Recent Trends in Semen Collection, Evaluation and Cryopresevation AK Misra and S Tyagi
Recent Trends in Semen Collection, Evaluation and Cryopresevation AK Misra and S Tyagi
Recent Trends in Semen Collection, Evaluation and Cryopresevation AK Misra and S Tyagi
Much work has been done on semen preservation within the last fifty years, however, no full
proof freezing process has been standardized so far. The spermatozoa behavior during freezing
process from different species and breeds within the species still differ in many respects. The
problem of significant differences among bulls with respect to the sensitivity of their spermatozoa to
cryopreservation still remained to be solved.
The first reliable techniques used to obtain motile bovine spermatozoa after freezing and
thawing were described by Smith and Polge in 1950 (Smith and Polge, 1950a;1950b). In the next
year, the birth of the first calf, born as a result of artificial insemination with spematozoa
cyopreserved by the method of Smith and Polge, was reported (Stewart, 1951). Even after 50 years
of extensive research, the greatest problem in sperm cryopreservation is the poor recovery of
progressively motile spermatozoa after freezing and thawing. Bull ejaculates carefully selected as
per the standard quality parameters before freezing may yield only 30-40% motile sperm after
thawing (Foote et al., 1993) and 5-15% of ejaculates from bulls meeting the standards for processing
are discarded after freezing due to substantial loss of sperm motility (Bearden and Fuquay, 1997).
The great variability among bulls with respect to the sensitivity of their spermatozoa to the rigors of
processing and freezing particularly for cross bred bulls resulted in culling of a large number of
breeding bulls regardless of their genetic potential.
The artificial insemination had tremendous impact on the dairy industry. Extensive
distribution of semen from genetically valuable bulls, resulting in rapid improvement in the
international dairy industry could become possible due to storage of semen in the frozen state. The
increase in the productivity of dairy cattle over a relatively short period of time has been attributed to
rigorous genetic selection of bulls and use of cryopreserved spermatazoa from these bulls for Al
(Foote, 1982). Once a bull is identified as producing daughters with superior milk production,
thousands of doses of his semen can be cryopreserved and used to inseminate large numbers of cow,
thus producing large number of productive daughters.
Progress in semen collection and dilution, and cryopreservation techniques now enables a
single bull to be used simultaneously in several countries for up to 100,000 inseminations a year
(Gibson and Smith 1989). This implies that a very small number of top bulls can be used to serve a
large cattle population.
Semen Collection
The main objective of any Artificial Insemination Organization is to produce the largest quantity of
the highest quality of semen possible in an efficient amount of time (Pennington, 1990). Since semen
ejaculation is a physiological process governed by a variety of stimuli besides the neuro humoral
factors, the quality of resultant ejaculate is greatly dependent on the sequence of steps used
commencing from sexual preparation of the bull to final ejaculation. So the effective and reliable
methods of semen collection would allow the germplasm stations to produce more and more number
of frozen semen doses for developmental activities.
Sexual Preparation
Sexual preparation means prolonging stimulation of the bull beyond that needed to induce mounting
and ejaculation. Proper sexual stimulation followed by restraint enhances the contractions of the
muscles involved in emission and ejaculation of semen. Several studies have confirmed that the
sexual performance of bulls was enhanced by allowing them to view their counterparts engaged in
copulatory behavior (Blockey, 1981).
Absence of adequate sexual preparation prior to semen collection reduces the libido and
courtship behaviour followed by deficient vigor of the ejaculatory reflex. Whereas, sexual
preparation will increase the number of sperm ejaculated (Amann, 1990).
Almquist (1973) using Angus, Hereford and Holstein bulls to determine the effects of sexual
preparation by false mounting on sperm output, semen traits and sexual activity demonstrated that
giving 3 false mounts rather than no false mounts before semen collection increased sperm output by
about 50% in first ejaculates for both beef and dairy bulls. He also found that changes of dummy and
semen collection location were commonly required to stimulate many of the beef bulls and to
maintain their sexual interest during sexual preparation.
Libido or the willingness and eagerness of a bull to mount and to complete service may be
assessed by several indices viz. reaction time, number of ejaculations in a constant period of time
and intensity of thrust during ejaculation. The stronger intensity of thrust produce ejaculates with
more volume, sperm concentration per unit of volume and better motility. Though apparently a
shorter reaction time was found to yield better quality semen, such influences were significant only
for volume and individual motility. Besides genetic factors, libido is affected by nutrition, ambient
temperature or season, age, systemic disease and abnormalities or pathology of locomotor system.
Collection Interval
Shorter intervals between collection days caused ejaculate volumes to decrease slightly, sperm
concentration to decrease markedly, and sperm output per unit of time to increase considerably
(Hafs, 1959). Amann and Almquist (1976) reported that 3.5 times more motile spermatozoa could be
collected from 1 to 2 year old Holstein bulls when six ejaculates per week were collected as
compared with one ejaculate per week. However, 40% more time was required to obtain an ejaculate
on the six ejaculates per week schedule. They concluded that with appropriate sexual preparation,
similar spermatozoal harvests could be achieved by collecting two to three ejaculates every 3 to 4
(i) Trained personal: Semen should be collected by a trained collector using properly
prepared AV. While bulls mount on dummy, semen collector should give support to bulls by
shoulder and divert the penis holding prepucial sheath to 45oC angle towards AV for allowing
the bull to give thrust into it. Semen collector should wear disposable hand gloves to avoid
contamination and getting infected from zoonotic diseases. After end of collection properly
wash hands, face (if required) and other exposed part by savlon or mild soap solution.
(ii) Employee Safety: Bulls are inherently dangerous. Employees must observe much cautious
during handling of the bull in collection yard. Semen collector should wear white/light coloured
apron and gum boot to avoid injury.
(iii) Bull Safety: Protection from injury during the collection process is of the utmost
importance. A collection area with non-slip flooring is needed for safe movement of bulls
during teasing and semen collection. Alternatively a rubber/ coir mat may be used. Ejaculate
quality and quantity may be negatively affected by improper footing.
(iv) Disease Transmission: Bulls should be health tested before entering isolation facilities, during
the isolation period, and during residency at the AI center. Precautionary care to minimize the
exchange of bodily fluids between bulls must be exercised. Mounting of bulls on a common
teaser is a source of contamination. Wash the back and rear quarter of the teaser with a
disinfectant between bulls or bull aprons made of soft rexin cloth (approx. 65 x 62 cm) should
be used during semen collection. A separate AV should be used for each collection attempt.
(v) Identification of Ejaculates: Accurate ejaculate identification can be achieved only if the bull is
properly identified. Any ejaculate leaving the semen collection arena without unequivocally
identifying the source should be discarded. Avoid exposure of direct sun light/UV rays to
collected semen. Use of advanced identification systems such as ‘SMILE’ may be of immense
use if budget permits.
(vi) Mount Animal: Dummy males are commonly used in collection facilities for sexual stimulation.
To achieve sexual stimulation in the shortest amount of time one can use a combination of
mounts, familiar mounts in different location, or new mounts in different locations. Mounts
should be selected based on size, temperament, and disease status (Miller, 1992).
(vii) Proper scheduling: Frequency of semen collection should be decided based on the age
and body weight of the bull. Very young bulls should be used for collection once in 15 days
whereas biweekly double ejaculates from bulls aged 2 to 7 years and weekly from aged more
than 7 years can be safely collected with out any deleterious effect on the libido and semen
Evaluation of semen pre and post freezing
Irreversible changes in the semen leading to sperm aging begins soon after the spermatozoa are
collected. Therefore routine evaluation methods for assessing the quality of semen should be
completed as early as possible. Inspite of many evaluation methods developed during the last decade
only a few are used for routine evaluation particularly at semen freezing stations so that semen is
processed for freezing and stored at ultra low temperature within the shortest possible time.
The quality parameters that are assessed routinely in neat semen are
visual appearance, volume, sperm concentration and total number of
spermatozoa, sperm motility, and sperm vitality. Furthermore, differential count
with respect to sperm morphology, acrosomal morphology and assessment of
presence of debris and other cell types in semen are also performed at regular
interval to assess the fertilizing capacity of the spermatozoa produced by
individual bulls.
Sperm concentration and initial motility is determined on a small aliquot
of the ejaculate. This measurement is important because it ultimately
determines the number of sperm in each straw. The cumbersome methods for
determination of sperm concentrations have been simplified over the years and
now in almost all the laboratories spermatozoa concentration is measured by
the photo electric colorimetric instruments manufactured by some leading
firms( IMV, France and Minitube, Germany) dealing in AI instruments.
After freezing and thawing, only viable spermatozoa carrying intact genetic information are
potentially fertile and therefore, most of the methods used so far focus on sperm viability and DNA
integrity. Fertility of sperm is the ultimate test of sperm quality. Often it is not
possible to measure fertility, so many tests of semen quality in addition to
motility and morphology, such as the hypoosmotic swelling test, mucous or gel
penetration, and integrity of the DNA have been correlated with fertility
(Graham, 1978; Saacke, 1981; Foote, 1999).The parameters which are currently used for
assessment of spermatozoa quality are given below.
Due to the simplicity of the evaluation technique motility is probably the most often used criterion
for routine semen evaluation. The technique is simple and motility is assessed by light microscopy
under phase contrast optics which also gives an assessment of the morphological status of the
spermatozoa. Spermatozoa are graded in to several types based on the patterns of motility ( straight,
curvilinear or oscillatory) and speed of progression. However, since the estimates are largely
subjective, the accuracy of this depends on the ability of the technician. Although some researchers
have observed a significant relationship between subjective motility and field fertility (Kjaestad et
al., 1993) others found inconsistent results (Stalhammar et al., 1994). Computer assisted semen
analysis (CASA) is comparatively a new but reliable approach for motility and morphological
estimations since it operates on objective assessment based on the kinetic properties of individual
spermatozoa and is free from human error provided the instrument has been properly calibrated and
validated. Estimates of motility and movement characteristics of sperms by CASA have been
positively correlated with in vivo fertility ( Budworth et al., 1988 ).
Energy estimation
ATP is the ultimate source of energy to the live cells. The concentration of ATP in semen has been
shown to be related to the number of motile spermatozoa. Measurement of ATP concentration in
semen can indirectly measure the number of viable spermatozoa and thus may provide an objective
method of estimating sperm viability than measuring motility by visual methods (Januskauskas and
Rodriguez-Martinez,1995). However, results concerning correlations between sperm ATP
concentrations and fertility have been contradictory (Soderquist, et al 1991, Januskauskas et al,
Sperm Viability
Intactness of the plasma membrane is essential for the spermatozoa to perform its physiological
functions. Many supravital staining dyes such as trypan blue, eosin, aniline blue, and some other are
widely used for differential live/dead staining of spermatozoa. Due to exclusion of these dyes by the
intact plasma membrane these staining techniques are used to differentiate between live and dead
cells, the live cells on incubation with the dyes remain unstained. However, these dyes are
commonly used for the viability test of freshly ejaculated spermatozoa since glycerol, the commonly
used cryoprotectant interferes with the staining. The use of supravital dyes and light microscopy is
being taken over by the fluorescent dyes such as Propidium iodide and Ethidium bromide to assess
the plasma membrane integrity of frozen thawed spermatozoa. These dyes bind to DNA as well as to
RNA by intercalating between the bases. These dyes can be excited with mercury or xenon-arc
lamps and are suitable for fluorescence microscopy and confocal laser scanning microscopy. SYBR-
14, a new membrane permeant nuclear stain for living cells (Garner and Johnson,1995) has been
tested in combination with propidium iodide to assess bovine sperm viability. This combination of
dyes has several advantages over the above-mentioned dyes, among which is higher speed of
labeling cells, and higher stability while labeled. In addition, both dyes fluoresce at excitation with
visible light, thus avoiding harmful effects of UV exposure. Under illumination, SYBR-14 loaded
viable sperm cells fluoresce bright green, whilst damaged cells take-up propidium and fluoresce red.
Protein source
Glycerol and low-density lipoproteins from egg yolk are the commonly used cryoprotectants in
cryopreservation of bull semen since many years. But in the last few year’s new diluents with
lecithin based cryoprotective components were introduced into practice. Because these extenders
work without egg yolk, they have some advantages in laboratory handling and in the defense of risks
existing for the quality of cryopreserved spermatozoa by the biological and bacteriological
properties of egg yolk. Biociphos Plus and BIOXCELL (IMV Technologies, L’Aigle, French), and
AndroMed (Minitüb Abfüll- and Labortechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Tiefenbach, Germany) without
animal protein source have been tested for cryopreservation of bull semen and it has been seen that
in the field trials egg-yolk free diluents BIOXCELL or AndroMed caused similar non-return rates in
comparison with the egg-yolk containing extender Triladyl if 15 millions spermatozoa per
insemination were used (Nehring and Rothe,2003).
Freezing Methodology:
Till few years back semen was frozen in 0.5/0.25 ml straws in wide mouth liquid nitrogen
containers. Horizontally spread and cooled straws (4-5oC) were vapour frozen at a height of 4 cm
above the liquid nitrogen level. Freezing for 8-10 minutes could lower the temperature of semen to
about -140oC before being finally plunged to liquid nitrogen. Certain requirement based
modifications in duration of vapour freezing were common in different laboratories. The biggest
drawback of this methodology was the variation in the freezing rate between different batches due to
change in the level of nitrogen and also because of ambient temperature of laboratory. Straw to straw
variation was also evident in the straws of same batch. With the use of bio freezer for semen freezing
these shortcomings have now been eliminated. Even, it is possible to store bull specific freezing
curves and thereby it is possible to preserve the semen from high pedigreed bulls of low freezability.
Recently a new concept of freezing “batch freezing” has been reported by Amir ARAV et al.,
(2003) by successful freezing of a large volume of semen in 12 ml tube. Once the bull is found to be
proven, the test tube is thawed and semen will then be refrozen in regular mini (0.25 ml) straws.
This technology devised by Arav (1999) is named as “Multi-thermal gradient MTGR, and the
semen in the test tube is moved at a constant velocity (V) through a linear temperature gradient (G)
so the cooling rate (G x V) and ice front propagation are precisely controlled. This technique once
standardized and equivocally accepted will help in minimizing storage space for semen and
expenditures on liquid nitrogen.
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