Life in The 1920s

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Life in the 1920s

Post WWI America

Flappers and the roles of Women
During this time, many women challenged political, economic,
social, and educational boundaries, to prove that their role
was vital outside the home as inside it.

Women were expected to center their lives on their home and


Flapper is the symbol, a young woman with short skirts and

rouged cheeks who had her hair cropped close in a style
known as a bob.
The Family life of women
During this time women tended to live
longer, marry later, and have fewer children,
freeing their time to pursue other interests.

Some women devoted their time to working

and some joined charity things. Women was
still carrying water from wells, heated irons
on stoves, and washed clothes on hands.
Red Scare
● The red scare started because of communism.
● The soviet union played a major role in these fears
● The red scare has this name because it was based on the widespread of fear.
Red Scare
● The soviet Union was emerging at a rapid pace to become a communist
● One very important thing that happened during the red scare is the palmer
raid which is basically when the police started scooping up and taking out all
of the unwanted immagrants and taking them back to where they came from.
● Sacco and Vanzetti were executed because they killed two men during a
shoe store hold-up.
Palmer raids
● The palmer raids is when the police started arresting thousands of people.
● They arrested people who didn't even have charges.
● They were basically arresting people that they wanted to get deported as an
attempt to help out in the Red Scare.
The Rise of the New Ku Klux Klan
● 1915, Stone Mountain in Georgia
● Target Jews, Catholics, and Immigrants
● Stand against lawbreaking and immorality
● 4 to 5 million members
● Burned crosses outside of homes
● Saw themselves a principled regulators
● National organization headquarted in Ohio
KKK in the 1920s
● The film Birth of a Nation influenced the KKK to rise again and
increased racism against the African Americans
● The Anti-immigrant movements gave the KKK a way to strike
● They recruit their members through advertisement and
● Aimed their frustration at bootleggers and gamblers
Major Changes
Temperance Movement

● The whole point of this movement was to support

● 18th amendment-to forbid the sale and distribution of
● Volstead Act enforced the 18th amendment

Scopes Trial (Monkey Trial)

● The teaching of evolution was banned in Tennessee

● Major issue was religous fundamentalism and
● The outcome was nothing and is still a debate current
Getting around the Temperance Movement
● Moonshining was a way to smuggle illegal alcohol
● Speakeasies were undercover establishments that distributed alcohol
● Bootlegging- illegally selling alcohol
● The 21st amendment was passed and it revoked the 18th amendment
● In this political cartoon they are for this movement.
● Uncle sam is kicking the liquor bottle out of the mainlands.
● By him kicking the bottle out of the mainlands he is showing that he is toward
this movement.
Harlem Renaissance
● Recognition and pride to Black artist, mainly musicians
● Pointed out their second class citizenship
● Well known writers were James Weldon and Langston Hughes celebrated ties
to the culture
● Although there was many positive effects of the Renaissance there were
some negative effects such as, a resurgence of the KKK
African Americans in the 1920s
● Jim Crow laws, violence in the south, poverty, and discrimination were some
push factors to migrate
● Job opportunities and cultural renaissance were some pull factors of
Immigration Reform
Restricting Immigration- Nativists argued that the new arrivals took jobs away from
native-born workers and threatened american religious, political and cultural

Immigrants who could not read or write their own language were prohibited from
entering the United States.

Quota Laws limited new comers

Charles Lindbergh
American aviator

Lindbergh joined the United States army air service in 1924.

He was the first person to fly nonstop across the Atlantic Ocean in his monoplane.
Technology Advances
The automobile-The model T is a reliable automobile that the average American
could afford.Henry Ford model T was manufactured in a factory which gave many
Americans better work conditions.

Model T- Ford put his cars on a moving assembly line. This is where each worker
added something to construct the automobile.

Radio-he radio influenced a new form of mass communication and entertainment.

The Assembly line-The assembly lines reduced the time if took in order to make
the model T from more than 12 hours to 90 minutes.

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