Phase - 19: Solution
Phase - 19: Solution
Phase - 19: Solution
You have been retained by the City of Hialeah to prepare a study of their “muck” soils. Assume that you
know the dry unit weight of the material (solids) ?sm and the dry unit weight of the organic solids ?so .
What is the unit weight ?s of the combined dry organic mineral soil whose organic content is M0 ? (The
organic content is the percentage by weight of the dry organic constituent of the total dry weight of the
sample for a given volume.) What is the voids ratio e of this soil, if it is known that its water content is
w and its degree of saturation is S?
Ws 1
Set Ws = 1 units γs = =
Vs (Vso + Vsm )
Therefore 1 - Mo = Wm
= volume of organic Vso solids
γ so
(1 - M o )
= volume of mineral Vsm solids
γ sm
1 γ sm
Therefore γS = = γ so
Mo (1 - Mo ) M o ( γ sm - γ so ) + γ so )
γ so γ sm
γ wS (1)
Therefore e=
Mo (1 - M o )
γ so γ sm