Emedicine Background: Parkinson Disease (PD) Is A Progressive Neurodegenerative Disorder Associated
Emedicine Background: Parkinson Disease (PD) Is A Progressive Neurodegenerative Disorder Associated
Emedicine Background: Parkinson Disease (PD) Is A Progressive Neurodegenerative Disorder Associated
Lewy bodies are concentric, eosinophilic, cytoplasmic inclusions with peripheral halos and
dense cores. The presence of Lewy bodies within pigmented neurons of the substantia nigra
is characteristic, but not pathognomonic, of idiopathic PD. Lewy bodies also are found in the
cortex, nucleus basalis, locus ceruleus, intermediolateral column of the spinal cord, and other
areas. Lewy bodies are not specific to PD, as they are found in some cases of atypical
parkinsonism, Hallervorden-Spatz disease, and other disorders. Incidental Lewy bodies are
found at postmortem in patients without clinical signs of parkinsonism. The prevalence of
incidental Lewy bodies increases with age. Incidental Lewy bodies have been hypothesized
to represent the presymptomatic phase of PD.
No standard criteria exist for the neuropathologic diagnosis of PD, as the specificity and
sensitivity of the characteristic findings have not been established clearly. Individuals
presenting with primary dementia may exhibit neuropathologic features indistinguishable
from those of PD.
The basal ganglia motor circuit modulates cortical output necessary for normal movement
(see Image 1). Signals from the cerebral cortex are processed through the basal ganglia-
thalamocortical motor circuit and return to the same area via a feedback pathway. Output
from the motor circuit is directed through the internal segment of the globus pallidus (GPi)
and the substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNr). This inhibitory output is directed to the
thalamocortical pathway and suppresses movement.
Two pathways exist within the basal ganglia circuit; they are referred to as the direct and
indirect pathways. In the direct pathway, outflow from the striatum directly inhibits GPi and
SNr. The indirect pathway comprises inhibitory connections between the striatum and the
external segment of the globus pallidus (GPe) and the GPe and the subthalamic nucleus
(STN). The subthalamic nucleus exerts an excitatory influence on the GPi and SNr. The
GPi/SNr sends inhibitory output to the ventral lateral (VL) nucleus of the thalamus. Striatal
neurons containing D1 receptors constitute the direct pathway and project to the GPi/SNr.
Striatal neurons containing D2 receptors are part of the indirect pathway and project to the
Dopamine is released from nigrostriatal (SNc) neurons to activate the direct pathway and
inhibit the indirect pathway. In PD, decreased striatal dopamine causes increased inhibitory
output from the GPi/SNr (see Image 2). This increased inhibition of the thalamocortical
pathway suppresses movement. Via the direct pathway, decreased striatal dopamine
stimulation causes decreased inhibition of the GPi/SNr. Via the indirect pathway, decreased
dopamine inhibition causes increased inhibition of the GPe, resulting in disinhibition of the
STN. Increased STN output increases GPi/SNr inhibitory output to the thalamus.
Internationally: The incidence has been estimated to be 4.5-21 cases per 100,000
population per year. Estimates of PD prevalence range from 18-328 per 100,000
population, with most studies yielding a prevalence of approximately 120 per
Age: The incidence and prevalence of PD increase with age. The average age of onset is
approximately 60 years. Onset in persons younger than 40 years is relatively uncommon.
CLINICAL Section 3 of 11
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History: Onset of PD is typically asymmetric, with the most common initial finding being an
asymmetric resting tremor in an upper extremity. About 20% of patients first experience
clumsiness in one hand. Over time, patients notice symptoms related to progressive
bradykinesia, rigidity, and gait difficulty.
Tremor usually begins in one upper extremity and initially may be intermittent. As
with most tremors, the amplitude increases with stress and resolves during sleep.
After several months or as much as a few years, the tremor may affect the extremities
on the other side, but asymmetry usually is maintained. PD tremor may also involve
the tongue, lips, or chin.
Some patients experience a subtle decrease in dexterity and may notice a lack of
coordination with activities such as playing golf or dressing.
Over time, axial posture becomes progressively flexed and strides become shorter.
Decreased swallowing may lead to excess saliva in the mouth and ultimately drooling.
o Asymmetry
Physical: The 3 cardinal signs of PD are resting tremor, rigidity, and bradykinesia. Of these
cardinal features, 2 of 3 are required to make the clinical diagnosis. Postural instability is the
fourth cardinal sign, but it emerges late in the disease, usually after 8 years or more.
The characteristic PD tremor is present and most prominent with the limb at rest.
o The same tremor may be observed with the arms outstretched (position of
postural maintenance) and a less prominent, higher frequency kinetic tremor is
also common.
o Rigidity usually is tested by flexing and extending the patient's relaxed wrist.
Postural instability refers to imbalance and loss of righting reflexes. Its emergence is
an important milestone, because it is poorly amenable to treatment and a common
source of disability in late disease.
Causes: Most cases of idiopathic PD are believed to be due to a combination of genetic and
environmental factors. At both ends of the spectrum are rare cases that appear to be due
solely to one or the other.
Several individuals have been identified who developed parkinsonism after self-
injection of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP).
o MPTP crosses the blood-brain barrier and is oxidized to MPP+ by the enzyme
monoamine oxidase (MAO) type B.
o MPP+ accumulates in mitochondria and interferes with the function of
complex I of the respiratory chain.
o A chemical resemblance between MPTP and some herbicides and pesticides
suggested that an MPTP-like environmental toxin might be a cause of PD, but
no specific agent has been identified. Nonetheless, mitochondrial complex I
activity is reduced in PD, suggesting a common pathway with MPTP-induced
The oxidation hypothesis suggests that free radical damage, resulting from dopamine's
oxidative metabolism, plays a role in the development or progression of PD.
o In a recent study of 193 twins, overall concordance for MZ and DZ pairs was
similar. However, in 16 pairs of twins in whom PD was diagnosed at or before
age 50 years, all 4 MZ pairs, but only 2 of 12 DZ pairs, were concordant. This
suggests that while genetic factors may not be very important when the disease
begins after age 50 years, genetic factors appear to be very important when the
disease begins at or before age 50 years.
The identification of a few large families with apparent familial PD sparked further
interest in the genetics of the disease.
o One large family with highly penetrant, autosomal-dominant, autopsy-proven
PD originated in the town of Contursi in the Salerno province of southern
Italy. Of 592 family members, 50 were affected by PD. These individuals
were characterized by early age of disease onset (mean age 47.5 y), rapid
progression (mean age at death 56.1 y), lack of tremor, and good response to
levodopa therapy.
o Linkage analysis incriminated a region in chromosome bands 4q21-23, and
sequencing revealed an A-for-G substitution at base 209 of the alpha-
synuclein gene. Termed PD-1, this mutation codes for a substitution of
threonine for alanine at amino acid 53.
o Five small Greek kindreds also were found to have the PD-1 mutation. In a
German family, a different point mutation in the alpha-synuclein gene (a
substitution of C for G at base 88, producing a substitution of proline for
alanine at amino acid 30) confirmed that mutations in the alpha-synuclein
gene can cause PD. A few additional familial mutations in the alpha-synuclein
gene have been identified and are now collectively called PARK1. It is now
clear that these mutations are an exceedingly rare cause of PD.
o One hypothesis states that the PD-1 mutation alters the configuration of alpha-
synuclein into a ß structure that could aggregate into sheets.
o As PD, dementia with Lewy bodies, and multiple system atrophy (MSA) all
exhibit Lewy bodies that stain for alpha-synuclein, they have been designated
Several other gene abnormalities have been identified in families with PD and these
are designated Park3-Park12.
It has been estimated that all currently known genetic causes of PD account for less
than 5% of PD cases.
DIFFERENTIALS Section 4 of 11
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Alzheimer Disease
Cardioembolic Stroke
Cortical Basal Ganglionic Degeneration
Essential Tremor
Hallervorden-Spatz Disease
Lacunar Syndromes
Multiple System Atrophy
Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
Parkinson-Plus Syndromes
Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
Striatonigral Degeneration
Parkinsonism also can be induced by medications that block dopamine receptors (eg,
neuroleptics, antiemetics) or deplete intraneuronal dopamine stores (eg, reserpine,
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WORKUP Section 5 of 11
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Lab Studies:
Imaging Studies:
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) scan are
unremarkable in PD.
o MRI should be obtained in patients whose clinical presentation does not allow
a high degree of diagnostic certainty, including those who lack tremor, have an
acute or stepwise progression, or are younger than 55 years.
Positron emission tomography (PET) and single photon emission CT (SPECT) are
useful diagnostic imaging studies. They are not widely available and may not be
covered by insurance. Moreover, they are not needed for routine clinical diagnosis in
patients with a typical presentation.
TREATMENT Section 6 of 11
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Medical Care: The goal of medical management of PD is to provide control of signs and
symptoms for as long as possible while minimizing adverse effects. Medications usually
provide good symptomatic control for 4-6 years. After this, disability progresses despite best
medical management, and many patients develop long-term motor complications including
fluctuations and dyskinesia. Additional causes of disability in late disease include postural
instability (balance difficulty) and dementia.
Symptomatic therapy
o Levodopa, coupled with a peripheral decarboxylase inhibitor (PDI), remains
the standard of symptomatic treatment for PD. It provides the greatest
antiparkinsonian benefit with the fewest adverse effects in the short term.
o Dopamine agonists provide symptomatic benefit comparable to levodopa/PDI
in early disease but lack sufficient efficacy to control signs and symptoms by
themselves in later disease.
o Dopamine agonists cause more sleepiness, hallucinations, and edema than
o Prospective, double-blind studies have demonstrated that initial treatment with
a dopamine agonist, to which levodopa can be added as necessary, causes less
motor fluctuations and dyskinesias than levodopa alone.
o Dopamine agonists can be used as initial symptomatic therapy in early disease,
rather than levodopa/PDI, to delay the onset of motor fluctuations and
dyskinesia. This strategy is usually reserved for younger individuals (<65-70
y) who are cognitively intact.
Levodopa and motor complications
o As PD progresses, fewer dopamine neurons are available to store and release
levodopa-derived dopamine. The patient's clinical status begins to fluctuate
more and more closely in concert with plasma levodopa levels. Exposing
striatal dopamine receptors to fluctuating dopamine concentrations may cause
a hypersensitivity that is expressed clinically as peak-dose dyskinesia
(twisting, turning movements). Fluctuating levodopa-derived dopamine
concentrations in association with advancing disease therefore may be
responsible for development of motor fluctuations and dyskinesia.
o The Continuous Dopaminergic Stimulation (CDS) hypothesis posits that
pulsatile dopamine receptor stimulation induces dyskinesia, whereas smoother
more continuous dopamine receptor stimulation causes less dyskinesia.
o In contrast to levodopa, the long-acting dopamine agonists (ie, bromocriptine,
pergolide, pramipexole, ropinirole, cabergoline) provide relatively smooth and
sustained receptor stimulation. In marmosets with MPTP-induced
parkinsonism, levodopa administration causes significantly more dyskinesia
than bromocriptine or ropinirole.
o Prospective clinical trials have demonstrated that initial treatment with a
dopamine agonist to which levodopa can be added causes less motor
fluctuations and dyskinesia than levodopa alone.
o A recent MPTP marmoset study found that the addition of entacapone (which
increases the half-life of levodopa) was associated with less motor fluctuations
and less dyskinesia than treatment with the same regimen of levodopa alone.
This finding is consistent with the CDS hypothesis. A clinical trial (STRIDE-
PD) is now underway to determine if levodopa plus entacapone
(levodopa/carbidopa/entacapone) delays the occurrence of dyskinesia
compared with levodopa/carbidopa when levodopa is first required.
Surgical Care: Stereotactic surgery has made a resurgence in the treatment of PD, largely
due to long-term complications of levodopa therapy resulting in significant disability despite
optimal medical management.
Lesion surgeries involve the destruction of targeted areas of the brain to control the
symptoms of PD.
o Thalamotomy involves destruction of a part of the thalamus, generally the
ventral intermediate (VIM) nucleus, to relieve tremor. Thalamotomy has little
effect on bradykinesia, rigidity, motor fluctuations, or dyskinesia.
o The mechanisms of action of thalamotomy are not known; its effects may be
due to destruction of autonomous neural activity (synchronous bursts) at the
same frequency as limb tremor.
o More than 90% of patients with PD who undergo thalamotomy have
significant improvement in tremor of the limbs contralateral to the side of the
o Complications from bilateral thalamotomy are common; more than 25% of
patients experience speech impairment. Mental changes also can persist after
bilateral surgery. Therefore, bilateral thalamotomies are generally avoided.
o Pallidotomy involves destruction of a part of the globus pallidus interna (GPi),
which is overactive in PD.
o Results from pallidotomy studies have demonstrated significant improvements
in each of the cardinal symptoms of PD (tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia) as well
as a significant reduction in dyskinesia.
o Bilateral pallidotomy is not recommended. Although bilateral pallidotomy has
been shown to significantly reduce levodopa-induced dyskinesia,
complications are relatively common and include speech difficulties,
dysphagia, and cognitive impairment.
o Subthalamotomy involves destruction of a part of the subthalamic nucleus
(STN), which is also hyperactive in PD.
o Initial results of subthalamotomy have shown significant improvements in the
cardinal features of PD as well as the reduction of motor fluctuations and
o Lesion surgeries for PD have largely been replaced by deep brain stimulation
(DBS) that does not involve a permanent lesion in the brain making the
procedure reversible and the device can be adjusted to accommodate for
disease progression and side effects. In addition, bilateral procedures can be
performed without the morbidity seen with bilateral lesion surgeries.
Thalamic stimulation
o Thalamic stimulation involves implantation of a DBS lead in the VIM nucleus
of the thalamus.
o Thalamic stimulation provides significant control of PD tremor in
approximately 90% of patients but does not affect the other symptoms of PD
such as rigidity, bradykinesia, dyskinesia, or motor fluctuations.
o Studies of thalamic DBS have demonstrated good initial and long-term tremor
control up to 7 years after implantation; however, long-term studies have
shown a significant worsening in other parkinsonian symptoms such as
bradykinesia, rigidity, and worsening of gait leading to major disability.
o Candidates for thalamic DBS are patients with disabling medication-resistant
tremor who have minimal rigidity or bradykinesia. They should not have
significant cognitive impairment, mood or behavioral disturbances, or other
factors that may increase the risk of surgery.
o The role of thalamic DBS is limited in PD.
Pallidal stimulation
o Pallidal stimulation involves implantation of a DBS lead in the globus pallidus
interna (GPi).
o Pallidal stimulation controls all the cardinal symptoms of PD (tremor, rigidity,
bradykinesia) as well as dyskinesia.
o Several studies have reported significant improvements in tremor,
bradykinesia, rigidity, and dyskinesia after pallidal stimulation.
o Long-term studies up to 4 years after pallidal DBS have continued to show
significant improvements in the cardinal features of PD and dyskinesia
compared to presurgery.
o Candidates for pallidal DBS include levodopa-responsive patients with
medication-resistant disabling motor fluctuations and/or levodopa-induced
dyskinesia. Surgical candidates should not have significant cognitive
impairment or behavioral or mood problems.
Subthalamic stimulation
Complications of DBS
o Complications can be separated into surgical complications occurring within
30 days of the procedure; complications related to the components of the DBS
system; and complications from the stimulation, which generally can be
resolved by adjustments of the stimulation parameters.
o Surgical complications are comparable to those seen with other neurosurgical
procedures. Serious adverse events such hemorrhage, ischemic lesions,
seizures, or death occur in 1-2% of patients. Infection occurs in approximately
3-5% of patients and may require explantation of the device until the infection
is resolved.
o Misplacement of the lead may also occur in approximately 10% of patients
requiring additional surgery to correct lead placement.
o Device-related complications include malfunction of the IPG, displacement of
the lead, skin erosion, and device fractures. These complications can occur in
up to 25% of patients and generally require additional surgery.
o Stimulation side effects include paresthesia, muscle spasms, visual
disturbances, mood changes, and pain. These side effects are generally easily
resolved with adjustments to the stimulation parameters.
o Although not considered a complication, the IPG (battery) is generally
replaced every 3-5 years and requires additional outpatient surgery.
o Neural transplantation is a potential treatment for PD because the neuronal
degeneration is site and type specific (ie, dopaminergic), the target area is well
defined (ie, striatum), postsynaptic receptors are relatively intact, and the
neurons provide tonic stimulation of the receptors and appear to serve a
modulatory function.
o Multiple sources of dopamine-producing cells, including fetal nigral cells,
sympathetic ganglia, carotid body glomus cells, PC-12 cells, and
neuroblastoma cells, have been studied.
o Transplantation of autologous adrenal medullary cells and fetal porcine cells
were not found to be effective in double-blind studies and have been
o A double-blind study of GDNF demonstrated that it was not superior to
placebo in controlling the symptoms of PD and, therefore, due to the lack of
benefit and concerns regarding adverse events, clinical trials have been
MEDICATION Section 7 of 11
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The criterion standard of symptomatic therapy is levodopa (L-dopa), the metabolic precursor
of dopamine, in combination with a peripheral decarboxylase inhibitor (PDI). This
combination provides the greatest symptomatic benefit with the fewest short-term adverse
Anticholinergic drugs can be used as an alternative to L-dopa for treating resting tremor.
However, they are not highly effective against bradykinesia, gait disturbance, or other
features of advanced parkinsonism.
COMT inhibitors increase the peripheral half-life of levodopa, thereby delivering more
levodopa to the brain over a longer time.
Drug Category: Dopamine prodrugs -- Dopamine does not cross the blood-brain barrier,
but levodopa does. L-dopa is decarboxylated to dopamine in the brain and in the periphery.
The formation of dopamine in the blood causes many of L-dopa's adverse effects.
When administered alone, levodopa induces a high incidence of nausea and vomiting. A PDI
such as carbidopa is combined with levodopa to reduce the incidence of nausea and vomiting
by inhibiting the peripheral conversion of levodopa to dopamine.
Levodopa/PDI is the criterion standard of symptomatic treatment for PD; it provides the
greatest antiparkinsonian efficacy in moderate to advanced disease with the fewest acute
adverse effects.
Dopamine agonists have been proven to reduce the development of motor fluctuations and
dyskinesias when used as an initial therapy and continued once levodopa is added.
Dopamine agonists may slow disease progression based on changes in PET scans, but the
evidence is not yet conclusive.
Drug Category: MAO-B inhibitors -- These agents inhibit the activity of MAO-B
oxidases that are responsible for inactivating dopamine and possibly the conversion of
compounds into neurotoxic types.
FOLLOW-UP Section 8 of 11
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Patient Education:
For excellent patient education resources, visit eMedicine's Dementia Center. Also,
see eMedicine's patient education articles Parkinson Disease and Parkinson Disease