SOA Gateway User's Guide
SOA Gateway User's Guide
SOA Gateway User's Guide
September 2015
Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway User's Guide, Release 12.2
Copyright © 2005, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Contributor: Rekha Ayothi, Sudipto Chakraborty, Vardhan Kale, Bhaskar Ghosh, Mark Fisher, Kevin
Hudson, Ravindra Nadakuditi, Dilbaghsingh Sardar, Vijayakumar Shanmugam, Abhishek Verma, Jason Xie
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Common Information on REST Web Services....................................................................4-17
Reviewing Web Service WSDL Sources............................................................................. 4-22
Reviewing Web Service WADL Sources............................................................................ 4-26
Managing Grants............................................................................................................... 4-31
XML Gateway Map Information.............................................................................................4-36
PL/SQL Information................................................................................................................ 4-41
Java Information...................................................................................................................... 4-44
Java Bean Services.............................................................................................................. 4-46
Application Module Services............................................................................................. 4-48
Security Services................................................................................................................ 4-51
Java APIs for Forms........................................................................................................... 4-54
Business Service Object.......................................................................................................... 4-54
Integration Repository Service........................................................................................... 4-61
Reviewing Service Data Object.......................................................................................... 4-62
Concurrent Program Information........................................................................................... 4-65
Open Interface Information.................................................................................................... 4-68
Interface View Information.................................................................................................... 4-70
EDI Message Information....................................................................................................... 4-71
Business Event Information.................................................................................................... 4-72
Send Us Your Comments
Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway User's Guide, Release 12.2
Part No. E20923-10
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Intended Audience
Welcome to Release 12.2 of the Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway User's
This guide assumes you have a working knowledge of the following:
• The principles and customary practices of your business area.
This documentation assumes familiarity with Oracle E-Business Suite. It is written for
the technical consultants, implementers and system integration consultants who
oversee the functional requirements of these applications and deploy the functionality
to their users.
If you have never used Oracle E-Business Suite, we suggest you attend one or more of
the Oracle E-Business Suite training classes available through Oracle University.
See Related Information Sources on page viii for more Oracle E-Business Suite product
Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program website at
Access to Oracle Support
Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support
through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.
1 Introduction to Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway
2 Understanding Service Enablement
3 Navigating Through Oracle Integration Repository
4 Working with Native Integration Interfaces
5 Working With Composite Services - BPEL
6 Working with Custom Integration Interfaces
• Release Notes - For information about changes in this release, including new
features, known issues, and other details, see the release notes for the relevant
product, available on My Oracle Support.
custom reports for Oracle E-Business Suite products. The Oracle eTRM is available
on My Oracle Support.
Related Guides
You should have the following related books on hand. Depending on the requirements
of your particular installation, you may also need additional manuals or guides.
Oracle E-Business Suite Concepts
This book is intended for all those planning to deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Release
12.2, or contemplating significant changes to a configuration. After describing the
Oracle E-Business Suite architecture and technology stack, it focuses on strategic topics,
giving a broad outline of the actions needed to achieve a particular goal, plus the
installation and configuration choices that may be available.
Oracle E-Business Suite Security Guide
This guide contains information on a comprehensive range of security-related topics,
including access control, user management, function security, data security, and
auditing. It also describes how Oracle E-Business Suite can be integrated into a single
sign-on environment.
Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Developer's Guide
This guide describes how integration developers can perform end-to-end service
integration activities. These include orchestrating discrete Web services into meaningful
end-to-end business processes using business process execution language (BPEL), and
deploying BPEL processes at run time.
This guide also explains how to invoke Web services using the Service Invocation
Framework. This includes defining Web service invocation metadata, invoking Web
services, and testing the Web service invocation.
Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Implementation Guide
This guide explains how integration administrators can manage and administer the
Web service activities for integration interfaces including native packaged integration
interfaces, composite services (BPEL type), and custom integration interfaces. It also
describes how to invoke Web services from Oracle E-Business Suite by employing the
Oracle Workflow Business Event System, and how to manage Web service security,
configure logs, and monitor SOAP messages.
Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter User's Guide
This guide covers the use of Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter (formerly known as
Adapter for Oracle Applications in Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g releases) in
developing integrations between Oracle E-Business Suite and trading partners.
This book is available in the Oracle Fusion Middleware 12c Documentation Library and
Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Documentation Library.
Oracle Fusion Middleware Introduction to Oracle WebLogic Server
This book provides an overview of Oracle WebLogic Server features and describes how
you can use them to create enterprise-ready solutions. This book is available in the
Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g and 12c documentation libraries.
Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide
This guide explains how to navigate, enter and query data, and run concurrent requests
using the user interface (UI) of Oracle E-Business Suite. This guide also includes
information on setting user profiles and customizing the UI.
Oracle e-Commerce Gateway User's Guide
This guide describes the functionality of Oracle e-Commerce Gateway and the
necessary setup steps in order for Oracle E-Business Suite to conduct business with
trading partners through Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). It also contains how to run
extract programs for outbound transactions, import programs for inbound transactions,
and the relevant reports.
Oracle iSetup User's Guide
This guide describes how to use Oracle iSetup to migrate data between different
instances of the Oracle E-Business Suite and generate reports. It also includes
information on configuration, instance mapping, and seeded templates used for data
Oracle Workflow User's Guide
This guide describes how users can view and respond to workflow notifications and
monitor the progress of their workflow processes.
Oracle XML Gateway User's Guide
This guide describes Oracle XML Gateway functionality and each component of the
Oracle XML Gateway architecture, including Message Designer, Oracle XML Gateway
Setup, Execution Engine, Message Queues, and Oracle Transport Agent. It also explains
how to use Collaboration History that records all business transactions and messages
exchanged with trading partners.
The integrations with Oracle Workflow Business Event System, and the
Business-to-Business transactions are also addressed in this guide.
Integration Repository
The Oracle Integration Repository is a compilation of information about the service
endpoints exposed by the Oracle E-Business Suite of applications. It provides a
complete catalog of Oracle E-Business Suite's business service interfaces. The tool lets
users easily discover and deploy the appropriate business service interface for
integration with any system, application, or business partner.
The Oracle Integration Repository is shipped as part of the Oracle E-Business Suite. As
your instance is patched, the repository is automatically updated with content
appropriate for the precise revisions of interfaces in your environment.
Do Not Use Database Tools to Modify Oracle E-Business Suite Data
Oracle STRONGLY RECOMMENDS that you never use SQL*Plus, Oracle Data
Browser, database triggers, or any other tool to modify Oracle E-Business Suite data
unless otherwise instructed.
Oracle provides powerful tools you can use to create, store, change, retrieve, and
maintain information in an Oracle database. But if you use Oracle tools such as
SQL*Plus to modify Oracle E-Business Suite data, you risk destroying the integrity of
your data and you lose the ability to audit changes to your data.
Because Oracle E-Business Suite tables are interrelated, any change you make using an
Oracle E-Business Suite form can update many tables at once. But when you modify
Oracle E-Business Suite data using anything other than Oracle E-Business Suite, you
may change a row in one table without making corresponding changes in related tables.
If your tables get out of synchronization with each other, you risk retrieving erroneous
information and you risk unpredictable results throughout Oracle E-Business Suite.
When you use Oracle E-Business Suite to modify your data, Oracle E-Business Suite
automatically checks that your changes are valid. Oracle E-Business Suite also keeps
track of who changes information. If you enter information into database tables using
database tools, you may store invalid information. You also lose the ability to track who
has changed your information because SQL*Plus and other database tools do not keep a
record of changes.
Introduction to Oracle E-Business Suite
Integrated SOA Gateway
Major Features
Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway can do the following:
• Display all Oracle E-Business Suite integration interface definitions through Oracle
Integration Repository
• Provide service enablement capability (SOAP and REST services) for seeded and
custom integration interfaces within Oracle E-Business Suite
• Use the Integration Repository user interface to perform design-time activities such
as generate and deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Web services
Note: In this release, only PL/SQL APIs can be enabled with the
support for asynchronous service pattern.
Note: In this release, only PL/SQL APIs, Java Bean Services, and
Application Module Services can be exposed as REST services.
• Support multiple authentication types for inbound service requests in securing Web
service content
• Enforce function security and role-based access control security to allow only
authorized users to execute administrative functions
• Audit and monitor Oracle E-Business Suite inbound service operations from Service
• Leverage Oracle Workflow Business Event System to enable Web service invocation
from Oracle E-Business Suite
Note: Only SOAP services are monitored and audited through Service
Monitor. Runtime REST service monitoring and auditing features are
not supported in this release.
• At design time, users who have the Integration Administrator role can generate
SOAP services with desired operation patterns, and deploy them to Oracle SOA
Suite by attaching an appropriate security policy. For interfaces that can be exposed
as REST services, the administrator can select desired service operations before
deploying them to Oracle E-Business Suite.
• At run time, Web service clients send request messages to invoke Oracle E-Business
Suite services enabled through ISG's Service Provider. After authenticating and
authorizing the users who request the services, services can be invoked.
Users who have the Integration Administrator role are responsible for monitoring
and managing the entire service deployment life cycle.
3. At run time, Web service clients send inbound requests and invoke Oracle
E-Business Suite SOAP services through Oracle SOA Suite.
5. At runtime, REST services commonly used for mobile applications can create or
update resources in Oracle E-Business Suite.
For more service enablement on SOAP services, see SOAP Service Enablement, page 2-
For more service enablement on REST services, see REST Service Enablement, page 2-
For information on how to select interaction patterns, see Generating SOAP Web
Services, Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Implementation Guide.
SOAP Service Security
To protect application data from unauthorized access, Oracle E-Business Suite
integrated SOA Gateway enforces the security rules through subject authentication and
authorization. Before service deployment, the administrator must select one desired
authentication method.
• To authenticate users who request Oracle E-Business Suite Web services, the SOAP
messages must be authenticated using UsernameToken or SAML Token based
security. The identified authentication information is embedded in the
wsse:security Web Security headers.
For information on how to specify a desired authentication type, see Deploying and
Undeploying SOAP Web Services, Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway
Implementation Guide.
Web Services Description Language (WSDL)
After service generation or deployment, users can view the generated or deployed
The WSDL URL can be used either to create clients which invoke the deployed SOAP
services directly, or use Oracle SOA Suite BPEL component to create a composite
application which coordinates the flow of data between various Web services to
accomplish a business process. At run time, Web service clients send inbound requests
and invoke Oracle E-Business Suite SOAP services through Oracle SOA Suite.
For information on how to generate and deploy SOAP services and other administrative
tasks, see Administering SOAP Web Services, Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA
Gateway Implementation Guide.
• Concurrent Program
• Security Services
• Subscription model
• Business Event
• EDI Interface
• Java APIs
Please note that Java APIs, excluding the Application Module Services, Java
Bean Services, and Security Services, cannot be exposed as Web services.
Detailed information on each interface type, see Interface Types, page 3-15.
Major Features
• A unified repository from which all integration interface types are exposed.
• A powerful user interface lets you easily browse and locate the interfaces by
product family, interface type, or comprehensive search feature.
• It displays each interface details including source information, methods within the
interface, and Web service information if the interface can be service enabled.
Users granted different roles can perform various tasks as described in the following
For information on SOAP and REST Web services and how to perform additional
administrative tasks, see Common Information on SOAP Web Services, page 4-6 and
Common Information on REST Web Services, page 4-17.
For information on how to manage security grants, see Managing Grants, page 4-31.
Note: There are three predefined user roles used in the Oracle
E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway: Integration Analyst,
Integration Developer, and Integration Administrator. For more
information about these roles, see Understanding Oracle E-Business
Suite Integrated SOA Gateway User Roles, page 3-3.
• Configuration link: This link allows the administrator to access the centralized Log
and Audit configuration user interface where the administrator can add log
configuration and service audit at the integration interface level.
For information about log configuration, see Logging for Web Services, Oracle
E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Implementation Guide.
For detailed information on each task performed by the users who have the Integration
Administrator role, see Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Implementation
Guide. For tasks related to the users who have the Integration Developer role, see Oracle
E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Developer's Guide.
To further understand how to use Oracle Integration Repository, the following topics
are included in this section:
• Included interface types, page 3-15
• Interface type
Business interface information in Oracle Integration Repository is organized for
• Integration standard
XML Gateway and Web service-based interfaces conform to various industry
For more information, see Integration Standards, page 3-20.
Instead of browsing through the integration endpoints from the repository, you can
perform a search to locate your desired interfaces or services. See Searching for an
Integration Interface, page 3-9.
• Interface Type
Expand the navigation tree in one of these views to see a list of the available interfaces.
To save the list of interfaces in a CSV file, click Export.
To review the details of an interface, click the interface name link to access the interface
details page.
Browsing by Standard
The Standard view is organized as follows: Standard and Version, then Product
Family, and then Product.
For example, OAG7.2, then Financials, then Payables, and then Payables
Use this view to browse for a product's XML Gateway maps and Web services
belonging to the specified standard, for example W3C or OAG 7.2.
You can search for interfaces with any combination of the following criteria:
Note: Before entering search criteria in the Search page, the default
value 'All' is automatically displayed in the Product Family, Product,
and Interface Type fields. This allows a search to be executed
appropriately if you do not make further selections from the
drop-down lists.
Additionally, the same default value 'All' can be found in the Category,
Status, Interface Source, Web Service Status, Standard, and Scope fields
while clicking the Show More Search Options link.
• Interface Name
This is the interface name displayed in the browse tree of the Integration Repository
user interface.
• Product Family
An Oracle E-Business Suite application family that supplies the interface. Examples
of product family can be Application Technology, Financials, and Manufacturing.
• Product
An Oracle E-Business Suite application or component that supplies the interface.
Examples of product can be Payables, Cash Management, and Order Management.
• Business Entity
Business entities are objects that either perform business activities or have business
activities performed on them. For example, sales orders, account numbers,
employees, purchase orders, customers, and receipts are all business entities.
Click Show More Search Options to include any of the following additional criteria in
your search:
• Category and Category Value
Use these two fields to qualify product-specific features or to categorize a subtype
of an interface. Select one of the following available category drop-down values if
• All (default) - This displays all integration interfaces regardless of category
and category values.
• Interface Source
Select one of the following values from the drop-down list:
• All (default) - All integration interfaces will be displayed from the search.
• Oracle - All Oracle native packaged integration interfaces and services are
categorized by this interface source type.
• Status
Select one of the following values from the drop-down list:
• All (default)
• Active
• Deprecated
• Obsolete
• Planned
For more information, see Status, page 4-4 in the Common Information table.
• REST - This displays all interfaces that can be exposed as REST services.
• SOAP - This displays all interfaces that can be exposed as SOAP services.
• If REST is selected as the service type, the available Web Service Status values
for selection are All, Deployed, and Not Deployed.
• If SOAP is selected as the service type, the available Web Service Status values
for selection are All, Generated, Not Generated, Deployed Active, and
Deployed Inactive.
• When SOAP is selected as the service type, this displays the interfaces that
can be exposed as SOAP services, regardless of the service status.
• When REST is selected as the service type, this displays the interfaces that
can be exposed as REST services, regardless of the service status.
• Not Generated - When SOAP is selected as the service type, this displays all
service-enabled interfaces that do not have SOAP services generated.
• Generated - When SOAP is selected as the service type, this displays all
interfaces that have SOAP services generated, but not yet deployed.
• Deployed Active - When SOAP is selected as the service type, this displays
all interfaces that have SOAP services deployed with 'Active' state. These
interfaces are ready to be invoked and accept new SOAP requests.
• Not Deployed - When REST is selected as the service type, this displays all
interfaces that do not have REST services deployed.
• Deployed - When REST is selected as the service type, this displays all
interfaces that have REST services deployed.
When All is selected as the service type, this displays all interfaces that have
either REST or SOAP Web services deployed, including active or inactive SOAP
For more information, see Common Information on Web Services, page 4-6.
• Scope
Select one of the following values from the drop-down list:
• All (default) - This displays all integration interfaces regardless of public,
internal, or private interfaces.
• Internal To Oracle - This displays the interfaces that are available for
business integration between applications within Oracle E-Business Suite.
For example, if an interface of this type (Internal to Oracle) belongs to
Application Object Library, then that interface can be used by any other
applications within Oracle E-Business Suite for process integration in addition
to using by the Application Object Library.
Only users who have the Integration Developer role or the Integration
Administrator role can access to this type of interfaces.
• Private To Application - This displays the interfaces that are available for
business integration only within the application itself. This type of interfaces
can be used only by the applications that the interfaces belong to. For example,
if an interface of this type belongs to Purchasing application, then it will not be
used by any other applications within Oracle E-Business Suite but Purchasing.
Only users who have the Integration Developer role or the Integration
Administrator role can access to this type of interfaces.
Interface Types
Business interfaces are organized into interface types according to the integration
technologies on which they're based.
Based on the natural way of how interfaces are formed or established, Oracle
Integration Repository supports the following interface types:
• Native Interfaces
Native integration interfaces or Oracle seeded interfaces are integration endpoints
shipped with the Oracle Integration Repository by default. It includes the following
interface types:
• PL/SQL, page 3-17
Please note that in this release Java APIs for Forms are not serviceable interfaces
and cannot be exposed as SOAP services.
Note: The message map is a file of type .xgm and is created using the
XML Gateway Message Designer. Message maps define the data source
and data target, any hierarchies between the source and the target, and
actions for data transformation and process control.
For more information about XML Gateway map interface type in the Integration
Repository, see XML Gateway Map Information, page 4-36.
For more information about Oracle XML Gateway, see the Oracle XML Gateway User's
Concurrent Program
A concurrent program runs as a concurrent process that executes multiple programs
running in the background. Functions performed by concurrent programs are normally
data-intensive and long-running, such as posting a journal, and generating an EDI flat
For more information about Concurrent Program interface type in the Integration
Repository, see Concurrent Program Information, page 4-65.
For more information about how to use concurrent programs, refer to the Oracle
E-Business Suite Setup Guide.
For more information about Business Service Object interface type in the Integration
Repository, see Business Service Object, page 4-54.
A business interface can be based on a Java class from which you invoke methods that
are appropriate to an integration.
Java APIs for Forms interfaces are not serviceable interfaces and cannot be exposed as
SOAP services.
Java Bean Services
Java Bean Services are also a subtype of Java interface. This type of Java APIs whose
methods must use parameters of either serializable Java Beans or simple data types
such as String, Int, and so forth can be categorized as Java Bean Services. Such Java
APIs can be exposed as REST services only.
Similar to the PL/SQL REST services, Java Bean Services have simplified development
life cycle - Deploy and Undeploy - and are implemented with the same security
mechanism. Java Bean Services can be deployed as REST service operations with POST
and GET HTTP methods in this release.
For annotation guidelines on Java Bean Services, see Annotations for Java Bean Services,
Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Developer's Guide.
Application Module Services
Application Module Implementation class is a Java class that provides access to
business logic governing the OA Framework-based components and pages. Such Java
classes are called Application Module Services and are categorized as a subtype of Java
Composite Interfaces
A composite interface consists of a collection of native packaged interfaces or services
available in the Integration Repository.
Composite interfaces orchestrate the invocation sequence of Web services into an
end-to-end business process through a Web service composition language BPEL
(business process execution language).
For more information about composite interfaces, see Working with Composite
Interfaces, page 5-1.
Integration Standards
Each Web service interface conforms to an integration standard, for example OAGIS or
RosettaNet. The fully qualified standard includes the name, version, and specification.
For example: OAG 7.2 CONFIRMBOD_004. The following standards are observed in
Oracle Integration Repository:
• IFX1.2
• OAG6.2
• OAG7.0
• OAG7.2
• RosettaNet01.01.00
• RosettaNet01.03.00
• RosettaNet02.02.00
• RosettaNet02.03.00
• UCCnet2.4
• W3C
Common Information
Each interface details page contains the following two types of information:
• Interface Detail Information
Interface detail information includes a header region with general information, full
description of the selected interface, interface source information, as well as
methods or procedures and functions contained in the selected interface.
For more information on interface details, see Common Information on Interface
Details, page 4-2.
Each interface details page also includes Search and Printable Page allowing you to
perform a search and view the details page of a selected interface in a printable format.
See Searching for an Integration Interface, page 3-9.
Additionally, the Log Configuration field is displayed with a value (either 'Disabled' or
'Enabled') indicating whether the selected interface has design-time log configured or
not. By default, 'Disabled' is displayed.
Use design-time logs to troubleshoot any issues or exceptions encountered during
SOAP based service generation and deployment life cycle. Users who have the
Integration Administrator role can enable or disable the design-time logs for the
selected interface by clicking Configure. The Log & Audit Setup Details page is
displayed where the administrator can add a new log configuration or update existing
Please note that logging is supported for SOAP services only.
For more information on log configurations, see Logging for Web Services, Oracle
E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Implementation Guide.
Field Notes
Internal Name This is the PL/SQL package name, the document name, or the Java
service interface name.
For more information about interface type, see interface type, page 3-
Business Entity Business entities are objects that either perform business activities or
have business activities performed on them. For example, sales
orders, account numbers, employees, purchase orders, customers,
and receipts are all business entities. An interface can be used by
multiple business entities, and a business entity can be accessed by
multiple interfaces.
• Active
• Public
• Internal To Oracle
• Private To Application
My Oracle Support Included for an interface that has a related My Oracle Support
(formerly OracleMetaLink) Knowledge Document. Click the link to
log on to My Oracle Support with a valid user name and password
and view the Knowledge Document.
Online Help Provided for an interface that has related Oracle E-Business Suite
online help. Click the link to view online help for the interface.
The following table describes each field contained in the Source Information region:
Field Notes
Source File It indicates the source code file for this interface, and its
location in the file system.
Source Version It indicates the version of the source file. The first portion
of the number corresponds to the base release version of
Oracle E-Business Suite; the second portion is the version
of the file. For example, 120.8 is Oracle E-Business Suite
12.0, and 8 indicates that this is the 8th version of the file.
Source Product It represents the product code of the source product. The
source product specifies under which product directory the
file resides in the Oracle E-Business Suite file system (also
referred to as the product top).
Note: Web service is defined in a way that the interface forms the
service and the methods or functions within the interface are defined as
the operations of the service.
By default, an interface is not exposed as a SOAP service. Hence, the
service status is 'Not Generated'. An integration administrator may
transform the selected interface into a SOAP Web service. Once the
service for the selected interface has been successfully generated, the
service status will be changed from 'Not Generated' to 'Generated'.
Interaction This table displays the interface name along with the method names contained
Pattern table in the interface in a table. An integration administrator or an integration
developer must select appropriate interaction patterns either at the interface
level or at the method level before service generation.
After service generation, the selected interaction patterns are displayed for the
interface or for specific methods contained in the interface. Click the interface
name node to expand and view the interaction pattern selection for all the
methods within the interface.
Please note that this table is still updatable after service generation, but any
changes to the table will be applied only after regenerating the service.
For more information on each field in the table, see Interaction Pattern Table,
page 4-12.
Web Service This field indicates different state of a SOAP service during service generation
Status and deployment life cycle.
(or SOAP • Not Generated: This indicates that the selected interface does not have a
Service SOAP service generated.
Status if it's
in the SOAP • Generated: This indicates that the selected interface has a SOAP service
Web Service available, but the service has not yet been deployed. Therefore, this
tab) generated service is not ready to be invoked. Once a service has been
successfully generated, the following buttons appear:
• Regenerate: This button lets you regenerate the service if the interface
definition has been changed or the selected interaction pattern
information has been modified before service deployment.
• Deploy: This button lets you deploy the generated SOAP service with
active deployment state.
• Reset: This button lets you clear up the existing service artifact and
change the Web Service Status field from 'Generated' to 'Not
• Deployed: This indicates that the selected interface has been deployed to
Oracle SOA Suite. A deployed service can have either one of the following
• Retire: This button lets you disable the active service. The SOAP
Service Status field is changed to Deployed with 'Retired' state
indicating that this deployed service will no longer accept new
This action also ensures that current running requests for the
service are finished. Once a service has been retired ('Deployed'
with 'Retired' state), the service is no longer to be invoked.
• Undeploy: This button lets you undeploy the SOAP service from
Oracle SOA Suite back to Oracle Integration Repository if
• Reset: This button lets you clear up the existing service artifact and
change the SOAP Service Status field from 'Deployed' with 'Active'
to 'Not Generated'.
• Activate: This button lets you change the retired service back to an
active service again.
• Undeploy: This button lets you undeploy the retired service from
an Oracle SOA Suite managed server to the repository.
• Reset: This button lets you reset the retired service to its initial
state - 'Not Generated' if needed.
• Generating: This indicates that the selected interface is in the middle of the
process of transforming the interface definition into a SOAP service. After
this process completes successfully, 'Generated' is displayed in the Web
Service Status field.
• Deploying: This indicates that the selected interface is in the middle of the
process of deploying the service. After this process is complete, 'Deployed'
with 'Active' state is displayed in the Web Service Status field.
• Resetting: This indicates that the selected interface is in the middle of the
process of removing the associated service artifact. After this process is
• Retiring: This indicates that the selected interface is in the middle of the
process of disabling the active state. After this process is complete,
'Deployed' with 'Retired' state is displayed in the Web Service Status field
indicating that the service is retired and cannot accept new SOAP requests.
• Activating: This indicates that the selected interface is in the middle of the
process of reverting the retired state back to active again. After this process
is complete, 'Deployed' with 'Active' state is displayed in the Web Service
Status field indicating that the deployed service is ready to accept new
SOAP requests.
View WSDL This link is displayed after a selected interface has an associated SOAP service
available. Click this link letting you review WSDL description for a generated or
deployed service.
Interaction After service generation, this information is displayed which corresponds to the
Pattern selected interaction patterns in the Interaction Pattern table.
Authenticati To secure Web service content and authenticate Web service operation, before
on Type deploying a generated service, an integration administrator must select one
desired authentication type for the selected service in the Authentication Type
• SAML Token (Sender Vouches): This authentication type is used for Web
services relying on sending a username only through SAML Assertion.
Only users who have the Integration Administrator role can select and modify
the authentication type. For other users, this field is displayed in read-only
The following table describes each field in the Interaction Pattern table:
Internal This is the interface name used internally. It can be PL/SQL package name, the
Name document name, or the Java service interface name.
Synchronou If the 'Synchronous' check box is selected for an interface or a specific method,
s the service or selected operation is generated with the support for synchronous
interaction pattern.
That is when Web service client sends a SOAP request for this service, service
executes and provides an immediate response to the Web service client.
Asynchrono If the 'Asynchronous' check box is selected for an interface or a specific method,
us the service or selected operation is generated with the support for asynchronous
interaction pattern. This type of service execution may require a significant
amount of time to process a request. However, the client that invoked the Oracle
E-Business Suite Web service can continue with other processing in the
meantime rather than waiting for the response.
Grant If the access permission of an operation has been granted to a specific user, user
groups, or all users, then the Grant icon is available for the operation. Only
users who have the Integration Administrator role and the Integration
Developer role can find the Grant icon and view the grant details.
The Grant icon is shown only in the SOAP Web Service tab.
Before service generation, desired interaction patterns must be selected first for an
interface or specific methods contained in the interface. Once the service has been
successfully generated, the SOAP service status is changed from 'Not Generated' to
'Generated'. Additionally, the View WSDL link appears letting you view the WSDL
description for the generated service.
After service generation, the administrator can regenerate, deploy, or reset the
generated service if it's needed.
For more service generation information, see Generating SOAP Web Services,
Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Implementation Guide.
• Deploy: If the SOAP service has already been successfully generated, Deploy
appears in the Web Service region (or the SOAP Web Service tab if the interface can
be exposed as both SOAP and REST services) for the selected interface.
Prior to deploying a service, the administrator must select one of the following
authentication types. This allows Service Provider to authenticate the users based
on the selected type.
• Username Token
This authentication type provides username and password information. The
username is the concept of Oracle E-Business Suite username/password (or the
username/password created through the Users window in defining an
application user).
Click Deploy to deploy the generated service to Oracle SOA Suite with 'Active'
state. This active deployed service is ready to be invoked and accept new SOAP
Once a service has been successfully deployed, the View WSDL link appears letting
you view the deployed WSDL details. The administrator can retire, undeploy, or
reset the deployed service if it's needed.
For more service deployment information, see Deploying and Undeploying SOAP
Web Services, Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Implementation Guide.
• Retire: This disables an active deployed service so that the retired service will not
accept new requests. This action also ensures that current running requests are
finished. Once a service has been successfully retired, the SOAP service status is
changed to 'Deployed' with 'Retired' state.
• Activate: For a retired service in Oracle SOA Suite, the administrator can activate
the service by clicking Activate. This takes a retired service back to active state
again. The service can be invoked and accept new SOAP requests.
Once a service has been successfully activated, the administrator can retire,
undeploy, or reset the active service if it's needed.
For more information on activating services, see Activating SOAP Web Services,
Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Implementation Guide.
• Create Grant: The administrator can create security grants by authorizing access
permissions of interface methods to a user, a user group, or all users.
In addition to creating grants, the administrator can revoke the grants for an
authorized user, user group, or all users if it's needed.
The grant feature applies to both SOAP and REST service operations if the selected
interface can be exposed as both SOAP and REST services. For more information on
security grants, see Managing Grants, page 4-31.
• Configure: This displays the Log & Audit Setup Details page where the
administrator can configure a new design-time log for the selected interface, or
update an existing configuration.
Use design-time logs to troubleshoot any issues or exceptions encountered during
service generation and deployment life cycle.
Please note that logging is supported only for SOAP services. For more information
on log configurations, see Accessing the Logging Configuration User Interface,
Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Implementation Guide.
• View Log: This displays the Log & Error Details page where you can view log
details. If errors occurred during each stage of SOAP service life cycle activities,
Service Alias Each REST service should be associated with a unique alias name. Before
deploying a REST service, the administrator must enter this field which will be
used in service endpoint, WADL, XSDs, and namespaces.
Please note the following guidelines when specifying the service alias:
• Use simple and meaningful name to represent the service, such as "person",
"employee", and so on.
REST This field indicates different state of a REST service during service life cycle.
• Not Deployed: This indicates that the selected interface is not deployed.
Click Deploy to deploy the REST service. The REST Web Service Status is
changed from 'Not Deployed' to 'Deployed'.
Once a REST service has been successfully deployed, the administrator can
undeploy the service by clicking Undeploy. This action undeploys the
REST service from the Oracle E-Business Suite managed server back to
Oracle Integration Repository, and at the same time it clears up the existing
service artifact. The REST Service Status field is changed from 'Deployed' to
'Not Deployed'.
• Deploying: This indicates that the selected interface is in the middle of the
process of deploying the service. After this process is complete, 'Deployed'
is displayed in the REST Service Status field.
View This link is displayed after the selected interface has an associated REST service
WADL deployed. Click this link letting you review WADL description for the deployed
REST service.
This field appears only when the REST service has been successfully deployed
with 'Deployed' status.
Verb The Verb value indicates how the REST service is implemented using an HTTP
If the selected interface is a PL/SQL API, then this field is displayed when the
REST service has the Deployed status.
Please note that POST is the only supported HTTP method for PL/SQL APIs.
REST To secure REST service content, all REST services are secured by either one of
Service the following security methods:
• HTTP Basic Authentication: This authentication type is for an HTTP client
application to provide username and password when making a REST
request that is typically over HTTPS.
Service This table displays the list of procedures or functions contained in the selected
Operations interface that can be exposed as REST service operations.
For more information on each field in the table, see Service Operations Table,
page 4-20.
Field Description
Select Users who have the Integration Administrator role can select one or more
methods from the table before deploying the service.
Included This column is displayed when the selected PL/SQL interface has been exposed
Operations as a REST service. A check is displayed for the method or operation that has
(PL/SQL been exposed as a REST service operation.
APIs Only)
GET This GET HTTP method column is displayed when the selected interface is an
interface type of Java Bean Services or Application Module Services.
(Java Bean
Services and This GET check box is preselected if a Java or an Application Module method is
Application annotated with the GET HTTP method. The administrator can uncheck the
Module preselected GET check box for the Java or Application Module method if it will
Services not be published with the GET method.
However, if the GET method is not annotated, unlike the POST method, the
GET check box becomes inactive or disabled for further selection.
POST This HTTP method column is displayed when the selected interface is an
interface type of Java Bean Services or Application Module Services.
(Java Bean
Services and Similar to the GET method, this POST check box is preselected if a Java or an
Application Application Module method is annotated with the POST HTTP method. The
Module administrator can uncheck the preselected check box before deploying the
Services service if the Java or Application Module method will not be published with the
Only) POST method.
If the POST HTTP method is not annotated, the POST check box remains active
or enabled by default. This allows the administrator to select the POST check
box if needed for the Java or Application Module method as a REST service
operation before service deployment.
Grant If the access permission of an operation has been granted to a specific user, user
groups, or all users, then the Grant icon is displayed for the operation. Only
users who have the Integration Administrator role and the Integration
Developer role can find the Grant icon and view the grant details.
Note: For information about different user roles and their associated
privileges to administer and view REST services, see Accessing Oracle
Integration Repository, page 3-5.
• Deploy (REST Web Service tab): This allows an integration administrator to deploy
• Undeploy (REST Web Service tab): This action not only undeploys the service from
an Oracle E-Business Suite managed server to the Integration Repository, but also
resets its status to the initial state 'Not Deployed'.
For more REST service undeployment information, see Undeploying REST Web
Services, Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Implementation Guide.
• Create Grant (Grants tab): The administrator selects desired service operations
before clicking Create Grant. The Create Grants page appears where grants can be
created for a user, a user group, or all users.
The administrator selects desired service operations and clicks Revoke Grant. This
opens the Revoke Grants page where the administrator can remove existing grants
from an authorized user, a user group, or all users.
The grant feature applies to both SOAP and REST services. For more information
on security grants, see Managing Grants, page 4-31.
• For a deployed service, a physical location of the service endpoint where the
service is hosted in soa-infra is displayed instead in the deployed WSDL
description (such as
• For a deployed service, a physical location of the service endpoint where the
service is hosted in soa-infra is displayed in the deployed WSDL description
(such as <soap:address
For more information on WSDL elements, see Reviewing WSDL Element Details, Oracle
E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Developer's Guide.
To view a generated WSDL file:
1. Log in to Oracle E-Business Suite as a user who has the Integration Analyst role.
Select the Integration Repository responsibility and the Integration Repository link
from the navigation menu.
The Integration Repository home page appears.
2. Locate your desired interface definition through a search or browse from the
interface tree structure within the repository.
4. In the Web Service region (or the SOAP Web Service tab if the interface can be
exposed as both SOAP and REST services), click the View WSDL link to view the
WSDL source code.
The following sample shows the generated WSDL description with synchronous
interaction pattern for the PL/SQL interface PA_COST_PLUS:
t_plus/get_burden_amount/" name="PA_COST_PLUS"
<schema xmlns=""
<include schemaLocation
<schema xmlns=""
<element name="SOAHeader">
<element name="Responsibility" minOccurs="0" type="string" />
<schema xmlns=""
<service name="PA_COST_PLUS_Service">
<port name="PA_COST_PLUS_Port" binding="tns:PA_COST_PLUS_Binding">
/<jndi_name>_PLSQL_PA_COST_PLUS/PA_COST_PLUS_Service" />
<include xmlns=""
<resources base="
Note: The service alias value Invoice entered earlier before service
deployment is now displayed as part of the schema for the service
Note: POST is shown as the method name for two service operations
only HTTP method supported for PL/SQL REST services in this release.
Input and output messages can be exchanged in both XML and JSON
formats for both service operations.
If the deployed REST service is an interface type of Java Bean Services or Application
Module Services, then both GET and POST can be shown as the supported methods in
the REST service operation. For example, the following WADL description shows many
methods contained in the Employee Information service. The getPersonInfo
operation is implemented with both POST and GET HTTP methods.
ts.xsd" xmlns="" />
ports.xsd" xmlns="" />
fo.xsd" xmlns="" />
<resource path="/getAllReports/">
<method id="getAllReports" name="GET">
<param name="ctx_responsibility" type="xsd:string" style="query"
required="false" />
<param name="ctx_respapplication" type="xsd:string"
style="query" required="false" />
<param name="ctx_securitygroup" type="xsd:string" style="query"
required="false" />
<param name="ctx_nlslanguage" type="xsd:string" style="query"
required="false" />
<param name="ctx_orgid" type="xsd:int" style="query"
required="false" />
<representation mediaType="application/xml"
type="tns1:getAllReports_Output" />
<representation mediaType="application/json"
type="tns1:getAllReports_Output" />
<resource path="/getDirectReports/">
<method id="getDirectReports" name="GET">
<param name="ctx_responsibility" type="xsd:string" style="query"
required="false" />
<param name="ctx_respapplication" type="xsd:string"
style="query" required="false" />
<param name="ctx_securitygroup" type="xsd:string" style="query"
For more information about WADL description, see Reviewing WADL Element Details,
Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Developer's Guide.
To view a deployed WADL file:
1. Log in to Oracle E-Business Suite as a user who has the Integration Analyst role.
Select the Integration Repository responsibility and the Integration Repository link
from the navigation menu.
The Integration Repository home page appears.
2. Locate your desired interface definition through a search or browse from the
interface tree structure within the repository.
4. In the REST Web Service tab, click the View WADL link to view the WADL source
Managing Grants
Only integration administrators or users who have the Integration Administrator role
can create security grants by authorizing the access permissions of interface methods
(or procedures and functions) to a user, a user group, or all users. Similarly, the
administrators can revoke the grants from an authorized user, user group, or all users
on a selected method or service.
Interface types that have the security grant feature available are PL/SQL, Concurrent
Program, Business Service Object, Java Bean Services, and Application Module Services.
Please note that the grant feature applies to the interfaces that can be exposed as both
SOAP and REST services. For example, when a user (OPERATIONS) is authorized to
have access permission on a PL/SQL API method name called 'Change User Name', the
user will have the permission to access the associated 'Change User Name' service
operations of both SOAP and REST service types through the same grant.
Creating Security Grants
To create a grant, select appropriate method name check boxes in the Methods region or
in the Grants tab if the selected interface can be exposed as a REST service. Click Create
Grant to open the Create Grants page.
In the Create Grants page, select a grantee type and grantee name if it's applicable. Click
Apply. This creates security grants for the selected methods.
Please note that the grant action applies to both SOAP and REST PL/SQL services.
Revoking Security Grants
To revoke a grant in the Methods region, select the Show link for the method that the
administrator wants to view or revoke the grant. The Grant Details section of the
selected method appears with the grantee and grantee type information. Click the
Revoke icon for the grant that you want to revoke.
To revoke a grant in the Grants tab, the administrator can perform the action in two
• Revoking Grants for a Single Procedure and Function
Select a desired procedure and function from the Service Operations region first
and then click Revoke Grant. The Revoke Grants page displays the existing grants
Select one or more existing grants from the table for the selected procedure, and
click Revoke Grant to revoke the grants.
For more information about how to manage grants in the Methods region, see
Managing Security Grants for the SOAP Web Services Only, Oracle E-Business Suite
Integrated SOA Gateway Implementation Guide.
For more information about how to manage grants in the Grants tab, see Managing
Security Grants for the SOAP and REST Web Services, Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated
SOA Gateway Implementation Guide.
Managing XML Gateway User Security in the Trading Partner User Setup Form
For XML Gateway interfaces, authorizing users to perform XML Gateway inbound
transactions with a trading partner is performed in Oracle XML Gateway instead. The
administrator needs to:
• Set the "ECX: Enable User Check for Trading Partner" profile option to "Yes" to
enable trading partner specific security feature
The XML Gateway Map information page includes standard fields shown in the
common region of the selected XML Gateway interface along with the Web Service
region and Method region.
For XML Gateway interface, it can be either inbound or outbound direction. An
inbound XML Gateway map indicates that the interface receives incoming transactions
or messages into the Oracle E-Business Suite. An outbound map indicates that the
interface sends outgoing transactions or messages to another system. For more common
information shown in the interface details page, see Common Information on Interface
Details, page 4-2.
For more setup information about generic XML Gateway services, see Installing
Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway, Release 12.2, available from My
Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1311068.1 for details.
For information on setting profile options, see Setting Profile Options, Oracle
E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Implementation Guide.
Displaying Generic XML Gateway Services
Click the Show Generic XML Gateway Service or Hide Generic XML Gateway
Service link to display or close the Generic XML Gateway Service subregion for the
selected XML Gateway interface.
• View Generic WSDL: Click the View Generic WSDL link to display the
deployed generic WSDL URL for the selected XML Gateway interface.
The deployed generic WSDL URL has the following syntax:
http://<SOA server host>:<SOA Suite managed server
n chosen while deploying>XMLGateway?WSDL
• <SOA Suite managed server port>: It is the port of the server where
the SOA composite is deployed.
Please note that after the upgrade to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2, the
deployed WSDL URL information has been changed from a previous release.
Therefore, you may have to replace it with the new WSDL URL and service
location or address accordingly in Web service clients while invoking the
• Methods Region
The XML Gateway method details page appears when you click a method name in
the Methods region.
The Methods region includes a table listing the XML Gateway method parameters,
including each parameter's data type and whether the parameter is required or not.
PL/SQL Information
The following diagram illustrates the basic structure of the PL/SQL information page
and its connection to the related PL/SQL procedure and function details:
• Overview Tab
This tab displays read-only information about the selected PL/SQL API. It includes
full description, interface source information, as well as methods (or procedures
and functions) contained in the selected interface.
This page displays the signature of the selected method, and a table listing the
parameters and their attributes.
Java Information
The following diagram illustrates the basic structure of the Java information page and
its connection to the related Java method information page.
• See Also
This See Also field displays a related Java method. Click a related Java method
name link to view the Java method details.
This page also displays the signature of a selected method, information about the return
type, and a table listing the method parameters.
For information about category and category value fields, see Category and Category
• Overview Tab
This tab displays read-only information about the selected interface. It includes full
description, interface source information, as well as methods contained in the
For information about category and category value fields, see Category and Category
Value, page 3-11.
Viewing Application Module Services
Similar to Java Bean Services that can be exposed as REST services only, the interface
details page contains the Overview tab and the REST Web Service tab. An integration
repository administrator can find an additional Grants tab for managing security grants.
For more information on how to manage security grants, see Managing Grants, page 4-
For information on the general section, see Common Information, page 4-1.
If a REST service has been successfully deployed, the administrator can undeploy
the service to reset the service to its initial state - 'Not Deployed'.
For more information on these administrative tasks, see Performing Administrative
Activities for REST Web Services, page 4-21.
Security Services
Security services are a set of predefined and predeployed REST services from Oracle
Application Object Library. These services include Authentication and Authorization
services and are used for mobile applications.
For example, Login service validates the user credentials and returns an access token.
Logout service invalidates the access token and any associated authentication sessions.
These two services are included in the Authentication service that helps session
initialization with security or applications context information. Authorization service
retrieves the Access Control List which may contain assigned responsibilities, roles, and
privileges for all logged-in users.
For more information about these REST security services, refer to the Oracle E-Business
Suite Security Guide.
Searching and Viewing Security Services
To easily locate security services through the Search page, click Show More Search
Options and then enter search information in the combination of Category (subtype)
and Category Value (Security Services) fields.
For information about category and category value fields, see Category and Category
Value, page 3-11.
Viewing Security Service Interface Details
After a search, select a desired security service from the search results table. The
interface details page for the selected security service is displayed. It contains some
common interface information, REST Web Service region, and Methods region.
• Verb: This field displays the Verb value indicating how the REST service is
implemented using an HTTP method.
'POST' is the only method supported in this release.
Please note that security services are pregranted to all Oracle E-Business Suite users
which means that all the users can invoke these services.
Methods Region
In the Methods region, click a method name link to open the Java Method Details page
for the selected method.
The following diagram illustrates the basic structure of the business service object
interface information page and its connections to related pages:
The general section displays common information for the selected business service
object interface, plus interface name, and the interface that extends.
For more common information shown in the interface details page, see Common
Information on Interface Details, page 4-2
• Web Service Region
The Web Service region contains interface or SOAP service information for a given
interface. The service information includes service status, WSDL description,
interaction pattern, and authentication type information, for the selected business
service object interface.
For more information on each field in the Web Service region, see Common
Information on SOAP Web Services, page 4-6.
• Methods Region
This interface details page includes a table listing the business service object
interface methods. Click a method name to access the information page for that
For more information about the Methods region for business service object, see
Business Service Object Interface Method Information, page 4-59.
<xsd:import namespace=""
<xsd:schema elementFormDefault="qualified"
targetNamespace="" >
<xsd:element name="ServiceBean_Header">
<xsd:element name="RESPONSIBILITY_NAME" minOccurs="0"
<xsd:element name="RESPONSIBILITY_APPL_NAME" minOccurs="0"
<xsd:element name="SECURITY_GROUP_NAME" minOccurs="0"
<xsd:element name="NLS_LANGUAGE" minOccurs="0" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="ORG_ID" minOccurs="0" type="xsd:string"/>
. . .
For more information about error messages, see Error Handling section,
Building an OA Framework Application (the Basics) chapter, Oracle
Application Framework Developer's Guide, available from My Oracle
Support Knowledge Document 1315485.1.
In addition to common information, the general section of the method details page
contains a link to the interface that uses this method.
The following regions also appear on the method details page:
• Signature
The region describes the interface method, parameter type, value, and return
• Return
If the return type is a service data object, click the link in the Type field to access the
service data object details page.
• Parameters
If a parameter is a service data object, click the link in the Type column to access the
service data object details page. See: Reviewing Service Data Object, page 4-62.
2. Click Search.
5. Click the Integration Repository Service link from the search result table.
This opens the Business Service Object interface details page.
See: Business Service Object Interface Details Page, page 4-55.
6. Click a method name link in the Methods region to get to business service object
method details.
See: Business Service Object Method Information, page 4-59.
The general section of the service data object page displays common information, plus
the data object class name, implementation name, and its associated XML schema.
Click the XML schema name link to view the schema document displayed in a separate
The following regions also appear on the service object details page:
• Fields
• Filters
The Filters region lists filters that can be used to filter data sources based on this
service data object.
For example, data sources based on BaseDataSourceNameDomain service data
object can be filtered by BaseDataSourceNameFilter filter data object.
Click the name of a filter (such as BaseDataSourceNameFilter) to display the
selected filter data object details page.
• Services
The Services region lists the services that directly use this service data object.
Click the name of a service to display the information page for a business service
object interface that uses this service object.
• Methods
Click a link in the Name column to display the service object method details page.
• Fixed Filter: Allows a simple list of attributes. This is used when the
view object must do custom processing of filter attributes and the
client program should not be allowed to build nested and complex
filter expressions.
Click the XML schema name link to view the schema document displayed in a separate
The following regions also appear on the filter object details page:
• Fields
Click a link in the Name column to view the field's complete attributes.
• Methods
• Parameters
This region contains descriptions of the parameters that are listed in the Signature
• See Also
This region displays related service object methods. Click a related object method
link to display the selected service object method details.
If a Web service has been successfully generated, the integration administrator can
perform additional administrative tasks including deploying the generated service,
regenerating the service if needed, or clearing up the generated service artifact which
changes the Web Service Status field from 'Generated' to 'Not Generated'.
If a Web service has been successfully deployed as an active service in Oracle SOA
Suite, the integration administrators can undeploy the active service, reset the deployed
service to its initial state - 'Not Generated', retire the service so that it is no longer to
accept new SOAP requests, or activate the retired service so that it can become active
For more information on these administrative tasks, see Performing Administrative
Activities for SOAP Web Services, page 4-13.
Methods Region
The Methods region displays its associated method information.
Integration administrators can create security grants by authorizing the access
permissions of selected methods to a user, a user group, or all users. See Managing
Grants, page 4-31.
The general section of this page displays common information for the selected interface
Click a name link in the Open Interface Tables/Views region to display the selected
Open Interface Table details page containing interface table columns and their
attributes such as data type, data length, data precision, and data scale.
Similar to the interface details page for Open Interface Table, the open interface view
details page contains a table listing the interface view columns and their attributes,
including the data type, data length, data precision, and data scale for each view
For information on the general section, see common information, page 4-1.
For more information on the general section, see common information, page 4-1.
For more information about subscribing to business events, see Subscribing to Business
Events, Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Implementation Guide.
For information on how to create and administer composite services - BPEL, see the
Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Developer's Guide and the Oracle
E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Implementation Guide for details.
• View the composite - BPEL file by clicking the View BPEL File link
The BPEL code is displayed in a pop-up window containing major BPEL process
components and activities included for the selected composite service.
Users who are granted the download composite service privilege can download the
service by clicking Download Service in the interface details page. This downloads a
corresponding composite service project file, such as a BPEL file, to a local directory.
See: Downloading Composite Services - BPEL, page 5-4.
For information on how to upload composite - BPEL definitions to the Integration
Repository, see Enabling Custom Integration Interface Process Flow, Oracle E-Business
Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Implementation Guide.
To view a composite service - BPEL:
1. Log in to Oracle E-Business Suite as a user who has the Integration Analyst role to
access the Integration Repository through the Integration Repository responsibility.
Select the Integration Repository link.
2. In the Integration Repository tab, select 'Interface Type' from the View By
drop-down list.
3. Expand the Composite - BPEL interface type node to locate your desired composite
4. Click the composite - BPEL interface that you want to review to open the Composite
Service - BPEL interface details page.
5. Click the View Abstract WSDL link to review the WSDL description.
6. Click the View BPEL File link to view the BPEL code.
2. In the Integration Repository tab, select 'Interface Type' from the View By
drop-down list.
3. Expand the Composite - BPEL interface type node to locate a desired composite
4. Click the desired composite service to open the composite service - BPEL interface
details page.
Note: Please note that custom interface types of EDI, Open Interface
Tables, Interface Views, and Java APIs for Forms interfaces are not
supported in this release.
Oracle Integration Repository currently does not support the creation
of custom Product Family and custom Business Entity.
The following topics explain more about how to search, view, and administer custom
integration interfaces:
• Searching Custom Integration Interfaces, page 6-2
• From the Search page, click Show More Search Options to select 'Custom' from the
Interface Source drop-down list along with any interface type, product family, or
scope if needed as the search criteria.
For example, select 'Custom' as the Interface Source and 'PL/SQL' as the Interface
Type to locate the custom interfaces for PL/SQL type.
2. Locate custom integration interface definitions using the following two ways:
• From the Interface List page
Select the following values:
• Interface Source: Custom
4. Click a desired custom interface name from the search result to view the interface
Please note that the custom integration interface details page shows 'Custom' as the
Interface Source value allowing you to differentiate it from an Oracle seeded one.
• For the custom interface that can be exposed as REST Web service
• Deploy REST Web services
For more information about these administrative tasks, see Performing Additional Web
Service Activities for Custom Integration Interfaces, page 6-6.
For detailed information about administrative tasks, see Administering SOAP Web
Services, Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Implementation Guide.
For detailed information about administrative tasks, see Administering REST Web
Services, Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Implementation Guide.
A named point of communication within a system.
Agent Listener
A type of service component that processes event messages on inbound agents.
Asynchronous Operation
Unlike the synchronous service execution to obtain the result immediately,
asynchronous operations may require a significant amount of time to process a request.
However, the client that invoked the Oracle E-Business Suite Web service can continue
with other processing in the meantime rather than wait for the response.
Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) provides a language for the specification
of executable and abstract business processes. By doing so, it extends the services
interaction model and enables it to support business transactions. BPEL defines an
interoperable integration model that should facilitate the expansion of automated
process integration in both the intra-corporate and the business-to-business spaces.
Business Event
See Event.
Callback Pattern
Callback pattern is an important communication method in asynchronous services. An
asynchronous callback means that a request is made to the service provider and a
response (callback) is sent back to the requester when it is ready. This pattern can be
used in conjunction with acknowledgement to recognize the receipt of a request sent by
a requester.
Concurrent Manager
An Oracle E-Business Suite component that manages the queuing of requests and the
operation of concurrent programs.
Concurrent Program
A concurrent program is an executable file that performs a specific task, such as posting
a journal entry or generating a report.
An occurrence in an internet or intranet application or program that might be
significant to other objects in a system or to external agents.
Event Activity
A business event modelled as an activity so that it can be included in a workflow
Event Data
A set of additional details describing an event. The event data can be structured as an
XML document. Together, the event name, event key, and event data fully
communicate what occurred in the event.
Event Key
A string that uniquely identifies an instance of an event. Together, the event name,
event key, and event data fully communicate what occurred in the event.
Event Message
A standard Workflow structure for communicating business events, defined by the
datatype WF_EVENT_T. The event message contains the event data as well as several
header properties, including the event name, event key, addressing attributes, and error
Event Subscription
A registration indicating that a particular event is significant to a system and specifying
the processing to perform when the triggering event occurs. Subscription processing
can include calling custom code, sending the event message to a workflow process, or
sending the event message to an agent.
A PL/SQL stored procedure that can define business rules, perform automated tasks
within an application, or retrieve application information. The stored procedure accepts
standard arguments and returns a completion result.
HTTP Methods
Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is a significant protocol used over the Web. The
HTTP verbs or methods are used for REST services. Oracle E-Business Sutie Integrated
SOA Gateway supports the following HTTP methods:
• GET: Use this method to retrieve or read a representation of a resource.
Integration Repository
Oracle Integration Repository is the key component or user interface for Oracle
E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway. This centralized repository stores native
packaged integration interface definitions and composite services.
Interface Type
Integration interfaces are grouped into different interface types.
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a text-based open standard designed for
human-readable data interchange. The JSON format is often used with REST services to
transmit structured data between a server and Web application, serving as an
alternative to XML.
Loose Coupling
Loose coupling describes a resilient relationship between two or more systems or
organizations with some kind of exchange relationship. Each end of the transaction
makes its requirements explicit and makes few assumptions about the other end.
Lookup Code
An internal name of a value defined in a lookup type.
Lookup Type
A predefined list of values. Each value in a lookup type has an internal and a display
The information that is sent by a notification activity. A message must be defined before
it can be associated with a notification activity. A message contains a subject, a priority,
a body, and possibly one or more message attributes.
Message Attribute
A variable that you define for a particular message to either provide information or
prompt for a response when the message is sent in a notification. You can use a
predefine item type attribute as a message attribute. Defined as a 'Send' source, a
message attribute gets replaced with a runtime value when the message is sent. Defined
as a 'Respond' source, a message attribute prompts a user for a response when the
message is sent.
An instance of a message delivered to a user.
Notification Worklist
A Web page that you can access to query and respond to workflow notifications.
An abstract description of an action supported by a service.
A port defines an individual endpoint by specifying a single address for a binding.
Port Type
A port type is a named set of abstract operations and abstract messages involved.
A set of activities that need to be performed to accomplish a business goal.
Representational State Transfer (REST) is an architecture principle in which the Web
services are viewed as resources and can be uniquely identified by their URLs. The key
characteristic of a REST service is the explicit use of HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT,
and DELETE) to denote the invocation of different operations.
Please note that only POST method is supported in this release.
A service is a collection of related endpoints.
Service Component
An instance of a Java program which has been defined according to the Generic Service
Component Framework standards so that it can be managed through this framework.
Service Monitor
It is the monitoring and auditing tool in Oracle E-Business Suite allowing you to view
runtime messages for web services provided by Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA
It is known as SOA Monitor in earlier releases.
Service-oriented Architecture (SOA) is an architecture to achieve loose coupling among
interacting software components and enable seamless and standards-based integration
in a heterogeneous IT ecosystem.
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is a lightweight protocol intended for
exchanging structured information in a decentralized, distributed environment. It uses
XML technologies to define an extensible messaging framework providing a message
construct that can be exchanged over a variety of underlying protocols.
See Event Subscription.
Synchronous Operation
Synchronous operation provides an immediate response to a query. In this situation,
the client connection remains open from the time the request is submitted to the server.
The client will wait until the server sends back the response message.
Username Token
A type of security model based on username and password to authenticate SOAP
requests at run time.
See SAML Token (Sender-Vouches).
Web Application Description Language (WADL) is designed to provide a
machine-processable description of HTTP-based Web applications. It models the
resources provided by a service and the relationships between them.
Web Services
A Web service is a software system designed to support interoperable
machine-to-machine interaction over a network. It has an interface described in WSDL.
Other systems interact with the Web service in a manner prescribed by its description
using SOAP-messages, typically conveyed using HTTP with an XML serialization in
conjunction with other Web-related standards.
Workflow Engine
The Oracle Workflow component that implements a workflow process definition. The
Workflow Engine manages the state of all activities for an item, automatically executes
functions and sends notifications, maintains a history of completed activities, and
detects error conditions and starts error processes. The Workflow Engine is
implemented in server PL/SQL and activated when a call to an engine API is made.
Web Services Description Language (WSDL) is an XML format for describing network
services as a set of endpoints operating on messages containing either
document-oriented or procedure-oriented information. The operations and messages
are described abstractly, and then bound to a concrete network protocol and message
format to define an endpoint.
WS-Addressing is a way of describing the address of the recipient (and sender) of a
message, inside the SOAP message itself.
WS-Security defines how to use XML Signature in SOAP to secure message exchanges,
as an alternative or extension to using HTTPS to secure the channel.
XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a markup language that defines a set of rules for
encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable.
discovering interfaces
browsing the interfaces, 3-7
by browsing, 3-7
by integration standard, 3-9
by searching, 3-9
by interface type, 3-9
by product family, 3-9
Business Event, 3-18, 4-72 E
business interface, 3-1 EDI, 3-18, 4-71
business service object, 3-19
general information, 4-62 F
Integration Repository Service, 4-61
filter data object
method information, 4-59
general information, 4-64
service data object, 4-62
method information, 4-65
Web service, 4-56
hosted mode, 3-3
common information
interface details, 4-2
managing grants, 4-31
REST web service, 4-17 Integration Repository Service, 4-61
SOAP web service, 4-6 integration standard
web service browsing by, 3-9
review WADL, 4-26 searching by, 3-14
review WSDL, 4-22 interface information
common interface information, 4-1 common information, 4-1
Composite interface, 3-20 source information, 4-2
Composite Interfaces, 5-1 interface types, 3-1, 3-15
concurrent program, 3-17, 4-65 browsing by, 3-9
Web service, 4-67 Business Event, 3-18, 4-72
business service object, 3-19 business entity, 4-4
Composite interface, 3-20 category, 3-11
concurrent program, 3-17, 4-65 integration standard, 3-20
EDI, 3-18, 4-71 interface type, 3-15
interface view, 3-18, 4-70 internal name, 4-3
Java, 3-19, 4-44 scope, 3-14
open interface, 3-18, 4-68 status, 3-12
PL/SQL, 3-17, 4-41 Web service status, 3-12
service data object, 4-62 Web service type, 3-12
XML Gateway, 3-17, 4-36 searching for interfaces, 3-9
interface view, 3-18, 4-70 security, 3-14
service data object
J method information, 4-65
service data object information, 4-62
Java, 3-19, 4-44
Application Module Services, 4-48
common terms, 2-2
Java APIs for Forms, 4-54
Java Bean Services, 4-46
method information, 4-45 U
Security Services, 4-51 Understanding Service Enablement
Java service interface service enablement overview, 2-1
filter data object information, 4-63 SOA in Oracle E-Business Suite, 2-3
using the repository, 3-6
open interface, 3-18, 4-68 V
table information, 4-69 viewing custom interface details, 6-4
Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway
Major Components, 1-2 W
Major Features, 1-1
Web service
Overview, 1-1
downloading, 5-4
Oracle Integration Repository, 5-1, 5-2
discovering and reviewing, 3-7
Discovering and Reviewing, 3-7
overview, 6-1 XML Gateway, 3-17, 4-36
integration standards, 3-9, 3-20
P Web service, 4-37
Review Composite Interfaces, 5-2
search criteria, 3-10