Key Features and Benefits by Product
Key Features and Benefits by Product
Key Features and Benefits by Product
2007 1
Feature Function Benefits
Project-Based Foundation
Project Environment Autodesk Land Desktop is built on a Project data is stored in a central
central project environment that location where all team members
includes project data such as terrain working on a project can access it
models, points, alignments, and simultaneously. Major benefits include
parcels. increased drawing performance,
seamless data sharing, and access to
the most up-to-date information.
Drawing Standards: A complete set of imperial and metric Easily implement a set of industry-
Industry-Specific CAD standards for the land planner appropriate standards for your
Standards for and surveyor are included with organization. Drawing and production
Engineering and Autodesk Land Desktop 2007. Also standards can greatly lower the cost
Survey included with each standard is a and drastically improve the quality of
prototype drawing with standard layer construction documents by helping to
definitions, prototype projects with ensure consistency among users.
description key files, point group
definitions and other project settings,
symbol libraries, label styles, contour
styles, drawing setup files, and figure
prefix libraries. Supporting
documentation is also provided so that
your office standards manual is easy
to generate.
LandXML Support Import and export LandXML project LandXML is rapidly becoming a
data to Autodesk® Civil 3D® software standard data format for civil
and other civil applications. engineering and surveying project data
such as points, terrain models,
alignments, and parcels. The ability to
import and export LandXML enables
you to share data with other
Civil Batch Drawing The Autodesk Civil Batch Drawing Customers working in mixed-version
Converter—NEW Converter Utility converts multiple environments save valuable time while
drawings to a different AutoCAD converting drawings for offices with
drawing format. You can also use this previous versions of AutoCAD software
utility to convert multiple drawings and by using this batching capability.
save them using a new drawing unit
setting to insure correct scale and
display when you open the drawing in
Autodesk Land Desktop 2007.
Autodesk Civil 3D Autodesk Land Desktop works Use Autodesk Land Desktop with
Data Interoperability seamlessly with Autodesk Civil 3D Autodesk Civil 3D 2007 to increase your
2007 software, which is the latest and productivity on civil engineering
most advanced civil engineering tool projects. Complete road, site, sewer
from Autodesk. You can migrate and storm drain, and subdivision
Autodesk Civil 3D data into Land projects faster and more accurately
Desktop projects, and vice versa, using a dynamic engineering model.
enabling you to familiarize yourself Updates made in one place are
with the latest civil engineering instantly reflected throughout the model
software available while continuing to for accuracy, flexibility, and consistency
work in the familiar Land Desktop in plan development and production.
environments. 2
Feature Function Benefits
Support for IT professionals who manage Deploy Autodesk Land Desktop 2007
Microsoft® permissions for officewide users without having to alter user permissions
Windows® XP benefit from support for Microsoft on your network. The result is a secure
Restricted and Windows XP Restricted and Limited network that meets your office protocol
Limited User User settings. standards.
Capabilities of Autodesk Land Desktop 2007 is built Gain access to powerful drafting and
AutoCAD 2007 and on AutoCAD 2007 and components of base mapping functionality without
Autodesk Map 3D Autodesk Map 3D 2007. leaving Land Desktop.
Point Import/Export Easily customize formats for importing Access data from many different
point files. formats or systems for use in your
Point Creation Create points with a variety of Use industry-standard terminology and
commands using graphical selection input techniques when creating COGO
and COGO operations. points.
Point Management Use point groups to help manage Provides a streamlined method of
and Reporting points. defining and managing point collections
into logical and clear groupings. Point
groups also enable users to represent
data from a single point in multiple
ways. This capability eliminates
unnecessary duplication of points,
boosting performance and streamlining
your projects.
Description Keys Use description keys to help define Increase productivity and automate the
graphical appearance, point process of building more complete
description, and symbols. drafting directly from the input/import of
survey data and coordinate files.
Description keys also assist in
maintaining graphical standards such
as point layer and symbol use.
Geometry Creation Create base geometric entities using Work with familiar terminology and
(Lines, Curves, and graphical and COGO input functions. methodology, resulting in shorter
Spirals) learning time and the flexibility to meet
a broad set of layout requirements.
Plan Alignments Lay out road alignments using Provides flexibility to meet a variety of
graphical and tabular input and editing different design challenges.
Alignment Quickly and accurately draft Quickly and accurately draft stationing,
Annotation stationing, station/offset labels, and station/offset labels, and offset
offset alignments that match drafting alignments that match drafting
requirements. requirements.
Parcel Definition Lay out parcels using standard Gain the flexibility to design parcels
AutoCAD functions or focused lot- using a variety of methodologies.
sizing commands.
Parcel Management Store parcels in the project for rapid Share parcel data with everyone
drafting, reporting, and base analysis. working on the project. You can also
create reports in the same management
interface. 3
Feature Function Benefits
Create Line, Curve, Use associative labels that Help ensure accurate label values and
and Spiral Labels automatically react to changes in the locations for all geometry.
Label Styles Use a style-based mechanism to Help ensure that all drafters create
control label appearance and drafting. consistent finish drafting for labels and
Tables Create geometry tables. Format tables to match user
specifications and quickly create tables
from label tags in your drawing.
Terrain Modeling
Terrain Model Create a surface from a variety of 3D Use powerful terrain modeling engine
Creation data, including points, contours, that supports large terrain models for
breaklines, AutoCAD entities, and use throughout Autodesk Land Desktop
more. and Autodesk Survey 2007.
Terrain Model Use a flexible surface creation and Manage the disparate data used when
Explorer management interface. building your terrain model, and perform
various analysis functions quickly and
Surface Visualization Draft your surface model in a variety Represent the surface based on the
and Analysis of 2D and 3D displays, including requirements of the project or project
elevation and slope banding, 3D grid, phase. You also have tools to quickly
and more. Analysis includes verify the integrity of the surface and
watershed delineation, flow tracking, perform complex analysis tasks.
and sections.
Surfaces Volumes Use a variety of surface volume Calculate highly accurate cut/fill
calculation capabilities, including grid, volumes using industry-standard
composite, and sectional-based methodology.
Contour Creation Create contours directly from a Quickly create contours with control
surface model or using manual over layer and style. Gain flexibility to
digitizing commands. match your needs, overall raw
processing/drafting speed, and accurate
contour creation.
Contour Styles Use contour styles to control Define standard graphic appearance for
appearance, smoothing, labeling, and types of contours and contour labels.
so forth. This capability helps to ensure that
drafting requirements are automatically
Contour Labeling Use automated, intelligent contour Add labels without breaking the contour.
labeling. This capability provides drafting benefits
such as the ability to slide the label
along contours. It also ensures that
contours are not broken into smaller
Parking Layout
Dynamic Blocks Land Desktop includes Dynamic Parking lot and island layout is
Blocks designed specifically for interactive and much more efficient.
parking lot layout. Dimensions are
dynamically displayed on geometry as
you create or edit it. As you enter new
values directly at the graphics cursor,
revised values are displayed instantly
in the drawing geometry, providing
immediate feedback on the
information you enter. 4
Autodesk Survey 2007
Save Time and Money by Streamlining Data Collection and Exporting Data to the Field
Autodesk Survey 2007 software extends the functionality of Autodesk Land Desktop 2007, offering an
efficient, cost-effective way to get professional survey data to and from the field and to generate drawings in
the AutoCAD 2007 software environment. With Autodesk Survey 2007 you can automatically download or
upload information using a wide range of industry-standard data collectors, survey instruments, and GPS
receivers. With this powerful software, it’s easy to share survey data with civil engineering, GIS, and land-
planning professionals. Autodesk Survey 2007 streamlines the collection of data, reducing keystrokes,
saving time, and helping to ensure accuracy.
Note: Running Autodesk Survey 2007 requires that Autodesk Land Desktop 2007 software be installed.
Exporting Survey Export figures to a field book file Increase usability and streamline your
Figures to a Field from either the Network item or from process.
Book the Figures collection. The modified
Figure Settings dialog box provides
settings to control export of figures
with their referenced COGO points.
Create 3D Polylines Create 3D polylines from one or Convert 2D figures to 3D polylines for
from Figures many existing survey figures to a use as breaklines and grading features,
specified layer. and for visualization purposes.
Input and Editing of Create survey figures automatically Manage, edit, and build accurate
Survey Figures from survey observations and edit surfaces more quickly from survey
these figures to correct figures using the Survey Toolspace.
inconsistencies or inaccurate data.
Sideshot and The Survey Toolspace simplifies the Enter raw survey data quickly and easily
Traverse Editor way you edit, view, and manage with tabular sideshot and traverse
sideshot and traverse observations. editors. Update sideshot locations
automatically based on changes to the
parent traverse.
Traverse Analysis Use industry-standard Create, edit, process, display, and report
methodologies, including Least on least squares network functionality.
Squares Analysis, Compass Rule, Draft error ellipses and traverse linework
Transit Rule, and Crandall Rule to automatically. Adjust traverse loops and
analyze and adjust traverse. get a full report.
Automated Drafting Significantly improve your drafting When using description keys and field
productivity. key codes, the Import Fieldbook
command automatically drafts points,
symbols, and lines and curves—all on
the specific layers defined by the user. 5
Feature Description Benefit
® ™
Bidirectional Data Updated Trimble Link and Transfer data seamlessly between
Collector and GPS Carlson Connect™ software Autodesk's civil software products and
Communication connects directly to Trimble's industry-leading GPS communication
TSCe™ Controller running the systems.
Trimble Survey Controller™
software, Trimble's TSC1™
Controller running the Trimble
Survey Controller software, and PC
card for use with Trimble's
SiteVision® system. Both Trimble
Link and Carlson Connect are
available via free download.
Autodesk, AutoCAD, Autodesk Map, and Civil 3D are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Inc., in the USA and/or other countries. All other brand
names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective holders. Autodesk reserves the right to alter product offerings and specifications at any time
without notice, and is not responsible for typographical or graphical errors that may appear in this document.
© 2006 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved. 6