contact] has a depth of crest of the thread is truncated a greater amount for one- .
thread equivalent to the functional type, but relieved on half the length of the gage, giving a full-form portion
the outside thread flanks, The full-form cone segment or and a truncated portion. (See Figs. 32 and 33 and Tables
roll [Figs. 28 and 31A, sketch (b) upper contact] has a 6, 8, and 12.)
P/8 flat on outside diameter. The coneand vee segments
5.14.3 GageBlanks. For practical and economic
or rolls [Fig. 31A, sketch (C)] are described and shown
reasons, the lengths of setting plug gages have been stan-
in Fig. 28. Thread-groove diameter type [Fig. 31A,
dardized for various size ranges and pitches (see ANSI/
sketch (C)] is described and shown in Fig. 29. PD ball-
ASME B47.laM or Table Cl). The lengths of the full-
type insert [Fig. 31A, sketch (C)] is described and shown
form and truncated sections are each at least equal in
in Fig. 29.
length to the thickness of the corresponding thread ring
5.12.6 Identification. The gaging elements, seg- gage.
ments, rolls, or inserts should be marked with the metric
5.14.4 Thread Form. The specifications for thread
nominal size and pitch. Indicating gages, assembled with
form of setting plug gages are stated in detail below and
proper contacts, should be tagged with the metric nom-
are summarized in Table 8 and Figs. 32 and 33.
inal size, X , pitch-tolerance class, and the type of dif-
ferential reading specified above. ’ 5.14.5 ThreadCrests
EXAMPLE: The major diameter of thk full-form GO
U18 X 14h6h LEAD DIFFERENTIAL VARIATION setting plug and of the full-form portion of the truncated
ANWASME B1.16M differential gages are nor inter- GO thread-setting plug is equal tothe maximum major i
; IL (See Table 8)
- .
COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Licensed by Information Handling Services
ASME B 3 . 2 2 M 8 5 W 2 5 7 5 5 3 2 0032096 3 W
P P/8 (Ref.)
I ief
78 The major diameter ofthe truncated be selected and the sum of their values, disregarding
portion of the truncated GO thread-setting plug is equal sign, shall not exceed the tolerance limits specified in
to the maximum pitch diameter of the product external Table 10.
thread plus 0.2P.
5.14.10 Half-Angle Variations. Variations in half- The major diameter ofthe full-form angle shall be within the limits specified in Table 10.
NOT GO setting plug and of the full-form portions of
the truncated NOT GO thread-setting plug is equal to 5.14.1 1 Identification
the maximum major diameter of the product external (U) The GO thread-setting plug gage shall be marked
thread (same as GO thread-setting plug). The maximum with the metric nominal size, X , pitch-folerance class,
major diameter of any gage must correspond to a trun- GO, SETTING, PD, and GO pitch diameter in milli-
cation that is not less than 0.022 mm (equivalent to a meters.
crest width of 0.0254 mm). (See .Table 8.) EXAMPLE: The major diameter of the truncated U18 X 1-4h6h GO SETTING PD7.350
portion of the truncated NOT GO thread-setting plug is (b) The NOT GO thread-setting plug gage shall be
equal to the minimum pitch diameter of the product ex- marked with the metric nominal size, x, pitch-tolerance
ternal thread plus 0.2P. class, NOT G O , SETTING, PD, and NOT GO pitch
diameter in millimeters.
5.14.6 Thread Roots. The minor diameter of
thread-setting plug gages-shall be cleared beyond a PI8 MJ8 X 14h6h NOT GO SETTING PD7.279
width of flat either by an extension of the sides of the
(C) ANSIIASME B1.16M setting plug gages are in-
thread toward a sharp vee or by an undercut no wider
than P18. terchangeable with MJ thread gages for the same class
of thread.
5.14.7 Pitch Diameter Limitation of Taper. The
permissible taper shall be back taper (largest diameter at
entering end) and shall be confined within the gage pitch 5.1 5 Plain Check Plug Gages for Thread Ring
diameter limits. Gages
5.14.8 Incomplete Thread. The feather edge at 5.15.1 Purpose and Use. GO and NOT GO plain
both ends of the threaded section of the setting plug shall check plug gages verify the minor diameter limits of
be removed. On pitches coaner than.0.8 mm, one com- thread ring gages after the thread rings have been prop-
plete thread f 'h turn of the end threads shall be re- erly set with the applicable thread-setting plug gages.
moved to obtain a full-thread blunt start (see Fig. 2). On 5.1 5.2 Basic Design. The directions of gage tol-
pitches 0.8 mm and finer, a 60 deg. chamfer from the erance on GO and NOT GO plain plug gages for GO
axis of the gage is acceptable in lieu of the blunt start. ring minor diameter and on GO and NOT GO plain plug
5.14.9 Lead Variations. In the case of truncated gages for NOT GO ring minor diameter are as follows:
setting plugs, the leads present on the full-form portion GO - tolerance plus; NOT GO - tolerance minus.
and 'the truncated portion of an individual gage shall not Class X tolerance is used on gages up to 5 mm size. For
differ from each other by more than 0.003 mm over any Class Y tolerance above 5 mm size, see Table 10.
portion equivalent to the length of the thread ring gage 5.15.3 Gage Blanks. For practical and economic
or nine pitches, whichever is less. The specified toler- - reasons, the gaging members and handles have been
ance shall be applicable to the thread length in the mating standardized for various size ranges (see ANSI/ASME
ring gage or nine pitches, whichever is smaller. The B47.laM).
tolerance on lead establishes the width of a zone, mea-
sured parallel to the axis of the thread, within which the 5.15.4 Identification
actual helical path must lie for the specified length of (U) The GO and NOT GO plain check plug gages for
the thread. Measurements will be taken from a fixed the GO thread ring gage should be marked with the met-
reference point located at the start of the first full thread ric nominal size, X , pitch-tolerance class, GO and NOT
to a sufficient number of positions along the entire helix GO, GO and NOT GO diameters in millimeters, and
to detect all types of lead variations. The amounts that GÖ MINOR DIAMETER CHECK PLUG.
these positions vary from their basic (theoretical) posi- EXAMPLE:
tions will be recoked with due respect to sign. The MJ8X14h6h GO 7.026 NOT GO 7.013 GO MINOR DIAME-
gmatest variation in each direction (plus and minus) will TER CHECK PLUG
(b) The GO and NOT GO plain check plug gages for ribs on rolls [see Fig. 35, sketch (4>3. Another design is
the NOT GO thread ring gage should be marked with the use of conical contact on one insert and two “best
the metricnominal size, X, pitch-tolerance class, GO size” thread balls on another contact [see Fig. 35, sketch
and NOT GO, GO and NOT GO diameters inmilli- @)I.
5.17.3 Identification. Indicating gages, assembled
with proper rolls, should be tagged with the metric nom-
M J 8 X 14h6h GO 7.079 NOT GO 7.092 NOT GO MINOR D1-
inal size, X ,pitch-tolerance class, GO, NOT GO, minor
AMETER CHECK PLUG diameter limits in millimeters, and MINORDJAME-
(C) ANSUASME B1.16M minor diameter check plug
gages are not interchangeable with MJ thread gages. EXAMPLE:
MJ8x14h6h GO 6.845 NOT GO 6.714 MINORDlAMETER
ANSUASME B1.16M indicating gages are not inter-
5.16 indicating Plain Diameter Gages Major - changeable with MJ thread gages.
Diameter of Product External Threads
(Table 1 - Gage 5.1 )
5.16.1 Purpose and Measuring Procedures. The 5.18 Thread Micrometers (Table 1 - Gages 6,
indicating plain diameter gage inspects the major di- 7, and 14)
ameter, J, and J2, of the external thread. After the plain 5.1 8.1 Purpose and Use. Thread micrometers with
contacts of the indicating gage are set to a plain diameter cone and vee anvils a~ used to inspect the minimum-
setting plug and the dial is read, the gage is placed on material pitch diameter limit and size of external thread.
the product thread major diameter for a second reading. The micrometer can check 180 deg. ovality of pitch di-
The difference in readings is applied to the value of the ameter and taper of pitch diameter. Modifiedvernier
set master to obtain the major diameter size. calipers are used similarly.
5.16.2 Basic Design. Indicating gages have three 5.18.2 Basic Design. The depth of thread on cone
plain contacts at 120 deg. or two plain contacts at 180 and vee is either approximately pitch diameter contact
deg. Thedimensions of segments or rolls are to the man- or the NOT GO limit profile. Measurements are made
ufacturer’s standard. (See Fig. 34.) in the 0-25 mm and 25-50 mm diameter ranges. The
5.1 6.3 Identification. Indicating gages, assembled smallest gradation is 0.01 mm.
with proper contacts, should be tagged with the metric
nominal size, X , pitch-tolerance class, major diameter
range in millimeters, and MAJOR DIAMETER.
5.19 Thread-Measuring Wires (Table 1 -
MJ8 X 1-4h6h 8.000-7.820 MAJOR DIAMETER
Gage 8)
ANSVASME B1.16M plain indicating gages are in- 5.1 9.1 Purpose and Use. Using a measuring ma-
terchangeable with MJ gages for the same class of thread. chine, product thread can be inspected using three mea-
suring wires betweenproductthreadandparallelflat
anvils of the measuring machine. Wires are “best size”
t b e d wires contacting at the thread-groove diameter,
6.17 Indicating Gages to Check Minor Diameter with two wires onÖne side and one wire 180 deg. around.
of External Thread (Table 1 -
Gage 5.2) This type of measurement checks the minimum-mate&!
groove diameter limit and size. By rotating the product
5.17.1 Purpose and Use. The maximum minor di-
thread between wires, .&e 180 deg: ovality of groove
ameter limit, K, and K2,of product external thread is
diameter is checked. By measuring at different locations
considered acceptable if the product accepts GO thread
axially, the taper of the groove diameter is checked.
gages. If further checking is required, the indicating gage
It should be recognized that the measuring force shown
with 55 deg. maximum included angle contacts is used
for measuring hardened thread gages with wires may not
to check the minor diameter.
be appropriate for softer product thread materials due to
5.17.2 Basic Design. A thread indicating gage with the possibility of the wires being ,forced into the surface
segments or rolls has a thread form of 55 deg. maximum. of the thread flanks, This would indicate a smaller thread
There are usually three pitches in segments and three size than what actually exists. See Appendix B.
Two or Three
not to
>f part
Minor diameter
insert j -<
55 deg. max.
Two thiead balls
on bottom insert I Insert
“Best size” thread balls
,- Y, .Y
COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Licensed by Information Handling Services
Two Times Dedendum
Mstance Addendum 01 Width of of G O Rinl Width of Mean Mean
lktween Pitch NOT GO Flat on Thread ant Flat on Width Half Width Twice Double
Cylinder and Height of Width of Gages. Also Truncalion G O Ring Addendum Thread of of Cone Heighl of of Cone External Heighl of Heighl of
Half H d l h t Half HeiKht Gage Corn Flat on Truncalion or of lnlernal Thread of Plug NOT GORing ContaqI for Sharp V- Conlacl fol Thread Sharp V- V1
of Cone Contact, G O PlU& Se1 Plugs, Thread, CresI, Thread, and NOT G O lnlernal Thread, Erlernal Heighl, Thread, Thread, 3:
Conlact, Conlact, 0.11547H = PI8 = 0.23094H = %H = %IP , = %H = PlU% Thread, HI2 = Ttyead, '/a H = H= %H = m
4.5 0.225 0,3915 0.450 0.5625 0.900 1.21784 1.40625 1.46142 1.73250 1.8 1.94856 2.7 2.92284 3.89711 4.38425
5 0.250 0.4350 0.500 0.6250 1
.O O 1.35315 1.56250 1.62180 1.92500 2.0 2.16506 3.0 3.24760 4.33013 4.87139
5.5 0.275 0.4785 0.550 0.6875 1.100 1.48847 1.71875 1.78618 2.11750 2.2 2.38157 3.3 3.57235 4.76314 5.35853
6 0.m 0.5220 0.600 0.7500 1.200 1.62378 1.87um 1.94856 2.31000 2.4 2.59808 3.6 3.89711 5.19615 5.84567
8 0.400 0.6960 0,800 1.600 2.16504 ~.snnnn 2.54808 3.080nn 3.2 3.46410 4.8 5.19615 h.928211 7.79423
'Nonstandard pitches
GENERAL NOTE See Table 4 for additional data.
ASME B1-22Pl 8 5 m 2 5 7 5 5 3 2 0012103 5
1.1 GO ring [Note (4)] Pitch (also helical offset at split; see W thread-setting plug
for GO; X
para. A3.4), flank angles, minor tolerance plain
for minor
diameter, pitch diameter, taper diameter for small thread sizes
of pitch cylinder, straightness,
roundness, clearance at root
[Note (5)l
1.2 NOT GO ring [Note (4)] Pitch (also helical offset at split; see W thread-setting plug for NOT GO; X
para. A3.4), flank angles, minor tolerance plain plug for minor
diameter, pitch diameter, taper diameter for small thread sizes
of pitch cylinder, straightness,
roundness, clearance at root
[Note (31
2 Threadsnapgages
2.1 GO segments Pitch, flank angles, minor diameter, W thread-setting plug for GO
pitch diameter, taper, straightness, [Note (8)l
clearance at root [Notes (5)-(7)]
2.2 NOT GO segments Pitch, flank angles, minor diameter, W thread-setting plug for NOT GO
pitch diameter, clearance at root [Note (8)l
[Notes (5)-(7)1
2.3 GO rolls (zero lead) Pitch, flank angles, width of flat at W thread-setting plug for GO
crest, taper of pitch cylinder on [Note (8)l
each roll, parallelism of axes of
rolls, clearance at root [Notes (5)-(7)]
2.4 NOT GO rolls (zero lead) Pitch, flank angles, width of flat at W thread-setting plug for NOT GO
crest, clearance at root [Note (8)l
[Notes (5)-(7)]
2.5 Minimum-material, pitch Pitch of vee, width of flat at crest, W thread-setting plug forNOT GO
diameter type, cone and height of thread [Notes (5)-(7)] [Notes W, (9)l
2.6 Minimum-material, thread- Radius of contacts corresponding to W thread-setting plug for NOT GO
groove diameter type, "best size" thread wire [Notes W, (9)l
cone only, "best size" [Notes (51-(7)1
thread wire
3.1 (a) Maximum plain cylindrical Taper, straightness, roundness, Series of plain plug gages in 0.0025
GO ring for major diameter mm steps or direct diameter
diameter measurement with internal
measuring equipment using gage
blocks equal to the maximum major
(b) Plain cylindrical NOT GO Taper, straightness, roundness, Series of plain plug gages in 0.0025
ring formajor diameter diameter mm steps or direct diameter
measurement with internal
measuring equipment using gage
blocks equal to the minimummajor
3.2 Major diameter snap type Parallelism, fiatnessof contacts, Plain Z tolerance plug gage or gage
distance between contacts blocks with roll corresponding to
the maximum major diameter or
direct measurement
3.3 Minor diameter snap type Pitch, diameter, included angle of Plain Z tolerance plug gage or gage
(55 deg. maximum thread form, clearance form at tips blocks equal to themaximum minor
included angle) of snap contacts diameter or direct measurement
3.4 Maximum and minimum Parallelism, flatness of contacts, Plain Z tolerance plug gage or gage
major diameter snap type distance between contacts blocks with roll corresponding to
the maximum or minimum major
diameter or direct measurement
3.5 Maximum and minimum Pitch, diameter, 55 deg. maximum Plain Z tolerance plug gage or gage
minor diameter snap type included angle of thread form, blocks equal to the maximum or
(55 deg. maximum clearance form at tips of snap minimum minor diameter
included angle) contacts
4.1 GO segments Pitch, flank angles, minor diameter, W thread-setting plug for GO
pitch diameter, taper,
straightness, [Note (8)l
clearance at root, minor cylinder to
pitch cylinder relationship of
segments for coaxiality
[Notes (5)-(7)]
4.3 GO rolls (zero lead) Pitch, flank angles, minor diameter, W thread-setting plug for GO
at [Notes (81, (911
root, parallelism of axes of rolls to
each other [Notes (5)-(7)]
4.5 Minimum-material, pitch Pitch, width of flat atcrest, height of W thread-setting plug for GO or for
diameter type, cone and thread [Notes (5)-(7)] Lbasic pitch diameter or for NOT GO
vee [Notes (8), ( 9 1
4.7 Major diameter and pitch Pitch and flank angles of thread None
diameter runout gage segments, straightness of plain
gages, major cylinder to pitch
cylinder relationship of segments
for coaxiality [Notes (5)-(7)]
4.8 Differential segments and GO profileof one pitch segment or Not required; special lead standards
rolls roll requires flank angles checked
G O full-form segments (see 4.1 above)
GO full-form rolls (see 4.3 above)
Minimum-material, pitch diamefer
type, cone and vee (see 4.5 above)
Minimum-material, thread-groove
diameter type, cone only, "best
size" thread wire (see 4.6 above)
5.1 Major diameter type Parallelism and flatness of contacts Plain Z tolerance plug gage for GO or
[Note (7)l basic major diameter or gage blocks
5.2 Minor diameter type Pitch, diameter, 55 deg. maximum Plain Z tolerance plug gage for basic
included angle of thread form, minor diameter at radiused root
width of flat on crests
6 Pitch micrometer with standard Pitch, flank angles. Maximum error in W thread-setting plug forbasic pitch
contacts (approximately NOT GO indicated measurements up to 25 diameter or GO pitch diameter
profile) cone and vee mm shall not exceed 0.003 mm for standard or NOT GO [Note (8)]
pitches up to0.6 mm, 0.004 mm for
pitches greater than 0.6 mm and up
to 1.75 mm, and 0.005 mm for
pitches greater than 1.75 mm. For
measurements greater than 25 mm,
error may be increased by 0.001
7 Pitch micrometer with modified Pitch, flank angles, width of flat at W thread-setting plug for basic pitch
contacts (approximately pitch crest, height of thread. Maximum diameter or GO or NOT G O
diameter contact) cone and vee error in indicated measurements up [Note (8)l
to 25 mm shall not exceed 0.003 mm
for pitches up to0.6 rnm, 0.004 mm
for pitches greater than 0.6 mm and
up to1.75 mm, and 0.005 mm for
pitches greater than 1.75 mm. For
measurements greater than 25 mm,
error may be increased by 0.001
8 Thread-measuring wires ("best Flatness and parallelism of spindle Calibrated "best size" thread-
size" thread wire) with suitable and anvil faces, screw calibration, measuring wires and gage blocks
measuring means measuring force
9 Optical comparator or Micrometer stage, magnification, Gage blocks, plug gages, sine bar
toolmaker's microscope with radius chart, protractor head
suitable fixturing [Note W 1
10 Profile
equipment with Use manufacturer’s instructions to Special
angle block supplied with
suitable fixturing test stylus traverse and electronic instrument
11 Lead measuring machine with Traversing system, straightness of Lead standard, gage blocks
suitable fixturing ways, stylus radius
14 Plain micrometer and calipers, Maximumerror in indicated Gage blocks or calibrated plain plug
modified as requited measurements toup 25 mm shall gages
not exceed 0.003 mm for pitches up
to 0.6 mm, 0.004 mm for pitches
greater than 0.6 mm and up to 1.75
mm, and 0.005 mm for pitches
greater than 1.75 mm. For
measurements greater than 25 mm,
error may be increased by 0.001
(1) See Table 1.
(2) Use applicable X, W, or Z gage tolerance.
(3) Taper,straightness, includingbell-mouth barrelshapeand hourglassshape,and roundnessshall bewithintheX,W,orZtolerance
depending on theelement measured. In other words, if these features are measured at pitch cylinder, the tolerance for pitch
diameter applies.
(4) It is recommended that thread ring gages alwaysbe accompanied by a thread-setting plug gage obtained from the same source,
in order to allow for a reasonable match of angle and lead variations between the set plug and ring orrings it is controlling. When
these rings ate relapped or replaced, the same set plug that will be used to controlthem should be used by the gagemaker. If
this set plug is not available when a ring is to be checked, then the thread ring gage must be reset to the sameset plug gage .
that will be used to check it. Thread ring gages should never be shipped or stored with the set plug assembled in the ring.
An adjustable thread ring gage may have to be reset if it is to be checked by a thread-setting plug gage other thanthe one to
which it was originally set, since the exact distribution ofgage manufacturing tolerances on the pitch diameter, half-angles, and
lead are not likely to be identical on any two setting plug gages, The tolerance on angle andlor lead of thering gage may be in
the opposite direction to thetolerance taken for these elements on the thread-setting plug being used.
(5) Pitch diameter of an internal thread, measured by “best size” ball contacts, will be 0.0025 mm to 0.005 mm larger than the pitch
diameter, gaged indirectly bya snug-fitting master thread plug gageorlocked segments of an indicating gage which were mea-
sured by “best size“ wire method.
(6) Use manufacturer‘s recommended procedures for gage for checkingthe thread features and alignment of indicating gage com-
(7) New rolls and segments shall be withinX tolerance. Worn rolls or segments shall be replaced when a single thread element wears
outside of X tolerance.
(8) When the gage is set by adjustment based upon actual measured pitch diameter of the setting master, the master shall meet all
W tolerances except for pitch diameter, which may have a tolerance increased to X.
(9) Pitch diameter size on some adjustable thread snap gages and indicating thread gages may be set from one or more of the fol-
(a) Z tolerance plain cylindrical plug gage
(b) gage blocks
(C) direct measurement
(d) specially designed transfer standards
Rolls must be qualified for setting from their outside diameters.
1.1 GO plug Lead, flank angles, major diameter, Three "best size" thread wires, gage
pitch diameter, taper, straightness, blocks
roundness, clearance at root
1.2 NOT GO plug Lead, flank angles, major diameter, Three "best size" thread wires, gage
pitch diameter, taper, straightness, blocks
roundness, clearance at root
1.3 Full-form GO plug Lead, flank angles, major diameter, Three "best size" thread wires, gage
pitch diameter, minor diameter, blocks
taper, straightness, roundness, root
radius .
2 Thread snapgages
2.1 GO segments Lead, flank angles, major diameter, Solid W thread-setting ring for GO (if
pitch diameter, faper, straightness, direct measurement of pitch
clearance at root [Notes (5)-(7)] diameter i s not made) [Notes (7). (8)]
2.4 NOT GO rolls (zero lead) Pitch, flank angles, width of flat at Solid W thread-setting ring for NOT
crest, clearance at root G O [Notes (7), (8)l
". .~ [Notes (5)-(7)1
2.6 Minimum-material, thread- Radius of contacts [Notes (5)-(7)] Solid W thread-setting ring for NOS
groove diameter type, GO [Notes (a, (8)l
cone only (''best size"
thread balls)
. .
f "~
\ - .
COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Licensed by Information Handling Services
3.2 Minimum major diameter Pitch, included angle, dimension over Plain Z tolerance ring gage for GO
snap type (55 deg. segments or rolls, width of flat at major diameter or gage blocks
maximum included angle) crests [Note (5)] between jaws
3.3 Minimum minor diameter Taper, straightness or coaxiality of Plain Z tolerance ring gage for GO
snap type cylindrical segments or rolls, minor diameter or gage blocks
dimension over segments or rolls between jaws
[Note (5)l
3.4 Maximum and minimum Pitch, included angle, dimension over Plain Z tolerance ring gage for GO
major diameter snap type segmenfs or rolls, width of flat at major diameter; plain Z tolerance
(55 deg. maximum crests [Note (511 ring gage for NOT GO major
Included angle) diameter or gage blocks between
3.5 Maximum and minimum Taper, straightness, coaxiality of Plain z tolerance ring gage for GO
minor diameter snap type cylindrical segments or rolls, minor diameter; plain Z tolerance
dimension over segments or rolls ring gage for NOT GO minor
[Note (5)l diameter or gage blocks between
4.1 GO segments Lead, flank angles, major diameter, Solid W thread-setting ring for GO or
pitch diameter, taper, straightness, basic pitch diameter [Note (7)]
clearance at root, major cylinder to
pitch cylinder relationship of
segments for coaxiality
[Notes (5)-(7)1
4.3 G O tolls (zero lead) Pitch, flank angles, major diameter, Solid W thread-setting ring for GO
taper, Straightness, clearance at [Notes (7), (9)l
root, parallelism of axes of rolls to
each other [Notes (5)-(7)]
4.5 Minimum-material, pitch Pitch, width of flat at crest, height of Solid W thread-setting ring for GO or
diameter type, cone and thread [Notes (5), (7)] NOT GO or basic pitch diameter
vee [Notes (3,(911
4.6 (a) Minimum-material, thread- Radius of contacts [Note (511 -* W thread-setting ring for NOT GO
groove diameter type, [Notes (3, (91
cone only
(b) Minimum-material, thread- Ball diameter [Note (5)] Plain Z tolerance ring gage whose
groove diameter type, diameter is basic pitch diameter
three "best size" thread plus one-half the "best size" thread
balls, two ball contact ball
spaced four pitches
I f
COPYRIGHT American Society
of Mechanical
Licensed by Information Handling Services
and Measuring Calibration Requirementsfor Gages
Equipment [Note (111 and
[Notes (2), (311 Setting Gages
Standards [Note (4)]
5.1 Major diameter type (55 Pitch, included angle of flanks, width Plain Z tolerance ring gage for basic
deg. maximum included of flat on crests major diameter or GO major
angle) diameter, gage blocks, direct
5.2 Minor diameter type Straightness, parallelism of contacts Plain Z tolerance ring gage for basic
[Note (6)l minor diameter, gage blocks, direct
6 Internal pitch micrometer with Pitch, flank angles. Maximum error in Solid W thread-setting ring gage for
standard contacts (approximately indicated measurement in the basic pitch diameter, measurement
NOT GO profile) cone and vee micrometer head shall not exceed over wires [Note (7)]
0.005 mm.
7 Internal pitch micrometer with Pitch, flank angles, width of flat at Solid W thread-setting ring gage for
modified contacts (approximately crest, height of thread. Maximum basic pitch diameter [Note (7)]
pitch diameter contact) cone and error in indicated measurement in
vee the micrometer head shall not
exceed 0.005 mm.
8 Thread-measuring ball with Flatness and parallelism of internal Cage blocks, calibrated “best size”
suitable measuring means anvils, screw calibration, measuring thread balls
9 Optical comparator or Micrometer stage, magnification, Cage blocks, plug gages, sine bar,
toolmaker’s microscope with radius chart, protractor head stage micrometer
suitable fixturing and cast replica [Note (511
10 Profile tracing equipment with Use manufact&erfs instructions to Special angle block supplied with
suitable fixturing test stylus traverse and electronic instrument
13 Plain internal micrometer and Maximum error in indicated Cage blocks or calibrated plain plug
calipers modified as required measurement in the micrometer gages
head shall not exceed 0.005 mm
(1) See Table 2.
(2) Use applicable X, W, or Z gage tolerance.
(3) Taper, straightness,including bell-mouth barrelshapeand hourglassshape,and roundnessshall bewithin theX, W,orZtolerance
depending on the element measured. In other words, if these features are measured at pitch cylinder, the tolerance for pitch
diameter applies.
(4) When the gage is set by adjustment based on actual measured pitch diameter of the setting master, the master shall meet all
W tolerances except for pitch diameter, which may have a tolerance increased to X.
- ""
(5) Use manufacturer's recommended procedures for gage for checking the thread features and alignment of indicating gage com-
. ponents.
(6) New rolls and segments shall be within X tolerance. Worn rolls or segments shall be replaced when a single thread element wears
outside of X tolerance.
(7) Pitch diameter is usually transferred from thread-setting gage.
(8) Pitch diameter size on some types of adjustable snap gages maybe set from Z tolerance plain ring gages or direct measurement.
Rolls must qualify for setting from their outside diameters.
(9) Pitch diameter size maybeset by direct measurement overwires on 180deg. segments,with speciallydesigned transfer standards,
or by Z tolerance plain ring gages when rolls are qualified for setting from their outside diameters.
G C N O T GO, and W thread-setting plug gage, Lead, flank angles, major diameter, pitch diameter, taper, straightness and
truncated and full-form roundness of major and pitch cylinders, clearance at root, coaxiality of
major cylinder with pitch cylinder [Note (I)]
GO, NOT GO, and solid W thread-setting ring Lead, flank angles, minor diameter, pitch diameter [Note (211, taper,
straightness and roundness of minor and pitch cylinders, clearance at
root, coaxiality of minor cylinder with pitchcylinder
Plain Z tolerance plug and ring gages Diameter, taper, straightness, and roundness
(1) W.tolerance setting plug gages may be used until a single thread element wears outside X gage tolerance.
(2) Pitch diameter of an internal thread, measured by "best size" thread.ball contacts, will be 0.0025 mm to 0.005 mm larger than
the pitchdiameter, gaged indirectly bya snug-fitting master thread plug gage or locked segments of an indicating gage which
have been measured by "best size" thread wire method. This difference is due to thefunctional size of themaster thread plug
gage or locked segments which unavoidably have small variations in lead, flank angle, taper, and roundness.
7- , -
(This Appendix is not part of ANWASME B1.22M-1985, and is included for information purposes only.)
A I GENERAL “best size” thread ball, The stylus, which contacts both
the leading and following flanks, engages selected com-
There are more ways to calibrate gages than those I
plete threads at the pitch line in a direction parallel to
briefly described herein. Sincethis Appendix covers
the axis of the gage.
only the most commonly used designs of limit, snap,
The measurements are made at both ends of the gage
and indicating gages, the inspector may have to modify
and one or more positions in between along one line;
the method described for it to become applicable. Spe-
then they are repeated along another line at 180 deg.
cial fixturing may be necessary for the small and large
around the gage. The mean of the two sets of readings
is taken in order to eliminate theeffect of any misalign-
Specially designed screw-thread indicating gages may
ment of the measuring axis with respect to the gage axis.
at times be more practical for making measurements on
The importance of pitch measurement is to estimate its
thread gage elements than the cumbersome all-purpose
effect on functional size. The diameter equivalent of a
laboratory instruments which may lack adequate fixtur-
pitch variation of 0.001 mm is 0.00175 mm,
ing to do an efficient job.
Since gages have very small pitch tolerances, the
Before one calibrates, sets, or uses limit, snap, and
measurement of pitch by optical projection is not rec-
indicating gages, they should be cleaned and examined
visually for nicks, burrs, and foreign matter, using a
minimum of 1OX magnification. Defects must be cor-
rected. A2.3 Helix Variation Measurement
Helical variation may be measured with helix mea-
suring machines or on special fixtured indicating gages;
Manufacturer’s instructions should be used.
GO and NOT GO Thread Plug Gages
A2.4 Major Diameter Measurement
GO and NOTGO Trtmcated Setting Plug Thread
Gages The measuring instrument is set with gage blocks, cy-
GO and NOT GO Full-Form Thread-Setting Plug lindrical standards, or cylindrical standards and gage
Gages block combination which approximate the major diam-
eter size. Then the outside diameter of the thread is
placed between parallel anvils of a measuring machine
A2.1 External
Pitch Diameter Measurement --
or micrometer. The measuring faces are brought into
The formula and method of measuring pitch diameter contact with the threads using the specified measuring
on thread plug gages are described in Appendix B. force. Additional readings are taken along the axis and
around the gage to verify that the variations in round-
ness and taper arewithin the major diameter tolerance.
A2.2 Pitch Variation Measurement
Only those thread plug gages that have their centers
A2.5 Thread Form
intact can be mounted on centers for evaluation. The
measurements are made on a pitch-testing machine by Thread form is checked by either optical projection I
using a hardened steel stylus with a radius matching the or toolmaker’s microscope. After the recommended
MAGNIFICATION A2.8 Minor Diameter Measurement
Minimum Minor diameter can be measured with measuring ma-
Pitch, mm Magnification chine or micrometer, provided special 55 deg. maxi-
More than 1.75 20x mum conical contacts with radius or small flat tips are
1.75-0.6 50X used. Gage axis must be mounted normal to the mea-
Less than 0.6 IOOX suring screw axis. A gage block combination corre-
sponding to the basic minor diameter should be used to
set the measuring screw. Optical projection may be used
magnification is selected, the profile may be compared
to thread templates, and the root radius may be com- A3 THREADRINGGAGE INSPECTION
pared to a series of radii on a chart. The truncation,
GO and NOT GO Thread Ring Gages
width of flat, and root clearance can be measured by
GO and NOT GO Thread-Setting Ring Gages
using the micrometer screws to translate the image of
the thread feature with respect to crosslines in the pro-
jector or hairlines in the microscope. A3.1 Internal Pitch Diameter Measurement
A3.1.1 Measurement of internal pitch diameter has
seldom been practiced in the United States, because in-
A2.6 Flank Angle Measurement
strumentation has not been readily available. Thus, the
A2.6.1 If both centen are available, the flank angle pitch cylinder is transferred to split ring gages from the
may be measured by optical projection or toolmaker’s GO and NOT GO thread-setting plugs by adjustment.
microscope using magnifications shown in Table A I . Solid working and setting ring gages are sized by lap-
The plug gage is mounted on the centers in a fixture ping until a light drag is noticed as they are screwed on
which can be tilted to the helix so that both flanks are the setting plugs. Sizes under 3 mm can be gaged with
in focus. See corrective angles shown in Table A2. plug gages only.
The leading and following 30 deg. angles are each
A3.1.2 The measured pitch diameter o n rings fitted
measured with respect to the major cylinder or axial to
to a setting plug may be 0.0025 mm to 0.005 mm larger
the thread axis. The protractor head should read out to
than the measured pitch diameter on the plug, because
1 min of arc. The crossline or hairline is set parallel to
the pitch diameter equivalents from permissible pitch,
the thread feature permitting a very narrow slit of light
lead, and flank angle tolerances on matched plug and
between. If the thread flank is not straight, the inspector
ring cause some unavoidable discrepancy.
may either position the line to average out the flank ir-
regularities or measure both the addendum and deden- A3.1.3 Measurement of internal pitch diameter
dum flank angles. using “best size” thread balls is restricted to sizes from
5 mm and larger. It is measured with ball contacts
A2.6.2 Profile tracing equipment is available for
mounted to caliper jaws and coupled to an indicating
making profile charts of each flank on 2.5 mm and larger
gage. One jaw has a fixed ball and the other jaw a pair
of floating balls with center spacing of two or more
pitches. The caliper jaws are usually set to zero on an
A2.7 Runout Between Major Cylinder and Pitch
X tolerance plain ring whose diameter is the sum of the
basic pitch diameter of the gageplus one-half the “best
size” thread ball diameter. The ball contacts are brought
The fixed anvil of the measuring instrument or mi- in contact with the flanks of the internal thread. A series
crometer engages the major cylinder of the gage, and of measurements are made around the gage at both ends
the movable anvil straddles two thread-measuring wires and in the middle. The indicator reading gives the vari-
which are pressed against the pitch cylinder with a force ation from the size towhich the gage was set.
appropriate for pitch diameter measurement. This read-
ing is taken and is followed by a series of readings ob-
A3.2 Internal Pitch Variation Measurement I
tained by rotating the threaded gage until the maximum
and minimum values are found. The maximum differ- The ground face of thethread ring gage is clamped to
ence in measurements shall be within the mnout toler- a face plate and mounted normal to the measuring axis
ance between the major cylinderand pitch cylinder. of the pitch-testing machine. A modified stylus with
I \, /- Y.
3 2 2 10 22 42
3 10 2 16 10 10 23 28
3 20 2 31 10 20 24 15
3 30 2 47 10 30 25 2
3 40 3 4 10 40 25 50
3 50 3 21 10 50 26 38
4 3 38 11 27 28
4 10 3 56 11 10 28 19
4 20 4 16 11 20 29 11
4 30 4 35 11 30 30 2
4 40 4 56 11 40 30 55
4 50 5 18 11 50 31 47
5 5 40 12 32 42
5 10 6 2 12 10 33 37
5 20 6 27 12 20 34 33
5 30 6 31 12 3C 35 29
5 40 7 17 12 40 36 Lf
5 50 7 43 12 50 37 25
6 8 10 13 38 23
6 10 8 37 13 10 39 23
6 20 9 5 13 20 40 25
6 30 9 35 13 30 41 25
6 40 10 5 13 40 42 26
6 50 10 35 13 50 43 30
7 11 6 14 44 33
7 10 11 38 14 IO 45 37
7 20 12 11 14 20 46 42
7 30 12 46 14 30 47 47
7 40 13 20 14 40 48 55
7 50 13 55 14 50 50 2
8 14 31 15 51 10
8 10 15 8
8 20 15 46
8 30 16 24
8 40 17 2
8 50 17 42
(1) Lead angle is the angle which has a tangent equal to the lead divided by 3.1416 times the pitch
r a
COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Licensed by Information Handling Services
“best size” thread ball radius is needed to contact the A3.7 Flank Angle Measurements
internal threads. Measurements are madealong one line
Casts are required. They are mounted with plasticine
parallel to the thread axis at two or more intervals, and
to a fixture which can be tilted in the field of the optical
then these same intervals are measured on another line
projector or toolmaker’s microscope. Further details are
after rotating the gage 180 deg. The means of the vari-
given in para. A2.6. Profile tracing equipment is avail-
ations of corresponding intervals are taken to eliminate
able for making profile charts of each flank angle on 2.5
the effect of misalignment of measuring axis with gage
mm and larger pitch threads. Manufacturer’s instruc-
tions describe the process.
A 5 PLAIN RINGGAGECALIBRATION Rolls may be checked for thread form and size by
optical projection (see paras. A2.5 and A2.6). Pitch is
GO and NOT GO Plain Ring Gages, Z Tolerance measured as described in para. A2.2. New rolls should
GO and NOT GO Plain-Setting Ring Gages, X be manufactured to X tolerances. Worn rolls should be
Tolerance replaced when a single thread element wears outside of
X tolerance.
A5.1 DiameterMeasurement
A5.1.1 The Z tolerance ring gage is measured with
an internal indicating gage or measuring instrument
which has a resolution of 0.001 mm. The measuring A8.1 Inspection of the Threaded Section Used
device is usually set with a master gap produced by on External Product Threads
clamping jaws to the selected gage block combination.
A8.1.1 Straightness (Taper, Bell Mouth, and
Measurements are taken around the bore near ends and
Barrel Shape)
in the middle.
(a) Using the last three threads of thefull-form por-
- -" "
tion of the truncated type setting plug (handle end on
A5.1.2 TheX-tolerance ring gage is measured over
taperlock blanks), engage thefirst three threads on one
two radius contacts on an internal measuring instru-
end of the segments. Note the reading.
ment. Internal measuring procedure is given in ANSI/
(b) Using the same procedure, engage the last three
ASME B89.1.6M, Measurement of Qualified Plain In-
threads on the other end ofthe segments. Note the read-
ternal Diameters forUseas Master .Rings and Ring
Gages. The measuring device is set with a master gap ing.
(C) Repeat step (a) using thefirsr three threads of the
produced by clamping flat parallel jaws on the gage
. block combination corresponding to the ring gage di- truncated portion of the plug (opposite the handle end
mension. The gage blocks and the jaws which are ac- on taperlock blanks). Note the reading.
( d ) Repeat step (b) using thefirst threethreads of the
cessories to gage block sets must meet the requirements
specified in ANWASME B89.1 .9M71984, Pmision truncated portion of the plug. Note thereading.
Gage Blocks for Length Measurement (Through 20 in. Indicated differences exceeding X tolerance for pitch
and 500 mm). The small displacement between ring gage diameter between readings (a) and (b) or (C) and (d) re-
diameter and master gap is read on the meter. Measure- veal the segments as having an end-to-end straightness
ments are taken around the gage, near the ends, and in deviation.
the middle. The measuring instrument should have a NOTE:More definitive analysis for bell mouth or b a d shape can be
readout of at least 0.00025 mm. A referenced position made by using a check plug (full-form or truncated) having a maxi-
mum length of three pitches, rotating the plug through the full length
at the middle of the bore is used to index the out-of- of the segments, and noting the plus and minus (*) indicator variation
roundness check as described in para. A4.1.2. at s w i f i c points in the segments.
A8.1.2 Flank Angle Wear A8.1.6 Minor Cylinder Size Compared to Pitch
(U) Indicated differences exceeding X tolerance for Cylinder Diameter Size and Minor Diameter
pitch diameter values obtained by the para. A8.1.1 pro- Straightness (As a Coded Pair)
cedures (a) and (C) or (b) and (d) reveal that the seg- (U) Using the full-form portion of the W tolerance-
ments have excessive flank angle wear. setting plug, engage its entire length into the segments
(6) Indicated differences exceeding X tolerance for and zero-out the indicator.
pitch diameter values obtained between the full-form (6) Using a plain cylindrical plug having a size equal
portion and the truncated portion of the setting plug to the maximum-material minor diameter of the thread
when engaging the segments over their full length also size in question, engage that plug fully into the seg-
reveal that the segments have excessive flank angle ments and note the reading,
wear. The difference in reading must be within the X tol-
erance specified for minor diameter.
A8.1.3 Lead Error. Should the preceding checks (C) To verify the taper of the minor diameter, par-
for straightness and flank angle wear fall within X tol- tially engage theplain cylindrical plug from each end of
erance, thecheck for lead error is performed as follows. the segments.
(U) Using the last three threads of thefull-fonn por- ( d ) Measure directly for straightness from the seg-
tion of the setting plug (handle end on taperlock blanks), ment mounting hole directly to the minor diamefer flats
engage the first three threads on one end of the seg- of each thread in the segment.
ments. Note the reading.
(6) With the three-thread engagement above, rotate A8.1.7 Minor Cylinder to Pitch Cylinder Coax-
thefill-forrn portion of the plug through the segments iality Relationship (As a Coded Pair)
to full length engagement. Note the reading.
NOTE: Even though the size of the minor diameters may be within
An indicated difference exceeding X tolerance for tolerances, they may not be coaxial.
pitch diameter between the firstand second readings
above reveals that the segments have excessive lead er- (U) Using the full-form portion of the W tolerance-
ror. setting plug, engage the entire length into the segments
(C) Repeat steps (a) and (b) with the truncated por- and zero-out the indicator at the high point. Lock the
tion of the plug. Note the reading. segments on the studs with the set screws provided in
An indicated difference exceeding X tolerance for the backs of the segments to prevent them from pivot-
pitch diameter between the first and second readings re- ing. Lift the pivot arm and back out the plug.
veals that the segments have a lead error. NOTE: The pivot arm will not lifi high enough to allow total disen-
gagement. Consequently, the plug must be screwed out.
A8.1.4 Thread Form and Cylindrical Form
Continuity. For checking continuity of threaded and (6) Using the plain cylindrical plug having a size
plain surfaces (helical profile uniformity, continuous equal to the maximum-material minor diameter of the
thread flank contact with setting plug, and cylindrical thread size in question, engage the plug by sliding it in
contacts), *e conventional bluing procedure is used. (right to left or left to right) from the end.Note the read-
A8.1.5 Minor Cylinder to Pitch Cylinder Rela- (C) The indicated difference between steps (a) and
tionship of Each Segment (b) above should not exceed X tolerance for minor di-
(U) With each like coded segment, measure from its ameter.
mounting hole over the outside diameter of a plain plug ( d ) Loosen and reverse thetop segment 180deg.
whose diameter isthat of the specified maximum minor (ledge side out) and using the full-form portion of the
diameter and which is resting on the minor diameter of W tolerance-setting plug, engage the entire length into
the segment. Note the two readings. the segments and zero-out the indicator at the high point.
(b) With each like coded segment, measure from its With the bottom segment still locked as in step (a), lock
mounting hole over the outside diameter of the W tol- the top segment on the stud with the set screw provided
erance GO thread plug--full-form section-as it rests in in the back of the segment to prevent it from pivoting.
the segment h a d . Note the readings. Lift the pivot ann and back out the plug.
The differences between matching sets of readings NOTE The pivot arm will not lift high enough to allow total disen-
from steps (a) and (b) for each segment must be within gagement. Consequently, the plug must be screwed out.
the X tolerance for minor diameter.
(e) Repeat step (b) above.
NOTE:Inspection fixtuns can be used for the above, (f) The indicated difference between steps (d) and
(e) above should not exceed X tolerance for minor di- A10 CALIBRATION OF DIAL AND
Calibration of the indicator may be done by displac-
A8.2 Inspection of Threaded Contact Segments ing the spindle with a calibrated micrometer screw or
Used on Internal Product Thread with tolerance Grade 3 gage blocks inserted between a
fixed anvil and the spindle. The accuracy of the microm-
The coded pairs of segments are locked or clamped eter screw should be 0.0007 mm and is used for cali-
when engaging the plain ring gage or thread-setting ring. brating indicators with resolution of 0.002 mm and
Then thread form, pitch diameter, major diameter, pitch, larger, The zero setting for calibrating dialindicators is
and straightness can be inspected by methods described at the 12 o’clock position. A minimum of four equally
in paras. A2.1 through A2.8. spaced increments per revolution is calibrated. On elec-
tronic indicators each numbered division is calibrated.
Two X tolerance plain plug gages for the external
thread indicating gages and two X tolerance plain ring Product threads which exhibit tom or rough surface
gages for the internal thread indicator gages, whose di- may be assessed with indicating gages. The rapid fluc-
ameter difference corresponds with the working range tuation of the indicating needle when the part is rotated
of the indicator dial, are required. When they are ap- slowIy betweenthe gage contacts may notexceed 0.0025
plied to the cluster of rolls or segments, the difference mm. For external threads, a roll type indicating gage
in indicator dial readings should not vary by more than with “best size” thread radius rolls is used.
-L 1 least graduation from the calibrated difference be- For internal threads, a gage with “best size” thread
tween the two gages. ball contacts is used.
- .
(This Appendix is not part of ANSllASME B1.22M-1985, and is included for information purposes only.)
B1 WIRE METHOD OF MEASUREMENT OF touch at the groove diameter of a groove cut around a
PITCH DIAMETER (THREAD-GROOVE cylinder perpendicular to the axis of the cylinder. The
DIAMETER) size of the “best size” thread wire, resting in a zero
lead angle 60 deg. vee thread, is given by the formula:
This Section presents specifications and techniques for
the measurement of sdfew-thread plug gages and setting W = 0.5P X sec a (1)
plugs by measuring over accurate cylinders or wires in-
serted in the thread grooves, The purpose is to make where
available a standard United States method for making
W= diameter of wire
such measurements. The practices described measure
groove diameter, which is equal to pitch diameter only P = pitch
a = half-angle of thread
on a thread with perfect pitch spacing.
Reduce this formula to
the need for compensation for the deformations, it can different cylinder or force for every thread diameter-
be shown that the total effect on pitch diameter of the pitch combination. Calibration of wires involving such
deformations ofthree wires and anMJ 12 x-1.25 thread a variety of conditions is neither practical nor necessary,
gage is 0.005 mm when measured under 11.1 N. It is as the measurement procedure which is generally fol-
practical to compensatefor the major portion of this de- lowed will assure uniformity of values. It is desirable to
formation by a simple procedure described in the fol- keep the effects of deformation small.
lowing paragraphs. {b) It can be shown, for example, that all sizes of
(U) It would be possible to prepare tables of the de- threads from 3.5 mm to 50 mm can be measured with
formation of all standardized sizes of gages, but this wires calibrated againsta 20 mm diameter cylinder using
would not takecare of special combinationsof pitch and the forcesrecommended for pitchdiametermeasure-
diameter. Another method of compensating for the de- ments in Table B2 with variations from true pitch di-
formations is to measure the thread wires under condi- ameter (neglecting the effect of lead angle) not in excess
tions that provide deformations equivalentto those that of O.ooo9 mm. Slightly larger discrepancies in the 50
occur when the wires are used to measure a thread. This mm to 100 mm size range are relatively unimportant
can be accomplished by the measurement of the thread becausethesesizeshavelargertolerances. For sizes
wires between a flat anvil and a cylinder with the axes smaller than 3.5 mm it is necessary to calibrate wires
of cylinder and wire at 90 deg. to each other if an ap- against a 3 mm cyIinder which hasa radius more nearly
of cylinder diameter and
the equal to the radius of curvature of the thread flank.
measuring force is made. Optimum compensation for (C) Aspreviouslynoted, the forceapplied bythe
the deformations that occur in the measurement of pitch measuring device must be limited to avoid permanent
diameter would require the calibration of wires with a deformation ofthe wires or gage or both. Even for large-
(1) The diameters of "best size" thread balls are the same as the diameters of "best size" thread
(2) Measured PD = M, +
0.866025P - 3W.
(3) If "best size" thread wire is used, PD = M, - C.
Force (f10%) Cylinder
Pitch Range, mm N [Note (l)] ~i Ib (Ref.) mm
(1) 1 N = 0.2248 Ibf
d2 = M, + (T)
cot (Y
(P)- W[1 + (cosec’ (Y
permissible in order to maintain uniformity of practice
in the United States and thus avoid confusion.
For a 60 deg. thread of correct angle and thread form,
+ cot’ (Y tan2 A’)’’*] (3) formula (6) simplifies to
/- Y.
COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Licensed by Information Handling Services
ASME B1-22M 85 W 2575512 0012127 8 W
(This Appendix is not part of ANSVASME B1.22M-1985, and is included for information purposes only.)
Fine Pitch
T Total ThreadLenGhs of Truncated
Thread-Setting Plugs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm rnm
Fine Pitch
Instrument Thread
Range I Thread Plug Gages Plug Gages
To and
Above Including GO NOT GO CO NOT GO
1 2 3 4 5 6
mm mm mm rnm mm
r \
(This Appendix is not part of ANSVASME B1.22M-1085, and is included for information purposes only.)
This Appendix presents the customary equivalents of the metric tables in this Standard, as follows.
Data appearing here are for reference only.
0.2 0,003937 0.001988 0.003976 0.001421 0.000142 0.000283 0.002461 0.001280 0.002559
0.25 .W4921 .W2484 .W4972 BO1776 .000177 .000354 .W3075 .W1598 .W3197
0.3 ,005906 .W2984 .W5969 .W2130 .000213 .W0425 .W3693 .001917 .003835
0.35 .006890 .W3480 .W6961 .W2484 .W0248 ,000496 .W307 .W2236 .W4476
0.4 .007874 .W3976 .W7957 .002843 .000283 .OOO567 .W921 .002559 .W5114
0.45 .W8858 .W4476 .W8949 .003197 .000319 .W0638 .W5535 .002878 .W5752
0.5 .W9843 .W4972 .W9945 .003551 .W0354 .Cl00709 .006150 .W3197 A06394
0.6 .Oll811 .W5969 .Oll933 .M4260 ,000425 .000850 .M7382 .W3835 .007673 t
0.7 .013780 .W6961 .013921 .004972 .W0496 .W0992 .W8614 .004476 .008949
0.75 .014764 .007457 .014917 .005327 .000531 .W1063 ,009228 ,004795 .009591
0.8 .015748 .007957 .015909 .W5681 .W0567 .W1134 .W9843 .005114 .010228
1 .019685 .009945 .019890 .W7102 ,000709 .001417 .012303 .W6394 .012787
1.25 .024606 .012429 ,024862 .W8890 .000890 ,001780 .015378 J07992 .015984
1.5 .029528 .014917 .029835 .010654 .OOO984 .001969 .018457 .W9591 .019177
-~. .034449 .017402 .034807 .012429 .000984 .001969 .021531 .Oll150 .022374
3.5 .W898 .034807 .069610 .024862 .001244 .W2488 .M3063 .022374 . .044752
4 ,078740 .039780 .079555 .028413 .W1421 .002843 .049213 ,025571 .051142
4.5 .088583 .W752 .089500 .031965 .001598 .003197 .055366 .028768 .057535
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
GENERAL NOTE: Equivalent to metrictable. Does not agree with ANSllASME 81.2.
(1) Allowable variationin lead betyeen any two threads shallnot be farther apart than the lengthof the standard gage that is shown
in ANSVASME B47.laM.
(2) See para. 5.14.9.
(3) Tolerances apply to designated size of thread. Apply tolerancesin accordance with Table 7.
(4) Above MJ300, the tolerance is directly proportionalto the tolerance in column 9, in the ratioof the diameter to 300 mm.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
0.2 0.00012 ... 0 30 0.00031 ... ... 0.00012 ... ... ... . ._.
0.25 .00012 ... 0 30 .00031 ... ... .00012 ... ... ... ...
0.3 .00012 ... 0 30 .00031 ... ... .00012 ... ... ... ...
1.5 .00016 .00016 0 8 .00051 .00051 .00071 .00012 .00016 .om20 .00024 .OW31
1.75 .00016 .00016 0 8 .00059 .00059 .00091 .00012 .00020 .00024 .00031 .00039
2 .00020 .00020 0 6 .00059 .00059 .00091 .00016 .00020 .00024 .00031 .00039
2.5 ... .00020 0 6 ... .00059 .00091 ... .00020 .00024 .00031 .00039
3 ... .00024 0 6 ... .00059 .00091 ... .00020 .00024 .00031 -00039
3.5 ... .00024 0 5 ... .00071 .00110 ... .00020 .00024 .00031 .00039
4 ... .00031 0 5 ..- .00071 .00110 ... .00020 .00024 .00031 .00039
4.5 ... .00031 0 4 ... .00079 .00130 ... .00020 .00024 .00031 .00039
5 ... .00031 0 4 ... .00079 .00130 ... .00020 .00024 .00031 .00039
5.5 ... .00031 0 4 ... .00079 .00130 ... .00020 .00024 .00031 .00039
6 ... .00031 0 4 ... .00091 .00130 ... .00020 .00024 .00031 .00039
8 ... .00031 0 4 ... .00091 .00150 ... .00020 .00024 .00031 .00039
(1) Tolerances apply to actual diameter of plug or ring. Apply tolerances in accordance with
Table 7. Symbols XX, X, Y, Z, and ZZ are standard plain cylindricalgage tolerance classes. Same
as tolerances in ANWASME 81.2.
(2) Used as tolerance on plain cylindrical plug and ring gages to check minor diameter for internal
threads and outside diameter for external threads. Also used for masters for setting indicating
thread gages where design permits.
117 .
To and
I Thread Plug Cages T Fine Pitch
Instrument Thread
Plug Cages
1 2 3 4 5 6
1.50 2.67 x %6
9.27 12.95 Y4 3h
12.95 20.96 % 'h
20.96 28.83 1 U
Pitches 2.0 mrn Pitches larger
and smaller than 2.0 mm
Thread Sizes
To and
lengths of Thread Ring Gages
Fine Pitch
T Total Thread Lengthsof Truncated
Thread-Setting Plugs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
mm In. in. in. In. in. in. in. in. in. in.
~~~~~~ ~ ~~
MJ1.6 X 0.35 4h6h 0.05681 0.05524
0.05406 0.06299 0.06268 0.05248 ... ... ... ... ...
Major Diam.
Nominal Size Pitch Pitch Minor
and Pitch Truncated
Diam. Diam. Diam. Diam.
1 8 9 10
mm in. in. in. V)
1 2 3 4 5 9 8 7 6 10 11 12 13
MJ25 X 1.5 4h6h 0.95772 0.98425 0.94591 0.95398 0,98425 0.94217 0.94591 0.92673 0.95083 0.93602 4H5H
0.95721 I 0.98476 I 0.94575 0.95347 0.98476 0.94233 0.94607 I 0.92622 I 0.95067 I 0.93551 I
MJ27 X 2 4h6h 1.02760 1.06299 1.01 185 1.02343 1.01185 I 0.98266 I 1.01736 I 0.99807 I 4H5H
1:06358 1.02701 1.02284 0.99748
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13
_ _ _ _ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~
MJ42 X 2 ', 4h6h 1.61815 1.65354 1.60240 1.61398 1.59823 1.65354 1.58862
1.60791 1.57681 1.602404H5H
1.61756 1.65413 1.60216 1.65413 1.61339
1.59847 1.58803 1.60767 1.57622 1.60264(
I MJ42 X 4.5
MJ45 X 1.5
MI48 X 2
1.53846 1.65354 1.57390
1.88976 1.85437
1.53256 1.65354 1.56799
1.65433 1.56720
1.77165 1.74138
1.72977 1.77216
1.50181 1.54634
1.54610 1.48015 1.53870
4H5H1.48094 1.53846
1.72343 1'.73823
1.73803 1.71362 1.73351
4H5H 1.71413
1.82484 1.84453
4H5H 1.81303 1.83861
1.85378 1.89035 1.83838 1.83445 1.89035 1.84937 1.82425 1.84429 1.81244 1.83886
W Thread-Setting Plugs W Thread-Setting Rings
MJ64 X 2 4h6h 2.48429 2.51969 2.46413 2.51969 2.47998 2.46854 2.45476 2.47445
4H5H2.44295 2.46254
2.48370 2.52028 2.46830 2.47939 2.46437 2.52028
2.46878 2.44236 2.47421 2.45417
M172 X 6 4h6h 2.72846 2.83465 2.67413 2.83465 2.72138 2.68122 2.62929 2.69051
4H5H2.60449 2.68122
2.72755 2.62838 2.69027
2.83556 2.67437 2.83556 2.720472.60358
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13
t In.
in. in. in. in. in.
in. in. in. in.
M195 x 2 4h6h 3.70476 3.74016 3.68902 3.70012 3.74016 3.68437 3.68902 3.66343 3.69531 3.67524 4H5H
3.70417 3.74075
3.69953 3.68878 3.74075 3.68926 3.68463
3.66284 3.69507 3.67465
MI100 x 2 4h6h 3.90161 3.93701 3.88587 3.89697 3.93701 3.88122 3.88587 3.87209 3.89217
4H5H 3.86028
3.90102 3.88146 3.93760
3.88611 3.88563 3.93760
3.89638 3.85969 3.89193 3.87150
4h6h 3.83083 3.93701 1 3.78358 1 3.82335 1 3.93701 1 3.77610 1 3.78358 I 3.70685
3.73165 1 4H5H
3.82992 3.82244
M1105 X 2 4h6h 4.09846 4.13386 4.08272 4.09382 4.13386 4.07807 4.08272 4.05713 4.08902 4.06894 4H5H
4.09755 4.13477 1 4.08241 I 4.09291 I 4,13477 1 4.07838 I 4.08303 I 4.05622 1 4.08871 4.06803
I 1
MI110 X 2 4h6h 4.29531 4.33071 I 4.27957 1 4.29067 I 4.33071 I 4.47492 I 4.27957 1 4,25398 I 4.28587 1 4:::;I 4H5H
4.29440 4.28976
and Pitch Class Truncated ' Full Diam. Truncated Full ~ Class
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 13
GENERAL NOTE Thread tolerances from Table D3; plain tolerances from Table D4.
G- for Exlcmr
x Thread Gap3
Nominal Size
a d Htch
1 2
MJ1.6,X 0.35 4h6h ' 0.049~ 0.06299 005965 0.06299 005406 006299 0.05406 0 00249 0.05406 005890 005614 0.04957 0.05350 4H6H
0.05003 0.06289 0:05975 0.06330 0:05426 0.06330 0.05426 0:00271 0.05425 0:05857 0:05594 0.04967 0.05340
- ~~
~ ~~ ~
+ 0.28662
MI10 x 1.25 4h6h 0.36173 0.34894 0.36173 0.00890 0.36174 0.37551 0.36567 0.34575 0.35409 4H5H
0.36142 I 0.34524
0.34575 I 0.35909
0.35878 0.34945 0.36204 0.00980 0.36204 0.37500 0.36536 0.34585 0.35399
MI10 X 1.5 4h6h 0.35535 0.33618 0.35201 0.34020 0.33618 0.34547 4H5H
035504 0.34071 0.35566
0.35535 I 0.01067 I 0 35566
O?0.37106 I 0.37157 I 0.35977 I 0.34537
- I I 0.33567 0.35232
1 12 13
MI15 x 1 4h6h 0.564% 0.55220 0.56201 0.55413 0.59055 0.58346 O.59OS5 0.56496 0.59055 0.56496 0.00709
0.56465 0.55169 0.56232 0.55464 0.59045 0.58156 0.59106 0.56527 0.59106 0.56527 o.nnn9
MI16 x 1.5 4h6h 0.59157 0.57240 0,58803 0.57622 0.62992 0.62063 0.62992 0.59157 0.62992 0.59157 0.01067
0.59126 0.57189 0.58834 0.57673 0.62982 0.62073 0.63043 0.59188 0.63043 0.59188 0.01165
MI16 x 2 4h6h 0.57878 0.55319 0.57404 ' 0.55909 0.62992 0.61890 0,62992 0,57878 0.62992 0.57878 0.01422
057047 0.55268 0.57515 0.55960 062982 0.61900 0.63043 0.57909 0.63043 0.57909 0,01519
M117 X 1 4h6h 0.64370 0.63094 0.64075 0.63287 0.66929 0.66220 0.66929 0.64370 0.66929 0.64370 0.00709
0 . 6 4 ~ 90,66919
0.63043 0.61~30
0.669~0 0.66980
0.64101 0.64401 0.00779
MI18 X 1.5 4h6h 0.67031 0.65114 0.66677 0.65496 0.70866 0.159937 0.70866 0.67031 0.70666 0..$7031 0.01067
0.67000 0.65063 0.66708 0.65547 0.70856 Oh9947 0.71)917 0.67062 0.70917 0.67062 0,01165
MI20 X 1 4h6h 0.76181 0.74906 0.75R8h 0.75098 0.78740 0.78011 0.78740 0.76181 0.78740 0.761~1 0.00709
0.76150 0.74855 0.75917 0.75149 0.78730 0.78041 0.78791 0.76212 0.78791 0.76212 0.00779
MI20 X 1.S 4h6h 0.74906 0.7298~ 0.74551 0.73371) 0.3740 0.771111 0.78740 0.74906 0.78740 0.74906 0.01067
0.74875 0.72937 0.74502 0.73421 0.78730 0.77821 0.7~791 0.74937 0.7~791 0.74937 0.01165
rand Class
M130 X 2 4h6h
.MI33 x 2 4h6h
M136 x 2 4h6h
M136 X 4 4h6h
Cam for External Threads Cage for InternalThreads
MI% x 2 4h6h 2,15358 2.12799 2.14917 2.13343 2.20472 2.19370 2.20472 2.15358 2.20472 2.15358 0.01422 2.11382
2.15319 2.12746 2.14956 2.13394 2.20456 2.19386 2.20523 2.15397 2.20523 2.15397 0.01519 2.11618
M156 x 5.5 4h6h 7.06409 1.99374 2.05740 2.01409 2.20472 2.18268 2.20472 2.06409 2.20472 2.06409 0.03906 1,95472
2.06358 1.99295 2.05791 2.01488 2.20456 2.18284 2.20551 2.06460 2.20551 2.06460 0.04702 1.95913
M160 x 1.5 4h6h 2.32386 2.30469 2.31992 2.30811 2.36220 2.35291 2.36220 2.32386 2.36220 2.32386 0.01067 2,29402
2.32347 2.30418 2.32031 2.30862 2.36204 2.35307 2.36251 2.32425 2.36251 232425 0.01165 2.29637
MIM x 2 4h6h 2.46854 2.44295 2.46413 2.44839 2.51969 2.50866 2.51969 2.46854 2.51969 2.46854 0.01422 2.42878
2.46815 2.44244 2.46452 2.44890 2.51953 2.50882 2.52020 2.46893 2.52020 2.4fdl93 0.01519 7.43114
MIM x 6 4h6h 2.36626 2.28953 2.35917 2.31193 2.51969 2.49606 2.51969 2.36626 2.51969 2.36626 0.04264 2.24693
2.36575 2.28662 235968 2.31284 2.51953 2,49622 2.52060 2.36677 2.52060 2.36677 0.04476 2.25769
M165 x 1.5 4h6h 2.52071 2.M154 2.51677 2.504% 2.55906 2.54976 2.55906 2.52071 2.55906 2.52071 0.01067 2.49087
252032 2.50103 2.51716 2.50547 2.55886 2.54996 2.55977 2.52110 2.55977 2.52110 0.01165 2.49322
M l p J x 15 4h6h 2.68772
2.71717 270232
I Cages for External Threads I Cages for InternalThreads
Nanilvl9zc Htch Minor Pitch Minor NOT Major Pitch Maior Pitch Root Minor Major Pitch NOT
andHtch class Dlam Diam. Dm
i. Dim. CO GO Diam. Diam. Oiam. Radius Diam. Diam. Diam.
Diam. GO CO Class
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
mn I I ~ n . I i n . I ~ n . l i n . I i n . I i n . I ~ n . l i n . l i n . I i n . I i n . I i n . I i n . I ~ n . I i n . I i n . I
M1110 x 2 4h6h 4.27957 4.25398 4.33071 4.27957 4.33071 4.31969 4.33071 4.25917 4.27492
4.30161 4.23981 0.01422 4.27957
4.25398 4.26579
4.28587 4H5H
I I 4.278% I 4.25307 I 4.27551 I 4.26008 I 4.33051 I 4.31989 I 4.33162 I 4.28016 I 4.33162 I 4.28016 I 0.01519 I 4.24236 I 4,30070 I 4.28528 I 4.25418 I 4.26559 1
Gages for External p r e a d s Gages for Internal Threads
Nominal Size
and Pitch
MI120 X 2
M1140 X 2
,MI150 x 2
M1160 X 3
GENERAL NOTE: Thread tolerancesfrom Table D2; plain tolerances from Table 04.
(1) The diameters of “best size” thread balls are the same as the diameters of “best size” thread
(2) Measured PD = M,. + 0.866025P - 3W.
(3) If “best size” thread wire i s used, PD = M, - C.
(This Appendix is not part of ANSVASME B1.22M-1985, and is included for information purposes only.)
- . T
(C) For external product thread measured with thread E2.4.1 Pitch Diameter Correction (CTL)Due to
segment type gage preset at standard temperature of ThermalExpansion or Contraction of Lead. Use
20°C f 1"C, Cn is applied with a minus sign. the following formulas:
(U) For external product thread inspected with a fixed
C, = - \ 1.732 (ep + e,) (t, - 20°C)(LG)I limit gage, e.g.,a ring gage, Cn is applied with a minus
(d)For internal product thread measured with thread
segment typegage preset at standard temperature of C, = -1 1.732 (ep + e,) (I, - 20°C) (La1
20°C f 1"C, C, is applied with a plus sign.
(b) For internal product thread inspected with a fixed
C, = + 11.732 (ep + e,) (r, - 20°C) (LG)I limit gage, e.&, a plug gage, C, is applied with a plus
lXXXXXl = plus value of bracketed term XXXXX re- C, = +I 1.732 (ep + eg) (t, - 20°C) (tal
gardless of sign
C n = diameter correction, mm NOTE: For single-element pitch diameter gaging. C,, may be con-
LG = length of gage thread engagement, mm sidered equal to zero.
Unified Inch Screw Threads (UN and UNR Thread Form) .................................
Gages and Gaging for Unified Inch Screw Threads ...................................... B1.2-1983
Screw Thread Gaging Systems for Dimensional
Acceptability - Inch and Metric Screw Threads (UN. UNR. UNJ. M. and MJ) ......... B1.3M-1986
Acme Screw Threads ................................................................ B1.5-1977
Nomenclature. Definitions. and Letter Symbols for Screw Threads ..................... B1.7M-1984
Stub Acme Screw Threads ........................................................... B1.8-1977
Buttress Inch ScrewThreads 7O/45O Form With 0.6 Pitch Basic Height of
Thread Engagement ........................................................ B1.9-1973(R1985)
Unified Miniature Screw Threads ..................................................... B1.10-1958
Microscopic Objective Thread ................................................ B1.11-1958(R1978)
Class 5 Interference-Fit Thread ...................................................... B1.12-1972
Metric Screw Threads - M Profile ................................................. B1.13M-1983
Gages and Gaging for Metric M Screw Threads ...................................... B1.16M-1984
Metric Screw Threads for Commercial Mechanical
Fasteners - Boundary Profile Defined ............................................ B1.18M-1982
Gages for Metric Screw Threads for Commercial Mechanical
Fasteners - Boundary Profile Defined ............................................ B1.19M-1984
Pipe Threads. General Purpose (Inch) .............................................. B1.20.1-1983
D r y M P L p e Threads (Inch) B1.20.3-1976(R1982)
Dryseal Pipe Threads (Metric Translation of B1.20.3-1976) ................... B1.20.4-1976(R1982)
. .
Gaging for Dryseal Pipe Threads (Inch) ............................................. B1.20.5-1978
Gaging for Dryseal Pipe Threads (Metric Translation
of B1.20.5-1978) ............................................................. B1.20.6M-1984
Hose Coupling Screw Threads ............................................. B1.20.7-1966(R1983)
Metric Screw Threads - MJ Profile ................................................ B1.21 M-1 978
Gages and Gaging for MJ Series Metric Screw' Threads .............................. B1.22M-1985
The ASME Publications Catalog shows a complete list of all the Standards published by the Society.
The catalog and binders for holding these Standards are available upon request.